Translanations One by William R. Howe Book Preview

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translanations one

William R. Howe

BlazeVOX [books]
Buffalo, New York

translanations one by William R. Howe Copyright 2009 Published by BlazeVOX [books] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews. Printed in the United States of America Book design by Geoffrey Gatza Cover Art by Michael Basinski First Edition ISBN: 9781935402435 Library of Congress Control Number 2009925619 BlazeVOX [books] 303 Bedford Ave Buffalo, NY 14216

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500 Shaven mylar plan, elides aberrant Shat on as mingle steel Booze folks ad Lizzy lustig fluke Astor at rave bring still Keen ever flops flutes krakkens The dove their hype fest pose Fart bakes miscount ale fighting End glazes ASCII floes, Spill Avery price vista stead End thin this hairy prig Keel sin promoter atom steers End fly pry groin Mydol, End heathen fly, perspex bus Hippo sedative, whirly Orb gone shag Marden Hindu drain Fist paucity Shut glee, Thebes at logostician, Reefer semi-dump sidhe Teach us divide rating flotsams! Annex quizzical tyke comply!

501 Shit swirled blissed out concussion. Aspic eyes brands buy fronds Enviable, azimuth Scut plausible hive, ass bound Henpeck ones, end shit waffles Philistine donut End strew arid diddle, skat theyll fast Gastronomy, mussel glow Togas spit, muzzles collars Rogaine spit, then Pavel horn Camp wart of ten elevators End Bruce addiction, grown Wraith ships end caff, end dailies Flushes, litany bee Fucks AT-AT wig aped cadence End masks avenue, thew day Crutch vestiture, form she-bull kit Schlong hallelujahs bowl Bark optics stand-off krill that booth Stat nipples hat free stole

502 Skat feast topiary islet islet Ouija pus Hindi bear Window slot stitch sty chandler bliss Hymen clocking fevery stare Stout testiest girth-snake sin these mouth End male storm, sin these glee Stay, bees up-thrust often Azathoth Blast flow norm form?

503 Squatter pthalo stick! Four-eye seawall shit Eye-wash booze tootie turds abhor Fist wasp deterrent claws transformation Offal goons igloo Ardmore Closet disdained shrike otter Lanza Noon blood day spit these fecund brine Bottle composter prefect Hobart Cherish schism splat chi-less grime! Glow chitlins gold bow hooks it neednt Stubbled Abe fetter felony Quantifier bees scrape blur ender Purging thief bleat shat stood cot cry Chitlins sutured cur dicier costly Even ale absinthe stymied cold Leave anti-English gendarmes glory Slat dyplast felling attune ired Gut rush ass train flee birch capsizes Flan shale fast taint floes cup these piles Caught much ass bonsai shits these eye-lance Windy exemption shrikes herpes kill Lemming nose pill shits wall festive dance Strumming ford grommets whittle home Strumming instillery St. Reversal Flop Shinto goon aground that hormone


504 June splat gorget Hindi spoon Hotel miso kiss spike Thieve airy prow these tupping spies Agog floor spay hose snake? She berry Saturn oft leach peek Shit berries into shin Shut this whale fence wean fte kiss schlong End bashings intravenous Sin spoons atoll bliss frau icy Mile hips thrust bold then came Win present cow fart scorn in coat Shut bear shag olden came End then cone plight hold flashing plows Pithy awe a-frame glee Splats caesura thin she-otter kiln Slat blazes holy play


505 Spine blood nut taint ape lecture Vied blather beetle fun Sits fright empress ability Toad well nutritious lawn End blunder cow thief ringers keel Hosiery cane knell bestial blur Provokes slows weep adore mint Thatch scrumptious the stair Iron wood Natick, spike hornets Irate harpy Dion Praised loftily tooth fillings End pout, sleazy one Brew pillages a feather Sty-elf imbued saloon Byte julep often kettle Sheep fear tummy cartoon Narwhal decibel ape suet Spits shiner hone fear Atlatl armoured competent intent Theyll incense tour even, Ape drivel Edsel chauffer bull Though blood shad mower glee, Hittite font toast ore shy elf Myth colts cause malady!


506 Heat crouched flee, soil hive teenier Splat crutch allay, spearmint pitted glow, Aggro foot capon headrest Shit flows around last fame tone End cry valanced, ask he craw-full bee Nuts finer screams too fest. End row, Cardiff errant form abhor, Mastiff inbred Edsel derrire pare Orb rushed Arco yell down Knife teat, boo, slat bad blundered doe Magi cipher transmogrified cow Forefend error the clown Shinto fist court, but fire kite bum, Tribes, toe-jam rustle hymn, Hubnut tora fished spurn Noper shun, waffled adder-swine Left much accrue cervical brine Tower managerial gun


507 Flea bites absurd flea knuckle Flea slatterns when flea brawls Flea fumes miss pout heel shook off it Heard cries sin priest toga thralls Curd paws blur snitching monkey Hunt heathen card least end Shale heaps, slut bobbin creeped thief pursed Awe, fussy, often gland, They ropes soldier capering Yule host scathed yurt bung Win this diskette nose Macomb dread foes End bled wither vie bun


508 Imbedded hives topped fleeing fears Then fame say cropped capon knife lace Sith cotter, Hindi launch gantry birch His banished fusing, prow, End deacon pundit moth-eyeballs, Nyquil blood, end these Trang office pools, Hive banished dreading flue Capsized, abhor, ship out speech moist, Shut fist brine, copiously, ogre space Into suprematist sham Balled tummy hull sheep resident flopped Exit stance swale narc, spilled pup, Shit buns mull diamond. Mice recon drank toes mull thief burst Frowned glowing omni bothers chest Ahab uncle unctions steam Shut fist brine aqueduct eject, Smith still tow chase, Ortho project, End sneeze, justice brown


509 Halfpenny brollys grin deb deed Slits carp fest oft heathen Flee blinking now say caulked endive Adze crutch end crutch at rhyme Fear pontoon, advent Fundy, Sunburner oft hee-haw Ape rank Peabody flew button Cost, skinned knee fetal ogre Howard, stair, nonesuch allay, Yule mass tofu eel that ate South shore layoff fit screams End how fear centurions form fat Hope leased fear, skat thought blew red Stew fry too much these mile End rip pour flanges sin defrost Thin causes candle bell Flue casqued flea frumpery tootsie Acquiesce justice flue End fatted nose witness granting Shat coned dismember dew Fast prows, end initiations Fast center clue, end cow Fast water elf canister inflate Fat stakes Bisquick cough hoe!


510 Sit wash nut left, four-eyes hiccup, Angle that tread, fly clown Sit wash nut kite, furl slab hells Pew tout fear-schlongs, fern goon. Sit wash nut flossed, foreign knife lash Eiffel Volkswagens scrawl Norse ire forge crust mime garble bleat Cold heap itching cell, spool End fte, Hittite stead, shrike female, Thief ligatures hive spleen Settler derby, furball rail, Domain dead fee, huff pine Candice mile knife wereraven, End kitted tofu rain, End cold cut greave sick pawl achy, End cause hike kid light, gum Thin shantytown splat flicked haste cropped End raucous tariffs ball are found Orgy pissy costs burst auto-corns, Conceal Thebes eating browned Bemoaned, shrike Taos topless pool Miss pout ache dance, oars par Moray airport oval band Toe rust fry repair.


511 Mayhugh lycanthropic orgasm Hindu call, Vied through these bummer fly Hiss bath as mile, end bath ass burn, Ass mousewives flow, apathy. Reply kudzu flan weredeer, Glide bend them monks skittles Input sham beach incept rated crawlers, Forefend hen umbras loose Cliff phony venturis, prepaged, Glide movement sham only band, Subcontracting, spill knife angers cropped Hindu plan daemons gland. Cliff curtain, spin fest strife washout Splat fours end kind, blood fee Glide floss pigeon pea, hiker blind, End fake maternity Scut, bow, uncle Burton oft hell eighth Oft bliss, shats supine, Spit loads free, spiky goblin bee Shat still probate shit sling.


512 These mole his Baghdad ad foments Thin taupe galled toaster Sheaf eels gloam rusty flight cone-pup End crop tool hook adder Salty flutter smith schlong bingers Star dress herpes singer Clip, knobbin, form three-way hips Shell hover clovered store Gun birthday, stat agog soybean Exhaust at hymn blow stare These mole his foments office cape Thin nursing alter goers Credences strike aplomb, adenoid, End things supine glowers, Ass duty glee luxurious porn Song bludgeoned promise hose Torch puberty then booboo cone, Button, end carapace These moles probated comments Thin melon bed furlong, Sith tackles nom de plume defeat, Bend steeples, Hindi bong, Devourer malldoms cur, bagging, Please, garnet prayed often


513 Spike towers, cat beard then pews offed ewes, Button fewer preened that ripping flies Predatory fear lobe rows Orb fees shat fought these bummers game Dumb tremor often iridium, Dome runner would fourteen Auratic features, primly burred Byte coptic bint done gaveled turd Simper tattooed stood Ermineds plight digital tooth bear Shaking short honey, end newer, Content bed, blown, the door Thief even annex aspic D-Con, Tool thieves shat bought thew ore-shipping Attu brie sumptuous palm


514 Hearse mile wash aped strike brothers miles That wimple runnel bong End spill shit spurt dew, awesome turd Kid moist hearse-elf, twos ring, Genre mullet able, maggot End mould supine that wig, Non-votive, wild amuse sick folk Hike deads along lab cog


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