Excursions in Nairobi Uploaded

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1. Nairobi city tour 1.

5 hours Nairobi city, National Museum / Snake Park With its population of 3 Million inhabitants, Nairobi is the largest city between Johannesburg and Cairo and is today, one of the most important commercial centers in Africa. This 1.5 hour sightseeing tour of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, includes a visit to the National Museum & Snake Park and the City Market. You will also stop at the Railway Musuem and the view point above Nairobis Your driver will take you through Nairobis busy streets to see Kenyatta Conference Center and the Parliament Buildings.

2. Bomas of Kenya (about two and half hours)

3. Carnivore Restaurant (for lunch or dinner) No visit to Nairobi is a visit without a meal at the world Famous carnivore restaurant. A walking of both traditional and Game meat is the centrepiece of delightful meal. Ostrich, Zebra Crocodile and others join the menu as the waiters expertly slice your selections onto a hot castiron plate. Served with soup, salads, Coffee and dessert, the meat keeps coming untill you surrender!! Herbivore welcome with vegetarien options. Advance reservation is suggested.

4 Karen Blixen museum (three hours) This museum was originally the home of Karen Blixen, who came to Kenya from Denmark in the early part of this century; the present museum site is at the heart of the larger coffee plantation run by Blixen between 1914 and 1931. The house and surrounding land was donated by the Danish government to Kenya at independence; the house was restored by the Danish government and was used during the filming of Out of Africa, which immortalised Karen Blixen's book by the same name. The Museum was opened to the public in 1986.Much of the original furniture is on display in the house, and combined with the beautifully landscaped gardens and encompassing view of the Ngong Hills, the Museum has continued to be very popular destination for international and local visitors.

5. Giraffe Centre (three hours) The Giraffe Manor, built in 1932 by Sir David Duncan, is situated on 120 acres of land just a few miles from the centre of Nairobi. Since 1974, the Giraffe Center has been the home pf the endangered Rothschild Giraffe whose numbers have increased from the original 5.Guests can feed and photograph the giraffe and the Warthogs at the Center, and also wander through the adjoining primeval forest to view the bushbuck, Dik Dik, and more than 180 species of birds.

6. Nairobi National park (three hours)

This tour takes you to the Nairobi National Park where it is possible to find a variety of wildlife which covers an area of 44 square miles, and is followed by a visit to the Animal Orphanage where sick and stray orphaned animals are taken care of before being returned to the wild. Nairobi National Park is unique by being the only protected area in the world with a variety of animals and birds close to a major city. The park has a diverse birdlife with over 400 species recorded and four of the "Big Five" can also be seen here. However some species are seasonal. It is one of the successful rhino sanctuaries and is the natural habitat of the black rhino. An optional add-on for this tour is lunch at the Carnivore Restaurant. 07. Nakuru National Park 0630hrs: Pick-up from Nairobi. 0700hrs: Depart Nairobi for Nakuru National park 1000hrs: Arrive at the Nakuru National park and proceed for a game drive. 1230hrs: Enjoy lunch at the Sarova Lion hill Lodge OR Lake Nakuru Lodge 1430hrs: Afternoon game drive. 0530hrs: Depart Nakuru National park for Nairobi. 1830hrs: Arrive in Nairobi and be dropped at a place of your choice within the city.

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