UBD Lesson Plan Information Literacy-Collaborative Lesson

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Focus Student Group- 5th grade Science students The student group used for the Information Literacy/

Collaborative Lesson plan were 5 th grade students in Mrs. Darleys Science class. There are 25 students in the target classroom. They are a mixture of 65% African-American, 18% Caucasian, and 12% Hispanic. They are all below reading level learners, with some special education and ESOL services. The background research about Information Literacy needs and CRCT scores did not deliver the detailed results that I desired. The CRCT score reports did not show a complete breakdown of the Information Literacy questions, so they did not allow me to make an accurate assessment of the learning needs for the present fifth graders. The Georgia Department of Education website was valuable in learning about the statewide and district increase in scores for Reading, but did not single out any Information Literacy question results. Therefore, I decided to administer a short student survey, Whats the Info You Know? (see Appendix of UbD plan), in order to get a better grasp of where to take the focus for Information Literacy skills. The survey questioned student knowledge of different types of resources, ways to find different types of information, and ways to use different sources of information. The majority of the students matched dictionary and catalog correctly, several matched encyclopedia correctly, and only a few matched periodical and bibliography correctly. All of the students knew to use the library catalog to search for a book and the majority chose the web to find the most current information. I was surprised to discover that almost every student knew all of the Boolean connectors for searching the web. But, only one student chose to create a topic, search terms, and keywords before performing research. Over half of the students knew to cite, use quotes, and list references when using information from a source. But, almost all of the students did not know that copying and pasting information from a website was actually breaking copyright law. So, this gave me many concepts that I could focus on when teaching about intellectual property and copyright law! It took several sessions, but the lesson was very successful. The students were engaged and created questions that showed their learning. They were documenting the materials and websites used to create the slide show questions and answers. The teacher was pleased with the collaboration effort and the knowledge that the students gained from the process and product. The other classes enjoyed the questions, and they felt that they were relevant to the material they were studying. The teacher plans to save the questions and use them again during review for the benchmark and CRCT exams.

UbD Lesson Plan Melissa Brock Information Literacy/ Collaborative Lesson

Stage 1- Desired Results

Established Goals: Science S5L2. Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents in inherited traits and learned behaviors. a. Compare and contrast the characteristics of learned behaviors and of inherited traits. b. Discuss what a gene is and the role genes play in the transfer of traits. S5CS5. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. a. Write instructions that others can follow in carrying out a scientific procedure. b. Make sketches to aid in explaining scientific procedures or ideas. c. Use numerical data in describing and comparing objects and events. d. Locate scientific information in reference books, back issues of newspapers and magazines, CD-ROMs, and computer databases. S5CS6. Students will question scientific claims and arguments effectively. a. Support statements with facts found in books, articles, and databases, and identify the sources used. Standards for the 21st Century Learner Goals: Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 1.1.1: Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life. - Generate questions and practice different ways to locate and evaluate sources that provide needed information 1.1.4: Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions. - Use multiple resources, including print, electronic, and human, to locate information. 1.1.9: Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding. - Work in teams to produce original works or solve problems. - Respect others opinions through active listening and questioning. Standard 3: Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 3.1.2: Participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners. - Respect the guidelines for responsible and ethical use of information resources.

Students will understand that * Traits are passed from parent to offspring through genes * Traits of offspring can be predicted by traits of parents * Learned behaviors are not the same as inherited traits or instincts * Information can be located in multiple resources * Information should be used ethically and responsibly Students will know *The genetic transfer of traits from parents to offspring. *The difference between a learned behavior and an inherited trait or instinct. *The different types of print and non-print resources *The basic guidelines of copyright and ethical use

Essential Questions:
1. What are genes? 2. What are instincts? 3. How are traits passed from parent to offspring? 4. How are learned behaviors different from instincts? 5. What are the different types of informational resources? 6. What is intellectual property? What is copyright law?

Students will be able to *Recognize and define traits. *Use research skills (with guidance) to find materials and information about genetic traits. *Recognize personal inherited traits and learned behaviors. *Create questions from learning and research materials. *Express learning through visual and verbal demonstration via partner collaboration. *List sources used by title, author, source and/or website name and link

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Task:
*Create and present a power point that contains slides showing student-generated questions about genes, inherited traits, instincts, and learned behaviors and is followed by slides with the answers to the questions.
(Explanation, Interpretation, Application, Perspective, Empathy)

Other Evidence:
*Oral or written response to each of the essential questions.(Explanation, Application, Interpretation, Perspective) *Genetics vocabulary graphic organizer.(Explanation, Application) *Create student booklet containing each of the personal inherited traits and learned behaviors with drawn illustrations about each.(Explanation, Interpretation, Perspective, Self-Knowledge)

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
*Hook- What do you think makes you different or special from other people? *Prior Knowledge- Ask students to each write personal descriptions of their looks and skills on paper. Discuss with the class. *Introduce Unit- Identify learning goals (GPS) for the unit. Answer any questions and discuss. *Review the instructions and scoring rubrics for power point presentation. *Show and listen to TeacherTube.com video What are Genes? *Read sections covering Inherited traits and learned behaviors in class textbook, Georgia CRCT Coach, GPS Edition, Science Grade 5, pp. 149-152. *Follow-up- Students will answer relevant essential questions as Ticket out the Door activity after each session. *Show and listen to YouTube.com video What is meant by genetic difference? *Read sections covering genes and heredity in class textbook, Georgia CRCT Coach, GPS Edition, Science Grade 5, pp. 153-157. *Follow-up- Students will answer relevant essential questions as Ticket out the Door activity after each session. *Student-paced work- Begin student booklet containing each of the personal inherited traits and learned behaviors with drawn illustrations - Hand out papers/pages with headings of inherited traits and learned behaviors. Students write descriptions in own words and draw illustrations. Place in file folders with students name. Place on shelf for additional work times and further use in unit. *Review types of resources: dictionaries, encyclopedias, online resources and websites. *Intellectual property and Copyright law: Show video about copyright law and fair use Fair(y) Use Tale. Introduce website Copyright Kids. Distribute Copyright Go and No cards and read and review with students. Model appropriate documentation of resources used during projects/assignments on chart paper or whiteboard. *Peer learning- Complete the Genetic vocabulary graphic organizer in pairs using text, internet, video information, etc. *Review steps to create power point presentation via computer projection screen. (video tutorial) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWdFnMgGPKQ *Individual project- Begin visit to computer lab for research and PowerPoint creation. Assist students as needed with research needs and PowerPoint. *Continue work on student booklets until completed. *Encourage students to review rubrics and review examples, and assist as needed during rotations. *View PowerPoint presentations in class. Students will present, ask questions, and show answers to their questions. *Follow-up/Review- Students will display completed genetic booklets in classroom. PowerPoint will be used during other classes for review.

Student and Teacher References:

Genes/ Inherited Traitshttp://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trait http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/genetics/ http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/dna/ http://www.sciencekidsathome.com/science_topics/genetics-a.html http://dnaftb.org/1/ http://www.neok12.com/Genetics.htm http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/traits/ http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/genetics/preview.weml http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=214914 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5yzRRvROpE&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPk_V1KkMuU&feature=youtu.be

Offspringhttp://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/offspring http://www.thefreedictionary.com/offspring


http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/i/instinct.htm http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/instinct http://dictionary.kids.net.au/word/instinct http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/instinct http://www.scienceclarified.com/As-Bi/Behavior.html

Learned Behaviorshttp://answers.askkids.com/Weird_Science/what_is_learned_behavior http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/ent425/tutorial/Behavior/index.html http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/L/LearnedBehavior.html

Heredityhttp://www.neok12.com/Genetics.htm http://www.brainpop.com/health/growthdevelopmentandgenetics/heredity/preview.weml http://www.kidsturncentral.com/links/geneticslinks.htm http://www.historyking.com/evolution/heredity/Heredity-For-Kids.html http://www.kumc.edu/gec/

1. Match the following words with the correct definitions: ________Dictionary A. A list of books, periodicals, audiovisuals, and other materials that a library owns B. A list of all books, articles, and other materials the author used in writing book C. Defines words and terms, their meanings, spelling, pronunciation, synonyms, etc. D. A publication that comes out on a regular schedule (weekly, monthly, quarterly) E. A reference source that provides articles written by experts on a variety of subjects





2. To find a book on a topic, you use: A. Online periodical database B. Library catalog C. Web search engine

3. To find the latest information about a football game, you choose: A. Encyclopedia B. Magazine/ periodical C. Newspaper D. The Web

4. What are Boolean operator terms? A. AND B. OR C. NOT D. All of the above

5. When you are preparing to perform research, what should you do first? A. Look through encyclopedias B. Look through the library catalog C. Search websites D. Create topic, search terms, and keywords

6. When you use information from a source, you should: A. Cite the resource in a reference/ bibliography list B. Use quotes around statements in exact words from the source C. List the reference even if you put it in your own words D. All of the above

7. Copying and pasting from a website is breaking copyright law. A. True B. False

PowerPoint Presentation Instructions

Your power point presentation should include the following: * An introductory slide that includes -your names -the topic for your questions * At least 4 slides: one for each of the 2 relevant questions, one for each of the 2 answers * Question slides should include: -One written question relevant to topic -correct spelling and grammar -optional picture/ images that represents the question topic * Answer slides should include: -One written answer for the related question -correct spelling and grammar -optional picture/ images that represents the answer * Images and pictures should be placed logically with text on slides. *All resources used to create slides and questions should be written on paper and turned in to teacher.

Use the presentation grading rubric to help self-check your presentation. Have fun and be creative!

PowerPoint Presentation Grading Rubric

Unsatisfactory= Acceptable= 15 points 20 points Content
Content is not correct and information is not presented in a required order, making it difficult to follow. Presentation not organized. Insufficient number of slides. Content is correct but some information is not presented in a logical order, but is still generally easy to follow. Presentation flows in some parts. Correct number of slides.

Excellent= 25 points
Content is correct and information is presented in a logical order.



Images/ Pictures

No images.

Images are related to content. Layout is not organized. Some spelling errors and grammar errors. Questions are in students' own words.

Spelling and Grammar

Many spelling errors and/or text is copied.

Presentation flows well and shows creative skills. Correct number of slides. Images are related to content. Layout of images is pleasing to the eye. No spelling or grammar errors. Questions are in authors' own words.

Genetics Vocabulary Graphic Organizer

Inherited trait








Copyright law is a part of the U.S. Constitution (1976). Copyright law protects any original, creative work. There does not have to be copyright documentation. Copyright protection is the life of the author plus 70 years. Works created before 1923 are considered "public domain". These can be used by anyone without permission! "Fair use" allows teachers and students to use some of the copyrighted materials for teaching and research. Always document your resources!



Money cannot be made from using someones work. Works can only be used for education or research. You cannot change the value of the work. Students are only covered by the "fair use" rule in the same way as the teachers. If it is found on the web, it belongs to the author. It is just like a book, magazine, CD, or video that has been produced and sold. Ideas belong to the creator! You cannot copy and paste from the website unless you use quotes!! Put it into your own words! All resources used must be documented!

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