Chapter 3

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CHAPTER THREE Stresses and Strains in Beams

In the preceding chapter we saw how the loads acting on a beam create internal actions (or stress resultants) in the form of shear forces and bending moments. In this chapter we go one step further and investigate the stresses and strains associated with those shear forces and bending moments. Knowing the stresses and strains, we will be able to analyze and design beams subjected to a variety of loading conditions. The loads acting on a beam cause the beam to bend (or flex), thereby, deforming its axis into a curve. As an example, consider a cantilever beam AB subjected to a load P at the free end (Fig. 3.1a). The initially straight axis is bent into a curve (Fig.3.1b), called the deflection curve of the beam.

Fig.3.1 Bending of a cantilever beam: (a) beam with load, and (b) deflection curve For reference purposes, we construct a system of coordinate axes (Fig.3.1b) with the origin located at a suitable point on the longitudinal axis of the beam. In this illustration, we place the origin at the fixed support. The positive x axis is directed to the right, and the positive y axis is directed upward. The z axis, not shown in the figure, is directed outward (that is, toward the viewer), so that the three axes form a right-handed coordinate system. The beams considered in this chapter are assumed to be symmetric about the xy plane, which means that the y axis is an axis of symmetry of the cross section. In addition, all loads must act in the xy plane. As a consequence, the bending deflections occur in this same plane, known as the plane of bending. Thus, the deflection curve shown in Fig.3.1b is a plane curve lying in the plane of bending. The deflection of the beam at any point along its axis is the displacement of that point from its original position, measured in the y direction. We denote the deflection by the letter v to distinguish it from the coordinate y itself (see Fig.3.1b). When analyzing beams, it is often necessary to distinguish between pure bending and nonuniform bending. Pure bending refers to flexure of a beam under a constant bending moment. Therefore, pure bending occurs only in regions of a beam where the shear force is zero (because V = dM/dx). In contrast, nonuniform bending refers to flexure in the presence of shear forces, which means that the bending moment changes as we move along the axis of the beam.

When loads are applied to a beam, its longitudinal axis is deformed into a curve, as illustrated previously in Fig.3.1. The resulting strains and stresses in the beam are directly related to the curvature of the deflection curve. To illustrate the concept of curvature, consider again a cantilever beam subjected to a load P acting at the free end (see Fig.3.2a). The deflection curve of this beam is shown in Fig.3.2b. For purposes of analysis, we identify two points m1 and m2 on the deflection curve. Point m1 is selected at an arbitrary distance x from the y axis and point m2 is located a small distance ds further along the curve. At each of these points we draw a line normal to the tangent to the deflection curve, that is, normal to the curve itself. These normals intersect at point O, which is the center of curvature of the deflection curve. Because most beams have very small deflections and nearly flat deflection curves, point O is usually located much farther from the beam than is indicated in the figure.

The distance m1O from the curve to the center of curvature is called the radius of curvature (Greek letter rho), and the curvature k (Greek letter kappa) is defined as the reciprocal of the radius of curvature. Thus, K = 1/ 3.1 Note that: Curvature is a measure of how sharply a beam is bent. 1. If the load on a beam is small, the beam will be nearly straight, the radius of curvature will be very large, and the curvature will be very small. 2. If the load is increased, the amount of bending will increase-the radius of curvature will become smaller, and the curvature will become larger. From the geometry of triangle Om1m2 (Fig.3.2b) we obtain equation 3.2 in which d (measured in radians) is the infinitesimal angle between the normals and ds is the infinitesimal distance along the curve between points m1 and m2. d = ds...3.2 Combining eq. (3.1) with eq. (3.2), we get K = 1/ = d/ds..3.3

Fig.3.2 Curvature of a bent beam: (a) beam with load, and (b) deflection curve

Note that: 1. This equation for curvature holds true for any curve, regardless of the amount of curvature. If the curvature is constant throughout the length of a curve, the radius of curvature will also be constant and the curve will be an arc of a circle. 2. The deflections of a beam are usually very small compared to its length. Small deflections mean that the deflection curve is nearly flat. Consequently, the distance ds along the curve may be set equal to its horizontal projection dx (see Fig.3.2b). Under these special conditions of small deflections, the equation for the curvature becomes K = 1/ = d/dx..3.4 3. Both the curvature and the radius of curvature are functions of the distance x measured along the x axis. It follows that the position O of the center of curvature also depends upon the distance x. In the next sections, we will see that the curvature at a particular point on the axis of a beam depends upon the bending moment at that point and upon the properties of the beam itself (shape of cross section and type of material). Therefore, if the beam is prismatic and the material is homogeneous, the curvature will vary only with the bending moment. Consequently, a beam in pure bending will have constant curvature and a beam in nonuniform bending will have varying curvature.

Sign Convention for Curvature

The sign convention for curvature depends upon the orientation of the coordinate axes. If the x axis is positive to the right and the y axis is positive upward, as shown in Fig.3.3, then the curvature is positive when the beam is bent concave upward and the center of curvature is above the beam. Conversely, the curvature is negative when the beam is bent concave downward and the center of curvature is below the beam.

Fig.3.3 Sign convention for curvature

Longitudinal Strains and Stresses in Beams Strains in Elastic Region It is convenient to obtain a formula relating the strain and stress in the surface to the value of the B.M. applied and the amount of curvature produced. In order for this to be achieved it is

necessary to make certain simplifying assumptions, and for this reason the theory introduced below is often termed the simple theory of bending. The assumptions are as follows: 1. The beam is initially straight and unstressed. 2. The material of the beam is perfectly homogeneous and isotropic, i.e. of the same density and elastic properties throughout. 3. The elastic limit is nowhere exceeded. 4. Young's modulus for the material is the same in tension and compression. 5. Plane cross sections remain plane before and after bending. 6. Every cross section of the beam is symmetrical about the plane of bending. i.e. about an axis perpendicular to the NA 7. There is no resultant force perpendicular to any cross-section. When the external loads are applied, longitudinal lines on the lower part of the beam are elongated, whereas those on the upper part are shortened. Thus, the lower part of the beam is in tension and the upper part is in compression. Somewhere between the top and bottom of the beam is a surface in which longitudinal lines do not change in length. This surface, indicated by the dashed line ss in Figs.3.4a and c, is called the neutral surface of the beam. Its intersection with any cross-sectional plane is called the neutral axis of the cross section; for instance, the z axis is the neutral axis for the cross section of Fig.3.4b.

Fig.3.4 Deformations of a beam in pure bending: (a) side view of beam, (b) cross section of beam, and (c) deformed beam

The planes containing cross sections mn and pq in the deformed beam (Fig3.4c) intersect in a line through the center of curvature O. The angle between these planes is denoted d, and the

distance from O to the neutral surface ss is the radius of curvature . The initial distance dx between the two planes (Fig.3.4a) is unchanged at the neutral surface (Fig.3.4c), hence d = dx. However, all other longitudinal lines between the two planes either lengthen or shorten, thereby creating normal strains x. To evaluate these normal strains, consider a typical longitudinal line ef located within the beam between planes mn and pq (Fig.3.4a). We identify line ef by its distance y from the neutral surface in the initially straight beam. Thus, we are now assuming that the x axis lies along the neutral surface of the undeformed beam. Of course, when the beam deflects, the neutral surface moves with the beam, but the x axis remains fixed in position. Nevertheless, the longitudinal line ef in the deflected beam (Fig.3.4c) is still located at the same distance y from the neutral surface. Thus, the length L1 of line ef after bending takes place is L1 = ( y) d = dx (y/)dx in which we have substituted d = dx. Since the original length of line ef is dx, it follows that its elongation is L1 - dx, or -ydx/. The corresponding longitudinal strain is equal to the elongation divided by the initial length dx; therefore, the strain curvature relation is x = -y/ = - Ky..3.5 where K is the curvature Note that: 1. The longitudinal strains in the beam are proportional to the curvature and vary linearly with the distance y from the neutral surface. 2. When the point under consideration is above the neutral surface, the distance y is positive. If the curvature is also positive (as in Fig.3.4c), then x will be a negative strain, representing a shortening. By contrast, if the point under consideration is below the neutral surface, the distance y will be negative and, if the curvature is positive, the strain x will also be positive, representing an elongation. (i.e elongation is positive and shortening is negative.) 3. The normal strain in a beam was derived solely from the geometry of the deformed beamthe properties of the material did not enter into the discussion. Therefore, the strains in a beam in pure bending vary linearly with distance from the neutral surface regardless of the shape of the stress-strain curve of the material.

Stresses in the Elastic Region

We determine stress from stress-strain relationship encountered in engineering is the equation for a linearly elastic material. For such materials we substitute Hookes law for uniaxial stress (x = Ex) into Eq. (3.5) and obtain.

x = Ex = -Ey/ = - EKy.3.6

This equation shows that the normal stresses acting on the cross section vary linearly with the distance y from the neutral surface. This stress distribution is pictured in Fig.3.5a for the case in which the bending moment M is positive and the beam bends with positive curvature. Note that:

When the curvature is positive, the stresses x are negative (compression) above the neutral surface and positive (tension) below it. In the figure, compressive stresses are indicated by arrows pointing toward the cross section and tensile stresses are indicated by arrows pointing away from the cross section.

Fig.3.5 Normal stresses in a beam of linearly elastic material: (a) side view of beam showing distribution of normal stresses, and (b) cross section of beam showing the z axis as the neutral axis of the cross section Location of Neutral Axis To obtain the first equation of statics, we consider an element of area dA in the cross section (Fig.3.5b). The element is located at distance y from the neutral axis, and therefore the stress x acting on the element is given by Eq. (3.6). The force acting on the element is equal to xdA and is compressive when y is positive. Because there is no resultant force acting on the cross section, the integral of xdA over the area A of the entire cross section must vanish; thus, the first equation of statics is: Because the curvature k and modulus of elasticity E are nonzero constants at any given cross section of a bent beam, they are not involved in the integration over the cross-sectional area. Therefore, we can drop them from the equation and obtain: y = 0....3.8 This equation states that the first moment of the area of the cross section, evaluated with respect to the z axis, is zero. Since the z axis is also the neutral axis, we have arrived at the following important conclusion: The neutral axis passes through the centroid of the cross-sectional area when the material follows Hookes law and there is no axial force acting on the cross section. This observation makes it relatively simple to determine the position of the neutral axis. Moment-Curvature Relationship The second equation of statics expresses the fact that the moment resultant of the normal stresses x acting over the cross section is equal to the bending moment M (Fig.3.5a). The element of force xdA acting on the element of area dA (Fig.3.5b) is in the positive direction of the x axis when x is positive and in the negative direction when x is negative. Since the element dA is located above the neutral axis, a positive stress x acting on that element produces an element of moment equal to xydA. This element of moment acts opposite in direction to the positive bending moment M as shown in Fig.3.5a. Therefore, the elemental moment is dM = -xydA....3.9 = xydA = EKy2dA

= - EKy = 03.7

Note that: 1. The integral (I = y2dA) is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area with respect to the z axis (that is, with respect to the neutral axis). Moments of inertia are always positive and have dimensions of length to the fourth power. Equation(3.10)can now be rearranged to express the curvature in terms of the bending moment in the beam: = M/EI..3.11 Note that: 1. Equation3.11 ( = M/EI) is known as the moment-curvature equation. It shows that the curvature is directly proportional to the bending moment M and inversely proportional to the quantity EI, which is called the flexural rigidity of the beam. Flexural rigidity is a measure of the resistance of a beam to bending, that is, the larger the flexural rigidity, the smaller the curvature for a given bending moment. 2. Comparing the sign convention for bending moments with that for curvature, we see that a positive bending moment produces positive curvature and a negative bending moment produces negative curvature as seen in fig.3.6.

= EK y2dA, (as x = - EKy) = EK I..3.10

(as I = y2dA)

Fig3.6 Relationships between signs of bending moments and signs of curvatures

Flexure Formula Substituting the expression for curvature (Eq3.11) into the expression for the stress x (Eq3.6), we get: = - 3.12 Equation3.12 is called the flexure formula. It shows that the stresses are directly proportional to the bending moment M and inversely proportional to the moment of inertia I of the cross section. Also, the stresses vary linearly with the distance y from the neutral axis, as previously observed. Stresses calculated from the flexure formula are called bending stresses or flexural stresses. #Q. what is the r/ship b/n the sign of bending stresses wrt the sign of BM?

Maximum Stresses at a Cross Section

The maximum tensile and compressive bending stresses acting at any given cross section occur at points located farthest from the neutral axis. Let us denote by C1 and C2 the distances from the neutral axis to the extreme elements in the positive and negative y directions, respectively (see Fig.3.5a and Fig.3.7). Then the corresponding maximum normal stresses 1 and 2 (from the flexure formula) are:

1 = 2

1 2 The quantities S1 and S2 are known as the section moduli of the cross sectional area.



1 =

3.13 and


and 2 =

Fig3.7 Relationships between signs of bending moments and directions of normal stresses: (a) positive bending moment, and (b) negative bending moment

Note that: 1. Each section modulus has dimensions of length to the third power (for example, mm3). 2. The distances C1 and C2 to the top and bottom of the beam are always taken as positive quantities. 3. The advantage of expressing the maximum stresses in terms of section moduli arises from the fact that each section modulus combines the beams relevant cross-sectional properties into a single quantity. Then this quantity can be listed in tables and handbooks as a property of the beam, which is a convenience to designers. 4. If the cross section of a beam is symmetric with respect to the z axis as well as the y axis then C1 = C2 = C and the maximum tensile and compressive stresses are equal numerically: 1 = 2 = = 5. For a beam of rectangular cross section with width b and height h (Fig.3.8a), the moment 3 2 of inertia and section modulus are: = and = 12 6 4 6. For a circular cross section of diameter d (Fig.3.8b), these properties are = and 64 3 = 32

Fig.3.8 Doubly symmetric cross sectional shapes

Bending of composite beams

A composite beam is one which is constructed from a combination of materials. Many types of composite beams have been developed in recent years, primarily to save material and reduce weight. For instance, sandwich beams are widely used in the aviation and aerospace industries, where light weight plus high strength and rigidity are required. Since the bending theory only holds good when a constant value of Young's modulus applies across a section it cannot be used directly to solve composite-beam problems where two different materials, and therefore different values of E are present. The method of solution in such a case is to replace one of the materials by an equivalent section of the other. Strains and Stresses The longitudinal strains x in a composite beam vary linearly from top to bottom of the beam, as expressed by Eq. (3.5), which is repeated here: x = -y/ = - Ky..3.5 To show how the linear strain distribution represented by Eq. 3.5, we can be determined in any composite beam, consider the composite beam shown in Fig.3.9. This beam consists of two materials, labeled 1 and 2 in the figure, which is securely bonded so that they act as a single solid beam. As in our previous discussions of beams, we assume that the xy plane is a plane of symmetry and that the xz plane is the neutral plane of the beam. However, the neutral axis does not pass through the centroid of the cross-sectional area when the beam is made of two different materials. If the beam is bent with positive curvature, the strains x will vary as shown in Fig.3.9c, where

A is the compressive strain at the top of the beam, B is the tensile strain at the bottom, and C is the strain at the contact surface of the two materials. Of course, the strain is zero at the neutral axis (the z axis).

Fig.3.9 (a) Composite beam of two materials, (b) cross section of beam, (c) distribution of strains x throughout the height of the beam, and (d) distribution of stresses x in the beam for the case where E2 > E1

Assuming that both materials behave in a linearly elastic manner so that Hookes law for uniaxial stress is valid, the moduli of elasticity for materials 1 and 2 as E1 and E2, respectively with E2 > E1, We obtain normal stresses acting on the cross section as shown in Fig.3.9d. The compressive stress at the top of the beam is A = E1A and The tensile stress at the bottom is B = E2B. At the contact surface (C) the stresses in the two materials are different because their moduli are different. i.e in material 1 the stress is 1C = E1C and in material 2 it is 2C = E2C. Also we can express the normal stresses at distance y from the neutral axis in terms of the curvature as: x1 = Ex1 = -E1Ky and x2 = Ex2 = -E2Ky in which x1 is the stress in material 1 and x2 is the stress in material 2. With the aid of these equations, we can locate the neutral axis and obtain the moment-curvature relationship. Location of Neutral Axis of Composite Beams The position of the neutral axis is found from the condition that the resultant axial force acting on the cross section is zero. Thus: - 1 Ky - 2 Ky = 0 1 y + 2 y = 0.3.15

Note that: 1. the first integral is evaluated over the cross sectional area of material 1 and the second integral is evaluated over the cross-sectional area of material 2 2. If there are more than two materialsa rare conditionadditional terms are required in the equation. 3. If the cross section of a beam is doubly symmetric, as in the case of a wood beam with steel cover plates on the top and bottom, the neutral axis is located at the mid-height of the cross section and Eq.3.15 is not needed.

1 + 2 = 0


Moment-Curvature Relationship for Composite Beams The moment-curvature relationship for a composite beam of two materials (Fig.3.9) may be determined from the condition that the moment resultant of the bending stresses is equal to the bending moment M acting at the cross section. i.e dM = -xydA = ....3.16 = xydA = 1 2 = 1 K y2dA + 2 K y2dA = K(1 1 + 2 2 ) .3.17 2 (as I = y dA) From equation3.10, the curvature K can be written as: M K= ..3.18 (1 1 +2 2 ) Note that: 1. Equation3.18 is the moment-curvature relationship for a beam of two materials. 2. The denominator on the right-hand side is the flexural rigidity of the composite beam. Normal Stresses (Flexure Formulas) The normal stresses (or bending stresses) in the beam are obtained by substituting the expression for curvature (eq.3.11) into the expressions for 1 and 2 . Thus,

x1 = x2

(1 1 +2 2 ) These expressions (eq.3.12), known as the flexure formulas for a composite beam, give the normal stresses in materials 1 and 2, respectively. If the two materials have the same modulus of elasticity (E1 = E2 = E), then both equations reduce to the flexure formula for a beam of one material.

(1 1 +2 2 ) ME 2 y

ME 1 y



Transformed-Section Method for Composite Beams Although the transformed-section method does not reduce the calculating effort, many designers find that it provides a convenient way to visualize and organize the calculations. The method consists of transforming the cross section of a composite beam into an equivalent cross section of an imaginary beam that is composed of only one material. This new cross section is called the transformed section. Then the imaginary beam with the transformed section is analyzed in the customary manner for a beam of one material. As a final step, the stresses in the transformed beam are converted to those in the original beam. Neutral Axis and Transformed Section If the transformed beam is to be equivalent to the original beam, its neutral axis must be located in the same place and its moment-resisting capacity must be the same. To show how these two requirements are met, consider again a composite beam of two materials (Fig.3.10a).

The neutral axis of the cross section is obtained from: 1 y + 2 y = 0 Now introducing the notation

Fig.3.10 Composite beam of two materials: (a) actual cross section, and (b) transformed section consisting only of material 1

Since Eqs. (3.15) and (3.20) are equivalent, the preceding equation shows that the neutral axis is unchanged if each element of area dA in material 2 is multiplied by the factor n, provided that the y coordinate for each such element of area is not changed. Therefore, we can create a new cross section consisting of two parts: (1) area 1 with its dimensions unchanged, and (2) area 2 with its width (that is, its dimension parallel to the neutral axis) multiplied by n. This new cross section (the transformed section) is shown in Fig.3.10b for the case where E2 > E1 (and therefore n > 1). Its neutral axis is in the same position as the neutral axis of the original beam. (Note that all dimensions perpendicular to the neutral axis remain the same.) Moment-Curvature Relationship The moment-curvature relationship for the transformed beam must be the same as for the original beam. To show that this is indeed the case, we note that the stresses in the transformed beam (since it consists only of material 1) are given by: x1 = -E1Ky The moment curvature relation for the transformed beam: = xydA = 1 2 = 1 K y2dA + 1 K y2dA = K(1 1 + 1 2 ) = K(1 1 + 2 2 ) ..3.21 thereby demonstrating that the moment-curvature relationship for the transformed beam is the same as for the original beam.

With this notation, we can rearrange the above equation as 1 y + 1 ny = 0 y + ny = 03.20

2 1

( n is the modular ratio.)


Note that:

Material 2 will carry the same force as before because its modulus is reduced by a factor of n (from E2 to E1) at the same time that its area is increased by a factor of n. Thus, the new section (the transformed section) consists only of material 1. Normal Stresses Since the transformed beam consists of only one material, the normal stresses (or bending stresses) can be found from the standard flexure formula. Thus, the normal stress in the beam transformed to material 1 is: = ...............................................3.22

Where = is the moment of inertia of the transformed section with respect to the neutral axis. The moment of inertia of the transformed section is related to the moment of inertia of the original section by the following relation: = 1 + 2 = 1 + 2 2 Substituting the expression for in equation 3.21: Note tha: 1. Equation 3.23 represents the stresses in the transformed beam match those in the original beam in the part of the original beam consisting of material 1 2. the stresses in the transformed beam (Eq.3.23) must be multiplied by the modular ratio n to obtain the stresses in material 2 of the original beam:

1 =

1 1 + 2 2


#Q1 is it also possible to transform the beam to material 2? #Q2 is it possible to extend the transformed section method to composite beams of more than two materials? Shear Stresses in Beams of Rectangular Cross Section When a beam is in pure bending, the only stress resultants are the bending moments and the only stresses are the normal stresses acting on the cross sections. However, most beams are subjected to loads that produce both bending moments and shear forces (nonuniform bending). In these cases, both normal and shear stresses are developed in the beam. The normal stresses are calculated from the flexure formula, provided the beam is constructed of a linearly elastic material. Vertical and Horizontal Shear Stresses Consider a beam of rectangular cross section (width b and height h) subjected to a positive shear force V (Fig.3.11a). It is reasonable to assume that the shear stresses acting on the cross section are parallel to the shear force, that is, parallel to the vertical sides of the cross section. It is also reasonable to assume that the shear stresses are uniformly distributed across the width of the beam, although they may vary over the height. Using these two assumptions, we can determine the intensity of the shear stress at any point on the cross section.

2 =

1 1 + 2 2

1 1 + 2 2



Fig.3.11 Shear stresses in a beam of rectangular cross section

` At any point in the beam, the complementary shear stresses are equal in magnitude. The equality of the horizontal and vertical shear stresses acting on an element leads to an important conclusion regarding the shear stresses at the top and bottom of the beam. If we imagine that the element mn (Fig.3.11a) is located at either the top or the bottom, we see that the horizontal shear stresses must vanish, because there are no stresses on the outer surfaces of the beam. It follows that the vertical shear stresses must also vanish at those locations; in other words, = 0 where y = h/2. Derivation of Shear Formula Instead of evaluating the vertical shear stresses acting on a cross section, it is easier to evaluate the horizontal shear stresses acting between layers of the beam. Of course, the vertical shear stresses have the same magnitudes as the horizontal shear stresses. Consider a beam in nonuniform bending (Fig.3.11a). We take two adjacent cross sections mn and m1n1, distance dx apart, and consider the element mm1n1n. The bending moment and shear force acting on the left-hand face of this element are denoted by M and V, respectively. Since both the bending moment and shear force may change as we move along the axis of the beam, the corresponding quantities on the right-hand face (Fig.3.11a) are denoted M + dM and V + dV.


The normal stresses as shown in Fig.3.11b on cross sections mn and m1n1 are, respectively, 1 = and 2 = ( + ) as given by the flexure formula. Next, we isolate a subelement mm1p1p by passing a horizontal plane pp1 through element mm1n1n (Fig.3.11b). The plane pp1 is at distance y1 from the neutral surface of the beam. The subelement is shown separately in Fig.3.11c. We note that its top face is part of the upper surface of the beam and thus is free from stress. Its bottom face (which is parallel to the neutral surface and distance y1 from it) is acted upon by the horizontal shear stresses existing at this level in the beam. Its cross-sectional faces mp and m1p1 are acted upon by the bending stresses 1 and 2 , respectively, produced by the bending moments. Vertical shear stresses also act on the cross-sectional faces; however, these stresses do not affect the equilibrium of the subelement in the horizontal direction (the x direction), so they are not shown in Fig.3.11c.
Fig.3.11 Shear stresses in a beam of rectangular cross section

If the bending moments vary along the x axis (nonuniform bending), we can determine the shear stress acting on the bottom face of the subelement (Fig.3.11c) by considering the equilibrium of the subelement in the x direction. Consider an element of area dA in the cross section at distance y from the neutral axis (Fig.3.11d). The total horizontal forces F1 and F2 acting over the area of face mp and on the right-hand face m1p1 of the subelement (Fig.3.11c) are respectively: 1 = 1 and 2 = 2 as shown on fig.3.12. (+)

Fig.3.12 Partial free-body diagram of subelement showing all horizontal forces

Note that this integration is performed over the area of the shaded part of the cross section shown in Fig.3.11d, that is, over the area of the cross section from y = y1 to y = h/2. Since the subelement is in equilibrium, we can sum forces in the x direction and obtain the horizontal force F3 acting on the bottom face of the subelement. i.e

F3 = F2 F1

The quantities dM and I in the last term can be moved outside the integral sign because they are constants at any given cross section and are not involved in the integration. Thus, the expression for the force F3 becomes: F3 = dM ydA .........................................................3.26 If the shear stresses are uniformly distributed across the width b of the beam, the force F3 is also equal to the following: F3 = bdx.............................................................3.27 in which bdx is the area of the bottom face of the sub-element. Combining equation 3.26 and 3.27 and solving for : dM 1 = ydA dx bI



(M+dM)y My dA dA I I dMy dA I


Equation 3.28 is called shear formula and it shows that shear stress varies with y1 Q = b( 1 ) 1 +
2 V 2
1 2

where shear force V =


Q........................................................3.28 where Q = ydA



dM dx

Distribution of Shear Stresses in a Rectangular Beam The first moment Q of the shaded part of the cross-sectional area is obtained by multiplying the area by the distance from its own centroid to the neutral axis(see figure 3.13a):
2 Q = ydA = 2 = 1 .............................3.29 1 2 4 Substituting the expression for Q(eq.3.29) into the shear formula (Eq.3.28), we get 2 2

2 4

2 1


2 = 1 ................................................................3.30 2I 4 This equation shows that the shear stresses in a rectangular beam vary quadratically with the distance y1 from the neutral axis. Thus, when plotted along the height of the beam, varies as shown in Fig.3.13b. Note that the shear stress is zero when y1 h/2.


Fig.3.13 Distribution of shear stresses in a beam of rectangular cross section: (a) cross section of beam, and (b) diagram showing the parabolic distribution of shear stresses over the height of the beam

#Q1. What is the maximum value of the shear stress in a beam of rectangular cross section? And at where does it occurs? #Q2. By how much does the maximum shear stress in a beam of rectangular cross section exceeds the average shear stress V/A?


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