32CH Lesson 11 - Magnets!

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the proverbs study group

Chapter 11 - Magnets! Hallerin Hilton Hill

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Keep your words UP or theyll let you DOWN.

This weeks main point(s).

Give. You attract what youre made of. Only God can change what youre made of. Thats what he came to do. Chapter Outline The 31 verses of chapter are not broken into sections. This is the beginning of a series of shorter sayings. There is a theme however, words. - Generosity - Attraction - Listening We are now ofcially a third of the way through Proverbs and I think this is a good place to review our foundations. Proverbs is all about growing in Godly wisdom. Wisdoms foundation and beginning is the fear of, the seless of, the awe-inspired seless surrender to God. This journey through these wisdom writings is all about 3 things: Relationships, and Rational, results-driven living. Reverence,

The Return To Reverence The struggle with the journey on this path is that it challenges to you to abandon your addiction to being the center of authority and truth in your world. God gets bigger in your life and all of your daily choices. You get smaller. Selshness surrenders to selessness. Do you admire, adore, desire, yield to, follow, trust, and yearn for an intimate knowledge of the Holy? Wisdoms foundation is the fear of the Lord. Its time to return to reverence. Take off your shoes. You are standing on Holy ground. Changing Your Relationships This book addresses you as sons. You are being trained for leadership. You have to see yourself in a new relationship with God. You have to see yourselves as princes. You have to realize that you have status. You were chosen and have been recruited into a royal family. This book is about stripping away all non-royal stuff that getting in the way of your royal destiny. This book is also about changing all of your relationships. As you begin to mimic your Heavenly Father, the source of all wisdom you will begin to function in all of your relationships with more power. This book is about changing your

relationship with yourself. As you become more congruent your sense of personal power and self esteem with grown. You will be a sharper tool in the hand of God. Rational, Results-driven Living Proverbs is about teaching you to live with skill. You are learning to THINK! You are learning to live free from the slavery of a desire-driven, emotionally led life. You are learning to apply your energy thoughtfully to produce the results you need and want in your life. Now chapter 11. How will you be remembered? If you died today and people told the truth about you how would they sum up your life? Proverbs is pushing us towards leaving a rich inspirational legacy. Generosity. Proverbs says that generosity is the way of life. Sunshine is just generous. Trees are just generous. Water is just generous. Flowers are generous with their beauty. Because you are loved and sustained by an unlimited source you are free to be generous. Giving is living. Flow or you stagnate. This chapter is rooted in some great inner battles Attraction You can tell a great deal about who you are by what you attract. This chapter declares there IS evil in this world and the wicked attract it like a magnet. It also states that the kind attract kindness. In this sense there is a law of attraction at work. God is working to draw you. When you get close enough you cant help but be drawn to his love. The enemy seeks to keep you around God but not close to him. You life carries a force. You draw certain things to you by the way you think, talk, act and live. Be careful the kind of energy you emit. The Wicked vs. The Just In this institute for royal court leadership the rening process is all about getting you to abandon all of the life-limiting wickedness in you life. Throughout the chapter the contrast is presented to give you a clear picture of what wickedness looks like and the option to begin choosing a better way. The Selsh vs. The Seless

The other battle is with self. We have to be selsh when we live with a scarcity mentality. When you believe that God is your source there is no limit to his ability to provide. You dont have to struggle because you father has resources that exceed your need. You are free to be seless and generous. Think about this Have you returned to reverence in your life? Do you take time for worship in private before you start your day? Do you know who you are? Do you feel royal? Are you thinking? Grow. Help others grow. Be Encouraged. Wisdom House Publishing
(c) 2012 Hallerin Hilton Hill

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