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LLI In Brief
A Newsletter of the Law and Leadership Institute, LLC

In this issue
LLI Student Serves as Senate Page P.1

The Law and Leadership Institute, LLC is a state-wide initiative in collaboration with the legal community that inspires and prepares students from underserved communities for post-secondary and professional success through a comprehensive four-year academic program in law, leadership, analytical thinking, problem solving, writing skills and professionalism. William Clayton, a Cleveland School of Science and Medicine junior, and LLI Class of 2014 student was appointed to the Senate Page Program by United States Senator Sherrod Brown. In a press release from Senator Browns office, dated August 29, 2012, he stated that, William is a hard-working, driven, and talented young man, and I look forward to working with him in the United States Senate, Senator Brown went on to say "His (Williams) successes in the

Spotlights and News P.2 College Access and Current Events P.3 Calendar of LLI Events P.4

LLI Junior, William Clayton, Appointed to U.S. Senate Page Program

Cleveland School of Science and Medicine Principal Edward Weber said, This achievement reflects the hard work of our teachers and students every day. It is a wonderful opportunity for William! William has a 4.3 grade point average at the Cleveland School of Science and Medicine. Additionally, he is part of The Ohio State Universitys Young Scholars Program. Following graduation, William plans to attend The Ohio State University on a full scholarship and study psychology. He also plans to obtain his law degree and practice law in the field of Health Law. When asked what advice he would give to other students who want to apply for competitive When asked about the appointment, as one of only thirty pages nationwide this fall, William said he learned about the page program through his Guidance Counselor and Physics teacher. William said he felt prepared for the Senate Page Program because of the help of his school as well as his instructors from LLI. William says he plans to use this experience to better himself as a student and to get a better understanding of how government functions. According to Senator Browns website, the Senate Page Program is highly competitive. Only a small number of students that apply are accepted. While serving during the school year, Senate Pages earn a modest salary, live in Page Residence buildings and attend the Senate Page School. positions William said, ...confidence is essential as well as being yourself.


Some students have sports. LLI is my thing; LLI is my sport!



a participant

in the Law


Leadership Institute, and in Mock Trial and Moot Court have prepared him well for his upcoming term on Capitol Hill. Only a small fraction of students are awarded the opportunity to serve as a Senate page, and I know that William will represent Ohio and Cleveland well over the course of the page program.

Law and Leadership Institute, LLC 1700 Lake Shore Drive Columbus, Ohio 43204 614.485.3503 ph. 614.485.3075 fax Twitter - @LLInstitute Facebook - :

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Stuart F. Cubbon
Cubbon and Associates - Toledo, Ohio Stu Cubbon, first served LLI in 2009 as a volunteer in Toledo where he assisted in securing LLI student law firm internships for LLI students. Shortly thereafter, he was appointed to LLIs Board of Directors. Currently Mr. Cubbon serves as LLIs Treasurer.

2012 Summer Institute Stats 418 Students enrolled 83 Law students and educators 174 LLI Juniors and Seniors went on 23 college tours 117 LLI Sophomores interned in 50 firms Statewide, LLI hosted more than 240 guest speakers

Cleveland LLI Students Attend Supreme Court of Ohio Offsite Court

LLI students from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Law and John Hay High School attended a Supreme Court of Ohio Offsite Court Session. The Supreme Courts Off-Site Court program is designed to educate high school students and other Ohioans across the state about Ohio's judicial system. LLI Executive Director, Hope Sharett stated that, It was an honor to have the Supreme Court of Ohio accommodate our LLI students in such a remarkable learning experience. Our students had the unique opportunity to witness a real oral argument before the states highest court. The case, D.W. v. T.L., Case no. 2011-1979 Twelfth District Court of Appeals (Clinton County), case involved a dispute between two unmarried parents and the selection of their childs legal last name. LLI students were debriefed by CWRU law student Sana Ahmed (standing) and the oral argument attorneys Ginger Bock, (seated) for the appellant and Neal Duiker, (seated) for the appellee. Seats for the offsite program were reserved for local attorneys, law school faculty, and a lucky few law students who earned their seats through a lottery.

Samil Pullen
2L, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Ms. Pullen, a coach for the Mentoring Collaborative Student Association , was instrumental in planning the 2012 LLI Summer Institute Leadership conference. Ms. Pullen and fellow collaborative members mentor LLI students at OSU. Ms. Pullen is a dual degree candidate for a 2012 Juris Doctor and Masters of Arts in Public Affairs.


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Kimvy Nguyen
Junior, LLI Cleveland Miss Nguyen, a Cleveland LLI student at Case Western Reserve University and Junior at John Hay Early College, has been recognized as an exceptional writer. Miss Nguyen won $500 in the Cleveland 2012 Summer Institute Essay contest, and recently won the 2012 Yale Book Award for outstanding academic achievement.

Upcoming Sessions of the Academic Year Program

Mike Chapman, Owner Akron 10/20/12 12p-5pm Cincinnati 10/20/12 10/20/12 9am-2pm 9am-2pm ColumbusCapital ClevelandCWRU 10/20/12 10am3p CSUs Cleveland-Marshall

LLI and Chapman College Admission Consulting LLC Join Forces for College Access
LLI continues to provide its students with dynamic educational opportunities to help them become highly competitive college applicants. LLI and Mike Chapman, OSU graduate and owner of College Admission Consulting, in Powell, Ohio have partnered to bring LLI Juniors and Seniors, customized Each four hour workshop will focus on admissions and financial aid. Parents, who college access workshops. Workshops will be held in Akron, Columbus and Dayton. Remaining LLI sites will be served through the support of the Ohio College Access Network during Spring 2013. Mr. Chapman has over ten years of experience working in higher education administration, most of which were in admissions and financial aid. have been instructed to bring financial aid material and questions will join students during the financial aid segment.

10/20/12 10:30am-3:30pm Dayton 10/27/12 11:304:30pm OSU 10/27/12 10/20/12 10am3pm 12 pm-4:40 pm Toledo

Thank you!
LLI Would like to thank the Supreme Court of Ohio for its grant award totaling $50,000. AND the Columbus Bar Association Alliance for its $10,000 contribution.


Congratulations to LLI Board

Member and Secretary, Lisa Eschleman on her recent appointment as the LLI at Capital University -July 26, 2012 Mock Trial at US District Court in Columbus, OH. Executive Director of the Ohio Center for Law Related Education.

LLI Statewide Administration Hope M. Sharett, Esq. Executive Director Reina M. Sims, MSA Deputy Director Robin Hegedus, MBA Accountant Law School Administrators University of Akron School of Law Joann Sahl Capital University Law School Darren Nealy Case Western Reserve University School of Law Andrew Plumb-Larrick University of Cincinnati College of Law Michele Bradley Cleveland State Universitys Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Anthony Scott University of Dayton School of Law Maureen Anderson The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Dean Kathy Northern University of Toledo College of Law Marilyn Preston

Community Events and Volunteer Opportunities

10/27/12 LLI Akron to host College Admission Workshop for LLI juniors, seniors and their Parents. For more information contact Joann Sahl at 11/3/12 LLI students at the University of Toledo and UT law student to attend homecoming football game. 1pm6pm. Contact LLI Administrator Marilyn Preston for more details at: 11/10/12 LLI Dayton to host College Admission Workshop for LLI juniors, seniors and their Parents. For more information contact Maureen Anderson at 12/12/12 - LLI Board of Directors Meeting 1700 Lake Shore Drive, Columbus, OH 43204 12/22/12LLI at Cleveland (Cleveland-Marshall) will food baskets for those in need. Contact Anthony Scott for more details at Jan. 2013 LLI students at Capital University and the Capital University community will attend an MLK Day of Learning. For more details contact Darren Nealy at

Yo u c a n f o l lo w u s o n T w it t e r @ L L in s t it u t e L L I is ma d e p o s s ib le in p a r t , b y g r a n t s f r o m t h e O h i o St a t e B a r F o u n d a t i o n a n d t h e L aw S c h o o l Ad m i s s i o n C o u n c i l a n d o t h e r p u b l i c a n d p r i va t e s u p p o rt e r s L L I is s u p p o r t e d b y A L L 9 o f O h io s la w s c h o o ls D o n a t io n s t o L L I, a 5 0 1 ( c ) ( 3 ) n o n pr o f it , a r e t a x d e d u c t i b l e c h ar it a b le C o n t r ib u t io n s Yo u c a n e -ma il u s a t : L L I@ la wa n d le a d e r s h ip . o r g a n d le t u s kn o w t h a t yo u r e In t e r e s t e d in v o lu n t e e r in g

LLI In Brief Issue 08 Fall 2012

1700 Lake Shore Drive Columbus, Ohio 43204

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