Kernow Masonic Newsletter No 8

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Kernow Masonic News

Issue No 8 September 2012

Comment A while ago I was chatting with a couple who are not connected in any way with Freemasonry. During our conversation the gentleman, (a stalwart member of the British Legion), mentioned other charitable organisations such as the Lions, the Buffs and of course Freemasons. I then proceeded to get on my soapbox and enlighten the couple on our work, part of which is the supply of Teddy Bears to the various childrens facilities here in Cornwall. At the end of our chat, the lady went to her purse and gave me a generous donation to help facilitate the supply of Teddy Bears. The gentleman could not stress enough how impressed he was with Freemasonry and said he would tell his fellow members of the Legion how underrated our work is and what tremendous support we give to Cornwalls community. How nice to know that we are not always treated with suspicion or doubt, but with gratitude and appreciation. Also, I am sure that by the time this Newsletter goes out, every member of his British Legion will have been made aware of what you all contribute to by being members of the Fraternity. Passing of Brothers Since our last edition it is with regret to announce the passing to the Grand Lodge above of the following Brethren. Our thoughts are with their relatives and friends. W. Bro. J.B. Collier Pendennis Lodge No. 7520 W. Bro. A. Lancaster Tregullow Lodge No. 1006 Bro. P.R. Silver St. Michael Lodge No. 2747 Bro. V. Brewer Duke of Cornwall Lodge No. 1529 W. Bro. D.H.G. Yeo Peace & Harmony Lodge No. 496 W. Bro. J.E. Williamson The King Arthur Lodge No. 7134 Bro. G. Tonkin Cornish Maritime Lodge No. 9374 Welcome to the Craft Since our February Newsletter the following have become members of the Craft here in Cornwall. A warm welcome to you all and we wish you many happy years in the Fraternity. M. Blight Druids Lodge No. 589 P.R. Budd Meridian Lodge No. 893 D.J. Clark Godolphin Lodge No. 7790 M.G.E. Davidson St. Lukes Lodge No. 5371 C.M. Edwards The King Arthur Lodge No. 7134 S.P.J. Hicks The King Arthur Lodge No. 7134 M. Hissey St. Andrew Lodge No. 1151 L.D. Ironside Loyal Victoria Lodge No. 557 J.S. Mackey Zetland Lodge No. 1971 A.J. Parkin Boscawen Lodge No. 699 R.S. Smerdon Carew Lodge No. 1136 K.R. Stocker St. Andrew Lodge No. 1151 T.G.D. Sturch Penhellaz Lodge No. 7680 J. Ward Breanick Lodge No. 8610 Going for Gold winner The winner of the Going for Gold competition circulated earlier this year was drawn by Mrs Mary George on Saturday 11th. August. The lucky Brother is W. Bro. Roger Clements of Dunheved Lodge No. 789 who will receive two tickets for seats at the Festival celebrations at Newquay in 2013.W. Bro. Tony Evans Provincial Grand Charity Steward, thanks all who took part and is delighted to report that the competition raised the sum of 5,614 towards the Festival.

Golden Oldies Many congratulations to the following Brethren who have been recognised for their long standing in Freemasonry. Bro. D.J. Tregenza Truro School Lodge No. 5630. 50 year Badge Bro. T.E. Thomas Truro School Lodge No. 5630. 60 year Certificate W. Bro. W.A. Frazier Peace & Harmony Lodge No. 496. 60 year Certificate W. Bro. D.M. Laity Three Grand Principles Lodge No. 967. 50 year Badge W. Bro. D.R. Medlyn Three Grand Principles Lodge No. 967. 60 year Certificate Pictured after receiving their long service distinctions from the Provincial Grand Master at Penryn are W. Bro. Dennis Laity and W. Bro. David Medlyn of the Three Grand Principles Lodge No. 967.

Hair today gone tomorrow Members of St. Lukes Lodge No. 5371 in Camborne attended a social evening organised by the Master, W. Bro. Vivian Thomas and his Wife. After saying goodbye to an old friend, W. Bro. Vivian sat down and to a cheering audience had his pony tail cut off by the Provincial Grand Master, which was completed with skill, dexterity, and dare I say, enthusiasm. W. Bro Vivian managed to raise the excellent sum of 737 for the 2013 Festival. Perhaps many of us would be pleased to have that amount of hair to cut off in the first place !

Did you know... ? That the mission count for Cornwalls Air Ambulance so far has exceeded 23,000. That the donations received from Cornwalls Freemasons since the inception of Little Harbour at St. Austell has exceeded 43,000. That the Christmas decorations and small presents for patients at the Emergency Department of the Royal West Cornwall hospital in Penzance are all paid for out of the pockets of the nursing staff there. A travelling gavel Presented in 2008 to W. Bro. David Bray of the Three Grand Principles Lodge No. 967 by W. Bro. Jack Treganowan of the Copper County Lodge No. 135 (U.S.A.), the idea of the Travelling Gavel is to encourage visiting between Lodges in the Province of Cornwall. If five or more members from one Lodge arrive at your meeting, they are entitled to claim the Gavel. They then take the Gavel to their Lodge where it is held until another Lodge visits with five or more members and is free to claim it. When you claim the Gavel, add the date, your Lodge name and number to the travel document which accompanies the Gavel. This then shows how far the Gavel has travelled. At the present time the Gavel is at Truro School Lodge No. 5630. Can you claim it ? Openness continues Cornish Acacia Lodge No. 8302 in Hayle recently demonstrated how well the spirit of openness in the community is being received. Young men from the Boys Brigade were invited by W. Bro. Derek Ryder to visit the Masonic Centre in Hayle for a look around and a talk on the work we carry out in the community. Following the visit a letter was received from Lieutenant Andrew Howell of the 2 nd. Camborne Boys Brigade part of which read; It was a most interesting and enjoyable insight into Freemasonry and we feel strongly that it is important for our youngsters to understand a wide range of organisations...everyone was struck with the level of support provided for charity and all that

comes from within the membership...If you ever need a group of young men to help with an event, please do not hesitate to ask A praiseworthy effort by all at Hayle. Despite the atrocious weather our stand at the Royal Cornwall Show in June received a great deal of interest from visitors at the show. Going under the banner of Freemasonry in the community, our representatives received many enquiries from non Masons about our work, and an interesting interview was given on Radio Cornwall by W. Bro. Roger Freeman. Such was the success that consideration is being given for another larger stand next year. Our particular thanks go to W. Bros. Roger Read, Tony Ward, Alan Odgers and Roger Freeman who put in so much time and effort for this display. Pedal power rules The heavens smiled - for a change - on Saturday 30th June as W. Bro. Richard Knight, PPJGW, and his family/minders set out bright and early to cycle along the 12 mile Camel Trail from Wadebridge to Padstow and back. A band of their supporters from the Molesworth Lodge were on hand to cheer the riders off on their long ride for charity. Richard, who has turned 91 years of age, decided as the grand finale to his year as Master of the Molesworth Lodge No. 1954 for 2011/12, to leave his mark helping others not as fit or fortunate as himself. One of the charities close to Richards heart to benefit from the sponsored ride is Arthritis Research; this charity will receive half of the near 600 raised on that day. Richards other charity is the 2013 Festival. Richard said, This will be a good way to boost the Festival Fund as it nears completion and as good a way for me to get fitter after the rigours of my year! Also doing wheelies were members of Cothele Lodge No. 2166 in Calstock who cycled from the

most westerly Masonic Hall in Penzance to the most easterly Masonic Hall in Calstock. During the long journey the riders visited many Lodges along the way and raised over 1000. There then followed a Bar-B-Q which raised a further 696, all being donated to the Festival. A great effort by all concerned.
Any ideas ? I have received a letter from Bro. Adam Reece of St. Pirans Lodge No. 7620 in Perranporth. Bro. Adam assists children with special needs by musical therapy, and I feel his letter will explain all.I am hoping to raise awareness with regard to fundraising for the provision of music therapy in the Special Schools throughout Cornwall. The Council has cut all funding for the provision of music. Music is so important, in terms of learning, speech and communication. I am hoping to fundraise for the provision of music in special schools in Cornwall. If anyone knows of any venues that will host a night of live music please let me know, as any funds raised will go directly to the schools for the provision of music Bro. Adam can be contacted by email at; Local charities continue to benefit Following the Regular Lodge meeting of the St Petroc Lodge, No. 1785, in the Padstow Social Club on 3rd July, the members attended a buffet meal with guests and representatives from the charities, to receive cheques totalling 3000 from the Padstow Masonic Charity Trust. The 2013 Festival also received a cheque for the sum of 1000. The cheques were presented to the charities by V. W. Bro. Stephen Pearn, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Tony Martinez, Charity Steward of the Lodge and of the Charity Trust. Pictured from left to right: S/Lt Mark Cheetham, RNR and Leading Cadet Thomas Cheetham: Padstow Sea

Cadets. Joice Lloyd: St Petrocs Senior Citizens. Rupert Clerey: 1st Padstow Scout Group. Alisen Hill: Padstow Rowing Club. Mr Janson: The Handstand Appeal, on behalf of his son Marshall of whom, lost all four limbs from meningitis. Stephen Pearne. Tony Martinez. Jay Cooper: Padstow Junior Football. Rose Rabey: St Merryn Senior Citizens. Mick Walter: Padstow Christmas Lights. Sandy Lawrence: Cornwall Downs Syndrome Support Group. Julie Nichols and Lisa Pompa: Padstow PreSchool. Ann Harris: Padstow Girl Guides and Brownies. John Buckingham: Padstow Museum. Members of Tewington Lodge No. 5698 accompanied by families and friends and also from Carlyon Lodge No. 7392 and St. Denys Lodge No. 8250 enjoyed a boat trip along the River Dart in July. This raised the sum of 160 which will be contributed to the local charity account and the 2013 Festival.

Mystery painting solved Members of St. Martins Lodge No. 510 in Liskeard recently discovered in a store cupboard an old painting of a senior Mason. A bit of detective work from the clue of his collar jewel and also reference to the Thread of Gold, revealed that the mystery Mason was RW Bro. Augustus Smith, the 6th. Provincial Grand Master (1863-1872)

Dates for your diary The Lodges at Liskeard will be holding a joint entertainment evening with a carvery and comedy cabaret featuring Phil Lowen on Friday 5th. October at the Eliot House Hotel, Castle Street, Liskeard, 7pm for 7.30pm. Details and tickets available from W. Bro. Eddie Taylor 01579-345394. You may have heard that Three Spires Lodge will be moving to Truro in January next year. This, after 25 years is effectively a relaunch of the Lodge. This is a lunch time Lodge which will undoubtedly suit many Brethren. If you are interested, please contact W. Bro. David Barlow email address There will be a visit to Rosevale Mine on Saturday 27 th. October. Meet at Zennor Village car park at 10.30am for the morning shift or 1.15pm for the afternoon shift. The car park is situated between the Tinners Arms public house and the Wayside Folk Museum just off of the B3306. From the car park (1 honesty box with no time limit), there is a gentle walk for approximately mile along a good valley track to the mine site. The maximum number of persons per group is 24. 48 persons can visit in one day, hence the two shifts. This is a dry mine but wellington boots and overalls or gardening attire are recommended. Cost is 10 per person with the proceeds divided between the Penzance Masonic Centre Management Committee and the Mining Society to help with their running costs. Refreshments will be available after each shift. This is a serious long term project to help save Cornwalls mining heritage. To book, email Martin Orchard Closing date is the 20th. October. The Childrens Hospice South West will be holding a Ladies only Moonlit Walk of about 1-3 hours in Falmouth. As there has been so much support from Cornwalls Freemasons in the past for the Hospice, the organisation would be pleased to see any Lady who wished to walk in memory of a loved one they have loved and lost. Details of dates etc can be obtained by way of the Hospice website. Still on Target The 8th National Masonic Shooting Competition held here in Cornwall on the 23rd June 2012 was a great success. Out of eleven Provinces the overall winners were Sussex with Surrey a close runner up. West Lancashire coming third and Cornwall fourth. Cornwalls Matt Barnett was top gun who shot 92 out of 100 clays. Presenting the cup and trophies was the CPSS President RW Bro. Peter George accompanied by his Wife Mary. The Provincial Grand Master was then enticed to try his hand at shooting when showed a hidden talent by hitting the clays despite never having shot them before a possible new member of the

team? The whole day raised the magnificent amount of 3,400.00 for the CPSS nominated Charities, which are the 2013 Festival and Childrens Hospice South West. Well done to all. The next National will be hosted by the Province of East Kent on the 22 nd June 2013. Teddy family grows Our Teddies for Loving Care increased during the summer break. I am delighted to report that they now have homes at the Emergency Department, CLIC Ward and Childrens Specialist Unit at the Royal Cornwall hospital, West Cornwall hospital and the Childrens Hospice South West at Little Harbour. Making the presentation to the nursing staff at the West Cornwall hospital in June was Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro Jan Olszewski whilst Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Robbie Alberry made the presentation at Little Harbour in August, both donations being graciously and gratefully received.

W. Bro. Robbie Alberry with Mary Murfin at Little Harbour, St. Austell.

W. Bro. Jan Olszewski with Emergency Department staff at the Royal Cornwall hospital, Penzance.

And finally Please do not forget that if your Lodge is a little short of actual Ceremonies to carry out, and you require an interesting talk, you can always call upon the services of our Provincial Grand Orator, W. Bro. Peter Davies, or respecting Charity work either here in the Province or nationally, our Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W. Bro. Tony Evans. Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Bill Mayhew

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