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22 October 2012 To: Interested Parties Fr: Jeff Liszt / Molly Murphy Re: Summary of Polling Results in FL CD-22

Lois Frankel holds a 10-point lead over Adam Hasner heading into the final two weeks of the campaign. Hasner is running out of time and resources to change the dynamics of the race Frankel remains better-known and more popular in a district that continues to lean Democratic in the generic ballot and Presidential race. There has been very little reliable polling released in this race (live-dialed including cellphones as opposed to robo-polling with no cell interviews). This is the first poll since Hasner abandoned West Palm Beach broadcast television. With Frankel communicating on broadcast television in West Palm, and Hasner limited to cable, it will be extremely difficult for him to close the gap (Hasner has a tiny broadcast buy in Miami about 1/90th the size of the Presidential buys there). Lois Frankel leads Hasner by 10 points, and is ahead in both counties Frankel leads Hasner 47% to 37%. Frankel has held a consistent lead of 8-10 points since August, and Hasner has been unable to close the gap. The district is divided fairly evenly between Broward and Palm Beach counties, and Frankel leads in both. In Palm Beach County, she leads Hasner 48% to 38%. In Broward County she leads 46% to 35%.

Frankel has higher name-identification and better popularity than Hasner Frankels name identification (61%) is nearly 20 points higher than Hasners (43%). And Frankels favorable rating is 37%, while Hasners is just 24%. This is a difficult and expensive district in which to communicate, and Hasner has a lot of ground to make up especially considering that he has been forced to go dark in the West Palm Beach media market.

Hasner has little time remaining to overcome the Democratic leanings of the district Obama leads Romney 50% to 43% in this district, and the district, and voters prefer a Democrat on the generic ballot by a 45% to 38% margin. Hasner would need to outperform Romney by 8 points in order to win. Right now hes underperforming Romney by 6 points.

Anzalone Liszt Research conducted N=501 live telephone interviews with likely 2012 general election voters in Florida CD-22 (n=401 landline/n=100 cell). Interviews were conducted between October 18-21, 2012. Respondents were selected at random, with interviews apportioned geographically based on past voter turnout. Expected margin of sampling error is 4.4% with a 95% confidence level, and higher for subgroups.

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