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8 œ theSun | THURSDAY JANUARY 22 2009

news without borders

Scare as Kennedy collapses
at President’s lunch
Obama gets
work after
WASHINGTON: US Senator Edward Kennedy,
who is suffering from brain cancer, had a sei-
zure on Tuesday during an inaugural lunch for
President Barack Obama at the US Capitol and
will spend the night in hospital. The veteran
senator, 76, the last surviving brother of late
president John F. Kennedy, was taken out of
the lunch on a stretcher and was seen being WASHINGTON: Barack Obama yesterday started
loaded into an ambulance. the job of hauling his crisis-weary nation out of
Doctors later issued a statement, saying its “winter of hardship” by settling into the Oval
that after they gave Kennedy a battery of tests, Office, a day after his historic inauguration as the
it appeared the incident had been caused by United States’ first black president.
fatigue. – AFP After a late night waltzing with wife Michelle at
glitzy inaugural balls, the rookie president was set
to take aim at his top military and economic chal-
Singapore opposition leader lenges, in the hope of getting his administration
appeals to US on rights off to a fast start.
SINGAPORE: The leader of a Singapore op- Key White House staff members were also set
position party, jailed numerous times for to pour into the presidential mansion, with the
defying local protest laws and for other of- weight of financial and foreign policy threats sud-
fences, has posted a video message asking denly resting on their shoulders.
for President Barack Obama’s support. Obama was due to spend the first part of his
Chee Soon Juan, secretary-general of day seeking divine blessing for his presidency at a
the Singapore Democratic Party, posted traditional prayer service at Washington’s National
his “message to President Obama” on the Cathedral.
video sharing website YouTube, where he Then he was expected to call in his top eco-
called Obama’s Tuesday inauguration “an nomic lieutenants to start the task of repairing
occasion of great moment.” the ruptured US economy and shepherd a huge
Chee expressed hope that the United US$825 billion (RM2.9 trillion) stimulus through
States “will pay more attention to the the US Congress.
human rights abuses of the Singapore In a sign of the tough task ahead, the Dow
government and take positive steps to help Jones Industrials Average plummeted 4% on
Singapore join the community of democra- Obama’s first day in office yesterday as investors
cies.” – AFP were spooked by deep problems in the banking
Obama was also expected to meet his top mili-
China state media nervous tary leaders to fulfil a campaign promise – telling
on Obama, praises Bush the generals to formulate a plan to get US troops
BEIJING: China’s state-run media expressed out of Iraq, and reorienting military efforts towards
nervousness yesterday over the future of rela- the war in Afghanistan.
tions with the United States under President Yesterday, Obama claimed his place in history
Barack Obama, as it paid tribute to George W. as the first African-American president of a na-
Bush. The most precious legacy of Bush’s eight tion stained by the legacies of slavery and racial
years in power were the stabilising of Sino-US segregation, and told Americans they have to pull
relations, according to an editorial in the Eng- together to pick their way out of raging storms.
lish-language China Daily – a vehicle for the “We have chosen hope over fear, unity of pur-
government to air views to a foreign audience. pose over conflict and discord,” Obama, 47, said
“Given the popular American eagerness for in a sombre inaugural address to a stunning two
a break from the Bush years, many wonder, or million-strong crowd which took sharp issue with
worry to be precise, whether the new presi- the two-term Republican presidency of George
dent would ignore the hard-earned progress W. Bush.
in bilateral ties,” the editorial said. “Today I say to you that the challenges we face
“After decades of dramatic ups and downs, are real, they are serious and they are many.
the once volatile relations are just beginning to “They will not be met easily, or in a short span
show signs of stabilising.” – AFP of time. But know this, America – they will be
The former Illinois senator took office amidst
Inauguration ‘a great the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, with
moment’: Rudd tens of thousands of US troops locked in Iraq and

SYDNEY: Australian Prime Minister Kevin Afghanistan and a nuclear showdown with Iran
Rudd yesterday described Barack Obama’s set to hit boiling point.
inauguration as a great mo- Obama and

President’s request suspends Guantanamo trial

ment for the United States Michelle
and the world, saying the new dance during
president’s message of hope the Southern
resonated around the globe. Ball in GUANTANAMO BAY (Cuba): A military tanamo “war on terror” prison camp. Obama has vowed to close the prison
“This is a great moment, not Washington, judge yesterday ordered the suspension of “In the interests of justice, and at the on a US naval base in Cuba, which has
just for the people of America, DC yesterday. the trial of a Canadian held at Guantanamo direction of the president of the United become a symbol of US excesses around
but for all people around the Bay, in what could be the first step toward States and the secretary of defence, the the world.
world that believe in democ- closing the controversial prison. government respectfully requests the Obama issued the order requesting
racy, who believe in freedom The judge agreed to a request by Presi- military commission grant a continuance a suspension of the trials with pre-trial
and who believe in progress,” dent Barack Obama to suspend, for 120 of the proceedings,” prosecution docu- procedures already well underway.
Rudd told reporters in Sydney. “President days, the trial of Omar Khadr for allegedly ments said. The suspensions would “permit the
Obama’s message of hope is a message that killing a US soldier in Afghanistan. Judge Patrick Parrish, who is oversee- newly inaugurated president and his ad-
resonates not just across the continent of Khadr was arrested at the age of 15 and ing the case of Khadr, agreed. ministration time to review the military
the United States, but across Australia and transferred to the US war-on-terror prison “The defence did not oppose the motion commissions process, generally, and the
across the globe.” – AFP camp on Cuba’s parched southeast coast. and the judge has granted the motion,” cases currently pending before military
Late Tuesday, Obama made a swift spokesman Jo Dellavedova told reporters. commissions, specifically,” the docu-
break with the previous administration Another military judge was to consider ment from prosecutor Clayton Trivett
Obama city in Japan and ordered prosecutors to seek a sus- the cases of five alleged plotters of the said, adding the halt should take effect
celebrates with bells, dancing pension of military trials at the Guan- September 11, 2001 attacks. until May 20. – AFP
TOKYO: Temple bells rang out and women danced
gleefully in the Japanese port city of Obama as its
accidental namesake claimed his place in history
as America’s first black president.
As a tribute to Hawaii, Barack Obama’s
South African air crew bailed after drug find
state of birth, the city’s hula dancers, who call LONDON: The crew of a South African After questioning, the crew members Service) Crime Intelligence Unit,” SAA said
themselves the Obama girls, braved chilly tem- Airways (SAA) plane, who were arrested were all released without charge on uncon- in a statement.
peratures to perform. Residents of the small after drugs were found in baggage at Lon- ditional bail pending further inquiries, British Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
central city of 32,000 people – Obama means Is Obama don’s Heathrow airport, were freed on bail customs officials said. (HMRC) spokesman Bob Gaiger underlined
“small shore” in Japanese – hope the new US ready for yesterday, British customs said. They are due to report back to investiga- how seriously British customs take such
president will one day pay them a visit. The 10 women and five men, including tors at Heathrow police station on March cases.
“I am very happy as the mayor of the city change? three pilots, were held after arriving on a 23. “HMRC, together with UK Borders
which shares the name Obama and as a citizen pg 14 flight from Johannesburg on Tuesday. SAA, owned by the South African govern- Agency, play a vital role in the fight to pre-
of Obama,” Mayor Koji Matsuzaki said. Officers seized 50kg of cannabis, worth ment, said it was cooperating fully with the vent illegal drugs from entering the United
It was Obama himself who first drew attention about £150,000 (RM786,000), and 4kg of British authorities. Kingdom and in protecting our communi-
to the connection. He told Japan’s TBS network cocaine with an estimated street value of “The airline has also launched an investi- ties from the violence and corruption that
in 2006 that, when he flew into Japan, a passport £160,000 (RM838,400), in three pieces of gation into this matter involving SAA Aviation always accompany this hideous trade,” he
control officer said he was from Obama. – AFP luggage that had arrived on the flight. Security and the SAPS (South African Police said. – Agencies

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