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David Hooper Religion P.

.6 May 7, 2012 Remember the Titans Essay In society, racism will always be present because there is always going to be people who hate and dislike certain minority groups for no justifiable reason. The great thing about modern society is that racism can be greatly lowered through working together as one unity and not having individualistic thoughts, rather thoughts centered on the whole. The movie, Remember the Titans, shows how modern society can overcome the evils of racism and come together as a whole to win the state championship and become a leading example in fighting racism. The coaches on the team, ,along with the players, Bertier and Campbell, manage to show everyone that the evil ways of the past in which racism ruled is longer apparent in modern society. The team and the coaches show that white and black people can do remarkable things when they work together as a team. Through overcoming the obstacles of racism, the team displays a model for integration that can instill valuable lessons on fighting racism in society. As the movie begins, the Titans are a white-only team but it then turns into a mixed one when the white coach, Bill Yoast, is replaced with a black coach, Herman Boone. The team doesnt like that the new coach is hired since he is black. Boone is very strict and teaches the players to get along with the new black players that are mixed into the team so that they might hopefully find some kind of common standard. Due to Boones strictness and integration policy, the black and white players, especially Bertier and Campbell, get along. When Boone takes the team for a run to Gettysburg, he explains how racism can ruin a team and a nation. Several times throughout the season, the Titans battle racially motivated attacks from other teams and the referees who refuse to call fair games. Luckily, time and time again the team is able to

put their differences away and work together. The display of social unity makes the community eventually comes to the side of the Titans, cheering on all of the players as they win the state championship. The whole point here is to show that the Titans did not just play football. The Titans rather were soldiers for peace and non-decimation. The Titans were able to come together on common ground as a team and win against all odds. The coaching staff came together as a whole and taught the team how to not only play football, but taught them that segregation and racism are inexcusable ideas. The two captains on the team, Bertier and Campbell, pulled their team together and made a friendship that showed the rest of the team that black and whites living and working together was possible and should not be looked down upon. Through overcoming racism, The Titans taught their community and the state of Virginia the virtues of tolerance and hard work.

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