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Art Nouveau Impressionism

Starting in France, realism was focussed on life topics, such as work, family and everyday life. in the 14s to 1800s art was dominated by the idyllic style of the perfect paintings, from beautiful brush strokes, to perfectly formed shapes. Realism broke away from this.


Pop Art

Opporsit of Impressionism, Expressionism was a modernist movement developed as an avant-garde style in Germany, post-WW1. Expressionism has the charactics of an emphesis on individual perspective as a reaction to positivism. Starting after the first world war, Constructivism was an art movement that started in Russia in the early 1900s. It has had a strong influence on modernism and was a rejection of the idea of autonomous art. Punk Art, also known as Anti-Art is an art movement from the 1980s, particularly popular with young people are the punk rock bands of the era. Art such as this God save the queen album cover, shaked the nation od Britain when it ddebued during the Queens corrination.

Romanticism was an art movement at the beginning of the 19th century. It incorporated strong emotions, playing on the of the individual emtions, rather than the social and corporate emotions of the current state of society. It symulated a very gophic style

Eilif Peterssen
(Art below)

The term Post-Impressionism was only first used in 1910. That set about trying to go back to mor orderly and structed paintings but keep the bright colours of impressionism.

Edvard Munch

(Art below)

The Art Deco is a style that started in paris in the 1920s. And fourished interationally throughout the 1930 and into WW2. The style infulanced many things such as building and interor disign.

Pioneered by Pablo Picasso, Cubism was another avantgarde art movment that inspired music, literature and architecture.

Norwegian painter Eilif Peterssen was mainly influenced by the art in Munich after a visit.

Impressionism had a focus on the play of light on water for example, captures moods and used scenes from everyday life. The underlying style of impressionism was very colourful, very exagerated paintings of real life experiences. Impressionism broke away from studio based painting, and took the artists outside to paint.

Maximilien Luce
(Art below)

Maximilien was best known for his pointilliste style of art.

Another art movement based in Europian countries, Symbolism was one of the first movements to objectify art as both a sexual and idolic. It is a reaction against natoralism and realism.

(Art below)

Was a German expresionist and paintmaker. Maximilien was best known for his pointilliste style of art.

Art Nouveau, French for new art, is a style of art and arcitecture. Art Nouveau adops an almost greek style to its art, with uses of tiles, faded colours and elaborate buildings

Mayakovsky was a Russian artist who shot himself at the early age of 36.

Thophile Steinlen

Georges Braque
(Art below)

Art Nouveau, French for new art, is a style of art and arcitecture. Art Nouveau adops an almost greek style to its art, with uses of tiles, faded colours and elaborate buildings

(Art below)

Born into a wealthy and prominent family

Georges was a french artist, who developed Cubism, along with Pablo Picasso.

Known for its solid, bright colours and almost comic like style, Pop Art revelutionizsed art in the 1950s. Pop Art started in the United Sates and Great Britain, but took different paths in both counrties, and was the beginning foundation of many other art movements.








Caspar David Friedrich

(Art above)

Fernand Khnopff
(Art above)

Thophile Steinlen
(Art above)

Thophile Steinlen
(Art above)

Andy Warhol
(Art above)

Considerd the most important German artist of his generaton.

Claude Monet
(Art above)


One of the most famous french impressionists of the movment.

Fernand Khnopff is a Belgian symbolist painter who was born into a wealthy family.

Swiss artist Theophile Steinlen spent his early life developing his sills as an artist and paintmaker, before taking a job at his local mill.

Swiss artist Theophile Steinlen spent his early life developing his sills as an artist and paintmaker, before taking a job at his local mill.

Famous for his work with Campbells Soup and Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol is considered the father of Pop Art

Post-Impressionism Expressionism Constructivism Art Deco Cubism Punk Art

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