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G one are the days when a man could be judged by his shoes.

mobile phones fast becoming a hot sartorial accessory, phone aesthetics are
playing a crucial role in luring customers. Red, blue, chrome, black, with
ring tones ranging from Mission Impossible to Dil to Pagal Hai - the new
generation of mobile phones are slick and very much a statement about
who you are. So if you're a young, twenty-something executive, your
mobile will say a lot about how successful you are perceived to be. For
older and more serious users, there is a range of higher priced, high-power
phones. The preferred brand of power executives, according to sales
figures is Samsung or Motorola. Young, school going, hip and aspiring
trendsetter? A Nokia phone is as essential as good grades.

Hot on the heels of the unprecedented take-off in advanced economies of

modern communications technology, a world of innovation is now at the
fingertips of most of Pakistan's elite. The introduction of mobile phones to
Pakistan's shores has been a smashing success, if profit figures of the four
mobile network service providers are anything to go by. Demand it seems
has never been higher. And with an eager professional class quick to
capitalise on the business possibilities of the new technology, coupled with
an increase in the ranks of a fashion-elite ever keen to refine its yuppie airs,
the sales of mobile phones are soaring, posting almost incremental
increases over the past three years.

The industry has come a long way since its lackluster debut in the
nineties. For Instaphone, Mobilink, Ufone and Paktel - the four service
providers in Pakistan - this has meant a huge increase in research and
development. The stakes are high, with each service jostling to entrench its
position in an ever-expanding market. Investment has been heavy in
network expansion, with million dollar deals being cut with international
companies. This is good news for customers. A new world of competition
in pricing and technology has opened up, with a number of value added
services on offer, designed to lure a particular niche market. Whether in
the form of a chat club service for the young and trendy, or corporate club
discount options, the wonders of the latest mobile phones can include
options such as mobile banking, fax and information services, internet
access, instant updates, conference calling and g_mail.

It is expected that mobile phone subscriptions worldwide will increase to

a whopping one billion benchmark by the end of this year. Approximately
40 per cent of Europe used one by 2004. And over half of the global users
worldwide, will have internet access. Fuelled by these projections,
international phone developers have invested heavily in new and exciting
business ideas, convinced of the massive returns to be made in future

About Mobilink
Mobilink GSM (PMCL), a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, is the market
leader in providing state-of-the-art communications solutions in Pakistan.
We can proudly boast of being the first cellular service provider in
Pakistan to operate on a 100% digital GSM technology

We offer tariff plans that are exclusively designed to cater to the

communication needs of a diverse group of people, taking into account
occasional users to businessmen. To achieve this objective, we offer both
postpaid and the prepaid (JAZZ) solutions to our customer.

In addition to providing advanced voice communication services, we

also offer a number of value added services to our valued subscribers.
Keeping in mind our customers' convenience, we have also bundled
mobile handsets, sold either independently or bundled in Get Set Go Pack.

Mobilink GSM started operations in the year 1994, from then on it has
shown enormous growth. At the time when it entered the market it was a
small player in the cellular market of Pakistan it is now the market leader
both in terms of growth as well as having the largest subscriber base in
About Paktel
Welcome to the second generation of mobile communication. Welcome
to the next domain. Welcome to the most affordable GSM connection
available in Pakistan. Welcome to Paktel GSM.

Paktel GSM has been launched with a subscriber capacity of over 2

million and the total coverage will be enhanced to 150 cities and towns
across Pakistan… stats that are unheard of in the GSM sector.

Paktel GSM has ensured the most aggressive rollout ever. We could have
launched in one city or two months back. But the philosophy of
convenience, connectivity, coverage and clarity forced us to wait and come
out with a BIG BANG.
History of Ufone
Ufone started its operations from Islamabad on 29th January 2001 as the
youngest entrant in the cellular market. Ufone, a subsidiary of PTCL, is the
only Pakistani-owned cellular service operator in Pakistan.

With a total current investment of over $350 Million, including a recent

contract of $161 Million for expansion & capacity for 2004-05, we believe
in solid commitment to growth, security & reliability.

Currently, with a market share of over 24%, and an aggressive

commercial plan, we have more than tripled our customer base in the last
quarter to over 1.5 million subscribers…the fastest uptake of any cellular
service operator in Pakistan!
What is communication?
“Communication is the sharing information with others and understanding
the views and feelings expressed by others. Communication includes gestures,
facial expressions, voice pitch and tone, voice mail, and written information,
such as email, newsletters, signs and posters”.
“The right people receive the right information in a timely manner”.
How does one talk so that another person listens and understands? How
does one listen? How does one know if he has been heard and

People have known that communication is an important part of life but

until now no one has ever been able to tell anyone how to communicate.

All human endeavors depend utterly on a full knowledge of the real

basics of communication. To master communication, one must understand

In Scientology, communication has been defined – “an accomplishment

that has led to a much deeper understanding of life itself.

Communication, in essence, is the shift of a particle from one part of

space to another part of space. A particle is the thing being communicated.
It can be an object, a written message, a spoken word or an idea. In its
crudest definition, this is communication.

This simple view of communication leads to the full definition:

“Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or

particle from source-point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of
bringing into being at the receipt-point duplication and understanding of that
which emanated from the source-point”.

Duplication is the act of reproducing something exactly. Emanated means

“came forth.”

The formula of communication is cause, distance, effect, with intention,

attention and duplication with understanding.

The definition and formula of communication open the door to

understanding this subject. By dissecting communication into its
component parts, we can view the function of each and thus more clearly
understand the whole.

Any communication involves a particle, which can be in one of four

categories: an object.

a written message. . .
a spoken word. . .
Or an idea.

Any successful communication contains all the elements shown here.

Any failure to communicate can be analyzed against these components to
isolate what went wrong.

The Importance of Communication

Before the telephone was invented, people wrote letters to each other to
stay in touch. Soldiers would write letters to their wives and families
conveying their love and, even today, people write letters to better
communicate. Writing is a way of expressing yourself, a way to think
about what you are feeling and communicate that to other people. But now
there are so many ways to communicate your ideas. The ability to
communicate is something we take for granted and always assumes
people understand completely what was said to them as they rhythmically
nod their heads up and down. However many years in researches have
shown this to not always be the case. Misunderstandings can range from
not understanding terminology, to language barriers, simply not
comprehending, or hearing problems.

Miscommunication is an aspect of life that is sometimes unavoidable

however here are a few quick tips to minimize these problems in your
office. If you wear hearing aids make sure you are wearing them, with
batteries. If there is a language barrier bring along a family member to act
as interpreter. If you do not fully understand what your practitioner is
describing to you do not be shy about asking him or her to clarify before
proceeding forward with that all knowing nod and eyes glazing.
There are so many ways to communicate. If we try to make a list of all of
them then may be it is impossible to give description of all. But in this
report we emphasize on communicating through advertising, which is
now, a days is very famous and a very important way to communicate
your ideas.

What is advertising?
"Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid
for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by
identified sponsors through the various media."
The objectives of advertising is met by promoting are to move the target
market through the following phases:
Unawareness -> Awareness -> Beliefs/Knowledge -> Attitude ->
Purchase Intention -> Purchase

It is believed that consumers cannot skip over a phase, but they need to
move through them. Promotion is used to move the target market from
one phase to another to finally purchase.
Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,
goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

There are three goals of advertising. These goals are to: Inform, Persuade,
and Remind.

The traditional conceptual model for creating any advertising or

marketing communications message is the AIDA Model: get Attention,
hold Interest, arouse Desire, and then obtain Action.

The AIDA Model

Advertising Campaign of Mobilink

Today no facet of our lives remains untouched by advertising. Now the

question arises that how advertisement communicates. Advertising must
be profitable or businesses would not do it. The unfortunate reality is that
most advertisers jump into a campaign without truly understanding the
science behind advertising effectively. An effective advertisement is
focused, frequent, memorable and solution-oriented. Keep this in mind
when coordinating an advertisement worth your investment.

There are many medias used for advertisement, they include television,
radio, newspapers, magazines, brochures, by creating websites, and by
sponsoring different programme on TV. Now a days television is
considered as the most strongest media for advertisement, because a single
television commercial can be broadcast repeatedly over the course of
week, to make people better aware about their product and to attract the
people because in today‟s life TV. Take the shape of the necessities instead
of luxury and children and housewife spend their free time in watching
television. Many television commercials feature catchy jingles (songs or
melodies) or catch-phrases that generate sustained appeal, which may
remain in the minds of television viewers long after the span of the
advertising campaign and others endeavour to strike the emotions of the

Like other companies advertisement also has a great worth for the
cellular industry, and as the war to get the more and more customers,
advertisement‟s value rises, if we have a deep look, we will found that
every commercial is communicating something, has a theme behind it,
some focused on the young generation, some on the price and few on the
culture of the country.

As the marketing conditions are changing very rapidly as there is more

and more competition in the market the purpose of advertising is not only
to tell the people about your product but also attracts them with your ad
and influence them to buy your product by changing people thinking
towards your product that is the main purpose of advertising and the
successful advertising depends on how you communicate your message
among the people.
Marketing Revolution and Shifting Tides

From Toward
Media Advertising Multiple Forms of Communication

Mass Media Specialized Media

Manufacturer Dominance Retailer Dominance

General Focus Data Based Marketing

Low Agency Accountability Greater Agency Accountability

Traditional Compensation Performance Based Compensation

Limited Internet Availability Widespread Internet Availability

Now days there are so many ways of advertising from a simple brochure
to internet. Although in our country about 10 million people have internet
access but there are also a lot of ways in which communication through
advertising takes place.

Media Audit
Direct Newspaper
Radio Mail Video Game
Ev ent
Trade Magazine
Property Music Cinema
Merchandise Outdoor
Home Communications
Shopping Feature Film
CD Rom
On-line Transit
Internet Virtual Reality
Multimedia Cross- Street
Promotion F ur niture
Trade Incentives Books
Theme Videos Sal es
Park (Promotion)
Now after talking about this another question automatically arises in the
minds that what sort of advertise will attract the consumer and what
message will be in the advertise?

Advertising Creativity

Creative Determining what the

Strategy advertising message will say
or communicate

Creative Determining how the

Tactics message strategy will be

Now in this scenario different slogans are raised which will become the
barnd identity but being the students of marketing and business
communication we must desctibe what elements should make an ad so
that people attract towards our product and can‟t resist to the product.

The Ideal Power Idea Should . . .

Be Describable in a Simple Word or Phrase

Be Likely to Attract the Prospect’s Attention

Revolve Around the Clinching Benefit

Allow You to Brand the Advertising

Let Prospects Vividly Experience the Goods

Now a days consumers face a flood of advertises which create such an
image in the minds of the people that they cant resist themselves to buy
that product without knowing their features. This type of advertising is
common in all sorts of advertisement.

Transformational Ads

Feelings Images
The ads
create . . .
Meanings Beliefs

Richer It must make Warmer

the product
use experience
... More
Exciting Enjoyable

In order to communicate to the consumer many things should be

considered in mind. In our opinion one ad cannot communicate his
message until it touches to the sentiments of the people. These are some of
the basic advertising principles

Basic Principles of Advertising

Know and understand the consumer before one communicates.
Use consumer language.
Understand where and when there is a need for information.
Emotions are as important as the science and facts

What Mobilink Communicates

Mobilink GSM – Reshaping Communication
The Mobilink World encourages people to talk to each other and form
lasting bonds with one another. Mobilink feels great pride in the fact that,
the largest cross section of people using mobile technology in Pakistan,
share their joy, their relief, their anger and sometimes their sorrow
together as one nation, using Mobilink‟s systems and facilities.

Mobilink‟s new vibrant, rich and unique brand colours signify their re-
birth and their unique stature in the Pakistan telecom landscape and they
resolve of becoming a total communications‟ solutions provider. The rich,
vibrant colours are a reflection of the vast portfolio of new concepts and
superior services that they stand committed to bring to their customers
and enrich their lives.
Today they are confident that they have all the essential building blocks
in place to take the dream forward and to play a leadership role in the
rapid growth and development of telecommunications in Pakistan. Their
new look and feel is reflective of their new vision and thinking. In 2003
they invested upwards of US$ 200 million in improving their network and
services. They have already put in 7 switches, over 820 cell sites and new
IN platforms for better coverage and connectivity. In 2004 they were
committing more than US$ 250 million in technological upgrades,
superior customer services, improved coverage, 85 new cities and a
portfolio of value added services including 2.5G services and multi media
messaging amongst a host of other exciting offerings.

Their Customers remain their priority and in an effort to enrich their

lives they have put in place state-of-the-art call centres in Karachi and
Lahore where well trained staff is geared to answer complaints and
queries, and a new billing system is in the process of commissioning. They
are constantly expanding their nationwide franchise and distribution
network and upgrading them to offer customer services so that their
customers can find a Mobilink contact as near them as possible.

At Mobilink they believe their employees are their ambassadors. In 2004

alone, they are investing approximately a million dollars in training and
development of their employees so that they can better serve their valued
They feel confident in our abilities to provide superior services to our
customers because we know that we have put in the investment for the
future. This reflects our commitment to the people of Pakistan.
Join them in welcoming the new Mobilink look and vision; a vision of
bringing together the people of Pakistan and forming lasting bonds; a
vision of service to the people of this country and in so doing, offering
them the World as they see it. Join them in Reshaping Communication.

Mobilink is talking in the voice of tradition, in the voice of story means

whenever you feel the need to tell about your traditions to your new
generation you can talk to them using Mobilink. So it is the source of
preserving your tradition from generation to generation. The voice of your
stories. The stories which are in your heart. Now time reach you tell them
because may be at any other time there is no one who will be there to listen
your stories. Mobilink plays a very important and dynamic role in joining
the relations and generations and bind them in one bond because it
finished the distances and bring people close to their loved ones.
Whenever and wherever you remember them bring out your Mobilink cell
phone and talk to them says the words of heart. Talks in any language .All
languages are of us. Because we have a very rich tradition

As Mobilink finishes distances and brings people closer to each other so

it is not necessary that you always talk to your friends and relatives who
are quite far away from you but you can also talk to them who are closer to
you. Because sometimes you can not say something face to face the only
method is that you can call them and ask whatever you want to say maybe
it sorry, miss you or may be love you. It brings the news from far farther
areas and may be also from very near spot.

Mobilink talks to those everlasting, eternal and immortal relations, which

have no prices, it talks in the voice of love, affection, countless and
unimaginable love. The love which is rare to be found and it present in just
true relations which are without any mean. . So when a man who is far
away from his home and calls to hear the voice of his baby, no one knows
how much he will be happy. So it doesn‟t mean what is your language,
what is your way to communicate. Mobilink will be of your fist choice and
the fastest way to communicate and this is proved by the people of

Mobilink speaks the language of your ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions

and themes. Mobilink also talk in the voice of heart touching pictures. The
pictures of those whom you love more than anything in this world. Now
you cannot only hear the voice of your loved ones but also see their picture
and consider that they are in front of you so when u think about them in
your mind and heart. In this way you can fully explain your feelings not
only in voice but also through picture. You can describe your thinking
fully to everyone without hesitation. For this purpose your way of
communication is may be so what it doesn‟t matter .You talk in any
language, in any words, in any style. Mobilink talks to you in all the
languages Because Mobilink is Pakistan‟s favourite cellular company it
talks to you in the voice of you because it knows you and your
requirement. It considers customers as their major asset and their desires
as their dreams. So one can say without any doubt that Mobilink is No1 in
Pakistan not only in sales but also in customer choice and in customer care.

What Indigo Communicates:-

Life whispers, life talks, life walks with indigo. Mobilink Indigo is the
new complexion of the communication. Unlike the other commercials of
the cellular companies Mobilink Indigo‟s commercial emphasize on the
family relations, because indigo is a family package in which a same bill
but can enjoy two numbers. Indigo is the same package which was firstly
introduced with the name Star, why they change the color? Just to show
the rebirth of the brand. The huge publicity of the ad is Shan who is
famous film star. The ad highlighted that wherever you are and your any
family member, there is no value of distance, when you want you can talk
with them very easily, it makes life of a person very easy and because it is
a postpaid package, it also charges less than the prepaid what you do is to
just pay the line rent and other ting will adjusted automatically.

It also shows that if a person changes its lifestyle, shifting from one place
to another and also at the same time they have an urgent work then he can
give instruction on the phone. In the commercial they captured the
attention of the corporate sector, in the countries like Pakistan status
matters and if you have an Indigo then it makes your rank and people
respect you, it also symbolize that people will inspire from the person who
has Indigo. One most important and different thing is that it gives the
concept of the mobile banking which is only offered by Mobilink for its
Indigo‟s customers.

Colours has great impact on the life of the person, Indigo mono has the
combination of purple and white, purple colour is the colour of pride,
dignified, immoral, arrogance, cleverness and mysterious, and white
colour depict the perfection, peacefulness, innocence, and bride. These two
colours can be called as the eye catching and cool colours and describe the
personality of the person in a very pleasant way.

Call & Control:-

Another exciting package and loving ad is of call and control. Now a

days to have a mobile connection is not a big thing but to have a
connection of the company who offers different services and packages
really means. In our country most the children and youngsters have a
habit of watching television, if adults can use a mobile than why children
cannot enjoy? By focusing on this Mobilink introduced a new package of
Call & Control, in which parents don‟t have to worry about the misuse of
the credit and no fear about the bill, just pay the line rent and other can
control with the help of the scratch cards. In the ad they communicate the
same that if you are a school going and want to enjoy mobile and your
parents are afraid from your habit of wasting money, now no need to
worry and crying , Mobilink is there to give solution because customers of
every age are asset of the Mobilink, and that‟s why it convinced parents
and also give control to their hands.
The ability to generate fresh, unique and
appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to
communication problems.
What Jazz Communicates
Jazz communicates to the young generation of our society. Its slogan
“Jazz Lao Life Banao” communicates to the young generation of our
society. It is the slogan of the young generation. As Jazz meanings are
music, dance and enjoyment. That‟s why you will notice that almost all
youngsters attract by Jazz and to buy Jazz connection is their priority. So
Mobilink communicate their message very effectively in the minds of
As jazz is the brand of youngsters that‟s why they emphasize on the
trends of the young generation and the events that attracts the generation.
As we see in the Jazz SMS „lafz baatein kareen” ad in which they touch the
flirty emotions, in which a man praised the red colour of the girl‟s dress,
red colour is the colour of romance, love, warmth and the colour which
attracts the man, and as the red colour is the colour of the Jazz so it also
depicts the colour of the Jazz. In this ad Mobilink also highlight the quick
service of SMS in which you get the message so quickly that you think,
your love one is sitting with you and you are chatting face to face. It also
stress on the importance of the words, while sharing feelings and emotions
with each other.
Greed, no matter what anybody says, is a part of the human psychological
make-up. Everybody wants more. In the ad jazz zero main. They attract the
people by attracting them with the word zero, which indicates that what
you have to pay while buying the connection is nothing but there is a wide
chance to enter in the wireless world and be the part of the cellular
community. The dance zero shaped cartoons indicates that who buy the
connection will be happy and can enjoy the life because in today‟s life
nothing comes with zero but you can buy jazz, and enjoy the facilities
provided by the company

Brand Identity is a combination of

factors: Name, logo, symbols, design,
packaging, product or service performance, and image or associations in
the consumer‟s mind.
Another slogan of Jazz “Live Your Life” also hit the youngsters between
the ages of 16 to 25 who want to live their lives according to their own
manners .they want to live life according to the own principles so this
slogan is also the voice of youngsters.

As youngsters also have limited financial resources so this ad another

time attracts the youth. In this an incentive is given to the young people
that they could get connection the amount of scratch card so this incentive
attracted the large number of teenagers towards them and they bought
Jazz connections
Another slogan of Jazz is “jiyo zara apnay style say” also hit to the young
people. As in this busy world when everyone busy in his own life and no
one have time for others and everyone wants that others adopt their style
instead thy adopt the style of others. So you will see that almost all people
especially used to say jiyo apnay style say means the way or manner in
which you want to pass your life. So we can say that jazz create action
desire, interest and attention.

Communication through colours

Red colour shows power, love, warmth and passion and also arrogance.
As these characteristics are present in the young generation so its each and
every trait talks to youngsters. The colour yellow is a symbol for sunlight,
for the realisation and the growing of the alive, warm yellow-shades get
you cheerful, peaceful mood Its red and yellow colours depict life, energy
and enthusiasm. This suits to the youth and youngsters. And red colour is
also the colour of youth so all these features attract our new generation.

Creating a Brand Image

Used when competing brands are so

similar it is difficult to find or create a
unique attribute

The creativity sales strategy is based

on a strong, memorable brand
identity through image advertising

Often used for products such as soft

drinks, perfume, liquor, clothing,
Advertising of Paktel
The New Paktel Blues:
Type Phase
The brain acknowledges and remembers shapes first. Reading is not
necessary to be able to identify shapes, but identifying shapes is necessary
to be able to read. Since simple and distinctive shape makes a faster
imprint on human memory, Paktel GSM logo is accordingly held fast.

Paktel GSM font is futuristic depicting a clear and modern approach.

Simple and in italics it depicts the move forward yet comes out as
composed and a coherent whole.

The new refined font coupled the tinge of dexterity transforms in to a

flexible outlook. The blue background gives the brand a young and fresher
look, whereas the type phase, illustrates the confidence, stability and
corporate image.

Colour is second in sequence; colour can trigger an emotion and evoke
brand associations. Paktel GSM. It is the colour of the unlimited
dimensions, colour of reliability, colour of dreamers, fidelity, confidence,
colour of longing.... Blue : colour of relaxing, retiring, "feeling blue"

To think on the colour blue causes a longing, dreamy feeling and at the
same time safety and calmness, leads to a serious view of things inside
yourself. Blue stands for emancipation: greetings to all bluestockings. The
blue of the "blue letter" should make it easier to accept the message...
Many companies use this colour in their logos. So blue colour has its own
uniqueness in a manner that it is serious, sophisticated. Blue shows
loyalty, peace, self-reliance. So Paktel is a brand on which you can trust,
you can depend, it gives you liberty to talk to your loved ones, every one
has the desire to talk to others

Different people, different landscapes, different cultures, but one nation,

one common expression, one common voice, one choice-Paktel GSM- a
brand that understands your needs and speaks to your mind and heart.

Paktel GSM is young, progressive, energetic, genuine and honest, clearly

someone from your bunch of friends, who never lets you down and deeply
inclined to your side-a true companion and well wisher.

Paktel GSM, a fresh dynamic and customized brand befitting your

lifestyle in order that you feel it as part of your life. Brands that you can
always count on, sincerely, that understands your needs, wishes and
desires and helps you get connected with your loved ones anywhere,
So break your blush, speak your heart out and be good to your
expression as Paktel GSM is all set to mesmerize you with the ever-
entertaining journey of life.

Communication of Paktel
The Paktel immense advertisement communicates that you can talk to
anyone any time from your Paktel connection .You can say others the
secrets of your heart and the voice of your heart and for this purpose you
don‟t need to wait. Anytime anywhere you can talk to them by using your
Paktel GSM. When we belong to one nation, one country, one land and one
sky then why you wait to talk to your love ones. Our soul is one our heart
is one and we have only one body. Whenever the memory and
reminiscences of our loved one disturb us we can talk to them. Now
distance and boundaries doesn‟t matter. You can love of your loved ones
from all over the country. Although our destinations, aims and goals are
separate. But come and finish these distances and come close to each other.
And this is the voice of millions of Pakistanis

The communication of tango when compared to other products is very
poor. but there was a time when tango„s slogan “is say sastee sirf
khamoshee” attract a lot of clients towards them and Paktel earn quite a
large number of revenue from this but now this product completes its life
cycle and Paktel decided to finish this product from the market. The total
share of tango in the prepaid customers of GSM is about 3 to 4%.

Communication of U-Fone
Story of our Brand
Whoever you are
Where ever you are
Whatever you say
However you say it
Says a lot about you
What you feel
How you feel
Our focus is U.
Whatever you wish
However you wish
Because it’s all about U
Ufone says in the story of its brand that regardless of any cast, sect, or
gender Ufone serves you everywhere. Ufone does not discriminate among
persons. So it says, “ Whoever you are, wherever you are”. Ufone
communicates that anything a person says and how a person says it, it
“says a lot about you”. Ufone pays more attention to its customers. It
addresses to its customers directly and also those people that are not its
customers. It means that Ufone addresses both its current customers and
its potential customers. Ufone says that we communicate your feelings to
your loved ones and even we communicate through our services how you
feel. It says in its brand story that our focus is “you”. You mean their
valued customers.

In the next stanza it encourages people to use its services because it

provides the best possible value for the money, a customer is spending. It
then says that by providing such exciting services as GPRS that is not yet
provided by any other company, SMS, MMS, WAS and international
roaming. It connects you most beautifully to your loved ones. Through
GPRS it provides you opportunity to use Internet without having a
personal computer. You can now browse on the net on your cell phone.
Now you can visit exciting and informative websites without having a
laptop or PC. It provides you short messaging service not only locally but
also internationally so that you can remain in contact with any person
without spending a lot of money on calling. It provides you the
multimedia service so that you can show your emotions to your friends
and loved ones through colored pictures and emotions. Ufone has its
coverage in a lot of cities so that you can talk to any body without having
the problem of coverage. Ufone undertakes that it has an efficient and
friendly customer services. The Ufone people are always fond of helping
their customers. It serves its customers with a friendly smile. It has
friendly environment so that its customers may not face any problem.
Ufone says that we fulfill whatever and however you wish to
communicate. Now you can send your pictures, text messages and
emotions to show your feelings that how you feel about someone and
Ufone helps you communicate all these things and your wishes. It says
that we serve all these services to our valued customers because it‟s “ all
about U ” – the customers.

Brand Positioning
Ufone positions its brand very nicely. It says that because we understand
the needs and wants of our customers so we want to provide them the best
possible value for the money they are paying in terms of using our
connection. It undertakes that Ufone understands the4 wishes and the
feelings of its customers and the words they speak. So they communicates
the precious words and feelings of their customers in such a way they
want. They say that Ufone does all this because their customers matter
“more” to them than any other thing. It provides the best value to its
customers and it has developed such services only for its valued
customers, because its customers are its main focus. It provides a lot of
exciting value added services like SMS, MMS, WAS and international
roaming in such a way as to satisfy its valued customers.

T.V Commercial
Ufone has the best advertisement as compared to other companies because
it directly addresses its customers which it says “ Our valued customers “.
Ufone has advertised using all types of media like T.V, newspapers,
billboards, and brochures etc. But as we know that T.V is the most
attractive and most powerful source of advertisement, so Ufone also has
developed several attracting and fascinating T.V commercials.
In almost all of its T.V commercials it has taken young people. The main
theme of its commercials is “ Its all about U “. The basic colour scheme it
has used in all its advertisement including T.V ads is bright orange and
green colours. The combination of green and orange colours depicts
livelihood of people using Ufone. It means that people using Ufone enjoys
more exciting services like MMS and SMS and become more cheerful and
lively. It shows enthusiasm in its ads by casting young, energetic and
enthusiastic people. And its ads have a great positive impact on the young
generation because a lot of young people are using Ufone as compared to
the people of other age groups.

In its slogan “It‟s all about U”, that also remains the main part of its
T.V commercials, it directly addresses the people specially its customers.
The customers are more valuable for Ufone, and it wants to communicate
this thing through its commercials. It has adopted U- attitude in its
advertisement by directly hitting the customers in its slogan “ It‟s all about
U”. They are not concerned about the revenue generation rather their main
focus is their customers. They very nicely understand the needs and
feelings of their customers and very beautifully provide their customers
the opportunity to communicate these feelings by using exciting value
added services.

In the T.V commercial of Ufone we can see different relationships like

father and son, husband and wife, and many young girls and boys
chatting with one and others. All these sentimental relationships, which
are more important for especially those, people living in the east because it
is in our culture that we respect and love having relationships. So as in
Pakistan we give more importance to the relationships, Ufone has made
advantage from this fact and directly addresses customer‟s emotions that
are related to some special relationships. It shows in its commercials that
youngsters can now make fun and have pleasure by using the exciting
services Ufone is offering. They can send special logos and emotions to
their best friends and can show their love for their friends. A father can
talk to his son or daughter living in different cities and countries and in
this way he can show them how much he loves his children. People can
show their feelings by using Ufone because Ufone cares about its
customers and its customer‟s means a lot more to them than just a

In its name “Ufone” the word “U” can be taken to have two meanings.
The first meaning may be taken as by using “U” it is addressing the
customer directly and Ufone means that it is customer‟s own phone, which
he can use in the way he likes without any hesitation. This is the meaning
that is generally taken by a lot of people, the second meaning may be that
“Ufone” is a brand name and it‟s slogan “It‟s all about U” means that all
the exciting and excellent services are provided by Ufone and all the
qualities that are described in any type of its advertisement belongs to
Ufone. But this second meaning is not much fascinating and important
than the first one. Because every one in this world wants to be given some
importance and Ufone people also understands it very well. So giving
importance to their customers, they want to win their loyalty.

In its slogan “It‟s all about U”, that also remains the main part of its T.V
commercials, it directly addresses the people specially its customers. The
customers are more valuable for Ufone, and it wants to communicate this
thing through its commercials. It has adopted U- attitude in its
advertisement by directly hitting the customers in its slogan “ It‟s all about
U”. They are not concerned about the revenue generation rather their main
focus is their customers. They very nicely understand the needs and
feelings of their customers and very beautifully provide their customers
the opportunity to communicate these feelings by using exciting value
added services.

In the T.V commercial of Ufone we can see different relationships like

father and son, husband and wife, and many young girls and boys
chatting with one and others. All these sentimental relationships, which
are more important for especially those, people living in the east because it
is in our culture that we respect and love having relationships. So as in
Pakistan we give more importance to the relationships, Ufone has made
advantage from this fact and directly addresses customer‟s emotions that
are related to some special relationships. It shows in its commercials that
youngsters can now make fun and have pleasure by using the exciting
services Ufone is offering. They can send special logos and emotions to
their best friends and can show their love for their friends. A father can
talk to his son or daughter living in different cities and countries and in
this way he can show them how much he loves his children. People can
show their feelings by using Ufone because Ufone cares about its
customers and its customer‟s means a lot more to them than just a

In its name “Ufone” the word “U” can be taken to have two meanings.
The first meaning may be taken as by using “U” it is addressing the
customer directly and Ufone means that it is customer‟s own phone, which
he can use in the way he likes without any hesitation. This is the meaning
that is generally taken by a lot of people, the second meaning may be that
“Ufone” is a brand name and it‟s slogan “It‟s all about U” means that all
the exciting and excellent services are provided by Ufone and all the
qualities that are described in any type of its advertisement belongs to
Ufone. But this second meaning is not much fascinating and important
than the first one. Because every one in this world wants to be given some
importance and Ufone people also understands it very well. So giving
importance to their customers, they want to win their loyalty.
Comparison of Advertising of Mobilink & Paktel
The commercial of Paktel is quite attractive when compared to Mobilink.
The whole advertisement campaign is given to “Red Communications”.
Its T.V commercial of Paktel GSM has the budget about 10 million in
which different cultures and people are shown. But the slogan of Paktel
does not give any specific meaning .People can‟t understand what they
want to say until you will hear the whole song then you will able to get
some meaning. The ad has only colours but it is senseless. Paktel is
spending enormous money on its advertisement.

They telecasted the Paktel song on GEO T.V before 8 O‟ clock news
which is one of the most favourite T.V Channels for about one month. On
Eid-ul-Fitar Paktel commercial is repeated after every 5 minutes .It looked
that there was a competition and a tussle between U-Fone and Paktel and
each one try to dominate other .They sponsored the transmission of many
T.V channels as I.M. On Eid-ul-Azha Paktel sponsored many T.V
programmes on ARY and Indus Vision. But the question arises that is all
this create enough revenues? Is their advertisement budget is more then
the revenues they get? Is it effecting people decision making? Is Paktel
succeeding in snatching customers from the market leader? If yes then
why the customer base just increases from 351,170 to 488,343 in three
months? The difference is 137,173 averages of 45,724 and average sale of
connections per day is only 1,524 and Paktel according to market share is
still on 4th position.
The new T.V commercial of Mobilink Reshaping communication ad now
a days is very attractive. Now a day new Jazz ads are on air and new Jazz
ad is without any sense. They just want to glamorise the ad through the
presence of Emaan Ali which is also useless. Jazz is only brand in market
which attract the customer just by name it create its market so it does not
require such type of material. If they show the features of jazz then it will
be good idea but they haven‟t show any such thing . About a week a new
offer of Jazz is presented in newspaper of Rs 100 card which is also
preented by the same models of the new Jazz commercial. There was a
time when Mobilink T.V ad of Mobilink star was the most favourite T.V
commercial of many people. Its commercial of Mobilink Indigo is also very
attractive but Mobilink is penetrated and has made its position in the
market that it does not require a massive advertising. Its brand has made
position on the minds of people now every cell phone user is well aware of
Mobilink. The slogans of Mobilink are very popular, well known and well
understand. Mobilink is doing its advertising in a very systematic manner
so that its message has been given very quickly to different segments of the
society. Its market share has grown very significantly and captures about
60% of total Market share.

Comparison of Billboards of
When you will outside, you will see a lot of ads in the form of banners
and huge and gigantic billboards at many places attract your attention
automatically. There is huge billboard on the top of a century tower at
Kalma Chowk, which is one of the top places of advertisement in Lahore
where the view of the board is made from 4 sides. Mobilink occupy this
silver place from a long time whenever any new offer is given it is put over
there. Paktel is also not behind you will see there billboards at many places
as on Canal at Barket chowk, at Town ship entrance and at so many places.
Another huge billboard of Jazz is placed on Feozepur road. Ufone‟s
colourful billboard is placed at Mozang which is also one of the busiest
roads of Lahore .This billboard is about MMS services. A small look of that
gigantic board is shown below

What are the Print Ad Components

Print Ad Components

Words in the Leading Position of the Ad

Smaller Than the Headline, Larger Than the Copy

Body Copy:
The Main Text Portion of a Print Ad

Visual Elements:
Illustrations Such As Drawings or Photos

How Elements Are Blended Into a Finished Ad
Comparison of Print Media and Brochures
Mobilink advertises its various ads and slogans in routine in many
famous newspapers; now a days its very sentimental ad of reshapping
communication automatically attract the attention of the readers on the
front page of newspaper the new Jazz ad of Mobilink is coming in many
newspapers on front paper Paktel is not behind from Mobilink in any way.
Whenever any offer is given in the newspaper on the front paper and
sometimes full-page ad is given which automatically attract the attention
of people. . But about 15 to 20 days Paktal is out from newspaper and
Ufone when reduces its rate .They publish their ads on front page but
Mobilink is at the top as it never move its eyes form this important media.
And almost its adds are font page and occupy about ¼ of the page.
Sometimes Mobilink also advertise its full page ads in many famous

 Full page ads attract 6.3 times as much attention as half page ads
 Full page ads attract 11.9 times as much attention as double half column
 Full page ads attract 71.4 times as much attention as double quarter
column ads

This ad is published in dawn and in Jang newspaper on the front page

about 20-25 days before in which Mobilink is offering the mobile of the
Communication of U-Fone
In its slogan “It‟s all about U”, that also remains the main part of its T.V
commercials, it directly addresses the people specially its customers. The
customers are more valuable for Ufone, and it wants to communicate this
thing through its commercials. It has adopted U- attitude in its
advertisement by directly hitting the customers in its slogan “ It‟s all about
U”. They are not concerned about the revenue generation rather their main
focus is their customers. They very nicely understand the needs and
feelings of their customers and very beautifully provide their customers
the opportunity to communicate these feelings by using exciting value
added services.

In the T.V commercial of Ufone we can see different relationships like

father and son, husband and wife, and many young girls and boys
chatting with one and others. All these sentimental relationships, which
are more important for especially those, people living in the east because it
is in our culture that we respect and love having relationships. So as in
Pakistan we give more importance to the relationships, Ufone has made
advantage from this fact and directly addresses customer‟s emotions that
are related to some special relationships. It shows in its commercials that
youngsters can now make fun and have pleasure by using the exciting
services Ufone is offering. They can send special logos and emotions to
their best friends and can show their love for their friends. A father can
talk to his son or daughter living in different cities and countries and in
this way he can show them how much he loves his children. People can
show their feelings by using Ufone because Ufone cares about its
customers and its customer‟s means a lot more to them than just a

In its name “Ufone” the word “U” can be taken to have two meanings.
The first meaning may be taken as by using “U” it is addressing the
customer directly and Ufone means that it is customer‟s own phone, which
he can use in the way he likes without any hesitation. This is the meaning
that is generally taken by a lot of people, the second meaning may be that
“Ufone” is a brand name and it‟s slogan “It‟s all about U” means that all
the exciting and excellent services are provided by Ufone and all the
qualities that are described in any type of its advertisement belongs to
Ufone. But this second meaning is not much fascinating and important
than the first one. Because every one in this world wants to be given some
importance and Ufone people also understands it very well. So giving
importance to their customers, they want to win their loyalty.

Communication through colours

In Ufone you will see the beautiful and bright colours of Orange and
Green. The orange colour shows pleasure, optimism, open-mind, youth,
sociability, health, self-confidence, power, lasting warmth, colour of the
Caribbean, the cheerful open-minded meeting, shining, hearty, ripe, full,
alive, well-rounded, blazing, warm, youthful and vain as well Unlike
green and purple, which are known as independent colours with their own
symbolism, the orange colour always remained as a subordinated mix-
colour in the European culture.

Here it mean the cheerful open-minded meeting .It is actually the

meeting of the Ufone customers and the ufone which brings love and open
new horizons of communication. Ufone is facilitating its customer in such
a manner that they feel delighted as well as satisfied. It brings the warmth
of relations among different sects of society. In short Ufone attract its
customers by its customer focus strategy.

Advertising Trend
Top Ten TV Advertisers
Top Ten Advertisers for Print Media

Top ten Brands for Print Media

Mobile communication companies came out as top advertisers during Eid

time as there is still a lot of potential for growth in this sector and
consumer base is expanding with each passing day.

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