MPW 1153 - 06 Syllabus - Pend. Moral (English) International Students

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Subject Code Subject Status Level Credit Value Prerequisite (if any) Assessment Method of Delivery Lecturer Semester

Objective (s) of Subject

MORAL STUDIES MPW 1153 /2153 Compulsory Diploma / Degree 6 hours x 7 weeks No Coursework : Final Exam : Lecture 60% 40%

Learning Outcomes

Ms. Azean Idruwani bt Idrus 1dan 2 This unit introduces students to the basics of ethics. It aims to foster a sense of moral responsibility and awareness, which will set standards for personal character. These concepts and skills are required for students to be capable of manifesting moral values and reasoning in their daily lives. Thus facilitate students in comprehending moral issues and arrive at appropriate decision making. Upon completion of the unit, the students should be able to: Define and explain the basic concepts in ethics and moral; Analyze ethical theories, demonstrate understanding by the ability to distinguish and criticize the theories, and apply these theories to current situations; Devise and confidently deliver written and oral reports on various moral concepts; Identify and analyze moral values in different religions; Select, describe and apply the strategies used in resolving moral conflicts; and, Analyze and critically evaluate the model of a moral person. The teaching and learning strategies used in this unit consist of lectures and tutorials. During lectures, students will be taught of specific concepts of ethics, values and theories through the use of relevant examples. Students are expected to participate actively by asking questions and giving insightful comments in relation to what are being taught in lectures. During tutorials, a variety of student-centered strategies such as case study, debate, and presentations will be implemented.

Synopsis of Subject

Subject Outline


Hour 2

Introduction to the unit - Moral studies course overview. Understanding the concepts of morality, ethics and values. To explain the importance of moral studies: - Rukunegara - Vision 2020 - Responsibility - Moral agent Intro to ethics and moral theory Basic terminologies: Moral, ethics and values. Importance of moral and ethics. Normative and descriptive statements To identify and differentiate between descriptive and normative statements/ moral and non-moral normative statements. Basic concept of value To discuss the types and functions of values. To understand the components that makes up the process of valuing (cognitive and affective). To explain the importance of value in influencing decision-making. Theory and system of value. To explain various theories of moral To explain how these theories may guide you in decisionmaking and make judgments about your actions in certain situations. To recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each theory Ethics and religion Definition of moral from religious perspectives. To identify moral values from religious context. To examine the fundamental similarities of each religion.

6 9

ETHICAL THEORY AND CRITICISM Social Moral Theory Theory of Personality Virtues Teleological Theory Deontological Theory Moral Issues Life Euthanasia/Suicide/ Abortion Capital punishment Terrorism Sexuality and family Sex outside marriage HIV/AIDS

MORAL FOUNDATION ACCCORDING RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVES - Introduction Islam Confucianism Taoism Buddhism Hinduism Christianity




Moral Issues Life Euthanasia/ Suicide/Abortion Capital punishment Terrorism Sexuality and family Sex outside marriage HIV/AIDS Discrimination Race/Gender/Religion Information freedom Pornography/Piracy Total 42 Compulsory text Abdul Rahman Md. Aroff (1999). Pendidikan Moral: Teori Etika dan Amalan Moral. Sedang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia. Additional readings Vishalache Balakrishnan (2009). Moral Education for Universities and Colleges Shah Alam, Selangor. Frankena, W.K. (1973). Ethics. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hill, Inc. Ghazali Darussalam (1997). Dinamika Ilmu Akhlak Islamiah. Kuala Lumpur: Tinggi Press. Sdn. Bhd.

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