Montenegro Airlines

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Montenegro Airlines Magazine

Broj 10 / No 10 Ljeto / Summer 2005


Inflight Magazine
Poπtovani putnici, Dear passengers,
Pravo je zadovoljstvo poæeljeti Vam dobro- It is a real pleasure to welcome you aboard an-
doπlicu na joπ jedan Montenegro Airlines let. other Montenegro Airlines flight.

Pred Vama je ljetnje izdanje Inflight magazi- This is the summer edition of Inflight maga-
na, pripremljeno u znaku ljeta i opuπtanja. zine, prepared in the spirit of summer and holi-
Trenutak je da bar na kratko iskoristite ljetnju days. This is the right moment to take advantage
vrelinu, zaboravite na svakodnevicu i uputite of the summer heat, at least for a while, forget
se ka nekoj od atraktvnih destinacija. the everyday life and fly to some of the attractive destinations.

Predlaæemo da izaberete neπto iz Montenegro Airlines We suggest you choose something from Montenegro Airlines
ponude koju Ëini niz redovnih linija za Pariz, Rim, Budimpeπtu, offer, which consists of several scheduled lines to Paris, Rome,
Frankfurt, Cirih, BeË, Ljubljanu ili moæete izabrati neki od naπih Budapest, Frankfurt, Zurich, Vienna, Ljubljana… or you could
charter letova za Italiju, GrËku, Tursku, Egipat, »esku, choose some of our charter flights to Italy, Greece, Turkey,
NjemaËku… Egypt, Czech Republic, Germany…

Za Vas je Montenegro Airlines uvijek dostupan. Montenegro Airlines is always available for you.

Uvoenje novih atraktivnih destinacija, stalni rast i razvoj kom- The introduction of new attractive destinations, constant growth
panije, proπirenje moderne flote, profesionalizam zaposlenih, and development of the company, expansion of the modern fleet,
glavni su razlog πto se broj putnika Montenegro Airlinesa iz go- professionalism of employees, are the main reasons of the great
dine u godinu znatno poveÊava. Tako je u prvoj polovini tekuÊe increase of the number of Montenegro Airlines passengers year
godine zabiljeæen porast broja putnika od 21%. after year. The increase of 21% in the passenger number was reg-
istered in the first quarter of this year.
Ako se nastavi ovakav trend, u toku ove godine preveπ-
Êemo viπe od 400.000 putnika, πto Êe biti novi rekord kom- If this trend continues, in the course of this year we shall
panije. transport more than 400.000 passengers, which will be the new
record of our company.
Samim tim πto Ëitate ove redove dokazujete nam da ste
jedan od zadovoljnih korisnika naπih usluga i drago nam je πto By reading these lines you prove to be one of the satisfied
je tako. customers and we are pleased because of that.

I na kraju da se osvrnem na misao Nichea, koji kaæe da pos- At the end, let me remind you of a Niche’s thought, who says
toji kategorija putnika koji iskustva sa putovanja "oæivljava" i that there is a type of passenger who “revives” travel experi-
prenosi na iskustva i dogaaje u svakodnevnom æivotu. ences and transfers them to experiences and events in every-
Vjerujem da se ovo odnosi i na vas. day life. I believe this refers to you too.

Ugodan let. Have a pleasant flight.

SrdaËno, Sincerely yours,

Dr Zoran –uriπiÊ, dipl. inæ, Dr Zoran Djurisic, BSc

Predsjednik President

Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 5

Sadræaj / Contents

8 18 26 36

42 48 62 78

Radost letjenja .............................8 ©asko jezero, raj za ribolovce ....48 IZDAVA»/PUBLISHED BY
Najmlai u avionu ... i SvaË, izazov za istoriËare Montenegro Airlines,
Marketing Department,
The Joy of Flying .......................11 Sasko Lake, a paradise Mr Aleksandra GardaπeviÊ-Slavuljica,
Danijela Doπljak, Danijela IvanoviÊ
The Youngest Ones on the Plane for fishermen .............................50 URE–UJE, PRIPREMA ZA ©TAMPU I
... and Svac, a challenge for the historians OGLA©AVANJE/ EDITING, PREPRESS AND AD

Montenegro Airlines novosti .....14

Montenegro Airlines News ........14 Dvjesta godina od Mr Tatjana JovoviÊ
roenja Andersena .....................56
Raspjevani Ëarter Miris svijeÊa u domovini bajki Maja –uriÊ-–oreviÊ, Mr Tatjana JovoviÊ,
Montenegro Airlinesa ................18 The Bicentenary don Branko Sbutega, Tatjana Koprivica,
Skender - Keni PeroËeviÊ, Mr Regina de Dominicis,
Kijev u znaku Eurosonga of Andersen’s Birth ....................58 Sneæana PopoviÊ-RaænatoviÊ, Andrea JovanoviÊ,
Nataπa NovoviÊ
The Singing Charter The Scent of Flowers in the
of Montenegro Airlines ..............22 Homeland of Fairy-Tales Dejan Basta
Arhitektura Barselone................62 Roman –uranoviÊ
Popodne kod Voja StaniÊa.........26 U slavu Gaudija Vojo RadonjiÊ , Mr Stevan KordiÊ, Lazar PejoviÊ,
»ovjek od jedne slike i jedne æene Architecture of Barcelona..........66 Dejan LopiÊiÊ, Saπa MatiÊ, Maja –uriÊ-–oreviÊ

An Afternoon with Vojo StaniÊ .30 To the Glory of Gaudi ILUSTRACIJE: Milica RaduloviÊ, Roman –uranoviÊ

A Man of One Painting and One Woman PRIPREMA ZA ©TAMPU/PREPRESS

Radoje VeπoviÊ, Predrag LazareviÊ
Made in Montenegro ..................70
Montenegro Stars ......................34 Stvaranje robne marke Jelena DragutinoviÊ, Saπa VuksanoviÊ
Zvijezde crnogorskog hotelijerstva Made in Montenegro ..................71 Tel: +381 (0)81 231 656
E-mail: mapa@cg.yu
"Montenegro Stars" hotels ........35 Creating a trade mark
Stars of the Montenegrin Vanja JanËiÊ, Ana TrniniÊ
hotel management Kanarska ostrva .........................72
Odmor u evropskom dijelu Afrike Mr Sanja ©ubariÊ
KotorArt.....................................36 The Gran Canaria .......................74
MuziËki susreti u Zalivu Holiday in the European part of Africa Tiraæ / Number of copies: 5500
Music Encounters in the Bay Karneval u Veneciji ....................78
U potrazi za Kazanovom MONTENEGRO AIRLINES
Beogradska 10, 81000 Podgorica,
SjeÊanje na jedan plakat ............42 Carnival in Venice ......................80 Montenegro, tel: +381 (0)81 405 501
fax: +381 (0)81 405 528
Balkanske inspiracije Pabla Pikasa In Search of Casanova E-mail:
Memory of a Poster ...................46

Balkan inspirations of Pablo Picasso

Slobode 52, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro,
tel: +381 (0)81 231 326
ISSN 1800-5462

6 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

RADOST LETJENJA predaju i preuzimaju dijete, rodbinski odnos, BRIGA O DJETETU NA

aæno je krenuti s pozitivnim adresu, telefon. Takoe, moguÊe je unijeti i TRANZITNOM AERODROMU
stavom. Ovo je prilika da za-

dodatne informacije: ako dijete pati od a vrijeme boravka na tranzitnom
jedno provedete ugodno vri- bolesti putovanja, ako je potreban specijalni aerodromu o djetetu Êe se voditi
jeme u Montenegro Airlines obrok na letu, jezik kojim dijete govori i dr. ista briga kao i na aerodromu po-
avionu, na neobiËan i nesvaki- NepraÊeno dijete nosiÊe oko vrata plas- laska, a posebno Êe se voditi
daπnji naËin. Ako imate pozitivna oËekiva- tiËnu torbicu sa oznakom "UM", a koju su raËuna o eventualnim jeziËkim
nja, putovanje Êe se pretvoriti u ugodno is- roditelji odnosno staratelji duæni snabdjeti barijerama. Ukoliko se radi o nastavljanju
kustvo za cijelu porodicu. UpoznaÊete svim potrebnim dokumentima za put (kar- putovanja istim avionom, moæe se postiÊi
vaπu djecu iz nove perspektive, a i djeca Êe ta, Izjava, pasoπ i potvrda o vakcinaciji ako dogovor sa nadleænim organima da dijete u
vas posmatrati na drugaËiji naËin. Iskoritite je u pitanju meunarodno putovanje). avionu saËeka produæetak leta. U mjestima
priliku da podstaknete kreativno razmi- gdje je takav postupak nemoguÊ, u pratnji
πljanje i ponaπanje kod djece, i uËinite da persera dijete se sa ostalim putnicima upu-
uæivaju u putovanju. Priznajte, niste Ëesto BRIGA O DJETETU Êuje u tranzitnu salu i perser Êe u tom slu-
u oblacima zajedno.

d momenta javljanja na odlet Ëaju regulisati sve potrebne formalnosti.
(check in) i prolaska kroz paso- Kada nepraÊeno dijete ima rezervaciju kod
DJECA - MONTENEGRO AIRLINES πku i carinsku kontrolu pa do drugog prevoznika, potrebno ga je ispratiti
PUTNICI ulaska u avion, sluæbenici Mon- do sluæbenika tog prevoznika, koji preuzi-

no πto je isto za svako, pa i za tenegro Airlinesa brinuÊe se o maju brigu o djetetu, uz pismenu potvrdu o
ovo posebno putovanje, jeste djetetu, kako bi mu obezbijedili πto opuπte- prihvatu djeteta. U momentu prihvata djeteta
vaπe obraÊanje Montenegro nije i komfornije putovanje. Kada dijete pu- od strane drugog prevoznika, sva putna
Airlines bookingu ili prodaj- tuje samo, obezbijeena mu je pratnja do avi- dokumenta moraju ponovo biti kontrolisana.
nom agentu. Naπi agenti sa ona. Na ulazu u avion brigu o njemu preuzima
zadovoljstvom Êe vam pruæiti detaljnu infor- perser (πef kabinskog osoblja), uz pismenu BRIGA O DJETETU NA
maciju o moguÊnostima putovanja do æelje- potvrdu o prihvatu djeteta. NepraÊeno dijete AERODROMU OPREDJELJENJA eno dijete osobi koja ga Ëeka, uz prethodnu
ne destinacije. Prilikom rezervacije, biÊete u

smjeπta se u prednji dio aviona na sjediπte u ada dijete stigne do krajnje des- provjeru identiteta ove osobe iz Izjave koja
moguÊnosti da ostvarite pravo na popuste prvom redu ekonomske klase, i to bliæe pro- tinacije, pod pretpostavkom da se nalazi kod djeteta (podsjetimo se na sami
koje naπa kompanija odobrava svojim na- lazu, nikako pored prozora, osim ako putuje je putovanje zapoËeto i zavrπe- poËetak putovanja) i uz pismenu potvrdu.
jmlaim putnicima. Kada ostvarite ove po- viπe nepraÊene djece na letu, kada se smjeπta- no sa nama, sluæbenik Monte- Ukoliko se desi da niko nije saËekao dijete,
puste, karta Êe sadræati sledeÊe oznake: ju zajedno u prvom redu ekonomske klase. negro Airlinesa predaÊe primlj- pokuπaÊemo da uspostavimo telefonski kon-
- popusti za praÊene bebe - INF
- popusti za drugu praÊenu bebu - INS
- popusti za praÊenu djecu - CHD
- popusti za nepraÊenu djecu mlau od
12 godina - UM
Odobreni popusti zavise od toga kada je
putovanje zapoËeto. Ako dijete zapoËinje
viπednevno putovanje npr. 15. decembra, a
puni 12 godina 16. decembra, izdaÊe mu
se karta po djeËijoj tarifi bez obzira na to πto
Êe povratak koristiti sa navrπenih 13 godina.


ontenegro Airlines prihva-
tiÊe na prevoz nepraÊenu

Najmlai u djecu (oznaka na karti

UM) od 5 do 12 godina
starosti na zahtjev njiho-
vih roditelja ili staratelja. Djeci mlaoj od 5

godina kompanija obezbjeuje pratioca -
sluæbenika Montenegro Airlinesa. U sluËaju
da je broj nepraÊene djece veÊi od 10, oba-
SledeÊe redove poklanjamo vezno je povecanje broja stjuardesa na tom
roditeljima, vama koji to jeste letu (tzv. proπirena posada).
Djeca se prihvataju na let nakon πto ro-
ili koji Êete to uskoro biti, a od- ditelji ili staratelji ispune Izjavu, tj. UM-form.
Kopija ove Izjave biÊe priloæena uz avionsku
nose se na putovanja naπih kartu djeteta.
najmlaih. Prilikom rezervisanja karte, treba naznaËiti
koliko dijete ima godina, imena osoba koje

8 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 9

takt sa osobom Ëiji se kontakt detalji nalaze
u Izjavi. U sluËaju da je potpuno nemoguÊe
uspostaviti bilo kakav kontakt sa tom oso-
bom, kontaktiraÊe se sa roditeljima odnos-
no starateljima koji su predali dijete na pre-
voz, radi instrukcija kome predati dijete ili
radi dogovora o aranæmanu za povratak


vakav prevoz obuhvata orga-
nizovanu grupu kada broj
djece prelazi 10. U sluËajevi-
ma grupnog prevoza izdaju se
pojedinaËne karte, kako za
pratioce, tako i za svako dijete u grupi.
Pratioci djece ne mogu biti lica mlaa od 16
godina. Ukoliko organizovana grupa djece
nema dovoljan broj pratilaca, kabinsko oso-
blje se mora uveÊati. Grupni prevoz djece
moæe se obaviti samo u toku dana, nikako
tokom veËernjeg leta.
Kada se vrπi grupni prevoz sa redovnim
putnicima, djeca imaju prednost prilikom
ukrcavanja i iskrcavanja.


uduÊe majke mogu normalno

The Youngest Ones

putovati avionima bez rizika po
zdravlje, pod uslovom da trud-
noÊa nije starija od 20 sedmica.
Trudnicama sa viπe od 20
sedmica trudnoÊe dopuπta se putovanje uz
ljekarsko uvjerenje, koje moæe biti izdato
najviπe 7 dana prije zapoËinjanja puta i koje
mora potvrivati da se poroaj ne oËekuje u
roku od 4 sedmice od poËetka putovanja i
on the Plane
da ne postoje zdravstvene smetnje za puto-
vanje. Ovo uvjerenje ostaje u sluæbi koja vrπi The following lines are de- Take advantage of the opportunity to stim- - discount for accompanied children -
ulate creative thinking and behavior in chil- CHD
Prevoz avionom se ne preporuËuje: I joπ neπto. Znate i sami da prilikom slije- da ima oznaku INS - popusti za drugu pra- voted to parents, those of you dren, and make them enjoy the journey. - discounts for unaccompanied children
You must admit that you don’t often find younger than 12 - UM.
tanja poveÊani pritisak u uπima moæe biti Êenu bebu. Ostalo prepustite naπim stjuarde-
1.ako je trudnoÊa starija od 32 nedjelje i
neugodna pojava. NeÊe vam reÊi ali, vjerujte sama i uæivajte.
who already are parents or yourselves together among clouds. The allowed discounts depend on the time
sedam dana nakon poroaja when the journey began. If a child begins a
2.bebama u prvih deset dana nakon ro- i bebici Êe to da zasmeta. Zato ako ste dojil- soon to become, and are re- CHILDREN ‚ several day journey on eg. 15 December, and
enja. ja, pokuπajte dojiti svoje dijete prilikom poli-
MONTENEGRO AIRLINES PASSENGERS he will be 12 on 16 December, a ticket ac-
jetanja i slijetanja. Dojenje veoma Ëesto po- lated to the travelling of the ne thing is the same for every, cording to the child tariff will be issued to

SA BEBOM U AVIONU mogne u toj situaciji.
and thus even for this special him notwithstanding the fact that he will be
youngest ones.

eπto i za mame buduÊih putnika travel and that is your address- using the return ticket when 13 years of age.
Montenegro Airlinesa. Ukoliko PUTOVANJE SA DVIJE BEBE
ing to Montenegro Airlines

vaπa porodica sada ima Ëlana ko jedan odrasli putnik æeli da
booking or sales agent. Our UNACCOMPANIED MINORS (UM)
viπe, a vi æelite putovati sa no- putuje sa dvije bebe, mora se

agents will be pleased to provide you detailed ontenegro Airlines shall al-
vopristiglim maliπanom, mi vam obezbijediti pratilac koji Êe pra-

t is important to start with a positive information on the possibilities for travel to so accept to transport un-
nudimo pregrπt praktiËnih savjeta i dodatne titi drugu bebu. Obavezno naja-
attitude. This is an opportunity to the desired destination. When making reser- accompanied children (tick-
servise s ciljem da bebin let bude πto ugodniji. vite prilkom rezervacije karte da
spend comfortably time together on vation, you will have a possibility to fulfill et designation UM) aged 5
Roditeljima sa bebama uvijek je ukazana Êete putovati sa dvije bebe, jer postoji moguÊ-
board of a Montenegro Airlines air- your right to discounts that our company to 12, upon request of their
posebna paænja prilikom ulaska i izlaska iz nost da pratilac bebe bude stjuardesa.
craft in an unusual and extraordinary grants to the youngest passengers. When you parents or guardians. For children under the
aviona. Stjuardese su takoe uvijek u blizini Ukoliko nije na vrijeme prijavljena potreba za
way. If you have positive expectations, the realize the right to these discounts, the ticket age of 5 the company shall provide escort - an
i uvijek spremne da vam izau u susret. Ako stjuardesom, kao pratiocem druge bebe, mo-
journey will turn into a pleasant experience will include the following marks: employee of Montenegro Airlines. If the
u avionu postoji slobodno mjesto, bez æe se desiti neprijatnost da vaπa beba ne bude
for the whole family. You will get to know - discount for accompanied babies - INF number of unaccompanied children is more
brige, vjerojatno Êe vaπa beba dobiti pravo primljena na let. Tarifa za drugu bebu se na-
your children from a new perspective, and - discount for the second accompanied than 10, then the number of flight attendants
veliko sjediπte. plaÊuje kao za dijete, pri Ëemu putnik mora
the children will see you in a different way. baby - INS has to be increased for that flight (the so

10 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 11

called extended crew). necessary formalities. mpanied child to the person waiting for
Children are accepted for a flight after When an unaccompanied child has a him, having previously checked the identity
their parents or guardians fill in the Sta- reservation with another carrier, it has to be of the person from the Statement found
tement i.e. UM-form. A copy of this Sta- escorted to the official of that carrier, who with the child (let us remind ourselves of
tement shall be enclosed along with the air- shall take care of the child, with a written the beginning of the journey) along with a
plane ticket of the child. acceptance. At the moment when the child written consent. In the event that nobody is
When making a reservation, the name of is accepted by another carrier, all travel doc- waiting for the child, we shall try to contact
the child, the name of the person giving and uments shall again be controlled. by telephone the person whose contact de-
taking the child, their relationship with the tails are found in the Statement. In case it is
child, address and telephone number shall be TAKING CARE OF A CHILD absolutely impossible to establish any kind
marked. It is also possible to enter additional AT THE DESTINATION AIRPORT of contact with that person, parents or

information: if the child suffers from tra- hen a child reaches the fi- guardians who gave the child for trans-
velsick, if a special meal is needed during the nal destination, under the portation shall be contacted, for further in-
flight, the language the child speaks etc. assumption that the jour- structions regarding who the child should
An unaccompanied child shall carry ar- ney began and ended with be handed to or for arranging the return of
ound the neck a plastic bag with the mark our company, an official the child.
“UM”, and parents or guardians shall pro- of Montenegro Airlines shall give the acco-
vide all the necessary documents needed for
the trip (ticket, the Statement, passport and
certificate on vaccination if it’s an interna-
tional travel).

his kind of transport implies an
TAKING CARE OF THE CHILD organized group when the num-

rom the moment of check in and ber of children is over 10. In cases
passing through the passport and of group transport individual tick-
customs control up to the mo- ets are issued, both for accompa-
ment of boarding the plane, Mon- nying persons and for each child in the
tenegro Airlines officials shall take group. Persons accompanying children can-
care of the child, in order to ensure as rela- not be younger than 16. If an organized
xed and comfortable travel as possible. group of children does not have a sufficient
When a child travels alone, escort to the pl- number of accompanying persons, the
ane shall be provided for him. When he number of cabin crew must be increased.
enters the plane, the Purser (chief of cabin Children can be transported in a group only
crew) shall take care of him, along with a during the day, and on no account during
written acceptance of the child. An unac- night flights.
companied child shall be placed into the When group transportation is done along
front part of the plane on a seat in the first with regular passengers, the children shall child at take-off and landing. Breastfeeding
row of economy class, next to the aisle and have precedence for boarding and disem- WITH A BABY ON THE PLANE frequently helps in this situation.
in no way next to the window, except in

barkation. ere is something for mothers of
cases when a number of unaccompanied future Montenegro Airlines TRAVELING WITH TWO BABIES
children are on board, in which case they

TRANSPORT OF PREGNANT WOMEN passengers. If now your family f an adult passenger desires to travel
are seated together in the first row of econ-

others-to-be can travel by has one more member, and with two babies, an accompanying
omy class. plane normally without you wish to travel with the new person for the second baby has to be
running any risk for their born child, we recommend a handful of secured.On reservation, it is obligato-
TAKING CARE OF A CHILD health, provided the preg- practical pieces of advice and additional ry to state that you will be traveling
ON A TRANSIT AIRPORT nant woman is not past services that will make your baby’s flight with two babies, for there is a possibility

uring stay at a transit airport, her 20th week of pregnancy. Pregnant even more comfortable. that the baby will be accompanied by a
the child shall be taken care of women past their 20th week of pregnancy Parents with babies always receive special flight attendant. If the need for flight atten-
in the same way as at the de- are allowed to travel provided they have a attention when boarding the plane and dis- dant as the accompanying person of the sec-
parture airport, and possible medical certificate issued at most 7 days be- embarking from it. They are secured special ond baby has not been reported in advance,
language barriers shall in par- fore beginning of the journey and which seats on the plane. Flight attendants are also you may experience the inconvenience of
ticular be dealt with. If the child continues must certify that childbirth is not expected always nearby and always ready to cater for your baby not being admitted on the plane.
the journey on the same plane, an agree- within 4 weeks from the beginning of jour- your needs. If there is a free seat on the The tariff for the second baby is charged as
ment may be made with the authorities for ney and that there are not medical problems plane, do not worry, your baby will proba- for a child, while the passenger designation
the child to wait on the plane for continua- for traveling. This certificate shall be kept in bly be the one to obtain a real big seat. has to be INS - discount for the second ac-
tion of the flight. In places where such a the reservation service. And something more. You know well that companied baby. Leave the rest to our
procedure is not possible, the child escorted Travel by plane is not recommended: at landing increased pressure in the ears may flight attendants and enjoy your flight.
by the Purser shall be directed with the oth- 1. if pregnancy is past 32nd week and sev- be a nuisance. Though he/she cannot tell
er passengers to the transit lounge and in en days after delivery you the baby will be bothered by this. If you
this case the Purser shall deal with all the 2. to babies in the first ten days after birth. are a nursing mother, try to breastfeed your

12 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 13


Montenegro Airlines
prevezao 1. 500 000. putnika
Montenegro Airlines has transported its
Montenegro Airlines je, na osnovu podataka iz Amadeus 1 500 000th passenger
sistema, identifikovao svog 1.500 000. putnika u nedjelju,
5. juna ove godine. Ga Slobodanka VukeliÊ-MarkoviÊ kupi- Based on the Amadeus system evidence, on Sunday 5 June this year
la je kartu na beogradskom aerodromu i kao jubilarni putnik Montenegro Airlines identified its 1.500. 000th passenger. Mrs Slobodanka
naπe kompanije dobila nagradu - sedmodnevni aranæman Vukelic-Markovic bought a ticket at Belgrade airport and as the record passen-
za dvije osobe u ljetovaliπtu Bodrum. ger of our company obtained a prize - a seven day holiday package for two per-
ZahvaljujuÊi stalnom rastu i razvoju kompanije, sons in the resort in Bodrum.
proπirenju moderne flote, koju Ëini pet aviona tipa Fokker Owing to a steady growth and development of the Company, expansion of a
100, profesionalizmu zaposlenih, a prije svega zahvaljujuÊi
ukazanom povjerenju putnika, broj korisnika usluga Monte-
Protocol Signed modern fleet made up of five Fokker 100 airplanes, professionalism of em-
ployees, and above all owing to the trust of passengers, the number of servic-
negro Airlinesa znatno se poveÊava iz godine u godinu. between Aeroflot-Don es Montenegro Airlines offers is increasing significantly year after year.
Kompanija veliku paænju poklanja svojim putnicima, brine
o njihovoj sigurnosti i udobnosti, nagrauje ih, a ovaj trend
and Montenegro The Company devotes great attention to its passengers, takes care of their
safety and comfort, awards them prizes, and this trend is to continue in the fu-
nastaviÊe se i ubuduÊe. Nadamo se da Êe Vaπ izbor i dalje Airlines ture as well. We hope that you will keep choosing Montenegro Airlines in the
biti Montenegro Airlines i nemojte se iznenaditi ako baπ Vi future and don’t be surprised if you are our next record passenger.
budete naπ sledeÊi jubilarni putnik.
Aeroflot Don and Montenegro Airlines
have signed a Protocol on Cooperation re-
garding export of know-how service, which
is the most appreciated and the most prof-
itable service in the world and a significant
project for Montenegro Airlines. The compa-
Potpisivanje Protokola izmeu nies providing know-how have extensive
Aeroflot-Dona i Montenegro knowledge, experience and credibility in the
activity they are engaged in, which is why
Airlinesa partners address them for this kind of serv-
Aeroflot-Don is the daughter of Aeroflot, a
Aeroflot-Don i Montenegro Airlines potpisali su Protokol o
world renowned company. The Russian air-
saradnji koji se odnosi na izvoz servisa know-how, πto je najci-
line decided to consult the expert staff of
jenjenija i najprofitabilnija usluga u svijetu i znaËajan projekat za
Montenegro Airlines prior to entering into
Montenegro Airlines. Kompanije koje ustupaju know-how imaju
commercial contracts regarding the pur-
veliko znanje, iskustvo u djelatnosti kojom se bave, i zbog toga
chase of Fokker 100 aircraft.
im se partneri obraÊaju za ovu vrstu servisa.
The reason for this is that, as it is well-
known, Montenegro Airlines stands as the
Aeroflot-Don je kÊerka Aeroflota, πirom svijeta poznate kom-
leader in South East Europe for this type of
panije. Ruska avio-kompanija odluËila je da prije sklapanja komer-
planes. The idea of Russian representatives
cijalnih ugovora koji se tiËu kupovine aviona tipa Fokker 100 kon-
sultuje struËni kadar Montenegro Airlinesa.
Cirih - najfrekventnija is to make commercial agreements with
destinacija Montenegro Airlines for using the know-
how service after obtaining the commercial
Razlog za ovo je, kao πto je poznato, status Montenegro
fleet. This would mean that the experts of
Airlinesa, koji vaæi za lidera u jugoistoËnoj Evropi za ovaj tip
Sezona putovanja u Montenegro Airlinesu odavno je poËela. Montenegro Airlines would train staff of the
aviona. Ideja ruskih predstavnika jeste da nakon nabavke flote
Naπi ljudi koji æive i rade u inostranstvu, kada se odluËuju za pos- Russian airline i.e. organize specialist train- Zurich - The Most Frequent Destination
naprave komercijalne aranæmane sa Montenegro Airlinesom za
jetu svojoj rodnoj zemlji, naravno, uvijek biraju Montenegro ing of engineers, airplane mechanics and
koriπtenje know-how servisa. Ovo bi znaËilo da Êe struËno oso-
Airlines kao svog veÊ provjerenog partnera za putovanja. Upravo flight staff - pilots and flight attendants. The travel season in Montenegro Airlines began long ago. Our people, who live and
blje Montenegro Airlinesa vrπiti obuku osoblja ruske avio-kom-
zbog velikog interesovanja crnogorske dijaspore, Montenegro This is the third in a series of arrange- work abroad, when deciding to visit their native land, quite naturally always choose
panije, tj. specijalistiËku obuku inæenjera, avio-mehaniËara i le-
Airlines poveÊao je broj letova prema Cirihu. Naime, direktni let ments of this type that Montenegro Airlines Montenegro Airlines as their already tested partner for travels. That is why, due to enor-
taËkog osoblja - pilota i stjuardesa.
Podgorica - Cirih - Podgorica obavlja se pet puta nedjeljno, svim has concluded recently. As it has already mous interest of Montenegrin diaspora, Montenegro Airlines has increased the number
danima sem utorkom i Ëetvrtkom. Let iz Tivta je tri puta nedjeljno been presented in public, in the previous pe- of flights to Zurich. Namely, Montenegro Airlines operates direct flight Podgorica -
To je treÊi u nizu aranæmana ove vrste koje je Montenegro
srijedom, petkom i nedjeljom. riod the same arrangement was made at the Zurich - Podgorica five times a week, on all days except on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Airlines imao u poslednje vrijeme. Kao πto je javnosti veÊ prezen-
territory of Libya, while at the moment the The flight from Tivat is operated three times a week, on Wednesdays, Fridays and
tirano, u prethodnom periodu isti aranæman bio je sklopljen na
Da podsjetimo, osim ovih novih linija, Montenegro Airlines aircraft, the crews and technical staff have Sundays.
podruËju Libije, dok je ustupanje aviona, posade i tehniËkog oso-
tokom cijele godine na relaciji Beograd - Cirih - Beograd leti dva been given on lease to the Albanian compa- To remind you, let us state apart from these new routes, Montenegro Airlines flies
blja, aktuelno i na albanskom træiπtu, u okviru ugovora sa Albatros
puta dnevno, i iz Niπa dva puta nedjeljno - petkom i nedjeljom. ny Albatross Airways for a period of three two times a day on the route Belgrade - Zurich - Belgrade, and from Nis twice a week,
Airways kompanijom. Ovo potvruje da smo postali renomirani
years. This proves that we have become on Fridays and Sundays, througout the year.
izvoznici servisa know-how na træista u okruæenju.
Osim prema Cirihu, zbog poveÊanog interesovanja putnika, renowned exporters of know-how at the Apart from Zurich, due to an increased interest of passengers, an additional number
uveden je dodatni broj letova prema svim drugim destinacijama markets in the region. of flights have been introduced towards all other destinations of Montenegro Airlines.
Montenegro Airlinesa.

14 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 15


Naπi partneri -
Montenegro Airlines dovodi francuske turiste Ljeto 2005 Montenegro Airlines
U Parizu, u ambasadi SCG, 27. juna, odræana je promocija turistiËke ponude Crne Gore, brings French tourists
a u organizaciji Montenegro Airlinesa. Radni naziv projekta je ”MONTENEGRO 2006”. Montenegro Airlines i ovoga ljeta sarau- 27th June, Paris. The promotion of Montenegrin tourist offer, organ-
Skup je otvorio ambasador SCG u Francuskoj, g. Predrag SimiÊ. Nakon njega, goste je sa brojnim turistiËkim agencijama iz ized by Montenegro Airlines, was held in the Embassy of Serbia and
je sa radom Montenegro Airlinesa i daljim razvojnim planovima za træiπte Francuske zemlje i inostranstva. Ukoliko su vaπ izbor Montenegro. The working title of the project is “MONTENEGRO 2006”.
upoznao zamjenik komercijalnog direktora Dejan BojaniÊ. grËka ostrva, pomenuti partneri imaju in- Serbia and Montenegro Ambassador to France Mr. Predrag Simic
Pored predstavnika Montenegro Airlinesa, skupu je prisustvovalo Ëetrdeset fran- teresantne aranæmane - putnici Êe biti pre- opened the meeting. After the introductory word, Mr. Dejan Bojanic,
cuskih tour-operatora i turistiËkih agencija, koji su pokazali naglaπeno interesovanje za voæeni Montenegro Airlines avionima. Commercial Department Deputy Manager, introduced the guests
naπu tursitiËku ponudu. Prisutni su bili i predstavnici petnaest hotelskih preduzeÊa Agencija Kaladoukas iz Beograda vodiÊe with the work of the company “Montenegro Airlines” and its further
Crne Gore. Spona projekta je Montenegro Airlines, koji je spreman da izae u susret vas na Rodos, beogradski Eurojet je development plans for the French market.
rastuÊoj turstiËkoj traænji sa podruËja francuske i svojim avionima preveze goste do pripremio turstiËke aranæmane za sunËani Apart from Montenegro Airlines representatives, the meeting was
Crne Gore. Santorini, »anija i Krf. Agencija Belvi je attended by forty tour-operators and tourist agencies from France
Ovo Êe biti trend razvoja ove perspektivne avio-linije, jer je Montenegro Airlines ove takoe uobliËila povoljnu ponudu prevozeÊi who expressed great interest in our tourist offer. There were also
sezone veÊ poËeo prevoziti prve francuske turiste u alotmanskom zakupu (zakup sje- naπim Fokkerima turiste do Krfa. SliËnu representatives of 15 hotels from Montenegro. The bond of the proj- At the meeting, the concrete agreements were made with
diπta u avionu od strane francuskih tour-operatora). ponudu ima i agencija Perla iz Novog ect is Montenegro Airlines, who is willing to assist the growing renowned tour-operators: Jet Tours, Nouvelle Frontier and Pr-
Tokom odræavanja skupa postignuti su konkretni dogovori sa renomiranim tour-opera- Sada. tourist demand from the French region and use its planes to transport oduntour. The other participants of the meeting will together outline
torima: Jet Tours, Nouvelle Frontire i Produntour. Ostali uËesnici skupa Êe u narednom Pored navedenog, Montenegro Airlines guests to Montenegro. their commercial agreements in the following period. Therefore, the
periodu uobliËiti svoje komercijalne ugovore. Dakle, cilj je bio da se partneri iz avionima u Crnu Goru Êe doÊi na ljetovanje The development trend, of this already promising route, will contin- aim was to timely direct French and Montenegrin partners, which will
Francuske i Crne Gore pravovremeno upute jedni na druge, πto Êe omoguÊiti, pored veliki broj turista iz inostranstva. Gosti van ue in future, as Montenegro Airlines has already started transporting enable, besides better hotel capacity occupation, the increase of the
bolje popunjenosti hotelskih kapaciteta, poveÊanje broja rotacija Montenegro Airlines Crne Gore mogu se obratiti beogradskoj the first French tourists in the allotment (the allotment of the plane number of rotations of Montenegro Airlines planes at this destination,
aviona na ovoj destinaciji, sa trenutne dvije rotacije u sezoni, na tri leta nedjeljno. agenciji Tipo ukoliko æele da ljetuju na seats by French tour operators) in this season. from currently two rotations in the season, to three flights a week.
Crnogorskom primorju, a uz to Êe letjeti
avionima Montenegro Airlinesa.
NjemaËka turistiËka agencija Eberhardt
Gmbh iz Drezdena zakupila je Ëarter letove
Flights to Paris Our Partners - Summer 2005
na liniji Drezden i Erfrut - Podgorica.
Kovotuours Plus iz Ostrave jeste agencija
koja je veÊ godinama vjerna naπem primorju i troughout the Year This summer again, Montenegro Airlines is cooperating with nu-
merous tourist agencies from the country and from abroad. If your
naπoj avio-kompaniji i dovodi turiste iz Ëeπkih choice are Greek islands, our partners have interesting holiday
i slovaËkih gradova - Prag, Brno i Ostrava. packages and the passengers will be transported by Montenegro
HIT Maestral joπ od oktobra proπle godine Airlines aircrafts. Agency Kaladoukas from Belgrade will take you
saobraÊa na liniji Podgorica - Bari - to Rhodes, Eurojet from Belgrade has prepared tourist packages
Podgorica. U okviru istog aranæamana, u for the sunny Santorini, Chania and Corfu. Belvi agency has also
ponudi su i direktni letovi Podgorica - designed a favorable offer, carrying tourists by our Fokkers to
Napoli - Podgorica. Kako biste vremenski Corfu. Similar is the offer of Agency Perla from Novi Sad.
planirali vaπe ljetovanje, treba naglasiti da su Apart from the above, a large number of tourists from abroad
letovi za Bari i Napoli postavljeni naizm- will be coming for a holiday to Montenegro on board Montenegro
jeniËno svakog drugog vikenda. Airlines planes. Guests outside Montenegro can address agency
Tipo from Belgrade if they wish to spend the summer at
Montenegrin seaside, and they will be carried by Montenegro
Airlines aircrafts.
Linija za Pariz cijele godine German tourist agency Eberhardt GmbH from Dresden has
leased charter flights between Dresden and Erfrut and Podgorica.
Ove sezone linija za Pariz poËela je znatno ranije Kovotours Plus from Ostrava is
nego prethodnih godina, tako da Êe i Crna Gora biti an agency that has been loyal to
povezana sa Francuskom tokom cijele godine, bez our seaside and our airline bring-
This season the route to Paris was introduced considerably ear-
prekida. ing tourists from the Czech and
lier than in the previous years so that Montenegro will be connect-
Zbog velikog interesovanja francuskih tour - opera- Slovak towns of Prague, Brno
ed with France without interruptions throughout the year.
tora za Crnogorsko primorje i za naπu kompaniju, ko- and Ostrava.
Due to great interest expressed by the French tour operators
ja se na ovom træiπtu prepoznaje po redovnosti i HIT Maestral has been carrying
for Montenegrin seaside and for our company, which is recog-
kvalitetnom servisu, ovi operatori Êe svoje goste i passengers between Podgorica
nized in this market for providing regular and high quality service,
nakon ljetnje sezone prevoziti naπom redovnom lini- and Bari as of October last year.
even after the summer season these operators will be transport-
jom Pariz - Tivat Within the same arrangement, di-
ing their guests by our scheduled flight Paris - Tivat.
Za Montenegro Airlines linija za Pariz znaËajna je iz rect flights Podgorica - Naples -
The route to Paris is important for Montenegro Airlines from
viπe aspekata a ujedno je bitna i za promociju Crne Podgorica are offered as well. If
many aspects and it is at the same time important for promotion
Gore, jer kao i uvijek, u Evropi, bilo da je rijeË o avi- you are planning your holiday,
of Montenegro, because as always in Europe, no matter whether
jaciji, turizmu, politici ili modi, sve poËinje na you should know that flights for
aviation, tourism, politics or fashion is in question, everything be-
Jelisejskim poljima. Bari and Naples are alternating
gins on the Champs Elysees.
every second weekend.

16 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 17

alentovani mladiÊi grupe ”No Ukrajine sastoji se skoro u potpunosti od
RASPJEVANI »ARTER MONTENEGRO AIRLINESA name” svojim πarmom, nepo- stepa sa djelimiËno prekrivenim πumama.
srednoπÊu i profesionalnoπÊu Nekada poznata kao ”korpa za hleb USSR-
osvojili su sve sa kojima su doπli a” , bila je skoro pola vijeka prekrivena polji-

KIJEV U ZNAKU u kontakt tokom πest dana ton-

skih proba, konferencija za novinare, gosto-
vanja na raznim evropskim televizijskim
stanicama, æurkama i druæenjima sa kolega-
ma pπenice. U stara vremena Kijev je bio
politiËki, ekonomski i spiritualni centar ki-
jevske Rusije.
StatistiËki podaci kaæu da je Ukrajina neza-

EUROSONGA ma iz drugih zemalja. Kamere i blicevi sije- visna dræava, Ëlan Ujedinjenih nacija i Savjeta
vali su sa svih strana, a svaki njihov nastup Evrope, a broji viπe od 52 000 000 ljudi.
praÊen je ovacijama. Ovi mladi momci, na Zauzima povrπinu od 603 700 kvadratnih
samom poËetku muziËke karijere, uspjeli su kilometara. Njen glavni grad Kijev smjeπten
uz pomoÊ odliËno usklaenog tima da se na je na rijeci Dnjepar - jednoj od najvaænijih
najbolji naËin predstave na festivalu koji su u navigacionih arterija u Evropi. Legenda o
»arter let Montenegro Airlinesa na relaciji Podgorica - direktnom prenosu gledali milioni gledalaca nastanku Kijeva govori da je dobio ime po
πirom svijeta. Pohvale za najaktivniji navi- Kiju, jednom od braÊe koji su zajedno sa ses-
Kijev ostaÊe u sjeÊanju za Ëitav æivot svim njegovim jaËki tim na Eurosongu dobili su ljudi iz Mi- trom doplovili Dnjeprom negdje sa sjevera
nistarstva za turizam i TuristiËke organizacije zemlje i osnovali grad. Pretpostavlja se da su
putnicima - Ëlanovima delegacije SCG i posadi koja se Crne Gore. Naravno, kao i uvijek, njihov bo- to bili Vikinzi, koji su ova podruËja koristili
uputila ka ukrajinskoj prestonici Kijevu 15. maja 2005. na ravak u Kijevu bio je i radne prirode, tako da kao trgovaËku rutu prema juænim toplim
morima radi trgovine sa starim semitskim
je ministar za turizam CG Predrag NeneziÊ
jubilarni pedeseti festival pjesme Evrovizije. u predivnom prostoru ”Arene” odræao odli- narodima, pa nije ni Ëudo da je prvi ruski car
Ëno posjeÊenu turistiËku prezentaciju Crne bio πvedski viking.
Gore. Kao i mnoge evropske metropole, Kijev je
A Ukrajina, kakva je to zemlja? Za poËetak, sastavljen iz starog i novog dijela. Stari se
Tekst i fotografija: golema. TaËnije, rijeË je po veliËini o drugoj smjestio na breæuljcima, dok se prelaskom
Maja –uriÊ –oreviÊ dræavi Evrope poslije Rusije. Topografija rijeke ulazi u potpunu ravnicu, na kojoj je

18 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 19

sagraen novi dio grada. Tokom Drugog sv- nekadaπnje carske Rusije, a onda se naete
jetskog rata Kijev je dijelom razoren, a pono- u dobu komunizma. Centralni Trg nezavis-
vo je obnovljen izmeu 1944. i 1952. godine. nosti proπle godine bio je mjesto na kojem
Ukrajinsku prijestonicu karakteriπu πiroke su Ukrajinci podigli ‘’narandæastu revoluciju’’
ulice, veliki trgovi i mnoπtvo zelenih oaza. i izborili se za svoja prava, a predsjednik
Jedna od najveÊih zelenih povrπina Kijeva, JuπËenko, uz pjevaËicu Ruslanu, jedna je od
pored botaniËke baπte koja se nalazi u najpopularnijih liËnosti u ovoj zemlji.
samom centru grada, jeste Marinski park, u Moj boravak u Kijevu obiljeæili su: hladovi-
kojem je nezaobilazna destinacija Marinski na ogromnih procvjetalih kestena duæ svih
dvor. glavnih avenija, (cvijet kestena je simbol gra-
Kijev svaki dan primi veliki broj posjetilaca da), muzej Bulgakova, kijevska Sveta Sofija,
koji su radoznali da vide prelijepe graevine, zasljepljujuÊe zlatne kupole crkava i kon-
zgradu opere, pozoriπta, nacionalnog muze- stantna upala miπiÊa u æelji da obiem πto
ja, kinoteke, univerziteta. To arhitektonsko viπe i da grad doæivim na najbolji naËin. Ima i
bogatstvo na najbolji naËin predstavlja dugu starijih, i veÊih, i bogatijih gradova, ali
istoriju i tradiciju Ukrajine, koja datira joπ iz Kijev je ipak jedinstven.
11. vijeka. ProlazeÊi ulicama Kijeva, imate
utisak da prolazite kroz razliËite istorijske pe-
riode. Na tren ste u Kijevu iz doba vladavine

20 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine


Charter Flight of Montenegro Airlines between Podgorica
and Kiev will be remembered for life by all the passengers
on board of it - members of the delegation of Serbia and
Montenegro that were starting for the Ukrainian capital
city Kiev on 15 May 2005 for the jubilee fiftieth festival of
Eurovision song.

Text and photographs: alented young boys from the gr- “Arena” had a well attended presentation of
Maja Djuric Djordjevic oup “No Name” won over with Montenegro.
their charm, directness and profe- And what kind of country is Ukraine? For
ssionalism everyone they came in- the beginning, it is a huge country. To be
to contact with during the six days more precise, it is the second biggest coun-
of rehearsals, press conferences, guest pe- try in Europe after Russia. The topography
rformances at various European TV stations, of Ukraine consists almost entirely of ste-
parties and gatherings with colleagues from ppes partly covered by forests. Known at
other countries. Cameras and flashes were one time as the “breadbasket of USSR”, for
blazing from all sides, and every perform- almost half a century it was covered by
ance of theirs was followed by ovations. fields of wheat. In the old times, Kiev used
These young boys, at the beginning of their to be the political, economic and spiritual
music career, managed, with the assistance centre of the Kiev Russia.
of an excellently coordinated team, to pres- Statistical data say that Ukraine is an inde-
ent themselves in the best possible manner pendent state, a member of the United
at the festival watched in a live broadcast by Nations and the Council of Europe, with a
millions of viewers all over the world. Peo- population of over 52 million people. It cov-
ple from the Ministry of Tourism and the To- ers an area of 603 700 square kilometers. Its
urist Organization of Montenegro were also capital city is Kiev, situated on the river
praised for the most attractive support team Dnieper - one of the most important naviga-
at Eurosong. Naturally, as always, their stay tion arteries in Europe. The legend on the
in Kiev also had a nature of work, so the Mi- beginnings of Kiev has it that it was given its
nister of Tourism of Montenegro Predrag name after Kie, one of the brothers who, to-
Nenezic, in the magnificent surrounding of gether with their sister, arrived sailing along

22 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

Punjeni biftek Kad god,
odakle god
Sastojci vas put nanese,
u Konaku ste
Govei file biftek 250 g dobrodoπli
Njeguπka prπuta 30 g
Njeguπki sir 30 g
Marinirani πampinjoni 50 g
Perπun 30 g
Slanina 50 g
So, biber

Biftek koji je odleæao u pajcu izlu-

pati tuËnjem za meso, napuniti
filom od prπute, sita i πampinjona i
potom ga preklopiti. Biftek obloæiti
dimljenom slaninom i peÊi na
roπtilju 15 min. Servira se na pod-
lozi od tost hleba sa mijeπanim

Stuffed Beefsteak


Beef fillet beefsteak 250 gr

Smoked ham from Njegusi 30 gr
Cheese from Njegusi 30 gr
Dnieper somewhere from the north of the architectural wealth of Kiev illustrating in the Marinated button mushrooms 50 gr
country and founded a city. It is assumed best possible way the long standing history Parsly 30 gr
that it was the Vikings who used these spa- and tradition of Ukraine dating back from
ces as the commercial route towards the so- 11th century. Passing the streets of Kiev, Bacon 50 gr
uthern warm seas in order to do trade with you have an impression of passing through Salt, pepper
the old Semitic peoples. It is no wonder various historical periods. For a moment you
then that the first Russian emperor was a find yourself in Kiev from the time of former
Beat the beefsteak that rested in
Swedish Viking. imperial Russian rule, and then you find
Just like many other European metropolis, yourself in the era of communism... The Ce- maceration, fill it with a stuffing
Kiev consists of the old and the new part. ntral Square of Independence was the place made of smoked ham, cheese and
The old one is situated on the hills, while by at which last year the Ukrainians started the mushrooms and than fold it over.
crossing the river you enter an absolute “orange revolution” and fought for their
Wrap the meat in smoked backon
plane, on which the new part of the city has rights, and President Juschenko, along with
been constructed. During World War II Kiev the singer Ruslana, is one of the most popu- and grill it for 15 minutes. Serve it
was partly destroyed, and it was rebuilt be- lar personalities in this country. on a base made of toasted bread
tween 1944 and 1952. The Ukrainian capital My stay in Kiev was marked by: the shade with mixed vegetables.
city is characterized by wide streets, big of enormous chestnut trees in blossom alo-
squares and numerous green areas. ng all main avenues (chestnut blossoms are
Apart from the botanical garden situated a symbol of the city), the museum of Bu-
in the very centre of the city, one of the
biggest green areas in Kiev is the Marine
Park with the Marine Castle as a destination
lgakov, the Kiev Saint Sofia, the blindingly
golden cupolas of churches and the con-
stant muscle inflammation due to the desire
you must not miss. to visit as much as possible and experience NACIONALNA I INTERNACIONALNA KUHINJA
Every day Kiev receives a large number of the city in the best way. There may exist
visitors curious to see magnificent construc- older and bigger and richer cities, yet Kiev is
tions, the building of the Opera, theatres, unique.
the national museum, the film archives, the
university, which represent only a part of the
Zabre bb, Cetinje, Tel: +381 86 761 011, Fax: +381 86 234 651
24 Inflight Magazine
GSM: +381 67 292 292,, E-mail: restorankonak@cg.yu
ProËitao sam da je neko rekao da se

»ovjek od
"samo idioti ne mijenjaju". Ja sam je-
dan od tih idiota. Ne vjerujem u mije-
njanje ljudi i ne vjerujem u ljude koji

jedne slike
se mijenjaju. »ovjek se samo usavrπa-
va i postaje bolji ili gori, ali uvijek on.

i jedne æene
tem. Tu spaπavaju galeristi. Na Zapadu slikari
zavise od galeriste, oni prave kontakte. Ne
moæe Vlada rjeπavati problem slikara. Moraπ
biti dobar slikar, pa Êe neko imati raËunicu da
te pomaæe.
Galerista Gajo VojvodiÊ je moj ministar
spoljnjih poslova. Niπta ne radim bez njega.
O izgovorenom Koji je Vaπ najveÊi uspjeh?
Mislite li da ste Vi zaduæili Herceg No- Ponekad ono πto govorimo izgleda Moja izloæba na Venecijanskom bijenalu
vi svojim slikama ili on Vas inspiracijom? 1996. bojkotovana je i prije nego πto sam stigao
Ja dugujem Novom. razgoliÊeno i banalno kada se napiπe. tamo, ne iz politiËkih razloga, veÊ zbog interesa
Dok govorimo, mlataramo rukama i odreenih lobija. Ja sam uvijek bio disident u
Smatrate da slici ne treba tumaË i in- tako doprinosimo uvjerljivosti izgov- slikarstvu. Uvijek sam guslao svoju priËu.
terpretacija sa strane? I baπ tada sam dobio preko 2000 Ëestitaka
Slike nisu razumne, nisu nauka. Umjetnost
orenog. Poπto sam intervjue Ëesto da- iz cijelog svijeta. Tamo sam i pozvan da gos-
O geniju je antiintelektualna, ona je spontana. Umje- vao na brzinu i priËao i ono πto ne mi- tujem na univerzitetu u Njujorku kod
Ono πto izgleda lako, Ëesto je tnost se ne razumije, ona se osjeÊa. Slika je na- slim, napisao sam "U dokolici", gdje Ëuvenog Roberta Bojersa.
najteæe. Najteæe je biti jsubjektivniji doæivljaj. Kako onda donijeti
sud o neËemu πto je subjektivno?
sam uz crteæe sabrao i svoje misli. Vi ste umjetniËka familija. Gospoa
genije, ali njemu je to lako. Nada je vajarka, a vaπ sin je pijanista.
Kako doæivljavate savremenu umjet- Da, Tomo je nedavno imao dva koncerta
nost? na Menhetnu. Proπle godine je nastupao na
Stara umjetnost joπ nije prevaziena. DubrovaËkim ljetnjim igrama. Tomo je pravi
Tekst: Mr Tatjana JovoviÊ Nedavo ste izlagali u Moskvi, u galeriji Umjetnost Amerike i Evrope danas je u mu- Crnogorac, nauËio je da svira da ne bi radio.
Fotografija: Dejan LopiËiÊ "Zurabija Ceretelija". Ruske novine su zejima. Moderan roman viπe liËi na novi- Iz istog razloga i ja sam slikar.
dosta pisale o Vama. Jeste li sabrali narstvo nego na knjiæevnost. Novi komadi su Crnogorci su najinteligentniji narod. Znaπ
utiske? blijedi u odnosu na stare. Ranije je kultura bi- po Ëemu to znam. Ne vole da rade.
Moj utisak o Moskvi formiran je za Ëetiri la elitna, a danas je masovna. Svima je dostup- Ja se na neki naËin πvercujem kroz æivot.
dana. Rusiju sam zamiπljao kroz razne predra- na, ali je zato povrπna. Umjetnost je danas ap- Isto kao onaj koji svira harmoniku u dokolici,
sude. Niπta od debelih æena koje voze trak- atiËna. a neko mu plaÊa za to. Zabavljam se, pa usput
tore. Nigdje nisam vidio toliko vitkih i zgod- Moderna umjetnost u odnosu na staru je od toga æivim. Takvo je slikarstvo. Ne
nih dama. OËekivao sam da me susretne ruska kao mlijeko u prahu u odnosu na pomuzeno shvaÊam muËenje u stvaralaËkom radu.
patetika, ali Rusi su vrlo uzdræani, otmeno uz- od krave. Ja sam moderni umjetnik, bez obzi- »ak i u Svetom Pismu stoji da je Bog
kamenoj kuÊi na poËe- triji dao duhovito vienje fizionomije

dræani. To mi se straπno dopalo. ra na to koliko sam u nekim stvarima konzerv- kaznio ljude da moraju da rade. Ako si
tku hercegnovske rive primorskog grada. U neobiËnom slikar- Nada: Ostalo je to od stare ruske aris- ativan. hriπÊanin, smatraπ da je rad kazna, a ne privi-
tokratije. Neoprostivo je da æena dopusti go- Ipak, danas ima velikog slikarstva. Ima ga i legija. (Smijeh.) Crnogorci se toliko muËe i
æivi slikar Vojo StaniÊ. skom eksperimentu pomijeπao je moder- dinama da je svladaju. u Crnoj Gori. Divim se vjeπtini MacanoviÊa, dovijaju da ne bi radili. Moæda bi im bilo
Nad stepeniπtem koje ne mediteranske siæee i tradicionalne Vojo: Bili smo u hotelu Rusija, koji je naj- lakπe da se late posla i malo oznoje.
njegovom renesansnom svjetlu. OdliËni su O ljepoti
iz dvoriπta vodi u kuÊu crnogorske simbole, suoËio arhaiËno i veÊi u svijetu. Iz njega vidite i Kremlj i crkvu mladi crnogorski slikari. Izdvojio bih Oda-
Vasilija Blaæenoga. Tu se vidi istorija Rusije. U Lijepa iluzija je ispred ruæne istine.
nadvija se drvo limuna. Njegov intezi- moderno. Rezultat: precizno uoËena si- loviÊa i Dragaπa. Divim se svakom slikaru koji »esto pominjete Boga i pozivate se na
Njujorku istoriju kompenzuje visina. moæe ono πto ja ne mogu. Bibliju. ZnaËi li to da ste religiozni?
van miris ispunjava prostor. Miris je tuacija, slika koja osvaja na prvi po- U Moskvi sam shvatio da Rusi nemaju Poslije nekih izloæbi jednostavno pometu dati dva sata. Naprotiv, treba da radiπ deset Nisam religiozan, opsujem Boga najmanje
svjeæ i uporan, budi i omamljuje, pro- gled, a ljubav ostaje za cijeli æivot. Fi- problema sa prostorom. Rusi nemaju razloga instalacije i odnesu na smetliπte. Prava umjet- sati da bi je gledao deset minuta. Slika zraËi pet puta dnevno. Ali Ëim opsujeπ Boga,
da budu agresivni, jer joπ nisu savladali ni svoj nost je trajna. Ne moæeπ potroπiti sliku koja je energijom koju unesemo u nju. Ljepota je samim tim ga i priznajeπ. I to je neka vrsta re-
vocira i podsjeÊa. Ostaje u sjeÊanju i na doza blage zajedljivosti, jer Vojo je prostor. dobra. PosjeÊivao sam Luvr dva mjeseca. pozitivna. Kao lijep dan. ligioznosti.
uvodi u novu dimenziju. ©alje signal suviπe inteligentan da ne bi bio malo Najprije sam sve prepjeπaËio, ali sam malu Psujem Boga da me ne bi sluËajno poslao u
da u kuÊi æive ljudi Ëije duπe miriπu na ironiËan, ali i previπe plemenit da bi Vi ste promociju svojih slika prepustili sliku Van Ajka "Kancelar" gledao bezbroj pu- ©ta mislite o hiperprodukciji u umjet- raj. Poπto sam ja poπten Ëovjek, a pomalo i
bio ciniËan.U njegovim estetiËkim ka- galeristi. To je uobiËajeno u svijetu, ali ta. Slika mi se svaki put sve viπe sviala. nosti? skroman, to bi mi se lako moglo desiti. To bi
limunovu svjeæinu. Vojo StaniÊ, ikona
neobiËno za nas. Kolika je uloga galeriste KlasiËna muzika se najteæe svidi na prvo Svako moæe napisati pjesmu ili naslikati sliku, me straπno pogodilo, najviπe zbog toga πto ta-
crnogorske kulture, i njegova æena tegorijama ljepota je jednako dobrota. u æivotu slikara? sluπanje. Tek kasnije je osvajaπ. Laka muzika ali je pitanje da li je zbog toga pjesnik ili slikar. mo ne bih naπao svoje druπtvo. Ne shvatam
Nada, πarmantna dama sa duhom Ne udvara se ni Bogu ni ljudima. Æivjeli smo u dræavi koja je bila mama pa- oduπevi na prvo sluπanje, ali poslije je ne raj kao godiπnji odmor, πetnju parkom i izo-
djevojËice. Crno vino pije sa guπtom, bez obzira na tria. Navikli smo bili da sve traæimo od dræave. moæeπ Ëuti. Kolik je udio tehnike u odnosu na tale- bilje voÊa. VeÊ me hvata jeza i od same te
Nekolicina poe kod Blaæa JovanoviÊa i kaæe Zuko Dæumhur je govorio da moraπ deset nat? pomisli. Vjerovatno ne bih mogao ni karte da
Vojo je na svojim platnima u jednoj povod, doba dana i godine. Tako i pri- "nemam atelje". I tako prebacimo problem na dana Êutati da bi priËao jedan sat. »ovjek ne moæe prevaziÊi samog sebe. igram u raju, ni vino da pijem. Moæda je tamo
zanimljivoj i sasvim privatnoj geome- likom ovog intervjua. Blaæa. Nije se lako preπaltovati na drugi sis- Ako si sliku radio pola sata, ne moæeπ je gle- Spontanost je najveÊa snaga slike. jedino πah dozvoljen. A ja ne umijem da

26 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 27

O problemima
Problem je sve ono πto æeliπ da
imaπ, jer ga moraπ ostvariti. Æivot bi
bio dosadan bez problema. Kad ne bi
bilo nikakvog problema, onda bi to
bio problem.

Vjerujete u dominaciju uroenih stvari

i unekoliko ste poklonik teorije da se
Ëovjekova duhovna supstanca bitno ne
igram πah. Onda viπe volim da idem u pakao mijenja u toku æivota. Prezirete pri- Takav sam ja tip. Imam jednu jedrilicu koja
jer sam siguran da Êu tamo naÊi svoje druπtvo. preme i skice: koliko se dajete slici? je ovdje meu manjima. Prijatelj me pita kad
Nadam se da od raja nema niπta. Slikam svakog dana i slikam πto bilo. Uvijek Êu kupiti veÊu. Ako budem kupovao drugu,
sam uporan da dovrπim sliku. Nikad se nisam kupiÊu joπ manju. Ja ako i ne volim neku
Koliko je umjetnik obavezan na odrekao nijedne slike. Joπ nisam nauËio da stvar, kad je veÊ imam, onda je vremenom za-
druπtveni angaæman? slikam, pa ako mi neπto uspije, to je samo mo- volim. »ak i Êikaru, pepeljaru. Tako i moju
Umjetnik je utoliko bolji za dræavu ukoliko jom greπkom. Nikad ne znaπ πta Êe se dogodi- gospou. Sad je volim joπ viπe nego prije.
je bolji umjetnik. To je njegov jedini dopri- ti kad staviπ boju. To se nikako ne da naslutiti. (Vragolast pogled na Nadu. Ona uzvraÊa
nos. Svaki drugi naËin je pogreπan, ako zavisi I to te zapravo i vuËe. Kad bi sve bilo jasno, efektnom πalom.)
od bilo kakve milosti. bilo bi dosadno. Uvijek imaπ osjeÊaπ da Êeπ
napraviti onu "sliku". Ispunjavaju li Vas viπe male ili velike
O dræavi Kad radim jednu sliku, vazda sam u njoj. stvari?
Ne poËinjem drugu dok ne dovrπim onu koju Ne znam πta su velike stvari. Velike stvari su
Ako dræava ne valja, sjetimo se da radim. »ak i dok sjedim u kafani, ja slikam tu u stvari puno malih stvari.
smo i mi krivi za to. Vlast uvijek liËi sliku. Potpuno sam zaokupljen njom. Bez
na ljude koji je biraju. Ona je naπ obzira na to koliko ona bila blesava. Ja sam Sanjate li?
Ëovjek od jedne slike i jedne æene. Kad mi je dosadno, poËnem da snivam.
proizvod. Imam neku barku koja je nestabilna i koju
moram da balansiram svojom teæinom da se
ne prevrne.
Poπto uæivam da jedrim, kad legnem, da
bih zaspao, poËnem da zamiπljam da jedrim.
Tako se uspavam. Toliko se uæivim u to, da
poËnem da balansiram u krevetu. Lakπe je
jedriti nego pjeπaËiti πumom. Ja sam ipak
Crnogorac, ne volim da se muËim.

O prevari
Kad sam se oæenio, varao sam sve
druge æene na svijetu sa mojom
gospoom. Prevara je u maπti. Ako je
nismo ostvarili, onda nismo realizo-
vali naπu pokvarenost. Onda izgleda
kao da smo poπteni, a nismo.

Imate odliËan pogled kroz ova dva

prozora. Dvije razliËite slike. PuËina i
kroπnja na dva metra rastojanja.
Da, odavde vidiπ nebo i more. Nekad sati-
ma gledam. To je fantastiËan prizor za fo-
tografa. Nikada se nije ponovio nijedan oblak.
Joπ je Leonardo primijetio da je nemoguÊe
naÊi dva ista lista lipe. Isto je sa otiscima prsti-
ju. Bog je uradio i poneπto dobro, koliko god
da je zeznuo stvari.

28 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

VOJO STANIC painting is the most subjective experience.
How then can one make a judgment on some-
thing that is subjective?

How do you see modern art?

Old art has not been overcome yet. The art
of America and Europe is in museums today.
Modern novel resembles journalism more
than it resembles literature. New pieces are
pale in relation to the old ones. Before culture
was elitist, and today it is mass one. It is avail-
able to everyone, but it is therefore superficial.
Art is apathetic today. Modern art in relation
to the old one is like milk made of powder in

A man of relation to the milk the cow gives. I am a

modern artist, no matter how conservative I
am in certain things.
Still, today there is great painting. There is
On what we say
Sometimes what we say seems exposed and banal when it is written down.
While we speak, we wave our hands and thus contribute to making what we

one painting such painting in Montenegro. I admire the

skill of Macanovic, his renaissance light. Yo-
ung Montenegrin painters are excellent. I wo-
uld single out Odalovic and Dragas. I admire
pronounce more convincing. Since frequently I gave interviews in haste and
said what I did not mean, I wrote “At leisure”, where along with my drawings I
collected my thoughts too.

and one woman every painter who can do what I cannot do.
After certain exhibitions they simply sweep
away the installations and take them to a rub-
bish heap. You cannot consume a painting
that is good. I visited the Louvre during two
2000 greetings from all around the world.
There I was invited to be a guest of the fa-
mous Robert Boyers in New York.

You are a family of artists. Mrs. Nada

I swear God so that He does not happen to
send me to Paradise. Since I am an honest
man, and also a little modest, this might easily
happen to me. This would upset me terribly,
mostly because I would not find company for
months. At first I walked around the museum, Stanic is a sculptor and your son is a pi- myself there. I do not consider Paradise a
n a stone house at the beginning of the waterfront in Herceg Novi lives the ssians have no reason to be aggressive, for they but I watched the small Van Ajk’s painting anist. place of holiday, a walk through a park or an

I painter Vojo Stanic. A lemon tree rises over the staircase that leads from the have not yet conquered their own space. “The Chancellor” a myriad times. Every time Yes, Tomo has recently had two concerts at abundance of fruit. The very thought gives me
I liked the painting more and more. Manhattan. Last year he performed at Dubro- the creeps. In Paradise, I probably could not
garden into the house. Its strong scent fills the space. The scent is fresh and You have left the promotion of your One can hardly take a liking of the classical vnik Summer Festival. Tomo is a real Monte- even play cards nor drink wine. Maybe only
persistent; it awakens and inebriates, provokes and reminds of things. It paintings to a gallery owner. This is music at first listening. It is only later that one negrin; he has learned to play in order not to playing chess is allowed there. And I cannot
lingers in memory and leads into a new dimension. Actually, it sends the sig- customary in the world, but unusual for starts to conquer it. Popular music delights work. I am a painter for the same reason. play chess. Then I prefer to go to hell, for I
us. What is the role of a gallery owner in one at first listening, but afterwards you can- Montenegrins are the most intelligent peo- am sure I would find company there. I hope
nal that two souls smelling of lemon freshness live in the house. Vojo Stanic, the icon of the life of a painter? not listen to it… ple. You know how I know? They do not like there are no prospects for heaven.
Montenegrin culture and his wife Nada, a charming lady with a spirit of a girl. We used to live in a state which was mama Zuko Dzumhur used to say that you must to work. In a way I steal through life. In the
On his canvasses, Vojo gave a witty representation of a seaside town physiognomy patria. We were accustomed to asking for eve- be silent for ten days in order to speak for one same manner as that character that plays the On beauty
rything from the state. Several people would hour. If you worked on a painting for half an accordion at leisure, and someone pays him
in an interesting and quite private geometry. In an unusual painting experiment, A beautiful illusion stands before
go to Blazo Jovanovic and say “I do not have hour you cannot watch it for two hours. On for that. I amuse myself, and make a living of
he mixed modern Mediterranean topics and traditional Montenegrin symbols, he a studio”. And thus we would pass the prob- the contrary, you should work for 10 hours on it along the way. This is what paining is like. I ugly truth.
confronted the archaic and the modern. The result of this is a precisely perceived sit- lem over to him. It is not easy to switch to an- it in order to watch it for ten minutes. The pa- do not understand torture in creative work.
uation, a painting that conquers you at first sight, while the love remains for life. other system. This is where the gallery owners inting radiates energy that we put into it. Bea- Even the Holy Writ says that God punished
bring salvation. In the West, painters depend uty is positive. Like a beautiful day. people by making them work. If you are a
A fine dose of mild waspishness, for Vojo is too intelligent not to be a little ironical on the gallery owner, who makes the contacts. Christian you consider work as a punishment,
as well, but he is too noble to be cynical. In his aesthetic categories, beauty equals The Government cannot solve the problem of What is your opinion of hyper produc- not a privilege. (Laughter). Montenegrins go
goodness. He does not court neither God nor men. He drinks red wine with delight painters. You must be a good painter, so that tion in art? to so much pain in order not to work. It
somebody will have material interest in sup- Everyone can write a poem or paint a pictu- might be easier for them to tackle some work
no matter what the reason for it, the time of the day or of the year is. The same is re, but the question is whether you can call and sweat a little.
porting you.
true about this interview. The gallery owner Gajo Vojvodic is my Fore- the person a painter or a poet because of that.
ign Affairs Minister. I do nothing without him. You frequently mention God and refer
Text: Tatjana Jovovic, M.A. Russian pathetic, but the Russians are very re- What is the share of technique in rela- to the Bible. Does this mean that you are
Photo: Dejan Lopicic served, reserved in a noble way. I liked this Do you think that you have made He- tion to talent? religious?
tremendously. rceg Novi your debtor by your paintings A man cannot excel oneself. Spontaneity is I am not religious, I swear God at least five
Recently, you have exhibited your wo- Nada: This was left by the old Russian aris- or has it made you its debtor by the in- the biggest force of a painting. times a day. But the moment you swear God,
rks in Moscow, in the gallery “Zurabija tocracy. It is unforgivable when a woman lets spiration its represents? you recognize Him. This also constitutes
Ceretelija”. Russian newspapers wrote the years defeat her. I owe it to Herceg Novi. What is your biggest success? some kind of religiosity.
about you. Have you assembled your im- Vojo: We stayed at the Hotel Russia, which My exhibition at the Venice Biennial in 1996
pressions? is the biggest one in the world. From it you can Do you think that a painting does not was boycotted before I arrived there, not for po-
My impression on Moscow was formed dur- see the Kremlin and the church of Vasil the need an interpreter and explication from On genius
litical reasons, but for interests of particular lob-
ing four days. I imagined Russia through vari- Blessed. One can see the history of Russia here. aside? bies. I have always been a dissident in painting. I What seems easy frequently is the
ous prejudices. None of the fat women driving In New York, history is compensated by height. Paintings are not rational, they are not sci- have always recounted my own story. most difficult. The most difficult thing
tractors. Nowhere have I seen so many slim In Moscow I realized that the Russians do ence. Art is anti-intellectual, it is spontaneous. It was precisely then that I received over
and beautiful women. I expected to be met by not have any problems with space. The Ru- is to be a genius, but it is easy for him.
Art is not to be understood, it is to be felt. A

30 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 31

To what extent is an artist obliged to
social engagement?
The better an artist is the better he is for the
state. That is his/her only contribution. Every
other way is wrong, if it depends on any kind
of mercy.

You believe in domination of innate

things and you are to some extent an ad-
vocate of the theory that a man’s spiritu-
al substance significantly changes during
life. You despise preparations and ske-
tches: how much of yourself do you give
to a painting?
I paint every day and I paint no matter
On changes
what. I always persist in finishing a painting.
Never have I renounced a single painting. I I have read that someone once said that “only idiots do not change”. I am
have not yet learned how to paint, so if I suc- one of those idiots. I do not believe in changing of people and I do not believe
ceed in doing something, this was entirely my in people who change. A man only perfects himself and becomes better or
mistake. You never know what will happen
when you put paint on canvass. One cannot worse, but remains himself.
even anticipate it. And this is precisely what
drives you ahead. If everything were clear it On the state What makes you happier, small or big
would be boring. You always have the feeling
If a state is not good, we should re- things?
that you are going to make “the painting”.
member that we are to blame for that. I do not know what big things are. Big things
When I work on a painting, I am permane-
are actually a compilation of many small things.
ntly in it. I do not start another painting until Those in power are always similar to
I have finished the one I am working on. Even the people who elect them. They are
while I am sitting in a café I am painting the
picture. I am completely absorbed in it. No our product. On problems
matter how silly it is. I am a man of one paint- A problem is everything you wish to
ing and of one woman. This is the kind of man I am. I have a sail-
ing-boat which is among smaller here. A fri- have, for you have to realize it. Life
end asks me when I am going to buy a bigger without problems would be boring. If
On cheating one. If I decide to buy another one I will buy
When I got married, I cheated on there were no problems, that would
an even smaller one. Even if I do not like a
all other women in the world with my thing, when I already have it, I come to like it be a problem.
lady. Cheating is in the imagination. with time. Even a cup, an ashtray. The same is
true for my wife. Now I love her even more
If we have not realized it, we have not than before. (Mischievously glances at Nada. Do you dream?
realized our perversion. Then it seems She returns by an effective joke.) When I am bored I start to dream. I have a
small boat which is not stable and which I
that we are honest, but we are not.
have to balance by my weight in order to pre-
vent it from turning over.
Since I enjoy sailing, when I lie down, in or-
der to fall asleep, I begin to think that I am
sailing. This is how I fall asleep. I enter into
the spirit of it so much that I begin to balance
in my bed. It is easier to sail than to walk a
wood. I am a Montenegrin after all; I do not
like to make great efforts.

Through these two windows, you have

an excellent view of two different im-
ages. The open sea and a top of a tree at
a two meter distance.
You, from here you can see the sea and the
sky. Sometimes I just watch for hours. This is
a fantastic sight for a photographer. Not a sin-
gle cloud repeated itself ever. It was Leonardo
who noticed that it is not possible to find two
same leaves on a linden. The same is true of
fingerprints. God made some things well, no
matter how much He twisted other things.

32 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

"Montenegro Stars" hoteli "Montenegro Stars" hotels

Zvijezde crnogorskog Stars of the

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U sklopu preduzeÊa Montenegro Stars
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Tel: +381-86-423-100
BeËiÊi, 85310 Budva
Phone: +381-86-773-773
Mainski put bb, 85315 Budva
Phone: +381-86-423-100
The main restaurant has 400 seats,
while there is also an aperitif bar, piano
bar, pastry shop, and “Stars Club” -
Fax: +381-86-451-239 Odmoriπnog je tipa, u cjelosti klimatizo- Fax:- +381-86-423-112
Fax: +381-86-451-239 Fax:- +381-86-423-112 nightclub. The guests can taste rich vari-
E-mail: van, a veÊina soba okrenuta je ka moru. E-mail:
e-mail: e-mail: ety of specialties of the local cuisine or Atmosfera u hotelu je izuzetno prijatna i drink various refreshing cocktails in the
Kapacitet: 168 soba + 4 apartmana garantuje ugodan boravak. Svaka soba po- Kapacitet: 20 soba + 4 apartmana
Capacity: 168 rooms + 4 suites Capacity: 20 rooms + 4 suites shade of the palm trees and other
sjeduje balkon, kablovsku TV (45 kanala), Mediterranean vegetation.
telefon, pristup internetu, mini-bar i sef. During the summer season the hotel
Glavni restoran ima 400 mjesta, a tu Hotel ”Blue Star” je moderan hotel sa also offers “Galija” express restaurant,
su i aperitiv bar, piano bar, slastiËara, Ëetri zvjezdice, pravljen po mjeri i potre- Tequila bar and the Pool bar.
”Stars Club” - noÊni klub. Gosti mogu bama poslovnih ljudi. Nalazi se u samom Conference center has a Big Hall with
uæivati u bogatim ukusima tradicionalne centru Budve. U neposrednoj blizini su 150 seats, Medium Hall with 70 seats,
kuhinje ili ispijati raznovrsne osvjeæava- Jadranski sajam i Slovenska plaæa, a pre- and a Small Hall with 50 seats. It uses
juÊe koktele u hladovini palmi i ostalog divni Stari grad udaljen je samo deset the state of the art audio and video
mediteranskog rastinja. minuta hoda. equipment.
Tokom ljetnje sezone na raspolaganju Sve sobe i apartmani opremljeni su ek- Wellness Center offers the conditions
su Ekspres restoran Galija, Tekila bar i skluzivnim italijanskim namjeπtajem od for full relaxation. It consists of a
Bazen bar. afriËkog hrasta, posjeduju telefon, pristup Cosmetic Center and Massage Center,
Centar za konferencije ima veliku salu internetu, kablovsku TV (45 kanala), cen- lue Star Hotel is a modern, four “Bonjour caffe”, offering a variety of al- Fitness Center, three outdoor and one
od 150 mjesta, srednju salu od 70 mjesta,
malu salu od 50 mjesta. Opremljen je sa
najsavremenijom audio i video opremom.
tralno hlaenje i grijanje, mini-bar, sef.
U ekskluzivnom restoranu serviraju se
razni specijaliteti domaÊe i inostrane ku-
B star hotel, constructed in accor-
dance with the needs of the busi-
ness people. It is situated in the very
coholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as
well as special cakes prepared in the ho-
tel pastry shop.
indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, hydro-mas-
sage showers, steam bath, and the
Diagnostics Center.
Wellnes centar pruæa uslove za vrhun- hinje a u vinskoj karti nude se raznovrsna center of Budva. In the close vicinity are There is also a conference room with Hotel guests can enjoy the two kilo-
sku relaksaciju. U njegovom sastavu na- domaÊa i francuska vina. Restoran ima the Adriatic Fair center and Slovenska the necessary technical equipment. It meters long sandy beach of the hotel
laze se kozmetiËki salon i salon za ma- 60 mjesta. plaza, while the beautiful Old Town is has the capacity to host 25 people. with the pedestrian path or in the exotic
saæu, fitness centar, tri vanjska i jedan U sklopu hotela nalazi se i “Bonjour only ten minutes away on foot. Staff members are kind and speak En- garden with palm trees and flowers.
zatvoreni bazen, sauna, jacuzzi, hidroma- caffe” sa ponudom alkoholnih i bezalko- All rooms and suites are equipped glish, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish... As additional support, the hotel offers
saæni tuπevi, parno kupatilo i Dijagno- holnih piÊa, koktela, kao i jedinstvenih with exclusive Italian furniture made of Hotel "Montenegro" is situated on the laundry services, hairdressing salon, a
stiËki centar. kolaËa proizvedenih u hotelskoj slasti- African oak, have phones, access to BeËiÊi beach itself, two kilometers away shop, an art gallery… The staff is trained
Gosti hotela mogu uæivati na dva kilo- Ëarni. Internet, cable TV (45 channels), central from the Old Town of Budva. It was fully according to the highest international cri-
metra dugoj hotelskoj pjeπËanoj plaæi sa Tu je i sala za sastanke sa svom prate- heating and cooling system, mini bar renovated and refurbished in 2004. It’s teria and takes care of the full comfort of
πetaliπtem ili u egzotiËnom vrtu sa pal- Êom tehniËkom opremom. Njen kapa- and safe deposit box. of a holiday type, fully air-conditioned, the hotel guests.
mama i cvijeÊem. citet je 25 ljudi. In the exclusive restaurant various while most of the rooms are facing the
Za dodatne potrebe tu su veπeraj, frizer- Ljubazan personal sluæi se engleskim, specialties of the local and international sea. The atmosphere in the hotel is very
ski salon, prodavnica, umjetniËka galerija... njemaËkim, italijanskim, ruskim, πpan- cuisine are served, while the wine list of- pleasant and guarantees comfortable
Osoblje obuËeno po najviπim meuna- skim... fers various local and French wines. This stay. Every room is equipped with a bal-
rodnim kriterijumima brine o potpunoj restaurant can host 60 persons. cony, cable TV (45 channels), phone,
udobnosti gostiju hotela. Within the hotel there is also the Internet access, mini bar and safe de-

34 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 35


MuziËki susreti u Zalivu

Unutarnji dio Bokokotorskog zaliva okruæuju visoke crnogorske planine, koje se sve
okomitije spuπtaju prema jadranskoj vodi, natkriljene LovÊenom. Sugestija alpskog jezera
koju pejzaæ ima, tako je snaæna da putnik koji stigne iz zalea u Kotorski zaliv i ne
pretpostavlja da se radi tek o epizodi mediteranskih jadranskih voda.

Tekst: Don Branko Sbutega

nutarnji dio Bokokotorskog zaliva okruæuju visoke crno-
gorske planine, koje se sve okomitije spuπtaju prema
jadranskoj vodi, natkriljene LovÊenom. Sugestija alp-
skog jezera koju pejzaæ ima, tako je snaæna da putnik
koji stigne iz zalea u Kotorski zaliv i ne pretpostavlja
da se radi tek o epizodi mediteranskih jadranskih voda. OsjeÊaj izoli-
ranosti i zaπtiÊenosti najvjerovatnije je uticao da se prve urbane cje-
line stvore upravo u tom dijelu zaliva gdje je ljudima bio skriven
pogled na puËinu, ali i ljudi skriveni od ambicija brojnih neprijatelja
koji su krstarili Jadranom.
Brojna ljupka naselja koja su nastala tokom stoljeÊa svjedoËe ne
samo stoljetni sklad koji je Ëovjek uspostavio sa prirodom nego i in-
tenzivnu civilizacijsku sredinu i komunikaciju, koja je u velikim
stilovima gotike, renesanse i baroka naπla uzore za raznovrsne
arhitektonske oblike bokeljskih privatnih i javnih graevina. Ta sve-
dena i stilski viπeslojna urbanistiËka ljupkost prepoznaje se i danas
uprkos nezaustavljivom i eksplozivnom urbanom razvitku u posljed-
njim decenijama. Crkve, palaËe, trgovi, i uopπte ambijent, kao da
prizivaju duh vremena u kojem su nastali.
knu nova saznanja i usavrπavaju svoje umjetniËke potencijale kod
OslanjajuÊi se na relevantnu muziËku tradiciju Boke Kotorske-koja
renomiranih gostiju festivala. Æelja da Kotor i preko ove inicijative
se odræala u kontinuitetu od ranog srednjovjekovlja i intenzivno se
doista postane mjesto kreativnih susreta, na poseban naËin se
napajala mediteranskim muziËkim baπtinama, mladi i afirmirani pi-
iskazuje okupljanjem muzikalne omladine iz raznih zemalja Evrope
janista Ratimir MartinoviÊ pokrenuo je 2002. godine inicijativu pod
koja za vrijeme festivala u radnom druæenju uvjeæbava jedan rele-
nazivom KotorArt, koja je u formi festivalsko-pedagoπkog angaæma-
vantni cjeloveËernji horski program. Ove godine to Êe biti Pe-
na trebalo da muziËki osmisli ambijent. TraæeÊi u regionalnom i πirem
rigolezijeva Stabat mater i time Êe se festival 14. avgusta i zavrπiti.
okviru zainteresirane umjetnike, KotorArt je priveo Ëitav niz eminent-
KotorArt 2005 zapoËinje na otoku Gospe od ©krpjela zaje-
nih umjetnika, meu kojima istiËemo samo neka imena poput
dniËkim nastupom DubrovaËkog simfonijskog orkestra, Vojvo-
Aleksandra Serdara, Dejana SinadinoviÊa, Konstantina Bogino, Ke-
anskih simfoniËara i Kamernog orkestra KotorArta, koji Êe u ideal-
mala GekiÊa, Lovre PogoreliÊa, Boæa Paradæika, Ksenije JankoviÊ,
nom kontekstu okamenjene lae BogorodiËinog otoka izvesti Hä-
Romana SimoviÊa, Sretena KrstiÊa, Ksenije Akeynkove, Egona Mi-
ndelove Muziku na vodi i Muziku za vatromet. Meu brojnim re-
hajloviÊa, Ljubiπe JovanoviÊa, Darinke MatiÊ-MaroviÊ, Aluna
nomiranim gostima istiËemo pijanistu Michaila Voskresenskog i
Itamara Golana, ansambl Di Villancico iz ©vedske, gudaËki kvartet
Na KotorArtu su gostovali i ansambli poput ZagrebaËke filhar-
Tartini iz Slovenije.
monije, GudaËa sv. –ora, ansambla ‘’Lado’’, operskog ansambla
Katedrala sv. Tripuna, crkva sv. Duha, otok Gospe od ©krpjela,
iz Hannovera Polyhymnia, koji su po prvi put izveli operu jednog
kao i brojni trgovi Kotora, postat Êe i ovog ljeta meta brojnih pokloni-
crnogorskog kompozitora ‘’Djevojka bez ruku’’ Tatjane PreleviÊ.
ka velike muziËke baπtine, a najbolji garant istinskog doæivljaja su re-
Od samog poËetka KotorArta promovisao je uz vrhunsku izvo-
nomirani izvoaËi iz svijeta, koji iz godine u godinu sve viπe prepoz-
aËku djelatnost i pedagoπku, dajuÊi moguÊnost mladim studenti-
naju Kotor kao mjesto istinskog kulturnog i umjetniËkog doæivljaja.
ma muzike iz πireg regiona da u okviru organizovanih seminara ste-

36 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 37


Music Encounters
in the Bay

Ratko OdaloviÊ
The interior of the Bay of Kotor is
surrounded by high Montenegrin
mountains which precipitate towards the
waters of the Adriatic, over which the
mount Lovcen rises. The reminiscence of
the Alpine lake the landscape evokes is so
strong that a passenger arriving from the
hinterland into the Bay of Kotor cannot
even assume that this is just an episode of
the Mediterranean Adriatic waters.
Text: Don Branko Sbutega

Vojo StaniÊ
he interior of the Bay of Kotor is surrounded by high
Montenegrin mountains which precipitate towards the
waters of the Adriatic, over which the mount Lovcen ris-
es. The reminiscence of the Alpine lake the landscape
evokes is so strong that a passenger arriving from the hin-
terland into the Bay of Kotor cannot even assume that this is just an
episode of the Mediterranean Adriatic waters. The feeling of isola-
tion and of being sheltered most probably was the reason why the
first urban settlements were created precisely in this part of the
bay where people were denied a view of the open sea, but where
they were also hidden from the ambitions of numerous enemies
cruising the Adriatic.
Numerous charming settlements that developed during cen-
turies testify not only of the ages long harmony created between
the man and the nature, but also of the more intense civilization
and communication which modeled its diverse architectural forms
of the private and public buildings in the Bay of Kotor upon the
styles of Gothic, Renaissance and baroque. This reduced and stylis-
tically multilayered town planning charm is recognized even today

Draπko Dragaπ
despite the unstoppable and explosive urban development in re-
cent decades. Churches, palaces, squares and the overall atmos-
phere seem to revive the spirit of the time in which they were cre-
Relying on the relevant music tradition of the Bay of Kotor,
which maintained its continuity from the early Middle Ages and in-
tensively fed on the Mediterranean music heritages, young and rec-

38 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

ognized pianist Ratimir Martinovic started in 2002 an initiative of music youth coming from different European countries who by
named KotorArt, which was supposed to give the ambiance a mu- working and being together during the festival practice a relevant all
sic significance in the form of a festival-pedagogic engagement. evening choir programme. This year it will be Stabat Mater of
Searching in the region and wider for artists interested in participat- Pergolesi, which is to close the festival on 14 August.
ing at it, KotorArt has attracted a whole range of eminent artists KotorArt 2005 begins on the island of Our Lady of Rocks by a
among which we single out artists such as Aleksandar Serdar, joint performance of Dubrovnik Symphonic Orchestra, the
Dejan Sinadinovic, Konstantin Bogino, Kemal Gekic, Lovro Po- Vojvodina symphonicists and the Chamber Orchestra of KotorArt,
gorelic, Bozo Paradzik, Ksenija Jankovic, Roman Simovic, Sreten who will perform Handle’s Water Music and Fireworks Music in the
Krstic, Ksenija Akeynikova, Egon Mihajlovic, Ljubisa Jovanovic, ideal context of the petrified ship of Our Lady’s island. Among nu-
Darinka Maric-Matovic, Alun Francis. merous distinguished guests we wish to point to the pianist Michail
Ensambles such as the Zagreb Philharmonic, String orchestra Voskresenski and Itamar Golan, the ensemble Di Villancico from
of St. George, Ensamble “Lado”, opera ensemble from Hannover Sweden, string quartet Tartini from Slovenia.
Polyhymnia, which performed for the first time an opera of a St. Triphun’s Cathedral, the Church of St. Spirit, the island of Our
Montenegrin composer - “A Girl without Arms” by Tatjana Prelevic, Lady of Rocks, as well as numerous squares in Kotor, will again this
had guest performances at KotorArt. summer become the target of numerous admirers of music her-
From the very beginning KotorArt promoted top level perform- itage, and the best guarantee of a genuine experience are the
ing and pedagogic art providing an opportunity to young music stu- renowned performers from the world who, year after year recog-
dents from the wider region to acquire new knowledge and im- nize Kotor more and more as the place of true cultural and artistic
prove their artistic potential with renowned guests of the festival. experience.
The desire for Kotor to become a true place of creative encounters
through this initiative is expressed in a special manner by gathering

40 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine


Balkanske inspiracije
Pabla Pikasa
Tekst: Tatjana Koprivica

Film Bitka na Neretvi vidjelo je oko sto za Pabla Pikasa (1881-1973) ostao je opus od oko 50 000
radova. ”Genije XX vijeka” sa istom straπÊu i uspjehom st-
dvadeset miliona ljudi. Osvojio je Ëetrnaest varao je slike, skulpture, grafike, keramiku. Bio je pomalo
anarhista, revolucionar, komunista. Uvijek angaæovani umjet-
meunarodnih filmskih nagrada i nik, govorio je: ”Umjetnik ne moæe biti samo posmatraË poli-
tike. Ne, slika ne postoji zbog dekorisanja stanova. Ona je ratni in-
nominovan je za Oskara. Svojevrsno strument za napad i odbranu od neprijatelja”.
Slikom Gospoice iz Avinjona Pikaso je 1907. godine stvorio novi
priznanje dobio je i potpisom Pabla Pikasa pravac u umjetnosti-kubizam. Nakon nekoliko godina, kubistiËka sli-
ka je doπla na granicu apstrakcije. Pikaso je smatrao da ”ne postoji
na plakatu. apstraktna umjetnost poπto uvijek mora iz neËeg da se poËne”. Da
bi zadræali vezu sa prirodom i slici dali oblik konkretne stvarnosti, Pi-
kaso i Æoræ Brak 1912. godine upotrijebili su nova sredstva: ti-

42 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

Kontakt sa filmom

Pikaso je u svom bogatom opusu uradio samo dva filmska plaka-

pografiju i kolaæ (papier collé). Tako je nastao sintetiËki kubizam. ta. Jedan je nastao 1929. godine za film Andaluzijski pas, koji su ra-
I upravo tada, u prvom velikom ciklusu kolaæa nastalih tokom ok- dili njegovi prijatelji Luis Bunjuel i Salvador Dali, a drugi 1969. go-
tobra-decembra 1912. godine, Pikasa inspiriπu zbivanja na Balkanu. dine za film Veljka BulajiÊa - Bitka na Neretvi.
Francuski listovi, poput Le Journal i Les Soirées de Paris, objavljuju Na filmskom festivalu u Monte Karlu 1964. godine, BulajiÊev do-
priloge o Balkanskom ratu, posebno o Crnoj Gori. Meu brojnim kumentarni film Skopje 63 je dobio Gran pri. Nakon zvaniËnog pri-
inostranim izvjeπtaËima sa ratiπta bilo je i Pikasovih prijatelja. ”Kralj kazivanja filma, Marsel Aπer, predsjednik æirija, priredio je Pikasu pri-
Nikola je zapoËeo avanturu - kao da gledamo zanimljiv film”, pisao vatnu projekciju nagraenog filma. Slikar je bio zadivljen BulajiÊevim
je publicista Tudesk. Svakodnevno su se nizale vijesti o toj ”avan- djelom.
turi”, o crnogorskim borbama za Skadar i diplomatskim igrama u ve- Kada je, nekoliko godina kasnije, Veljko BulajiÊ poËeo da radi Bi-
zi sa njim. Fragmente ovih storija sa naslovnih strana Pikaso je pre- tku na Neretvi, predloæio je Pikasu da uradi plakat za film. Pikaso je
nio na svoje kolaæe. odgledao film, prouËio prateÊe materijale i prihvatio posao. Posled-
U poËetku evropske politiËke krize izazvane balkanskim ratovima nju sliku iz ciklusa Otmica Sabinjanki, svoj poslednji veliki rad o uæa-
francuska diplomatija je nastojala da saËuva status quo, da se rat sima rata, inspirisan politikom Dæona Kenedija prema Kubi, priredio
izbjegne, odnosno da se πto prije okonËa. Kasnije, prihvatila je izv- je kao filmski plakat za Bitku na Neretvi.
jesna osvajanja od strane balkanskih saveznica kao svrπen Ëin. Po autorovoj æelji, plakat je πtampan u osamdeset primjeraka.
Francusko javno mnjenje nije bilo jedinstveno. Dio je podræavao bor- Svaki je potpisao na poleini i strogo zabranio njihovu upotrebu u
bu balkanskih naroda, a drugi dio, kome je pripadao i Pikaso, bio je komercijalne svrhe. Slavni ©panac je od Veljka BulajiÊa traæio i dobio
skloniji miroljubivoj politici. Rat je, za Pikasa, bio savrπeno sredstvo neobiËan honorar - dvanaest boca vina.
za jaËanje velikih sila na raËun stradanja malih naroda. UbacujuÊi u Film Bitka na Neretvi vidjelo je oko sto dvadeset miliona ljudi.
svoje kolaæe novinske isjeËke o aktuelnom ekonomskim stanju Osvojio je Ëetrnaest meunarodnih filmskih nagrada i nominovan je
Francuske, Pikaso je ciniËno ukazivao i na finansijsku motivaciju za Oskara. Svojevrsno priznanje dobio je i potpisom Pabla Pikasa na
politike francuske vlade. plakatu.

44 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

Contact with the Movie

In his rich opus Picasso made only two movie posters. One was
made in 1929 for the movie An Andalusian Dog, which was filmed
by his friends Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali, and the second in
1969 for the movie of Veljko BulajiÊ, The Battle of Neretva.
At the film festival in Monte Carlo in 1964, the documentary
movie of BulajiÊ, Skopje 63 was awarded the Grand Prix. After the
official showing of the movie, Marsel Asher, President of the jury,
organized a private projection of the movie for Picasso. The painter
was amazed by the work of BulajiÊ.
When, several years later, Veljko BulajiÊ started working on The
Battle of Neretva, he proposed to Picasso to make a poster for the
movie, Picasso saw the movie, studied the material and accepted
the job. He arranged the last picture from the cycle Abduction of
Sebinian Women, his last great work on war horrors inspired by the
politics of John Kennedy in Cuba, as the film poster for the movie
The Battle of Neretva.
According to the author's desire, eighty copies of the poster
were printed. He signed each one on the back and their use to
commercial purposes was strictly forbidden. The famous Spaniard
asked and obtained from Veljko BulajiÊ an unusual fee - twenty bot-
tles of wine.
Text: Tatjana Koprivica The movie The Battle of Neretva was seen by around 120 million
people. It won 14 international film awards and was nominated for

n opus of around 50 000 works was left behind Pablo an Oscar. The signature of Pablo Picasso on its poster was also a
Picasso (1881-1973). “The XX century genius” creat- kind of acknowledgement.
ed paintings, sculptures, graphics and ceramics, all
with the same passion and success. He was a little of
an anarchist, a revolutionary, a communist. Always an
engaged artist, he used to say: “An artist must not be just an ob-
server of politics. No, a painting does not exist just to decorate
apartments. It is an instrument of war for attacking and for defense
from enemies”.
With the paining Mademoiselles of Avignon Picasso created in
1907 a new style in art - cubism. Several years later, the cubist
paining arrived at the verge of abstraction. Picasso always thought
that “there was no abstract art since it always has to begin from
something”. In order to preserve the link with nature and give the
painting a form of concrete reality, in 1912 Picasso and George
Braque used new means: typography and collage (papier collé).
Synthetic cubism was thus created.
MEMORY OF A POSTER And it was precisely then, in the first great cycle of collages de-
veloped during October-December 1912 that Picasso was inspired
by the events in the Balkans. French magazines, such as Le Journal

Balkan inspirations of
and Les Soirées de Paris, published articles about the Balkan war,
especially about Montenegro. Among numerous foreign reporters
from the war battlefield there were also friends of Picasso. “King
Nikola began an adventure - as if we were watching an exciting
movie”, the publicist Tudesk wrote. Stories on that “adventure”
followed one another every day, stories about Montenegrin fights

Pablo Picasso The movie The Battle of Neretva was seen

for Shkodra and diplomatic games related to it. Picasso transferred
fragments of these stories from the front pages on to his collages.
At the beginning of the European political crisis caused by Balkan
wars, the French diplomacy strived to preserve the status quo, to
by around 120 million people. It won 14 avoid war, i.e. to end it as soon as possible. Later, they accepted
certain conquests on the part of Balkan allies as an accomplished
international film awards and was act. French public opinion was not undivided. One part supported
the struggle of Balkan peoples, and the other part, to which Picasso
nominated for an Oscar. The signature of belonged, was more inclined to peaceful politics. For Picasso war
was a perfect means for making stronger big forces on the account
Pablo Picasso on its poster represented of small peoples’ affliction. Inserting into his collages magazine clip-
pings on the current economic state of France, Picasso cynically in-
also a kind of acknowledgement. dicated also the financial motives of the French government policy.

46 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 47



Tekst: Skender - Keni PeroËeviÊ Zimi je Ëitav kraj, osim atraktivanog restorana, pod jezerskom Na grebenu iznad jezera i sada se vide ostaci 1533. godine i Bici 1610. godine, SvaË je imao crkava koliko je u go-
Fotografija: Lazar PejoviÊ vodom, ali u ljetnjem periodu jedini prilaz do jezera je kanal dug oko dini dana.
trista metara, obrastao gustom trskom dok se po vodenoj povrπini srednjovjekovnog gradskog zida i dvije kapije. Od ljudi ovog kraja ËuÊete i legendu koja kaæe da je crkve podigla
prostiru cvjetovi lokvanja. U Ëistoj vodi lako se mogu vidjeti primjer- Kosara, æena plemenitog dukljanskog kralja Vladimira. Podizanje
ci rjeËne ribe. U vrijeme ribolovne sezone veliki broj ribolovaca SvaË se prvi put pominje u XI vijeku kao 365 crkava bilo je uslov da se njenom suprugu povrati vid koji je
moæe uæivati u ovom jedinstvenom ambijentu bogatom jezerskom izgubio u zatoËeniπtvu. O uzviπenoj ljubavi Vladimira i Kosare piπe
ribom i jeguljom.
episkopski grad, a po legendi koju su zapisali ”Ljetopis popa Dukljanina”, hronika koja se bavi genealogijom du-
©asko jezero je idealno izletniËko mjesto na kome se moæe orga- Dæustinijani 1533. godine i Bici 1610. godine, kljanskih vladara.
nizovati dobar piknik, igrati fudbal, odbojka, kupati se u Ëistoj i Danas se u SvaËu mogu prepoznati temelji osam crkava od kojih
toploj jezerskoj vodi ili sunËati na specijalno pripremljenoj plaæi. SvaË je imao crkava koliko je u godini dana. su dvije najveÊe - katedrala sv. Jovana Krstitelja (albanski ©in -on),
Predlog za idealan izlet Jedinstven doæivljaj je i voænja po jezeru malim Ëamcem, splavom ili na najviπem dijelu grada sagraena u romanskom stilu i franjevaËka
gliserom, a posebnan uæitak je letjenje motornim zmajem koji poli- crkva sv. Marije na zaravni u podgrau podignuta u gotskom stilu.

a dvadesetak kilometara od najjuænijeg crnogorskog jeÊe sa male piste ispred restorana Shasi. Na novcu kovanom u SvaËu u XIV vijeku naslikana je trvava sva u
grada Ulcinja, prema granici Albanije, nalazi se ©asko renesansnim oblicima, na tri sprata, sa kolonodama i sa donæon ku-
jezero (Shasi), jedinstveno po svojoj ljepoti, bistro i Dvije kapije SvaËa lom. To je jedana od najljepπih tvorevina fortifikacione arhitekture.
mirno, bogato ribom i staniπte raznovrsnih ptica. Do Daleke 1242. godine SvaË su napali Mongoli pod vostvom

jezera se dolazi uskim putem koji prolazi kroz kameni- a sjeverne strane jezera nadvisuje se joπ jedna atrakcija Kajdan-kana, unuka Dæingis-kana. Poπto nisu mogli da osvoje Ulcinj,
ti predio obrastao niskim rastinjem. Priroda koja okruæuje samo ovog kraja - SvaË. Bio je to velik i blistav grad srednjov- udarili su na SvaË, do temelja ga poruπili, a njegove stanovnike, koji
jezero sasvim je drukËija. Plodna ravnica, travnate povrπine i visoka jekovne Zete. Danas je on u ruπevinama, pust i mrtav i nijesu uspjeli da pobjegnu, pobili.
trska pruæaju novi, gostoljubiviji ambijent. Prvo na πto se naie jeste spada u najatraktivnije ”mrtve gradove” Jadrana. Na Preæivjeli SvaËani uspijeli su da podignu svoj grad iz ruπevina, ali
interesantan, prilagoen ambijentu, restoran Shasi, koji se nalazi uz grebenu iznad jezera i sada se vide ostaci srednjov- u XV vijeku grad je doæivio novi ruπilaËki udarac, ovog puta od
jezero. Meutim, samo jezero se odatle joπ uvijek ne moæe vidjeti, jekovnog gradskog zida i dvije kapije. SvaË se prvi put pominje u XI Turaka. Poslije toga nikad nije obnovljen i æivot u njemu je zamro.
osim πto visoka trska nagovjeπtava da se iza nje kriju voda i jezero. vijeku kao episkopski grad, a po legendi koju su zapisali Dæustinijani Expeditio

48 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 49




On the reef above the lake there

are still some remnants of the me-
dieval walls of the town and of the
two gates. Svac is mentioned for the
first time in the 11th century as the
town of bishops, and according to
the legend written by the Justinians
in 1533, and by the Bici in 1610,
Svac had as many churches as there
are days in a year.
Inflight Magazine
Text: Skender Keni Perocevic The Sasko Lake is an ideal excursion area, where one can organ-
Photos: Lazar Pejovic ize a nice picnic, play soccer, volleyball, swim in the clean and
warm waters of the lake, or sunbathe in the especially developed
beach. A unique experience is the lake ride in a small boat, raft or
motor boat; or even more unusual - flying in a motor kite departing
U vinu je
from the small runway in front of the Shasi restaurant.
Proposal for an ideal excursion
The two gates of Svac

ome twenty kilometers away from Ulcinj, the town in the

far southeast of Montenegro, towards the Albanian bor- rom the northern side, the lake is looked at by another at-
der, there is the Sasko Lake (Shasi), unique for its beauty,
clear and peaceful, rich with fish and a habitat of various
types of birds. The lake can be reached by a narrow road
running through the rocky area covered with small bushes. The na-
traction of this region - Svac. It used to be a big and daz-
zling town of the medieval Zeta. Today, it is in ruins, de-
serted and dead, and it represents on of the most attrac-
tive “deserted towns” of the Adriatic. On the reef above
nama se
ture that surrounds the lake itself is totally different. A fertile valley, the lake there are still some remnants of the medieval walls of the
grass covered land and high reed create a new, hospitable environ-
ment. The first thing one runs into is an interesting Shasi restaurant,
adjusted to the overall ambiance and situated right on the lake.
However, the lake itself can still not be seen from that point, except
town and of the two gates. Svac is mentioned for the first time in
the 11th century as the town of bishops, and according to the leg-
end written by the Justinians in 1533, and by the Bici in 1610, Svac
had as many churches as there are days in a year.
for the fact that the high reed announces that it hides the waters of From the people of this region one can also hear the legend say-
the lake behind it. In winter times, the whole area, except for the at- ing that the churches were built by Kosara, the wife of the noble
tractive restaurant, is flooded by the lake, but in the summer time Prince Vladimir of Duklja (Doclea). The construction of 365 church-
the only way to reach the lake is a three hundred meters long canal, es was a condition in order for her husband to regain sight that he
covered with dense reed, while the water is covered by the water lost while in captivity. This noble love between Kosara and Vladimir
lilies. It is easy to notice different types of fish in the clear waters of is described in the book “Ljetopis popa Dukljanina” (“Chronicle of
the lake. During the fishing season a large number of fishermen can the Priest of Duklja” or Regnum Sclavorum), a chronicle dealing
enjoy this unique environment rich with lake fish and eel. with the genealogy of the rulers of Duklja.

Inflight Magazine
Muπlje i vongole na buzaru

Ribarska buzara iz jelovnika


1/2 kg muπlji
1/2 kg vongola
200 g gambora
1 dl maslinovog ulja
malo svjeæeg paradajza
malo bijelog luka
petrusin (perπun)
bijelo vino

Staviti maslinovo ulje i bijeli luk,

zatim paradajz, i sve prodinstati. Do-
dati muπlje, vongole i gambore, a po-
tom biber i petrusin. Poklopiti i os-
taviti da se kuva. Na kraju dodati bije-
lo vino.

Mussles and Small Shells

boiled in Wine from the Old Mill

Fisherman's Shells and Prawns

boiled in Wine from the Menu


Today, one can find the remnants of eight 1/2 kg of mussels

churches, out of which the two biggest ones are 1/2 kg of small shells
the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Sin Djon in 200 g of prawns
Albanian), in the highest part of the town, built in 1 dl of olive oil
the Roman style, and the Franciscan Church of St. some fresh tomatoes
Mary, situated on a plateau in the lower part of the some garlic
town, built in the Gothic style. On the coins mint- pepper
ed in Svac in the 14th century there is a fortress of parsly
a Renaissance style, with three stories, the colon- white wine
nades and a dungeon tower. It is one of the most
beautiful creations of the fortification architecture. Put olive oil and garlic
In 1242 Svac was attacked by the Mongolians, into a pan, add tomatoes
lead by the grandson of Jingis-can. As they were and stew all together.
unable to conquer Ulcinj, they attacked Svac, de- Add mussels, small
stroyed it totally, and killed all the inhabitants who shells and prawns
did not manage to escape. and then pepper
The inhabitants of Svac who survived managed and parsly. Cover with
to rebuild their town, but in the 15th century the a lid and leave to boil.
town was destroyed again, this time by the Turks. Add white wine in the end.
After that, it was never rebuilt and the life in it was
completely extinct.

Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine


Miris svijeÊa u domovini bajki

Tekst: Mr Regina de Dominicis ubijeen da gubi vid, muËi ga zubobolja, njegovim fantastiËnim putovanjima, dio nje-
Ilustracija: Roman –uranoviÊ plaπi se vatre, nikada nije raπËistio da li je ho- gove taπtine, potrebe za bjekstvom i dio nje-
moseksualac ili heteroseksualac. Ogleda se govih strahova. Nije vaæno πto su se vreme-
u dramskim tekstovima, piπe zanimljive pu- na promijenila, broji se samo ono πto ostaje:
PoËetak bajke topise. Njegovi tekstovi su reminiscencije, zima, gradiÊi od drveta i kristala, zelene ure-
pune prefinjenih mirisa proπlosti. Njegove ene πume, labudovi koji se nespretno kliza-
Ӯivjele su u meni kao

ilo jednom u jednoj maloj Ëarob- prelijepe i Ëesto tuæne bajke su sublimacija ju na ledu, Ëipkasti dvorci, toplina u kuÊama
noj zemlji izvoriπte bajki. Nalazilo patnje. ”Æivjele su u meni kao sjeme, i bio je za patuljke, vezene zavjese i cvijeÊe na pro-
sjeme, i bio je dovoljan se u tuænom srcu jednog poseb- dovoljan daπak vjetra, sunËev zrak ili kap sa zorima.
nog djeËaka. DjeËak je æivio u na- gorke trave da se ono razvije”, citira ga Knud Malena Danska obiljeæava godiπnjicu roe-
daπak vjetra, sunËev zrak ili krivljenoj drvenoj kuÊi æute boje. Ferlov u predgovoru zbirke od preko stotinu nja svog slavnog sunarodnika nizom prosla-
Njegova majka je bila previsoka i imala je bajki. va i manifestacija, a preko sto zemalja najav-
kap sa gorke trave da se ono preveliki nos i previπe muæeva. On je mrzio ilo je proslave.
boju njene jedine haljine i njene ruke, vjeËito "Drvena kutija" u Odenzeu Nakon dvjesta godina, πirom svijeta, bez
razvije” smrznute od pranja. DjeËakov otac mirisao obzira na godine, svi smo Andersen i nje-
je na ljepilo za cipele i pravio mu je drvene U Odenzeu, na par metara od kuÊe u kojoj gove bajke. Ono πto se vremenom promije-
pajace. DjeËak je imao i djeda koji se uvijek je roen prije dvije sotine godina, nalazi se nilo nema znaËaja: tamo su svi jednaki - bo-
πetao sa papirnim πeπirom na glavi, pa su ga predivna kuÊa za djecu, sva u brezovini i gati i siromaπni, lukavi i glupi, nesreÊne i vje-
djeca zadirkivala da je lud poput svog djeda. staklu. Ime joj je ”Drvena kutija” i svi izuvaju Ëne ljubavi.
Nakon oËeve smrti u ratu, mahovina je mno- cipele na ulazu. Djeci se dopadaju ljudske osobine koje
go bræe prekrivala krov, zimski mrazevi su Majke dolaze da doje novoroenËad, ta kod Andersena poprimaju æivotinje, kao i to
oπtrije πtipali, u kuÊi se palila samo jedna svi- minijaturna rozo-bijela biÊa Ëija lica proviruju πto predmeti oæivljavaju i Ëesto postaju bolji
jeÊa i rastao je strah od razliËitosti. Æuta kuÊa iz kapuljaËa malenih skafandera. Majke æele od ljudi.
se nalazila u istoj ulici u kojoj i zatvor. Za- da njihovi prvi pogledi na svijet budu puni bo- Odraslima se dopada koncept biÊa i izgle-
tvorski Ëuvar kruæio je unaokolo sa sveænjem ja i magije. Djedovi i bake dovode unuËad, da i ironija sa kojom prikazuje ljudsku taπtinu.
kljuËeva zakaËenim za pojas: oni su sigurno bdijuÊi nad njihovim snovima dok i sami Svima se, bez razlike, svia to πto je ljubav
otvarali sva vrata ovog svijeta… DjeËak je ponovo otkrivaju Ëari maπte koja ne zna za jedina prava vrijednost, jedini izvor magiË-
poËeo da sanjari da je kraljeviÊ koji æivi u os- godine. nog, pa Ëak i kada je neuzvraÊena ili teπka.
vijetljenoj i toploj palati i ima sestru koja ne Svi dobijaju na poklon crveni kartonski ko- Ljubav i poslije smrti: poput ljubavi olovnog
bi mogla zaspati ako bi joj neko podmetnuo ferËiÊ sa papirnom pahuljicom, parËetom og- vojnika prema papirnoj balerini, ili ljubavi
zrno graπka ispod sedam duπeka na kojima ledala i drvenim kaleidoskopom. Na ulazu se sirene prema princu.
se odmaraju kraljevi. Da njegova majka, naπaraju lica i navuku se crni perjani ogrtaËi, ©to ti æeliπ da budeπ veËeras prije nego
poput snijeæne kraljice, moæe svakog da plavo-bijela satenska odijela, uzimaju se kar- πto utoneπ u san? Vjerovatno djevojËica veli-
pretvori u ledenu statuu. To je bio naËin da tonski maËevi i vilini Ëarobni πtapiÊi. Potom Ëine malog prsta koja leti na leima lasta-
zamrzne svoj bol i da ga viπe ne osjeÊa. ulazite u ovu kuÊu i postajete neko drugi. U vice, carev slavuj koji lijeËi sve bolesti, ili
DjeËak sanjaπe: da je bogati i prepredeni tr- drvenoj kuÊici je kraljevski tron na koji naizm- olovni vojnik koji je umio da voli.
govac, mala sirena koja æeli da dobije noge, jeniËno sjedaju male plave djevojËice. One Bajka je san o tome da budemo neko dru-
mahuna koja cvjeta i postaje predivna biljka, isprobavaju smijeπne ledene poglede prema gi, onaj drugi koji negdje duboko u sebi i jes-
kresivo koje ispunjava æelje… ostaloj djeci, zaËuene πto se ona ne pret- mo; ponekad nam prosto treba transformaci-
Bajke se raaju iz tuænog i uplaπenog srca varaju u ledene kipove. ja, baπ kao i ruænom paËetu koje je poæeljelo
ovog djeteta, iz njegovog sna da bude neko da bude labud.
drugi. Njegovo je ime poznato πirom svijeta. Ljubav je magija
On je Hans Kristijan Andersen.
I odrasli Andersen pati od brojnih neuroza i I nakon dva vijeka, na ovom bajkovitom
preosjetljivosti. Jednog dana ga uæasava po- mjestu, koje miriπe na svijeÊe, svi su pomalo
misao da je progutao Ëiodu, drugog dana je Andersen, svi su u njegovim bajkama, na

56 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 57


The Scent
of Flowers
in the
Homeland of
Text: Mr Regina de Dominicis
Illustration: Milica Radulovic

The Beginning of a Fairy-Tale

nce upon a time in a tiny magi-
cal land there was a source of
fairy-tales. It resided in the
aching heart of an extraordi-
nary boy. The boy lived in a
slanted, yellow wooden hut. His mother
was too tall and had too big a nose and too
many husbands. He loathed the colour of
her only dress and her hands, forever frozen
from washing. The boy’s father reeked of
shoe-glue and made him wooden clowns.
The boy had a grandfather too, who always
walked with a paper hat on his head, and the
kids used to tease him that he was a nut-
case, just like his grandfather. Following his
father’s death in war, moss covered the roof
much faster, winter frosts had an even
sharper bite, whereas the house was lit by
one single candle with fear of the otherness
noticeably growing. The yellow house was
in the same street where the prison was lo-
cated. The prison warden would walk

Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

around with a bunch of keys attached to his faces, put on black feather cloaks and blue
“They lived inside me as a belt: they certainly opened all the doors of and white satin clothes, and take cardboard
seed, and a mere breath of this world… The boy started daydreaming swords or magic wands. Then they enter
that he was a prince living in a brightly light- the house and become someone else.
wind, a sunray or a drop ed and warm palace and that he had a sister There is a royal throne in the wooden house
unable to fall asleep if someone surrepti- where tiny blond girls take turns to sit. They
from some bitter grass were tiously placed a pea under the seven mat- try out comical icy looks on other kids, won-
tresses kings rested on; that his mother, like dering why they do not turn into ice
enough for it to sprout” a snow queen, had a power to turn every- statutes.
one into an ice statue. That was his way to
deaden his pain and no longer feel it. The Love is Magic
boy had a dream: that he was a wealthy and
cunning merchant, a small mermaid longing Two centuries later, in this fairyland filled
for a pair of legs, a pod that flourishes turn- with a scent of flowers, everybody is a bit of
ing into a most beautiful plant, tinder making an Andersen; everybody is in his fairy-tales,
other people’s wishes come true… joining his fantastic journeys; everybody is
Fairy-tales were born out of the sad and part of his vanity, his fears and his need to
frightened heart of this child, out of his escape. It does not matter if the time has
dream to be someone else. His name is changed; it is what remains that counts:
well-known all over the world. He is Hans winter, little towns made of wood and crys-
Christian Andersen. tal, cultivated green woods, swans that
Even as an adult, Andersen suffered from clumsily slide on the ice, lacy castles,
a number of neuroses and hypersensitivity. warmth in dwarfs’ houses, embroidered cur-
One day he would torment himself with the tains and flowers on the windows.
thought that he had swallowed a pin; on the Tiny Denmark marks the bicentenary of
other, he was convinced his eyesight was the birth of their renowned countryman with
failing. He was racked by toothache, had a a number of celebrations and events,
fear of fire and had never cleared up the whereas over a hundred countries around
mystery whether he was a homosexual or a the globe announced their own intention to
heterosexual. He had some experience in celebrate.
writing dramatic texts and also wrote engag- Two hundred years later, all over the
ing travel books. His texts are reminis- world, irregardless of age, we are all
cences imbued with subtle scents of the Andersen and his fairy-tales. Things that
past. His beautiful and often sad fairy-tales have changed in time are irrelevant: every-
are the sublimation of suffering. “They lived body is equal there - the rich and the poor,
inside me as a seed, and a mere breath of the cunning and the stupid, unhappy and
wind, a sunray or a drop from some bitter eternal loves.
grass were enough for it to sprout”, Knud Children like human traits that Andersen
Ferlow quoted him in the preface to his col- gives to animals, as well as the fact that he
lection of over a hundred stories. gives life to things making them frequently
better than people. Adults like the concept
of the essence and looks, as well as the
“Wooden Box” in Odense irony with which Andersen depicts people’s
vanity. Everybody without exception likes
In Odense, a few yards away from the the fact that he portrays love as the only val-
house Andersen was born in two hundred ue, only source of magic, even when it is un-
years ago, there is a beautiful children’s requited or painful. Love after death even:
house, all in birch-wood and glass. It is like the love of the iron soldier for the paper
called “Wooden Box” and everybody takes ballerina or love of the mermaid for a prince.
off their shoes at its entrance. What do you want to be tonight before
Mothers come here to breastfeed their you drift into sleep? Probably a Thumbelina
newborn babies, those tiny pink and white flying on the back of a swallow, the
creatures whose faces peep out of the Emperor’s nightingale who can cure all dis-
hoods of their one piece ski suits. They eases, or the iron soldier who knew how to
want to ensure that their babies open their love.
eyes to the world of colours and magic. A fairy-tale is a dream to become some-
Grandparents bring their grandchildren, one else, someone who deep inside we are;
watching over their dreams and rediscover- sometimes we merely need a transforma-
ing themselves the joys of imagination that tion, just like the ugly duckling that wished
knows no age limits. to become a swan.
Everybody is given a present here, a red
cardboard box with a paper snowflake, a
piece of mirror and a wooden kaleidoscope.
At the very entrance, visitors paint their

60 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

prije. Njegov duh i njegovo djelo neodvojivi jedan od pomoÊnika, ali samo nakon dvije sada, senzacionalne projekte - KuÊu Vicens,

U slavu Gaudija
su dio Barselone. Katalonci danas ne kriju godine postaje glavni projektant najambi- El Capricho, a onda i dvije njegove najpoz-
koliko su ponosni na ono πto je stvorio i os- cioznijeg poduhvata u æivotu. Iako je veÊ bio natije kuÊe, Casa Batllo i Casa Mila, odnosno
tavio im u naslee Antonio Gaudi. zapoËeo svoje prve, u to vrijeme, baπ kao i La Pedrera, kao i park Guell, Sagrada Familia
On je taj koji je unio revoluciju u arhitektu- je bila njegova najveÊa i jedina strast. Po-
ru 20. vijeka. Njegove kuÊe izgledaju kao da svetio joj je 43 godine svog æivota.
su izaπle iz neke bajke. Ili kao da su vile tu Sagrada Familia okruæena je i danas kra-
Tekst: Sneæana PopoviÊ-RaænatoviÊ umijeπale svoje prste. Salvador Dali vidio ih novima i graditeljima i moglo bi se ostvariti
Fotografija: Sonja RadoviÊ, Slavica je ovako: "Gaudi je jednu kuÊu napravio od ono πto je Gaudi proroËki rekao: "Sveti Josif
StamatoviÊ, Biljana KneæeviÊ, Sherif mora, od pomahnitalih talasa. Druga je od Êe je zavrπiti sam." Jedan ljudski vijek nije
Mekky mirne vode jezera. Ovo nisu metafore. Ili dovoljan za to. Kakva god da bude sudbina
bajke. Ove kuÊe stvarno postoje". Veoma ove crkve i ma kada da bude zavrπena, ona

ma neπto neopisivo u trenutku susre- vaæna liËnost u Gaudijevom æivotu, Ëovjek nikada neÊe biti onakva kakva bi bila da je
ta sa Barselonom. Jednostavno, pos- koji mu je omoguÊio da ostvari svoje najeks- raena po zamislima njenog projektanta.
toje mjesta koja vas ostave bez daha i travagantnije ideje, bio je bogati bankar Zdanje je trebalo da bude visoko 160 metara
osvoje na prvi pogled. Glavni grad Eusebio Guell. Park koji je radio po njegovoj i sve na njemu je u znaku simbola. Osam
Gaudi je jednu kuÊu napravio Katalonije, mediteranska luka iz koje je narudæbi, turistiËka je atrakcija grada. Ali, prednjih stubova prikazuju gradove Valen-
od mora, od pomahnitalih Kolumbo krenuo na svoje Ëuveno putovanje, simbol Barselone, nedovrπeni Gaudijev san siju, Granadu, Toledo, Saragosu, Burgos,
jedan je od najljepπih gradova Evrope. I dru- je hram Sagrada Familija. Istorija umjetnosti Valjadolid, Santjago i Sevilju. »etiri veÊa stu-
talasa. Druga je od mirne gaËiji od Ëitave ©panije. ne poznaje niπta nalik njemu. ba posveÊena su jevanelistima Mateju,
Grad koji nikad ne spava, koji u sebi Ëuva PriËa o ovoj katedrali poËinje 1881. go- Marku, Luki i Jovanu, a po tri apostola Ëuva-
vode jezera. Ovo nisu Dalija, Pikasa, Huana Miroa... proslavio je joπ dine, kada je knjiæar Hoze Maria Bokabela ku- ju po tri ulaza, sa po troje vrata. Za vjeru,
jedan genije, arhitekta po imenu Antonio Ga- pio zemljiπte na kojem je, u znak pokajanja, nadu i milosre.
metafore. Ili bajke. udi. Njegovo stvaralaπtvo nikog ne ostavlja æelio da sagradi hram posveÊen svetoj po- A i sam Gaudi nije mnogo mario za svoje
Ove kuÊe stvarno postoje. ravnoduπnim. Na poËetku proπlog vijeka sa- rodici. Rad na velelepnoj graevini zapoËeo projekte. Radio je po intuiciji, trenutnoj in-
vremenici su mu se podsmijevali, na po- je 1883. Gaudi je u to vrijeme bio isuviπe spiraciji, bez asistenata i nasljednika. I stvo-
Salvador Dali Ëetku ovog slavljen je i hvaljen kao nijedan mlad i sasvim nepoznat. Angaæovan je kao rio neponovljivo djelo svojstveno samo geni-

62 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 63

ju kakakv je bio on. »ovjek koga su za æivota
mimoiπle sve zvaniËne nagrade, Ëija je um-
jetnost u ono doba oznaËena kao previπe iza-
zovna i "otkaËena", danas je ikona moderne
arhitekture. Svojim ostvarenjima pretvorio je
Barselonu u kamenu vjeËnost. I veliku gale-
riju svoje umjetnosti. Postao je simbol gra-
da. Onog dana kada je umro Ëitava Barcelo-
na bila je u æalosti.
Kaæu da je tog 12. juna 1926. godine povo-
rka koja je iπla od bolnice Santa Kruz u sta-
rom dijelu grada, prema crkvi Sagrada Fa-
milia, bila duga kilometrima. "Najgeniozniji od
svih arhitekata", kako su ga nazivali, uz Papin
blagoslov, sahranjen je u kripti nedovrπene
crkve, kojoj je posvetio Ëitav æivot. Samo
nekoliko dana prije, dok je bio u jednoj do
svojih uobiËajenih πetnji, udario ga je tramvaj.
U dæepu njegovog kaputa ostao je crteæ za
jednu od fasada crkve po kojoj se danas pre-
poznaje Barselona. I zbog koje milioni turista
iz Ëitavog svijeta idu u ovaj grad.

64 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

poraries mocked him, at the beginning of bela bought the land on which, as a sign of known. He was hired as one of assistants,

To the Glory of Gaudi

this century he is celebrated and praised as repentance, he wanted to construct a tem- to become the main designer of the most
no-one before. His spirit and work form an ple devoted to his family. Work on the mag- ambitious undertaking in his life only two
inseparable part of Barcelona. The Ca- nificent construction began in 1883. At the years later. Even though he had already be-
talonians do not hide today to what extent time Gaudi was too young and utterly un- gan his first, and at that time, just like today,
they are proud of what Antonio Gaudi creat- most sensational projects - the House Vice-
Text: Snezana Popovic Raznatovic ed and left to them as heritage. ns, El Capricho, and then also two of his
Photo: Sonja Radovic, Slavica He was the one that revolutionized the XX most famous houses, Casa Batillo and Casa
Stamatovic, Biljana Knezevic, Sherif century architecture. His houses seem to Mila, or La Pedrera, as well as the park Gu-
Mekky have emerged from a fairy tale. Or, it seems ell, Sagrada Familia was his greatest and on-
as if fairies have had a hand in his work. This ly passion. To it he devoted 43 years of life.

here is something indescribable is how Salvador Dali saw them: “Gaudi Even today, Sagrada Familia is surro-
about the moment of encounter made one house out of the sea, out of the unded by cranes and constructors and what
with Barcelona. Simply, there are enraged waves. The second out of the pe- Gaudi prophetically said: “Saint Joseph will
places that leave you breathless aceful lake water. These are not metaphors. complete it by himself” may come true.
and win you over at first sight. The Or fairy tales. The houses really exist.” A One human life is not enough for it. Wha-
Gaudi made one house out capital city of Catalonia, the Mediterranean very important person in Gaudi’s life, the tever the destiny of his church might be,
of the sea, out of the enraged port from which Columbus set off on his fa- man who made it possible for him to realize and no matter when it is completed, it will
mous journey is one of the most beautiful his most extravagant ideas, was the rich ba- never be what its architect designed it to be.
waves. The second out of the cities in Europe. And something different nker Eusebio Guell. The park created upon The structure was supposed to be 160 me-
from the rest of Spain. his commission is the tourist attraction of ters high and everything on it is symbollic.
peaceful lake water. These are The city that never sleeps, that in itself the city. But the symbol of Barcellona and Eight columns in the front represent the
preserves Dali, Picasso, Juan Miro... has Gaudi’s unaccomplished dream is the tem- towns of Valensia, Granada, Toledo, Sara-
not metaphors. Or fairy tales. been made widely known by another ge- ple Sagrada Familia. The history of art kno- gosa, Burgos, Valladolid, Santiago and Se-
nius, the architect named Antonio Gaudi. ws of nothing similar to it. ville. Four larger columns are devoted to the
The houses really exist. The story about this cathedral begins in Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
His creative work leaves no-one indifferent.
Salvador Dali At the beginning of last century his contem- 1881, when the bookseller Jose Maria Boka- and three apostles guard each of the three

66 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 67

entrances with three doors - for faith, hope and mercy.
Gaudi himself did not care much about his projects either. He
worked following his intuition, his instantaneous inspiration, with-
out assistants and heirs. And he created a unique work characteris-
tic of the genius he was. “The man who was missed by all official
rewards during his life, whose art at the time was marked as too
challenging and “crazy“ represents an icon of modern architecture
today. Through his creations he turned Barcelona into stone eterni-
ty. And into a great gallery of his art. He became the symbol of the
city. On the day he died the whole of Barcelona was in mourning.
It is said that on that 12 June 1926 the procession that started
from the hospital Saint Cruz in the old part of the town towards the
church Segrada Familia was kilometers long. “The most ingenious
of all architects”, as he used to be called, was buried with a bless-
ing from the Pope in a crypt of the unfinished church to which he
devoted his whole life. Only a few days before, during one of his
usual walks, he was hit by a tram. In the pocket of his coat was
found a drawing for one of the facades of the church by which
Barcelona is recognized today and due to which millions of tourists
from the whole world come to this town.

68 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

Stvaranje Creating a
robne marke made in
Montenegro trade mark

rojekat "Made in Montenegro", koji Direkcija za razvoj odnosu na 2003. godinu. he Project ”Made in Montenegro”, implemented by the Europe, in which 30 companies from the food industry were pre-
malih i srednjih preduzeÊa realizuje u saradnji sa min- PokrenuÊe se i novi oblici kampanje kao πto su ambasadori Agency for the development of small and medium size sented.
istarstvima poljoprivrede i turizma, fokusira se na institu- MADE IN MONTENEGRO, ukljuËiÊe se distributivni centri u kom- enterprises in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture In cooperation with the private company Gemax, the Agency has
cionalnu kampanju koja promoviπe potencijale Crne Gore, paniji, nastaviÊe se aktivno uËeπÊe na sajmovima u zemlji i inos- and the Ministry of Tourism, is focused on the institution- also finished the first part of the Program of gift packs MADE IN
domaÊe proizvode i proizvoaËe. Osnovni cilj ovog pro- transtvu. al campaign promoting the potentials of Montenegro, lo- MONTENEGRO (5 types of packs), named “Your part of
jekta predstavlja uvoenje sistema standarda kao preduslova za Projekat "Promocija crnogorskih proizvoda" i stvaranja robne cal products and producers. The basic goal of this project is the in- Montenegro”, while they are currently working on the preparation
stvaranje crnogorske robne marke - kvaliteta koji Êe biti proizveden marke "Made in Montenegro" posebno je okrenut turizmu, kao troduction of the system of standards as a precondition for the cre- of the new packs with the new design and new contents.
u skladu sa standardima EU i biti konkurentan i na domaÊem, i na strateπkoj grani razvoja Crne Gore. U tu svrhu organizuju se Susreti ation of the Montenegrin trademark - the quality that will be pro- This has all contributed to the increase in the product assortment
inostranom træiπtu. poljoprivrednih proizviaËa i turistiËke privrede, kako bi crnogorska duced in accordance with the EU standards and which will be com- by over 30%, primarily in the meat industry. Also, the overall sales
Crnogorska vina, rano voÊe i povrÊe, mineralna voda, pivo, turistiËka ponuda bila bazirana na domaÊim proizvodima i kako bi petitive in the local, as well as in the interna- in the local market of the meat industry are
njeguπka prπuta, njeguπki i durmitorski sir i brojne druge proizvode, turistiËki radnici stranom i domaÊem gostu prvo ponudili proizvod sa tional market. expected to be approximately 100 million eu-
Ëeka vaæna i odgovorna misija - da kvalitetom, ovjerenim naljepni- oznakom "Made in Montengro". ros in 2004, which means that it will increase
com MADE IN MONTENEGRO, nakon potvrde liderske pozicije na Crnogorski preduzetnici, koji namjeravaju da prihvate izazove Montenegrin wines, early fruits and veg- by approximately 25% as compared to 2003.
domaÊem terenu, probiju put do evropskih træiπta i osvoje naklonost moderne ekonomije i krenu u avanturu osvajanja stranih træiπta, sv- etables, mineral water, beer, smoked ham The new types of campaigns will also be
stranih potroπaËa. S obzirom, na sektore razvoja - prioritet su: jesni su svih prepreka koje ih oËekuju, ali i odluËni da iskoriste πan- from Njegusi region, cheese from Njegusi initiated, such as the ambassadors of MADE
poljoprivreda, turizam i drvoprerada. su, naroËito u oblastima u kojima Crna Gora ima komparativne pred- and Durmitor region, and numerous other IN MONTENEGRO, the distribution centers
nosti. products are faced with an important and re- will get involved in the campaign, and it is al-
Logo kampanje "Made in Montenegro" sponsible mission - after the confirmation of so planned to continue with the active partici-
the leading position in the local market, to pation in the local and international fairs.
KaÊun je cvijet karakteristiËan za mediteransko podneblje, a use their quality, supported by the label The Project “Promotion of the
naroËito za Crnu Goru. KaÊun je jedan od prvih proljeÊnih cvjetova. MADE IN MONTENEGRO, to find their way Montenegrin products” and the creation of
Raste iz kamena, pod snijegom, u velikom broju, i samo u ekoloπki to the European markets and to attract the in- the trade mark “Made in Montenegro” is es-
Ëistim predjelima. terest of the foreign consumers. Having in pecially focused on tourism as the strategic
mind the development sectors, the priorities are: agriculture, development sector in Montenegro. For that purpose there are
tourism and wood processing. Meetings of the agricultural producers and Meetings of the repre-
U toku realizacije organizovano je preko 30 prezentacija πirom sentatives of the tourist industry organized in order to base the
Crne Gore, regiona i Evrope, na kojima je predstavljen 30 preduzeÊa “Made in Montenegro” Campaign logo Montenegrin tourist offer on the local products and in order to en-
iz prehrambene industrije . able the Montenegrin tourist workers to offer to the foreign and lo-
Direkcija je takoe u saradnji sa privatnim preduzeÊem Gemax, KACUN is the flower characteristic for the Mediterranean region, cal guests primarily the products with the label “Made in
zavrπila prvi set Programa poklon paketa MADE IN MONTENEGRO and especially for Montenegro. Kacun is one of the first spring Montenegro”.
(5 vrsta pakovanja), nazvan "Tvoj dio Crne Gore", dok su u pripremi flowers. It grows from the rocks, under the snow, in a large num- Montenegrin entrepreneurs who intend to accept the challenges
novi paketi sa novim rjeπenjima i sadræajem pakovanja. ber and only in the ecologically clean areas. of the modern economy and take part in the adventure of conquer-
Sve ovo rezultiralo je poveÊanjem asortimana proizvoda za preko ing the foreign markets are aware of all the obstacles awaiting
30%, prije svega u mesnoj industriji. Takoe, oËekuje se da ukupan During the implementation of the program there were over 30 them, but are also determined to take the opportunity, especially in
promet na domaÊem træiπtu mesne industrije u 2004. godini bude presentations organized throughout Montenegro, the region and the fields in which Montenegro has comparative advantages.
oko sto miliona eura, πto znaËi da Êe se poveÊati za oko 25% u

70 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 71

Odmor mogu da borave u modernijim peÊinama specijalno preureenim u
turistiËke svrhe. Gran Kanarija je vulkansko ostrvo i zbog toga os-

u evropskom dijelu
kudijeva u vegetaciji. Na viπim nadmorskim visinama postoje ze-
lene oaze, meutim veÊi dio ostrva je popriliËno go. Zbog loπeg
zemljiπta voÊe i povrÊe se uvozi, πto je neuobiËajeno za jedno ostr-
vo blagodareno suncem. Jedino se sreÊu mnogobrojne plantaæe


Las Palmas

as Palmas je osnovan 1478. godine po urbanom mode-
lu Sevilje. Stari dio grada, Vegeta, najljepπi je dio grada
sa nekoliko turistiËkih atrakcija. Najpoznatije su Kate-
drala Santa Ana, Kanarski muzej koji sadræi razne
eksponate vezane za starosjedioce ovog ostrva, mno-
gobrojne uske uliËice, kao i muzej posveÊen Kristoferu Kolumbu
koji se ovdje zaustavio na putu ka novom kontinentu. Turisti u Las
Palmasu ne propuπtaju nezaobilaznu kilometarsku plaæu i prome-
nadu Kanteras koja u svako doba dana ima svoju Ëar. Tu se πetaju,
kupaju i sunËaju strani turisti; okupljaju lokalni penzioneri i pre-
priËavaju dnevni dogaaji. Ovo mjesto kao magnet privlaËi Kineze
koji ovdje imaju Ëitav niz restorana i prodavnica jeftine robe πto, na
æalost, oduzima autentiËnost kanarske atmosfere, ali pridodaje
multinacionalnom karakteru ovog grada.

Kanarski turistiËki paket

ran Kanarija ima jako dobro razvijenu autobusku
mreæu koja omoguÊava da se obie Ëitavo ostrvo za
jako povoljne cijene i za relativno kratko vrijeme. Iz
Las Palmasa autobusi kreÊu u sve pravce u redovn-
im intervalima. Jedno od najveÊih i najpoznatijih tur-
istiËkih mjesta na Gran Kanariji je Playa del Ingles, Ëija je 3 km
duga plaæa sa pjeπËanim dinama, koja daje atmosferu afriËke
pustinje, preplavljena turistima tokom Ëitave godine. Ovaj grad na
jugu ostrva jedan je ogromni turistiËki kompleks u kojem su hoteli
naredani kao domino kocke. Ovaj tip turistiËkog mjesta nije za
svakog, pogotovo ne za one koji æele autentiËnost predjela i uæi-
vanje u miru prirodnih ljepota. Za one kojima turistiËka industrija
ne smeta i koji æele sve na jednom mjestu, Kanari su idealna des-
Gran Kanarija sa svim svojim prednositima i nedostacima jedna
je interesantna destinacija vrijedna posjete za sve koji zimi æele da
Tekst i fotografija: Andrea JovanoviÊ
pobjegnu u toplije krajeve i da uæivaju u mjeπavini evropske i afriËke
kulture i predjela.

Sretna ostrva AfriËko-evropski miks

reÊe po veliËini kanarsko ostrvo

anarska ostrva su destinacija
koja garantuje toplo vrijeme i je Gran Kanarija na kojem æivi
jeftin boravak. Zbog svog geo- oko 790 000 stanovnika, od ko-
grafskog poloæaja skoro tokom jih je polovina u glavnom gradu
Ëitave godine imaju blagu kli- Las Palmas. Tokom godine oko
mu. Iz tog razloga su ranije bila nazvana 2 200 000 turista posjeti ovo ostrvo. Zbog
Sretna ostrva. Mnogi Evropljani ovdje ima- svog geografskog poloæaja ovo ostrvo je bilo
ju i zimske rezidencije. Kanari su grupa od izloæeno brojnim kulturnim uticajima i danas
sedam ostrva u Atlantiku koja geografski na njemu u toleranciji æive ljudi raznih nacija i
pripadaju Africi, a politiËki su autonomni rasa. Na ulicama se sreÊu mnogobrojni Afri-
dio ©panije. Udaljeni su 150 kilometara od kanci iz zapadnog dijela kontinenta obuËeni
zapadnog dijela Maroka, a 1500 kilometara u tradicionalne noπnje. Starosjedioci ovog
od ©panije. Po nekim legendama ime ostrva bili su peÊinski narod GuanËes, koji je
Kanari potiËe od latinske rijeËi canis πto u XV vijeku bio potËinjen ©pancima i s vre-
znaËi psi, jer su navodno na ostrvima æivjeli menom istrijebljen. Mnogobrojne peÊine i
mnogobrojni psi. danas podsjeÊaju na njih. Avanturisti Ëak

72 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine


Holiday in the
European part of Africa

Prije tri decenije Zoran VukËeviÊ je zapoËeo karijeru uspjeπnog frizera. Brojna takmiËenja, omoguÊila su mu da bude svje-
tski zapaæen i da postane Ëlan najveÊe svjetske frizerske organizacije OMC u kojoj je jugoslovenski delegat koji je dobio
bronzanu medalju za usavrπavanje. VukËeviÊ je Ëlan francuske organizacije Houte Coiffure Mode. Uspjeπan u frizerskom
poslu VukËeviÊ je 1989. osnovao OrtaËko druπtvo VukËeviÊ, u okviru kojeg posluju Modni studio "Zoran", Modni studio
"Elite", Frizerski salon "Zoran" i Kreativni studio "Image" u Podgorici, kao i salon "Zoran" u NikπiÊu. U tim salonima
osim porodice VukËeviÊ, radi veliki broj mladih i ljubaznih ljudi, koji uËe zanat od pravih majstora. Od ove godine u
sklopu D.O.O VukËeviÊ nalazi se i prva Frizersko-kozmetiËka akademije Zoran u Crnoj Gori. D.O.O. VukËeviÊ pruæa kom-
pletan spektar usluga koju ima moderan frizerski i kozmetiËki salon. ZahvaljujuÊi struËnom, profesionalnom i odgovo-
Text and photo: Andrea Jovanovic The fortunate islands The African - European mixture rnom kadru svih struka i njihovim zajedniËkim radom ovaj nimalo laki posao za nas predstavlja rutinu. Ono πto nas od-
likuje su kvalitet, rad u skladu sa svjetskim standardima i profesionalnost na najviπem nivou. »lanovi Kluba umjetnika

he Canary Islands represent a dest- he third largest Canary island is frizera i kozmetiËara "Zoran" redovno nastupaju na takmiËenjima u zemlji i inostranstvu sa kojih uvijek dolaze sa pre-
ination that guarantees warm wea- the Gran Canaria, with approxima- grπtom medalja i brojnim priznanjima. Kvalitet rada uvijek rezultira visokim plasmanom pa naπi takmiËari redovno pred-
ther and cheap stay. Due to their tely 790 000 inhabitants, out of stavljaju naπu zemlju na internacionalnim takmiËenjima sa kojih takoe donose pehare i priznanja.
geographical position they have a which one half lives in the capital -
mild climate almost throughout the Las Palmas. Throughout the year
year. That is why in the past they were called approximately 2.2 million tourists visit this
the fortunate islands. Many Europeans have island. Due to its geographical position this
their winter residences here. The Canary isla- island was subject to numerous cultural in-
nds represent a group of seven islands in the fluences and today people of various nation-
Atlantic, which geographically belong to Afri- alities and races live there in tolerance. The-
ca, but politically they represent an autono- re are many Africans on the streets, who
mous part of Spain. They are situated 150 come from the western part of the conti-
km away from the western part of Morocco, nent, and who are dressed in their tradition-
and 1500 km away from Spain. According to al costumes. The aborigines of this island
some legends, the name Canary comes were the cavemen called Guanches, who
from the Latin word canis, which means the were subjugated to Spain in the 15th centu-
dogs, as there were supposedly many dogs ry, and who were exterminated in time. Nu-
living in the islands. merous caves still remind us of them. The

74 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

adventurous ones can even stay in the modern caves, especially
reconstructed for the tourists. The Gran Canaria is a volcanic is-
land, so it’s not rich in vegetation. In the higher parts of the island
there are some green oases, however, most of the island is rela-
tively bare. Due to the bad quality of soil, fruits and vegetables are
imported, which is unusual for an island so rich in sun. There are
only numerous banana plantations.
Tel.+381 81 405-405, 248-909
Las Palmas Fax. +381 81 405-406,

as Palmas was founded in 1478, according to the urban
model of Seville. The old part of the city, Vegeta, repre-
sents the most beautiful part of the city, with several
tourist attractions. The best-known ones are the Ca-
e-mail: hotelkerber@cg.yu
thedral of St. Anna, the Canary Museum with various ex-
hibits related to the aborigines of this island, numerous narrow
streets, as well as the Museum dedicated to Christopher Colu-
mbus, who stopped here on his way to the new continent. The
tourists in Las Palmas never miss the one-kilometer long beach
and the Canteras promenade, which has its special charm any time Hotel "Kerber" se nalazi u
of the day. This is where the foreign tourists walk, swim and sun-
bathe; and where local pensioners gather and retell daily events. samom centru Podgorice i
This place attracts the Chinese as a magnet, and they have a jedan je od najekskluzivnijih
whole set of restaurants and stores with cheap products there,
which, unfortunately, endangers the authenticity of the Canary at- hotela u glavnom gradu
mosphere, but adds to the multinational character of this city. Crne Gore.
The Canary tourist package

he Gran Canaria has a very good bus network that enables
people to visit the whole island for a very low price and in
a relatively short time. The buses leave Las Palmas in al- Hotel Kerber is located in
most all the directions in regular intervals. One of the
biggest and the most famous tourist places in the Gran the very center of
Canaria is la Playa del Ingles, with a 3 km long beach, with sand Podgorica and it is one of
dunes, creating the atmosphere of an African desert, and flooded
with tourists throughout the year. This city in the southern part of the finest hotels in the
the island represents a huge tourist complex, with the hotels lined capital of Montenegro.
up like the dominos. This type of a tourist place does not suit every-
one, especially not those who want authenticity of the landscape
and who wish to enjoy in the peace of the natural beauties. For
those who don’t mind the tourist industry and who want to have it
all at one place, the Canaries represent an ideal destination.
The Gran Canaria, with all their advantages and shortcomings, re- Hotel "Kerber" raspolaæe sa
presents an interesting destination worth visiting for all those who
want to escape in winter times to warmer regions and to enjoy the 20 soba namijenjenih
mixture of the European and African culture and landscapes. klijentima koji æele visok
nivo udobnosti i usluge.

Hotel "Kerber" has 20

rooms made for clients who
appreciate high quality of
comfort and service.

Inflight Magazine
Hotel ”Kerber” centar Podgorice Ul. Novaka Miloπeva 6

U potrazi za
Tekst: Nataπa NovoviÊ
Fotografija: Lazar PejoviÊ

ebruar je vrijeme karnevala u Italiji. Spremali smo se za
onaj najveÊi, zavrπni, koji se odræavao u Veneciji. Viπe pu-
ta sam bila u ovom neobiËnom gradu podignutom na arhi-
pelagu malih ostrva, u pokrajini Veneto, ali karnevalske
dane sam nekako uvijek propuπtala. Bila je ovo savrπena
prilika da zaokruæim sliku o Veneciji.
Stigli smo oko 9 sati i magla se joπ dizala. Prvi doæivljaj Venecije,
kao i svaki put - vlaæan vazduh sa slatkastim mirisom koji je dopirao
iz kafea i poslastiËarnica i stotine pitomih golubova u niskom letu
koji leprπanjem svojih krila stvaraju sliku konstantnog pokreta svake
uliËice, svakog trga. Ali, ovaj put Venecija je imala neπto za mene
novo, glamurozno, mistiËno. Svi prolaznici na koje smo naiπli od ra-
nog jutra bili su maskirani. Turista nije bilo, joπ uvijek, ali su se nazi-
rali prepuni brodiÊi koji su polako pristizali kanalom Grande do pris-
PribliæavajuÊi se Trgu svetog Marka, zagledala sam se u dva
ogromna stuba izmeu Duædeve palate i Sansovino biblioteke, iz-
meu kojih je nekada davno vrπena egzekucija zarobljenika, a koji
simboliËki predstavljaju vrata prema moru. U tom trenutku kra-
jiËkom oka spazila sam muπku priliku sa dugim crnim plaπtom koja
je brzo zamakla kroz jedan uski prolaz. To je mogao biti samo Ka-
zanova! Odmah sam zaboravila na ljepotu dva dorska stuba i na hil-
Prvi doæivljaj Venecije vlaæan jade poslednjih æelja koje su ostale izmeu njih, dajuÊi im neku
posebnu draæ. Ubrzala sam korak i krenula za Kazanovom. Spustila
vazduh sa slatkastim mirisom koji sam sa Ëela zelenu masku sa paperjem na oËi i odjednom kao da
sam se naπla u filmu "Looking for Casanova". I zaista, imala sam naj-
dopire iz kafea i poslastiËarnica i ljepπe kulise i statiste, jer grad je veÊ bio pun maskiranih ljudi. Moj
stotine pitomih golubova u niskom puls i korak bili su sve bræi. Iπla sam uskim uliËicama kojima je odje-
kivalo kikotanje dama sa lepezama i krinolinama. Preπla sam dobar
letu koji leprπanjem svojih krila dio mostova, od ukupno 350 koliko ih ima u Veneciji, i izgubila se u
lavirintu mreæe kanala. A onda sam na jednom trgu ugledala crni
stvaraju sliku konstantnog pokreta plaπt.
Zvuk gitare i kancona o zabranjenoj ljubavi uËinili su trenutak be-
svake uliËice, svakog trga. skrajno romantiËnim. Kazanova je stajao sa grupicom ljudi sliËno
obuËenih njemu, ali maska sa karakteristiËnim zlatnim nosom je
odavala njegov identitet. Pribliæila sam mu se na par metara i od-
luËno rijeπila da upoznam najveÊeg italijanskog πarmera 18. vijeka,
kad me prenuo zvuk mobilnog telefona. Na displeju je bila poruka:
"Obustavi πoping, Ëekamo te kod mosta Rialto, idemo na ka-
Skinula sam masku, iluzija se rasprπila, moje pink, satenske
cipele za velikim broπevima, pretvorile su se u adidas patike. Crni
plaπt je opet zamakao iza Êoπka. Pomislila sam da je Italijanima dos-
ta πto je jedna Crnogorka - Jelena, uljepπala lozu Savoja, okrenula
se i prvog prolaznika upitala: "Dov’é il Ponte di Rialto?"

Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 79


In Search of Casanova
Text: Nataπa NovoviÊ
Photo: Lazar PejoviÊ

ebruary is the time of carnivals in Italy. We were getting
The first experience of Venice - the humid air ready for the biggest, the final one that was to be held in
filled with sweet scent coming from the cafés Venice. I have been several times in this extraordinary
town erected on an archipelago of small islands, in the re-
and pastry shops and from hundreds of low fly- gion of Veneto, but somehow I always missed the days
of the carnival. This was a perfect opportunity to round off my pic-
ing domesticated pigeons that by fluttering of ture of Venice.
We arrived at around 9 a.m. and the mist was still rising. The
their wings create an image of constant move- first experience of Venice was the same each time - the humid air
ment in every street, every square. filled with sweet scent coming from the cafés and pastry shops
and from hundreds of low flying domesticated pigeons that by flu-
ttering of their wings create an image of constant movement in
every street, every square. However, this time, Venice had some-
thing that was new for me, something glamorous, mystical. All the
passers by that we encountered were masked from the early mo-
rning. There were no tourists still, but one could discern little cram-
full boats arriving slowly through the Canal Grande to the quay.
Advancing towards the Square of St. Mark, I stared at two enor-
mous columns between the Doge’s Palace and the Sansovino
Library, between which prisoners used to be executed long ago
and which symbolically represented the door to the sea. At that
moment I caught sight of a male figure with a long cloak, which
was disappearing swiftly through an alley. It could be no one else
tel. +381 83 253-080, 253-116, fax: +381 83 253-033,
e-mail: goranovic@cg.yu Nikπ iÊ, Straπ evina b.b.
80 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine
but Casanova! I immediately forgot about the beauty of two Doric
columns and about thousands of last wishes that remained be-
tween them endowing them thus with a special allure. Speeding
up my pace I went after Casanova. I put the green feathered mask
from my forehead down to my eyes and at that moment as if I
found myself in the movie "Looking for Casanova". Indeed, I had the
most beautiful scenery and extras because the town was already
crammed with masked poeple. My pulse and my step were be-
coming faster. I took the narrow streets that echoed with giggling
of ladies wearing crinolines and carrying fans. Crossing most of the
350 bridges in Venice, I lost myself in the labyrinth of canals net-
work. And then, at one of the squares, I saw the black cloak.
The sound of the guitar and of canzones speaking of forbidden
love made the moment incredibly romantic. Casanova was stand-
ing with a group of people wearing clothes similar to his, but the
mask with the characteristic golden nose revealed his identity. I
came several meters close to him determined to meet the greatest
Italian charmer of the XVIII century, when I was stirred up by the
sound of my mobile phone. The following message was on the dis-
play: "Suspend the shopping, we are waiting for you near the Rialto,
let’s go for a cappuccino. ”
I took off the mask, the illusion was dispelled, my pink satin
shoes with large brooches turned into addidas shoes. The black
cloak disappeared behind the corner again. I thought it sufficed that
one Montenegrin lady - Queen Helena made the lineage of Savoia
more beautiful, I turned around and asked the first passer by:
"Dov’é il Ponte di Rialto?"

82 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine


Slobode 23, 81 000 Podgorica
++ 381 81 664 411
++ 381 81 664 433
++ 381 81 665 291 fax

Knez Mihailova 23, 11 000 Beograd
++ 381 11 2621 122
++ 381 11 2181 861
++ 381 11 2628 002 fax

Slovenska obala bb, 86 000 Budva
++ 381 86 451 735
++ 381 86 456 244 Avioni iz Montenegro Airlines flote tipa
Friedansstr. 7, 60311 Frankfurt
++ 381 86 454 900 fax Fokker 100 predstavljaju umjetnost avion-
++ 49 69 28 23 74
e-mail: ske tehnologije. Opremljeni su savremenim
++ 49 69 28 11 76 fax
e-mail: navigacionim sistemima, koji omoguÊavaju au-
BE» / VIENNA tomatsko slijetanje Ëak i u uslovima slabe vid-
MONTENEGRO AIRLINES ljivosti. Sofisticirani sistem za detekciju greπ-
Kaiserstr. 86, 1070 Vienna ke obezbjeuje najveÊu moguÊu sigurnost.
Distal &ITR Group
++ 43 664 3 111 405 Rolls Royce motori potpuno odgovaraju naj-
111, via Barberini, 00187 Roma
++ 43 179 639 35 fax stroæim kriterijumima buke i omoguÊavaju
++ 39 06 48 77 1353
e-mail: nam da slijeÊemo na sve svjetske aerodrome.
++ 39 06 48 77 1354
++ 39 06 48 77 1362
++ 39 06 48 83 342 fax
++ 39 33 564 96 227
Vaci u. 10 II/5, 1052 Budapest
++ 361 266 1193
++ 361 266 5473 fax
++ 36 309 108 433
++ 36 309 402 856
140,avenue Champs Elyseés,
75008 Paris
++ 33 1 70 36 19 07 The planes Fokker 100 from
++ 33 1 70 36 19 08 fax Montenegro Airlines fleet represent state of
e-mail: the art airplane technology. They are equ-
Postfach 2419, 8058 Flughafen
Terminal 2 ipped with up to date navigation systems,
++ 41 43 816 7876 LJUBLJANA enabling automatic landing even under zero TOVI / SCHEDULED
++ 41 43 816 7877 LetaliπËe Brnik, 4210 Brnik visibility. Sophisticated fault detection sys-
++ 41 43 816 7878 Passenger Service tems ensure highest reliability. Rolls Royce OVI / CHARTER FLIG
++ 41 43 816 7884 fax ++386 4 2594 252 engines comply with strictest noise criteria
e-mail: ++386 4 2594 245 and enable us to fly to all world airports.

86 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine

Destinacije Destinations Destinacije Destinations
LJETO 2005. SUMMER 2005 LJETO 2005. SUMMER 2005





BEOGRAD/BELGRADE 169 313 38 BARI 212 392 36

BE»/VIENNA 431 798 65 NAPOLI 337 624 54
FRANKFURT 786 1456 115 ERFURT 675 1249 104
LJUBLJANA 401 743 60 BERLIN 731 1352 110
RIM/ROME 353 654 60 DRESDEN 636 1177 99
CIRIH/ZURICH 660 1222 105 OSTRAVA 478 884 76
BUDIMPE©TA/BUDAPEST 345 639 60 PRAG 578 1069 90
PARIZ/PARIS 954 1767 140 BRNO 499 923 79


BEOGRAD/BELGRADE 190 352 40 BODRUM 669 1238 103

FRANKFURT 776 1437 115 IZMIR 591 1093 92
CIRIH/ZURICH 650 1204 105 ANTALYA 727 1345 112
LJUBLJANA 391 724 60 DALAMAN 697 1290 108
PARIZ/PARIS 935 1732 130 RHODOS 674 1247 105
KRF 374 692 61
BEOGRAD CHANIA 632 1169 105
SANTORINI 608 1125 100
CIRIH/ZURICH 576 1067 100 TUNIS 742 1373 115


CIRIH/ZURICH 700 1296 105

Dragi putnici, Dear passengers, Na osnovu interline ugovora sa brojnim avio-kompanijama u svijetu, Based on interline agreements with numerous airlines in the world,
kod nas moæete kupiti kartu za neku od sledeÊih destinacija: you can buy tickets to some of the following destinations in Montenegro
Molimo poπtovane putnike da kontaktiraju sa Montenegro Please contact Montenegro Airlines central booking serv- iz/from Frankfurt: Airlines offices:
Airlines booking sluæbom (++381 81 9804), naπim pred- ice on tel. +381 81 9804, our branch offices or authorised
Atlanta / Detroit / Chicago / Los Angeles / Miami / New York / Houston / Washinton / Dallas / Singapore / Manila
stavniπtvima ili ovlaπÊenim putniËkim agencijama radi de- travel agents for flight details.
Kuala Lumpur / Sydney / Toronto / Montreal / Tokyo / Osaka / Rio de Janeiro / Buenos Aires / Caracas / Mexico City
taljnih informacija o letovima.
iz/from Rome:
S poπtovanjem, Best regards,
Boston / Miami / Chicago / New York / Washington / Toronto / Beijing
Montenegro Airlines Komercijlani sektor Montenegro Airlines Commercial Department
iz/from Wienna:
Toronto / Montreal / Delhi / Beijing / Bangkok / Sydney / Melbourne
88 Inflight Magazine Inflight Magazine 89
Crna Gora Montenegro
Broj stanovnika/Population
658.000 Rimski trg 10, 81000 Podgorica
Duæina granica/Length of borders Tel: 081/235 155, 230 981
614 km Fax: 081/235 159
E-mail: tourism@cg.yu
Glavni grad/Administrative Capital
Web site:
Podgorica(179.000 stanovnika/inhabitants)
administrativni i ekonomski centar
/administrative and economic centar TuristiËki informativni telefon/
Touristic information telephone
Prestonica/Historical Capital
Cetinje — istorijski i kulturni center/historical and cultural
Duæina morske obale/
Length of seacoast
293 km
Duæina plaæa/Length of beaches Valuta/Currency
73 km Euro

Najduæa plaæa/The Longest beach

Ulcinj — 13.000 m TELEPHONE NUMBERS
Najviπi vrh/The highest mountain peak
Bobotov kuk Policija/Police
(planina/mountain Durmitor), 2.522m 92
NajveÊe jezero/The largest lake Hitna pomoÊ/Ambulance
Skadarsko/Skadar lake — 391 km2 94
Najdublji kanjon/The deepest canyon PomoÊ na putu/Help on roads
rijeka Tara /The River 987
Tara Canyon —1.300 m
Poπta — informacije / Post office - information
NajveÊi zaliv/The largest Bay 988
Boka Kotorska
Pozivni za Srbiju i Crnu Goru /
Klima/Climate Code for Serbia and Montenegro
mediteranska/Mediterranean 381
ProsjeËna temperatura Poziv iz Srbije i Crne Gore/Code for dialing out of
vazduha ljeti/ Serbia and Montenegro
Average air temperature
in summer 00 + kod za odreenu zemlju
27.4 C° + kod za grad
00 + country code + city code
Maksimalna temperatura mora/
Maximal sea temperature Vremenska zona/Time zone
27.1 C° GMT+1
ProsjeËan broj Aerodrom/Airport Golubovci (Podgorica)
sunËanih dana u godini Informacije/Information:
/Average number of sunny days in a year 081 243 007, 244 916
240 Aerodrom/Airport Tivat
Kupaliπna sezona/Swimming season Informacije/Information:
180 dana/days 082 671 337, 671 894
tamnoplavo/dark blue
Providnost mora/Sea transparency
38—56 m

90 Inflight Magazine

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