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Earthsoft Foundation of Guidance


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Interview Before interview During interview Preparation - Likely questions Entire process Dos & Donts Attire

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Definition of interview
Face-to-face contact & communication with anyone having authority to hire or supervise, to evaluate based on your education, experience & skills and personality

They want to know that what you know instead of that what you dont know.

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To understand the purpose of the interview To prepare for your interview To develop strategies & techniques for a good interview

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The Purpose
To evaluate Your abilities, talents, interests, personality, work experience, education, and motivation Communication between employer & you Employer needs, history, work environment, business activities, and future plans To test your ability to operate under pressure To demonstrate your problem-solving skills To conclude compatibility about the job How effective you communicate? How successfully you both close it?
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Need of interview
To evaluate your personality & check Smartness, Energy Education, Knowledge, Expertise Experience, Reliability, Ability to execute Vision Convincing power, Communication skill Decision making ability Leadership quality, Team work Personality Habits, Hobbies, Health Body language, Attitude
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Interview Skills
Have a Plan Demonstrate your desire to work Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication Smile, make eye contact Bonding Moment Concise vocabulary Hand Shakes Demonstrate Energy Precise Time in & Time Out Be Flexible Be honest , sincere & polite
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Ten Most Marketable Skills

Technical Analytical / Problem Solving Flexibility / Versatility Energy Interpersonal Ethics Energise Oral / Written Communication Organization / Planning Personality Time Management Etiquette Edge Motivation Leadership Execution Self-Starter / Initiative Team Player
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Interview process
Based on quality of your resume & credentials mentioned Initial employment interview Pre-screening process Ability tests Language tests Personality tests

Followed by 2nd / 3rd interviews till closure Letter of appointment Acceptance Joining
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Beginning of Job Search

Research the organization Read Job description, knowledge, skills & abilities required of the position Assess the value you have to offer to position & organization Match experience to the job requirements Be realistic, Think about yourself & opportunity
What did you like most in past? Would this job offer what you like or is it still better? How do you interact with others? What motivates you? Know your qualifications and limitations both
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Know Yourself
List adjectives that describe yourself Create table of job satisfaction factors Rank personal values Analyze past work experiences Assess strengths & weaknesses List life & career goals Stay aware of current events Assemble and review job portfolio Review notes on employer Match your qualifications to their needs Formulate questions to ask
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Check before interview

Check the current unemployment rate & trends Is it employers or employees market? Ambition & reality to converge Prepare for interview from the beginning First impressions last forever, you only get one chance, opportunity knocks only a once! Attempt fully prepared, easier it will be While your resume opens the door, the interview keeps it open or closes it quickly

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Need to know
Size & Age of company Number of employees Divisions and subsidiaries Locations/length of time there Services or products New products or projects Growth pattern Sales/assets/earnings Reputation, Culture and values Competitors within the industry
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Preparing for the Interview

Prepare a resume Prepare a brief & precise profile note Prepare anticipated questions & rehearse the answers Prepare a file having copies of resume, references, education & work certificates, etc Remember to bring a set of stationary like white paper, pen, pencil, eraser, etc Review your work history & projects Write questions about the job or organization Be prepared for surprises
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Before the Interview

Find out and record where, when, and with whom you will interview with Will I be only one interviewed during this time? What kind of questions will be asked? How can I best prepare for the interview? What are the names & profiles of interviewers? Any question or doubt about organisation emerged from the research Psychological Preparation Put yourself in the right frame of mind Show self-confidence, be prepared
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Develop & pursue career goals

How would you describe yourself? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Identify challenges you are looking for Know what you want to accomplish Your short-term & long term career goals? Why did you choose this career? Is it aligned to your goals? What do you want from this job? What is compatibility between profile & job? Why should employer hire you? Have a focus & a time bound plan or agenda What are you doing to achieve your goals?
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Getting the interview

Confident hand shake, you have a skill set that organisation needs, be genuinely interested Be prepared for everything Technical, Behaviour, HR, Finance related questions Remain professional & offer pleasant smile Never expose previous negative experiences Practice online test for the subject matter Always set yourself apart wherever possible Interview is an opportunity to impress employers If you feel good then let the employer know
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Get Organized!

Greeting Small talk Confident, Can-Do statements Strategy Deliver topic sentences Provide concrete examples Organize for conciseness Adapt to audience Closing (memorize) Summarize qualifications Reinforce interest in position
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Convey Confidence
Appearance Dress Posture Gestures Attitude Attention Eye contact Voice quality Resume Preparation
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Interview - Dos and Donts

Do not chew gum or smoke Do not distract the interviewer Do not bring family or friends Do not use slang Do not ramble Do formulate your answers before beginning to speak

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Dos & Donts

Dont Listen Exaggerate qualifications Paraphrase/clarify Give yes/no responses Engage & elaborate Criticize previous employer Monitor body language Be nervous Dos

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While at interview
Do find out the exact time and place of the interview arrive 10 minutes early and relax! Be in a neat appearance Dress appropriately, Keep perfume to a minimum, check personal cleanliness Pay particular attention to fingernails. Freshen up Be energetic and with self-confidence Do bring a copy of resume and other supporting data, perhaps in a portfolio
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Interview DOs
Treat people with courtesy & respect Address interviewer Mr. or Ms. First / last name Maintain good eye contact during the interview. Sit still in seat; avoid fidgeting and slouching. Offer a firm handshake, make eye contact, and have a friendly expression when greeted Listen & be sure to understand interviewers name and the correct pronunciation Organize your thoughts and apply your knowledge, skills and abilities Switch off the mobile/wireless device
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Interview DOs
Think globally! Relate experiences to demonstrate your qualifications & skills Back up statements with specific examples Ask clarification if question is not understood Be thorough in responses, be concise in wording, be affirmative Use good grammar & diction Say yes, not yeah Dont fill pauses with um uh or ah. Dont punctuate sentences with you know, I like that, I see , okay, wonderful or great, etc
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Interview DOs
Treat the interview seriously and show interest in the employer and the opportunity presented Respond to questions in a positive manner. Answer the question, use professional experiences & descriptive to demonstrate how you would respond to a situation

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Interview DOs
Watch the tone of your voice Make sure answers have a definite flow. In the beginning state major points; in the middle expand upon those points or ideas, and in the end reinforce your key points and end on a positive note. Make sure you understand the employers next step in the hiring process; know when and from whom you should expect to hear next Evaluate the interviewer and the organization. An interview is a two-way street.
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Interview Donts
Dont treat the interview casually Dont keep on talking Dont bring up the subject of salary, Dont impress that you are only interested in salary Dont be afraid to ask questions Dont make excuses. Dont avoid taking responsibility for your decisions and your actions. Dont make negative comments about previous employers or supervisors (or others) Dont act as though you would take any job or are desperate for employment.
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For successful interviewing

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Successful Interviewees
Analyze situation & audience Organize knowledge and experience Convey confidence Handle questions Reduce anxiety

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Differentiating yourself
Briefing about yourself What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Your understanding about job description What do you know about the company? Why you feel more suitability about the job Why do you want this job? Why are you looking to leave current position? Light moments - How would your colleagues & boss describe you at work? Outside of work?
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During the Interview

Be on time, Be friendly Show your enthusiasm Be positive and honest Maintain eye contact, express yourself Dont criticize previous employers Be aware of body language Be a good listener Emphasize your strengths, Be yourself Avoid personal issues Be confident Convey the best of past & possible contribution
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Posture During the Interview

Sit on front middle of the seat Men: legs uncrossed, but closed Women: legs or feet crossed if wearing a skirt, may be uncrossed, but closed Hands folded in front Sit up straight with head, neck, and chest aligned with hips Be careful of bad habits Tapping your fingers Biting your nails, Playing with your hair Clicking your pen, etc.
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During the interview

Firmly shake hands with those you meet Greet all involved in the interview process and try to remember names Be friendly to everyone (recruiters, interviewers) Follow the interviewers lead (direction, selecting a seat, drink, etc.) Be specific, not general or vague! Dont describe how you would behave, Describe how you did behave If you later decided you should have behaved differently, explain this
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Nervousness is normal Take a deep breath and try to R E L A X without getting noticed Dont let nervousness interfere with your answers or conversation Remind This is just part of the process to see if you are a good fit for the position If you are not selected, sky is not going to fall! Think whatever happens for good!!
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Answering the Questions

Points must be clear, relevant and adequate To enable the interviewer to understand what you are saying To determine your strengths for particular job To have sufficient information to make a good decision The interviewer needs to determine if you can do the job and if you will do the job and if you are the best one! Hiring RIGHT person & long runner is the goal.
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During the interview

Listen with patience & answer with enthusiasm Have examples to highlight competencies demonstrate your ability Have questions ready Department structure Are there any training or personal development opportunities associated with the role? 3-5 year business plan Body language throughout interview Handshake/closure
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The Interviewers Agenda

They have an agenda To determine if you have the skills Identify your personal attributes Assess your motivation Help them by Showing how you fit their company Exhibit your personality Share your career goals

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STAR Approach

S ituations - Describe the situation

T asks -What approach did you use?

A ctions - What action did you take?

R esults - What was the result of your action?

STAR guides an outline for answers

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The best predictor of future performance is past performance

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Interview Questions
Directive Questions What skills do you have to deliver responsibilities of this position? Non-Directive Questions Tell me about yourself? Hypothetical or Case Questions Suppose you were working on a guest floor, and a fire broke out. What would you do? Behavioral Questions

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Types of interview questions

Competency based To demonstrate what you have done Worked as part of a team Leadership qualities Worked under pressure Multitasking abilities Working with clients or associations Effective communication skills Worked on a entire cycle of project Level of involvement/seniority Dealt with conflict/resolved issues
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Types of interview questions

Behavioural scenario questions to establish behaviour patterns Role plays and/or Case study Establishing analytical / problem solving / operational / time management / supervisory experience Technical demonstrate level of technical ability throughout work experience Accounting and IT Check what systems / procedures they use and prepare examples
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Competency based interviews

Adaptability - Changing priorities to achieve Client focus - Provided extra ordinary services to a client beyond their expectations? How did you identify the need? How did you respond? Communication - Situation that required extensive communication & handled well Organisational awareness - Describe the vision & culture of organisation & your alignment to achieve the common goal Results orientation - When you set and achieved a goal
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Competency based interviews

Teamwork - successful as a team member Problem solving & judgment - When you identified the underlying causes to a problem, resolved successfully & shared the right judgement, took correct actions Developing others - When you coached someone to help them improve their skills or job performance. What did you do? Innovation Example that was new and different for the organisation, resulted improved performance & productivity
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Competency based interviews

Impact and influence - series of steps on an issue to influence an individual or a group Leadership - When you had to lead a group to achieve an objective Relationship building - A situation in which you developed an effective win/win relationship with a stakeholder or client. How did you go about building the relationship? Self management - Describe the level of stress in your job and what you do to manage it. Example of high pressure situation
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Write answers or scenarios

Draft written answers to potential interview questions Develop appropriate scenarios based on your research of job description & organisation

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Communication tools

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Most FAQ
Tell me about yourself. Your education qualification & performance Which courses did you enjoy most? Why? Describe your research / project work? Why did you choose this field of study? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your most significant accomplishments? What motivates you? What do you know about this organization? Why do you want to consider us? Where do you see yourself five years from now?
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Most FAQ
How can you benefit this organization? Describe a problem you have had to deal with. How did you handle it? Do you prefer well-defined responsibilities or flexibility? Why? Tell me about your past jobs. Describe your experience and/or education. Describe your ideal job What are your short-term & long-term goals, how do you expect to achieve them? What salary are you expecting?
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Most FAQ
When you have gone beyond to satisfy a customer. Tell me about a conflict with a co-worker and how you resolved it? What qualities a successful manager should have? What is the last book you have read? Who is your role model? What is your family background?

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Tell Me About Yourself

Create a 60-second sound byte Include Geographic origins Educational background Reason for choosing major Specific expertise and accomplishments How you can contribute to company Identify your career goals Speak clearly, sincerely and honestly

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Your Strengths
2 or 3 strengths related to position Relate them to the job Give examples & demonstrate these How were they developed Identify your mentors and/or role models

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Your Weaknesses
Relate these to your work Show the positive side of these Steps you have taken for improvement Detail the results and/or time frames expected Share criticism you have received and its effects

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Behavior Based Questions




Identify an incident where your leadership proved to be valuable to the operation? Prepare Examples of SAR Situation Action Result
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Behavior Based Questions

Based on the theory that past behavior is predictive of future success. Questions about skills, character, and preference based on examples from your past work or school experience. Key idea is to paint a picture of the thinking that underlies the decision making or behavior What do you think of working overtime? Describe a time when you needed to work extra hours to meet a deadline or complete a task Examples show the meaning you have made of education and experience
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Behavior-based Questions!
When did you face problems or stresses at work that tested your coping skills. What did you do? A time when you were quick while deciding An important goal you had to set and tell me about your progress in reaching that goal. A problem you faced on the job, and how did you solve it A situation in the past year in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or co-worker If a customer yelled at you, what would you do? Time you dealt with an angry guest to ensure the situation was corrected to their liking?
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Leadership qualities
Describe a time when you needed to work extra hours to meet a deadline or complete a task. Identify an incident where your leadership proved to be valuable to the operation? Describe a time you assisted an angry guest to ensure the situation was corrected to their liking Provides insight on how the candidates mind works Do you have leadership traits? What are they?

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Unlawful Questions
Do you have children? How old are you anyway? What is your date of birth? Where is your birthplace?

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When it is done
ASK when you can expect a decision or if you should call Express thanks for their time FOLLOW UP the interview with a thank-you note or letter or email ANALYZE your performance in the interview (for later interviews)

Dont get discouraged if you are not selected! Learn from the process and be patient
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About Salary
Salary topic is addressed in a second interview or after the job is offered Research the average salary Know what you want, and be realistic Evaluate situation well Dont undersell yourself Understand clearly what is being offered to you Evaluate is it worth for the considerations & communicate clearly Know what youre getting !
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Questions for the Interviewer

Always have 4 or 5 questions prepared Most effective ways to compare employers Assure questions show interest & enthusiasm Demonstrate knowledge of the industry & company Consider multiple areas Corporate values & Work environment Anticipated responsibilities Employment trends Measures of work performance Quality of work, Personality factors, etc
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Questions to ask
What would my responsibilities and duties be? How would my performance be evaluated? How would I be supervised? What opportunities for advancement exist? Is there a training program? How much travel is required? Who would I be working with? Where will I be working?

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Too much & unrelated sharing

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Making earth little softer

The three most important things you should do before your interview


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Be on time for the interview Treat the receptionist with respect Be enthusiastic, eager, and smile Dont sit until youre invited to, and sit up straight Practice good eye contact Walk with confidence Adapt to your surroundings Use Mr. or Ms. unless asked to use first name

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Practice the Soft Skills

Greet people with a firm handshake Stand up to meet people Keep your guard up during lunch or dinner Practice your dining etiquette Remember please and thank you Be good at chatting and small talk

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Why spend time finding out about the employer/job?

Your goal is to show the employer why you are the best person for the job Relate your strengths and experience to the job

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First Impressions

Your Resume Your Application Your Clothes & Appearance Your Body Language

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What is employer looking for?

Job skills and transferable/adaptable skills Flexibility Dependability Teamwork Productivity Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Organizational Skills & Leadership Skills Communication/Customer Service Ability to continuously learn

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Personal attributes
Health, Dreams, Liking, Consistency, Nature, Life style, Commitment, Self Motivation, Flexibility,

Attitude, Team Player, Delegation, Interpersonal skills, Stability

Aptitude , Ability ,Skill, Expertise Management, Teaching ability




Family support, Ability Self discipline, Value, Character to close successfully, Well planned, Believes, Reliability Organising Religious, Trustworthy
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Professional attributes
Energy Deep willingness to excel,Fun & working under Pressure, Need & availability ,Travel Edge To gain Knowledge, Enhances algorithmic & Logical Sharpness, Quick learner Energise Respect, Making a difference Recognition Connecting with people Execution Good management, Cost, Passionate to grow, To contribute, Quality & timely deliveries
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Prove You Can Do The Job


want concrete examples Identify your skills: adaptive, transferable, and job-related Present a good story Use data - numbers, volume, %, etc. Emphasize results: what happened as a result of your skills/efforts? Link up what youre good at & how you can help the employer out in this job
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Closing the Interview

Review your strengths Ask questions Say thank you for the opportunity Say what is next action? & by whom? Ask for their business card Extend a handshake and exhibit enthusiasm

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a Thank You note Call back in a few weeks Get a next interview/meeting Send a short thank you note within 24 hours Remind them of key points from the interview Emphasize your interest State when you expect the next contact to be

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Dont Give Up
It takes time and persistence to reach your goal Consider every interview a learning experience

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Illegal Topics
Topics to avoid include Nationality/race Marital status Religion Affiliations Disability or medical history Pregnancy, birth control, child care Age

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How did you do overall? What were your strengths? What right things you did? Which mistakes did you make? What needs improvement? Develop a follow-up chart for tracking

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Describe appropriateness of your attire/ appearance Specifics on what you did well Specifics on what you can improve What you thought of the questions the interviewer asked and their interview style How well you responded to the questions If you think you should have been hired or not Describe your nonverbal behaviors Describe anything that surprised you
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Dressing for Success

Take into account the weather Think conservative, traditional, neat, modest, clean Do not go for shock value Dress to fit in One level above the work environment Dark or neutral colors Natural fabrics Little or no scents (Perfume)

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Appearance Matters. . .A Lot!

If you dont dress seriously, they cant take you seriously!! Make a good first impression Pride in yourself implies pride in your work Show your creativity in your work Dress conservatively Be well groomed and clean

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Dont Forget the Details

Nicely styled hair Natural, clean looking face/makeup Clean your fingernails Wear a Suit, Iron your clothes Shoes should be in good condition Aloha Attire is Not Appropriate Gentlemen-Jackets Buttoned Professional Watch Skip the clunky jewelry Avoid strong perfumes Avoid cigarettes
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Interview Attire
Ladies- Closed-Toe Shoes and Hose Minimal Jewelry Make-Up and Earrings for Balance Purse/Portfolio Conservative Length Skirts Groomed Hands

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Do NOT Wear
Clothes with printed logos

Formal wear

Worn-out garments Strong scents Excessive jewelry

Hats indoors
T-shirts, Shorts

Clothes that are sexually revealing

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For Men
Suit matching of good quality (Navy, dark grey) Silk tie, no extremes Long sleeved shirts in white or light blue Leather, lace-up business shoes in black Belt should match shoes Facial hair well-groomed Conservative watch and other jewelry Removing earrings is safest Do not leave the tags on outside of apparel Long socks to match color of suit
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Professional Image for Men

Best choices Business suit, dark colors (blues, grays, browns), white shirt Suit with solid shirt 2-piece suit, lighter colors, striped shirt Button your jacket when you stand Shine your shoes Socks-appropriate color, no holes, long length

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Professional Image for Women

Best choices Navy or black suit, solid blouse Suit in solid colors, printed blouse Straight dress with jacket, solid colors Wear polished, low heeled shoes Minimal accessories Hosiery - appropriate color Dont wear anything too tight or revealing

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For Women

Two-piece matching skirt or pant suit Full sleeved blouse If skirt, no minis! Navy, grey, brown, black Wool, wool blends, microfibers Conservative watch Avoid extreme or excessive jewelry Keep makeup conservative Shoes should be leather or fabric, closedtoe; belt to match Purse/bag should be small, simple, coordinate with shoes, leather is best
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What to Bring to an Interview

Several copies of your resume Your portfolio, if applicable New notebook and a nice pen Briefcase or leather folder Names, addresses & phone references



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Reference slides

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Applications & Resumes

Resumes should be brief and to the point (1-2 pages). Both must be ERROR FREE! Complete the application form or covering letter Make sure all information is accurate and captures what you have done in each job. Document your qualifications. NEVER assume anything

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Types of interviews
Screening Telephonic interview Campus interview Walk in interview Confrontational / Stress interview Personal interview / One-on-One Technical interview Panel / Group Task or Technical Presentation
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Types of Interviews
The Directed Interview In-person - one to one, seeks to reveal facts Interviewer takes notes of outline & checklist Compares you to others The Undirected Interview Unstructured, an open discussion The Stress Interview Creates discomfort The Behavioral Interview Interested in past behaviors The Audition
A simulation to evaluate your skills
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Types of Interviews
The Group Interview Several applicants at one time Provides a sense of leadership & style How do you interact with peers? The Panel/Board Interview Several interviewers are present Maintain eye contact when answering questions

The mealtime interview Check on behavior & mannerism Frank discussions

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Types of Interviews
The Second/Follow-Up Interview Focused on specific job, to seek re-confirmation Conducted by department or senior manager Serious & the best candidates are called To understand issues candidate would have To negotiate & finalise compensation The Telephone Interview Have copy of resume nearby, speak a bit slower Dont worry about pauses Make sure roommates or family are quiet or other telephone should not disturb you
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Telephone Interviews
Be available on scheduled time Check voice quality of instruments Have your notes organized, highlighted, and within easy access Without non-verbal communication, be aware that it is difficult to read the interviewer Make sure your voice conveys enthusiasm If more than one person on the other end, have them identify themselves

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To whom are you meeting? Check LinkedIn to read their profiles Where is meeting? Know exact location & transport arrangement? Be before time! Company Background Google Search Year established? Size of business and their locations? What do they primarily do? Read last Annual Accounts to familiarise yourself Press releases on company website Job description know whats entailed inside out and be able to give examples on each aspect Practice psychometric testing / technical testing online beforehand or topics related to your expertise Prepare two questions to ask at the end of the interview Thank them for their time while expressing level of interest
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Dealing with anxiety

Interviewing for a job is often filled with anxiety and fear but it doesnt have to be that way.

There are things we can do to prepare ourselves and become more self-confident and relaxed.
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Breathing Exercise
Relax shoulders, neck, and jaw Place fingertips on diaphragm Inhale slowly and silently count to 5 Hold 3 seconds Exhale while counting to 5 Repeat sequence for 5 minutes

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Practice answering questions out loud Mock interview w/ different people Get videotaped Keep a journal about interview experiences to aid future preparation

stress performance
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Why should I consider you a strong applicant for this position? Articulate whats in your resume. Be self-assured, not arrogant. Relate your knowledge, skills and abilities directly to the job Demonstrate your passion Tell and sell your story

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The weakness question

Everyone has a weakness. A weakness is a deficient skill that you have or need to improve. A weakness is not a character flaw. Be honest and always use an example that is NOT job-related. Always describe the weakness in the past tense and discuss briefly how you have improved. Avoid trite answers such as, I am a perfectionist.

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Good and bad answers

"I do such a good job that it makes everyone else envious of how great I am. "I've never been in a position with enough influence to do any damage, so I'm not sure. My greatest weakness would have to be speaking in public. I don't think it's something that comes naturally to me, so I've taken courses X and Y to get some practice, as well as put myself in situations where I was forced to improve."
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Possible Interview Questions

The Equal Employment Opportunity Act outlaws questions about age, national origin, marital status, sexuality, and religion Be prepared for the possibility If it happens, dont over react If you are uncomfortable, kindly respond that you would rather not answer the question

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For Everyone
Hair should be neat and clean Shoes should be in good condition Clean fingernails Clothes should fit properly Use appropriate deodorant Details
Everything clean and well-pressed Slim leather briefcase if needed

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Thank You

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