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Reference chains

Colorado shooting.

(1)the shootings early Friday in Aurora, Colo.(2)this terrible tragedy. (4)the senseless violence. (9) guns. (10) it. (11) it, it. (12) gun violence, the one in Aurora. (16) in Colorado. (17) the horror in Colorado, ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs.
President Obama.

(2) President Obama. (3) He, his political ads. (7) Both men. (10) the two people who want to be president of the United States, they. (11) they, they.(12) Politicians.
Victims of gun violence in general.

(1) the victims, for the injured and for their families. (2) the victims of this terrible tragedy, the people who knew them and loved them, those who are still struggling to recover, and for all the victims of less publicized acts of violence that plague our communities every single day. (5) a father and grandfather, a husband. (11) Columbine, Virginia Tech, Jared Lee Loughner tried to assassinate then-Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
Debate on gun carrying.

(9) the search for sensible answers about guns. (11) a national dialogue about it, no national dialogue. (12) address gun violence. (17) heedless rhetoric like we heard on Friday from Representative Louie Gohmert. (19) the debate over gun ownership.

According to the text, there are three positions to take before the gun debate: for, like Representative Gohmert, against, like NYC Mayor, and not publicly defined like politicians Obama and Romney.

Lexical strings
Tragedy: (1) silence : victims expectancy, expected receiver of action.

(2)Victims tragedy injured expectancy, meronymy. (2) terrible tragedy expectancy, predictable composite. Sympathy : victims, silence : victims expectancy, expected receiver of action.

Expected politically correct, emotional discourse: (2) loved . to pause in a

moment of silence> victims of this terrible tragedy expected respect paid to victims, complex realization. (6)Hearts, love, care: classification.
Gun bearing, 2nd Amendment: (11)national dialogue gun lobby. do more than

reflect: classification, contrast. (12) gun violence theoretical debate about the Second Amendment, all-too-frequent tragedies. (13) the right to bear arms, societys right to raise a militia, out-of-control gun market. (14) gun ownership, control, careful. selfdefense laws, carrying of concealed weapons.(15) Assault rifles, ammunition clips. (18) was carrying. (19) call to vigilante justice, debate over gun ownership.

Political discourse: (17)heedless rhetoric, a bizarre connection.

Conjunctive Cohesion
3 x 4 (comparison) 8 x 9 (concession) 10 x 11 (concession) 11 + 10 (addition) 14 = 13 15 x 14 (variation) 16 + 14 (addition)

Observing the lexical strings, it becomes clear that there are two (may be three) different attitudes towards gun bearing and the tragedies related to it. The majority of mentions of the gun subject comes from the NY Mayor and the editor (author), who stand in the same position towards gun bearing. President Obama and Mr. Romney do not even mention the subject, which perfectly serves the point the writer intended to make. Moreover, the writer mentions another politician who said in other words that the problem could be solved with more guns. The lack of mentioning gun bearing discussion and the excessive condolences and attempts to reach peoples emotions are contrasted in the text, to an almost ironical level, with NY Mayor and editors clear and straight forward answers.

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