Finance and Administration Committee Agenda

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Vision: The City of Greater Sudbury is a growing, world-class community bringing talent, technology and a great northern lifestyle


Finance and Administration Committee
meetingtobeheld Tuesday,October23rd,2012

at 6:00 pm


Finance and Administration Committee Meeting

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tom Davies Square


Frances Caldarelli, Vice-Chair

6:00 p.m. or 30 minutes after the adjournment of the Audit Committee Meeting (whichever is earlier)


Council and Committee Meetings are accessible. For more information regarding accessibility, please call 3-1-1 or email





1. Report dated October 17, 2012 from the Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer regarding 2013 Capital Budget Overview. (ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION) (RECOMMENDATION PREPARED)
(This report provides information regarding the 2013 Capital Budget and the 2014 to 2017 Capital Budget outlook.)

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2. Infrastructure Services 2013 Capital Budget Overview (ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) Tony Cecutti, General Manager of Infrastructure Services 3. Community Development 2013 Capital Budget Overview (ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) Catherine Matheson, General Manager of Community Development 4. Emergency Services 2013 Capital Budget Overview (ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) Tim Beadman, Chief of Emergency Services 5. Administrative Services 2013 Capital Budget Overview (ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) Caroline Hallsworth, Executive Director, Administrative Services/City Clerk 6. Growth and Development 2013 Capital Budget Overview (ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) Bill Lautenbach, General Manager of Growth and Development


7. The Chair of the Finance Committee will review each of the items placed in the Parking Lot. The consensus of Council will be required for each item listed in the Parking Lot.

(Two-thirds majority required to proceed past 9:00 p.m.)








Request for Decision

2013 Capital Budget Overview

Presented To: Finance and Administration Committee Presented: Report Date Type: Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 Wednesday, Oct 17, 2012 Presentations

THAT the Finance and Administration Committee accept the report dated October 17, 2012 and approve the 2013 Capital Budget as included in Appendix A in the amount of $106,910,586 which is funded as follows: Contribution from the Operating Budget of $38,012,172; Contribution from Water and Wastewater user fees of $24,635,812; Federal Gas Tax of $9,959,527; Provincial Gas Tax of $1,776,236; Contributions from CGS reserve and reserve funds of $25,562,243; Funding from Government Grants of $1,286,263; Funding from Third Party Recoveries of $233,333;

Signed By

Report Prepared By Apryl Lukezic Co-ordinator of Capital Digitally Signed Oct 17, 12 Recommended by the Department Lorella Hayes Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer Digitally Signed Oct 17, 12 Recommended by the C.A.O. Doug Nadorozny Chief Administrative Officer Digitally Signed Oct 17, 12

Internal Financing of $5,445,000 be approved for projects to be completed in 2013 and be repaid from future capital envelopes and Water and Wastewater user fees in 2014 to 2015; AND THAT Council approve the necessary contributions from reserves and reserve funds for specific projects as identified in the 2013 Capital Budget included in Appendix A; THAT Council accept the 2013 Police Services Capital Budget; AND THAT the remainder of the 2014 to 2017 Capital Outlook be accepted for information for staff to use as a planning tool.

Finance Implications
The 2013 Capital Budget includes an increase to capital envelopes in the amount of $2.4M which will be funded by $1.4M from the tax levy and $1M from Water and Wastewater user fees.

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Overview The purpose of this report is to provide the Finance and Administration Committee with an overview of the 2013 Capital Budget including Water, Wastewater and Police. In addition, staff have prepared the 2014 to 2017 Capital Budget Outlook for the Committees review. Staff will use this 4 year outlook to commence any necessary preparatory work on upcoming capital projects. The 2013 base Capital Budget does not include any capital budget options as these will be presented during the Operating Budget deliberations. The 2013 Capital Budget including Water/Wastewater Services and Police Services is $106.9 million. This represents an increase of $11.1 million from the final 2012 Capital Budget. Please refer to Appendix A for the detail list of capital projects included in the 2013 Capital Budget request and the outlook for 2014 to 2017. Key Highlights of 2013 to 2017 Capital Budget Base Capital Envelopes The Capital Policy provides authority for the Capital Envelopes funded from the tax levy which specifies capital allocations to the operating departments by specific function, such as Roads, Buildings, Information Technology, etc. In addition, capital envelopes are established for Water and Wastewater and are funded from user fees. There are continued capital funding pressures due to the age and condition of the Citys infrastructure assets that require replacements and/or improvements in addition to residential, commercial and industrial growth demands. The 2013 capital envelopes have increased by the Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index (NRBCPI) of 4.1% based on the amended Capital Policy and By-Law. Before the 2012 Capital Budget and in accordance with the Long Term Financial Plan, capital envelopes were increased annually by a 2% inflationary factor. For 2013, the increase of capital envelopes based on NRBCPI equates to an overall increase to the tax levy of approximately $1,400,000, and has been applied on a prorated share to each capital envelope. In addition, the 4.1% has been applied to the Water and Wastewater Envelopes and equates to approximately $970,000 increase to the W/WW user fees. The increase to total envelope funding (including W/WW and Police) provided through the base operating budget and capital levy since 2003 is as follows:
2003 Capital Envelopes - $32.0 million 2004 Capital Envelopes - $34.1 million 2005 Capital Envelopes - $39.6 million - includes capital levy increase of $3.2M 2006 Capital Envelopes - $44.5 million - includes capital levy increase of $3.3M 2007 Capital Envelopes - $47.4 million - includes capital levy increase of $0.8M 2008 Capital Envelopes - $52.4 million - includes capital levy increase of $3.7M 2009 Capital Envelopes - $54.8 million - includes capital levy increase of $0.0M 2010 Capital Envelopes - $51.7 million - includes prior year permanent reduction of $5.0M 2011 Capital Envelopes - $55.1 million 2012 Capital Envelopes - $60.1 million 2013 Capital Envelopes - $62.6 million

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Roads and Drains Capital Budget The Roads and Drains 2013 Capital Budget is approximately $37 million (2012 - $37 million) and represents almost 35% of the capital budget. Almost $10.6 million relates for road expansions and intersection improvements which consists of $7 million for the Lasalle Notre Dame Intersection Improvements, annual funding for Maley Drive project and funding for the Industrial Land Strategy. In addition, there is $8.2 million for replacement of existing arterial and collector roads, $6 million for replacement of existing local roads and $4.5 million for various bridges and culverts.

Maley Drive The 2013 to 2017 Capital budget includes an allocation of $2.6 million per year, for the Maley Drive project. Funds set aside from previous budgets will be expended on completion of the engineering, property acquisitions, and utility relocations. Funds included in the 2013 to 2017 Capital budget will be included in a committed reserve towards the future construction costs. This allocation of $2.6 million would closely approximate the annual debt repayments for 1/3 of the total project costs, should the Federal and Provincial governments approve 2/3 capital funding. If this project is approved, external debt financing will be required.

Municipal Roads, Structures and Related Infrastructure 10 Year Financial Plan Based on the 10 Year Financial Plan as presented to Council on July 10, 2012, there is an overall infrastructure deficit of $700 million with an annual investment requirement in operating and capital of approximately $117 million to be sustainable. Currently, the combined funding for operating and capital is approximately $75 million with a funding gap of $42 million. This funding gap of $42 million consists of $38 million for Capital and $4 million for Operating. Furthermore, Roads would require an additional $6.2 million in capital funding each year for the next 10 years to close the identified capital funding gap and address the impacts of inflation. This long term financial plan included debt financing for the growth related capital projects. As Roads Infrastructure has been identified as a key priority, the Finance and Administration Committee requested that the 2013 Budget to include budget options for increased spending in roads operating and capital infrastructure needs based on the 10 year financial plan.

Water A significant portion of the capital budget is for watermain replacements in the amount of $10.8M which includes the following projects planned in 2013: Regent Street in the amount of $2.2M; Kelly Lake Road in the amount of $1.465M; Kingsway in the amount of $1M; and Lasalle Notre Dame Avenue intersection improvements in the amount of $1M. Typically, the timing of watermain replacement projects is coordinated with timing of Roads capital projects.

Wastewater Similar to the capital budget for water, there are sewermain replacements budgeted at $5M and includes the following projects planned in 2013: Charette Street in the amount of $1M; Kingsway in the amount of $500K; and Lasalle Notre Dame intersection improvements in the amount of $1M. There are significant projects relating to the wastewater plants in the amount of $14.2M which includes additional funding for the

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projects relating to the wastewater plants in the amount of $14.2M which includes additional funding for the Sudbury WWTP Headhouse Construction in the amount of $6M in 2013 and design/contract administration for the Walden WWTP Expansion Upgrades in the amount of $4.7M as well as the Valley East WWTP Dechlorination Construction in the amount of $1.75M. Procurement for the Biosolids Facility at the Sudbury Wastewater Treatment Plant is nearing completion and it is expected that a recommendation to award the project will be presented to Council in this fall. This project will be debt financed by the City and the successful bidder and the 2013 and future budgets have a provision of $2.2 million for capital debt repayment.

Water and Wastewater Long Term Financial Plan The Long Term Financial Plan for Water and Wastewater recommended that capital expenditures should approximate 2% of the projected replacement value of the City's water and wastewater assets to be sustainable. For 2013 that amount would be $51.4 million, and by 2021 that amount should be increased to $64 million, once inflation is taken into account. The Plan recommended a smoothed annual rate increase of 7.4% which would effectively phase-in the required increase in capital spending to achieve 2% of the projected replacement value. The total 2013 Capital Budget is $40.3 million (2012 - $36 million) or 38% of total Capital Budget. This increase is due to one-time contributions from water and wastewater reserve funds and internal financing. In accordance with the Long Term Financial Plan for WWW, capital budget enhancement options will be provided to the Finance and Administration Committee during the WWW budget deliberations scheduled for November 28, 2012.

Federal Gas Tax The annual Federal Gas Tax revenues are intended to fund environmentally sustainable municipal infrastructure projects that promote clean air, clean water, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions within eligible categories (transit, roads & bridges, water, wastewater, solid waste, capacity building and community energy systems). Roads were identified as the largest unfunded area and consistently garnered public input to provide a better transportation network. In addition, Water and Wastewater is another significant unfunded area that requires additional funding based on the presentation of the Water and Wastewater Long Term Financial Plan during 2011. Consistent with prior year, staff continues to recommend that Federal Gas Tax revenues of approximately $8.0 million be allocated to Roads with another $2.0 million allocated to Water and Wastewater. This allocation is also reflected in the Capital Budget from 2014 to 2017 for both areas.

Transit and Fleet Garage As approved by Council, the City of Greater Sudbury has acquired the facility located at 1160 Lorne Street for use by Transit and Fleet Services departments. It is anticipated that construction will commence during 2013 and be completed by 2014 and the funding of the annual debt repayment for the facility located is estimated as follows: (a) $356,090 funded from Provincial Gas Tax revenues and (b) remainder funded from combination of Capital Envelope, and an annual contribution from the Development Charges Reserve

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from combination of Capital Envelope, and an annual contribution from the Development Charges Reserve Fund.

Provincial Gas Tax Provincial Gas Tax revenues received by the City is determined from the total provincial gas tax funding available which is allocated to each municipality based on ridership and population growth and are to be used for public transit expenditures. This funding has not been identified by the Provincial Government to be a permanent funding source for municipalities, however, has been on-going since 2004. Within the 2013-2017 Capital Budget, these funds have been forecasted to remain stable and are used towards bus replacements and debt repayments for the acquisition/renovation of the facility located at 1160 Lorne Street.

Chelmsford Family Health Team Building Renovations Building renovations to establish the Chelmsford Family Health Team is estimated at $1.3 million to be started in 2013. The estimated capital costs are planned to be paid through estimated funding from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care in the amount of $650,000 and another $650,000 from the Leisure/Citizen Services capital envelope based on an assumed 50/50 cost sharing agreement. This project will proceed once funding is approved by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) As approved by Council on August 14, 2012, the City has applied for funding through the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) for two projects. The first project is to install additional hard seats at the Grace Hartman Amphitheatre at an estimated cost of $1,210,000 and is proposed to be funded with $402,930 from CIIF and the remainder of $807,070 from the Capital Financing Reserve Fund Citizen and Leisure Services. The second project is to convert all Downtown Streetlights to LED lights at an estimated cost of $700,000 and is proposed to be funded with $233,333 from CIIF, $233,333 from the Sudbury Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) Association and $233,334 from the Roads - capital envelope. These two capital projects along with potential funding from CIIF as well as the Sudbury Downtown BIA has been included within the 2013 Capital Budget and will proceed if funding is approved through the CIIF program.

Sudbury Landfill Site Cell Closure There are estimated costs of $1.6M for closure of a southern and northern cell at the Sudbury Landfill Site which will be funded from the Environmental Services capital envelope as well as a contribution from the Capital Financing Reserve Fund Solid Waste.

Farmer's Market Included within the Assets 2013 Capital Budget is the relocation/renovation of Farmer's Market in the amount of $3.3 million. This is funded from the proceeds from Laurentian University on the sale of the existing Farmer's Market as well as additional contribution towards the relocation project. These funds will

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existing Farmer's Market as well as additional contribution towards the relocation project. These funds will be included within the Capital Financing Reserve Fund - Committed - General when the sale is completed.

Tom Davies Square Complex (Excluding 199 Larch Street) Included within the Assets 2013 Capital Budget is approximately $1 million of capital projects for Tom Davies Square Complex (excluding 199 Larch Street) out of the total capital envelope of $1.5 million. As there are capital needs for several City owned facilities, funds were drawn from the Capital Financing Reserve Fund Buildings in the amount of $335,000 and borrowing from future years capital envelopes of $405,000 in order to fund required projects to be completed during 2013. There have been reports on the conditions of existing buildings and additional reports planned during 2013 that will provide the current capital requirements of facilities which may require additional capital funding in the future.

199 Larch Street There are several capital projects to be completed for the 199 Larch Street building for which there is not sufficient funding available in the 199 Larch Street Reserve Fund. Therefore, the reserve fund balance will be nil and will be funded up to approximately $686,000 from the Capital Financing Reserve Fund General and will be repaid once there are sufficient revenues with the 199 Larch Street Reserve Fund. Based on the 10 year capital plan for 199 Larch Street, it is estimated that the borrowed funds will be repaid to the Capital Financing Reserve Fund - General by the year 2021.

Industrial Park Strategy During 2011, Council provided direction to proceed with detailed design and environmental assessment for two Industrial Park areas, specifically Lasalle/Elisabella and Fielding Road. The project for Lasalle/Elisabella Industrial Park will not be proceeding due to lack of cost sharing agreement between the City of Greater Sudbury and the benefitting landowners. The environmental assessment for the Fielding Road project is ongoing. Currently, there are funds set aside for future Industrial Park Strategy projects in the amount of $5.6M which consists of $1.6M available within the Industrial Park Reserve Fund, as well as a combined amount of $4M from the 2012/2013 Capital Budgets from Roads ($2M), Water ($1M) and Wastewater ($1M). Furthermore, there is $200,000 capital envelope set aside annually to be used towards any Industrial Land Strategy projects in the future.

Fire Like many other City departments, the capital funding envelopes are not sufficient to cover the annual replacement costs of the assets. As a result of the urgent priority need to replace all of the self-contained breathing apparatus units, the 2013 Capital budget recommends that these capital additions be funded by a $1.8 million contribution from the Capital Financing Reserve Fund - General. In addition, as recommended by the Ontario Fire Marshall (OFM), there is a need for a Records Management System which has been included in the 2013 capital budget and it is recommended that this be funded by a $250,000 contribution from the Capital Financing Reserve Fund - General.

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Communications Infrastructure Replacement As previously communicated with Council on June 12, 2012, the replacement of the Greater Sudbury Police, Fire/Transit radio system will be completed in 2013/2014 and will be paid for from funds previously set aside for this purpose with the remainder to be debt financed using the Communications Infrastructure Replacement capital envelope that is included within the Police Services capital budget.

Contingency During 2012, Council approved an amended Capital Policy which explained the use of contingency as follows: An operating department may identify a single line in the capital budget as a contingency. This contingency is available to support priority projects for which there is no existing budget, including repairs, rehabilitation/replacement or expansion of existing assets. It can also be used to support projects already identified in the capital budget, but which require additional funding in accordance with Section 3.3.2 of this policy. A contingency budget cannot be used to fund a project that is categorized as a New capital project or a scope change to a New capital project if the amount is greater than $50,000 without Council approval. There are single lines throughout the 2013-2017 Capital Budget as contingency and will be used by operating departments based on the explanation above.

Public Input Related Budget Enhancement Requests At the September 18, 2012 Council meeting, staff tabled a report Update on 2013 Budget Public Input Options which recapped for Council of the process for Budget options. This report included a summary of capital related public input submissions along with staff comments. Staff reviewed and prioritized the submissions within the base capital funding envelopes. These requests were either funded within the 5 year capital budget or reflected as unfunded. The requests funded within the 2013 capital budget are the Elgin Street Greenway for $75,000 and the Junction Creek Waterway Park for $67,750. At this meeting and consistent with prior years, the Finance and Administration Committee has the opportunity to provide direction to increase the Citys investment in capital or alter the capital priorities during review of the entire list of capital priorities. Any capital budget enhancement options will be brought forward during the operating budget deliberations.

Approval for Internal Financing Inclusive of the 2013 budget, it is recommended that expenditures totalling $5.445 million be approved for internal financing. These funds relate to projects within Assets ($405,000) and Wastewater Services ($5.04 million). These funds will be internally financed by borrowing from the capital and reserve funds and repaid through contributions from the 2014 through 2015 capital envelopes. Please refer to Appendix B for a detailed listing of these internally financing projects.

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Previously Approved Internal Financing/Debt Financing As of September 2012, there is approximately $44.7M of projects that have been approved and will require debt financing. Please refer to Appendix B for details. The projects include Transit/Fleet Garage, Communications Infrastructure, Countryside Arena, Levack Water Supply, South Branch Library, Centre Lionel E. Lalonde Centre, and New Valley Wells. To date, these projects have been financed internally and funds will be repaid from future capital envelopes and/or development charges.

Proposed Projects with Debt Financing within 2013-2017 Capital Budget Outlook In addition, there are significant capital projects included within the 2013-2017 Capital Budget Outlooks that required debt financing in excess of $76M. Please refer to Appendix C for details. During the remainder of 2012 and as these projects proceed in 2013 and 2014, staff will be monitoring external borrowing rates to determine the most cost effective balance of internal and external debt financing.

Debt Policy The City's Capital Policy and By-Law (Section 2.2.6) outlines the City's policy on debt financing. In light of the anticipated capital projects and capital needs facing the municipality, staff are recommending that Council adopt a Debt Management Policy. This policy would provide guidelines for the City to manage appropriate levels of debt. Staff will be preparing this policy for Council's approval in 2013.

SUMMARY The Finance and Administration Committees approval is being sought regarding the capital priorities presented in the 2013 Capital Budget and the 2014 to 2017 Capital Outlook as per Appendix A attached to this report. During operating budget deliberations in November, staff will be presenting budget enhancement options for increased capital spending in Roads and Water/Wastewater. Should the Finance and Administration Committee recommend increasing capital funding in other areas, a budget option can be prepared.

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Appendix A 1/68

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Appendix A 2/68

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Appendix A 3/68

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Appendix A 4/68

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Appendix A 5/68

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Appendix A 6/68

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Appendix A 7/68

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Appendix A 8/68

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Appendix A 9/68

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Appendix A 10/68

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Appendix B 1/1
Capital Project Remaining Portion to be Financed Remaining Repayment Period Source of Funds $ $ $ $ $ 5,445,000



Projects to be Approved within 2013 Capital Budget Tom Davies Square - Concourse Membrane / Planter Boxes / Grassed Area Waterproofing Growth & Development - Assets 200,000 205,000 4,700,000 340,000 2014 2014

Growth & Development - Assets Infrastructure - Wastewater

Tom Davies Square - Roof Replacement / Sloped Roof

Walden WWTP Expansion Upgrades (Design & Contract Administration / Inspection)

Infrastructure - Wastewater

Sudbury WWTP Upgrades - Standby Power (Design & Contract Administration / Inspection)

Capital Envelopes Capital Envelopes 2014 - 2015 Wastewater User Fees (Capital Envelopes) 2014 Wastewater User Fees (Capital Envelopes)

Previously Approved Projects Internal Loan Completed Projects Community Development Community Development Emergency Measures Infrastructure - Water Infrastructure - Water Infrastructure - Water $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 375,000 11,580,000 4,502,563 6,851,533 23,309,096 2013 - 2022 2014 - 2032 2013 - 2023 2013 - 2022 5,539,707 3,371,734 2,844,366 2,408,846 3,500,000 656,340 18,320,993 2013 - 2035 2013 - 2031 2013 - 2021 2013 - 2015 2013 - 2018 2013

Countryside Arena South Branch Library Lionel E. Lalonde Centre Levack Water Supply New Valley Wells Wanapitei WTP Upgrades - Phase 1

Capital Envelopes, Development Charges Capital Envelopes, Development Charges Operating Water User Fees (Capital Envelopes) Water User Fees (Capital Envelopes) Water User Fees (Capital Envelopes)

Projects in Progress Community Development - Cemeteries Infrastructure - Transit - Fleet Infrastructure - Wastewater Police

Civic Memorial Cemetery Mausoleum - Phase 5 1160 Lorne Street Garage Sudbury WWTP Upgrades - Headhouse Construction & Standby Power Design Communications Infrastructure - Police Radio System

Cemetery Reserve Fund Capital Envelopes, Development Charges, Provincial Gas Tax Wastewater User Fees (Capital Envelopes) Capital Envelopes

Whitson Paquette Drain

Future Capital Envelopes Infrastructure - Roads - Drains Infrastructure - Roads - Drains Infrastructure - Roads - Drains Infrastructure - Water

Horizon Stormwater Management Facility Countryside Stormwater Pond

Third Ave (Lively) - Philip Street to West End

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,700,000 450,000 250,000 700,000 3,100,000 44,730,089 50,175,089

2013 - 2016 2013 - 2015 2013 - 2015 2013

Capital Envelopes Capital Envelopes Capital Envelopes Water User Fees (Capital Envelopes)

Subtotal Previously Approved Projects


Note 1: Total of these projects represents the amount of $5,445,000 for Capital Envelopes - Future Years on 2013 Capital Budget Summary

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Appendix C 1/1
Capital Project Remaining Portion to be Financed Remaining Repayment Period Wanapitei WTP - Phase 3 Construction Hanmer Water Storage Tank and Piping (Construction) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 24,368,000 6,500,000 4,454,447 3,325,000 450,000 5,767,000 1,475,000 46,339,447 30,000,000 76,339,447



Projects Identified in 2013 - 2017 Capital Outlook Walden WWTP Expansion - Construction Infrastructure - Wastewater St. Charles Lift Station Upgrades (Construction) Infrastructure - Wastewater Sudbury WWTP Upgrades -Standby Power (Construction) Infrastructure - Wastewater Gatchell Outfall Sewer - (Construction) Infrastructure - Wastewater Walden WWTP Expansion - Construction Infrastructure - Wastewater

Infrastructure - Water Infrastructure - Water

2017 - 2028 2015 - 2017 2016 - 2029 2015 - 2017 2017 2018 - 2027 2016 - 2017

Infrastructure - Wastewater

Biosolids Project (final amount to be determined this fall)

2013 - 2033


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