Weaver Prayer Letter: Fall 2012

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Fall 2012

Next Stop: South Korea!

Please pray for Paul as he travels to South Korea next month! He has been scheduled to teach the book of Hebrews at Word of Life Bible Institute on Jeju Island. This particular Bible Institute opened its doors only three years ago because the need for Bible training was in such high demand. Many Koreans are coming to faith each year and many would like to enter full-time Christian work. It is estimated that over 13,000 Koreans are serving the Lord as missionaries around the world, second in number only to the United States. Paul is currently making preparations for his trip to South Korea, November 18-24. Please pray that he has adequate time to study and prepare for his teaching of Hebrews. Please also pray that he can be an encouragement to the students and staff there on Jeju Island. As you can see, he will be suffering for the Lord in paradise!

Word of Life is located on Jeju Island, a resort area visited by 2 million tourists every year. The Bible Institute contains 28 students.

Fast Facts about the WOLHBI students:

64 students total, including: 11 Brazilians 1 Serbian 23 Hungarians 13 Americans 3 Polish 4 Czechs 2 Slovakians 1 Romanian 6 Canadians 40 First-Year students & 24 Second-Year students 30 males & 34 females 9 dorm rooms total 31 students needing help from the Scholarship Fund

September 14th marked the starting point for the 19th year of the Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute! 64 students from 9 different countries flooded the castle grounds with books, suitcases, and great expectations for the school year ahead. The annual Opening Weekend Conference was a great success. Ric Garland, Vice President of WOL Local Church Ministries, was our Opening Conference speaker. He started our year off right, by inspiring our students to make the most of their time at the Bible Institute. It is so exciting to think of the ways God is going to use these young people for His glory. Already we can see great potential in this class, and we are humbled to think that we have even a small part in their spiritual growth and future ministry. What a joy it is to serve the Lord and these students this year!

Word of Life Hungary

Word of Life Hungary

A New Ministry Opportunity for Jill

Recently Jill has begun translating for the English speakers in our village church, Talmsi Evangliumi Gylekezet. It is certainly difficult for her to translate simultaneously with the Hungarian speakers, but she is excited for the challenge! For now, Jill is translating during the welcome time, announcements, and conclusion of the service. Many of the international students attend the village church because it offers English translation. As you can see, the translator speaks through a microphone in the back of the auditorium, so the English speakers can listen through a transistor radio and a pair of headsets. Name: Joanna Warchhold Age: 22 Country: Poland Why did you come to the BI? I came to the BI because I wanted to learn Gods will for my life. I wanted to find some answers for my life and for future ministry. I also wanted to establish a foundation in my personal relationship with God. How would you like to serve the Lord in the future? In the near future I plan to be involved in my church with the childrens ministry. Ultimately, I would like to become a missionary to Asia and use teaching English as a tool to share the Gospel. Name: Daniel Stephan Age: 32 Country: Brazil Why did you come to the BI? I came to the Bible Institute because I would like to become a missionary, and I felt it was important to increase my knowledge of the Bible and seek Gods will for my life. How would you like to serve the Lord in the future? I have come to realize that God is calling me to a full-time sports ministry in Brazil. I have a Physical Education degree and God put a strong desire in my heart to bring others to know and love Jesus using sports. Brazil is comprised of 75% Catholics. The problem is that they know Jesus and the Bible, but they fail to have a personal relationship with Jesus. My missionary strategy is to build a relationship with those who are in need of help, and then introduce them to Jesus, by living my life according to the Bible, sharing the Gospel, and eventually discipling them.

Prayer Requests
Pray for Paul and his additional responsibilities as Associate Director of WOL Hungary. Please pray for our personal support. We have dropped to 72% because of a new law requiring us to pay Hungarian social security tax in addition to our US social security. Pray for our students as they study Gods Word and prepare for a lifetime of ministry. Pray for our alumni who are serving the Lord throughout the world. Pray for Paul as he continues his PhD studies with Baptist Bible Seminary. Pray for the possibility of building more dormitories for the Bible Institute. Pray for much needed donations to the student scholarship fund. Pray for Paul as he travels to South Korea next month. Pray for the village childrens Bible Club in our home every Friday afternoon.

Praise God for a wonderful group of students. For 66 salvations during our Open Air Evangelism time in Budapest. Gods continuous blessing upon our lives and ministry. Wonderful supporters like you!

Contact Us!
Phone: Email: (317) 495-1491 pweaver@eletszava.org (Paul) jweaver@eletszava.org (Jill) Address: WOL let Szava 2252 Talms Kkai u.2. Hungary

Please pray for our personal support level as we seek to raise an additional 28% per month.


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