Week 26 - What Do Christian Scientists Believe

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What do Christian Scientists believe? Genesis 1:26-30; 2:15-17; Colossians 1:16-20 October 29-November 2, 2012 Monday: Christian Science is very different from Christianity. Founded in 1875 by Mary Baker Eddy, they believe that God is an impersonal principal of life, truth, love, intelligence and spirit. They believe that nothing exists other than God. Everything else, all matter, is just an illusion. Christian Science looks to the Bible, but they pick and choose what they would like to believe. Read Genesis 1 What do we see God creating? If God created everything we see or touch, could it be an illusion? Tuesday: Christian Science is a cult that puts big focus on psychic healing. They believe that a person needs to realize that there is no illness because there is no matter. They do not use doctors, medicine, or immunizations. Christian Science Practitioners are used to help people through the false reality of illness. The founder of Christian Science claims she was healed this way. She claims she suddenly improved, yet her symptoms later returned. What is wrong with this view? Where does it place the power? Wednesday: Christian Science does not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh because God can never become man. He did not suffer and could not suffer for sins. He did not die on the cross. And He did not resurrect. They claim that He appeared to die on the cross, but was alive in the tomb and that He did not die. Read 1 Peter 3:18 What does this verse say about death? What does that mean for the faith of a Christian if Jesus never died? Thursday: Christian Science believes that humanity is already eternally saved and that there is no need for a savior. They believe that sin, evil, sickness, and death are not real. They teach a salvation based on works. They believe there is no final judgment. Read Hebrews 9:27 What do followers of Jesus believe about a judgment day? What do followers of Jesus believe will happen at judgment day? Friday: Christian Science as a cult believes that death is not real. Heaven and hell are states of mind. They believe the way to reach heaven is by attaining harmony or oneness with God. What do Christians believe about where a person will spend eternity? Read John 14:6 What does this verse say about the way to reach heaven? What would you talk to a Christian Science believer about? How would you point them towards the truth about Jesus and away from their beliefs?

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