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ESA / ESTEC Multipactor calculator

manual / help file. (issue 1.6)
(April 2007)

S.J.G. Strijk ESA / ESTEC Noordwijk The Netherlands

Table of contents 1. 2. 3. Introduction Disclaimer Programme features Detailed description of the programme The menu bar functions File, (Load, Save, Exit) RF-tools, (WG matching transformer, Mismatch calculator, Skindepth calculator,
Venting calculator, EMC Shielding effectiveness on venting holes / slots, EMC Radiated emission & susceptibility analysis, Units converter, Pressure Units converter) Tools, (Show measured Points, Electron Cloud Growth)

Diagnostic Print analysis, Print screen, Configure,

Marker menu, ECSS standard, Manual / help Info 4.

(Enter Company / project name, Out-of-limit Warnings, Show Startup, Thin / Thick lines) (Display marker menu, Select Voltage or Power, Clear markers)

(About, Check for Updates)

Inputs required by the programme Single Carrier; Carrier Frequency, Carrier power Multi Carrier; No of Carriers, Carrier Frequencies and their power levels Medium selection Surface type ECSS defined Component type Select Graph Function Standard analysis (Hatch & Williams) Frequency domain Time domain Power Distribution vs Time Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF)
(providing In-phase, Tri-angular, Parabolic, BPSK, QPSK, Random (square) and Random (Gaussian) carrier phase distributions in Time domain and CCDF.)


6. 7. 8.

Outputs provided by the programme How to predict multipactor breakdown using the Multipactor calculator RF-tools WG lambda impedance transformer calculator Mismatch calculator Skin depth graph Venting and Outgassing calculator Waveguide insertion loss calculator (Rect. & Circular WG) EMC Shielding effectiveness of venting holes / slots EMC Radiated emission & susceptibility analysis Units converter Pressure units converter


Diagnostic Tools Show measured Points Electron Cloud Growth References Annex

10. 11.

1. Introduction
Reasons for development; To provide a standard analysis and reporting tool to the European space industry (compatible with the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) standard: ECSS-E-20-01A, Multipactor design and test) thereby providing a low threshold for RF engineers to perform reliable and consistent multipactor analysis at component, equipment, subsystem and system level.

General remarks The programme will allow , (comma) or the . (period) as decimal separator for data entries depending on your PCs default configuration. (printouts and screen display will follow this setting) Most of the continental European countries will have the comma, while the UK, USA and others will have the period as standard decimal separator configured. A number of keyboard short cuts had been defined allowing certain functions to be executed quickly: Pressing Q or q will close any popup window (calculators etc.) from the main calculator window. Pressing S or s will popup the print screen window, while pressing P or p will popup the print analysis window. The user data entry fields are having a white background, while calculated data is shown on a yellow background or red when out-of-limit. Clicking an orange coloured label will provide a different function, scale property or opens up a new (calculator) window. Changing any of the input parameters will bring you back to the standard analysis mode.

Disclaimer This programme is provided free of charge to the European space industry to standardise the analysis and reporting of multipactor sensitive space equipment. The results obtained with this programme have been verified against a number of publicised sample cases where good agreement had been found. For the multi-carrier case the programme provides additional analysis to allow the use of the 20gap-crossing rule to be assessed and to alleviate the testing requirements. However, many more well documented test cases are needed to verify this rule before it becomes an ECSS-E-20-01 requirement rather the recommendation as it is to date. It therefore remains the responsibility of the user to demonstrate to their customer the validity of the cases analysed using this programme.

1. Programme Features; Performs single- and multi-carrier multipactor analysis on; parallel gap, Microstrip, Stripline, standard 50ohm connector types, user defined co-ax, square co-ax, rectangular WG gaps and full size circular WG. Random carrier frequencies and power levels are now supported. The relative di-electric constant is fixed to 1 (air / vacuum) for Microstrip, Stripline, Connectors and co-axial structures. This allows transitions/gaps in-between MIC-circuits and co-axial structures to be assessed. Gap-height, Strip-width, Strip thickness, Co-axial (circular & square) inner and outer dimensions and the inside WG gap height are user definable (except in circular WG). The programme uses the calculated or user defined impedance of the medium selected together with the power levels and no of carriers entered to calculate its breakdown peak-voltage and hence its available ECSS defined margins. A Voltage Multiplication Factor (VMF) and field strength is calculated for the mediums user co-ax and WG based on the impedance ratios between the input and gap impedance, considering zero power loss. Alternatively the user could enter an externally derived VMF (i.e. based on a Q factor) or field strength, which is used to calculate the margins and recommendations. Contains database of physical data of all typical RF / wave connectors rectangular waveguides between 320MHz (R3/WR2300) and 140GHz (R1200/WR8) and circular waveguides between 2.42GHz (C25/WC329) and 116GHz (C890/WC9) Calculates the multipactor mode boundary limits for all generally used surface materials, based on the previous work from Woode/Petit and AEA Technology UK, under ESTEC contract. Allows selection of the component types as defined in the ECSS-E-20-01 standard for single and multi carrier use for the calculation of the different margins required by this standard. Allows Company and project name to be inserted and saved. (This will show up on all printed reports) Provides print out of material data used by the programme. Provides print out of multipactor mode data. Allows a project analysed to be saved and recalled. Makes use of an intuitive interactive graphical user interface (GUI) designed for the MS Windows environment. (W98, NT4, 2000, XP (prof), possibly Vista ) Provides additional tools to ease design and testing efforts. Mismatch calculator Skin depth graph Waveguide impedance transformer calculator Waveguide insertion loss calculator (rectangular & circular WG) Venting and outgassing calculator EMC Shielding effectiveness of venting holes / slots EMC Radiated emission & susceptibility analysis Units converter Pressure units converter Allows measured data points to be entered and displayed for reporting purposes. Electron cloud growth vs time calculator (incl. T20)

2. Detailed description of the programme

Start-up Screen (Mouse clicking on any of the 2 logos or press Esc will start the programme proper)

The menu bar functions The menu bar has File, RF-tools, Diagnostic tools, Print analysis, Print screen, Configure, Markers, ECSS standard, Manual / help and Info options available. **************** Within the File menu one can load or save a data file by giving it a user defined name. Using the exit option from this menu will automatically save the last configuration analysed as Set-up file, which is loaded again when starting the programme. **************** Within the RF-tools menu, a Mismatch calculator, a Skin depth graph, a Waveguide impedance transformer calculator, a Waveguide insertion loss calculator (Rect. & Circ. WG), a Venting and Out gassing calculator, an EMC Shielding effectiveness of venting holes / slots, an EMC Radiated emission & susceptibility analysis, a Units converter and a Pressure units converter are available to ease the design and testing of RF units, transmission lines and WG multipactor test samples. Detailed description of each one is given further down. ****************

Within the Diagnostic tools menu, one can enter measured data points onto the Hatch & Williams graphs for the various materials and an Electron cloud growth vs time calculator, including T20 for the various materials is given. Details are given in section 9. **************** Selecting the Print analysis option from the menu or pressing P or p from the keyboard will popup a print window allowing any on-line printer to be selected (incl. PDF writer when installed), to select the print orientation, and the number of copies to be selected. From this window the Multipactor analysis report, the material data or the mode data can be selected for printing.

Selecting the Print screen option from the menu or pressing S or s from the keyboard will popup the print screen window allowing the screen to be captured (the small window disappears for 1 second) after which the captured screen can be printed using any to be selected on-line printer and / or saved. (File format is bmp) (Only part of the captured screen is shown for verification)

Selecting the Markers option from the menu bar will allow the marker menu to be displayed in the graph. (The marker menu can also be called up by right hand clicking the mouse.) The individual markers are to be activated by clicking on the marker line within the menu. (only one marker could be active at anyone time) The marker selected and activated will show the > in front, after which the mouse pointer can be used to position the marker (click) within the graph. Clicking with the mouse on the selected marker in the menu again will memorise the marker value read. (The > will disappear.) This could be repeated for up to 4 different markers after which the Delta marker could be used to show the delta between any of the marker combinations available. (Keep on clicking this marker to select the correct delta marker i.e. 1-2, 1-3, 2-3, etc. Delta marker is given in dB)

From the Markers menu or the right hand mouse click an option is available to select marker readings to be displayed in Voltage or Watt. The Clear markers option will let the marker menu disappear.

The Enter Company & project name function in the Configure menu, allows your company name and project name to be entered, which is saved when closing this window. The company and project name are printed in the header of the multipactor analysis report.


The Out-of-limit warnings when entering incorrect data could be enabled or disabled. (show or dont show) When disabled, the programme will limit the data input field to proper engineering values without further warning to the user. Show Logos will display the ESA and ECSS logos like when starting the programme. The line thickness of the lines in all graphs can be selected between Thick (default, useful for real time presentations) and Thin (allowing more accurate marker readings to be made) **************** The ECSS standard function is activating your Acrobat reader and will show the full ECSS-E-2001A standard for on-line consultation. **************** The Manual / help function has brought you to this help file, again after having launched your Acrobat reader. ****************

Within the Info function, an About function gives you general information (issue) about the programme and when clicking the ESA or ECSS pictures, will start your web browser to direct you to these sites.

A Check for update function is available, which when activated will check on the server for an update. When available you could open up your browser to download it yourself. (No active updating implemented) ***************


Inputs required by the program;

Using the graphical user interface, all required inputs are to be entered at the left-hand side of the window and it is recommended that the carrier data be entered first as it will allow the programme to select various settings automatically. (i.e. WG type selection )

From the carrier entry subframe you can select single- or multi carrier operation.

Single carrier case Enter the carrier frequency within the range 0.01GHz to 140GHz, in GHz using the period . or comma , as decimal separator depending on your local PC settings. The RF carrier power (dBm or Watt) shall be entered. (80dBm = 100KW max.) (The conversion from dBm to Watts or back is displayed immediately in the adjacent input field)


Multi carrier case Click the green Carrier Data Entry Form button to show this form.

Up to 50 carrier frequencies and their power level can be entered in random sequence or added later. (Frequency sorting will be done when closing the form or when clicking the Sort Data button.) A clear all button is available to reset all fields to zero and the previous dataset button to call up the old data available when opening up this form. A fast way to fill out the form for the equal frequency separation and power level case is available from the Fast carrier entry sub frame. Within this subframe, a Delta Freq Ratio input is available allowing the delta frequency to expanded or compressed between 0.5 and 1.5 times for experimental purposes. (set to 1.0 with equal freq spacing) The maximum frequency one can enter is 140GHz, but be forewarned to enter frequencies falling inside a single waveguide bandwidth, as you will not notified about it when trying to select a waveguide type later. The RF power per carrier (dBm or Watt) shall be entered. (80dBm/carrier = 100KW/carrier max.) The conversion from dBm to Watts or back is displayed immediately in the adjacent input field. Once the fast carrier data is entered, use the Auto fill button to enter it onto the form.


Medium selection Presently 8 different mediums are supported, (parallel plate gap, Microstrip, Stripline, Co-axial connector, User co-axial, Square co-axial, rectangular and circular waveguide) from which a selection shall be made using the drop down box. The corresponding sub frame will show up, with the appropriate data entry fields, allowing physical data to be entered. Gap (Parallel plate) The standard gap or parallel plate option is available to allow an arbitrary transmission media to be analysed where the user is to define the impedance, which can be entered within the range 0.1 and 10000ohm with the default impedance set to 50ohm. Gap height is to be entered in mm. Microstrip The microstrip gap option allows the microstrip impedance to be calculated from the user entered physical data. Gap distance (300mm max.), strip-width (50mm max.) and strip thickness (5mm max.) are to be specified. The relative di-electric constant r, is fixed to 1 that of course being the correct vacuum gap condition for a Multipactor breakdown. The microstrip definition requires only one ground plane. (see annex 1) Stripline Similar to the microstrip gap option above, a stripline option is available to allow the stripline impedance to be calculated from the given physical data. Gap distance (halve total height, 300mm max.), strip-width (100mm max.) and strip thickness (5mm max.) are to be entered. Also here had the relative di-electric constant, been fixed to 1. The stripline definition requires the stripline to be physically centred in between two ground planes. (see annex 1.) Co-axial connector type From the drop-down box select the connector type, (type N, TNC, sma, APC 7, 3.5, 2.9, 2.4, 1.85, 1.0) which will display the corresponding physical separation (in mm) between the inner and outer walls of the connector. (Data taken from manufacturers drawing sheets) Important remark For type N, TNC and sma cable connectors, the connector-to-cable rather then the connector-toconnector interface is the typical multipactor limiting part in a cable assembly due to the air gaps present. These air gap dimensions could vary per cable type, connector type and manufacturer. The user should select medium User co-ax when they are different from the standard connector database dimensions. (the connector backnut typically has the same inside dimensions as the connector-to-connector interface but could vary with the cable diameter, i.e. 0.19 or 0.29) The foam or solid di-electric will prevent the multipactor inside the cable or connector itself. The air di-electric type connectors like the APC series would allow breakdown at the connector-to-connector interface as well. This is could also be the case for the sma connector where retracting Teflon di-electric (at low temperatures) could create dangerous air gaps when not properly conditioned before assembly.


User defined co-ax. (Circular) The user-defined (circular) co-ax will allow any non-standard size or impedance to be calculated given the users entered physical dimensions for the outer inside diameter (100mm max.) and the centre-conductor outside diameter. Di-electric constant is fixed at 1 for air/vacuum. Square co-ax. (Bar line) The square co-ax allow the impedance to be calculated given the users entered physical dimensions for the outer inside dimension and the centre conductor outside dimension. Di-electric constant is fixed at 1 for air/vacuum. Rectangular WG type From the drop-down box select the waveguide type, (R3/WR2300 till R1200/WR8, IEC compatible) in the range 0.32GHz to 140GHz. When the frequency had been given before and medium rect. WG had been selected, the programme automatically selects the right WG type for you. One can still select the first higher or lower WG size if it will support the frequency. (note: nominal useful bandwidth equals 1.25 till 1.9 times cut off frequency) Circular WG type From the drop-down box select the waveguide type, (C25/WC329 till C890/WC9, IEC compatible) in the range 2.42GHz to 116GHz. When the frequency had been given before and medium circular WG had been selected, the programme automatically selects the right WG type for you. One can still select the first higher or lower WG size if it will support the frequency. (note: nominal useful bandwidth equals 1.25 till 1.9 times cut off frequency) Gap If gap (parallel plate) had been selected, this input field allows a gap up to 300mm to be entered. If co-axial connector, user co-ax or square co-ax had been selected this field changes colour to yellow, will show the physical separation between inner and outer connector and is not changeable. (Obtained from the connector manufacturers data sheets for standard connectors) When WG had been selected it will show as a maximum, the height of the WG or less if a smaller value had been given before, a reduced WG height (gap height) can be entered here. (Not greater then WG height) Impedance When gap had been selected, the impedance can be entered here up to 10000ohm (default is 50ohm). In all other cases the calculated impedance at the frequency, is displayed in this field and is not user changeable. (the data input field turns yellow) Width & thickness (T) When Stripline or Microstrip had been selected, the width & thickness data fields will appear and allow the strip-width and strip-thickness (T) to be entered. The distance between strip and ground plane shall be entered in the gap data field. (see annex 1 for the exact definition). (The di-electric constant is fixed at 1 for air/vacuum.) O.diam & I.diam When user co-ax had been selected, these fields will allow the outer (shield) inside diameter (O.diam) and the centre conductor diameter (I.diam) to be entered. (The di-electric constant is fixed at 1 for air/vacuum.)


Outside & Inside When square co-ax had been selected these fields will allow the outside (larger) and the inner dimensions of a square co-axial line to be entered. (The di-electric constant is fixed at 1 for air/vacuum.) Voltage Multiplication Factor (VMF) and field strength In single carrier operation, with mediums User Co-ax or rect. WG selected, a Voltage Multiplication Factor (VMF) or field strength could be entered. However, the programme calculates the VMF and the normalised (Vp/cm 1Watt) field strength, based on the calculated gap impedance relative to the input impedance. (details are given in annex ) All power, voltage and the appropriate ECSS margins are calculated using the entered VMF. A VMF reset button had been added to go back to the programme calculated VMF. This feature is useful when evaluating the effect of enhanced electrical fields inside filters due to their Q-factor. The VMF or field strength figures shall be obtained from external circuit (filter) design programmes. Surface type From the drop-down box the surface material, i.e. Gold, Silver, Aluminium, Alodine or Copper can be selected. Different voltage breakdown thresholds are applicable for the different materials as defined in the ECSS-E-20-01A standard (table A-6), which are required to calculate the appropriate margins. ECSS defined Component type For the single-carrier case, three different component types had been defined: i.e. 1, 2 or 3, for which different ECSS-E-20-01A standard required margins are applicable. Component type 1, The RF paths are entirely metallic (with known secondary electron emission properties) or are metallic with a non-organic surface treatment that increases the multipaction threshold. Component type 2, The RF paths contain or can contain dielectrics or other materials for which the multipaction performance is well defined. Component type 3, all components not classified as Type 1 or Type 2. In the multi-carrier case only component type 1, had been defined by the standard with margins for type 2 and 3 under investigation. However, for type 1 two different margins had been defined; Type 1a, when the single carrier threshold margin is above the equivalent CW peak power. Type 1b, when the single carrier threshold is below the equivalent CW peak power. ECSS-E-20-01 Quote; In this case, the margins are defined with respect to a power level, P20, corresponding to the peak power of the multi-carrier waveform whose width at the single carrier threshold is equal to the time taken for the electrons to cross the multipacting region 20 times. The programme will automatically apply the correct margin in this case.



Select Graph function

For the multi carrier case a Select Graph Function dropdown box provides the options, Standard analysis (Hatch & Williams graphs), Frequency domain, Time domain, Power distribution vs time, and the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF). When Time domain had been selected, a Phase distribution dropdown box will allow a choice to be made between; In-phase, Tri-angular, Parabolic, BPSK, QPSK, Random (square) and Random (Gaussian) carrier phase distributions. The phase distribution can be altered in the Time domain only, after which the recalculated data can be shown with the other functions. (i.e. Power distribution vs time, and the CCDF functions) For the BPSK, QPSK and Random distributions a Repeat button is available allowing re-running the analysis (random carrier phase assignment) and to monitor the effect in time domain, Power distribution vs time and CCDF modes.


Outputs provided by the programme

General The outputs are provided both in graphical, (centre window) and in numerical formats with results in the various data fields at the top and right-hand side of the calculator window. As of version 1.5 the programme had been optimised for use on 1024x768 screen resolution or better and no longer support the old 800x600 resolution. (However, the program screen size remains 1024x768 pixels for any higher screen resolution selected) Continuous cursor reading is available when the mouse cursor is moved over the graphical part of the window. When the Cursor readings label is orange, a different cursor reading function is available. i.e. to toggle between Voltage vs. GHzmm and Power vs. GHzmm The cursor function varies with the graphical function displayed. A new feature is the actual Fieldstrength information at both the input and in the gap. This is only available in single carrier mode and mediums waveguide or user co-ax. The ECSS threshold levels, V_thres(V) and P_thres(W) at Fmin, are now directly given in the ECSS analysis sub frame.


Single carrier analysis The actual calculated margin with respect to the ECSS boundary line (black) is given in dB with respect to the RMS power level. For mediums User Co-ax and rect. WG a fieldstrength output subframe is available showing the input power scaled actual fieldstrengths (Vp/cm) at the input and in the gap. A coloured box within the ECSS subframe at the bottom right-hand side of the window will show whether this margin is sufficient (green box) and to refrain from testing, marginal (orange box) with batch, unit or qualification testing as required, or insufficient margin (red box) with analysis failed. The margins are defined in the ECSS-E-20-01A standard (tables 2, 3 and 4) with strict requirements for the type of testing required i.e., no testing required, batch, unit or qualification testing, or analysis failed.

Single carrier example showing modes (Fd product line crosses mode 9) The result obtained can be printed in tabular format for use in a report and / or a copy of the screen can be made which can be saved or plotted directly from within the programme. (See the menu bar functions section before) The Fd product (GHzmm), the mode order and the calculated T-20 time (ns) are given in the output fields above the centre window.


Multi-carrier analysis When in multi carrier mode a Select Graph Function dropdown box provides the options, Standard analysis (Hatch & Williams graphs), Frequency domain, Time domain, Power distribution vs time and the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF). When the Time domain function had been selected, a Phase distribution dropdown box will allow a choice to be made between; In-phase, Tri-angular, Parabolic, BPSK, QPSK, Random (square) and Random (Gaussian) carrier phase distributions. Changing any of the input parameters will bring you back to the standard analysis mode. As of this version (1.60) the P-20 power levels and margins are calculated using the power distribution function over a time interval set by the carrier frequency separation and no longer using the previously used worst-case boundary condition lines (green) as proposed by [5]. As the method in [5] was only suitable for equal carrier frequency separation a new and fast method had been developed for use with unequal carrier frequency separation. As can be seen from the next 3 graphs, a substantial improvement in P20 level and margin is obtained using this power distribution function showing that the all carrier in-phase condition is not necessarily the worst operating condition for multipactor free operation considering that the voltages have to exceed the threshold for a period of at least T20 before multipactor could start. (also see the electron cloud growth function available in the diagnostic tools menu) The carrier in-phase condition would of course still generate the highest peak voltages. The horizontal black line represent the ECSS defined boundary as calculated for the minimum freq*gapwidth product and surface material selected.

Example of all carriers in-phase showing the T20 / P20 box and the old worst case boundary conditions (green lines) as per ref. [5]


Example of the same case using triangular phase distribution.

Example of the same case using parabolic phase distribution.


The Power distribution vs time function. As of this version (1.60) a new function had been added allowing a fast determination of the P20 levels without the need for time consuming phase optimisation routines to find an (arbitrary) carrier phase function such as to minimise the power level over the T20 window. The P-20 power levels and margins are calculated using the power distribution function over a time interval set by the carrier frequency separation. For equal frequency separation this is the inverse of the carrier separation, for unequal frequency separation this is the inverse of the minimum carrier separation among the carriers, providing a unique repetitive time interval. When all signal amplitudes within this time interval are sorted in amplitude and converted back to power, a power distribution vs time is created where the P20 level is simply obtained from the intersection with the calculated T20. This is available for the different phase distributions, showing that the P20 and peak power levels are changing considerably thereby providing substantially higher margins.

Remark The hereby proposed power distribution vs time approach is considered especially useful for the evaluation of random carrier frequencies and power levels. It will still have to be verified by further testing and possibly modelling before being accepted for the update of the ECSS standard. However, for the time being this function serves to help the understanding of signal amplitude distribution and their relation to the T20 and P20 calculation.


The Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF)

A different way of presenting the signal envelope of a multi carrier signal is the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) as had been described in Agilent application note 5968-6875E. (a copy is available from the Multipactor Calculator website.)

CCDF plot of a 10-carrier signal using carrier in-phase distribution. (showing a 10dB peak-tomean ratio) The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) is obtained by computing the integral of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of a set of (measured) data. The Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) is the complement of the CDF (CCDF = 1- CDF) which curve is obtained by converting the y-axis to logarithmic form and starting the x-axis at 0dB. The logarithmic y-axis provides better resolution for low-probability events. Remarks The purpose of the CCDF graphs is to derive at more realistic margins for multi-carrier operation in the future. Knowing the worst case boundary conditions, represented by the green boundary lines in the time domain graphs for the equal frequency spacing case, it is believed that only a proper knowledge of the signal statistics together with the verification of the 20-gap crossing rule (conditions) will provide a way forward to improved multi-carrier margins to be implemented in a next update of the ECSS-E-20-01A Multipactor standard. This CCDF graph function is for the time being an optional tool to start the process of treating the multi-carrier signal in a statistical way, which is possibly supported by measurement instruments providing the same functionality.


CCDF plot of a 10-carrier signal using parabolic phase distribution.

CCDF plot of a 10-carrier signal using a random phase distribution.


CCDF plot of a 10-carrier signal using QPSK phase distribution. A different gap dimension (0.5mm) shows the ratio T20 / period to have changed to 16.67% in the above example with the vertical black line intersecting with the signal giving a 1.42dB above average.



How to predict single carrier multipactor breakdown using the Multipactor calculator. After the basic inputs have been entered, i.e.; freq, medium, gap dimension, and surface material, activate the Marker menu and select Marker reading; power. Select a marker and position it at the intersection of the vertical Fd product line with the lower limit of the mode order first crossed by the Fd line. The marker reading is giving the expected breakdown level in Watts. (see graph below) This could be quite different from the ECSS defined mode envelope line, in particular between modes 1 and 3 where differences up to 6dB are possible. The result could now be saved, printed, (table or screen copy) for reporting purposes. The warnings and margins are to be ignored in this case, as we are just to find the expected multipactor onset level for comparison with measured results for instance.



RF tools WG lambda impedance transformer calculator

The first RF-tool available is the single step Lambda wave-guide transformer, which is a useful tool for the design of multipactor test samples. The transformer screen as shown above will start with the frequency and gap height values copied from the main Multipactor calculator form. However, any frequency between 0.32GHz and 140GHz can be entered, with the nominal WG-type being calculated by the programme. One higher or lower WG size can be selected, provided the frequency is within 1.05 to 1.95 times its cut off frequency. (note: nominal useful bandwidth equals 1.25 till 1.9 times cut off frequency) The gap height (mm) can be entered with the nominal WG height being the maximum value. All the relevant transformer section dimensions and impedances are calculated and displayed.

Note The plotting routine for the magnitudes of S11 and S21 is not available yet.


Mismatch calculator

The mismatch calculator will allow return loss (dB), VSWR or reflection co-efficient to be entered for a source and a load and will show the corresponding parameters converted instantly. Individual port match loss and actual mismatch loss between source and load is calculated. The phase of either source and/or load could be optimised (conjugate matching) to minimise the actual mismatch loss. In addition the maximum VSWR, mismatch and phase errors are calculated and displayed. Hovering with the cursor over the various input and output fields will reveal the actual formulae or the data input ranges used by the calculator.


Skin depth graph

This calculator will calculate the skin depth in microns for various materials (Silver, Copper, Gold, Brass 70/30, Aluminium, Platinum, Chromium, Tantalum) over the frequency range 0.1 till 100GHz. Entering a frequency and selecting a material will give the skin depth instantly in the skin depth box. Material surface resistivity and conductivity are given in their boxes. The black line represents the transfer function, which is dependant on material conductivity. The green line starts at the entered frequency and shows the skin depth at the graph left hand scale. The cursor will allow more accurate numerical readout from the graph. Clicking the orange question mark box will show a brief operating instruction as shown in picture above. Clicking on this operating instruction will let it disappear.


Venting calculator

From the select graph function Unit pressure vs. time (min) the venting calculator will calculate and plot the pressure-versus-time, given the user inputs: Area, venting hole diameter (mm), venting hole length (mm), no of holes, the type of surface material and its surface treatment (where available). The Area (and Volume) can easily be calculated for the rectangular box case by clicking on either the Volume or Area orange labels. These will call-up a small Volume & Area calculator, as shown below. The calculated output data is directly transferred to the main venting calculator window and the result is directly displayed.

(When no longer used, the calculator can be closed or will disappear after 1 min with the entered data stored on disk) The volume data is not utilised by the venting calculator, as this will typically only have a small effect during the first 5-10 min. of pump down. The material out gassing properties will determine the long-term pressure inside a unit. Physical data on the (circular) venting holes can be entered as usual. The standard venting calculator unit for out gassing rates is the Pa m/s while unit pressure versus time is available in Pa or mbar. Clicking on the orange pressure graph label will toggle between Pa and mbar.


The venting calculator has a substantial set of material outgassing data for 15 types of metals and 16 other materials including: glues, plastics, rubber, Teflon, Mylar, etc. For many of the materials a number of different surface treatments can be selected from as these have a great influence on the outgassing rates. For the actual material chosen, the 1hr, 4hr, 10hr and 100hr outgassing rates are shown at the bottom right-hand side of the calculator.

Clicking on the orange unit label allows you to toggle between: Pa m/s, mbar-l/s-cm2 and Torr-l/s-cm2 with the results calculated and displayed. (As shown above) The outgassing data shown on a yellow background are actual acquired/measured * * outgassing values, while the ones with a grey background are calculated (inter- or extrapolated) by the programme. (Data is typically valid at room temperature only) The blue (sloped) line will instantly show the pressure-versus-time for the physical dimensions and material data entered. A cursor will now follow the blue line. Its location can be fixed by (left) mouse clicking, thereby alternating between cursor track and cursor freeze modes. A horizontal red line at 1E-3 Pa (1E-5 mbar) is given which is considered the correct and save pressure to aim for with your venting design to ensure the proper pressure range for multipactor rather then corona breakdown. The vertical black line at the inter section of the blue and red line is the actual time it takes to vent to this 1E-3 Pa pressure with the numerical result given at the centre right-hand side Venting time data output field. In case the calculated venting time is longer then 10000 min (about 1 week) this output field will turn red, while venting times longer then 100000 min (about 69days) is no longer displayed. For practical reasons like reduced testing time and immediate operational availability, it is recommended to design the venting capability to be such as to reach the required save pressure within 24 hrs. For critical applications like large cavity filters, one should aim at less then one hour, such as to avoid cavity wall deformation due to fast vacuum chamber pump down. It should be noted that the outgassing data used by the calculator were measured/available at room temperature mainly. It is reported in literature* that the outgassing rate is very strongly dependant on temperature and that for instance a quick temperature increase from 28C to 60C had increased the actual pressure ten times.


The outgassing data for virtually all unbaked metallic surfaces is dominated by desorption of adsorbed gasses of which the main constituent is H2O amounting to between 85% and 90% with the remainder being H2, CH4, CO and CO2, as had been observed over the first 1000 min of pump down time. The hygroscopic nature of these surfaces makes the actual outgassing rate very dependant on the treatment and storage conditions. Where no extensive measured outgassing data was available, the venting calculator is using a slope of 1.2 in the log-log curve in the plot of total out gassing rate versus time, which is commensurate with a system/unit being vented to normal clean room pressure and humidity. This slope could be 1.3 for a very high humidity storage condition or as low as 0.6 when vented to 1 bar of high purity N2. Venting vacuum systems to dry N2 would be good engineering practice to keep vacuum systems and (RF) equipment dry thereby reducing pump down and venting time considerably. (The starting pressure data entry window is disabled and just shows the default ambient pressure in Pa or mbar.) From the select graph function Material out gassing rates versus Time (hr), the outgassing rates vs. time for the material selected will be shown. (Pa m/s versus time)

* Model for water out gassing from metal surfaces I, II & III by Minxa Li and H.F. Dylla JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY July/Aug 1993, July/Aug 1994, July/Aug 1995 ** See annexed updated material data from ESA, ESTEC/QMC


Ariane 5 Fairing inside Pressure vs. Time

To aid the design of equipment to be flown on the Ariane 5 launcher, a typical Fairing inside pressure versus time is provided. (Use the select graph function) * source; Ariane 5 User manual, (ArianeSpace)


Waveguide insertion loss calculator

A new feature added with version 1.60 is the waveguide insertion loss calculator allowing the loss to be calculated over the frequency range 0.32GHz and 1100GHz for rectangular waveguide (R3/WR2300 till R9200/WR1, IEC compatible) in mode TE10 and over 2.42GHz to 116GHz for circular waveguide (C25/WC329 till C890/WC9, IEC compatible) for modes TE01, TE11 and TM01. A fast selection of the right waveguide size (frequency band) is done by just entering the frequency of interest. Then select rectangular or circular WG type, and the mode for circular WG. Surface material selection is available, Silver, Copper, Gold, Aluminium, L111 Alu.Alloy, Brass 70/30, Platinum, Chromium or Tantalum, for which the resistivity and conductivity are given. The skindepth is calculated at the cursor frequency. A tracking cursor eases the fixing of the cursor readout (only horizontal movement required) and will now be correctly printed. The cursor location can be fixed by (left) mouse clicking, thereby alternating between cursor track and cursor freeze modes.


EMC Shielding effectiveness of venting holes / slots

The shielding effectiveness (SE) of circular holes and/or slots is calculated instantly by entering the number and physical data of the holes and slots. (Entering 0 for the No of holes or slots will ignore this calculation.) Results are given graphically in dB vs. frequency over the range 0.1 till 100 GHz. A specific total SE (holes and slots) at a user-entered frequency is given at the right hand side of the calculator. Pressing the ? button will provide the information and formulae used in this calculator. To complete the EMC analysis in terms of allowed radiated emission & susceptibility levels, a separate calculator is available under the right hand side button. (Also available directly from the RF-tools menu) Note SE is typically a worst-case figure depending on inside box dimensions and how the E-fields are coupled from the circuitry to the venting holes or slots and the physical location of these holes or slots.


EMC Radiated emission & susceptibility analysis

Although this being a generic EMC or RF link calculator, the radiated emission (RE) and/or radiated susceptibility (RS) for equipment could be calculated as well. The RE calculation is valid for the far field only which is indicated by the far field box. Simply entering the data will provide the E-field in V/m and dBV/m. The output from shielding effectiveness (SE) calculation could be used to modify the EIRP or to subtract from E-field (dBV/m) to work out the expected radiated E-field. In a similar way could the equipment RS be evaluated. The Rx power is calculated for a given antenna gain at frequency and E-field. The received levels inside equipment could be estimated by setting the antenna gain to 0dB and subtracting the calculated SE values.

Units converter

Just a small calculator providing conversion for Length, Area, Volume, Mass, Temperature and Magnetic Fieldstrength to help the non-metric engineers to convert to the metric standard used throughout this programme.


Pressure & Outgassing rate units converter

The different units for pressure and out gassing rates used throughout the years had made life not easy in comparing results quickly. To ease the conversion of pressure units this calculator provides the conversion from Atmosphere, bar, mbar or Pascal, back to any of these. The lower halve of the calculator provides out gassing rate unit conversion from Pa m/s, mbar-l/s-cm2 or Torr-l/s-cm2 , back to any of these. This calculator will also accept scientific data notation entry. (This calculator is also directly available from the Multipactor calculator RF tools menu or could be called up from the venting calculator using the orange Unit conv. button at the lower left-hand corner.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A.J. Hatch, H.B. Williams, Journal of Applied Physics 25, 417 (1954) A. Woode, J.Petit, Diagnostic investigations into the Multipactor Effect etc., ESTEC working paper 1556, Nov 1989 A.J. Marrison, R. May, J.D. Sanders, A.D. Dyne, A.D. Rawlins, J. Petit, A Study of Multipaction in Multicarrier RF components, Report No AEA/TYKB/31761/01/RP/05 Issue 1, Jan. 1997 Multipaction Design and Test, ECSS standard ECSS-E-20_01A, April 2003 D. Wolk, D. Schmidt, T. Schlipf, A novel approach for calculating the multipaction threshold level in multicarrier operation, Proceedings of ESTEC workshop Mulcopim 2003 Ariane 5 User manual, Arianespace Characterizing Digitally Modulated Signals with CCDF curves, Agilent Application Note 5968-6875E



Annex 1 Wave Guide The waveguide impedance calculation is based on the power-voltage definition;
Z 0 = 240 b a 1 1 0 c

b = gap height a = waveguide broad-side dimension = free space wavelength = cutoff wave length of the waveguide Z0 =Impedance of waveguide using the Power-Voltage definition Microstrip

The practical microstrip circuit uses a continuous substrate material as a support. However, to analyse transitional regions in between substrates or substrate to connector interfaces, the air gaps may pose dangerous regions for multipactor to develop/exist. The microstrip model [1] used in the programme has the effective di-electric constant fixed at 1 (air/vacuum) but allows the normal physical parameters to be entered, i.e. gap (depicted by h in the sketch above), strip width (W) and strip thickness (t). Stripline

Similar conditions and applications as described for the microstrip case are applicable for the Stripline option. The stripline model assumes the strip to be centred in height with the gap definition to be halve the overall inside stripline height. Finite strip thickness is taken care of by the programme.


(User) Co-ax. The impedance of co-axial lines is given as: Zo= 138*Log10 (D/d) Whereby D equals the inner diameter of the outer conductor and d the diameter of the inner conductor. Square co-ax (barline) The impedance of a square co-axial line (square-ax) is given as: When B/A > 1.08 : When 1.001 > B/A < 2.5: Zo = 136.7 * Log10(0.9259 * B/A) Zo = 188.31 / (1.12 + 4 * A / (B - A))

Whereby A equals the inside dimension of the outer conductor and B the outside dimension of the inner conductor.

Voltage Multiplication Factor (VMF) The definition of VMF used in the programme is: V2/V1 whereby V1 equals the voltage across the WG or Co-ax input impedance and V2 equals the voltage across the gap. When zero power loss is assumed from the input through the gap then: P1=P2 V1/Z1 = V2/Z2 whereby Z1 =impedance at the input Z2= impedance in the gap

Hence: VMF= sqr (Z2/Z1) Fig. below: an example of the VMF (blue line) dependence over the frequency bandwidth of a band pass filter as calculated by an external filter design program.

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