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Event Co-Chairs John Athon James Bell Steve Birdwell Marcella Burke Stephen Cox Marita & Jonathan

Fairbanks Nicolas Philips Brad Radoff Steve Taylor Steve Webster Kelley & Donald Young Margot Zanner Jay S. Zeidman

along with special guest candidate for at-large Congressional seat in Montana

cordially invite you to a reception supporting

Republican Nominee For United States Senate In Ohio

Treasurer of Ohio Two-tour Iraq War Veteran Tuesday, October 9, 2012 6:00 - 8:30 PM

2727 Kirby Drive 7th Floor Houston, TX 77098 $5,000 Diamond $2,500 Platinum $1,000 Gold $500 Silver $250 Bronze *Dinner at Uchi following reception for diamond and platinum level donors* With questions or to RSVP please return the enclosed reply form or contact Rachel Hillerman at 703-660-9100 or
To learn more about Josh or to contribute online visit
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

October 9 Reception Response Form

Please complete the information below
YES! I/we will attend the reception and dinner for Josh. Enclosed is my/our check for:

____$5,000 Diamond

____$2,500 Platinum

YES! I/we will attend the reception for Josh. Enclosed is my/our check for:

____$1,000 Gold

____$500 Silver

____$250 Bronze

Unfortunately, I cannot attend. But I still want to help! Enclosed is my contribution in the amount of $______________.

Please Circle Form of Contribution: Please Circle Credit Card Type: Name Street Address

Check Visa

Credit Card MasterCard American Express

City_____________________________________ Employer/Occupation

State____________ Zip

Work Phone____________________Cell Phone____________________Fax Email Credit Card Number Exp. Date___________________ Security Code on Card
Signature of Card Holder

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of each individual who contributes over $200 in a calendar year.

To learn more about Josh or to contribute online visit Please make checks payable to Mandel Senate Victory Committee and mail or fax to: P.O. Box 7272 Alexandria, Virginia 22307 703-660-9100 phone 703-345-0481 fax
Paid for by Mandel Senate Victory Committee
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

Josh Mandel is the 48th Treasurer of the State of Ohio, having been elected as the top votegetter of all statewide executive candidates, winning 80 of Ohio's 88 counties. Treasurer Mandel is a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours in Iraq and served as State Representative from the 17th Ohio House District. He was first elected State Representative in 2006, knocking on 19,679 doors and wearing out three pairs of shoes. In 2008 he was re-elected to a second term, representing a district with a 2:1 Democrat to Republican voter ratio. While in the Legislature, Treasurer Mandel served as the Ranking Member of the Financial Institutions, Real Estate and Securities Committee, and dealt with issues concerning banking, investments and other financial matters. Additionally, Treasurer Mandel has been a leader in the area of energy policy, advocating for exploration of Ohio's natural resources, and having served as ViceChairman of the Public Utilities Committee. Treasurer Mandel has a record of advancing capitalism, advocating for limited government, and standing up to bureaucrats who treat businesses as if they're "guilty until proven innocent". During his four years in the Legislature, Treasurer Mandel devoted a significant amount of energy towards the issues of restoring fiscal sanity to government, expanding school choice, improving the states business climate through free market principles, and protecting family values and The Constitution. Due to his leadership on these and other issues, Treasurer Mandel was given the "Legislative Courage Award" by Moms for Ohio, named legislative Rookie of the Year by the nonpartisan Columbus Monthly Magazine, and named Watchdog of the Treasury by the United Conservatives of Ohio. Treasurer Mandels previous elected experience includes service as a Lyndhurst City Councilman, where he was elected in 2003 with more votes than any candidate for Council or Mayor. As Councilman, Treasurer Mandel served on the Finance Committee, dealing with issues including longterm fiscal forecasting, investment strategy and bond-rating protections. Additionally, Treasurer Mandel introduced and led the fight for the first municipal property tax rollback in Lyndhurst history, which currently remains one of the only municipal property tax rollbacks in Ohio history. Inspired by a strong sense of duty to country, Treasurer Mandel enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves in 2000, where he graduated first in his class from Marine Corps Boot Camp and first in his class from Marine Corps Intelligence School. His Marine Corps career spanned eight years, including two tours in Anbar Province. During both tours he was awarded the Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal for superior performance of his duties. Treasurer Mandel holds a Bachelor Degree from The Ohio State University and a Law Degree from Case Western Reserve University. He and his wife Ilana reside in the Cleveland area.

To learn more about Josh or to contribute online, visit

Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

Any contributions to Mandel Senate Victory Committee are permissible under the Federal Election Campaign Act, as amended (FECA), 2 U.S.C. 431 et seq., from donors who have not exceeded their applicable Federal contribution limits shall be allocated among the participating committees pursuant to the FECA and the following method: 1. The first $2,500 from any single individuals contribution shall go to the Citizens for Josh Mandel General Account. The next $10,000 from any single individuals contribution shall go to the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Federal Campaign Committee. The remainder from any single individuals contribution shall go to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. 2. The first $5,000 from any joint individual contribution shall go to the Citizens for Josh Mandel General Account. The next $20,000 from any joint individual contribution shall go to the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Federal Campaign Committee. The remainder from any joint individual contribution shall go to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. 3. The first $2,500 from any federal non-multicandidate PACs contribution shall go to the Citizens for Josh Mandel General Account. The next $10,000 from any federal non-multicandidate PACs contribution shall go to the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Federal Campaign Committee. The remainder from any federal non-multicandidate PACs contribution shall go to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. 4. The first $5,000 from any federal multicandidate PACs contribution shall go to the Citizens for Josh Mandel General Account. The next $5,000 from any federal multicandidate PAC shall go to the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Federal Campaign Committee. The remainder from any federal multicandidate PACs contribution shall go to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. The contributors signature shall constitute a written designation of his or her contribution to particular elections as described above. All contributions permissible under FECA but that would cause a contributor to exceed any applicable Federal contribution limit to a specific committee, shall be reallocated to the other Committee to the extent permitted by FECA. Any contribution that would otherwise cause a contributor to exceed any applicable Federal contribution limit that is not permissible under FECA shall be refunded to the contributor. Any contributor may designate his or her contribution to a specific participating Committee, to the extent permissible by FECA. Any contributor may make his or her contribution payable directly to any of the participating Committees listed in the Preamble to this Notice. Any such designated contribution that causes the contributor to exceed the contribution limit to the designated participating Committee shall not be reallocated by Mandel Senate Victory Committee absent the prior written permission of the contributor as required by law. Contributions to Mandel Senate Victory Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All funds received in response to this solicitation will be subject to federal contribution limits and prohibitions. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals (without green cards), and federal contractors are prohibited. The maximum an individual may contribute to this joint fundraising committee is $43,300 per calendar year. Individuals should review their personal contribution histories to determine how this contribution may affect their federal individual biennial contribution limit for the 2011-2012 election cycle. The maximum amount a federal multicandidate political action committee may contribute to this joint fundraising committee is $25,000 per calendar year. The maximum amount a federal political action committee that is not a multi-candidate committee may contribute to this joint fundraising committee is $43,300 per calendar year. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of each individual who contributes over $200 in a calendar year.

Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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