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Who Are the REAL Anti-Abortionists?

By Sidney Achia
Despite their differences on many issues, most Christian churches are in agreement on the abortion agenda. They find abortion to be an unnecessary evil for which the Bible condemns. Some churches seem to be so vocal on this issue (as if it is their personal vocation, or their baby agenda), and thats why I now ask: Who should be having the moral high ground on this issue? At Mount Sinai our Gods proclaimed Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13). This decree was part of a reminder to Israel and all of humanity about Gods eternal laws. When we say that these laws are eternal, we mean that even before Sinai they were in existence! No wonder it was seen soon after Creation that these laws were already in place when Cain murdered his brother, Abel. Some other law is also seen at Creation: the Sabbath commandment. Our God did two things: He blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it (Genesis 2:3). No wonder He is able to tell Israel to Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. (Exodus 20:8-11) They were being reminded of something that was already known. Though most anti-abortionists neither kill, nor steal, nor covet, Heaven counts them as equal to murderers and robbers! Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all (James 2:10) There is not a single verse in all Scriptures that authorizes or advocates for Christians to worship God on Sunday! This makes many anti-abortionists guilty of breaking the Sabbath commandment. Thus, though by their inherited traditions of worship they arent murderers, they are breakers. If Sunday worship is based on tradition, then from which tradition do we gain impetus for an anti-abortionist agenda? You cannot profess a moral high ground in fighting abortion unless you follow every precept of your Master. Jesus said ...first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. (Matthew 7:5). The true Christian anti-abortionist argument must find its validity and proof from the Bible, and hence its proponents must live according to the same Word even in obedience to the command to rest on the Saturday Sabbath. Jesus counted the teaching for doctrines the commandments of men to be vain worship (Mat 15:9), or we can say that it is equivalent to the act of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel (Matthew 23:24): in simple terms, HYPOCRICY! So who IS the TRUE anti-abortionists? The Bible will tell you. It is the woman or man who lives in obedience to ALL the EXPRESS commands of Jehovah God.

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