Itav Newsletter Final Draft 1ab

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KIPP AMP Academy Charter Schools Young Mens Initiative


It Takes a Village to raise a child

As a result of the high retention rate of young men of color around the nation, including KIPP:AMP Academy we decided to do something dynamic and powerful. We have launched a brand new initiative, exclusively targeted and designed to support our boys. Inspired by the African proverb that acknowledges that we all must do our part to raise up our young people, It Takes a Village is an THE MISSION academic intervention and character/ It Takes a Villages mission is to teach our young men the work ethic, character, academic, and leadership initiative designed to leadership skills necessary to succeed in middle school, high school, college, and life. We ensure that our young men successfully complete their current endeavor to mold our young men into positive role models as they grow from boyhood to manhood impacting their community in the present and in the future. grade level this school year by being committed to providing: Structured after school tutoring
Monday-Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m.

1) 100% of our young men will promote at the end of the 2012-2013 school year 2) Build the character traits of Self Control, Social Intelligence and Grit 3) Scholars will maintain grades in all classes at least 3% above their promotional criteria


Our Monday-Thursday after school sessions have been very effective and have signicantly increased the homework completion percentage of nearly every ITAV scholar. After the rst progress report over half of our young men are on track for promotion. The others are very close to being on track and we will be working intensely in the next few weeks to tutor and remediate the subjects they need help in.

A multi-grade level homeroom with

increased attention and organizational skill building

Mentorship, character development,

leadership training, and guest speakers

continued on page 2

TEACHER SPOTLIGHT Ms. Pallavi Dandu has been a regular in our after school tutoring sessions. We appreciate the sacrice of her time to help our young men excel.

PARENT SPOTLIGHT Mr. Frederick Williams comes to every Tues. and Thurs. ITAV session whether rain or shine. We are thankful for his support in tutoring, mentoring, and inspiring our boys.

SPECIAL THANKS to our parent coordinator Ms. Issachar Adams for organizing our recent Potluck. Her efforts and support have been priceless. Thank you Ms. Adams!!

How can you help?

Currently in New York City
only 1 in 4 African American young men graduate from High School and research shows that when a student is retained they are 5 to 11 times more likely to not complete high school, or be ready for the academic challenge of high school. Without our collective efforts and resources as parents, educators, community members, mentors, guest speakers and philanthropists we will not be able to reverse these alarming statistics.

Parent Mr. Frederick Williams addressing our scholars on the importance of professional dress and why our young men should not sag their pants. Mr.Williams plans to take all our young men to shadow him on his job-he is a general manager for MTA

To the Brooklyn/New York community- We need mentors,

guest speakers, tutors and most importantly we need YOU! Regardless of your gender or ethnicity you can donate your time. From one hour a month to several times a week we are just searching for people who care and have a heart to help. In addition to time we need money for eld trips and events. If you are interested in helping contact ITAV Director Chris Facey.

Community Activist Carlos Walton and author Eli Brown (Brook HIgh) spoke to our ITAV scholars about the importance of character, identity, and leadership

Contact Us

Special Thanks to
ITAV coordinator Ashley Toussaint
Guest speakers Steve Summers and Anthony Brown KIPP AMP School leader Debon Lewis and KIPP Director of Middle Schools Orpheus Williams for their continued insight, support, advice and expertise

Parents-We are a Village and we

will not be successful without your continued support. Please volunteer your time in our after school sessions, chaperone our upcoming events, refer guest speakers and mentors to us, and continue to ensure that your child completes their homework and reviews their materials nightly.

ITAV Director

ITAV coordinator

Quincy Merrill Chris Facey Cfacey@ (917) 263-1516

ITAV Coordinator KIPP AMP Director of Strategic Partnerships Dr. Kareem Roberts

Mr. Calvin Harris and all other KIPP AMP staff that have supported our efforts Micheal Brown from KIPP LYNN for

his experience and wisdom


On the Horizon
It Ta ke s a Vi lla ge Po tlu ck Wednesday October 17th 6-8 p.m. KIPPstar Brothers Seeking Knowledge Penpal col laboration - in progress ITAV & KIPPStar Br others Seeking Knowledge Bowling Outing - early Nov. ITAV incentive trip to New York Urban League Football Challenge at Yankee Stadium - No v. 17th

Taliek Bell is passing all of his classes and was the only 7th grader to score a perfect 100% on a recent Science test. Mr. Bell is growing as a leader and we are very proud of him.

Anthony Khan is Mr. Consistent. In addition to passing all of his classes this young man always has his work complete and seeks out additional material for enrichment. We are proud of how he leads by example.

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