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Our Kind of Love...

A Novel

Complete Chapter Outline

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Dedicated to my Honeybear.

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Title: Our Kind of Author: Robert Flores Date: July 27, 2003


Cast of Characters:
Logan- 45 years old; works as a professor at community college, and as a small time entrepreneur running his own Laundromat below the apartment he shares with Joseph, his partner for almost seven years. He is a relatively simple guy, he likes freshly brewed coffee, and like most men at his age, wonders if hair loss is Gods best practical joke to date. Joseph- 51 years old, Logans partner, he used to work at the local bank, but currently unemployed because he recently discovered that he has an advanced case of prostate cancer and it has spread to his bones and kidneys. He stays at home most of the time now, still trying to humor himself with all the mundane things he used to ignoremaking him unbearably metaphysical sometimes. Michael- 44 years old, Logans best friend and secret admirer, they have been best friends since they were in college, but Mike cant tell Logan how he feels. He runs his own architectural design firm. Hes pretty much the average bear, still coming to grips with the recent re-emergence of his disturbed, estranged son Seth, from his former marriage to his Ex-wife Angela. Jimmy- 43 years old, Michaels friend and beer buddy. Working as a butcher for the past fifteen years, he offers Michael some astute advice on practically everything; they used to go out together, but decided that theyre better off as friends. He still fosters some small hope in his heart though; that someday, Michael would turn around and love him too. William- 44 year old performance artist who has known both Logan and Michael for the longest time, he lives with Coco, his Honeybee. One of the very few people who actually know the true feelings Michael has for his best friend. David- A 47 year old Lutheran minister; he has a deep love for Joseph. He is pragmatic and oftentimes depressed, he rues the day that Joseph walked into his congregation and into his life. He finds some solace in talking with Michael, his new interest, only to be crushed later on, learning that Michael loves the same man who took Joseph away from him. Darren Coco- Davids openly effeminate younger gay brother who finds his elder sibling nothing short of pathetic. 44 years old with the same birth date as his partner, William. Hes a litigator for a huge law firm and often encounters bouts of spontaneous thats fa-a-a-bulous! moments which get him in trouble when in court. ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 3 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

Chapter One: Scene: The First Party Michael stands in front of a small battered intercom. He hesitates for a moment and finally reaches out and buzzes for number 203. A masculine, husky voice tells him to go straight up, after a moment of hesitation; he opens the door and proceeds up the stairs. He knocks on the door marked 203, and after a moment or two of shuffling around from the inside, the door opens up and he is greeted by a bright and cheerful face. Joseph bids him welcome and ushers him inside. Logan, his best friend, is at the grill cooking some pork chops and some steaks, he tells Michael that hes early and he could help with the setting of the table. Michael gets the dishes from the cupboard and notices a couple of plane tickets inside an open envelope. He started to ask about them when another buzz cut the conversation short. Jimmy walks in a few minutes later with another batch of steaks for the grill, after putting them down the counter, he walks over and hugs Michael tightly, Logan looks at him with a funny grin on his face and he rolled his eyes. Joseph opened the first of many bottles of wine and they share it between the four of them. William and Coco arrive next in a flurry of Hawaiian shirts, their new fashion statement in the middle of winter. They brought two more bottles of what looks suspiciously like vodka. And they hung around the kitchen pouring wine for everyone. Talk turns to the past, and Michael shifts uncomfortably in his seat. William eyes him, amused at his obvious discomfort. Michael was relieved when another buzz told them that the last person invited has arrived. David, Cocos brother, comes in the door in a somber black shirt and black pants with a gray coat. Surly up to the very last inch of skin on him, he gruffly asks why it was so cold in the room. Logan, Joseph and Coco exchange knowing glances and they proceeded to up the temperature a few degrees. Logan hustles them into the dining room and carried his huge platter of grilled meat into and on the beautifully set dining table. Dinner proceeds smoothly, and the conversations moved freely as the wine and later, the vodka. Logan kept on looking worried and staring at the wall for no particular reason, Joseph watched him closely, and whenever he would lapse into this silence, he would place his hand over Logans on the tabletop and stare into his eyes. Michael is the only one who notices this and the one to drop the question, Whats wrong? Logan excuses himself and goes to the kitchen for more wine, Michael follows him and he hears Joseph explaining to the rest of the group that he is sick. Michael found Logan standing in front of the open refrigerator. He asks him whats wrong and Logan tells him that Joseph has cancer, in its most advanced stage; chemotherapy ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 4 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

would only prolong his life minimally. Quite unexpectedly, tears started to stream down his cheeks and he held Michael tightly. Michael could only weep for his friend, but also a small part of him yearned that that moment would last for all eternity. They return to the table, finding everybody in a somewhat more subdued mood, and Logan announced that they will go away for a while, to Acapulco for two weeks to get some rest and relaxation. Joseph refused to undergo chemotherapy and would just want to go somewhere where he could smell the sea. Michael secretly wished he could ask them to stay, but he knew in his heart that the last thing Logan needs now is an unsupportive best friend. He kept silent as he watched his two friends sit and smile at each other so sweetly.

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Chapter Two: Scene: The Postcard from Acapulco Michael reaches the front porch of his house, all out of breath; he slumps down on the steps and breathes heavily. He had been shoveling the last remnants of snow which fell from the sky in his driveway. He stands up after a few minutes of resting and proceeded to go and fish out his daily mail from his mailbox. He finds the usual collection of bills in it and some design magazines he subscribed to, but also a small but neatly written postcard from Logan and Joseph. It showed a beach with three naked men sunning their backsides in the harsh tropical sun. It was written by Logan; he read it and folded it in half. He thrusts it into his coat pocket and went into the house. According to the letter, Logan and Joseph had been having such a wonderful time, but a hint of sadness managed to catch his attention. He picks up the phone and tells Jimmy he might run down to Clopins Caf for a cappuccino after work. Jimmy says that he would be there, sensing that Michael really wanted to talk about something. Later that day, at Clopins, Michael unfolds the postcard in front of Jimmy and starts to ask him for some advice on what to do. Michael feels Logans sadness in losing his partner, but he also wants to be his partner so badly. Jimmy just winces at every endearing word Michael says about Logan, and starts to grow silent. Michael notices and sadly shakes his head. They reminisce about how things were and Michael somewhat rudely asserts that what they have now is definitely better than what they had before when they were still dating. Jimmy just keeps quiet. Jimmy finishes his coffee and proceeds to collect his things to leave. Michael once again assures him that the relationship they currently have as friends is better than what they used to have back then as lovers. Jimmy just shook his head and walked away. After rounding the corner, away from Michaels half-concerned gaze, he leaned against the wall of an old sheet music factory turned nightclub and buried his face between his hands and wept for the love hed never know from Michael. Michael walked down the street towards his house, he wondered aloud how much Logan knew, he admitted deep inside that Logan wasnt exactly the most stupid guy in the world and he didnt notice that he had feelings for him. Somehow he knew, he wouldnt have said those particular words I really miss you Michael for no apparent reason right? He thought that maybe Logan had been fostering these similar feelings for him too. He walks into his house and goes into his bedroom, and upon flopping down on the bed, he switched on his answering machine by his ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 6 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

bedside. A message from Coco told him about the pride parade dates and activities, and that they should have a party celebrating it, and a message from his ex-wife Angela about a new disciplinary case involving his nineteen-year old son Seth. He breathes out a sigh and pulls out a checkbook, writing down Angela as the addressee and signs over five thousand dollars for her monthly alimony. Seth emerges from the shadows and father and son stare at each other in silence in the dark room.

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Chapter Three: Scene: Seths Secret Michael wakes Seth up from the futon in his living room. Bleary-eyed and half-asleep, Seth tells Michael about his new disciplinary case at school involving him taking a book by Father Hermann Pollock (An anti-gay priest) and spreading it wide open on his professors (An equally anti-gay homophobe) desk, then dropping his pants and depositing a mound of shit between its pages. Michael had to suppress a laugh and asked him if Angela knew where he was. Seth shook his head and fell asleep again. He picked up the phone and dialed Angelas number; he reached her machine and started to say that Seth was with him and he might be staying for a few days. He looked at Seth closely, him not being able to see him for the longest time. He sat down on his counter and started to make some coffee. His phone rang and he screened. It was David, asking if they were still on with racquetball later that afternoon, he picked up and they talk about Seth, all the while Michael scans the paper. Michael dropped Seth off at school and had a small talk with the counselor about his new state of probation. One more transgression like that would mean that hes out, and Michael just sighed and agreed to the terms put forth by the obviously very charming counselor. Seth confronts his father for not defending him out in the hall, and then, after a while storms off to attend his classes. Michael goes to work, barely even noticing the anxious state of things at the office, he sat at his desk without even talking to anyone, something Seth said bothered him (Im not protecting youBut I have to act according to my judgment.) he mulls around in his head, could Seth be gay too? David was waiting at the coffee house by the racquetball courts at the local YMCA when Michael finally arrived. They play, all the while talking about the possibility that Seth might be gay like him. David offered a sobering wet blanket to the entire thing (It could mean a lot of things, and being gay himself maybe the last item on that long list). Michael plops down on the bench and asks for his opinion on the matter, and David just shrugs his shoulders and advised him to talk to Seth about it. He sits beside Michael and lets his arm brush against Michaels. He smiled and relished the feeling of being sweaty and so close to him. Michael never noticed it, and he doggedly kept on thinking about the possibility that Seth might be gay. He packed his things and heaved himself off the bench. He and David moved off to a local Starbucks and each ordered a drink, after which Michael drove David back to his apartment and patted his hand farewell. ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 8 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

He moved off to his house and noticed that Seth was just arriving as well, walking down the street, he pulled over and let him in the car. Seth and Michael just sat there, waiting for each other to start speaking. Finally Michael started, asking if he had something he wanted to talk about. Seth said no, and proceeded to lapse into silence again. Come on, Michael said, talk to me. Michael assured him that he would always love him no matter what. Seth just kept quiet. They reached the house and they still sat there in the garage. Seth started to leave but Michael asked him the question. Seth stopped and looked at him, and stated his answer.

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Chapter Four: Scene: Lunch with William and the Second Postcard Michael huffed and puffed down Fifth Avenue to Je noir, where William was waiting. He entered the restaurant and found him sitting at a small table stacking his utensils, balancing them on top of one another. He sat down and unfolded a second postcard from Logan and Joseph. William just rolled his eyes. Michael proceeded to talk to him about how he should deal with all of these feelings he has for Logan. Coco walks in with a dozen shopping bags in tow and starts to jabber on about how things are getting too complicated between gay men nowadays, all the sexual freedom, lack of commitment, etc. He starts to tell the story about how a friend of his lived with a partner for fifteen years and then was dumped for a younger guy, William just coos and cuddles Coco and deep inside, Michael wished he had someone to coo and cuddle himpreferably somebody by the name of Logan. David walks in and grimaces as he sees Coco and William there as well. Coco stopped smiling and raised an eyebrow. David complained that Michael didnt tell him that they were having company. Michael gestured him to sit and the only available chair was the one next to his younger brother. David sits and starts a strained conversation about one of his parishioners having a nervous breakdown while attending church, they later found out that she just heard from a friend that her husband was cheating on herwith another guy. There arose a lengthy discussion where David and Coco exchanged hostile words. Michael pulled David away and took a walk with him down in Central Park. During this walk, Michael convinced him to call Coco on his mobile phone and apologize to him, you were in the wrong after all, Michael pointed out. David took the phone and dialed up his brother; he said a very gruff apology and hung up. He kept on walking, hardly saying anything until they reach a semi-secluded trail. He started to tell Michael about his childhood, how when their parents separated, he had to go with his father and Coco got to stay with his mother. He reminisced how he would see him grow up with all the love that was part his; and he couldnt forgive him for that. He wiped a tear off his face with his sleeve. Michael couldnt help but feel for him and he held him close. David clung to him, and started to calm down. They walk on, both glad for the walk, but with two different reasons why.

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Chapter Five: Scene: Between Jimmy and a Pork chop As the day of Logan and Josephs arrival from Acapulco draws near, Michael gets more and more agitated about the lack of a solution to his problem. Should he tell, or shouldnt he tell Logan how he really feels, his confusion causes him to totally ignore Jimmy during their lunch at Clopins. Jimmy snaps his fingers in front of his face and he turns to Jimmy surprised. Disgusted, Jimmy pays the bill and walks out of the store in a huff. Michael tried to call Jimmy on his mobile phone to apologize, but he wasnt answering his phone. William dropped by a few minutes later and asked where Jimmy was, and he sat down across Michael. William firmly suggests that he not tell Logan about his feelings yet, seeing as how they are in such a predicament right now with Joseph sick and all that. Michael downs his coffee and sits there feeling even more wretched than before. He gets up and moves off to work, his client was waiting for him in his office; the construction of a bar he is designing is coming along perfectly well. He notices a slight grin on his clients charming face that made him shudder deep inside. He takes a leap of faith and invites him for a drink the next night. Peter, his client agrees and gives him a naughty smile as he left his office. Michael sits down behind his desk and scribbles down a letter on his notebook. He looks at it when he finished it. He ponders whether or not he should send it to Logan, or maybe just address an envelope and slip it under his empty apartment? He closes his notebook and vows never to send it; he fiddles with his pen on his desk. He presses his phone and tells his secretary to call Angela. They talk about Seth, and he asks her if the thought of Seth being gay has ever crossed her mind. Her answer disturbs him even more (Everyday Michael, it crosses my mind everyday.). Jimmy walks into his office and apologized, he hands Michael a postcard from Logan. He actually went to Michaels house to see if he was home and saw it lying on the snow. He promises Michael he never read it, and he brought it here before it was covered up by the snow. Michael read it, it said that they might go home earlier than expected, Josephs condition is getting worse at an alarming rate and they had better get home (to be close to those we hold dear as friends). He thanks Jimmy and Jimmy asks Michael to join him for dinner, Michael agrees. During dinner, Michael talks to Jimmy about Logans impending return, but before they got to anything serious, Jimmy held his hand up and stopped Michael in midArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 11 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

sentence, stating that he no longer wanted to hear anything about Logan for the rest of the night. An argument ensues, and Jimmy blurts out that he still loved him. Michael sits still incredulously for a few minutes, drinking in what Jimmy said. With the entire restaurant staring at him, he drops a comment about the dish and grabs his coat as he marched out the door. In the alley, he watches the stars above him dance, Jimmy pulls out a bottle of pills and pops of the lid, and he takes two and swallows them both. Through heavy sobs he walks on and hails a taxi cab.

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Chapter Six: Scene: Little Gay Church on the Prairie Michael drove up the parking lot of the Second Trinity Lutheran Church in his truck, seldom late for anything, he winces as he hears congregational singing from inside the church. He enters and sees David from the pulpit glance at him and smile. After the service, Michael hangs out on a pew while David greets his parishioners a good day. After the last person left, David sat down beside Michael. They initially talk about Davids work but the conversation shifts to what Jimmy said the night before. David thinks for a moment and just keeps silent. He deliberates if he should say anything, but decides against it. A call on his cellular phone alerts Michael and he answers, its Peter, and he apologizes for he has to cancel their date tomorrow night, but would appreciate it if they went out tonight instead. Michael thinks for a moment and agrees, with David staring at him incredulously. That night, at Tirade, a swanky club on the lower east side, Peter and Michael share a drink together, they talk, and laugh. Everything seems to be going well when in sweeps William and Coco. William drags Michael to the mens room and asks what was going on. Michael explains that its not that serious, and this was their first date. William looks at him carefully and just shakes his head (Its none of my business after all.). William and Coco leave them alone and they resume their talking. Peter is intense about everything he talks about, dynamic and energetic he impresses Michael with his convictions and conversational skills. He grows more and more interested at the prospect of crawling into bed with him, but still being stopped by his intense, albeit fantastic commitment to Logan. Strangely, he was drawn to this red-haired beauty, and five more shots of vodka under his belt thirty minutes later, he leaves the club with Peter. They go to Peters flat and Peter mixes for him a cup of Irish coffee. As Michael lounges in Peters big couch, his vision still spinning, he thinks of Jimmy (He said he loves me, what the heck could I say to that?). Peter moves in and hands him the steaming mug of coffee. They resume talking and Michael surprised himself by leaning over and giving Peter the gentlest kiss he has ever given. Peter, startled by his unexpected display of affection, kisses him back. Next thing that happened was after a frantic tearing off of clothes; Michael finally releases all the frustrations he has been keeping inside for all those years of ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 13 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

chasing after a dream of a life with Logan. He feels refreshed, after each and every minute lying beside Peter, he grows surer that he has cured himself of his obsession. He spent the night at Peters place, in the afterglow of sex, his cellular phone rings. A familiar voice filled him once more of the longing he had so recently disposed of. It was Logan. (Im home.)

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Chapter Seven: Scene: Thursday Michael dressed hurriedly and left a note on Peters nightstand that he left already and he will call him. He went straight to his office and dove into work, trying his best not to think about what happened last night. He drew up the plans to a new residence, and was starting to conceptualize the interiors for a new museum when he heard his secretary buzz in a visitor. Logan walks into his office with a slight tan. Michael felt a vise tighten around his heart and hold it firmly in its grip. Logan sits down and apologizes for his unannounced visit. Michael talks to him about their trip to Acapulco, and Logan just answers his questions perfunctorily. Michael senses that something else is amiss by the glazed look in his eyes. He asks if anything is the matter. Logan just sits there and sadly looks out into space. Logan starts to spill out his deepest fears about Josephs condition, how it would only be a matter of waiting before his kidneys fail, how the doctors have put a timetable on his life and how hes watching Joseph drift farther and farther away from him. Michael just listens, for the first time in days; he just keeps still and listens to Logans words. He smiles and tries to cheer him up, but to no avail. He asks where Joseph was, and Logan tells him that hes currently in the hospital, having his check-up. Michael offers some consoling words and Logan just nods and keeps quiet. Michael couldnt bear to see Logan so sad, he offers to help out as much as he can, and Logan thanks him for it. Logan asks him to join them for a small dinner party at their place tomorrow night, and Michael graciously accepts the invitation. Logan says that he has already asked everybody to be there and theyre all coming to the party. He cheerily said that its going to be steaks for everyone again just like in the party before they left for Mexico. Michael asks Logan if he could bring someone along, Logan seemed uneasy for a moment, but agreed. Michael was thankful Logan didnt ask too many questions, thats the last thing he needs right now. After Logan left, he took a small crumpled piece of paper from his shirt pocket and dialed the number. Peter picked up and Michael invited him to the party, Peter said yes and they make plans for tonight. Michael felt a pang of guilt down inside him, but he quelled it, thinking to himself that the best way to rid himself of this insane desire for his best friend is to move on. And besides, he tells himself, Peter is an okay guy after all. Hes funny, driven and articulate. Hes also a great and considerate lover. The type that would be great to bring ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 15 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

around anywhere. Hes the type who would walk into a room full of people and suddenly draw all the attention to himself without even trying, and the smile that would bring Helen of Troy shitloads of shame. Michael deliberates to himself the merits of this new found relationship against that of his ideal relationship with Logan. He finally decides on trying this one out. He hangs up and continues working.

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Chapter Eight: Scene: The Second Party Michael stood outside Logans apartment door with Peter. They have a bottle of wine and a fruit basket with them. Logan opens the door and hugs Michael, and sticks a big broad-fingered hand out to Peter. After the introductions, Michael notices that Jimmy was there before them, sitting with a glass of wine in one corner glowering at them. Michael looks in his direction. Jimmy looks into his eyes and frowns. Peter was introduced to him and Peter stuck out his hand, Jimmy blandly shakes it and resumes his wine drinking. Logan proceeds to hit it off with Peter as Joseph took Michaels arm and leads him into the kitchen. Joseph asks Michael what was going on, for a moment Michael was worried that Jimmy told Logan and Joseph about his little secret, but was relieved when Joseph asked again, rephrased (Whats going on between you and Jimmy?) Michael tells the entire story while Joseph listened intently, carefully omitting some incriminating details. A smile crossed his face when he reached the part when Jimmy blurted out that he still loved Michael. Joseph told Michael that he had no idea how much Jimmy loves him. He told the entire conversation they had earlier when he was still on his way to the party (It broke his heart when you left him, he hasnt been able to forgive himself for letting you walk out yet.). David arrives and is glumly greeted by Jimmy. David sticks his head in the kitchen and after laying some bread on the counter, goes off and talks with Jimmy. Joseph talks to Michael about how he wants him to accompany him to arrange his memorial. Michael was shocked and immediately refused. Joseph speaks silently and pleadingly, Logan flatly refused to do it, even after much pleading. Michael sat down on a stool, he still shook his head. Joseph pleads with him, protesting that he needs somebody to do it with (Its a job so depressing I dont think I could do it alone.). In the end, Michael agrees. William and Coco arrive. Jimmy told David everything that happened between them and Michael and was introduced to Peter, which put him in a foul mood. The two of them sat sulking in the corner. David gulped his wine voraciously, obviously trying to get himself drunk, but to no avail. They all sat down to eat. Logan was all confused at the apparent discord around the table. Joseph seemed so benign, Michael seemed so depressed, Peter looked so confused with everybodys dispositions, William and Coco was still into each others faces the entire meal ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 17 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

like the happy couple they were, Jimmy was glowering at them so unhappy about his own mess with Michael and David was glaring at Peter like crazy over his steak. According to form, arguments stated to erupt from every corner of the dining table, sparking more glares and more bitching from all eight queens at the table. After much calming down, and hurried apologies, Logan asked Michael if he could have a moment before he leaves with Peter, who now was totally mystified why they were all still friends. They go into the small terrace and share a smoke. Michael kids Logan that he really shouldnt smoke since Joseph hates the smell of tobacco so much. Logan just keeps quiet. Logan talks to Michael, telling him more about what happened between him and Joseph in the past two weeks, he openly cries for the first time in front of Michael, tears rolling down his cheeks. He tells Michael that hes so happy for him that hes finally with Peter, and they hug each other for warmth in the chilly air. Peter went downstairs to get the car, looking up; he saw Michael and Logan on the balcony. He just sat there, while his engine hummed, he thought to himself. He smiled, and just yelled Michaels name. Michael and Logan broke off their embrace and looked down. Peter yelled out that he had a great time and they should throw another party soon sarcastically. Logan waved and said thank you, him and Michael disappeared inside. In his car, Peter waited.

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Chapter Nine: Scene: A Day with Joseph Saturday, Michael and Peter taking a walk with ice cream cones together in Central park. They fall into talking about the party last night; Michael explains everything going on between the seven of them, omitting the part where he has this desire for Logan. Peter just laughs at the seven of them, and called them strange, but smiles as he kisses a couple of stray drops of vanilla ice cream on Michaels lip. Michael grins and pulls back Peters head and gives him a long passionate kiss. They walk along the path to where Joseph was waiting under a tall oak tree. Watching the leaves growing, as it were. Joseph stares at them, his face drawn to a small benign smile. They approach, and Joseph says something extremely cryptic to the both of them, Peter just shrugs his shoulders and kisses Michael on the cheek and tells him hell call about tonight later. Joseph watches Peter move out of sight and remembers how he once moved so freely. He remarks to Michael how much they remind him of how he and Logan used to be before he found out that hes sick. Michael sat next to him on the bench under the tree. Michael listens as Joseph slowly tells him what really happened in Acapulco, how he was too weak to go out, how they spent their entire vacation just sitting in their hotel room. Michael stands and helps Joseph to his feet. He asks Joseph where they should go first, and he says that hed want to go to a florist to pick out his flowers first before anything else. They go to this small florist, and they pick out the flowers Joseph wants and then they went to a funeral house. In the funeral home, they were entertained by a short pudgy woman who looked at them strangely. Joseph decides to be set up for viewing, and a simple ceremony to be presided over by David, then a burial ceremony at the cemetery a small distance from New York. All throughout the day, Michael feels so uncomfortable. They share a cup of coffee down at Clopins and Joseph talks about how hes coping with everything thats been going on, how Logan was also coping with the entire thing. Michael cant help but be totally in awe of Josephs strength of character and faith. He wonders to himself if when the time comes when its his turn to dance with mortality if hed have the same convictions. As if Joseph read his mind, he says that the only reason why he feels so secure is that he has loved and has been loved while he was living (I have loved, and have been loved. To me, that makes all the difference in the world.) Jimmy walks in the door, and just stands there, staring at Michael.

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Joseph motions for him to join them and Jimmy hesitantly went over and sat down. Logan also walks in; Joseph sees him and tells Michael and Jimmy to talk out their differences like real men. Maybe by then they would find it in their hearts to move on, both of them. Logan and Joseph leave, Michael and Jimmy sit there in silence for a few moments. Jimmy ventured an apology and so did Michael, but after they exchanged apologies, Jim my stood and said (Thats all Im willing to say right now.) and leaves.

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Chapter Ten: Scene: Stonewall Michael left his office and started to walk along Fifth Avenue to Je Noir, where Coco was waiting for him, he wanted to talk to him about the entire memorial affair with Joseph and how much it was killing him picking out the flowers to the memorial of his secret loves lover. Coco was simpering all the while and didnt seem to be paying much attention. Michael asked him if anything was wrong, he seemed so distracted, and Coco blurts it all out. He suspects William of having an affair. He steels himself not to cry, but ultimately fails and bawls all over his Caesar salad. Michael asks him why and was disgusted when the only shred of evidence Coco can come up with is Williams apparent inability to make love to him last night. Coco then launches into a long litany of reasons, which comprised of trite and trivial details each more ridiculous than the last. Frustrated, Michael takes a drive along Christopher Street. As he winds his way around, he stops and pulls over to the side. The avenue looks so different in the bright noontime sunlight. He steps out of the car, and walks slowly along Christopher Street and Waverly Place. He stops outside The Stonewall Inn and looks at it from the outside. He notes the snazzy new renovations done on it. He feels a certain emotion tugging at him from deep inside. He remembered hearing about the riots and all that, and somehow he felt connected to it although he never took part in any Gay rights rally. He looked at the building once more; his trained eyes were not fooled by the paint job done on it. He lays his hand upon one of the walls and felt the warmth of it. He went back to his car and revved the engine, he saw a couple pass by and one of the men looked at him as if knowing some deep secret burning in his soul. A small smile crossed the guys face as they walk past. Michael just pulled up and buckled his seatbelt. He drove a short while off when he received a call from the administrator of Seths school. Michael drove all the way to Seths school and was greeted by the head counselor. He was led down a hall where it was lined with dead gray lockers. The counselor pointed at one row and he was surprised to find that artfully executed was a huge spray paint slogan on at least fifty lockers (Homophobes). The counselor said that Seth was caught with the empty spray paint canisters earlier today and they couldnt contact him earlier, but a certain James Barelli had been contacted.

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Seth was sitting in a small room with Jimmy to one side. Upon seeing Michael walk through the door, Jimmy promptly stood up and walked out. Michael went and sat down next to Seth. They argue about what was done and in the end, Seth would have to be expelled from High school. During the drive home, Michael was so furious he didnt speak. Seth was quite subdued as well and declares that he wants to go back to Chicago with Angela. Michael sneers at him and calls him a coward by running away from his own mess (Just because you dont like the consequences of you actions doesnt mean that you can just get up and go somewhere else.) to which Seth answered (Well, its good enough for you, why cant I?) Michael pulled up his driveway and parks the car in the garage. They just sit there in the car and just keep silent. Michael ventured out, asking Seth why he did it, and Seth just tells him that he had no obligation to answer that question (For fifteen years I have asked you why you left us, have you given me a substantial answer to that yet?). Father and son, in a stalemate, get out of the car and they both went into the house.

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Chapter Eleven: Scene: What David and Jimmy Did (Or didnt do?) Jimmy hacks away at a rack of prime rib in his shop. He strikes the beef hard, as if releasing his pent up tension on the cold lifeless flesh in front of him on his block. Sweat beads up on his forehead and collects under his beard; he mops up his brow and continues hacking away at the block. He barely notices David walking into his shop. David breaks Jimmy reverie and they have a small chat over some ground pork. David asks Jimmy to join him for a cup of coffee at Clopins. Jimmy agrees and instructs Jane, his helper to run the shop while he goes out, he tosses his apron over to a chair and proceeds to change his shirt right in front of David. David instinctively looks away, which prompts Jimmy to guffaw (Come on; dont tell me youve never seen a naked bear before?) They go and have coffee at Clopins where they fell into talking about how things were back then between Jimmy and Michael. David listens intently. Jimmy offers insights on how much he loves Michael, somewhat tragically, of course. Like a 250 pound martyr in some Elizabethan play. All the while, David feels a certain bittersweet emotion running through him, knowing that its only a matter of time before he would have to tell Michael that he feels somewhat differently towards him. Jimmy watches David, he couldnt help but feel somewhat attracted to him, but he pushes the thoughts out of his mind. He polishes off his espresso and gets up to leave, he sticks out his hand to David, whos also standing up at this point and thanks him for a wonderful afternoon. David clasps his hand firmly and wonders if he should come by his place for a nightcap. Jimmy thought for a moment and agreed. In Davids apartment, he pours them both a glass of wine, after a moment or two of talking, they move closer together. A moment passes and they find themselves in the middle of a passionate embrace, completely devoid of all time and awareness. They bump and crash all over Davids apartment until they found each other in Davids bed frantically tearing off each others clothes. David hesitates for a moment, he yelps out as Jimmy grabs hold of his unmentionables. Jimmy sits slack jawed at David after yelling out Michael. He smiles and shakes his head. Jimmy bounces off the bed and starts to put on his clothes. David tries to apologize but Jimmy would hear none of it. He just tells David to forget everything that happened that night and that his secret is safe with him.

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David tries to get Jimmy back into his boudoir, but Jimmy just walked out of his apartment. Downstairs, Jimmy walks home, pulling his clothes tighter around him, he still feels the cold wind of loneliness penetrate his bones. Upstairs in a warm and tidy room, David prayed for forgiveness.

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Chapter Twelve: Scene: Dinner with Logan Michael walked underneath some scaffolding. He sees Peter smiling at him under some detailing work being done on his new bar. Peter sidles up to him (Nice hat my architect, are you bringing that over for later?) Michael wandered around, checking stuff here and there when he hears his mobile phone ring. It was Logan, he needed to see him tonight at home. He seemed to be very upset. Michael invited him over to his place, but asked if it would be all right if Peter were there. Logan just said yes, it didnt matter, he said. He said hell be around by seven-thirty tonight. They hang up. Peter asked who was it, and Michael told him that it was Logan and that he would be joining them for dinner. Peter just nodded and proceeded to direct the construction workers as they carried a piece of the granite bar countertop. Peter looked at Michael from afar, seeing Michael stare out into space. He just turns and walks away. In the car, Michael asks Peter whats the matter, Peter just keeps quiet. But eventually asks whats going on between Michael and Logan. Michael shifts uneasily in his seat, but breathes a sigh of resignation. He proceeds to tell Peter everything, each word he says fills him with dread at how it would turn up with Peter. Peter just listens silently. Michael was careful to add a small, white lie at the end (Im all over him now though.) Peter secretly doesnt buy it, but he smiled at Michael and reassures him that its perfectly all right. He confesses that he himself had had thoughts about his best friends in the past. They drive on home. At home, they prepare for the coming dinner. Michael starts to cook the pasta sauce and Peter tosses the salad. Michael puts on some music and sings along, somewhat badly, and Peter joins him. They move closer to each other and they slowly hold each other and sway to the music. They dance for a few minutes before the doorbell rings. Peter opens the door and Michael turns back to his sauce. Logan comes into the kitchen and puts a bottle of wine on the counter. They pour the wine and start talking. Peter sidles up beside Michael and catches Logans eyes as they spat fire for a moment. They move off to the dining table and there, Logan talks about how insufferable Joseph has become. Joseph, the past few days has been taciturn and morbid. But after a few minutes, Logan starts telling the both of them that it kills him that Joseph wont be around much longer. Dessert is served and the time has come for Logan ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 25 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

to leave. Michael and Peter clean up after Logan left and they start to talk about how unfortunate it is for Logan and Joseph. The door opens and Seth walks into the kitchen. He rummages in the fridge and takes out two apples. He starts eating one and he talks to Michael about his current situation, he has found a center for handicapped children he would want to work in before finding a school next year. Michael agrees and Seth moves off to watch television on his futon in the living room. Peter remarks on his parenting skills (Ooh, playing the dutiful daddy, how sexy) and they both move upstairs to the bedroom where they lock the door.

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Chapter Thirteen: Scene: Josephs Adventure Jimmy was walking down the street with a few bundles of groceries when he spotted David walking along the same street towards him. He seemed lost in thought and made no indication that he saw him, so Jimmy just went by, hugging his bundles closer and higher to cover his face. As David walked past him, he heard him say distinctively (Im sorry.) He let his bundles down and looked at him. David wondered if they could talk about what happened the other day, and Jimmy told him to follow him to the shop. In the shop, Jimmy started to chop up a steak and David talked, he said he was sorry about the way he conducted himself the other night, and that there was no excuse for what he said. Jimmy laughed (Well, it wasnt the first time that happened.), and proceeded to assure David that he wasnt offended at all by what happened. David cant help but watch him hack his way through meat and bone, it seemed so erotic to him, and silently wishing he never mucked up things the other night. Jimmy is quite cute, he tells himself, in that rugged-butcher type of way. The door opens and Joseph walks into his shop. He was wearing his jumpsuit and was sweating profusely. David reprimands him going out and walking all the way to the shop. Joseph laughed, and made them swear they wont tell Logan that he snuck out of their apartment to get some fresh air. David convinces Joseph to hitch a ride with Jimmy later. Meanwhile, David and Joseph went off to have some coffee at Clopins At Clopins, Joseph talks to David about officiating over the services during his memorial. David thinks silently for a moment and agrees. Joseph proceeded to tell David about how he feels everything is coming crashing down all around him, how everybody regards him with such pity that it is slowly becoming tiresome. Logan, especially, treats him like a small child. David listens as Joseph tells him the one thing that has been bothering him is the fact that Logan seems to be taking this entire thing so seriously, when in fact, its not (So Im dying, who cares? Everybody will sooner or later.) David asks him if he is afraid of dying and Joseph just smiles and shakes his head (I have lived my life the way I wanted to, thats enough for me.) David takes Joseph back to Jimmys shop, and tells Jimmy to be extra careful with Joseph. Jimmy invites David to come along and hell drop off David at his apartment after dropping Joseph off. He agrees and they ride over to Logans apartment where they find a frantic Logan on the phone with Michael looking for Joseph. Logan rushed over and threw his arms around Joseph and holds him ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 27 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

tightly. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. Surprised at this sudden burst of emotion from a usually stolid man, David was touched by the love that he witnessed for a few short seconds. Logan thanks them both and both David and Jimmy go downstairs to the car. They drive on in silence, Jimmy asks David what hes thinking of and David says (I dont know. Maybe I was just thinking if Ill be able to find a love like that.) Jimmy just grins (Im sure you will.), and they drive on. Jimmy drops David off at his apartment, David asks if he would want to come up for a cup of tea, Jimmy politely bows out and goes home.

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Chapter Fourteen: Scene: Under the Covers Michael drives along tree-lined roads with Seth and Peter outside city limits to the Father Bear Foundation (I kinda like that name, says Michael) a small foundation for handicapped children. They drive on until they reach a spacious carport in front of a modest brick building. They walk inside and were greeted by a charming woman who showed them around. They toured the facilities and the grounds. When they got to the pool, Peter pulled Michael into the dark cabana and gave him a kiss. Michael, surprised, was pleasantly quiet. Peter tells him that he loves him, in the twilight of the cabana, Michael said likewise. In the office, Seth formally signs the volunteer form and was escorted out to be shown his living quarters. After they have unloaded all of his stuff, Father and son stand out in the driveway, looking at each other. They hugged and Michael told Seth that he could always phone home if anything goes wrong. Seth smiled (Id appreciate that.) And he moves off and disappears into the center. On the drive home, Michael was quiet. Peter rested his hand on his lap and asks him what he was thinking about. Michael just sighs, and blurts out a proposal (Lets move in together, its going to be very lonely now without Seth bumbling around the house.) Peter smiled to himself and said yes. They both stop by a sidewalk caf to celebrate they new life together. Michael reassures himself silently that this is the healthiest thing to do. The past few days proved to be very optimistic for him. He didnt think about Logan as much as he used to, now that he was with Peter for most of the time. Over a bottle of wine, they walk back home hand in hand. He screened his machine for messages, and he has one from William, inviting him to his performance in one of those small beat poetry type places. According to William, he had reserved two tickets for Michael at the front desk. Michael stepped into the shower and Peter helped himself to a beer. Michael stepped out of the shower; Peter was reading a book on the right side of the bed, wearing his rimless glasses, the bedside lamp making the red in the fur of his bare chest burn brightly. He looks up and smiles at Michael. Michael felt good inside. He felt as if his life was now complete. The small voice that still whispered Logans name now could barely be heard. He clambers up to bed and just snuggles close to Peter under the covers, feeling his warmth spread all over his cold body. They kiss, a deep passionate kiss, they pull away and mischievously turn off the lights. ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 29 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

Chapter Fifteen: Scene: Jimmys Surprise David knocks at Michaels door. He fumbles with the small parcel of assorted meat products Jimmy was supposed to deliver. David volunteered to bring it along with him, since Jimmy seemed to be extremely busy with a large order for a lavish barbecue. David knocks again, the door opens, and Peter greeted him in his underpants. David stood there, dumbstruck, his jaw dropped open. He managed to jabber out that he actually had a parcel for Michael, and Peter led him inside. David looked around and noticed the sudden change around Michaels flat. It was still spic and span as before, but also showed the foreign influence of a new life shared; two sets of keys on the service table in the hall, theatre ticket receipts, and a pair of laptop computers humming along beside each other plugged and charging up on the dining table. Michael emerges in a crisp blue shirt and tie from the bedroom, he sees David and relieves him of the parcel. Peter took the parcel and he went into the kitchen, reappearing moments later with two mugs of coffee, he gave one to Michael and the other to David. Peter then disappears to the bedroom to change. David leads Michael to the foyer and talks to him; Michael confirms that he and Peter have decided to live together. David felt his stomach drop and just stands there dumbstruck for the second time that day. But David also senses a certain reservation in Michael as they talked, which gave him a small beacon of hope. He left, after reminding Michael about Williams show that would be on that evening, he walked out the door. Michaels phone rang; he decided to let his machine screen the call. He stood there as Logans gruff voice asked him if he and Joseph could hitch a ride to Williams show, Michael picks up and says that he and Peter would be more than happy to give them a ride. Peter emerges and they kiss each other goodbye. Michael drove to his office, while Peter drove to Christopher Street to his bar. On his way to the office, Michael stopped by Jimmys shop. He found Jimmy in the middle of hacking through a rack of ribs. He thanks Jimmy for the meat and pays for it. Jimmy takes a break and talks to Michael in the office. Michael was surprised to learn that David has told Jimmy already that He and Peter moved in together. Jimmy stands there in the brink of tears (We have been together for three years, youve never even gave me the keys to your house. Tell me Michael, what did I do wrong?) Michael couldnt answer. Jimmy wipes his eyes with his sleeve, and tries to go back out into the store. Michael reaches out and holds Jimmy tightly, Jimmy cries out on his shoulders. They move apart, their eyes meet for a second and Michael whispers softly to Jimmy (Im sorry, but this is all ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 30 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

I have to offer.) Jimmy closes his eyes; Michael leans in and kisses him. As they kiss, Jimmy goes limp in his arms and desperately tries to hold on to Michael. They break apart and Jimmy sighs slowly between his tears (I love you.) Michael felt his own tears well up but he forced it down, he stands there; he watches Jimmy dry up with a paper towel. Michael apologized that he cant give any more. They hug once more, and deep inside, Jimmy felt his peace. Michael left Jimmys shop; he sat in his car, with both hands on the wheel. He drove a few meters away, and he pulls over. He felt the sadness grow inside him. For the first time in a long while, he wept for no reason whatsoever.

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Chapter Sixteen: Scene: Williams Show Later that day, Michael drove to Christopher Street, he stops and parks along the front of Peters bar. He drums his fingers on the wheel as he waits for Peter to emerge. Peter comes out in proper party attire, which was a V-necked black sweater with a spray of golden red hair spilling out the front of his shirt. He was smiling broadly as he climbed in the front seat and he gives Michael a kiss. They talk about William and how theyve come to know him (Logan, William and me go way back.) They talk about how they all met up in college and the good and bad times they shared being single and gay in college and after. Michael drives on, Peter comments on how sexy he looks in his office attire; he just swats Peters legs playfully and reminds him that all sexy talk would have to be reserved for later tonight. He feels Peters hands start to explore his breast pocket, when Michael asked what he was doing, Peter just smiles devilishly; making his face even more radiant (Im just checking our tickets.) Michael pull over in front of Logans building and checks his watch. Logan comes out and Joseph was leaning on him. Joseph has lost so much weight over the past few weeks. He seemed barely able to stand up. He had one arm over Logans broad shoulders and he seemed to be having a lot of difficulty walking. He forces a smile when they reach the car and they piled themselves into the back seat of Michaels car and they were off to Williams show. On the way, they continue on talking about their good old days. In more than one occasion, a sort of gloom cast itself on the passengers as some memories proved to be quite bittersweet. Michael pulls up and notices a long line of patrons at the club where William was performing in. He bids Logan and Joseph to go out while he and Peter parked the car. In the parking lot, Peter asked him if he has ever told Logan how he felt about him. Michael said no, and Peter said that if he happened to be in Michaels position, he would have told Logan. They get out and they walk towards the door of the club. They were escorted to an empty table right next to Logan and Josephs. Michael noticed that next to Logans table was Jimmy and David, each with a martini, he waves and the two smiled at him. He orders an iced tea, and Peter orders a beer. The lights dimmed. Onstage, William sat on a stool in his boxers, he started his monologue. Coco crept up beside Michael and sat down to watch. William plays one half of a gay couple who found out that his lover was cheating on him, and ultimately he kills his lover. As the monologue carries on, he felt Peters hand on his; he holds his hand, ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 32 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

feeling the warmth of Peters palms in his own. He looks into Peters eyes and he sees such burning passion. He looks over to his side. Joseph was resting his head on Logans broad chest as he watched William onstage. Their chests rose and fell as one. Deeply moved by the words being said onstage, or by the weak and finite sound of his dying lovers breath, Logans eyes began to water. He turns and locks gazes with Michael who was still staring at the sight, and he smiled weakly. The show ends and as the applause rains down on Williams performance, all four of them (Michael, Peter, Logan and Joseph) slipped out and went home.

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Chapter Seventeen: Scene: Jimmy and David after Dark After the show, David and Jimmy went over backstage where William was celebrating with the other two actors in the show and the writer/director. They shared a glass of wine together and David informs William that Michael, Logan and Joseph left because Joseph needed some rest. Coco bursts in with a bouquet of flowers and sets it on Williams dresser. They talk for a while before Jimmy excused himself to get another drink from the bar. David follows him and they sit there, they both ordered martinis and they just sit there without speaking. Jimmy ventured out to tell David that hes finally over Michael. He pours out his emotions how he has now decided not to invest so much emotion in his relationships from this point onwards. David just chides him not to give up hope. He watches swirling patterns in front of him at the bar. He repeats the stuff he and Michael talked about earlier that day (He never gave me the keys to his place, what did I do wrong?). David reassures him that he didnt do anything wrong. In a moment of tenderness (or maybe of inebriation) David tells Jimmy that he was very attractive. Jimmy looked up into Davids eyes, he couldnt believe his ears. Davids gaze snapped back to his martini. He apologized for his statement, sure that it has embarrassed Jimmy, but Jimmy just stared down on his drink once more. Without warning, he paid for his drink and stood to go. David stopped him, holding on to his arm. Jimmy struggles free and leaves the club. Coco comes to the bar and sees Jimmy rushing off. Coco asks David what was going on, and was rudely ignored as David threw some bills on the bar and chased after Jimmy. David caught up with Jimmy a few yards down the road, walking briskly towards the subway station a little distance off. Jimmy just doggedly kept on walking; David sidled next to him and matches him step by step. Neither one of them wanted to start the conversation. They try to start at the same time, and Jimmy starts first (What does God say about people like us? Is it his will to make us suffer like this?) David talks to him soothingly, and they stop under a lamppost and talk face to face. They start walking again, although slower this time. They talk as they walked on, David didnt know what came over him, but he put his arm around Jimmys shoulders. Jimmy felt the new surge of warmth provided by David and he craved for more against the cold New York wind. Jimmy put his arm around Davids warm body as they walked. Their conversation turned to the simpler things, about how lovers turn on each other, how loves lost hurt so much.

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Slowly, without even trying to, their warmth filled their heads and they stopped short of the subway station. Jimmy looked at David and he thanks him for the wonderful talk. They let go of each other. David watches him go down the steps leading to the platform and his mind makes a splitsecond decision. David calls down to Jimmy and asks him if hed want to have a nightcap at his apartment down the road. Jimmy stops and turns around. He decides quickly, he smiles and moves up the steps to David.

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Chapter Eighteen: Scene: Talking Without Sound Michael was investigating the few final details on Peters bar when his phone rang. He answered it, and found a very distraught Logan on the other end. Logan stammered out that hes actually driving Joseph to the hospital. Michael told Logan that hes going to go there as soon as he can. He calls Peter and asks Jeff, his aide, to take over while he and Peter rush off to the hospital to meet with Logan. Upon arriving at the hospital, Michael finds David and William there. They both smile and welcome them. Logan was talking to the doctor down the hall in hushed voices. Michael asks if Jimmy was notified and David says that he was, but hes currently out of town, but will return as soon as he can. Michael looks at David carefully, David blushes somewhat unexpectedly. Logan returns, saying that Joseph might have to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. Logan said that the doctor was quite glad it wasnt kidney failure or something worse. The cancer has spread quite rapidly, eating voraciously into his system. Logans eyes start to water when he told them that its actually only a matter of time before they would have to say goodbye. A somber pallor came over the people present. Peter volunteered to get them all some coffee and hurries off to find a vending machine. Michael guides Logan to a corner and tries to comfort him. Logan was in shock, he stared out into space for some time before sniffling once or twice to steel himself from crying out maniacally. Logan goes into Josephs room, with Michael trailing behind. They look at Joseph, his face almost unrecognizable with all the tubes and oxygen mask protruding from his nose and mouth. Michael and Logan stand there for a while, just watching Joseph. After about five minutes, Joseph eyes slowly open. He focuses on Logan and holds up his hand weakly to hold on to Logans hand resting on the bed rails. Logan smiles and leans in to give Joseph a peck on the cheek (Hello there Gorgeous.). Michael left the two together. He slipped out the door, catching a last glimpse of them holding hands and speaking through love. He returns to find Coco with William, talking to Peter. He looks around and he couldnt find David anywhere. He sits down beside Peter. Peter asks him what was the matter, and he just shrugs it off and they continue to talk. William got up to get more coffee and as he rounded the corner, he sees the familiar black-clad figure of David leaning against the wall, talking on the payphone with ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 36 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

his back turned on the vending machine. William drops some quarters in and was about to call Davids attention when he heard some very incriminating words being said to the other end of the line. William smiles as he pieces it all together. He leans against the vending machine behind David smirking. When David finally hung up and turns around to go back to the waiting room, he almost screams in surprise as he finds William grinning from ear to ear. William sips his coffee and just asks David one thing (So, is Jimmy as good in bed as he is with steaks?) David stares at William mortified and begs that William shouldnt tell anyone. William asks him why he should keep it to himself, and David tells him the only reason he knows that would convince William (Its new, and Id want to see where it might go. I dont want to jinx things.) William searches Davids face for sincerity, and walks back to the waiting room when he found plenty of it.

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Chapter Nineteen: Scene: Davids Waiting Room Jimmy arrives at the hospital still in his travel clothes with a big bouquet of flowers for Joseph. He enters the waiting room to find Michael, Peter, Coco and David there. David stands up immediately upon seeing Jimmy and stammers out his welcome somewhat a little too suspiciously. Coco turns one sleepy gaze on his brother, and wonders why he was acting so nervously around good old Jimmy. Logan comes out of the room and welcomes Jimmy, taking the flowers and showing him in the room. As if by instinct, David gets up and sidles up beside Jimmy. Coco continues to watch his brother going through all his unconscious movements and starts to become suspicious. In the room, Jimmy greets Joseph and kisses him on the forehead. David stands to one corner watching the lights from the window dancing on the far wall. Jimmy talks to Logan for a few moments and he steps out. He asked Michael about the details of Josephs confinement and after a while of bland, nondescript conversations, he stretches out and says that he would get himself some coffee. David follows him out of the waiting room and Coco suddenly shrieks out that David and Jimmy are sleeping with each other. In the hall, Jimmy asks David tenderly how he has been so far, and David just shrugs his shoulders. They reach the vending machine and they start to talk about what happened the other night and what they should do now. This time, it was Jimmy who shrugs his shoulders. Somewhat crestfallen, David goes back into the waiting room. Coco immediately pounced on the opportunity to interrogate David. He starts to ask questions which further darkened Davids mood. Fed up with the incessant queries from an ever agitated Coco, and the mixed stares of Michael and Peter, David lashes out (No one is fuckin no one!) Jimmy enters the room just as David was stomping out. Jimmy chases after David, who was clearing a path with his quick strides. On one occasion, Jimmy caught sight of Davids profile, and he saw a tear rolling down Davids cheek. David leaves the hospital and hails a cab. Jimmy jumps in after him. David just sat there rigid as a statue even after several attempts of Jimmy to ask him what went on in the waiting room. They reach Davids apartment and David still stolidly tread into his apartment and asked Jimmy to close the door.

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By this time, David was as red as a beet. His tears start to flow as he screamed out at Jimmy everything that Coco was saying down at the hospital and why it bothered him so much (And the worst part is, I cant tell him that hes absolutely correct. I cant tell anybody that Im in love. Do you know how hard that is?). Jimmy paced around Davids apartment. He contemplates if this is the situation he wanted to be in at the moment. He just looks at David with pity in his eyes. David slumps down on his La-Z-Boy and covered his face with his hands. Jimmy asks him (What do you want from me?). David looked at Jimmy and says (A chance to be happy, thats all.) Jimmy goes over to David and strokes his hair. He kisses David gently on the mouth and whispers softly in his ears (All right.), and Jimmy starts to undo his shirt buttons one by one. He let his shirt fall to the floor and he feels Davids arms encircle his body. He gets rid of Davids shirt as well, tossing it on the floor. He then lifts David up, as if he weighed less than a pound, and carries him into the bedroomwhere they proceed to orchestrate the start of their life together as lovers.

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Chapter Twenty: Scene: Logans Story Michael wakes up to the harsh sound of his alarm clock. Peter stirs as well beside him, they snuggle for a while, nuzzling each other under the covers. They fall into talking about Michaels circle of friends. Peter laughs at the sheer goofiness of it and Michael laughs along with him. Adding his own thoughts about their friendship, Michael falls into thinking that maybe that was why they were still friends. Peter hugs Michael tightly, and Michael does likewise. Peter asks Michael what they would do that day, and Michael thinks for a moment before saying that he wanted to go check on Joseph first, then they were free to do anything after that. Peter agreed and suggested that they go see a movie after they visit the hospital, he noted that there was a special screening of The Lily Extraordinaire, a French film noir in the 27th street playhouse. Michael steps into the shower and he turns the tap. Peter enters the shower and they start toclean each other up. Michael drives to the hospital with another care package for Logan and Joseph. Logan was now spending his every moment away from his shop in the hospital. He had filed a leave of absence and was now a permanent feature in the hospital, faithfully by Josephs side when he was awake, and haunted the corridors when Joseph sleeps. Logan was asleep, hunched over Josephs bed, when Michael and Peter arrived at the hospital, Michael gently laid the care package on Josephs nightstand when his phone went off and it awakened Logan. Michael made desperate gestures of apologies as he took the call and went outside to get a better reception. Peter was left to talk to Logan. They talk about how he and Joseph met, in Davids church as it were. It touched Peter how much Logan loved Joseph. Logan recounts their entire life together, piecing it together through stories about Josephs quirks and idiosyncrasies, his own weird habits and some stories were just the happy times they shared. Logan also mentioned how much support Michael gave to them both as they were working it out. Peter recognized a slight tinge of similarity between the way Michael talked to him about Logan and the way Logan talked to him about Michael. He noticed bitterness in Logan. At this point, Josephs eyelids fluttered open and he made a small gurgling sound in his throat. Peter saw that he was crying, and Logan encircled him with his arms and softly sang to him to calm him down.

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Michael came back and once again profusely apologized for the distraction. He sees Logan calming Joseph down and Peter by the far wall, looking at Logan and Joseph, utterly fascinated by them. The four of them stayed in their places, like some cosmic game of chess. They stood there and the world around them turned while they stood still.

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Chapter Twenty-one: Scene: The Third Party (Pride Parade) Michael and Peter go out of Josephs room and they find William and Coco in the waiting room with bottles of wine in their hands and disposable cups stuffed in a huge picnic basket. Jimmy and David appear later with platters of tasty finger foods (Ham, Veal and all the little things that add up to a heart attack.). They go in Josephs room and proceeded to make it a lively party. Logan smiled for the first time in a very long time, and they start to reminisce about the good times, and reassured everybody of the good times yet to come. William clears his throat, and began to sing in his rich, melodic baritone. Everybody just sat there transfixed, each of them feeling the powerful meaning of the words. Joseph, at one point squeezed Logans hand. Logan looked at him with tears in his eyes and Joseph smiled. Through it all, they just looked at each other, each trying to speak, one through the feeding tube, the other through the lump in his throat knowing that he would lose the only one he has ever loved. Michael and Peter slipped out of the room. They talk a while about their own relationship, and Michael asks Peter if they should make their relationship official. Peter just shakes his head, knowing that the only real reason behind Michaels actions is his desire for what Logan and Joseph share. Peter kisses Michael deeply but he didnt give him an answer. Peter knows that years of wanting Logan filled Michael with a longing for an ideal relationship, and it has consumed his entire life. Peter led Michael back into the party. Another call interrupted the party, Michael answered it and it turned out to be one of his suppliers, he opened his notebook and began to scribble down some details, a loose page floated down the floor and David picked it up. David looked at the page and read it, his face became pale and he excused himself. The letter still in his hand, David left the room with Jimmy trailing behind him. In the waiting room, David sat down on the couch and he read the letter once more. Jimmy asked him what was the matter, and in response, David handed him the letter. Jimmy took it and read it. He was inwardly furious at the situation, he looked at David severely and asked him (So, where does this leave us?) David just stares at him blankly; it was as if his entire world fell under him. After years of trying to deal with Joseph, he now felt so confused. He loved Jimmy, but the realization of Michael actually being in love with Logan still filled him with such pain. Upon receiving a mute reply from David, Jimmy just muttered (Horseshit!) to himself and barreled through the hallway out into the street. Outside, he hailed a cab and proceeded to pop the cap off a small bottle and he shakes out three pills

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and swallows them in one gulp. He relaxes in the backseat and just tries to forget David through the bitter tears in his eyes. Michael goes out of the room and sees David in shock sitting and staring into the wall. Michael asks where Jimmy is, they were going to go and sing his favorite song. David just stood and collected his coat around him. David looked at Michael one last time before turning around and walking out to go home. Outside, the streets resound with the noise of the Pride Parade.

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Chapter Twenty-two: Scene: Over the Table David rang Jimmys doorbell. Jimmys shop has been closed for three days and David began to worry. Jimmy hasnt been answering his calls or beeps as well. David rang Jimmys doorbell again, this time he hears some movement inside. He hears a click as the deadbolt was unlocked and pulled free. The door opens with a creak, and David sees Jimmys bloodshot eye peek in between the crack and scowl. David pleads to be heard and Jimmy opens the door to let him in with a grunt. David walks in Jimmys apartment. Beer bottles were strewn all over the place and Jimmy just sat down on his La-Z-Boy. David started to clean up; Jimmy stops him and sits him down on the sofa in front of him. He looks at him sternly and asks him (Where do we go from here?). David just sits there, quite unsure what to say, Jimmy tells David that he could just get out of their relationship if he wanted to (We could just end it here, before we get deeper into this mess.). David stammered out his apologies, and Jimmy just shrugged his shoulders. He reaches over to his coffee table and takes a bottle of pills into his hand. He takes three and reclines his chair, he turns one sleepy eye on David (Go home, leave me alone.). David watches him and gets up to leave. Before he goes, Jimmy asks him one final question (Did I make you happy? Even for just a moment, did I make you happy?). David turns around and sees that Jimmy was crying, he goes over and holds him close to his chest. He sincerely said sorry one more time before letting Jimmy bury his face in his cardigan sweater. They separate, and let a moment pass between them before they share an intimate embrace on the chair. Later, Jimmys eyes begin to droop, and he started to snore. David took a blanket from Jimmys bed and tucked it over Jimmy. David went around cleaning up. He took all the beer bottles and empty trays of TV dinners lying around and he put on some easy listening music from Jimmys record collection. He washed the dishes in the sink and he cleaned up the living room where Jimmy seemed to have spent three whole days in. Every time he passes Jimmy, David feels a warmth scatter deep within him. And as Jimmy snored and slept, David started to bring out some food from the freezer. Jimmy woke up, and it was already dark out, he looked around him and was pleasantly surprised that it was virtually spotless. His eyes wandered along and landed on the coffee table where a splendid meal of filet mignon and mashed potatoes was laid out in candlelight. David reappears, in a fresh brown shirt with two wineglasses and a bottle of merlot. Jimmy sits up and holds the blanket in his ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 44 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

hands. He feels the material of the fabric between his fingers and smiles at David. David kneels across Jimmy and pours him a glass of wine. Jimmy smiles (I really appreciate this. You didnt have to.), and David just puts a hand on Jimmys own. Jimmy slips uneasily to the floor and David starts to tell him about recent things that happened in the hospital. Jimmy tensed up when talk turned to Michael, but David just passed through issues that involved Michael. Jimmy wanted closure, so he finally asked David if this is what he really wanted. David just leaned over the table and kissed Jimmy.

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Chapter Twenty-three: Scene: Josephs Farewell Michael bit into a chocolate bar as he talked with one of his suppliers over his mobile phone. He looked around Peters almost finished bar and he congratulates himself. He goes through all the details and he creeps up behind Peter. Peter holds on to his arm as they just look at the soft glow of the bar. Peter informs him when the opening will be, and they go and leave through the side door. In the alley, Peter suggests that they go and have dinner out that night. Michael just shook his head (I kinda feel like I want us to spend the night in.). Peter agrees and smiles mischievously. They get into Michaels car and they drive on home. They get home and Michael screens his calls. One was from Logan, telling him about how Joseph was doing, and another was from Seth. Seth seemed particularly excited about something and he wanted Michael to call as soon as possible. Michael picked up the phone and dialed the foundation. He got to talk to Seth, and was surprised to hear that he was given a chance to train in Detroit for a year. Michael had mixed feelings about it all and just consoled himself with the fact that this was what Seth really wanted to do. They hang up. Peter takes a tub of ice cream out of the freezer and settles himself on the couch in front of the television. He holds out his hand to Michael. Michael sat down beside Peter and tries to concentrate on the movie on TV. Peter snuggles close and they talk about how things are, what they should be planning for in the future. Peter suggests a trip to France or Italy for the summer, Michael agrees. Michael feels that maybe a change of atmosphere would do everyone good. Michael felt as if something isnt right, as if something was coming and he couldnt quite put his finger on it. The phone rang, and Michael reached over and answered it. It was Logan; his voice seemed to belong to another person. Michaels stomach felt as if it was deflated. He put down the phone and Peter asked him what was going on. Michael just stood and grabbed his coat and keys. Peter, sensing something really serious, grabbed his own coat and followed Michael out the door into the car. Neither one of them said anything on the drive to the hospital, but Peter knew that this particular visit would be their last. Logan was there in Josephs room holding on to Josephs limp hand. The monitors have been removed, as well as his feeding tube. Joseph lay there, eyes closed, looking peaceful and content. His white buzz-cut hair shone silver in the light of his room. Logan was sitting, hunched over and crying very quietly. Michael approached him and held him in his arms. Logan let go of Josephs hand and cried out like a half-crazed animal into Michaels chest. Logan clung on to ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 46 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

Michael tightly, not wanting to let go. Michael let a few tears fall as he looked at the body lying down on the bed just a few feet from him. Michael said a little prayer for Joseph, as he continually tried to calm Logan down. Peter watched everything unfold before his eyes and he slowly came to realize everything that has been going on. Peter smiled to himself as he pieced it all together, inasmuch as it hurt him, he knew where he stands. He silently opened the door, went out, and he closed the door behind him.

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Chapter Twenty-four: Scene: A Funeral for a Lover Logan was standing over Josephs casket. He placed his hand on the edge of it. He has exhausted his tears over the past few days. He felt tired, he hadnt had much sleep. The dark circles under his eyes matched his black suit. Logan left Josephs side and he sat down on the first pew. Jimmy was there, snacking on some cookies he brought along. David was preparing to officiate the service in one corner. Jimmy offered Logan a cookie, Logan declined, saying that he wasnt hungry. Logan looked at David; he turned and asked Jimmy if they were happy together. Jimmy sighed, and said that they were. Logan smiled weakly, saying that he was so happy for them. Jimmy saw a tear forming in Logans eye, Jimmy told Logan again how sorry he was for his loss. Logan thanked him and sniffed as memories of Joseph swept in through his mind once more, as moments of silence usually bring back all the memories of the deceased. Michael arrives with Peter a few minutes later, both in somber black suits as well. Logan motioned for them to join him at the first pew. They all sit down together and Michael asks Logan how he was holding up, Logan just says hes doing fine. David starts the service, and after which Logan was asked to say a few words (Logans Eulogy). After Logans eulogy, Michael and Peter excused themselves. Logan asked if he could have a moment alone with Michael and Peter went on ahead to start the car. Logan thanked Michael for all his help in the past seven years. They share a tender moment together. Then Michael pulled away, something in him was slowly resurrecting the old flame still smoldering within him. Michael walked away and sat in the car with Peter. Peter let the engine coast a little bit before driving out of the parking lot. Peter asks Michael if anything was bothering him, and Michael asks Peter if he was happy with what they have now. Peter says that he is happy as long as Michael is, with a hint of sadness in his voice; Peter tells Michael his story about a guy he loved so much who died of AIDS. But Peter was never able to tell him that he loved him. Michael was silent the entire drive home. Peter pulled up on the driveway and they sat in the car. Peter asks Michael about Seths impending departure, and Michael just shrugs his shoulders. Peter gives up and goes into the house. Michael follows Peter into the house and starts to apologize, but Peter would hear none of it. Peter goes into the shower and starts to undress. Michael follows and sits at ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 48 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

the toilet talking to Peter. Michael confesses that he is a little upset over Seth and his leaving New York. Michael also alluded to the fact that Josephs death has also been a severe blow to him; them being friends for the longest time. As Peter keeps on showering, Michael undresses and steps into the shower with Peter. Michael starts to soap Peters back and they end up making love in the shower. After their shower, Peter goes into the bedroom as Michael remained behind and he soaked under the water for a few more minutes. The feelings he has for Logan now reared its ugly head. He felt the water creep all over his body and he thought about his next move.

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Chapter Twenty-five: Scene: Fireworks at the Cemetery David stood in the middle of the cemetery holding a bible in his open palms. David felt the heat of the morning sun on his face. Everybody was gathered there, Logan, Michael, Peter, Jimmy, Logan, William and Coco. As well as some close friends of Joseph. As Logan flung a few handfuls of earth at the lowered casket, he struggles to remain composed. Failing utterly, Logan sank to the earth on his knees and tore his shirt and beat his chest in agony. Michael was surprised at his expression of mourning and he remembers that Logan was born into a conservative Jewish family. Michael watches as Logan dug his fingers into the ground and he flung more and more earth into the pit where Joseph now lies. Jimmy and William help him to his feet and they supported him on both sides, his sniffling sobs still racking his huge frame, making him shake like a leaf as David chants the last part of the service. After the rest of the guests filtered out of the cemetery, Logan sat on a squat tombstone and just watched the bulldozers dump the rest of the soil back into the ominous hole. Michael stood by him silently watching the cemetery workers tamp the loose earth down with their rakes. Michael asked if Logan had a ride home and Logan was not answering. Michael took Logans arm and led him to the car. Peter watched from Michaels car and he sat on the drivers seat and drove home. During the drive to Logans house, Michael dials Peters mobile phone. Peter answers and Michael tells him that hes just driving Logan home and Michael apologizes about not being able to help with dinner (Ill be home in an hour or so.) Peter gives his affirmative and hangs up. Michael drives up in front of Logans Laundromat and helps Logan out of the Jeep. They go up the steep flight of stairs and end up in front of Logans door. Logan slides the key in the deadbolt and turns the knob. Logan walks in like a zombie and he goes to the kitchen. He asks Michael if he would like a beer and Michael said yes. They drink a while in the couch, talking about Joseph and all the wonderful memories they all shared as friends. Michael drinks in every word that Logan says and he feels a stray movement of Logans hairy arm against his own and he shudders at the feeling that suddenly bubbled inside. Logan gazed at him with a pleading look and they share an intimate, albeit unexpected kiss. Michael finds himself swept away by the sheer force of the moment and at once clothes are flying in all directions and passions that were repressed and boiling within them exploded into a dazzling display of fireworks.

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Michael found himself in Logans embrace, the effulgence of their misguided adventure around them and he felt so guilty. Logan was weeping and he held Michael so close to his chest that Michael could swear their hearts beat in time (Im so sorry. I miss him so much.). Michael stood up and dressed himself. With one last look at Logan, he turned around and left. Michael arrived home and found Peter waiting for him in the living room. There were two suitcases at Peters feet. Michael asked him what was going on, and Peter just shook his head and there were tears in his eyes. Michael tried to explain that he needed Peter, and that he shouldnt make such hasty decisions. Peter just told him that he would come back for the rest of his stuff in the morning. Michael held on to Peters arm as he was about to leave through the front door and desperately asks what he needed to do to make him stay. Peter looked him in the eye and said (I have always known that one day this will all be over. As I have told you before, I have always tried to make you happy.), Michael still protested and finally with a tear rolling down his cheek Peter said his last farewell to Michael (Never settle for anything less than ideal. No substitutes, no second bests. That is the rule of thumb in our kind of love. Goodbye Michael, I wish you only the best.) . With that, Peter left.

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Chapter Twenty-six: Scene: Michael Alone Jimmy and David stood outside Michaels door, they knock and Michael, obviously still without sleep, opens the door and lets them in. They take a look around and they sit down. Michael was obviously upset and he was pacing around the living room floor. Michael told David and Jimmy everything that happened between him and Logan, and how Peter left him. David and Jimmy just looked at him and listened. David ventured out that maybe the best way to go about it is to finally confront Logan and Peter and try to make peace with the both of them. Michael continues to dial Peters mobile phone as he paced around. Jimmy stands up and gets three beers from Michaels refrigerator and returns. Jimmy hands one to David and sets one down in front of Michael. Michael looks up as another person walks in the room. Logan took the hat off his head and started to twist it between his broad-fingered hands. Logan asked if Michael had a minute. David and Jimmy snuck out and Logan stood in the middle of the living room looking straight at Michael. Michael resisted the first impulse he felt bubbling inside him and just ventured out a timid hello. Logan looked extremely uncomfortable as well. Logan was still wringing his beret between his hands and he apologized for everything he has caused. Michael just sighed and slumped down on his recliner. Logan sat down on his coffee table in front of him. Logan and Michael talk about what they should do now. Michael asks Logan if that night was purely because of the loneliness he felt. Logan couldnt answer Michael. Michael just shook his head and apologized for his question. Logan placed a hand on Michaels knee and told him that he was sorry for not being able to say for certain. Logan told Michael that he was sorry for the past twenty-three years. Michael asked him why, and Logan tells him that Peter went to his apartment that night and told him all about Michaels feelings for him. Logan apologized for not being able to see that. Michael just kept silent. Logan stood up and put the mangled beret on top of his head; Michael suddenly stood up and slapped his forehead (Seths leaving for Detroit today.). Logan looked at Michael again, and asked him (Just one last question before I go Was there ever a time when you came so close to telling me that you loved me?) And to that, Michael answered (Every time I saw you I dreamt of telling you But every time I saw how you looked at Joseph, how much the two of you were in love, I just couldnt bring myself to wreck something that beautiful.). At the airport, Michael rushed through the waiting areas and saw that Seth was already in line to board the plane. Michael rushed to his side and hugged him. Seth looked at him and shook his hand. No words were exchanged between Michael and Seth, ArcherBearHunter Ltd. Our Kind of Love Page 52 10/22/2012 Gutierrez, Ramon Conrado

but somehow, they both knew how much it meant. As Seth disappeared into the tunnel leading to the plane, Michael felt a part of him live once more. Michael felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Michael turned around and was greeted by Peters weak grin. Peter ran his fingers through Michaels beard. Michael smelled Peters aftershave, and it hurt him that that may be the last time he would smell it. With tears in his eyes, Michael looked at Peter and slowly mouthed the words Im sorry. Peter wiped a stray tear from his eye and he just kissed Michael gently on the lips and he whispered (Its all right. Ill be fine.), into Michaels ear. With that, Peter flashed Michael one of his million-dollar-smiles and walked away.

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Chapter Twenty-seven: Scene: Crossroads Michael climbed out of his car into the harsh sunlight. He rummaged in his backseat and fished out a basket of flowers. Michael trudged up a small hill and walked up to one particular tombstone. Logan was there, standing in front of it as well. Michael took off his sunglasses and he set down the flowers at the foot of the gravestone. Michael and Logan stood there, silent and unmoving. Logan ventured out that he had a secret to tell as well. Michael laughed and shook his head. Logan asked him why and Michael said that he already knew what Logan was going to say (I know what it is, and please dont tell me because you feel obligated to with everything that happened.) Logan kept quiet and just stared at the gravestone. He reminisced that Joseph always told him that he and Michael looked good together. Logan faced Michael and he said that he loved him as well (Its as if I always knew but I never realized it until now). Michael looked into Logans eyes and asked him if he was absolutely certain that that was what he wanted. Logan shifted his eyes and said that it was. Michael put on his sunglasses on again and walked towards his car. Along the way he felt his tears sting his eyes. Logan followed him close behind. Logan snapped at him and demanded that he face him. Michael looked at him coolly, taking every ounce of his self-control. Michael just stood and faced him. Michael ran his fingers through Logans beard. Michael watched Logans surprise when he said that hed be going away for a while. Logan started to plead with Michael to stay, but was silenced when Michael told him his reasons (I want to know for certain, I want to know if this is real, this thing between us.). Logan shook his head sadly and he asked where he was going. Michael just shrugged his shoulders (Ill know when I get there.). Logan still tried to make Michael change his mind, but Michael was firm in his decision. Logan finally gave up and told Michael (Be careful okay Ill be waiting for you, so you better come back real soon.) Michael nodded got in his car. Michael took one last look at Logan and he drove away. Logan climbed into his truck and started the engine, he looked at himself in his rearview mirror and he wiped his wet cheeks with his hanky. Logan opens the glove compartment and took out a small white envelope with Michaels name written on the backside. Logan holds it in his hands for a moment, and he stuffs it back in his glove compartment and drives home.

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Chapter Twenty-eight: Scene: Two Weeks Later William looked at his wristwatch. The prompter said that Michaels plane has landed and most of the passengers have filtered through the gate. William looked at his watch once more and tapped it to see if it was working. He turned around to look outside the window of the bustling airport. The stars above seemed to burn brighter now than ever before, William thought. William felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked behind him into Michaels bright eyes. They hugged for a while and William remarked at how two weeks in Acapulco did Michael a world of good. Judging from the slight reddish tone in Michaels usually pale skin and the overall robust quality which Michael now so gloriously displayed, William smiled to himself. Michael asked where Coco was, and William told him that the rest of the group now hangs around in a new place. Totally new and was half dedicated to them. Michael was intrigued at what William was saying. William grabbed hold of Michaels luggage and started to pull it towards the valet. In the car, William told Michael everything that has been happening since he had been gone. William told Michael about David and Jimmys relationship, how they have been hitting it off. William also told him about his new show he was doing, which also stars Coco as a support character. William went on and on, without touching any topic remotely connected to Logan. Michael finally mustered the courage to ask about Logan. William smiled, and told Michael that he was in no position to say anything, just the fact that Logan was waiting for him (Dont worry; hes been a very good bear.). They pull up into Christopher Street and they stop in front of Peters place. Michael looked at it and hesitated to get out of the car. William let his engine die and held Michaels hand (It is scary, I know. But there is a man in there who has been rehearsing his lines on me for ten fucking days. He needs someone new to drive insane.) Michael, as if in a dream, got out of the car and went inside the heavy wooden doors into Peters club. There were plenty of people inside, but Michael didnt see them, his eyes were only focused on a man hunched over the bar. He went up to Logan and whispered in his ear (Hello there Gorgeous.). Logan looked up and smiled. They fall into talking about his trip. Logan held up the small white envelope and Michael tore it open. He took the folded sheet of paper and read the few sentences written on it. He tossed it aside and kissed Logan tenderly.

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Jimmy and David appeared moments later as well as William and Coco. Peter weaved in and out of the people on the dance floor and he smiled at Michael (Got room for one more?) Michael held up his drink to Peter as he approached. Michael hugged Peter tightly, and he thanked Peter for everything. Peter just gave him a buss on his cheek and he proceeded to melt in the crowd. Michael felt two strong arms encircle him from the back and a series of furry, snuffly kisses led up from his nape to his cheek and he saw Coco and William disappear into the crowd as well. Michael turned around and faced Logan: he looked into Logans deep set eyes and in the corner of his eye, he saw David and Jimmy fade away into nothing. Logan smiled at Michael, his teeth shining like pearls (Why are you looking at me like that?) Michael smiled at him too and said (Shut up and kiss me.) And that was exactly what Logan did.


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