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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen We cordially invite all interested to the Goju Ryu Karate-do Seminar, which will

be conducted by: Shihan Leo Lipinski 8 Dan, President Goju-ryu karate-do Seiwakai Europe,

I. ORGANIZERS: Sport Club Karate Goju-Ryu Rudna, Karate Goju Ryu Goshukan Poland. II. TIME AND PLACE: 09 -11 November 2012, Sports Hall at the School Complex in Rudna, Piaskowa 3a Street, VOIVODESHIP: dolnolskie, POLAND. III. SEMINAR PROGRAM: Kata and bunkai of Goju Ryu, Goju Kumite combinations. Friday 11/09/2012 05:30 p.m. - entrance to the hall 06:00 07:00 p.m. - a common training 07:15 08:15 - training for advance Saturday 11/10/2012 09:30 a.m. - entrance to the hall 10:00 11:00 a.m. - a common training 11:15 12:15 a.m. - training for advanced 03:30 p.m. - entrance to the hall 04:00 05:00 p.m. - a common training 05:15 06:15 p.m. - training for advanced Sunday 11/11/2012 8:30 a.m. - the entrance to the room 09:00 10:00 a.m. - a common training 10:15 11:15 a.m. - training for advanced

01:30 p.m. - entrance to the hall 02:00 03:00 p.m. - a common training 03:15 04:15 p.m. - training for advanced 04:30 p.m. kyu, Dan examinations. IV. CHARGES: Participation in the seminar adults:120 PLN, children and adolescents up to 14 years: 60 PLN. Charge for one day: 60 PLN. Participation in the exam please report on Saturday, through representatives of yours respective schools of karate. The charge for participation in the exam of Dan degree takes only Shihan. V. APPLICATION: Please send the date 11/31/2012, the letter, telephone, or e-mail to the following address: UKS Karate Goju-Ryu Rudna ul. Piaskowa 3a 59-305 Rudna tel. 695 452 223 e-mail: VII. ACCOMMODATION: Possible place in the Sports Hall at the School Complex in Rudna. The cost of accommodation - 10 PLN per day. Please supplies a sleeping bag and sleeping mat (reported to 11/31/2012) VIII. OTHER: Self-catering. Nearby Bar & Pizzeria Pod ratuszem (under town hall ) During the seminar available to participants will be made available for free: indoor swimming pool (25x12,5m; depth from 0.9 m to 2.65 m) and a Finnish sauna - Additional Information: Grzegorz Burniak: 695 452 223 Iwona Malinowska:

We are cordially invited all interested to participate in the Seminar.

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