Always Take Your Shoes Off Before You Enter A Place of Worship in India

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Always take your shoes off before you enter a place of worship in India, and do not wear revealing

clothes. Travelers in India are often tempted to wear shorts, but its crucial to keep your shoulders and the lower part of your body covered when visiting a site of religious importance.

India carries the burden of three centuries of British imperialism, along with the weight of its own often reworked and redefined history. The two make a very postmodern combination. The complications and contradictions of Indias political realities will stun the first time foreign visitor. Youll encounter huge, swanky shopping malls very close to massive slum settlements that reek of utmost poverty.

Even though you might catch young couple kissing in public parks, its best not to perform public displays of affection in India.

Theres a whole hierarchy of the body parts in Hinduism. The head is superior to the rest of the body, and the feet are lowest on the rung. Feet are considered dirty in India, so take off your shoes before you step into someones house. Dont step on anything important and if you do, immediately express your apologies.

With so many religions and cultures, you will come across fairs, celebrations and merrymaking of all kinds. Whether it is the shimmering lights of Diwali, the colors of Holi, the extravaganza of Durga Puja, Navaratri, Onam, Dusshera, Id Ul Fitr and Christmas, youll encounter indigenous customs, amazing Indian cuisine and total festive abandonment.

English is widely used throughout the Indian subcontinent, and is the co-official language of the country. Indian English has a distinct flavor and inflection that differs as you travel around different parts of the country. Official Indian English often uses many phrases that are archaic in the West, so dont be surprised if youre doing some paper-work and someone asks you to do the needful.

21 de marzo "inicio de la primavera" La primavera es probablemente el cambio ms notable de las estaciones. Sobre todo en los lugares donde hace frio. Las plantas y rboles comienzan a reverdecer, las flores comienzan a abrir. El frio empieza a quitarse poco a poco. El sol brilla un poco ms fuerte.

La gente cambia mucho tambin con la llegada de la primavera. Los das nublados y hmedos se comienzan a ir, la gente empieza a sonrer mas. A mirar ms de frente. En pases en el hemisferio norte. La gente se viste diferente, la ropa pesada y oscura de invierno empieza a cambiar por colores ms vividos. En muchas culturas, la llegada de la primavera simboliza una renovacin. La llegada de energa nueva. En las culturas prehispnicas en Mxico esto es muy claro. Actualmente, hay muchas personas que van a renovar su energa a las piramides de Teotihuacn por ejemplo. Esto se ha convertido en un ritual serio pero tambin en una atraccin turstica para los visitantes de Teotihuacn. El 21 de marzo representa una de las fechas con mas afluencia a este recinto y monumento histrico de Mxico.

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