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Alburnum of The Green and Living Tree

Lara Candland

BlazeVOX [books]
Buffalo, New York

Alburnum of The Green and Living Tree by Lara Candland Copyright 2010 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza Front cover art: The Sleeping Fairy by Alice Dubiel First Edition ISBN: 9781935402893 Library of Congress Control Number 2009941037 BlazeVOX [books] 303 Bedford Ave Buffalo, NY 14216

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late june i wear dotted swiss to the wedding the brides bouquet composed of many blooms the only important flower the childs pinky the lily-of-the-valley * my dress has a lamb-chop sleeve the fabric green paler than lime chiffon yellower than sea truer than moss more soothing than a mother if i can find a word that says green i will never write





The tantivy of wild pigeons, flying by twos and threes athwart my view, or perching restless on the white-pine boughs behind my house, gives voice to the air. From Sounds in Walden
the train passes hum hum whistle cattail and reed by utah lake and june suckers kiss the under-skin of the water and their kisses ride the whistle through town west to east summer to fall and the birds dive to catch kisses and their dives voice the air and the train winds and the rain starts and the cars all seem happy and and and our gulls restless among cattails our gulls and our pheasant our valley far from other valleys holds the song

swan swan hummingbird east to west a pleasant way on the winding train due north cutting a hum through this air


rousseau in trees


rousseau: in spite of men i shall still enjoy the charms of company, and in my decrepitude i shall live with my earlier self as i might with a younger friend me: myrtles giant willow is my friend and the willow at magnuson park i have not seen her for seven years even the pines of takesago


two rousseau: to decorate truth with fables is in fact to disfigure it me: i want to think of a clever word and i feel obligated to tell: my intention was to provide a clever word here _____________________.


three rousseau: little hardships are easier to endure when the heart is better treated than the body me: the orange tree in mesa with the very long arms was my best friend i made my home there and slept on the longest branch and swept the leaves from the floor beneath her into a smooth cool marble * a snake came to live there and that time passed * who, then, will I make my true friend? * and and and orange que willow que pine que locust que


rousseau: it is exactly fifty years since i first met madame de warens. . . me: yes


five rousseau: i used to enjoy living in society when i saw only friendship in all eyes me: i went to the temple in the grove to look for my friend poor dido was dead pious aeneas was gone myrtle and elm and locust and cherry and right now these words speak of my true friends who have leaves: rhomboidalis (diamond) cordata (heart) ovata (oval) 0 hastata (spear)


scarlet maple The north wind had already begun to cool the pond, though it took many weeks of steady blowing to accomplish it, it is so deep. from House Warming in Walden evening cold on the mountain clouds hold over the valley blue seeps in at mt. nebo edges utah lake * we begin to cool our cooling will take many weeks * we begin to inhabit our holes for warmth * the rabbit turns white deer swarm the field at the end of locust lane * children roll pumpkins across the lawn deer come down from the mountain

to eat shadows play at evening about the rafters * the cooling wind lets us sleep


des esseintes encrusts a gem bouquet on the back of a tortoise: au rebors abridged No. 1 to do things with color: he finally decided on a series of stones the mahogany-red hyacinth of compostella followed by the sea-green aquamarine the vinegar pink balas ruby by the pale slate coloured sudermania ruby
No. 2 me. No. 3 this primitive system is what we have: a bouquet made up with gems of a strong and definite green asparagus green chysoberyls leek-green peridots olive-green olivines and these sprang from twigs of almandine and uvarovite of a purplish red, which threw out flashes of harsh, brilliant light like the scales of tartar

that glitter on the insides of wine casks No. 4 my world is a sonnet in huysmans house you can me there No. 5 but he absolutely refused to consider: the oriental turquoise which is used for brooches and rings and which together with the banal pearl and the odious coral forms the delight of the common herd No. 6 it rains handfuls of slush the grass is peridot and chrisoberyl and a little jade in our strange weather these gems are stolen

we enter each weather new do you love me you never +ed i asked you to forgive me once more do you love me the grass says yes please say yes please say yes too the blue water sinks low and goes

to sleep to wake and sparkle again only at daybreak


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