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theSun | THURSDAY JANUARY 22 2009 15


No mistaking who’s the boss

A JOURNALIST from India curiosity about how grown. There was no more guidelines would be severely
once likened the civil service the civil service in soft talk. Speaking firmly, with dealt with. He spoke of a few
there to a camel walking along the affected states a tone that was commanding elements in the government
a desert; it keeps on moving, would now operate yet respectful, he left no stone who were attempting to “dis-
slowly but surely, no matter under parties like unturned in touching upon turb” the administration, even
if the mahout that rides on it the DAP and PKR, sensitive issues that took many as far as hinting of sabotage. He
changes. The camel simply hitherto known by surprise. spoke about removing percep-
adapts, perhaps changing its only for their op- tions of Chinese and Malay
pace or direction, as the new position work. This racial differences.
mahout directs it to do. was particularly so One could see Guan Eng had
On March 8 last year, peo- TheNutmeg in Penang. And last Right from the start of no qualms to publicly delve on
ple could have been forgiven Verses week, the public got his leadership, Guan territory that would normally
for wondering how on earth by Himanshu Bhatt a pretty good show- Eng, who is also the be considered “sensitive”.
Malaysia ’s own camels would ing of exactly who is DAP secretary-general, It was a fearsome public
adjust to their new mahouts. now in charge. tone – with due respect to the
For half a century, the civil servants in The big indication came
had taken great pains previous state government
Peninsular Malaysia, with the exception when Chief Minister Lim Guan to gain the confidence – that his predecessor Tan Sri
of those in Kelantan and Terengganu, Eng spoke at a special gather- of the civil servants. Dr Koh Tsu Koon could not
had known only one master and su- ing of a few hundred govern- For example, staff have been imagined to as-
preme mahout – the Barisan Nasional. ment servants under his sway. who had served under sume.
It was therefore a subject of immense Right from the start of his In fact, as the officers shuf-
leadership, Guan Eng, who is former state executive fled back to work after Guan
also the DAP secretary-general, councillors were Eng’s address, one senior
had taken great pains to gain retained instead of being civil servant confidentially
the confidence of the civil replaced. There was remarked that Penang had not
servants. For example, staff seen this sort of stern authority
generally an attempt to
a solution who had served under former
state executive councillors
were retained instead of being
placate apprehensions
among the officers so
since the days of Tun Dr Lim
Chong Eu.
For Chong Eu, who served
The time taken for a journey to the East replaced. There was generally used to a conservative as chief minister from the late
Coast of Peninsular Malaysia is another an attempt to placate appre- style of taking orders sixties till 1990, was a giant
thing to be considered. hensions among the officers so who brooked no inefficiency
Although research by the Road Safety used to a conservative style of from the BN. and absolutely no nonsense.
Department and the Malaysian Institute taking orders from the BN. There are still tales going
of Road Safety might throw more light on The issue of making gov- around of how he reduced to
the issue, one has to put on the thinking ernment servants quickly ad- From hitting on racism to ashes anyone – whether in
cap and imagine the catastrophic state just, while gaining trust in the warning against corruption, the executive council or the
of affairs arising from the banning of new political leadership, had Guan Eng spoke with a sharp various departments – whose
vehicles from the roads, not for just six become a key priority for Guan style of leadership that Penang performance he was dissatis-
hours but a whole 11 out of 24 hours Eng’s administration. has not seen for a long time. He fied with.
in a day, before coming up with such a For the civil service had for sermonised like a headmaster, Perhaps it was Guan Eng’s
proposal. decades become so grafted to even as he cajoled and encour- way of making a point to indi-
I bet that there will be more accidents the BN, with all its policies and aged like a counsellor. cate to the world that, for now
taking place in the 13 hours allocated, style of administration. The no- At one point, Guan Eng told at least, exactly how much he
travel time to east coast not included, tion of suddenly serving under the workers gathered there in is in power.
than the six hours between midnight and a different ideology took some a pointed, no-nonsense man-
six in the morning. getting used to. ner that he would not tolerate
Last week, Guan Eng finally any racism or corruption in Himanshu is theSun’s Penang
P. Paranthaman demonstrated how his leader- the state’s administration. bureau chief. Comments: let-
Shah Alam ship in the government had Anyone found breaching these

for change?
is the most explosive region in the and 800 allied troops. ministrations who saw Israel’s role Obama’s message of change and
world and Israel’s savage attack Besides the cost in human lives, as the American “policeman” in the hope, his youth and his eloquence
on the defenceless people of Gaza American tax payers had wasted Middle East to keep troublesome are resonating with people across
has sent tens of thousands of angry US$3 trillion (RM10.8 trillion) to sup- Arab regimes in line, the pro-Israel the world.
anti-war demonstrators on to the port the wars in the Middle East and advisers with Obama would be more The time is right for a leader of
streets in cities across the world. Afghanistan since 2003. inclined to pursue the ultimate goal change as great events are unfold-
Osama and al-Qaeda are not For Israel, in 2007 alone, the US – Arab recognition of Israel’s right of ing across the world, with the crash
the causes of the conflicts in the gave US$2.5 billion (RM9 billion). The existence within secured borders. of the US financial system roiling
Middle East. They were born from same year, the Palestinians received Obama’s officials, like Emanuel, the global economy; with the wars
the region’s wars and terror. They US$109 million are Israeli patriots. in the Middle East and Afghanistan
are pustules of an inflamed region (RM392.9 million) The time is right That is why they destabilising global politics by set-
stretching from Palestine through from the US. retain Israeli citi- ting the Islamic world against the
Iraq to Afghanistan. W h e t h e r for a leader of zenship. Israel’s Christian West. Greatness awaits
The US should have listened Americans like change as great events long-term survival Obama if he succeeds in leading
when former British prime minister it or not, each are unfolding across as a viable nation and shaping the events to change
Tony Blair told Congress in July 2003 and every one of the world ... Greatness at peace with its the world. That change should begin
– four months after the US-British them is directly neighbours would with dropping the Bush era’s policy
invasion of Iraq – that “terrorism will connected to the
awaits Obama if he be uppermost of unilateralism and embracing
not be defeated without peace in Israeli-Palestinian succeeds in leading on their minds multilateralism in resolving global
the Middle East between Israel and conflict. And all and shaping the events rather than using problems.
Palestine. Here it is that the poison of them are im- to change the world. the Jewish state The reality of global collaboration
is incubated.” perilled by Israel’s That change should solely to serve has been acknowledged by Obama’s
That poison has been extremely ruthless aggres- the hegemonic incoming Secretary of State, Hillary
deadly, and attacked a large area of sion. It is time for begin with dropping interests of the US Clinton, who said “America cannot
the planet. Since the Israeli war of the US to listen the Bush era’s policy government and solve the most pressing problems
independence that began in 1947 harder to voices of unilateralism to fight America’s on our own but the world cannot
until the present, more than 63,000 like Blair’s that and embracing wars in the Mid- solve them without America”. If that
people have been killed in Israeli- the achievement dle East. is the new principle of the Obama
Arab conflicts – 40,000 Arabs and of stability, peace
multilateralism ... In Obama’s administration’s foreign policy, then
22,000 Israelis. and security of presidency, the he must begin the search for peace
The invasion and occupation of the Middle East must begin with US has a golden opportunity to in the Middle East by working with
Iraq by US-led forces was largely resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian start anew in the quest for peace in all the stakeholders – which include
aimed at removing the perceived conflict. the Middle East and to change the Iran and Syria besides Russia and
threat to Israel’s security posed by Although Obama is surrounded global political map. the European Union. That would
Saddam Hussein’s belligerence. by staunch Israel supporters, Few American presidents have be the change that the Middle East
An estimated 1.4 million people paradoxically he may be better entered the White House enjoying needs to bring an end to the suffer-
have been killed in the wars launched positioned to resolve this protracted as much goodwill and hope from ing its people have endured.
by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan so political tragedy once and for all. the international community as But is Obama the change that
far, including nearly 5,000 American Unlike officials in previous ad- Obama has. the world seeks?

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