Polya Model

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TASK 1 |3

1) Write an article in your own word on two problem solving model ; one on Polya model and pick another model of your own choice.

Polya Model of problem solving Problem solving has a special importance in the study of mathematics. A primary goal of mathematics teaching and learning is to develop the ability to solve a wide variety of complex mathematics problems. The importance of students and teachers beliefs about mathematics problem solving lies in the assumption of some connection between beliefs and behavior. Thus, it is argued, the beliefs of mathematics students, mathematics teachers, parents, policy makers, and the general public about the roles of problem solving in mathematics become prerequisite or co-requisite to developing problem solving. We go through with Polya Model first. Polya model was introduced by George Polya. He was the one who master in mathematics solving problem. George Polya had a particularly direct impact on the teaching of mathematics in the schools and colleges of the western United States. According to Polya, most problem-solving strategies can be classified under four general principles. The first principle is to understand the nature of the problem. Second, draw up a plan to solve the problem. Then, we must try out the plan and lastly monitor the outcome of the plan or look back. Based on four principles that Ive explain just now, we can see that in Polya model, first thing that we have to do is to understand the problem. We must make sure that we understand all the words used in stating the problem. It means that when we read the problem, we can define what type of problem is it and what the problem asked us to find or show. Apart from that, we also must check if there enough information to enable us to find a solution. It is much interesting if we can come out with a picture or a diagram that might help us understand the problem.

TASK 1 |4

The next step is we have to draw up a plan to solve the problem. Plan is very important for us to come out with our ideas. In this step, Polya has suggested us to do some partial strategies that may help in our solving problem. On a way to devise a plan, we may make and orderly list for the question. Other than that, we also can look for a pattern and draw a picture. For solving problems that require a complex plan, write

down the plan in a systematic manner. In step 3, what we have to do is we must try out the plan. This step is usually easier than devising the plan. We must monitor progress to make sure that things go according to the plan. The important thing we need is care and patience, given that we have the necessary skills. We must persistent with the plan that we have chosen. But, if it continues not to work discard it and choose another. We have to record all the errors or special considerations for future review. Lastly, we have to monitor the outcome of the plan. This is the part of problemsolving that most people tend to ignore. One way for us to improve is to review past experiences and understand why we succeed or fail. So it is important to monitor our own performance review the whole exercise in order that we can do even better in the future. In other hand, we also have to look back for what we have done. Polya mentions that much can be gained by taking the time to reflect and look back at what we have done, what worked and what didnt. Doing this will enable us to predict what strategy to use to solve future problems.

TASK 1 |5

Meyers model of problem solving When two people talk about mathematics problem solving, they may not be talking about the same thing. The rhetoric of problem solving has been so pervasive in the mathematics education. Here, now I will come with the second model of problem solving that we call Schoenfeld Model. Schoenfeld model was introduced by Alan Schoenfeld. Same with Polya model, Schoenfeld model also have four principles that we have to follow. Another model I want to discuss is Mayers model. There are also four main stages in this model namely problem translation, problem integration, solution planning and solution execution. The first step is problem translation whereby the problem solver needs to translate the information in the situation into internal mental models which represents the problem solvers interpretation and representation of the problem. Mental models are generally formed in three basic forms namely polygons, causal loop diagrams and flow diagram. The next step is problem integration which involves combining the different pieces of information together into a coherent structure. The pieces of information gathered from the first step should be organized according to appropriate specifications for easy understanding. The problem solver will then be able to analyse the information in a systematic manner. Next, plan the solution by formulating a suitable method in a sequence of steps to solve the problem. At this stage, the formulation of a solution depends on successful transformation of the problem into the correct internal mental model. That is why the first step is very important. Finally, the problem solver carries out the solution plan. This should be done very carefully to avoid mistakes and causing further problems. As a conclusion, both models are indeed very useful as references in solving problems. Generally, almost all the methodologies in problem-solving are similar to each other. So, despite what models you wish to refer to in solving a problem, remember that knowledge and practices are the important elements to make you an excellent problem solver.

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