Serra Maris Brochure 2012 en

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sea vegetable seeds

Serra Maris brochure 2012

sea vegetable seeds

Among the several hundred thousand of plants less than 200 species have been brought into an agricultural practice and about twenty species are predominantly present as world crop (wheat, soya, rice ) As we become numerous on this globe the pressure to explore new cultivable land is high. We believe that among the vast number of plants there exist plant species that fit in reclaiming marginal land and to transfer them into sustainable agricultural practices. With selected seed material and the appropiate cultivation techniques, novel crops can be turned into profitable crops that fit into a competitive market. The mission of Serra Maris is to develop novel crops for food, feed and industrial applications that grow on marginal land (too saline, too dry, too polluted) or who need peculiar growth factors. The core activities of the company consist in transferring the appropriate cultivation techniques for the novel crops, the seed production and an ongoing improvement of the plant material through plant breeding and selection. Dr Joost Bogemans manager

A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882

Serra Maris brochure 2012

seed production selection & breeding


seed technology consultancy

Serra Maris brochure 2012


Serra Maris brochure 2012

Salicornia , glasswort

(Salicornia europaea & Salicornia bigelovii L.)

Short fried salicornia ts well with a sh dish. Fresh green tips can be considered to replace salt in salads. Four selections of S. europaea are available, differing with respect to their physiological characteristics under saline conditions.

Sea Aster

(Aster tripolium L.)

Short fried Sea Aster gives a consistent soft salty spinach like product. Excellent with lamb or sh.


(Salsola soda L.)

Two selections are available : the Oka Hijiki type and the Agretti type (Italian salicornia) Leaves of Oka Hijiki are smaller and have a more crunchy texture. Agretti has a more consistent texture and is cooked like salicornia.


(Beta maritima L.)

When fried seabeet is a good companion with wild given its pungent nutty taste. A winter sea vegetable.

Bucks horn plantain

(Plantago coronopus L.)

A fancy nice green lettuce. Eaten raw or cooked.


(Portulaca oleracea L.)

Purslane is a very salt tolerant plant rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The vegetable is mixed in salads.

Sea Fennel

(Crithmum maritimum L.)

Sea fennel is the potherb among the sea vegetables.It is rich in aromatic oils. Blanching make the leaves tender and ts well with sweet deserts or sour appetizers.


(Crambe maritima L.)

Seakale shoots are the result of forcing by covering the crop. The young etiolated creamy leaves have a nice sweety kale taste. An old sea vegetable that needs more attention in the kitchen.

Seed list
Salicornia europaea L. Salicornia bigelovii Torr.


Aster tripolium L. (Tripolium vulgare)

sea aster

Salsola soda L.
oka hijiki type agretti type

Beta maritima L.

sea beet

Plantago coronopus L.
buckshorn plantain

Portulaca oleracea L.


Specials : plants or cuttings

Crithmum maritimum L.

sea fennel

Crambe maritima L.

sea kale

Serra Maris brochure 2012

new crops new selections derived products articial cultivation systems automatisation aquaponics

Research & development

Serra Maris bvba

Abdijstraat 14 B 9400 Ninove Belgi

[T] +32 54 329093 [F] +32 54 331175 [E]

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