CST Hand Out

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Dubai Palm Island DUBAI: Jewel of the Arab World Gold, Trade, Oil 2016 Oil will run

run out Burj Arab Hotel 72 km Length of coastline Gulf = shallow water Crown Prince wants Dubai to be a luxury tourist destination Mass Tourism From 5M annually to 15M Robert Berger Project Director from 2000-2004 Palm Island Sand + Natural materials Water should be calm 9/11 threatened tourism in the Middle East Religion: Catholic Social Teachings on Human Work I.CSTs on Human Work

Because of the Industrial Revolution, workers are being exploited by profit-hungry employers Historical Context Industrial Revolution Age of Enlightenment dominant way of thinking Example human rights - natural rights Pope Leo XIII rejected

Marxist ideology of class conflict and stressed how the two social classes should live in harmony The solution of socialism The total abolition of private ownership of property through class struggle The total abolition of private ownership of property through class struggle B. Teachings

Dignity of Human Work

1. Rerum Novarum 2. Quadragesimo Anno 3. Mater Et Magistra 4. Octogesima Adveniens 5. Laborem Exercens 6. Centessimus Annus CSTs on Development 7. Populorum Progressio 8. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis Rerum Novarum

1. Rich Capitalists 2. Poor Workers 3. Basic Rights of Workers just wage, good working condition 4. The Right to Private Property 5. Role of the State 6. Role of the Church Role of the Church To speak on the matter affecting faith and morality To reconcile and unite classes To educate people to act justly C. Contemporary Application of CST Rerum Novarum CST - Role of the Church - to speak on matters affecting faith and morality Issue RH BILL 1.Sumilao Farmers

The Condition of Labor Pope Leo XIII 1891 Industrial Revolution

2. Struggle of peasants of Hacienda Luisita Application 1. Simbahan Lingkod ng Bayan (SLB) 2. Interfaith rally at Liwasan Bonifacio, Manila on July 22, 2011, in support of the struggle of the peasants of Hacienda Luisita for land and justice. Quadragesimo Anno The Reconstruction of the Social Order Pope Pius XI May 15,1931 In Forty Years Trivia: Expands Rerum Novarum's focus on poor workers to include the structures that oppress them. Context Great Depression Effects of Capitalism Monopoly-means of production Massive depression Economic slavery Child labor

C. Contemporary Application of CST QA CST Right to form union Issue MASSIVE LAYOFFS BEGIN AT PAL (PHILIPPINES AIRLINES) NEXT MONTH (aired at TV5 Aug 26,2011) Application Workers union is a means to forward their concerns

MATER ET MAGISTRA (Christianity and Social Progress) By Pope John XXIII 1961

Trivia: Stresses the popular Catholic Social Action motto "see, judge/ discern, act" as a model of effective lay involvement. Context

1. Independence of Third World Countries 2. A period of relative dtente between the communist block and western democratic countries 3. The emergence of civil rights movements in US Teachings

1. International Economic System Pope John commends wealthier nations that give assistance to poorer nations. It is required by justice and humanity to share surplus food and other goods with other nations in need. Teachings More powerful efforts to provide the citizens of those nations with the necessary resources and training to implement modern methods and speed up development. Teachings 2. Global Interdependence "Internationalizes" social teaching by addressing, for the first time, the plight of non industrialized nations

1. Private Property 2. FAMILY WAGE 3. Right to Form Unions 4. Responsibility of the State 5. Corporate society Social reconstruction needs a return to Christian spirit and Gospel principles Charity and Justice for social order

6. Sinful Social Structures


Women Youth Handicapped Elderly Marginalized Urbanization creates a new loneliness and the possibility that humans may become slaves to their own creation (#10) Youth find dialogue increasingly difficult (#13). Women possess an equal right to participate in social, cultural, economic, and political life (#13). New Social Problems Discrimination along lines of race, origin, color, culture, sex, and religion still exists (#17). People have a responsibility to protect the environment (#21). Teachings 1.Local churches have to work to ensure that equality and participation in society must be part of any authentic development project.

3. Responsibility of Rich Countries Industrial countries should respect the culture of developing countries and help without intention to dominate Teachings 4. Social Reconstruction on the grounds of truth, justice and freedom and love C. Contemporary Application of CST Mater Et Magistra CST Responsibility of Rich Countries Issue Philanthrocapitalism Application BLOOD DIAMOND Industrial countries should respect the culture of developing countries and help without intention to dominate OCTOGESIMA ADVENIENS A Call to Action By Pope Paul VI 1971 Trivia This is an open letter of Paul VI to Cardinal Roy of Quebec,Chairman of the Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace Historical Context

Teachings See Judge Act 2. The church and its members in order to respond to the situation ..

must reflect on these contemporary situations, apply the Gospel principles take moral actions even within political areas when appropriate. SEE What is happening?

1. Economic Imperialism 2. Urbanization 3. Many were attracted to Marxist Principles Historical Context 2. URBANIZATION NEW POOR

Judge/Discern What is the situation telling us as Christians? Act What are we supposed to do? C. Contemporary Application of CST Octogesima Adveniens

CST The church and its members in order to respond to the worlds conditions must reflect on these contemporary situations, apply the Gospel principles and take moral actions even within political areas when appropriate. Issue RH Bill,Ecology

Historical Context Growth of multinational corporation People treated as instruments of production 1981 90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum Teachings 1.All social problems can be either directly or indirectly related to violations of the dignity of human work. 2. Human Work has Dignity 3.Spirituality of Work

Application 1. CBCP on Rh Bill 2.The Word Exposed Bishop Tagle Application OA CT- Local churches have to work to ensure that equality and participation in society must be part of any authentic development project. Pondo ng Pinoy Application - Call to action Does your KASAMAHAN /PARISH provide programs to promote love for the poor? LABOREM EXERCENS

1.All social problems can be either directly or indirectly related to violations of the dignity of human work.

Direct Employer Refers to the person or institution with which the workers enter directly into a work contract within the bounds of specific work conditions Indirect Employer

On Human Work By Pope John Paul II 1981 In Laborem Exercens PJP II focused on one topic, human work. He placed human work at the center of all social problems. Labor Issues Unjust wages Poor working conditions Harassment and intimidation Union busting Untimely closure Unjust dismissal

- This refers to different factors aside from the direct employer that affect the condition of the labor relationship Teachings Pope John Paul II gave special attention to indirect employer to point out the role and responsibility of every person or institution in promoting the cause of workers. Teachings We Are All Indirect Employers Everyone can contribute to the upliftment of the workers condition 2. Human Work has Dignity because The person working is a human being The worker labors to promote human life Work or labor enhances our human dignity

o o o

Work is a means towards human solidarity Participate in Gods ongoing creation Collaborate with Christ in his salvific mission Cooperate with the Holy Spirit in helping every individual achieve his/her full self and in making our world the best place to live. Conclusion of Laborem Exercens

universal destination of goods Private property is limited by the common purpose of goods Teachings -CA call for new social order Democratic systems recognizing human rights, right to life, to work and to establish a family

spirituality of the struggle for justice The violations against the dignity of work definitely contributes Love is made concrete in the promotion of justice to social injustice CENTESSIMUS ANNUS One Hundred Years By Pope John Paul II 1991 Teachings of LE We are all Indirect Employers Everyone can contribute to the upliftment of the workers condition II.CSTs on Development POPULORUM PROGRESSIO Populorum Progressio Innovation: First encyclical devoted specifically to the issues of international development.

A.Context 100th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum CST is a valid instrument for evangelization Historical Context

The fall of communism was due to spiritual void brought about Trivia: Coined the phrase, Development is a new word for by atheism and because of the violations of the rights of the peace." workers and inefficiency of the economic system Teachings -PP Capitalism is the cause of unprecedented poverty in the Third 1.The rich nations are called to help the poor nations World. Teachings -CA Dignity of human persons. The grave violations and the dignity of human persons marked the eventual fall of communism The expansion of close interdependence of all human persons and nations demands common responsibility for the development of all peoples. Task of development is urgent but caution against use of violence Teachings -PP 2. The Church has a role in the process of development the uphold human dignity and common good Populorum Progressio 3. Christian Vision of Development

Critical judgment on two opposing ideologies, namely strict capitalism and rigid socialism Teachings -CA dignity of human work work is the human response to Gods gifts

Total Integral Development it is the new name for peace Full Human Development Development cannot be limited to economic growth but looks to total human potential C. Contemporary Application of CST PP CST Total Integral Development is the new name for peace Issue Blood Diamond

JUSTICE IN THE WORLD By the Synod of Bishops 1971 Context -JUSTICE IN THE WORLD This is written by a gathering of bishops from around the world, many from poor undeveloped countries A.Context -JUSTICE IN THE WORLD The Bishops acknowledge the escalating severity and seriousness of injustice through a network of domination, oppression and other form of abuses worldwide. A.Context -JUSTICE IN THE WORLD 1. The Churchs mission is to transform these world conditions so that the work of justice is a constitutive dimension of faith.

SOLLICITUDO REI SOCIALIS Social Concerns By Pope John Paul II 1988

Teachings SRS

1. Christian Vision of Total Human Development

Actions on behalf of justice and social transformation are It covers all aspects of human life economic, political, cultural essential elements in the preaching of the Good News and spiritual A.Context -JUSTICE IN THE WORLD It cannot be defined purely in economic terms 2. They required that the thrust for justice be actualized in the Teachings SRS Churchs lifestyle, educational activities, projects and programs locally and internationally. 2. The Church offers fundamental principles for social justice A.Context -JUSTICE IN THE WORLD - preferential love for the poor 3. Christian love of neighbor and justice cannot be separated -solidarity Justice is an expression of Christian Love -spirit initiative on the part of the The Gospel gives the Church the right to proclaim justice on all developing nations levels; denounce instances of injustices C. Contemporary Application of CST SRS CST Christian Vision of Total Human Development Issue Exploitation of environment III.CSTs on Faith and Justice Justice in the World CT- Christian love of neighbor and justice cannot be separated Have you been just to Self Family Classmates


IN Pacem, John XXIII contended that peace could be attained only if the order designed by God is observed B.Teachings 1.The rights and duties of people. Human rights must be respected by individuals, public authorities, national government and the world communities. Teachings 2.The duty of the people to take part in public life. All people Catholics and non Catholics are challenged (morally obliged) to work together on matters of social change. There would be mutual cooperation in all levels of relationships individual, national and international Teachings 3.the significance of socialism Though socialism is inadequate in its philosophical teachings it can be effective in leading the people to be involved in the work for social justice. Thus cooperation with socialism was for the first time seen reasonable Faith Response - Application Church Teaching The duty of the people to take part in public life. Organization 911 Gaudium Et Spes PASTORAL CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD By the Bishops of the World 1965 1. The Churchs duty is to serve the world. Scrutinize the signs of the times and to be in constant dialogue with all that concerns human welfare See-Judge-Act Below are just few of the many things that the council of Fathers tried to stress

EVANGELII NUNTIANDI This apostolic exhortation on evangelization in the modern world was Paul VIs confirmation of the Synod of Bishops document Justice in the World. Teachings - EN

1. The duty of the Church is to proclaim and spread the teachings of the Gospel to the people of the 20th century in ways understandable to them FOCUS -Evangeli Nuntiandi 2. Justice is an essential component of evangelization To be faithful to the gospel is to be faithful to the people To evangelize includes the work for justice and liberation FOCUS -Evangeli Nuntiandi 3. Christians must confront things including the way society is organized and structured if they serve as obstacles to justice. IV.CSTs on Human Dignity PACEM IN TERRIS Peace on Earth By Pope John XXIII 1963 Trivia: Pacem En Terris With its powerful teachings, PACEM in Terris is noted for its significant influenced on the Vat II. This was written amidst worldwide concern for nuclear war. Trivia: Pacem En Terris This encyclical was addressed not only to Catholics but all people of goodwill.

2.Human beings are the source, the center and the purpose of economic and social life Below are just few of the many things that the council of Fathers tried to stress 3.Peace is not just the absence of war but justice throughout the society Faith Response - Application Church Teaching Scrutinize the signs of the times and to be in constant dialogue with all that concerns human welfare Organization CBCP

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