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If we sell it, sell one (1) The Others Will Come!

The following drafted business format suggests a practical way for both us (combined and individual) obtain real income stability. It may seem minuscule in the beginning but if we work the plan, and work together toward one overall outcome, with no letting up we can develop something that will bring about the base for income stability. The overall business perspective in the beginning may be small, but understanding that

regardless how Small it is the initial income base, and if worked it will begin to grow. Income is Income. This proposition could truly work for the both of us if we are sincere, and have the Real Picture in hand. And, not knowing exactly when the next job offer of your liking will come along, or will even provide the income stability that is required to live a comfortable life; this may supplant some income issues. Take a look at the complete business picture; there is an opportunity for us to develop an independent business from this if we truly try- We are not working what else is there to do, or to try? If we design a plan, combine a completely developed format based on each of our individual aspects, design earnestly a formula that presents itself visually to each client with their first part carefully defined; and the initial introductions shows the charts based on each schools Individual overall need within the formula. The chart must speak to school issues and thoroughly explains the mechanism within their personal Chart Set-up. It must explain how the program will offer those within the organization, those who find Fund-Raising a resource, a necessary tool needed to create a revenue stream that regenerates. This is an opportunity that can offer those who recognize it as a viably incredible Income Resource for their school, for parents, and for others; and recognize this an individual opportunity for themself, as well. a. Could this be something you could take an interest in? b. If not, could this temporarily interest assist in the initial original plan development? c.

* If you could you Assist you will get Paid for the endeavor? -THE PLAN-

Assist in the initial development of the Business/Marketing plan, creating the overall formula: a. Assist in reviewing the initial introduction information materialsincluding flow-chart and income formula. b. Go to group meeting to get a better prospective of the product on the day, when I will sign-up. c. Attend the training meeting to assist with the overall training portfolio-information.

Develop the initial list of credible schools: a. 1st Locate primary targets with adequate staff (female executive/owner/staff) with (30+) students.

b. Look at each schools data and determine the best initial schools, critique the information based on each schools need and requests, and establish the minimum staff and parent probability. 3 Create a funding packet that SETS and presents the initial benefit of this opportunity by having a minimum of number of initial staff to create the first (1 st) level. The overall business formula should be created to initiate the introduction of the program that will bring in the twelve (12) individual schools. a. 2nd Incorporate a Flow-Chart-Development Design that encompasses each schools overall infrastructure and shows them their possibility that with only a minimum of (6) scheduled intra staff/parent parties (per school) would create. 4 Design a completely developed funding program that shows the beginning of the program and how it could regenerate income on its own almost immediately; noting as long as there are pre-schools there will be a need for a built-in income source at hand. ALL THAT IS NEEDED IS THE MEANS TO BUILD THE FORMAT THAT PRESENTS WELL, WITH BOTH PARENTS AND STAFF! 5 Determine what schools meet the initial criteria. Look at the schools that have a Tenacity and Wants to assist in promoting their Schools enrollment and educational funding concerns. Promote the selling points that the product can introduce; selling the overall probability how the product will ultimately reproduce a mechanism that will create their regenerative income within its revolving product output annually. 6 Delineate the overall revenue number that each independent school needs to establish a reasonable minimum revenue from the schools internal sources, and that will competently develop the continuous revenue base from the many directions the products could lead; noting the initial benefit the opportunity has for those who actually promote product, and which can create an enormous Enticement for parents toward their tuition funds, all which benefits the school, as well. 7 Prepare the introduction/promotion materials that will be part of the initial introduction: a. Setting of the initial meeting/introduction materials, with the introduction packet, using the jewelry/purse introduction to incentivize staff (6) maximum at each school, and which includes and uses the Fundamental Forum which would create the Parental Enticement each school to sell upon.

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