1022BUS Econsnapshot

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Subsidies help in harnessing the sun

Staff Writer esouder@dallasnews.com

The best place to put a solar panel is in the sunshine so long as that sunshine is in a state that offers solar subsidies. Thats why less-sunny spots in the Northeast count among the Top 10 solar installation states. Further, the Top 10 solar states have some of the highest retail electricity prices in the land. Retail electricity customers in Texas pay lower prices, on average, than customers in any of the Top 10 solar states.

Ten states with the highest retail electricity prices

Average price, in cents per kilowatt-hour, for Jan-July 2012: Vermont 14.2 New York 15.08 New Hampshire 14.32 Massachusetts 14.12 Rhode Island 13.02 California 13.38 Connecticut 15.58 New Jersey 13.81 Texas 8.75
(for comparison)

States with the most solar electricity generating capacity

States with renewable portfolio standard requirements*

Alaska 16.33

Hawaii 34.38

*Based on market-based methods to require some amount of solar electricity

Top 12 states for solar power capacity

Solar electricity capacity in megawatts: California New Jersey Arizona Colorado Nevada New Mexico Pennsylvania New York North Carolina Hawaii Massachusetts Texas 213 204.1 179.6 155.6 134.2 130.9 112.7 109 102.3 832.8 618.5 1,871.50

Average price of photovoltaic cells

The price of photovoltaic solar panels is declining. This chart shows the price per peak watt, or when the sun shines brightest. Cells, dollars per peak watt
$3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 50 0 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11



SOURCES: Energy Information Administration; U.S. Solar Market Insight (GTM Research and SEIA); Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency

The bottom line

New Jersey is a small, cloudy state and theyve got a lot more solar than Texas. If the prices are right, people want solar panels and electric cars and all these things. Michael Webber, assistant professor, mechanical engineering, University of Texas at Austin Solar installations really map where state subsidies are. Solar is still relatively expensive. So its hard to compete. But its hard for all new generation. Solar panels can help people avoid high retail electricity rates. But installation can be costly, and people in older houses ought to spend that money making the home more efficient. Elizabeth Souder, staff writer, The Dallas Morning News

David Campbell, chief executive, Luminant, the wholesale arm of Energy Future Holdings

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