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joys: a catalogue of disappointments

Christophe Casamassima

BlazeVOX [books]
Buffalo, New York

joys: a catalogue of disappointments by Christophe Casamassima Copyright 2008 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza Cover Art by Jeff Morris Cover Design by Ben Havilland

First Edition ISBN: 1-934289-77-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-934289-77-8 Library of Congress Control Number : 2008932202

BlazeVOX [books] 14 Tremaine Ave Kenmore, NY 14217

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every book feels the same, yet every book remains false

I will evoke the book and provoke the questions.

Writing Is A Form Of Questioning. For Jabs, It Is Necessary To Hammer In The Glue. His Name Is Not Only Unpronounceable, It Is Illegible.

For I am writing and you are the wound.

Illegibility Is Pronounced, For A Moment, Irreducibility. Writing Inflicts Its Impossibility Upon The Reading Act. His Name Is Not Only A Sound, It Is A Wound.

The Sound Produced By The Wound: The Word. Writing Is To Form The Question And Question At The Same Instance. His Name Is The Articulation Of Space, And At The Same Time, Its Destruction.

Articulation Is Pronounced, For A Second Time, Appropriation. If A Text Can Resist Even The Question, It Can Resist Any Reading. His Name Is The Discomposition Of Time, And The Disposition Of Immediacy.

He sometimes usurped my name. But I am not this man. Because this man writes, and the writer is nobody.

In Fact, The Question Is No Longer Relevant. A Text Remains Intact, Though Godriddled. His Name Becomes Equivocal And Univocal.

Pages from the Book

Gods truth is in silence. To fall silent in turn, with the hope of dissolving into it. But we become aware of it only through words. And words, alas, drive us ever farther from our goal.

How could we read a story studded with blank spaces?

It is buried among the words.

Its burial place is more numerous than the sound.

It is full of difference and it is filled with similarity.

It is what stitches the blank spaces.

It is what shapes the hollowed speeches.

It is the principle that will have always been lying in wait.

It is the separation from itself.

It is the manifestation of itself.

It is the ring that must have heard itself.

Have I claimed to write from certainties? I write because I have none.

To write means perhaps to speak for the first time, he said.

The recipient opens an empty envelope that he has sent to himself in the hopes that he might have something to say in anothers voice. The first letter is always understood by all. Its conjugation with other first letters remains a mystery.

When the book is closed we suddenly recognize an alphabet.

How does one cite the impulse to remain silent?

By carefully deciphering the erasures.

When the book is closed we suddenly recognize an alphabet under subjugation.

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