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Patrick's Day Quotations

"Self-have faith in is the essence of heroism." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson abercrombie dublin, abercrombie dublin, abercrombie dublin 1. "With the tears a Land hath get rid of.Their graves need to at any time be eco-friendly." -- Thomas Bailey Aldrich

2. "True heroism is incredibly sober, extremely undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatsoever price, but the urge to serve others at whatever charge." -- Arthur Ashe

3. "Decoration Working day is the most stunning of our nationwide vacations.... The grim cannon have turned into palm branches, and the shell and shrapnel into peach blossoms." -- Thomas Bailey Aldrich

4. "They hover as a cloud of witnesses over this Country." -- Henry Ward Beecher

5. "Fold him in his country's stars." -- George Henry Boker

6. "And every gentleman stand with his face in the mild of his own drawn sword. Ready to do what a hero can." -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

7. "Who held the faith and fought the battle The glory theirs, the obligation ours." -- Wallace Bruce

8. "A hero is somebody who has provided his or her daily life to a thing even larger than oneself." -- Joseph Campbell

9. "Is't death to fall for Freedom's appropriate?" -- Thomas Campbell

10. "Protect them about with stunning blossoms, Deck them with garlands, individuals brothers of ours, Lying so silent by night time and by day." -- Will Carleton

11. "Individuals who will may well raise monuments of marble to perpetuate the fame of heroes. All those who will could construct memorial halls to remind these who shall get there in after times what manhood could do and dare for right, and what large examples of advantage and valor have gone prior to them. But allow us make our providing to the at any time-living heart and soul. Permit us develop our benefactions in the ever-rising coronary heart, that they shall dwell and increase and pass on in blessing over and above our sight, beyond the ken of person and over and above the contact of time." -- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Memorial Day 1884

12. "Heroism is latent in each and every human soul....Nevertheless humble or unknown, they (the veterans) have renounced what are accounted pleasures and cheerfully undertaken all self-denials privations, toils, risks, sufferings, sicknesses, mutilations, existence-extended hurts and losses, demise by itself ? For some fantastic good, dimly observed but dearly held." -- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Memorial Working day 1828-1914

13. "These martyrs of patriotism gave their lives for an idea."

-- Schuyler Colfax

14. "How slumber the brave, who sink to rest, By all their country's needs blest!" -- William Collins

15. "They fell, but o'er their superb grave Floats cost-free the banner of the cause they died to conserve." -- Francis Marion Crawford

16. "Ah! by no means will the land forget." -- William Cullen Bryant

17. Accurate bravery is revealed by carrying out without witness what just one may well be able of undertaking ahead of all the entire world." -- Fran&ccedilois de la Rochefoucauld

18. "The legacy of heroes is the memory of a fantastic title and the inheritance of a fantastic example." -- Benjamin Disraeli

19. "We should be ready to make heroic sacrifices for the lead to of peace that we make ungrudgingly for the lead to of war. There is no process that is a lot more important or closer to my heart." -- Albert Einstein

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