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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd (A Schneider Electric Company) 35-37 South Street LYTTON 4178 Queensland Australia ACN 085 972 425 Tel: + 617 3249 5444 Fax: + 617 3249 5888
No: SP_006

Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

This document describes certain procedures that may require to be conducted on inservice switchgear. Regardless of the switchgear type, the procedures in this document apply for: ! ! CAPM4 Software Versions 21-01.00 or higher. CAPM5 Software Versions 25-01.00 or higher.

This document is copyright and is provided solely for the use of the purchaser. It is not to be copied in any way, nor its contents divulged to any third party, nor to be used as the basis of a tender or specification without the express written permission of Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd.

The advisory procedures and information contained within this Service Procedure have been compiled as a guide to the safe and effective service support of products supplied by Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd. It has been prepared in conjunction with references from sub-assembly suppliers and the collective experience of industry qualified Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd personnel. In-service conditions for use of the products may vary between customers and endusers. Consequently, this Service Procedure is offered as a guide only. It should be used in conjunction with the customers own safety procedures, maintenance program, engineering judgement and training qualifications. No responsibility, either direct or consequential, for injury or equipment failure can be accepted by Nu-lec Industries Pty Ltd resulting from the use of this Service Procedure.

2001 by Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of these documents may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd.

Revision Record
LEVEL R01 R02 R03 DATE 09/05/01 24/05/01 19/06/01 AUTHOR Chris Maher Chris Maher Chris Maher COMMENT First release Include "-low" command Include "-debug" command

No: SP_006


Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1.2.1. 1.2.2. Compatibility of Software and WSOS Isolation of TRIP and CLOSE solenoids

1 1
1 1


1.5.1. 1.5.2. 1.5.3. 1.5.4. 1.5.5. 1.5.6. 1.5.7. 1.5.8. 1.5.9. 1.5.10. 1.5.11. 1.5.12. 1.5.13. Preparation Connecting the Personal Computer (PC) Transfer Existing Switchgear Configuration Settings Understanding the Software Command Configuration Saving the Software File to the PC Hard-Drive Software File Download using the MS Dos Prompt Screens Common Faults Alternative File Transfer Rate Creation of a Debug File Confirmation of Data Upload Switchgear Configuration Settings Compare On-Line and Off-Line Files Restore to Service

1 1 2
2 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 8 9 10 11 11

No: SP_006

Table of Contents

Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1.1. Purpose
The following procedure explains how to install the latest revision software over an existing version of CAPM4/5 software, whilst retaining all previous control and protection settings. ! It may also be used to reconfigure the switchgear after a CAPM card has been replaced.


1.2.1. Compatibility of Software and WSOS
Each software version release is supported by a Windows Switchgear Operating System update. Any attempt to load a recent software release using a superseded version of WSOS may result in incorrect file transfer or an inability to communicate with the switchgear. Always ensure that you have the latest release WSOS and that it is compatible with the release version of software being installed. Download from

1.2.2. Isolation of TRIP and CLOSE solenoids

The solenoids must be isolated, when prompted, before the software file transfer is commenced. Ensure that the solenoids are not enabled until after the Event Log has been checked for pickup events. Enabling the solenoids before confirming that a pickup event has not been generated may result in incorrect or hazardous switchgear function.


Equipment Required
! ! ! ! Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd Serial Cable, Part No: N05-902 Laptop Personal Computer (32 bit system) with Version 3.16 or later Windows Switchgear Operating System (WSOS) installed. The replacement software file. The cap5load.exe file.


A. Windows Switchgear Operating System User Guide Document No: N00-218

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation


1.5.1. Preparation
It is strongly advised that you read and fully understand the following procedure before commencing the software installation. Confirm that you have satisfactory communications with network control personnel before commencing the procedure. If you have any doubts as to the procedure or require further clarification of explanations provided, please contact our Service Department before commencing the procedure. Additional reference should be made to the user guide specified at Ref A.

1.5.2. Connecting the Personal Computer (PC)

1 Setup the PC: ! ! Create a temporary directory file on the PC hard-drive as appropriate to the installation, ie: Software. It may also be beneficial to create a default file for each individual device within the network.

Connect the PC to the control cubicle at port P9 using the serial cable, Part No: N05-902: ! 2 If possible, connect the PC end of the cable to the COMM 1 port. If the specified serial cable is not available, a suitable cable may be fabricated using the diagram at right and the table below as a guide.

Male Db 25 Pin No: 2 3 7

Female Db 9 Pin No: 2 3 5


Rx data to PC Tx data from PC Signal earth and cable screen Pins shorted together

Not connected


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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1.5.3. Transfer Existing Switchgear Configuration Settings

1 Open the WSOS programme: ! Select the name of the device from the Switchgear Device drop down file. Select OK.

Note: "Example" is used only as a reference file throughout the remainder of this procedure. 2 The WSOS "Example" Control and Monitoring OFF-LINE screen is now displayed: ! Select the ON-LINE button. A password is required to make the connection: ! Enter your user defined password if programmed. If not, enter the default password (NULEC). Select OK to go ON-LINE. Select OPTIONS toolbar. at the menu

! 3 ! !

WSOS is now ON-LINE:

Select "Read Switchgear Settings from the Switchgear" at the drop down file. Select YES to save to the default file.

! 4

A "Read Switchgear Settings" confirmation request is now displayed: ! Select YES.

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

The "Upload Status" screen advises of the file transfer progress: ! This may be cancelled at any time during the file transfer by selecting the CANCEL button.

The "Upload Status" screen remains on display to advise when the file transfer is complete: ! Select OK. be New software may now installed on the CAPM: !

Select OFF-LINE at the menu toolbar.

1.5.4. Understanding the Software Command Configuration

Individual software file names consist of ten digits and a sub letter ie: 10864024.05a The command dialogue contains specific functionality that is affected by system capability ie: cap5load -1 -force 10864024.05a is configured as follows. cap5load -1 -force Initialises the CAPM4/5 internal database and erases all settings. CCCCCHVV.RRX Software file name: CCCCC = configuration number H VV RR X = hardware type = software version number = software release number = A (All) = R (Range) = S (Specified List)

DOS command Comm Port 1 used with 32 bit Note that if systems: Comm Port 2 Windows 95 is used, the Windows 98 entry will be Windows 2000 -2. Windows NT

Note that single character spaces must exist after: ! ! ! the last character in the DOS command, the comm port, and the force command.

The file transfer will not proceed unless the character spaces are entered in the command configuration as specified.

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1.5.5. Saving the Software File to the PC Hard-Drive

The new software file may be provided by e-mail or on a 3.5" diskette. To save the file to the hard-drive: ! ! Copy the CAPM Software File into the temporary directory created earlier. Copy the cap5load.exe file into the same directory.

1.5.6. Software File Download using the MS Dos Prompt Screens

Software file download is conducted using the Windows MS DOS Prompt program: ! ! ! ! ! Select Start \ Programs \ MS-DOS Prompt. Open the DOS prompt and select the drive containing the CAPM Software File created earlier ie: C:\Example At the DOS Prompt, enter: cap5load 1 force CCCHVV.RRX (software file name) as shown at Figure 1, Step 1. Ensure that both of the isolating switches are switched OFF (Figure 1, Step 2). Enter (y) to confirm that TRIP and CLOSE are isolated (Figure 1, Step 3).

Figure 1 - Screen View 1 DOS Prompt ! The screen display will now update to advise that the software is downloading (transfer occurring at the default rate).

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

Figure 2 Software Transfer Status ! ! ! The download is shown as an increasing percentage (Figure 2, Step 4) until 100% complete (Figure 3, Step 5). The screen display will now change to advise that the software database is being downloaded (Figure 3, Step 6). The screen display updates to advise Download completed OK (Figure 3, Step 7). The CAPM will restart after a delay of up to 3 seconds.

Figure 3 Configuration Transfer Status

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1.5.7. Common Faults

! ! If the serial cable is incorrectly installed or either of the two isolating switches are not switched OFF, the screen display will update to indicate the fault condition. Check the cable and switches and then repeat Para 1.5.6.

Figure 4 Cable/Isolating Switch Fault ! ! If WSOS is still "On-Line", the screen display will update as follows. Return to the WSOS main screen, select "Off-Line" and then repeat Para 1.5.6.

Figure 5 On-Line Fault

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1.5.8. Alternative File Transfer Rate

If the software transfer has still not been completed successfully at this point, it may be re-attempted using a slower transfer rate than the default rate. Another command may be entered into the Software Command Configuration to slow down the transfer rate as follows: ! ! Refer to Step 1.5.6. Enter the following command when prompted, ensure character spaces are included where shown; cap5load -1 -force -low CCCCCHVV.RRX (software file name) The new command "-low" enforces the slower transfer rate (allow up to 25 minutes to complete).

1.5.9. Creation of a Debug File

In the event that the software transfer is still not successful at this point, it may be advantageous to create a "debug file" for analysis by our Service Department. To create the file, a new command is entered into the Software Command Configuration as follows: ! ! Refer to Step 1.5.6. Enter the following command when prompted, ensure character spaces are included where shown; cap5load -1 -force -debug CCCCCHVV.RRX (software file name) The additional command "-debug" causes a communications log of transactions between the CAPM and the PC to be saved to disk The log file is automatically saved to the source folder that the software was loaded from as "debug.tmp". Once saved, the file may be forwarded by e-mail or other means: ! ! Be aware that the actual file size may increase up to 13MB. If forwarded by e-mail, it is recommended that the file be compressed using WinZip which will reduce the file size to a maximum size of 1.3MB.

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation


Confirmation of Data

The Date and Time Group (DTG) page at the Operator Control Panel (OCP) must be reset as a result of the CAPM restarting at the completion of the software file transfer: ! The switchgear data will be invalid until the CAPM has completed its initial "switchgear settings read" upon restarting. At the OCP - Press the Panel ON button to activate the display and reset the DTG using the SELECT and arrow keys. Then press the MENU key to raise the Fault Flags display. From WSOS - Raise the "Example" Controller Status screen and reset by selecting the Date/Time field and then entering the required DTG when prompted. Select ON-LINE at the menu toolbar. The password is not required unless the WSOS programme has been closed.

To reset the date/time group: !

Return to the WSOS " Example Control and Monitoring OFF-LINE" screen: ! !

The "Example" Control and Monitoring screen now shows that WSOS is ONLINE: ! Select STATUS at the menu toolbar to raise the Example Controller Status screen. Note that the Trip Solenoids are shown as being isolated. Select the DTG field. Enter the password and follow the prompts to enter the correct DTG. WSOS should enter the DTG as per the PC. Select the Switchgear Data button.

! 4

This is the "Example" Switchgear Data screen: ! ! ! Confirm that the switchgear data is shown as valid. Select the EXIT button to return to the previous screen. Then select the EXIT button at that screen to return to the "Example" Control and Monitoring screen.

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1 ! ! 2

Upload Switchgear Configuration Settings

Select OPTIONS at the menu toolbar. Select "Write Settings to the Switchgear" at the drop down file.

At the WSOS File Screen:

A warning message is displayed advising confirmation of settings in the off-line file: ! ! If in any doubt, confirm the settings. Select YES to continue.

A "Write Switchgear Settings" confirmation request is now displayed: ! Select YES.

The "Write Status" screen advises of the transfer progress: ! This may be cancelled at any time during the file transfer by selecting the CANCEL button. If cancelled, be aware that a partial transfer of settings may have occurred. These settings cannot be used and must be over-written.

The "Write Status" screen is displayed when the file transfer is complete: ! Select OK to complete the process and return to the Main WSOS menu.

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Service Procedure

CAPM4/5 Software Installation

1 ! ! 2

Compare On-Line and Off-Line Files

Select OPTIONS at the menu toolbar. Select "Compare Switchgear Settings" from the drop down file.

At the Main WSOS screen:

This message appears advising that the switchgear settings must be read before the files can be compared: ! Select Yes to continue.

The switchgear settings will be read as for Para 1-5-2, Steps 4, 5 and 6: ! ! ! Select Yes to commence the read. Observe the Upload status as the read is in progress. Select OK once "Read Settings" is completed.

This is the Example Comparison screen which displays any differences between the On-Line and Off-Line files. In the event that no differences between the two files are detected, this screen will be as shown. If the file comparison is acceptable after comparing differences, exit from WSOS.


1.5.13. Restore to Service

1 Go to the Operator Control Panel: ! ! 2 3 ! Press the MENU button to raise the Event Log. Confirm that a Pickup Event has not been generated Return both switches to the Enable position.

Enable the Trip and Close solenoids: Disconnect and store the computer and serial cable.

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