Rodney Bio

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Rodney Chisel Toe was born an only child to Morton & Papsy Toe in Los Angeles, in 1978.

The birth of baby Rodney was pretty typical... with one exception. When the doctor slapped him on his bottom, Rodney simply farted as if in reply or a foreshadowing of things to come. As a result, his powerful baby flatulence did manage to clear the delivery room and give the anesthesiologist a nose bleed. Rodney first learned to read on his own by studying generic government food boxes with words such as, "USDA CHEESE FOOD", "TOASTED O's" and "ENRICHED FARINA", printed on plain white boxes. These words were integral parts of his vocabulary as he would often refer to himself with these words when describing his emotions. For example when asked how he felt after his first physical altercation at age 2 with little Tina Combs, he replied "ENRICHED FARINA", meaning he felt pretty mushy inside. He then promptly puked. "PUFFED RICE", is how he described the feeling of his testicles dropping at age 12. Rodney was a quick study and excelled in elementary through high school moving into advance placement classes and graduating a year earlier than his peers. Instead of moving straight to a four year college he first attended a local two year school where he earned an AA degree in The Science of Superhero's and that he elected to study abroad in the small Ukraine town of Dytiatky as exchange student. Unbeknownst to Rodney, Dytiatky was also down wind of the Chernobyl Nuclear facility where a significant portion of the fallout landed. After contamination he was then promptly air lifted to a hospital in Prypiat where he underwent a 6 week study entitled, "Brown comrades who eat contaminated corn bread and the effects on prostate's and other such reproductive organs". It was in the hospitals severe burn ward that Rodney discovered his love for writing. In a letter home to his mother, he simply described the bland radioactive taste as, "FOOD BANK". Since the accident he has maintained a fixation with all corn based products. Rodney could be shy but was also an extremely hard worker. His first job at age 16 was at a water front establishment called Pyong's Chinese Restaurant where he was introduced to sex in the back alley while emptying the trash. Mae was an 84 year old Asian hooker, a valued member of the revered "Mahjong" puzzle community and a hard core comic book fan. For Rodney, the exchange was an "awakening experience" prompting him to continue the transactions which culminated in his final dealings with Mae in exchange for a September 1977, Star Trek comic book titled, "This Tree Bears Bitter Fruit". Later, he earned a scholarship to Georgetown University where he majored in The Philosophy of Star Trek and quickly dropped out after he found that learning the Klingon language did not in fact attract women. Somewhat socially awkward and nerdy, Rodney Toe has grown into a frail little man that farts when nervous or startled. He never goes anywhere without his back pack which contains his writing gear, laptop and an extra pair of pants. His favorite clothes are his Klingon t-shirt with the prominent, ridged forehead of Warf that reads "Ribbed for her pleasure", wrinkled khaki pants and a pair of Keds slip on sneakers with an imprinted picture of sweet corn. As part of his therapy for Bipolar disorder he's been encouraged to talk frankly and frequently into a digital recorder as a way of helping him deal with his depression and upsetting events. He's learned to say exactly what he feels regardless of who's around or the apparent awkwardness of the situation. He also started writing as way to deal with his waxing and waning emotions while in confinement. He then turns these emotions into unique screenplays.

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