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Appendix B NEMETH DATABASE This Nemeth database has the conversions for most commonly used mathematics sysmbols.

All these conversions should be used inside the CZ editing mode in the WordPerfect, to be translated exactly. Please make sure you close the exact translation mode by including $tx[sp] after the Nemeth Code. Use the blank sheet to write down the symbols you come across that are not in this database, and we will update it every month. This database is arranged in alphabetical order. For exam ple to nd code for you can either check mu, or Greek Alphabet. Note: Each column is seperated by two hyphens. Category Symbol Nemeth code Explanation/Example

Alpha a .a Greek a. Upper case use .,a Ampersand & _& Ampersand Angle $[ Angle ABC is represented as $[,a,b,c Angstrom Units A @,a Units of measurements shown inink-print capital A with a hollow dot above it. Arrow bidirectional < $[o Split bi-directional arrow. Used in chemical equations Arrow left > 33o Arrow head ending on the left side. Can used in Chemical eqns, limits, etc Arrow right < [33 Arrow head pointing to the right Arrow vertical ^ <33o Arrow standing vertical Arrow vertical v %33o Arrow pointing downwards Asterisk * @# Asterisk inside Nemeth editing, outside leave t as it is. At sign @ @a Ex: @20 @a#20 Backlash \ _* Baseline indicator " Used after subscript or superscript only when there is no space after the subscript/superscript. Unnecessary baseline indicators must be avoided as much as possible. Beta b .b Greek letter b, Capital Beta.,b Bold face X _;,x If the ink-print character is very distinct, then bold face indicator should be used. The ; in the conversion is the alphabet indicator, need to be used for text symbols. Braces {} .(.) Braces enlarged {} .,(.,) used to signify the difference. {4} = .(#4.) when there are multiple braces, should be

Bracket [] @(@) [4] = @(#4@) Capitalization CHN ,c,h,n need to include capitalization sign before each letter Capitalization, letter A ,a when only one letter needs capitalization Capitalization, word THEN ,,then when the whole words need capitalization. Do not use whole words in Nemeth unless you know grade 1 translation for them.


Cent sign @c Check mark @> Chi c .& Greek letter, lower case. Uppercase.,& Circle O $c Colon : _3 For ex 3:30 is #3_3#30. Distinguish it from ratio sign Complex fraction 1/(2/3) ?1/(,?2,/3,#)# Start, middle and end of a complex fraction carry a comma before them. Contains # _.1 Logical symbol. Used in sets etc. Cross product x @* 1x10 =#1@*10 (Avoid spaces when using @* Cube root of 3V <3> This is just representation of cube root, for the rest root symbols, refer Square root. Dash x-y should be x--y in Nemeth Decimal point . . Decimal point can be entered as it is. Differentiate between period and decimal

Degree ^.* 90 is #90^.* Delta d .d Greek letter d, lower case. Upper case delta is .,d Diagonal line / _/ Diagonal line only. Dont use it to represent division Ditto mark " ,' Looks like double quote Divided by : ./ Arithmetic division Dollar sign $ @s Ex: $3.50 $cz[sp]@s#3.50$tx[sp] Ellipsis ... `" Epsilon .e Greek letter e, lower case. Upper case.,e Equals sign = .k Leave spaces before and after code. No spacing when used with a grouping symbol like parenthesis, braces ex=(2) is [sp].k(#2) Equivalence = @<,< Exclamation mark ! _6 Differenciate exclamation and factorials Exponent x2 x^2 See also superscript. Feet ` ` Single quote. For every @& For some @= Fractions 1/5 ?1/5# No number signs or sign indicators inside the fraction. Do not use contractions for words inside fractions, need to enter Grade 1 translations. Functions sin, cos sin, cos Need a space after the function name. Gamma g German letter ndicator them. .g _ Greek letter g, lowercae. Upper case .,g All german letters have this indicator before

Gradient v .$ Greater than sign > .1 Combination of equal and greater than signs have base line indicator between them. Ex. >= .1".k Greater than equal to > Greater than sign nestd >> with greater than sign .1: .1@.1

Greek letter indicator . All Greek letters are preceded by. Horizontal bar : Horizontal double = _7 Chemical bonds representation Horizontal single - _3 Chemistry symbol Horizontal triple = _=] Chemistry symbol Inches " '' double single quotes Infinity o ,= Integral S ! Integral with super f !@$c imposed circle Definite integrals S !;0^1 We need spaces after the limits, and there should be a space before the derivative like dx or dv or whatever the intergral is about. Sx dx is !x dx. Integral, double SS !! Integral, triple SSS !!! Intersection sign ^ .% Logical symbol Iota i .I Greek letter I, lower case. Uppercase is .,I Kappa k .k Greek letter k, lowercase. Uppercase is .,k Lambda l .l Greek letter l, lowercase,. Uppercase is .,l Less than or equal to < "k: Less than sign < "k Letter sign ; Need to use single letters, so that they are not confused with contractions. For example single letters like g as in grams, m as in meters all should have letter indicators. Single letters left in text will be translated by Duxbury, but inside nemeth code, we should nclude letter indicator. Example: A = l is $cz;,a.k#1$tx Lower limit limit %lim Matrices [1 2] @,(#1 #2@,) Alignment is very important. |1...1| @,(#1 #1@,) [3 5] @,(#3 #5@,) Minus or plus + + Need to check the alignment after translating.

Minutes ' ' Mu .m Greek letter m, lowercase. Uppercase .,m Multiplication sign . * For cross sign like x use @*. See cross sign code. Not equal to / /.k Nu h .n Greek letter, lowercase. Upper case .,n Numbers # Use this sign, where it seems numbers will be confused with letters. Avoid using it too much. Omega w .w Greek letter w, lower case. Uppercase .,w Overbar xyz "xyz:] For x bar just x: will work Parallel || $1 For example a||b is $cz ;a$1b$tx Partial derivative d @d Percent Sing % @0 Convert percent to nemeth everywhere Period . _4 Period inside nemeth braille. Dont leave periods inside nemeth unless they are decimal symbols. Perpendicular to Phi f also the same * $p .f Greek letter f, lower case. Upper case .,f. .@F

Pi p .p Greek letter p, lower case. Upper case .,p Plus or minus +Point . . Decimal point, entered as it is Pounds #(lbs) .# Prime ' ' Prime used to represent minutes, feet etc. Psi a .y Greek letter, lower case. Uppercase .,y Punctuation _ To avoid ambiguity between punctuation in grade 2 and nemeth, there should be a symbol indicator before any symbol when coming out of nemeth. Ex. $Cz_$tx[sp] Question mark ? Ratio sign : "1 Ratio sign, double :: Rho r .r Seconds " double quote. _8 Ratio sign only, dont use it for colon. "2 '' Greek letter r, lower case. Upper case .,r Two single quotes to represent minutes, not

Semi colon ; _2 Sigma s .s Greek letter s, lowercase. Upper case .,s. Since @/ Inverted therefore symbol. Slash / _/ Square roots V >xx] Ex. Square root of 16 is >#16] Star * $s Not a multiplication symbol Subscripts ; Baseline indicator " is not needed when there s a space after script. For ex. 2cr is #2;cr[sp] also subscript indicator is not when the subscript is entirely a number. For example H2O but not ,h;2",0 Subscript with subscript represented by two semicolons. ;; The second level subscript should be

Summation b ".,s%n.k1>50 Just sigma is .s. For the summation range need to use % sign and then as shown in the code. Superscripts ^ Baseline indicator " is not needed when there is a space after the superscript. For example x2[sp] is x^2[sp] and x2 + y2 is x^2"+y^2 Tau t .t There exist @= Therefore : ,* Theta j .? Times x @* multiplication symbol use @* Greek letter t, lowercase. Upper case is .,t Greek letter, lower case. Upper case .,? When you need times instead of Dont use spaces.

Union sign v .+ Uppercase , For chemical formulae use uppercase symbol before each letter. For example HCN is ,h,c,n but not ,,hcn.

Uppercase lock ,, To show the whole word is uppercase. Upsilon y .u Greek letter u, lowercase. Uppercase .,u Vertical bar | \ Two vertical bars | | \"\ There is a space between two vertical bars. Vertical bar, double || \\ No space between vertical bars Vertical double bond || \\ Vertical triple bond ||| \\\ Xi x .x Greek letter x, lower case. Upper case.,x Zeta z .z Greek letter z, lower case. Upper case .,z

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