BBDT Tools and Tactics Lesson Plan

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BBDT Tools and Tactics Lesson Plan - Outline Block 1 Footwork- Circular ( Wrestling and MT) Advance, retreat

Shadow Box - Their Skills

Class will take for of airwork, pad work ( or any equipment we have) , partner drills


Index Palm, Palm Strike Palm Strike, Knee Index Palm, Plum Knee Index Palm, Grab Knee, Same side kick Block 2 Repeat Above Block 1 Then Elbow R&L Upward Diagonal, Downward Diagonal R&L Palm Strike, Elbow with same hand Other side Also, I am thinking all partner drills to be done against a wall axis backward, for disguised repitition. Class Format Notes In a 45 Min Class ( I assumed here the A/V Pres. would be within the 15 mins to make an hour) Introduction / Warm up ( Footwordk etc) 7 Mins Stretch 3 Mins

High Energy Drill ( Combat Cal/ Tac Fit ) 10 mins Substance Drill ( Where we explain and teach and ask them to perform) 10mins Here we can do Combos in Air and on Pads 2 x 3min rounds = 6mins out of total 10 Partner Drill 7 mins High energy drill with Partner - Burpees to hitting etc : 6mins End - closing remarks, homework , good job etc, 4 mins

show details Aug 28 4 rounds: 4min each 15 Burpees 10 each person- Saving private ryan vs SPEAR pushup with partner doing push up on your Saving private ryan Mountain Climbers 1 min Pop up in guard with pick up partner.... back and forth Initial Talk: Now that you understand your legl position and the responsibilities of your job, what happens when push comes to shove? When the stress of the encounter before or during that ambush moment, makes you freeze, or fluster what you can otherwise do under normal circumstances. When faced with a threat the emotional and psychological burden is so high and never before been trained. And we see this on the field with LEA's missing their first couple shots in a shootout and hitting high in the ceiling e.g. So what we are tapping into is that 1st 2 sec of the fight when we are entering the emotional inertia and how we can train and replicate high stress and our complex skills under that stress, both physical and non physical. That's why the system is the fastest way to learn combat skills guaranteed. because it allows immersion for real learning to take place and does not force memorization. Because it taps into your suirvival instincts you can call on these responses under high stress and it will stay with you a lot longer even after some time of not training. It's high percentage of success makes it perfect for your situation and that's what your gonna do today and throughout the rest of the training time with us...

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