Puranic Encyclopedia - Vettam Ma I - Part3

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Khandas are Srstikhanda,


believe that this Purana was written after Kalidasa. If this Purana is given as gift with a cow in the month of Jyestha (June) it brings prosperity. The mode of narration is in the (vi) Varaha Purana. form of narrating the story by Varaha, the third incarnation of Visnu. The theme is about holy places and mantras. It states that the goddess of earth prayed to Mahavisnu and that prayer took the form of a goddess. This book contains fourteen thousand verses. If one
copies down this Purana and gives it as gift along with a golden image of Garuda on the full-moon day in the month of Caitra (April) one will attain Visnuloka. B. Puranas relating to Brahma.

khanda, Svargakhanda, Patalakhanda, Uttarakhanda and describes Kriyayogasara. The Uttarakhanda the importance of all months and also the lotus, the seat of Brahma. This contains the stories of Sakuntala and Sri Rama as described by Kalidasa in his works Sakuntala and Raghuvarhsa which has made some

rights of pilgrims. The book contains fourteen thousand verses and it is considered to be uttama (best) to give this book along with treacle as a gift to a brahmin on

Brahma Purana. This is in the form of teachings by to Daksa. This contains twentyfive thousand verses. This is called Adi Purana also. There is a special treatise in this book on Orissa, an ancient holy region of Bharata. There is in this a special annexure explaining the intimacy between Siva and Surya which is a deviation from other Puranas. Brahma Purana states about a suryaksetra (sun-temple) situated at a place



Purana along with Jaladhenu is given as a gift on the full-moon day in the month of Vaisakha (May) the donor will attain heaven, This deals with the origin of (ii) Brahmdnda Purana. the universe as told by Brahma. In the beginning there was a golden egg and the prapanca (universe with its activities) was formed out of it. Portions of Adhyatma Ramayana, references to Radha and Krsna and the incarnation of ParaSurama are included in this. This book contains twelve thousand verses and it is believed to be uttama (best) to give this book as a gift to a brahmin. Brahmavaivarta Purana. This was instructed to (iii) Savarnika by Narada. The theme is the story of Rathantara. There are four kandas in this Purana called Brahmakanda, Prakrtikanda, Ganes"akanda and Krsnajanmakanda. This deals with Prapancasrsti (creation of the universe). It says that Prapanca is nothing but the Vaivartta ( transformation ) of Brahman.lt is considered to be holy to give this book containing eighteen thousand verses as a gift on the full-moon day in the

called Konarka near the holy place there in the year 1241 A.D. If this

of Purl, installed

the full-moon day in the month of Pausa (January) vi ) Vamana Purana. There is a great similarity between ( the contents of this Purana and that of Varaha Purana. All the incarnations of Visnu from Vamana downwards are described in this Purana. The scene of Siva marrying Parvati is vividly described in this book. This Purana contains ten thousand verses and it is considered to be uttama ( best ) to give this book as a gift in the autumn season or at the time of Visuva to a brahmin. C. Puranas relating to Siva. This Purana is told by Vayu. Bana(i) Vayu Purana. bhatta who lived in the seventh century A.D. makes references to this Purana in his works. There are many references in this Purana about the Gupta Kings who ruled Bharata in the 4th century A.D. So it is believed that this Purana must have been written in the fifth or sixth century A.D The book contains plenty of verses in praise of Siva. There are fourteen thousand verses in the Vayu Purana and it is considered to be best to give this book as a gift to a brahmin on the full-moon day in the month of Sravana (August ) (ii) Linga Purana. This contains instructions of Siva on Dharma sitting in the form of liriga (Phallus). The twentyeight different forms of Siva are described in This contains twelve thousand verses and if this this. book is given as a gift to a brahmin with tiladhenu on the full-moon day in the month of Phalguna ( March) the donor will attain Sivasayujya. is Skdnda Purana. This Purana narrated by (iii) Skanda. The theme is the slaughter of the demon

Tarakasura by Skanda (Subrahmanya). There is a great similarity between this Purana and the Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa. There are eightyfour thousand verses in this Purana and giving this book as a gift is thought to be good. This Purana was instructed to the (iv) Agni Purana. sage Vasistha by Agnideva. There are several references in this to Sivalinga and Durgadevi. The incarnations of Rama and Krsna are also dealt with in this. Distinct from other Puranas this book deals with arts and science like Kavyalankaranatakas (Poems, dramas, figures of speech ) Jyotiss astra ( Astronomy) and Silpakala (architecture). This Purana contains twelve thousand verses and is capable of imparting knowledge on all arts and sciences. Manu (v) Matsya Purana. This Purana was taught to by Matsya, the incarnation of Visnu, The incarnation

month of Magha (February).


Markandeya Purana. This is one of the ancient There are many stories regarding Indra, Surya and Agni in this. This includes a division called Devlmahatmya containing praises about the goddess Durga. This contains nine thousand verses and it is
Puranas. considered as uttama (best) to give this book as a gift to a brahmin on a full-moon day in the month of Karttika (November)

Nafyas astra (histrionics) and Andhrarajavarhsa (kingKings of Andhra) are discussed in this book. The book contains thirteen thousand verses and this is to be given as gift along with a golden image of a fish at the time of Visuva. This Purana is taught by Kurma(vi) K urma Purana. murti (incarnation of Visnu as Kurma (tortoise) while

of Matsya is dealt in this. Several subjects like Jainamata (religion of Jainism), Buddhamata (Buddhism),

dom and

(v) Bhavisya Purana. This is what is told to Manu by This contains statements about future Surya (Sun) events. The book praises the worship of Surya (Sun),

and Naga (serpent). There is an annexure with the several holy places of Bharata and the dealing

narrating the story of Indradyumna at Patala. All the seven islands and seven oceans are described in this book. Bharata is situated in the centre of all these and that there is called Jambudvipa. Though it is believed were four sarhhitas for this, only the Brahmasarhhita is available now. It includes 1,'varaglta and Vyasagita,

The book



the place called Nlla. (Puranas; History of Sanskrit Literature). PURA?ST A. An ancient sage. He was one among the rsis who visited Bhisma lying on his bed of arrows.

Kapila (7) Manava (8) USanas (9) Varuna (10) Kalika (11) Samba (12) Saura (13) (16) Aditya (14) Mahesvara (15) Devlbhagavata Nilamata Vasistha (17) Visnudharmottara (18) Purana. The two Upapuranas mentioned lastly are associated with Kashmir. The first is about the Vaisnava religion there and the second about the wise saying of a Naga

contains eight thousand verses and is to be given as gift along with a golden image of tortoise. There are eighteen minor Puranas 3) Upapurdnas. the eighteen major ones. They are besides ( 1) Sanatkumara (2) Narashhha (3) Naradiya (4) Siva

Manu had

Ksatriya King. He was the son of Manu. eleven sons ofhis wife Nadvala. A mountain. ( Sloka 22, Chapter 90, Vana
celebrated king of Candravarhsa.





Visnu are BrahmaGenealogy. Descending in order from Atri Candra Budha Pururavas Ayus Nahusa

King of

Yayati Puru. Yayati had two wives named Sarmistha and Devayani. Sarmistha gave birth to Druhyu, Anu and Puru. Devayani gave birth to Yadu and Turvasu. Puru becomes king. Yayati, Puru's father, was turned 2) into an old man by a curse of Sukracarya. The king called all his sons to his side and requested each to take


(Sloka 12, Chapter 47 Sand Parva). A river of Bharata of Puranic fame. Sloka 24, Chapter 9, Bhisma Parva) (

old age and give him their youth. All the elder sons refused to do it but Puru agreed to do so. Taking the youth of Puru, his father, Yayati lived a sensuous Puru life for a thousand years. Then the king gave back his youth and crowned him as the heir apparent to his

King of Vedic






3) Other

(See under Devayani).



the danastuti of Rgveda. A city in ancient Bharata. This city was ruled by a King named Paurika. ( Sloka 3, Chapter 111, Santi Parva). I. A serpent born of the family of Vasuki. It was burnt to death at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya.


2, II.


wife Pradha.



The name

Adi Parva) Devagandharva born to Kasyapa ofhis Chapter 65, Adi Parva)
. .

Puru got of his wife Kausalya alias PaustI three named Janamejaya (Pravlra), ISvara and Raudrasva. (Chapter 94, Adi Parva). Yama. (ii) After his death Puru entered the court of Sloka 8, Chapter 8, Sabha Parva) Indra in the latter's Vimana (iii) Puru along with witnessed the war between Arjuna and the Kauravas.







A celebrated serpent of the family I. of Kasyapa. (Sloka 12, Chapter 35, Adi Parva). The son of a Yaksa called II. Ratnabhadra living on the mountain Gandhamadana. He had a son named HarikeSa (Pingala). Harikesa was a devotee of Siva and so Purnabhadra who was a devotee of Kubera sent Harikesa away from his house. HarikeSa was then taken care of by Siva and made one ofhis attendants. (Matsya Purana, Chapter 18). A serpent born of the race of Dhrtarastra. This serpent was burnt to death at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya. (Sloka 1 Chapter 57, Adi

PancamT, DaSaml and Pancada'I. Yudhisthira was born on the Paficaml day called Purna. (Sloka 6, Chapter 122, Adi Parva).




battle. (Sloka 10, Chapter 62, Drona Parva). II The name of the charioteer of Arjuna.

(Sloka 10, Chapter 56, Virata Parva) A king called Mandhata once defeated Puru in a (iv)


in the

Chapter 33, Sabha Parva)


A king who was the son of Kuntibhoja and brother of Kunti, mother of the Pandavas. He had a brother named Kuntibhoja. In the great battle he fought against Durmukha of the Kaurava army. When he died Purujit went to Yamaloka. (Chapter 14, Sabha Parva; Chapter 6, Kama Parva, Chapter 23, Drona
Parva )

Rgveda. Rgveda).

(PARUCCHEPA). A sage praised He was the son of Divodasa. (Mandala

Mandhata ofhis


serpent born of the family of Dhrtarastra. This serpent was burnt to death at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya. (Sloka 16, Chapter 57, Adi



A Devagandharva who was the son of KaSyapa of his wife Pradha. (Sloka 46, Chapter 65, Adi
minister of Duryodhana. It was under the guidance of this minister that the lac-palace was constructed and set fire to in order to kill the Pandavas. Purocana was also burnt to death when the lac-palace



was destroyed by



born to him of Bhagavata).

(See under Arakkilla). youngest son of the Vasu, Prana,,


Genealogy). Purukutsa had a brother named Mucukunda. Descending in order from Purukutsa were Brhadasva Haryasva Tridhanva Aruna Aranya Satyavrata Tris anku. One Purukutsa is praised in the Rgveda. It is not known whether both are one and the same person. Purukutsa with his wife Narmadadevi went to the forest of Kuruksetra and doing penance there attained moksa. (Chapter 20, Asramavasika Parva). PURUMlDHA. A king ofPuruvam'a. He was the son of Brhatputra. Brhatputra had two more sons named Ajamldha and Dvimldha. Of these three sons the most

son born to the celebrated king, wife Bindumatl. (See under Mandhata


(6th Skandha,

was the son of Babhrusetu. He of Gandhara. (Chapter 270, Agni Purana)

King of the Anga

of Kings. He ruled over the country




Ajamldha became the propagator of the dynasty. 278,' Purana )




of the



valiant sons of of Mahabharata

Abhimanyu wounded

this soldier.

(Chapter 73, Bhisma







mentions a Rajarsi youth Vimada marrying the daughter of Purumitra. PURUNlTHA. See under Parunltha. PURURAVAS. I. A prominent king of Candravarh a
(lunar race). |} Origin of Candravamsa and birth of Pururavas. DescendCandra Budha ing in order from Brahma came Atri Pururavas. The dynasty which came from Candra was called the Candravarhxa. Though Budha was the first king of CandravarhSa it was Pururavas who became celebrated. The story of the birth of Pururavas is given

Mandala oftheRgveda

born Candra took it away and named it Budha. Brahma and other rsis gave Budha a seat among the planets. Budha married Ila and they got a son named Pururavas. ^See under Ila). After that Budha performed a hundred He then enjoyed world prosperity Asvamedhayagas. as lord of Saptadvlpa living in the beautiful Himadrisrnga. worshipping Brahma. (Chapter 12, Bhaga 3, Padma Purana).
2) Testing Pururavas and the curse. Pururavas by his brilliance performed a hundred Asvamedhayagas and lived



in the beginning deputed the sage Atri for the Atrimaharsi started the penance creation. called anuttara to acquire sufficient power for creation.

work of

After some years Saccidananda brahma with an aura of lustre reflected in the heart of that pure and serene soul. In sheer ecstasy tears rolled down his cheeks and the glittering flow of water was lustfully drunk by the zones taking the form of women with a view to producing progenies. able to bear the

They became pregnant but were unembryo of Atri and so they threw them away. Brahma took them all and made them into one armoured youth and took him in his chariot to his land. Then the brahmarsis requested Brahma to make him When the rsis, devas, gandharvas and their lord. nymphs praised him reciting samaveda the majestic lustre of the youth increased. It was from this that ausadhas (medicines) originated and that is why Candra is considered to be the lord of medicines, dvija and Vedasvarupa. The Candramandala is full of It increases and decreases according to the chemicals. white half and black half of the moon-based month. Daksa gave in marriage to Candra twentyseven beautiThen Candra did penance meditating ful maidens. on Visnu for ten thousand Kalpas. Visnu pleased by his penance asked him to name a boon and Candra said

glory at Himadrisrnga. Great demons like Kesi became his servants. Urvasi attracted by his beauty became his wife. While he was living like that Dharma, Artha and Kama went in disguise to his palace to test him. He received them all well but paid more attention to Dharma. Artha and Kama got angry and cursed him. Artha cursed him saying that he would be ruined by his greed and Kama cursed him saying he would go mad by being separated from UrvaSI. Hearing that Dharma blessed him thus "You will live long leadwill increase and ing a virtuous life. Your race remain in glory till the end of the moon and the stars. The insanity caused by your passion for Urvasi would end by the end of sixty years. That celestial maiden would remain then with you for one Manvantara." (Chapter 12, Bhlga 3, Padma Purana).

Brahma should come

perform a yaga in svarga all the devas like in person to my yagasala and take the yagabhaga. Sulapani should remain as a watchman at my RajasQya." Accordingly with the blessing of Visnu, Candra conducted the yaga in which Atri, Bhrgu, Brahma, Visnu, Devas, Vasus, Maruts and ViSvadevas took part. Candra gave as yaga- fees to Rtviks all the three worlds. The yaga was complete and when Candra rose up after a bath nine devls fell in love with the amorous beauty of Candra. LaksmI, wife of Visnu, Sinivali, wife of Kardama, Dyuti, wife of wife of Vibhivasu, Pus{i, wife of Dhata, Prabha,


Pururavas used to visit Indra daily. One day while he was going through air wellarmed with a bow and arrows he saw a demon named Kes! carrying away by force Urvasi and Citralekha and after defeating Kes I in a fight recovered th" nymphs and gave them back to Indra. Indra praised Pururavas and in his honour a drama, Laksmlsvayarhvara, was enacted by Urvasi, Menaka and others. Urvasi taking the part of Laksmi started to dance but seeing Pururavas before her she became lustful and made wrong steps. Narada who was present at the function got angry and cursed her "You will forget all you have learnt. Not only that, you will live as a creeper separated from Pururavas for a period of sixty years." (For details see under Urvas'i). Padma Purana says that it was Bharata who cursed Urvasi. This story is slightly different from that found
in the other



abandoned their husbands and went with Candra. Candra treated them all as his own wives and gave them erotic pleasure to their hearts' content. Those who saw this non-virtuous act stood dumbfounded unable to Attracted by the dazzling brilliance of Candra Tara, wife of Brhaspati, went with him. Enraged at this, Brhaswith other devas prepared for a fight pati joining against Candra. Devas took sides and by the mediation of Indra a conference of both the parties was held and Tara was sent back to Brhaspati. Tara was pregnant then and Tara confessed that the child in her womb was that of Candra. So when that child was
curse Candra.

Kuhu, wife ofHavisman, Klrti, wife of Jayanta, AnVumali wife of Kasyapa and Dhrti wife of Nanda,

Vasu, Divijata and Suba.hu. Of these Ayus became the propagator of the dynasty. Of the sons born to Ayus five sons, Nahusa, Vrddhar'arma, Raji, Dambha and Vipapma became celebrities. A hundred sons were born to Raji. They were called Rajeyas. (Chapter 12,

named Ayus, Drdhayus, Vasyayus, Danayus, Vrttiman,

Sons of Pururavas.

Urvasi got eight sons of Pururavas


3, Padma Purana). Some Puranas state that Pururavas had

six sons


state that

he had seven sons.

about him

Other details. in the



following references



formed a yaga and thus regained his lost splendour and prosperity. (Chapter 75, Adi Parva).

(i) Once Pururavas stole the wealth of some brahmins. The brahmins took Sanatkumara along with them and made representations to the king. Pururavas did not give back their wealth. The brahmins cursed him and as a result the prosperity of the King waned. Then Pururavas brought down from svarga three Agnis and per-





Pururavas got


of Urvail

the wind-god about the origin of the four castes and the superiority of the brahmins over other castes. (Sloka 3, Chapter 72, Sand Parva). (iv) At another time he discussed about yajnapurohitas with Kasyapa. (Chapter 73, Santi Parva). (v) Iksvaku gave Pururavas a sword which in his old age he gave to his son Ayus. (Chapter 166, Santi Parva). (vi) He once declared that one can attain svarga by the blessings of brahmins. (Sloka 31, Chapter 6, Anu(iii)

Dhiman, Amavasu, Drdhayus, Vanayus and Satayus.

named Ayus,

Once he




king for the great Mahabharata Chapter 4, Udyoga Parva).

river Sarayu. While river with Rama and

ancient king.

The Pandavas



Laksmana, Visvamitra showed the asrama and explained to them its importance. was at this place that Siva burnt Kamadeva (god of


place on ti.e shores of the along the shores of this

love) to death.



(Bala Kanda, Valmlki Ramayana, Sarga female follower of Subrahmanya. (Sloka 20,



name Anaiiga


as ana

Pururavas was famous as a donor of cows. (Sloka 26, Chapter 76, Anusasana Parva). (Sloka 65, Chapter (vii) Pururavas never ate meat. 111, AnuSasana Parva) PURURAVAS II. A king of the race of DJptaksa. (Sloka 15, Chapter 74, Udyoga Parva). PURUSA. See under Prakrti.





ancient place.

(Chapter 57, Sabha

Chapter 43, Salya Parva) PUSA I (PUSAN). Pusa attended the Janmotsava of Arjuna. (Chapter 122, Adi Parva). When Arjuna and Krsna fought against Indra at Khandavaprastha Pusa stood as an ally of Indra. (Sloka 35, Chapter 226, Adi Once all the devas together performed a yaga Parva) and not knowing the importance of Siva, they did not the function invite him to the Yaga. Siva attended

maharsi well-praised in the Rgveda. The ASvinldevas once saved the following from trouble viz. Turviti, Dabhiti, Dhvasanti and Purusanti. (Sukta



The devas

did not like






Siva. The twelve adityas as a team fought against Siva and in the fight Pusa lost his teeth. (Chapter 18, Sauptika Parva). Once Pusa presented to Subrahmanya

and they attacked





of his Purana (filling) and


got this

name because
the son of


two warriors named Panitaka and Kalika. II. (PUSAN). Another name for the Sun.


Udyoga Parva)

Bhuriyasas. The King became more and more prosperous observing 'Vaisakhadharma' following the instructions of the King's preceptors Yaja and Upayaja. (Chapter 2,

king of Pancala.

He was





Ravana. Hanuman fought fiercely. (Bhaga 2, Padma Purana)





valiant soldier



on the

this soldier


Skanda Purana)

river of Puranic fame.



1 )

A celebrated celestial maiden. She belongs to the group of six celebrated nymphs named Urvaii, Purvacitti, Sahajanya, GhrtacI, Visvaci and Menaka. (Sloka 68, Chapter 74, Adi Parva) Purvacitti was present for the Janmotsava of Arjuna. (Chapter 122, Adi Parva). Once when Arjuna went to svarga Purvacitti and others danced in his honour. (Chapter 43, Vana Parva)
. .

Bhisma Parva)

Sloka 22,

The youngest son of Bharata, son of Dasaratha. Mandavl was the mother of Puskala. (Chapter 88, Vayu Purana; Chapter 6, Brahmanda
Purana; Chapter Purana)


Visnu Purana; Chapter

Puskala from



Details available about

Padma Purana

and Valmiki Ramayana are the following (1) Puskala was with Satrughna when the

latter served

as the guardian of the horse in all the three asvamedhayagas conducted by Sri Rama. (Padma Purana, Patala




2) 3)

The The sadhyas come and do

sides Purvadis'a is the Sun rises in the east.

most prominent.

at dusk.

severe penance in the east

of offering havya to the fire spreads to the east. 5 ) The daughters of Daksa after becoming the wives of Kasyapa delivered in the east. 6) Devas made Indra the king of the east. 7) Indra and the devas did penance jointly in the east. 8) Because the devas accepted this side first (purva) the side got the name Purva. 9) The sun gives away as gifts the yajur Mantras at
this place.

The moon The result

rises here.

Khanda, Chapters 1 and 22) (2) He defeated Damana, son of Subahu, while he was following the sacrificial horse. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter 34) (3) He fought fiercely against the demons, Vidyunmali and (Padma Purana. Patala Ugradarhstra. Khanda, Chapter 34) Rukmangada and Viramani. (4) He fought against (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter 41 ). (5) He was defeated by Lava who checked the progress of the sacrificial horse. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda,
. .

Chapter 61).
Puskala conquered the country of Gandhara and PuskalavatI alias Puskalavata and made it his capital city. (Valmlki Ramayana, Uttara Kanda)

built there a city called


ed prosperity. 12) Indra selected the


(10) The devas drink the soma juice lacing the east 1 Varuna once entered Patala by the east and attain)


(7) His wife's name was Kantimati. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter 67) I. Son of Varuna. Soma's daughter was attracted by the beauty of Puskara and married him.


animals at




through the


man comes to Svarga and the earth (Chapter 108 Udyoga Parva).

this place.


Udyoga Parva) The younger brother of Nala. It was this Puskara who jointly with Kali defeated Nala in a game of dice and drove him away from his country.
(Sloka 12, Chapter 98,

Puskara apologised to Nala and gave him back under Damayanti) A sage. He was the Guru of P.n-asuPUSKARA rama. (Chapter 151, Agni Pur.lna). pUSKARA IV. This is a holy place situated 1) General information. 36 Kilometres to the north of Ajmer. Brahma once did penance there. There is a temple of Brahma there. Padma Parana gives a story about the origin of this





his country. (See III.

have a son worthy of becoming an emperor. Puskaraksa was the son thus born. The boy grew up and after crowning him as King Bhadraksa left for the forests. Puskaraksa worshipped


for the destruction of the devas.

Once Brahma came to a place holding a Brahma saw Vajranabha who was engaged



Siva daily to get a suitable wife. After some time Siva blessed him saying that he would get a very good wife. One day he went for hunting. He saw a camel trying to eat two cobras engaged in the act of mating. Instantly the King sent an arrow against the camel and the camel falling down turned into a Vidyadhara and that "Oh King, there was Vidyadhara told the King thus



Suddenly the lotus in the hands of Brahma fell down making a thundering noise. The sound was so loud that its vibrations killed Vajranabha. From that day onwards the place was

( )

once a Vidyadhara named Rangamall. A Vidyadhara maiden named Taravali was attracted by the handsome form of Rangamall. She married him without the consent of her parents. The angered father separated them by a curse. The curse took effect and they soon
got separated losing their way in the forest. Pining to her husband Taravali roamed about in the forests and reached the other shore of the western sea. It was a colony of rsis and there was a fig tree there standing in full blossom. Taravali took the form of a beetle and sat on the tree sucking honey. After some days Rangamall also came to the place. On seeing her husband she had emission and from the virile fluid was born a After that both of them flew to the Ganfig fruit. dharva loka. I am Rangamall. One day a sage named Jitasu came that way and this fruit fell before him. From the fruit came out a beautiful maiden and Jitasu with his divine power understood the whole story behind it and so took the girl to his asrama and named her Vinayavati. VinayavatI grew into a beautiful

as Puskara.

Other details.

in this


tirtha. (Sloka 14,


Arjuna spent the period after his pilgrimage Chapter 220, Adi Parva)


sage Pulastya praised the greatness of Sloka 20, Chapter 82, Vana Parva) the greatness of Puskara(iii) Sage Dhaumya praised tirtha. (Sloka 16, Chapter 89, Vana Parva). (iv) Once the god of death came and did penance at


this place.

(v) Once Brahma performed a Yaga at this place and then Sarasvati rose up from the place in the name of

(Sloka 26, Chapter 54, Drona Parva)

Suprabha. (Sloka 5, Chapter 38, Salya Parva) (vi) If one performs penance at this place peacefully one can attain moksa. (Chapter 297, Santi Parva) PUSKARA V. A mountain in the island of Puskara. This mountain is full of precious stones. (Sloka 24, Chapter 12, Bhisma Parva). PUSKARA VI. One of the seven islands. The other six
. .

are Jambudvipa, Plaksadvlpa, Salmalidvlpa, KusadvTpa, Krauncadvlpa, and Sakadvipa. (8th Skandha,


once a sage

of a sage. There was country of Vidarbha. Puskaradharim was the wife of Satya. Satya who believed in Ahirhsa performed a Yaga with fruits and roots. It is believed that no yaga is perfect if performed without a sacrificial goat. But even his wife for fear of a curse did not object to a Yaga of the kind. There was another sage living in that forest in the form of a deer due to a curse and he was a great friend of Satya. The deer came to the place of the Yajna and

Devi Bhagavata).

named Satya

in the

maiden and stayed in the asrama. One day by I happened to see her and attracted by her beauty tried to rape her. She cried aloud and hearing the noise the sage came out and cursed me and turned me into a camel. I pleaded for mercy and the sage said I would be released from the curse when I was killed by the future husband of Vinayavati, Puskaraksa by name. Oh King, I am now released from the curse and you should go to the forest named Surabhimaruta on the other side of the western sea and marry that maiden." Puskaraksa was pleased to hear this and the king going back to the palace and entrusting the administration of

the state to his ministers


maruta. Reaching the shore

of ways

the forest of Surabhiof the western sea he was to cross the sea when he saw a
left for




blessed Satya. appeared in person and (Chapter 272, Santi Parva). PUSKARAKSA I. A King of Puranic fame. There was once a King called Bhadraksa in TaksaHe worshipped BhagavatI with 108 lotus silanagara. flowers daily in order to obtain a son. One day he found one flower missing and the brave king tore open his heart and made the number complete. The goddess was pleased and she blessed him saying that he would

but then Savitrldevi appeared in person and compelled him to kill the deer and conduct the Yaga. With great reluctance Satya killed the deer and conducted the Yaga; but the power of penance of Satya faded away by that deed of his. Then Puskaradharim performed penance to regain the power of her husband and


to kill him as the sacrificial animal to a success. Satya did not agree to that


on the other shore and was pleasantly surprised. He walked about on the shore and saw an asrama and peeping in saw a sage sitting inside. On seeing the king the sage told him thus "Oh Puskararaja, VinayavatI in search of whom you have come here has just gone to pluck flowers for her worship. She will come just now and you can then accept your wife of your previous birth as your wife of this life." The king wanted to know more about VinayavatI when the sage said she was his wife in his previous "Once there was a birth also. Then the sage said Vaisya called Dharmasena in Tamralipti. He married

Bhadrakall temple nearby. When he went to the temple he saw a violin in front of it and taking it he placed on it a few songs in praise of Kali and went to sleep in the temple. The goddess was pleased with his songs and took the sleeping king to the other side of the sea. When he woke up next morning he saw himself





a girl named Vidyullekha. All their wealth was stolen by thieves and grief-stricken they attempted to commit suicide by jumping into the fire. They saw two swans flying towards them and without waiting for them to reach them they committed suicide. In their next birth they became a swan couple. They lived on a date tree a storm the tree seasons. Once in during rainy fell down and in the darkness each went its own way. In the morning the male swan staried searching for his mate. In the end he found her in the lake of Manasa
in Svarga.

prominent serpent of the family of Kasyapa. (Sloka 12, Chapter 35, Adi Parva). PUSPADANTA I. One of the Astadiggajas. (The eight elephants of the quarters). PUSPADANTA II. One of the three soldiers given to Subrahmanya by Parvati. The other two were Unmada and Saiikukarna. (Sloka 51, Chapter 45, Salya Parva). PUSPADANTA 'ill. One of the attendants of Siva. Due to a curse Puspadanta was born on earth as Vararuci. See under Vararuci) There was another curse also on (


swan came there and finding her husband in the net very sad. She was thinking of some way to get her husband released from the net when a man came to bathe in the pond. He wrapped the diamond necklace of his in a cloth and placed it on the shore. The sheswan took the necklace and flew making the fisherman see everything before him. Seeing the swan going with the necklace the fisherman went after it. The swan flew to a mountain nearby and placed it on its top. The fisherman started climbing up and the she-swan then flew back and released her husband from the net. One day while they were flying making a lotus as an umbrella a hunter shot them down with arrows. Fortunately the lotus fell on an idol of Siva and by the power of Siva they were born in their next birth as a king and a woman. The king is yourself and the woman is

in touch with the Mrtasanjivani herb in the pond and coming to life flew away. The husband swan went into another group of swans and lived there in sorrow. One day a fisherman came and caught all the swans in a net. At that time the she-

season was over and then they went and stayed on a One day a forester killed the she-swan and while coming with the dead swan in his hands he saw a set of armed men coming that way and the frightened forester thiew the dead swan into a lake nearby.









him. (See under Jambukesvara).

The dead swan came

A relative of a Gandharva named Citrasena. Puspadanti was once dancing in the court of Indra with Malyavan and other Gandharvas. Puspadanti faltered in her steps as she was admiring the beauty of Malyavan and Indra cursed them both and turned them into devils. They then observed the Ekadasi (eleventh day of every lunar fortnight) called 'Jaya' and got themselves released from the curse. (Chapter 43,
Uttara Khanda,



She was married to Surya. But Saiiijna .could not live with Surya for long because of the terrible heat and so she came back and told her father about it. At once


divine Aerial'diancl. Visvakarma had a daughter

Padma Purana).

named Samjfia.

Visvakarma ordered Surya

former then tried




him and


reduce his brightness by rubbing him on a grindstone. However much he tried he was not able to reduce even an eighth of his brightness. The brightness of the Sun which was rubbed out spread
in the atmosphere as suspended lustrous particles. Visvakarma collected that lustrous dust and from it created four brilliant things. The Cakrayudha of Mahavisnu is one, theTrisula of Siva is another, and the third is Puspakavimana (Puspaka Aerial chariot) The fourth is Sakti, a weapon of Subrahmanya. Visvakarma gave them all as presents to Brahma. (Chapter 2, Arh'a 2, Visnu Purana).

Vinayavati." Puskaraksa married her there and returning to his land lived happily for a long period. (Taranga 2, Sasankavatllambaka, Kathasaritsagara). PUSKARAKSA II. A king. Puskaraksa, son of king Sucandra, was cut to death by Paraturama. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 3).





very virtuous woman. She was the wife of a sage named Satya who lived on alms in the country of Vidarbha. Because she was very strict and perfect in the observance of vratas she became lean

cows in yajnas. (Chapter 246, Santi Parva). FUSKARINl ]. Wife of Caksusa Manu. Caksusa got of Puskarini a son named Manu. (Chapter 18, Agni Purana). PUSKARINI II. Wife of Bhumanyu, emperor of

but pure. She was very obedient to her husband and she made her own dress out of peacock feathers gathered from forests. Puskaramalini was against sacrificing

son born to Visravas of his wife DevavarninI, daughter of sage Bharadvaja. Vi'ravas did penance to please Brahma to get a son and Vaisravana was born by the blessing of Brahma. Kubera also, even while he was a boy, went to the valley of Himavan and did penance there. Kubera did penance for ten thousand years with his head downwards in cold water and another ten thousand years in Pancagni standing on one leg. At that time Brahma appeared in person and asked what boon he wanted. He said he wanted to be one of the lokapalakas (guardians of the
universe). Granting Kubera that, Brahma gave him two treasures named Saiikhanidhi and Padmanidhi and also the Puspakavimana. After that Kubera built a city named Lanka on the mountain of Trikuta in the southern ocean and started living there.

Kubera was






Kratu, Angiras and Gaya. (4th Skandha, Bhagavata) PUSPA. A serpent born of the family of Kasyapa. (Sloka

got of his wife Puskarini, six sons named Suhotra, Diviratha, Suhota, Suhavis, Suyajus and Rcika. (Chapter 94, Adi Parva). PUSKARI^I III. Wife of king Unmukha. Unmukha got of his wife Puskarini six sons named Ai'iga, Sumanas, Khyati,





named Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhisana. They did penance and acquired divine powers. Ravana then went to Lanka and after defeating Kubera and sending him north captured Lanka and made it
his capital.

Ravana got



Visravas had three


also took


by force the Puspaka from


Chapter 103, Udyoga Parva).

All the victory marches of Ravana were in this Puspaka. Once Ravana was going in his Puspaka with a Yaksa




King. This

beauty kidnapped from Alakapuri when the girl cried loudly attracting the attention of Sampati, a vulture King. Sampati attacked Ravana with his fierce beak and powerful claws. Ravana's weapons proved futile against Sampati and the bird broke the Puspaka into But the Vimana was a divine one and it pieces.


the three worlds also

who gave it as a gift to Sri Rama. Sri Rama sent it back to its original owner, Kubera. But Sri Rama used it again for once. A gudra named Sambuka started performing penance in Ramarajya as a consequence of which there started a
series of infant

regained the original shape and utility soon. All the weapons of Ravana were destroyed, the great weapon Candrahasa was thrown away. The crown of Ravana was struck down and trampled upon. With his sharp beak and piercing claws Sampati made bruises on the Unable to bear the attack of the face of Ravana. mighty bird Ravana begged for peace. Sampati asked Ravana to release the Yaksa girl which Ravana did at once. Ravana then returned to Lanka in the Puspaka (Kiskindha Kanda, Kamba Ramayana). It was in this Puspaka plane that Ravana kidnapped Slta. In the battle that followed, Ravana was killed and the Puspaka Vimana came into the possession of Vibhisana

is transitory in this world. (Chapter 277, Santi Parva). PUSPAVATl. A sacred place. If one stays here for three nights fasting and bathes in the holy pond there one would get the benefit of making a thousand godanas (cow-gifts) and his family will be absolved of all sins. Sloka 12, Chapter 85, Vana Parva). PUSPOTKATA. Mother of Kubera.

story of this that everything

King who ruled supreme met with his death. The King was quoted by Bhlsma to illustrate

Heti and Praheti.

Heti married Bhaya, daughter of Kala and to them was born a son named Vidyutkesa. Vidyutkesa married Salakatarika daughter of Sandhya and to them was born a son named Suke a. They abandoned the child in a forest and went away. Siva took care of the child Sukesa who married Daivavati daughter of the Gandharva called Manimaya and she


From Brahma were born two


Mall and


Vimana from Kubera. When the plane came from Kubera Sri Rama got into it and flew to the place where Sambuka was doing penance and on reaching
there killed the Sudra

the cause

and he got down by meditation

deaths in the country.


Rama knew


palace built at Lanka by Visvakarma. At that time a Gandharva woman called Narmada named Sundarl, KetumatI delivered three daughters and Vasudha. When they came of age Sundarl was married to Malyavan, KetumatI to Sumall and Vasudha to Mali. Malyavan got of Sundarl seven

three sons named Malyavan, Sumall and the three started living in the crystal

mountain Latavesta situated to the south of Dvarakapurl. (Chapter 38, Dakstnatya Patha, Sabha Parva). PUSPANANA. A Yaksa. He lives in the court of Kubera. (Sloka 17, Chapter 10, Sabha Parva).

calamity. The Vimana was then sent back (Uttara Ramayana) PUSPAKA II. The great forest lying on one

and saved the country from a to Kubera.


of the


Puranas state about a fort made of diamonds called Pusparaga shining red above the heavenly place called Manidvlpa above Brahmaloka. This fort is seven
yojanas high. All things inside it, the ground, the trees, the birds, the animals, plants, creepers and gardens are pusparaga-studded and look red like saffron. Therefore the fort is called Ratnasala also. All the dikpalakas of the universe live with their family and attendants in

Vajrapusti, Virupaksa, Durmukha, Suptaghna, Yajnakesa, Malta and Unmatta and a demoness of name Nala. Sumall got of KetumatI ten sons named Prahasta, Akampana, Vikata, Kalakamukha, Dhumraksa, Danda, Supariva, Sarhhrada, Prakvata and Bhasakarna and four daughters named Veka, Puspotkata, KaikasI and Kumbhinasl. Mall got of Vasudha four sons named Anala, Anila, Aha and Sampati. Sumall wandered in the forests with his daughters. He gave all the four daughters in marriage to ViSravas, son of Pulastya. Visravas got of KaikasI three sons named Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhisana and a daughter named Surpanakha. Visravas got of Puspotkata a son named Vaisravana or Kubera. (Chapter 11, Parva, Uttara Agni Purana; Chapter 275, Vana




(12th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata). chariot of the King called Vasumanas. This chariot was capable of travelling through mountains and oceans. air, (Chapter 198, Vana
this fort.



married a

A King

named Prabha. (Skandha

King of

born of the family of Dhruva. 4, Bhaga-

Ramayana). PUSTI. A daughter born to Daksaprajapati of his wife Prasuti. Dharma married her. Pusti had twelve sisters. Dharma married them also. Besides these thirteen daughters Daksa got of Prasuti another eleven daughters. They were Khyati, SatI, Sambhuti, Smrti, Prlti, Ksama, Santati, Anasuya. Urjja, Svahadevi and Svadha. They were married in order to Bhrgu, Siva,
Atri, Pulaha, Kratu, Marlci, Ahgiras, Pulastya, Vasistha, Agni and the Pitrs. (Chapter 7, Arhs"a 1, Vi snu Purana)

give daily lotus


a harlot who was doing worship of Visnu observing the Dvadasivrata. He was doing this service with such devotion that in the next birth he was born under the name Puspavahana (carrier of flowers). The sage Bhrgu once told him about his previous birth and asked him to observe dvadaslvrata. Puspavahana observed the vrata and attained bliss. (Srsji khanda, Padma Purana)

Rathantarakalpa. He got ten thousand sons of his wife Lavanyavatl. Puspavahana was a hunter in his previous birth. He used to

Bharata. If







appeased there will be health. (Chapter 221, Vana Parva) PUTANA I. A demoness who was killed by Krsna at Ambadi. Her previous birth, her relationship with Karhsa and such other details are found differently in different Puranas.

1) Karhsa and

P Stand.

Putana was the daughter of a demoness called Kajtavl and was the servant maid of the wife of




consort. (Devi

Kamsa. She had





(ii) Putana was the dha.tr! (foster-mother) of Kamsa. She entered Gokula in the form of a bird. (Harivam:'a, Chapter 2, Verse 6). Putana was the sister of Kamsa and the wife of (iii) Ghatodara. (Brahmavaivarta Parana)

(Adi Parva, Chapter 18).

Bhagavata 9, 1 Brahmavaivarta Purana, 49 and 56-57 and Adi Parva Chapter 11). Different versions about the birth of Radha are given in the Puranas, as follows in Gokula as daughter of Vrsabhanu (i) She was born and Kalavati. (Brahmavaivarta Purana, 2, 49; 35-42 Narada Purana, 2. 81).

2) Purvajanma (previour birth). Putana in her previous birth (i) daughter of Mahabali bearing the

was born as the name Ratnamala. When Vamana appeared before Mahabali during the time of the latter's Yajna, Ratnamala mentally desired thus "Oh if only this Vamana became my child I could have then breast-fed him." Vamana, the omniscient, understood the desire of Ratnamala. So during the incarnation as Krsna, Ratnamala was born as Putana, and Krsna gave her salvation by drinking her breast-milk. (Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Chapters 4 and
: !

(earth-girl) when (ii) She was got as Bhumi-kanya King Vrsabhanu was preparing the ground to conduct a Yajna. (Padma Purana; Brahma Purana 7). from the left side of Krsna. (Brahma(iii) She was born

vaivarta Purana). (iv) At the time of Krsna's birth Visnu asked his attendants to be born on earth. Accordingly Radha, took her birth in Gokula dear consort of Krsna, under the star Jyestha in the morning of Suklastami


Once when the

Carumati were travelling together they saw the sage Kakslvan doing penance on the shores of the river SarasvatT. Kalabhiru saw in Kakslvan a suitable husband for his daughter and so gave Carumati in marriage to him. They were thus living happily together when once Kakslvan had to go on a pilgrimage alone leaving Carumati in his asrama. Taking advantage of her loneliness a Sudra made her his concubine and when Kakslvan returned he found out the deceit and cursed her to be born as a demoness. She begged for relief and the sage said she would get relief when Visnu incarnated as Krsna. Putana was the cursed form of Carumati. (Chapter 18, Adi Parva). PUTANA II. An evil spirit. This spirit which torments children stays with Subrahmanya. (See under Graha-

sage Kalabhiru and



Bhadrapada month. (Adi Parva 1 ), Krsna once went with Viraja, the GopI woman, to (v) the hall of enjoyment ( rasamandalam ) Knowing about it Radha followed them to the hall, but both of them

were not to be found Viraja

seen. in the

she, in great anger, cursed her to be born in

another occasion when Radha company of Krsna and Sudama insulted Krsna whereupon Sudama



pida. (Chapter Parva) creeper. This can be used in Yagas as a substitute for Somalata. (Sloka 33, Chapter 35, Vana



Asramavasika Parva.


Parva of

PUTRAKA. A King. (See under Patallputra) PUTRIKAPUTRA. A son born to a woman who
one without a broiher. (Sloka Chapter 3, Manusmrti). PU YAVAHA. A hell. ( See under Naraka )
either a prostitute or

comprises chapters 29 to 36.


As she was loved by all beings she came to be called Raga. (Vana Parva, Chapter 203). RAGAKHANDAVA. A cake-like thing formed in a Yajna performed by King Dillpa. (Drona Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 8).


which help Visnu in the process of creation. (Devi Bhagavata 9. 1 Narada Purana 2. 81) (vii) Radha is the mental power of Sri Krsna. (For details see under Pancapranas) RADHA II. Wife of Adhiratha, the foster-father of Karna and the foster-mother of Karna. (See under Karna).

pangs of separation from Krsna. (Narada Purana 2. 8; Brahmavaivarta Purana. 2. 49) and Radha cursed him in turn to be born in the danava dynasty. It was on account of this curse of Radha that Sudama was born as the asura called Sankhacuda. (Brahma Vaivarta Purana, 2. 4. 9. 34) (vi) Radha is considered to be one of the five forces

human womb and experience



of the seven daughters of Brhaspati







means "sound". (Agni Purana, Chapter


A famous king of the Solar dynasty. The 1 General. ) great king Dillpa was his father. (For Genealogy, birth etc., see under Da^'aratha and Dillpa). 2) Other information. also occupies a place in the list of famous (i) Raghu kings of ancient days. (Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse
Kauravas (over the
between the king of Virata and the lifting of cows) Raghu was present along with Indra to see Arjuna fight. (Virata Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 10). iii ( ) Raghu got from King Yuvanasva a sword, which he presented to Harinasva. (Santi Parva Chapter 166, Verse 78). flesh. ( Amis' asana Parva, Chapter (iv) He did not eat 150, Verse 81). (v) Ksatriyas who praise Raghu will not be defeated in war. (AnuS asana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 51 ). to be remembered at dawn and (vi) In the list of kings too is included. (Anu 'asana Parva, at dusk Raghu Chapter 165, Verse 51).
the fight









232). (ii) In

play in

A monkey in Sri Rama's army. I. Ramayana, Yuddhakanda, Canto 4)


Purana, Chapter 348)


Raksasa on Ravana's


Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda, Canto RABHYA. An ancient king wedded



Ekavlra )




9) to justice and fair(For details see under

I. Sri Krsna's dearest consort. Radha is considered to be one of the two forms of Laksmidevi. When Krsna lived in Gokula as a man with two hands Radha was his dearest consort. But when he lives in Vaikuntha as four-handed Visnu, Laksmi is his dearest






daughter of


of Parvati.


This Veda Verse 19).


composed by

mni Arvavasu.

about Surya.


There is a story in Chapter 39 of the Vamana Purana about a skull falling on the muni's neck and the place where the skull was removed from his neck coming to be known as Kapalamocana.

A muni

of ancient days.


killed the






of one of the Raksasas cut by a very sharp knife was thrown off at a distance in the forest and who happened to be it fell on the neck ofRahodara, walking at the time in the forest. It (the head) cut deep into the bones of the Sage and that made it difficult for him to move about. Yet, he visited all the holy places on the earth with the skull of the Raksasa around his neck. At last he told the noble Rsis about his misfortune and they directed him to visit 'Au^anasatirtha', and the moment he touched the water in the tlrtha the skull fell into the water. Having been told about the incident, the Rsis named the tirtha 'Kapalaforest.

The head

(4) Raibhya was once an assistant at the sacrifice of Uparicaravasu. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 33, Stanza 7). (5) Raibhya was one of the hermits who visited Bhisma in his bed of arrows. (M.B. Anu:'asana Parva, Chapter 26, Stanza 26). RAIBHYA II. An ancient hermit. This hermit learned the Satvatadharma from Virana. After that he taught his son Dikpala, this dharma. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 343, Stanza 42). RAIBHYA III. The father of Dusyanta, the husband of Sakuntala. This Raibhya was the son of Sumati.




king of the Puru dynasty. He was the son of Sarhyati and the father of BhadraSva. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278). RAHU.' An Asura. Son of Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Sirhhika. 1) Birth. (Adi Parva. Chapter 65, Verse 31). 2) Rdhu and the Solar eclipse. The oldest story about

immediately started to Gaya to do penance. There he met with the Sanatkumaras. ( Varaha Purana) Urvasi made an earnest effort to hinder the severe vow and penance of Raibhya. But it was of no use, and by woman became ugly. She his curse, that celestial entreated him for liberation from the curse. Raibhya blessed her and said that she could obtain her original form by bathing in Yodhinikunda. (Yogini Kunda). Urvasi bathed in Yodhinikunda and from that day onwards that tirtha (holy bath) came to be known as

(Bhagavata, Skandha 9). IV. One of the sons of Brahma. Once Raibhya went with Vasu and Angiras to Brhaspati and asked him several questions, about the attainment of Supernal bliss. Brhaspati replied that attainment of heaven could be had, not by action but only by devotion. Raibhya

fame of


There was a


named Janasruti. The




in ancient India a story about the



that about

IV, Para 4).

3) Other information.

the solar eclipse (See under


of Brahma's court. (Sabha (i) Rahu is a member Parva Chapter 11, Verse 29). (ii) Sanjaya once spoke to Dhrtarasfra about Rahu. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 12, Verse 40)! (iii) Rahu exists 10,000 yojanas below the Sun. (Bhagavata, 5th Skandha). (iv) Rahu is installed in temples as wearing a half-moon on his head. (Agni Purana, Chapter 51). T RAHUGA!S A. A sage who lived in Rgvedic times. It was his son Gotama, who composed the 74th Sukta of the first Mandala of Rgveda. .RAIBHYA I. A hermit who was famous in the Palace of Yudhisthira. Information about this hermit, found in the Mahabharata is given below 1 ) Raibhya who was a friend of Bharadvaja had two ( named Arvavasu sons and Paravasu. They were scholars. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 135,

night while this King was sleeping, some hermits took the form of swans and were flying through the air. One of them saw the radiance of the fame of Janasruti shining brightly. The other swans said that the fame of Raikva was far greater than this. Jana.'ruti heard this. He found out Raikva and placed all his wealth at the foot of Raikva and gave him his daughter in




Information about



Once he heard the from Samaveda in the singing arbours of Mandara mountain in the south and becoming so much immersed in it, he desired to renounce his country, city, wife and everything and go to the forest. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 109, Stanza 9). (2) He got a sword from Marutta. He gave that sword to Yuvanasva. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 166, Stanza


given below

King found





in Bharata.

treat tanza 12).

(2) Bharadvaja once forbade his son Yavakrita from going to the hermitage of Raibhya. Getting angry at this, Raibhya struck his matted hair on the ground and created a wicked fairy and ordered her to kill Yavakrita. Knowing this Bharadvaja ran to that place and cursed Raibhya that his eldest son would kill him. Once Paravasu, mistaking his father for a cruel animal killed him. By the effort of his second son Arvavasu, Raibhya was brought to life again. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 138, Stanza 137) (3) Raibhya was the son of Angiras. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza 26).

(3) Raivata never ate meat. ( M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 115, Stanza 63). (4) He is one of the Kings who should be praised in the mornings and evenings. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 165, Stanza 53). RAIVATA II. One of the eleven Rudras. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza 19). RAIVATAKA I. A mountain in Gujarat. It stands near the present Junagadh. The present name of Raivataka mountain is Girnar. In Mahabharata it is spoken of as


SriKrsna and Arjuna were travelling through Prabhasaksetra once, they got to the top of this mountain. (Adi Parva, Chapter 217, Verse 8)

Ujjayantagiri. It


stated in







blessings of the preceptor the King should attend court. (Agni Purana. Chapter 235). According to Chapter 8 of the Manusmrti ( a great authority on law and ethics) Kings are born from the shoulders of Indra, Vayu, Yama. Surya, Agni, Varuna,
also the

a great festival on the was during this festival that Arjuria carried away Subhadra, the sister of Sri Krsna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 219; Bhagavata, Skandha

The Yadavas once

Raivataka mountain.




made about


Son of Priyavrata, the brother of Uttanapada. had two wives Priyavrata Surupa and Barhismatl. Surupa. gave birth to ten sons beginning with Agnidhra. Three sons Uttama, Tamasa and Raivata were born to Barhismati. These three sons became Lords of Manvantara, in course of time. (See under Manvantara). RAJA I. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva,


Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 18.

mountain in Saka Island. Mention mountain in Mahabharata, Bhisma

Candra and Kubera.




of the seven sons of Vasistha



Ordhvaba.hu, Savana, being Gotra, Anagha, Sutapas, and Sukra. Holy souls, these seven



were Saptarsis in the third Purana, Part 1, Chapter 10).







married Rajadhidevl. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha).

Brahma and a son of Kasyapaprajapati. This stork was known asNadljangha also. (See under Nadijangha).



Chapter 45, Verse 78)


Sage. of

He was one

of the sons born to

two gate-keepers of Suryadeva. (Bhavisya Purana, Brahmakanda). RAJA (N) All the important Puranas have laid special emphasis on the importance of rule by Kings. All living It was Brahma beings will have Kings of their own.

Vasistha of Urja.

Sand Parva, Chapters 1-130). RAjADHIDEVl. The youngest of the five daughters of the solar King Sura by Marisa. Kingjayasena of Avanti



capital of



first assigned or ordained Kingship. After the creation of the Prajapatis, Brahma made Candra the King of the stars and medicines; Varuna was appointed King of waters like sea, river etc; Vaisravana was appointed King of Kings; Visnu, King of Devas; Agni, King of Vasus; Indra King of Maruts; Daksa King of the Prajapatis; Prahlada King of the danavas; Himavan, King of mountains; Citraratha, King of Gandharvas; Vasuki, King of nagas; Garuda, King of birds; Airavata, King of elephants; Ox, King of cattle, Tiger, King of animals, Peepal tree, King of trees and Uccais'sravas, that of horses. (Agni Purana). As to what type the King of man-kind should be and what should form his duties it is ordained as follows. The Raja should appoint either a Ksatriya or a brahmin as

by King Pandu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 112, Verse 27). Another King, Ambuvica, had for a time ruled over the Afterwards city. (Adi Parva, Chapter 203, Verse 17). Jarasandha became its King. Girivraja is a holy place as well. He who bathes here will become as pleasantlooking as King Kaksivan. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84,

Magadha. Dirgha King of Girivraja was

ancient city in


RAjAMUKHl. A celestial woman. (Skanda Purana). RAjANl. A holy river in ancient India. (Bhisma Parva,
(Politics and administration). and administration or administrative politics in ancient India is dealt with in Manusmrti and Agni Purana. A very brief summary of it is given below The King should organise six kinds of army formations, worship the Devas duly and then set out for war.

Verse 104)



Verse 21).





should be of noble birth and well-versed in

a strong man who can speak boldly and openly should be appointed emissary or ambassador. Either a male or a female may be appointed to carry chewing materials. But, that person should be loyal, friendly and capable of putting up with hardships. The body-guard of the King should be a good swords-man. Ministers should be conversant with dharmasastras (moral and

The Commander-in-chief law. Only

Suhrdbala, Satrubala kinds of army formations. The list is given in order of the comparative importance of the bala. The army has six parts i.e. Mantra (adviKosa (treasury), Padati (infantry), Turaga sers),

Mulabala, Bhutabala, Srenibala,


and Atavikabala are the

(Cavalry), Gaja (elephant) and Ratha (chariot). an attack is feared either against the forts or across rivers or trenches, the army should be marched for their


ethical codes). Also, the King should be surrounded by the royal physician, chief of the elephant division of the; army, the mahout, chief of the cavalry force, master of the forts, the architect, preceptor in archery and the chief of the internal administration of the palace. When it is yet three hours for the dawn, the King should wake up from sleep. Music, praises by courtiers

should herald his waking up. As soon woken up, the King should hold talks with Then he should examine accounts and only


he has
spies. this



should he begin the ablutions. After his puja (worship) is over, cows with gold should be gifted to brahmins. With their blessings he must look first into the mirror and then in ghee along with gold. Then he must look







for the day's star etc.


The Army Chieftains surrounded by mighty warriors should lead the divisions. The King and his wife should be at the centre of the army-division along with the treasury and first class soldiers. On both sides of the King should march the cavalry and the chariots should form the farther wings. Elephants should proceed on the two sides of the chariot and soldiers recruited from forests must march on the sides of the elephants. The supreme commander will march behind all the others guiding the army. If there is cause for fear in front of the army during the march, three Vyuhas (Phalanxes) Makara, Syena The Sakata or SucI should be put in the Vanguard. is more suited to meet an attack from behind. If Vyuha attack is feared from the flanks then also the Saka^avyuha is advisable. When attack from all the sides is feared sarvatobhadravyuha is indicated. It is the duty of the Supreme Commander to safe-guard his army
and suppress reactionary
weakened, when



by the physician and


forces whenever the army gets marches through caves, mountains or

rocks or


Bhrgu dynasty Chapter 10).

other difficult terrain or weakened by the persistent attacks of the enemy. When the time, place and the people's attitude are favourable, the King should engage himself in open war with the enemy, and if they are unfavourable he shall not go in for war. If confrontation with the enemy occurs under circumstances in which the King is visible to the enemy, powerful divisions of the army consisting of warriors of great calibre should be stationed either at the front or in the rear.






He was

In the formation of vyuhas (phalanx)

factors called

are seven



bold soldiers. The leader is the very life of the war. the Uras of the vyuha powerful elephants, at the Kaksas chariots and at the Paksas cavalry should be stationed. This is called paksabhedivyuha. If at the centre cavalry and at Kaksas and Paksas elephants are

Uras (breast), Kaksas (arm-pits), two and Prstha (sides), two Madhyas (centre) The commanders should be surrounded by

elephants may be stationed in the place of chariots, if chariots are not available. (Agni Purana, Chapter 242) RAJAPURA I." An ancient and famous cily in Kamboja. Here Kama defeated the Kambojas. (Drona Parva,

stationed, it is called antarbhedivyuha. If there are no chariots, cavalry or infantry may be put in their place. Certain authorities maintain that in every vyuha

one of the five sons of Ay us by Svarbhinu the other four being Nahusa, Ksatravrddha, ( Vrddhasarman) Rambha and Anenas. (Asrama Parva, Chapter 70, Verse 23,. Puranas contain stories that Indra destroyed people borninRaji's dynasty as they hated the former. That side in which the powerful Raji fought used to win. In a fight between the asuras and the Devas, when Indra felt that his side was losing, he secured the participation of Raji in the fight on condition that the latter would be given Indra-hood. The asuras were defeated and Raji was made king of svarga. Raji had thousands of children and they were known under the common name Rajeyaksatriyas. But they were a foolish lot and lacked the capacity to distinguish themselves

See under Yoga A prominent king of the





Brhaspati, preceptor




Verse 5).

II. Capital city of King Citrangada of Kalihga. Innumerable kings gathered together in the city in connection with the Svayarhvara of the princesses. (Santi Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 3). RAjAibEKHARA. A Sanskrit dramatist who lived in India in 7th century A.D. Balabharata or Prakanda-

grammarian. In Panini'sastadhyayl depicted as a maharsi possessing great knowledge ofjhe Vedas. RAjNl. Second of the three wives of Vivas van. The couple had a son called Revata. RAJYAVARDDHANA. A king of Vaisali. Rajyavarddhana was a great ascetic, who could comprehend


all and resumed his former position and status. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha Vayu Purana, Chapter 92, Harivarhsa 1,28; Verse 76; Brahmanda Purana 11 Matsya Purana. Chapter 24, Verses 34-49).

place. Therefore, at the instance of of the Devas, Indra destroyed



pandava, Balaramayana, Viddhasalabhanjika and Karpuramanjari are his more famous dramatic works. Karpuramanjar! refers to him as the preceptor of a king of Kanauj. RajaSekhara was known by the name Kaviraja also. Balaramayana, called also Mahana^aka, is a drama in ten Acts. Balabharata contains only two Acts. Its theme is the wedding of Draupadi and the ruin caused by the game of dice. Viddhasalabhanjika is a drama in
four Acts.

death was near, he

the past, the present

and the


told his subjects





and went

into the forests for tapas.



scholars hold the view that Rajasekhara lived in the 10th century A.D. RAjASUYA. A great yajfta. Hariscandra and also


in eighteen chapters.

has a further work to his credit, Kavya-

Sorry over the departure of their king, his subjects as well as ministers began worshipping Surya, who appeared and blessed them saying that their king would live for ten thousand years in perfect health, victory and with all wealth and prosperity and other resources and with unimpaired youthfulness. The ministers and subjects greatly elated over the boon informed their king in the forest about it, but he only felt sorry about it. He told them that during his life for ten thousands years he would have to witness the death of
his sons,

Dharmaputra performed
35, 84).


(Sabha Parva, Chapters



(Chapters 33-35)

consoled and made them return. Then hs did rigorous tapas to Surya and secured from him the

The king

be sad throughout

grandsons and subjects and would thus have




Sabha Parva.

Parva, Chapters 13-19. RAJATANABHA. A Yaksa.

sub-parva of Sabha


boon that during kandeya Purana).

his life-time

none would





daughter ofAnuhrada and two sons, Manivara and Manibhadra were born to them. RAjAVAN. A muni born in the Bhrgu dynasty. To


I. The presiding Devi of the full moon. She too was present at the birth of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 14) RakadevI was the daughter of Angiras, who had by his

Bhrgu were born of his wife Khyati, LaksmI, the wife of Visnu and also two sons called Dhata and Vidhata. They married Ayati and Niyati daughters of Meru. Two sons, Prana and Mrkandu were horn to the couples. From Mrkandu was born Markandeya and from him Veda'iras. Prana had a son called Dyutiman and he a son called Rajavan. It was from Rajavan that the


A Raksasa girl. She served, at the instance of II. Kubera, Maharsi Vi:':ravas, and a son called Khara and a daughter, Surpanakhfi, were born to her by the maharsi. (Vana Parva, Chapter 275, Verse 3) RAKSAS. A particular sect of asuras. Yaksas and Raksas were offsprings born to Kasyapa prajapati of his wife Muni. (Agni Purana, Chapter 19).

wife Smrti four daughters called Sinlvali, Kuhu, and Anumati. (Visnu Purana. Part I, Chapter 1)




Parasara a yajna to annihilate the Raksasas altogether. (Adi Parva, Chapter 180). The provocation for ParaSara to conduct the yajna was that a Raksasa



had ordained that Raksasas should not be killed at dusk. Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Canto 22, Verse 22). Uttararamayana, contains the following story about the origin of Raksasas. When Brahma was reciting the Vedas at the beginning of Krtayuga he felt very hungry and certain forms emanated from his face. Those who were born from his anger assumed the form of Raksasas and those from his hunger that of Yaksas. The Raksasas turned out to be evil folk killing and eating cows and brahmins. Praheti and Heti were the first born Raksasas, the latter of whom wedded Bhaya, daughter of Kala, and to them was born a son called


sect of asuras.




Muni once conducted


that way and after Kailasa. The child was named Sukei a. He married Devavati, daughter of the Gandharva called Manimaya and three children were born to the couple, viz. Malyavan, Sumall and Mali. They did tapas to propitiate Brahma and when he appeared requested him thus "We must defeat Yaksas
that time Siva and Parvati blessing the child returned to

married Salakatanka, daughter of Sandhya. Though a child was born to them they forsook it in the Himalayan slopes and went their own way.




called Kalmasapada ate Sakti, the father of the muni and the son of Vasistha. When the yajna had reached its climax Pulastya, Pulaha and Kratu went to Parasara and held conciliatory talks with him, and Parasara, ended the yajna. The Agni that he had made to devour the Raksasas was discarded on the slopes of the Himato this layas. According to the Puranas that fire, even day, continues consuming the Raksasas, trees and rocks. (For details see under Kalmasapada and Parasara) RAKSITA. A celestial woman, daughter of Kasyapaprajapati by Pradhadevi. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 50). RAKSOBHAKSA. A hell. (For details see under Kala.) RAKSOVAHA. A kingdom in ancient India. The Ksatriyas there were annihilated by Paras urama. (Drona Parva, Chapter 70, Verse 12). RAKTA. A son of Mahisasura. He had two sons called Bala and Atibala. He had also a number of mighty army generals like Dhumraksa and thousand aksauhinis under each general. (Skanda Purana, 7.1.119).

all their prayers. The three, proud and haughty due to these boons, began roaming about consuming cows and brahmins. They asked Visvakarma to build a city for them and he built for them Lanka on Mount Trikuta in the south sea. The three brothers took their abode in Larika Malyavan, Sumall and Mall married respectively Sundari. Ketumati, and Vasudha, daughters of the Gandharva woman Narmada Malyavan begot of Sundari seven sons called Vajramusti Virupaksa, Durmukha, Suptaghna, Yajnakosa, Malta, and Unmatta, and also a daughter called Nala. To Sumall were born of Ketumati ten sons and also four

Kinnaras, Gandharvas^ Siddhas, Vidyadharas, Yama, Kubera, Vasava, Naga kings and daityas and danavas and we must not be defeated by any one. We must kill all enemies and they shall not kill us. We three shall never quarrel among ourselves."


1 General. Rebirth of Rambhasura, ) sasura. Stories of Raktablja and

father of MahiRambhasura are

Brahma granted

inextricably intertwined. 2) Origin of Raktabija. Once upon a time there lived an asura king called Danu. His two sons, Rambha and Karambha who had no children, did tapas at Pancanada for the blessing of having issues. Rambha and Karambha meditated upon Miilavata Yaksa, the former seated at the centre of the five fires and the latter standing in the water. Indra in the guise of a crocodile dragged Karambha away by the feet and killed him. Angry at the death of his brother, Rambha decided to cut off his

head and offer it in Agni appeared and

daughters. Four sons were born to Mall of his wife Vasudha, they became the ministers of Vibhlsana.


Then thousands

of Raksasas were born as sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, etc. to the above and they lived in Larika, a terror to the whole world.

While the daughters of Sumali, Veka, Puspotkata, Kaikasi and Kumbhinasi were once walking in the forest they saw Kubera on a visit to Brahma in all pomp and glory. They understood that Kubera owed his pomp and glory to his being the son of ViSravas and therefore, the next day one of the four, Kaikasi, went to Visravas's asrama and prayed for children by him. Three sons called Ravana, Vibhisana and Kumbhakarna and a daughter called Surpanakha were born to her by Vigravas. They secured boons by performing and Ravana lived in Lanka as king of the tapas




under Vivaha).

An approved

system of marriage.


evil spirit connected with the Raksasas. Affected by this spirit man will immediately become mad. (Vana Parva, Chapter 23, Verse 50).

handsome and skilled in archery. Agni blessed Rambha that he would have, as desired, a son by the woman whom he coveted. On his way back home he saw a beautiful she-buffalo, which he married. He took the buffalo which got pregnant by him, to Patala to protect it from the attack by other buffaloes. One day another buffalo felt a passion for Rambha's wife and in the fight that ensued Rambha was killed by it. Rambha's wife died in his funeral It was from the centre of the fire that the pyre. very powerful Mahisasura was born. Ramhhasura also rose from the fire under the name' Raktabija. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 17; Devi Bhagavata, 5th Skandha). 3) Boon to Raktabija. Raktabija secured from Siva a boon according to which if one drop of blood from his body fell on the battlefield, many Raktabijas would arise from the blood and Each of fight the enemies. these Raktabijas would also be like the others in the matter of strength, form and weapons. (Devi Bhagavata, 5th Skandha).

he was about to do so, suicide was worse than killing others, and promised to grant him whatever he desired. Accordingly Rambha requested Agni for a son more effulgent than the latter, who would conquer the three worlds and would not be defeated even by the Devas and the Asuras. Rambha further wanted that son to be as powerful asVayu, exceptionally





4) His death. War between Devas and Asuras broke out in the fight between Devi and Raktabija blood from When Devi found it impossible to his body (lowed. kill the lakhs of Raktasuras who arose from the blood, She asked Camundi to lick off she resorted to a trick. the blood flowing from Raktabija before it fell on the ground. Accordingly Devi began killing the asuras and Camundi consuming their blood and flesh. When the killed thus, the original artificial Raktabijas were all Raktabija alone remained and in the fight between them, Devi cut off his head with her sword. Camundi did not permit even a drop of blood to fall on the


what he should do. Then Siva ordered him thus You kill this asura (Svedaja) created by Brahma with his own effulgence." And Siva led Raktaja out of the





(Devi Bhagavata, 5th Skandha). A form assumed by Arjuna in

following story




Padma Purana


(Chapter 14) about Arjuna being reborn as such at the meeting of Kali and Dvapara yugas and Svedaja being born as Kama during the same period. Once during a quarrel between Siva and Brahma the former nipped off Brahma's head. (For details see under Brahma). Some drops of sweat appeared on the forehead of the angry Brahma, and from the sweat which Brahma wiped with his hand arose a person wearing a thousand shields, bow and quiver. That person was Svedaja. He asked Brahma what he should do and the former granted him permission to destroy Siva. He then approached Siva with bow drawn and the frightened Siva ran to Visnu and sought refuge. Svedaja followed Siva and when Visnu, seeing him, raised a loud noise 'Hum'. Siva prostrated at Visnu's feet. Siva extended the skull in his hand towards Visnu requesting something to be given to him. Mahavisnu, who had nothing else to give Siva, put his right hand into the skull as alms, Siva wounded the hand with his Sula and pure red blood began ( three-pronged weapon ) flowing from the hand into the skull. The blood continued flowing for a thousand years in a length of fifty yojanas and thickness of ten yojanas. At the end of the period Visnu asked whether the skull was not filled yet, and looking into the skull with his three eyes Siva answered that it was full. Then Visnu stopped the
hand. The blood gradually turned into a bubble, and a person possessing thousand hands and as glowing as fire appeared in the skull. He had a crown on his head and he held in his hands a bow and quiver. He wore And, that was Raktaja, an ingloves on his hands. carnation of Nararsi. Looking at Raktaja, Siva told Visnu thus "This master in archery is Nara. You spoke Nara, and let his name, therefore be Nara. Oh Narayana, you both will be called Naranarayanas. This Nara will be of help to you on behalf of the Devas and also in the sustenance and protection of the world. He will further help you to kill the asuras. Nara, the great intellectual that he is, will become a mifni, of surpassing wisdom. Brahma's

Svedaja continued for two years. By then Svedaja had lost everything but one of his shields and Raktaja had only his two arms to fight with. At this stage Vasudeva asked Brahma (Visnu) in great alarm went and whether Raktaja might not kill Svedaja. Brahma answered, 'In the next birth Nara may defeat Svedaja'. Saying 'Right, let that be so', Visnu returned to the battlefield and withdrew them from fighting with the assurance that they would be given an opportunity to Kali and the fight again during the period of the

the terrible person I spoke about made unconscious by the cry of 'Hum' by Visnu. Awake him immediaAfter having said this Siva disappeared. Nara, tely." in the presence of Narayana, kicked the unconscious Svedaja with his left foot, and he came out of his unconscious state. The fierce fight that ensued between Raktaja and



hands and told him again



Afterwards Visnu directed Aditya (Sun) and Akhandala ( Indra) to look after Raktaja and Svedaja. He told Aditya further "At the end of the Dvapara yuga you should see that Svedaja is reborn, in the In the Yadu interests of the Devas, as your son. dynasty will be born a very powerful fellow called Sura and he will have a very beautiful daughter named Durvasas will advise her some mantras as a Prtha. boon and she will have some sons from the Devas whom she will invoke with the mantras. With that object in view, while in her periods, she would, at the time of dawn gaze at you with love. Then he (Svedaja) will be born as the son called Vasusena of Kunti, the

Dvapara yugas.

The Sun-God agreed to obey Visnu and told him further



flow of blood, and Siva, in the presence of Visnu, looked into the blood for a thousand years and stirred it with his

instructions of "I shall procreate in the virgin a very powerful and valiant son, who will become well-known in the world as Kama. He will gift away all wealth to brahmins." After saying this Surya dis-

the above

with his wives, Kunti and Madrl, and he will then become the object of an animal's curse. He will therefore, in a spirit of renunciation, go to mount Satasrhga where he would ask Kunti to become a mother by another man. Unwilling to do so Kunti will desire to have sons by Devas, and when she prays to you, you should favour her wilh this Nara as son. Devenclra raised a legal objection to the above injunction of Visnu as follows "You, who incarnated yourself as Rama in the twentyseventh yuga of the last

"You this Visnu told Indra as follows should, at the end of the Dvapara yuga see that this Nara, born from blood, is reborn as an aspect of yours on earth. King Pandu will one day go into the


divine fifth head possesses so much of effulgence. Nara is created from that effulgence and also from the blood from your hands and my look at it. He will annihilate all enemies in war. He will be a terror to those persons who cannot be conquered by you, Indra and the other


While Visnu stood there amazed Raktaja praised him and Siva with folded hands and asked from the skull

purpose of killing Ravana, killed Therefore I do not wish to procreate my Nara as my son." To this objection of Indra Visnu assured him that as a penalty for the mistake of killing Bali, he would be a companion of Nara (Arjuna) who would be born as Indra's son. According to the above terms and conditions fighting between Raktaja and Svedaja ended. In the next birth Raktaja was born as Arjuna and Svedaja as
for the


son Bali.



To have
a son, Dai'aratha took as his second wife Kaikeyi, daughter of the King of Kekaya and younger sister of Yudhajit. But she turned out to be barren. Then he married Sumitra, daughter of the King of Kasi. Even after many years none of the three wives of Da.' aratha presented him with a son. One of those days Da'aratha went deep into the forest, hunting. While resting on the banks of river Sarayu he heard a sound like that of an elephant drinking water in the river. Without realising the fact that the voice was that of the son of a muni filling water in a pot for his aged parents, the King released an arrow against him. When Da aratha walked to the spot, he realised his mistake. He had hit unknowingly a brahminboy, a muni's son. The boy lay wounded about to

Karna. Mahavisnu incarnated himself as Sri Krsna. The meeting of the three in the battle-field is wellknown. RAKTAivIGA. A naga born in Dhrtarattra's dynasty. It was burnt to death at the yajna of Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 18). RAMA. A synonym for Mahalaksmi. There is a story in the eighth Skandha of Devi Bhagavata as to how the name Rama came to be attached to Laksml. Revanta, the very handsome son of Surya one day came to Vaikuntha mounted on his horse Uccaissravas to pay his respects to Mahavisnu. Even LaksmidevI

him and all like this and cursed that since Laksmi's eyes enjoyed the sight of some one she would come to be called Rama also and that she would be born as a mare on earth. RAMA (SRI RAMA). The seventh incarnation of
looks between

charm of Revanta changing her his horse. Mahavisnu did not at

stood aghast speechless


very short time at the

The boy explained to Dasaratha who he was and how he had come to the river to carry water to his

Mahavisnu, a very powerful king of the solar dynasty. Descended from Visnu thus: Brahma 1) Genealogy. Marici - Kasyapa-Vivasvan - Vaivasvata Manu-Mahabahu - Prasandhi - Ksupa-Iksvaku - Vikuksi SasadaKakutstha (Puranjaya) - Anenas-Prthulasva-Prasenajit-

Yuvanasva-Mandnata-Purukutsa-Trasadasyu-AnaranyaHryasva-Vasumanas-Sutanva - Traiyyaruna-Satyavrata (Trisanku)-Hariscandra - Rohita va - Harita - CuncuSudeva - Bharuka - Bahuka - Sagara - AsamanjasaArhsiiman-Bhagiratha-Srutanabha-Sindhudvlpa-Ayutayus-Rtuparna - Sarvakama - Sudas - Mitrasakha (Kalmasapada) - Asmaka - Mulaka - Khatvariga - Dilipa (Dlrghabariu)-Raghu-Aja-Dasaratha-Rama. When Ravana was ruling over 2) Reason for his birth. Lanka as a terror to the world, evils and cruelties like
matricide, patricide, fratricide, killing of cows, hatred for good people, children's death, abduction of women, killing of munis, thefts etc. became rampant. When the

aged parents. After telling the King details about him he breathed his last. Sobbing at his misadventure, Dasaratha went to the aged parents of the dead boy with the pot filled with water. The parents, who were blind thought that it was their son who was approaching them when Dasaratha revealed the sad story to them. After cursing Dasaratha that he too would die of separation from his son, the aged muni
expired; his wife also died in his funeral pyre. The grief-stricken King returned to Ayodhya. Only Vasistha and Sumantra were told about the curse, which, though a cause for great sorrow, implied

grief-stricken Bhumidevi (Goddess of assumed the form of a cow and took refuge with Indra in Svarga. She told him about the atrocities committed by Ravana and the other Raksasas. Then Indra took Bhumidevi (cow) to Brahma, who took them to Siva at Kailasa as killing Ravana was beyond his (Brahma's) power. Siva thought it improper on his part to kill Ravana and so he took Brahma and others to Visnu and submitted their grievance to him. Visnu consoled them by saying as follows: "I have

world became

that Dasaratha would have sons. Vasistha, therefore, advised Da:' aratha to get the yajna, called putrakamesti performed by Rsyar'rnga. Accordingly the King invited his daughter Santa and his son-in-law, Rsyas'rnga to Ayodhya, and the yajna began. Rsyasriiga made offerings in the sacred tire chanting the putrakama hymn. Then a divine person arose from the fire with a golden vessel full of pudding (nectar of the Devas) and disappeared again in the fire after giving the vessel to Rsyasriiga handed it over to DasaraRsyas'rnga. tha, who as advised by the maharsi divided the pudding between Kausalya and Kaikeyi. They gave a part of their shares of the pudding to Sumitra also. The three queens conceived, and in due course of time Kausalya and Kaikeyi delivered a son each and Sumitra two sons. The son of Kausalya was named Rama, the son of Kaikeyi, Bharata, and sons of Sumitra

to protect Bhumidevi and the good people on the earth." (Kamba Ramayana, PurvaKanda). 3) Birth King Das aratha of the solar dynasty ruled

decided to incarnate myself as the son of Daparatha, king of Ayodhya. You Devas also should take birth on earth to help me to kill Ravana and other evil Raksasas and

Kosala with Ayodhya as his capital. Maharsi Vasistha was his family preceptor. With the cooperation of eight ministers such as Sumantra and others he ruled the country in the path of supreme welfare and prosperity. A daughter, Santa, was born to him of his wife Kausalya. Years passed by, yet he had no son. One
of those days King Lomapada, close friend of Das"aratha

were named Laksmana and Satrughna. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda) 4) Boom granted to Kaikeyi. Before the sons were born to Dasaratha, the mighty asura called Sambara once attacked Devaloka. Dasaratha was at that time known as Nemi, and he was a great friend of Indra, and on his invitation Nemi, along with Kaikeyi, went to Devaloka in a chariot. Nemi killed the asura army within half an hour. Then Sambara assumed the form of ten Sambaras and attacked Nemi from ten

points. In this context Nemi turned and twisted chariot in all the ten directions at the same time killed all the trn Sambaras and recaptured Svarga.



childless Ayodhya. Lomapada, who was Das aratha for Santa and she was given as his adopted daughter by Dasaratha. Lomapada gave her in marriage to Rsyasrriga, who had once caused rain-fall in Anga. (For details see under Rsyasriiga).

was from that day onwards that Nemi came


be known


as Dasaratha. In the fight with the Sambaras on all points Dasaratha's chariot was so violently shaken that the key of its axle







threatened danger Kaikeyi

Noticing the her finger to the applied



proper place of the axle and thus averted the mishap. When Dasaratha knew about this timely action of Kaikeyl he was so very pleased that he asked her to choose any two boons she desired, and she asked him to keep the boons with him to be granted whenever she requested for them. Dasaratha and Kaikeyl took leave of Indra and returned to Ayodhya. (Kamba


Rama trod upon the Rama trod on the stone

Ahalya cast off her form as stone and resumed her old form as Ahalya. Immediately Gautama and Satananda also appeared on the scene. Ahalya ascended to the sky as a devi.
and Laksmana. Janaka's daughter Sita and his younger brothers' daughters Mandavi, Ormila and Srutakirti were living in the palace as sisters and very good friends. One day the princesses who were playing in the garden could not pluck jasmine flowers from a height. Sita then brought the Saivacapa (Siva's bow) from the weapon-room and shot down Jasmine flowers with it. As Janaka watched Sita's action of shooting with the Saivacapa an idea came into his head. He announced that the hero, who succeeded in shooting with Saivacapa, would be given Sita in marriage. Just as Rama and Laksmana were inseparable companions Sita and Ormila were always to be found together and Mandavi and Srutakirti were particular friends. Sri Rama shot an arrow from Siva's bow and he was selected as Sita's husband. Janaka informed Dasaratha of the marriage and he came with his attendants. Bharata married Mandavi, Laksmana, Urmila and Satrughna, Srutakirti. After living in Mithila for sometime Dasaratha and others returned to Ayodhya. Visvamitra went to the Himalayas for rest. 9) Par as urania's threat. Dasaratha and others on their way back to Ayodhya passed the Videha kingdom and reached the suburbs of Bhargavasrama. All of a sudden a shining form of a brahmin with Ksatriya effulgence


as soon as



VlsVamitra came


king Janaka's palace

Ramayana, Balakanda).



the forest in the company of Visvamitra. too followed his brother. While walking in the forest Visvamitra related many old stories to Rama and Laksmana. They crossed river Sarayu, passed by many asramas of munis and reached the Pala forest. Here Visvamitra imparted to Rama and Laksmana, who felt too weak on account of hunger and thirst the two mantras Bala and Atibala,

DaSaratha grew up in Ayodhya. Though they were equally friendly to one another, intimacy between Rama and Laksmana and also between Bharata and Satrughna came to be thicker. Once VisVamitra decided to conduct a yajna for the happiness and contentment of all people. At the very commencement of the yajna, Raksasas, in batches, tried to spoil it, and Marica and Subahu, sons of Tataka were the leaders of the obstructionists. Visvamitra knew that Rama was the most effective weapon against the Raksasas and requested Dasaratha Dasaratha felt sad about it to lend him Rama's help. and Visvamitra was getting excited over the former's attitude when Vasistha advised Dasaratha to send Rama along with Visvamitra. Accordingly DaSaratha sent






sons of



which would ward off hunger and thirst. He also taught them the use of certain rare arrows. Sri Rama was specially taught the use of a divine arrow called

Jrmbhakastra. 6) Tdfakd killed.

While Visvamitra was relating to them the story of Tataka, who dwelt in the forest, they saw the fierce Raksasi coming fast with a long spear in her hand. She threw a big rock at Visvamitra. Rama shattered the rock with an arrow. Next, Tataka dashed forward against Rama roaring furiously, and Rama, with another arrow killed her. The soul of the dead Tataka assumed the form of a Gandharva woman and
ascended to heaven.

it was already dawn Gautama went to the river for bath when Indra assumed the form of the muni, entered his bed room and slept with

Raksasas like Subahu lined up 7) Salvation to Ahalyd. to obstruct the yajna, which Visvamitra began after the killing of Tataka. Rama killed Subahu ; Marica ran away in fright and hid himself in the sea. Rama drove away the other Raksasas. Next, Visvamitra, hearing about the Svayarhvara of Sita, daughter of King Janaka started for his palace with Rama and Laksmana, and on the way he told the boys many Puranic stories. They bathed in the river Gaiiga and a short walk took them to the vacant asrama of Gautama. The great muni called Gautama had once lived in this alrama with his dutiful wife Ahalya and their son Satananda, an erudite scholar in all sciences. Indra, who lost his head over the great beauty of Ahalya went to the aSrama one midnight in the form of a
cock and crew. Thinking

crown prince. The people whole-heartedly During the night previous to the coronation, while the wives of DaSaratha were gladly discussing the happy incident, Manthara, the tale-bearing maid of Kaikeyi advised her mistress to prevail upon Dasaratha to exile Rama into the forest and install Bharata as crown prince. Manthara also reminded Kaikeyi about the boons, which had been promised to her by Dasaratha

appeared in front of the procession. Vasistha underand stood that it was Paraiurama and Dasaratha others were alarmed. Paras urama approached Sri Rama who was viewing the former with quiet serenity. Paraiurama was very angry that Rama broke the bow of Siva who was his (Paras urama's) preceptor. All Rama's conciliatory talk failed to pacify Paras urama, who spoke thus to Rama "You, impudent fellow you insulted me and my preceptor. All right, let me see your power. Take this my bow, and shoot with it." Sri Rama took hold of the bow and bent it easily and out the fixing an arrow on it asked Parasurama to point target for it. As Parasurama feared that if the arrow was sent, it might crush the whole univese, he asked Rama so choose the result of his (Paras urama's) tapas as target for the arrow. Both the bow and the arrow were of Visnu's power. That power as well as his own Vaisnava power, Parasurama transferred to Sri Rama and having thus fulfilled the object of his incarnation Parasurama went to Punyasrama for permanent tapas. Dasaratha decided to install Sri 10) Ruin of the country.




Ahalya. When Gautama understood the fraud thus played upon him, he cursed her into a stone. She was to resume her old form when, during Tretayuga, Sri

during the devasura war. Kaikeyi fell into the trap thus set by Manthara. Kaikeyi put on a wrathful face and shut herself up in a room. When Dasaratha enquired of her the reason for her anger she asked him to make her son Bharata, the crown prince and exile Rama for



was performing tapas there to propitiate Siva when he was overcome by the beauty of Sita and to look at her from a hidden spot he had assumed the form of the ebony tree. It was him that Laksmana had cut down. Sri Rama understood the situation and explained to his wife and brother about the trickeries of the Raksasas. Then the parnasala was constructed and they lived there. Hearing about the coming of Rama all the sages

fourteen years' life in forest. The king fainted when he heard the demand. But, Sri Rama, on hearing about start it, put on an anchorite's apparel and got ready to

and Laksmana also got ready to follow Rama into the forest. While the entire population of Ayodhya stood there weeping, Rama, Laksmana and Sita wearing the forest-dwellers' garb started for the
for the forest. Sita

Sumantra, who had accompanied Rama and others returned to Ayodhya, Dasaratha expired on account of unbearable grief caused by Rama's exile. Messengers brought to Ayodhya Bharata and Satrughna from Kekaya where they were put up with their uncle Yudhajit at the time of their father's death. But, they were kept in the dark of all that had happened in their absence till their arrival at the palace. Bharata, who heard of everything from his mother was greatly upset and got ready to go to Rama in the forest. Satrughna too got ready to accompany him. Arundhati and Vasistha in a chariot in the fore-front, Kausalya and Sumitra in another chariot just behind the first one, Bharata and Satrughna behind them in this manner the great journey into the forest started. Leaving all others behind him, Bharata went forward and prostrated before Rama and Laksmana at Citrakuta. Sri Rama broke into tears on hearing about the death of their father. But in spite of

11) Death of Dasaratha and Bharata's decision.

As soon

of the Dandaka forest visited them. They lived in Pancavati for thirteen years. Parames14) Test by Paramesvara (Siva) and Parvati. vara and Parvati, who knew that many tricky changes would occur in the thirteenth year of the life of Rama and Sita there, decided to submit them to a test. The object of the test was to see whether Rama and Sita would recognise each other under all circumstances. When Sita one day entered the river Godavari to fetch water, she saw two swans enjoying themselves in a lotus pool in the middle of a sand-shoal in the river. When Sita went near the pool she saw Rama bathing in it. But on a closer look she recognised that it was not Rama, but Siva, in the guise of Rama, who was

bathing there.



Bharata's pressing

Ayodhya. At and returned


Bharata yielded to Rama's injunction to Ayodhya with the latter's sandals. But he did not enter the palace instead he built an asrama



were quickly. Sita Oh, Deva come to the bath ?

: :




Dear one
so late

Sita Siva, who Please


was disguised









you alone
not come

refused to return to

Nandigrama and worshipping Rama's sandals




Viradha and regained Sita. Then a-'rama of sage Sarabhanga in the Kumuda forest. Therefrom they went to the Mrkandu forest where they visited maharsi Agastya, and there Rama took the vow to kill Ravana and other evil Ra.ksasas and thus render the land safe for sages to perform tapas. Agastya presented to Rama a Vaisnava bow, a Brahma arrow and a Saiva quiver. Rama kept them with Agastya himself lo be given to him when required. Then Agastya gave Rama a divine ornament such as was not available in all the three worlds. Rama tied it round Slta's neck. Taking leave of Agastya, Rama and others went to the Dandaka forest. It was on a high peak of Mount Mahakraunca in the forest that Jatayu, brother of Sampati and a very close friend of Rama lived. Rama and Jatayu renewed their old frindship and decided to be of mutual service in future. After that Rama and others rested themselves on the banks of the near-by Godavari. Pancavati was on the southern 13) Stay at Pancavati. bank of the Godavari. Five vajas (peepal trees) of the same size stood there in a circle, and so the place was called Pancavati. (See under Pancavati). Sri Rama decided to build his asrama at the centre of those trees. Laksmana cut down an ebony tree there to put up a parnasala (hut) At once ihe log disappeared and the dead body of a Raksasa youth was found there. It was the corpse of Sambhukumata, son of Surpanakha. He
off Sita.

From Mount Citrakuta Sri Pancavati. Rama and others started towards the forest. When they continued their journey after visiting the Sage Atri's asrama a Raksasa called Viradha ran away carrying
12) Trip

two are unique. Devi might be alone at Kailasa just now. It was not good that you did not bring her also with you. salutations to your divine Siva Oh great Devi greatness. Let me return to Kailasa after saluting Sri Rama. Hail unto thee.
: : !

I had to come alone as Devi did Rama with me at once and was late in coming. Sita Why did not the Devi come ? You


they visited


closely and recognised that it was not Oh Devi my salutations. and replied as follows Did you come alone ? Where is Deva ? How is it that you are separated from him ? Mahadeva and Mahadevi are one and inseparable. Then how this separation ? Salutations. Thou art omniscient and Sita ( Parvati)

Meanwhile Sri Rama .vas waiting impatiently for Sita to Then Sita approached him looking into a lotus return. flower she held in her hand and also throwing, off and on, amorous glances at him. (She was in fact Parvati in the guise of Sita). And she told Rama Lord ! delay in returning. The delay was you would excuse due to tarrying there to look at the play of two swans.

my Rama looked




omnipotent. I return to the presence of Siva. Surpanakha was the 15) The incident of Surpanakha. wife of a Raksasa called Vidyujjihva. Once in a war which Ravana, Vidyujjihva and other Raksasas fought

therefore, permitted Surpanakha to choose whomsoever she liked as her husband, and she went about the world in search of a suitable husband. She liked some

Devaloka Vidyujjihva was


by mistake. Ravana,

persons, but they did not like her, and vice versa. Thus she was roaming about discontented. She was also on the look-out for an opportunity to take vengeance on

to Pancavati disguised as Lalita. Sri alone was there in the asrama at the time and Sri Rama rejected she told him that she was love-sick. her prayer on the plea that he was already married.

Surpanakha, who heard about the beauty of Rama and


for killing her son,


Laksmana came




But, he drove her away disfigured. When the brothers continued their search for Sita they were caught in the arms stretched out in semi-circular form. It was a Raksasa called Kabandha, and they cut away one arm each. At once the fierce Kabandha (headless body) form disappeared and aGandharva youth appeared in his place. After offering moksa to Kabandha Rama and Laksmana continued their search for Sita. (See


she approached Laksmana with the same request. too refused to oblige her. Then she saw Slta there and decided to shatter her married life and also to make a present of her to Ravana. She also thought that if Slta were got rid of she would have Rama for husband. Maddened by such thoughts she rushed into the agrarna.
out. Laksmana drove her Then, carrying But, Laksmana with her she rose into the sky and he cut away both her ears, breasts and nose. Thus disfigured she resumed her form of Raksasi. She flew away in the sky

roaring loudly. 16) Khar a killed. Having heard about the disfigurement of Surpanakha Khara sent fourteen Raksasas to Rama's asrama. Laksmana killed them very easily. Next, Khara, his brothers Dusana and Trisiras with fourteen thousand Raksasa soldiers came to fight Rama. Rama and Laksmana killed them also. This saddened Surpanakha very much and she reported the entire

Rama and Laksmana reached 19) Salvation to Sabari. Sabaryasrama and were duly received by the female hermit Sabari. She presented them with fruits. Not
only that, she personally tasted each fruit for its quality and then gave the best to the guests. Rama was so very pleased with her pure devotion that he offered her

under Kabandha).

Ravana at Lanka. She told him that Rama and Laksmana were very courageous warriors and he was
affair to

not to enter into direct fighting with them, but was to abduct Slta whose loss would cause Rama's death. She
also assured

salvation. (For details see under Sabari). Rama and Laksmana alliance. 20) Rama-Sugriva bathed in the Pampa river and thus refreshed they travelled upto the height of Mount Rsyamuka where Sugriva lived with Hanuman as his Prime Minister.









who saw Rama and Laksmana coming, deputed

to find out whether they were friends or in the guise of a brahmin boy talked related their story from the abduction

would himself end

17) Sitd abducted. Next day a spotted deer was found playing near the asrama. Slta desired to have the deer and Sri Rama, after asking his brother to take care of Slta, followed the deer, which enticed him to a great distance in the forest. At last, finding it difficult to catch the deer alive, Rama shot an arrow at it. Hit by the arrow the deer transformed itself into a gigantic Raksasa and fell down dead crying. "Oh Slta Laksmana, a Raksasa is killing me. Come and save


The Raksasa, who

thus fell a prey to Rama's arrow was had Marlca, uncle of Ravana. ^Marica really gone in the form of a deer to Rama's asrama at the instance of his nephew to cheat Rama. Slta heard the false cry of Marlca and asked Laksmana to hurry up

Laksmana to the spot for Rama's protection. did not want to leave Sita there alone and



up a fight with him to get Slta released. But, Jajayu had to fall down wounded by the sword of Ravana and he lay there awaiting Rama's arrival. Rama and Laksmana returned to the asrama only to find Sita missing. While they advanced some distance lamenting over the loss of Slta they saw Jafayu lying in the forest, his wings cut, but happy in expectation of salvation and repeating the name of Rama. Jajayu gave Rama all details about Sita and then gave up his body and ascended to Vaikuntha. Rama and Laksmana moved 18) Salvation to Kabandha.
towards the south in quest of Sita. An asura woman Ayomukhi, sister of Surapadma tried to entice Laksmana, who went alone to a pool to fetch water. When Laksmana resisted and kept away from her

But, when she used hard and cruel words against him Laksmana quitted the aiirama and went When Rama and Laksmana were thus into the forest. absent at the airama an old Sannyasin came for alms at the courtyard. Sita, who came out to offer alms was forcibly carried away by Ravana ( the sannyasin was Ravana in disguise) in his puspaka aerial chariot On the way Ja{ayu saw Ravana and put to Lanka.




undertaking to kill Bali and restore his kingdom to Sugriva and Sugriva undertaking to search for and find out Sita for Rama. Though the above pact was made, Sugriva was doubtful about Rama's capacity to honour his part of the contract, and Rama, knowing this suspicion of Sugriva, wanted to dispel it. The mountain-like body of Dundubhi, the Raksasa killed by Bali, lay there in a big heap of bones and at the instance of Rama, Laksmana threw it into the distant southern sea with the big toe of his left foot. Sugriva was wonder-struck at this feat of Laksmana and praised him. Yet Sugriva was not quite cured of his doubt and Rama wanted to further convince him of their prowess. There were seven big trees there known as Saptasalas. Bali used to wrestle with the trees due to his overflowing Sri Rama vitality and power. (See under Saptasala). went near the trees and suddenly fixed an arrow on his bow-string and shot it by drawing the bow, with the big toe of his right foot pressed against a rock. The arrow cut down the seven trees at one and the same time and then automatically returned to its quiver. Sugriva was taken aback by this marvellous show of

of Sita. Having understood the matters Hanuman resumed his actual form and carried Rama and Laksmana on his shoulders into the presence of Sugriva. Sugriva related to Rama the story of his expulsion from Kiskindha by Bali, his elder brother. Sugriva wanted a powerful ally to recapture the country. Similarly Sri Rama too wanted a powerful ally to regain So both the parties entered into an alliance, Sita.

Hanuman, with them, who


his wife

allurements, she tried to carry

him away




ornaments. They came again to and Sugriva placed before Rama a bundle of ornaments and said that it was dropped down by a weeping woman from an aerial chariot, which had, a few days back, passed above the mountain. Rama recognised them as Sita's ornaments, shed tears and sat there motionless for some time. At last Sugriva and Laksmana consoled him and he handed over the bundle of ornaments to Laksmana.

power. 21) Exhibition





dressed in ordinary fashion came out in the same dress prepared to follow me saying 'I too...' feigning anger'. the (ii) When, for our life in the forest, we had left city and approached a shrubbery, Slta in her childish ignorance and goodness of heart told me "This place

22) Kingdom restored to Sugriva. The very next day Sugriva took Rama to Kiskindha, and the former challenged Bali for a combat. Rama, from a distance, viewed the fierce fight between the brothers, but he could not do anything as it was impossible to distinguish between Bali and Sugriva on account of their very close resemblance. Sugriva, who was defeated in the from fight felt angry towards first round and retired Rama, but was soon satisfied with Rama's explanation
for his inaction.

Sugriva from Bali Sri Rama, the next day, put a garland on the former's neck and wearing the garland Sugriva challenged Bali a second time to a duel. Though Bali's wife, Tara, this time prevented him from accepting the challenge Bali paid no heed to her protests and rushed forth for



the duel. Bali and Sugriva


concealment behind a tree shot an arrow at The arrow felled him. Rama and the chest of Bali. Laksmana then came into the open and Bali spoke disparagingly to Rama about shooting the arrow from concealment. Rama answered him saying that if he had seen him (Rama) face to face he would have become his devotee and he had to shoot Bali from his







studded with stones. When I asked her the reason for she answered me as follows This ring studded with stones may prove to be of danger to me. When your feet touched the hard granite rock it turned out into a world beauty (Ahalya) Under the circumstances how much more beautiful would be the woman, who would be created by the touch of your foot on the beautiful stone of the ring ? And, because of that beauty you may... me... and then...". We two I and Slta alone knew about the above incident. Carrying thus Sri Rama's signet ring and words of recognition Hanuman went along with the army, which started for the south. Sugriva gave one month's time to the searching parties to find out Slta and warned them that their throats would be cut if they failed in
: .

do for our forest life." our (iii) While she was one day massaging my leg in bedroom she threw away from her finger the ring

their mission.

hiding place as it was not proper to kill one's devotees. At last, after handing over charge of his wife and son Angada, to Sugriva, Bali breathed his last. Sri


decided to crown Sugriva as King and install Angada returned to Rsyamukacala for as crown prince and rest after entrusting, under the supervision of Laksmana, Hanuman and Jambavan with the duty of making
preparations for
invited Sri



Maharaja, Angada as crown prince, Ruma as queen and Tara as queen-mother. Also, Hanuman was appointed as Sugrlva's minister. Those things over, Laksmana returned to Rama at Rsyamukacala. 23) Laksmana' s wrath. The next four months were

coronation were over, the latter declined the invitation gracefully and deputed Laksmana to represent him at Laksmana installed Sugriva as the the ceremony.

Kiskindha when preparations for



25 ) Saw Svayamprabha. Angada, Hanuman, Jambavan and others during their search came to an extensive forest. They were dead tired with hunger and thirst. The leader of the party looked about for something to eat and drink when he saw small birds flying up from a distant pit. From drops of water falling from the wings of the birds it was inferred that the pit contained water. When Hanuman and others entered the pit (cave) and walked a great distance they came to a spacious garden. They were astonished to find a solitary beauty there, and she related to them her autobiography
as follows: I the faithful


maid of Rambha. The powerful asura


him and he

called Caturasya






rainy period. Even after that Sugriva did not make necessary arrangements to search for Slta. At Rama's instance Laksmana went to Kiskindha to enquire about the reason for the delay. The monkeys were alarmed by the grave appearance of Laksmana and Tara came out and apologised to him. Arrangements were soon finalised for the quest of Slta. Armies of many lakhs of monkeys were deputed to the eight regions to search Susena was appointed chief of the army for for Slta. the west, Satabali for the north, Vinata for the east and Angada for the south. As the south was the chief place for the search, monkeys like Hanuman, Jambavan, Vivida, Nala, Nila, Kumuda, each of them an expert in various ways, were appointed chiefs of different matters. Every chief and his assistant was given

got this garden city built by Mayacarya, the architect of the Daityas, for me as reward for my service to him in the matter of Rambha. Various kinds of gems light this place and creepers and trees supply food materials. Catuarsya, I and Rambha alone were living here. But, Indra came to know of it, came here, killed Caturasya and took away Rambha with him. He cursed me to lead a solitary life here as punish-


instructions by Laksmana and Sugriva, and accordingly the army of monkeys began its march under the leadership of Hanuman. 24) Words of recognition. To convince Slta that it was really the emissary of Rama who went to her the latter imparted to Hanuman the following three sentences for

timely use.


for having helped Caturasya. I prayed for redempfrom the curse and Indra told me, that after thousands of years a company of monkeys would come here in search of Slta and that after entertaining them with food I must see Rama and then return to Svarga. I have thus been awaiting your arrival and now I am leaving the place, which will vanish as soon as I quit it. All of you, please stand there with eyes closed and I shall send you back to the place where you were before coming here. Accordingly the monkeys stood there with eyes closed and when they opened their eyes there was neither the garden city nor Svayamprabha there but they were standing in the old plain. Svayamprabha appeared before Rama, praised him and then went to Svarga. 26) Met Sampdti. The monkeys again went southward, reached Mahendragiri and descending on its southern


took leave of you for life in exile in the you (Slta) who were then in the inner apartment



to the shores of the southern sea.

to the south.

advance no further

They could They were suffering



do so it was Hanuman, who succeeded in crossing the sea. At one jump he reached the heights of Mahendragiri whence he took another jump forward. But, midway Surasa, mother of the nagas, swallowed him, and he came out through her ear and continued his journey towards Lanka. When he had advanced some more distance an evil spirit called ChayagrahinI obstructed his way by a his shadow. mysterious attack on Hanuman quickly understood what had happened and
killed the evil spirit with one kick of his left foot. He again continued his flight. But, he very soon became

from great hunger and thirst and if they returned with no tangible information about Sita, Sugriva would kill them. They preferred death by fasting on the seashore to death by the sword of Sugriva. Having decided thus the monkeys spread darbha grass on the extensive plain of Mahendra mountain and lay on the grass to die. In a large cave in the mountain was living Sampati. The huge bird Sampati was starving without food and was not able to fly as it had lost its wings. But it dragged itself to the mouth of the cave and saw the monkeys lying there awaiting death, and The it thought of eating the monkeys one by one monkeys, who understood this idea of Sampati cursed their fate and sang the praise of Jafayu. Hearing the word 'Jafayu' Sampati approached the monkeys, who related to him the object of their journey. Being told about the death of Jafayu. Sampati shed tears and told the monkeys as follows :Jatayu was my younger brother. Our mother was Mahasveta and father Suryadeva. On account of the boon of our parents I was King of all the birds and Jafayu the crown Prince. As our brotherliness grew thicker our haughtiness due to our power and speed also increased. Once we flew up towards the orbit of the Sun to see him, our father. In his youthful enthusiasm my younger brother, Jatayu, climbed higher up in the sky leaving me behind. Due to the heat of the Sun his wings lost their power and energy. Then, to save him, I flew up above him and shaded him. Therefore he could descend to the earth without his wings being burned and thus killed. But, my wings got burned and I fell down on the Mahendra mountain and got my legs broken. Thus
I lost I

weak and exhausted. Then Mount Mainaka emerged from the ocean and fed Hanuman with fruits and roots. He reached Lanka at dusk. He defeated Lankalaksml,


Lankalaksmi was Vijayalaksmi, who had been cursed by Brahma. (For details see under Vijayalaksmi). After defeating her, who was thus absolved from the curse, Hanuman saw Sita seated under the a.'oka tree. But, none saw him as he was perched on a tree. 28) Hanuman 's return. That night Ravana dressed in all splendour visited Sita and tried to secure her favour by soft words and cajolery, all to no purpose. Then he threatened her with punishments, which too proved After instructing the Raksasa to be of no avail. women that Sita should be somehow brought round within a month's time, Ravana returned to his palace. Raksasis surrounded Sita and described to her the greatness and various merits of Ravana. Sita continued to sob. Then came there Trijafa, daughter of Vibhisana, the great devotee of Visnu, and Sarama,
Trijata had boundless devotion togreat love for Sita. She repeated to Sita certain dreams she had had. Left to herself Sita began saying to herself various She referred to her infancy, things regarding her past. beginning of youth, wedding, stay at Ayodhya, forestand wept over her recurring life and life in Pancavati
to console

tried to prevent

his entry


the city.

In fact



stayed here as the attendant of Nisakara Maharsi, could divine the future also. He told me the story about Rama's incarnation. He told me further that monkeys in search of Sita would come here when I should tell them where Sita was and that then I would regain my health." After telling the monkeys the above facts Sampati, with their cooperation, performed the obsequies of Ja{ayu. Then the King of birds (Sampati) raised its head and surveyed the ocean and he saw the following: Mountain Subela in the heart of the southern sea; the plain at the heights of the mountain constituting the base of Lanka; in the centre of Lanka there was Ravana's capital; nearby the ladies' quarters; near the quarters the asoka garden; at the centre of the garden the irii'apa tree and under the tree Sltadevi. As soon as Sampati had finished telling the monkeys the above details he regained his health. Sampati told the monkeys another story also as follows: Ravana once abducted a Yaksa beauty from Alakapuri and carried her away in his Puspaka Vimana. Sampati clashed with Ravana on his way and destroyed his plane. But the plane, which was self-generating


either to fly or to walk.


Rama and


into existence. Sampati threw away by beak the Candrahasa (Ravana's sword ) and kicked his crown down. At last, at the request of Ravana, he and Sampat signed a non -aggression pact. That was the reason why Sampati could not fight Ravana in

came again

person. 27) Hanuman saw Sita. Aiigada said that for the search for Sita in Lanka as told by Sampati, some one should jump across the ocean. Though many a monkey tried to

meeting with Sampati, himself (Hanuman) crossing the sea and his finding out Sita. Hearing the words of Hanuman, Sita looked up in astonishment. Immediately Hanuman came down the tree and presented the When she examined the ring signet ring at Sita's feet. her hands shook and tears dimmed her eyes. Hanuman talked to her in detail and told her that he would, if only Sita permitted him, carry her on his shoulders to Rama. He told her further that if she did not welcome the idea of thus returning to Rama, he would return with Sri Rama and others, defeat Ravana in war and take her back. Sita was not convinced about the power and prowess of Hanuman. He then increased his body in size so that his limbs grew into the size of a mountain, hands into that of trees, head into that of a mountain peak, tail into that of a river etc. His breathing became akin to a storm. Then he roared in such a manner that even the very ends of the world shook and the people of Lanka were awakened by it. Sita was now absolutely convinced of Hanuman's bona fides and faithfulness. She handed over to him her Cudamani (ornament worn on the head) to be

soliloquy completed Sita's story by relating, from his place on the tree, about Jatayu's salvation, salvation given to Kabandha and Sabari, alliance with Sugriva, killing of Bali, expedition of the monkeys in search of

thoughts about them.

Hanuman, who

heard Sita's

given to Rama and also told words of recognition so that more convinced.


29) Rdma-Ravana








three the

Rama and

Hanuman 's

When Rama




palace in Mithila I (Sita) saw his reflection in the blue mirror in the veranda of my palace and the beauty of the reflection attracted me. I looked towards the garden to see the original of the reflection. Then he (Rama) was looking down into the waters of the glass

garden near the

Ravana held a meeting of his war council attended by his brothers and others. He expelled Vibhisana, who opposed war and advised his brother to return Sita to Rama and to apologise to him. Vibhisana quitted Lanka and took refuge with

started for it on the shores of the south sea.

about his with an army of monkeys.



Lanka They camped




pond. He also saw my face reflected in the water and suddenly he looked at me. Our eyes met and in all shyness I hurried to and hid myself in the ladies'


Rama and


to build

(2) Before our wedding I sent him through a faithful maid, a love letter to which he gave me a suitable

reply. (3) After our

wedding while we were living in Ayodhya I returned to our bedroom after a long chitchat with my younger sisters, my lord (Rama) was lying on the cot in feigned sleep. Quietly I went up to him and kissed him on the lipi. Because of the pressure on his lips and as my breast then touched his chest he pretended to have suddenly woken up and embraced me. Having received thus from Sita the Cudamani and these words of recognition Hanuman took leave of Sita and with her implied sanction went about to have a look at Lanka. At one place he heard Vibhisana

when one day

vara) Then he prayed to Varunadeva for a passage across the sea. But, Varuna did not present himself and Sri Rama, angry with him, shot the agneya when Varuna (fiery) arrow into the heart of the sea appeared, saluted him and advised him to build a bund across the sea. As a reward for Varuna Sri Rama, as requested by the former, killed with one arrow all the Raksasas, who lived in Gandhara island on the north-western shore of the ocean. Varuna returned to The construction of the bund was begun his abode. under the leadership of Sugrlva with Nala as chief

did, for the successful conclusion of the expedition, was to install aSivaliiiga at Ramesvara. (See under Rameg-

who had assembled on the sea-shore bund to Lanka. The first thing Rama

planner and Nila as his co-planner. Jambavan and Hanumin functioned as supervisors and other monkeys as workers. Mountains, hills, rocks etc. were brought from

After wishing that this reciting Visnu's names. of the devotee should turn into a royal abode he Vibhisana's house. Then he came to Ravana's and gathered information about the Raksasa

passed palace

quarters and the construction of the


bund was

begun. Meanwhile, Ravana


to Sita






personally the fact of my visit righteous advice" with this object in view Hanuman began destroying the garden. He drove away the Raksasas, who cams to punish him and some of them were killed. At last Meghanada (Indrajit) attacked Hanuman. Hiding in the sky he shot the Brahmlstra

him know person, and I would give him



her to the side of Ravana. Ravana then sent his two

Marutta disguised


King Janaka



Hanumin, who yielded to it. The Raksasas took Hanumin captive to Ravana. He free J himself of the cords that bound him, extended his tail which he shaped into circles, one over the other so that the last one rose more in height than Ravana's throne and seated himself on its top. Ravana and Hanuman then began a conversation. Ravana, who got angry at the disrespect shown to him by Hanuman, ordered the latter to be killed, but Vibhlsana opposed it saying that to kill emissaries and messengers was worse than killing mother. one's own ordered that Finally Ravana Hanumln's tail be set fire to and he be insulted and humiliated. Immediately Raksasas began to cover Hanumin 's tail with clothes. But, ths tail began growing longer and longer with the result that no quantity of clothings sufficed to completely cover the ever-extending tail. At last the Raksasas poured oil over the tail and set
fire to it.

Sarana disguised as monkeys to Rama's camp. Jambavan and Hanuman captured and brought them before Sugriva. Weepingly they both sought refuge in Rama, who set them free. They returned to Lanka and reported matters to Ravana, who felt a desire to have a look at Rama for which purpose he, with his attendants, climbed to the top of the northern tower. Rama, who knew about it by his spies climbed the heights of Subela mountain whence he stared at Ravana. Their eyes met in anger seeing which Sugriva by one leap reached Ravana and kicked off to Rama the crown from the central head of Ravana. After performing something like a destructive dance on Ravana's head Sugriva by another leap returned to Rama. Full of disappointment Ravana returned to his palace. His father-in-law, Mllyavan, tried his best to dissuade Ravana from war, all to no purpose. Rama sent an

But, the attempt failed. expert spies, Suka and

Then Hanumin broke loose from captivity and jumped up into the air causing universal disaster by The fire did not affect the palace of fire in Lanka. Vibhisana and also the platform around the Simsapa After thus burning down Lanka tree where Sita sat. Hanuman extinguished the fire on his tail by dipping it in the ocean. Taking leave once again of Sita, Hanumin crossed the sea and reached Mahendragiri.

emissary to him to ask him to send Sita back. Ravana declined to oblige, and immediately war began. During the first day of the war, the majority of the Raksasas including their great leaders like Mahabahu, Mahaparsva, Mahodara, Mahakaya etc were killed. On the second day the Raksasa army under the command of the northern Atikaya, son of Ravana, set out from tower to fight. Laksmana killed Atikaya with Brahmastra. The other two Raksasa-commanders were Trisiras and Meghanada. Laksmana encountered them. When the latter failed to win by righteous fighting he resorted to cunningness. That too did not bring victory to him, and then he hid himself in the sky and shot the naglstra given to him by Siva against the enemy. That arrow rendered Laksmana, Sugriva and all the

monkeys unconscious. At that time Vibhlsana was away


his victory, and as suggested by the Raksasa women took Sita to the battlefield in the Puspaka Vimuna, showed her Rama, Laksmana and

Ravana about

others lying in an unconscious condition. Rama was informed about the matter and when he came to the battle-ground and saw Laksmana, Sugrlva, Hanuman and all the others lying there unconscious he lost self-confidence for a short while and remarked that it was all the result of his faith in Vibhlsana, Ravana's brother whom


arrange Vibhisana returned with food

to find

for food.

he was taken

Laksmana and

having put he had put in charge of die battlefield. This comment of Rama pained Vibhisana much; but Sri Rama soon

consoled her by saying that the Puspaka Vimana would not carry widows and therefore Rama was not dead. Hanuman returned before dawn the next day. As he could not distinguish mrtasanjivini he had brought with him a mountain peak where the four medicinal

others lying there in a life-less condition and told her that all of them were dead. Sita wept aloud, but Trijafa

treated him kindly. Even the Devas who witnessed the scene were alarmed. But Rama sat there for sometime immersed in meditation and then a light emerged from his right eye, shot towards the north and disappeared in the horizon. At once Garuda appeared on the scene from the west and removed with his beak the nagastra from Laksmana's body. Laksmana jumped up from his unconscious state; Sugrlva and others also regained

Salyaharani, VisalyakaranI, Sandhanakaranl MrtasanjTvini grew. Jambavan distinguished and carried the four mrtasanjivini from the others herbs into the battlefield. Contact with the air, which carried the smell of mrtasanjivini brought the dead back to life. Visalyakarani removed all the arrows from their bodies and Sandhanakaranl healed the wounds.


In the fighting that followed all the consciousness. Raksasa leaders were killed. It was Hanuman, who Kumbhakarna. At the time of his death killed

Kumbhakarna made a last

which the ears

request to Rama, i.e. his head should be cut off and thrown into the sea as otherwise the Raksasas would laugh at him to see the head from

to fight Indrajit. Reluctant with the former, Indrajit resorted to a new magical trick. He created an artificial or illusory Slta and with her seated in a chariot he rose up in the "Ravana has abandoned Sita sky and said as follows: who brings about humiliation to the Raksasas and ruin to Lanka.. So, I cut her to pieces." So saying he cut into two, by one stroke of his sword, Slta, who cried Oh my lord oh! brother." Blood fell on the

Laksmana again went out

to fight

got Hanuman karna's head into the sea.








by monkeys.



and Indrajit disappeared. Though Rama and others were alarmed by all these, Vibhlsana explained that it was all the magic of the Raksasas, and in the
fierce fighting that

told Laksmana thus Today I shall fight Indrajit. The war shall not continue yet further. Today Indrajit and tomorrow Ravana should be killed and the next day we will return to Ayodhya. Laksmana




By now






again. Indrajit shot Narayanastra which attracted by 'seven-let ter-Mantra' the (Namo Narayanaya) of Laksmana circled him thrice and entered his quiver. The Raksasa minister called Mahodara converted his and himself changed into elephant into Airavata Devendra and encountered Laksmana. Saying that he had no quarrel with Indra and would not fight him

"I shall fight Indrajit. I have told Vibhisana will kill Indrajit within three days." Laksmana began fighting Sri Rama's blessings

Laksmana put down

his bow, and Indrajit, exploiting the situation shot Brahmastra against Laksmana under cover of the clouds. Laksmana, Sugrlva and others Then Sri Rama was in the army-camp, fainted.

worshipping weapons to render them more powerful. Rama returned to the battle-ground to find Laksmana and others in life-less condition and crying like a mere by the side of Laksmana. ignorant fellow he lay VibhTsana, who returned with food prayed for the grace of Devas. Indra appeared, gave to VibhTsana Ganga water in a golden vessel and asked it to be given to Hanuman and Jambavan, who, though unconscious were not dead. VibhTsana did so and both Hanuman and Jarnbavan regained consciousness. Jambavan told Hanuman that if mrtasanjivini (herbal medicine which will put life back into the dead) were brought from the distant Himalayas before dawn the next day all the dead ones like Laksmana and SugrTva could be brought back to life. (See under MrtasanjTvini) Accordingly Hanuman started for the Himalayas. Meanwhile Indrajit had

last Ravana himself entered the battleencounter was with Laksmana. Then the fighting turned into one between Rama and Ravana. The former broke the bow of Ravana and did not want to fight with the weaponless Raksasa King. Next day Ravana brought Patala Ravana and Kumbhodara to Lanka. Both of them entered Rama's camp during night, but Patala Ravana, who realised that nothing could be achieved there returned to Patala with Kumbhodara. He built a tunnel from Patala upwards to earth, where in the fort created by Hanuman's tail twisted in a circle lay Sri Rama and others. The tunnel opened into this 'fort', and Patala Ravana and his brother made Rama and Laksmana unconscious by making them inhale sammohana medicine and carried them off into Patala. Rama and Laksmana were laid in the court-yard of a Kali temple to be sacrificed to Mahakali the very same night.



important and prominent Raksasas

killed Indrajit.



Arrangements for the sacrifice were completed. Hanuman had been frequently looking inside the fort. As soon as the absence of Rama and Laksmana was noticed, Sugriva and others, under the leadership of VibhTsana reached the Kali temple through the tunnel.


Mahodara. The only son of Patala Ravana, Sumali, was crowned King of Patala. Ravana entered the field again against Rama. Rama shot the Mahendra arrow against Ravana. The arrow, which represented in itself the effulgence of Mahendra, the hardness of diamonds, the intensity of fire and Visnu's glow cut off the ten heads of Ravana. His physical body fell on earth and his spirit ascended to

Ravana and Arigada

In the fighting that followed




30). Return. Rama and others, who were pleased with the turn of events, crowned Vibhisana King of Lanka. Trijata was put in charge of dressing Sita in new clothes. Apsaras appeared on the scene. Sacidevi presented to Sita a chain, Urvasi an ornament for the head, Menaka, two bangles, Rambha a waist-let, Tilottama a set of chains for the feet, and Anasuya, wife of Atri, a Cudamani. When she wore all these ornaments Sita appeared to be equal to LaksmldevI in


Valmiki's disciples
the asrama.

saw her and took her to At the asrama she delivered two sons, Kusa

grandeur and charm. She was brought in a palanquin to Sri Rama by Vibhisana and others. Rama was taken aback by the glamorous dress, ornaments etc. of Sita, and immediately a suspicion arose in his mind, and he kept mum after asking Laksmana to do whatever Sita wanted. As soon as she heard those words of Rama, Sita asked Laksmana to light a funeral pyre saying that the woman suspected by her husband should not live and so she (Sita) would quit her life in the very

and Lava. 32) ASvamedha. After abandoning Sita in the forests Rama led a sad life for five years. Yet, he decided to perform an Asvamedha yajfia. As soon as Rama thought of him, Hanuman appeared and he was deputed to invite Vibhisana, Sugriva and others from Lanka and Kiskindha and the feudatory princes and armies from other countries.

look at Rama; but his face exhibited no change of feeling. He granted Slta's request by his silence. Those present there awaited developments with bated breath. Laksmana, with the help of the monkeys got a pyre ready. After going round Rama with folded hands Sita leapt into the glowing fire. Within a very short time three divine forms emerged from the fire, Svahadevi, SitadevI and God Agni. His suspicions having thus vanished Rama welcomed Sita back and the next day they left for Ayodhya in the


presence of


cast a pathetic

followed them. After reaching Ayodhya Rama returned the Puspaka to Kubera. Bharata came back from Nandigrama. In the presence of all relations and others concerned the coronation of Rama as king took place. Bharata was appointed crown Prince, Laksmana Commander-in-chief of armies and Satrughna,

Puspaka Vimana. Vibhisana, Sugriva,

Hanuman and

Then the yajnic horse, accompanied Laksmana. by the army, was let loose to travel all over the country. Accompanied by cavalry, the elephant division, infantry and the chariot-force the horse went about the various kingdoms. The army, on its way back to Ayodhya with presents collected from many kingdoms, encamped for rest near Valmiki's asrama when Kusa and Lava tied the yajnic horse, which was strolling there unfettered. Consequent upon this action of Kusa and Lava a fight broke out between them and the king's army in which the latter got defeated. Even the arrows of Laksmana failed to have any effect on the boys. The boys having not returned even though it had become very late in the evening, the asramites went in search of them and it was only when they came to the scene of fighting did Laksmana and others know who the boys really were. During this period of time infants' death was very much on the increase in Ayodhya. It was believed that such deaths increased when Sudras did tapas, and to find out if any Sudra was engaged in tapas Rama flew over the Dandaka forest where he found a Sudra called Sambuka performing tapas hanging down from the branch of a tree with his head down. Rama killed him and his
spirit got salvation. of the forest

Sugriva was put in charge of the armies, Vibhisana in charge of finance, and central authority was vested in

Finance minister.

Rama came

Afterwards, appreciating the beauties near Valmiki's asrama where

31) Sita abandoned. Under Rama's rule the country overflowed with milk and honey. Nobody had to fear anything from enemies. He made Sita kill Sahasramukha

Ravana. (For

details see under Sahasramukharavana) used to go about the country in disguise to enquire about the welfare of his subjects. On a particular dawn he happened to be standing outside the house of a washerman. The washerman scolded his wife, who had gone out of the house that night for something. He suspected that she had gone to meet her paramour. He bluntly told his wife that he was not prepared to act like Rama, who had accepted Sita, though she had lived with another person. Sri Rama, who heard the above talk, returned to his palace very sad. After thinking about for a long time he decided that it was his duty to abandon Sita in the interests of his subjects. Then Sita was in the seventh month of her pregnancy. She had on the previous day, expressed a desire to go to the forest areas once again. Rama considered this as the


to face. Kusa and Lava also came and they noticed with surprise the change in appearance brought about in their mother and Rama on their meeting each other. When they heard from Hanuman the real facts about Rama they withdrew their arrows and prostrated at the feet of Rama. Sri Rama then, with the consent of all and in accordance with his own desire, took back Sita and returned with her to Ayodhya. Laksmana and others followed him. Kausalya and others received Sita most heartily. Sri Rama, who till then was having no wife, had made a golden image of Sita for the purposes of the a' vamedha. Now, since the real Sita was with him the idol was an unnecessary thing. The Asvamedhayajfia went

he and Sita met face


off very well.

most suitable opportunity to abandon Sita in the forest and Laksmana was entrusted with the matter. That day at Sun-rise Laksmana took Sita in a chariot to the suburbs of Valmiki's asrama, abandoned her there and
returned to the palace. (According to the Ramayana written by Kamba, a Tamil author, it is said that Sita was left in the suburbs of Gautama's hut. There, Sita who was pregnant was looked after by Ahalya, the wife of Gautama.) Weeping aloud Sita fell down. Young

the Yamuna plain, killed in the great city called Durga in the centre of the Madhu forest. (For details After Lavana's death, a sect of see under Lavana) Gandharvas called Sailusas, who lived on the shores of the eastern sea, proved to be enemies of Ayodhya. Sri Rama annihilated them also. Kaikeyi began getting jealous of the prosperity and happiness of Sita. One day when Rama had gone to hunt in the forest, Kaikeyi closely questioned Sita over particulars in Lanka and

Sri Rama's reign became all the more 33) The end. prosperous. It was during this period that Rama, as


Lavanasura, son of

by the munis







her unwillingness, to

draw a picture of Ravana.


particular region in


drew on a piece of
heads. pretext of exhithe ten




then told that it was Sita, who had drawn the picture and also that she usually praised Larika and Ravana. Rama pronounced the death penalty on Sita for having drawn The inmates of the palace Ravana's picture. shuddered to hear the judgement. When Laksmana seated Sita on the floor to kill her, BhumidevI (earth) rent itself open into two and carried her off through the

Kaikeyl took away the picture on the biting it in the ladies' quarters, and gave it when he returned from hunting, to sit on at of Puja (worship). Rama got angry to find picture drawn on the 'sitting plank'. Kaikeyi








was prepared to suffer the consequence, and went to Rama and told him about the arrival of Sanaka and

secluded spot. Rama posted Laksmana at the entrance the strict injunctions that nobody should come into their presence. Within a short time great munis like Sanaka came there and told Laksmana that they wanted to see Rama. They were not prepared to wait even for a short time as requested by Laksmana, but threatened ruin to the royal family. Laksmana then,

Rama grew sadder and sadder following the disappearance of Sita. Ill omens began to appear in Ayodhya in increasing measure. One day a divine Rsi whom the people of Ayodhya had not seen till then, came to Rama's palace. He told Rama that he had to impart certain secrets to the latter and after making Rama vow that no one would enter the room while they were conversing and that if any one did come when they were talking, he should either be killed or forsaken for ever, he began to talk with Rama in a


(Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 66) RAMA'NA (M). (RAMA^.AKAM). An island near Dvaraka where, according to Chapter 38 of the Southern Text of Bharata, there was a forest. It was in this island that Vinata, mother of Garuda and Kadru, mother of the nagas lived. Garuda, after freeing his mother from her slavery evicted the nagas from this island. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 17). Following the eviction, many of the prominent nngas lived in Patala. But, Kaliya, in fear of Garuda, lived in Kalindl. After his suppression by Sri Krsna Kaliya, with his family, as advised by Krsna returned toRamanakam. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha'j. RAMANAKA. The third son of Yajnabahu, son of Priyavrata. (Bhagavata, 5th Skandha). RAMANlYAKA. The island called Ramanakam where the nagas live. (See under Ramanaka). RAMATHA (S). I. A mleccha tribe who lived in the kingdom of Mandhata. (Santi Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 14). RAMATHA (S). II. People of a low caste (mlecchas) who lived in South India during Puranic times. caste, and from that day Nakula, subjugated this onwards they became devoted to the Pandavas. They were invited to the Rajasuya conducted by Yudhisthira. (Vana Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 25) RAMATlRTHA I. A holy place in the river Gomatl.

He who


anywhere there. When he returned to the inner apartment the Rsi also was not to be seen. In fact they were Kala and his emissaries deputed by Brahma to recall Rama as the object of his incarnation was already

Rama, in keeping with his vow, banished Laksmana immediately. But, when Rama came out and looked for Sanaka and others no one was to be found

lived. A bath here brings the benefits of performing the asvamedha yajna. (Vana Parva, Chapter 85> Verse 17). III. A holy place in the plains of river Sarasvati. ( Salya Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 7)

this tlrtha will derive the results of the Asvamedha yajna. (Vana Parva, Chapperforming ter 34, Verse 73) . II. holy spot on the top of the

bathes in

Mahendra mountain where Parasurama

General. Ramayana is considered to be the first poetic composition in the world or at least in India, It and hence it is called the Adi Kavya (First Epic) to is an epic as it contains descriptions and references

Rama and his followers drowned themselves in the waters of the Sarayu, and their spirits attained Vaikunjha. (Valmiki Ramayana, Kamba Ramayana and Tulasidasa Ramayana).

decided to put an end to his life for which purpose he went to the river Sarayu. All the dependants followed him. While the great mass of people who thronged both the banks of the river burst out into weeping Sri

already been suffering mental agony on account of Slta's departure, lost all peace of mind as Laksmana 's banishment followed Slta's departure.

Rama, who had










and hence


in the forest


as the 'Adi kavi" also. Valmiki and contemporaries. During his life in exile

Valmlki's asrama.



in this


that Sita

by Rama. The Valmiki with the 'Rama

lived after being abandoned connection in many ways of the life of


was an



Ramayana. 2) Composing of Ramayana. Once while returning from the river Tamasa Valmiki witnessed a hunter shooting down one of a Kraunca a kind of bird couple. The
( )


to write the


holy place on the boundary of Kuruksetra. Amba, daughter of a King of Kas"! once bathed here. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 186, Verse

intense emotion created by follows in verse form.




out as

Ma nisada pratistharh


tvamagamah samah /

tour of the


mountain. Sahadeva, during his triumphal conquered this mountain. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 68)

son born to the Vasu known as Soma of his wife Manoharil. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse

Yat krauncamithunadekamavadhlh kamamohitam. // scene and Immediately Brahma appeared on the advised Valmiki to write the story of Rama in the same pattern as that verse. Brahma taught him about the past and the future of the history of Rama. As Sita, Kusa, and Lava were living in his agrama Valmiki was well in the know about the present. In the above



background Valmlki completed writing the Ramayana

kandas (sections) of five sections are the Balakanda, the Ayodhyakanda, the Aranya kanda, the Kiskindha Kanda, the Sundara Kanda, the Yuddha Kanda and the Uttarakanda. Valmiki taught the poem to Lava and Kusa and when with Valmlki to Ayodhya during the they went asvamedhayajfia of Sri Rama, they sang the poem in the open assembly there.
3) Different views about the author. Tradition ascribes the authorship of the Ramayana to Valmiki. But, western scholars hold the view that a part of Balakanda and the whole of Uttarakanda are interpolations of a future date. The following are the reasons for this view. (i) Two different texts are found for cantos one and three of Balakanda. In one of them many of the stories mentioned in the other are missing. It may, therefore, be surmised that the two texts were composed during

Story in 24,000 verses.


divided into seven epic hundred chapters. The seven


is the Bengal text. The third, the Kashmir text, popular in the north-western parts of India. The inference to be made from the existence of these three

5). Different readings of Ramayana. In various parts of India three original texts or readings are found of the original Ramayana. In each of the three texts nearly 1/3 of the portions differ from one another. The Bombay text is popular in northern and southern India. The


different texts is that the original epic was composed in a Prakrta language, which was most popular at the time and that it was later translated into Sanskrit by differdifferent times. ent persons at This theory will explain the existence of the different texts. For many




till it

continued to be handed down from mouth to assumed written form in Sanskrit.

6). Other Ramayanas. The Ramayana story in other forms and garbs, is also prevalent in India. One oi

Vasistharamayana or Jfianavasistha.


authorship of it also

ascribed to Valmlki.

Most of

treated (iii) Only in Kandas one and seven is Sri as an incarnation. In the other Kandas he is considered in the capacity of a hero only. (iv) Uttarakanda is not to be found among the early translations of Ramayana into other languages.

vataranam are not to polations of a later period.

different periods. In the early texts of

Gangabe found. So they must be inter-


stories like


Vasisthottararamayana, Sitavijaya, etc. found in different parts of India are believed to have been written by Valmlki. Adbhutaramayana is composd of



Adbhutaramayana, Adbhutottararamayana


twentyseven cantos. According to this Ramayana, it Sita, who killed Ravana of ten heads. There is anis

other Ramayana in Sanskrit called Adhyatma-Ramayana.

written in

a poem separated from Brahmandapurana. It is the form of a conversation between Uma

Siva. Ananda-Ramayana and Mulaextol the greatness of Hanuman. An asura. (For details see under Karambha).

that they recited the whole poem before Sri Rama at Many of the things mentioned in this Kanda are repeated in Uttarakanda, which, therefore, must

(v) In the Balakanda it is stated that Valmiki composed the Ramayana, taught it to KuSa and Lava, and



1 )






its close in 8,67,100 B.C. As per Ramayana Sri Rama ruled the country for 1 1 ,000 years. He was forty years old when he ascended the throne. Valmlki began writing the Ramayana after Lavakusas were born. In the light of the above facts, certain scholars opine that the Ramayana was written near about 878000 B.C. But, western critics and some eastern critics do not accept this view. Professor Jacobi holds the view the that of Mahabharata is anterior to original Ramayana. Most scholars do not agree with this view. A great majority of critics are of opinion that Ramayana is anterior to Mahabharata. They argue as follows

have been written by someone else. 4) The period of Ramayana. According to Indian belief Sri Rama lived at the end of Tretayuga, which came to

women. Urvasi, Tilottama

of the most beautiful of the apsara and Rambha are really




traditional belief in India ia that Ramayana written much earlier than Mahabharata.

characters of Mahabharata.

Ramayana makes no



any of the




Jataka story of the Buddhists. has made no mention about the city of (iv) Valmlki Pataliputra established near about 380 B.C. It is an irrefutable fact that Sri Rama had passed by the city. (v) During the reign of emperor As oka the Prakrta language was spoken in the areas where the incidents mentioned in Ramayana took place. But, Ramayana was written much anterior to the emergence of Prakrta


According 300 B.C.

to Professor


Ramayana was

Pradha i.e. Alambusa, MiSrakesI, Vidyutparna,Tilottama, Aruna, Raksita, Rambha, Manorama, Subahu, KesinI, Surata and Suraja. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65). 3 ) Ravana cursed. Ravana raped Rambha and Nalakiibara cursed him. (See under Nalakubara) 4) Pururavas and Rambha. Indra once killed an asura chief named Mayadhara and held a festival in honour of the victory. At the festival Rambha danced before her preceptor Tumburu. Pururavas too was present on the occasion and he ridiculed Rambha for her mistakes in dancing. Moreover he claimed that he was a greater master of dance than Tumburu preceptor of Rambha. Enraged by this claim Tumburu cursed that Pururavas would be separated from his wife Urvasi. (Kathasaritsagara, Lavanakalambaka, Taranga 3). 5) Rambha and Susena. There was a King called Susena on mount Citrakuta. This handsome bachelor prince used to sit alone in the lotus pond near his palace. When once Rambha passed through the sky above the pond her eyes met those of Susena and she alighted on the spot and the long talk between the two ended in their marriage. Susena enjoyed life there for a long time with Rambha without knowing that she was an apsara woman. He had attempted many a time to know the real facts about her, to no purpose. Rambha did

reputed for their beauty. 2) Birth. All the famous Celestial women were daughters of Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Pradha. Devarsi (Kasyapa) begot the following daughters of his wife

written in

not even think about her native Svarga. Her companion, a Yaksl, showered gold all over Susena's




made without the idol and the made at the appointed time.

kingdom. In due course Rambha delivered a beautiful female child and then she told the King that she was Rambha and that she had continued as his wife till then as she felt love towards him. She further told him that now she had begot a daughter, she was leaving him and that she had a curse upon her which had been redeemed now. She also assured him that they would meet in Svarga in case the daughter was duly wedded. Rambha departed to Svarga. Susena named the child Sulocana and when she came of age he married her to Vatsamaharsi and then went to Devaloka where he lived happily with Rambha for a long time. (Kathasaritsagara,

installation installation






was the exact time for the installation of the idol. divine effulgence was seen to emerge from Rama and

stood ready near



immediately a Sivalinga automatically appeared at the where rituals were conducted for installation. Everyone was wonder-struck by this mysterious hapspot

Madanamancukalambaka, Taranga


6) Other information.

The powerful asura called Caturasya once felt a ( 1 ) great yearning for Rambha and her maid Svayamprabha managed things for him. He built a garden-city and presented it to Svayamprabha in return for her service stated above. (Kamba Ramayana, Kiskindha
seminal emission on seeing

Hanuman by now, returned with the linga and he felt sorry that the installation of the idol had already been made. Sri Rama told him: "Please remove the idol already installed, we shall install a new one." Happy at the words of Rama, Hanuman entwined the
idol with his
his tail



Kanda ) Sage Gautama (ii) The



turbed his meditation. The muni cursed her as follows and turned her into a rock. "Oh! evil woman Rambha, you have cheated me, who have mastered desire and anger and so you be turned into a rock for a thousand years. The great brahmin ascetic, Bhuritejas will absolve you from my curse and you will then resume your ownform." (Valmiki Ramayana. Balakanda, Canto 64). iv ) Rambha gave a dance performance on the occa(
sion of the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 62) . (v) She had lived for sometime in the court of Kubera

semen was born KrpI whom Kathasaritsagara, MadanamanDronacarya married. cukalambaka, Taranga 6) iii Indra once deputed Rambha to break the vigorous ( ) tapas Visvamitra was observing. She approached him in the guise of a nightingale and with her song dis.

Rambha and

Saradvan experienced from the in due course of time



Sivalinga in front of the eastern tower of the temple. Sri Rama laid down the following rule also. Only after worshipping the idol at the tower, should the God inside the temple be worshipped. The rule was also recorded there. A sub-parva of Mahabharata comprising chapters 273 to 292 of Vana Parva. Sahadeva, Capital of a State.

was broken and Hanuman fell down unconscious. Sri Rama held him up and patted him on the head and Hanuman was more pleased than ever. Afterwards, to fulfil Hanuman 's desire and for the prosperity of the temple Hanuman was made to install the new


and jumped directly upwards. But, head clashed against the roof which


during his triumphal tour, conquered Ramyagrama. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 14). I. A son of Agnidhra, who had nine sons by 5th Purvacitti. his wife Skandha). (Bhagavata,


serving him.

Indra's guest vi) When Arjuna lived in Svarga as Rambha danced in honour of the former. (Anusasana

(Sabha Parva, Chapter


Verse 10).

Verse 44) Chapter Wife of Mayasura. The couple had the RAMBHA seven children i.e. Mayavl, Dundubhi, Mahisa following Mandodarl. Kalaka, Ajakarna, and (Brahmanda Purana, 3.6. 28-29). RAMESVARA. There is in South India a very famous holy place called Rame;vara and a Siva temple there.
19, II.

Parva, Chapter 43, Verse 29). occasion' she danced in Kubera's court (vii) On another in honour of Astavakra muni. (Anusasana Parva,

there exist three mountains called Nllagiri, Svetagiri and Srngavan. These mountains jut into the sea, and are separated from one another by a distance of two thousand miles each and are the source of many rivers. In between the three mountains are three regions of land

near Nllagiri. Arjuna, during his triumphal tour conquered Ramyaka and levied taxes from the people there (Sabha Parva, Chapter 28) A particular region in Ilavrta, one II. of the seven Continents. On the eastern part of Ilavrta



Ramyaka Varsa

Ramyaka, Hiranmaya and Kuru. (Devi Bhaga-


vata, 8th Skandha).

disciples of

Raksasa. He was killed by Vayu deva in the war between Hiranyaksa and the Devas. (Padma Purana, Srsti Khanda).


Rama and


over to Lanka to release Slta from Ravana's custody. This temple, according to Kamba, was built by Rama at that time. The following story is from the Yuddha Kanda of Kamba Ramayana. To make the passage over to Lanka easy, Rama decided to build a great temple at Ramesvara and install aSivaliiiga in the temple. Under the expert supervision of the great

encamped on the


shore to cross


of temples on

Preceptor in the line of the Sama (Veda) (Jaiminiya Grhyasutra 1, 14). A great Sudra devotee of God. He built

mount Venkatacala (Skanda








warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva Chapter 45, verse 68). RANTIDEVA. The Kindest and the most liberal of the

Nala and Nlla, all the monkeys cooperated to build the temple. As ordered by Rama, Hanuman went to

Kailasa to fetch Sivalinga. Hanuman did not return with the linga though the auspicious time for the installation was very near. How could the installation be

Kings in ancient India. thus: Atri-Candra 1). Genealogy. Descended from Visnu Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusa - Yayati-PuruJanamejaya-Pracinvan Pravlra Namasyu-Vltabhaya Sundu - Bahuvidha - Samyati - RahovadI - RaudrasvaMatinara- Santurodha - Dusyanta - Bharata - Suhotra-





After the great war was over, Narada once narrated the stories of sixteen kings to Dharmaputra. There are a number of stories relating

Rantideva. His importance. Rantideva's unique kindness 2)





Dharmadvayam (Duties 1). Action aud renunciation. and Nivrtti). Nisddvayam. Turmeric and Amonum Xanthorrhizon Nisthddvayam. Sadhya (knowledge) and Sadhana


enemies by Dharma (righteousness). The very blood that flowed from the skin of cattle killed to entertain his guests formed itself into a river called Carmanvati. (Santi Parva, Chapter 29. 21, 000 cows were daily killed for the guest. (Drona Parva, Chapter 67).
learned Vedas and subdued

the palace everyday. He was very vigilant about treating guests day and night alike. He gifted away all wealth which had been righteously earned, to brahmins.

Rantideva's kindness, hospitality etc. ged 20,000 people to cook food for guests

He had engawho came to

Paksadvayam. Krsnapaksa Suklapaksa moon-lit fortnight.


(dark fortnight)



Poetry 2)

Lyric and




(Janmapapa and Karmapapa)


Pdpadvayam (Sins


Original sin and acquired.


Moksakdranadvayam. and death in war.


Causes for salvation, 2)




and Jnana (know(unmixed)

ledge) . 22. Rdgadvayam




Rantideva entered Svarga by giving Vasistha warm water. (Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 17). (ii) He once worshipped maharsis with fruits and vegetables and achieved his desire. (Santi Parva, Chapter 292, Verse 7).

Other information.

Janyam (mixed).

once by making oblations to (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 6). (v) He is recognised as one of the Maharajas who are to be remembered both at dawn and at dusk. (Anugasana Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 51). RA1VTU (The Malayalam word for 'two').
1. Ayanas two. A. Uttarayana, from July-August to December-January (Dhanu). B. Daksinayana, from January-February (Makaram) to June-July (Mithunam). For the Devas Uttarayana is day and Daksinayana night. Religiousminded Hindus believe that Uttarayana is an auspicious period for death 2. Arthadusanas 2. (Misuse of wealth) (i ) Spending money for bad purposes and not spending

He never ate flesh. 115, Verse 67). (iv) He entered heaven


(Anusasana Parva, Chapter

Rogadvayam (Diseases 2) (a) Physical and mental Kayika and Manasika) (b) Congenital and acquired. (Sahaja and Agantuka). 24. Viryadvayam. Heat and cold. 25. Srngdradvayam. Love or the erotic sentiment 2) Love in union and that in separation. (Sambhoga and Vipralambha) 26. Srutidharmadvayam (Musical cadence 2). High pitch and low pitch (Ucca and nica) 27. Sarnddhdnakdranadvayam (Two causes for peace) Patience or forbearance and generosity. (Ksama and
. .


Sabdalankara. 4. Aufadhas 2.

for good purposes. Stealing money or wealth and not giving money to poor deserving people. 3. Alankdras 2. Arthalankara and (Figures of speech)

and ghees, honey recanam (enema)


(Medicines). Curatives like medicated etc. and purgatives like vasti and vamanam ( purgation)

(vomiting) 5. Aids for health 2. Cleanliness and sexual continence. 6. Gurus 2. Actual preceptor or precep(Preceptors) tor in effect and casual preceptor)

Kaludvayam. Pippali (long pepper) and Marica Pepper) 8. Kalahakdranam 2. (Causes for quarrel) Gold and

born in Taksaka's dynasty. It death at the serpent yajna of Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 8). RASATALA. A particular part of Patala where, accordthe Nivatakavacas live. The ing to the Farinas, Mahabharata contains the following information regarding Rasatala. called Sarhvarta rent ( 1 ) During the deluge the Agni the earth and reached up to RaSatala. (Vana Parva, Chapter 188, Verse 69) (2) The Raksasi called Krtya created by the asuras once carried away Duryodhana to Patala. (Vana Parva, Chapter 251, Verse 29). (3) Rasatala is the seventh stratum of the earth. Surabhi the mother of cows born from nectar lives there. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 102, Verse 1). comfortable and happy to live in (4) It is more Rasatala than to live either in Nagaloka or Svarga. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 102, Verse 14). (5) It was in Rasatala that Mahavisnu incarnated as Boar and killed the asuras with his tusk. (Sand Parva, Chapter 206, Verse 26) (6) Mahavisnu, who assumed the form of Hayagriva went to Rasatala, killed Madhu and Kaitabha and resurrected the Vedas. (Santi Parva, Chapter 347, Verse

was burnt


to Rasatala because he uttered (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 34). (8) Rasatala is Ananta's abode. Balabhadrarama who was an incarnation of Ananta, gave up his material body at Prabhasa tlrtha and attained Rasatala. (Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 28) RASMIKETU. A Raksasa who fought on the side of Ravana against Rama. (Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda; Sarga 9).


woman (Kanaka and Kamim).

Kdyadvayam (Two bodies). Mind and body. 10. Kdranadvayam (Two causes). Upadanam (ultimate cause) and Nimittam (immediate cause). 11. Kfdradvayam (Two salts). Alkaline salt (Saltpetre), Sodium Carbonate.


King Vasu went


Women and fools. Capaladvayam (Fickle ones 2) 13. Jndnadvayam (Knowledges.2). Superficial knowledge and deep knowledge. ( Mandajnana and Drdhajnana)

eternal, universal Deva (Visvadeva). (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91, Verse 36). RASTRAVARDHANA. A minister of DaSaratha. (Agni Purana, Chapter 6). RATA. A daughter of Daksaprajapati. Dharma married her and the Vasu called Ahar was born to the couple. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 17). RATHACITRA. A river famous in the Puranas. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 26). RATHADHVAJA. Father of king Kusadhvaja of Videha. Vedavati was his grand-daughter. (See under Veda-


daughter to Syiivasva at the Taranta. (Rgveda, Sayanabhasya)







Another name of Viragni, son of Parva, Chapter 219, Verse 9) (Vana


king of the solar dynasty. He was the son of Prsatasva. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). RATI 1. Wife of Kamadeva and some Puranas hold the view that Kama was the son of Dharma whose father was Brahma. But, the story of Kama and Rati is described in the as follows. Kalikapurana Brahma created ten prajapatis. A beautiful lady called Sandhya was his next creation. As soon as she was born, seeing her exquisite beauty Brahma and the prajapatis jumped to their feet. All of them thought in the same way. While the court of Brahma was in such a

RATHAKRTA. A Yaksa who

form, worships

rotates in the month of Caitra along with the Aditya called Dhata. (Bhagavata

Satrughna who led (Padma Purana, Patalakhanda)

warrior. He had accompanied the Asvamedhic horse of Rama.


warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva,


Chapter 45, Verse 63).

Saman, which, having assumed in his court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 30). This Rathantara saman possesses the power to cure fainting fits. Once Vasisdia restored Indra to consciousness with this Saman. (Santi


222, Verse 7).

Parva, Chapter 281


also called

Son of the Agni called Pancajanya. Tarasahara. (Vana Parva, Chapter


Verse 21)


Panda va
very Verse 62).
side against the magnificent ones.

Mother of King She was the daughter of King Ilina and had five sons, i.e. Dusyanta, Sura, Bhlma, Pravasu and Vasu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94)

of Viragni, son of Sarhyu.


(Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Verse

valiant warrior




fought on the His horses were Parva, Chapter 23,


confusion, an extremly handsome person emerged from his mind. Fish was the symbol on his and he aked Brahma thus: "Oh father, what flag should I do? Give me a suitable name and you should also decide upon a place and position and also a wife "You be moving for me." Brahma told him as follows: about everywhere in this world (full of men andwomen) engaged in the eternal function of creation with the five arrows of flower in your hands and thus multiply the population. Your arrows will go everywhere and no one, not even the Devas will dare to obstruct your arrows. Everyone will yield to your behests. Visnu, Siva and I also will yield before your arrows. You will enter the hearts of living beings in invisible form and giving them happiness engage yourself in eternal creation. The chief aim and object of your arrows of flower will be the hearts of living beings. You will be given a suitable name just now." The prajapatis, who understood the wish of Brahma, after mutual consultation said: "You emerged churning our minds. Therefore, you will become famous under the name Manmatha ( he who churns the mind) You best will lay low Siva's haughtiness and conceit. Oh among men, Daksa, chief among the prajapatis, will give you a wife." Happily pleased at the above words of Brahma Kama held up in his hands the bow and arrows of flowers and decided to shoot five arrows, i.e. harsanam (pleas-


Yaksa who rotates in the month of Jyestha in the company of the Aditya called Mitra. (Bhagavata, 12th Skandha). RATHASTHA. One of the seven tributaries of the
Ganga. According to the ancients, bathing in the river will wash off all sins. (Adi Parva, Chapter 169, Verse




Brother of the Virata King. He fought against the Pandavas. (Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 42). RATHAVARTA. A holy place considered to be on the He who visits this place right side of Sakambharidevi.

Sand Parva, Chapters


due to the grace of Siva, attain salvation. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 23). RATHAVlTI. A maharsi. He lived in a hilly region very far away from the Himalayas. Once the maharsi called Syavasva invited Rathaviti to perform a homa

at the yajfta conducted by King Taranta, and when he came for the homa with his daughter the father of Syavaiva asked him to marry his daughter to Syava:'va. Rathaviti not only refused, but also dismissed Syava;'va

from the yajnic platform.



Rathaviti married

sweat that oozed from his body. With great difficulty he controlled his passion and gave up Sandhya. From

others alighted there. He ridiculed Brahma for his display of passion towards his own daughter Sandhya and spoke further like this: "This Kama too is a fool. He tested his arrows here itself, he has no sense of propriety and discretion." Brahma was thoroughly ashamed at the words of Siva. He perspired and swept with his hands the drops of

ing or gladdening), Rocanam (attracting or tempting), mohanam (deluding or infatuating) sosanam (weakening) and maranam (killing). He decided to use the arrows first against Brahma and then against the prajapatis. Accordingly the arrows shot forth and Brahma and all the prajapatis overwhelmed by sexual passion stared at Sandhyadevi. Sandhya also got excited and from her body sprouted up 49 parts; 64 kalas (arts) also were born from her. She used incessantly against the leaders of the world (Brahma and others) who were downed by the arrows of sexual passion, arrows dear to Manmatha. The expressions of Brahma made Sandhya sick with love. Siva, who was just then travelling along the sky, seeing the boisterous exhibitions of passion by Brahma and




Once Raudrasva

he would be born again. From the drops of perspiration that fell on the ground from Daksa's body arose a beautiful woman, and Daksa told Kama that the woman, his daughter would become famous as Rati devl. Daksa gave Rati Devi to Kama to be his wife. Thus did Rati become Kama's wife. (For the second birth of Rati see under Pradyumna and for other details see- under Kama.) RATI II. An apsara woman of Alakapuri. She danced on the occasion of Kubera welcoming Astavakramuni. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 19, Verse 45). RATI III. Wife of Vibhu born in the dynasty of King Rsabhadeva of Ajanabhavarsa. Prthusena was her daughter. (Bhagavata, 5th Skandha)

the drops of sweat falling on the ground from the body of Brahma were born the pi trs called Agnisvattas and the Barhisadas, the former 64,000 in number and the latter 4,80,000. Drops of sweat from the bodies of the prajapatis also fell on the ground and from them were born the Devas. The pi trs called Sornapas are the sons of Kratu; those called Svakalikas are the sons of Vasistha; sons of Pulastya are called Ajyapas and Havirbhuks are the sons of Aiigiras. Brahma, who was angry that Kama shot his arrows against him in the presence of Siva cursed the former that he would be burnt to ashes in the fire of Siva's eyes, and Kama trembling with fear at the curse prostrated at the feet of Brahma and wept Then Brahma said that though he would die in the fire of Siva's eyes,

in love

with the




Parva, Chapter 94, that as a result of the married life of these two, ten archers beginning with Anvagbhanu, were born. II. A hermit who was the disciple of the hermit Katyayana. Once Mahisiisura came in the guise of a beautiful woman to the hermitage of Raudrasva to hinder his penance. The hermit cursed Mahisasura, "You will die because of a woman". (Kalika Purana,

maid Mahabharata, Adi


(S). A group of ganas (warriors of Siva). It mentioned in Mahabharata, Sand Parva, Chapter 284, that these Raumyas were born from the hairpores of Virabhadra, the chief of the guards of Siva. RAUPYA. A Puranically famous river of Ancient India. The holy bath Prasarpana of the hermit Jamadagni is situated on the banks of this river. (M.B. Vana Parva, * Chapter 129, Stanza 7). RAURAVA. One of the twentyeight hells. For details see the part Naraka under the word Kala. RAVA^A. The Raksasa King of Lanka who had ten


Chapter 62).



Devagandharva whose father was Ka-'yapaprajapati and mother Pradha. (Adi Parva,
Chapter 65, Verse 47).


courtesan of Hastinapura. As she performed the pious deed of feeding brahmins she attained Vaikuntha after her death. ( Padma Purana,

Birth. Visravas, grandson of Brahma and son of Pulastya married KaikasT, daughter of Sumall. While Visravas and Kaikasi were living in the forest SlesmaShe delivered four taka, Kaikasi became pregnant. children in four Yamas, with an interval of one yama between them. The elder three were the famous Raksasas, Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhlsana; the fourth one, a girl, was named Surpanakha. (Kamba


Descended from Genealogy. Vif'ravas Ravana.

Visnu thus



Ramayana, Balakanda). Kubera was another son of Visravas born of another

wife called DevavarnI alias llabila. As soon as he came of age Kubera captured the Puspaka chariot and began ruling the kingdom with Lanka as capital.



He performed tapas and great devotee of Visnu. attained Vaikuntha. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda).

king of Kancarianagarl

who was

(Uttara Ramayana).

He was


he attained Vaikuntha as a brahmin called Dharmasva sprinkled Ganga water on him. ( Padma Purana, Kriya-

by an ox, but

Previous lives of Ravana.


Ravana secured








(Padma Purana, Patala Khanda) RATRIDEVl. The presiding deity of

once worshipped Ratridevi for the fulfilment of her desires. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 13, Verse 25). RAUBHYA. A hermit. It is seen in Uttara Ramayana that this hermit called on Sri Rama on his return from Lanka.
class of giants who lived on Kailasa and Mandara mountains. The hermit Lomas'a gave warning to the Pandavas, when they went to the north dur-






ing their forest life, to be careful of the Raudras, (M.B. Parva, Chapter 139, 'Stanza 10). One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 127, Stanza, 62, that Raudrakarma was killed in the battle of Bharata by Bhimasena.

his wife Pausti.

A son born to the emperor Puru of Raudrasva had two brothers Pravlra and

envious of the pomp and prowess of Kubera advised her son to secure boons from Brahma by tapas and become equal to Kubera. Accordingly he went to Gokarna with his brothers and began tapas. Kumbhakarna did tapas for 10,000 years; Vibhlsana also did tapas for 10,000 years standing on one foot. Ravana, standing in the middle of the five fires, meditated upon Brahma. Though 10,000 years passed thus, Brahma did not appear yet. Ravana then cut one of his ten heads and made an offering of it to Brahma in the fire. Thus, within 9000 years he cut nine of his heads and offered them to Brahma in the fire. Lastly when he was about to cut off his tenth head, Brahma appeared and asked him to choose whatever boon he wanted. Ravana chose the boon that from none but men should he meet with his death. Kumbhakarna desired to secure the boon of 'nirdevatva' (Absence of the devas ) but secured by a slip of the tongue 'nidravatvam' (sleep). Vibhlsana chose devotion to Visnu. On his return after securing the boons, Ravana occupied Lanka, drove away Kubera and took his puspaka chariot. Ravana further declared Mahavisnu to be his eternal

who became

See under Jaya XI. Kaikasi (Ravana's mother)

enemy. Hearing about Ravana's victory the Raksasas from Patala came to live in Lanka.

5) Family


Ravana married Mandodari,


daughter of Mayasura and three sons, Meghanada, Atikaya and Aksakumara were born to the couple. He then conquered the whole world with the cooperation of his sons and other Raksasas. The Astadikpalakas (protectors of the eight regions) were subjugated. He attacked Devaloka, but was defeated and imprisoned. Meghanada by magical trickery captured Indra and released Ravana from custody. Meghanada came to be called Indrajit from that day onwards. See under Kartavlry6) Kdrtavlrydrjuna and Ravana. arjuna, Para 6. As a result of ruling the 7) Curses heaped on Ravana. land, as a terror to the whole world, for many years

meaning of 'Om'
to cut



the that all the


to explain the Narada refused Ravana and the latter threatened tongue of Narada. Narada then cursed ten heads of Ravana would be cut by a to

maiijari, wife of Rtuvarman, who lived as an anchorite in the the latter cursed that rnarutta forest, and






Ravana would be


(a short

Once maharsi Maudgalya was

by a man.

sitting in the



Ravana once insulted Rambha, Nalakubara during her tour at a place near Alaka. On hearing about the insult Nalakubara cursed that Ravana should die with his ten

and of his triumphal journey Ravana had invited on head eighteen sapas (curses) as follows.
Nalakubara Sapa.
the betrothed wife of

Ravana happened to come there and he cut two the yogadanda with his Candrahasa (sword) with the result that the maharsi fell down with face upwards and broke his back-bone. The maharsi then cursed that Ravana's Candrahasa would prove ineffective in future.

pose resting his neck on the piece of wood with a

heads broken.

While VedavatI, the only daughter Vedavatisapa. (ii) of sage Kusadhvaja, was doing tapas to secure Sri Madhava as her husband. Ravana committed rape on "You and your family her and she cursed him thus will be ruined by Lord Narayana on account of me."

Certain young brahmin Brdhmanajananisdpa. for sea-bath were humiliated by Ravana in the presence of their mothers when they cursed that the wife of Ravana would be insulted in

who had gone

For calling him 'monkey' at (iv) Nandikesvarasdpa. Kailasa, Nandikesvara cursed that Ravana and his kingdom would be destroyed by monkeys, As Vasistha refused Ravana 's invi(v) Vasifthasdpa. took the former tation to teach the Vedas etc. he captive. When he was released from captivity by the solar King Kuvalayasva, Vasistha cursed that Ravana and his family would be destroyed by those born in the
solar dynasty. Ravana once saw sage Asfavakra (vi) Astdvakrasdpa. him a kick saying, 'Oh at Slesmataka and gave handsome fellow I shall cure your eight hunches", For kicking and the sage cursed Ravana as follows me, a poor innocent sage, you will be kicked from head to foot and foot to head by monkeys." Ravana once poured on his own (vii) Dattdtreyasdpa.
! ! :

Brdhmanasdpa. He invited a Vedic brahmin to the idol of Tripurasundarl given to him by Siva. As the brahmin happened to be a bit late to come, Ravana imprisoned him for seven days, and the old brahmin cursed that Ravana would be imprisoned seven months by a man.

very presence by monkeys. humiliated Svahadevi, Agnisapa. Ravana once wife of Agni in his very presence and Agni cursed that Ravana's wife would be humiliated by monkeys in his



When Ravana was about to (xvii) Brhaspati sdpa. return after conquering Devaloka and taking the devas captives, Sulekhadevi, daughter of Brhaspati tried to take shelter somewhere when Ravana attempted to catch her by force. Then Brhaspati cursed that Ravana would die hit by the arrows of Rama. Ravana tried to humiliate (xviii) Brahmadevasdpa. Pufijikadevi, daughter of Brahma, and the latter cursed that Ravana would die with all his ten heads broken

presence. Ravana killed by one blow on (xvi) AnaranyaSdpa. his chest King Anaranya of the solar dynasty who sought refuge with him, and the King cursed that Ravana would die with all his ten heads cut by the arrows of a prince of the solar dynasty,

head water kept purified by mantras by Dattatreya to bathe the head of his Guru, and the latter cursed that Ravana's head would be polluted by the feet of monkeys, When Ravana molested and (viii) Dvaipdyanasdpa.


mutilated by a

the lips of Dvaipayana's sister in his own presence he cursed that Ravana's sister would be

man and

he would be humiliated by


See under Candrahasa. 8) Ravana got Candrahasa. 9 ) He threatened Devas. Ravana. during his triumphal march with the armies, once came to the Usiravlra mountain. Then the King called Marutta was performing Mahesvara yajna on the plains of the mountain. Indra and the other devas came to receive their portion of the offerings. But they ran away in fear on the arrival of Ravana. Indra assumed the form of a Kubera that of a peacock, Yama that of a crow, chameleon and Varuna that of a swan, and the devas, thus assuming various forms went away in different directions. Marutta got angry and got ready to fight Ravana. But, as the maharsis prevented him from it no took Rivana returned with the place. fighting
glories of victory. 10) He defeated Kala.

he touched unwilling women.

Mandodari Ravana cruelly manhandled Mandavyatoo maharsi, when the latter cursed that Ravana would be roughly handled by a monkey, Ravana once dragged by hair the wife (x) Atrisdpa. of Atri in his very presence, and Atri cursed that Ravana will have to witness his wife being denuded of her dress and dragged by the hair by monkeys.


During a pleasure

of his


witness a quarrel.

He went

about Kala, that

Ravana, that Kala would soon be causing Ravana's death etc. These stories awakened the anger in Ravana a strong army against Kala, and the former, with Kala, and war between the two started. challenged

Once Narada felt the urge to to Lanka and told Ravana Kala was more powerful than



Rbhus. They made a cow and covered it with the skin of the dead cow and placed it in front of the calf. Because of its likeness to its mother, the calf believed it to be its mother. restored their parents who had become old, (ii) Rbhus to youth. (Rgveda, 1st Mandala, 16th Anuvaka. llth
says that it was the Rbhus who made Indra's horses, the chariot of the Asvinls and Brhaspati's

ended. Afterwards Ravana march11) Ravana attacked Pdtala. ed with his army to Patala where he defeated Taksaka, the naga King and exacted tributes from him. Then he attacked Nivatakavacas. When the fighting became very fierce Brahma intervened and brought about a compromise between the two. Next, Ravana attacked Surabhi in Varuna's palace, but the' Raksasas who emerged from the pores on Surabhi's body drove away

in a fix, for he had given Ravana boon that the latter would be killed only by a man. At the same time he had given the boon to Kala that anybody thrashed with his (Kala's) club would die. Brahma, therefore, decided to end the fighting between Kala and Ravana somehow, and he approached Kala and requested him to withdraw from fighting. Accordingly Kala acknowledged defeat and thus the fighting

Brahma was





king of the Puru Dynasty. 1) Genealogy. From Visnu were descended in the following order :-Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha-Pururavas.AyusNahusa. Yayati-Puru-Janamejaya - Pracinvan - Pravfra-

Namasyu-Vltabhaya-Sundu-Bahuvidha-Samyati vadl-Raudragva and Rceyu.

(2 Other



Raped Rambha. See under Nalakiibara. Ravana's sister, Surpanakha met Sri Rama and Laksmana at Pancava^I and wanted first Rama and then Laksmana to marry her. But, Laksmana cut away her nose, breasts etc. Enraged by this Ravana abducted Slta. Sri Rama, with the help of the monkey-army, killed Ravana in war. ( See under
13) His death.


His mother, Mi:',rakesl was a goddess. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 10). ii He had two other names; Anvagbhanu and Ana( ) vrsti. Matinara was the son of Rceyu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verses 11-13).


Rcika ing order-Brahma-Bhrgu-Cyavana-Orva-RcIka. was the father of Jamadagni and grandfather of ParaSurama.
2) Rcika's marriage.


From Visnu were descended

famous sage.

in the


Synonyms of Ravana. Dasakandhara, Dasanana, Dasasya, Paulastya, Raksahpati, Pulastyatanaya, Raksasadhipa, Raksasamahe-.'vara. (Valmiki Ramayana


who had come to carry away Draupadl. He was killed by Arjuna. (Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Verse 27) RAVI II. A son of Dhrtarastra. He was killed by Bhlma in the great war. (Salya Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 14) RAYA. A King of the lunar dynasty and son of Pururavas. Urvasi, who had many sons like Ayus, Srutayus, Satyayus, Raya, Vijaya and Jaya. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). RAYANA. Brother of Yagoda, mother of Sri Krsna. (Brahmavaivarta Purana, 2.39, 37-39) RBHU I. An ancient sage. He was the son of Brahma. He was an extraordinary scholar who became the preceptor of Nidagha who was the son of Pulastya and the grandson of Brahma. Rbhu conveyed all knowledge to Nidagha. But he saw that although he taught Nidagha all branches of knowledge, the latter did not take any interest in "Advaita". So he left him
. .

A prince of Sauvlra. It was this prince who I. stood with the flag behind the chariot of Jayadratha,


Kamba Ramayana).

marriage to the sage if he gave 1,000 horses with black ears. Rcika offered worship to Varuna to help him in the matter. Varuna was pleased and a thousand

Gadhi, a king of the Lunar dynasty had a daughter, SatyavatL Rcika wished to marry this beautiful princess. Gadhi agreed to give his daughter

horses rose

up from



Ganga. Rcika married

both of

SatyavatI after giving the horses.

them went and



in disappointment but later got him interested Advaita. (Visnu Purana, Arh^a 2. Chapters 15-16).


a request 3) Birth of Jamadagni. to Rcika that she should have a son. Besides, she requested him that her mother should be blessed with a son, so that she might have a brother. Rcika performed a "homa" and after that he made two balls of rice and gave them to SatyavatI. He advised her to eat one of them and to give the other to her mother. Rcika had put "Brahmatejas" (brilliance of Brahmins) in the first riceball and "Ksatratejas" (brilliance of Ksatriyas) in the other. When SatyavatI and her mother ate the riceballs, it so happened that the rice-ball intended for her mother was eaten by SatyavatI and the one intended for Satyavati was eaten by the mother. Later Rcika came to know of this mistake. In due course, Satyavati and her mother gave birth to sons, Satyavatl's son was named

down in the forest. One day SatyavatI made

Anuvaka, lllth Sukta. 3) Rbhus and Miracles. (i) Long ago, a cow belonging to a began to cry. The Rsi took pity on

General information. Rbhus are a group of divine bewho attained divinity by performing tapas. Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 25 says that even other gods worship the Rbhus. 2) Who were Rbhus? Aiigiras, the son of Brahma had a son named Sudhanva. Sudhanva had three children, Rbhuksan, Vibhvan and Vaja. These three persons form the Rbhus as mentioned in Rgveda, 1st Mandala, 16th

Visvamitra. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 57). 4) Other sons of Rc'ka. After this three more sons were born to Rcika. The eldest of them was named Sunahpuccha, the second was named Sunasgepha and the third,


Rsi died. Its calf and prayed to the

Sunolangula. 5)Thesale of SunasSepha. Once king Ambarisa started a yaga. Indra who was jealous of him, stole the sacrificial cow. Since it was an evil omen, the priest advised Ambarisa that either the lost cow or a human being in its place must be obtained to complete the yaga. In spite of searches made in many places, the cow could not be traced. At last Ambarlsa's men met Rcika who was doing tapas on Bhrgutuiiga. Rcika sold his second son, Sunasiepha to Ambarisa in exchange for the price of 100,000 cows.






There they happened to meet VHvamitra. Sunassepha complained to Visvamitra and lamented over his ill-fate. Visvamitra wished to save him and to send one of his own sons in his place with Ambaiisa. But none of his sons was willing to oblige. Visvamitra cursed them and turned them into eaters of human flesh. Then he turned to Suna.'sepha and said "When you stand ready to be sacrificed near the altar, offer your prayers to Agni. If you do so, you will attain siddhi." (salvation or moksa). He also taught him two

The king took SunaSsepha with him and came

great serpent. In Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 160, Verse 15, there is a reference to the killing of this serpent by Garuda. RE^. U I. A teacher-priest, who was the son of hermit Visvamitra and the author of a Sukta in Rgveda.



rewarded Ambarlsa for his yaga. ( Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, 62nd Sarga) 6) Rcika and the Vaifnava iow. Once ViSvakarma made two mighty bows. One of them was taken by Siva to burn

songs of praise to Agni. While standing at the altar ready to be sacrificed SunaS epha recited the two songs of praise. Indra and the other gods appeared and after saving Sunassepha

(M.B. Anuiasana Parva, Chapter 116; Verse 2). I. The wife of the hermit Jamadagni. (For further details see under the word Jamadagni) REyUKA II. A holy place frequented by Sages. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82. Stanza 82 that those who bathe in this holy bath would

of Iksvaku. Renuka the wife of the hermit Jamadagni, and the mother of Parasurama was the daughter of this King. Renu had other names such as Prasenajit, Prasena and Suvenu.


7. 17. 7;

King of




the dynasty


it to Jamadagni. Jamadagni Parasurama. It was with this Vaisnavacapa that Parasurama confronted Sri Rama who was returning after Sita's Svayamvara. (Ramayana, Balakanda, 75th Sarga)

Rcika who,

was this bow which was broken by Sri Rama at the time of Slta's Svayarhvara. After the battle with Siva, Visnu gave his bow to

the Tripuras. That bow is known as "Saivacapa". The other bow was given to Visnu. It is called "Vaisnavacapa". The Devas wished to see a trial of strength between Siva and Visnu. They prompted Brahma to bring about such a conflict. Brahma succeeded in causing a quarrel between Siva and Visnu. A fight began between Siva and Visnu. Both the Saivacapa and Vaisnavacapa went into action. But Siva was defeated. After that, Siva gave his bow toDevarata, king of Videha.By inheritance it came into the hands of king Janaka, the father of Sita.


become as pure as Candra (Moon). It is stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, that this holy place lies within the boundary of Kuruksetra.
was a dweller of

them questions pertaining to duty and righteousness. (M.B. Anusasana Parva. Chapter 132, Stanza 2) REPHA. A hermit of the period of Rgveda. Once the asuras threw this hermit into water. This was the punishment for the sins committed by him in his previous life. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 17, Sukta 116).

(serpent). This serpent who (nether world) once went to the Diggajas (Eight elephants supporting the globe), in accordance with the instruction of the gods, and asked



1) Birth.

son of the sun.

the daughter of

The sun married



turn gave


to his son

7) Other


(i) Rcika was given 1,000 white horses with black ears which could run fast, by Gadhi as dowry. Varuna presented these horses on the bank of the river Ganga. The place in Gahga where the horses rose up, came to be called "ASvatirtha". Gadhi gave Satyavati to Rcika at the place called 'Kanyakubja'. (M.B. Aranya Parva, Chapter 115). Parva, Chapter 29, (ii) Mahabharata, Asvamedhika Verse 23 says that Rcika once tried to stop Parasurama

Samjna went to the forest During this period Chaya the maid of Sariijfia attended on the sun. Three children, Sanaiscara, Manu and Tapati were born to the Sun of Chaya. Once Ch;"ya cursed Yama. Then only did the Sun remember about Samjna. At that time Sarhjna had been doing penance in the forest in the form of a mare. The Sun took the form of a horse and lived with her in the forest. From this union ASvinikumaras and also the last son Revanta were born. (VimuPurana, Ams'a3, Chapter
the radiance of her husband,

named Samjna. She gave birth to three children named Manu, Yama andYami. Once, being unable to bear
do penance.


Laksmi astounded


how Laksmi was astounded at the sight of Revanta's handsome figure and how Mahavisnu cursed Laksmi

at the sight of Revanta. I or

the story

from killing Ksatriyas.

(iii) Once Dyutiman, King of Salva, presented a tract of land to Rcika. (M.B. Anu^asana Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 28).' (iv) Rcika attained Vaikuntha and his wife Satyavati accompanied him in her earthly body. It is said that after it, Satyavati transformed herself into a river under the name "KauSiki" and began to flow in north India. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, 34 ih Sarga).




III. A King who was the grandson of emperor Bharata and son of Dyumanyu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 24). RDDHI. Varuna's wife. ( M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter '117. Verse 9).


Verse 42).

of the twelve Adityas. (M.B. Adi Parva,

consequently, see under EkavTra. The father of Revati, the wife of Balabhadraritma. Revata was the son of Anartta and the grandson of king Saryati. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7, that Revata was the first king who erected his capital in the Island Kusasthali and began to rule over it. REVATl I. Wife of Balabhadrarama. Revata the son of Anartta and the grandson of King Saryati was ruling over the island Kusasthali. Hundred sons beginning with Kukudmi were born to him. As the youngest of all a daughter named Revati was born. At the instruction of Brahma the beautful Revati was given in marriage to



Balabhadrarama. (Bhagavata, Bhagavata, Skandha 7)






Stanza 29, the

Aditi Devi.

In Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 230, name 'Revati' is used as a synonym of



Ancient Belief about

Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda emerged from the four faces of Brahma. In Krtayuga, Brahma gave these Vedas to his sons. In Dvaparayuga, the Rsis got these Vedas. Mahavisnu incarnated on earth for the


III. One of the twentyseven stars. The following statements occur in the Mahabharata about the importance of this star. (i) Sri Krsna started on his journey at the auspicious moment of Maitra on the star Revati in the month of Karttika. (M.B. Udyoga Parva. Chapter 83, Stanza 6). the day of this star (ii) If a cow is given as alms on


four Vedas


on Revati day would become wealthy. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 89, Stanza 14). REVATI IV. The mother of Raivata, the lord of the fifth Manvantara (age of a Manu). There is a story in the Markandeya Purana about the birth of Revati. A son was born to the hermit Rtavak on Revati day. By and by he became wicked. Having learned from the hermit Garga that his son became wicked because he was born under the star Revati, Rtavak cursed the star Revati and kicked it down from its place. The spot on which the star fell became a lake. After a time a beautiful damsel was born from the lake. The hermit Pramuca took the girl home and brought her up. She was called Revati. When she came of age, she was given in marriage to Durgama, the son of king Vikramasila. At the request of Revati her marriage was conducted at an auspicious moment on the day of the star Revati. The hermit blessed the couple "Let a son, who would become the Lord of the Manvantara, be born to you." As a result of this blessing the bright and valiant son Raivata was born to them. This Raivata was the Lord of the fifth Manvantara. RGVEDA. The Rgveda is the oldest recorded work of the human race. The Egyptians claim that another book entitled "Book of the Dead" was also written during the period of the Rgveda. The Babylonians have an ancient work called 'Gilgamish', which according to scholars, is not as old as the Rgveda. Rgveda is the work that forms the basis of Hindu religion. Of the four Vedas, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda were composed after Rgveda." The Rgveda suktas were interpreted for the first time in Yaska's "Nirukta" and Sayana's "Vedarthaprakasa". The most important of the four Vedas is Rgveda. It is divided into ten "Mandalas". There are 1017 suktas and 10472 Rks in it. Although there are 11 more

Anusasana Parva, Chapter

that cow will go to heaven and make preparations for the comforts and convenience of the giver. (M.B.

He who

64, Stanza 33). gives offerings to the manes

preservation of Dharma, in the person of Veda Vyasa. Vyasa distributed the Vedas among his son Sakalya and his disciples. Sakalya received Rgveda. He communicated it to his disciples. (Bhagavata, 12th Skandha. See under the word Veda). RIPU. Grandson of Dhruva. Two sons called Sis^i and Bhavya were born to Dhruva by his wife Sambhu. deliverd five sons, i.e. Ripu, Sisti's wife Succhaya

Ripunjaya, Vipra, Vrkala and Vrkatejas. Caksusa Manu was born as the son of Ripu by his wife Brhatl. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 13). RIPUNJAYA. I Son ofSuratha, lord of Kundala city.


Suratha captured Sri Rama's yajnic horse there ensued a fierce war between him and Satrughna.

Ripunjaya too was present at the fighting. (Padma Purana). RIPUNJAYA. II A brahmin, who was born as Divodasa, kingofKasi in his rebirth. When once fire ceased to be in Kasi, he took upon himself the function of fire. (Skanda purana, 4.2, 39-48). RIPUNJAYA III. See under Ripu.









(Sabha Parva, Chapter 8). RJlSVA. A king mentioned

helpoflndra. 53rd Sukta).

in the besieged the city of another King,


Rgveda. Once he Vamgrda, with the Mandala, 10th Anuvaka,

details. (
1 )

blind by his father (Rgveda, 1st Mandala, 16th Anuvaka, 112th Sukta) Vrsaglr. (2) Rjrasva was the son of the royal sage, Once the donkey which is the vehicle of the AsVinldevas assumed the shape of a she-wolf and went to Rjrasva. Rjrasva gave it 100 sheep belonging to the people of the country and cut them to pieces and offered the same as food to the she- wolf. This plunder of the people's wealth enraged Vrsaglr. He cursed RjraSva and made

RjraSva was

(sage) celebrated in the




Suktas called "khilas,"

the Rgveda.

they are not usually included in

Rjrasva who thus became blind offered prayers to Agni, who restored his eyesight. (Rgveda, 1st Mandala, 17th Anuvaka, 116th Sukta). RK. A small section of the Veda. The Veda which issued from the face of God at the time of creation, consisted of 1,00,000 books in four sections, beginning with Rk.

lose his eye-sight.

Mandalas two

to seven of the



Rgveda were composed in second Mandala was of

means "to

(Visnu Purana, Part

1 1 1,

Chapter 4)

praise". It

got the

The root "RC" name "RK" meaning,


Bhargava Kula, the third of Visvamitrakula, the fourth of Vamadeva, the fifth of Atri, the sixth of Bharadvaja and the seventh of Vasistha. The eighth Mandala and the first 50 Suktas of the first Mandala were composed by Kanvakula. The general view is that the tenth Mandala was written by someone at a later period. Most of the Rgveda suktas are praises. But some of the


"to praise gods". A king of the Puru dynasty. He was the father I. of Sarhvarana. For genealogy see under the word Sarhvarana (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94). RKSA II. King Hariha had a son named Rksa born to him by his wife Sudeva. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 95 says that this Rksa had a son named Matinara, by his wife Jvala. Wife of Ajamidha,

can see in many suktas the joy and wonder experienced by the Aryas when they entered the beautiful


in the



are of a different type.

land of India for the

2, '500



Rgveda and 2,000

Most scholars believe was composed during the period



who was a king of the lunar Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 37) dynasty. (M.B. RKSADEVA. Son of Sikhandi. Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 23 refers to his horse with white and.


B. C.

red colour,

follower of





Rocamana was

(M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 12) RKSARAJAS. monkey who was the foster-father

He Bali and Sugrlva. He was the king of Kiskindha. had no issue for a long time. Bali and Sugrlva were brought up by Ahalya at Gautama's aSrama. Rksarajas, with the permission of Indra, went to the asrama and took Bali and Sugrlva with him to Kiskindha. From that time, Bali and Sugrlva remained with him as his
foster-sons. (Uttara





Parva, Chapter 56, Stanza 49)





a combat.


ter 27, Stanza 19, been defeated by Arjuna in

Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapmentions another Rocamana who had




Mention is made in the Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 20, that teacher Drona had killed two brothers with the name RocaIII.

There is a story about the origin of

Ramayana). inValmiki Ramayana, Praksipta Sarga,


in the Bharata-battle.


Once when Brahma was in a state of meditation on the Meru mountain, tears rolled down from his eyes and he gathered the tears in his own hands. From those tears, a monkey came into being. Rksarajas was that


The daughter of the King Devaka. married Rocana. Two sons Hema and Hemangada were born to her. (Bhagavata, Skandha


day, Rksarajas went to a lake to quench his thirst. Seeing his own image reflected in the water, he thought

fascinating beauty, Indra and Surya were filled with lustful passion. Both of them had involuntary emission of semen. Bali was born from Indra's semen which fell on the head and Sugrlva was born from Surya's semen which fell on the neck of Rksarajas. Towards the end of the night, Rksarajas lost his female form and regained his former shape as a male. At once he took the two children with him to Brahma and told him the whole story. Brahma sent a messenger with Rksarajas and had him anointed king of Kiskindha. After the time of Rksarajas, Bali became king of Kiskindha.

was some enemy and jumped into the lake, to attack him. But he soon realized his mistake and returned to the shore. As soon as he came out of the water, he felt that he had become a woman. Seeing her

II. Grand-daughter of Rukml, the King of Vidarbha. Aniruddha the grandson of Sri Krsna married her at Bhojakata, (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). ROCANAMUKHA. An asura. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 105, Stanza 12



killed this Asura.


See the part Naraka under




I. The mother of all the cows. The following a story about the origin of Rohini, given in VaJmiki


part of Kasi. Since he was killed by Citrasena, all But Dirghatapas who was others committed suicide. left behind collected their bones, and deposited them in the sacred Sulabhedatirtha. Skanda Purana says that consequently .they attained Heaven. RKSAVAN. One of the seven mountains in India.

The younger son of DIrghatapas who was performing tapas in Mandaravana on the northern

1 )

were born to Surabhi. In later years cows and oxen were born in the world from Rohini and horses from Sabha Parva, In the Mahabharata, Gandharvi. Chapter 66, it is mentioned that two daughters Vimala and Anala were born to Rohini and that from these two, in later years cattle were born.

Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 14. KaSyapa married Surabhi the seventh daughter of Daksa. Two daughters Rohini and Gandharvi,

of the wives of Candra stars are the wives of Candra. Of these twentyseven wives, Rohini was loved most by Candra. (See under Candra) (See under Dasaratha, Para 2) Rohini and DaSaratha.
General information.



The twentyseven




The mother

of Balabhadrarama.



attendant of Skandadeva. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 28). I. A Ksatriya King. The following information is available from Mahabharata about him.
(i) Rocamana was born from a named A<vagrlva. (M.B. Adi

(M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter


Verse 11)

Vasudeva had two wives Devaki General information. and Rohini. Sri Krsna was born from Devaki and

portion of an asura Parva, Chapter 67,

Balabhadrarama from Rohini. 2) Previous Birth of Rohini. Vasudeva was the rebirth of Prajapati Kasyapa. When Kasyapa took birth as Vasudeva, his two wives Adi ti and Surasa took birth as Devaki and Rohini respectively. (They took birth thus, because of the curse of Varuna. For details of the curse see under Kasyapa, para 6).

Stanza 18).

was present at the Svayarhvara (ii) (marriage) ofDraupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter
also 185, Stanza 10).


Rocamana was



Pandavas sent an invitation to this King to join the battle. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 12). (v) Rocamana was a mighty warrior on the side of the Pandavas in the battle of Kuruksetra. (M.B. Drona
Parva, Chapter 70, Stanza 47)

Parva, Chapter ?9, Stanza 8) (iv) At the beginning of the battle of Kuruksetra,

the King of the country AsvaBhimasena, at the time of his regional condefeated this King. (Mahabharata, Sabha the


Rohini. Because she had done some misdeeds, she became the wife of Hiranyakasipu. (M.B. Vana Parva,

their bodies." (Bhagavata, Skandha 11). IV. Nisathe third wife of the Agni (fire) called Manu or Bhanu gave birth to a daughter named

The seventh child of 3) The birth of Balabhadra. Devaki was placed in the womb of Rohini and Balabhadrarama was born. (For this story see under Krsna, para 6, Karhsa, para 6 and Sadarbhaka) Daruka 4) Death. As soon as a messenger named brought the news that the entire race of the Yadavas had perished in Dvaraka, "because of grief, Vasudeva, Devaki and Rohini forsook

Chapter 221).



bha went
to the grief-stricken


V. The mother of Utatthya, a famous hermit. (For details see under Satyatapas). ROHITA (ROHITASVA). The son of Hariscandra. This son, who was born by the blessing of Varuna, was wanted to be sacrificed by Varuna himself. In connection with this Hariscandra had to bear much sorrow

Sumati and comforted her.

tain also

and misery. (For

details see

under Haris'candra't. A mountain



were known by the name Rohitaka. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 4, that during the regional conquest of Nakula, he passed through this country. The present name of this country is Rohtak (Haryana). ROMAHARSA TA. A famous disciple of Vyasa. The great Vyasa gave the collection of Puranas to Romaharsana. Sumati, Agnivarcas, Mitrayus, Sarhsapayana, Akrtavrana and Savarni were the six disciples of Romaharsana. (See under Guruparampara ).
country in ancient India. The inhabitants of this country were called the Romakas. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 17, that the Romakas came with presents to the horse-sacrifice performed by Yudhisthira.

in the Puranas. Places surrounding


(Visnu Purana, Chapter 1, Section ] ). In the course of his wanderings in the forest a wild fire broke out in which his body was burnt up. Siva Purana says that the soul of Rsabha who died in the wild fire, attained Siva Loka. RSABHA III. A Naga born in the Dhrtarastra family. In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 11, we read that this naga was burnt to ashes at Janame-

by Sastras. .On account of his austerity he so lean and thin that all the veins in the body could be seen. Putting a pebble in his mouth, he went about in the forest, dettrmined to renounce his body.
as ordained

(Siva Purana). 4) Rsabha 's End. Rsabha performed tapas according to the rules of Vanaprastha asrama and conducted yagas



jaya's Sarpasatra. (Snake sacrifice). AnAsura. (M.B. Santi


river Sarasvati.


holy place on the banks of the Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84 says that by bathing in this place, one would obtain Devavimana. RSABHAKUTA. See under Rsabha II and Rsabha-

227, Verse 51).


See under Lomapada. daughter of Brhaspati. The reply given by Romas a to her husband when he teased her, is given in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 19, Sukta 126.

the four sides of

A King

of the

great grandson of Uparicaravasu. Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 12 says that he fought within the Garudavyuha formed

Lunar dynasty. He

was the

1 )

by Drona.

A muni II. King Agnldhra.


who was


grandson of

the son of King Nabhi by his wife Meruhundred sons were born to Rsabha by his wife Jayantl. After entrusting his kingdom to Bharata, the eldest of his sons, Rsabha went to the forest and
devl. One.

Rsabha was

General information.

did tapas in Pulaha's asrama. 2) Pisabha andR.sabha.kuta Rsabha did tapas in

forest for


he performed




sage who wished to observe strict silence did not like the presence of strangers and visitors in the vicinity. So he pronounced a curse that the mountain should drop boulders on any one who ventured to come there. Once he ordered the wind to blow without noise as it passed by the side of the mountain. He declared that anyone who made noise in Rsabhakuta would be struck with thunder. A place of holy waters came into


The mountain peak on which tapas got the name "Rsabhakuta".

going out in search of Sita. Sugriva speaks about the as situated in the middle of the ocean of milk. (Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, 4th Sarga, Verse 44). RSABHATlRTHA. An ancient place of holy waters in Ayodhya. Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84 says that an observance of fast at this tirtha is equivalent to the gift of 1,000 cows and a Viijapeyayajna. RSI. Agni Purana, Chapter 348 states that the letter "R" means "sound". The word "Rsi" is derived from this root.' During the period when the art of writing was not known, Vedas, Sastras and other sacred lore were communicated through the mouth of the Rsis. The voice of Arsa Bharata itself is the voice of the

There are twenty mountains on Mahameru. Rsabha is one of them. (Devi Bhagavata, Astama Skandha) There is a reference to Rsabha Parvata when Sugriva gave instructions about the way to the army of monkeys


Rsabha mountain



Rsis. Hindus believe that the Vedas are the outcome of the inspiration, introspection and spiritual vision of the Rsis. There is a Sarhskrta stanza defining a Rsi,



existence there. (M.B. Aranya Parva, Chapter 11). The power of faabha's Rsabha became Tdga. devotee of Siva by worshipping him.

Once a Brahmana

named Mandara had an


King Vajrabahu (Arhsuman) Sumati became pregnant. Her co-wives who were jealous of her poisoned her. As a result of it, she and the child born to her fell victims to diseases. Dasarna abandoned them in the

alliance with Piiigala, a prostitute. Both of them died Mandara was re-born as Bhadrayu, the together. grandson of Nala and Pingala as Sumati, the wife of



Sumati lived in the house of a Vaisya with her While living there, the child died of disease. Rsa-

India has given birth to numerous Rsis. The word "Rsi" may be found throughout the Vedas. Rsis born in all classes of people had lived in India. The general belief is that the number of Rsis may come to about 48,000. It is not possible to know the names of all of them. In the Ramayana we find that when Sri Rama returned to Ayodhya after his life in the forest and took up the reign, many Rsis came to Ayodhya from all parts of the country. Among them, Visvamitra, Yavakrlta, Raibhya, Kanva and Garga came with their party of disciples from the east Dattatreya, Namuci, Pramuci, Valmlki, Soma, Kundu and Agastya came with their disciples from the south; Vrsangu, Kavisa, Kaumya,

given below Urdhvaretastapasyagah Niyataslca sarhyami / Sapanugrahayoh Saktah Satyasandho bhavedrsih//


Raudreya, Narada,


As impossible. One of them, however, agreed to try. desired by her, the King sent her with several other

to Uttara Brahmarsi, Brahmarsi, Viwamitra, a Rajarsi and Kas"y^ipa, a Devarsi. RSIGIRI. A mountain situated near Girivraja, the also capital of Magadha kingdom. This mountain is

Vamadeva, Saubhari, Asfavakra, Suka, Bhrgu, Lomasa, Maudgalya and others with their disciples came from the west and Ka^yapa, Vasisdia, Atri, Gautama, Jamadagni, Bharadvaja, Sanaka and Vibhandaka, party, Sarabhariga, Durvasas Matanga, Tumburu, the Saptarsis and others with their party of

The young women went

Ramayana. There are three classes of Rsis Rajarsi and Devarsi. Vasistha was a

disciples arrived

from the north, according





I. Rajarsi. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verses 32 and 33 state that he was the rebirth of Arka, the Asura leader. terrible battle town in North India. II. took place here between Arjuna and Rsika, the Rajarsi.

Verses 2 and 3)

"Matanga" (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter


to the forest and made a floating asrama in a boat in which they sailed in the river by the side of Vibhandaka's asrama. They stopped the boat close to the asrama and one of the girls entered the asrama when Vibhandaka was not there. She had a talk with RsyaSrnga in the course of which she used all the amorous enchantments of her sex to captivate the young Muni. She told him that she was the daughter of a Muni, living in an asrama, three yojanas


that depressed and gloomy state of mind when Vibhandaka returned to the asrama. Finding him unusually restless and dejected, the father asked him whether anyone

away. Rsyasrnga felt a peculiar fascination for her and tried to please her by offering fruits etc. When she left him, he felt deeply distressed and unhappy. He was in


sacred river in ancient India. Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 47 mentions that those who bathe in this river will attain Moksa

(M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 25)


mountain. Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 9 states that Rama and Laksmana visited the sage Markandeya on the top of this mounhere that Rama and Laksmana met tain. It was Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 279, Sugriva. Verse 44 states that the river Pampa runs round the Rsyamuka mountain. RSYASR&GA. Son of the sage Vibhandaka. Vibhandaka, son of Ka^yapa was the father 1) Birth. of Rsyasrnga. There is a strange story about him in the Mahabharata. Once sage Vibhandaka happened to see Urvasl at

Rsyasrhga who was an entire stranger world told his father that a handsome youth of irresistible charm had visited him during Vibhandaka's absence. But fromRsyasrnga's description of the "youth" Vibhandaka understood that the visitor must have been a woman. But he could not guess who

had come


to the feminine




Rsyagrriga was enraptured and before his father's return, they left the asrama. They entered the floating asrama in the boat and the woman set the boat sailing in the river. It glided slowly down the river and at last reached near the palace of Lomapada. They landed there and the King married his daughter Santa to

another occasion, the same woman came again to asrama in the absence of Vibhandaka. At her sight



sight of her, the sage had an involuntary emission of semen. The semen fell in the water and just then a female deer came there to drink water. It swallowed the semen with water and in due course became pregnant and gave birth to a human child. But the child had the horns of a deer. Conse-

Mahahrada. At the very

quently Vibhandaka named the boy "RsyaSrnga". lived Vibhandaka and Rsyasrnga together in the aSrama. Rsyasrnga grew up into a youth, but he had never seen anyone except his father Vibhandaka. 2) Rainfall in the kingdom of Anga. At that time, the kingdom of Anga was ruled by Lomapada, a friend of Dasaratha. Once he cheated a Brahmana. Consequently all the Brahmanas in that country left the place and emigrated to other lands. From that time there was no rain in the land of Anga. A severe drought and famine followed. Lomapada invited devout Brahmanas and consulted them how they could bring rain to the land. They told him that if he could get a Muni (sage) who had never seen women to perform a yaga, there would be rainfall in the land. The King sent his men far and wide to find a Muni who had never set eyes on a woman At last he got news that Rsyasrnga, son of Vibhandaka was the sage who had never seen women. He then began to plan how RsyasVnga could be brought over to Anga. Lomapada called together some prostitutes and asked them whether they could bring Rsyasrnga to his country. All except one of them said it was quite

appease Vidhandaka, Lomapada sent him rich presents and much wealth. When Vibhandaka returned to his as'rama he was met by the King's servants who had brought the presents and wealth. Ignoring them and their rich presents, the furious Maharsi set out to the city of Campa, the capital of the Anga Kingdom. At the royal command, Vibhandaka was welcomed by the people with honour. When the sage found that the whole kingdom belonged to his son, his anger was allayed. After ordering his son to return to his asrama after the birth of a son, Vibhandaka left the palace. As a result of Rsyasrhga's yaga there was rainfall in Anga and famine ended. After the birth of his child he returned to the forest as ordered by his father. (M.B.

a yaga for the purpose. Lomapada sent Rsya'rnga to Ayodhya at the invitation of Dasaratha. He arrived at Ayodhya and performed a yaga called Putrakamesti. From the sacrificial fire there arose a dark monstrous

Aranya Parva, Chapters 110-112). King Dasaratha of Ayodhya 3) RsyaSrnga in Ayodhya. had no children for a long time. His Minister Sumantra advised him to invite Rsyasrnga to perform

with a pot of pudding in his hand. Dasaratha it from him and gave one half of it to Kausalya and the other half to Kaikeyi. Both of them gave half of their shares to Sumitra. Thus Sumitra got two shares while the other two wives of Dasaratha got only one share each. As a result Kausalya and Kaikeyi gave birth to a son each, while Sumitra had two sons. Kausalya's son was named Rama, Kaikeyl's son was

Bharata and Sumitra's


yojanas in a day." The sage received that horse and presented it to Rtadhvaja, King of the lunar dynasty. Rtadhvaja mounted the horse and killed Patalaketu. It was Visvavasu who dropped this horse from Heaven. Patalaketu had once fallen in love with Vixvavasu's
daughter, Madalasa.

Laksmana and sons were Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Chapters Satrughna. (Valmiki



of the 11 Rudras. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 12). RTA II. See under the word Pramrta.



"truth". This word has a general meaning Besides in Agni Purana, Chapter 152, we see that it also means "Something obtained by begging". RTADHAMA. Another name of Sri Krsna. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 342, Verse 62).

had done

in revenge that


like this.

his son.


a storm. Uttanka, a sage who lived in the Ujjalaka was the person who neighbourhood of suffered most from Dhundhu's misdeeds. Brhadasva, of Iksvaku dynasty and father of Kuvalasva to his in his old age entrusted the rule of the country son and prepared to go to the forest. At that time, sage Uttanka came there and advised the King to go Brhadasva to the forest only after killing Dhundhu. called his son Kuvalasva and after giving him the task of killing Dhundhu, proceeded to the forest. Kuvalasva had 21,000 sons. Leading them, he went to the desert Ujjalaka to kill Dhundhu. Uttanka declared that anyone who killed Dhundhu would get part of Mahavisnu's strength. Kuvalasva 's sons surrounded Dhundhu. The Asura awoke with anger. In the fire from his eyes, all the 21,000 sons of Kuvalasva were burnt to ashes. Next Kuvalasva came into conflict with Dhundhu. In that fight Dhundhu was killed. The gods gave Kuvala'va many boons. From that day, Kuvala'va "Dhundhumara" (one who killed got the name, Dhundhu) (M.B. Vana Parva, 4 Chapters from 201 ). Kuvalasva had three more sons named 3) His sons. Drdhasva, Kapilasva and Candrasva, or Bhadrasva besides the 21,000 sons. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 204, Verse 40). 4) Vamana Purana, Chapter 59 gives the following account of how Kuvalasva won the favour of sage Galava. Long ago while sage Galava was performing tapas in his aSrama, an Asura called Patalaketu used to disturb

famous King of the Iksvaku dynasty. From Visnu were descended in the Genealogy. ) following order Brahma Marici Kas yapa Vivasvan Vikuksi Iksvaku Sasada Vaivasvata Manu Adri Kakutstha Anenas Prthula.' va Vi svaga:' va Kuvalasva (Dhundhumara). The most name Dhundhumdra. got the 2) How he heroic exploit of Kuvalasva or Kuvalayasva was his killing of the Asura Dhundhu. Madhu and Kaitabha were two Asuras born from the ears of Mahavisnu. The Asura Dhundhu was their son. After his birth, Mahavisnu killed Madhu and Kaitabha. Dhundhu was furious over the death of his He worshipped Brahma who granted him fathers. unconquerable strength. After defeating the gods he went to the desert called Ujjalaka and lay beneath the sands. Whenever he heaved a sigh clouds of dust rose up to the sky and the earth shook for seven days. It caused great damage to life and property in the world,



word Visvakarma).

(For further details, see Para

Maharsi (sage). The sage Jabali was under the 2

Kamadhenu and obtained a Visnu. The son's name was


with Sri Rama's Asvamedhayaga, Satrughna who was leading the horse, arrived in Satyavan's city during his tour of the eastern lands. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter 30).
(sage) celebrated

He worshipped ancient King. son who was a devotee of Satyavan. In connection

(Rgveda. 1st Mandala. 16th Anuvaka, 112th Sukta). RTAYU. See under Kalihga. RTEYU I. A king of the Lunar dynasty. RTEYU II. A Maharsi (sage) of the western country. He was a rtvik (priest officiating at a yaga) of Varuna. (M.B. AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 36). RTUKALA. The time that is most auspicious for sexual intercourse for a woman with her husband. In ancient India certain days were prescribed as the best period for women to become pregnant. This period is called Rtukala. (Rtu Menstruation. Kala time, period.) The sixteen days following menstruation are supposed to be good; but the first three days are not very good and it is advisable not to have sexual intercourse during those days. The next even days beginning with the
fourth day (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th) are the best days for coitus if a male issue (a son) is desired. The odd days (5th, 7th, 9th, llth 13th, 15th) are to be preferred if a female issue (daughter) is desired.

the Rgveda.


ing order-Brahma-Kasyapa-Vivasvan-Vaivasvata ManuIksvaku-Vikuksi-Sas'ada-Puranjaya-Kakutstha Anenas-

(Agni Purana, Chapter 151). king of the Iksvaku dynasty. 1. From Visnu were descended in the followGenealogy.

Prthula$va-Prasenajit-Yuvanava-Mandhata-PurukutsaTrasadasyu-Anaranya-Aryasva Vasumanas SutanvaHariscandraSatyavrata (Trisanku) Trayyaruna Rohitasva-Harita - Cuncu - Sudeva - Bharuka- Sagara-

Asamanjasa-Arhsuman -Bhaglratha-Srutanabha-Sindhudvipa-Ayutayus-Rtuparna.

Other Details.

Nala's incognito life. While Nala was wandering in the dense forest after leaving Damayanti, he was bitten by the serpent, Karkotaka. His complexion turned blue owing to the effect of the poison. Karkotaka gave him a garment by wearing which Nala could regain his form. As advised by Karkotaka, Nala went to the palace of assuming the 'name Rtuparna, king of Ayodhya, Bahuka. He lived there as the chief charioteer of the king. He had mastered the art "Asvahrdaya" by which he could drive the chariot-horses with astonishing speed. Rtuparna appointed him as his chief charioteer and gave

down from

his meditations regularly. One day, the sage looked up to Heaven and heaved a sigh. At once a horse dropped

him two assistants, Varsneya Aranya Parva, Chapter 67).

Damayanti came




mysterious voice was heard "This mighty horse will travel thousands of



second marriage of Damayanti. that Nala was living in Rtuthrough the messenger Parnada. She



sent a secret


of Sri
etc. All

"Aksahrdaya" and he taught it to Nala. In return for Nala taught the king the art of Asvahrdaya. At last they reached the city of Vidarbha. Damayanti managed to recognize Nala even in his disguise. Rtuparna who was happy over the reunion of Nala and Damayanti returned to Ayodhya on the next day. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 77). RTUSTHALA. A Celestial damsel. In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 122, we find that she attended the birth

to Ayodhya through a Brahmana that her second marriage was fixed for the next day and that Rtuparna should attend the ceremony. Rtuparna started at once with Bahuka as his On the way, Rtuparna's cloak happened to charioteer. fall down from the chariot. At once he asked Nala to stop the chariot. But he told him that within a moment, the chariot had covered a distance of one yojana from the place where the cloak fell. They saw a tree in the forest which was heavily laden with fruit. Rtuparna was able to tell at a glance, the exact number of leaves and fruits on that tree. He told Nala that he was able to do so with the help of the art

named Sudeva



of them were killed by



of Siva.




RUDRA. A form
1 )

Sarga 26).

The birth of Rudra is from Brahma. Even before the creation of the Prajapatis, Brahma had created Sanandana, Sanaka, Sanatana and Sanatkumara. These four were not desirous of mundane pleasures and were not prepared to beget children. They were great sages and scholars, of abstinence and without any discord and animosity. When these four showed no interest at all in the creation of the world, Brahma became angry to such an extent that he was prepared to destroy the three worlds. At that time the whole of the three worlds shone in the radiance that emanated from the fire of the fury of Brahma. Then from his shining eyebrows which were curved with fury, a figure of unbearable radiance like the mid-day sun came out. That figure was Rudra. Half of the fierce body of that Rudra who was very furious, was a woman and the other half was a man. Brahma, saying, "Divide

RTVA. A Deva Gandharva. Mahabharata, Adi

Chapter 122
states that

festival of

body", disappeared. Instantly Rudra

the figure of a


he had taken part in Arjuna's

a yaga.






officiates at

split himself into the figure of a woman. He again divided the body of the man into eleven parts. These eleven figures are the eleven Rudras. The names of the eleven Rudras are given differently in different Puranas. In a text it is said that the eleven

man and

Those who perform yagas like Agnisandhana, Agnistoma, Pakayana etc. are called Rtviks. v Manusmrti, Chapter 2,
(The mountain Rucaka) A mountain standing near the mountain Mahameru. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8, that there are twenty mountains including Rucaka on the four sides of



Manyu, Manu, Mahmasa, Mahan, Siva, Rtu-


Verse 143).

dhvaja, Ugraretas, Bhava,





maid danced
of the

of Alakapurl.


According to some other Puranas, the eleven Rudras are Aja, Ekapada (Ekapat) ,Ahirbudhnya, Tvasta, Rudra, Hara, Sambhu, Tryambaka, Aparajita, Isana and Tribhuvana. Brahma apportioned to the eleven Rudras the eleven positions of the heart, the five organs and the organs of action and to Rudra of senses
the eight positions of life, ether, air, fire, water, earth, the sun and the moon. It was said before that Rudra was divided into man and woman. From the womanportion eleven Rudranis came into being. They were Dhi, Vrtti, Us"ana, Urna, Niyuta, Sarpis, Ila, Ambika, Iravatl, Sudha and Diksa. The eleven Rudranis became the wives of the eleven Rudras. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1.

Kama, Vamadevaand Dhrta-


in the Palace of

of Astavakra. Stanza 44). RUCI II. A son of Brahma and a Prajapati. This prajapati married Akuti the daughter of Manu Svayambhuva. A son and a daughter were born to Ruci of Akuti. The son was the incarnation of Visnu. He was named Yajna. The daughter who was incarnation of Mahalaksmi was named Daksina. Yajna was brought up in the hermitage of Svayambhuva and Daksina grew up in the hermitage of Ruci. When they grew up Yajna married Daksina. Twelve sons, named Tosa, Santosa, Pratosa, Bhadra, Sand, Idaspati, Idhma, Kavi, Vibhu, Vahni, Sudeva and Rocana, were born to the couple. In the time of Manu Svayambhuva these twelve were called the Tusitas, a group of devas (gods). RUCI III. The wife of the hermit named Devasarma. (For detailed story see under Vipula) RUCI PARVA. Son of the king Akrti. In the Bharata battle, to save Bhimasena, Ruciparva confronted the elephant of Bhagadatta and was killed by Bhagadatta. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 26, Stanza 51) RUC1RASVA. A king of the Lunar dynasty. (Bhagavata,

Kubera on the occasion (M.B. Anusasana Parva,





Skandha 9)

2) Other information regarding Rudra. Details about the orgin, life, character etc. of Rudra which occur in other Puranas are given below. (i) Thirtythree children were born to Prajapati Ka<yapa, by his wife Aditi, as Adityas, Vasus, Rudras and ASvins. (Valmlki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 14) (ii) From the fury of Brahma, Rudra was born; from the lap of Brahma, Narada was born from the right thumb, Daksa; from the mind, Sanaka and the others; and from the left thumb, a daughter named Virani was born. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7). In the beginning of Kalpa (Age of Brahma) (iii) Brahma meditated upon getting a child like himself and a child of blue complexion appeared on his lap. He ran here and there crying aloud. Brahma asked him "Why are you crying?" He replied: "I must be named."
. ;








giant-chief who came to fight with the leadership of the giant Khara. In that fight the captains of the army of the giants were

Rama, under

he was crying (doing rodana) Brahma named him Rudra (He who cries). He cried seven times more. Brahma gave him seven more names. They were Bhava, Sarva, Isana, Pasupati, Bhima, Ugra and Mahadeva. Thus there were eight Rudras. To each of them, Brahma gave a position and wives and children.

The Sun,
water, earth, has taken vow and the
their positions


sins incurred

moon were

ether, Brahmin who allotted to them as


Two sons named Devantaka and Narantaka were born to this asura by his wife Sarada The hermit Narada was greatly pleased at the valour of these two sons, and taught them "Pancaksarimahavidya." Devantaka and Narantaka, who became haughty and arrogant by their prowess were killed by Ganapati. (Canes a Purana, Kriya Kanda 2) RUDRAKOTI. A holy place in North India. Once a large

and figures. Their wives were Suvarcala, Usa, Vikesi Siva, Svaha, Dlsa, DIksa and Rohini. This world is filled by the sons and grandsons and so on of these wives. Their sons respectively were Sanaiscara Sukra, Lohitanga, Manojava, Skanda, Sarga, Santana This Rudra who is described above, and Budha. married SatI the daughter of Prajapati Daksa. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 8). (For further information see under SlVA also)

by eating food which ought not to have been eaten and enjoying woman who ought not to have been enjoyed, could be obtained. All sorts of sins would be absolved by five-faced rudraksa. With six faces; Six-faced rudraksa is the six-faced god Karttikeya. By wearing it on the right hand, remission from all sins, beginning with Brahmahatya could be

With seven faces: Rudraksa with seven faces is the If this is worn, sins such figure of Kamadeva (Cupid). as theft of gold etc. could be removed. Eight faces; Rudraksa with eight faces is the figure of Vinayaka, the general of the great army. By wearing of low this, sins incurred by deceit such as selling rice

number of hermits gathered

Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 118). RUDRAKSA. (Elaco Carpus seeds) Beads for rosaries. A holy thing worn by devotees. 1) General information. InthePuranas much importance is attached to Rudraksa. In Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 11, there is a story stating how Rudraksa came to be honoured in this way. Once there lived an asura chief who was mighty and valiant. His name wds Tripura. He defeated Devas and deva chiefs and became emperor of the asuras. The Devas were much grieved because of him. They went to Siva and represented their grievances. Siva thought for a while, how to kill Tripura, and sat with open epes. This sitting continued for a thousand divine years. After this prolonged time Siva winked his eyes and tears fell down from them. The Rudraksa tree originated from these From the Sun-eye of Siva twelve types of tears.

in this place to worship Siva. Greatly pleased at this Siva appeared before them in the form of many phalluses. From that day onwards the place Rudrakoti became a holy place. (M.B. Vana

as good quality, keeping false weights and measures, giving gold of lower carat as good carat gold, by enjoying woman of wicked families, touching the wife of teacher, and so many other kinds of sins would be absolved, and impediments would be avoided and finally one can attain supernal bliss. With nine faces :-This rudraksa is the figure of Bhairava. This should be worn on the left hand. By doing so

one would become as mighty as god and would become devoted to god and would attain salvation. The sins incurred by killing the child in the womb a thousand times and killing Brahmins a hundred times would be

got rid of by wearing this rudraksa. This is the figure of the real Janardana. With ten faces If one wears this, the devils, wicked planets, Ghosts, goblins, spirits haunting funeral places, Brahmaraksasas (a kind of demon) etc. will not come near him. Moreover, snake-bite would not affect him. Rudraksa with eleven faces is the With eleven faces figure of the Eleven Rudras. This should be worn on the head. By doing so one could obtain the fruits of performing a thousand horse-sacrifices and a hundred Vajapeyayagas (A kind of sacrifice).

Rudraksas came into being; from the moon-eye sixteen kinds of Rudraksas and from the fire-eye ten kinds of Rudraksas originated. Those which originated from the Sun-eye are bloodcoloured, those from the moon-eye white Rudraksas and from the fire-eye black rudraksas. Boiled Rudraksa is considered a Brahmin caste, red rudraksa a Ksatriya caste, white one a Vaisya caste and the black rudraksa a Sudra caste.
Division of rudraksa based on quality. The division of rudraksa according to the number effaces, and qualities thereof are given below: With one face: Rudraksa with only one face is the figure of Siva. By wearing this remission from the sin of Brahmahatya could be procured. With two faces: Rudraksa with two faces is the figure of Devldeva. This is known by the name "Gaurisankara". By wearing this remission from all sins committed knowingly and unknowingly, would be obtained. With three faces: This is the figure of Agni (fire). By wearing this the sin incurred by Strihatya (killing a woman ) would be washed away. With four faces: Rudraksa with four faces is the figure of Brahma. By wearing this, the sin incurred by Narahatya (killing a man) could be got rid of. With five faces: This is the figure of Kalagni (Fire of Kala the God of death). By wearing this, remission of

Rudraksa with twelve faces is the With twelve faces dwelling place of the twelve Adityas. This should be worn on the ear. If it is done so, the sun-god will be pleased. The wearer will obtain the fruits of performing horse-sacrifice, cow-sacrifice etc. He will not be wounded by animals with horns, or quills or teeth. He need not fear disease or worry. He need not fear to go anywhere. Wherever he goes he will be honoured as God. All the sins incurred by slaughter of elephant, man, snake, rat, frog etc. will instantly be absolved.

He who wears rudraksa with With thirteen faces thirteen faces will be equal to Karttikeya. All his wishes rasa (mercury) and will be realized. He will get medicine) and all the pleasures and rasayana (sweetened
luxuries of the world. The great sins of killing parents, brothers etc. will be removed.

He who wears rudraksa with With fourteen faces fourteen faces will be exactly like the real Paramasiva. He who wears thirty3) The mode of wearing Rudraksa. two rudraksas on the neck, forty on the head, six on each ear, twelve on each hand, sixteen on each of the upper arms, one on each eye, one on the lock of hair, and one hundred and eight on the chest is really Sri Nllakantha Paramasiva Himself.

fast is

taken in

Indra. (M.B.


this place,

holy place. If a day and a night's one will attain the world of Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 181).

details see


1 General information. ) King of the Province Bhojakata in the country of Vidarbha. It is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 62, that this Rukml was born from a portion of the Asura named


Another name of Parvatl. (For further under Parvati)



holy place in India. It is mentioned in Mahabhiirata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 31, that the great hermit Asjavakra visited this holy place, on his journey to the northern countries.


century A.D.

mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 100, that if Siva is worshipped in this holy place, one will obtain the fruits of performing the horse sacrifice. RUDRAROMA. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 7). RUDRASAVAR^I. A Manu. (See under Manvantara) RUDRASENA. A King who was the helper of Yudhisthira. Mention is made about this King in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Stanza 39).
holy place in India. It




and Rukmini. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter

Father of Rukmi was the king Bhismaka. children were born to Bhismaka, named Rukmi
31, Stanza

Sanskrit critic who lived in the 9th The famous Book of criticism known as "Kavyalankara", was written by this scholar who

this and so he confronted Sri Krsna. In the contest Sri Krsna reviled him. Rukmi got angry at this and went to Kailasa and did penance before Siva. Siva appeared before him after three years, and gave him a bow for destroying the enemies. Siva told him that it would be broken, only if it was used against Mahavisnu. After getting this bow he returned to Bhojakata and lived

Rukmim by

3) Getting a bow.


Krsna Sri and married


Rukml 's sister Rukmi did not like



holy place. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 37, that by taking a bath in this holy place, one could attain heaven. RUHA. Daughter of Surasa, the mother of Nagas. She

belonged to Kashmir.

4) The

( ) accepted the suzerainty of Sahadeva at the time of his regional conquest. (M.B. Sabha Parva, 21, Stanza 62). Chapter at the time of his (ii) Rukmi paid tribute to


details regarding

Rukml, given

in the



had two


Anala and Vlrudha. Parva, Daksinatya Patha, Chapter 66)

sisters called



regional conquest.

Stanza 14).

(M.B. Vana

Parva, Chapter 254,

The Panda vas had


sent invitation to


for the


youngest of the five sons of Bhismaka, King of Vidarbha. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha) A son of Salya the King of Madra. I. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 14, that this Rukmangada, the brother of Rukmaratha, attended the Svayamvara (marriage) of




Father of a Vaisnavite named II. This Rukmangada was the son of Rtadhvaja, the King of the city of Vidisa. (See under

Rukmi, was known 'Hiranyaroma' also. Rukmi became He accepted famous throughout all the countries. Druma, a famous Kimpurusa (Kinnara) as his teacher in archery. Druma presented him with a bow called This Vijaya was on a par with the Gandlva. Vijaya. Rukmi fought with Sri Krsna and was defeated. The place at which he was defeated by Sri Krsna is known

Stanza 16). (iv) Bhismaka,


(M.B. Udyoga Parva,






Dharmangada )


Chapter 185, Verse 14). (ii) In the great war he fell unconscious shot by the arrows of Sveta. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 48) in the great war. (iii) He was killed by Abhimanyu ( Drona Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 9 ) RUKMARATHA II. A synonym of Dronacarya. As he rode in a golden chariot Drona came to be known by this name. (Virata Parva, Chapter 58, Verse 2).
. .

Son of Salya, King of Madra. attended the wedding of Draupadi in the (i) He company of his father and brothers. (Adi Parva,

III. A particular sect of Trigartta Kings, who fought on the side of the Kauravas in the great war. (Drona Parva, Chapter 112, Verse 19). This sect of Kings attacked Arjuna. RUKMAREKHA. The wife of King Raibhya. She was the mother of Ekavali. (See under Ekavali). RUKMASUKRA. N son of Priyavrata the brother of

Rukmi went to Duryodhana and promised to help him. But Duryodhana also rejected his help. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 158). 5 ) Death of Rukmi. Discontented with everybody, Rukmi lived in Bhojakata, having no contact with any body. During this period the king of Kalinga once approached Rukmi and advised him The for a game of dice.

After having been defeated by Sri Krsna, a thought arose in the mind of Rukmi to keep amity and concord with Sri Krsna. Knowing this, the Pandavas invited Rukmi to their palace. He promised his help if ever Arjuna feared to do battle. At this Arjuna laughed and said that he was not in need of any help. After this

as Bhojakata.

Uttanapada. Prajapati ViSvakarma gave in marriage to Priyavrata, his two daughters Surupa and Barhismati, who were exceedingly beautiful and good-natured. By the first wife, ten sons were born to him. Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8). RUKMAVATl. The daughter of Rukml. Pradyumna married this lady. Aniruddha was the son born to

to challenge Balabhadrarama challenge was made knowing that Balabhadra was not a good player. Knowing that to reject a challenge was not honourable, Balabhadra went to play the game. Rukmi won the first round of game. Staking everything, the second round of the

Pradyumna of Rukmavati (Bhagavata, Skandha


with Rukmi. Instantly an ethereal voice said "BalabhaThe friends of Rukmi drarama has won the game." did not accept the ethereal voice. They began to create a tumult in the hall. Balabhadrarama who became furious at this ridicule took a pestle of iron and killed

But game began and Balabhadra won the game. Rukmi and the king of Kalinga did not accept the All the kings who witnessed the game sided victory.

Rukmi with one


fire." (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter There is a statement in the 7) The Palace of Rukmini. Mahabharata, Daksinatya Patha, Sabha Parva, Chapter "Vis"vakarma built 28, about the palace of Rukmini.



1 )

chief queen of Sri Krsna. the following Puranic statements, it could be understood that Rukmini was the incarnation of goddess Laksmi. her portions, took birth in (i) "Sri Devi (Laksmi) by the earth as Rukmini in the family of Bhlsmaka".

the place.

(Bhagavata, Skandha

of the kings fled from





Stanza 73).


(M.B, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 156). birth as the daughter (ii) Formerly Laksmi Devi took of Bhrgu by his wife Khyati. Next she took birth from the sea of Milk at the time of the churning of it by the combined efforts of the devas and the asuras, to take Amrta (ambrosia). When Visnu took birth as Aditya, Laksmi took birth from lotus. When Visnu incarnated as Paras urama Laksmi Devi became the earth-goddess. In the incarnation of Sri Rama she became Sita and in that of Sri Krsna she was Rukmini. (Visnu Purana, Arnsa 1, Chapter 9). It was in the kingdom of Vidarbha that Laksmi Devi took birth as Rukmini during the incarnation of Sri Krsna. To Bhlsmaka, the King of Vidarbha, five sons beginning with Rukmi, were born. The sixth was a daughter who was named Rukmini. She grew up into a beautiful damsel. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). Rukmini fell in love with Sri Krsna. Her 2) Marriage. parents agreed to her choice. But her brother Rukmi was an enemy of Sri Krsna. Rukmi desired to give his sister to Sisupala. The date of the marriage was fixed and the heart was burning within Rukmini. She sent a Brahmin as messenger to Krsna. The time of marriage drew near. The kings of Ahga, Kalinga, Malava, Kekaya, Vanga, Magadha, Kosala, Salva, Cola, Pandya, Kerala and so on took their seats Sri Krsna and Balabhadra came in the nuptial hall. with their army. The army under the leadership of Balabhadra remained behind and Sri Krsna went alone While preparations were being to the nuptial hall. made to give Rukmini to Sisupala, Sri Krsna took her All the other in his chariot and quickly left the place. kings who ran after Sri Krsna to fight had to confront
with the mighty army of Balabhadra, who defeated the kings and returned to Dvaraka. (Bhagavata, Skandha
10). It is mentioned in Bhagavata, 3) Sons. that ten sons were born to Sri Krsna Suca.ru,

a palace for Sri Krsna at the instance of Indra. The dome of it is covered with gold. So this dome dazzled as the peak of Mahameru. It was this dome that was set apart for his beloved wife Rukmini by Sri





obtained from the sea of Milk

at the time of its churning by the devas and the asuras to get Amrta (Celestial honey of immortality). At the

were obtained from the sea of Milk. Jyestha, Airavata, Uccaibsravas,Kalpa tree, Cintamani, Kaustubha, Candra (Moon), Celestial maids, nymphs of heaven, Mahalaksmi, Tara, Ruma and so on were some of them.

time of the churning,



and noble things


of the famous

(Kamba Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda) II. The wife of Sugrlva. She was


(Brahmanda Purana, 3:7:221). After driving Sugrlva away from Kiskindha, Bali took Ruma by force. After the death
of Bali,






returned to


Purana 4:' 112:161). There was Ruma also, among the women who came to see Sri Rama on his return to Kiskindha after visiting Vibhlsana. (Padma Purana, Srsti Khanda). RUMANVAN. Son of Supratlpa, a captain of the army ofUdayana. (See under Udayana) A II. The eldest of the five sons born to Jamadagni by his wife Renuka. The sons of Jamadagni and were, Rumanvan, Susena, Vasu, Visvavasu ParaSurama. It was Rumanvan that Jamadagni ordered to kill Renuka who was late in fetching water from the river. But Rumanvan did not obey his father. The angry hermit cursed Rumanvan. According to the curse Rumanvan became dull-witted like birds and beasts. ( M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 116, Stanza 10). RUPAKA. See under Pattu (Ten) RUPAVAHIKA. A country in ancient India. Mention is made about this country in Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 50, Stanza 43.




Sugrlva. (Valmlki Chapter 20, 21


They were Pradyumna, Carudesna, Sudesna, Carudeha,

the description

Skandha 10, by Rukmini.






Carugupta, Bhadracaru, Carucandra, Carubhadra and Caru. But a slight difference is observed in


mentioned in Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, that Rupavatl and her lover Devadasa attained salvation by adopting the life of a house-holder in the forest.
figure of Devi.






33 and 34.

Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter

to the chariot

Rukmini given



4) Yoked

by Durvdsas.

See under Durvasas,

The figure of Devi, with twelve hands, is called Rupavidya. (Agni Purana, Chapter 50) RUPINA. A son born to the emperor Ajamidha by his

wife Kesini.

He had



Consoled Arjuna.



visited Dvaraka. without rulers and the women without husbands, he Rukmini Devi ran to him and consoled cried aloud. him and seated him on a golden chair. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 12).

the death of Sri Krsna, Seeing the dilapidated city


Vraja. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 32) I. A hermit famous in the Puranas.

two brothers named Jahnu and



Genealogy. Descended from Visnu in the following Brahma-Bhrgu -Cyavana - Pramati - Ruru.

2) Birth.


6) Death. After the death of Sri Krsna, Rukmini, with the other wives of Sri Krsna jumped into a burning pyre and died.

beautiful Puloma was the wife of Bhrgu. the son Cyavana by Puloma. Cyavana married Sukanya the daughter of Saryati. son named



"Saibya, Rukmini, Gandhari, HaimavatI and Jamba-

Pramati was born to them. The hermit Pramati married the beautiful damsel Pratapl. Ruru is their son. He grew up to be a famous hermit. (Devi Bhagavata,






Once Indra and Rumania
world. Both


3) Marriage.

Ruru happened to see the exceedingly Pramadvara the daughter of Visvavasu by Menaka. The moment he saw her he fell in love with her. The father of Pramadvara came to know of this and he decided to give her in marriage to Ruru. made. One Preparations for the marriage were being that time Pramadvara who had been runday during ning here and there joyfully, was bitten by a snake and she fell down dead. Ruru instantly reached the Ruru who was
to the

greatly sad and disappointed, got down Ganges and bathed. Then rinsing his mouth he took some water in his hand and said "By the favour of God I have acquired by my devotion and worship of gods, devotion and service to my teacher,


kept the conditions. The question arose as to who won the bet. The devas gave the decision, "Kuruksetra is the dais of Brahma, and so Kuruksetra contains the entire world. Therefore both Indra and Rusama were declared to have won the bet." RUSAixtGU. An ancient hermit. Once the great hermit Arstisena came to the hermitage of Rusangu and did severe penance. ViSvamitra obtained Brahmanatva

bet on going round the ready and started. But RuSama walked round Kuruksetra and returned, while Indra travelled the whole of the way round the world and

If she does not come to life, I will die in this Ganges water." Making this prayer, making the gods witnesses he poured the water down. Immediately a messenger from heaven appeared in the sky and said that she would come to life again provided Ruru was prepared to give half of his life to her. Ruru

my worship with Gayatrl, my and meditation, my penance, my offerings to prayer, the holy fire, and my oblations, let her come to life.



Prthudakatlrtha and sang laudatory songs about Prthudakatlrtha. Rusangu said that those who did penance and died in this holy bath would not have to Salya Parva, undergo miseries after death. (M.B. Chapter 39, Stanza 24). RUSARDDHIKA. A wicked King of the Saurastra

(Brahminhood ) by doing penance in wards the end of his life Rusangu and




his sons



killed his wife. He wandered about destroying every serpent he came across. Finally when he confronted Dundubna he was given exhortations and good advices regarding righteousness by Dundubhla. (M.B. Adi Parva Chapter 9, Stanza 19 ). Moreover it is mentioned in

agreed to it. Thus Pramadvara came to life again and Ruru married her. Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 2 ) 4) Hatred towards Serpents. A relentless hatred grew up in the heart of Ruru against serpents, because a serpent


dynasty. Mention is made about this King in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Stanza 14. (RUCIKA). A Sanskrit playwright who He has another name lived in the 12th century. 'Rucika' also. The book of criticism called "Alankarasarvasva" is written by him. He was the teacher of Mankha, the author of Srlkanthacarita'. Some are of opinion that Ruyyaka had written only the Sutras in the book 'Alankarasarvasva' and that the gloss or commentary was given by Mankha. Some of the other works of Rucika are Sahrdayallla, Alankaranusarani

Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter

taken a


A mighty and valiant Asura. After procuring a boon from Brahma, Ruru became arrogant and attacked the realm of gods. The Devas who were defeated by Ruru ran to the Blue mountain and prostratII.


for the extermination of serpents.

12, that Ruru had lively interest in the sacrifice of Janamejaya

ed before the goddess Sakti, who had been doing penance there. This goddess Sakti had been born from the matted hair of Siva. Ruru followed the Devas and reached the Blue mountain. When Devi saw Ruru and his mighty army a loud laugh burst out from her. From that laugh thou-

sands of devilish figures came into existence. They completely annihilated the army of Ruru. After this Devi killed Ruru with the nail of her toe. ( Padma

S Sa means to lie down and also Samkara. 'Sam' means comfort or happiness. (Agni Purana, Chapter 348). SA (T). Sa means noble, sublime. (Agni Purana, Chapter '348). SA (?T). The sound 'Sa' means indirect; 'Sa, Laksml (Goddess of wealth and prosperity) and 'sam' means hair. (Agni Purana, Chapter 348). CABALA. A naga born to Kasyapaprajapati of his wife Kadru. (Adi Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 7). SABALAKSA. A divine maharsi. He once visited Bhisma. ( Anus"asana Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 7) SABALASVA I. The thousand sons born to Daksa of




his wife Virarri, are



man-kind Daksa



as Sabalasvas. To procrecreated five hundred sons by



Purana, Srstf Khanda). RURUKA. A King of the Iksvaku dynasty. This King was a scholar in economics and administration. (Harivarhsa, 1 ; 13; 29). RUSABHANU. WifeofHiranyaksa, an asura. (Bhaga-

Daksa had

to create the SabalasVas





King of the Aiiga family. the son of Titiksu and the father of Paila, a of the line of Vyasa's disciples. (Agni Purana,

He was

*his priest.

King in ancient India. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 13, that this King stays in the palace of Yama. Priest who had studied the Vedas well. about story occurs in the 'Pancavims'abrahmana',

to measure the extent of the earth and they have not Brahma, cursed that yet returned. Because of this Narada, instead of living at one place, should always be on the move. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 15). SABALASVA II. King born in the dynasty of King Kuru. His father, Aviksit or Asvavan was the grandson of King Kuru. Aviksit had, besides Sabalasva, seven sons calied Parlksit, Adiraja Viraja, Salmali, UccaisY ravas, Bharhgakara and Jitari. (Adi Parva,

told the Sabalasvas also that it was not correct on their part to procreate children before they had studied the interior, exterior, bottom and top of the earth. Believing Narada's advice the Sabala^vas also set out

were misled by Narada. But, Narada approached and

Harya.'vas. the Harya.'vas

Chapter 94, Verse 52).



visit Sabarl had gathered a lot of fruits. Now, Rama and Laksmana came and Sabari received them most






Verse 16).

has the following about Sabaras. i Sabaras were born from the dung and urine of ( ) NandinI, the cow of Vasistha. (Adi Parva,' Chapter 174,

(Drona Parva, Chapter 119, Verse 46). In early days the Sabaras lived in the kingdom of Mandhata, their profession being murder and looting. (Santi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 13). the form of forest-dwellers (iv) Siva had once taken and Sabaras. (Anusasana Parva. Chapter 65, Verse

the dead (ii) When Satyaki annihilated the Kauravas bodies of thousands of Sabaras were heaped on the

Ksatriyas lived for many years hidden in of Paras urama, and as they had no association with the period, they ksatriyas during became Sabaras. (AsVamedhika Parva, Chapter 29,
caves for

17). (v)



SABARl. A woman of the tribe of forest-dwellers. Sri Rama, during his life in the forest, gave her salvation.
1 )

Verse 15).

thus: "When you go a short distance southis the beautiful stream called Pampa. You cross Pampa and advance a little further and you will the top of that mountain reach mount Rsyamuka. lives Sugrlva, son of Sun, and if you enter into alliance with him you will succeed in finding out and getting Lord back Sita after annihilating the enemies. my salutations." After speaking thus, Sabari the great anchorite and chaste woman closed her eyes. Immediately she was transformed into Malini, the Gandharva damsel, and all at once a handsome Gandharva prince appeared there It was Vitihotra, the husband of in a divine plane. Malini. After saluting Sri Rama he took away his wife in a chariot to the Gandharva city. (Kamba Ramatold

respectfully. After herself biting each fruit to test its taste she gave the fruits for them to eat. The left-overs of Sabarl appeared as nectar to Rama. Then Sabarl


wards there



Sabarl, in her former life, was the only daughter Malini of the Gandharva King, Citrakavaca. An erudite scholar, Vitihotra, married her. As he was ever immersed in contemplation of Brahman his wife




yana, Aranyakanda)

Malini, (later Sabarl) kept one hunter, Kalmasa, as her paramour, and her husband cursed her thus "As you have become a lover of the hunter, you turn out to be a hunter-woman." 2) At the Suburbs of Matanga's hermitage. Malini in tears sought redemption from the curse from her husband, and he told her that she would get absolution from her infamy and the curse from Sri Rama. Immediately she was transformed into a hunter-woman and she came to the suburbs of Matangasrama.She took a special liking for the place, the reason being that the flowers in the agrama possessed a special fragrance. Once while the disciples were carrying a load of flowers for the muni (Matanga) a few drops of sweat from their bodies fell on the ground, and the muni blessed that the trees and creepers, which grew up from the sweat and their flowers would never fade. This is described as follows in Canto 73, Aranyakanda of Valmiki Ramayana. "Oh Rama nobody plucks and wears those flowers. They neither fade nor fall down. While the disciples of Matanga were carrying a load of flowers for him, they sweated on account of exhaustion and some drops of sweat fell on earth which developed themselves into flowers due to the prowess of the guru's tapas. Even today may be seen there Sabari, who has taken to sannyasa and who tends the flowers. She will attain

proof positive of the great sanctity attached to the ancient temple that every year lakhs of devotees from all parts of India visit it braving dense forests, mountains and wild beasts on their way. Historical evidence about the origin of the temple or its philosophical importance is sparse, but there is a legend, more illuminating than facts of history, about Sasta (Ayyappan) The legend is as the deity installed in the temple.

had given salvation. At Sri to Sabarl, to any rate a very ancient temple with Sasta as the presidIt is ing deity therein is found at Sabarimala today.

MOUNTAIN). A sacred place in South India in the eastern region of Kerala on It is not quite certain a mountain called Sabarimala. whether the name of this mountain is in any way related



after seeing you." Sabari lived for long there serving Matanga's disciples, and learning knowledge about performing tapas Brahman. At the time of the munis giving up their physical bodies they blessed Sabarl that without further

heaven only

Commander-in- Chief. The other officers, who were jealous due to the rise of the youth Ayyappan began The queen became a conspiring to drive him out. weapon in the hands of the conspirators, and at their instance she pretended herself to be very ill and lay in a fainting fit. All the physicians acknowledged defeat in curing her. Then a physician, an agent of the conspirators, came forward and assured the king that he would cure the queen of her illness within one and a half hours

In olden days the royal family of the Pandyas divided two branches, one of them settling down at When the king of Velliyur and the other at Madura. Madura one day went ahunting in the forest he met a handsome and very powerful and courageous Malayali youth. The king immediately took a liking for him and The youth appointed him as an officer in his army. gradually rose up in military service to become the
itself into

and get redemption from the curse. They also blessed that she would possess divine eyes to see hidden things and also the past and the future. After that she was spending her days awaiting the arrival of Rama. was the period of the life in the forest of Laksmana. After visiting various agramas

delay she would meet


Ayyappan about it. Ayyappan went into

a leopard's milk was



The king


Rama and Rama at




Hearing about Rama's

that God was his father and the whole world his home. As he did not like to live any further with tale-bearers and conspirators he returned to Kerala.

the forest and returned to the palace with many she-leopards. He rode a tiger leading the leopards. People in the royal court were frightened by the sight of the leopards. The King realised that Ayyappan was not an ordinary person. Being questioned about him by the King, Ayyappan replied

restless in


(3) She worships Brahma also in his court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 42). (4) It was Sacldevl, queen of Indra, who took Sri Krsna

Ayyappan's departure made the King sad and very mind. After giving all his immovable property on rent the King followed Ayyappan to Kerala taking all his ornaments, jars and other utensils, and came at last to Pantalam. This region of Kerala was then in the control of a petty Chieftain called Kaippuzha Tampan. The King of Madura purchased some land from the Tampan, put up a palace there and lived
therein with the members of his Ayyappasvami on his way back

and Satyabhama, during their visit to Devaloka to the Devamata. (mother of Devas). (Sabha Parva, Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 38).


Kerala met Paras urama, who told the former that he had already, for the protection of Kerala, installed on mountains and the sea-coast idols of his (Ayyappasvami) and that he would install another idol of Ayyappan at Sabai imala where they had now met each other. From that day onwards Ayyappasvami took his abode there. One of those days the Pandyan king living at Pantalam had a dream, and in that dream Ayyappasvami appeared and told him that he (Ayyappan) was living at Sabarimala and the King might meet the Svami if he went there. The next day morning the King with his retinue started for Sabarimala. At Sabarimala the King got the forest cleared and made a search of the ground where he found an idol installed by Paras' urama. The King built a temple there and installed the idol of
therein. He also got necessary purificatory ceremonies conducted in the temple by the famous tantri (high-priest) Tazhaman. routine programme for the conduct of affairs in the temple was fixed. As it was difficult for men to live in the forest infested by wild beasts and conduct puja etc. daily, it was fixed that

away from Devaloka Sacldevl was kept under the protection of Brhaspati. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 11,

Indra, afflicted by Brahmahatya, hid himself


pujas need be conducted only for five days in every that Makarasarhkranti should be the annual festival day. From the first of Makaram (January) for five days it was to be utsava with the deity led in procession. On the fifth of Makaram every year a 'Kalabham' and on the seventh day a 'guruti' also were ordained. On the annual festival day the temple priest, the senior pilgrim, marars and other employees go to Sabarimala carrying with them rice etc. for food and calling aloud 'Svamiye Saranam Ayyappa'(Oh! lord Ayyappa! you are our refuge) , devotees climb the mountain to-

month and

son of Anudruhyu, and the father of Kalanara. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). SABHAPARVA. An important section in the Mahabharata. The main theme mentioned in this section is the building of the palace of the Pandavas. ( Sabha = palace ) SABHAPATI. A prince who took the side of theKauravas and fought against the Pandavas. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 89, Stanza 64, that

SABHAKA (SALAKA). See under Dhananjaya V. SABHANARA. A King of the Bharata Dynasty. He


also repeating this slogan. (See

under Sasta).


SacI was present at the birth of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 13) SADACARA ( Good conduct) General information. Each country has good custom1) ary practices of its own. A man with good habits or behaviour is considered as having conquered the two The sound 'Sat' denotes 'Sadhus'. Sadhus are worlds. those who are without any bad conduct or behaviour. The habits and practices of the Sadhus are called Sadacara. The Saptarsis, (the seven hermits) the Prajapatis (Lords of all creatures) and Manus (the fathers of men), were persons who were careful to keep up the good practices. Once the hermit Aurva advised Sagara, what the good usages of the people of Bharata ought to be. The laws of good conduct according to hermit Aurva are given below 2) The passing of excrement and urine. Every one should wake up in the Brahmamuhurta (Two hours before dawn). After having risen, he should go to the southwest corner of the village or house at a distance of an arrow-shot for stooling and passing urine; should not pour the water used for washing the face and the legs, in the courtyard; should not pass urine in one's own shadow, or in the shade of a tree, or facing cow, the Sun, fire, wind, teacher and Brahmin. Ploughed fields, fields where grains are ready for harvest, cattleshed, crowd, path, lakes or rivers and their banks, are places, forbidden for stooling or passing urine. When there is no danger, a wise man should pass urine, facing the north in the day and facing south at night. When passing excrement the ground should be covered with grass and his head should be covered with cloth. Should not sit long or talk much when stooling.

Verse 20) (6) While he was made Indra, Nahusa wanted to take SacI for wife and she tried hard not to fall into his clutches. (See under Nahusa).


was killed by Arjuna. Daughter of Puloma and wife of Indra. The following information about SacI is gathered from the Mahabharata. (1) It was from an aspect of Sad that Pancali, daughter of King Drupada was born. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67,
this prince

Verse 157).


Verse 4).

(2) SacI is seated on the best throne in the assembly of in the court of Indra. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 7,

of a mirror, tie the hair, anoint the eyes with collyrium, and wear flower garlands etc. carefully. Bathing should

from white ant-hill, ground thrown up by moles or rats, soil at the bottom of water, remainder of soil used by another, soil taken from the wall, soil gathered by worms and flies, ploughed soil etc. should not be used for ablution. By using soil, do the cleansing of the urethra once, the anus thrice, the left hand ten times, and both the hands together, seven times. After this use pure water ( in which there is no mud or foam and which has no foul smell) and rinse the mouth. Take soil again and wash the legs with it. Rinse the mouth thrice and wipe the face twice. Then holding water in the hand, touch the apertures in the head such as eye, etc. the crest of the head, both upper arms, navel and heart. With this rinsing take bath. After bath, with the help

3) The conduct of ablution after answering the calls of nature and rinsing the mouth after meals. Soil such as taken

be done in

river, rivulet, lake, jungle-stream,






or holy bath (tlrtha), or draw water from the well and bathe there or carry well-water home and bathe there. After the bath put on clean dress. Then take some water in the hand, offer it as oblation to gods, sages, and the manes with care. Throw water thrice for the blessing of the gods and hermits and to Prajapati once, as ordained. In the same way, to the manes and the great ancestors also give oblation of water thrice. After so much is done do the customary sacrificial offerings, prayer etc. to Devi. Then invite guests to the

to capture kingdom, woman, position obstruction to haughtiness and imperiousness, duties and rights, the interest of friends and allies, destruction to one's allies, both parties getting interested

in one

house and welcome

them. (Visnu

Purana, Arhsa



king of the dynasty of Bharata. He was the son of Kunti and the father of Mahisman. (Bhagavata,

Chapter 11).



Mention is Parva, Chapter

river in India, Puranically very famous. made of this river in Maha.bha.rata, Bhisma

Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 204. Some scholars are of opinion that this river is the same as the Karatoya of

9, Stanza 25. river in India very famous in thePuranas. made of this river in Mahabharata, Bhisma

curse they
details see


at present as also in future. If one's own army is strong and enthusiastic and when the army of the adversary is not so, one may go in for war. Also, when all circumstances are in one's favour and against the antagonist

with him, who has powerful allies, though of temporary advantage but which will not be so in future; though of advantage in future but useless at present. The king should always do what will be of advantage

and the same thing etc. Enmity is engendered due to the following causes: -rivalry of co- wives, disputes about property and women, verbal controversies and wrongs committed. The following kinds of wars should not be fought:- Wars the benefit of which is meagre or futile; war which would cause harm in the present as also in future; with the enemy whose strength is not correctly known; incited by others, for others, on account of women, which would continue for long; with time and fate are not in favour; brahmins, where




(S). Six sons of Marlci. Subjected to a to live many lives and ultimately they

3) Tana.
start for


their old

forms as children of Devakl.



under Kamsa, Para


king of ancient India. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 12, that this king remains in the palace of Yama, glorifying him. SADASYORMI. A king. He is a worshipper of Yama. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 11) SADGUMA I. The six qualities or attributes of Bha.

4) Asana. To remain quiet or also of four kinds as yana.


for war. One may after declaring it, after making peace, after alliances; and incidentally also.



Yana means marching


nothing which




(God). Aisvaryam Vlryam (prosperity), prowess ) Vairagyam (non-attachment or renunciation) , Vijnanam (super -knowledge), Sri (welfare and prosperity) andYasas (fame, reputation) are the six attributes of Bhagavan.

Six kingly or political policies. Sandhi, II. Vigraha, Yana, Asana, Dvaidha and Asraya are the six policies of state-craft. (Manusmrti, Chapter 8, Verse
1) Sandhi.

To enter into peace and concord with the Sandhi. One may make peace for one's own benefit with the enemy, who is powerful and is fighting. There are sixteen kinds of sandhi called Kapalasandhi, etc. No kind of peace or treaty should be made with twenty kinds of kings, i.e. infants old men; one suffering from chronic disease; cast out by one's own people;

coward; one whose supporters are cowards; miser; one whose people are misers; who is very much addicted to women and such other material things; one, who has not a mind of one's own and is ruled by more than one adviser; he, who does not respect Devas and brahmins; one hated or forsaken by God; blasphemer one subject to scarcity and sorrow; one not with satisfactory army; local person; one with many enemies; one whose days are numbered and one devoid of truth and righteousness.

on meeting both the parties, serve the stronger But if he finds that both the parties are making peace, and not in need of his aid, he should approach their enemy, who is more powerful than they, or he should fight by himself. 6) Asraya. When one is attacked by a stronger enemy and if one finds no means to retaliate, one should depend upon another person, who is noble, truthful and powerful. To put on a supplicant's look, to understand the moods of that person whose help is sought and to be humble to him these are the characteristics and traits of the dependent. (Agni Purana, Chapter 240. SADHU. An incarnation of Siva. The Brahmanda Purana contains the following story about it. When the Himalaya and Mainaka mountains once began a very intense tap^s, the Devas and Rsis fearing great ruin to the world in case the mountains got salvation, sought Siva's protection and prayed for a solution for the problem So Siva, in the guise of a brahmin named Sadhu, went to the mountains, spoke to them condemning Siva and thus made them retract from their

5) Dvaidha. To get in between the contending parties to support with words only and to remain without joinHe who takes up the stand ing either side is dvaidha.

SADHYA. Mother

devotion to Siva.
(S). General.


of the Sadhyas. (See under Sadhyas).


time war.

2. Vigraha, Fighting, i.e. war is vigraha. is the result of mutual evil-doings. The king, who desires prosperity who is troubled by others and in whose favour

above types of people.

shall only fight

and not enter

into peace with



A Ganadevata. These Devatas often used to 1 play an important role in Puranic movements and incidents. The Sadhyas were born from the seed Viral Purusa. (Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 35). But according to Visnu Purana (Part 1, Chapter 35) the Sadhyas were the grand-children of Daksa-prajapati. Of the sixty daughters of the Prajapati by his wife Asikni, ten were



should go in circumstances for are, main causes of war are the following

married by Dharmadeva; The Visvadevas were the sons of Dharmadeva by his wife Visva and the Sadhyas were his sons by Sadhya.

2. Other information.

wife Yadavl.

there due to old age and Yadavl got ready to follow him in his pyre. The Muni preven ted her from doing so by pointing out to her that the child in her womb was a very fortunate one and would become emp.ror of the seven islands when he grew up to manhood. Yadavl delivered shortly. As the poison (gara) given to her by the co-wife had immobilised her pregnancy for so long Aurva named her child Sagara. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapters 16

The Sadhyas fought with Garuda, who went to Devaloka for Amrta and got defeated. (Adi Parva, Chapter
32, Verse 16).


They took Subahu expired

shelter in the

asrama of sage

Verse 22). They go to the court of Brahma also and worship him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 44). (ix) In the battle between Subrahmanya and Tarakasura they fought on the side of the former. (Vana Parva, Chapter 231, Verse 71). Once they made a prayer to Dattatreya muni. ( x) (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 3)' (xi) On the occasion of the battle between Karna and Arjuna at Kuruksetra the Sadhyas wished success for the flatter. (Salya Parva, Chapter 41, Verse 29). (xii) They served as store-keepers at the yajna performed by king Marutta. ( San ti Parva, Chapter 29, Verse

(ii) The Sadhyas feared Vis vamitra. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 71, Verse 39) (iii) Sadhyaganas participated in the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 70). (iv) Sadhyas took their place in planes above the palace of Drupada to witness Draupadi's wedding. (Adi Parva Chapter 186, Verse 6). (v) They were present at the Devayajna conducted at Naimisa forest. (Adi Parva, Chapter 195, Verse 3). (vi) They were present with various Kinds of arrows at the battle between Sri Krsna and Arjuna on the occasion of the burning of the Khandava forest. ( Adi Parva, Chapter 226 Verse 38). (vii) They live in Indra's court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter





To Ayodhya. Sage Aurva conducted the Upanayana ceremony of the boy and taught him the Vedas etc. Once Yadavl wept to hear the boy address the muni 'father', and when the son asked her the reason for it she told him that the muni was not his father, who was really greater than the muni. She also told him their previous history, and Sagara decided to return to Ayodhya somehow.

The people

of Ayodhya lived scattered here and there in fear of Talajangha, and disgusted with such an existence, they came together and took refuge with Vasistha, who told them that king Subahu had expired in Aurvabrama, but that his son Sagara was there in
the asrama.

He further advised them to bring Sagara back and reconquer Ayodhya. Yadavl wept at the sight of the people from Ayodhya and they insisted
waited in the asrama for five days for Sagara. Then Sagara and his mother, with the blessings of the Sage, returned to Ayodhya along with the people. Sagara

upon Sagara's return

to the state as their





They remain on Mount Munjavan worshipping

(Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter





It could be yajfta ordained for Rajarsis. performed in one day. (Vana Parva, Chapter 204, Verse 16)

fought Talajangha, reconquered Ayodhya and crowned himself as king. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapters 20 to 23). 4) Family life. Sagara had two wives called Sumati alias Vaidarbhi and KesinI alias Saibya. Sumati was the daughter of Garuda.

king of the solar dynasty,

Sagara ruled

1) Genealogy. Descended from Brahma thus: BrahmaKas yapa-Vivasvan-Vaivasvata Manu-Iksvaku - Vikuksi-


Sasada-Puranjaya-Kakutstha-Anenas-Prthulasva-Prasena- Yuvanasva - Mandhata Purukutsa - TrasadasyuAnaranya-Aryasva-Vasumanas- Sudhanva - TraiyarunaSatyavrata (Trisanku )-Hariscandra-Rohitas va-Harita-

As he had no issues for long, Sagara, with his wives, went to Himalayas and began doing tapas at Bhrguprasravana mountain. After hundred years Bhrgu appeared and blessed Sagara that one of his wives would give birth to 60,000 sons and the other to one, who would add to the glory of the dynasty. Sumati chose 60,000 sons and KesinI the one son.
king and the queens returned to Ayodhyfi and in due course Sumati delivered the son called Asamanjasa who was to bring prosperity to the dynasty. Sumati gave birth to a lump of flesh, which developed into 60,000 children. They were put in pots of ghee and they grew up to become young persons. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Canto 33)


Cuncu-Sudeva-Bharuka-Bahuka-Sagara. 2) Birth. Bahuka, father of Sagara, was known as Subahu also. Sagara was Bahuka's son by his wife. Yadavl. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 16). Though Sagara was a prince he was born at the asrama of Aurva, and there was a reason for it. Subahu and Yadavl did not have a child for long. But, as a result of many yajftas conducted for the gift of a While she was in the seventh child, Yadavl conceived. month of her pregnancy her co-wife administered poison to her with the result that she did not further advance in pregnancy and deliver in due time. Thus she continued as a pregnant woman for seven years. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 16). The King became an old man. During this period Talajangha, king of Hehaya, attacked Ayodhya with his army, and Subahu, despite his old age, fought back. But the fighting grew fiercer. Subahu found that he would not be able to defeat Talajangha and so he escaped into the forest with his

contain stories somewhat different from the birth of the 60,000 children, e.g. in the 9th Skandha of Devi Bhagavata, the story is related as follows "Ke>'inl delivered the son Asamanjasa and Sumati did not deliver at all. So she did tapas for Siva for children and because of his blessSumati delivered only hundred ing she conceived. years after continuing to be pregnant, and even that was only a piece of flesh, and she began weeping addressing Siva, who appeared before her and cut the mass of flesh into 60,000 parts. Each piece of flesh transformed itself into a very powerful and effulgent

Some Puranas

above about


5) Loss



91). His son, was a tormentor of his subjects. In the Asamanjasa evening of his life, Sagara transmitted the throne to The his grandson Amsuman (son of Asamanjasa). rest of his life he spent in Aurvasrama with his wife

of children. Kapila turned into ashes the 60,000 sons of Sagara. Bhagiratha revived them. (For details see under Bhagiratha). Sagara ruled the kingdom well and 6) Triumphal tour. while living happily thus with his sons, he set out on a triumphal tour. After conquering the northern regions he moved towards the south, his object being MahisHe destroyed the mati, Kingdom of the Hehayas. in battle. (Brahmanda Purana, Hehayas completely Chapters 89 and 90). 7 ) Evening of life. Sagara ruled the kingdom for 300

those facts,

which have not been




given hereunder.)

Along with Yudhisthira, Bhlma and Arjuna, sons of Kunti, Nakula and Sahadeva spent their childhood in

Sahadeva was the son of brief biographical sketch. his wife Madri. sons, Nakula and Sahadeva were born to Madri by the Asvinldevas.

Pandu by


(Brahmanda Purana, Chapter

engaged in meditation.
Sagara worships Yama in his court, (Sabha Parva, Chapters, Verse 19). ousted Asamanjasa from the palace, because (ii) Sagara he led an immoral life. (Vana Parva, Chapter 107, Verse


Other information.


Sagara went




throne to


handing over the


Pandu the company of Sages at Satasrriga mountain. died and Madri followed him in the funeral pyre. After that the Pandavas lived at Hastinapura under the care of Kunti. When the 'lac-palace' was burnt down, they took themselves to the forest and ruled the kingdom The Pandavas, who with Indraprastha as capital. were defeated in the game of dice went again into the forest. Their going into the forest has been described as follows by Vidura. Yudhisthira, covering his face with cloth and Bhlma stretching out his powerful hands moved into the forest. Arjuna followed them throwing up sand parSahadeva went rubbing his face with earth, ticles. Nakula, the most handsome of men, followed them, his body smeared with dust. Pancali, her face concealed in hair and weeping went behind the king. Sage Dhaumya with Kusa grass in his hands, accompanied
them chanting Vedic hymns.
(Sabha Parva, Chapter

Verse 64) gone, in the plane of Indra to (iv) Sagara had Viratanagara to witness the fight between Arjuna and Krpa. (Virata Parva, Chapter 56, .Verse 10). (v) Sri Krsna once described the yajna and dana of Sagara. (Sand Parva, Chapter 29 Verse 130) (vi) Sagara never ate flesh in his life. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 66). (vii) He is considered to be one of the kings to be remembered both at dawn and dusk. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 49) SAGARA. Ocean. Samudra (ocean) got the name Sagara as it was formed later at the place where the 60,000 sons of King Sagara dug the earth in the course of their quest for the missing yajnic horse. (See under

(Vana Parva, Chapter

Dhrtarastra asked Vidura




Ksatriya king who lived at the place He participated in Yudhisthira's Sagara. Rajasuya. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 18). SAGARODAKA. Holy water of the sea. He who bathes



(S). Pitrs, who are sons of Brahma. Agfiisvattas, Barhisadas, Anagnis and Sagnis are the Pitrs born from Brahma. (Agni Purana, Chapter 20) SAHA I. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtaras{ra. He was killed in the great war by Bhimasena. (Karna

Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 9).

will go to

heaven in an

aerial chariot.


these different poses and attitudes and Vidura answered him thus Yudhisthira covered his face to show that he would not retaliate in anger though he had lost the kingdom due to cheating. Bhlma stretched out his hands to show that he was unrivalled in manual power. Arjuna threw out sand to say that he would shoot his arrows into the enemy camp like particles of sand. Sahadeva rubbed earth on his face as he did not want anybody to distinguish his face. Nakula, the most handsome of men, smeared his face with dust so that, on the way, women should not desire him. When the Pandavas returned after twelve years' stay in exile in the forest and one year's stay incognito Duryodhana refused to allot them even a single house, and war for eighteen days between the Kauravas and the Pandavas was fought in the field of Kuruksetra. The Kauravas were wiped out. Yudhisthira became king and performed the Rajasuyayajna after which the Pandavas went out on the great journey and gave up their lives. 2) Other information about Sahadeva.
1 )




He was

Parva, Chapter

dedicated to the service of elders. 1, Verse 114).



Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 8)


(2) He was exceptionally Chapter 67, Verse 111).





very powerful Agni. (Vana Parva, Chapter

SAHA. A Celestial woman. She also was with the apsara women who were present at Indraloka to receive Arjuna. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 43,
Verse 30).


In the fight that followed Arjuna's endeavour to capture king Drupada to be presented as Gurudaksina

use of arms) Nakula of Arjuna's chariot.

(tuition fee to

Drona, who trained the Pandavas in the and Sahadeva protected the wheels (Adi Parva, Chapter 137, Verse



son calld

bird in


line of the


Garuda. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter


offsprings of 101, Verse 12).


him of


(Adi Parva,

isrutakarman ) was born Chapter 220, Verse



about Sahadeva Dharmaputra, Bhlma, Arjuna, Nakula and

the Pandavas. are related under the headings,



married the daughter of King Dyutiman Vijaya and the couple had a son called Suhotra. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 80)

He had





Satyaki was about to

(6) He defeated Virata, the Matsya king in battle. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 2). southern kingdoms on the (7) He conquered the orders of Yudhisthira. (Sabhii Parva, Chapter 30) (8) He defeated Dantavaktra in battle. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 59). (9) He defeated Nlla, king of Mahismatl, in a fierce battle and collected taxes from him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 59). (10) He deputed Ghatotkaca to collect taxes from Vibhlsana, king of Lanka. Vibhlsana sent Ghatotkaca back with a lot of gold and gems. Vibhlsana also deputed 88,000 Raksasas to carry the gold etc. (Sabha Parva, Southern text, Chapter 31). He was Yudhisthira's minister during the (11) (Sabha Parva, Chapter 33, Verse Rajasuya yajna.

pacified the former by a tactful speech. Parva, Chapter 198, Verse 53).

Dhrstadyumna, (Drona


22, Verse 14). (32) He defeated

defeated Paundraraja. (Karna Parva, Chapter

Duss"asana again.

(Karna Parva,

Chapter 23).

Verse 43). (35) He killed Salya's son. (Salya Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 43) (36) He killed Uluka, son of Sakuni. (Salya Parva, Chapter 28, Verse 32). (37) He killed Sakuni. (Salya Parva, Chapter 28, Verse

He got wounded in the fighting with Duryodhana. (Karna Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 7) (34) He defeated Uluka. (Karna Parva, Chapter 61,

he would kill Sakuni. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 77, Verse 9). In the battle that followed the abduction of ( 14) Draupadi by Jayadratha, the chariot of Yudhisthira went out of action and he, therefore, rode in the chariot of Sahadeva. (Vana Parva, Chapter 271, Verse 15). (15) During his life-incognito he thought of assuming the name Tantripala. (Virata Parva, Chapter 3, Verse 9). (16) He went to king Virata disguised as Vaisya called Aristanemi and got himself appointed as head of the king's dairy. (Virata Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 5). (17) He, in the guise of a dairy-man, used to give milk, butter-milk etc. to the Pandavas. (Virata Parva, Chapter 13, Verse 9) (18) Sanjaya emphasized the fact that Sahadeva was a heroic warrior to Dhrtarastra. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 50, Verse 31).

and Asvatthama back Chapter 45, Verse 48)

40). (12)


After the yajna was


over, he conducted Drona to their palaces. (Sabha Parva,

(38) After the war, Yudhisthira allotted Durmukha's palace to Sahadeva. (Santi Parva, Chapter 44, Verse 12). (39) In the matter ofdharmarthakamas (righteousness, material wealth and enjoyment of love life) he attached more importance to artha (material resources). (Santi


took the



During the Rajasuya the duty of managing domeswas entrusted to him by Vyasa and Yudhisthira. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 72, Verse 20). (41) After the great war he visited and saluted Kunti, who lived in the forest then. ( Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 24, Verse 8). (42) In the great journey (Mahaprasthana) he walked in front of Pa.nca.li and behind Nakula. ( Mahaprasthanika Parva, Chapter 1 Verse 31). (43) Synonyms used in Mahabharata for Sahadeva:
stic affairs

Parva, Chapter 167, Verse 22).

Asvineya, Asvinisuta, Bharatasardula, Bharatasattama,

Kauravya, Kurunandana, Madriputra. Madreya, Nakulanuja, Pandava, Pandunandana, Tantripala,

(19) during the great war, divested himself of his armour and started towards the Kaurava army, Sahadeva questioned the action. (Bhlsma Parva,

When Yudhisthira,


Yama, Yamaputra.



lived in the court of


(Sabha Parva, Chapter

Chapter 43, Verse 19). On the first day of the battle he fought a duel ( 20) with Durmukha. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 45. Verse

(21) battle.


defeated Vikarna, Salya

and others



Verse 83). He annihilated the cavalry of the Kauravas. (22) (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 89, Verse 32). (23) He ran away from the battle-field. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 105, Verse 16).

(Bhisma Parva, Chapter



Chapter 110, Verse 12).


fought a duel with Krpacarya. (Bhisma Parva,

worshipping the latter. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 3, Verse 17). SAHADEVA IV. A son of Jarasandha about whom the following facts are collected from the Mahabharata. (1) Asti and Prapti, two wives, of Karhsa were the sisters of this Sahadeva. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 31). (2) He was present at the wedding of Draupadi. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 8) (3) After the death of Jarasandha he took refuge with Sri Krsna, who crowned him King of MathuraSouthern text, Sabha Parva, Chapter puri. (M.B.

III. in the court of


Verse 16).



ancient India.





fought with Sakuni.

Verse 22). (26) He fought again with Durmukha. Chapter 106, Verse 13).

(Drona Parva, Chapter


(4) In the great war he came to the sthira with one aksauhini (division of


of Yudhi-

Drona Parva,

killed Nirmitra, the Trigarta prince. Parva, Chapter 107, Verse 25).


Parva, Chapter 19J Verse 8). (5) He was one of the seven Maharathins


of the

Pandava army. (Udyoga



Chapter 187, Verse

(28) In the fight with Karna he got defeated. (Drona Parva, Chapter 167, Verse 15). (29) He defeated DuSsasana in battle. (Drona Parva, Chapter 188, Verse 2).

6 ) He was killed in the great war by Drona. ( Drona Parva, Chapter 225, Verse 45). SAHADEVA V. A Raksasa, son of Dhumraksa and father of KrsasVa. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).



Sahasramukha, who returned to his country with the boons became emperor of all Daityas and then conquered heaven, Patala, Kailasa, Vaikuntha and the
then defeated Patalaravana and wedded his only daughter Indumukhi. He got as a present a weapon He propagated in the world called Kafchorakuthara. the customs and practices of heaven with the result that all the customs of theDevas were derogated. Good people felt harassed. In the rise of unrighteousness
3) Curse.

King of the Solar dynasty, son of Dharmanandana) and father of (Bhagavata, Skandha9). Jayatsena. SAHADEVA VII. A King of the Solar dynasty, son of Sudasa and father of Somaka. (Bhagavata, Skandha


eight regions of the world.


Cedi King. (Udyoga Parva,



Verse 16).


(4) Sahajanya was among the celestial women who danced when Arjuna came to Devaloka. (Vana Parva, Chapter 43, Verse 30) SAHAJIT. A King of the Bharata dynasty. He was one of the sons of Mahabhoja. (Bhagavata, Skandha

An apsara woman. The following information about her occurs in the Maha.bha.rata. (1) She is one of the six noble celestial girls, the other five being Urvasi, Purvacitti, Menaka, GhrtacI and VisVaci. (Adi Parva, Chapter 74, Verse 69) at the Birthday Celebrations (2) She was present of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 64). (3) She is an actress in Kubera's court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 11).


Once on

a Sahasramukharavana raped Vidyadhara woman, CancalaksT, who was performing tapas of Laksmidevi and Cancalaksl cursed him that Laksmidevi would kill him. 4) Son. Vajrabahu was Sahasramukha's son. He secured from Siva PaSupatastra and an armour impenetrable by anyone. Vajrabahu captured Indra and


helpless. his way





warrior of Subrahmanya. ( Salya Chapter 45, Verse 59). SAHASRACITYA. Grandfather of King Satayupa. Sahasracitya was King of Kekaya. A very righteous person, he abdicated the throne in favour of his elder brother's son and performed tapas in the forest. He gave up his body for a brahmin and attained heaven. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 127, Verse 20; AsVamavasika Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 6) SAHASRAJIT. A King of the Bharata dynasty, SahasraSkandha 9) jit was a son of Mahabhoja. (Bhagavata, He gave up his life for brahmins and attained heaven. (Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 31).


Subrahmanya killed the former. Sahasramukha had an army-chief named Bana and both of them together did incalculable harm to the three worlds. Sri Rama was King of Ayodhya at the time, and Devas and sages complained to him about Sahasramukha and as soon as the complainants left Ayodhya, Sugrlva and Vibhisana came there. They
5) Death.

told Rama about the abduction by Sahasramukha's second son, Candragupta of Sugrlva's daughter and Vibhisana's daughter-in-law. At once Sri Rama, along with Laksmana, Sugrlva, Vibhisana, Hanuman and a great army of monkeys reached Sahasramukha's

SAHASRAJYOTI. One of the three sons of King Samrat. He had a million sons. (Adi Parva, Chapter 1,

Sri Rama sent word to him through that Sugrlva's daughter and Vibhisana's daughter-in-law should be returned, Indra should be released and that pardon should be begged for, for his errors. Angered at this message Sahasramukha





Verse 46).


This place mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 158, that those who bathe in this place will get the merits of giving thousand cows as gifts.
holy place of pilgrimage.

situated in Kuruksetra. It

deputed Bana to fight Sri Rama. Bana was killed in battle. (See under Bana IV) Then ensued a fierce battle between Rama and Sahasramukha, the latter aided by Candragupta. Angada was about to be overpowered by Candragupta, and then the following celestial voice was heard "Candragupta will not die as long as his wife Padmavati is reciting Brahmamantra imparted by Brahma." Then Vibhisana sent Hanuman
. :

ruled Trilokapuri, a country thousands of miles away from India. Trilokapuri was an island at the centre of the seas. He was a terror to the whole world and possessed a thousand heads and two thousand hands.

A Daitya



as a result of the latter and 'Kutatantrayantra' great confusion broke out among the and women-folk, utilising the opportunity Angada killed Candragupta. Sahasramukha fought Sri Rama single-handed. All tactics of Rama proved to be of no use. Then he
to the

women's quarters and

using a quarrels

This Ravana once went to Satyaloka Secured boon. and performed the most intense tapas for many years. Yet, Brahma did not appear and then he began cutting his heads one after the other and offering them in the of his heads were fire. Nine hundred and ninetynine cut thus. When he was about to cut the last head also, Brahma, fearing the end of the world, appeared and granted him the following three boons. die at the hands of anyone, but (i) You will not


remembered Brahma's boon to Sahasramukha and Cancalaksl's curse upon him. Immediately Sri Rama brought down Sita from Ayodhya and the latter shot the Saktika arrow at the throat of Sahasramukha and he was killed. (Kamba Ramayana, Uttarakanda),
(N). (Sahasra


nama =


a woman.

which would annihilate, will be at (ii) Brahmastra, your disposal. You will also possess an aerial chariot for travels

containing the thousand names of Visnu, Siva and Devi are generally known as Sahasranama. The recitation of these names is considered to be annihilative of all sins. Sahasranama of Visnu is more

details see




under Udayana)

of the lunar dynasty.






SAHASRAPADA (SAHASRAPAT) A maharsi, who was 1) General.


transformed into a the curse of Khagama, another maharsi. serpent by But a talk with King Ruru restored him to his former self. (For details see under Ruru, para 4).


information about serpent yajiia from Sahasrapat, who answered the former that he would hear the story of and then disappeared. (Adi Astika from brahmins Parva, Chapter 12, Verse 3). SAHASRAVAK (SADAHSUVAK). One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse







Akrura. (Matsya Purana, Chapter 45, Verse 28). I. One of the wives of King Sagara. Sagara had two wives named Sumati and Kesini. In Devi Bhagavata, 9th Skandha we see that Sumati had another name, "Vaidarbhi" and Kesini had another name, "Saibya". Prince Asamanjasa was the son of

the defence of the western gate of that city. 10th Skandha). His daughter Ratnii



This Saibya was the mother of Satyavan.


of Dyumatsena, the

King of




of the three sons of Pulaha Prajapati his wife Ksama, the other two being Kardama and by Urvariyan. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 10). SAHODHA. A child conceived by a girl while she is unmarried but delivered after she is married. (See



Satyavan )



of the wives of Sri Krsna.



Krsna renounced his body, this Saibya jumped into the fire and was burnt to death. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 73). SAIKHAVATYA. An ancient sage. Amba who was forsaken by the King of Salva went and mourned over


under Putra) A mountain on the plain of Lavanasamudra Monkeys, in the course of their search for (salt sea). Slta crossed this mountain, which is one of the saptakulaparvatas
seven (

her misfortune in Saikhavatya's asrama. This sage consoled her. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 175,

Nahusa once picnicked on this mountain along with apsara women. (Udyoga Parva, Chapters 11 and 12; Vana Parva, Chapter 282; Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9). SAIBYA I. An ancient King of India. He was the father of Srnjaya and a close friend of Sage Narada and Sage Parvata. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 55,


in India.

A Sanatana Visvadeva. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91, Verse 32). SAILAKAMPI. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 63 ) SAILALAYA. A King of ancient time. He was the grandfather of Bhagadatta. After performing tapas in Indraloka. the tapovana at Kuruksetra he attained (M.B. A-: ramavasika Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 10)

Verse 38).


Verse 7).



(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 76). adorned Yudhisfhira's assembly. (M.B. (ii) Saibya Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 25). and the King of Kasi had come to Upa(iii) Saibya the army) plavya city with an "Aksauhirri" (division of to attend the marriage of Abhimanyu. ( M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 72, Verse 16). admitted that Saibya was the greatest (iv) Duryodhana archer in the army of the Pandavas. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 5). and the King (v) During the Bharata Yuddha, Saibya of Ka^I were standing to protect Dhrstadyumna's "Krauficavyuha". (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 50, Verse 56) of Usinara. (M.B. (vi) This Saibya was the grandson Drona Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 64).

II. King of the Sibi land. Mahabharata gives the following pieces of information about him i Govasa, King of Sibi land was the father-in-law of (

SAILODA. A river flowing between the two mountains, Meru and Mandara. Arjuna conquered and subdued

had brought presents of gold for Yudhisthira's Rajasuya. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 52. Verse 2). SAILUSA. A Gandharva. A class of Gandharvas is

the low class people who inhabited the valley of this low-class people known as "Khasas" used to live on the banks of this river under the shade of the dense growth of bamboo trees. These low class people

known as "Sailusas". Some references found in the Puranas concerning Sailusas are given below (i) Sri Rama sent Bharata and completely destroyed the class of Gandharvas called Sailusas who were


on the shore of the eastern ocean.


Bharata killed with his shower

(Kamba Ramayana, Uttara Kanda) (ii) During the reign of Sri Rama, as ordered by him,

Gandharva named


of arrows, the wicked Sailusa and his three crores of lived on the banks of the river Sindhu. (Agni


IV. A In Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 34, we read that he learnt Dhanurveda (science of archery ) from Arjuna and shone in Yudhisthira's assembly. SAIBYA V. A Ksatriya King who was defeated by Sri Krsna. There is a reference to this Saibya in Mahabharata, Daksinatya Patha, Sabha Parva, Chapter 38 SAIBYA VI. A warrior who fought against the Pandavas of Kauravas. He on the side fought from the "Sarvatobhadravyuha" formed by Bhlsma. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 99, Verse 2). SAIBYA VII. King of Sauvlra land. When Jarasandha jnvaded Gomanta city, Saibya was put in charge of


(M.B. Vana


of a horse





Parva, Chapters 20, 22, and 283). Ksatnya hero born in the Vrsni family.

Purana, Chapter 11), Ravana's brother, Vibhlsana had married Sarama (iii) of a Gandharva. (Uttara the daughter Sailusa remains in Kubera's assembly. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 26). SAIMHIKEYA (S). The Asuras (Demons) who were

Ramayana ) (iv) The Gandharva named


Sailusa serves

Kubera and

the sons of Simhika.. Two sons named Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakas ipu and a daughter named Simhika were born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Dili. Simhika was given in marriage to Vipracitti. The sons of this couple were known by the name Sairhhikeyas. Rahu was the first of the Saimhikeyas. (Agni Purana. Chapter 19). For further details see under Rahu. SAINDHAVA I. A disciple of the hermit Saunaka. (See under Guruparampara).










Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 25, that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Sindhu were called Saindhavas. SAINDHAVARAIVYA. An ancient holy place of pilgrimage in Bharata. This holy place is mentioned

service in

They did along with Sudaksina, king of Kamboja, Duryodhana's army. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter




of Visvamitra's sons, who were expounders of Vedas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 51 ).

Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter

89, Verse 15).

sub-section of

Parva in Mahabharata. This subsection comprises Chapters 151 to 159 of Udyoga Parva. SAIRANDHRl. The pseudonym assumed by Pancali, when the Pandavas lived incognito in the palace of King Virata. (See under Pancali).



A region in India, celebrated in the Puranas. Nakula, in the course of his triumphal march in the western regions, conquered this land also. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 6)

Sri Krsna once conquered them. (Drona Parva, Chapter 119^ Verse 45). and conquered their (viii) Karna once defeated them country. (Karna Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 18). (ix) Sakas who were originally Ksatriyas were demoted as Sudras as they incurred the displeasure and anger of brahmins. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 33, Verse 21 ). (x) As the Sakas and the Yavanas had helped the Haihaya kings Paras urama, Sagara and Bharata defeated them in war and drove them off from the country. (Bhagavata, Navama Skandha) SAKA. A tree in the Saka island. The island got the name from this tree. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 11,

Verse 21).


52, Verse







Ksatriya Kings of this country brought presents for Yudhisthira's Rajasuya. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter

A Maharsi. The famous Kalayavana was his son, born to him by his wife Gopa.ll. SaiSirayana was the priest of King Trigarta. Once the king ordered the sage to have sexual union with his wife Vrkadevi to test his virility. (HarivarMa, \; 35; 12). SAlSlREYA. An acarya who was the disciple of Sakalya. "Saisiriya Samhita", a work produced by him is considered to be an authoritative treatise on the Sakalya branch of knowledge. SAlSlRINDHRA. A country in ancient India. Mention is made about this country in Mahabharata, Bhlsma


One of the Saptadvipas (seven islands). once gave Dhrtarastra a description of this island. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 1 1 ) Jambudvipa, Plaksadvlpa, Salmalidvipa, Kusadvipa, Krauncadvipa, Sakadvlpa and Puskaradvipa are the Saptadvipas. (Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha). SAKALA. A city made famous in the Puranas. Once it was the capital of the Madra kingdom. (Sabha Parva Modern scholars opine that Chapter 32, Verse 14),

Verse 23).


Puranas. defeated by Arjuna.


Siyalkot was the old Sakala. ancient kingdom referred to in the Prativindhya, king of this kingdom was

(Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Verse


SAIVACAPA. Siva's bow. It was made by Visvakarma. He made a Vaisnavacapa and a Saivacapa for the pur-

Parva, Chapter


Verse 57.

pose of a battle which was fought once between Visnu and Siva. (See the 7th sub para, 7th para under the word Visnu). Long ago when Siva set out to break up Daksayaga, he After defeating the enemy was armed with this bow. and breaking up the yaga, Siva cooled down and presented the bow to his devotee, the king of Videha. The king took the bow to his palace, kept it in his armoury and used to offer due worship to it. His descendants also continued to worship it. (Kamba Ramayana, Bala Kanda)

A maharsi in the lineage of gurus (precep(See under Guruparampara). He systematised It was the Vedasamhitas. Badarayanakrsna, who became later famous as Vedavyasa, who first arranged in systematic order the Prominent Vedasamhitas. scholars hold the view that Vyasa lived between 13001500 B.C. The samhita text now popular systematised
by Sakalya



town in India. There is a reference to it Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 18.

particular sect of people or caste. The following information about the Sakas is gathered from the

Mahabharata. (i) Sakas were born from the breast of Nandim, Vasistha's cow. (Adi Parva, Chapter 147, Verse 36).

saving the king's life and non-cooperated with him in every way. In this contingency Kasyapa sought the help of Sakalya, who advised the former to bathe in the sacred tirthas in the rivers Godavarl and Sarasvati. Kasyapa did so and regained his old reputation. SAKAMBHARI. A sacred place dear to Devi. He, who fasts for three nights here, will derive the same benefits as of eating lettuce (saka) for twelve years. (Vana

is called Sakalya sakha (Sakalya branch) reported to have saved Kasyapa maharsi once. When king Parlksit was cursed that he would die by Taksaka's poison Kas yapa started for his court to save the king from the calamity. But, Taksaka met him on the way and sent him back laden with presents of gems, ornaments etc. People derided Kasyapa, who on account of covetousness, retreated from the duty of


(ii) Bhimasena, during his triumphal tour of the eastern (Sabha Parva. Chapter regions subjugated the Sakas. 32, Verse 14). (iii) Nakula conquered them. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 14). (iv) King of the Sakas participated in Yudhisthira's Rajasuya. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 32) (v) The Pandavas invited them to take part in the great war. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 15).


Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 13) asura. (See under Krsna, Para Para' 2).



intelligent minister.

(For details see


under Vararuci )

A famous grammarian. He lived beYaska and Panini. He is considered to be the author of the well-known text on gramtnar called


He is referred to as the foremost the grammarians in the astadhyayl of Panini. (Paninisutra, 1, 4, 86 and 87).

warrior of Subrahmanya. (Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 78). SAKAYANYA. A maharsi. (For details see under Brhadratha).

belong to the line of disciples of Sakti. Purana, Chapter 6)





the According to one view Sakha was younger brother of Subrahmanya while there are others who maintain that he was Subrahmanya 's son. In verse 37, Chapter 44 of Salya Parva it is stated that Sakha was the son of the Vasu Anala and the younger brother of Subrahmanya and that he had two brothers called Vaisakha and Naigameya. It is stated in Chapter 15, part 1 of Visnu Purana as follows:- "Apa, Dhruva, Soma, Dharma, Anila, Agni, Pratyusa and Prabhasa are the asfavasus. Vaitanda, Srama, Santa, and Dhvani were sons of Apa/ Kaia, who annihilates the entire world is the son of Dhruva and Varccas is Soma's son. Varccas gives people the vital glow. Dravina, Hutahavyavaha, Sisvara, Prana and Varuna were the sons of Dharma by Manohara. Anila's wife was Siva, and two sons, Manojava and Avijiiatagati were born to the couple. Kumara, son of Agni was born in Sarastamba and he had three brothers called Sakha, Visakha and Naigameya." The following story about the birth of Sakha is from

was made by VisVakarman. Vis"vakarman once grilled Surya (sun) on his machine and reduced his glow. The glow thus released by Visvakarman fell on the earth and Visvakarman made with that glow






the cakra (disc) of Visnu, the trisula (trident) of Siva the Puspaka, aerial chariot of Kubera and the Sakti of


Subrahmanya. CVisnu Purana, Part 3, Chapter 2). The sound 'S' means welfare or prosperity and 'kti' prowess. Therefore Sakti means she, who is the embodiment of prosperity and prowess or she, who grants prosperity and of prowess. The definition
'Bhagavati' is, she who combines in herself knowledge wealth, reputation, power and the female organ. Therefore the word 'Sakti' may be taken to mean Bhagavati and ParvatI, and what are termed as Bhagavati, Sakti, Devi, Ambika, ParvatI etc. are the manifestations of Sakti, Siva's spouse. This Sakti exists fractionally in all Devas. When, once upon a time the devasura war broke out the Saktis of Devas like

them protection. Indra and fought with Subrahmanya feeling that the latter had captured his kingdom. Two sons, Sakha and ViSakha were born from the face of Subrahmanya wounded by the Vajrayudha of Indra. SAKRA. A synonym of Indra. (See under Indra.) SAKRADEVA. A prince of Kalinga, who fought on the Kaurava side in the great war and got killed by Bhima. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 24). SAKRAKUMARIKA. A sacred place from very olden days. Those who bathe there will attain heaven. (Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 81 ). SAKRAVAPI. A naga, which lived in a forest near Girivraja. The forest was near the as"rama of Gautama. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 21, Verse 9).

Taraiiga 6, Lavanakalambaka of Kathasaritsagara: Defeated in battle by Tarakasura, Indra decided to have no more fight with him and retired to Mount Mahameru. Devas and maharsis sought asylum with









who worships holy place. He Devatas and the souls of his ancestors here will attain the holy world. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 29)


( 1 )

(Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, SAKTA. Son of Manasvl, the great-grandson of emperor Puru. Sauviri was his mother. He had two brothers called Sarhhanana and Vagmi, both of them great in warfare. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 7)

area in ancient Verse 66).



Saktis came to the help This sight pleased not only the Devas, but the mother of the universe also. Along with them incarnated on earth Sarhkara, who gives 's am' (happiness) to the world and blessed Candika on the battle-field (Devi Bhagavata, 5th and 9th Skandhas).

Brahma emerged to help Candika. The vehicle, ornaments, weapon etc. of eachDeva, his Devi also possessed. The Saktis (Devis) of the Devas appeared in the following manner. Brahmani, wife of Brahma, rode on the swan wearing beads around her neck and holding the water-vessel in her hands. She Was followed by Vaisnavi Visnu's Sakti on Garuda wearing yellow clothes and with the conch, disc, lotus etc. in her hands. Sankarl Siva's Sakti rode on the ox with the crescent moon and serpents as ornaments and holding in her hands the Sula. 'Kaumari', Sakti rode on Subrahmanya's Airavata with sula in hands. The Sakti called 'Varahi in the form of a great boar rode carrying a corpse, Narasirhhi' Sakti took the form ofnarasirhha (half man and half lion). Yamya, Yama's s"akti, rode on buffalo holding in her hands a Saktis long stick. called Kauberi and Varuni took their respective forms
in this



of Devi.



in the seventh century annur in the Kerala

Son of Vasisfha by Arundhatl. He was among the hundred sons of Vasisfha. Kalmasapada, the Raksasa captured and ate Sakti and his pregnant wife Adrgyanti her in

the first-born

great grief

2) Other
(i) It

spent days Parasaramuni, father of was Adrsyantl's son. (For details see under

cudamani' is his work. Saktibhadra, after writing his drama, once read it out to Sankaracarya. As the acarya was observing silence that day, he made no comments about the drama. Disappointed at this silence of his Guru, the dramatist burnt his work to ashes in fire. When his observance of silence was over, the Guru asked his
for the

A.D. He belonged to ChengState. He was a disciple of The Dramatic composition 'Ascarya-








the acarya repeated



about the burning of the from memory the whole The above legend is widely prevalent in








incarnated himself as the son




Gopayana, Bharadvaja, Apastamba and Arnodara

1 ) General. In ancient times people in all countries to consider Sakunas to be harbingers of good or evi



people believe in





Sakuna had developed


bird is sighted on the right side at the start of the journey, it is a good omen. If the peacock makes different sounds, threats from thieves will result. If a deer is seen in front of the king going out on a journey, death will happen to him. To see the monkey-bear, rat, tiger,
lion, cat also will

as a science even in olden days. general description about omens, good and bad, according to the Indian concept, is given below. Mixed medicines, black grains, cotton, grass, dried cowdung, charcoal, molasses, one whose head is shaven clean or whose body is smeared with oil or who is naked; flesheater; iron, dirt, skin, hair of the head, insane person, eunuch, prison, guard; women, who are either carrying or are widows; oil cake, paddy husk, ashes, skull, bone, broken vessel etc. are evil omens. Broken, fierce or murmuring instrumental music also is a bad omen. It is a good omen to hear the voice of beckoning (come) in front of the traveller, but it is not good if the voice is heard from behind. It is good if the voice of farewell (go) is heard from behind, but is bad to be heard in the front. Disapproving or prohibitive words like "Where are you going, stop, don't go", "what is to be done by going there?" etc. will cause death. It is a bad omen to see carnivorous birds perched on the top of flag-staff etc.




to bump, weapons to break and head to wounded by dashing against doors etc. as also for umbrella or clothes to fall down are ill omens. Praising or worshipping Visnu will do away with the inauspicious results of ill omens. But, if evil omens are seen conti-

For vehicles

gems, Orris root, mustard, medicinal herbs rooted soil, Bengal gram, weapon, sword, stool, royal symbols, dead body being carried without lamentation, fruits, ghee, curdled milk, milk, aksata, mirror, honey, conch, sugarcane, auspicious words, music by devotees, loud thunder and lightning are auspicious omens. 2) Two kinds of omens. Omens are divided into two varieties, dipta (glowing) and Santa (quiescent, mild) Glowing omens bring about auspicious results and the other insilver,

nuously the traveller should return home. White flowers are good omens. Full pots are the best of omens. Flesh, fish, sound from afar, old man, solitary man, cow, goat, ox, horse, elephant, devas, burning fire, Durva grass, fresh cow-dung, prostitute, gold,
out of

an excellent omen; on the right side also it is But, behind the person, it is a bad omen. Tittiri bird also on the rear is not good. It is always a good omen if the deer, boar and spotted deer cross the path from the left to the right side; the opposite of it is bad omen. It is a favourable omen if the ox, horse, jackal, tiger, lion, cat and donkey pass from the right to the left side. It is auspicious to see the females of the jackal etc. on the right side and the males on the left. To hear the serpent, hare, boar and wild lizard named is good, but to see them is not so. Contrary to this is the effect to see the monkey, ox etc. The result of the important and powerful omens witnessed at the start of the journey will be experienced the very same day. The omen of the intoxicated, those craving for food, children, people quarrelling and those who stand away from the limits of the road is effectless. To hear the jackal howl once, twice, thrice or four times is a good omen, but to hear it five or six times is bad, The seventh time is good. If heard for more than the seventh time it will have no effect. Dipta omen facing the Sun will horripilate men, cause fear in the case of vehicles and is to be greatly feared. Ifsaranga (lotus, deer, elephant, peacock, cuckoo, lion, horse etc.) is met as the first
left side is

and donkey coming in the opposite direction bring about death. Donkey braying in awkward also inauspicious. To see kapinjala bird on the

not bad.

one year, and


make omens dip tarn, i.e. vela place), Karana (action), ruta

auspicious results. There are six ways or elements, which (time),dik (region), desa ( ( cry )and jati (kind). The power or effect of dipta increases in ascending order. To see creatures, which move about during day time as moving about during night and vice- versa is veladipta. In the case of stars, lagnas (the dominant zodiac) and those which are virulent are considered to planets, be diptas. With regard to stars and lagnas, those which the Sun enters into are dhumita, those wherein the Sun is already present are jvalita and those from which the sun has left are Am'arim. These three are diptas and the rest santas. (This is called veladipta). When dik (region) is dipta it is called digdlpta.



is de?adlpta. To see some one doing work not ordained to his caste is karanadlpta. To hear different horrible voices is rutadlpta. To see purely fleshIf all the characteristics of eating animals is jatidipta. dipta do not synchronise but differ from one another it is called santa and if the characteristics of dipta and santa are mixed up it is called misra. 3) Birds, animals etc. If the casa bird (wild crow) makes sound when the king gets out of the palace,he will meet with dishonour. If the sound is heard on the left side, there will be quarrel, but food will be served. If the

cious places

see forest animals in village and village-animals in is digdlpta. To see good brahmins at inauspi-

against one starting on a journey, it will be hindered. see the crow on the left side is a good omen. If it is seen on the right side, the journey will not end in success. It is very good if the crow flies in the same

some auspicious place every dawn. If the crow is found crowing in fear on the left side of camps put up for the army of the King, the head of the army will have to face great threats. If the crow, psrches on and pecks on the shadow, vehicle, slippers, umbrella, clothes etc. the owner of those things will die. If they are respected by the crow, honour will accrue to their owner. If the crow flies about the entrance of the house it means that he, who had left the house will return. If the crows bring and scatter red coloured and baked things in the courtyard, the owner of the house will meet with imprisonment. If the crow carries to a house something yellow in colour, gold or silver, the owner of the house will get such things. Whatever thing the crow carries away from the house, such things therein will be destroyed. If the crow vomits raw flesh in the rear of the house, the owner of it will come into possession of wealth; if soil is land will be acquired. If gem is deposited thus, deposited, extensive lands will come to the owner of the house. If the crow flies in the same direction as the one chosen by the traveller, prosperity and success will result to him and if it flies in the opposite direction not only will the traveller not achieve his object but, he will also meet with danger. If the crows come crowing

thing in an auspicious place its good effect will last for if these are met at the inauspicious place, the result will be bad. Everybody should see sarariga





direction as the traveller on his left side, if on the right side the result will be of medium nature. If it flies in the opposite direction on the left side the traIf the crow flies into the veller will face hindrance. house when one is about to start on the journey, it


the journey -may be begun. The crow which looks at the sun with one eye and perched on one leg traveller. If it is in is surely indicative of fear for the the hollow of a tree great calamities will happen. To dream of crow with its mouth full of excretion is indi-


VI. The notorious uncle of Duryodhana. Son of King Subala of Gandhara and brother of Gandharl. Sakuni, staying at Hastinapura, pulled the strings for all the evil actions of Duryodhana It was Sakuni's hands, which worked in the background in driving the Pandavas out of the kingdom and in denuding Pancali of her clothes. It was also his evil tactics, which tore asunder all chances of conciliation with the Pandavas on their return from the forest and thus led to the great

ing him with a piece of bone in its mouth, he will fail to achieve the object of his travel; if it comes biting a cord, the same will be the result. It is auspicious to see dog, which carries a slipper in its mouth or the mouth of which is filled with flesh. Fear will overtake him in But if front of whom the dog urinates and goes away. not a bitch and if, after urination, it goes to an auspicious place, to the shade of an auspicious tree or towards an auspicious thing, then it is a good omen. The same considerations are valid in the case of the jackal

cative of all-round success. If the dog enters and barks in the house the result will be sure death of the owner of the house. But, if the dog smells on the left side of the man it is good, and if it If the dogs come smells on the right side, it is bad. against the person about to start on a journey, it will cause hindrance to him. If the dog stands blocking his path there will be threat from thieves. If it comes fac-

war that lasted for eighteen days. At last he was killed by Sahadeva during the war. (Salya Parva, Chapter A resume of the part played by Sakuni 28, Verse 61)

in the Bharata story is given below : (1) It was with his help that Duryodhana defeated Dharmaputra in the foul game of dice. (Adi Parva,

Chapter 61, Verse 50) (2) He was born, due


destroy righteousness. 111).


the anger of the Devas, to (Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Verse

Verse 78).

He was Dvapara

re-born. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67,

Verse 15).

(4) It was he who took the initiative in marrying Gandharl to Dhrtarastra. (Adi Parva, Chapter 109

He was present at the wedding of Draupadl. ( Adi ( 5) Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 2) (6) He once advised Duryodhana to annihilate the Pandavas, root and branch. (Adi Parva, Chapter
199). (7) He was present at the Rajasuya yajna performed (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse by Yudhisthira.

If cows cry without cause or reason, it indicates ruin to the master. If the cry is in an awkward tone, death will result. If the ox murmurs during night, it is good for the master. Ox tied to a cord also is good omen. If cows are found to treat their calves without love, it spells ruin for pregnant women. It is a good omen to see cows which have got wet and whose horns are smeared with earth. These considerations apply to buffaloes as
well. If elephants indulge in the sexual act in villages, it augurs ill to the villages. If the she-elephant delivers or gets mad in the country, i.e. not in the forest, it spells ruin to king. Ruin to the King will be the result if the elephant objects to his mounting it or runs back

66). (8) Even after the yajna was over and everyone had departed, he remained there for some time more with Duryodhana. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 68) (9) It was he who first discussed with Dhrtarastra the question of inviting Dharmaputra for a game of dice so that the wealth of the Pandavas might be extracted from them. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 49). (10) By foul play he defeated Dharmaputra in the game of dice. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 60, Verse 61 ).




or if the


an auspicious omen if the elephant places on the left foot of it and also if it holds




found without madness.


It was he who cooperated with Duryodhana to Dharmaputra again for a game of dice fixing the and in defeating him in the game. (Sabha Parva,


right tusk




Verse 9). once prophesied that the Pandavas would not




return after their




serpent born in the Dhrtarastra dynasty. It was burnt to death at the serpeat yajfta conducted by Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 16)


(Vana Parva, Chapter


An asura who was the son of Hiranyaksa II. and brother of Sambara, Trimurdha, Sanku and Arya.


(Agni Purana, Chapter 19). A king born in the dynasty of Bharata, III. son of Dusyanta. Sakuni was Bhimaratha's son and father of Urudbhi. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha) SAKUNI IV. A son of Iksvaku. (For details see under ViSvakarma, Para 2). SAKUNI V. A maharsi to whom were born nine sons called Dhruva, Sali, Budha, Tara, Jyotisman, Nirmoha, Jitakama, Dhyanakastha, and Gunadhika. The first five of them led householder's life while the last four took to Sannyasa even as children. (Padma Purana Adikhanda, Chapter 31)
. .

Verse 17). 1 ( 5) Afterwards he once advised Duryodhana to restore the kingdom to the Pandavas. (Vana Parva, Chapter 251, Verse 1).

(13) While the Pandavas were living in the Dvaita Sakuni suggested the forest need for leading a procession to them. (Vana Parva, Chapter 238, Verse 21). Sakuni and Duryodhana led the procession. In the ( 14) forest he got wounded in fighting with the Gandharvas and he returned home. (Vana Parva, Chapter 241,

(17) In the battle that followed, Iravan killed five brothers of Sakuni. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 90, Verse 25).

He too participated in the great war and on the day of the war he fought a duel with Prativindhya. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 63).

Sahadeva and got defeated.


his tapas



Verse 22). (20) Then Sakuni resorted to certain magical tricks. Arjuna successfully faced the tricks and Sakuni ran away from the battlefield. (Drona Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 15).

105, Verse 8). 19) He fought with Sahadeva.

fought with Yudhisthira, Nakula and (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter

and got pregnant by him. But she forsook the child on the banks of Malini and returned to

(Drona Parva, Chapter

fought with Abhimanyu. (Drona Parva, Verse 5) (22) He fought with Nakula and Sahadeva. (Drona Parva, Chapter 96, Verse 21). (23) He fought with Satyaki. (Drona Parva, Chapter 120, Verse 11). (24) Bhimasena killed the seven maharathis and five brothers of Sakuni. (Drona Parva, Chapter 1 57, Verse 22 ) (25) Nakula defeated Sakuni. (Drona Parva, Chapter 269, Verse 16). He attacked the Pandava army at the instance of ( 26) Duryodhana. (Drona Parva, Chapter 170, Verse 66) (27) Arjuna defeated Sakuni. (Drona Parva, Chapter 161, Verse 25). (28) On the death of Dronacarya Sakuni ran away from the battlefield in great fear. (Drona Parva, Chapter 193, Verse 9). (29) In the fight that followed he defeated Srutasena. Karna Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 40) ( (30) Sakuni was defeated in the fighting with Satyaki. (Karna Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 48) (31) In the fight with Bhima he fell down. (Karna Parva, Chapter 77, Verse 66) (32) In the next fight he killed the Kalinda prince. (Karna Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 7). (33 ) Cavalry of the Pandavas attacked Sakuni and he got wounded. (Salya Parva, Chapter 23, Verse 41). followed Sahadeva killed (34) In the battle that Sakuni. (Salya Parva, Chapter 28, Verse 61 ). (35) After the war was over Vyasa summoned the souls of those killed in the war to the surface of Gaiiga and Sakuni 's soul was present among them. (Alramavasika Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 9). (36) After his death he joined Dvapara.(Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 21 ). used in Mahabharata: (37) Synonyms of Sakuni




Birds gathered round the forsaken orphan-child. While Sakuntas i.e. birds were petting the child Kanva came that way, saw the child and took it with him to the asrama. As sakuntas had petted it, the child was named Sakuntala. 3) As queen. King Dusyanta of the lunar dynasty married Sakuntala and to the couple was born the famous Bharata. This is the original story about Sakuntala's married life. All the Indian languages contain two different versions of Sakuntala's life. One version is that related in Vyasa's Bharata and the second is that contained in Kalidasa's Sakuntala. Many scholars opine that in the matter of the Sakuntala episode Kalidasa has gone a step further and for the better, and therefore both the versions of the story are to be carefully studied by us. Sakuntala, now grown up as a (i) Vyasa's Sakuntala. maiden, was alone in the asrama when King Dusyanta, .out in the forest on a hunting expedition, came there. In the absence of her foster-father Kanva, Sakuntala welcomed the King. They fell in love with each other and the King married Sakuntala according to the Gandharva way of marriage and lived with her for a

Devaloka. 2) Childhood.

The King did not recognise them, but yanta's palace. a celestial voice convinced him that the child was his


was named Sarvadamana. When the child was grown Kanva sent his mother along with him to Dusson.

few days. Sakuntala became pregnant. The King returned to his palace. Kanva returned to the asrama and he was pleased that what had been destined to take place had happened. In due course of time Sakuntala delivered a boy, who


son and Sakuntala lived in the palace as his honoured

The King






Gandharapati, Gandhararaja, Gandhararajaputra, Gandhararajasuta, Kitava, Parvatlya, Saubala, Saubalaka, Saubaleya, Subalaja and Subalaputra. SAKUNI. A maharsi, who lived in Madhu forest. Of the nine sons of Sakuni, Dhruva, Sila, Budha and Tara were house-holders and agnihotris ( those who sacrificed offerings in fire). (Padma Purana, Svarga Khanda 81) SAKUNIGRAHA. Vinata, in 'her fierce attitude or aspect is Sakunigraha. Brahmins call it Skandapasmara also. (Vana Parva, Chapter 280, Verse 26) SAKUNIKA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 15) SAKUNTA. A son of Visvamitra. He was a Vedantin. (M.B. AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 50) SAKUNTALA. Foster-daughter of sage Kanva. Sakuntala was a daughter born to ViSva1) Birth. mitra of the Apsara woman called Menaka. Visvamitra was engaged in intense tapas on the banks of river Malini in the Himalayas. Indra deputed Menaka to break the maharsi's tapas. She enticed him away from
. .

Kanva brought up Sakuntala (ii) Kalidasa's Sakuntala. born to Visvamitra of Menaka in his asrama and she had two companions called Anasuya and Priyarhvada. All the three grew up and became maidens. King Dusyanta, who went out hunting in the forest followed a deer to Kanva's agrama where he saw Sakuntala watering the garden with her companions. Kanva was then away at Cakratirtha. Dusyanta, who fell in love with Sakuntala, married her according to the Gandharva rules and lived with her at the asrama Meanwhile Sakuntala became pregfor a few days. nant, and emissaries from the palace came and the King returned with them. He left the asrama after promising Sakuntala that he would soon return to her. He gave her his signet ring. Sad over the separation from Dusyanta and immersed in thought about him, Sakuntala was sitting there in the asrama when Durvasas came there. She did not see the maharsi nor welcome him respectfully. He got angry at this and cursed her that she be forgotten by him about whom she was so intensely thinking. Sakuntala did not hear the curse either, but her companions who heard it begged pardon of the muni on behalf of Sakuntala and prayed for absolution from the curse. Then he said that if Sakuntala showed the King any sign about their relationship the King would remember her. Her companions did not tell Sakuntala about the


the surface of the

Ganga by Vyasa

above incidents. Kanva gladly welcomed Sakuntala's wedding with Dusyanta. Days and months passed by, yet Dusyanta did not
return and





pregnancy had become prominent,

of the signet ring. On their way to the palace Sakuntala and others bathed in the Somavaratirtha, and nobody noticed Sakuntala losing from her finger the ring in the tirtha. They reached the King's palace. None noticed them. Dusyanta did not remember missing. having even seen her. The signet ring was After leaving Sakuntala at the palace her companions returned to the agrama. Menaka, whose heart melted at the pathetic wailings of Sakuntala led her to Kasyapa's agrama, left her there and returned to Devaloka. The signet ring lost by Sakuntala was swallowed by a fish, which was netted by a fisherman, who went about the streets to sell the ring extracted from inside the fish. Servants of the King took the fisherman captive. At the sight of the ring thoughts about the past dawned on the King and he remembered all about Sakuntala. His days became sad pondering over separation from Sakuntala. Sakuntala delivered a boy at the asrama of Kasyapa.

King in the company of Gautami and Sarrigarava. Anasuya reminded Sakuntala to take particular care

in signs of to the palace of the


Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 10). (8) After death he became one with the Visvadevas. (Svargarohana Parva, Chapters, Verse 16). SALA V. Son of King Parlksit of the Iksvaku dynasty. SuSobhana, daughter of the Manduka King was his mother. He had two brothers called Dala and Bala. Sala did not return some horses, which he had taken as loan from Vamadeva maharsi. Angered at this the maharsi created some Raksasas, who killed Sala. (Vana


Kauravas on the Pandava side. He was killed by Karna. ( Kama Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 49) SALABHA. Wife of Atrimaharsi. (Brahmanda Purana,


of Kasyapaprajapati by born in his next life as Prahlada, the Balhlka King. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 30)

Parva, Chapter 192).






He was







A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 26). SALAGRAMA. A stone emblem of Visnu.

3,8; 74-78).






his return from the devasura war, Dusyanta entered Kagyapa's airama where he saw Sarvadamana counting the teeth of a lion he had captured. Having heard details about him from the boy the King went inside the arama and saw Kasyapa and Sakuntala. He returned with Sakuntala and the boy to the palace with Kasyapa's blessings. It was this boy Sarvadamana, who afterwards became Bharata, the famous emperor of India. SALA I. One of the three pugilists deputed by Karhsa to attack Krsna at Mathura, the other two being Canura and Mustfka. Krsna kicked Sala to death. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). SALA II. A serpent born in Vasuki's dynasty and burnt to death at the serpent yajna of Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 5 ) SALA III. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarasfra. He was killed in the great war by Bhima. (Karna Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 3). SALA IV. Son of Somadatta, a King born in the Kuru


as a courageous boy.

was named Sarvadamana and he grew up




Parva, Chapter 84, Stanzas 123 to 125). The importance of Salagrama. The place Salagrama 2) are various is at the origin of river Gandaki. There kinds of stone figures which are called Salagramas. These Salagramas themselves have orginated from portions of Visnu. That is why those stones are used for making images of Visnu. There is a story in the Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 9, stating that the derivation of these stones is from a portion of Visnu.

Gandaki, which flows through Nepal, starts. This Salagrama is considered to be a holy place. Mahavisnu and other gods always dwell in this place. Salagrama is the name of Visnu who dwells in Salagrama. (M.B.

known by the name Salagrama also. originated from the name Salagrama, the name of the place from where the river

of the name. Salagrama is the kind of used for making the image of Visnu.

(Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 15). (2) He was present at Yudhisthira's Rajasuya yajna. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 8 ) (3) He was a fierce warrior in Duryodhana's army. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 55, Verse 68). (4) He fought from the southern wing of the great vyuha set up by Bhlsma. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 57). (5) He fought with Abhimanyu in the great war. (Drona Parva, Chapter 37) (6) He was killed by Srutavarman in the battlefield of Kuruksetra. (Drona Parva, Chapter 108, Verse 10). (7) He was one among the valiant souls brought to

dynasty. He had a brother called Bhurisravas. ( 1 ) Sala was present at the wedding of Draupadl.

depart as Tulasi, Mahavisnu blessed her thus. "Look Laksmi you will live in the world as a holy basil and when the curse has been completed you will come back to me. On that day, a river named Gandaki, will start from your body which will be in the shape of the holy

During the early days, Sarasvati, Laksmi and Ganga were wives of Mahavisnu. One day there arose a family As a result quarrel among them. (See under Tulasi) of this quarrel, the Devls cursed each other. Sarasvati cursed Laksmi and changed her to holy basil plant When Laksmi was about to (Tulasi) on the earth.

remain as a stone image. There will be so many worms with strong tusks and teeth, which will pierce
river, I will

has taken birth from the sweat of Siva and Visnu. On the bank of that Refer to the word Gandaki)

basil plant.






the river


the stone into the shape of Sudarsanacakra(the weapon of Visnu) and will create numberless Salagramas. The Salagramas thus made, will be of various sizes and

Mention is made in Different classes of Salagramas. the Puranas about nineteen classes of Salagramas. They are given below



in reality.

Those who worship this stone with mark of He who cakra, need not have to take another birth. Salagrama, should avoid arrohabitually worships gance and should be charitable. He who worships Salagrama with the mark of wheel should not covet
others' wealth and women. The cakra from Dvaraka and the stone from' Gandaki will bring atonement in a moment for sins incurred in a hundred births. Even if one has incurred thousands of sins, one will get remis-


With one hole, four cakras Laksminarayana. (wheels) and Vanamala (a line like the garland) and, of the colour of clouds. This is the same as LaksmlnaraLakfmljandrdana. (ii) that there will be no yana, with the difference


Raghundtha. of the hoof of a

With two


and four wheels and This also will have no

(iv) Vamana. the colour of




very small wheels and This too will have no


the same as Vamana with the be having Vanamala. The house in which this is placed will have a prosperity and well being of its own. Will be large and round with two Damodara. (vi) cakras (wheels) and with no Vanamala. Neither too large nor too small, but of (vii) Ranardma. medium size and round, with two wheels and the


exception that



ignorance, a woman, whether she is good-natured or of a higher status, happens to touch Salagrama, all her merits earned by good deeds will be lost and she will

them by drinking the water of Salagrama. Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya and Sudra will attain heaven if they become house-holders according to Vedic convention and worship Salagrama. On no account should women worship Salagrama. If by
sion for all of


marks of child's

(viii) Rdjardjesvara.

seven cakras, This will earn for the possessor kingly umbrella. wealth. Somewhat thick with fourteen wheels, (ix) Ananta. and as black as a cloud. This Salagrama will give men the four Purusarthas (objects of life) 'Dharmartha-

bow and quiver. Of the size of Ranarama with (wheels), ornamented with the mark of

diamond, and meals presented to god before being eaten by the servants in the temple, will be like Kalakuta ( thj poison of Vasuki), to Bhagavan Visnu. If a woman touches Salagrama, she will have to remain
duration of fourteen Indras. Even the Brahmahatya (killing a brahmin) will be remitted by drinking the water of Salagrama and he will attain heaven. Basil ( tulasi) sandalwood, water, conch tinkling bell, wheel, stone, copper pot, and name of Visnu comprise 'Padamrta' (the celestial nectar of words) which is said to have the power of remitThe merits obtained by bathing in all ting sins. the tirthas and the performing of all the yagas (sacriin hell for the
sin of

to hell. Brahmin sages say that women throwing flowers as oblation on Salagrama, commit the greatest sin. If a woman touches a Salagrama, the offering of Sandal-wood will be like poisoned rice, flowers like

kamamoksa' (Duty, wealth,

(x) Madhusudana. A salagrama in the shape of a wheel with two wheels, and impression of cow's hoof, having the shade of cloud, of ordinary size. This will be very bright. Sudarsana will have only one cakra (xi) Sudarsana.




This also will be having only one wheel which will not be bright. (xiii) Hayagriva. This will have two wheels and the face

(wheel). Gadddhara.

dwell in each drop of


(Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter

water of Salagrama.

of a horse. (xiv) Ndrasimha. and awful shape.


Wife ofmaharsiDhananjaya, who belonged Vasistha gotra. (For details see under Dhananjaya

With a very wide mouth, two wheels,



This Salagrama will cause instant

This also will be having a wide mouth and two wheels. Besides these, there will be the This will make house-holders cosy Vanamala also.
(xv) Laksminarasimha.


naga born in Taksaka's dynasty. It was burnt to death at the serpent yajna of Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 9)

and comfortable.


Alambusa. (See under Alambusa).



(xvi) Vdsudeva. The Salagrama with two wheels at the region of the hole and with round shape having vividness and brightness, is Vasudeva. This will grant
all desires.

(xvii) Pradyumna. This will have only a minute wheel. The colour will be that of clouds. But on the outer side, there will be a hole in the inside of which there will be a number of cuts or dents. This will give house-

SALA5IK.AYANA. A son of Visvamitra. He was an expounder of the Vedas. Mention is made in Mahabharata,
See under Guruparampara. SALIHOTRA. A muni of ancient days. Vyasa had once lived in his aSrama. There was a tree near the asrama which had outlived time. A drink of the water in the pond here quenches hunger and thirst. The tree and the pond were created by the power of Salihotra's tapas. The Pandavas, during their life in exile in the forest, visited this place in the company of HidimbI and quenched their hunger and thirst by drinking water from this pond. (M.B., Southern text, Chapter 154).
Amis' asana Parva, Chapter 4, about this Salankayana. maharsi in the lineage of Gurus (preceptors).

of Sandhya. The giant Vidyutkela married this giantess Salakatarikata. A son named Sukesa was born to them. (See under Vidyutkes'a). SALAKATA5IKATI. Another name of the giantess Hidimba. ( See under Hidimba)

A giantess who

was the daugh-

holders comfort always. Sankarsana. In (xtfiii)


Sarikarsana two wheels

will be joined face to face. The fore-part will be thinner than the hind-part. This also will do good to house-holders. The colour of this is yellow. This (xix) Aniruddha. will be quite round and bright. This also will give comfort to the house-holder. (Devi Bhagavata,

Skandha 9 Agni PuriLna, Chapter 46) 4). The greatness oj Salagrama. Of these, the stones with cakras (the weapon Discus), are Bhagavan Visnu

Salihotra was an adept in asVa.<;astra (science To bathe in the tirtha called Salisurya horses) ed by the muni is to derive the same result as making a gift of a thousand cows. (Vana Parva,

creatthat of

Salva had several

Verse 27 and Chapter 83, Verse 107). SALIKA. A divine maharsi. He met Krsna once on his (Krsna's) way to Hastinapura and had a talk ,vith the lord. (M.B. Udyoga Pava, Southern Text, Chapter
ter 71,


friends such as Damaghosa, Kalinga, Malava, Kekaya, Vaiiga, Magadha, Kosala, Korikana, Hehaya, Cola, Pandya, Kerala and others. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). SALVA II. There is a story in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, stating that three Salvas and four Madras were born to Bhadra from the dead body of her husband Vyusi-




to Kasyapapiajapati of his (Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 14). A Devagandharva, son of Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Muni. He participated in the birthday celebrations of Arjuria. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 4) SALISURYA. A holy spot in Kuruksetra. It is said to have been the place where muni Salihotra lived. To bathe at this place is to derive the same result as that of making a gift of a thousand cows. (Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 10). SALMALI. A King of the lunar dynasty. He was the grandson of Kuru and son of Aviksit. He had seven brothers. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 52).

SALIPiyDA. A naga born

Kadru SALlSlRAS.


of the seven islands. Salmali island, which is double in extent of Plaksa island is surrounded by Iksurasa (sugar-cane There are seven juice) ocean on all four sides of it. mountains there which produce gems and they are seven boundaries which separate the regions. Just like this, there are also seven rivers there. The seven rivers are Yoni, Toya, Vitrna, Candra, Mukta, VimocanI and Nirvrti. Mere remembrance of the seven rivers is sufficient to annihilate all sins. Here people divided into the four classes live. Brahmins, Ksatriyas Vais"yas and Sudras here are called Kapilas, Arunas, Pitas and Krsnas. These devout people worship Visnu in the form of Vayu by sublime yajnas. Devas are ever present on this most beautiful island. A tree named Salmali which gives mental comfort grows in this island. The island is surrounded on all four sides by an ocean of Sura (liquor). (Visnu Purana, Part II,

Chapter 4).




island and ndgdstra. sacred place in

See under Nagastra. Kuruksetra. To bathe


83, Verse 13).


in the Dasai'vatirtha there, is to derive the same benefit performing ten asVamedhas. (Vana Parva, Chapter

is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 16 that this Ksatriya King Salva was born from a portion of Ajaka the younger brother of Vrsaparva.

1) General information. The lover of daughter of the King of Kas"I. It



wealth and prosperity. Sita was born from that sacrificial fire. (Uttara Ramayana) SALVA V. A story occurs in Brahmanda Purana, describing how Renuka, the wife of Jamadagni, was infatuated at the sight of a handsome Salva, and how this event subsequently led to her death. (See under (Renuka) SALVASENI. An ancient place in South India. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 61). SALVAYANA. A king in anc ent India. He ran away to South India with his brothers and attendants in fear of Jarasandha. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 27).
. .

Satyaki killed this king Salva; and Dhrstadyumna killed his elephant in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 4). SALVA IV. In Uttara Ramayana a Salva, who was a contemporary of Kusadhvaja, is mentioned. Kusadhvaja once approached this king Salva and requested for some financial help. But the covetous Salva did not give any help. So Kusadhvaja performed a sacrifice to obtain

Here, 'Salvas' means the rulers of Salva. It is stated in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Stanza 26 that the people of Salva fled to the south in fear of Jarasandha. Satyavan, the husband of Savitrl, was a native of Salva. It is also mentioned that the soldiers of Salva who joined the army of the Kauravas fought against the Pandavas. There were Salvas on the side of the Pandavas also. Mention is made in Drona Parva, Chapter 154, that the Salvas on the side of the Pandavas, attacked Drona, the teacher. SALVA III. A king of the low castes. The details given below about this king are from Mahabharata. (1) This king attacked the vast army of the Pandavas in the battle-field of Kuruksetra. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 1). (2) The elephant of this Salva was as big as a mountain and belonged to the family of elephants called Mahabhadra. ( Salya Parva; Chapter 20, Verse 2 ) (3) Duryodhana had honoured this low caste King Salva. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 2, Verse 2)

(See under Bhadra II)


2) Other details. (i) Salva was the ruler of the city named Saubha. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 102, Verse 61). He was present at the Svayarhvara marriage of ( ii) Draupadl. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 186 Verse 15).
present at the sacrifice of Royal consecration (Rajasuya) of Yudhisfhira. (M.B. Sabha Parva,

king who gave advice and leadership to the Kauravas. He ruled over theMadraor Balhlka kingdom. Madrl, wife of Pandu was Salya's sister. Yet, in the great war he stood firmly on the Kaurava side and died at Kuruksetra. The following role he played in the Bharata story. Bhisma he gave his sister Madri ( 1 ) At the instance of in marriage to Pandu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 112).
(2) He was present at the wedding of Draupadl i% the company of his sons Rukmangada and Rukmaratha.

He was

(iv) At the death of Sis"upala, King Salva became angry and besieged Dvaraka. In the battle which

Chapter 34, Verse 9).

followed Sri


(Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 18). (3) At the Svayarhvara of Draupadl he withdrew from stringing the bow, owning defeat. (Adi Parva, Chapter 186, Verse 28), (4) Bhlma defeated him at the wedding of Draupadl.



M.B. Vana Parva,

(Adi Parva, Chapter 189, Verse 23)


Chapters 15 to 22).



triumphal tour of the west, Nakula


friended his uncle Salya, and entertained him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 14) (6) He participated in Yudhisthira's Rajasuya yajna.


When Drona was

the battlefield. (Drona Parva, Chapter 193, Verse 11). (35 ) Srutakirti attacked Salya. (Kama Parva, Chapter

Salya ran away


34, Verse 7). once opined that Salya was nobler than (7) Sri Krsna. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 37, Verse 14). a good sword and a golden jar to (8) He presented Yudhisthira on the occasion of his coronation. (Sabha Parva, 'Chapter 53, Verse 9). (9) When Dharmaputra went to Hastinapura to play the game of dice, Salya was found to have arrived there earlier. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 58, Verse 24) Before the great war began he visited the Pandavas ( 10) and blessed them. Moreover he agreed to act as Kama's charioteer and render him impotent so that the Pandavas could become victorious. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 8). with (11) Salya joined the Kauravas in the great war an aksauhini (a particular division of soldiers) (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Verse 16). (12) Salya wished that Yudhisthira won the war.

(Sabha Parva, Chapter

Sis upala

Verse 10).

upon Salya acting as (36) Duryodhana insisted charioteer of Karna. At first Salya got angry about the suggestion, but finally he took up the charioteership.

Verse 33).

(Karna Parva, Chapter 32). As the charioteer of Kama Salya cried down the former and praised Arjuna. (Kama Parva, Chapter 37,

Karna threatened
Salya cried




(Karna Parva,

Chapter 40).
story of the 41).

down Karna by relating to him the swan and the crow. (Karna Parva, Chapter

(Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 43,Verse'79). On the first day of the war he fought a duel with 13) Yudhisthira. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 28). (Bhlsma (14) Salya killed Uttara, the Virata prince. Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 35). He defeated Sankha, another Virata prince. (Bhlsma ( 15) Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 35) He fought with Dhrstadyumna. (Bhlsma Parva, ( 16) Chapter 62). Bhimasena defeated Salya. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter ( 17)

(40) When Bhlma wanted to cut off Kama's tongue Salya reminded him of Arjuna's vow and thus made Bhlma retract from his plan. (Kama Parva, Chapter 50; Mahabharata, Daksinatyapatha). (41 ) When Kama attempted to kill Nakula, Sahadeva and Yudhisthira, Salya prevented him from doing so. (Karna Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 21 ). (42) He consoled Karna, who got alarmed by the prowess of Bhlma. (Kama Parva, Chapter 84, Verse

the death of Karna.


(43) Salya comforted Duryodhana, who grieved over (Kama Parva, Chapter 92, Verse

64, Verse 27). (18) He fought with Yudhisthira again. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 71, Verse 20)
. .

(19) Nakula and Sahadeva attacked Salya. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 81, Verse 26) (20) Sahadeva defeated Salya. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 88, Verse 51). (21) Salya attacked Sikhandl. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter
85, Verse 27). In the battle that followed he attacked the ( 22)

Pandavas and wounded Yudhisthira. Parva, Chapter 105, Verse 30). (23) Bhlma and Arjuna fought with Salya. Parva, Chapters 113 and 114).
lot of

whole (Bhlsma

(Salya Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 28). (45) He fought a fierce battle withBhima and Dharmaputra. (Salya Parva, Chapters 11 and 12). defeated Salya. (Salya Parva, (46) Dharmaputra Chapter 16, Verse 63). (47) In the battle that followed, Salya was killed by Yudhisthira. (Salya Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 52). (48) Among the souls of those killed in battle beckoned to the surface of the Ganga, Salya's soul also was

(44) As desired by Duryodhana, he assumed over the army as its commander-in-chief.



(24) Salya fought a duel with Yudhisthira for the third time. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 116, Verse 40). (25)

present. (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 10). and son of (49) Sarhhlada, brother of Prahlada was another birth of Salya. (Adi Hiranyakasipu Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 6). (50) Synonyms used in the Mahabharata for Salya :


Abhimanyu and Salya fought with each other. (Drona Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 78). (27) Afterwards in a club-fight with Bhlma, Salya got defeated. (Drona Parva, Chapter 15). (28) He fought again with Yudhisthira. (Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 15). (29) In the fight with Abhimanyu he fell down unconscious. (Drona Parva, Chapter 37, Verse 38). (30) Abhimanyu defeated him again. (Drona Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 14).

Verse 31).

fought with Nakula. (Drona



Madraja, Artayani, Balhikapungava, Madradhipa, Madrajanadhipa, Madraka, Madrarat, Sauvira etc. SALYAHARANI. See under Mrtasanjlvani. SALYAPARVA. An important Parva of the Maha-



Son of the Vasu Sama, three sons Muni. (Adi Parva, Chapter was

SAMA. A dog which


fought for the



with Yudhisthira.

(Drona Parva, Chapter

26, Verse 99)

(32) Afterwards he clashed with Arjuna as the protector of Jayadratha. (Drona Parva, Chapter 145, Verse 9). (33) He killed Satanika, brother of Virata. (Drona Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 30).

Chapter 66, Verse 32). Yama. It was one of the two offsprings of Sarama. (Brahmanda Purana 3.7. 312). SAMA. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. He was killed in the Bharata-battle, by Bhimasena. (M.B. Karna Parva. Chapter 51, Verse 7). SAMA. A populous centre in front of the Puskara island (Puskaradvlpa). In Puranic days there were Devas such as thirtythree regions in this centre. and so on dwell Vamana, Airavata, Supratika, Anjana
Prapti. (Adi Parva,

Aah. Aah had, called called Jyoti, Santa and 66, Verse 28) . II. One of the three sons of Dharmadeva, the and Harsa. Sama's other two being called





been trying to murder you. Why do you feel so miserable about such a wife and children ?" When the King had finished saying thus much, Sumedhas came there. To remove the darkness of illusion from their minds, the hermit taught them the Nine-lettered Mantra (spell) with prayer and meditation. Thus giving them the mantra, the teacher hermit advised them to go to the bank of the river and select a suitable place and worship Devi with devotion and concentration of mind. Accordingly they went to the bank of the river and selected a pure and solitary
place, and concentrating their to meditate and worship her

The people of this place live by inhaling the breath coming from the noses of these' gods. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 12, Verse 32). SAMA. One of the Caturupayas (four tactics). (See

mind become

under Caturupaya)





the soul (atma) and the the soul and the mind


mingle with each other as salt and water, it is Samadhi (contemplation). (For more details see under Yoga.

Vaisya who became learned and abstemious by the grace of Devi. The story of this VaiSya, who ran away from the cruel and wicked treatment that he had suffered from his wife and children, and took to spiritual knowledge by the force of circumstances was told to Janamejaya by Vyasa.

minds on Devi, began

taking only very



After telling several stories about the kind regard of Devi towards those who worship her with devotion, Vyasa continued as follows

During the time of Svarocisa Manu, there lived a King named Suratha. Because of his liberality and truthfulness he had very few enemies. While he was ruling over the kingdom known as Kolapura, once the low caste people of the mountains fought a battle with the King. Though the army of the low castes was small it was the King who sustained defeat. He returned to the palace thoughtful. He had no peace of mind. So he went to the forest to get peace. After travelling for a long time on horse-back, he reached the hermitage of the sage Sumedhas. Forgetting himself

deep meditation they spent two years. One day in a dream Devi appeared to them. She was clad in red clothes, and wore beautiful ornaments. They were full of joy on seeing the goddess. The third year of the penance was over. But Devi did not appear directly before them. In the third year

Thus engaged

they took only water. They finished the fourth year without seeing the goddess. They decided to do severe penance. Their intention was to offer their bodies to Devi. So they made a triangular cavity, with three and made parts each having an extension of li ft. the walls of the cavity firm and kindled a large fire in
the Vaisya began to cut pieces of from their bodies and offered to Devi in the fire, and with the blood coming from the body they performed sacrifice to Devi. Instantly Devi appeared before them and asked them what boon they wanted. The King wanted to get his kingdom back. Devi said. "You return home. Your enemies shall leave the kingdom. Your ministers will fall at your feet and beg your pardon. You can rule over your country for ten thousand years. After that you will take rebirth as Savarni Manu, the son of the Sun." What Samadhi Cetti wished was a life of self-renunciation. Devi gave him the wisdom and knowledge to renounce everything he had and to live a life of complete abstinence. Then Devi disappeared. The King returned to his kingdom and resumed his rule. Cetti about renounced everything and wandered immersed in meditation on Devi. (Devi Bhagavata,

The King and


Sumedhas came there and talked with the King. The King told his story to the hermit, who invited the King to live with him. Thus the King lived in the
hermitage eating
fruits, roots etc.

in the peaceful stillness of the hermitage, the King got down from the horse and sat under a tree. The hermit

The King found

the purity




himself with

and simplicity of the hermit's surroundings. He always thought of his wife and children. He was troubled in mind by thinking that the money kept in the treasury would be wasted by others. Thus thinking about many things, with a troubled mind, the King was sitting under a tree near the hermitage once when he saw another man coming towards him, with a

my wealth and to waste it. But I was against it. I did not favour unnecessary expenditure. They resolved to remove the obstacle from their path, and began to make preparation for it secretly. I understood it and fearing death I ran away from the house." As soon as the king heard this story he said his own story to the Vaisya. The Vaiiya continued. "Oh I am worried about my Still, my mind is troubled. wife and children. They will be put to much difficulty if I am not there to look after them. Who is there to support them without me ? All the children are lean. My wife also is likewise, lean. They are all always ill. What will they do without me ? While I think of all these things I have no peace of mind at all." Suratha "What a fool are you You yourself have said that all your children are wicked and cruel.
! :

mind like himself. They talked with each The new-comer said to the King "I am a Vai^ya. My name is Samadhicetti. My wife and children love wealth. They want to take possession of




(See under Guruparampara).

particular line of disciples

of Vyasa.


the cattle of Duryodhana. 289, Verse 2).

cowherd who had been looking after (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter


II. An ancient hermit. Once this hermit talked to Narada, about his comfortable life. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 285, Verse 5)



Because Asfavakra bathed in his bents were straightened. (See under






made about


Parva, Chapter

country in South India. Mention is country in Mahabharata, Bhisma Verse 60.

by Para'urama.


country in India. Mention is made country in Mahabhirata, Bhisma Parva, Verse 50.




they and their mother joining together had

General information.

See under Paras urama, Para




Other details.

(i) Para^'urama made here five rivers through which blood flowed. There, with hands dipped in blood, he offered oblations to the manes. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 2, Verse 4). (ii) By the blessings of the ancestors of Paras urama this place became a holy bath. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 2, Verse 8) of the (iii) At the ending and the beginning periods two yugas Dvapara and Kali, the Kauravas and the Pandavas fought the great battle at this place. Because of that this place got the name Samantapancaka. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 2, Verse 13) (iv) It was according to the advice of Balabhadrarama

that this place was selected as Parva, Chapter 55, Verse 5)







(Salya Parva, Chapter 89, Verse 40) One of the hundred sons of Prthusena, a of the Bharata dynasty. ( Bhagavata, Skandha 9) King SAMARATHA. A brother of King Virata. He was a prominent helper of the Pandavas in the Bharata
. .





in the


(M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 42)


who was


Vedas and the Vedangas. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 53, Stanza 9, that he was a guest at the snake-sacrifice of Janamejaya. SAMATHA. A learned brahmin. He once gave Yudhisthira a description of the yajna performed by King Gaya, son of Amurtarayas. (Vana Parva, Chapter 95,

SAMAVEDA. See under Veda. SAMAVEGAVASA. A country

Verse 17).

Narada. Sri Krsna and Balabhadrarama went to Hastinapura and rescued Samba and took the bride and the bridegroom to Dvaraka. Ten sons beginning with Sumitra were born to Samba by his wife Laksana. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). Prabhavati was the daughter 3) Prabhdvati abducted. of Vrajanabha, the King of Supuranagarl. Samba, with his brother Pradyumna entered the city Supura in the guise of drama-actors with a view to kidnap the beautiful daughter of Vrajanabha. They produced four performances such as 'Rambhabhisara' and three other dramas and earned the praise of everybody in Supura. In this way they got access to the palace of the King, and when the time suited, they took away Prabhayati to Dvaraka. ( Harivarhsa, 2 93). The delivery of an iron rod. Once some Yadavas 4) with Samba at their head abused Kasyapa and some other hermits who came to Dvaraka. They cursed the Yadavas, in consequence of which Samba gave birth to an iron pestle, which caused the extermination of the Yadavas. (See under Krsna, Para 39, Sub Para 2) 5) The curse of Sri Krsna. Samba was extremely handsome, and even the wives of Sri Krsna fell in love with him. Under the circumstances Samba tended to become wicked. Sri Krsna came to know of the unnatural attachment between his wives and Samba, from Narada and cursed Samba that he would become a leper, and cursed his own wives, that they would be carried away by thieves and plunderers. Accordingly Samba became a leper and the wives of Sri Krsna were
. .

of South India.


Bhisma Parva. Chapter



Verse 16).


1 )



sub-section of Virata of Virata Parva. 13 son born to Sri Krsna by his wife Jarhba-

of Chapter

A story about the birth of Samba, occurs in Birth. Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 4, as follows Children were born to Rukminl and the other wives of Sri Krsna. But Jambavati alone did not give birth to children. Jambavati was filled with sadness when she saw the children of her co-wives. One day she went to the presence of Krsna and requested him to give her a son like Pradyumna. Hearing this, Sri Krsna went to the mountain where the hermit Upamanyu did penance and making the hermit his teacher, according to his advice, did penance before Paramasiva. He did penance for the period of a month holding a skull and a hermit's rod. He did penance in the second month, standing only on one leg and drinking water alone. In the third month Krsna did penance standing on the toes using only air as food. When the penance was continued for six months in this state, Paranjas' iva appeared as Samba ( Ardhanari&vara) and asked what boon he wanted. Sri Krsna expressed his wish. Siva said that Jambavati would get a son. Soon Jambavati gave birth to a son. The child was named Samba. Samba married Laksana the beautiful 2) Marriage. daughter of Duryodhana. Hearing about the Svayarhvara marriage of Laksana, Samba went to Hastinapura and took her by force from among the various Kings who were present there. Duryodhana and the others captured him. This news reached Dvaraka through

carried away by the Abhlras, after the submerging of Dvaraka. After a few years, according to the advice of Narada, Samba began to worship the Sun, at a place called Sambapura in the basin of the river Candrabhaga, to get recovery from leprosy. A brahmin also was brought from Suka (KuSa) island to perform the fast and vow correctly. (Samba 3; Bhavisya Purana, Brahma Parva, 66. 72; 73. 126; Skanda Purana 4. 2. 48; 6. 213).

6) Other
( i)


present at the Svayamvara marriage of Draupadi. (M.B. Chapter 185, Verse 17). who brought the dowry, (ii) Among the Yadavas, when Arjuna married Subhadra there was Samba

Samba was

Samba learned archery from Arjuna. After this he was a member of the court of Yudhisthira. (M.B.

(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 31).

Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 34) (iv) Samba was one of the seven great chariot-fighters of Dvaraka. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse
(v) Samba was present at the Rajasuya (royal conSabha of Yudhisthira. secration-sacrifice) (M.B. Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 16). (vi) Samba was defeated in the battle he fought with


Ksemavrddhi the

minister of Salva. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 80.) (vii) Samba killed the asura Vegavan in a battle.

participated in the marriage of Abhimanyu conducted at the city Upaplavya. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 72, Verse 22)

(M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter



Verse 17)


Hastinapura and Rajasuya of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 3)

Samba came with











one another (x) When the Yadavas died by hitting with the iron pestle, Samba also was killed. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 3, Verse 44) entered the group of (xi) After his death, Samba VLsvadevas. (M.B. Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 16). SAMBA II. A Brahmin scholar. When Dhrtarastra started for the forest towards the close of his life, the people bade him farewell. This Brahmin stood among words of consolation. (M.B. the people and spoke A:' ramavasika Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 13).




Various Puranas refer to this leader of the asuras as having played a prominent part in the devasura war. After many such wars he was killed by


and he roamed about

freely without any fear and burnt the palaces of the protectors of the world. The Devas left their homes and disappeared in disguise.

marvellous Sambara's magic power. He possessed Once while fighting with him, the magic powers. Devas were non-plussed by his magical powers, and they hid themselves in a forest. Sambara was pleased


Sub-Parva of Adi Parva Chapters 65- 139). SAMBHU I. Dhruva's wife. The couple had two sons called Sisti and Bhavya. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 13). SAMBHU II. Grandson of Tvasja, son of Ka^yapa by Surabhi. Tvasfa had a son called VisVarupa who begot fourteen sons of whom Hara, Bahurupa, Tryambaka, Aparajita, Vrsakapi, Sambhu, Kapardi, Raivata, Mrgavyadha, Sarpa and Kapali these eleven sons of Visvarupa form the Ekada^'arudras. (Agni Purana, Chapter 18). SAMBHU III. One of the three sons of Ambarisa, the other two being Virupa and Ketuman. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha) Sambhu never tasted meat in his life. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 66). SAMBHU IV. A Raksasa, the son of Vidyujjihva by Surpanakha. Sambhu, who was engaged in tapas in


forest when Sri Rama visited the forest was attracted by the beauty of Slta and transformed himself into a tree to enjoy her beauty with his eyes. Laksmana, who was felling down trees to build an asrama felled



Vyala and Ghaja began killing the warriors of the Devas, and the Devas told Brahma at Satyaloka about

appointed as army-chieftains. To counter this attack by the Devas, he created three powerful asuras by his powers of magic. The three asuras called Dama,

The Devas began



whom Sambara had

tree also, which disappeared immediately leaving behind the dead body of a Raksasa. It was the corpse of the Raksasa and Rama comforted Slta and Laksmana by revealing the .fact to them. (Kamba Ramayana.



for further fighting,



of the asura. Brahma encouraged and the three asuras were Sambara ran away and hid himself.

He was King of the Rgveda. Dasyus. He had mastery over hundred cities. The forts and trenches in those cities were very strong. -The

Jnanavasi stha Sthi ti prakaranam ) There are various 3) Sambara in Pigveda.

contains a story of how Devavatl daughter of Kusadhvaja once cursed Sambhu. Devavatl was born from the mouth of Kusadhvaja (son ofBrhaspati) while he was learning the Vedas. Sambhu wanted to marry the child when she was grown up, but KuSadhvaja did not consent to

(or Vedavati)






Asvamayi, Ayasi, Satabhuji etc. in the Rgveda. The chief enemies of the Aryans were the race of people called Panis in the city. There is a
hint about the killing of Sambara in Sukta 17, 8, Mandala 1 of the Rgveda.

forts are referred to as



4) Other information. (i) Sambara was Kasyapaprajapati's son by his wife


An agni, which occupies a status equal to brahmin well-versed in the Vedas. (Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Verse 5). SAMBHU VI. A son born to Sri Krsna by Rukminidevi. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 33).
of a

Her curse was a contributory Sambhu by Laksmana.

killed Kusadhvaja in it, and Sambhu, in retaliation, his sleep. Next morning Devavatl awoke from sleep to see the dead body of her father. She cursed Sambhu.

cause for


death of


He was

a war fought in Devaloka. (See under Dasaratha, Para 5) another occasion, defeated Sambara. (iii) Indra, on (Adi Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 43).

Dasaratha had,


at the request of the





VII. A King of the Bharata dynasty. He was one of the eighty sons of Ugrasena. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha) SAMBHUTA. A King, son of Trasadasyu and father of Anaranya. (Vayu Purana, Chapter 88, Verses 74-





I. Wife of Marici, son of Brahma. The couple had a son called Paurnamasa. (Agni Purana,


famed in the Puranas. According to Mahabharata Mahavisnu will incarnate as Kalki in this village. (For details see under Kalki) SAMBHAVA. A King of the Puru dynasty, son of Urja and father of Jarasandha. (Agni Purana, Chapter


Dvimurdha, Sahku and Arya. (Agni Purana, Chapter Sambara, who was a great adepf in magic, was 17). in the company killed of his wife Mayavati, by See under ( Pradyumna, the son of Sri Krsna. Pradyumna)

the son of Hiranyaksa and

brother of Sakuni,


Chapter 20).

SAMBUKA. A Rama a great number

son called Vijaya.

Wife of Jayadratha. The couple had a (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). Sudra muni. During the reign of Sri
of children died in



proper to his station in life. Sri Rama surveyed the country from the air in a Vimana, and during the survey he found Sambuka, the sudra muni hanging with his head down and inhaling smoke from a fire lit under him. Thus, having found out that the tapas by that sudra was the reason for the children's death, Rama

and many parents wept before the king about the loss of their offsprings. According to Vasistha's advice Rama enquired whether anybody indulged in actions not




ing works like

Sambuka immediately.






An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 13). (SA&GATA). A King of the Maurya dynasty. He was the son of King Suyasas and the father of King Salisuraka. (Bhagavata, Skandha 12)


Tirumurukattuppatai, etc. Tirukkural, Nalatiyar etc. are among the eighteen works under Patinenklzhkkanakku. the group Cilappadikaram,


are the five

Kundalakesi and Jlvakacintamani, great kavyas and Nilakesi,

The supervisor of the cattle-shed of Duryodhana. It is stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 228 that this Sarigava helped Duryodhana in the fight which ensued at the time of the great procession conducted by the Kauravas, to the Pandavas in the forest.

Cudamani, Yasodakavyam, Nagakumara-Kavyam and Udayakumarakavyam (Udayanankatai) are the five short ( laghu) above kavyas kavyas. Amongst the Manimekhalai and Kundalakesi are Buddhist kavyas and Cintamani and the five short kavyas are Jain works. The last seven books might have been written
after the


An organisation formed in the cultivation of Sentamil (classic Tamil) literature, which took its origin in south Dravida land in the 4th century B.C. The Pandyas set up three Sarighams for the promotion of this literature, the first one in southern Madura. When the city was swept by erosion of the sea they set up the second Sangham at Kapatapura. When Kapatapura also was destroyed by the sea, the third Sangham was founded

olden days for


Dravida Madura. The first Sangham was called Mutarcaiikam, the second Itaiccankam and the third one Kataiccaiikam. Reliable information about the first two Sarighams is not available. But, there are

Kataiccankam from 2nd century B.C. to the close of the 4th century A.D. (History of Kerala Literature by Ullur, Part 1, Page
reasons to believe that a









A.D. Some of the songs in Purananuru are the oldest among the works of the Sangham period. References to Cera Kings are found in many of these works. SAMGRAHA. One of the two attendants given to Subrahmanya by the sea, the other being Vikrama. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45; Verse 37) SAMGRAMAJIT. One of the ten sons of Sri Krsna by his wife Bhadra. (Virata Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 18). SAMHANA. A King of the Puru dynasty, grandson of Puru and son of Manasyu. Sarhhana was the son of Manasyu by his wife called Sauviri. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 5). SAMHATA. Second wife of Dhrtarastra. She was the niece of Gandhari. SAMHATAPA. A naga born in the Airavata dynasty. It was burnt to ashes at the serpent yajna of Janamejaya (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 11).
Cintamani, lived in eighth century




author of



The Pandyan

King had built at Madura a hall the poets and scholars of the third
their works. a temple called south-western corner of the



assemble together



Devatas in nature. These songs are in the form of mantras. (See under Veda). SAMHITAKALPA. A section of sarhhitas of Atharva Veda. The five sections of Atharva Veda composed by
Sarhhitakalpa, Angirasakalpa and Santikalpa are held in great respect. (See under Veda). SAMHITASVA. A king of the Bhrgu dynasty, grandson of Haryasva and son of Nikumbha. Renuka, granddaughter of Sarhhitas va and daughter of Prasenajit was

hymns addressed



Sarighattarkovil at the outer sector of the Sundaresvara temple. There the idols of Sarasvati and of the fortynine poets of the Sangham are being worshipped even today. The growth and influence of the Buddhist and the Jain religions and also that of the Pallava royal dynasty, contributed to the downfall of the Sangham. The Sangham poets have written many excellent books. According to legends, Agastyam is a text on grammar of the first Sangham and Tolkapyam of the second Sangham. There were authoritative text books on music written by the last poets of the Sangham. But, none of these books has been unearthed yet. Again, references are found to dramas like Muruval, Jayantam, etc. They too







married by maharsi Jamadagni. Chapter 1 ).

(Brahmanda Purana,

have not yet been found out. Five mahakavyas (Epic poems) and five short Kavyas also belong to Sangham works. Purananuru. Akananuru, Patittuppattu, Aim kurunuru, Kalittokai, Kuruntokai, Paripatal and Nattinai are included in the Sangham work called Ettuttokai. Most of them are collections of many compositions. The authorship of the four hundred songs in Purananuru is distributed among nearly 160 poets. Aim Kurunuru contains five hundred songs by five poets. These five hundred songs were collected by the scholar, Kutalur kizhar, on the orders of the Cera King, Ceralirumpozhai. Patittippattu is a collection of songs composed by ten poets in praise of the Cera Kings. But, only eight of these from two to nine are
available yet.


I. son of HiranyakaSipu. sons called Hiranyaksa and HiranyakaSipu and a daughter called Simhika were born to Kasyapaprajapati by his wife called Diti, and Hiranyakasipu had four sons and Samhrada. called Anuhrada, Hrada, Prahlada Sarhhrada had three sons named Ayusman. Sibi, and Baskala. (Agni Purana, Chapter 19). According to verse 17, Chapter 65 of Adi Parva, Prahlada, Sarhhlada, Anuhlada, Sibi and Baskala were the sons of Hiranyakasipu. This Sarhhlada, in his next life, was born as Salya, the Balhika king.

A Raksasa, son of Sumali by Ketumati, II. both of them Raksasas. Sumali had ten sons called
(Uttara Ramayana).

Akampana, Vikata, Kalakamukha, DhumraDanda, Suparsva, Sarhhlada, Prakvata and Bhasa-


SAMl. A king, son of Us'inara. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SAMlCl. A celestial maid. She was the companion of the

maid Varga. (For


details see



comprised of the





Ekam 10 Das am 100 Satam 1000 Sahasram 10000 Ayutam 100000 Laksam 1000000 Prayutam 10000000 Arbudam 100000000 IfcOOOOOOOO Koti Abjam 10000000000 Kharvam 10000000000000 Trikharvam


with herds of cattle 1) and performed tapas feeding himself on the foam from the mouth of calves drinking their mother's milk. He was the father of Srngl, who cursed king Parlksit, who once threw a dead snake on the neck of Samika. The curse was that he would die within seven days of the incident


He remained

by snake-bite. For





Para 3).

of the seven great heroes, who in chariot, in the clan of the Yadavas. (M.B. fought Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 58). SAMITRA. A particular rite performed during a yajfia. (Adi Parva, Chapter 196, Verse 1). SAMlVRKSA (SAMlTREE). (For the connection bet-

Samika worships Indra in his court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 16). Samika too was present on the occasion when Vyasa 5i) called up and showed Janamejaya the souls of dead kings. (Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 8) SAMIKA II. (SAMlKA). A great warrior of the Vrsni in Dvaraka. dynasty and one of the seven maharathis He was present at the wedding of Draupadi. (Adi Parva. Chapter 14, Verse 58).

Other information.

1000000000000 Mahapadmam 1000000000000 Saiiku 1000000000 100000000000000 Jaladhi Antyam 1000000000000000 100000000000000000 Madhyam Parardham 1000000000000000000 Dasaparardham. SAMKHAYA. An acarya, who worked in the Rgveda branch of the Vedas.

ing Cakra


ants given to

and Vikrama.

Subrahmanya by Visnu,

of the three attendthe other two be-


Verse 37)

Parva, Chapter 45,






and fire see under Agni, Para 12) Wife of Sun (Surya). SAMJNA. Sarhjna was the daughter of Visvakarman 1) Birth. according to the Visnu Purana (Part 3, Chapter 2) and to of Tvasta according Mahabharata, Adi Parva Verse 35) Most of the Puranas refer to ( Chapter 66,


this tree

(Bhagavata, Skandha 9). of the Puru dynasty, being one of ten sons of Bhadrasva (Agni Purana, Chapter 28). SAMPAKA. A very pious brahmin, whose slogan in life was that renunciation was the greatest asset in life. (Santi Parva, Chapter 1 76, Verse 4) SAMPATI I. A bird. The elder brother of Jatayu.

king of the Bharata dynasty. He was the son of king Naraka and father of Rantideva. (Bhagavata 9th Skandha). One of the sons ofVasudevaby Devaki.

by Mahavisnu. 44, Verse 23).

(Mahabharata, Sand Parva,

of the followers given to


Sarhjna as the daughter of VKvakarman. 2 ) Separation from husband. Sarhjna lacked the power to put up with the heat of Surya. She once went into the forest to perform Tapas after deputing her companion, Chaya, to serve her husband. Sarhjna left her three sons Manu, Yama, and Yarn! also in the charge of Chaya, who in the guise of Sarhjna served Surya. He took her to be his wife and begot three children, Sanai:'.Chaya once cara, (another) Manu and Tapati of her. angry and cursed Yama, son of Sarhjna. Then it got was that Surya realised that she was not his wife. Surya felt very sad at this separation from his wife and went to the forest in search of her. He knew, by the power of his meditation, that Sarhjna was doing tapas Then he assumed the form of a in the guise of a mare. horse and begot of the mare the ASvinikumaras and Revanta. The A^vinikumaras named Nasatya andDasra, were born through the mare's (Samjna) nose. (Anus"asana Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 17). Surya brought Sarhjna back with him. She 3) Reunion. to her father Visvakarman, that life with complained Surya was impossible on account of his excessive heat,

under Jafayu, para 1). Sampati in the Rdmayana. Once Sampati and his younger brother Jatayu flew to the Sun. To protect his younger brother Jatayu whohadneared the Sun, Sampati opened his wings which were burnt and he fell on the shore of the salt sea. At this time an army of the monkeys, with Hanuman at their head came there, in search of Sita. Sampati gave them directions of the path
details see

Aruna and Garuda were the sons born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Vinata. Two sons named Sampati and Jatayu were born to Aruna. (For further
1) Birth.


nadi the

Rama and

they were to follow.

Mali II. A Rakrasa








on the Kaurava side. He took his place at the 'hrdaya' (centre) of the Garudavyuha set up by Drona. (Drona Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 12). SAMPRIYA. A princess of the Madhu dynasty. King Vidura married her, and a son called Anasva was

The son of Kumbhi(giant) of Kaikasi. (See under Kaikasi). III. A warrior who fought against the Panda-


and so Visvakarman ground Siirya on his drilling machine and reduced his heat. But, only 1/8 of the heat (effulgence) could be so reduced, and it was with that
fraction of effulgence that Visnu's disc


Chapter 95, Verse 40) Son of Citraratha by Crna. He married Utkala and the couple had a son called Marici, who became very famous in after years. (Bhagavata, Skandha 5)
to the couple. (Adi Parva,
. .


Kubera's puspakavimana and Subrahmanya's weapon called Sakti were made. (Visnu Purana Part 3, Chapter 2; Harivarh:'a Chapter 41 and Bhavisya Purana For details see under Tapati. SAMKHYA. In ancient India digits up to 19 were in vogue. Bhaskaracarya the great mathematician, has in his work,
trisula (trident),



and the daughter of Priyavrata, who had married the daughter of Kardama. Ten sons and two daughters named Samrat and Kuksi were born to Priyavrata. (Visnu Purana, ArhSa 2, Chapter 1). SAMRDDHA. A naga (serpent) born in the family of Dhrtarastra. This serpent was burnt to death in the

The grand-daughter


Manu Svayambhuva

of the

"Lilavati", given the following







(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter


serpent sacrifice of Janamejaya.

57, Verse 18).

of Gurus.

(See under




got back the kingdom by Vasistha's help and performed a Yajna with the latter as high priest. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 45) (v) A son called Kuru was born to him by Tapati daughter of Surya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 48). (vi) He was a devotee of Surya. (Adi Parva, Chapter

sub-Parva of Drona Parva comprising Chapters 17-32. SAMSATl. Wife of the Agni called Pavamana. The couple had two sons called Sabhya and Avasathya. (Matsya Purana, Chapter 51, Verse 12) SAMSRUTYA. One of the Vedantist sons of Visvamitra. (Anu'asana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 55). SAMSTHANA. A region in India mentioned in the Puranas. Armies from this region protected Bhlsma (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 51) during the great war. SAMUDRAKATlRTHA. A holy place near Arundhativata. He who bathes here and fasts for three days will derive the same benefits as those of performing the a'vamedha yajna and gifting away of thousand cows. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 81). SAMUDRANISKUTA. An urban area in India famous in the Puranas. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 49) SAMUDRASENA. A Ksatriya king. He was a wise man, well-versed in Economics. He was the rebirth of Kaleya, an asura. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse Bhlmasena defeated this Samudrasena, during 54). his regional conquest of the east. Samudrasena was killed by the Pandavas in the Bharata battle. (M. B. Sabha. Parva, Chapter 30; Karna Parva, Chapter 67). SAMUDRAVEGA A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 63) SAMUDRONMADA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 68). SAMUHA. An eternal Vi'vadeva (god concerned with


then he

170, Verse 12).




been born.


Once there was no rainfall for twelve years in kingdom. (Adi Parva, Chapter 172, Verse 38). (ix) He is one of the kings to be remembered at dawn and at dusk. (Anugasana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 54) Paura(x) Words like Ajamldha, Arksa, Paurava, vanandana and Rksaputra have been used in Mahabharata as synonyms of Samvarana.

king more handsome than he had yet (Adi Parva, Chapter 170, Verse 15).

Angiras had eight sons called Brhaspati, Utathya, Samvarta, Payasya, Sand, Ghora, Virupa and Sudhanva. (Anugasana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 30) Samvarta was the third among the sons and he lived on inimical terms with his eldest brother Brhaspati. When once Brhaspati forsook king Marutta it was Samvarta, who managed for the king his yajna. ( Sand Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 20)

Son of Angiras.

Other information.






of Indra's court.

Parva, Chapter


offerings to the 91, Verse 30).


(AnuSasana Parva, Chapter

He lives in Brahma's court and worships him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 12).

Verse 19).




wind which moves the aerial chariots of the Devas. According to Vyasa there are seven winds. While once he was teaching his son Suka Vedas, a storm blew and the teaching had to be stopped for some time. Then Suka asked his father about winds, and Vyasa answered as follows There are seven vayus (winds). The first one called Pravaha moves the clouds. The second one, Avaha, causes thunder while the third vayu, Udvaha, converts sea-water into vapour and causes rain. The fourth one Sarhvaha moves clouds in the sky. The clouds are the aeroplanes of the Devas. The fifth is Vivaha, which The sixth Vayu, gives form and shape to the clouds. Parivaha, keeps Akagagariga motionless while due to the action of the seventh Vayu, Paravaha, the souls travel. (Sand Parva, Chapter 329)


1 Descended from Visnu thus Brahma ) Genealogy. Atri-Candra - Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusa Yayati - Puru - Janamejaya - Pracinvan - Manasyu Vitabhaya - Sundu - Bahuvidha - Samyati - Rahovadi BhadraSva - Matinara - Santurodha - Dusyanta Bharata - Brhatksatra - Hasti - Ajamldha - Rksa Sarhvarana. 2) Marriage. Samvarana married Tapati, daughter of Surya. (For details see under Tapati).

king of the lunar dynasty.

Samvarta and Bghaspad disliked each other. (Drona Parva, Chapter 55, Verse 38; Sand Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 29). (v) He was one of those who visited Bhlsma on his bed Sand Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 9) of arrows. ( (vi) It was he, who recited the praises of Siva to king Marutta so that the latter got gold. (M.B. Southern text, Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 8). Once he paralysed Indra's Vajrayudha. (Agva(vii) medha Parva, Chapter 0, Verse 17). downlndra to the (viii) It was he, who invited and got conducted by Marutta. (A-'vamedha Parva, yajna Chapter 10, Verse 25). SAMVARTAKA I. A naga born to Kasyapaprajapati of his wife Kadru. (Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 10). SAMVARTAKA II. An agni, which is burning always on mount Malyavan. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 7, Verse

Verse 13).

King Marutta a

once got conducted at Plaksavatarana tirtha yajna. (Vana Parva, Chapter 129,



become handsome

holy place (tank).


Those, who Parva,


Chapter 85, Verse 31).

master learning.

3) Other information.
( i)


holy place. He who bathes here will (Vana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 1).

naga born

King Pancala once attacked and subjugated him. (Adi Parva, Chapter 93, Verse 37). (ii) He gave up the throne in fear of the enemy and went and lived on the banks of the river Sindhu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 39). (iii) To regain his kingdom he appointed Vasistha as his priest. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 42)

(Udyoga Parva, Chapter

Devi, who Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 43). (Sabha SAMYAMA. A son of the Raksasa called Satas'rnga. He was killed by Sudeva, chief of the army of Ambarisa. Southern Text, Sand Parva, Chapter ( Mahabharata,

in the Kasyapa dynasty. 103, Verse 13). worships Brahma in his court.



sub -section of Udyoga
to 46.

king of Kasi. By nature non-attached to worldly things and very righteous, he studied Sankhya and Yoga from Paficasikha and went into the forest

I. Another name of King Somadatta. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 33)


Parva in Mahabharata, Chapters 42



under AmaravatI)

renouncing everything. ( Sand Parva, Chapter 1 ) Another name of Sala, son of Somadatta. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 11)


warrior of Subrahmanya. Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 74). SANDAMSA. A hell. (See under Kala).


of Yama's Capital city. (See

measure of distance. If a strong man throws a thing the distance between the man and the spot where the thing thrown by him falls is called Samyanipata. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 9) SAMYAPRASA. A sacred place on the banks of river Sarasvati. Here Vyasa once built an asrama and lived there. (Devi Bhagavata, 6th Skandha). SAMYATI I. Third son of Nahusa, his other sons being Yati, Yayati, Ayati and Dhruva. (Adi Parva, Chapter 75, Verse 30). SAMYATI II. A king, who was the great-grandson of emperor Puru and son of Pracinvan. ASmaki, born of the Yadu dynasty was his mother. He married Varaiigi daughter of Drsadvan and a son called Ahamyati was born to the couple. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 14). SAMYODHAKAJVTAKA. A Yaksa, an attendant of Kubera. (Valmlki Ramayana, Uttara Kanda, Chapter

SAMYANIPATA. A particular

thus rendered the asuras powerless. When the Devas some time, began a yajna, Sandha and Marka approached them for the promised Soma, but the Devas did not keep their word, and the disillusioned Sandhamarkas were driven out of the yajftic hall. (Taittiriyasarhafter

The two rsis called Sandha and who were priests of the asuras and whose presence made them invincible. The Devas enticed the two priests to their side by offering them Soma and

SANDHANAKARANl. See under Mrtasanjivani) SANDHYA I. The previous birth of Arundhati, wife


6,4, 10).


Vasistha. (For


details see

under Vasisfha Para




Mother of


It is stated in


the daughter of Sandhya was Vidyutkesa. SANDHYA III. Time of union or conjunction. There are three Sandhyas in a day. These are morning sandhya


giantess Salakatahka. that this Salakatarika. married by the giant


I. The eldest son of Brhaspati. This agni(Samyu) worshipped in Caturmasya and asVamedha yajnas. Satya, daughter of Dharmadeva was Sarhyu's wife, and to the couple were born a son and three daughters. (Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Verse 2). SAMYU II. An acarya. He is believed to have a special method of performing yajnas. ( Satapathabrahmana) SANAKADI ( S) Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara, the four Sages. The Sanakadis are the mental sons of Brahma. When they stood in the form of infants they were asked to create subjects. But they were the incarnation of 'Sattva', (the attribute of purity), and so were not prepared to undertake creation. Even at the age of four or five the four of them learned the Vedas, and travelled together. They were celibates for ever. While the Sanakadis were travelling thus one day they reached Vaikuntha, and cursed Jaya and Vijaya who showed disrespect towards them. (See under Jayavijayas). It is mentioned in some places that the Sanakadis were the incarnations of portions of Mahavisnu. Once Brahma praised the incarnations of Visnu.
. .


Verse 21).

(Pratahsandhya), noon sandhya (Madhyahna sandhya) and evening sandhya (Sayarh Sandhya). The meeting time of night and day, is morning Sandhya, the joining time of the first half and the second half of the day, and the joining time of is noon (Madhyahna Sandhya) day and night, is evening Sandhya (Sayarh sandhya). Brahmins should keep the three Sandhyas properly. The morning sandhya is of three kinds. Good, Medium and Bad. When the morning stars are seen and the sunrise is approaching it is good morning; when the stars are not seen and the sun is not risen it is medium sandhya and the morning time after the sunrise is bad

Sandhya. In sayarhsandhya also there is this difference of time, as good, medium and bad. The time till the sunset is good the time after the sunset and before the medium and the evening after the rising of the stars is of the stars is bad. In the Vedas it is metaphoricrising Brahmins are trees, and the three ally mentioned that are their roots, the Vedas, their branches and sandhyas the rites and rituals ordained in the Vedas their leaves. From this it is clear that Brahmins should on no



The Brahmin who does

sandhyas Sudra and

It is clear


details see

SANATANA II. One of the Sanakadis. SANATKUMARA. One of the Sanakadis.


II. A disciple of Saiikaracarya. (For further under Sankaracarya, Para 6). SANATANA I. A hermit. Itis mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 16, that this hermit shone in the court of Yudhisthira.

(Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 1 Skandha 7 ; Bhagavata, Skandha 7, Bhavisya Purana). SANANDANA I. A hermit who was one of the Sanakadis.

incarnation of creation.

the Kumaras ( Sanakadis) had taken before the present Brahma began the work

holy river who worships Varuna in (Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 23). SANDHYA V. The presiding Devata of dusk. She is called Praticyadevi as well. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter


Moreover will have no right to ing, morning and noon worships, conduct any other Vedic rites. After the sun-rise and sun-set, within three nazhikas and evening wor(a nazhika-24 minutes) the morning There is atonement ordered should be finished. ship for morning and evening prayers conducted after the Skandha 11). stipulated time. (Devi Bhagavata,

unobserved, worships at these three not observe these three carefully will, in his life time, become a after the death, will be born again as a dog. the Brahmin who does not do the three even-

his assembly.

Another name of Sanatkumara, who one of the four Sanakadis. (See under Sanatkumara)

117, Verse 16). S ANDHYAKAR ANAND I. A Sanskrit poet the 12th century A. D. A poetic work of


lived in


is "Ramapalacarita". This book Ramapala, who ruled over Bengal is

about the king end of llth



at the


century A. D.

this opinion Ragini got angry and Brahma cursed her and changed her into Sandhyaraga. (See under Parvati). SANDHYAVALI. Sandhyavall was the wife of King _Rukmangada. (See under Dharmarigada). SAyDlLl I. A daughter of Daksa. She was married by Dharmadeva and a Vasu called Anala was born to the couple. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 17). SANDILl II. A yogini famed in the Puranas. She once cursed Garuda as a result of which he lost his feathers. (For details see under Garuda) SANDILl III. A very chaste Devi living in Devaloka. She once taught Sumanas, the Kekaya princess the duties of a chaste woman. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter

red colour seen in the sky in the evening is Sandhyaraga. Ragini the daughter of Himavan did penance to obtain Paramasiva as husband. The Devas took her before Brahma, who said that she was not able to bear the radiance of Siva. Hearing

Preceptor of Sri Krsna and Balabhadra they learned all the Vedas, art of astronomy, gandharva Veda, medicine, drawing, and horses and archery. (For training elephants


details see


under Krsna, Para



Sani is the son of Surya by Chaya, the of Sarhjna. Surya had three sons by Chaya, Manu, TapatI and Sani. (See under Chaya) .

Sani worships Brahma in Brahmasabha. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 29). Sani is very effulgent and intense in his form and (ii) character. When Sani threatens the star RohinI, great

Other information.

123, Verse 8).



wife VisnumatI, who had approached the maharsi in great sorrow. As a result of eating rice given by the maharsi VisnumatI became the mother of a son, who became in later years famous as emperor Sahasranika. (Kathasaritsagara,

him are given hereunder. (1) King Satamka and his






Kathamukhalambaka, Taranga
(2) (3) 54,

A member of Yudhisthira's
He had an





Verse 17).

(Sabha Parva,

ascetic daughter. (Salya Parva, Chapter Verse 5) (4) He once opined that the gift of a mere ox-cart was equal to the gift of water in a golden pot. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 19). (5) He visited Bhlsma on his bed of arrows. (Santi Parva Chapter 47, Verse 6). (6) King Sumanyu once gave the maharsi plenty of food materials. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 173, Verse

occur on earth. ( Udyoga Parva, Chapter 143, Verse 8) (iii) Sani will incarnate as Manu in the coming Yuga. (Sand Parva, Chapter 349, Verse 55). (iv) Sani is one of the planets to be daily worshipped. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 17). Siva and Tripura, Sani (v) In the battle between mounted in a chariot clashed with Narakasura. (Bhagavata, 6th Skandha) SANlYA. A country in south India famous in the Puranas. Mention is made about this country in Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 63. SANJAYA I. Minister of Dhrtarastra. 1) Birth. Sanjaya, who was equal to a hermit, was born as the son of Suta from a portion of Gavalgana. (Adi Parva, Chapter 68, Verse 93) 2) The boon of Sanjaya. Sanjaya who was born within the circle of the friends of the Kauravas, became the minister of Dhrtarastra. The great work that Sanjaya did in Mahabharata was, telling Dhrtarastra every thing that was taking place in the battle-field without leaving even the smallest events in the order of their occurrence. Sanjaya was able to do this because of the boon granted by Vyasa. When the armies of the Kauravas and the Pandavas pitched their camps on either side of the battlefield,


Vedavyasa came


maharsi born in the dynasty of Kasyapa, son of Marlci. As Agni was born in the family of the maharsi it came to be called 'SandilyaII.

(born in the family of Sandilya) King Sumanyu once gave him food and other edible things. (Anu'asana Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 22). SAl^DILYA III. A King, a great devotee of Siva. As a youth he became a philanderer with the result that

the honour of

a devotee of Siva even


when Siva came

women was in jeopardy. The King being Yama could not punish him. At

Vyasa. Then Vyasa called Sanjaya to him and said "Sanjaya shall see all the events of the battle directly. He shall have such a divine inward eye." Vyasa continued. "O king Sanjaya has inward eyes. He will tell you everything about the battle. He will be knowing all. Whenever he thinks of it he will see everything that

to Hastinapura and saw Dhrtarasjra. Dhrtarastra heard about the preparations on either side for the battle. He did not like to go to the battle-field and see for himself the events of the battle. He said so to



he cursed the King for thousand years.


of the immorality of his to be turned into a

takes place in the day and in the night in open, and in secret. No weapon will cut him and no weariness

will affect




come away unhurt from

the son of Gavalgana the battle."




worship Visnu not in the Vedic method for which purpose he even wrote a book to propagate non-vedic principles. For the above sinful action he had to live in hell and at last he was born as Jamadagni of the Bhrgu





SAl^DILYA V. A maharsi whose

on devotion ) are

Vrddhaharltasmrti, 180. 193).



Bhaktisutras (Aphorisms those of Narada. He

taught bhakti in a scientific


(by Sandilya science)

Because of this blessing Sanjaya used to inform Dhrtarastra of all the events in the battle at the time of the occurrence. Sanjaya informed Dhrtarastra of the news of Duryodhana. When death up to the Duryodhana was killed the cry of ASvatthama grew louder. this cry early in the Sanjaya who heard morning, ran to the battlefield with a broken heart. With the death of Duryodhana the boon of inward eye given to Sanjaya by Vyasa was lost. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 2; Sauptika Parva, Chapter 9).



(xix) Sanjaya told Dhrtarastra about those who were Karna Parva, alive on the side of the Kauravas. (

3) Other details. sacrifice (i) Saiijaya stood as the host in the Rajasuya of Yudhisthira, and received the guests and showed





in the game (ii) When the Pandavas were defeated of dice and were sent to the forest Sanjaya came to Dhrtarastra and reviled him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 81, Verse 5). (iii) Vidura got angry because the Pandavas were sent to live in the forest, and leaving the Kauravas he

hospitality. 6).

(M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 35,



to the forest.



brought Vidura back. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter Verse 5).



that Vidura was in sent Sanjaya and



Krsna and the others vowed at the KamyakaDhrtarastra kill Duryodhana. Sanjaya gave a detailed description of that Vow. ( M.B. Vana Parva,
(iv) Sri

Chapter 51, Verse 15). (v) Dhrtarastra sent Sanjaya to leain about the welfare of the Pandavas who had returned after completing the forest life and Pseudonymity. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 23, Verse 1). (vi) Sanjaya went to the court of the Pandavas and gave the message of Dhrtarastra to them. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 25) (vii) Sanjaya who had returned from the court of the Dhrtarastra of the news and Pandavas, informed reproached him much. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 11). (viii) Sanjaya repeated the message of Arjuna in the court of the Kauravas. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter

(xxi ) Due to the blessings of Vyasa Sanjaya escaped from the captivity of Satyaki. (Salya Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 39) (xxii) Sanjaya consoled Dhrtarastra. (M.B. Strl Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 23). (xxiii) Yudhisthira entrusted Safy'aya with the duty of post-war-reconstructions. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 41, Verse 11). (xxiv) Towards the close of his life Saiijaya went with Dhrtarastra and Gandhari to the forest. (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 15, Verse 8) (xxv) On the first day of this journey to the forest, they reached the basin of the river Ganges. On that day Sanjaya made the bed for Dhrtarastra. (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 18, Verse 19)'. (xxvi) Sanjaya introduced the wives of the Pandavas to the hermits. (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 25). observed the forest Sanjaya (xxvii) On reaching days. (Asramavasika Parva, complete fast for two Chapter 37, Verse 13). (xxviii) Sanjaya always walked close behind Dhrtarastra and in places of ups and downs he led the King by the hand. (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 37, Verse

Chapter 25, Verse 57).

Satyaki took Sanjaya as a captive.



who the prominent Dhrtarastra, (ix) Saiijaya told helpers of Yudhisthira, were. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 50). (x) Sanjaya advised Dhrtarastra to put Duryodhana


under control. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 54). (xi) Sanjaya gave Duryodhana a description of the horses and the chariots of the Pandavas. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 7) of Arjuna to the message (xii) Sanjaya repeated Dhrtaras{ra. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 66). (xiii) Sanjaya described to Dhrtarastra the greatness of Sri Krsna. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapters 68-70) that the told Dhrtarastra the fact (xiv) Sanjaya Pandavas and the Kauravas had pitched their tents in the battlefield of Kuruksetra. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 159, Verse 8). came there and gave (xv) At this time Vyasa Sanjaya the boon that he would see directly every thing that took place in the battlefield and would inform Dhrtarastra. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 2, Verse 10).'

While Dhrtarastra and the others were walking along the forest a jungle-fire was seen. Instantly it encircled them. Dhrtarastra cried out to Sanjaya to run for his life. But Sanjaya did not like to forsake them in that danger. Dhrtarastra said that since they had left home and country there was no wrong in dying by jungle fire. At last yielding to the compulsion of Dhrtarastra, Sanjaya ran away from the jungle-fire. Dhrtarastra, Gandhari and Kunti died in the wild-fire. Sanjaya reached the basin of the Ganges and informed the hermits of the death of Dhrtarastra and the others, and then went to the Himalayas. (M.B. Asramavasika, Chapter 37, Verse 19). SANJAYA II. A prince of the country called Sauvlra. It is stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 265, Verse 10, that it was this prince Sanjaya who carried the flag and walked in front of Jayadratha, on his journey to carry away Pancali. In the fight which ensued Arjuna killed this Sanjaya. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 271, Verse 27). SANJAYA III. Another prince of the country of Sauvlra. Vidula was the mother of this prince. This prince once ran away from the battle-field and by the instigation of his mother went to the battlefield again. This story

16). The End. 4).

Dhrtarastra of the good the island of Sudarsana, the death of Bhisma, and so on. (M.B. Bhisma Parva; Drona Parva) was (xvii) Sanjaya gave the names of every one who killed on the side of the Kauravas. (M.B. Kama Parva,
(xvi) Sanjaya qualities of the


sent his

occurs in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 1 6. An ancient city of South India. Sahadeva, during his regional conquest of the south

Mention is made easily. Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 70,

messengers to


country and conquered


in Mahabharata, Sabha that Sahadeva got tribute

Chapter 5) (xviii) Sanjaya reported to Dhrtarastra about those who died on the side of the Pandavas also. (Karna, t Parva, Chapter 6)


32 of






Parva in Mahabharata. This comprises Chapters 30


Udyoga Parva.


character in the Pancatantra. (See


Pancatantra )

SANJIVANAMAyi. The jewel


pectedly attacked him, disappeared equally unexpectedly. the river absolutely unhurt. The decision to take to sannyasa was taken once for all. Sankara assured his mother, before he started on a tour of the country, that he would be present at her bedside during her last days and also that he would duly perform her obsequies.

stating how Babhruvahana brought Arjuna to life by Sanjfvanamani. (For details see under Babhruvahana) SA&KALPA. One of the sons born to Dharmadeva by his wife Sahkalpa. (Bhagavata, Skandha 6). SA&KALPA. A daughter of Daksa. Dharmadeva married the following ten daughters of Daksa, i.e. Arundhati, Vasu, YamI, Lamba, Bhanu, Marutvati,

in the head of serpents. a tradition among the poets that this jewel is the basis of the serpent's life. There is a story in Maha bharata, As"vamedhika Parva, Chapter 30 , Verse 42,

The boy came out of








Muhurta, Sadhya and Visva.



This brahmin had a very mean wife called Kalipriya. After killing her husband she left the place with her paramour. But, wild animals killed him on their way in the forest. In all repentance Kalipriya returned home and after worshipping the corpse of her husband she observed Karttika vrata at the instance of certain women. Thereby she got absolution from sin and attained heaven. (Padma Parana, Brahmakhanda,

A synonym of Siva. A simpleton, who





was not even seven years old, started for the north in quest of a preceptor, and on the banks of the Narmada he saw Govinda - bhagavatpada, the disciple of Sri Gaudapada. The Bhagavatpada was sitting in a cave surrounded by many wise people. Sankara approached and requested him to admit him as a disciple and grant him sannyasa. Sankara's prayer was granted.
5) Controlled flood. A wonderful thing happened while Sarikara was living at the asrama. The Narmada was in spate and the huts on its banks were about to be submerged in water. People got alarmed. Then Sankara


the preceptor.




put his



Chapter 10).

The spiritual and philosophical preceptor 1) General. of India. Sri Sarikara was born in the village of Kalati on the banks of the holy river Periyar. also called Curna and Purna. According to certain scholars he was born in 509 B.C. while certain others contend that he saw the light of day in 84 A.D. Yet others place his date of birth in various periods between 509 B.C. and 84 A. D. Whatever that may be, the great acarya is believed to have lived only for 32 years. 2) Birth. The name of Saiikara's father was Sivaguru and that of his mother Aryamba. This nambudiri couple had no issues for a long time. So they went to Tiisivaperur (Trichur) to worship Siva in the famous Siva
temple there. The idol in that temple is known as Vrsacalegvara and Vatakkunnatha also. Ere long Lord Siva blessed them with a son. The belief is still held that, pleased with the prayer of Sivaguru and Aryamba Siva himself was born as their son. The child began

the banks flowed back into the river. People and their huts were saved. Afterwards his Guru asked Saiikara to go to and live in Ka<5 and write Bhasyas ( commentaries) on the Prasthanatrayam, i.e. the Brahmasutras, the Upanisads and the Gita.

kamandalu (vessel which sannyasins keep with water) and chanted the Jalakarsana Mantra, At once the water which had (hymn to attract water)


exhibiting extraordinary intellectual powers. At the age of five the boy Sankara was invested with the sacred thread. By the time he was eight years old he had earned deep erudition in the Vedas, Sastras, Puranas, His father was no more by then epics (itihasas) etc. and on the mother devolved the duty of bringing the child up. The boy showed no taste for or 3) Crocodile-attack. interest in childish plays, but evinced a tendency towards a life of renunciation. This attitude of the son pained the mother much and she wanted her son to get married. But, the boy did not like the idea. As fate would have it, an incident which proved to be a turning point in the boy's life occurred soon. One day the mother and her son were bathing in the Periyar, when a crocodile caught hold of the boy. He cried aloud, and the mother got greatly alarmed. There was a custom for one to take tosannyasa, irrespective of circumstances, when danger or death threatened one, and that Saiikara prayed to his mother is called apatsannyasa. for permission to take to sannyasa at that moment when his end was near, and willynilly the mother granted permission. All at once the crocodile, which had so unex-

Padmapdda. Accordingly Saiikara went to Kasi. It was there that he took as his first disciple Visnusarman, a young man from the Cola region of the country. Sankara called him Sanandana. Afterwards other disciBut, gradually jealousies cropped ples also came in. up in the ranks of the disciples. The other disciples of Sankara thought that the latter was partial towards Sanandana and showed special affection and regards to him. Sankara then decided to prove to the others that Sanandana was a disciple of exceptional talents and merits. One day Sankara was bathing with his other disciples in the Gariga, and he called Sanandana who was on the other side of the river to go to him. Sanandana walked on the surface of the water to his Guru, and as he took each step a lotus flower appeared beneath and held him up from sinking into the water. From that day onwards he came to be called Padmapada, and his colleagues also realised his greatness.

Hastamalaka was one of the best disciThere is a story about his becoming Sankara's disciple. He was born dumb. His father, Divakara took Hastamalaka to Sa:')kara believing that due to the blessing of the great Guru his son would gain powers of speech. Saiikara asked the dumb boy, 'who are you?' and the boy answered, 'I am the soul, which has no relationship with the parts and attributes of body and mind and which is also entirely different from them'. There were certain verses, which the boy recited as answer to Sa/ikara's question and each verse ended with 'nityopalabdhisvarupohamruma' (I am the atman and


ples of Sankara.



boy's answer pleased Sankara, who took him as a The boy was given sannyasa under disciple of his. the name Hastamalaka the meaning of which word is he who is in possession of knowledge like the gooseberry in one's palm.



is its


Tofakacarya was a disciple, who came Tofakacarya. soon after Hastamalaka. The name Totakacarya has a This disciple approached Sankara with story behind it.


incarnation of Visnu quarrelled with each other?" As soon as his identity was revealed thus, Vyasa admitted that Sarikara's Bhasya on the Brahmasutras was correct and blessed him to live for thirtytwo, instead of
sixteen years.

The verses were composed in the difficult tofaka metre. The verses attracted Sarikara very much and he took the but applicant as disciple. His real name was Kalanatha, the Guru named h m Totakacarya in view of his verses

his request for discipleship in verse






in that metre.
9) The Candalaguru. to Saiikara at Kasi

in the


One morning Sankara, after Sarikara receiving him. bathing in the Ganga, was returning to the Visvanatha temple. A Candala with his hunting dogs and a pot of of liquor was advancing from the opposite direction Sankara, who asked the former to move away from his Immediately the Candala asked, which, the path. or soul, is to remove itself from the path? The body body of everybody is composed of blood, flesh, bones But, the etc; the constitution of it also is the same. Atman is universal and omnipresent. Whom-which of the two-are you asking to move away from your path? Sarikara realised from the above answer that the Candala was an extraordinary person. In fact, it was Siva, who had disguised himself as a Candala. Sarikara prostrated before him. Sankara thought about God saying that
he who had attained Brahman and the consciousness of oneness with all, was his Guru, whether he be a Brahmin or a Candala.
10) Derisive of the grammarian.

a story about Siva going guise of a Candala and

Sarikara has

ridicules a grammarian. One day walking along a street in Kasi Sarikara saw a grammarian learning by rote rules of

hymn named Mohamudgara,

which he


grammar, and then he composed the very sweet and beautiful

grammarian repeating the useless rules of grammar. By the very first verse of the poem Sankara revealed "Oh fool worship Govinda the following truth (Bhaja Govindam) meditate upon Him. You meditate upon Govinda realising the truth that when death approaches, the grammatical sutra "Dukrn Karane" will not come to your aid." 11) Saw Vyasa. Siva, when he appeared in the guise of a Candala to Sankara, had asked him to visit Badarikusratna, and accordingly he went there and visited Vyasa. It was there that Sankara met his supreme preceptor, Govindapada. He returned to KaI with the blessings of Vyasa and Govindapada and engaged himof the


Bhaja Govindam

to reveal



between Sankara and Mandanamisraas the most important event in Sarikara's life. Three incidents, Saiikara's meeting Kumarilabhat^a, his defeating Mandanamisra and his entering the dead body of another person may be found in connection with the above controversy. A: Meeting with Kumdrilabhatta. Sankara's object was to expose the defects and draw-backs in Purvamimamsa (the ritual part of the Vedas). Kumarilabhatta was the most competent person for a discussion on the subject. Sankara, for this purpose, went to Prayaga from Kasi. But, Kumarilabhatta was not in a condition fit for disHe was slowly burning himself to death in a cussion. heap of paddy husk set on fire. He courted this punishment voluntarily to atone for a wrong he had committed. Years back he had put on Buddhistic attire and studied the secrets of Buddhistic religion from its precepKumators with the object of refuting that religion. rilabhatta had great faith in Karmakanda, and he therefore, decided that it was his duty to make atonement for the wrong he had purposely done according Sankara was to injunctions laid down in Karmakanda. very sorry to find Kumarilabhatta in this condition in which discussion could not be held with him on the of Purvamimamsa. Kumarilabhatta directed defects Sankara to the great scholar, Mandanamisra at Mahismati for a discussion on Purvamimamsa. Sankara reached B. Mandanamisra defeated. When Mandanamisra's house a ceremony connected with obsequies was being conducted there. The door for entry to the house was closed. Sankara, by his yogic power entered the home and revealed the object of his visit to Mandanamis'ra, who agreed to the proposal of Sankara. Accordingly a debate began between the two. BharatidevI, wife of Mandanamisra and an erudite
scholar in her own title acted as the arbiter in the discusBefore the debate started she put a garland of sion. flowers on the neck of both the contenders and announced that he would be considered as defeated in the debate the garland on whose neck began fading first. The debate continued for a number of days and the

Pandits (scholars) view

and Mandanamtira. controversy or discussion

self in the writing of books.

12) Sankara's age.




Brahma had

Before Sankara

allotted to him only eight years' life. left his house at Kalati, a batch of

legend about Sahkara's

garland on Mandanamisra's neck began showing signs of fading. According to the terms and conditions of the debate Mandanamisra acknowledged defeat. He accepted Sahkara's discipleship.
ParakdyapraveSa (Entering the dead body of another But, BharatidevI argued that it was not enough that Sankara had defeated her husband in debate. She challenged him to defeat her as well, and Sankara the challenge. Many topics dealt with in

sannyasins including Agastya and Narada came to the house. The sannyasins, who were pleased with the reception accorded to them blessed Sankara to live for sixteen years instead of the eight Brahma had permitted



While Sankara was writing books at Muktimandapa at Manikarnika Ghat in Kasi Vyasa came there one day in the guise of an old man, and there ensued a lengthy


between the two. Padmapada recognised man and told him and Sankara thus: "How would there be peace and happiness in the world, if Sankara, the incarnation of Siva and Vedavyasa, the
in the old

the various Sastras were debated upon and Sankara all those debates. Ultimately BharatidevI raised certain points connected with the science of sexual love in the course of her arguments. Sankara admitted that he did not possess sufficient mastery over the subject as he had taken himself to sannyasa even from infancy. But, he told her that if he was allowed necessary time for it he would debate on that topic also.



BharatldevI granted him time for it and the debate was adjourned. Sarikara prepared himself for the study of the science of sexual love. Just at that time a King called Amaruka died. After asking his disciples to take especial care of his body Sankara entered by yogic power the dead body of Amaruka. The dead King came back to

Yogalihga in KancI are the

five liiigas installed by The 'five-in-one' method of worship was Sar.kara. also propounded by him. According to this system

life and his people felt very happy about the mysterious happening. Sankara, who had thus entered the body of King Amaruka, lived in the palace enjoying all royal pleasures. He gained practical experience in the matter of sexual love from the queens in the

Aditya, Ambika, Visnu, Gananatha and Mahesvara are conjointly worshipped, special importance being given by the worshipper to his special deity. Sarikara appointed one disciple of his each in each of the mathas
as its head and these mathas play the most important role in the maintenance and propagation of the Advaita philosophy. The heads of these mathas during various periods

palace. People found the resurrected King Amaruka to be better and more intelligent. The ministers suspected that the soul which dwelt in the body of the king Under the was of some one else. impression ministers that it might be that of some yogin the deputed agents to various parts of the country to find out if there was anywhere the dead body of a yogi, and

they found out Sankara 's body. It was about to be burnt on the pyre when the disciples of Sankara met King Amaruka at the palace and informed him about these Immediately Sarikara quitted developments.
his royal

have been reputed Vedantists and noble souls. Jyotirmatha in Badarikas rama, Govardhana pitha in Jagannathapurl, Sarada pitha in Srrigeri and Kamakotipitha in KancI are the most important of the Sri San kara pithas. Having thus completed his philsophic mission or object in life Sankara entered mahasamadhi at the age of thirtytwo. Some scholars believe that he disappeared in a cave at Kedara while certain others hold the view that he ascended the Sarvajftapltha (the omniscient state) at KancI and spent his closing days there. 16) His works. The literary compositions of Sankara may be classified into four divisions, viz, Bhasyas (commentaries), original works,

lying on the funeral pyre. He prayed to Srllaksmlnarasirhha and came out from the burning pyre. to Mandanamisra's Sarikara returned immediately house and the debate was started again. BharatldevI realised that Sarikara could not be defeated in topics related to the science of sex. Thus Sarikara gained

body and entered


own body now








Father of Upavarsa.

(See under




children in their next

Wife of Varatanu, the brahmin. (See under the reason why the couple had no
Balabhadra Rama.

the derivation

absolute victory in his debate with Mandanamisra, who then requested the former to grant him sannyasa and accept him as a disciple. Sarikara did so. BharatldevI too followed her husband in accepting sannyasa. 14) Mother's death. Sarikara now knew that it was time for his mother's death. According to his promise to her that he would be by her side at the time of her death Sarikara returned to Kalati. His mother expired, and he made arrangments for cremation. But his relations did not cooperate with him and argued that it was against the injunctions in the Sastrasfor a son, who had taken to sannyasa, to perform the cremation etc. of his mother. At last, Sarikara had to cremate his mother by himself without others' help. He made a pyre with plantain stems in the compound of his house, and cut his mother's corpse into pieces, carried the pieces to the funeral pyre and thus cremated the body. 15) Triumphal tour. After the cremation of his mother Sarikara set out on his triumphal tour of the country. He is believed to have travelled throughout India three



(To know about under Balabhadra



SAisIKASYA. A King of ancient days, who lived Yama's court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 10)


King of this country Sudhanva once attacked the kingdom of Mithila. (Valmlki Ramayana, Balakanda, Canto 75). SAJSlKHA I. Considered to be a great, sublime treasure, found in Kubera's court. Brahmadatta, King of Pancala attained heaven as he used to give Sankha to good brahmins. (Sand Parva, Chapter 234 and Anusasana Parva, Chapter 137). Sankha appeared on

A Kingdom

in ancient



enemies. It was during these tours that he established the four mathas (centres) in the four regions of the country. Srrigeri in the south, Jaganatha in the east, Dvaraka in the west and Badarinatha in the north were the four chief mathas established by Sarikara and they continue to function even to this day. The Siva, Visnu and Devi temples and other Hindu in India today very religious institutions to be found eloquently proclaim the achievements and unique reputation of Sarikara. It is traditionally believed that Sarikara brought five liugas from Kailasa and installed


Wherever he went he gained




according to one belief, from the bones of Sankhacuda. (For details see under Tulasi, Para 2). SAJSlKHA II. A naga born to Kasyapaprajapati of Kadru. The following information about it is from the Mahabharata. Sankha to Matali, once introduced (i) Narada charioteer of Indra (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 12), Sankha was one of the chief nagas which came to (ii ) lead the soul of Balabhadra to Patala at the time of his death. (Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 7). Son of the Virata King S Alvl KH A 1 1 1 the (i) He was present at the wedding of Draupadi in company of his brother Uttara and sister Uttara. (Adi Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 16).

them in the five great temples. Muktiliriga in Kedara, Paraliiiga in the Nilakantha temple in Nepal, Moksa Bhogalinga in Srrigeri and linga at Cidambaram,

cows of the Virata King. (Virata they Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 16). On the first day of the great war he clashed with (iii) Bhurisravas. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 26). (iv) He was killed in fighting with Drona at Kuruksetra. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 17).
lifted the





came out

to fight

Duryodhana and


Verse 17). ( Svargarohaiia Parva, Chapter 5, IV. A maharsi, who was the elder brother of Likhitamaharsi. Likhita once punished Saiikha for his permission. plucking fruits from his garden without For details see under Likhita) (


were once emperors they had to give room to the next generation. Bhisma, on his bed of arrows, was thus describing the transience of life. (Santi Parva, Chapter

(v) After death he

absorbed in the



brothers were maharathas on the side of the







A King, who lives in the court of Yama I. worshipping him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 10). SA&KRTI II. A muni born in the Atri dynasty. After
giving his disciples lessons on impersonal (attributeless)




(Udyoga Parva, Chapter 171, Verse 15). SAlvIKHAVI. The asura called Hayagrlva. (See under Hayagriva) SA&KHACUDA I. An Asura. Sudama became this asura as the result of a curse. (For details see under Tulasi, Para 5)

God he went and






A slave

of Kubera.



Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 22). I. A son of Hiranyaksa. Sambara, Sakuni, Dvimurdha, Saiiku and Arya were the sons of Hiranyaksa (Agni Purana, Chapter 19). SAivIKU II. A Yadava King who was present at the wedding of Draupadl. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse


pleasures with naked Gopastris at Vrndavana Sarikhacuda, attracted by the women, went there. He abducted the women and

and Balabhadra were enjoying

He was

(Sankhacuda's) head. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha) SA&KHALlkA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 15). SAisIKHAMEKHALA. A maharsi. Once he went to the agrama of sage Sthulakeia to see Pramadvara who was lying there, bitten by a snake. (M.B.Adi Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 24). SA&KHANAKHA. A naga that lives in the court of

in the fight that ensued was killed by Krsna, who gave taken from his stone to Balabhadra the precious


Varuna worshipping

the latter. (Sabha. Parva, Southern


Son of Svarocisa Manu, who once him Satvatadharma and Sarhkhapada imparttaught ed the dharma to his son Suvarnabha. (Santi Parva,
Chapter 348, Verse 37)

Chapter 9).

A mountain under Kurahga Parvata). (See SA&KHAPIiypA. A naga born to Kasyapaprajapati of Kadru. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 23). SAlsIKHASlRAS (SA&KHASIRSA). A naga born to Kasyapaprajapati of Kadru. (Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 12). SA&KHASRAVAS. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 26). SA&KHATlRTHA. A sacred place on the banks of the X river Sarasvati. (Salya Parva, Chapter 37 SANKHYAYANA. An acarya (preceptor) who was a prominent disciple of Sanatkumara, Brhaspati being another equally disciple. prominent (Bhagavata,

Mount Meru.

brahmin. To the brahmin's question the ghost replied "In my previous life I was a rich brahmin. I thus but did not worship looked after my family well, Devas, guests or cows. Nor did I do any pious deed. But, one day I happened to worship Lord Visvanatha and touch his idol. Within a short period after that I died. You will please tell me the means, if any, for me to attain heaven." "There Sankukarna answered the ghost as follows lives no man on earth, who is more fortunate than your good self, who could touch and prostrate before Lord Visvanatha. That good fortune has led you to me. You bathe in this holy tlrtha and you will lose your ghosthood. The ghost, accordingly dived in the water and immediately rose up to heaven. ( Padma Purana, Adi

and Adi Parva, Chapter 220). A muni, who lived at the sacred I. tlrtha in Varanasi. There lived a brahmin Kapardisvara in the temple there performing tapas. One day a lean and bony ghost, hungry and panting came to the

a member of the company of Yadavas, who carried Subhadra's dowry at her wedding with Arjuna. He was a maharathi also. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 14


Khanda, Chapter


dynasty. It was burnt to death

naga born

in the Dhrtarastra the serpent yajna


conducted by Janamejaya. Verse 15).


(Adi Parva, Chapter 57,


attendant of Siva.




the court of Kubera.

(Sabha Parva, Chapter



SA&KHYAYOGASASTRA. See SA&KHINl I. A sacred spot at




under Kapila.


Wife of Maha^ankha, a crocodile. II. (For details see under Mahasankha). SAJNlKOCA. One of the Rakpasas, who, in ancient days

in the Devltlrtha there will add to one's beauty. Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 51 ).

attendants IV. One of the two presented by Parvati to Subrahmanya, the other being Puspadanta. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 51 ). SAlvIKUKARlVA V. A warrior of Subrahmanya.


Verse 70)

(Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 56) A murti (aspect) of Siva whose worship is ten times more productive of good than the asVamedha Yajna. (Vana Parva, Chapter 82,

Sankoca was

earth and ultimately died.



Yudhis^hira to prove the truth that even the greatest and most powerful has, one day or other, to quit life and die. Among such great ones are included Prthu, Aila, Maya, Bhauma,

by Bhlsma




Naraka, Sambara,

Hayagrlva, Puloma, Svarbhanu, Prahlada, Namuci, Daksa, Vipracitti, Virocana, Suhotra, Vrsa, Vrsabha, Kapilasva, Virupa, Bana, Kartasvara, and Vis"vadamstra. Though all of them

A naga with thousand heads, one of of Kasyapa by Kadru. (Matsya Purana Chapter 6, Verse 4). SANNATEYU. A son born to Raudrasva, the third son of emperor Puru,by Misrake'i, the apsara woman. He, a great archer, had nine sons called Rceyu, Vaneyu,

Pakseyu, Krpaneyu, Sthandileyu, Tejeyu, Satyeyu and Dharmeyu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse



(Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 62; Chapter 95, Verse 45). (iv) It was he, who brought to the palace and brought up Krpa and KrpJ, who were found in the forest as orphans. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 46) Yama in his court. (Sabha (v) Santanu worships Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 25). on Mount (vi) He attained heaven by doing tapas Arcika. (Vana Parva, Chapter 125, Verse 19). both (vii) He is one of the Kings to be remembered



wife of

devas such as

Hermit Pulaha. To Pulaha the sons Kardama, Sahisnu and others were born. The extremely bright Balakhilyas were born to Kratu by his wife Sannati. (Agni Purana, Chapter 20) SANNATI II. The wife of King Brahmadatta. She was the a hermitess. Both husband and the wife did penance at Manasasaras. (Padma Purana, Srsti Khanda, Chapter 10).





Brahma and others visit monthly. Those who bathe in this place, at

ancient holy place.



place the time of


dawn and


(Anusasana Parva, Chapter


the solar eclipse will obtain the fruits of conducting six horse-sacrifices. It is believed that giving offerings to the manes at this place is of great importance. ( M.B. Vana Parva. Chapter 83, Verse 190)

to truth and he absolutely wedded great prowess. (Adi Parva, Chapter 96, Verse possessed

Verse 58)

He was




An Agni (fire). This agni creates the power of activity inside the living things. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 19, that this fire was the third son of Manu. SANNIVESA. One of the sons born to Tvasta by his wife Racana. Bhagavata, Skandha 6) SANTA. Son of Satya who was born of the family of King Vltahavya. He had a son called Sravas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 62) SANTA I. Son of Apa, one of the eight Vasus. He had four sons called Vaitanda, Srama, Santa and Dhvani. In Verse 18, Chapter 66 of Adi Parva, it is stated that that this Santa was the son of Ahar, the Astavasu, and he had three brothers called Sama, Jyotis and Muni.
. .

rajasuyas. (Adi Parva, (x) Synonyms used of

conducted thousand asvamedhas and hundred Chapter 96, Verse 2).





Bharatagopta, Bharatasattama, Kauravya, Kurusattama, Pratipa etc. SANTARAJAS. A King of Kasl. He was the son of King Trikakalpava and father of King Raji. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SANTARDANA. The son of Dhrstaketu who was the King of Kekaya. He was present at the Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhisthira. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9) SANTARJANA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 58) SANTI I. Daughter of Daksa by his wife Prasuti.

Prasuti delivered including


twentyfour children.

King, the son of Priyavrata. (Bhagavata, 5th_Skandha). SANTA. Daughter of Dasaratha. She was brought up by King Lomapada of Anga and was married by muni Rsyafirnga. (For details see Para 9, under Dasaratha)


(Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 7) SANTI II. A king born in the dynasty of Bharata, son of He was the son of Nila, grandson of Dusyanta. Ajamldha and father of Susanti. (Bhagavata, 9th

save a Brahmin's son

dead. (For the detailed see under Arjuna Para 17, sub-sectiond). story SANTAMAYA. A King of ancient India. (Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 236).

who was

story of

how Arjuna




III. Name of the Indra of the fourth Manvantara (Adi Parva, Chapter 196, Verse ?9) SANTI IV. A maharsi. Son of Angiras, he was called




He had

participated in the

Yajna con-


has written a book called 'Phitsutra' about the svaras (Accents) in the Vedas. This book of 87 sutras is divided into four Chapters called antodattam, adyudattam, dvitiyodattam and Paryayodattam. SANTANIKA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 9). SANTANU (SANTANU) King Santanu, on a par with the Devas, was a great physician (Mahabhisak). SANTANU (SANTANU). Son of King Pratipa of the lunar dynasty.

grammarian, anterior




ducted by Uparicaravasu. (Santi Parva, Chapter 336, Verse 8; Adi Parva, Chapter 196, Verse 20; Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 130). SANTI V. A maharsi who was a disciple of the Rsi called Bhuti, who did once go to participate in a yajna conducted by his brother Suvarccas, leaving matters connected with his asrama with Santi, who discharged his duties quite well in the absence of his master. One day when agni became very scarce in the asrama he praised

For previous life and birth as Santanu see under (i ) Bhisma, Para II. Married life. (See under Bhisma, Paras 2, 3) (ii)


Other information.

He was the second son of Pratipa. His elder brother was called Devapi, younger one Balhika and his mother Sunanda. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 61; Chapter

95, Verse 45) He was called




Santanu as things touched by both hands used to become youthful. became King as his elder brother Devapi (iii) Santanu as an infant, renounced the throne and left for the had,

was pleased Agnideva, and noticing that the Deva Santi requested him to bestow a son on the maharsi. Accordingly a son was born to Bhuti, who later on became famous as 'Bhautyamanu.' Bhuti, who was pleased with the devout life of his disciple (Santi) taught him (Markandeya Purana). Sangaveda. SANTIDEVA (SANTIDEVI). Daughter of King Devaka. She was married by Vasudeva. ( Vayu Purana, Chapter 96, Verse 130). SANTIKALPA. One of the five samhita sections of the Atharvaveda composed by muni Munjikes"a, the other four sections being naksatrakalpam, vedakalpam, sarhhitakalpam and angirasakalpam. Naksatrakalpam contains rules for the worship of the stars; Vedakalpam contains the rites regarding Brahman, the Rtvik; sarhhitakalpam contains the rules about mantras, and the Angirsakalpam deals with black magic and Santikalpam




contains rules about propitiating deities by offerings of horse, elephant etc. SANTPARVA. An important Parva of the Mahabharata





(See under Mahabharata). king of the Puru dynasty. He was the son of Matinara. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278). SA]yU. A country of ancient India. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva Chapter 9, Verse 43).



Garhasthya (householder), Vana(Religious student) prastha ( Forest-dweller )and Sannyasa (hermit or sage). (For further details see under Asrama) Manu has ordained that one should Duties of a hermit. (renunciation) at the fourth stage of perform sannyasa life renouncing every tie with the world. After becoming a hermit he should travel daily alone. He should enter He should have renounced villages only for food. wealth. He should not acquire any wealth. He should be a sage filled with knowledge. He should have a He should sleep under skull as the pot for taking alms. trees. He should wear poor cloth and should be solitary. He should consider everybody as equal. Having become a hermit he should not delight in death or life.

of the four stages of stages are Brahmacarya


where pestle is placed and where there is no charand after all have taken food and the pot for preparing food is placed upside down.
It is said that the

hermit should put every step looking straight down to the earth. He should drink water filtered by cloth. Words and deeds should be pure and true. The shells of water-gourd (pumpkin), wooden pots and earthen pots are the Vaisnava sign ofhermits. A hermit should beg for food daily from houses where no smoke comes




food got by hermits by begging is of are Madhukara (collected alms),

sand years and performed a sacrifice each exalting Visnu by singing seven verses from Rgveda. Kesava was much pleased at the caru and gave them Astaisvaryasiddhi (the eight miraculous attainments) and everything they wished. Thus giving them all kinds of prosperities, the god Mukunda disappeared in this place as lightning in the clouds. Therefore thus place became famous everywhere by the name Saptacaru." SAPTADVIJA (S) 1 he seven Brahmins who killed and ate on the way the cow brought for the teacher. These seven Brahmins were the disciples of a teacher in Kundinapura. Once owing to a severe famine people were in a very difficult situation. The teacher sent these seven disciples to beg for a cow from his son-in-law who had a very large number of cows. They did accordingly. The son in-law gave them a cow for his father-in-law. The disciples began the return journey with the cow. When they reached half-way they became so weary and tired of hunger and walking that they

holy place. The reason for giving this place the name Saptacaru is given in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82 as follows: The word 'Caru' means sacrifice. Once devas (gods) and men together put the fat parts of sacrificial animals, as burnt offerings in the sacrificial fire, each singing seven verses from the Rgveda. By this sacrifice they obtained more prosperity than the fruits of giving one lakh of cows as alms or performing hundred Rajasuya sacrifices or thousand horse-sacrifices. "The wise said that it was an endless gift to the manes. The gods, the manes, the Gandharvas, the celestial maids, the ganas, the yaksas, Kinnaras, the siddhas, the Vidyadharas, the people of the earth, the Raksasas, the daityas, the Rudras, Brahma, all these joined together with vow and fast taken for a thou-

asamklpta (unlimited), Prakpranita (prepared

(for the


In whichever stage of life he time being) may be, he should be staunch in that stage and should perform the duties with honesty.

Ayacitam (got by not begging)



If by ignorance a animals by day or purity, he should (restraints of the

breath) daily. The hermit should discard his body made of five elements. The signs of duty are, resolution, forbearance, selfrestraint, not robbing, cleansing, control of sense-organs, modesty, knowledge, truth, not resorting to anger, and soon. Hermits are of four grades, such as Kuticaka, Bahudaka, Harhsa and Paramaharhsa, the last-mentioned being the noblest grade. The hermit who wears one or three dandas (rod) will be freed from ties of birth and death.
or restraints are not killing (Ahirhsa), The celibacy and not _ receiving. five Niyamas or religious duties are cleansing, joy or contentedness, penance, self-study and meditation on God. The sitting postures suitable for hermits are

remove the impurity and get bathe and perform six pranayamas
night, to

hermit engaged

himself in killing

could not proceed a step further. When they reached the cow the stage of death, those celibates killed according to the Vedic rites, and ate the flesh. Carrying the remaining flesh they reached the house of the teacher and told him all the truth. As they had tried to be righteous as far as possible, the teacher only felt proud of his disciples. (Kathasaritsagara, Madanaman-

cukalambaka, Tarariga



General information.

The seven






Kusadvipa, Plaksadvlpa, Salmalidvlpa, dvipa, Krauftcadvipa, Sakadvipa and Puskaradvipa. Each of these islands is surrounded by sea. The sea that surrounds Jambudvlpa is the Lavana sea (salt sea) the Plaksa dvipa is surrounded by the sea of Sugarcane-juice, Salmalidvlpa by the sea of liquor, KuSadvIpa by the sea of ghee, Krauncadvipa by the sea of curd Sakadvipa by the sea of milk and the Puskaradvipa by the sea of pure water. In the centre of all, lies the Jambudvlpa and in the centre of this island, stands the golden

truth, not stealing,



(Agni Purana, Chapter 161). famous Puranic region in India. The king of this kingdom, fearing Jarasandha, ran away to the south with his son. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 28).



mountain meru. (Visnu Purana, Arhs'a 2, Chapter 2) There is a story about the origin of these 2) Origin. seven islands and the surrounding seas, in Devi Bhagavata Skandha 8. Two famous sons named Priyavrata and Uttanapada were born to Svayambhuva Manu. Priyavrata and his

das, that is a hundred million years. aged so much the power of his mind

children ruled the country for a period

of eleven arbu-

Though he was

body did

not show any sign of weakness. At this time he saw once the sun travelling on the first side of the earth, and began to think. "When the sun is walking on one side of the earth, the other side must naturally be dark. Will it happen so in our time? In all places at all times it should be bright and there should be no darkness." Thinking thus he got into a chariot as bright as the sun and travelled round the earth seven times. During these travels the wheels of the chariot made seven furrows on the earth. These furrows became the seven seas and the beds between the furrows became seven islands. Priyavrata made his seven sons 3) Sovereign powers. sovereigns of the seven islands. These seven sovereign


with an

aksauhinl of army

Seeing this immense army of the asuras drawing near, KauSiki, MahesvariandKa.il made a loud roaring sound. Then from the mouth of Mahesvarl, BrahmanI came out seated on a swan and wearing rosary and water pot. From her eyes Mahesvarl with three eyes came out seated on a bull and

(21870 chariots, so


65610 horses and

109350 infantry)


Hiranyaretas, Ghrtaprstha, Medhatithi and Vltihotra. SAPTAGA&GA. An ancient holy place. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Anu:asana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 16, that if one goes to this place and gives offerings to gods and the manes and worships them, one would attain heaven and become adeva (god). SAPTAGODAVARA. A holy place near the temple of Surparaka. Those who bathe in this would attain heaven. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 44). SAPTAJANASRAMA. A holy place where seven to heaven by hermits called the Saptajanas, went standing head downwards in water. This was the
place through which Sri




Garuda, holding a conch, discus, club, sword, the bow From her posterior came out the :'arhga and arrow. horrible Varahl ( Boar) with a great pestle, seated on the Naga (serpent) Sesa, and furrowing the ground
with her fierce tusks. From her heart came out the awful Narasirhhl (woman-lion) with fierce claws, who at the shaking of her mane displaced the planets and the stars, and from her foot Camundi came out. (See

and ear-rings and wearing great snakes as bangles a trident. From the loins came out Kaumari, holding seated on a peacock and holding a lance. The beautiher hand, seated on ful Vaisnavi came out from


under Palala).

(Seven serpents)



Padma, Mahapadma, Sankhaka and Gulika. All of them should be consecrated in temples as wearing Brahma string and having the face with the expanded hood of a serpent. (Agni
Ananta, Taksaka, Karka,

Kiskindha. Sugrlva told of Saptajanas as follows "Oh Raghava This vast area is the hermitage where rest could be taken, as sweet fruits and pure water could be obtained and the forest looks like a garden. Here the seven hermits called Saptajanas, who did penance and took vow and fast by standing in water always, with heads downwards, did live in days of
: ! !

Rama and Sugrlva went to Sri Rama about the hermitage

Verse 11).

Purana, Chapter 51


children of Garuda. (M.B.



of the famous

Udyoga Parva, Chapter


old." (Valmiki

Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga



of the daughters born to hiswifeDanu. (Matsya Purana 6 19).



Kasyapa by




1 )

(offerings to the Chapter 91, Stanza 36).

god concerned in Sraddha manes). (M.B. Anusasana Parva,

the seven Mahegvari,

age, Marlci, Aiigiras, Atri, Pulastya, Vasistha, Pulaha and Kratu are the mental sons of Brahma. (For further details see under the word Manvantara) . situated SAPTARSIKU1YDA. (tirtha) holy bath

A group of hermits. seven hermits) There are seven hermits in this group. The Saptarsis As in each Manvantara (ageofManu) are different. there are fourteen Manvantaras before a great deluge, by that time ninetyeight Saptarsis will be born and dead. The father of the Saptarsis in each Manu's age will be different. The Saptarsis of the present Manu's

within Kuruksetra.

It is



Saptamatrs are BrahmanI, Vaisnavi, Kaumarl, Varahl, Indranl and Camundi.





Some are of opinion that the Saptamatrs Origin. are connected with Siva. Their names reveal that they were born from the bodies of Brahma, Visnu and such other gods. There is another story that when Siva and Visnu joined together and tried to kill the asura named Andhaka and failed, they created the seven mothers to kill the asura. From each drop of blood of Andhakasura that fell on the ground an asura arose. These seven matrs joined with Yogesvarl, the creation of Siva, drank the blood of the asura without allowing it to fall on the ground and so it became easy for Siva to kill the asura.
a story in Vamana Purana, Chapter 56, In ahout the birth of the Saptamatrs, as follows olden days a fierce war broke out between the devas and the asuras. When the fierce asuras Cancla and Munda were killed the famous asura named Raktablja

Parva, Chapter 73 that those who bathe in this tirtha will obtain the merit of good actions. SAPTASALA (S). The cursed forms of the King Manibhadra's seven sons who were sorcerers. Due to the curse of Agastya they became seven palm trees (salas). They obtained liberation from the curse during the incarnation of Visnu as Sri Rama. (For detailed




story see

under Manibhadra II). (The seven





Kuruksetra. This



holy place situated within a holy bath dedicated to Sarasvatl. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 37, Verse 61, that during his pilgrimage Balabhadrarama visited this holy bath. in Mahabharata, Salya 2) Origin. story occurs Parva, Chapter 38 about the origin of this tirtha. It is
General information.

% -

given below:

Once Brahma performed a


sacrifice on the island of All the devas (gods and goddesses) attended the sacrifice. Among the rivers, Sarasvatl alone did



three sons (Durjaya





SarasvatI and she appeared under the name Suprabha. Thus she appeared before the hermits who were doing penance in that place assuming seven different figures. From that day onwards the place became famous under the name Saptasarasvata. (See under SarasvatI). SAPTASVAS. The seven horses of the Sun. The chariot of the Sun is nine thousand yojanas long and its shaft The length of the is eighteen-thousand yojanas long. axle is fifteen million seven lakhs yojanas. The wheel is secured to this axle:. The entire wheel of 'Time' (Kalacakra) stuck fast in the undiminishing figure of 'year' with three naves of the wheel, five spokes and chariot is drawn by seven horses. sixty rings. The They are the seven Vedic metres with their theory. They are Gayatri, Brhati, Usnik, Jagati, Tristup, Anusjup and Pankti. (Visnu Purana, Ainsa 2, Chapter



(The seven




naga born in the Taksaka dynasty. It was burnt to death at Janamejaya's serpent yajna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 8) SARABHA II. A naga born in the Airavata dynasty. It was burnt to death at Janamejaya's serpent yajiia. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 1 1) SARABHA III. A notorious Danava, son of Kaiyapaprajapati by his wife Danu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 26)
. . .







(Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 14). SARABHA V. Brother of Dhrstaketu, King of Cedi. He was a friend and supporter of the Pandavas. During the asvamedha he helped Arjuna to lead the yajnic horse. (Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 3) SARABHA VI. A brother of Sakuni. He was killed in the great war by Bhima. (Drona Parva, Chapter 157, Verse 24). SARABHA VII. Virabhadra incarnated himself as Sarabha to defeat Narasirhhamurti. (Siva Purana,









lived in the

during the


of Sri


Rama visited
maharsi told

Rama that he was waiting to see him and did not accompany Indra to Devaloka as he wanted to go there only after seeing Rama. Rama answered the Maharsi that he would take upon himself all the spiritual assets and good results of the actions of the Maharsi, and wanted him to point out a place for them (Rama and others) to live. SarabhaAga directed them to the asrama of Sutiksna, and after that ended his life by leaping into the fire and attained Brahmaloka.

Sarabhariga's asrama, Indra too came there, but went away saying that he would meet the maharsi after the great mission of Rama was over. The



Dandaka Rama. (Valmiki




and others) were born to them. (Adi Parva, Chapter 111). SARADVAN. A muni, the son of Gautama. From his very infancy he preferred learning the dhanurveda Vedas. While a (science of archery) to the other brahmacarin (Religious student) he performed tapas and secured divine arrows. Afterwards, having been overcome by the charms and appeals of an apsara woman named Janapati, Saradvan had seminal emission from which were born Krpa and Krpi. (For details see under Krpa) SARADVATl. An apsara woman. She attended the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. SARAGULMA. A monkey in Rama's army. (Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, 41, 3). SARAKATlRTHA. A famous sacred place in Kuruksetra. He who takes his bath here on Caturdasl day of the dark half and worships Siva will have all his desires fulfilled and will attain heaven. (Vana Parva, Within this tirtha there are a crore of Chapter 83) other tirthas called Rudrakoti, Kupakunda etc. The sacred place to the east of it is said to belong to Narada. SARALOMA. A maharsi, the father of Dasura. Vasistha once told Sri Rama the story of Dasura to prove that the world is all an illusion. Dasura was the only son of Saraloma, a muni, who performed tapas in the plains of the mountain in Magadha. Datura too did tapas in another part of the mountain. While the father and the son were the father entered samadhi and the son living happily wept over the loss of his father. Then a forest-nymph comforted him with celestial advice. Dasura performed his father's obsequies. He began thinking that the earth was impure and that the top of trees was pure and decided to do tapas in such a manner that he got power to sit on the branches and leaves of trees. Accordingly he made a big pit of fire and began making offerings of flesh cut from his body into the fire. Agnibhaga van (Fire-deity) appeared and asked him to choose the boons he wanted. Das ura told Agni as follows: "Oh Lord; I do not find any pure spot on this earth, which is full of created living beings. You should therefore, grant me the power to live on the tops of trees." Agni granted him the boon. Dasura then climbed a big tree in the forest and occu.

without the least fear, a tender leaf at the top of pied, the topmost branch of the tree. He there assumed the Padmasana (the lotus seat for meditation) His mind was functioning actively as it had not been turned inwards into true knowledge. With his mind in such a state he performed yajna. He continued performing yajnas like gomedha, a'vamedha etc. mentally for ten Then self-illuminating knowledge arose in his years. mind, and he saw a beautiful forest-nymph seated beautifully attired at the end of the tender leaf on




Chapter 85, Verse 42)


place. Those who their families. (Vana Parva,


Srutasena was the younger sister couple did not get a child even very long after their marriage, the King got performed, with Srutasena's permission, the 'Pumsavana' yajna with the result that


His wife, King. of Kunti. As the

I am the great men are requested for. forest-nymph of this forest beautified by the tree you sit on and by trees and creepers equally beautiful. An assembly of the forest-nymphs has been held to celebrate a festival for

which he was sitting. She was looking very sad, her head bent down. Dasura asked her, who she was so much beautiful and attractive as to evoke love even in Kama (the God of love) She answered him in a sweet voice as follows: "Very rare desires in life may be got if

the worship ofKamadeva on trayodasi in thesuklapaksa I too went there, and I, who of the month of Caitra.


him the requested by the son, the father explained to meaning of the story as follows: Svottha was concretised conception born out of the ultimate sky. Conceptions originate and die automaticworld is imaginary. The world ally. The whole visible is there only when there is conception and in its absence no world exists. Brahma, Visnu, Siva and Indra are
which creates the world of three cities in nothingness or vacuum. On account of the blessing (will) of that fundamental Caitanya (awareness, life) the formless conand ception attains Brahmanhood (the universal self)
have been created in the sky is the fourteen the gardens in it are forests and woods, the play worlds, hills therein are mountains like the Himalayas, Meru etc. The two eternal lamps of heat and cold of the or story refer to the Sun and Moon. The creepers of pearl refer to rivers. Special gems have garlands been described as tendrils of lotus and fire in the ocean and the seven seas are described respectively as lotus and
city said to


when you, who can


give supplicants anything they wish are here? You should, therefore, bless me with a child or else I will end my life in fire."

childless, felt sorry in mind to see the others petting their children on their laps. But, why should I be sad


grant her request for permission to live with him; he into the forests leaving her behind him. The son of the forest-nymph became twelve years old. Then, one day, she took the child to the muni; left it with him and went away. One day the father began telling the son a story, on the top of the tree, and

He to have a son within a month. that it would be difficult for the son to acquire knowledge as he was got on the insistence that He did not she would die in fire unless she got him.
Dasura blessed her

only parts of that conception.








itself in the

process of creation.



who was going by the sky in invisible form bathe in Kailasaganga, heard the story. Vasistha hid himself on the tree and listened to the story. It was the story of king Svottha that the muni was tell"He was famous for his noble ing his son as follows

qualities and unique prowess. He possessed three bodies, which possessed capacity to rule the country. One of the three bodies was the best, the other midway between good and bad and the third bad. The very origin of the King was in the wide and extensive sky; like birds he lived in the sky. He built a city in the sky with fourteen streets and three divisions or sectors. There were also forests, woods and mountains for games in the city; seven big tanks, wavy- white with creepers of pearl and two lamps, spreading heat and coolness, burning always. The King, who went about all his time in this vast city, built in it many movable inner dwellings, and they were divided between the upper and lower parts of the cuy. They were thatched with a kind of black grass. Each inner house had nine doors, some of them windows, which admitted air always. In each house five lamps burned, the lamps resting on three Each house was pillars and a white piece of wood. A particular glitteringly plastered and had courtyards. feared light, guarded the sect of bhutas, who ever houses. When the houses created thus by magic moved from one place to another, King Svottha enjoyed, like birds in nests, playing various games therein. The used to go out king, who possessed three bodies, after playing for some time with the guards, and run about like one possessed of a desire to occupy houses, newly built, and then reach the city, which was like a Gandharva city. Frail and unsettled in mind, the king, off and on. developed a will to die, and accordingly he died. Just as waves come up in the sea, the king used to be born again from the sky and to attend to worldly affairs. At times he used to repent about and weep over his actions asking himself what he, the fool, was doing and why he should be sad like that. At other times he used to feel elated and enthusiastic. Briefly put, he used to be, by turns drinking, walking, jumping, expanding, contracting, feeling, drowsy and then exuberant. The great and handsome king was actually, like the sea, rendered restless by wind, possessed by various moods. The father was describing a philosophy of life figuratively

the seven tanks. The statement that in this three-tiered to city the king of conception built play-houses referred the creation of individual bodies. The houses were conto

journey of bodies due

egoes which run away from knowledge and discretion. The king of conception or imagination born from non-

Movement is the of Prana (breath). Pieces of wood refer to bones and the plastering is skin. Black grass said to have been used for thatching is hair on the head. The nine doors are the nine openings in the body. Windows refer to the ear, nose etc. The hand arms etc. are roads and the five sense organs, lamps. The guards, who shun and quit light, are the

nected as those in the upper, middle and lower parts denote living beings in the three worlds, Deva-

Manusyaloka and Patala.

to the flow

materials finds enjoyment in the house of the body, but the enjoyment is only ephemeral. Imagination develops a moment and is extinguished, like the lamp, the next moment. The place or status of conceptions in the body may be compared to that of waves in the ocean. When desire takes place for things conceived it returns to the 'body-house', which is to be born, and it ends or perishes on achievement. Rebirth due to desire

(will-power) is never for happiness, but is for unending sorrow and pain. The wide world causes sorrow because it is felt to be real. Absence of this feeling ends Lamentation is the sorrow as night swallows clouds.
the appeal or expression of the mind remembering forbidden practices in life and ananda happiness, is the proud state of mind remembering noble practices. The three bodies of the king according to the three states-the best or highest, the middle one and the lowdenote the three attributes (Sattva rajas-tamo gunas)

Causative of the existence of the world. The lowest of the attributes (tamoguna) or conceptions according to them, getting more and more pain-giving on account of uncultured action lead one to lower forms of life like the worm, tree, grass etc. Conception of real knowledge and truth is realisation of duty, righteousness and wisdom. It is next to the state of salvation called
state. Rajasa (the middle attribute) guna functions as material activities in the form of attachment When one has rejected the to wife, son, wealth etc. forms of gunas (conceptions) and the very conception


son, but the

boy understood nothing.







thus annihilated, one attains the supreme state. Therefore, Oh son you reject all external perceptions, control the mind by itself and completely annihilate all internal and external conceptions. Whether you live in heaven, on earth or in patala and do intense tapas for thousands of years, unless conception is eliminated you will not attain salvation. After hearing the above explanation about the illusions

Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 4) (v) Sarana was the foremost of those who disguised Samba the son of Jambavati as a woman, and abused


accompanied him.

(M.B. ASva-

the hermits.


A minister


word Sukasiiranas)

(M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 15) of Ravana. (For details see the






(Jnanavasistha, Canto

hiding place Vasisjha _went away.



the southern

A monkey, who accompanied Hanuman


wife of Surya.

(Rgveda, 10,






Sabala, sons of Sarama, were two prominent messengers of Yama and they possessed four eyes each. The offsprings of these dogs are called Sarameyas. The Rgveda and Mahabharata contain a story about Sarama cursing Janamejaya. (For details see under Srutasravas III)


Bitch of the Devas.

Syama and



Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Canto 44) I. AchildofGaruda. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Verse M).



Krauncapura on

of Yadu. He founded the city the banks of the river Vena in South

2) Other information.

drunk milk from (iii) Sarama after having once dasyus lied about it to Indra, and he punished her. (Varaha Purana) (iv) Indra once deputed Sarama to find out the place where the Panis had hidden the cows on condition that he would feed her children. Sarama found out the place and informed Indra about it thus earning for her children their livelihood. (Rgveda, Mandala 1 Chapter

1 1 Verse 40) a graha (Evil spirit) of Subrahmanya which enters the womb of pregnant women and steals the babies. (Vana Parva. Chapter 230, Verse 34).

Sarama worships Brahma


SARASANA. See under Citrasarasana. SARASTAMBA. A sacred place in ancient


India. (Harivarii^a, 2, 38, 27)



in his



Parva, Chapter




bathes here will attain the state where he is served by apsaras. ( Anu.'asana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 28)




Wife ofVibhlsana

called Sailusa. Sarama consoled Slta ing under the As" oka tree in Lanka. (Valmiki yana, Yuddhakanda, Canto 33, Verse 1 ).


and daughter of the



III. Daughter of Daksaprajapati by his wife She was married by Kasyapa maharsi and from her were born the ferocious animals on earth. Skandha 6 ) ( Bhagavata, SARAMEYA I. A King of the dynasty of Bharata. It was is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 9, that Sarameya


the son of Svavalka. (Svaphalka). II. The son of the


under Kala)

under Sarama







A serpent born in Vasuki's dynasty. It was burnt to death at Janamejaya's serpent yajfta. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 6)


1) General information. Ksatriya of the Yadu clan. is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 218,

II. An ancient hermit. It is mentioned Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 7, that Sarasvata was the son of Dadhica. Dadhica once happened to see the celestial maid Alambusa and became excited, and seminal discharge occurred to him. The semen fell in the river Sarasvati. The river became pregnant and delivered a child. This child grew up and became the famous hermit named Sarasvata. After the death of the hermit Dadhici, due to scarcity of rain a great famine occurred which lasted for twelve When the famine became unbearable all the years. hermits on the basin and banks of the river Sarasvati began to migrate to other places leaving all their possessions behind, to save their lives. But Sarasvata alone remained on the banks of Sarasvati, living on fish obtained from the river, engaged in meditation and study of Vedas. After twelve years the famine ended and the country became prosperous as before. The hermits who had gone to other places began to come back to their hermitages. The desire to study Vedas grew up in their minds. But there was not a single person, well-versed in the Vedas, except Sarasvata. So all the hermits accepted him as their teacher. Thus Sarasvata taught the Vedas to Sixtythousand hermits, who had returned to their hermitages. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 50). In course of time the place where the hermitage of Sarasvata stood, became famous under the name Sarasvata tirtha. Tungakaranya is another name of this place. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verses

See under Apantaratamas.



that he was the son of

and the brother of Sri Krsna and Subhadra.

2) Other details. (i) This Sarana was one of those

Vasudeva by Devaki

'Kandanukramapatha' and 'S;~rasvatapatha' for the the But Taittirlya-collcction today (Samhita).

43-50) In ancient days there were two schemes of study



Verse 30). (iii) Sarana participated in the Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 15). Krsna went to Hastinapura from Sri (iv) When Dvaraka to take part in the horse-sacrifice of Yudhi4,

took the dowry to Hastinapura at the marriage of Arjuna and Subhadra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 32). (ii) Sarana shone in the court of Yudhisthira. (M.B.


Kandanukramapatha has become



quite extinct. The a description, given in Sariisk".! iratnamala the 'Sarasvatapatha' attainc;! o vigorous a


Sabha Parva, Chapter

Once owing

to the curse of the hermit Durvasas, the river Sarasvati took birth as a woman in the house of

a Brahmin, who belonged to the Gotra of Atreya. Later from that same Brahmin she conceived and gave birth to a son named Sarasvata. The river Sarasvati herself, taught her son the Vedas completely, and then





which earned metaphysical and philosophical import-

sent him to Kuruksetra to do penance. As a result of the penance Sarasvat a got an original Kramaputha of the Taittirlya sarhhita. He taught (serial lessons) those serial lessons to his disciples. In course of time these serial lessons got the name Sarasvatapatha.










Mention is made in Padma Purana, about another hermit Sarasvata, who taught the Vedas to several disciples in Tuiigakaranya. SARASVATA V. The people who lived in a particular region of Western Bharata. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). SARASVATI I. Goddess of learning.


Maha.bha.rata, Santi Parva, Chapter 201, Verse 30, that this Sarasvata was the son of the hermit Atri.
It is



see her flowing northwards when she reached the eastern region surrounded by Devas. Sarasvati sent back her companions like Ganga, Yamuna Manorama, Gayatrl and Savitrl who followed her. Then she appeared at the asrama of Uttanka under the Plaksa tree in the presence of the Devas. Just as Siva the Plaksa tree bore Sarasvati and carried Ganga, immediately did Siva give to her Badavagni in a pot. Because of his blessing the agni did not burn her hands. She went towards the north with the pot and came to PuskarinI, and she stopped there to redeem the sins of people. It is believed to this very day that those who drink water from the Puskara will attain Brahma-


Kamadeva was born from Brahma's







of Brahma.

eyebrows; Lobha, from his lower lip, Sarasvati, from his face; the Sindhus from his genitals, and Nirrti, from his anus. The following story about the birth of Sarasvati is from Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 43 Brahma got ready for creation, and while in meditation sattvaguna (sublime quality) began swelling up in his mind wherefrom a girl was born. Brahma asked her who she was. She answered "I am born from you. You fix for me a seat and duties." Then Brahma told her that her name was Sarasvati and ordained that she should stay on the tip of everybody's tongue. You dance especially on the tongues of learned people. You should also exist on earth in the form of a river, and assuming a third form you should live in me too." Sarasvati agreed to this. 2 ) Curse of Sarasvati. See under Ganga.
: :

was born from



From Puskara Sarasvati flowed towards the west and reaching a date-garden not far off from Puskara it rose up again where Sarasvati is known as Nanda as well. There is also another reason for the name Nanda. Once upon a time there was a King called Prabhanjana. While hunting in the forest he saw a deer inside a cluster of shrubs and he shot an arrow at it. Then the deer told the King: "What a crime is this You have

Misled Kumbhakarna. When Kumbhakarna requested for a boon, Sarasvati, at the instance of the latter, lodged herself in the tongue of Kumbhakarna and made him ask for Nidravatva (Sleep), something dif3)


ferent from what he really desired to get Viz. Nirdevatva (absence of Devas).

4) Received Badavagni. (all-consuming fire). Badavagni was born at the quarrel between the Bhargavas and

Hehayas. Badavagni is flames of Aurva, the Bhargava. It was Sarasvati who took the (See under Aurva) Agni to the ocean. As a result of this, Sarasvati, became a river in India. The story is told in the Srstikhanda of Padma Purana as follows :The world was about to be burnt in Badavagni, which originated from Aurva, when Indra requested Sarasvati thus: "Oh Devi you should deposit this agni in the western ocean or else the world will be consumed in its flames." To this Sarasv.atl told Visnu as follows: "I am not a free person. I will do nothing without the
! ! ;

father. permission of my Therefore, please think of some other means." The Devas, who understood Sarasvati's nature, went to Brahma with their case. Immediately he called Sarasvati to him and asked her to deposit Badavagni in the western ocean for the safety of himself and the Devas. Unable to disobey her father, Sarasvati, with tears in her eyes, agreed to do so. Then Ganga followed her and she told the former that she (Ganga) would

have heard it is engaged in drinking, sleeping or mating. May you, who have done this cruel act, be transformed into a tiger and roam about this thorny forest." Saying again and again that he did not notice that the deer was feeding its child, the King begged for absolution from the curse. Taking pity on the weeping king the deer told him that he would be redeemed from the curse when he had talked with the cow called Nanda, which would go there after a hundred years. According to the above curse the king got transformed into a tiger and spent hundred years eating wild animals. After hundred years were over a herd of cows came there grazing under the leadership of a cow called Nanda. Beautiful Nanda used to walk ahead of the other cows and graze alone at a secret place in the forest. There was a mountain called Rohita there, on the banks of the river. The northern side of the mountain was a dense forest infested by cruel animals. There lived there a very cruel and terrible tiger as big as a mountain. A generous person called Nanda was feeding the cows with grass etc. Nanda, the cow, got separated from the herd and came to the river when the Crying aloud the tiger ran after it asking it to stop. cow said: Oh tiger; I have a child, which has not begun even tasting grass and it is awaiting the return of I shall go and take its mother to the cow-shed at dusk. leave of the child and return so that you may eat me." Taking pity on the cow the tiger granted its prayer. It returned duly to the tiger at dusk. The tiger, taken by surprise, by the honesty of the cow enquired of it its name, and the cow answered that it was named Nanda by its master, Nanda. As soon as the name was uttered Prabhanjana was released from his old curse and he became the former king. Dharmadeva then appeared there and asked her to choose the boon she liked and

wounded me, who am feeding my child. that the King shall not kill a deer while

she replied as follows: ''I, with my child, must attain the ultimate place and position, and let this place become a sacred place for munis. Also, let this river

come to be known as Nanda, by my name." Nanda immediately ascended to heaven and PrabhanSarasvati,
to his palace.

jana returned

River Sarasvati came to be




drinks its water will become free from sin. (Adi Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 19) (iii) Sarasvati worships Varuna in his court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 19) The Pandavas, while travelling in the forest, (iv)

daughter and noticing the fact she turned away to the right side of her father. Then did a face appear on his right side. To avoid the amorous looks of the father, she slided off to both his sides, and faces appeared on those
sides of

Nanda from that day: After flowing through the above-mentioned date-garden towards the south for some distance Sarasvati (Nanda) flowed again towards the north. She reached the ocean and deposited therein the pot of Badavagni. (Padma Purana, Srstikhanda) Sarasvatf as Brahma's wife. The Puranas mention 5) three wives of Brahma, Sarasvati, Savitri and Gayatri. But, the three are, according to Matsya Purana, one and the same person. The Matsya Purana mentions: Brahma created, from his own effulgence, a woman, who became famous under the names Satarupa, Savitri, Gayatri and Brahmani. Brahma fell in love with his

(Vana Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 2) Krsna conducted a yajna in the plains of river Sarasvati. (Vana Parva, Chapter 12, Verse 14).
crossed the river.
(v) Sri


36, Verse 41). (vii) It is a holy river. If one bathes in it and worships one's ancestors one will attain Sarasvataloka. (Vana




on the banks



(Vana Parva, Chapter

and a


Brahma. Then Sarasvati jumped up to the sky face appeared on his head, turned upwards.

Finding escape impossible she yielded to the desire of Brahma and they enjoyed honey-moon for a hundred years. To them was born a son called Svayambhuva or

Vinasanatlrtha and river (x) The disappears in reappears at Camasodbheda. (Vana Parva, Chapter 130,

his asrama on the banks of the (Vana Parva, Chapter 100, Verse 13). (ix) Muni LomaSa once extolled the greatness of river Sarasvati. (Vana Parva, Chapter 129, Verse 20).

Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 66)

Dadhlca had


Verse 3).

At one place
are refeired


Skanda Purana,


and Gayatri



(See under

Savitri). 6) Idol of Sarasvati. sits on a white lotus.

She holds in her hands a string of beads, book and Vina. She is depicted in sitting, standing and dancing postures. She is conceived as Sakti related to Visnu as also to Siva. In certain old works in Bengal, Sarasvati, instead of Bhumidevi, is to be seen along with Visnu. Agni Purana, Chapter 50, enjoins
temple should hold hands book, string of beads and Vina.


clad in white clothes,

(Vana Parva, Chapter (xi) It is the source of Agni. 222, Verse 22) on the plains of the (xii) There are many holy places river. They are described in Chapters 35-54 of Salya Parva. (xiii) River Sarasvati once carried Vasistha in its flow.

(See under Vasistha) cursed Visv?.mitra (xiv)





Vasistha). (xv) Sarasvati returned to Dadhici maharsi the son born to her by him and he blessed her. (Salya Parva,

that idols of Sarasvati




Other information. It was on the banks of Sarasvati formed tapas and Suka was born.


Skandha 1). There are various ( ii)


Devi Bhagavata,

Vyasa perin the



Sarasvati shines forth in Indra's court. (Sabha (iii) Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 19). (iv) Once Sarasvati advised the muni called Tarksya (Vana Parva, Chapter 185). (v) During Tripuradahana (burning of the city of the Tripuras) Sarasvati served as a passage for the chariot of Siva to advance. (Karna Parva, Chapter 34, Verse
(vi) Muni Yajftavalkya once thought of Sarasvati and she appeared before him wearing ornaments of vowels and consonants and sounding 'Om'. (Sanli Parva, Chapter 318, Verse 14). SARASVATI II. River Sarasvati, flowing through north India is, according to Puranic conception, Sarasvati devl who has assumed the form of a river. (See under The following information about river Sarasvati I) Sarasvati famed in the Puranas is from the Mahabharata. once performed a yajna on the (i) King Matinara banks of river Sarasvati. At the close of the yajna SarasvatidevI appeared and chose the King as her husband, and a son called Tarhsu was born to the couple.

8, Verse 71). Following the death of Sri Krsna his 16008 (xviii) wives drowned themselves to death in Sarasvati. (Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 25). SARASVATI III. Wife of Manu. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 117, Verse 14). SARASVATI IV. Wife of Dadhici maharsi. The couple had a son called Sarasvata. (Brahmanda Purana, 101, Verse 9)

once extolled the greatness of Sarasvati. (Salya Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 33). the son of Satyaki as the (xvii) Arjuna appointed master of a particular region on the banks of the river.

Chapter 51). (xvi) Balabhadrarama

(Mausala Parva, Chapter



The point where Sarasvati joins the ocean. It is considered to be a holy dimmed by place. Candra regained his brilliance once the curse of Daksa by bathing at this holy place. (For
details see


under Candra IV, Para



maharsis once worshipped Visnu here. bathes here will attain Brahmaloka. (Vana Chapter 83, Verse 151).

sacred place.

Brahma and He who


sacred place in bathes here and fasts for three will be freed from the sin of Brahmahatya nights of a brahmin). (Vana Parva, Chapter 83). (killing SARAVA1VA. The place where Subrahmanya was born.

One who

in the

(See under


(Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 26). tributaries of (ii) River Sarasvati is one of the seven river Ganga and its source is under the Plaksa tree. One

dynasty of Bharata, son of Dusyanta. His father's name was Citraratha. He was a great ascetic and a He had powerful emperor. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha).


famous King





no less than ten thousand wives and lakhs of children by each wife. SARAYO I. A river very famous in the Puranas. The most important things associated with the river are given below tributaries of Ganga originate from the (i) Seven golden peaks of the Himalayas and Sarayu is one of them. Those who bathe in the river will be absolved from sins. (Adi Parva, Chapter 169, Verse 20) (ii) The river exists in Varuna's court worshipping him. (Adi Parva, Chapter 8) Sri Krsna, Arjuna and Bhima, on their way to (iii) Girivraja from Indraprastha crossed this river. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 28) (iv) It was at Gotara (or Gopratara) in this river that Rama drowned himself to death and attained Sii Visnupada. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 70). (Vana (v) This river is the source of Agni (fire). Parva, Chapter 222, Verse 22) (vi) Vasistha once blocked the course of Ganga on its way to Kailasa at Manasasarovara. But, Ganga broke the obstruction and flowed on, and Sarayu is the stream that started from there. (AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 155, Verse 23). one of the rivers to be remembered both at (vii) It is dawn and dusk. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse


Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter




A King in ancient India. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 19, that this King was present at the Svayarhvara of Draupadi. (marriage)



of the five

air and sky elements, earth, water, (ether). What is solid or hard in the body is earth; liquid, is water; hot or burning, fire; what gives motion to the body is air and what are pores in the body is sky.

Body is that which exists and functions with the five organs of knowledge eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin, and the five organs of action like Upastha (sex organ), Pani (hand), Pada (leg) and Van! (speech). The body
depends on the
six tastes,





hot and astringent. (Kaju, amla, tikta and kasaya) The body is internal elements (dhatus) of seven dark (black), black and white,

madhura, lavana, composed of seven





of Ayodhya



Sarayu. (Valmiki



on the banks of Canto 5,


Verse 5).
son called

Wife of the Agni Vira. The couple had a Siddhi. (Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Verse
spy of Ravana. It was he, who informof Rama. (Valmiki



Daughter of Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Krodhavar'a, who had ten daughters including Sarduli. Tiger, leopard etc. were born from Sarduli. (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranyakanda, Canto 1 4) SARGA (CREATION). Agni Purana, Chapter 20

Ravana about the arrival Ramayana, Yuddhakanda, Canto


refers to various sargas as follows.





called called Aindriyikasarga. These three kinds of creation are called Prakrta srsti (natural creation) and that is conscious and intelligent creation. The fourth is

The second creation is that of tanmatras bhutasarga. The third is Vaikarikasarga also

that of greatness




Mukhyas mean immovables. The


is both sattvic and tamasic. Thus, are five in number and prakrtascirgas vaikrtasargas The ninth sarga is the Kaumara sarga, which three. and Prakrta. The fundamental or is both vaikrta root cause of the universe is the above nine creations of Brahma. Prakrtasarga is of three types, nitya (eternal) , naimittika (casual) and dainandina (daily). Nityasarga is the creation after interim deluges. SARIDDVIPA. One of the prominent sons of Garuda.

Since it functions side-long it is tiryagyonisrsti. called tiryaksrotas. The sixth is the creation of Urdhvasrotas, called devasarga. The seventh is the creation The eighth, called of arvaksrotas, manusasarga.

colours, white, red, yellow, brassy and faint-white (Pandura) Vatapittakaphas (wind, bile and phlegm) are intertwined in the body. Since the body is formed of vital fluids from the sex organs of the father and the mother it is dviyoni (males with male and females with female organs of reproduction) The body exists by four kinds of foods, bhojya, bhaksya, khadya and lehya. After coitus, within one night, the male and female semen and blood combine into one body in the womb (Kalala). Within seven days it becomes foamy (budbuda) After a fortnight it becomes solid (pinda) and after one month hard (kathina). During the second month the head of the child is formed; in the third month its feet: in the fourth its ankles, stomach and waist are formed. In the fifth month is formed the back (Prstha) and face, nose, eyes and ears are formed in the sixth month. During the seventh month life enters the child's body. By the eighth month all the signs of the human being are completed in the child. If the' vitality and effulgence of the mother are more than those of the father the off-spring will be female and vice versa; if both are in exactly equal proportions the child will be a eunuch, neither male nor female. If the parents were sad and worried during the time of the mother's conception, the child born would be either If the semen is cleft into two blind, lame or a pigmy. by wind (in the womb) the mother would give birth to In the ninth month the child will be gifted twins. with knowledge and it will remember to what caste it belonged and what all good and evil actions it did in
. .




Son of the bird Mandapala. (See under Khandavadaha, Para 8). SARNJAYA. A Srnjaya King. Mention is made about this King who had been the supp*ort of the Bharadvajas, in Rgveda, Mandala 6, Anuvaka 47, Sukta 25. &ARKA. A son of King Kusamba. Sarka had a brother called Gani. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 57).





(Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101). A hermit who was a prominent member of the council of Yudhisthira. Mention is made about

famous rural region in the northeast of Bhimasena conquered the region during his triumphal tour. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 13). SARMI. A brahmin scholar. (See under Parnasala).


asuras. (For details see

Daughter of Vrsaparvan, King of the under Devayani)


SAR5IGA. Sri Krsna's bow. The following facts about the bow are gathered from the Mahfibharata.




When Krsna


in the assembly of the

exhibited his VisVarupa (cosmic form) Kauravas he had held in one

kalam. Then the Pulluvan playing on the Vina in front and a male member of the house with a vessel containing milk, a female member holding a lamp, two girls
holding brass plates and the Kaimal and all of them following the Pulluvan go round the Kalam thrice and

bow. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 131, Verse 10). (ii) Krsna's Sarnga is on a par with Indra's bow called Vijaya. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 4) (iii) Sarriga is one of the three divine bows. (Udyoga Parva.. Chapter 158, Verse 5) (iv) Sarriga was made by Brahma and presented to Krsna. (M.B. Southern text, Anusasana Parva, Chap. .

and return. After all these persons are seated, the Kaimal washes the feet of and puts flowers on the heads of the two girls, who had held the brass plates; seats them on two pieces of round wood in the kalam. The They should girls will have mirror etc. in their hands.

proceed to the serpents' temple in the compound, pray


ter 141).


bird. (See

under Khandavadaha)

story of the Sarrigaka




(Adi Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 6). SARPA. A son of Tvasta. According to Agni Purana the sons of Tvasta were called Ekadasarudras; But according to Mahabharata, Sarpa, one of the EkadaSarudras is the son of Sthanu and the great-grandson of Brahma. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 2)

m'aharsi. He was one of the at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya.

concentrate their eyes on the heads of the serpents. Now begins the Pulluvan pajtu (song by Pulluvan). At the time of the worship they will be beating tunes on a brass pot, music being made on the Vina. 'Pulluvan pattu' is the most important item in the whole programme. The songs relate to the burning of the khandava forest, Kaliyamardana (suppression of the

members of a Hindu

offering made by Hindus in South India to propitiate serpents. Serpents are pleased by songs by Pulluvan and Pulluvatti (Male and female


(drawings on floor conveying certain esoteric meanings) , to make offerings and for the Pulluvars to sing these form important elements of Sarpabali. The bali has a connection with the story of Khandavadaha. The legend behind the bali is that a Pulluva woman saved Taksaka, who escaped to the ocean after the Khandava forest was burnt down. Songs by Pulluvan and Pulluvatti are unavoidable items in Sarpabali. Drawing the Kalam is a very important item in Sarpabali. It is drawn on a platform made of puttumannu (small heaps of earth thrown up by earthworms and terthe platform being demarcated by four pieces mites) The platform is covered with silk .of arecanut wood. and tender coconut leaves are hung all around it. The Kalam is drawn with rice powder, and other coloured powders. The husk of paddy burnt into charcoal is powdered and with it serpents are sketched first on the mandapa (platform). The naga drawings are tinted with colours. The (colour) powders are collected in coconut shells and sprinkled on the drawings through holes in shells. Pulluvas exhibit wonderful artistic talents


To draw Kalams

momentum the girls begin to shake their heads and to wipe off the kalam. Then the girls are asked questions and they answer. Within a short time the girls will swoon and fall on the ground. They are brought back to consciousness by water being sprinkled on them and by fanning. This is in general the nature of a Sarpabali. SARPADEVl. Sarpadevi, also called nagatlrtha, is a sacred place in Kuruk setra. A bath here is as beneficial as the performance of an agnistoma yajna. (Vana
songs acquire

naga king) etc. One Pulluvan sings songs and a second one repeats them. A minimum of two Pulluva males and two females are required for the purpose. As the

SARPAMALl. A maharsi gifted He had a talk with Sri Krsna on


Parva, Chapter 83)

with divine powers.

the latter's



bird born in the line of Canada's children.

(Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83)

SARPASATRA. See under Janamejaya, Part 5. SARPASYA. A Raksasa. He was the commander-in-chief
of the army of Khara and Dusana, who had clashed with Rama and Laksmana at Paficavatl. Khara and Dusana had twelve reputed army-chiefs, including

(Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Verse 12).

additional cloth across his shoulders (Uttariya) he comes with water in a jar. Four lamps should be burning on four sides of the kalam. Also, paddy, rice, tender coconut, milk, fruit etc. should be placed on its four sides. As directed by the Pulluvan the 'Kaimal' conducts the worship by offering flower, water etc. The Kaimal is to sit on each of the four sides of the kalam and do the puja. Then wicks (made of cloth) should be lighted, water sprinkled on it and with that the Kaimal should go around the kalam thrice. With the

making the drawings. the kalam is drawn worship of naga is begun compulsorily by a male member of the house, and he is technically called 'Kalattil Kaimal'.Hehasbeen observing 'vrata' during two days previous to the puja (worship) Having taken his bath and wearing an



Sarpasya. (Valmiki Ramayana, Canto 27). maharsi, who flourished in the court of Yudhisfhira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 4. Verse 10). SARU. A Devagandharva. He participated in the birth(Adi Parva, Chapter 122, day celebrations of Arjuna. Verse 58) SARVA. One of the eleven Rudras. (Bhagavata, 6th


Skandha) Another name of Sri Krsna. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 70, Verse 12). SARVA. A Puranic river. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 89, Verse 36) SARVABHAUMA I. A king of the Bharata dynasty. He was the son of Viduratha and the father of Jayatsena.


the Diggajas

(Bhagavata, Skandha 9). A son born to King Aharhyati of II. the Lunar dynasty, by Bhanumati, daughter of KrtaThis Sarvabhauma married Sunanda, daughter virya. of the King of Kekaya. (M.B Adi Parva, Chapter 95). III. An elephant born in the family of

wicks placed on a leaf with paddy underneath it and also with burning camphor he should go round the

Mention is made about this elephant in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 121, Verse 26.

(Eight elephants supporting the globe).



Puranjaya Chapter 1 )

was Sasada's

IV. An incarnation in the Manvantara Manu. Sarvabhauma was of Savarni (Manu's age) begotten by Devaguhya and was born of Sarasvati.
(Bhagavata, Skandha


(Brahmanda Purana.


Bharata, the heroic son of Sakuntala. (For details see under Bharata I) SARVADEVATlRTHA. A sacred place in Kuruksetra. He who bathes there will derive benefit equal to that of gifting away thousand cows. (Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 88) SARVAGA. Son of Bhlmasena by his wife Balandhara. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 77) SARVAKAMA. Son of King Rtuparna. (Bhagavata,


ter 254,

II. A son of Iksvaku. His real name was Vikuksi. (For the detailed story as to how 'Vikuksi' became 'Sasada' see under Vikuksi)



during his triumphal tour,

defeated the

reputed in the very much Puranas. He did tapas at Kuruksetra and attained heaven. (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 14). SASAYANA. A sacred place. In the waters of river
Sarasvati at this


Verse 21).

King of the Sasakas. (Vana Parva,




which drives away

daughter of Surabhi. She holds up the northern region. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 102, Verse 10). SARVAKARMA. Son of King Saudasa. When Parasurama killed the Ksatriyas it was Paraaramuni, who saved Sarvakarma from death. (Santi Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 76).





He who


SARVARTUKA. A beautiful

in its waters will never have (Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 126).

to face

evil fate.

(M.B. Southern

was burnt to death at Janamejaya's serpent yajfia. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 18). SARVASENA. A king of Kasi whose daughter Sunanda was married by emperor Bharata. The couple had a son called Bhumanyu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 32). SARVATEJAS. A King born in Dhruva's dynasty.

forest near mount Raivataka. Sabha Parva, Chapter 38) naga born in Dhrtarastra dynasty.

area in ancient India. (Bhisma Verse 46) SA&IKALA. Daughter of Subahu, King of Kasi. She was married by a prince Sudarsana who had been driven out of his kingdom by Yudhajit. As she became a young woman Sagikala heard about Sudargana, who lived in the forest with his mother and fell in love with him. One night Devi appeared in dream to her and told her that marriage with SudarSana would take place, and at those words of Devi she awoke from sleep and began laughing. Though her mother asked Saiikala about the reason for her laughing thus, she answered not, but continued laughing. One day while she was picnicking in the Campaka


form of asasa (hare). as bright and lustrous Chapter 82, Verse 114).


the full

bath here will make a man as the moon. (Vana Parva,





Parva, Chapter


Vyusta was

his father.

Chapter 98, Verse 10). A son of Vaivasvata Manu. I. 1 General. ) Iksvaku, Saryati, Nabhaga, Dhrsta, Narisyanta, Pramsu, Nrga, Dista, Karusa and Prsadhra were sons of Vaivasvata Manu. Saryati had a son called Anarta and a daughter called Sukanya, who was married by the aged and blind Cyavana, and a son named Pramati was born to the couple. (See under Cyavana)

(Bhagavata, Skandha 4) Varuna's home. (Udyoga Parva,


forest, an old brahmin came there and described to her about the great personality and beauty of Sudarhis mother at sana, who then was staying with Bharadvajasrama. a,<ikala's heart yearned to be with Sudarsana.

the Ar'vinikumaras, in disobedience of Indra, drank Somarasa. (Vana Parva, Chapter 124). Two famous Kings, Haihaya and Talajarigha (iii) were born in Saryati's dynasty. (Anugasana Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 6). SARYATI II. A King of the Puru dynasty. He was the son of Pracinvan and father of Aharhyati. (ASramavasika Parva, Chapter 90, Verse 14)

Yama's court worshipping him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 14) (ii) Cyavana performed for Saryati his yajiia at which

Other information. (i) Saryati lives in


It was after also. Sudarsana and his mother took refuge in the asrama of Bharadvajamuni. One of those days, Nisada, King of Srngiverapura and a friend of Sudarsana 's father (Dhruvasandhi) came to Bharadvajas'rama and presented a chariot, which possessed mysterious powers, to Sudarsana. The munis were pleased at this and imparted to Sudarsana the Kamarajamantra, which gave one who practised it all that one desired, and after the above incident Sudarsana began slowly to come out of the agrama. He went about the forests in the chariot presented by Nisada, and he was astonished to find many an armed soldier surround him wherever he went. This happened because of the mysterious powers

Sudarsana, after the death of his fath:r Dhruvasandhi, lived with his mother Manorama and her father. But,
Yudhajit killed Manorama's mother


of the chariot.


Arjuna, in the course of his 'dream-trip' to Kailasa in the company of Sri Krsna crossed this forest also. (Droria Parva, Chapter 80, Verse 82). SASABINDU. See under Saravindu.


was at this time that King Subahu decided to conduct the Svayamvara of his daughter '!a:'ikala. Kings from all lands came. SaSikala told her mother in secret about her desire to marry Sudarsana, and the mother in turn told about this to the father. But, he was not for it. Then Sasikala sent a messenger secretly to Sudar-'ana to present at the request him to be
Svayamvara, and Sudarsana and his mother started for the palace of the King of KagI and when they reached A like Yudhajit had already come there. it, kings rumour was spread that Subahu, insultingly ignoring all the crowned heads, was going to marry his daughter



Son of Vikuksi,


King of




actions to all." So saying the Devi took from Priyavrata the corpse of his child and brought it back to life. SASTHlHRADA. sacred place. Bathing here is more beneficial than gifting away food. (Anusasana Parva,

therefore, got themselves Subahu, but, he pacified

SudarSana, a mere beggar. The assembled Kings, ready to pick a row with them with the assurance that the Svayarhvara of SaSikala would formally be conducted and her husband could then be selected by herself. That night Sa&kala's parents tried their best to divert her heart away from Sudarsana, to no purpose and the same night she was duly married to him. By the next morning news about the marriage became public and


Chapter 25, Verse 36).

female attendant of Subrahsaid in that


all the Kings, who had come for the Svayamvara decided in conference to kill Sudarsana on his way back home with his wife, and abduct Saiiikala. Accordingly

Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter


(Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 22). An ancient King in Bharata. It is

in the palace of

King remains

Yama and





on the fourth day after the wedding when Sudarsana and SaSikala were returning to Ayodhya escorted by the army allotted to them by Subahu, King Yudhajit and his followers attacked them from their hiding place. In the battle that ensued Devi appeared and helped
Sudan! ana,







Ayodhya received with enthusiasm the victorious Sudarsana and he was crowned their King. In later years he became famous as emperor Sudarsana. SASTA. The presiding deity (idol installed) in the
Sabarimala temple.

A great yaksa friend of Vaisravana. (See under Dipakarni for the story about how Sata became a cursed Yaksa). SATABALA. A peepal tree on the peak of mount Kumuda. From the branches of the tree milk, butter-milk, ghee, juice of Sugar-cane etc. descend carrying with them divine rice, clothes, ornaments etc. to the Kumuda mountain and flow in rivers towards the north. The
ments etc. from the river. MinaksidevI praised by Devas has her abode here. Those who drink milk etc. flowing in the river will not be affected by hunger, thirst and signs of old age. Nor will any danger overtake them. They will live long. ( Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha) SATABALI. A great monkey under the leadership of Sugrlva. He was the leader of the monkeys deputed to the northern regions to look for Sita. (Valmlki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda Canto 43)

people in

those places


their rice,

clothes orna-




assumed form
their union.

in love with Mahavisnu in his MohinI and Sasta was the result of



refers to the child by name Sasta. Other information. In the battle between Indra and the asura called (i) Surapadma the former deputed Sasta for the protection of Sacldevl. (Skanda Purana, Asura Kanda) Sasta is supposed to have two wives called Purana (ii) and Puskala and a son called Satyaka. (Astottarasatakam about Sasta; also see under Sabarimala).

occurs in the 8th Skandha of Bhagavata and the Asura kanda of Skanda Purana, but only the Skanda

Kambaramayana, Balakanda). This



SATABHISAK. A star. He who gives gifts of fragrant

Chapter 64, Verse 30)

materials like sandalwood

on the day of this star will, after death, live with the apsaras and enjoy fragrant smell. (Anusasana Parva,

Verse 23).


nature (Mulaprakrti)


is is



She protects them

1/6 part of original Since she was born out of 1,6 called Sasthidevl. Also called Devasena, the patron-devi of children. She grants

Devi born out of

brother of Sakuni. In the battle of Kuruksetra he fought on the side of the Kauravas and got defeated by Bhima. (Drona Parva, Chapter 157,




the real

mother and

has earned Siddhis is the best among the astamatrs (eight mothers) and is the wife of Subrahmanya. 2) Blessings of the Devi. She is foremost among the devis, who bless children. There is a story in the ninth canto of Devi Bhagavata revealing the importance of

always remains by their by the practice of yoga,



Sasthldevi. Priyavrata, son of Svayambhuva Manu was at at last, married, on the first averse to marriage he, insistence of Brahma, a woman called Malini. For long he had no issues and sad at heart he got a putrakamesti



(For details see under Krtavarma Para 2). SATADRU. The Puranic name of the Indian river now called Sutlej. Grief-stricken over the death of his son, Vasistha once jumped into this river, which, realising that the maharsi was as powerful as fire, divided itself into many branches and flo wed in various directions, and hence the river came to be known as Satadru. (Adi Parva, Chapter 176, Verse 8). Once in talking about sublime rivers to Siva, Parvati mentioned this river also. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 146, Verse 18). Satadru is also one of the ten rivers referred to in the Rgveda.


year. But, the child was still-born and Priyavrata set out with the corpse for the burning ghat. But, he could not make up his mind to give it up and so decided

yajna performed by Kasyapaprajapati as a result of which Malini got pregnant, and delivered in the twelfth

follows: "I

himself also to court death. stop there with a woman in

Devasenadevi, the mental daughter of Brahma and wife of Skandadeva. It is I, who grant son
the sonless,


Then he saw a divine plane who spoke to him as it,


His father's

Caksusa Manu by his wife Nadvala. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 13). Nadvala had ten brilliant sons including Satadyumna. Satadyumna once gifted away a house of gold to the brahmin called Mudgala and thereby attained heaven. (Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 32).




India, son


female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 11) SATAHRADA. Mother of the Raksasa called Viradha.



the wifeless,

to the

name was


wealth to the poor and the results of their


(Valmlki Ramayana,







had three sons called Mahahaya, Venuhaya and Hehaya. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SATAJIT II. SonofSrl Krsna by Jambavatl. Satajit met with his death in the quarrels among the Yadavas at Prabhasatlrtha. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SATAJYOTI. Son of King Subhrat. The King had one lakh sons. (Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 44). SATAKARNI I. See under Mandakarni. SATAKARM II. Son of King Purnotsauga. He ruled the country for fiftysix years. ( Matsya Purana) SATAKSl. Another form of Devi. (For details see under Durgama)
of Sahasrajit,

King of


Yadava dynasty.


source of agni.

sacred river,

considered to be the


(Vana Parva, Chapter



Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 60)


222, Verse 22). warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya


Indumukhi, the wife of Sahasramukha Ravana. Satamukha had defeated Patala Ravana in battle. He gave the eternal weapon called Kathorakuthara as his daughter's wedding. (See under dowry for Sahasramukha Ravana).



An asura, a great devotee of Siva. II. did very intense tapas for hundred years making offerings of his flesh in the fire. Siva, who was pleased with his tapas, granted him many boons. (Anugasana
Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 58). I. Priest of King Janaka. He was the son of Gautama by Ahalya.. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha


He once paid a visit to Bhisma. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 8) SATANANDA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 11 ). SATANIKA I. A King born in the dynasty of Yayati. He was the son of Brhadratha and father of Durdama. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha) SATANIKA II. Son of Nakula. The Mahabharata contains the following information about this Satanika. (i) To Nakula was born of Draupadi a son called Satanika. (Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 123).
. .


and Agni Purana, Chapter 278). Satananda felt elated that Sri Rama restored to Ahalya her old sanctity and also that his father Gautama received back his mother and lived with her. It was Satananda, who acted as high-priest at the wedding of Sita with Rama.

jaya (Pariksit's son) of his wife called Vapustama. He married the princess of Videha and to the couple was born a son called Asvameghadatta. (Adi Parva, ChapHe had also another son named ter 96, Verse 88) Sahasranlka. (Kathasaritsagara). (See under Udayana). SATANIKA IV. A well-known Rajarsi born in the Kuru dynasty. It was to perpetuate his name that Nakula called his son Satanika. (Vana Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 84). SATANIKA V. A brother of Virata, the King of Matsya. He was called Suryadatta too. Further he was the cornmander-in-chief of the army of Virata. When Virata's cows were lifted by the Kauravas, Satanika went to war against them along with the Trigartas, who wore golden helmets on their heads. (Virata Parva, Chapter 31). He was an ally of the Pandavas in the great war. He was wounded in the war by Bhisma and killed by Salya. (Drona Parva, Chapter 167, Verse 30; Bhisma Parva, Chapter 118, Verse 2 7). SATANIKA VI. Younger brother of the Virata king. He was killed by Urona. (Drona Parva, Chapter 21, Verse 18). SATAPATRAVANA. A forest on the western side of Dvaraka. The mountain called Sukaksa is at the centre of the forest. (Sabha Parva, Southern text, Chapter 33) SATAPARVA. Wife of Sukracarya. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 117, Verse 13).

hit by the arrow of (vii) He died in the great war Asvatthama. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 57) to by the following names also (viii) He is referred in the Mahabharata, viz. Nakulaputra, Nakuladayada, Nakuli SATANIKA III. A prince born as the son of Janame.



the court of



Yama and



ancient India. He lives in worships him. (Sabha Parva,


story of Satarudra was imparted to Sri Rama by Vyasa to show that all life is mere Sataruillusion or different complexes of the mind. dropakhyana is the story of a contemplative sannyasin. Whatever subject or object he conceived in his mind used to assume its form as water changes into waves,



Verse 26)

it was a boon or great asset, which his heart had acquired as a result of its purity. He confined himself to his asrama and thought about things one after the



This Satanika was born from an aspect of Visvadeva. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 127). (iii) Once upon a time there was in the Kaurava dynasty a Rajarsi called Satanika and it was to perpetuate that name that Nakula named his son 'Satanika'. (Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 84) (iv) This Satanika defeated in the great war Jayatsena,





thought to himself that he

was a 'dream person' called Jivata.

overcome by

in the streets of a 'dream-built city' the

Duskarna and Citrasena. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 79, Verse 42; Chapter 79, Verse 46 and Drona Parva, Chapter 168, Verse 12). (vj Satanika fought with Vrsasena, Srutakarma, the son of Dhrtaras{ra and As'vatthama. (Drona Parva, Chapter 167, Verse 7; Karna Parva, Chapter '25, Verse 13 and Chapter 85, Verse 14)

Bhutakarman and the prince of Kaliriga in the great war. (Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 23; Karna Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 21 ).



the effect of unconscious state for some time. He also felt immediately to be a brahmin learned in the Vedas. 'Jivata', who transformed himself thus into a brahmin slept during day-time overcome by exhaustion on account of work. At once he dreamt himself to have been transformed into a feudal lord or tributary King, who, after taking his meals went to sleep when he dreamt The King, that he was changed into a great King. who ruled the country peacefully changed himself one day in dream into a celestial woman. The next dream was that the woman, while in deep sleep after a hilarious sexual act, was turned into a she-deer. The she-deer, in dream turned into a creeper, and it duly bore leaves, flowers and fruits. The creeper felt that it

While picnicking 'dream person' liquor remained in an

entwined and climbed some trees. Then he (Jivata) went into deep sleep, absolutely unaware of himself, for some time. Then he dreamt himself to have changed into a beetle.



The beetle felt attracted towards a An elephant flower and got captured therein. from the forest nearby entered the 'lotus pond', plucked and tore into pieces the lotus flower. As the beetle had got fixed in its mind and imagination the picture of the elephant it became a tusker elephant after its death. While roaming about in the forest the elephant fell into a deep pit and the King's men captured and listed number of beetles gathered round it in the army. Because the elephant to suck its ichor (madajala). it thought about the beetles the elephant, after its death in battle, again became a beetle, which imagined about the swan in the lotus-pond. The beetle one day got captured in the lotus-flower and became a swan on being killed by the elephant. Thus the beet'e, after

Daksaprajapati and Akuti to Ruciprajapati. (Visnu Purana, Part I, Chapter 7) SATASAHASRA. A well-known sacred place in Kuruksetra. Bathing here is productive of the same result as gifting away thousand cows. This place is thousand times more beneficial than other places. (Vana Parva,


Chapter 83).

holy place at Ramatlrthaon the river Gomatl. He who bathes here and takes food as per sastraic injunctions will get results equal to those of giving in gift a thousand cows. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84,


Verse 74),

Wife of Vasuki, King of the nagas Udyoga Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 7) SATASRlvIGA I. A muni, who lived on Mount SataIt was this muni, who cursed Pandu that he Sriiga.
1 1 1

would die on

Brahma's vehicle, the swan. While the swan once moved about the surrounding places of mount Kailasa it saw Rudra and imagining itself to be Rudra attained Rudrahood. (Rudroham I am Rudra) all the While living happily with paraphernalia of Rudra he remembered his past lives, and wondering about the many continuous dreams of his, "The power of in solitude he thought like this Maya (illusion) which rules over everything in the world is really wonderful. How curious and peculiar






became ultimately

have attained Rudra-hood. Hundred Caturyugas and thousand years have passed in this 'show" Now, I will return and personally see all past episodes and I
shall identify

the cunningness or trickeries of Maya in creating, mirage, the illusion that things, which did not really exist, existed. Mistaking Maya or mirage, as the truth and the fact, I roamed about in many a material desert. In one form of life I was born as Jivata, in another, King in yet another, swan etc. and now I

II. A Raksasa, who had three sons called Sarhyama, Viyama and Suyama. (Santi Parva, Southern text, Chapter 98) SATASR&GA III. A mountain where Pandu once practised austerities. (Adi Parva, Chapter 118, Verse The Pandavas were born here and they were 50) named in the presence of Munis who lived there. ( Adi Parva, Chapter 122) Also, here it was that Pandu died. Once in the course of a dream-trip of Arjuna in the company of Krsna to Kailasa they saw Satasrnga also. (Drona Parva, Chapter 80, Verse 32). SATATAPA. Author of a Smrti in prose and poetry in


his coming into physical contact with his wife. (For details see under Pandu and Mahabharata) .



six chapters.

King. Gunadhya, Brhatkatha was a minister of this King.

author of (See under

A Rajarsi. His son was known as Satavaneya. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 11, Sukta




knowledge on them.

with myself after bestowing

Having made up

his mind like this, Rudra descended He infused life and to the state of the old Sannyasin. vitality into the dead body of the sannyasin that was

and hallucinations.
crossing various of them together

The Sannyasin remembered




He had






from being Jivata.

Then both

He abdicated the Rajarsi. throne in favour of his son and went to perform tapas in Kuruksetra forest where he saw Dhrtarastra and others and spoke about the rules to be observed in "forest life". (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 19, Verse His name was 8) grand-father's Sahasracitya (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 60). SATAYUS I. One of the six sons of Pururavas by Urva;'.I. (Adi Parva, Chapter 75, Verse 24).


'dream-person' by giving him mind and vitality. Afterwards the three of them, who assumed single form by
attained the composition of different personalities, awoke them too and various stages like brahmin etc., added them to themselves (the three). Thus there came about to be hundred persons formed from aspects or fractions of Rudra, and at the instance of the real Rudra they returned to their homes and lived there

the Jivata stage,awoke the




death. (Bhisma Parva, Parva, Chapter 2, Verse 19). SATHA. An asura, son of Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Danu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 29). SATl. A birth of Devi Parvatl. (For more details see

side against the Pandavas. position of the Vyuha made

fought on the Kaurava fought from the 'waist' by Bhisma and courted Chapter 75, Verse 22; Salya



happily with their sons, relations etc. Those hundred persons are the Satarudras. (Jnanavasistha, Satarudropakhyana). In Verse 13, Chapter 150 of AnuSasana Parva, Mahabharata also is found references to the Satarudras.

king of the solar dynasty. It is stated in 9, that he was the son of Jayatsena. SATODARl. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 10)


under Parvatl).

Bhagavata Skandha



Wife of Svayambhuva Manu, who took The couple had his sister Satarupa herself as his wife. two sons called Priyavrata aud Uttanapada and two daughters Prasuti and Akuti. Prasuti was married to

Bhagavata Skandha 9, and the brother of Prasena. (To know the previous birth of Satrajit see under Satyabhama) Sri Krsna married Satyabhama the daughter of Satrajit. In connection with the jewel Syamantaka, Krtavarma

A Kingof the

Yadavas. It is mentioned in that he was the son of Nimna

caused Satrajit to be murdered. ( More details about Satrajit occur under the entries Prasena, Krtavarma, (Para 2) and Satyabhama). SATRUGHNA. A brother of Sri Rama. He and Laksmana were the sons of Sumitra, and Srutakirti was his wife. As ordered by Rama he killed Lavanasura, who

has been told by sage Saunaka to Bharata,





was Bharata, who led the yajnic horse towards the north in connection with the Asvamedha yajiia performed by Sri Rama after he was crowned King. The





lived in Madhu forest, and established there the city called Madhurapuri. After the death of Satrughna two sons of his lived in Madhurapuri, and after the disappearance of the solar dynasty the city went to the Yadus. (For details see under Sri Rama and Hanuman,

A prince, the son of Dhruvasandhi by his second wife Lllavatl. (See under Dhruvasandhi). SATRUMARDANA. The third son of King Rtadhvaja by his wife Madalasa. ( Markandeya Purana, Chapter 23, Verse 26). SATRUNJAYA I. A Sauvlra prince, who followed Jayadratha with a flag. Arjuna killed him in a battle consequent to the Svayarhvara of Draupadi. (Vana Parva, Chapter 2 71, Verse 27). SATRUNJAYA II. A son of Dhrtarastra. The following facts about him are gathered from the Mahabharata. (i) Duryodhana deputed him for the protection of Bhisma in the great war. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 8) (ii) He attacked the five Kekaya kings. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 79, Verse 56) (iii) Bhima killed him. (Drona Parva, Chapter 227, Verse 29). SATRUNJAYA III. A warrior and a brother of Kama
. .

Para 10).

who fought on the Kaurava side and got killed by Arjuna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 31 Verse 62). SATRUNJAYA IV. Another warrior, who fought on



Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 181) SATRUNJAYA V. A son of


whom Abhimanyu




great Parva, Chapter 56 Verse 151



In the Drupada. him. (M.B. Drona

May be, it is all fate." Following Hanuman's speech, Satrughna asked Sumall the explanation for this state of the matter, but the latter could not find one for it. Then it was decided to find out a maharsi and ask him for the explanation. The soldiers accompanied by Bharata went in search of a maharsi, reached Saunaka's asrama and submitted the case to him. The maharsi remained in meditation for some time and the condition of the horse became vivid in his mind. Then he spoke as follows: "There was once a brahmin named Satvika in Gauda(?) land on the banks of river Kaverl. Once he began performing tapas. He spent three days, drinking only water the first day, consuming air the next day and fasting completely the third day. He continued his tapas repeating the above course until one day he entered samadhi (expired). He got into a decorated plane sent from Devaloka, went to the peak of mount Meru and thence came to river Jambu, which flowed from the great Jambu tree on the mountain. There in Jambu were many maharsis, who had acquired merit by bathing in the golden water of the river, enjoying

reached, after six months, Hemakuta on the limits of India. As soon as it got into a beautiful garden it was rendered stationary as though paralysed. All attempts to make the horse move failed. Satrughna and some soldiers tried to lift the horse by its legs, to no purpose. Hanuman bound its legs with his tail and pulled, again to no purpose, and surprised at this failure of his he spoke to Satrughna and others thus. "It was only just now that I pulled out with my tail the Drona mountain so very easily; but this small horse does not stir at all.

journey from Ayodhya

VI. A King of Sauvlra. Kanika, the son of Bharadvaja, taught him political science and all Santi Parva, other cunning ways. ( Mahabharata,


Chapter 140).

in the great war.

King, who fought in Duryodhana's army. Arjuna killed him on the occasion when the Kauravas lifted Virata's cows. (Virata Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 11).
son of Dhrtarastra.




pati 29).

(Drona Parva, Chapter

127, Verse 9)


his wife

Danu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse


asura, the son of Kasyapapraja-





I. A King of the Yadu dynasty and son of Devaksatra, Satvata had seven sons called Bhaja, Bhaji, Divya, Vrsni, Devaprstha, Antaka and Mahabhoja. Satvata was one of the Satvalas and the men born in

was one of the sons born to Vasudeva Bhadra. (Vayu Purana, 96 71).


his wife

his dynasty are called Satvatas.



Verse 30).

(Sabha Parva, Chapter


Another name of Sri Krsna. brahmin, who was turned inio a Raksasa due to a curse after he had entered heaven. His story

Purana, Patalakhanda, Chapters 47 and 48). A hermit. Mention is made about this hermit I. who shone in the court of Yudhisthira, in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 10. SATYA II. An Agni (fire). This Agni Satya was the son of the Agni NiScyavana. He was a worker of Kaladharma (The god of Death). He reduces the pain of

all comforts in the company of apsara women. Satvika, one day, haughty with the thought that he was the master of the maharsis, did something which quite displeased the latter, and they cursed him. When he prayed for absolution from the curse they told him thus: "When you paralyse the feet of Sri Rama's horse, you will happen to hear Rama's story and then you will be redeemed from curse." On Saunaka informing them thus that it was the brahmin transformed into a Raksasa, who had paralysed the legs of the horse, Bharata returned to the horse and recited the story of Rama and immediately an effulgent person came there in a plane and said, "Oh. I have now heard the story of Rama intelligent King and so have become pure; so, please let me go to heaven." After saying this he returned. Bharata and others were pleased to know that the visitor was Satvika brahmin. The horse became free from its paralysed condition. The party resumed its journey. (Padma



living beings who are the name Niskrti

suffering. So this Agni Salya also. This Agni brightens the



uproot the

To honour


served in the army of the of Kalinga. This warrior fought against the King Pandavas in the battle of Bharata. This warrior who stood as the wheel-guard of Srutayus the King of Kalirga, was killed by Bhimasena in the Bharata-battle.

houses and gardens where people stay. It is stated Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Verse that this Agni had a son named Svana.




wife Puskaradharini helped him in the sacrifice. Dharmadeva came theie in the form of an antelope to test the The animal came near non-killing principle of Satya. Satya and said "I am a deva (god) belonging to the Sukra-clan. I dwell in this forest as an antelope, due to the curse of Dharmadeva. Kill me and complete

(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 77) IV. A hermit in the country of Vidarbha, This hermit who was a brahmin was a believer inahirhsa also. Once he performed a sacrifice without any killing. His

to Dvaraka. The Kalpaka tree brought from the world of gods, was planted in the in front of the palace of Satyabhama. When Krsna and the Kalpaka tree became her own, ri tarden Satyabhama became proud. At that time Narada came there. She asked Narada what she should do so as to have Sri Krsna and the Kalpaka tree with her in

goose and jungle crow were born from Garuda. Sri Krsna who won the war, returned with Satyabhama

feather of his there and returned to Dvaraka. Because of the hitting of the thunderbolt, the peacock, mon-

Then Indra wielded his thunderbolt. weapon thunderbolt, Garuda left a

mounted on Garuda,

this sacrifice."


Though Satya heard

last the

arts of the antelope Satya saw there celestial maids and the aeroplanes of Gandharvas. The antelope said A desire that if he was killed he would attain heaven. arose in Satya for killing and forthwith he lost all the attainments he got by penance. (M.B. Santi Parva. Chapter 272) SATYA V. Another name of Sri Krsna. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 342, Verse 75). SATYA VI. The son of Vitatya, born in the dynasty of the King Vltahavya. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 62, that this Satya had a son called Santa. SATYA I. A wife of Sri Krsna. Mention is made about this wife in Mahabharata, Daksinatyapatha, Sabha



he did not wish to kill the antelope decided to go and walked then returned. Due to the delusive

ness. Sri Krsna described the previous birth of Satyabhama. (Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda, Chapter 90). 2) Previous birth of Salyabhama. Towards the close of the Krtayuga, there was a Brahmin named DevaSarma who was born of the clan of Agni in Mayapurl. This Brahmin was well-versed in the Vedas and the Vedangas. In the old age a daughter named Gunavati

Narada said that, for that, she had only to do Tulapurusadana. She instantly placed Sri Krsna and the Kalpaka tree in the balance and all the things placed in equal weight were given to Narada himself. Narada received them and went to the world of Gods. Satyabhama became overjoyed. She asked Sri Krsna, what good deeds she had done to earn so much happiall births.

to him. He gave his daughter to his Candrasarma. Once Devas arma and Candra^arma went to the forest to bring Darbha (poa) and Samit (butea). While they were walking here and there in the Mango grove in the Himalayas a giant closed with them. Because of terror their bodies were stiffened and so they could not

was born


born to Samyu by Satya. Bharadvaja had three sisters. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Verse 4). SATYA (S). A group of Devas (gods). This group of devas lived in the third Manvantara. The name of the then Manu was Uttama and the King of the devas was There were then five Devaganas the Indra Susanti. (groups of Gods) each consisting of twelve devas. Those ganas were Sudhamas, Satyas, Japas, Pratardanas and VaSavartis. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 3, Chapter

Parva, Chapter 38. called Samyu. So wife of the Agni beautiful a woman as Satya is said to have not existed in any of the three worlds. Bharadvaja was the son

1 )



previous birth for saying that.

wife of Sri Krsna. Sri Krsna himself said about the of Satyabhama. There was an occasion


Once Narada came from


He had

and wept and sighed and lay there. Sri Krsna came to know of this. He took Satyabhama with him on the back of Garuda and went to the world of Gods. They reached there and asked Indra for some Kahlara flowers. Indra refused to give. Garuda got ready to

Krsna. Sri Krsna divided them among his wives, but he had forgotten Satyabhama. Being unable to subdue her sorrow and anger she got into her bedroom


the world of the gods to brought with him some flowers of Narada gave all those flowers to

bathe. When she got into the river she shivered because of cold. Then an aerial chariot came down from the sky. The messengers of Visnu took her in the chariot, to Vaikuntha. The celestial maids fanned her with the whisk of yak. After this Mahavisnu incarnated as Sri Krsna to destroy the wicked. Those who were the dependants of Visnu in Vaikuntha took birth in Dvaraka. DevaSarma the father of Gunavati took birth as Satrajit. Candrasarma became Akrura. Gunavati became Satyabhama. Because of the goodness earned by the fast of Krttika, she had become a beloved one of Visnu. Because she made a grove of holy basil (tulasi) at the gate of Visnu in the previous birth the Kalpaka Because she tree came to her garden in this birth.

by Visnu came and took both of them to VaikunGunavati cried aloud when she heard that her tha. She father and husband were killed by a giant. lamented for a long while and then fainted and fell down. When she came to herself she began to cry At last she sold the furniture and conducted again. After that the funeral rites of her father and husband. she lived by manual labour. She observed fast and the vow of Krttika and Ekadas'I. Gunavati, who was weak and lean because of old age and fever once walked slowly to the river Ganges to

run. sent


fierce giant killed

both of them.



lamps in Karttika month MahalaksmI lives permanently in her house. Because she did fast and vow in Karttika imagining Visnu as her husband, she


the wife of Sri






Purana, Uttara Khanda, Chapter 91

3) Family


Vedas and Vedangas.

See under Krsna, Para 16 and


Drona Parva, Chapter



and others were born to Sri ( Agni Parana, Chapter 276) (ii) Narakasura stole the ear-rings of Aditi, the mother of the devas. Sri Krsna and Satyabhama went to fight with Narakasura. They killed him and recovered the ear-rings and gave them back to Aditi. At that time Aditi blessed Satyabhama thus "Till Sri Krsna forsakes his body you will not be affected by old age. Moreover you will always have a divine fragrance and good qualities." (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 38) (iii) Satyabhama had a beautiful white palace in Dvaraka. The steps of the palace were paved with


Krsna by Satyabhama.

Other details. (i) The sons Bhima


23). (v) In the Bharata-battle he was killed by Dronacarya. ( M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 34) III.' The son of the King Ksemaka. In the Bharata-battle he fought on the side of the Pandavas against the Kauravas. ( M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter


23, Verse 58).

Rsabha and

of the Puru dynasty. He was son the father of Sudhanva. (Agni Purana,

SATYAJ1T I. A King belonging to the He was the son of Sunita and the
(Bhagavata, Skandha

Chapter 2 78).

dynasty of Yayati.



those who pass over its steps, hot season will jewels. appear to be cold. (M.B. Daksinatya Patha, Sabha



Parva, Chapter 38),



time of their forest life, Sri Krsna and Satyabhama paid them a visit. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 183, Verse 11). (v) At this time Satyabhama asked Pancali about the means and ways to bring the husband over to her side. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 238, Verse 4).
forest at the

the Pandavas were living in



II. A brother of Drupada, the King of Pancala. He appears in the story of Mahabharata for the first time at the battle between Drupada and Arjuna. When the education of the Kauravas and the Pandavas was over, Drona asked his pupils to bring Drupada tied

had forsaken



Arjuna came


other queens Chapter 5, Verse 13).


his body, Satyabhama lamented with the for a long time. (M.B. Mausala Parva,


after Sri



penance. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 74). SATYADEVA. A prominent warrior of the army of Kalinga. He took part in the Bharata-battle and served as the guard of the wheel of King Srutayus of Kalinga and was killed by Bhimasena. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 74). SATYADEVI. The daughter of King Devaka. This Satyadevi was one of the seven wives of Vasudeva. (Matsya Purana, 44-73). I. A King of the lunar dynasty. He was a helper of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 141, Verse 25). A brother of Susanna, the King II. of Trigarta. Arjuna killed him in the Bharata-battle. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 36) SATYADHRTI I. A son of Satananda. It is mentioned in Agni Purana, Chapter 278, that this Satyadhrti had two children called Krpa and Krpl. SATYADHRTI II. A warrior who fought in chariot on the side of the Pandavas in the Battle of Bharata. The following information is given about him in Mahabharata. Bhisma considered Satyadhrti as one of the (i)




the forest for

(M.B. Karna Parva, Verse 4). SATYAKA. A king of the Yadava clan. He was the father of Satyaki. Satyaka also took part in the festivals conducted on the Raivata-mountain by Sri Krsna and

attempt was made to bring which attempt Drupada and Arjuna confronted each other. In this fight it was stood as the right hand of his brother Satyajit who Drupada. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 42). Arjuna defeated this Satyajit. Immediately Satyajit ran away from the battle-field. After the marriage of Pa.ftca.li, Pandavas and Drupada became relatives. With this Satyajit also came to be on In the battle of good relation with the Pandavas. Bharata this Satyajit was the bodyguard of Yudhisthira. In the battle which (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 17)




Drupada before Drona,











A noble her) a story as given below, in the Chandogyopanisad about the greatness of this hermit. As his father died in his boyhood, Satyakama was brought up by his mother Jabali. Whan it was time to begin education, the boy told his mother, "Mother, I would like to be educated under a teacher, in the But I don't know what clan I belong to. Vedas. What answer shall I give, when the teacher asks me about my clan ?" His mother Jabali replied. "I also do not know much about the clan of your father who married me when I was a girl. From that day onwards I did not ask your I was engaged in house-keeping. father about the clan. In my younger days I gave birth


the others. It is stated in the as vamedha Parva, Chapter 62, Verse 6, that Satyaka conducted offerings to the
in respect of



prominent fighters in chariots. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 18). (ii) This Satyadhrti had been present at the Svayarhvara marriage of Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 10). This Satyadhrti who was the son of Sucitra conti(iii) nued helping Ghatotkaca the son of Hidimbi, during the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 93, Verse 13). Satyadhrti was an expert in the wielding of all ( iv) weapons, especially in archery. He was a scholar jn the

to you. Shortly after that your father died. Tell your teacher that you are Satyakama the son of Jabali." Having heard this Satyakama went in search of a At last he reached the hermitage of the sage teacher.

Gautama and

told him every thing. The hermit was attracted by his truthfulness and behaviour. Believing that Satyakama was a Brahmin boy, Gautama accepted him as a disciple. The hermit entrusted the boy with four hundred lean cows to look after. The boy accepted the work, and said to the hermit. "When this becomes a group of thousand fat cows, I will bring them back."


lived in the forest looking after the cows.

The Pevas



Vasudeva was Krsna's father. Srutadevi and Rajadhidcvl

sympathised with him. Vayu (wind), the Sun, Agni him divine knowledge and (fire ) and Prfma together gave wisdom. After this Satyakama returned to the hermit Gautama with thousand fat cows. Seeing the boy whose the hermit was face shone with the light of God, amazed. "Who gave you divine knowledge ?" asked the hermit. Satyakama told the hermit all that took place. Fully satisfied with the boy, Gautama imparted to h knowledge about the universal Soul(Paramatma) and Satyakama became a noble hermit.

of the four daughters married respectively by Sura were Dhrstaketu, king of Kekaya, Damaghosa, king of Cedi, Vrddhagarman. king of Karusa and Jayasena, king of Avantl. Dhrstaketu was a great ally of the Pandavas. Sisupala was the son of Damaghosa, and Dantavaktra the son of Vrddhagarman. SiSupala and Dantavaktra, the third human incarnation of Jaya and Vijaya were

Satyakama got several disciples of whom Upakosala .vas prominent. He approached Satyakama as a student. For twelve years he served his teacher and kept up the
fire in

war-crazy and haughty persons. Vinda and Anuvinda, sons of Jayasena, were great friends of the Pandavas. As KuntI, daughter of Sura became the adopted daughter

the firepit for burnt offering, without being extinguished throughout the twelve years, and worshipped the fire god. Yet the teacher did not impart knowledge The teacher's wife recommended to her husto him. band that Upakosala should be given learning. But the teacher was silent. UpakosalA took a vow and fast

of Ugrasena, she became also the niece of Vasudeva and Krsna's father's sister. KuntI married Pandu and she
delivered four sons, Karna, Yudhisthira, Bhlmasena and
Other information I. The following facts about Satyaki are extracted from the Mahabharata. ( 1 ) Satyaki was born from an aspect of the Maruddevatas. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 18). (2) He was present at the wedding of Draupadl. (Adi



yoga (union) by knowledge of the Sarikhyas.


before the burnt-offering fire pit. Agni Deva felt pity for him and informed him that God is all-pervading and that his teacher would show him the way to God. When he came to the teacher, his face was seen shining. Satyakama asked Upakosala for the reason. Upakosala told the teacher what the fire god had told him. his disciple the path of Immediately Satyakama taught

Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 18). 3) He was in the company of the Yadavas, who went to Indraprastha with the dowry for Subhadra. (Adi


was the son of Dhrtavrata and the father of Anuratha. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).

king of the family of Bharata.


Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 31 ) (4) A member in the court of Yudhisthira, Satyaki learned dhanurveda (science of archery) from Arjuna. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 34) ( (5) He was one of the chief Yadava warriors. (Sabha

Trigarta. Though that he would kill Arjuna,

brother of Sus"arma the king of he took a vow in the Bharata battle


Verse 17; Salya Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 39). SATYAKETU I. A king of the Solar dynasty. He was the son of Dharmaketu and the father of Dhrstaketu.

what happened was that he by Arjuna. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 17,

Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 57). (6) At the coronation of Yudhisthira he held the royal umbrella over his head. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 53,


III. A king belonging to the Puru dynasty. This Satyaketu was the son of King Sukumara. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278) SATYAKI (YUYUDHANA). A Yadava, who was a warrior of the Vrsni dynasty and a friend of Sri Krsna. Descended from Visnu thus Brahma 1 Genealogy. ) Atri - Candra - Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusa -


(Bhagavata, Skandha 9) Mention is made II. A king of Pan cala. in Brahmanda Purana, Sloka 73, of a Pancala King Satyaketu who fought with Paras urama.

He also was present at the wedding of Abhimanyu ( 7) held at Upaplavya city. (Virata Parva, Chapter 72, Verse 21). (8) He went to Yudhisthira with a big army to participate in the great war. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19,

Verse 13).








-Hehaya - Dharma




Krtavirya Yudhajit Sini



son of Yudhajit, became famous through Prasena, Satrajit, Svaphalka and Akrura. Of the four sons of Andhaka, predecessor of Krsna, Kukura and Ahuka, in the Bhajamana deserve special mention. dynasty of Kukura had two sons named Devaka and Ugrasena. DevakI, daughter of Devaka, became wife of Vasudeva and mother of Krsna. Karhsa was the son of Ugrasena. Sura, seventh in the line of Bhajamana, son of Andhaka had twelve children. His first son

Satyaki. Sini was the younger son of Yudhajit. Satyaki alias Yuyudhana, a companion of Sri Krsna and a great friend of the Pandavas, was Mini's grandson. 2) His relation to other prominent Tddavas. The dynasty of

informed Sri Krsna, who went to the Kaurava assembly as the messenger of the Pandavas, that he desired war. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 81, Verse 5). (10) Sri Krsna started for the Kaurava assembly with Satyaki after making him leave his weapons in the chariot. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 12). 1 1 On the first day of the great war, he fought a ) ( duel with Krtavarman. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 12). (12) He saved Arjuna, who was in difficulties on account of the rain of arrows from Bhisma. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 69, Verse 78). (Bhisma Parva, (13) He fought with Bhuris"ravas. Chapter 64, Verse 1).




his charioteer




drove the chariot himself. 73, Verse 28)


by Bhisma, Satyaki (Bhisma Parva, Chapter

(15) Bhurisravas killed ten sons of Satyaki. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 74, Verse 1 ) (16) He defeated Alambusa. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter

82, Verse 45).

(Bhisma (17) He rendered AgvaUharna. unconscious. Parva, Chapter 101, Verse 47) (18) He fought with Bhisma. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 104, Verse 29).

(20) (21)


Verse 48)

He He


Duryodhana. (Bhisma




defeated Sakuni.

(Karna Parva, Chapter



110, Verse 14).

fought with
111, X^erse 7)

(Bhisma Parva,




son of Karna. (Karna Parva,




Chapter 116, Verse 9). (22) Following that he fought with Ksemamurti and Brhanta on the Kaurava side. (Drona Parva, Chapter
phant. (Drona Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 43). (24) Karna and Satyaki fought each other. (Drona Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 67).
25, Verse 47) (23) His chariot

fought with AsVatthama.

(Bhisma Parva,

(52) (53 )

He fought with Salya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 13). He killed Salva, the mleccha King. (Salya Parva,

82, Verse 6)

Chapter 20, Verse 26). (54) He killed Ksemamurti. 21, Verse 8).



was thrown


by Bhagadatta 's





of Arjuna


remained on the

(Drona Parva, protecting Yudhisthira. Chapter 84, Verse 35) (26) He fought with Dussasana. (Drona Parva, Chapter 99, Verse 14). (27) He saved Dhrstadyumna from being killed by Drona. (Drona Parva,' Chapter 97, Verse 32). (28) He fought Drona again and broke six bows of the latter. (Drona Parva, Chapter 98). (29) He fought with Vyaghradatta. (Drona Parva,
Chapter 106, Verse 14). (30) He killed Vyaghradatta.
107, Verse 32). (31) Drona wounded Satyaki. (Drona Parva, Chapter 110, Verse 2). wounded Krtavarman. (Drona Parva, (32) Satyaki Chapter 113, Verse 46). (33) He killed Jalasandha. (Drona Parva, Chapter 115,


captured Sanjaya alive. ( Salya Parva, ChapVerse 57). (56 ) Though he got ready to kill Sanjaya, yet he set him free on the advice of Vyasa. (Salya Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 38) (57 ) After the great war was over he went to Dvaraka from Hastinapura in the company of Sri Krsna. (ASvamedhika Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 57).



ter 25,



Raivataka in the company of Sri Krsna. (Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter 59, Verse 3) (59) He performed the after-death ceremonies of Abhimanyu. (Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter 62, Verse 6).

participated in the celebrations held at




participated in the


(Drona Parva, Chapter

Chapter 66, Verse


aSvamedha yajna held by (Asvamedhika Parva,




Verse 52)

(34) He defeated 116, Verse 24).

Duryodhana. (Drona Parva, Chapter

Chapter 117,



Verse 30)

defeated Drona. (Drona Parva,




Verse 15).

SudarSana. (Drona Parva, Chapter 118,

(37) He defeated 121, Verse 29).


(Drona Parva, Chapter

Chapter 3, Verse 16). (62 ) For Satyaki's part in the Syamantaka incident see under Syamantaka. (63) When Satyaki, after killing Krtavarman, rushed forth to kill many others, Krsna, and Pradyumna interfered. Yet, he killed many others. (Mausala Parva, Chapters, Verse 29). (64) Arjuna appointed Yauyudhani, son of Satyaki, chief of the region in the plain ofSarasvati. (Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 71) (65) After death his soul went to the Marudganas. (Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 17).
. :

the influence of liquor he ridiculed Krtavarkilling sleeping children. (Mausala Parva,



killed kina;

140, Verse 18). Bhurisravas. (Drona Parva, Chapter (39) He killed 143, Verse 54). in fighting. (Drona Parva, (40) He defeated Chapter 144, Verse 64). (41) He killed Somadatta in battle. (Drona Parva,

Alambusa. (Drona Parva, Chapter


Vrsnikulodvaha, Vrsnyandhakapravira, Yadava, Yadudvaha, Yaduttama, Yuyudhana.


(66 ) Synonyms used for Satyaki in the Mahabharata Anartta, Saineya, Saineyanandana, Sauri, Siniputra, Sinipautra, Sininapta, Sinipravara, DaJarha, Madhava, Madhavagrya, Madhavasimha, Madhudvaha, Satvata, Satvatagrya, Satyaka, Varsneya, Vrsni, Vrsnisardula,

Chapter 162, Verse 33). (42) He killed King Bhuri.( Drona Parva,
Verse 12).

Chapter 166,

(43) He defeated Vrsasena, son of Karna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 170, Verse 30). Bhima and Sahadeva prevented Satyaki, who (44) rushed forward with his club, from killing Dhrstadyumna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 198, Verse 6) (45) He routed six maharathas of the Kaurava army. (Drona Parva, Chapter 200, Verse 53). (46) During the battle with AsVatthama he fell unconscious. (Drona Parva, Chapter 200, Verse 56) (47) He killed Anuvinda, King of Kekaya. (Karna Parva, Chapter 13, Verse 11). (48) He killed Vinda. (Karna Parva, Chapter 13, Verse 35).

Other information II. From Bhagavata (1 ) In all the wars in which Sri Krsna was engaged, it was Satyaki, who was his most powerful supporter. In the battle between Krsna and Banasura, Satyaki clashed with Kumbhanda, Bana's minister. (Bhagavata


SATYANRTA. See under Pramrta. SATYAPALA. A hermit. It is mentioned


Skandha 1). (3) He participated in the Salya and Paundrakavasudeva wars. (Bhagavata, Skandha 1). SATYALOKA. The world of Brahma. (See under Brahma)

who guarded



Jarasandha attacked Mathurapuri, Satyaki

city's western entrance, his forces. (Bhagavata,

former and routed




Chapter 22, Verse 13).





King of Vaiiga.



Verse 14, that mit shone in the court of Yudhisthira.


Sabha Parva, Chapter



the king of Ayodhya married this princess. Chapter 88; Verse 117).

princess. Satyavrata (Trisanku)

(Vayu Purana,

Trigarta. (M.B.

brother of



Su&rma the king of Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 11). SATYARTHAPRAKASA. A commentary on the Veda suktas by Svami Dayananda who founded the Arya



I. (SATYAVRATA, SATYASENA, SANDHA).Oneof the hundreds ons of Dhrtarastra. The

Devadatta became miserable and begged Godila by holding his feet to pardon him. He gave liberation from the curse that his son would be a cobra and said that he would become a sage. The wife of Devadatta became pregnant and gave birth to a son. He was named Utathya. In the

following information about


chariot-fighters in the army of the Kauravas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 119). (2) This Satyasandha stood as the bodyguard of Salya and fought in the Bharata-battle. (M.B. Bhisma

Mahabharata. (1) This Satyasandha was one of the eleven





was performed and the boy commenced education. The teacher began to teach the Vedas. From that day onwards the boy became self-conceited. All the attempts made by the teacher to change his behaviour were futile. His father tried the four exstring

eighth year, the ceremony

of investiture




(3) Abhirnanyu wounded him in the Bh.~irata-battle. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 73, Verse 24). (4) Satyaki showered arrows on Satyasandha. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 1 16, Verse 7) (5) Bhimasena killed Satyasandha in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 2) SATYASANDHA. II. One of the two followers given to Subrahmanya by the god Mitra. The other follower was Suvrata. ( M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 41 ). SATYASANDHA III. An ancient king in India. There is a story in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 16, as to how, this king Satyasandha, who was an observer of vows and fasts, saved the life of a Brahmin by sacrificing his own life. SATYASENA I. See under Satyasandha. SATYASENA II. A brother of Susanna, the king of TriIt is mentioned in Mahabharata, Karna Parva, garta. Chapter 27, Verse 3, that this Satyasena confronted Arjuna in the Bharata-battle and was killed by him. SATYASENA III. A son of Karna. He served as the guard of the wheel of the chariot of his father Karna in the Bharata-battle. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 48, Verse

Parva, Chapter 62, Verse 17).

Thus twelve years elapsed. The pedients in vain. boy did not even learn the evening prayer. Everybody thought that he was a cobra. All scoffed at him. His own people disliked him; with this, self-renunciation took root in his boyish mind and he left his home and went away. He reached the banks of the Ganges and made a hut there and lived there observing rigorous Thus the boy-hermit celibacy, and vow of truth. began severe penance. He had learned no rites or rituals according to the Vedas. He would rise early in the morning, and after cleaning the teeth he would take a dip in the Gangetic waters, without any spells or actions and return to the

He would

anybody, though he had no power to do good to anybody. Everybody in the neighbourhood began to realize that he was a boy who would on no account utter falsehood. So all began to call him Satyatapas. Satyatapas had no peace of mind. Life seemed to be a burden to him. He became thoughtful day and night. Thus he spent fourteen years there. People firmly believed in his truthfulness. So they
cause no

eat anything that



He would

named him





side against the Pandavas.



Abhirnanyu killed this war(M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 3).

A warrior who fought

on the Kaurava

Rgveda-disciples of Vyasa.

teacher-priest of the line of the He was the son of the hermit



(Vayu Purana, 96:

changed into a cobra by the curse of a saint called The original name of this youth was Utathya. Later he came to be known as Satyatapas. The story of this Satyafapas is given in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 3,
as follows:

brahmin boy who was


its wound. The jungle-dweller also into the hut following the hog. Seeing Satyavrata the man asked "Where is the hog that I had shot ?" Satyavrata who knew that killing animals was a beast. Devi was pleased sin, kept silence to save the at the moral courage and truthfulness of Satyavrata. It is said that the moment the hog got into the hermitage, the Sarasvata syllable 'Ai' arose from the tongue of

was oozing from

Satyavrata. Once a forester came near his sent an arrow at a hog, which ran into the hermitage with the arrow sticking on its body. Blood



Satyavrata. The moment he had pronounced the rootsound of Sarasvati, 'Ai', by the grace of Devi, he became a poet like Valmiki. Looking at the forester

Satyavrata said


in Kosala.

In days of old, there was a Brahmin named Devadatta His wife was called Rohim. Though much time elapsed no child was born to them. At last Deva-


datta performed the sacrifice called Putrakamesti, on the banks of the river Tamasa. Several saintly persons took part in the sacrifice. Suhotra was detailed as

Brahma, Yajnavalkya
sacrificer, Paila to recite

hymns. The singing of Godila, an expert singer, caused horripilation to everybody in the sacrificial hall. But in the middle of singing he had to take breath, and there occurred a solecism in his voice. Devadatta did not like it. He warned Godila, who instantly became angry and said to Devadatta. "Since you called me Cobra, the son born to you will become a cobra."

Vedasand Godila losing Saman

as officiating priest, Brhaspati as

vyadha, svakaryarthin prcchasi punah punah // "He who sees does not speak. He who speaks, does not see. Selfish hunter, whom do you ask again and again ?" When the forester heard these words of Satyavrata, the bow and arrow fell from his hands. With self-renun!



paSyati na sa brute brute sa na pasyati /


poet Satyavrata spread everywhere. His father also heard about this from others. He came to the bank of the Ganges and took his son home. Even today Brahmins sing about the fame of that hermit on
of the great

he went away from the hermitage.

The fame



New moon







maid who had

tried to hinder his




marry Satyavati. Two sons Citrangada and Vicitravirya were born to Santanu by his wife Satyavati. Citrangada was killed in his boyhood. Vicitravirya became a youth and married Ambika and Ambalika the daughters of the King ofKasI. Vicitravirya met with untimely death before a child was born to him. When Satyavati saw that the family was about to become extinct, she thought of her son Vyasa, who Ambalika instantly arrived at the palace. From Vyasa, the son Pandu and Ambika, the son Dhrtarastra. got Both the sons Dhrtarastra and Pandu got married. Pandu died. The death of her son struck heavily at the heart of Satyavati. She did not wish to live much about the fearful longer after this. She mentioned

become a'phoenix tree. Later this hermit liberated her from the curse. (Padma Parana, Uttarakhanda, Chap-


ter 178).






Savitrl who was famous (For detailed story see under


Savitri II).

of the Kauravas. Mention

See under Rtambhara. One of the commanders of the army


made about



Satyavak, were born to Caksusa Manu by Nadvala. (Agni Purana, Chapter 18). SATYAVAK II. A Deva Gandharva. This Gandharva was the son born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Muni. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 43) SATYAVARMA. A brother of Susarma the King of Trigarta. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 17).
his wife

der in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 167, Verse 30. SATYAVAK I. A son of Caksusa Manu. Ten sons

1 )


The mother

short history.


maid Adrika.



Uparicaravasu happened to fall in the Ganges and this fish swallowed it in consequence of which it became

Satyavati was the daughter of the Because of a curse she lived as river Ganges. Once the semen of King

of Vyasa.

things yet to happen. Then taking her daughters-inlaw Ambika and Ambalika with her, Satyavati went to the forest to do penance and finally attained heaven. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 127). (For further details see under Adrika, Vyasa and Santanu) Kali 2) Names. Daseyi, Gandhakall, GandhavatI, Satya, Vasavl, Yojanagandha and such other words are used in the Mahabharata as the synonyms of






of Visvamitra.



pregnant. A fisherman caught this fish and cut it. He got two human babies, male and female from the stomach of the fish. The fisherman gave the two This infants to the jKing who took the male child. child later became the Matsya King. The female child had the smell of fish. The King called her MatsyaGandhi (She who has the smell offish) and gave her back to the fisherman, who took the child to his hut and brought her up as his daughter. As the child was dark in complexion the fisherman called her Kali. Thus the girl was known by two names Kali and Matsyagandhi. Later she got the name Satyavati also. The fisherman was engaged in the work of ferrying people across the river. Matsyagandhi helped her father in this work. She became a full-bloomed young woman. One day the hermit Parasara came by that way and when he saw Matsyagandhi, he fell in love with her. She ferried the hermit across the river. In the middle of the river Parasara created an artificial fog inside which Parasara took Matsyagandhi as his wife. From that moment Matsyagandhi became Kasturigandhl (she who has the smell of Kasturi (musk). Kali became pregnant and delivered instantly. ParaSara left the place after having blessed her that she would not lose her virginity. The son born to Kali, immediately grew up to be a youth. After promising his mother that he would come to her when she thought of him, the youth went to the forest for penance. The name of the son was Krsna. This Krsna later became famous by the name Vyasa. Satyavati again engaged herself in helping her


III. A princess of the country of Kekaya. She was the wife of Tris'aiiku and the mother of Hariscandra. (Mahabharata, Daksinatyapatha, Sabha Parva, Chapter 2). SATYAVATI IV. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 1 1 7, Verse 1 5, that one Satyavati was the wife of Narada. SATYAVRATA I. Another name of Trisanku. (See under Trisaiiku). SATYAVRATA II. The Brahmin boy Satyatapas. See under Satyatapas) (

Jamadagni Para 2 )

that he




Satyasena, Satyasandha, Sandha

son of Dhrtarastra. It is seen by other names also such as


(See under Satyathe



It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Trigarta. Parva, Chapter 17, that this cursed warrior took in vain a vow in the battle of Bharata that he would kill

Brother of Susarma,

King of



Another name of Krtayuga.

See under





It is

Raya, Vijaya and Jaya. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).

Brother of Susarma the King

of the six sons born to Pururavas by sons were Ayus, Srutayus, Satyayus,
of Trigarta.

Santanu, a King of the lunar dynasty came to The fragrance of musk emanatthe forest for hunting. ing from the body of Kasturlgandhl spread throughout the whole forest. The King walked on through the forest tracing the origin of the smell of musk and reached the fisherman's hut. The King fell in love with The King had a son named Bhlsma by his Satyavati. first wife Gariga. Bhlsma made it easy for the King to

One day

mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 17, and Salya Parva, Chapter 27, that this Satyesu was killed by Arjuna in the Bharata-battle. SATYESU II. A Raksasa (giant). Mention is made about this giant who had ruled over the world in ancient days and had to go, leaving this world due to fate, in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Verse

This Satyeyu was


born in the dynasty of King Puru. one of the ten sons born to Raudra-

sva by the celestial

maid Ghrtaci. (Bhagavata, Skandha

According to the statement that occurs in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, the father of Satyeyu was



Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda

Raudralva and mother, Mis rakes I. The son Satyeyu was born to RaudraSva by the celestial maid Mi* rakes I. SAUBALA. A Vaisya. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 2, that King Dhrtarastra had two wives, one a Ksatriya woman, named Gandhari, the daughter of the King of Gandhara and the other a

Garuda Purana,

known by




A King

of the



woman named

aerial chariot

of Salva. This was

Saubali, the daughter ofSaubala. or Vimana of the King

SAUGANDHIKA. A flower-garden ofKubcra. It is assumed


under Kalmasapada).

name Kalmasapada

Iksvaku dynasty.

He was

(For details

also called

Padmatirtha and Varga).


Krsna killed Salva, this Vimana was smashed by the power of his weapon, the Cakra (Discus). (M.B.



Vayu (the wind-god ) carried fragrance from this garden and remained in the palace of Kubera, praising him. This garden was full of sweet-scented lotus (Saugandhika-flower) (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter,

Parva, Chapter 22, Verse 33) holy place on the coast of see under details the southern sea. (For further

particular kind of image of Devi Parvati. When the image of this goddess Parvatl the posture with one is fixed and consecrated as having of the left hands touching the head and shoulder and the other hand holding a mirror, one of the right hands holding fruit and the other one being held high, it is called Saubhagyagaurl. (Agni Purana, Chapter

(See under Taladhvaja


feminine form of Narada.

Salva. As he had been in possession of an aerial chariot called Saubha, he is said to have got this name. SAUBHARA. Afire. This agni (fire) was born from a portion of Varcas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 220,

holy place. It is assumed, gods such as Brahma and others, hermits, Siddhas, Caranas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Big Nagas, and so on dwell in this place. All the sins of a man are washed away, the moment he visits this holy place. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 34, Stanza 4). SAUHRDA. An ancient country in South India, famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 59). SAUMADATTI. Bhurisravas the son of Somadatta. (See under Bhurisravas) SAUMANASA I. One of the eight elephants supporting the globe. (See under Astadiggajas). SAUMANASA II. The peak of a mountain. It was on this golden peak, with a girth of one yojana and an
that the



A hermit who had performed penance, I. on the banks of the river Kalindl. (For detailed story see under Garuda, para 11). SAUBHARI II. A hermit who had put up his hermitage on the Vindhya. At the time of the horse-sacrifice of Yudhisthira, Arjuna called on this hermit Saubhari. On that occasion the hermit told Arjuna about the previous history of Candi, who had been cursed by the hermit Uddalaka. It is mentioned in Jaimini Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 96, that Arjuna later redeemed Candi from the curse. SAUBHARI III. A hermit famous in the Puranas. A Puranic story about this hermit's marrying the fifty




of Meru." Valmlki Ramayana. Kiskindha kanda, Sarga

elevation of ten yojanas, that Bhagavan Visnu placed the first of his three steps during the incarnation as Vamana, the second step being on the peak of Meru and the third on the head of Mahabali. "There is a golden peak called Saumanasa, with girth of one yojana and a height of ten yojanas. It is said that in days of yore Mahavisnu placed the first of his three steps on this peak the second being on the peak



island famous in the Puranas (Mahabharata, Daksinatyapatha, Sabha Parva, Chapi.


ter 38).

daughters of Mandhata is given below. Saubhari saw two fishes engaged in coition, while he was doing penance on the banks of the Yamuna. This sight aroused matrimonial thoughts in the hermit's

A renowned acarya. He is believed to be author of the famous works "Rgveda Anukramani", "Aranyakam", "Rkpratisakhya", etc. The famous Asvalayanacarya was Saunaka's disciple. Acaryas like Katyayana, Patanjali and Vyasa belonged to his class. Saunaka's real name was "Grtsamada". It was because he was the son of Sunaka that he got the


name "Saunaka".

mind. He instantly approached Mandhata and formed him of his desire to marry a princess.


Mandhata did not

to the old hermit. hermit as follows:

"Out of my fifty daughters, she wishes to be your wife, shall be given to you." Saubhari, who had already read the thought of Mandhata entered the harem in the shape of a handsome fine youth, and all the flfty damsels liked him. Thus Saubhari married all of them, and begot hundred sons of each of them.


like to give his daughter in marriage his thought, he told the

2) Birth. Saunahotra, the son of the sage Sunahotra, once performed a yaga. Indra attended that yaga. At that time Saunahotra rescued Indra from an attack of the Asuras. Indra who was pleased at this, blessed Saunahotra that he would be born in his next birth in


Bhrgu family under the name "Saunaka". Genealogy In Vayu Purana his genealogy is given in two forms.

Ruru ( PramadvarJ) - Sunaka-Suunaka-Ugrasravas Dharmavrddha Sunahotra Grtsamada


This matrimonial life lasted for some t'.me. At last the hermit grew weary of this life. Discarding everything, Saubhari went to the forest. His wives, who also had

Sunaka Saunaka. (Vayu Puraaa, 92, 26) 4) Important works. Saunaka is believed to be the author of numerous works. The most important of them are given below:


worldly enjoyment, followed (Bhagavata, Skandha 9; Visnu Purana, 4, 2, 3;


Rkpratisakhya (2 ) RgvedacchandanukramanI (3) Rgvedarsyanukramam (4) Rgveda Anuvakanukramani (5) Rgvedasuktanukramam (6) Rgvedakathanu-



It is stated in

kramanl (7) Rgvedapadavidhana (8) Brhaddevata (9) Saunakasmrti (10) Caranavyuha and (11) Rgvidhana. Matsya Purana, Chapter 252 mentions that Saunaka had written a work on the science of architecture. 5) Disciples. The chief disciple of Saunaka was Asvalayana. Once Asvalayana wrote and dedicated to his Guru (master) two treatises entitled "Grhyasutra" and "Srautasutra" to please him. After reading it, Saunaka destroyed his own work on "SrauteSastra". Asvalayana wrote his treatise after having studied the ten works of Saunaka on Rgveda. Katyayana, the disciple of Asvalayana later received the ten books written by Saunaka and the three books written by Asvalayana. Katyayana gave his disciple Patanjali, the two works, "Yajurvedakalpasutra" and "Samaveda Upagrantha" which were written by himself. From this we may infer that the series of Saunaka's Saunaka Asvalayana disciples was as follows: Vyasa. Katyayana Patanjali SAUNAKA II. A Brahmana who went to the forest with Yudhisthira. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 2) SAUISPIKAS. A Caste. Originally they were Ksatriyas. Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 17, mentions that they were debased on account of a curse by a Brahmana. SAUPTIKAPARVA. A Parva (section) in Mahabharata (See under Bharata). SAURABHEYI. A celestial maid. For details see under

Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 133, that during the period of Mahabharata, the King of this country was killed by Arjuna. SAUVlRl. The wife of King Manasyu, the son of Pravlra and the grandson of emperor Puru. ( Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 5).

country near the river Sindhu.



Son of Priyavrata who was the son of Svayambhuva Manu, by his wife, Suriipa. Surupa had ten sons including Savana. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha

Savana married Suveda, daughter of but he expired before children were born to Sunabha; him. According to the Vamana Purana, Chapter 72, sevtn children were born from the dead Savana. The story about it is as follows Suveda, heart-broken at the death of Savana, did not permit the dead body to be burnt, herself holding it in embrace. Then a celestial voice said to her "Cry
2) Birth of son.



you are really chaste and true, enter the funeral pyre along with your husband." To this Suveda answered thus "I cry because of grief that he died before making me the mother of a son." The celestial


weeping. Your husband

SAURABHl. A cow which was


Having drunk too much of celestial honey (amrta) which is the essence of the six tastes (sadrasas), Brahma had to vomit, on which occasion, the cow Surabhi sprang up from his face. Her milk having accumulated in a low place the milk-sea was formed. The hermits

the daughter of Surabhi.

the Phenapas live on the shore of the milk foam that settles on the shore being their food. Around them, there are four cows which protect the four directions. Saurabh: is one of them. She supports the east. Hamsika bears the south, Subhadra the west and Dhenu the north. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter
sea, the




Vasudeva, the son of Surasena.

the Puranas.

country in ancient India very famous (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter


stanza 40)


Brother of Susanna the King of Trigarta. Sausruti who had fought on the side of the Kauravas in the battle of Bharata, was killed by Arjuna. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 3). SAULKAYANI. A sage who belonged to the series of


SAUTI. A famous son of Hermit Romaharsana. The real name of this son was Ugrasravas. This teacher is
responsible for the arrangement in the form that we see today.

Vyasa's disciples.

of the Mahabharata.



of Mahabharata composed by Vyasa and contained only a graphic description of the battle of Bharata. No vivid description of Sri Krsna born of the Yadava dynasty and of the Yadavas, was given in it. To remove this deficiency, Sauti added an appendix called 'HarivarhSa' to Svargarohana Parva in Mahabharata. (For further details see under

were the Maruts of the first Svayambhuva Manvantara. sons of Bhrgumuni, II. -One of the seven the other six being Cyavana, Vajraslrsa, Suci, Aurva, Sukra and Vibhu. They are called Varunas also. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 129). SAVANTA. A King born in the dynasty of emperor Prthu. He was the son of YuvanaSva and father of Brhadasva. (Devi Bhagavata, 7th Skandha). SAVARNA. Wife of the muni called Pracmabarhis. Savarna was the daughter of Samudra (ocean). (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 14). The couple had ten sons called the Pracetases, and they were very efficient in Dhanurveda. All of them engaged themselves in observing the same dharma (duty) and did tapasfor 10,000 years under the sea. (For details see under

alive out of the fire with his wife and rose to the sky with her. He stayed in the sky for another five days and on the sixth day had the sexual act again with her. His semen dropped on earth from the sky. The then with his wife went to Brahmaloka. King Samada, Nalini, Pusyati, Citra, Visala, Harita and Alinlla, all of them wives of munis saw the semen in the sky and when it fell into the water they thought it was amrta, which conferred eternal youth, and with the permission of their husbands swallowed it. As soon as they swallowed it their divine effulgence was diminished and their husbands, therefore, abandoned them. Those women delivered seven children, who cried fiercely and that sound filled the entire universe. Then Brahma appeared and asked the children not to cry and also told them that they would come to be called Maruts. Brahma himself called them Maruts. They

enter the pyre without have seven sons." Sudeva now permitted her dead husband to be cremated and meditating upon her chastity she jumped into But within minutes Savana came the funeral pyre.

her again





I. hermit. This hermit shone in the of Yudhisthira. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva,







details see





hermit shone in the council of Indra. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter This hermit Savarni did penance for six 7, Verse 10) thousand years in Satyayuga. (M.B. Anusasana Parva Chapter 14, Verse 103). SAVITA. One of the twelve sons of KaSyapaprajapati


SAVARfcfl I. The eighth Manu. _see under Manvantara),


under Manvantara)



(For further details

am Your wife. Are you not ashamed three godheads shivered with fear.Savitrl cursed everybody. The curse given to Brahma was that
oi this

f as
, )


s ? I




by his wife called Aditi. These sons are called Adityas. So, Savita also is one of the Dvadasadityas. Visnu,' Sakra, Aryama, Dhatii, Tvasta, Pusa, Vivasvan, Savi'ta,' Mitra, Varuna, Amsu and Bhaga are the Dvadasa-


Prsnl, wife of Savita, gave birth to three daughters called Savitri, Vyahrti and Trayi and three sons called Pasusoma and Caturmasya the great Agnihotra,

gods and would :Indra their captive. Savitri cried out that Visnu birth of man by the curse of Bhrgu She cursed Siva that he would lose his manliness. She gave Agm the curse that he would eat anything and everything without the discrimination of purity or impurity She cursed the Brahmins that they would, in future perform sacrifice merely with a view to obtain gifts and that they would be wandering about from temple to " temple and from tirtha to tlrtha merely for gain Uttering these words of curse, Savitri left the sacrificial

day except the month of Karttika in the She cursed Indra year. that enemies would enter the world of

body should worship him on any other

would take the



Chapter 15). eleven Rudras. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 208, Verse 20). SAVITRA II. One of the eight Vasus. (Mahabharata Anus"asana Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 16). SAVITRA III. A lofty peak of the mountain Sumeru. name of this peak, which is Jyotiska is another not approachable. It is adorned with precious stones and is glorified by all. Siva and Parvati once sat on this peak and did penance. It was on this peak that Devi Ganga did penance to Siva, assuming a divine figure. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 283, Verse 5)



(Visnu Purana, Part




of the

Savitri said to them, "LaksmI not so ? Right. Hereafter you vnere. you become the



General information. The daughter of the Sun This Savitri is the elder sister of Tapati. Brahma married these sisters. It is stated in some Puranas that Savitri, Gayatri, Sarasvati all these are one and the same. But there is a story in Padma Purana, Srstikhanda, Chapter 1 7, stating that Brahma once went to Gayatri in the absence of Savitri, who got angry at this and cursed all

the Gods.

perform a sacrifice. there. Everything was ready for the sacrifice convention according to But Savitri, who had been engaged in household duties had not yet arrived. So a priest was sent to bring her Savitri said to the priest, "I have not finished dressing! There are so many things to be done here. Moreover LaksmI, BhavanI, Ganga, Svaha, Indrani, celestial women, wives of Rsis (hermits), none of these have arrived yet. How can I enter the hall as the only woman ?" The priest returned and reported that it was not convenient for Savitri to come as she

Once Brahma went




Visnu and


the hermits



Those who worship Brahma, will be blessed with the pleasure of wife and children and wealth and they will unite with Brahma. Even if Indra is taken captive, he will be made free by his son and will become the king of heaven again. Visnu will rescue his wife and kill the enemy. The phallus will be worshipped in all the worlds. As Brahmins are the gods on earth the gift you take, will be considered your dues. LaksmI you need not worry. Everybody will worship you. He whom you favour will become a well-to-do person and he whom you forsake will become miserable. You Indrani Because oi Nahusa s arrogance Agastya will change him to a bijr python and he will fall to the earth. The celestial maids will have no desire for children. So childlessness will not make you miserable." By these words of blessings Gayatri, everybody in the sacrificial hall was paciall curses.
! !

these words Savitri left the hall. Not knowing what to do, all sat there. Instantly Gayatri rose up and looking at everybody, said as a remission of curses "I shall

of you will give birth to child and you will not enjoy the pleasure of nurturing a child." Saying

at the celestial sacrificial hall, Savitri said;

Indrani also wants to return. Hear thisVrtra and incur the sin of Brahmahatya and at that time Nahusa will capture heaven. Then Nahusa will abuse you."


they begged for permission to return You are leaving me Is it shall be permanent noMay companion of the wicked the wavering, the low-minded, the sinner, the cruel the



Laksmi and some other goddesses followed her a


Indra will



women who were going to the Look, Ye celestial women




much work

said to Indra. a wife from wherever you like. But it must be done instantly." Hearing the order of Brahma, Indra selected Gayatri who was a damsel


Brahma became angry and "Lord Indra, it is up to you to bring



just then,

babha Parva, Chapter



Other details. Savitri shines




with anger Savitri said "Lo; Brahma, how is it that you have committed this sin? Have you not married me with

dais. With the blessings of the hermits and gods, Brahma held her hand and acknowledged her as his wife. Savitri dressed well, adorned herself with ornaments and reached the sacrificial hall. She saw the marrige scene and became furious. Everybody in the hall held their breath, thinking of the approaching danger. Trembling

cowherd's family,

and brought her


of a



Siva, on starting for Tripuradahana (the burning Tnpuras), placed Savitri as the bridles of his horses (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 202, Verse 75). (iv) Oncejapaka Brahmin worshipped Devi Savitri who appeared before him and gave him boons. As the Brahmin was engaged in deep meditation and praver

is the sovereign deity of the mantra Gayatri goddess Savitri rose up from the sacrificial fire of King Asvapati and gave him a boon, and accordingly a daughter named Savitri was born to the King. This princess was Savitri the wife of Satyavan Vana Parva, Chapter 290).

palace of Brahma. Verse 34).


1 his





gladly consented to the marriage. Asvapati returned to the palace leaving Savitrl with Satyavan and his parents. Assoon as Asvapati had returned, Savitrl discarded her ornaments and assumed the dress suitable to life in the forest and lived with them. 3) The death of Satyavan. It was nearly a year and the day of death of Satyavan was fast approaching. There were only four days more. Savitrl had taken a vow lasting for three days. Dyumatsena dissuaded her from taking

he did not see the Devi when she appeared. It was due to this piety that the Brahmin was given boons. (M.B Santi Parva, Chapter 199). (v) Once Devi Savitri appeared before Satya, a brahmin of Vidarbha. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 272, Verse

Once Devi

(M.B. Anugasana Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 8) SAVITRl II. A hand-maid of Devi Uma. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 231, Verse 49) SAVITRl III. A Savitrl who was the wife of a king and a righteous woman is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 24. This Savitrl gave two ear-rings as alms and attained heaven.
. .

Savitrl praised the giving of rice as alms.




She completed the fast. There was left only one more. She kept awake for the whole night. Morning came. Though she ended her fast she had not taken any food. Dyumatsena wanted to know the reason. She humbly said that she would eat only after

famous in the 1) Puranas, there was a king named Asvapati. His wife was Malati Though the couple grew old they were childAt last they worshipped Devi Savitrl. After vows less. and prayers for eighteen years the Devi appeared before them, and giving them the boon that a daughter would be born to them, she disappeared. The couple returned to the palace and Malati conceived and delivered a daughter whom they named Savitri. (Skandha 9, Devi Bhagavata; Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 293). 2 ) Marriage. Savitrl grew up as though Laksml had taken an incarnation and bloomed into a beautiful damsel. But nobody came forward to marry her. On a New moon day she bathed and purified herself and getting the blessings of Brahmins, came and bowed
In the

wife of Satyavan. country of Madra,

As usual Satyavan took


axe and started for the wood.

Savitrl also followed him.

before her father. The King felt sorry as nobody had offered to marry her though she was in the full bloom of youth. He advised her to travel in the outside world and to select a husband by herself. According to the order of her father she took the aged ministers of the King and travelled through the forests in which hermits

Once Narada came talking with King

palace and while he was Asvapati, Savitri and the aged ministers returned. She bowed before her father and Narada. As soon as Narada saw her, he asked with curiosity about her marriage. The father replied that he had sent her in search of a husband. Savitrl said "I have accepted the Prince Satyavan as my husband. He is the son of King Dyumatsena of Salva. Dyumatsena became blind in his old age, and takinsr this 'opportunity his enemies captured his country. Dyumatsena with his wife and son went to the forest and lived there." Narada described the qualities of Satyavan. "Satyavan is as radiant as the sun, as intelligent as Brhaspati, as valiant as Indra and as patient as the Earth. Asvapati was immensely pleased at hearing about the good qualities of Satyavan, and asked Narada, if there was anything to say against him. Narada said
to the

Satyavan :-"You have never accompanied me before. Moreover you are very weak on account of the fast. Then how can you come with me?" Savitrl: "I am not at all weak by the fast and vow. I want to come with you. I pray, don't hinder me." At last Satyavan consented after getting the permission of his parents. Both went to the forest to gather fruits and roots. They gathered fruits and roots. Then Satyavan began to cut wood. By that exertion Satyavan sweated all over. He was affected by headache. "Let meliedown !"Hesaid. The axe fell from his hand. Savitrl caught her husband who was falling down and laid him on her lap. Savitri saw a person clad in blood-coloured garments, with red He eyes and a rope in hand, coming towards them. came to the spot and stood there looking at the body of Satyavan. Realizing the person to be Kala (Deathgod) Savitri stood up instantly and bowed before him. "Who are you Lord. What may be your Savitrl: object in coming here?" Yama: Hei, Savitri. As you are a hermitess of chastity I




converse with you. I am Yama. life of your husband."


am come



come and take away the come in person today?"


have heard that your messengers souls. How is it that you have


This Satyavan is a righteous man who is an ocean of good qualities. Messengers are not sent, in the cases of persons like him." Saying thus Yama cast his rope and caught the soul of Satyavan. Savitri saw the body of her husband lying without life and soul. Savitri followed Yama who had gone to the south with the soul of Satyavan. Yama: Child, you go back and conduct his funerals. You have followed your husband as far as you can.
I am coming to the place where my husband taken. That is the duty of a wife. What imbeing pediment is there on my way to follow you, when I have the merits of vow, fast, devotion to my elders, love and regard for my husband and the good will of your-


had nothing to say against Satyavan except would die "within one year from this date." (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 294). The King felt miserable when he heard this. Savitrl said that she had accepted Satyavan as her husband and that nothing could make her waver from her
that he that he


my Lord." When Yama realized

Savitri back,

decision even

going to live more than a wish of his daughter and preparations for the marriage were begun. The King went with Savitrl to the forest and saw Dyumatsena



The King agreed

to the

that it was difficult to send he asked Savitri to ask for any boon. Yama was prepared to give anything except the life of Satyavan. She requested for the recovery of sight by Dyumatsena. Yama granted it. Still Yama asked her to pray
Savitri did

not turn back.

one more boon.


requested for the recovery of the lost kingdom of Dyumatsena. Yama sanctioned that request also. Still she followed Yama, who was ready to grant her a third boon. She requested: "My father may, please be given a hundred sons who would continue the family. Yama granted that too. But she did not turn back. Yama told her that she might ask for a fourth boon. She said: "I may be given a hundred sons born directly from



Satyavan. Yama granted this fourth boon also. Then would be realized Savitri asked Yama how the boon unless the li<e of Satyavan was given back to him. Yama was pleased with her at her love and devotion and returned the life of Satyafor her husband van. Yama blessed her that she and Satyavan would

But Seduka directed them to King VrsaVana Parva, Chapter 196, Verse 4). SEKA. An ancient country in India. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 9, that this country was conquered by Sahadeva during his regional conquest of the south. SEKKIZHAR. Author of the Tamil song Periyapuranam (See under Arulmozhitevar) SENA. Son of King Rsabha. It is mentioned in Bhagadarbha. (M.B.
' .


Skandha 5

that this king

had nineteen


1 )

including Sena.

live for


there disappeared. Savitri returned and sat taking the body of Satyavan on her lap. Satyavan came to life. Both of them rose up. Night came on. It was dark. They could not find the way. Satyavan Savitri wanted to reach their hermitage somehow. took the axe and supporting her husband in the dim moon light, walked to the hermitage. Dyumatsena got sight. He started with his wife in search of his children, and walked about in the forest. At last all of them met together. They reached home.



Adi Parva, Chapter 67)

2). Other details.

General information. Ksatriya King who lived in the age of the Puranas. This King was born from a portion of an asura called Tuhunda. (Mahabharata

of Draupadi.

Senabindu was present at the Svayamvara marriage (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 9).


The story is that Angiras began worshipping the Devatas for a son equal to Indra and that Indra, thinking that there should not be another person equal to him, got himself born as the son of Angiras. That son is Savya. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 10, Sukta 51). name of Arjuna. (Virata SAVYASACI. Another Parva, Chapter 44, Verse 19). SAVYASIVYA. One of the sons of Vipracitti by Sirhhika. This asura was killed by Paras urama. (Brahmanda Purana, 3.6. 18-20). SAYAMVAlSVADEVA. The sacrificial offering given by the wife with the food prepared in the evening without any spell or incantation, is called Sayarhvais'vadeva. (Manusmrti, Chapter 3, 121). SAYANA. A hermit who was an expounder of the Vedas. In course of time, due to the differences in languages and grammar, the Vedas became difficult to be grasped. It was Yaska and Sayana who saved the Indians from this difficulty. For the Vedas to be grasped easily, Yaska made the Nirukta (Etymology) and Sayana wrote the Book Vedarthaprakasa. &AYU. A maharsi. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 1 12, Sukta 16). SECAKA. A naga (serpent) born in the family of Dhrtarastra. This serpent was burnt to death in the

of them returned to Salva. Dyumatsena King of Salva. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapters 293 to 299) SAVYA. A son of Arigiras, Savya is actually Indra him-

to the hermitage. They said that the minister had killed the King, that the people had expelled the minister, and that they had come to request Dyumatsena to return to his country and to resume the reign.

Savitri told them all that had happened. Everyone was delighted. Then some people from Salva came

was anointed



as the

lost his kingdom. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 10). The Pandavas had invited this King to take part (iii) in the Bharata battle. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 13). (iv) It is said that Senabindu was known by another name Krodhahanta. He was as valiant as Sri Krsna and Bhimasena. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 171, Verse 20). (v) He was killed in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 6 Verse 32). SENABINDU II. A warrior of Pancala who had taken part in the battle of Bharata on the side of the Pandavas. Karna killed him. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 15). SENACITTA. A King of the dynasty of Bharata. This King was the son of Visada and the father ofRucirasva. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).

of the north, (ii) Arjuna, during his regional conquest with the King of Uluka had attacked this King who


lived in the period of Mahastated in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 13 that the Pandavas had decided to send a letter of invitation to this King, for the battle of

A King who

bharata. It


A King. He lived in tears because of the II. of his son. At last by the advice of a brahmin he got peace of mind. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapters 25 and 179). SENAJIT III. A King who was the son of King Visada and the father of Rucirasva. Besides RuciraSva Senajit had three more sons named Drdhahanus, KaSya and Vatsa. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). This King is mentioned as the son of King Visvajit in Visnu Purana and Vayu Purana and as the son of




bharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 26, that this King had written a treatise on justice (duties of a King). SENAMUKHA. A division of an army. (See under

Matsya Purana.

It is




of the serpent-sacrifice of Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 14). SEDUKA. An ancient King in India. Once some brahmins approached this heroic King who was wellversed in the art of wielding weapons, for Daksina to
sacrificial fire

SENANI (SENAPATI). One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. He was killed by Bhimasena in the battle



of Bharata. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 32) sub-section of Udyoga Parva in Mahabharata. This sub-section comprises Chapters 1 to 19 of Udyoga Parva in Mahabharata.

Ananta. (q.v)
Additional information (i) Ananta is the reposing

It is this



people of the


and ignorant. (Karna Parva,

country in earlier days

were Chapter 45,

bed of Visnu.

Ananta who dislodged Mandara mountain at the time of Ksirabdhi mathana (churning of the ocean of milk) (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 18, Verse 8) Ananta is the noblest of the nagas. (M.B. Adi (ii)

(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 3) (iv) Ananta obtained from Brahma the boon to be able to stand firmly on Dharma. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 17).

Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 2) were mutual dissensions among the (iii) When there nagas, Ananta visited holy places such as Puskara.

(v) Ananta carries and supports the earth at the behest of Brahma. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 18).

Ananta's father


(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 41 ). Balabhadra Rama was born from a portion of Ananta. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 152). (viii) At the time of Tripuradahana, Ananta served as the axle of Siva's chariot. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 202, Verse 72). SETU. A King of the family of Bharata. He was the son of Babhru and the father of Anarabdha. (BhagaKaclru.






Verse 34) SlBI III. A King born in the dynasty of Usinara. He was present at the wedding of Draupadi. He fought on the side of the Pandavas in the great war and was killed by Drona. (Drona Parva, Chapter 155. Verse 19). King Sibi had four sons Bhadra, Suvira, Kekaya and Vrsadarbha. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SlBi IV. An Indra. There were four sects of Devas called Suparas, Haris, Satyas and Sudhis in Tamasa Manvantara, and there were twentyseven Devas in each Sect. Sibi, who performed hundred yajfias then was Indra. (For details see under Manvantaram). SlBI V. An ancient Rajarsi. thus from Visnu Descended 1) Genealogy. Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha-Pururavas- Ayus - NahusaSrnjaya Yayati- Anudruhyu Sabhanara Kalanara

Us"Inara-Sibi. Sibi was born


Usinara of Madhavl, daughter


Yayati. 2 ) Suhotra made

dynasty once on

give way. King Suhotra of Kuru his return from a visit of maharsis saw









of Visvamitra's


Vedas. (M.B. Anus asana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 58). SlBII. Grandson of Hiranyakas ipu, who had four sons called Anuhrada, Hrada, Prahlada and Sarhhlada, and of the four, Sarhhlada had three sons called Ayusman,
ers of the

who were expound-

age ordained. But, they did not give passage to each other as they thought themselves to be equal in merit. At that time Narada came there and asked the kings

coming in the opposite direction in his and both the Kings saluted each other as their

answered Narada thus "He who clever on account of former actions





there thus blocking the path.


They more noble or




and Baskala. (Agni Purana, Chapter 19). This Sibi was the son of Hiranyakas ipu. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 18). as a King (2) This Asura took birth again and lived by the name Druma. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 8). SlBI II. Inhabitants of the country called Sibi; they are called Saibyas also. The following information about the country is gathered from Mahabharata. Sunanda, mother of King Santanu was a princess (i) of this country. (M.B.Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse

by the other person. Both of us are comrades and are equals." Narada then spoke as follows "Oh King of the Kuru dynasty You are cruel to the To the evil you are gentle and gentle to the cruel. good; then why not be good to the good. Devas have ordered that he who does good will get it hundredfold by return. King Uiinara is more noble and gentle than you are. The miser is won over by liberality, the liar by truth, the cruel by patience and the evil person by good. But, both of you Kings are noble persons. Therefore, one of you should give way to the





Govasana, father-in-law of Yudhisthira, was a King of Sibi. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 76). (iii) Nakula, during his triumphal tour of the western regions, conquered the kingdom of Sibi. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7) (iv) People of Sibi attended the Rajasuya yajna conducted by Yudhisthira with presents. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 14) (v) A King called Usinara, once ruled the country. (Vana Parva, Chapter 131, Verse 21 ). (vi) The kingdom of Sibi was once under the jurisdiction of Jayadratha. (Vana Parva, Chapter 267, Verse



and proceeded on

Narada's advice, Suhotra gave way to his way. (Vana Parva, Chapter


Arjuna annihilated the armies of the kingdom of Sibi which followed Jayadratha to the battlefield. (Vana Parva, Chapter 271, Verse 28) maharathas of Sibi, with their armies, (viii) The arrayed under the banner of Duryodhana to fight the Pandavas. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 195, Verse 7). the kingdom of Sibi. (ix) Karna once subjugated (Drona Parva, Chapter 91, Verse 38)

Sibi tested. Sibi's fame spread in the three worlds, and an idea was mooted among the Devas that it should be tested how much of the reputation of the King was genuine. Accordingly, Agni in the form of a dove and Indra in that of a kite hunting after the dove, rushed to King Sibi. The dove took refuge in the lap of the King sitting in 'divya' posture, and the priest told the King that it was the latter's duty to protect the dove, which took refuge with him for its life. The dove also told the King thus '! am really a muni, who has entered the body of the dove. I take refuge in you for my life." By that time the kite too had flown up to the King. It asked the King to return the dove, which it had been chasing. The King was surprised to hear the kite talk and told the bird that it was not proper for him to give up the dove who had sought refuge under him, but that he would give the kite any other flesh in lieu of the





flesh cut

kite replied as follows "You must give me from your right thigh equal in weight to that of the dove. If you do so, the dove will be saved and you will be praised by people." Accordingly, the King cut a piece of flesh from his right thigh and weighed it in the balance against the dove. But, the dove weighed more. The King cut more flesh from his thigh and weighed, but the dove still weighed more. Thus, by instalments the King cut his whole body and weighed the flesh against the dove, yet it weighed more. Then the King himself sat in the balance, seeing which the kite flew away. Then the dove assumed its original form and told the King that it was Agni and the kite, Indra. The Devas were greatly pleased with the firm sense of sacrifice of the King; they blessed him and told him that a son called Kapotaroma will be born to him. (Vana Parva, Chap-


A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. II. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 64). SIDDHARTHA III. The name of Buddha in his childhood. (See under Buddha). SIDDHARTHA IV. A minister of King Dasaratha.



(Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, Sarga 36). hermitage. The place at which Vamana thrust Mahabali down to Patala. This place became a hermitage later. When ViSvamitra took Sri

Rama and Laksmana

his sacrifice, he

to the forest for the protection


ter 197).


Other information.




down on



to transfer


(Sibi). (Adi Parva, Chapter 93, Verse 3). Sibi worships Yama in his court. (Sabha

earth from heaven, Sibi the merits acquired by

showed them this hermitage. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Sarga 29, Verse 22). SIDDHI I.' A daughter of Daksa. Thirteen daughters including Siddhi were married by Dharmadeva. (Visnu Purana, ArhSa 1, Chapter 7). SIDDHI II. A goddess. Kunti the mother of the Pandavas was the human rebirth of this goddess. (M.B. Adi' Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 120). This goddess Siddhi had walked in front of the army of Subrahmanya, in the great battle between the Devas and the asuras.



the object in

any matter, the blessing of



Sibi too was present in the company of Indra to the fight between Arjuna and Drona in the battle between King Virata and Kauravas at the


Verse 10).


Virata city in connection with the lifting of Virata's cow by the Kauravas. (Virata Parva, Chapter 56, Verse

goddess is essential. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 64). SIDDHI III. The son of an Agni (fire) named Vlra. Siddhi was born to this Vlragni, by his wife Sarayu. The story stating how this agni once screened the sun by his radiance, occurs in Mahabharata, Salya Parva,

Sibi loved

(v) People of the Yadu dynasty presented Sibi a sword. (Santi Parva, Chapter 166, Verse 89). (vi) He gifted away his son to the brahmins, and therefore he attained heaven. (Sand Parva, Chapter 234, Verve 19; Anus asana Parva, Chapter 137, Verse4) (vii) He did not eat flesh. (Anus asana Parva, Chapter


Indra Verse 7).



(Bhisma Parva,

King of the Solar dynasty. In Bhagavata, it is said that he was the son of Agnipurna arid father of Maru. SIGHRAGA. One of the sons of Sampati. (Matsya
9th Skandha,


Chapter 218.



6, 35).

war they fought

11 5,

Verse 61).





the episode of the dove and the kite is mentioned in the Mahabharata. One of the Kings is Sibi and the other Uslnara, father of Sibi. (See under Uslnara)

story of two

Kings connected with


bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 46) SIDDHA II (THE SIDDHAS). group of Devas. The group of devas called Siddhas lived on the Himalayas near the hermitage of Kanva. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chap.

Deva Gandharva. This Gandharva was Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Pradha. (MahaI.

this hermit approached Drona and requested him to stop the battle forthwith. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 190, Verse 34). SIKATAKSA. A holy place. Once Yudhisthira visited this holy place. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 125, Verse 12). SlKHAI^DAM. Things which were born from the blood of Vrtrasura and which Brahmins, Ksatriyas and Vaisyas are forbidden from eating. (Santi Parva, Chapter 282,


In the Dasarajna particular caste of people. against Sudas and got themselves de(Rgveda, 7-18-19). An ancient hermit. When the Bharata-battle

was going on




Verse 15). It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 29, that this group of Gods stay in the palace of Yama serving him.
ter 70,


The Devi (goddess) consecrated in Rambhavana, wearing a water-vessel with a snout, rosary, boon, and fire, is called Siddha. ( See under Devi)

Those who are cursed by the group of devas called Siddhas are afflicted by this spirit and they become maniacs. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 230, Verse 49) SIDDHAPATRA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Mahabharata Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 66) SIDDHARTHA I. A King. This King was the rebirth of the asura Krodhavasa. (Bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter
evil spirit.
. .

ended her life with the vow that she would take revenge on Bhisma and was born in the next life as the daughter of king Drupada under the name Sikhandini, and Sikhandini helped Arjuna in the war at Kuruksetra to kill Bhisma. (For the history of Amba ending in two lives see under Amba. Certain pieces of information not included under that head are given below). of Abhi(1) Sikhandini was present at the wedding manyu in the city of Upaplavya.( Virata Parva, Chapter
daughter of the king of Kasi.
Sikhandi learned archery at the feet of Dronacarya. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 192, Verse 60). duel was fought (3) On the first day of the great war a between Sikhandi and Asvatthama. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 46) in fear of (4) Sikhandi retreated from battle-field Drona. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 69, Verse 31 ).






72, Verse 17).


67, Verse 60)



tically that

he could practise jnanayoga living in th e he quitted the city for the forest and began palace performing tapas there. Then on one day, she went to the presence of the king in the forest in the guise of a brahmin boy and stood there without touching the earth with his feet. The king treated the boy with honour and respect taking him for some Deva. Then she revealed her actual form, and the king agreed to return with her to the palace and practise jnanayoga there. At that juncture Cudala created by her soul-power celestial women like UrvasI and also Indra and lined them up before her husband. This was to test whether the king yielded to any of the temptations by the celestial women or by Indra and Cudala returned with the king

second duel was fought by him and Asvatthama. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 26). (6) Sikhandl broke the arrow of Salya with his divine arrow (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 29) (7) He tried to kill Bhisma. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 108, Verse 45). (8) Sikhandl attacked Bhisma at the instance of Arjuna. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter UO, Verse 1). (9) He followed that attack with many other attacks. (Bhisma Parva, Chapters 114, 118 and 119). ( 10) Sanjaya praised the prowess of Sikhandl to Dhrtarastra. (Drona Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 45) (11) Bhurisrava and Sikhandl fought with each other. (Drona Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 43). and Kama fought with each other. (12) Sikhandl (Drona Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 7). (13) Sikhandl and Balhika fought with each other. (Drona Parva, Chapter 96, Verse 7) (14) In the fight that followed, Sikhandi was defeated by Krtavarman. (Drona Parva, Chapter 114, Verse 82). (15) Krpacarya defeated Sikhandl. (Drona Parva, Chapter 169, Verse 22). (16) In the battle that followed with Krtavarman, Sikhandi fainted. (Karna Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 26).. 1 ( 7) Defeated by Krpacarya, Sikhandl had to run away for life. (Karna Parva, Chapter 54). (18) Karna defeated Sikhandl. (Karna Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 7). (19) Annihilating the army of Prabhadrakas Sikhandl fought fiercely with Krtavarman and Krpa. (Salya Parva, Chapter 15, Verse 7) (20) Sikhandl resisted the advance of Asvatthama. (Salya Parva', Chapter 16, Verse 6) (21) In the fierce battle that was fought after the fall of Bhisma AsVatthama killed Sikhandi. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter8, Verse 65). (22) Synonyms of Sikhandl used in Mahabharata. Bhlsmahanta, SikhandinI, Draupadeya, Drupadatmaja, Pancalya, Yajnaseni etc. SIKHANDINI (II). Wife of Antardhana born in the


to the

warrior of Subrahmanya.

(Salya Parva,

Chapter 45, Verse 76). SlLA. Daughter of Dharmarsi. She was wedded by Marici maharsi. For some reason the maharsi cursed her and she was transformed into a stone in the Gaya temple. (Vayu Purana, 108). SILAVAN. A divine sage. In Mahabharata, Daksinatyapatha, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83, there is a reference to a conversation between this Maharsi and Sri Krsna.



Her husband, Ugrafravas was fidelity to her husband. cruel and vicious. Yet SilavatI used to adore him. Once Ugrasravas fell a victim to the disease of leprosy. From that time , SilavatI used to go about begging in the

reputed for her




dynasty of emperor Prthu. The emperor had two sons Antardhana and Vadl. To Antardhana was born of Sikhandini a son called Havirdhana, who married Dhi sana born in the dynasty of Agni, and the
couple had
Part 1).

sons called

Krsna, Vraja and Ajina.


Sukra, Gaya,

houses of Brahmanas to feed and support her husband. After some time by her constant nursing, his condition was slightly improved. After that she continued her begging from door to door, carrying him on her shoulders. Once they happened to arrive in front of a huge manWater was flowing in front of the gate and so sion. SilavatI returned from there with her husband without stepping into the water. When they reached home, Ugrafravas asked his wife why she returned without entering the mansion. She explained that it was the house of a prostitute and to touch the water coming out of that house was sin. On hearing it, Ugrasravas felt an irresistible desire to visit that brothel. He expressed his desire to her. Quite obediently SilavatI took up her husband on her shoulders and went to the prostitute's house. mandavya, (For more details see under


(Visnu Purana, Chapter

maharsi, who lived in the court of Yudhisthira. (Sabha. Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 14). SlKHAVARTA. A Yaksa, who lives in the court of Kubera worshipping him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 17). SlKHl. A naga born in the Kasyapa dynasty. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 12). SlKHIDHVAJA. A king, who ruled over Malava during the first Dvaparayuga in the seventh Manvantara. Cudala, daughter of the king of Saurastra was SikhidhThe Jnanavasistham contains a story about vaja's wife. how the royal couple renounced all attachments in life as the result of intense tapas.


SlLAYUPA. A Vedantist

Anasuya and


SlLl. A naga born in the Taksaka dynasty. It was burnt to death at the serpent yajna conducted by Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 9).

son of Visvamitra. Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 54).


of this

wife of

King Citrtangada.



given in in Skanda Purana. tmya.


Somapradosavrata maha-


king who had helped Yudhisthira. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 40)



took the


of the

Sikhidhvaja and Cudala began practising jnanayoga (communion through knowledge) It was Cudala, who gained Siddhis first. Though the king was pleased with the achievements of his wife he felt sorry about his failure or drawbacks. Cudala had attained the Siddhi to travel even in air. Though she told her husband empha-

Pandavas and fought against the Kauravas. (Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 49,) This Sirhhaketu was killed in the battle of Bharata by Karna.


was called Simhala and the inhabitants were called The following statements about Simhala Simhalas. occur in the Mahabharata.


In ancient days this place

The low caste people of the Sirhhalas originated (1) from the sides of NandinT, the cow of the Devas. ( M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 174, Verse 37). (2) The king of Simhala had taken part in the sacrifice Rajasuya of Yudhisthira. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 'l2). (3) The Ksatriyas of Sirhhala gave Yudhisthira, Chrysoprases, pearls and such other wealth of the sea as preThe people of Simhala wore clothes studded with sent. jewels. They were ot dark complexion with eyes the ends of which were red. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 58, Verse 35). (4) The Sirhhalas took the side of the Kauravas in the In the Garuda vyuha formed by battle of Bharata. Drona, the Sirhhalas were stationed in the position of the neck. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 6) SIMHAPURA. A city in Bharata, famous in the Puranas. This city was situated in the mountainous region of North India. During the period of Mahabharata, Citrayudha was the king who ruled over this city. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 20) Arjuna during his regional conquest of the North, de. .

Other details.

Sarhvarana, a King, who was defeated by his enemies, hid himself for a while in the natural arbours on the basin of Siridhu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94,


feated this king.



I. The commander of the army of Karta(Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 46). This captured and imprisoned Ravana.


of Bharata he

warrior of Pancala. In' the battle took the side of the Pandavas and was

killed in the battle


Verse 32).

by Drona.






asura. (Skanda Purana, Asura Kanda, ) This asura fought Subrahmanya.


Chapter 56, Verse 44)

III. Another warrior of Pancala. in the battle of Bharata. (Karna



and Agni Purana Chapter 19). Two sons named Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa and a daughter named Simhika were born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Did. Simhika was married by Vipracitti. Two sons named Rahu and Ketu were born to them. Because they were the sons of Simhika, they came to be known by the name Saimhikeyas. (But it is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, that Simhika was the daughter of Prajapati Daksa and the wife of KaSyapa.) A story occurs in Ramayana, that this Simhika caught hold of Hanum an by his shadow and swallowed him, while he was jumping to Lanka, and that Hanuman escaped from her. (See under Rama, para 27). SlMSUMA, Daughter of a Gandhara King. She is also known as Sukesi. She was married by Sri Krsna (M.B. Southern text, Chapter 38) SINDHU I. A river in India, very famous in the

(Visnu Purana,

Ams a



Kubha, Sindhu, Suvastu. Vitasta, Asiknl, Parusnl, Vipasa, Satadru, Sarasvati etc. SINDHU II. A country very famous in the Puranas. Jayadratha the King of Sindhu was present at the Svayarhvara marriage of Draupadi (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 21). SINDHUDVIPA. A King of the Solar dynasty. (Mahabharata, Anufasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 4). This King was the son of Jahnu and the father of BalakiisVa. This King did penance in the holy place called Prthudakatirtha and attained Brahminhood. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 39, Verse 37) It is mentioned in Bhagavata, Skandha 9, that Sindhudvipa was the son of Srutanabha who was the son of

Sindhu remains in the palace of Varuna and him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 19). Once Markandeya happened to see the river (iii) Sindhu in the stomach of child Mukunda. ( M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 188, Verse 103). (iv) Sindhu is considered to be the origin of Agni (Fire.) (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 242, Verse 22). channels of Ganga. (v) Sindhu is one of the seven (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 48). (vi) By bathing in the river Sindhu, one could attain heaven. (M.B. AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 25 Verse 8) (vii) Once Parvati held a talk on the duties of women. All the rivers met to hear the talk. Sindhu was prominent among the rivers who were present. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 146, Verse 18). (viii ) This is one of the rivers which ought to be remembered every morning and evening. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 19). (ix) Mention about river Sindhu occurs throughout the Rgveda. Prominent rivers mentioned in Rgveda are

Verse 40).


holy place. The river Sindhu from this place. This is a place frequented by the Siddhas and the Gandharvas. He who bathes here for five days with fast can obtain heaps of Gold. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 86, Verse 84). SINDHUPULINDA. A kingdom of India very famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 40 j. SINDHUSAUVlRA. A place in the North-west part of India, famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 86, Verse 84) The people of Sindhu.


sauvira do not

know dharma



It is assumed in the Puranas 1) General information. that this river is a branch of the heavenly Gariga. By the efforts of Bhaglratha, the heavenly Gariga fell on After that it had six the earth in the Lake Bindu. channels. Three channels flowed to the east and three to the west. The rivers which flowed to the East were Hladini, Pavani and Nalini. The three rivers Sucaksus, Sita and Sindhu flowed to the west. This seventh branch

followed Bhagiratha and flowed obsequies to the sons of Sagara.





(Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 79). This is one of the famous holy places in the world and that by bathing in this tlrtha one can obtain heaps of gold. SlNI. A King of the Yadava dynasty. He secured Devaki to be wedded toVasudeva after defeating, singlehanded in battle, all the kings. A fierce battle was fought between this Sini of Devamldha family and Somadatta. (Drona Parva, Chapter 114). SINlVAK. A hermit. This hermit had shone in the council of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter
holy place.

Verse 14).

1) Birth.




daughter of Arigiras. The wife of Arigiras was Smrti. She gave birth to four daughters named Kuhii, Raka, Anumati and Sinlvall. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 10). is mentioned in Bhagavata, Skandha 6, that (It Sinlvall was the third daughter of Arigiras by his wife Sraddha.


Drsyadrsya is another name of Sinlvall. Her body is small. So sometimes she can be seen and sometimes she cannot be seen. It is in this meaning that she

2) Other



and unseen). Siva So she has another name Rudrasuta. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 218, Verse 5). used Sinivali as the yoke of the horses of his (ii) Siva chariot in the battle with Tripuras. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 32). (iii) At the time of his birth Sinlvall had come to see

the name Drs~yadrs"ya bears her in his forehead.

Devendra ordered Sisumara to praise answered proudly that he had no time sage for it and that he would praise Indra for as much time as was needed to throw the water upwards. Accordingly he started praising Indra. The sage to whom Indra's praise was at first disagreeable, subsequently felt that he could not do it too much. By his He even composausterity he acquired "Samavidya". ed a "Sama" (a hymn) in praise of Indra. In later times it became famous as "Sarkarasama". SlSUMARA II. A constellation so called because it is in It is said to be the form of a Sixumara (Crocodile) At the tail-end of it is the starry form of Visnu. Dhruva, which automatically rotates and also makes

A Rsi. This Rsi used to live in water in I. the form of a crocodile. There is a story about him in the Pancavirhsa Brahmana. Once all the Rsis joined together in praising Indra. Sij'umara alone remained silent without taking part in



the child

45, Verse 13).

Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter


Atharva Veda that Sinivali


wife of Mahavisnu.


Soma Moon) SlPHA. A river extolled in Rgveda. It is stated in Sukta 104, Anuvaka 15, Mandala 1 of the Rgveda that the asura named Kuyava should be thrown into the

A daughter born to Brhaspati by his II. wife Subha. It is stated in Vayu Purana, Chapter 90, that though Sinivali was given in Marriage to Prajapati Kardama, she abandoned him and lived with

depths of Sipha as he stole money.

details see

the father of Slta. (For further under Janaka ). SlRlSAKA. A naga born in Kasyapa dynasty. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 14). SlRlSl. A Vedantist son of Viivamitra. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 59). SIRKALI. A sacred place in South India. Brahmapura is another name for this place which is near Kumbhakonam in Tanjore District. The place was sanctified by the birth of Tirujnanasambandhar. (For further details see under Tirujnanasambandhar). SlSlRA. Son of Soma the Vasu, of his wife Manohara. To the couple were born four sons called Varcas, Prana, Ramana and Sis"ira. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 22). SlSlRAPARVATA. A mountain near Mount Meru. (See under Mahameru) SlSTA. Dhruva's son by Dhanya. Sista married Succhaya, daughter of Agni. Four sons, Krpa, Ripunjaya, Vrtta and Vrka were born to them. (Matsya Purana, 4/38). SlSTI. A son of Dhruva. Dhruva had two sons, Sisji and Bhavya, by his wife Sambhu. Sisti's wife, Succhaya gave birth to five sons, namely, Ripu, Ripunjaya, Vipra, Vrkala and Vrkatejas. The eldest of them Ripu was the father of the Manu, Caksu Fa. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 13). SlSU. A son born to the Saptamatrs due to the blessing of Subrahmanya. The eyes of the child were blood-red. It was called Virastaka as well. (Vana Parva, Chapter 228, Verse 11).


Surya is dependent on Dhruva. (Visnu Purana, Part 2, Chapter 9). SlSUMARAMUKHl. A woman follower of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 22). SlSUNAGA. The first King of the Sisunaga dynasty. He founded the dynasty after defeating Nandivardhana of Pradyota family, King of Magadha. Though he first belonged to Kas'i region, later on he settled down in Magadha. Kakavarna was SiSunaga's son.

planets like the Sun and the moon to rotate. Stars follow the self-rotating Dhruva and rotate like a wheel. The Sun and the moon along with stars and planets are bound by the cord of atmosphere to Dhruva. The basis and support of this constellation of Sisumara is Mahavisnu, who is the support of all light and effulgence. Dhruva, son of Uttanapada came to be installed at the tail-end of Sisumara as he had worshipped Visnu. Siiumara is dependent upon Visnu, the Lord of all, and Dhruva is dependent upon SiSumara.


following ten Kings of Sisunaga dynasty ruled the (1) Kakavarna (2) Ksemacountry for 360 years. dharma (3) Ksemajit (4) Vindhyasena (5) Bhumimitra (6) Ajatagatru (7) Varhsaka (8) Udasi (9) Nandivardhana (10) Mahanandi. (Matsya Purana, 272, 6-17; Vayu Purana 99. 314-315).


Vaikuntha were born thrice in asura womb as a result of the curse by munis like Sanaka. They were first born as Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu, next as Ravana and Kumbhakarna and the third time as Sisupala and Dantavaktra. (See under Jayavijayas) Sisupala was the son of King Damaghosa 2) Birth. of Cedi by his wife, Srutasravas (Bhagavata, 9th He was born with three eyes and four Skandha) hands, and at the time of birth he brayed like an ass, so the parents decided to abandon the ugly and awkward child. Immediately a Jin (ghost) appeared and told the father that the child would grow up to become very strong and powerful, and that only one person would be able to kill him and that person had already been born on earth. Further questioned by Sisupala's mother, the Jin said that as soon as the son saw the person born to kill him, he would lose his third eye, and that if he was seated on the lap of the person, two
. .

Previous birth.

KingofCedi. Jaya and Vijaya,



Si SU PALAVADHAPARVA out of his four hands would be

this the

After having said

are in various Puranas and given here. Laksmi, SarasvatI and Gariga were the wives of Mahavisnu. One day Visnu was sitting with his three wives and entertaining them with conversation when Devi Ganga looked at Visnu amorously. Instantly a quarrel arose among the three of them. When the row became uncontrollable, SarasvatI cursed Laksmi to take birth in the earth as a plant. Ganga cursed SarasvatI and made her a river. SarasvatI cursed Ganga and made her a river. At the end of all these rows and curses Visnu stood up and said to Laksmi. "Laksmi! you will take birth as the daughter of Dharmadhvaja on the earth

world of Visnu, occurring


this peculiar child spread far and wide and many kings visited him. Damaghosa placed the child on the lap of each of them. But, no physical change occurred to him. Then one day Sri Krsna and Balabhadra came to see the child, whose mother Srutasravas (she was also the sister of Krsna's father) placed him on Krsna's lap. Immediately two hands and the third eye of the child vanished, and with tears in her eyes the mother prayed Krsna never to kill SiSupala, and Krsna promised that he would forgive the crimes of Sis'upala a hundred times. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 43)

News about

Jin disappeared.

with the


Tulasi. In order that the curse ofSarasvatl

Other information. at the wedding of Draupadi. (i) Sis upala was present In his attempt to draw the bow he fell down on his

knees. (Adi Parva,


He was

of the

Chapter 185, Verse 23). present at the wedding of the daughter of Kalinga also. (Santi Parva, Chapter 4,

the Commander-in-Chief of the armies of Jarasandha. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 10). (iv) When Bhima conquered all the kingdoms Siiupala honoured him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 11). (v) He too was present at the Rajasuya of Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 14). (vi) At the Rajasuya, Krsna heaped insulting words on Sisupala. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 37). (vii) Sisupala objected to the selection of Krsna as president of the Rajasuya and controversy followed it.

Verse 6)

He was

grow up on the earth from a portion of you. While you are living as the daughter of Dharmadhvaja, an asura named Sankhaciida born from my portion will marry you." The curse was realized. SarasvatI and Ganga became rivers. Laksmi was about to be born as the daughter He was of Dharmadhvaja. Who was Dharmadhvaja? a man of righteous deeds and good qualities, born of the family of Daksasavarni who was born from a portion of Mahavisnu. Brahmasavarnl was born from Daksasavarni. Dharmasavarni begot Rudrasavarni, Indrasavarni begot Vrsadhvaja. Rathadhvaja was the son of Vrsadhvaja. Two sons named Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja were born to Rathadhvaja. Dharmadhvaja and Kus"adhvaja were performing penance before Devi Laksmi to regain the wealth and prosperity lost by the

may come

true, a plant called

Tulasi (holy basil)


(Sabha Parva, Chapter


(ix) Once in the absence of Krsna Sis'upala attacked Dvaraka. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45 Verse 7). (x) He stole the sacrificial horse of Vasudeva. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 9) (xi) He abducted the wife of Babhru. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 10). (xii) He abducted the daughter of his uncle, the King of Visala. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 11 ). the above he was killed in battle by ( xiii ) Following Krsna. (Chapter 45, Verse 25, Sabha Parva) (xivj After death his effulgence got absorbed in Krsna. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 26) (xv) Krsna once told Arjuna that he killed Sis' upala

(Sabha Parva, Chapter 41


39, Verse 11). insulted Bhlsma at





curse of the Sun.

prosperity? Their grandfather Vrsadhvaja was a devotee of Siva. He performed penance before Siva for a long time. Siva became pleased with Vrsadhvaja and lived in his hermitage for the period of three Devayugas. This king Vrsadhvaja made a proclamation that none other than Siva should be worshipped. As all the other gods were despised, the Sun got angry and cursed Vrsadhvaja. "Let the prosperity of yours and your posterity be destroyed." Siva did not like the action taken by the Sun against his favourite. Siva took his trident and went against the Sun, who took refuge near his father Prajapati

did Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja lose their

for his (Arjuna's) good.



Chapter 181,
of Sabha

Parva, Chapters 40-45.

Verse 21).


naga (serpent) born in the family of Taksaka. This Naga was burnt to death in Janamejaya's Sarpasatra. ( Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 10).


warrior of Subrahmanya. (Mahabharata, Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 69). Salya SlTA. Wife of Sri Rama. 1) Who is Sftd? Sita is the incarnation of Mahalaksml. Laksmi took the birth of a woman because of the curse ofSarasvatl. VedavatI, Sita, Pancall, all these women of chastity were the incarnations of Laksmi The stories of Laksmi passing from birth to birth such as VedavatI, Tulasi, Sita, Pancall and so on until at last she reached the

Kagyapa. KaSyapa complained to Brahma. to Vaikuntha. Siva also came there with his trident. Visnu looked at them and said "You What is the need of all this hurry? gods, hear this. Within the short time you have taken to run up to this It is a place so many years have elapsed in the world. long time since Vrsadhavaja died. His son Rathadhvaja also is dead. Rathadhvaja has two sons named Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja. They both have become Kings. But because of the curse of the Sun, they are devoid of any radiance. They are now worshipping Mahalaksml for radiance." Hearing this talk of Mahavisnu all of them returned to their places. It has been mentioned that Dharmadhvaja and Kuadhvaj a had been engaged in penance before Mahalaksml. Devi Mahalaksml appeared before them and granted their wish. Devi promised them that she would take birth as the daughter of each of them, and she would recover for them all the wealth and prosperity they had lost. Accordingly Mahalaksml took birth by her portion as the daughter of Madhavl, the wife of Dharmadhvaja

Brahma ran



brought up by the king

under the name Tulasi. (For the rest of the story of TulasI see under Tula si, Para 4). Malavati was the wife of Kusadhvaja. As Laksmi had promised to take birth as their daughter, both of them waited for the birth of the child uttering the Vedas. At this time a child was born from the mouth of Kusadhvaja. This child was the incarnation of Laksmi. With child KuSadhvaja regained all the the birth of the
wealth and prosperity he had lost. The child was named Vedavatl (DevavatI). She grew up and became a young woman. Her desire was to get Mahavisnu as her husband. Once an asura named Sambhu came to the hermitage of Kusadhvaja. When he saw Vedavatl he fell in love with her. He asked Kui'adhvaja lor the hand of his daughter, but Kusadhvaja did not give his consent.
got angry. He came back in the night and killed Kusadhvaja with his sword. Hearing the sound Vedavatl woke up and saw the dead body of her father lying In in a pool of blood. She looked at Sambhu angrily. that fiery look Sambhu was burnt to ashes.

who named

the portion of this Slta herself that Pancall. (Devi Bhagavata, Kamba Other versions.

her Slta. took birth



next as



vara (the bride herself choosing a husband). On the day fixed for the marriage Raksasas came and destroyed all the preparations and killed King Padmaksa. Because of her sorrow at this disaster Padma jumped into the fire. The giants searched for Padma every where, but they could not find her. They returned in

performed penance before (i) The King Padmaksa Mahavisnu with a view to get Mahalaksm! as daughter. Mahavisnu gave the King a great Phallus to realize his wish. From that a beautiful girl was born. The King named her Padma. When she attained marriageable age, the King made preparations for her Svayam-


Vedavatl began to perform very severe penance to get Visnu as her husband. It was at this time that Ravana

had begun kings and

campaign of conquest. He defeated all was proceeding victoriously through the vicinity of the Himalayas, when he saw the beautiful damsel Vedavati sitting alone and performing penance. Seeing so beautiful a girl engaged in penance, he told her that he was the famous Ravana with ten heads and requested her to throw away the garment of bark of the tree and the matted hair and to accept him as her husband. She rejected his request. The angry Ravana caught hold of her hand. She resisted using her teeth and finger-nails. She cried out that she wanted no more to retain the body made impure by the touch of a wicked person. She made a fire and jumped into it. Thus in the sight of Ravana, she burnt herself to death. Before death she vowed that in the next birth Mahavisnu would become her husband and would kill Ravana. Ravana who himself was burning in the fire of amour, was extremely sorry at the death of the beautiful girl. He took the ashes of hers to Lanka and put them in a golden box and kept the box in a solitary place. He used

day, during this period, Ravana was travelling in Aerial chariot. When he reached this place, he saw Padma who had come out of the fire. Ravana was fascinated by the beauty of Padma. So he turned towards her. Seeing this, Padma again jumped into the pile of fire for safety. Without any delay Ravana made a search in the pile of fire. At last he got the body of Padma (Ska) in the form of five jewels. The Ravana placed the five jewels in a disappointed box and took it to Lanka and gave it to his wife Mandodari. One day Mandodari opened that box and saw Padma sitting in the form of a beautiful virgin. Thinking that it .was not propitious to keep her who was the cause of destruction to Padmaksa, his family and kingdom, Mandodari exerted pressure on Ravana to cast the box out of Lanka. Ravana with his men took the box from Lanka and buried it in Mithila. Before the box was closed Padma cursed

Ravana. "I will come to Lanka again to kill you and your clan." One day when a brahmin of Mithila was ploughing his field he got this box. Thinking that it belonged to the King, the brahmin took the box to King Janaka. The King took the child in the box and brought it up.

bad omens began

to Lanka. Ravana asked Narada for the reason of constant occurrences of bad omens in Lanka. Narada replied that the cause of bad omens was the golden box


to visit the place daily. Since the arrival of the ashes, to occur in Lanka. One day Narada

He named

the child Slta.

(Ananda Ramayana,

In Adbhuta

he was keeping and that

if it was kept in Lanka any longer, it would cause destruction and that if it was destroyed, great disaster would follow. Narada advised Ravana to remove the box without opening it to somewhere else outside Lanka. Accordingly Ravana caused the golden box to be dropped in the sea. By and by it came with the waves to the shore of Bharata (India) . Robbers took it and went to the north and hid it in a forest. They were not able to take it away again. Thus the box came to be deposited on the basin of a river in

somewhat different from Ramayana. It is given below Ravana who had become the harasser of the entire world began to harass the hermits and sages also. He

Ramayana we

7-6). see another story which that we see in Ananda

used to shoot arrows at the hermits who were sitting in meditation in the forests, and taking their blood in the arrow-head, he stored it in a big pot. In the same forest a hermit named Grtsamada was engaged in penance to get a daughter who would be equal to Laksmi in everyway. He took milk with the head of

Darbha grass and stored it daily in a pot. One day Ravana came to his hermitage and took the pot of


was this river -basin that King Janaka selected as the place for sacrifice. Being kept in this holy place, the ashes of the body of DevavatI in the box mingled with her spirit and was taking shape into a child. When the place was ploughed for preparing the spot of sacriThe fice, for Janaka, this golden box was discovered. child which was inside the box, was taken home and

He poured the milk into the pot in stealthily. which he had stored the blood and stirring it well gave it to his wife Mandodari. Seeing the character of her husband becoming worse and worse every day, Mandodari became miserable. One day she decided to commit suicide and drank the contents of the pot given by Ravana. The thing which was taken for suicide, made her pregnant. Mandodari buried that After a while a girl was born foetus in Kuruksetra.



and bridegrooms went to Ayodhya with their Barents and relatives. (Kamba Ramayana, Balakanda)




Slta, the

daughter of King


There is a story in Devi Bhagavata stating how Slta was born as the daughter of Ravana. It is as

ing to the horoscope of Mandodari, the first child born to her will be the destroyer of its clan. So it would be better to kill that child." Not acting upon the advice of Maya, Ravana put the first child in a box and buried it in the city of King Janaka. This child was Slta, the wife of Sri Rama. 2) Marriage. Slta grew up in the palace of King Janaka. Kugadhvaja the younger brother of Janaka had three daughters. They were named Mandavi,

Ravana wished to marry Mandodarl, the daughter of "AccordMaya. Then Maya said to Ravana thus

cosmetics. Anasuya blessed Sita again and said that she would shine as Laksmi if she besmeared her body with the divine cosmetics. (Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya

and ornaments. Dasaratha who had become old, wished to hand over the realm to Sri Rama. Since Kaikeyi stood as a hindrance, the kingdom fell into the hands of Bharata. Moreover Sita had to live in the forest with Sri Rama and Laksmana for fourteen years. In the early period of their forest-life they visited the hermitage of Atri. Seeing the devotion of Sita towards her husband, Anasuya the wife of hermit Atri, blessed her and gave her a fine garland, clothes and ornaments and

Anasuya's gift



Urmila and

Saivacapa (the bow of Siva) Siva had used this bow, in days of old, to destroy the sacrifice of Daksa. Siva, who was pacified by the destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa and the victory over his enemies, gave this bow to his devotee, the King of Videha. That King kept the bow in his weapon-house and used to worship it. Slta had taken that bow and shot with it. The King who had been thinking about the marriage of Sita thought that what he saw was a good omen. So the King made a proclamation that only he who could take the bow of Siva, draw it, and shoot with it would

flower garland. All their attempts to gather the jasmine flowers from the twigs of a large mango tree in the garden ended in failure. Slta instantly ran to the weapon house and taking a bow and arrow, shot down the flowers. The flowers fell down on the cloth placed on the ground without being damaged. Janaka saw the shooting of Slta, from the palace. He was amazed at the expertness of Slta. The bow which Sita took was

grew up along with these The four of them grew up as sisters and three sisters. Slta grew up to be a young woman. Several friends. young men wished to marry her. Janaka refused everyone of them. One day the princesses were playing with their maids in the garden of the harem. Sita sat on the dais in the centre of the garden to make a


Kanda, Sargas 118-120).


In the last year of Parvati and Paramesvara tested the firmness of the love of Sita and Rama. (See under Rama, Para
Test by Pdrvati and Paramesvara. 14).

5) Phantom Sita.

by Ravana, Fire god took the guise of a Brahmin and approached Sri Rama and said "O, Sri Rama The Devas have sent me to tell you certain things which will take place shortly. Your incarnation has the aim of killing Ravana. Sita is meant to be a cause
: !

few days before

the abduction


for the


The death









Sitadevi. After the killing of Ravana, when Sita enters a proof of her purity, I will return Devi Sita." Sri Rama agreed to it. Fire god by his power of contemplation, created a phantom Sita, exactly like the real Sita in shape and figure and nature and placing her beside Rama, he disappeared with the real Sita. Even Laksmana was not aware of this fact. The real Sita Devi was under the care of Fire god till the moment of the test of chastity of Sita by fire, after the killing of Ravana. During the time of entering the fire the illusory Sita vanished in the fire and the real Sita came out. (Devi Bhagavata,
fire as

away. Make a phantom carefully. keep her Sita and keep her here, instead of the real (Maya)
I will

come and carry

So entrust Sita with




conducted. Rama married marriage ceremony was Bharata married Mandavi, Laksmana married Ormila, and Satrughna married Srutakirti. The brides

the bow with his left hand, drew it easily and fastened the string tightly and the bow was broken. When the Kings who were present, heard the roaring sound of the breaking of the bow, they shivered with fear as serpents at the sound of thunder. Sita jumped with joy like a peacock. letter was sent to Dasaratha then and there. Friends and relatives arrived. Under the guidance of the presiding priest Satananda, the


where the Saivacapa was placed, ready

adventurers came to the palace and tried to handle the Saivacapa and retreated admitting defeat. It was at this time that Vis vamitra brought Rama and Laksmana to the forest for the protection of sacrifice. Hearing about the Svayarhvara of Slta, VisVamitra took the princes to the palace of Janaka. The King was greatly pleased when he learned that the princes were the sons of Dasaratha, of the solar Dynasty. Next morning, at the instruction of his elders and priests and teachers, Sri Rama stood on the dais in the middle of the hall,








6) Sita killed Sahasramukha.

See under Sahasramukha

7) Abandonment of Sita. See under Rama, Para 31. Sita in the hermitage of Valmiki. Abandoned Sita, who was pregnant, wandered about in the forest and at last reached the hermitage of Valmiki, who gave her protectThe story of an occurrence at this ion and shelter. time is given in Kathasaritsagara, Alankaravatilambaka,







we also would become sinners. As the hermit kind, he will not cast her away especially when she is pregnant. So the best thing for all of us, is This murmuring of the to go to another hermitage." hermits reached the ears of Valmiki. He said "She is

other hermits did not like Valmlki's action of giving shelter to Sita. They said "Sita is impure. Otherwise her husband would not have abandoned her. By her


pure and chaste.


they did not believe

found to be impure you may cut off my head." The hermits tested Sita in the Tittibhasaras (a divine lake near the hermitage of Valmiki ) and were


chastity in

know it with my inward eyes." But it. Then Sita said "Lord you can whatever way you like, and if I am

convinced that she was chaste and pure. (See under THtibhasaras to know the greatness of this divine lake) Sita was spending miserable days in the 9) Cursed Sita. hermitage of Valmlki. Her matrimonial life was a hell. Is there any special reason for misery? Yes. It is the curse of a bird. Once Sesa told this story, of the cursing of Sita by a bird, to the hermit Vatsyayana. That story is given below The event took place when Sita was a young girl in the palace of Janaka. One day while Sita was playing in the garden she saw two parrots, cock and hen, which


The male bird cried to Sita to let him take his mate along with him, and beat his head on the ground. The female bird, filled with misery Sita was adamant. and anger cursed Sita thus. "You have separated me from my husband. 1 am pregnant. May you too be separated from your husband when you become pregnant". When she had finished saying, she fell on the ground and wriggled and died. An aerial chariot came down to the earth from heaven for the soul of that bird which had died exalting and glorifying Sri Rama. The soul of the bird got into the chariot and went up to heaven. The male bird, being unable to bear the death
of his beloved wife, dipped himself in the Gariga. Before death he cried out in anger. "I must be born in the city of Rama. By my words, this Sita should be separated from her husband and fall into misery." He died So he took in the Ganges in Krodha (anger) and fear. rebirth with the name Krodhana as a washerman by

talked well. The spouses were delightfully engaged in love-making. As soon as the couple saw Sita they flew up to a tree and sang thus: "A handsome king will take birth on the earth. His name will be Sri Rama. His

name will be Sita. Their wedded life will be happy. Hearing the song, Sita thought that they were some divine persons, and asked her maids to catch them and

to happen, and has taught it to his disciples. We have heard those songs. Having heard them over and over we also have learned them by heart. We will tell you who Rama is and who JanakI is and what would happen to her who lives happily with him. Hear it Saying

is that Rama ? Who is Sita ? How did you come to know of them ? Tell me all. I will not hurt you The birds replied. "In the forest there is a hermit named Valmlki. We live in his beautiful hermitage. That hermit has composed the story Ramayana, which is yet


them food. The maids caught the parrots and She asked the birds. brought them before Sita. "Don't fear. Who are you ? Where do you come from ?

and profession. It was this washerman who spoke words of calumny about Sita. Due to the calumny of this washerman, Sri Rama abandoned Sita and she had to take shelter in the hermitage of Valmlki. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter 57). 10) The end of Sita. (See under Rama, Para 33) SlTA II. A river. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 188, Verse 102, that once the hermit Markandeya saw this river also in the stomach of child Mukunda (Sri Krsna). This is one of the seven branches of the river Ganges. (See under Sindhu). SITAPUTANA. A ferocious she-devil. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 230, Verse 28). This terrible mon.caste

ster causes aborti )n in

thus the parrots passed on to the story of Rama. Due to the sacrifice of the hermit Rsyas'rnga, Mahavisnu incarnated as four persons, of whom Rama the eldest, with his


Mithila. Sita was the birds


He would draw
and asked them



would come


extremely pleased with the sweet song of so many questions repeatedly with curiosity. Seeing the excitement of the questioner the parrots understood that she was Sita herself. They asked her. "Beautiful girl who are you? Why are you

bow and marry

flowing through Sakadvlpa and famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 32). SlTIKAT<fTHA A naga which was in the company of the nagas that came to lead the soul of Balabhadrarama
to Patala.

A river



the birds, and said "I am the same Sita, the daughter of Janaka you have sung about. I will let you go only on the day when that handsome prince Rama comes and marries me. Your conversation has made me so curious. You can live comfortably in my house, eating sweet-

much interested in knowing about Rama ? What is your name ?" Sita disclosed everything about her to

SIVA (RUDRA). One of the Trinity. 1 Birth. The seers or spiritual giants

Chapter 45, Verse 61)).

(Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 16). A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva,

of India imagined

Visnu was born

three forms to God, dividing all the activities into three departments, i.e. creation, sustenance and destruction or annihilation. Brahma, for creation, Visnu, for sustenance and Siva, for annihilation - they are the Trinity.



The birds were in great fear when they heard They looked at each other and replied to Sita. "Good child we birds fly about in the sky and perch on

and bush. Houses are not comfortable





the male parrot prayed humbly with anxiety. "Sita, allow her to go. Why do you detain my beautiful wife ? Allow us to have our own way in the forest. wife is pregnant. After the confinement both of us will come back." Sita said "Let her live with me. You

here. You need not have any doubt." female parrot said thus. But Sita did not let them


pregnant. After

my delivery

to us. Morein our own place

first, Brahma, next and Siva last. The essence of Indian spiritualistic thought is that these three visible forms of God will, at the close of the Kalpa cease to be and become one with the cosmic power, and that the trinity will be born again at the commencement of the Kalpa and will take up their respective




may go as you please." The parrots were in great

any noise on that occurred. These


sorrow. If they had not made detention would not have

quality or attribute of Siva is Tamas (darkness). Many stories, with slight variations, are told in the various Puranas about the birth of Siva. Some of the more important stories are summarised below, At the begining of the Kalpa, while Brahma was (i) meditating upon the birth of a son like himself, a child deep blue in colour, appeared on his lap, and the child began running about crying aloud. Brahma asked the child why it was crying; then the child asked Brahma to give him a name. Though Brahma told him that

The dominant


pitiable supplications

had no



cried seven times more.

name was Rudra and asked him not to cry, he Then Brahma gave him another



to the east of it is Indra's AmaravatI; at the south-eastern corner is Agni's Tejovati; on the south is Yama's SarhyamanI; at the south-western

seven names, and for the total eight names eight Murtis (forms) wives and children were allotted. Bhava, Sarva, I* ana, Pasupati, Bhlma, Ugra and Mahadeva were the additional seven names, and Sun. Water, Earth, Wind, Fire, Sky, the Brahmin who has taken diksa and Moon were the eight Murtis and the presiding deities allotted to them. To these deities the following wives were also allotted, i.e. Suvarcala, Usa, Vikesi, Siva, Svaha, Disa, Diksa and Rohinl. The world is full with

ManovatI; exactly

their progenies. Sanai^cara, Sukra, Lohitanga, Manojava, Skanda, Sarga, Santana and Budha are the sons of the above eight wives. This Rudra married Sati, daughter of Daksaprajapati. ( Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 8). Brahma whose predominant quality or attribute (ii) the navel of Mahavisnu. From is rajas was born from the Centre of the brow of Brahma was born Rudra of Tamasic quality. Brahma, by the power of his tapas, acquired the power of creation and created a red-coloured world by his attribute of rajas. The very same world is annihilated by Rudra at the close of the Kalpa

is Krsnanjana of Nirrti, on the west is Varuna's Sraddhavati, at the north-western corner is Gandhavati of Vayu, on the north is Kubera's Mahodaya, at the north-eastern corner is Siva's Yasovati this is the set of the nine cities. Two sons called Subrahmanya and Ganapati were born to Siva of Parvati, and they are his actual sons. Some other sons also were born to him in his assumed forms and by other women. Such have been Indrajit, Hanuman and others. For details see the respective words. (Devi Skandha; KathasaritBhagavata, 8th Skandha, 9th

period. (Devi Bhagavata, From the wrath of (iii )

his lap

Narada, from his Sanaka and others, and from

Brahma was born Rudra, from finger Daksa, from his mind


Sanatana and Sanatkumara showed disinclination to beget progenies. Brahma got angry at this attitude of the four sons and from the centre of his brow was born a body blue and white in colour, and he, in tears, requested Brahma for names and stations. Blessing him by saying 'ma ruda' (do not cry) Brahma allotted him names and stations. He became famous by the name Rudra. He was also given eleven more names by Brahma as follows Manyu, Manu, Mahinasa, Mahan, Siva, Rtudhvaja, Ugraretas, Bhava, Kama, Vamadeva and Dhrtavrata. These names are otherwise famous as follows: Aja, Ekapada, Ahirbudhnya, Tvas^a, Rudra, Hara, Sambhu, Tryambaka, Aparajita, Is ana and Tribhuvana. The eleven Rudras were also allotted the following eleven positions by Brahma i.e. heart, the five

his left finger a daughter called Viranl. (Devi Bhagavata, 7th Skandha). Four 'mental sons' of Brahma Sanaka, Sanandana (iv)

and played with it. its foundations (Uttara Ramayana) Siva incarnated himself as Sakti, son of Sakti. (iii) Vasistha and was devoured by Kalmasapada, who took the form of a Raksasa. (Vamana Purana, ChapKailasa from

sagara, Kathamukhalambaka) Siva has taken several partial incar3 ) Incarnations, nations, the chief of which are given below. (See under Durvasas) (i) Durvdsas. Vdnara (Monkey] Siva, Parvati and their attend(ii ) ers like Nandikesvara once transformed themselves into monkeys and played about on the Himalayas. Ravana, who came there on the occasion ridiculed Nandikesvara, who, in great rage, cursed Ravana that monkeys would cursed Ravana raised destroy him. Being thus
. . .

Siva once assumed the form of Varuna Varuna. iv) and conducted a yajna which was attended by the Vedas in assumed forms. (M.B. Anusasana Parva,

ter 6).

Chapter 85)

persons, who had earned boons from him and others who attained heaven on account of their devotion for him. The following are important among such persons.


granted by Siva.

The Puranas


to various

organs of the body, vital force ( Prana) wind, fire, water, earth, sun and moon. Rudra has eleven wives, called DhI,Vrtti, Usana, Uma, Niyuta, Sarpis, lla, Ambika, Iravati, Sudha and Diksa. Rudra, under the name Siva, is considered to be the third of the trinity. The doctrine is that as long as time is real, deluge, or annihilation does not take place. Therefore, Rudrasamhara (annihilation by Rudra) may be taken to mean only as the beginning of new creation. (v) At the commencement of Yuga (era) Brahma was born from the navel of Visnu. Two asuras called Madhu and Kai^abha rushed up to kill Brahma, and from the brow of Visnu, who got angry towards the asuras was born Siva holding in his hands Sula (the three-pronged

(Skanda Purana, Asura Kanda). (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha) Bana (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). (iii) (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). (iv) Sudaksina Salva (Bhagavata 10th Skandha). (v) (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha) (vi) Vrkasura RatidevI (Kathasaritsagara, Lavanakalambaka, (vii)






(Uttara Ramayana). Bhrgu (Padma Purana, Adi Khanda, Chapter 2) Gandhari (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 109, Verse


rsi girl

(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 168, Verse


Prabhanjana (xii) Verse 20).


(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 214,

(Vana Parva, Chapter 12). 2) Family life. Siva has two wives, Ganga and Parvati (See under Ganga and Parvati). He lodges Ganga on his head. Uma, Katyayani, Gauri, Kali, Haimavati


(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 222, Verse


Sarvamangala Aparna, Parvati, Durga, MrdanI, Candika, Ambika, Menakatmaja, Camunda, Arya, DaksayanI, Girija, Karnamoti, Carcika and Bhairavl these are synonyms of Parvati. Siva lives on the top of the Mahameru, where there are nine cities. At the centre is Brahma's
IsVari, Siva, Bhavani, Rudra.nl, Sarva.ni,

(M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, (xiv) Jarasandha Verse 64) (M.B. Sabha Pirva, Chapter 33, (xv) Banasura Southern text). (Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse (xvi) Mankana



(Vana Parva, Chapter 106, Verse




6) (i)








Siva got the




(See under


(Vana Parva, Chapter




(xx) (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 187, Verse 12). (xxi) Somadatta (Drona Parva, Chapter 143, Verse



Visnu (Drona Parva, Chapter 201, Verse 56). (xxiii) Parasurama (Kama Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 116; Santi Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 33) (xxiv) Skanda (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse

Brahmahatya approached Siva who asked she was and why she came. She answered that she was Brahmahatya and asked Siva to take her into him. She entered his body so that he felt

became Kapdli. (See under Kapali) As he plucked off the Sin of Brahmahatya on Siva. (m) head of Brahma Siva became subject to the sin of Blue in colour and with grey hair, Brahmahatya.



46). (Salya Parva, Chapter 48, Verse (xxv) ArundhatI 38). Brahmin boy (xxvi) (Sana Parva, Chapter 153, Verse 114), (xxvii) Tandi muni (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 69). 5) Assets of Siva. Siva possesses a mass of matted hair, red in colour. It is known as Kaparda also, and hence he is called KapardI as well. Siva is also stated to be Agni. He has three eyes, the third one on the forehead Phalanetra, being all fire. Siva is called Trinetra, Agnilocana etc. because of the above facts. It is only just and proper that Siva, who is the destroyer of all Siva, the allthings should have relation to Agni. destroyer, carries the Sula in his hands always. Another weapon is named Pinaka, and therefore Siva is called Pinakapani (he who holds Pinaka in his hands). Both Siva and his vehicle, the Bull, are white in colour. The white colour indicates the justice observed in the process of annihilation. Siva has been described as possessing two, four, eight and ten hands. Besides the Pinaka, he holds in his hands the club called Khatvanga, the bow called Ajagava, a deer, beads, skull, damaru (a musical instrument) and many other sacred articles.

yanas were not there in the

BadaryaSrama. But, the great Rsis, Naranaraar'rama. Sad at heart Siva went to the river Yamuna to take a bath. But the river dried up. Then he went to Plaksa island to bathe; but the island disappeared. Then he went to Puskararanya, Magadharanya, Saindhava.ran.ya, Naimisaranya, Dharmaranya etc. all to no purpose. He got worn out but could not have a bath. The terrible Brahmahatya did not leave him. Though he visited sacred rivers, asramas and temples and practised Yoga, Siva did not get redemption from sin. At last, in great disappointment he went to Kuruksetra, where he saw Visnu. With folded hands Siva praised Visnu who advised him the following means for absolution from sin. "A Bhagavan born from my aspect under the name YogaSayi is

a burning sensation


over him. In this condition Siva



Ganga and Candra (moon)dwell on his head, and he is, known as Gangadhara and Candracuda also. A Garland made of human skulls adorns his neck. Siva

wears the skin of the leopard for clolh and uses the skin of the elephant for blanket. All over his limbs snakes are worn as ornaments. The Puranas contain stories as to how Siva earned most of the above assets. The wives of many Rsis felt enamoured of Siva, who once appeared in the garb of a beggar. The Rsis, who got angry with Siva on the above account, decided to kill him. From the pit they dug on the ground, a tiger emerged. Siva killed it and wore its skin. A deer followed the tiger from the pit. Siva held it in his left hand. The next to emerge out of the pit was a red-hot iron rod. Siva took it in his hands as a weapon. Lastly snakes came out of the pit and Siva wore them on his body. On another occasion an asura called Gaya assumed the form of an elephant and chased the munis, who took refuge in a Siva temple. Siva appeared, killed the elephant and wore its skin on his body. Since Siva wore snakes as ear-rings he came to be known as Nagakundala. Brahma ordered that Rudra should create people and accordingly he created people. But, his creations were very cruel beings.

three worlds and annihilative of all sins. That city is the great Varanasi. Even materialistic or worldly people get salvation there. It is my (Visnu) asrama. There dwells Surya called Lola destroying all sins. The place where Kesava my aspect lives, is DasaSvamedha. If you go there you will get redemption from sin." Thus directed by Visnu Siva went to Varanasi and achieved absolution from the sin of Brahmahatya by bathing in the holy tirthas there. (Vamana Purana,

living at Prayaga. The great river Varuna which has which started from the right leg of Yogasayi and redeems all sins as also the sublime river Asi, which has started from his left leg are both worshipped by the whole world. The temple of Yogasayi is at the centre of these rivers, and that is a sacred place most important in the



Salakatanka, daughter of Sandhya. While they toured the world round enjoying their honeymoon Salakatanka conceived and delivered in due course a son in the valley of Mount Mandara. Siva and Parvati, who passed that way in an aerial chariot saw the child and came down to it. By the blessing of Siva the child grew up to a youth very quickly. Siva named him

Birth ofVirabhadra. (See under Daksa) dark in colour. in Kdlindi got (See under Parvati, Para 2). (vi) Siva became Ndgabhusana. (See under Nagastram). (vii) Blessed SukeSa. Vidyutkesa, the Raksasa married


Sukesa and after blessing that he would grow up to become a pious soul disappeared from the scene. (Uttara Ramayana)



to to

Accordingly, Rudra started practising tapas.

feared that they would eat up the other creatBrahma, who trembled with fear, asked Rudra retire from the act of creation and to train himself do creation in the proper manner as ordained.

(See under Indrajit, of Indrajit. Para 2). See under Tilottama, Para 2) ( (ix) Four faces of Siva. Siva holds a sword in his hand to (x) Sword of Siva.

Siva, the father

destroy the

asura tribe.


Chapter 166 of Santi


Parva about the origin of the





created the universe also laid down laws to keep living beings in the path of righteousness. But, the asuras did not conform to those laws. So, the maharsis decided that there should be some other means to instruct the asuras. They conducted a Brahma-


it became dark in colour. Thenceforth Siva came be known as Sitikantha also. Narayana plucked a blade of grass and recited some mantras. It became a paras"u ( axe) He threw it at Siva, who broke it into pieces, which act gave him the

Brahma when he

the Himalayas. A terrible Jin (Evil Spirit) emerged from the sacrificial pit. At the emergence of the Jin the earth shook; the great sea grew wild with waves and eddies. Lightning and shooting stars appeared and branches of trees were torn asunder. A vicious whirl-wind swept the ten All living beings trembled at the sight of the regions.















receive offerings made; the Vedas; Rajas and Tamas






Brahma appeared

flames of fire emerged, who changed himself to various colours like blue, white and red, who wore deer skin

to the frightened maharsis and told that it was not a Jin, but only the sword for the destruction of the asura tribe. Siva took the sword in his hand, and as soon as he touched it he became possessed of four hands. "Siva, whose head touched the sun, who had the third eye and from whose mouth

got dry; the Himalayas crumbled. On the continuous appearance of such ill omens Brahma and all the

down from


his seat; sky

became dim and dark; came down; oceans

burning. Fire Rsis could not attacked Devas;

came to the battlefield. Saluting Rudra Brahma him thus "Oh Lord Let good happen to the world. In the interests of the welfare of the world, you would please give up arms. The Naranarayanas are

upholders of righteousness; they are the incarnations of

indestructible and supreme sages. I was born from their pleasure. You were born from their wrath." hearing these words of Brahma Siva cooled down.


with golden spots,


who had on


such Siva took in his hands the sword and raising his shield he swirled the sword



forehead an eye as

Rendered Kamadeva


Kamadeva, Parva




in various directions."


Siva, who thus became terrible, walked with the sword amidst the asura army the entire asura forces were annihilated and the Devas came out victorious.

Daring deeds of Siva. Clash With Visnu. Though there were differences of opinion between Siva and Visnu on many occasions, only very rarely had occurred actual clashes between the two. The Puranas refer to two such important clashes. One has reference to a direct fight Siva fought with Visnu and the other is about Siva's fight with Narayanarsi, an incarnation of Visnu. There was no reason for the direct fight between Siva and Visnu. The Devas wanted to test who was the more powerful of the two, Siva or Visnu, and they told Brahma about the idea By carrying tales to them, one against the other, Brahma made Siva and Visnu mutual enemies. The enmity led to a fight between the two. Visvakarman made a bow for each of the contestants. In the fight between the two Siva got defeated. Siva,
this bow, which Sri Rama broke at the wedding of Slta in a later period. As soon as the fight was over the Devas realised that Visnu was greater than Siva. After the fight Visnu gave his bow to RcTka, the

Bore Gangd on the head. See under Ganga. Consumed Kalakuta. Owing to the curse of Durvasas the Devas were subjected to symptoms of old age, and to produce amrta (nectar) as remedy for this unfortunate development, the churning of Ksirabdhi (ocean of milk) was started. Vasuki, the snake, was used as cord to rotate mount Mandara, which was used as the churning rod. When the churning became very intense, the mortal poison Kalakuta emerged out of Vasuki's mouth. (Another view is held that Kalakuta rose out of the milk-sea) On the emergence of the deadly poison the asuras ran off in great fear, the Devas got bewildered, Bali and Sugrlva too got frightened; and without exhibiting his fright Visnu covered his face; on the whole it appeared as though the entire

world would be reduced


to ashes. Siva, reputed for his reckless daring, put all the Kalakufa into his mouth. Frightened at it Parvati held Siva's throat by her hands so that the poison did not enter his stomach. At the same
this critical


who got angry at his temporary defeat presented his bow and arrow to Devarata, King of Videha. It was

vomited from Siva's throat got

time Mahavisnu covered with his hands Siva's mouth was not spitted out. Kalakuta thus prevented from going down into the stomach or being
so that the poison

Bhirgava muni. Jamadagni got it from Rcika, and he gave it to Paras urama. It was with this bow that Paraiurama confronted Sri Rama on his way back after wedding Slta. (Valmlki Ramayana, Balakanda,

Nllavarna and Kali Yuddhakanda).


itself digested in the throat giving it a blue colour. Thus did Siva become Nilakantha (of the blue throat). Visnu and Parvati who were affected by the flames of the poison became





related in the Anusasana Parva of Mahibhlrata about the fight between Narayanarsi, incarnation of Visnu and Siva. Siva, in great fury, threw his Sula into the Yajna hall of Daksa, and the Sula after reducing the Yajna, to ashes, hit the breast of Narayanarsi, who was doing raised the sound tapas in Badarikas'rama. Narayana 'Hum' as a result of which the Sula returned to Siva's

Canto 75)

following story


Narayana placed

hands, who, in great anger, rushed forward to Narayana. his hand on Siva's throat with the result

Burned the Tripuras. (See under Tripura). Fought Surya. Siva once plucked out Brahma's head (See under Kapali 1 ), and Brahma cursed Siva that he should beg for food with that head (skull) in his hands. This fierce curse of Brahma affected Siva so much that, in uncontrollable wrath, he beat whomsoever he met. Thousands of Devas and others were killed. Surya, who relished not these atrocities of Siva confronted him with out-stretched hands. Siva held with one hand of his, both the hands of Surya from the fingers of which blood began to flow. Siva turned Surya round and
( vii'i)

See under Daksa Para 3) Destroyed Daksa's yajna. Fought ankhacuda. (See under TulasT, Para 5)



eyes with her hands. At once darkness enveloped the whole world, and when people suffered in the absence of day-light Siva opened his third eye. Himavan began getting burnt by the fire emitted by Parvati got alarmed at this/and woke Siva Siva's eye. up. He closed his third eye and Himavan resumed its

round by his hands with the result that the hands of Surya became short. When Surya became completely drenched in blood Siva let him free and walked to
another side when Surya, laughingly challenged him again to fight. Greatly enraged by the challenge Siva fisted him on the face with the result he lost all his As Surya fell teeth. Also he fell down unconscious. thus Bhaga looked with fierce eyes at Siva, who then struck the former on his face, Both the eyes of Bhaga fell down, and the Devas were alarmed by it. Then all the Adityas, under the leadership of Indra ran off to the ten regions along with the Maruts and Agni. Only prominent asuras like Prahlada remained on the scene. They saluted Siva. Siva surveyed the yaga hall, the Devas and the asuras with his three eyes. All of them then ran away to different places. Siva looked at the three Agnis with his three eyes and they were reduced

anger subsided Surya was installed in former form. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 5) (ix) Fought with Andhaka. See under Andhaka.


to ashes. Siva's


were Indras. (Adi Parva, Chapter 199). The Devas once conducted at Naimisaranya a lengthy yajna of which Yama was the manager. In the absence of Yama there was no death on earth. Thus, human beings also, like the Devas, became Amartyas (deathAlarmed at this the Devas submitted their less).

Made five

Indras Pandavas.

The Panda vas,



(Anusasana Parva, Chapter 104) Innumerable people in India Worship of Siva. 8) worship Siva and they follow different forms or systems of worship. There are forms of worship which follow the Vedas and which do not as also forms which are The form of worship called sattvic and which are not. Parasupadam (? Pasupatam) is a very ancient one. It is believed that the paras upadas once honoured and afterwards opposed the Vedas. The Siva linga at the place called Gudamillam is supposed to be as old as the second century B.C. One of the many symbols, which represent Siva, Sivaliriga is the most important. They are of two kinds, the movable and the immovable. The immovable are those which appear by themselves or installed in temples. The movable are those made of earth, stone, timber, gems etc. There are also temporary liiigas, which are placed on stools of various shapes. Lingas are made of he-stones and stools of 'she-stones'. There are also various types of lingas indicative of the different attributes of Siva; for example Lingoclbhava,

former shape.

death. TheDevas then returned to Naimisaranya, the scene of their yajna when they saw a woman, lustrous as fire, descending the steps of Ganga to carry water. She was sobbing and each drop of tear that fell into the waters of the river transformed itself into a lotus flower. As deputed by the Devas Indra approached the woman to get facts from her. Indra asked her who she was and why she was weeping.

pacified them by saying that Yama would return as soon as the yajna was over and then men will, as usual be subjected to the process of

grievance to

Brahma who


Jnana, Yoga and Vinadhara. Biksataka, Kapaladharl. Vrsabhavahana and Garigadhara, ArdhanarlSvara Visabhaksaka are other forms of Siva. Rarely is he depicted in the form of Sadar'iva, Mahegvara, Ekadar arudras

in his fierce aspects. Siva is also represented in poses of blessing Candesa, Visnu, Nandlsvara, VighnesVara and Arjuna. He is also presented in various poses of dancing, Daksinamurti is represented in four forms, i.e. Vyakhyana

Candrasekhara, Raudra, Umasahita etc. Kamantaka, Kalari, Tripuradahaka etc. represent the Lord

Vidyefvara andMurtyastaka. There are Agamas descriptive of these forms.

The woman answered him

to the source of the

Visvabhuk, Bhutadhama, Sibi and Santi. The woman whom Indra had followed was Sridevi. Siva blessed that the five Indras, in their next birth, would wed Sridevi. When the Indras saw Mahavisnu after this he also blessed them, and promised them that he would incarnate and help them when they were born as men in their next life. Then Visnu plucked a black and a white hair and put them on earth. The black hair was born as Sri Krsna in Devaki's womb and the white hair as Balabhadrarama in the womb of Rohim. (xi) Kiratarjuniyam. Arjuna once did tapas to Siva, who appeared to him in the garb of a hunter in the forest and presented to him the Pasupata arrow. (For details see under. Arjuna, Para 20) (xii) Fought with Mahifasura. (See under Mahisasura). (xiii) Fought with Vrtrdsura. See under Vrtrasura. (xiv) Burnt Himavdn. Siva once did tapas on the top of Himavan when Parvati came behind him and covered

Ganga. Indra followed her. When they had thus walked some distance Siva and Parvati were found in the forest at a game of dice, and Indra, afraid of Siva, ran way. But, Siva called him back and asked him to enter the cave there. When Indra did so after removing the mountain at the entrance of the cave he saw four Indras sitting there. They were called

not, but

walked in


Ganapati occupies the most prominent place among Devas connected with Siva. Ganapati came to be worshipped from 6-7 centuries B.C. His present idols might have been made after this period. There are many temples dedicated to Ganapati in South India. Chief among the idols are itarhpiri (proboscis
turned to the
left side)

and valampiri (proboscis turned


Siva. Being the God who removes obstacles in devotee's path, Ganapati is called Vighnes"vara. universe is contained in his big stomach. Next to Ganapati in importance is Subrahmanya.

to the right side).


a physical





worshipped in South India only. Kumara, Muruka, Karttikeya, Skanda, Arumukha. Guha, etc. are some of his popular synonyms There are a number of Subrahmanya temples in Tamil Nadu, many of them on the tops of hills. In North India Subrahmanya temples are rare. But, books written during the Sangha period go to prove that Subrahmanya was worshipped in South India from very olden times. He is depicted in many postures, sitting, with six faces, with only one face, with two hands, with four hands, with wife, wearing the

Now, about

sacred thread etc. Sakti idols. Sakti is the Devi closest to Siva. In South India there are special Sakti temples called SaktipHhalayas. Durga is the most important among



Siva for a passage to get into the pool. Siva "Oh! Before this even though you sat in water, one crore yojanas in depth, it came only up to your thighs. But, now though you are on your legs you say you cannot enter the water. Look here, the water comes only up to my thighs. You may descend into it. I shall see

the manifestations of Sakti. There are idols of Durgas as standing in the lotus flower and also as mounted on the lion. Agamas refer to nine kinds or forms of Durga



Nilakanthi, Ksemahkari, Harasiddhi, Raudra, Vana, Agni, Jaya, Vindhyavasini, and Ripunagini. Durga's most terrible form is as Mahisasura-mardini, found at Mahabalipuram, Ellora and other places. Durga is also




Candika and Katyayani. Durga

you can step

into the water.

Vedic saying


worshipped as

Nanda, Bhadrakali, Amba, Rajamatarigi etc. Thousand Caturyugas constitute 9) Siva's life-period. one day of Brahma. According to the Puranas fourteen Indras fall dead from heaven during the life time of one Brahma. Two such life times of Brahma form one life time of Visnu; at the end of the period he too will
expire. Siva's life time is double that of Visnu, according to Devi Bhagavata, 5th Skandha. (For details see

under Manvantara)



names of Siva are mentioned mainly in Chapter 285 of Santi Parva and Chapter 17 of Anusasana Parva of Mahabharata. There are substantial differences between
the two

Sahasranamas (thousand names] of Siva.

Siva and creation of the universe. See under Creation Maya Siva. ( See under Maya iva )

The thousand

14) Rudras. The EkadaJarudras, viz. Mrgavyadha, Sarpa, Nirrti, Ajaikapat, Ahirbudhnya, Pinaki, Isvara, Kapali, Sthanu and Bharga are the sons of Siva. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66) Sivabhasma (Ashes worn by Siva] The Puranas 15) contain many references to the great power of Sivabhasman. The following story about even Visnu turning out to be a devotee of Siva on account of the sanctity of Sivabhasma is related in Chapter 101, Patalakhanda of Padma Purana.

Para 6).


of names. Asvatthamd and Siva.



under Agvatthama

In the beginning or during the Brahmapralaya (deluge) Mahavisnu was lying in the great waters of the deluge. On both sides of Visnu hundred universes each and on both sides of his feet and at the centre of hishead twenty universes each remained attached. One universe glowed as a gem on Visnu's nose. Maharsis like Lomasa did tapas seated on his navel. Meanwhile Visnu sat in deep meditation ready for creation. But, he did not find anything and began, therefore, sobbing. Then appeared an extra-mundane light at which he got frightened and closed his eyes. Siva, rotating in both his hands a garland each made of a crore of universes appeared before Visnu. He then stood up and enquired of the visitor who he was. Siva exhibited his form. Siva told Visnu that he had not attained sufficient wisdom for creation and also advised him to achieve enough knowledge by first taking the Varuna bath and then the

Visnu Nobody can step on sound. One may ascend on what is material, i.e. with form; but, how could one step on that which is formless? Siva: Why can you not get hold of that which is and ascend ? You receive this great Veda. Visnu received it, but it appeared that his hands were not strong enough to hold it. Siva smiled at the inability of Visnu and asked him to get down into water by the steps made of Veda and when Visnu descended the steps into the water, it came only up to his thighs. He had his bath and then asked Siva what he should do "What do you feel in your mind? Is it next. Siva: that you do not feel anything" I feel not anything. Visnu: Siva Jf you get sanctified by bhasmasnana you will receive the ultimate knowledge. I shall give you the bhasma. Siva took a pinch of bhasma from his breast and chanting the Gayatrl and pancaksara (Om namai'Sivaya) mantras sprinkled it all over the body of Visnu. He also said to Visnu, "You live, you meditate, now what do you feel in your mind?" Visnu meditated whereupon he saw a very bright light in his heart. When he told Siva that a light was being seen by him the latter said that his knowledge was not mature enough and asked him to eat some bhasma so that it might become perfect. Visnu accordingly consumed the bhasma, and colour became lo he, who was till then red-blue in

recite will serve as the step."

felt happy and contented having seen Siva, asked the former what it was he saw in his mind just then. Answering that he saw the blissful form of Siva before him Visnu fell at the latter's feet. To Siva's query as to what boon he desired to have, Visnu replied that he wanted to become a devotee of Siva and because of the greatness of the bhasma Visnu thenceforward became a devotee of Siva.

be called as white as pearl. He began to (white in colour) from that day onwards.






Visnu answered by saying that there was nowhere water .enough for him to bathe, and he, who was closely surrounded by universe's, sat in water. But, it came only up to his thighs. Then Siva said laughingly that there was enough water for Visnu to bathe and cast a glance at him with his (Siva) eye on the forehead and also his left eye. And, immediately Visnu's body became very small and it began to shiver. Then Siva said as follows:- "Oh! Visnu here is deep water. you may bathe in it. But Visnu could not get into the tremendous pool created on Siva's lap. So, he requested


is a Sivaliriga Worship of 16) Sivalinga (Phallus). India. The Puranas contain a in popular practice number of stories about the importance Sivalinga achieved so as to make it an object of worship. Three of the more important stories are given below: Siva wandered about the world lamenting over the (i) death of Satldevi at the Yajfta conducted by Daksa, and Kamadeva followed him with his erotic arrows to exploit Siva's sorry predicament. During his wanderings Siva once came to the Vindhya mountain. Kamadeva followed him there too and began attacking Siva with his arrows and to escape from the fierce onslaught Siva

took refuge in the terrible Daru forest. There MaharSiva saluted them and resis with their wives lived. for alms. But, the Maharsis only kept mum. They quested did not like their wives saluting Siva. Siva went about the a 'ram a and all the women except Arundhati and Anasuya, followed him overcome by lust for him. Enraged at this, munis like Bhargava and Angiras cursed



The women were overcome by

Siva that his phallus should drop to the ground. Immediately it fell down and Siva disappeared. The phallus rent asunder the earth, reached Patala and rent the universe also. The whole universe shook at which Brahma met Visnu at Patala and enquired of him the reason for the universal upheaval. Visnu answered him that the world shook because of the weight of Siva's phallus, which the maharsis had caused to be dropped. Then Brahma, along with Visnu, came to the spot where Siva's phallus lay. At the sight of the limitless phallus Visnu, in great wonder, descended to Patala mounted on Garuda. Brahma, on his plane, toured above. Both Visnu and Brahma returned to earth, having failed in their attempt to find the end of the phallus. They then praised Siva, who appeared to them. They requested him to take back his phallus from the earth. Siva insisted that he would do so only if the
to worship his phallus. Visnu agreed to Brahma took the phallus, golden suggestion. in colour. Thereafter Mahavisnu created brassy the four castes and various :'astraic texts for each of the castes to worship the phallus. The four texts are known as Saivam, Pasupatam, Kaladamanam and Kapalikam. After making the above arrangements Brahma and Visnu returned. Siva took back his phallus. (Vamana

and one of them

caught hold of his neck, another of his hands, another of his knees, another of his hair and yet another of his waist. Seeing the excitement of their wives the mahar'Strike him' and struck down his phallus sis cried, with sticks and stones. As soon as the phallus was thus felled down, Siva disappeared from the spot and returned to Kailasa with Parvati. When the phallus fell down the whole universe shook and the maharsis were alarmed. A very intelligent "We know not the real maharsi among them said facts about the great ascetic. Let us take refuge in

Devas agreed

He may know the facts." Accordingly the maharsis went to Brahma, who found fault with their ignorance and indiscretion and asked them to shed their anger and please Siva. Accordingly they went to Kailasa and praised Siva, who appeared to them and


as follows


be pleased if you would duly install it. Nothing will be impossible to those who worship my phallus with devotion. Even will be removed by the sins consciously committed

"You may now




belong to you.


worship of my phallus.




the great

Purana, Chapter 6) (ii) Eightyeight thousand Balakhilyas were born from the mind of Brahma. They emaciated their bodies by

will achieve for you all will worship it under the name 'Sthanu'. ed at Sthanvis'vara it will be known as

install the phallus you pond of Sannihita. That your desires. Even the Devas

constant baths, fasting and worship of Siva. Though they worshipped Siva thus for one thousand divya years, he did not appear in front of them. Afterwards, when Parvati was travelling by sky one day, the latter saw and took pity on the Balakhilyas and told Siva thus: "These maharsis are suffering like anything. For my sake, you should put an end to their sufferings. Has their evil fate no end? They are reduced to mere skin and bones, and yet they are denied realisation." Smilingly Siva told Parvati as follows "You do not know the real course of righteousness. These people do not understand righteousness; they are not free from lust and anger. They are mere fools." At these words of Siva, Parvati told him thus: If things be as you have
said please

SthanvKvara Constant meditation upon Sthanu will remove also. The sight of Sthanu will bring about salvaall sins.
tion." After this





their nature, I feel interested.


some youth, wearing the Vanamala garland on his head, holding the alms bowl in his hands and completely in the nude and requested for alms. The Womenfolk of the Advaitins were much attracted by the handsome youth and came to him with a lot of fruits, roots of alms. Siva wished them good and etc. by way Parvati espied her smiling lord from her seat. After giving him alms the women spoke to him as "Oh follows what penance are you anchorite, practising ? You have no clothes on you, but you wear Vanamala. You are a handsome sannyasl. If you have no objection, please tell us about you." The sannyasl (Siva) answered them by saying that his was a very secret penance and could not be imparted to others. Especially in the presence of so many others it could not be revealed. So, you may please go. But, the women said that they wished very much to hear the secret, and they caught hold of his hands saying 'Come'.
: !

Siva asked Parvati to remain where she was, telling her that he would go to the Balakhilyas and show her how they behaved. Accordingly Siva went to them. Siva approached the Balakhilyas in the guise of a hand-

maharsis, along with Brahma, returned phallus to Sannihita. But, they could not move it even by an iota. They returned again to Kailasa, but could not see Siva there. When Brahma sat in meditation for sometime to know where Siva was, he saw in his mind Siva, in the guise of an elephant, standing in the stream praised by munis. Immediately Brahma and others went there, but missed Siva there. But Parvati appeared there and served them amrta (nectar). When they had consumed the nectar they saw Siva standing in the stream, and they spoke about their difficulties to him. Siva, in the guise of the elephant, accompanied them to the Daru forest where he, in sport, took the phallus by his proboscis and installed it on the banks of the stream. All those who witnessed the installation attained ultimate realisation. Upon the phallus thus installed Brahma built another phallus with stone. After a period that phallus became one with the effulgence of the first phallus. Those who saw that also achieved ultimate realisation. Immediately Brahma built, for the pleasure of the Devas, seven phalluses one upon the other, and sages attained ultimate realisthe dust of the ation by smearing their bodies with



forest to carry the

The spot where the phallus was installed became famous by the name Sthanutlrtha. (Vamana

Purana, Chapter 45). beginning Brahma entrusted Siva with (iii) In the the duty of creation and to earn the power for creation he lived under water for many generations. Siva having not returned though Brahma waited for him

long, the latter created the prajapatis and got done by them all creations. Then it was that Siva, having acquired all the more power, came out of water. Siva who got angry that all creations were effected in his

his phallus and threw it into the said that, since matters of creation had been managed by Brahma, he needed the phallus no further. The phallus thus thrown by Siva stuck to the earth

study of theses







and remained pointed upwards. Next, Siva performed a dance of annihilation among the Devas .Ultimately, on the request of the Devas Siva deposited his fire of wrath in water It is that fire which dries up water in seas, When Siva had shed his anger and become rivers etc. quiet the Devas worshipped the phallus, which had stuck to the earth, and thenceforth worship of Siva's phallus became popular. (M.B. Sauptika Parva, Chap.

minister called Vatapuresa (59) Sold magic horses to the Pandyan King (60) River made bigger (61) Carried mud for pancakes (62) Cured the fever and hunch-back of Kubja Pandya (63) Made Jnanasambandhar kill the naked ones on

fisher-girl (58) knowledge) given to the


(57) into

5). 18) Bull

theSula (64) Brought








(Halasyamahatmya, Chapter

of Siva.


Cows were born on earth from The foam of milk which flowed like sea

ter 17). 7) Sivalilas

from cows

Sports of Siva)

The Puranas

refer to


following sixtyfour

lilas (sports)

Building of Madhurapura in Kadamba forest. (4) Parvat! born as Tatataka. (5) Pandyadeva wedded Dance before sage Patanjali (7) KundoTatataka. (6) dara granted power to consume much rice (8) Quenched Kundodara's hunger and thirst with rice etc. and waters of river Vaiga ( 9 ) Brought the seven seas near to please his wife (10) Brought Malayadhvaja down to earth from Devatoka (11) Created the son called Ugra (12) Ugra given three weapons like Sula (13) Removed the sea from his side (14) Broke the crown oflndra (15) Ugrapandya given gold from Mahameru the maharsis the meaning of Vedas ( ( 16) Taught 17) Sold gems to the King to make a crown (18) Made the clouds drink water from the ocean (19) Stopped excessive rain-fall (20) Exhibited the prowess of realisation (21) Made 'stone-elephant' eat sugar-cane (22) Killed the elephant which a Buddha sannyasin had sent after being subjected to black magic (23) Blessed a brahmin girl (24) Did various kinds of dances (25) Brought to light and proved the death of brahmin woman (26) Annihilated the evil or sin of having slept with the mother and killed the father (27) Killed Siddha to save the wife of preceptor, who taught archery (28) Made the snakes sent by Buddha sannyasins poisonless (29) Killed cows sent by the same sannyasins (30) Exhibited innumerable soldiers to save the commander-in-chief of the Pandya army (31) Gave the Pandya King a money-bag, which would never become empty (32) Disguised himself as a VaiSya and sold bangles (33) Granted astasiddhis to Yaksis. (34) Opened the door of the temple for the Cola King (35) Supplied water to the Pandyan army De(36) Converted base metals into gold etc. (37) feated the Cola King ( 38) Gave a Sudra a vessel filled with gingelly seeds (39) A Vaisya boy given victory in a suit (40) Redeemed the Pandya King from the sin of brahmahatya (41) Carried firewood to save the devotee named Bhadra (42) Wrote a letter to the Cera King on behalf of Bhadra (43 ) Bhadra presented with a plank (44) Bhadra's wife granted victory in nagavidya (45) Assumed the form of pork and saved the small offsprings (46) Small pork made minister (47) A Khanjarlta bird was taught the mrtyunjaya mantra so that it could escape from the attack of crows (48) A Sarari bird granted salvation (49) Boundaries of Madhurapura shown by serpent (50) Defeated the Cola King (51) Dravidian scholars given the Sarhgham plank (52) Wrote a verse for a brahmin at the instance of the Pandya King (53) Saved Nakkira (54) Nakklra

redeemed from

of Siva. (1) Devendra (2) Airavata redeemed from sin.


rose into waves and fell in Sivabhumi (Siva land). Siva did not like it. He opened his third eye and looked at the cows. The flames from the eye caused different colours to the cows. The cows took refuge with Candra. But, the fire of Siva's eye followed the cows there abo. At last the Prajapatis pacified Siva and presented him a bull for vehicle. From that

day onwards Siva came to be known as Vrsabhavahana and Vrsabhanka also. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 77)

(iv) Siva once presented an armour to Indra. (Drona Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 61 ). (v) When the battle with the Tripuras reached its climax in intensity Siva mounted the Bull and looked at the capital of the asuras. As a result of the fiery look the breasts of cows were cut and their hoofs rent into two. The hoofs of cattle came to be cleft from that day onwards. (Karna Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 105). (vi) Living beings are kept healthy by the kindness of
Siva. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter 18, Verse 20). the penal code in (vii) It was Siva, who organised

because of the (i) The son Suka was born to Vyasa blessing of Siva. (Devi Bhagavata, 1st Skandha) (ii) During the period of emperor Prthu when the Devas made the earth a cow and milked resources, Siva served as calf. (Drona Parva, Chapter 69, Verse 24). (iii) Siva occupies a seat in Kubera's court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 21 ).


Other information.


world. (Santi Parva, Chapter 59, Verse 80).


in the

war between the Devas and the


Asuras Siva gave refuge to Sukracarya. ( Santi Parva, Chapter 389, Verse 36) (ix) Siva performed the thread- wearing ceremony of Suka, the son of Vyasa. (Santi Parva, Chapter 248, Verse 19). (x) On the occasion when Siva burnt Tripuras and their city to ashes they saw him as a boy with five horns. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 160, Verse 32).
(xi) There is a story in Santi Parva of Mahabharata about Siva's bringing back to life the dead child of a brahmin. The story was told by Bhisma to Yudhisthira. The brahmin took his dead child to the burning ghat when a fox asked him to wait at least till dusk to see

At the same time a if the child would regain life. vulture, which came there pointed out to the brahmin that the dead never came back to life and asked him to leave the dead body there and return home. As advised by the fox and the vulture the brahmin took to the burning ghat and took back from there the dead body of his child. Parvati took pity on the brahmin and as

taught sutras




a comparative


requested by her Siva brought the child back to life. logic and reasoning advanced by the fox and the



worshipped. Then chanting the mantra 'Ham, hum, ham Sivamurtaye' Siva is to be worshipped. Siva is to be worshipped with angas (with limbs, touching certain portions of the body) and with Vaktra (mouth, chanting). Angas are to be worshipped with the chanting, Haum Sivaya haum' Vaktra with the chanting 'Ham GaurT should be worshipped with the bija Isanaya'. 'Hrlm', Ganapati with 'Gam' and Dikpalas like Indra, his arrows and Candesvara should be worshipped by touching the heart etc. of the worshipper. (Agni Purana,

vulture for their selfish ends is famous under the name Grdhragoinayusarhvada. (xii) The following words are used in the Maha.bha.rata as synonyms of Siva

Aja, Ambikapati, Anangaiigahara,

ghatl, Andhakanipati, Atharva,

Ananta, AndhakaBahurupa, Bhagaghna,

Bhava, Bhavaghna, Bhlma, Sankara, Sarva, Sitikantha, Smasanavasi, Srlkantha, Sukra, Sulabhrt, Suladhara, Suladhrk, Sulahasta, Sulaiika, Sulapani, Suli, Daksakratuhara, Dhanvi, Dhruva, Dhurjati, Digvasas, Divyagovrsabhadhvaja, Ekaksa, Ganadhyaksa, Ganesa, Gaurisa, Gaurihrdayavallabha, Girlsa, Govrsarika, Govrsabhadhvaja, Govrsottamavahana, Hara, Haryaksa, Jatadhara, Jatila, Jati, Kamariganasana, Kapah, Kapardi, Khatvangadhari, Krttivasas, Kumarapita,
Lelihana, Mahadeva, Mahaganapati, Mahayogi, Mahesvara, Mahisaghna, Makhaghna, Midhvan, Mrgavyadha, Munindra, Nandisvara, Nisacarapati, NllagrTva, Nllakantha, Nilalohita, Pa&ubharta

1 )

Chapter 21).
General. Sivaratrl

on the eve of New moon day (Caturdasi) falling in the middle of Magha and Phalguna (February-March). During this night, penance should be done with fasting. On Caturdasi day penance (vrata) should be observed without sleep and food and Siva worshipped. 2) Origin. There is the following Puranic story about

a holy day.




Pinakadhrk, PaSupati, Pinakagopta, Pinakahasta, Pinakapani, Pinaki, Pingala, Prajapati, Rudra, Rsabhaketu, Sarva, Sarvayoges varesvara, Sthanu, Trisulahasta, Trisulapani, Trilocana, Trinayana, Trinetra, Tripuraghati, Tripuraghna, Tripuraharta, Tripuramardana, Tripuranasana, Tripurantaka, Tripurantakara, Tripurardana, Tryaksa, Tryambaka, Ugra, Ugre a, Umapati, Visalaksa, Vilohita, Virupaksa, Vrsabhadhvaja, Vrsabhanka, Vrsabhavahana, Vrsaketana, Vrsavahana, Yamya, Yati, Yogas' vara.

Brahma took

and was answered 'I am Visnu, your father'. That answer did not satisfy Brahma and a quarrel ensued between him and Visnu which ended in fighting. Brahma shot the Brahmastra, which Visnu countered with Pas upatastra and neither of the two was able to withdraw it, which went round the world. While both

the origin of the observance of Sivaratri as a sacred day. his birth in the lotus that originated from the navel of Visnu. Brahma trying to know the source of the lotus saw Visnu only. He asked, 'Who are you?'

Names of Siva. Sambhu, Isa, Pasupati, Siva, Mahesvara, Isvara, Sarva, ISana, Sankara, Candrasekhara, Bhutesa, Girlsa, Khandaparas'u, Girisa, Mrda, Mrtyunjaya, Krttivasas, Pinaki, Pramathadhipa, Ugra, Kapardi, Srikantha, Sitikantha.KapalaSuli,


Vamadeva, Mahadeva,



Hara, Tripurantaka, Bharga, Tryambaka, Gaiigadhara, Antakaripu, Kratudhvarhsl, Vrsadhvaja, Vyomakesa, Bhava, Bhima, Sthanu, Rudra, Umapati, Mahanata. Ahirbudhnya, Astamurti, Gajari,



stood aghast not knowing what to do, Sivalinga appeared betwixt the two. Both the ends of the linga were invisible. To find the ends Brahma went upwards and Visnu downwards. Though they travelled a great distance they could not find out the ends, and, so, returned to their old seats. Immediately Siva appeared betwixt the two and withdrew the pagupatastra. It was on Caturdasi day in the month of Magha that Siva thus appeared. Siva that in future Caturdasi night every year enjoined should be observed as a holy day, which should be
as Sivaratri.


(Amarako'a). SlVA. I Wife of Angiras. Consumed by lust she once slept with Agnideva and then flew away in the form of a she-kite. (Vana Parva, Chapter 225). SlVA II. Wife of the Vasu called Anila and mother of two sons called Manojava and Avijnatagati. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 25)


The very noble

1 )


Chapter 225 Verse


wife of Angiras.

(Vana Parva,

river in India

made famous

in the

Verse 25). One of the seven sectors of Plaksa island. Sivam SlVA(M) Yavasam, Subhadram, Santam, Moksam, Amrtam and Abhayam are the seven sectors. (Bhagavata, 5th Skandha. SlVABHASMA. See under Siva, Para 15. SlVAJVARA. See under Visnujvara. SlVALI&GA. See under Siva, Para 16.

(Bhlsma Parva, Chapter


ctions with regard to the worship of Siva.

Dharma be worshipped.

NandikeSaand Mahakala are to be worshipped first. Then should Gariga, Yamuna, the ganas, Vastupurusa, Sakti, and

are certain injun-

river Sindhu. The boy grew up to be an immoral fellow and he married a Candala girl with whom he lived for seven years. Five daughters and two sons were born to him of the Candala woman. The father, Sukumara, himself married the daughters. One day he, in the course of his search for a flower to be worn on the hair of the Candala woman, came near the Siva temple called Nagesvara. A Sivaratri festival was being celebrated there that day and Sukumara, participated in it. Shortly afterwards Sukumara died. Messengers of Kala and Siva arrived to carry off his soul and a battle ensued between the two for the soul. His soul attained Sivaloka as he had, though by accident, participated in

3) The greatness of Sivaratri. The following story about a sinner, who attained Sivaloka by observing Sivaratri is related in Sivaratrimahatmya. A son named Sukumara was born to the Brahmin manager of the king of Kunjara, a kingdom on the banks of

(Kannassa Ramayana).


Sivaratri festival.

Next, the navasaktis (nine Varna, Jyesjha., Raudn, Kali, Kalavikarini (Kalavikalini) Balavikarim (Balavikalini) Balapramathini, SarvabhutadamanT and Manonmam should be

sarman, Dharmasarman, Visnu:' arman and SomaSarman, all of them deeply devoted to their father. The father decided to test the devotion of each of the sons.

brahmin well-versed in all sastras Sivasarman, who lived in Dvaraka had, by (sciences). his wife GunavatI five sons called YajnaSarman, Veda-

Sivasarman had, due to Siva's blessing, achieved all kinds of siddhis (spiritual gifts). By the power of illusion he showed the sons their mother lying dead and all the sons wept uncontrollably. Then he asked his eldest son Yajnasarman, to cut the dead body of his mother into pieces and throw thenfoff. After having done so he came and saluted his father. After bidding adieu to Yajnasarman, who proved his devotion to his father as above, Sivasarman called his second son Vedasarman to him and told him thus: "I find it difficult to get on without a woman. Look, there is a beautiful woman there endowed with all qualifications. (And he created such a woman by illusion). You go and fetch her to me." Vedasarman, after saluting his father went to the woman and requested her to become the wife of his father. But, the woman did not want to become the wife of an old man, and she told Vedasarman that she would love him, and not his father, to have as her husband. He shuddered to be told thus, and by the power of his tapas he got down Indra and other Devas on earth and showed them to her. She then told him in indifferent tone the following: "Yes, I have seen the prowess of your tapas. But, I have nothing to do with Devas. If you want me as wife for your father, please cut off your head with your own hands



down her, he hurried forward. But, she jumped from her seat, blocked his path and made enquiries about him. She also tried to make love to him. But, Visnusarman turned down her overtures of love. At this stage Indra adopted many magical tricks to frighten away the unwelcome visitor. Angered by such attempts Visnusarman got ready to destroy Devaloka along with handed Indra, who then begged pardon of him and

for my pleasure." Vedasarman drew his sword and very happily cut off his head and presented it to the woman. She came to Sivasarman and requested him to accept his son's head, which he (son) had voluntarily cut off for the sake of his father. The other sons of Sivasarman shuddered at the sight of their brother's head. They told among themselves thus "Our mother entered eternal Samadhi, but this brother of ours, who courted death on behalf of father is really blessed." Then Sivasarman asked his third son DharmaSarman to receive his brother's head. He received it and went out with it and prayed to Dharmadeva, who,

gave the nectar to his father the latter asked him to choose any boon he wanted, and according to his request the father brought back to life Gunavatl. Now Sivasarman very much pleased with his sons sent the first four of them to Visnuloka. He decided to live for some time more on earth with his youngest son, and he told the latter that he was going on a pilgrimage and asked him to keep the pot of nectar with him. The son kept it very carefully for ten years. Now Siva'arman with his wife returned from pilgrimage. By magic he had become a leper, and made his wife also a leper. Somasannan, his youngest son felt pained that his parents had fallen victims to such a fell disease and served them with meticulous care in every way. He foresaw their wants and desires and satisfied them to the full. Yet, the father lost temper with the son and used even to fist him. But, the son did not lose his temper in any manner and to the least degree. He continued to serve his parents most cheerfully. A century was over in this manner. The parents were greatly satisfied and pleased with their son, and ultimately the father cast one more illusion on the son. After stealing away by magic the nectar from the pot, he asked the son for it. When Somasarman looked into the pot for nectar, to his horror it was missing. But, he
took the pot to his father saying to himself, 'Let there be nectar in it if I am truthful, if I have served my elders well and if I have observed pure tapas', and lo the pot was filled with nectar. Sivasarman blessed his son, and by the power of his yoga ascended to Vaikuntha in the company of his wife. After this Soma'arman began practising the most intense form of tapas. When the time for his death was near asuras approached him. Fear about asuras gripped him, who was in deep meditation, and as he breathed his last thinking about asuras he was born in his next

When Visnusarman

over to him a pot


of nectar.

had brought as his father's wife. Then Vedasarman and Dharmasarman returned to their father, and Dharmasarman told the father about his bringing back to life his dead brother. Though the father felt very happy
about the great devotion of
his son

appearance, was requested to restore Vedasarman to life. Dharmadeva did so, and the first question asked by Vedasarman, who returned to life as though awakened from sleep, was about the woman, whom he


he did not answer



deputed Menaki to make him withdraw from the plan. Immediately Menaka put on her best clothes and singing sweet music occupied the hanging seat in Nandanavana, and Visnu'arman lost not a minute to divine the object of her presence. Without even casting a look

Sivasarman fell into contemplation for sometime and then told his fourth son, Visnusarman as follows: "You go immediately to Indraloka and bring amrta (nectar) for me to drink along with this woman. Nectar removes diseases. Now, this woman has no interest in me. It is only natural that young, beautiful women will feel no love towards an old man and unless I regain my youth this woman of mine may sleep with others. You, my son, should act in such a manner that I can enjoy life with this woman in all the three worlds. As soon as he heard his father, Visnusarman, by the power of his tapas ascended to the sky and started for Indraloka. Being told about the object of his visit Indra



Purana, Bhumi Khanda). great poet in Sanskrit in the court of king Avantivarman, who ruled Kashmir between 854 and 884 A.D. Only one poem by him, Kapphinabhyudayam, composed on the model of Kiratarjunlyam, has been unearthed yet. SlVODBHEDA. A sacred spot. One, who lives here taking the holy bath will derive the benefit of making a gift of a thousand cows. (Vana Parva, Chapter 82) SlYALI. A Puranic place in Tanjore District in South India. Indra once fled to this place in fear of the asura

as Prahlada, son of Hiranyaka' ipu and got killed by in the war between Devas and Asuras. (Padma










Subrahmanya. (For further details see under Subrahmanya). SKANDAGRAHA. An evil spirit which afflicts boys upto the age of sixteen. It is mentioned in Mahabharata,




Chapter 230, Stanza 43, that








known by


name Matrkagraha

or Purusa-




of the eight Vasus.


eight Vasus


of Subrahmanya.



derived from the body enter the womb of


of Dhrtarastra. This serpent was burnt to death in the sacrificial fire of the serpent sacrifice of Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 18). SKANDHAKSA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Maha-

pregnant women and afflict the child (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 230, Verse SKANDHA. A naga (serpent) born in



26). the family

Apa, Dhruva, Soma, Dharma, Anila, Agni, Pratyusa and Prabhasa. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1.15). SOMA III. A son of Jarasandha. It is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 9, that Jarasandha had four sons named Soma, Sahadeva, Turya and Sruta;'ru. SOMA. A celestial maid. This celestial beauty performed a dance at the birth festival of Arjuna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 61) SOMA. Juice extracted from Soma creeper. It is be.


bharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 60)

was when Visravas, the grandson of Brahma and Kaikasi, the daughter of Sumali were living in this Kumbhakarna, Vibhisana and forest, that Ravana, were born to them. (Kamba Ramayana, Surpanakha Purva Kanda). SLISTI. Son of Dhruva. Dhruva had two children married Slisti and Succhaya by his wife Sambhu. Slisti Five sons, Ripu, Ripunjaya, Punya, Vrkala Succhaya. and Vrkatejas. were born to them. Ripu, the eldest of them, was the father of Caksusa Manu, according to Harivarh a, Chapter 2. SMARADCrl. A maid of Vrnda, the wife of Jalandhara. (Padma Purana 3:9). SMR.TI. The sovereign deity of remembrance. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 64, that this goddess Smrti had walked in front of the army of Subrahmanya. Smrti was the wife of Angiras. Four daughters, named Siniva.li. Kuhu, Rakfi and Anumati, were born to Angiras by his wife Smrtidevi. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 10). SNANA. Bathing. The Puranas have ordered six kinds of bathing. They are Nitya snana (daily bath), Naimittika snana (incidental bath), Kamya snana (Desirable) Kriya snana (ceremonial) Kriyanga snana (bathing only the limbs used for rites) and Malakarsana snana (Bathing to drag out excrements). (Agni Purana, Chapter 155) SOBHANA. Son-in-law of Mucukunda. (See Para 3 under Mucukunda).




lieved that the devas accept


in sacrifices.

Gandharva damsel. (For







under Cull)

Descended from Visnu in the following Genealogy. order Brahma-Marlci-Kasyapa-Vivasvan-Vaivasvata Manu-Iksvaku-Dista-Nabhaga - Phalantana-VatsaprltiPramsu - Pramati - Khanitra- Caksusa-Rambha- Kaninetra -Karandhama-Aviksit-Marutta-Dama - Rajyavar-

King of the Iksvaku dynasty.


-Sudhrti- Nara-Kevala - Bandhuman-Vegavan Trnabindu-Alambusa-Visala-Hemacandra- Dhumraksa


He was the great grandson of Srnjaya and the grandson of Sahadeva. The father of Somadatta was Krsasva. (Valmiki
Ramayana, Sarga

Srnjaya-Sahadeva-Krsasva-Somadatta. A King of Pancala. II.


This General information. Balhika and the grandson of

A King

of the





King was the son of King Pradlpa. Three sons and Sala were born to


2) Other

and his sons were present at the (i) Somadatta Svayamvara marriage of Draupadl. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 14). Somadatta had participated in the royal consecra(ii) tion sacrifice of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Chapter 34, Verse

chariot fight at the

chariot of Indra.


was that two chariot-fighters could sit and same time in (his. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 24, Verse 12, that Indra had, sitting in this chariot, killed ninetynine asuras (demons). This chariot passed hands from Indra to Uparicaravasu from him to Brhadratha, and from this King to Jarasandha, on whose death, Indra took possession of it again. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 24, Verse 48). SODASARAJAKA. The story of sixteen famous Kings related by Vyasa to Yudhisthira who, after the death of Abhimanyu in the war became averse to fighting. The Kings were (1 ) Marutta (2) Suhotra (3) Paurava (4) Sibi (5) Sri Rama (6) Bhaglratha (7) DilTpa (8) Mandhata (9) Yayati ( 10) Ambarlsa(ll) Sasabindu (12)Gaya(13) Rantideva (14) Bharata (15)Prthu (16) Para'iurama. (Drona Parva, 16 Chapters from

peculiarity of

This Somadatta was present at the Svayamvara At that time there occurred a hand to hand fight between Sini and Somadatta. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 11 4, Verse 14).

of Devaki.



defeat from Sini being unbearable,


did penance

appeared before him. Somadatta made the following a son who would request :- "God May I be granted be powerful enough to kick down the son of Sini in his




Somadatta him and Siva vanquish

was the palace." Siva granted his wish. Bhuri!ravas son born in conformity with this boon. He grew up and defeated the son of Sini and kicked him in the in Mahabharata, palace of the King. This story occurs

Drona Parva, Chapter 144. and Bhimasena (v) Somadatta fought against Satyaki in the battle of Bharata and fell down unconscious. (Drona Parva, Chapter 157, Verse 10).
followed this, Satyaki killed (vi) In the battle which Somadatta. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 162, Verse





Mahabharata, Asramavasika

given birth to two sons Soma and daughter named Rohinl. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Verse 15).
wife Nisa,

son born



who had

Bhanu by



Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 17, that Dhrtarastra performed the sacrifice of giving offerings to the spirit of

and a


Somadatta was one of the


which appeared




on the surface of the Ganges when invoked by Vyasa. (M.B. Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 12).
ancient country in east Bharata.


30, Verse 10,

this country.

Mahabharata, Sabha. Parva, Chapter that Bhlmasena defeated the people of



mountain. This mountain ought to be thought of every morning and evening. (M.B, Santi Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 33)




mentioned in Mahabharata,


Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 40, that all the Ksatriyas of the Somaka dynasty are called Somakas.

General information. ous King was the son of

A King

Sahadeva and the grandson of

of Pancala. This gener-

Subhasa. In accordance with the advice of Brahmins, in the King once sacrificed his son. It is mentioned Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 128 that on completion of the sacrifice he got one hundred sons.
travelled with his (i) This King Somaka priests, through the holy worlds and hell and returned. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 128, Verse 11). (ii) King Somaka made offerings of cows as alms and attained heaven. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 76, Verse 25). had he eaten flesh in his life. (M.B. (iii) Never Anuiasana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 63). (iv) Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 8, that this Somaka stays in the palace of Yama praising him. SOMAKlRTI. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 99) SOMAPA. I. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 70). SOMAPA II. An eternal god of offerings to the manes. (M.B. Anuslsana Parva, Chapter 91, Verse 34) SOMAPA (SOMALA). One of the seven Pitrs. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 1 1, Verse 49, that this god dwells in the palace of Brahma. SOMAPADA. A holy place. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 119, that those who bathe in the particular holy bath called Manes' varapada in this place will obtain the fruits of a horse-sacrifice. I. A brahmin. (See under Gunadhya) II. Son of the brahmin Sivafiarma.

manes. (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 33) SOIilA NADl. A river famous in the Puranas. Some important facts about this river are given below :in Varuna's arsembly wor(i) River Sona remains shipping him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse

II. Another ancient holy bath situated Kuruksetra. In Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 114, it is mentioned that by bathing in this holy place, one could attain the world of Candra (Moon) (See under Prabhasa Tirtha also) SOMAVARCAS. An eternal god of offering to the


in this holy bath.

Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 19, that one could attain the of the sacrifice of royal consecration by bathing

2) Other details.

Asvamedha Yaga. (M.B. Vana Parva, ChapVerse 8). as the source of Agni. (iv) River Sona is regarded (M.B. Vana Parva. Chapter 222, Verse 25) (v) Visvamitra, Rama and Laksmana took rest for a night on the banks of river Sona. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, 3 1st Sarga) SOI^ITAPURA. The capital city of Banasura. This
benefit of
ter 85,

Lord Sri Krsna crossed this river on his way from Indraprastha to Rajagrha. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 27). sacred place called "Varhsagulma (iii) There is a tlrtha" in river Sona. By bathing in it one gets the


was protected by Siva, Karttikeya, Bhadrakali, Agni and other divinities. In the battle between Sri Krsna and Bana, the former defeated all the sentries and entered the city through the northern gate. Within the fort, Bana was defeated. Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Daksinatya Pafha, Chapter 38 mentions that Sri Krsna released Aniruddha and Usa from their

SOIiJITODA. A Yaksa. He remains in Kubera's assembly and worships him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 10,



Verse 17).


his wife Prasuti.


(For detailed story see under Sivasarma). SOMASRAMA. A holy place. He who visits this holy place will be praised by others. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 157). SOMASRAVAS. A hermit. His father was Srutasravas. Once King Janamejaya approached Srutasravas and requested him to let him have Somas'ravas as sacrificial

II. Surya's 'daughter. She had several other names such as, VaivasvatI, Savitrl, Prasavitri etc. (For more details, see under Savitrl I) SRADDHA III. Wife of Vaivasvata Manu. (See under


them. Of deva including Sraddha.. Dharmadeva had a son named (Visnu Purana, Part 1. Chapter 7).

daughter born to Daksa Prajapati by Twentyfour daughters were bcrn to them, thirteen were the wives of Dharma-


by Sraddha.



(For further details see under Srutasravas III) ancient holy place situated in the basin of the Gahga. The Pandavas visited this holy place while they were on their way to Pancala from Ekacakra. It was in this place that Citraratha the Gandharva who had been defeated by Arjuna, had enjoyed bathing sports with girls. It was because of became a holy these two facts that Somasrayayana place. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 169, Verse 3). SOMATIRTHA I. An ancient holy place situated in Kuruksetra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana

Vaivasvata Manu). IV. Daughter born to Kardama Prajapati by Devahuti. She became the wife of Angiras. They had two sons, Utatthya and Brhaspati and four daughters, Sinlvali, Kuhu, Raka and Anumati. (Bhagavata, 3rd

the Puranas


a very important ceremony. Here, "Pitrs" does not mean "the souls of the dead". Pitrs belong to a special class of gods. SRADDHAPARVA. A sub-division of Strl Parva in Mahabharata. It comprises Chapters 26 and 27 of Strl Parva. SRADDHAVATI. A city of Varuna. (See under


offering given








king of Kalinga. (Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter

91, Verse 33). SRAMA. Son of Apa, one of the Astavasus. Apa had four sons named Vairunda, Srama, Santa and Dhvani.

An eternal god concerned with offering to the manes (ViSvadeva). (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter

'Para 5.



See under Krsna, Para





Chapter 15). Maharsi who belonged to Grtsamada's family. He was the father of Tamas. (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Verse

(Visnu Purana, Arh'a

of Santa, a

A son of Satyabhama. She had ten sons Sribhfmu. (Bhagavata 10th Skandha). including SRlBIMBAKI. Father of Mrgarikavatl. (See under


Son of Yuvanasva, a King of the Iksvaku dynasty. He was the father of the King Sravasta.




Vana Parva, Chapter 202, Verse 3) son of Murasura. Murasura had seven
. :

believed to bring Moksa. SRAVASAUCA. Defilement attached to the flux due to It is ordered in Agni Purana, Chapter 258, abortion. how to observe this defilement. It is said that women should observe defilement for as many nights as the number of the months of pregnancy, till the flux. If the flux took place in the fourth month, defilement should be observed for three nights. If it was in the fifth month that the flux had occurred, pollution for ten days would have to be observed. This is meant for Brahmins. In the case of a Ksatriya woman if the flux occurred in the fifth month, she has to observe defilement for four days; and five days for a Vaigya woman, and eight days for a Sudra woman. In the case of a Sudra woman, if the flux is after five months, she has to observe pollution for twelve days. In this stage the father will be purified by a bath. SRAVASTA. Son of the King Srava. (See under Srava) SRAVASTlPURA. Capital city of Sravasta, King of the Iksvaku dynasty. It was named "Sravast!puri"or

Tamra, Antarlksa, Sravana, Vasu, They were Vibhavasu, Nabhasvan and Aruna. They were all killed by Sri Krsna. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). SRAVAIVA II. One of the twentyseven stars (naksatras). Those who perform Sraddha on the day of this star will attain heaven. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 39, Verse 11). SRAVANA. See 3rd Para under Dasaratha. SRAVAT^ADVADASI. A holy day. Observance of a fast on this day after a bath at the confluence of two

Srldatta grew up and became an expert in archery. Kalanemi's younger brother, Vigatabhaya left home and went on a pilgrimage after his wife's death by snake-bite. Kalanemi's king, Vallabhasakti was pleased with Srldatta and invited him to live in the palace. In this way, he became the intimate friend of the
After that, Bahusali and king's son, Vikrama Sakti. Vajramusti, the princes of Avanti became the friends

Yajnasena. After the death of to Pataliputra for education. The teacher gave his two daughters in marriage to them. By the blessing of goddess Laksmi, Kalanemi became rich in course of time and he was also blessed with a glorious son. Since he was given by the blessing of Laksmi (Sri) he was named Srldatta.
their father they

Brahmana named

Son of Kalanemi a Brahmana of Malava Kalanemi and Vigatabhaya were the sons of

ofSridatta. Mahabala, Vyaghrabhata, Upendrabala and Nisthuraka, who were the Minister's sons, also

engage in some amusements. Srldatta assumed the role others of a king and the posed as his subjects. Vikramasakti, the king's son, could not tolerate it. He challenged Srldatta for a fight. In the fight VikramaBut he secretly resolved to kill s akti was defeated. Srldatta understood his Srldatta by hook or by crook.
secret plan. After leaving Vikramasakti, Srldatta was walking with the others along the river-bank when he saw a woman in a whirlpool struggling for life because she was caught Srldatta at once left his in the middle of the river. companions and jumped into the river and swam up When he was almost within reach of her hair to her. the woman sank into the water. Srldatta also sank and followed her, but after some time, he found neither the woman nor even water. He found himself in a Siva temple. He offered worship there and took rest in a park close by. The next morning a woman came to worship in the temple. When she returned after The woman who was worship, Srldatta followed her. alarmed, walked faster and at last reached a heavenly abode. She entered the house and took her seat on a Srldatta also got in and sat near the cot. cot inside. Many other women came and stood around her. Without any apparent reason she began to cry. Srldatta who was puzzled, asked her why she was crying. She replied to him in the following words "I am the grand-daughter of the Asura king, Mahabali. I am the eldest of his one thousand grand-daughters. name is 'Vidyutprabha'. Visnu has captured and imprisoned our grandfather, Mahabali. He has also After that he has expelled killed our father in battle. us all from our Capital city. To prevent us from he has posted a lion as sentry entering it again,

sought the protect ion ofSridatta. day, Srldatta along with VikramaSakti and other companions went to bathe to the banks of the Gariga. While they were there, the party of friends began to


"Sravastipura" because it was built by Sravasta, according to Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 202, Verse 4.


A Rajarsi. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 51 says that he was the rebirth of
the fourth Kalakeya. The following pieces of information about this Rajarsi are gathered from Maha-




Verse 5). (iv) In the course of the Bharata Yuddha, Sreniman was killed by Drona. (M. B. Karna Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 35)

triumphal march of the eastern lands, defeated Sreniman. (M. B. Drona Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 1 ). Sahadeva, in his conquest of Southern lands (iii) defeated him. (M. B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31,

Sreniman was present at the Svayarhvara of Pancall.' (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 11). KumaradtSa. Bhlmasena, in the (ii) He ruled over


of the "Strl rajya". This king had attended the Svayarhvara of the daughter of Citrangada,

at the palace gate. That lion is a Yaksa by Kubera. If any one defeats him, he


he returned with his leaving behind the ring with Mrgankavati. The King who was deeply grateful for the cure of his daughter sent plenty of wealth and gold to Sridatta. But Sridatta gave all of them to Bahusali's father. He was always doting on Mrgankavati and was much pained at his separation from her. At this stage, the princess's favourite maid came to him on the pretext of returning the magic ring and informed him that Mrgankavati was also pining for him and was even prepared to die for his sake. Sridatta sent her back with a secret message of love and cheer. After that in consultation with his friends he made a plan to take the princess secretly to Mathurapuri. On the next day, Bahusall with three of his friends left for Mathura pretending to go there for trade. He made all arrangements on the way for the secret conveyance of the princess. That night, Sridatta sent a woman and her daughter to the palace after making them senseless with heavy drink and arranged for their sleeping there. As directed by Sridatta, Bhavanika set the palace on fire and slipped out of the building with the princess. Sridatta sent them at once to Mathurapuri. The woman and her daughter who were burnt alive in the palace were supposed to be the maid and the princess. Sridatta set out to Mathura to meet Mrgankavati. On the way he saw several evil omens. On arrival at Vindhyavana, he saw his friends lying helpless, after having been severely beaten up by unknown enemies. They informed
earlier. After that

who was


will rated from his curse. By defeating that With that you can defeat anyone." get a divine sword. As soon as he heard this story, Sndatta rushed towards the lion. In the fight that followed, the lion was defeated and it was suddenly transformed into the old Yaksa. Pleased with the hero who was instrumental in lifting his curse, he gave Sridatta a sword called "Mrgarikaka" and then disappeared. Vidyutprabha entered the palace, accompanied by her sisters and Sridatta. She gave a ring to Sridatta which had the power to destroy She fell in love with him. She the effects of poison. asked him to take a bath in the tank close by after giving the sword to her, and undertook to kill any crocodile which might attack him. Sridatta, keeping the sword in his own hand, stepped into the water and sank into it. But he rose up in the river Ganga into which he had jumped earlier. He reached the bank of the river and went in search of his companions. On the way, he In the course of their talk, met with Nisthuraka. Nisthuraka informed Sridatta that, Vallabhasakti passed away and Vikramagakti was then ruling over the country.

would be lion, you

had given him

friends to Bahusali's


king had killed Kalanemi and was on murdering Sridatta. Both of them resumed their journey and when they reached Ujjayini. they met with the rest of their friends. On their way, a woman joined their party. She had lost her way while going to the land of Malava. Sridatta and Nisthuraka walked in the company of that woman and at last they arrived at a deserted city. They spent the

The new





night in

that city. During the night when Sridatta happened to wake up, he saw to his horror, that the woman had killed his friend Nisthuraka and was eating Sndatta at once drew his sword and caught his flesh. hold of her hair and was about to cut off her head when she was transformed into a Raksasa woman. She prayed to him not to kill her and told him her story. She had become a Raksasa woman by a curse. Long ago Visvamitra did tapas to obtain Kubera's place. At that time Kubera sent her to break Visvamitra's tapas. Since she failed in her attempts to attract him by her charms, she tried to subdue him by assuming the form of a terrible monster. The sage thereupon cursed her to become a Raksasa woman with that figure. He declared that the curse would be lifted when Sridatta grasped her hair. She added that she had been killing and eating the inhabitants of that city for a long time and that explained why the city had become deserted. Now that she was liberated from the curse, she asked Sridatta what boon

the princess with him. Sridatta immediately started in pursuit of the unknown enemy. Shortly after, he caught sight of the army led by a Ksatriya prince who was taking Mrgaukavatl on horseback with him. After a fierce fight, Sridatta rescued the princess from the youth, captured his horse

powered them and galloped away on horseback,


leading a

powerful army overtaking

and rode on it with her towards his friends. When they had gone a short distance, the horse which had been wounded in the battle, fell dead on the way. At that time he went in search of water to quench their thirst, leaving Mrgankavati at the spot. By the time he returned with water, the sun had set. So he lost his way and wandered about in the forest till day-break when he reached the place where he had left Mrgankavati. But she was not seen anywhere there. To get a better view of the neighbourhood in the hope of finding
her. he climbed to the top of a tree near by, after placing

he wished

to have.



Early next morning they reached Ujjayini. There, they their old friends, Bahu.'ali and others. Sridatta described to them his experiences after sinking in the

replied that he only wanted his friend to be restored After reviving Nisthuraka, she disappeared. to life.

Later, once


fell in love with each other. When she the place, Sridatta felt very much depressed. Eahusall and others also knew about it. They offered (o take him to Mrgankavati. But just then she fell down unconscious, bitten by a snake. Sndatta soon restored her with the help of the magic ring which Vidyutprabha

bimbaki. They

when Sridatta went to a festival, he happened meet Mrgankavati, daughter of a King named Sri-

his sword on the ground. Just then a hunter named Sabara came that way and took up Sridatta's sword. Sridatta saw this, but he got down from the tree and instead of attacking him, merely asked him whether he knew about the whereabouts of Mrgankavati. To this Sabara said that he thought that she had reached his cottage and asked Sridatta to accompany his followers to the cottage. He also offered to go with him and promised to return his sword after reaching there. Sndatta reached the cotfage with them. Being utterly exhausted, he fell into a deep slumber. When he woke up he found that his legs were chained together. While he was lying thus, a woman named Mocanika approached

him and said: "Why did you come here to court death? Sabara has now gone out on some business. As soon as he returns he will offer you as a sacrifice to It is for that purpose that he has Bhadrakall. brought

you here and put
in chains. But there is yet one way of escape for you. This Sahara has a very beautiful daughter. She has fallen in love with you. If you marry her everything will turn out well." For his own safety, Sridatta married Sahara's daughter according to the Gandharva method. Shortly after, she



with Sridatta. The Candalaband took Vigatabhaya and
others to Sridatta

words she took leave of him. Sridatta disclosed the story of that sword to her and started on his journey again, in search of Mrgankavati. From a hunter whom he happened to meet on the way, he came to know that she was living in a place called Nagasthala near Mathura, under the protection of Visvadatta a Brahmana. Sridatta at once went to VijSvadatta's house and made
enquiries about his wife. Visvadatta informed him that he had entrusted her with a Brahmana who was the minister and priest of King Surasena. He suggested that Sridatta should stay with him that day and they

became pregnant. Her maid Mocanika informed her mother all about it. That kind and affectionate mother came to Sridatta and said "Sahara is a very cruel man. If he comes to know of this, he will never forgive you. Therefore you must leave the place at once, but you should never forget my daughter." With these

and they were released. After the death of King Sahara, Sridatta became the King of that wood. He got back his sword Mrgfirikaka. He married the daughter of Surasena. Sridatta's friends also came there. All of them joined together and killed Vikramasakti in a battle. After that Sridatta was crowned king of the whole country up to the ocean. (Katha-

SRlDEVA. Daughter

Kathamukhalambaka, Taranga 2) of King Devaka. This princess was married by Vasudeva. They had six sons including Nandaka. (Bhagavata, Navama Skandha; Visnu

king who lived in Tretayuga. (For more information see under Varatanu). SRlKRSNA. See under Krsna.
If one worships Brahma at holy place. holy place famous in the three worlds, one would get the benefit of the gift of a thousand cows. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 85). Son of the Vai:: ya Hemakundala. (See Para 2_under Yamuna). SRlKUNJA. A Sarasvati tlrtha situated in Kuruksetra.




By bathing

could proceed to Surasena's place next morning. Sridatta accordingly stayed there and started for Mathura at day-break on the next day. On the way he took bath in a tank just outside the city. While bathing he happened to get a silk cloth and a necklace of beads from the bed of the tank. After his bath, he entered the city with the silk and necklace. Mistaking him for a thief, the police arrested him. Really the silk and necklace had been hidden in the tank by thieves. Sridatta was produced before the King with the stolen


in this tlrtha, one gets the same reward as by performing an Agnistoma yajfta. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 105).




The king condemned him to death. Mrganwho was staying in the custody of the minister

Bhisma Parva in Mahabharata. Chapters 13 to 42 of Bhisma Parva, are included in it. SRlMAN. Son of Nimi, who was the son of Dattatreya. SRlMATA. An aspect of Devi who incarnated to kill the Raksasa named Karnataka who used to abduct the wives of Maharsisin the disguise of a Brahmana. (Skanda
Purana, 3:2: 16-18).

to see Sridatta being taken to the place of execution. She immediately ran up to the minister and told him that Sridatta was her husband. When the



King came to know it, he ordered him to be brought back to the palace. As soon as Sridatta saw the minister, he felt certain doubts about his identity. The minister had a striking resemblance to his father's brother Vigatabhaya who had left home years ago. His doubts were confirmed when the minister revealed his identity and the two embraced each other after their long separation. Sridatta narrated the whole story of his sufferings and misfortunes beginning from the murder of Kalanemi up to that time. On hearing his tragic story, the minister burst into tears and told him that he had received a boon from a Yaksi by which he had obtained 5000 horses and plenty of wealth. All this he gave to Sridatta and his wife. The king of that country had a daughter. Srldatta's next plan was to marry her also. Vigatabhaya gave

I. A Gandharva maid. In Kamba Ramayana, Yuddhakanda there is a story associating this Gandharva maid with the churning of the ocean of milk :A Gandharva maid named Srimati who had acquired incomparable proficiency in music used to sing hymns in



of Laksmldevl. Devi appeared before her and presented a garland of Kalpaka flowers to Srimati. As she was returning with the garland, she met sage Durvasas on the way. She offered the garland to him. Durvasas who reached Devaloka with the garland gave it to Indra. Indra used it for adorning the tusk of Airavata. Airavata who was annoyed at it threw it away in a fury. Durvasas took it as a personal insult to him and in his rage cursed all the gods to be subjected to the infirmities of old age. It is to save them from the effects of old age that the ocean of milk was churned to obtain Amrta. (For more details see under Amrta)


A woman

follower of

him the necessary help. The minister took her with Sridatta and his friends on the pretext of offering worship at the temple in Avantl. They had to encounter a band of robbers on the Vindhya mountain. Sridatta was overpowered and the robbers plundered all their wealth. Vigatabhaya and others were captured. Sridatta was taken to be sacrificed to Bhadrakali. When he was about to be sacrificed, his wife, the daughter of
Sahara arrived there with her son. Itwas within the territory of Srlcanda. She stopped the robbers from performing the sacrifice and returned to her own house

ing in
the forest

Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 3). sacred mountain. Those

Subrahmanya. (M.B.

mountain and

who go


worship to Sarikara after bathrivers get the same reward as from an


Verse 18).




Chapter 85,

SRi RAMA. See under Rama. SRI RAMAKRSJVA PARAMAHAMSA. A great thinker who shed new light on Indian

born on February 18, 1836 in a village called Kumarpukkur. His father was Khudiram Cattopadhyaya and his mother was Candradevl.

He was



jaya, for the at this and

hand of his daughter. Parvata got angry cursed Narada that he would not attain Narada retorted with the same curse. Srnjaya

naga who was born to Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Kadru. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 13). SRlVATSA. A mole on Mahavisnu's chest. (For more details see under Bhrgu) SRMARA. A young deer. Mrgamanda daughter of KaSyapa gave birth to Rksas (Bears) Srmaras (young deer) and Camaras (a kind of deer called Bos grunniens). (Valmlki Ramayana Aranya Kanda, Sarga 14). SR5IGA. Siva's special musical instrument. (M.B. Vana 'Parva, Chapter 88, Verse 8)
. .


holy place in Kuruksetra. In MahaParva, Chapter 83, Verse 46 it is stated bharata, that by bathing and worshipping gods and pitrs at this holy place, one would be blessed with issues.


pacified both.

Srnjaya had no sons. He informed the hermits of this sad state. Narada blessed the king and said that a son named Suvarnasthivl would be born to him and that with his birth everything in the palace would become gold. Accordingly the son Suvarnasthlvi was born to

Srnjaya and everything in the palace became golden. When the son became four years old, by the sorcery of Indra the child died. Narada brought him to life again.
(See under Suvarnasthivl). fact that gold was accumulating in the palace of Srnjaya due to the boon given to Suvarnasthivl, reached the ears of robbers. One night they carried the child away, and killed him. Then only did they come to understand that there was no gold inside him. Srnjaya cried aloud at the loss of his son. To pacify the King, Narada and Parvata told him stories of sixteen kings.


1) General.






Tamil poet and author of Ramayana.

mountain. It is situated to the north of the called "Ilavrtta". Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha region refers to three mountains Nilagiri, Svetagiri, and Srrigavan which are the sources of many rivers and which stand at intervals of 2,000 miles. 2) Other details this mountain and entered Kuru(i) Arjuna crossed varsa in the course of his triumphal campaign over the northern land. (ii) This mountain is rich in minerals, is of outstanding brilliance, and is the abode of Siddhas and Caranas.
Verse 5). Saftjaya spoke at length about this mountain to (iii) Dhrtarastra. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 8) (iv) This mountain is glorious enough to be remembered with reverence at dawn and dusk. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 32).


(M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 55).

3) Other details.

Srnjaya sits in the palace of Yama, praising him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 15)

Kings, his sorrow subsided. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 71, Stanza 4). (iii) By the power of Narada Srnjaya's son was brought
to life again. (Drona Parva, Chapter 71, Verse 8). (iv) Sri Krsna told Dharmaputra the story of Srnjaya,


When Narada

told the



stories of


(M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter

with a view to pacify him.

ter 29)

(M.B. Santi Parva, Chaplife.

(v) Srnjaya had never eaten flesh in his Anusasana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 63).


He married by force, a After a night's married life, Vrddhakanya kanya. The sage then renounced everything and departed. followed her. V M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 82). SR5IGAVERA. A naga born in Kauravyakula. This naga was burnt up in Janamejaya's Sarpasatra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 13).




ancient sage.

He was the son of woman named Vrddha-


II. This royal hermit was royal hermit. the father of the mother of Amba, the princess of KasI, and a friend of Parasurama. At the request of Amba who had been forsaken by Salva, Srnjaya first approa-


ched Parasurama and then saw Bhlsma and persuaded to marry Amba. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 175, Stanzas 15 to 27)


The Indian

place ferried Rama It became a holy spot by the touch of Sri Gariga. Rama's feet. (See under Guha). SR5IGAVISA. A sage. In Rgveda, Mandala 8, Anuvaka 17, Sukta 13, it is mentioned that Indra was born from the stomach of this sage. SRSlGERl. Math was founded here by Sankaracarya.


sacred place. Guha, ruler of this and Laksmana across the river

given below:

theory of creation


See under Sankaracarya ).


3rd para under Pariksit)


The young



cursed Pariksit.

(See the

See under Somadatta. Genealogy. 2) General information. king of the Iksvaku dynasty. His father was Sviti. This king Sviti was also called the death of his father Srnjaya became Svitya King.

1) Trigunas (The three attributes). The base of the universe is the set of the three attributes. They are Sattva (purity), Rajas (passion) and Tamas (inertia). Only things which could be seen, possess these three attributes. Things which could be seen are perishable. The indestructible could not be seen. Shape or form is an attribute. God has no form. So god is without attributes. The God devoid of attributes can be realised by knowledge, but cannot be seen with the ordinary eyes. The three attributes have a power each. Knowledge is the power of Sattva, activity, the power of Rajas and reason the power of Tamas.


The hermits Narada and Parvata were friends of Srnjaya. Once both of them came and lived in the palace of the King as his guests. Srnjaya had a beautiful daughter named Sucismita. Both Narada and Parloved her. One day Narada directly asked Srn-


2) The five elements. From the divine power of Tamas, five senses came into being, such as sound, touch, form, taste and smell. Sound is the attribute of ether; touch, the attribute of air; form, the attribute of fire; taste, the attribute of water; and smell, the attribute of earth. These are the minute senses or essentials. These five senses having the divine powers, joined together with the five minute essentials, make up the attribute of




These are called Sprouts (Udbhids) Seeing that this creation was not sufficient, the god again sat in contemplation. This time animals having horizontal back bones and organs of sense were created. They were called tiryaksrotas, as they walked horizontally. They, such as cow etc. are having more of the attributes

Brahma, Rudra, Ksetrajiia and mind, came

the attribute of Sattva having the power of knowledge, the ten essentials, such as air, the Sun, two Asvini-gods, Candra (Moon), Pasi (Varuna)
into being. these essentials the formation of five matters took place. They are the five elements. When vigour enters the quintupled elements, egoism is given a form.


This vigour with perceptible body is called Adi Narayana (Primordial Narayana). Anyhow, quintupled elements will be bright with firm attributes. Ether has the attribute of sound only. Air has the attributes of sound and touch. Fire has the three attributes of sound, touch and form. Water has the four attributes of sound, touch, form and taste, and earth has the five attributes of sound, touch, form, taste and smell. The variegated expression of these five elements is called the universe.
It is stated in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 3, that the number of species of living beings found in the universe

of darkness and wrong paths due to


of knowledge. They traverse lack of knowledge though they think

Egoism, pride


twentyeight kinds of
possess other.

incapacities are their qualities.

Though they knowledge inwardly they do not know each


Thinking that

creation also was not sufficient,

Brahma again engaged himself in contemplation, and there came out another creation. It was called 'UrddhvaThis third creation (flowing upwards) having the attribute mainly of Sattva moved in a lofty level. Those who were born in this creation, desired for comfort and pleasure and were with the light of knowledge inwardly and outwardly. When the third

Mahavisnu lay on a banyan tree, as a child. "Who am I ? How was I made, and what for ? What have I to do ?", and so on were the thoughts of the child. Insinto his ears saying, "I am everything. There is nothing eternal except me." Mahavisnu lay contemplating on the voice he heard, tantly

eightyfour lakhs. It has been mentioned 3) The embodied three (Trinity). in the last section how the three attributes came into existence and how the five elements originated from the three attributes and how vigour or energy acted upon the five elements and Adi Narayana or Visnu came into being. In this section the birth of the three divine figures is being dealt with. In the known beginning, on the surface of the wide waters, covering the universe made of the five elements,

from Brahma he grew happy and contented. Even after creating thus much, Brahma did not feel So he made the creation of 'Arvaksrotas' satisfaction. (moving downwards) The creatures of this group were having the attributes of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas in an advanced degree. So they are miserable and full of

creation called Devasrsti (creation of gods) originated


the creation of Udbhids Sprouts) ,Tiryaks (animals) and Arvaks (human beings) Brahma passed on to the creation of heavenly beings.








voice from the ether

(Visnu Purana, Ariisa





when MahadevI appeared before Mahavisnu and said "Lo Mahavisnu Whenever the universe
! !

originated from him unknowingly. It was Avidya (Ignorance), having inertia, desire, great desire, darkness and great darkness as its five branches. That god continued his contemplation. Then five kinds of immovables without the power of knowledge or brightness in and out alike, and with souls covered with darkness, originated. As these immovables are said to be prominent, the creation of them is called prominent creation.

Rajas as his main attribute and from the forehead of that Brahma, Siva with Tamas as his main attribute will be born. By the power of penance, Brahma will acquire the power of creation and with the help of the attribute of rajas, he will create a world of the colour of blood. You will be the protector and preserver of that world, and at the end of the Kalpa (world-age) Siva will destroy that world. I am that power of purity, which stands as help and assistance to you in creation." Accordingly, Brahma was born from the navel of Visnu and Siva was born from the forehead of Brahma. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 1) After the 4) Creation. Sprouts, Animals and Humanity. birth of the Trinity, while Brahma was contemplating on creation, some creations of the attribute of Tamas

required creation, preservation and destruction, by the potentiality of the Omnipotence or the Brahman with no attributes, you too had taken origin. Understand that the Omnipotence is beyond attributes. all are within the purview of attributes. Your attribute mainly is Sattva. From your navel, will be born Brahma with

Morning. After this Brahma again sat in contemplation for water-creation which is the creation of Devas, Asuras, Pitrs and Manusyas ( Gods, Demons, the Manes and Man) As he was sitting in contemplation, the attribute of Tamas (inertia) advanced in him and the asuras
5) Creation. Night, Day, Evening,


discarded the figure of Tamas in him. That discarded figure of darkness became the night. Next, from the face of Brahma, the Devas (gods) were born. They were having the attribute of Sattva (purity) Brahma discarded that of purity also. That figure figure became the bright day. So the asuras are powerful in the night and the Devas are powerful in the day. After the manes were born from Brahma. They were this, also discarded. They became the evening between the

(demons) were born from

his loins.

Then Brahma

Brahma discarded

that figure also. It became a very shining thing which is called the Dawn. So men are powerful in the dawn and the manes are powerful in the evening. The four creations of Day, Night, Evening and the Dawn are considered to be the bodies of Brahma. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 5). Taksas (Demi-gods}, Rdkfasas (Giants], 6) Creation.

day and night. Then Brahma assumed the figure having the attribute of Rajas. From this, man, who was having more of the attribute of rajas was born.

Brahma again assumed Serpents, Devils, Gandharvas. another figure having the attribute of Rajas. Due to this Brahma felt hungry. Along with hunger desire also grew in him. Then the Prajapati (Lord of Emanation) sat in the darkness and created some creatures which were very hungry. Uncouth with plenty of hair on the face, they ran towards Brahma. Of them those who said, 'don't do so, save him*

became Raksasas (giants) Those who said "We will eat him", became Yaksas. (demi-gods). Because of Yaksana (Bhaksana-Food), they got the name Yaksa.

the Sanaka brothers and the mental sons of Bhrgu, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Arigiras, Marlci, Daksa, Atri and Vasistha, and gave these nine the name Prajapatis Then he created nine women (Lords of Emanation)

Because of the dislike at seeing these creatures the hair had fallen from the head of Brahma. They crept back again into his head. Because they did 'sarpana' and (creeping up) they were called sarpas (serpents) as they were 'Hina' (fallen) they were called Ahis

and Prasuti and gave in marriage Khyati to Bhrgu, Bhuti to Pulastya, Sambhuti to Pulaha,
Urja, Anasuya.
to Kratu, Priti to Arigiras, Sannati to Marlci, Daksa, Anasuya to Atri and Prasuti to Vasistha. The great hermits such as Sanandana and the others created before the Prajapatis, were not desirous of propagation as they were wise sages who had renounced all attachments and who had been indifferent. When Brahma saw that they were not mindful about producing subjects he grew angry. (It was from the middle of the eye brows which were curved by his fury, that Siva, one of the three divine figures was born). After this, Brahma appointed Svayambhuva, who originated from

named Khyati, Bhuti, Sambhuti, Ksama,




Lord of creation became very angry and created some creatures. Because of their colour which was a mingling of red and black, they were horrible and they became pisitaSanas (those who eat flesh). Then Brahma began to sing and from his body the Gandharvas were born. Because they did 'dhayana' (Appreciate) of 'go' (word) when they were born, they were called Gandharvas.


this the


7) Creation. Birds, animals. After creating all these creatures, Brahma created birds, from his 'vayas' (strength), as free agents, according to their actions in the previous

Then Brahma

to be properly used in only from Tretayuga (one of the four ages) The animals such as the cow, sheep, goat, horse, mule and donkey are called domestic animals and flesh-eaters such as the leopard, animals with forked hoof such as the wild bull, elephant, monkey, birds, and other animals and reptiles, are included in the word 'wild

From his stomach and flanks he goats from his face. created cows, and from his legs he created other creatures such as the horse, elephant, donkey, wild bull, deer, camel, mule, antelope etc. He created plants bearing fruits and bulbs from his hairs. Though Brahma had created vegetables and animals at the beginning of the
Kalpa (world-age), they came

created sheep from his breast and


himself, and was of the same shape, as the first for the protection of the subjects. This divine Svayambhuva took his sister Satarupa as wife.

animals'. 8) Creation-The Vedas etc. After having completed creation of the things mentioned above, the Prajapati created from his face looking to the east, the Vedic metre Gayatrl, Rgveda, Trivrtstoma, the sama song called Rathantara and the sacrifice called Agnistoma; from his face looking to the south, Yajurveda, the Vedic metre Traisfubha, Pancadasa stoma. Brhatsama and the sacrifice Uktha; from his face looking to the west, Samaveda, the Vedic metre JagatI, Saptadasastoma, Vairiipasama and the sacrifice Atiratra. Thus all the creatures lofty and lower originated from the body of Brahma. After having created Devas, Asuras, the manes and men, Brahma again at the beginning of the world age, created Yaksas, Devils, Gandharvas, celestial maids, Naras, Kinnaras, Raksas, cows, birds, animals, serpents etc. such as have long life and short life, movable and immoCreatures which are vable, that we see in the world. created again and again do perform functions which creatures of their kind had been doing previously. Habits of killing or not killing, kindness or cruelty, righteousness or evil, truth or falsehood are adopted by
to their kind in previous lives. It was created the uses and differences seen in the sense organs, elements and bodies. Brahma took from the Vedic voice the shape, form, name, activities etc. of various creatures such as the Devas etc. and allotted them to each particular kind. So also he allotted names, work etc. to hermits as seen in the Vedas.

daughters Prasuti was given to Prajapati Daksa and Akuti to Prajapati Ruci. A son named Yajiaa and a daughter named Daksina were born as twins to Prajapati Ruci. Twelve sons were born to Yajna by Daksina. They were devas named the Yamas of the Manvantara of Svayambhuva. Daksa begot twentyfour daughters of Prasuti. They were Sraddha, Laksmi, Dhrti, Tusti, Medha, Pusti, Kriya, Buddhi, Lajja, Vapus, Santi, Siddhi, Kirti, Khyati, Sail, Sambhuti, Smrti, Priti, Ksama, Santati, Anasuya, Urja, Svaha and Svadha. Of these the first thirteen were given to Dharmadeva as wives. Of the remaining daughters, Khyati became the wife of Bhrgu, Sati, the wife of Siva, Sambhuti of Marlci, Smrti, of Arigiras,

Of the two


named Priyavrata and Uttanapada and two named Prasuti and Akuti were born to them.

Manu Manu Two

Anasuya of Atri, Urja of Vasistha, Svaha of Agni, and Svadha of the manes. (Visnu Purana, Amsa 1 Chapter

of Pulastya,


of Pulaha, Santati of Kratu,




Brahma who had


subjects he

9) Creation of the four castes 10) Creation of Prajapatis.

When Brahma saw


See under Caturvarnya.



had created, did not

he created

Urvarlyan andSahisnu. Santati the wife of Kratu, gave to sixty thousand hermits called Balakhilyas. Seven sons named Rajas, Gotra, Urdhvabahu, Savana, Anagha, Sutapas and Sukra were born to Vasistha by his wife Urja. These sons were the seven hermits of

Laksmi who became the wife of Visnu and two sons named Dhata and Vidhata were born by Khyati. These two married Ayati and Niyati the two daughters of Meru. To the two couples two sons named Prana and Mrkandu were born. From Mrkandu, Markandeya was born, and from Markandeya, Vedas iras was born. To Prana a son named Dyutiman and to him a son named Rajavan was born. From this Rajavan the Bhrgu dynasty grew up. Sambhuti the wife of Marlci gave birth to a son named Paurnamasa. To Arigiras four daughters named Sinivali, Kuhu, Rakaand Anumati were born by Smrti. Three sinless sons named Candra, Durvasas and Dattatreya were born to Atri by Anasuya. Of them Dattatreya was a hermit. A son named Dattoli was born to Pulastya by Pratiti (Priti) That Dattoli was the Agastya of Svayambhuva Manvantara. Ksama the wife of Pulaha gave birth to three sons named Kardama,



children of the Prajapatis.






Vasudeva had

Pavaka the third Manvantara. Three bright sons Pavamana and Suci were born to god Agni (fire) by his wife Svaha. Fortyfive sons were born to them. (Visnu Purana, Arils' a 1, Chapter 10)

of Vasudeva, father of Sri Krsna. who "were: Maninl, Prtha, and Sruta;'ravas. (Bhagavata, Srutaklrti

five sisters

12) Creation Living things. Creations of Sprouts, animals, Men, Devas, Danavas and so on have been dealt with. But all these creations were pertaining to the world of gods only. Sprouts and animals were born in the earth only from Prajapati KaSyapa, the son of Marlci.

SRUTAHVA. A King who


was on the side of the Ai'vatlhama at the Bharata by battle. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 156, Verse 82). SRUTAKARMA I. Son of Sahadeva, one of the Pandavas.

9th Skandha).

He was


Other details:


Kasyapa married

Vasus and the Rudras were born. from Diti and Danavas from Danu. The asuras Naraka and Kala were born to KaJika. Five daughters named KrauncI, Bhasi, Syeni, Dhrtarastrl and SukI were born Bhasi gave to Tamra. Owls were born from KrauncI. birth to the Bhasas. Hawks and Vultures were born from Syeni Swans, geese and ruddy geese were born from Nata was born from SukI and Vinata Dhrtarastri. was born from Nata. Ten daughters named Mrgi, Mrgamanda, Hari, Bhadramata, Matangl, Sardull Surabhi, Surasa and Kadru, were born to Sveta, Krodhavasa. Mrgi gave birth to animals. From Mrgamanda, bears, young deer and Bos grunniens were born. Lions and monkeys were the sons of Hari. A Bhadramata. daughter named Iravati was born to Airavata was the son of Iravati. Elephants were born from Matangl. Tigers were born from Sardull. The eight elephants supporting the globe were born from Sveta. Two daughters named Rohini and Gandharvl were born to Cattle were born from Rohini, and horses Surabhi. were born from Gandharvl. Surasa gave birth to Nagas (serpents) and Kadru gave birth to Uragas Men were born from Manu. The trees were (reptiles) born from Anala. Garuda and Aruna were born from Vinata. Sampati and Jatayu were the sons of Aruna.

daughters of Daksa.

Tamra, Krodhavasa,


Aditi, Dili,


and Anala, the

Danu, Kalika,

Aditi, the

Devas, Adityas, Daityas were born

Srutakarma fought a duel with Sudarsana on the day of Bharata battle. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 66). Srutakarma. (M.B. Bhlsma (ii) Durmukha defeated Parva, Chapter 79, Verse 35). son. (M.B. (iii) He fought a duel with Citrasena's Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 27) Srutakarma killed Sala. (M.B. Drona Parva, (iv) Chapter 103, Verse 10). (v) He killed Citrasena, King of Abhisara. (M. B. Kama Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 1) He fought against Asvatthama. (M.B. Kama (vi) Parva, Chapter 55, Verse 13). Srutakarma killed Devavrddhakumara. (M.B. (vii) Kama Parva, Chapter 88, Verse 18). (viii) Asvatthama killed Srutakarma in Bharata battle. (M.B. Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 50). SRUTAKARMA n. (SRUTAKIRTI) A son of Arjuna. (See under Srutaklrti II) SRUTAKIRTI I. Wife of Satrughna. Rama married Slta; Bharata married Mandavl! Laksmana married Urmila, and Satrughna married Srutaklrti. Of these Slta was the daughter of Janaka and the other three were the daughters of Janaka's younger brother, Kusadhvaja. (Kamba Ramayana, Balakanda).
. .




(Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 14). (Facts about creation seen in various Puranas do not agree with each other. This essay is based on facts gathered from various Puranas. So disagreements may occur in it.)

sons by the five Pandavas. Of these Prativindhya was the son of Yudhisthira; Sruta was the son of Bhlmasena; Srutaklrti was the son of Arjuna; Srutakarma was the son of Sahadeva and Satanika was the son of Nakula.

son of Arjuna.

Pancall had five

Son of Bhlmasena.

(Agni Purana,




II. A King of the Solar dynasty. Bhagavata, 9th Skandha refers to him as the son of Subhasana and father of Jaya.


(Agni Purana, Chapter 278). Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 127 mentions that this Srutaklrti was born from a portion of Viivadeva. In the Bharata battle he had fought against Jayatsena and the son of Dus'sasana. In the end he died by the arrow of Asvatthama. (M.B. Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 61). SRUTAKIRTI III. See under Srutadevl.


was the

King belonging to Bharata's dynasty. He son of Dharmanetra and father of Drdhasena.


(Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SRUTA IV. A son born to Sri Krsna by Kalindl. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). SRUTADHVAJA. A brother of King Virata. He was a supporter of the Pandavas. Virata's brothers were Gajanlka, Srutanlka, Virabhadra, Sudarsana, SrutaBalanlka, dhvaja, Jayanlka, Jayapriya, Vijaya, Labdhalaksa, Jayasva, Ratbavahana, Candrodaya and Karnaratha. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse

brother of King Virata. He was a supporter of the Pandavas. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 41). SRUTANJAYA. Brother of Susarma, the king of Trigarta. He was slain by Arjuna in the course of Bharata Yuddha.

king of solar dynasty. He was the son of Bhaglratha and father of Sindhudvlpa. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha)

(M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 12). SRUTANTA CITRA&GA) A son of Dhi-tarastra. He



devotee of Sri Krsna.

10th Skandha it is the story of Sri Krsna.

In Bhagavata, stated that once he had described

time of Agastya.

I. king who lived at the the sage Agastya approached him for some wealth. In Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 98 there is a story of how the king solved the problem

Kuruksetra in his fight with Bhlmasena. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 26).
slain at




He was among the sages who attained Siddhi (superhuman powers) by performing tapas. (M.B. Santi Parva,

by presenting the accounts of his income and expenditure to Agastya and convincing him that he was unable


to oblige the sage.



of the hundred


Chapter 292, Verse 16).



Mahabharata, there is a reference to an incident in which Srutasena beat a dog which entered the place where Janamejaya was performing his Yaga. (For further details see under Srutasravas III) SRUTASENA II. Younger brother of the serpent Taksaka. There is a reference to this Naga in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 3, Verse 141. SRUTASENA III. Son of Sahadeva. He is also known as Srutakarma. (See under Srutakarma).

In Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka sage. Sukta 132, there is a passage which says that the As vinidevas once turned a river into honey and pleased sage Vasis^ha and protected two sages Srutarya and Narya. SRUTASENA I. A brother of King Janamejaya. In

sons of Dhrtarasjra. In the course cf the Bharata battle he attacked Bhimasena with twelve of his brothers and in the battle which followed Srutarva was killed, by Bhlmasena. Among the Kauravas, Srutarva was one The terrible battle fought of the mighty archers. against Bhimasena under his leadership alarmed the other warriors. M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 26) (

place after

upala's birth) not to kill Sii'upala. Sri to forgive Sis upala's wrongs a hundred times. (For further details, see under Si:'.upala) SRUTASRl. An asura. Garuda killed this Asura. Once

V. WifeofDamaghosa King of Cedi. She was the sister of Sri Krsna's father and mother of Sisupala. She requested Sri Krsna (who came to re-

assembly, offering worship to Yama. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 9).

A Raja. He

remains in Yama's


Krsna agreed

Garuda happened
brag about






Indraloka and he began to He claimed that he had


IV. An asura. Garuda killed this asura. (See under Srutagri). SRUTASENA V. A warrior on the Kaurava side. He was

9th Skandha.)

killed by Arjuna. Verse 10).





Chapter 27,

killed Sruta^ri, Srutasena, Vipasvan, Rocanamukha, Kalaka, Ahar, Prastuta and other Asuras. (M.B. Udyoga Parva. Chapter 105, Verse 12). SRUTAVATl. Daughter of Bharadvaja Muni. Once Bharadvaja happened to see the Apsara woman Ghrtaci and he had an involuntary emission of semen. Srutavati was born from that semen. She observed an austere tapas with the object of getting Indra as her husband. (For more information see Para 30 under Indra) SRUTAYAJNA. A king who belonged to Bharata Vain' a. Bhagavata, 9th Skandha states that he was the son of Karmajit and grandson of Vivanava. SRUTAYUDHA. A king of the Kalinga land. He was the son of Varuna by Parnasa. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 23; Bhisma Parva, Chapter 16, Verse



of Sri Krsna's father


Vasudeva. (See under Srufadevi).


king of Magadha.

a son




He had


the following story in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 3, about the way in which these two sages came to be associated with King


In Bharata battle he took his stand on the Kaurava side and at first clashed with Bhimasena. Even at the beginning of the battle, Bhima killed Satya and Satyadeva, two of the assistants of Srutayudha. (M.B. Bhisma In the end, he used his Parva, Chapter 50, Verse 69) cudgel which was given to him by Varuna against Sri Krsna who did not take part in the battle at all. Sruta.

Janamejaya. Janamejaya, son of Pariksit, along with his brothers performed an elaborate Yaga at Kuruksetra. His three brothers were Srutasena, Ugrasena and Bhlmasena. While they were performing the Yaga, a dog which was
the son of Sarama came there. Janamejaya's brothers attacked the dog without any provocation. Sarama became angry and she cursed Janamejaya. The curse frightened him. After the Yaga he reached Hastinapura and went out in search of a priest who would be able to liberate him from the curse.

his own Cudgel. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter, 67, Verses 43-48) (See also under Srutayus

yudha died by



son ofPururavas.

(See under Puru-

1) Birth.




(For more details see under Parnas'a).


Srutayus was son of Varuna

Kalinga king. by Parnasa

Other details.

Srutasravas lived there. He had a son named Somasravas. Janamejaya invited Somasravas to be his priest. At that time Srutasravas said to him: -"This my son was born to a serpent-woman and he is endowed with the power of my austerity. He is capable of releasIf a ing you from all sins except "Mahadevakrtya". Brahmana prays to him for anything, the prayer would be fulfilled. If you can set it right, you may take him with you." Janamejaya agreed and took Somasravas with him to the palace. He made him priest and completed the Yaga. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 58 states that Srutasravas was also a member of Janamejaya's Yaga.



Once, as he was returning from a hunt, he happened to across an asrama within his country. A sage

He was a member of Yudhisthira's assembly. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 26).
(ii) Srutayus participated in Yudhisthira's Rajasuya yajna and presented precious stones to him. (M.B. Daksinatya Pafha, Sabha Parva, Chapter 51 ). (iii) He had attended Draupadi's Svayamvara. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 13) (iv) In Bharata Yuddha, he joined the Kaurava camp and assumed command of an Aksauhini (a division of the army) (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 76, Verse 16 J.

fierce fight took place between Srutayus and Bhimasena in the field of Kuruksetra. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 67) (vi) In the above battle, Satya and Satyadeva who were the supporters of Srutayus, were slain by Bhimasena. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 76)


(vii) Another battle was fought between Srutayus and Arjuna. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 92, Verse 36) (Maha(viii) Srutayus was killed by his own cudgel. bharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 92, Verse 54). (See also under Srutayudha). SRUTAYUS III. A Ksatriya king. He was born from a portion of the Daitya, Krodhavasa. We get the following details about him from Mahabharata: Srutyayus was the re-birth of Krodhavasa, the (i) Daitya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 64).



leaves, roots and fruits, once a day. The thief of pearl, coral, copper, silver, iron, bronze and stone, will have to eat millet rice (Kananna) for twelve days. Those


fruits, roots

steal food products, vehicle, bed, chair, flowers, eat etc. will be made to Pancagavya



butter, urine

and dung of cow).


He who


Srutayus, who was a Maharatha (a great warrior) was present at the Svayarhvara of Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 21 ). (iii) This Srutayus was a member of Yudhisthira's assembly. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse' 28). (iv) On the first day of Bharata battle, there was a clash between Srutayus and Iravan. (M.B. Bhlsma


A son born to Raudrasva, the third son of King Puru. The celestial maid Misrakesi was the mother of Sthandileyu. This Sthandiltyu was a great archer. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse

hide, three days.




dried rice, saccharum,

etc. will



to fast for





son of Brahma.



Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 69)


Rudras were born from Sthanu. Parva, Chapter 66).


(Mahabharata, Adi


of the eleven

He was

wing of the Kaurava army. After a life-and-death Arjuna killed both of them. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 7) SRUTI. An ancient King in India. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 238) STAMBAMITRA. A bird. This bird was born to the hermit Mandapala by his bird-wife Jarita. (For further details see under Mandapala)

Bharata Parva, Chapter 59, Verse 75) (vi) It was this Srutayus who stood in the middle portion of the Kraunca Vyuha formed by Bhlsma in the above battle. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 75, Verse 22). (M.B. Bhlsma (vii) Yudhisthira defeated Srutayus. Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 1). Srutayus in the (viii) At Kuruksetra, Arjuna killed battle. Arjuna had to fight a fierce battle in order to kill Srutayus. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 98) SRUTAYUS IV. A warrior who fought on the Kaurava of the hero Ayutayus. In side. He was the brother Bharata battle, both these brothers joined the Kauravas. Both were assigned the task of defending the southern

the King of Ambastha country. In the battle he enccuntered Arjuna. (M.B. Bhlsma

Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 6). STHAlVU III. A hermit. This hermit shines in the palace of Indra. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter

(M.B. Adi



Verse 17).


An ancient holy place, situated in Kuruksetra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 1 78, that those who bathe in this holy tirtha and remain there for a night will attain the world of Rudras. STHIRA. One of the two followers given to Subrahmanya by Meru. The followers given to Subrahmanya were Sthira and Atisthira. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 48). STHULAKESA. An ancient hermit. He was the fosterunder father of Pramadvara the wife of Ruru. (See

Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 48)

here. It is said that the devas anointed Subrahmanya as the commander of the army, at this place. (M.B.

on the eastern bank of the river Sarasvatl. Vasistha had once built his hermitage here. This place became a holy tirtha since god Sthanu had performed penance

holy place. This place








of the Saptarsis (seven hermits) of the Manu-age (Manvantara) of Svarocisa. The seven Svarocisa Manvantara are OVja. Stambha, rsis of Parlvan. (For Prana, Vata, Vrsabha, Niraya and further details see under Manvantara).

A holy place. Those who bathe in which is one of the holy places of ancient Bharata, would obtain the fruits of performing the sacrifice Vajapeya. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 34,


ancient country of South India. (M.B. B_hlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse68). STANAVALA. An ancient place in South India. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 63). STEYA. Theft. In the law of chastisement of ancient Bharata, appropriation of the property of others un.

Verse 152).

It is mentioned in living in the forest in Pancavatl Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 26, that when Khara, Diisana and TriSiras were killed, Mahakapala, Sthulaksaand Pramathi confronted Sri Rama and were killed. STHULAKSA II. A Saintly hermit. He was one of those hermits who had visited Bhlsma in his' bed of arrows. (M.B. Anu-'asana Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 7).

fought with Sri

A giant. He was one of those giants who Rama while Rama and Laksmana were


2) Other


hermit. It is observed that 1) General information. he was alive in the ages of both Ramayana and Mahadetails.


was counted as theft (steya). The punishment awarded for theft in ancient Bharata, is mentioned in Agni Purana, Chapter 173, as follows. "All thefts are violation of justice. The thief of gold, will have to be

shone in the court of Yudhisthira. (i) Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 11).



It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 135, Verse 8, that Yudhisthira once visited his

beautiful hermitage.

beaten to death with a pestle. Then only his sin will be remitted. Or, he must live for twelve years, lying on the earth, wearing matted hair and eating only

In olden days this hermit had performed penance (iii) on the North East side of Meru. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 243, Verse 59)





in is mentioned Mahabharata, Anus'asana Chapter 26, Verse 5, that this hermit Sthulasiras was one of the hermits who had visited Bhisma on his bed of arrows. (v) Kabandha became a Raksasa (giant) because of the curse of Sthulasiras. (For detailed story see under



vana made




Once a



servant of Vaisraand Vais'ravana


death of her husband, are men of mean character. (Manusmrti, Chapter 9). STRlPARVA. An important section of Mahabharata. (See under Bharata).

husband before she attains puberty, the husband who does not engage in coition with his wife after puberty, and the son who does not support his mother after the

does not give his daughter to a suitable


river famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 15) STHOlVA. One of Visvamitra's sons who were expounders of the Vedas. (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva,

cursed his servant. (See under Gunadhya)


A kingdom in ancient India. It is menMahabharata. Vana Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 25 that the King of this country had participated in the Rajasuya (sacrifice of royal consecration) of
of Stri Parva

STRlVlLAPA PARVA. A sub-section



A hermit in the assembly of Yudhi(M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 23). STHUJ^AKARIifA. A Yaksa. It was this Yaksa, who gave Sikhandl virility. (For detailed story see under



Verse 51).

Mahabharata comprising Chapters 16 to 25. STUBHA. Son of Agni (fire) named Bhanu. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Verse 14)


Amba). STRI.

In both Hindu and Christian scriptures, about the origin of woman appears to be similar. It is stated in Manusmrti, Chapter 1, Verse 32, that Brahma divided his body into two and made one part male and the other part female and the male embraced the female, from which union was born the

the story

naga born to Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Kadru. (Acli Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 14). SUBAHU II. An apsara, daughter of Kagyapaprajapati of his wife Pradha. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 50). This apsara had participated in the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse




the asura reborn

Ksatriya King
as such.


Dvidha krtvatmano dehamardhena purusosbhavat Ardhena nari tasyarh sa Virajamasrjat prabhuh // In the book of Genesis in the Bible, the origin of the to the one first woman is given. It is somewhat similar given above. God created Adam as the first man. God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. Then he took a rib from Adam, made a woman with it, and gave that woman, who was called Eve, to Adam as wife.

despatching a letter war. (Udyoga Parva Chapter 4, Verse 14). SUBAHU IV. A Ksatriya King who was Krodhvasa, the asura, reborn. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 60). SUBAHU V. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. He was killed by Bhima in the great war. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 96, Verse 26 j.

who was in fact Hara The Pandavas, thought of inviting this King to the great


A King of KaI. Subahu had a very daughter called Sasikala, who was married, by Sudarsana, son of Dhruvasandhi. (For details see under Sasikala)




Cyavana, who agreed to recover for them the lost right, for which purpose he began a sacrifice. Indra caused obstruction to the sacrifice. Instantly by the power of Cyavana, an asura named Mada rose up from the sacrificial fire. Finally Indra begged the hermit for pardon. Cyavana divided the asura into four parts and placed one portion in gambling, one portion in hunting, the third portion in liquor and the fourth part in woman. Thenceforward woman began to have
about women. The following is the place in of women in ancient days, according to Manu. society Husband or relatives should give women no freedom. Even if they became immoral, they should be kept under the control of men. As woman has to be under the protection of father in childhood, under the protection of husband in youth and under the protection of son in old age, she does not deserve freedom at any time.

A story as given below occurs in Devi Fascination. Purana, which states how woman acquired fascination. Once Indra prohibited As vinldevas from drinking the liquor called Soma. They complained to the hermit


Other information.

Bhimasena, in the course of his triumphal tour of the east defeated him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 6)

Though he had never been



then in

present at the wedding of Draupadi in the of his son Sukumara. In this context he is referred to as Sucitra as well. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185,

He was




Verse 10). VII. A Raksasa. One of the two sons of Tataka, the other being Marlca. A Gandharva named Sunda was their father. Subahu and Marlca possessed, like Tafaka, great power and adeptness in magic. once cursed Ta$aka and her two sons who went Agastya to fight him for his having cursed Sunda to ashes when he attacked his a^rama. Subahu was killed in a battle with Sri Rama during his stay in exile in the forest. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 38). SUBAHU VIII. A King of Cedi, son of Vlrabahu and brother of Sunanda. (Vana Parva, Chapter 65, Verse

in the

"Pita raksati kaumare

Bharta raksati yauvane / Raksanti sthavire putrah





King of Kulindas whose kingdom was suburbs of the Himalayas. (Vana Parva, Chapter 140, Verse 40) The kingdom was rich in many curious objects and elephants and horses. Kiratas, Tariganas and Kulindas lived there. King Subahu received the Pandavas with great respect when they visited his

kingdom during the period cf their forest-life. They actually catered thi forest after spending one day there. Suba.hu fought on the Pandava side in the great war. (Vana Parva, Chapter 140, Verse 2*)


(ii) After the Rajasuya was over it was Nakula, one of the Pandavas, who led Subala and his sons beyond the boundaries of the Kingdom safely. (Sabha Parva Chapter 45, Verse 49)


in the great war.

the Pandavas Both his hands were cut off in his with Yuyutsu. (Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Verse


A warrior who fought against


King of the Iksvaku dynasty. His son was a great friend of King Jayadratha. (Vana Parva, Chapter 265, Verse 8)



son of Garuda.


warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 73).


ter 101,

Verse 3).

(Udyoga Parva, Chapthe


who was


XII. There is a reference in Verse 66, Chapter 115 of Anu:'asana Parva, Mahabharata, about a Subahu, who never consumed flesh in life.
details see





XIII. Father of Sagara of Solar dynasty. under Sagara)




Cola King. A great devotee of Visnu, the King performed many yajnas. Though he lived according to the spiritual advice of his preceptor Jaimini he was denied the sight of Visnu. Ultimateand his queen attained heaven as they ly Subahu listened to Vijvala, their second son, reciting hymns addressed to Vasudeva. (Padma Purana, Bhumi

Akuli in his stead, and after some time, the new priinstance of the King, killed Subandhu. ests, at the But, three brothers of his joined together and brought Subandhu back to life again by chanting hymns from the Vedas. (Rgveda 10, 57. 60; Brhaddevata. 7. 33). SUBELA. A mountain near Lanka. (Vana Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 21)

job and appointed two

King removed

high priest of




Khanda, Chapter 94).

Dhruva's mother. According to Harivams'a, Chapter 2, she was born from Asvamedha. SUBHA. Wife of Angiras and mother of seven sons like Brhatkirti. (Vana Parva, Chapter 218, Verse 1).







Ultimately they forsook their bodies in the forest and after a very long walk came to the abode of munis. The king queried them as to why he failed to see Visnu though he performed penance for a very long time. The King and queen were done up due to hunger and thirst and the munis asked them to return to Anandas'to

Though Subahu and his queen worshipped Visnu for a long time in the Ananda forest, the lord did not appear

rama and eat the corpses left there. While they were accordingly eating the corpses, Vijvala questioned Kunjala a bird which lived nearby, why his parents were eating dead bodies. The bird answered that when the King and queen had recited the praises of Vasudeva they would see Visnu. It also taught Vijvala songs in praise of Visnu. After having studied the songs, Vijvala went and sat on a tree at ananda:'.rama and sang the songs. Subahu and his queen repeated them and immediately Visnu appeared before them and conducted them to heaven.

Subhadatta earned his living by cutting wood in the and selling it for fuel. One day, while cutting wood in the forest he saw four Yaksas by chance. When he understood from their dress and bearing that they were divine beings, Subhadatta was frightened. The Yaksas spoke to him and when they came to know that he was poor, they engaged him as their servant. Subhadatta served them with devotion. When it was time for their meal they pointed to him a pot and asked him to serve them food from it. But when Subhadatta saw the pot empty, he was confused. The Yaksas, with an amused smile asked him to put his hand into the pot and assured him that he would get anything he wished to get from it.
Subhadatta accordingly took out all the things they wanted from it and served them. They took their food and were satisfied. A few days passed in this way and then Subhadatta began to think of his family. The Yaksas understood that he was longing to return home. So they allowed him to go after getting whatever boon he wished to ask them. Subhadatta asked for that magic pot which would supply whatever he wanted. On hearing it the Yaksas told him that he would not be able to keep that pot and that if it was broken everything would be lost. So they advised him to ask them something else. But Subhadatta was not prepared to accept their advice. At last they gave him the magic



General. A King of Gandhara. Subala was the 1) father of Sakuni, uncle of the Kauravas. Sakuni was the rebirth of Nagnajit, disciple of Prahlada. Sakuni inherited the name Saubala from his father Subala whose

only daughter was Gandhari, mother of Duryodhana. Both Sakuni and Gandhari were economic experts. (Adi Parva, Chapter 63). At the time of the marriage proposal of Gandhari the fact of the blindness of Dhrtarastra, the prospective bride-groom, worried Subala much, but he married his daughter to the blind King considering the great reputation of the (Adi Parva, Chapter 109, Verse 1 1 ). royal family.
Other information, (i) Subala, his sons Sakuni, Acala and Vrsaka

Rajasuya performed by Chapter 34, Verse 6)


the company of participated in the Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva,


Subhadatta reached home happily with the pot. He told the whole story to his people at home. His neighbours grew suspicious when he stopped going to the forest to cut trees, after he returned with the pot. To their enquiries about it, he replied haughtily and informed them of his good luck. One day in his frantic joy, he danced, carrying the pot on his head arid as ill-luck would have it, he slipped his foot and fell down. The



of the

So he was forced

pot crashed to the ground


and was broken to pieces. become the wood-cutter again.




Duryodhana, a

disciple of


(Kathasaritsagara, Saktiyasolambaka, Taraiiga 1 ). I. Sisier of Sri Krsna. 1 was the daughter of Vasudeva by ) Birth. Subhadra his wife Devaki. She had two brothers, Krsna and Sarana and she was her father's pet child. (Adi Parva, Chapter 2 17, Verse 18). 2) Married to Arjuna. During his one year's pilgrimage Arjuna, after visiting various holy places, came at last to Prabhasa tirtha in the plains of the western mountain. He met Gada there who described to him the unique beauty of Subhadra. The description evoked in him the desire to marry her fcr which purpose he assumed the form of a Sannyasin and sitting under a tree thought about Sri Krsna who understood the fact while lying on the bed with Satyabhama and immediately he began laughing. Asked for the reason for his laughing thus, Sri Krsna told her about Arjuna thinking about him etc. Krsna then went to Arjuna and questioned him about the reason for his pilgrimage and the latter explained the circumstances of it. They then went to the Raivata mountain where Arjuna revealed

against this desire of theirs gether drove themselves away in a chariot through lines of people and this created a stir among the Yadavas. But, Krsna pacified them all. (Adi Parva, Chapters 213-228'; Bhagavata, 10th Skandha).
2) Other information.

wanted Subhadra to be Balabhadra and Subhadra and Arjuna to-

Dvaraka. Within a few days the Yadavas celebrated a festival at Raivata attended by prominent leaders like Balabhadra, Ugrasena, Pradyumna, Sri Krsna and others. The sight of Subhadra among them evoked uncontrollable love in Arjuna who asked Krsna secretly about the means for him to marry Subhadra. Krsna answered him thus: "Svayarhvara (marriage by self choice by a woman ) is ordained for Ksatriyas. But, how would we know whom Subhadra loves. Abduction also is ordained for Ksatriyas. So abduct Subhadra." you Arjuna immediately sent word about the matter through emissaries to Indraprastha. After the festival at Raivata was over, Subhadra returned to Dvaraka. As for Arjuna, he sat on a rock in the forest thinking about Subhadra when Yadava heroes like Bala, Samba, Sarana, Pradyumna and Gada came that way by chance. They saluted the Sannyasin (Arjuna) and after blessing them he made them sit on the rock around him and related to them various stories. Then Yadavas felt great respect for the Sannyasin and invited him and took him to Dvaraka. Krsna and others arranged for the stay of the Sannyasin, who pretended to spend Caturmasya there. He was to be fed from Subhadra's house and the Sannyasin was overwhelmed with joy. As days passed on thus, Arjuna grew more and more Subhadra felt unbounded affection for sick with love. him. She heard from him many stories about the valiant Pandava, Arjuna. When he was convinced that Subhadra cherished strong love for him, Arjuna revealed the truth about him. When he told her that he, the fake Sannyasin, was really Arjuna who was living there without the knowledge of his mother and brothers, Subhadra bent down her head in shyness. Subhadra's wedding was decided to be held on the twelfth day from that date. Balabhadra and Uddhava both of them short-tempered, were not informed about
the decision. Sri
Ut.' all

Krsna his desire to marry Subhadra. Krsna agreed and, after leaving Arjuna at the mountain, returned to

(i) Later on, the wedding of Subhadra with Arjuna was duly consecrated. (Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 10). (ii) Arjuna came to Indraprastha with Subhadra disguised as a Gopl. Many costly things, by way of Subhadra's dowry, were duly sent from Dvaraka to Indraprastha. (Adi Parva, Chapter 220). A son named Abhimanyu was born to the couple. (iii) (Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 65). (iv) During the period of the 'forest life' of the Pandavas Subhadra and her son lived with Krsna at Dvaraka Vana Parva, Chapter 22, Verse 3) ( (v) Subhadra too was present at the wedding of Abhimanyu at UpapJavyanagara. (Virata Parva, Chapter 72 Verse 22) (he great war, (vi) When Abhimanyu was killed in Subhadra wept before Krsna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 78, Verse 2) (vii) Following the death of Abhimanyu Subhadra returned with Krsna to Dvaraka. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 85) (viii)Remembering about Abhimanyu's death Subhadra swooned. (Asvamedha Parva Chapter 61, Verse 4).
. .

(x) Subhadra joined her co-wives, Ulupl and Citrangada and embraced them. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter

ASvamedha yajna performed by Yudhisthira. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 4).


She went from Dvaraka



to attend

83, Verse 3).



Following the death of Abhimanyu Subhadra spent Parva, days in sad silence. (Maha.prastha.na
1 )




Krsna took the lead in making preparfor the wedding and he saw Subhadra and gave good wishes.

son of Piini. 9th Skandha).

banyan tree. Garuda went to Devaloka amrta after marking this tree as a sign-post. See under Garuda. (Aranya Kanda, Canto 35). SUBHADRAHARAIVAPARVA'. 'A sub-parva of Mahabharata. (Adi Parva, Chapters 218 and 219) SUBHAGA. A brother of Sakuni. He was killed in the great war by Bhima. (Drona Parva, Chapter 157, Verse 26). SUBHAGA I. Daughter of Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Pradha. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 46) SUBHAGA II. A term of address. According to Manusmrti (Chapter 2, 129) one should use this word when one addresses the wives of others and women who are not one's relatives. Parapatni tu ya strl syadasambandha ca yonitah / Tarn bruyad bhavatityevarh subhage bhaginiti ca // SUBHANU. One of the ten sons of Satyabhama, the other nine being Bhanu, Svarbhanu, Prabhanu, Bhanuman, Candrabhanu, Brhadbhanu, Havirbhanu, Sribhanu and Pratibhanu. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha)
to fetch
. . .


the western region. 9).

daughter of Surabhi. She lives in (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 102 Verse

daughter of Svaphalka, She was Akrura's sister. (Bhagavata,



semen." Accordingly it was discharged on the earth. mountains. and over-flowed forests It filled and What next was the problem. Ultimately the Devas asked Agni (fire) to consume it. When Agni consumed and burnt it down absolutely, the ashes thereof formed into a white hill and it became a forest.


This king had attended Drauking. padi's Svayamvara. ( Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 22). SUBHAisIGl. virgin born in the Dasarha tribe. Kuru, King of the Lunar dynasty married her. They had a


named Vidura.

king of Solar line son of Yuyudhana and father of Sruta. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SUBHAVAKTRA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 7) SUBHlMA. A son of Pancajanyagni called Tapa. This Agni is one of the fifteen Agnis which cause hindrances


Verse 39).

(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95,

Yajnas. Subhima, Atibhlma, Bhima, BhTmabala. Sumitra, Mitravan, Mitrajna, Mitravardhana, Mitradharman, Surapravlra, Vira, Suvarcas, Vesa and Surahanta are the fifteen Agnis which cause hindrances in Yajnas. (Vana Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 11). SUBHRAJA. One of the two attendants given to Subrahmanya by Surya, the other one being Bhasvara. (Salya Parva, jChapter 45, Verse 31) SUBHRU. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 8) SUBHUMIKA. A holy place of ancient days in the plains of river Sarasvatl where Apsaras used to come daily and bathe. Deva-Gandharvas visit this place every month.


Parvati did not at all relish the action of the devas and interspoke to them thus: "You prevented my sexual course entered into with the desire to have a son. Therefore, in future you will not have children by your wives." Parvati cursed the earth also as follows: "You will become one of various forms and also a wife to many people. You, who prevented me from having a son, will not enjoy happiness from children." (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Canto 36). Tarakasura could be killtd only by a child not more than seven days old and the Devas realised that such a child could be begot only by Siva. It was the occasion when Siva was lamenting over the death of Sail and Parvati was doing penance to secure Siva as husband. None could stir Siva immersed in deep meditation

and the Devas entrusted Kamadeva. Not only did


Krsna bathed

there once



and distributed money

the responsibility for it to not succeed in the endeavour but also he got reduced to ashes by the fire from Siva's eyes. When Parvati's penance reached its climax Siva appeared before her and wedded her. Because of the power of 2). Birth of Subrahmanya.



1) Reason for birth. A son named Vajranga was born to Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Danu and he married a girl called Varangi. Vajranga performed penance to Brahma so that he might shed his asuric aspect. When he came out of his penance, Varangi was missing and he wandered about the forest in search of her. Finally he saw Varangi crying under a tree. When he asked her the reason for her weeping, she told him about harassments by Brahma during the thousand years when Vajranga was immersed in trance. Indra one day threw about the vessels used by her in worship, appearing before her in the guise of a monkey; on another occasion he threatened her in the form of a lion and on a third occasion he came disguised as a snake and bit on her legs. Very

(Salya Parva, Chapter 37). Son of Siva.

Siva's semen consumed by Agni, his glow began getting diminished. Agni complained of it to the Devas who sent him over to Brahma. On his way to Brahma Agni met Gangadevi whom he told thus: "I can in no way bear this semen of Siva and if I get rid of it, it will burn the entire world. So, you please take charge of it so that you will have a noble son. Ganga 's reply to this was simply to ask Agni to throw the semen into her waters and Agni did so. As the semen had remained

with Agni for nearly 5000 years, his flesh, blood hair, eye etc. had become golden in colour and hence Agni came to be called from that day onwards


Hiranyaretas. passed by and the semen of Siva became a burden

grieved over the story Vajranga again took to penance with the grirn determination to punish Indra and when Brahma appeared before him he prayed for the boon of a son who would surpass the Devas includBrahma granted him the boon. ing Indra in prowess. Varangi delivered a son twelve months after the boon. The child was christened Tarakasura. Tarakasura, as a child, began practising penance and Brahma duly appeared before him and granted him the boon that if he were to die, he would die at the hands of a child only seven days old. Haughty over the boon Tarakasura very soon conquered the three worlds. The devas found no means to suppress the asura. Children would not be born to them and there was a reason for it. Once Siva and Parvati started the marital act and it did not come to a close even after a hundred divya - years, with the result that the world shook like anything. Frightened at this the Devas requested Siva to stop the act and he obliged them. Then he asked them who would bear the semen which had been discharged and they replied, "Let earth itself bear the


Brahma asked her from whom she had received the semen. Ganga detailed her story to him and concluded

Ganga. She complained






by saying that though it was 5000 years since Siva's semen was put into her, she did not deliver yet. Then

"You go to the Udaya told her as follows mountain (where the sun rises). There is a forest there, a forest hundred crores of yojanas in extent, where Sara, a particular variety of grass ( Saccharam munja Roxb) grows. You deposit the semen there and a male child will be born after 10, 000 years. As directed by Brahma Ganga went to the Udaya mountain and deposited the foetus there through her mouth. By the power of Siva's semen all the trees and animals and birds in the forest became golden in colour. When 10,000 years were completed a child, as effulgent as the rising sun, was born and Subrahmanya was the child. The child cried in a thunderous voice and six divine Krttikas who came that way saw the child and taking pity on it vied with one another to breast-feed it. Since the child looked at the six Krttikas one after the other it developed six faces and since it was breast-fed by Krttikas it came to be named Karttikeya as well.

Brahma informed Agni about
and the
latter, in great fast goat.

the birth of the child happiness, hastened to it on a who met Agni on the way and asked hurried trip was told about the birth of

the locket

Ganga him about his

name Mahasena and under

(the forest

You made Agni


the name Saravana 'Sarawhere it was born) son. He is a great yogi and will be known by these various names. As he possesses six faces he will become famous as 'Sanmukha' also. After having spoken thus Siva thought of the Devas and under the leadership of Brahma and Visnu all the Devas appeared there. They looked at the child to their "Oh Lord hearts' content and then told Siva thus

Sakha and Naigameya. Visakha, looked at Siva, Vikakha at Parvati, Sakha at Ganga and Naigameya at Agni and all of them felt immensely happy. The Krttikas asked Siva whether Sanmukha (child with six faces) was his son to which Siva answered as follows "Let him be your son under the name Karttikeya; Ganga's son under the name Kumara Parvati's son under the name Skanda my son under the name Guha and Agni's son with the

belonged. Siva then told Parvati "Fortunate, fortunate." Only after seeing the child could it be decided as to whose it was and so Siva, Parvati, Agni and Ganga proceeded together to the forest where they saw the child in the lap of the Krttikas. Siva then said "Let us see whom the child looks at before settling its parentage." Understanding the ideas of the visitors the child, by its yogic power, assumed four bodies

directed them to Siva for settlement of their claims. Agni and Ganga asked Siva to which of them the child

the child and between the two developed an argument about the ownership of the child. Mahavisnu who came that way just then listened to the above argument and

Visnu the garland, Parvati clothes, Siva and Indra the string of pearls. The consecration of Subrahmanya 5) Devdsura war. as Commander-in-Chief of the army kindled a new hope and enthusiasm in the Devas. They challenged the Asuras for war and they took it up. The asura army entered the battle-field under the leadership of



See under Devasena. Marriage. (ValmJki Ramayana, Canto 36; M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 223; Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85; Skanda Purana, Sambhava kanda; Kathasaritsagara, Lavanakalambaka, Taranga 6; Uttara Ramayana Kamba Ramayana, Balakanda; Vamana Purana, Chapters 57-61 Bhavisya Purana).

unrivalled warriors like Tarakasura, Mahisa, Bana, son ofMahabali, Taraka's sons, Tarakaksa. Kamalaksa, Vidyunmall etc. In the furious battle that ensued Subrahmanya killed Tarakasura. The other asura chiefs too were killed. the killing of Tarakasura After 6) Vow of celibacy. Subrahmanya became the object of too much of petting by Parvati with the result that his life became unbridled and wayward. His lust was everyday on the increase and he committed even rape on Deva women, who were ultimately forced to complain about him to Parvati. Immediately she called Subrahmanya to her and showed her own image in all other women and he became so much repentant about his past actions that he took the vow before Parvati that in future he would look upon all women in the world as equal to her, his mother. (Brahmanda Purana 81 ).


Other information. the occasion (i)



the purpose

of Devas. Let us

and Visnu performed the consecraceremony with holy water from the seven seas. Gandharvas, Rsis and others sang for joy and Apsaras danced. Parvati placed the child thus consecrated on her lap and kissed him repeatedly on the head. After Guha's consecration, the Devas 4) Presents. presented the army-chief valorous armies. He was given by Siva four Pramathas, equal in prowess to Indra, called Ghantakarna, Lohitaksa, Nandisena and Kumudamill. Brahma and other Devas gave their own Pramathas to him. Brahma gave him the Pramatha called Sthanu and Visnu gave him three sets of Pramathas called Sankrama, Vikrama and Parakrama. Indra gave him UtkleSa and Pankaja; Sun (Surya) gave Dandakapinjalas; Moon gave Manivasumanis;
as army-chief. Siva

Aujasa Kuruksetra. Let him flourish as army-chief of Devas, Gandharvas and Kinnaras and let him kill the terrible Mahisasura and Tarakasura. 3) Coronation. Brahma, Visnu, Siva and others reached Kuruksetra with the child to crown him (Subrahmanya)
at Sarasvati in

start for

and crown San-

thus "You live with sixteen years of age


Chapter 226, Verse 33)! was born from the semen of Siva which (ii) Skanda fell into Agni. So he got the name Skanda. (Skand fall). (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 225, Verse 16) asunder the Kraunca mountain. (iii) He once cut (For details see under Kraunca I), (iv) Noticing the very great effulgence of Skanda, Indra feared loss of his place and immediately he clashed with the former. Indra's Vajra ( thunderbolt) hit Skanda on his right and from the wound emerged a person wearing golden armour, divine ear-rings and holding the Vel in his hands and he was named Visakha. Frightened by his sight Indra sought refuge with Subrahmanya. (Vana Parva, Chapter 227). (v) When he married Devasena his six mothers came and blessed him and his wife; he then told the mothers

Subrahmanya went there carrying his weapon called 'Sakti' to fight Krsna and Arjuna. (Adi Parva, "

of the burning of the







I will


the Asvins gave Vatsanandis etc. In short, important Devas, Mitrs, Tlrthas etc. gave Subrahmanya priceless presents too numerous to be named.


Aruna gave

Seeing the rush of presents the great Garuda presented own son, the fast-going Peacock to Subrahmanya.


son, the cock.


weapon, trident), Brhaspati the danda Ganga, the Kamandalu (water-pot of

Agni gave the Vel

the holy place Bhadravata. (Vana Parva, Chapter 231, Verse 56). (vii) Vayubhagavan assumed responsibility for his protection. (Vana Parva, Chapter 231, Verse 56)

a terrible person just like Agni emerged from his body and it was called Raudragraha, which is known also by other names such as Skandapasmara, Sakunigraha, Putanagraha etc. This Graha is supposed to cause children's death. (Vana Parva, Chapter 230). (vi) Subrahmanya once in the company of Rudradeva

children and the children killed by me will as your food." As soon as he finished speaking,

be functioning as a



I. A deva (god) who was born in Agnivariisa. This Suci was the son of Agnideva who was the eldest son of Brahma, and his wife Svaha. Suci had two brothers by name Pavaka and Pavamana. These



231, Verse 96).


(Vana Parva, Chapter



sacred names of


Agneya, Skanda, Diptakirti, Aniimaya, Mayuraketu, Dharmatman, Bhutesa, Mahisardana, Kamajit, Kamada, K'inta, Satyavak, Bhuvane'vara, Sisuslghra, Suclcanda, Dlptavarna, Subhanana, Amogha, Anagha, Raudra, Priya, Candranana, Prasantatman, DiptaBhadrakrt, Kutamohana, SasthTpriya, Pavitra, Matrvatsala, Kanyabharta, Vibhakta, Svaheya, Revatlsuta, Visakha, Prabhu, Neta, Naigameya, Sudu'cara, Suvrata, Lalita, Balakrldanakapriya, Khacari, Brahmacarin, Sura, Saravanodbhava, Visvamitrapriya, Devasenapriya, Vasudevapriya, Priyakrt etc. Those who repeat the above sacred names of Subrahmanya will attain fame, wealth arid heaven. (Vana

Agnis". Thus there are on the whole fortynine Agnis, including the father, three sons and their fortyfive children. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 10). SUCI II. Caksusa was a son of Manu. Ten sons were born to Manu by his wife, Nadvala. They were, Kuru,
Puru, Satadyumna, Tapasvi, Satyavan, Suci, Agnistoma, Atiratra, Sudyumna and Abhimanyu. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 13). SUCI III. There is a passage in Chapter 19 of Agni




forty-five sons.






Parva, Chapter 232) (x) In the Devasura war he killed important leaders of the asuras like Mahisa, Tripada and Hradodara.

Purana which says that KaSyapa Prajapati had six daughters by his wife Tamra, who were, Kaka, SyenI, Bhasi, Grddhrika, Suci and Griva and that different classes of birds took their source from them.
IV. A King of the Solar dynasty. From Bhagavata, 9th Skandha we learn that he was the son of Sakra-


the sons of Tarakasura. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 90) (xii) Siva consecrated him as lord ( Srestharaja) of the Bhutas. (Sand Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 32). SUCAKRA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 59). SUCAKSUS. One of the seven channels of Gaiiga.

(Salya Parva, Chapter 46^ Verse 90) killed (xi) He defeated Banasura and

King of Iksvaku dynasty. A son named Visalaniti was born to King Iksvaku by his wife Alambusa. The city Visalanagara was founded by this Visalaniti. A son named Hemacandra was born to Visala. Sucandra was the son of Hemacandra. Dhumrasva was the son of Sucandra. (Valmlki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 47). SUCANDRA II. An asura. This asura was the son of


(See under Sindhu)

In Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 14, there is a reference to a King Suci who worships Yama, the son of Surya, in Yama's assembly. SUCI VI. The leader of a band of merchants. It was he who met and comforted DamayantI who lost her way in the forest after Nala left her. (Vana Parva, Chapter


dyumna and

the father of Vanadvaja.

Simhika. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse

VII. One of the sons of Visvamitra. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 54) SUCI VIII. A son of Bhrgu Maharsi. (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 55, Verse 128) SUCI IX. A Maharsi born in the family of Arigiras. By a curse of Vasistha, this Maharsi was born as a mortal, as the son of Kin VijitaSva. (Bhagavata, 4th Skandha). SUCI. The son of uddha and the grandson of Anenas. Trikalpava was the son of Suci. (Bhagavata, 4th
. .


64, Verse 127).



Gandharva participated in the birth celebration of Arjuna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 58). SUCANTI. A muni who was an adorer of Atri Maharsi.

(Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 46) This Gandharva was the son of Prajapati KaSyapa, by his wife Pradha. This







Puranically import-

There is a story connecting the iron-needle of Bharata and Vibhisana as follows: Having killed Ravana, Sri Rama anointed Vibhisana as the King of Lanka and returned to Ayodhya. During
the reign of Vibhisana, Lanka reached the highest stage of prosperity. Among the five metals, only gold was seen in Lanka. At this stage Vibhisana got an iron needle from Bharata. He kept it as a rare and valuable

a reference





Rgveda, Mandala

Sukta 112.


(M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 14, Verse sons born by Rukmini were Pradyumna Carudesna, Sudesna, Carudeha, Sucaru, Carugupta and Bhadracaru. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). SUCCHAYA. ThewifeofSisti, the son of Dhruva. Two sons named Sisfi and Bhavya were born to Dhruva by his wife Sambhu. Succhaya, the wife of Sisti gave birth to five sons who were sinless. They were Ripu. Ripuftjaya, Vipra, Vrkala and Vrkatejas. (Visnu Purana, Amia. 1, Chapter 13) SUCETAS. The son of Grtsamada who was born in the dynasty of Vitahavya. A son named Varcas was born to Sucetas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Verse

I. son of Dhrtarastra. With his seven brothers he attacked Abhimanyu. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 79, Verse 22). II. A son born to Sri Krsna by his wife

Vibhisana who was an ardent devotee of Sri


treasure, in his palace.





immerstd in the thought of Sri Rama, Vibhisana did not look inside the pot. After reaching the palace he looked into the pot and saw a Brahmin sleeping in it. He was very pleased to see the Brahmin. So after welcoming him with hospitality, he brought the box in which he had kept the most precious treasure and placed it before the Brahmin who returned with the box to Bharata. He eagerly opened the box and saw only an iron needle in it. The consternation of the Brahmin need only be

cross the sea, come to Ramevara-temple and offer flower at the feet of Sri Rama, every day. Flower was brought in a big golden pot. Once Vibhisana placed the golden pot in the courtyard of the temple and went in with the flower. After the worship, Vibhisana came out and taking the pot .on his head returned to Lanka. Being


birth festival.


the Kauravas.


122, Verse 62).

She had participated in Arjuna's Adi Parva, Chapter Mahabharata,




ter of

under Brahma, Para 12).





(See under Kala the section on

SUCIMUKHl. Companion
the son of Citraratha

Vajranabha. (Sec under PrabhavatI V). SUCIRATHA. A King born in Bharata's dynasty.

maid of PrabhavatI, daugh-

He was






Verse 66.) (vi) Arjuna killed Sudaksina in the batile of Bharata. (M. B. Drona Parva, Chapter 92, Verse 61) The younger brother of Sudaksina confronted (vii) Arjuna to avenge the death of his brother and was

On the first day of the battle of Bharata. there (iv) was a combat between Srutakarma and Sudaksina. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 66). There was another combat between Abhimanyu (v) and Sudaksina. (M. B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 45,


Udyoga Parva, Chapter







A Brahman! who was devoted to her I. For further details see under Dhanaiijaya V) SUCISMITA II. An Apsaras. She attends Kubera's assembly (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 10). SUCITRA I. A naga (serpent) born in the family of Dhrtarastra. This serpent fell in the sacrificial fire of the serpent sacrifice of Janamejaya and was burnt to death. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 18). SUCITRA II. (SUMITRA). Father of Sukumara the King of Pulinda. (See under Sukumara I.) SUCITRA III. A son of Dhrtarastra. He attacked Abhimanyu in the battle of Bharata. ( Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 79, Verse 22). SUCITRA IV. A King who fought on the side of the Panda vas. He was a good fighter from chariot. (MahaBharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 27). While this king and his son Citravarma were walking in the battlefield, Drona killed them. SOClVAKTRA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 72). SUC I VR ATA. A king of ancient times. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 236).

Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, Sarga


by Arjuna. (M. B. Karna Parva,


Chapter 56,


A warrior who fought on the side III. of the Pandavas. Dronacfirya shot him down from Drona Parva, the chariot with an arrow. (M.B.
Chapter 21, Verse 56).



of Dillpa. (See under Dilipa). of king Janaka. (Valmiki Balakanda, Sarga 70). Ramayana, A king of Daiarna. This king had two II. of whom one was married by Bhlma, daughters the king of Vidarbha, and the other by Virabahu

The wife


kingofCedi. (M. B. Vana



Chapter 96, Verse





further details see under Tulasi, para

IV. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M. B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 10). V. A cowherd. This Sudama was reborn as an asura, because of the curse of Devi Radha. (For

III. A country of North India. Mention is Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Verse that this country was captured by Arjuna.





the side





The son


Skandha 10). SUDAKSI1VIA.II


appeared wicked fairy from the fire of sorcery. Accordingly Sudaksina prepared a fire of sorcery, from which a wicked fairy came out and ran towards Sri Krsna. Sri Krsna sent his weapon the Discus which cut off the head of the wicked fairy and from there the Discus flew to Kasi and turned Sudaksina to ashes, and returned to Dvaraka. (Bhagavata,

killed Paundraka in battle and his head, cut off by Sri Krsna, fell in the country of Kasi. Sudaksina who learned about the death of his father, went to KasT and recognized the head by the ear-rings. Sudaksina made up his mind to kill Sri Krsna somehow or other and began to do penance in Kasi before Siva. Pleased with his penance Siva before




Pandavas and fought against the Kauravas. (M. B. Drona Parva, Chapter 23, Verse 49) SUDAMA VII. The watcher of the garden of Karhsa. It is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 10, that this Sudama adorned Sri Krsna and Balabhadra Rama with flower

him and advised him

to create

name of Kucela who was the boyhood. Though his name occurs everywhere in Bhagavata, as Kucela, his real name is Sudama. (See under Kucela). SUDAMA IX. A river famous in the Puranas. It is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhyakanda, Sarga 71, The



of Sri Krsna in


that Bharata, the brother of Sri river while he was returning from





A king of Kamboja (Kabul). The information is taken from Mahabharata

about this king. Sudaksina had been present at the Svayarhvara (i) marriage of Draupadl. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 15).

He came with an aksauhini of army to help (ii) Duryodhana against the Pandavas in the battle of Bharata. (M. B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Verse

Sudaksina was a valunt fighter in


army of

I. A king of ancient India. He was a contemporary of Sri Krsna. This king who was esteemed even by the gods, was once captured and made a Sri Krsna prisoner by another king named Nagnajit. defeated Nagnajit and all the other Kings and made this King free. This story occurs in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 75. SUDARSANA II. A king who took the side of the Kauravas and fought against the Pandavas in Kuruksetra. This king was killed by Satyaki. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 118, Verse 14). SUDARSANA III. A king of Malava. This king joined the side of the Pandavas in the battle of Bharata and was

Kekaya. See under Suryaprabha.




by Asvatthama.


200, Verse 13).

(M.B. Drona Parva,


IV- A son of Dhrtarastra. In the battle of Bharata, he attacked Bhimastna and was killed by


(M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 31 ). V. Son of Dhruvasandhi, king of Kosala. Manorama was the mother of SudarSana. (For further details see under Dhruvasandhi) SUDARSANA VI. One of the five sons of Bharata. Bharata, the son of Rsabha, had married Pancajani, Five sons named Sumati, the daughter of Visvarupa. Rastrabhrt, Sudarsana, Avarana and Dhumraketu were born to Bharata, who divided Bharata among his five sons and went to Salagrama and did penance there and died. (Bhagavata, Skandha 5). SUDARSANA VII. The son born to god Fire by his wife Sudar'ana. (Sudar'ana was the daughter of Duryodhana For the story of her (Nila) of the dynasty of Iksvaku. see under Sudar'ana). Sudar'ana, the son of marriage Fire, married Oghavati the daughter of Oghavan. That story is given below :Oghavan had two children a daughter named Oghavati and a son named Ogharatha. Oghavan gave his daughter in marriage to Sudarsana who was wise and learned. The couple lived in Kuruksetra. Once Sudarsana said to Oghavati thus :-"You should honour guests in all

them. Angiras became angry and changed him to a mountain snake by a curse. SudarS ana prayed for liberation from the curse. Angiras said that in Dvaparayuga, Mahavisnu would incarnate as Sri Krs na and when Krsna trod upon him, he would regain his original form." Sudarsana became a big snake and began life in Ambadi. Once the people of Ambadi went to Devi forest and worshipped MahesVara. They spent the night on the banks of the river Kalindi. In the night the snake mentioned above, caught hold of the leg of Nandagopa. Seeing the snake swallowing Nandagopa the rest of them crowded there ard struck at the snake with burning faggots. But it was in vain. Finally Sri Krsna came, and gave the snake a thrash. Instantly Sudarsana got his old form. He went to the world of gods. SUDARSANA IX. A brahmin sinner who lived in the Tretayuga. The moment he touched the water in which Visnu washed his feet, he obtained remission of his sins and entered Vaikuntha. This story which is given occurs in I'adrna Purana, Brahma Khanda, under, Chapter 17. There lived a brahmin sinner in Tretayuga. He used to commit sins such as eating food on the eleventh lunar day, ridiculing conventional fast and vow, etc. When he
died, the


of Yama took his



the world


it is the desire of a guest, you should not draw back from giving even your body. Whether I am present here or not a guest should not be insulted." Oghavati promi sed to obey the order of her husband to the letter. Sudarsana had been trying to become victorious over Mrtyu (Death) and so Death had been waiting to find out some vulnerable point in Sudarsana's life. While Sudarsana had gone to cut firewood, a brahmin entered the hermitage and said to Oghavati: -"If you do observe

ways. If

show hospitality to me." welcomed the brahmin and perOghavati Hearing formed the usual hospitality and asked him "What " "Give yourself to me", was the shall I do for you answer. Seeing that the guest was not contented with the usual hospitalities and remembering the words of her
the duties of a house-holder

them entered the interior of the hermitage. At this moment Sudar ana returned with firewood, and looked for Oghavati and called her aloud, several times. He got no reply. Then the Brahmin who was lying inside called out:-"Hei Son of Fire A guest has come. Your But I was not conwife showed all kinds of hospitality. tented with them. Now she is offering herself to me." These words did not seem to make any change in Sudar'ana. Dharmadeva was much pleased, as Sudarsana had come out victorious in all these tests. He came out and appeared in his own form and blessed Sudarsana. Due to the blessing of Dharmadeva, half of the body of Oghavati flowed as the river Oghavati and the
! !

husband, Oghavati gave herself


the guest.

Both of

Sudarsana was laid in horrible excrements for the period of hundred Manvantaras. When he was released he was born on earth as a hog. Because he ate fcod on Harivasara (a fast-day) he suffered hell for a long time. His next birth was that of a crow and lived on excrements. Once the crow drank the water which fell on the steps while washing the feet of Visnu. The crow obtained remission of all On the same day it was caught in the net of its sins. a forestman and died. Then a divine chariot drawn by swans came and took the crow to the world of Visnu. SUDARSANA X. The son of Dlrghabahu who was' born in the family of Manu. He conquered all the kingdoms and ruled as an emperor. The famous hermit Vasistha was his priest. Once Devi Mahakall appeared to him in a dream and said to him: "Very soon a flood will occur in the world. So go to the Himalayas with your wife and the priest Vasistha and stay there in a cave." According to the instruction of Devi, Sudarsana took everybody with him and went to the Himalayas. The prophecy of Devi came true. The earth was filled



his order

with water.

that the earth resumed


This deluge lasted


for ten years. After original form and Sudarsana


(Bhavisya Purana,


other half was dissolved in the soul of her husband. Sudarsana thus earned victory over Mrtyu and obtained

of Angiras,
tain snake.



Vidyadhara was changed into a mounThat story occurs as follows in Bhagavata,

Vidyadhara. Because of the curse

Skandha 9. While Sudars ana was playing about in the world of Gods with some Gandharva damsels, Angiras and some other hermits came by that way. Sudarsana ridiculed

It is mentioned in Kalika Purana that Sudarsana had broken off a piece ot a forest region of Himalaya and taken it to his country and founded on it the city called Khandavlnagara and that after a short period king Vijaya of the Bhairava dynasty killed king Sudarsana and became the ruler of the city. (Kalika Purana, 92). SUDARSANA XI. A wife of God Fire. This Sudarsana was the daughter of Duryodhana, the son of Durjaya of the Iksvaku dynasty. The mother of Sudarsana was Narmada. It is said that so beautiful a woman as Sudar.' ana had never been born. The God Fire was once fascinated by the beauty of Sudar'ana who had been instructed to serve him, and wished to accept her as his wife. So he informed her of his desire. Being

of a noble race, she said that a virgin ought to be given a w.;y by her parents. The God Fire approached the father of Sudarsana and informed him of every thing. When he knew that the person who made the request







daughter SudarSana as wife to the God. (Duryodhana had another name In the PurJ.nas there is another statement also Nlla). that Nila was the ruler of Mahismatl. (See under Duryodhana 1 1 and Agni Para 8) SUDARSANA XII. An island. This is another name of Jambudvipa. Once Sanjaya talked to Dhrtarasfra about this dvipa (Island). (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter
Fire, the king

was the God





Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 7 that this tree was eleven thousand yojanas high. SUDARSANA XIV. (The Discus SudarSana-weapon). The weapon of Mahavisnu. 1) General information. Two stories are seen about the origin of this weapon. (i) The sun married Sarhjna the daughter ofVisvakarma. Sarhjna complained to her father that she could not bear the radiance of the Sun. VisVakarma put the Sun in a turning machine and turned him and decreased his radiance. Out of the dust of the sun produced by this process, ViSvakarma made the discus-weapon, the aerial chariot Puspaka, the Trident of Siva, and Of these weapons the Sakti (lance) of Subrahmanya. the discus-weapon Sudarsana was given to Mahavisnu. This is one story. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 3, Chapter 2). (ii) During the burning of the forest Khandava, Indra showered rain, against the fire. According to the second story, the God Fire gave the discus weapon Sudarsana to Sri Krsna and the Gandiva to Arjuna to fight against Indra. (See the word Khandavadaha). Besides these two stories, several statements occur in this weapon Sudarsana. As various Puranas, about SudarSana was in existence even before the incarnation of Sri Krsna, the story that Visvakarma made it, ought to be given prominence. Very often Mahavisnu used to destroy enemies by this SudarSana. Though Mahavisnu had taken several incarnations, only Sri Krsna is mentioned in the Puranas as having used this weapon Sudarsana very often. 2) The power of Sudartana. Sudarsana flies up to the ranks of the enemies, burning like fire. Once Mahavisnu sent the weapon Sudarsana towards the asuras. Then the havoc and destruction caused by this weapon,




tree in the





II. An Aryan King named Sudas is stated in Rgveda. It is mentioned in Rgveda Mandala 1, AnuSukta 63, that VisVamitra saved this King from vaka 1 a danger. (See under Df.garajna) SUDASA III. A King of Ayodhya. He was the son of Sarvakama and the father ofKalmasapada. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9; Visnu Purana, 4, 4, 30). SUDATTA.We of the prominent wives of Sri Krsna. The palace Ketuman in Dvaraka, was given to this wife. (Mahabharata, Daksinatya Patha, Sabha Parva.

165, Verse 57).

King remembered every morning and (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter


A King

of Kosala. This Sudas a was a


Chapter 38).

of the Bhrgu dynasty. Bhagavata, 9th Skandha mentions that he was the son of Anenas



Suci's father.

I. The wife of Virata, the King of Matsya. It is mentioned in MahabhaGeneral information. Verse 6, that this rata, Virata Parva, Chapter 9, Sudesna, the daughter of the King of Kekaya, had the


Citra also.

Other details. the pseudonymity, Pancali lived with (i) During Sudesna in the guise of Sairandhrl. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 9). the request of Klcaka to get (ii) Sudesna agreed to Sairandhrl for him, as he was fascinated by her beauty.

who was miserable at (iv) Draupadi consoled Sudesna the death of Klcaka. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 48) from the (v) Sudesna asked Draupadi to go away

(M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 6). Sudesna sent Kicaka to the house of Sairandhrl. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 15).


as follows


the blazing fire, the Sudar'ana rested on the hand of Visnu; turning round with a tremendous speed. Visnu threw it at the enemies with his powerful hand like that of the trunk of an elephant, with a view to cleave the city of the enemies into pieces. That weapon which was burning in great flames like a great fire spreading radiance, flew into the midst of the enemy's army and instantly every one near it fell dead. Thus it flew about among the asuras and burnt them to ashes. Then turning round and round in the air it drank the blood shed on the earth. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 19). XV. Indra had a chariot named

ing light and

The moment he thought of Sudargana, to destroy the power of the enemy, it made its appearance like the Sun in the Solar region. It was a fearful sight. Emanatradiance


named Ariga, Vanga, Kalinga, Pundra and Suhma were born to the hermit DIrghatamas by this queen Sudesna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 98 30; Bhagavata, Skandha 9; Harivarhsa 1, 39) SUDESNA I. A son born to Sri Krsna by Rukmim. (See under Rukmim). SUDESNA II. A country in India, very famous, in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 4) SUDEVA I. A brahmin who was a favourite of the King of Vidarbha. It was this brahmin who was sent by the King of Vidarbha to search for Damayantl. (See under Damayantl). SUDEVA II. A captain of the army of King Ambarlsa. He was calm and fearless. Sudeva met with a heroic death in a battle and attained heaven. Indra gave him
. .

Uttara, Sudesna went to Upaplavya with Draupadi. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 72, Verse 30). SUDESNA II. The wife of the King Bali. Five sons

palace. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 24, Verse 3). (vi) In connection with the marriage of her daughter

Sudarsana. (Mahabharata, Virata Parva, Chapter 56,

was a yajna (sacrifice) and that due to this yajna Sudeva attained heaven. The King asked, when this

a suitable place. Later Ambarlsa died and came to heaven. There he saw his captain Sudeva and was amazed. He asked Indra how it was that Sudeva was given a place in heaven. Indra replied that to fight fearlessly in the battle-field and meet with heroic death,






took place. Indra continued "Once Ambarisa sent to subdue the asuras and giants. Sudeva entered the battlefield and looked at the vast army of the enemy. Finding that it was impossible to defeat the army of giants, he sat down and meditated on Siva, who appeared before him and encouraged him. A fierce battle followed in which Sudeva annihilated the army of the giants completely and he himself met with a heroic death. That is how he obtained heaven. (M.B. Daksinatyapatha, Santi Parva, Chapter 98). SUDEVA III. The son of Haryasva, the King of Ka^I. He was quite valiant and radiant. After the death of his father he was anointed as King of Kasi. As soon as he became King, the sons of King Vltahavya attacked Sudeva and captured him. After this Divodasa became the King of Ka'i. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter

Iksvaku and his army.

bravery, my love. It is because I could go to heaven if fight with the king valiantly and meet with heroic death", replied the hog. The wife tried her utmost to dissuade her husband from his attempt. The children also tried to stop him. They could not change his mind. So all of them decided to help him as much as they could in his fight. They got ready for a fight against
king's army saw the preparations of the hogs and their resolute stand. Struck with fear, they informed



IV. A famous King. Nabhaga married Suprabha the daughter of this King Sudeva. The taken from Markandeya Purana following is a story stating how this Sudeva who was a Ksatriya by birth, became a Vaisya by the curse of hermit Pramati. Once Nala, the friend of Sudeva, and the relative of Dhumraksa, after having drunk too much liquor, tried to rape the wife of the hermit Pramati. All this happened while King Sudeva was standing silently near Nala. Pramati requested King Sudeva repeatedly to save his wife. Sudeva replied The Ksatriya who could help the needy, could save your wife also. But I am a the Vaisya." This arrogance of the King made hermit angry. "May you become a Vaisya." The hermit cursed the King. Sudeva repented and requested for liberation from the curse. "When a Ksatriya steals away your daughter you will recover

30, Verse 13).

Iksvaku about it. The king ordered the noble hog to be caught. Iksvaku and his wife mounted on horse and followed the army. All the hounds ran towards the hogs barking. The army sent a volley of arrows at the The hog and his wife stopped the arrows. The hogs. army could not defeat the hogs. At last the king himself killed the hog with a club. While the king was looking on, that noble hog was changed to a noble Gandharva with four hands and divine clothes and ornaments. Leaving his old body of hog on the earth he rose up into the sky like the Sun and went to heaven. Seeing this sight Sudeva was struck with fear. She got down from the chariot and called the wife of the hog towards her. The wife of the hog, wounded all over, came to the queen Sudeva. Sudeva asked her about the previous history of her dead husband. The hog's
wife said:

about the previous


If you feel




I shall tell you dead husband and my-


the lost feelings of Ksatriya." The hermit gave this liberation from the curse. Because of this curse Nabhaga stole away Suprabha the daughter of Sudeva and Sudeva got back the lost feelings of Ksatriya. I. daughter of the King of Aiiga named Ariha. The King Rksa was her son. (M.B. Adi Parva,


Chapter 95, Verse 24)


the dynasty of King Dasarha. of the Puru dynasty married Sudeva. The King Ajamldha was their son. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 36). SUDEVA III. The wife of Iksvaku who was the son of Manu. This Sudeva was the daughter of Devarata the King of Kasi. Iksvaku and Sudeva are said to be the incarnations of Visnu and Devi Laksmi respectively. While the couple were walking about in the forest, they saw a she-hog. That hog was the cursed form of a Brahmin woman named Sudeva. Sudeva, the wife of Iksvaku gave the merits she had earned in one year by her good deeds to Sudeva the she-hog and liberated her from her curse. This story occurs in Padma Purana Bhumikhanda, Chapter 42. The story is given below: Once King Iksvaku and his wife Sudeva were hunting on the banks of the Ganga. Then a big hog came there with his wife and children. The hog was afraid of Iksvaku. So he said to his wife: "Look! beloved! Iksvaku the valiant, the son of Manu, is come for hunting. I am going to fight with him." His wife said. "How did you get this bravery to fight with the king, you who "It is not always try to evade the forest-men ?"

princess born in Vikuntha, a King

"My dead husband was a Gandharva named Rankavidyadhara, in the previous birth. Once he sat in the shade of a tree near the hermitage of Pulastya and began to sing with accompaniment. As the singing caused disturbance to his solitude the hermit Pulastya came and requested the Gandharva to shift to some other place. Rankavidyadhara did not like to comply with the request of the hermit. At last Pulastya removed his hermitage to another place. Rankavidyadhara walked in search of Pulastya. saw Pulastya. Finally the Gandharva Seeing that he was alone, the Gandharva took the shape of a hog and entered the hermitage and began to wound with his tusk and to molest that radiant sage Pulastya. Thinking it to be a mere animal Pulastya suffered The hog continued its actions of it for a long time. It passed excrements in front of the sage, molestation. danced before him, played in front of him, fell down in the courtyard and rolled and did various other things. As it was an animal Pulastya forgave him. One day Rankavidyadhara entered the hermitage as a hog, roared aloud, laughed aloud, cried aloud, sang aloud and in various other ways tried to change the mind of the hermit.

was not a hog.



all these,


This must be that wicked Gandharva."

"You tried to violate my penance in the shape of a hog. So you, great sinner; take the next birth as a hog." With grief the Gandharva ran to Indra and informed him of everything. Indra requested Pulastya
to liberate the


Thus him Pulastya got angry and cursed him

Pulastya began to think that it will not try to molest one conforgave him thinking him to be a mere

"A hog

Gandharva from the curse. Accordingly gave him remission that he would regain his original form when he was killed by the hands of the immensely good king Iksvaku."




was leading a prosperous life. Mangala gave me food. Sivagarma asked me who I was. I told him my story. He remembered me, his former wife. Mangala also felt compassion for me. They gave me gold ornaments and made me stay there. But my conscience pricked me.

Sudeva. was

amazed on hearing this story of the dead hog, and asked her again. ''You hog You speak like a

human being. How is it /' The wife of the hog continued

in the city of Sripura

Kalinga. They named me Sudeva (Vasudeva). Because of the unlimited caressing and fondling of my father I grew up as an arrogant In the meanwhile a Brahmin youth named Sivagirl. sarma, who was well-versed in all the branches of knowledge, and whose parents were dead, came to my house. My father gave me to that brahmin. I lived with him in my father's house. Being proud of the wealth and prosperity of my parents I did not care to render the husband who was a services due to my husband. peaceful man bore every thing. By and by I became wicked. At last because of my wickedness and immorality my husband left the country. My father hated me and

have taken rebirth as a hog. In my previous birth I was the daughter of a Brahmin named Vasudatta ( Vasudeva)

the story.


I also

Thus burning


After the suffering of a very long period, I took birth again as a Jackal. Then I became a dog, and then a snake. After that I passed through the births of a hen, a cat and a rat. Thus Brahma had put me in the wombs of all kinds of animals. Now I have taken the birth of a she-hog. Lady Your husband Iksvaku is the incarnation of Visnu in portion and yourIf you would give me self, that of Laksmi in portion. the merits you have earned for one day by your good deeds, I could leave off all these mean births and attain
to hell.







am. I am the rebirth of a powerful asura named Kalanemi. In ancient days Visnu killed me in a battle between the gods and asuras. I have entered into your womb for revenge. Mother you need not take the trouble to destroy me." Saying so, the infant stopped After ten years Padmavati gave birth to the speaking. mighty and strong Karhsa. He was killed by Sri Krsna and he attained heaven." Sudeva was struck with wonder at the story of Karhsa. She asked the she-hog to continue her own story. She continued her own story. "I have said that my father expelled me. Being shameless I walked away from there soon. Nobody helped me. Those who saw me scolded me. Days passed. Afflicted by a horrible disease, and I came to a big house. I travelling in this manner, entered the courtyard and begged for alms. It was the house of my husband SivaSarma. When I abandoned him he married another woman named Mangala and

Karhsa was born to Padmavati, the wife of Ugrasena, by her illegal connection with persons other than her husband." Hearing about the birth of Karhsa, Sudeva asked the she-hog to tell her about the circumstances which led to the illegal connections of Padmavati. The wife of the hog continued. "In days of old there was a king in Mathurapurl named Ugrasena, who married Padmavati the daughter of king Satyaketu of Vidarbha. While the couple were living happily in Mathurapurl Satyaketu wanted to see his daughter. He sent a messenger to Mathurapuri and brought Padmavati to Vidarbha. She walked along the vicinity of the palace in which she was born, enjoying the beauty of the scenery. She walked on and arrived on the mountain called Puspavan, and sat on the bank of a lake. At that time a Gandharva named Godila (Dramila) came there. He fell in love with her. He took the shape of Ugrasena and came near her and talked with her. Thinking that her husband had come from Mathura to see her she embraced him. After a while she understood that the visitor was not her husband. She began to curse him. The visitor admitted that he was Godila an attendant of VaiSravana. Godila went on his way. But she had become pregnant by that time. Her parents tried in various ways to destroy the child in her womb. One day the infant lying in her womb told her thus: "Mother you do not know who
to as

some calamity would happen



from the house.






SUDHAMA II. A golden mountain in SUDHAMA

(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter

Vas avarttins. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa

of the third Manvantara was Uttama. The ruler of the devas was the Indra named Sus"anti. There were five groups or ganas of twelve devas each, called the Satyas, the Japas, the Pratardanas, Sudhamas and the

eyes of Sudeva were full when she heard the story of the hog. She gave to the she-hog, the merits she had earned by good deeds for one year. The hog was changed to a divine woman of youth and beauty. Immediately a divine chariot came down from heaven and took her to heaven, while everybody was looking on. Iksvaku and Sudeva returned to their palace much pleased at the redemption of the she-hog. A group of Gods. The name of the Manu I.


Kus a





of the sons of

the son of Four sons

(Bhagavata, Skandha 5),

Verse 10). King Ghrtaprstha.


Arimejaya, were born to Kuru. 278).

A King of the Puru dynasty. He was I. King Kuru who had founded Kuruksetra. named Sudhanva, Sudhanus, Pariksit and
(Agni Purana, Chapter


II. King who was the son of Kuru and the father ol Suhotra. The King Uparicaravasu was a King of this dynasty. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).


Drona Parva, Chapter


III. warrior from Pancala who took the side of the Pandavas. This mighty warrior was the son of King Drupada and the brother of Viraketu. In the battle of Bharata, when Viraketu was killed, Sudhanus gathered his brothers and attacked Drona. In that fight Sudhanus was killed by Drona. (M.B.

guard of the ends of the quarters. In the beginning of creation Brahma made four guards of the four ends. They were Sudhanva in the East,

98, Verses 37-40)

the South,


in the

West and



in the North. (Agni

Purana, Chapter 19).

ation gathered

given below. There arose a contest between Sudhanva and (5) Virocana, the son of Prahlada for marrying the damsel KeSinl. (For detailed story see under KesinI V). (ii) This hermit visited Bhisma in his bed of arrows.

Son of hermit Angiras. Some informfrom Rgveda and Mahabharata is

(M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 7). Sudhanva was the eighth son of Angiras.

It is stated


Videha. He was the son of Mahavlrya and of Dhrstaketu. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). SUDINA. A holy place in Kuruksetra. It is
the father

Chapter 86,


Devas and the asuras. Sudhanva had three sons called Rbhu, Vibhva ( v) and Vaja. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 16, Sukta


Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Sudhanva gave this 24, that a chariot, in the battle between the


in Maha Bharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 100, that by bathing in this holy tirtha one could attain the world of the Sun.


great warrior who fought against the Pandavas in the battle of Kuruksetra. He was




who had


Verse 42)

by Arjuna.


Drona Parva, Chapter


and attained heaven. Mention is made about this hermit in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 244,

in the forest) the third of the

observed only Vanaprastha four stages of life,


Drupada, is Chapter 23, Verse 44. This warrior sided with the Pandavas in the battle of Kuruksetra and fought against the Kauravas. When his brother Viraketu was killed, he and his brothers joined together and attacked Drona. In that fight Drona killed Sudhanva. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 45). SUDHANVA V. An ancient King of Bharata. A story

Sudhanva who was the son of mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva,



King Mandhata defeated this Sudhanva in battle, Maha Bharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 62 SUDHANVA VI. A King of Sarikasya. This King surrounded the city of Mithila and sent word that unless the bow of Siva and the princess Sita were given to him he would kill Janaka, who subsequently fought a battle with him. In this battle Sudhanva was killed. Sankasya, the kingdom of Sudhanva was given to Kusadhvaja by his brother Janaka. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 71)

occurs in

have lived in the second century A.D. The drama "Mrcchakatika" has been discovered as his work. It is divided into ten Acts. It is believed to be the oldest Sanskrit drama. Some people think that Sudraka was a King. The authorship of another drama, "Padmaprabhrtakam" is also attributed to him. SUDRSTA. A country in Bharata, very famous in the Puranas. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 51 ). SUDYA. A King of the dynasty of Yayati. He was the of Carupada. grandson of Namasyu and the son Bahugava was the son of Sudya. ( Bhagavata, Skandha

_Verse 17. See under Caturvarnyam. SODRAKA. A Sanskrit dramatist.








son of




gods). (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). II. The great assembly

'The assembly hall of the Devas.



woman and
under Ila
1 )

Caksusa (who was the Manu of the sixth Manvantara) by his wife Nadvala, the daughter of Prajapati Vairaja. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 13).
General information.
all in

of radiance,


Caksusa. Ten sons Sudyumna were born to

of the

then became a


who was born as man and then became



reported the matter there. This hall had the name 'Dasarhr also. This great hall was one yojana long and one yojana broad. It was in this hall that Sri Krsna received Indra. (M.B. Daksinatya Patha, Sabha

Yadavas. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 219, Verse 10, that at the time of the carrying away of Subhadra, the soldiers ran to Sudharma and



For detailed story see


2) Other details. (i) This royal hermit stays in the court of Yama glorifying him. ( M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse


Parva, Chapter 38).


who was the Matali, mentioned in the Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 95, that a daughter named GunakesI was born to Matali by Sudharma.
Wife of

charioteer of Indra.

prince of the Vrsni dynasty. It is Bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 18, that he was a member of the assembly of Yudhisthira and that he had learned archery from



SUGANDHA. A giant.

While Sudyumna was the King, to do justice properly, both hands of the hermit Likhita were cut off. (For detailed story see under Likhita) (iii) Because he had executed the duties of the King properly and righteously, Sudyumna attained heaven. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 28, Verse 45).


It is



Padma Purana,



of Dagarna. Bhimasena who was pleased at the good fighting of this King, appointed him as his captain. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 29,

Khanda, Chapter 75, that this giant was one of in the the seven, who were killed by Agni (Fire) battle between Hiranyaksa and the gods. SUGANDHA I. A celestial maid. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 63, that the birth festival of this celestial maid danced in

SUDHARMA VI. A warrior who



had fought against


the battle


Drona Parva, Chapter 18, Verse 20) SUDHlS. A group of Gods of Tamasa Manvantara. In four groups of devas this Manvantara there were (gods) called Suparas, Haris, Satyas and Sudhls. In
each of these groups there were twentyseven gods. under Manvantara).


A holy place. It is mentioned in MahaParva, Chapter 84, Verse 10, that by visiting this place one could obtain remission of sins and attain heaven.




of the



named Pundra was born


wives of Vasudeva. Vasudeva by his wife


in Bhagavata,


(Vayu Purana, 96, 161).

of the Bharata dynasty. It
5, that
it mentioned he was one of the sons


Another name of Satyadhrti, the King of

of Gaya.



who lives in Varuna's court wor(Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 13). SUHASTA. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. Bhimasena killed him in the great war. (Drona Parva, Chapter 157, Verse 19). SUHASTYA. A muni extolled in Rgveda. He was the son ofGhosa. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 17, Sukta

conch of Nakula, one of the Pandavas. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 16). SUGOPTA. An eternal Visvadeva (god concerned with offerings to the manes). (Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 91, Verse 37). SUGRlVA I. Bali and Sugriva were brothers. Their mother was Aruna who once put the guise of a woman. At that time he was called by the name Arum. Bali was the son born to Indra by Arum and Sugriva was the son born to the Sun by Arum. Both of them were brought up in the hermitage of Gautama. When the King of Kiskindha Rksarajas died, Bali was anointed


shipping him.

the grandson of

born in the Bharata dynasty. He was emperor Bharata and son of Bhumanyu. His mother was called Puskarini. (Adi Parva, Chapter
94, Verse 24).


the king of Kiskindha. Sugriva lived with Bali, serving him. At this time Bali engaged in a battle with the asura Dundubhi. Bali chased Dundubhi into a cave. Placing Sugriva at the mouth of the cave, Bali went in. By the magic and sorcery of Dundubhi, it appeared to Sugriva that Bali was killed by Dundubhi. Sugriva returned to Kiskindha. Bali who came out, followed Sugriva to kill him due to misunderstanding. Bali chased Sugriva all over the world. It is mentioned in Valmlki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 46, that the knowledge of the lay-out of the various countries in the world that Sugriva got in this running, helped him later, in the search for Slta. At last Sugriva entered Rsyamukacala. Bali had been once cursed that if he entered this mountain his head would be broken into pieces. Hanuman became the minister of Sugriva. It was during this period that Sri Rama and Laksmana came by that way in search of Sita. Sugriva and Sri Rama entered into a treaty. Bali should be killed and Kiskindha should be given to Sugriva in place of which Rama should be helped to find out Slta and get her back. Sri Rama killed Bali and gave Kiskindha to Sugriva, who sent monkey-armies in all directions to find out Slta. Hanuman found out Slta and returned to Sri Rama, who fought a great battle with Ravana, in which battle Sugriva took a prominent part. It was Kumbha-



in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 1 1 2, Verse 29, that Pandu had conquered this country which was Bhimasena situated on the Eastern part of Bharata. also conquered this country during his regional conquest of the east. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 16). the mountainous II. country situated in

country famous in the Puranas.

It is stated

of North India.






Sabha Parva, Chapter

27, Verse 21,



country during his regional conquest


of the North.


See under Suhotra II. A son of the hermit Jamadagni. Five sons named Rumanvan, Suhotra, Vasu, Visvavasu and Paras urama were born to Jamadagni by his wifeRenuka (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 58). SUHOTRA il. A son of emperor Bharata. (For genealogy, see under Bharata I) Five sons were born to Bharata, the son of Dusyanta. They were Suhotra, Suhota, Gaya, Garbha and Suketu. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278).





he caught Sugriva, Kumbhakarna lost his ears and nose. Then he caught hold of the monkey warriors and Sri Rama cut off his hands with arrows. ( Agni Purana, Chapter 1 ) After the war, when Rama and others returned to Ayodhya, Sugriva also accompanied them. After that Sugriva returned to Kiskindha. After a few years Candragupta, the second son of Sahasramukha Ravana, carried away the daughter of Sugriva. Hearing this, Sri Rama confronted Sahasramukha Ravana, who was killed by the arrow of Slta. Sugriva participated in the horse-sacrifice performed by Sri Rama. The control of the army was in the hands of Sugriva, the financial affairs, with Vibhlsana and central powers, with Laksmana. When the sacrifice was completed, Sugriva returned to Kiskindha. SUGRlVA II. An asura. This asura was the minister of Sumbha, an asura-chief. (Devi Bhagavata). SUGRlVA III. A horse of Sri Krsna. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 147, Verse 47,



monkey army much. When

that he was the grandson of emperor Bharata and the son of the elder brother of Bhumanyu. Puskarini was the mother of this Suhotra. 2). Other details. This Suhotra got suzerainty over the entire earth. (i ) After this he conducted horse-sacrifice and several

king of the 1). General information. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi

Candra dynasty.

94, Verse 24,


other sacrifices.

M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter



Suhotra married Suvarna, a princess of the Iksvaku sons. Ajamldha, Sumldha and Purumldha were born to them. ( M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 30) Suhotra was a generous king. (M. B. Drona(iii)
ii )

dynasty. Three

Parva, Chapter 56). (iv) Being pleased at his hospitality, Indra showered a rain of gold in the country fora year. Rivers were full of golden water. Indra showered golden fishes also in these rivers. But the king divided all this gold among Brahmins. (M. B. Santi Parva, Chapter 29,

that five horses


and Valahaka were yoked



Saibya, Sugriva, Meghapuspa to the chariot of Sri Krsna.

Sugrlvl, that the horse, originated in the world for the

born to Kasyapa by Tamra. It was camel and donkey first time. (Matsya

IV. Son of Sahadeva, one of the Pandavas. Sahadeva married Vijaya, daughter of Dyutiman, the kingofMadra. The son Suhotra was born to them. (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 80). SUHOTRA V. A hermit. This hermit honoured Yudhis^hira to a great extent. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva,' Chapter 26, Verse 24)


Verse 25)



king of the Kuru dynasty. Once this king obstructed the way of Sibi, born in the family of


let Sibi


not find

King Usinara. He

SUHU. A Yadava

Sibi). giant. This giant was one of those kings who had ruled over the entire earth and had to leave the place due to fate. (M. B. Santi Parva.

ofNarada. (See under

go only after




Chapter 277, Verse 51).

(Bhagavata, Skandha

who was

mental satisfaction. So his father sent him to Mithila. At that time there was none who equalled Janaka, the then King of Mithila. Before sending him away, Vyasa made his son promise that he would
return to his asrama, immediately after leaving Mithila. Suka started his journey to 4) Suka in Mithila. Mithila on foot. He passed through many lands and cities on his way. He visited many places inhabited by

happiness in that study either. Vyasa taught spiritual philosophy. Even then Suka could not



of Ugrasena.



absence of sons, Bali approached the hermit Dirghatamas, by whom the queen gave birth to six sons. They were Ariga, Vanga, Kalinga, Suhva (or Suhma), Pundra and Adrupa. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). SUjANU. A great saint. This hermit stopped Sri Krsna on his way to Hastinapura and conversed with him.

Suhva was the son of Bali, and grandson of Sutapas. Bali had no direct sons. Being miserable due to the

king of the Bharata

SUjATA I. One of the He attacked Bhimasena


(Mahabharata, Chapter 83)





hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. in the battle of Bharata and him. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 26,


Ve_rse 5)



born Purana, 2

monkey King. Sujata was one of the Pulaha by his wife Sveta. (Brahmanda


The daughter


of the hermit Uddalaka.


under Khagodara).



The son of Vyasa. sage Vyasa once wished to have a son. So he began to worship Siva for the purpose. His desire was to have a son who would combine in him the essential qualities of fire, earth, water, air and ether He did tapas for a hundred years. Because of the austerity of his tapas, his locks of hair began to blaze like flames of fire. At last Siva appeared and blessed him to have a son according to his wish. After receiving his boon, Vyasa returned to his asrama. Soon after his arrival there, an Apsaras named GhrtacI came there in the form of a parrot. On seeing her beauty Vyasa had an involuntary emission of semen. Suka's birth was from this semen. (For further details

A King who was the son of Agnimitra the father of Vasumitra. (Bhagavata, Skandha 12). (SUKADEVA)


different classes of people like yogins, sages, mendicants, Saivas, Sauras, Vaikhanasas, Saktas, Pasupatas, Vaisnavas, etc. After taking two years to cross Mahamei u and one year for crossing Himalaya he reached Mithila. At the very sight of the land of Mithila with Sukaits inhabitants living in luxury and prosperity, deva was filled with wonder. One of the sentries at the palace gate who saw the dignified bearing and majestic figure of Suka, standing at the entrance, greeted him with joined palms and conducted him into the royal palace. From there, a minister took him to the interior of the palace, where a passage led him to a beautiful park full of flowering trees and swimming pools. After giving him a seat in the place. There, he was the park the minister left attended by women who were like celestial beauties. But Suka was not happy even in their company or attentions. He spent the whole night in deep meditation. The next morning King Janaka visited Suka. After the exchange of customary greetings, Janaka enquired of him the object of his visit. Suka answered that he came


"After Upanayana, this, Janaka said a Brahmana with the sacred thread) should study the Vedas. He should discharge his debts to the Devas and to his Pitrs by tapas, worship of the guru and Brahmacarya. After the study of the Vedas, after mastering the senses, he should give Gurudaksina

there to learn from directed by his father.

Janaka the way


to salvation, as



see Para 2, under GhrtacI). It was Siva who performed the 2) Sukd's Boyhood. Upanayana (wearing the sacred thread) ceremony of Suka. Since he was born out of the semen which was the result of the fascination for a parrot, the boy was named "Suka". He was a divine boy. Soon after his birth, he grew up into an exceptionally brilliant boy.

with the permission of the Guru (preceptor). After reaching home he should begin grhasthasrama. After the birth of children, he should follow Vanaprasthasrama. In that asrama, a Brahmana should kindle fire in his soul. He should then renounce the dual state, rise above all desire and remain in Brahmasrama." After receiving Janaka 's advice, Suka returned to his

fee to the teacher)


the pupil




he told Suka that he was pleased with his stern resolve and allowed him to pursue his life as a Sannyasi, if he wished for it. From that time Sukadeva and Suta, the disciple of Vyasa began the study of Bhagavata. But Suka did

He went to Brhaspati and mastered all knowledge. for some years, he reAfter staying with Brhaspati turned to his father's aSrama. 3 ) In Vyasa' s hut. Vyasa was very happy at the arrival of his son after completing his education. In due course he thought of getting his son married to a suitable girl and to prepare him for an ideal Grhasthas'rama. But Suka did not fall in with his father's proposal. All the efforts of Vyasa to persuade him were in vain. At last

married the beautiful and thus began his Plvarl, daughter grhasthasrama in Vyasa's asrama. He had four sons named Krsna, Gauraprabha, Bhuri and Devas ruta and a daughter named Kirti, by Pivarl. KIrti was married
5) Domestic Life.


of the


by Arm, the son of King Vibhraja. 1st Skandha)


(Devi Bhagavata,

6) Other


Vyasa composed Bharata and taught

Verse 104).



(M.B. Chapter 1, Sukadeva recited the Mahabhirata story containGandharvas, Yaksas and ing 14 lakhs of stanzas to Raksasas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 106; Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 55).

Sukadeva taught them the


Vedas and the





Verse 89).

(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 63,

Devarsis began to praise Sukadeva. His father Vyasa was in deep grief at his disappearance and left his asrama in search of Suka. After wandering in many places he came to Kailiisa where Suka had performed tapas and called him. Siva who saw him utterly tired and weak took pity on him and comforted him in the following words: "Did you not pray to me for a son who would combine in himself the essences of the Pancabhutas ? As a result of the tapas you have done and by my blessing, such a glorious son was bora to you. Suka has attained the highest position which is inaccessible to those who have not conquered their senses and difficult to attain even by the gods. Why do you worry about Suka? The glory acquired by your eminent son will continue undiminished as long as the mountains and oceans exist. I give you my blessing that an image exactly like your son will always accomas a second sun.

Yudhisthira's assembly. (iv) Suka attended (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 11). 7) The End. While Sukadeva was thus leading his family life, teaching the Vedas and reading the Purlnas, X.lrada happened to pay a visit to him. His conversation with Narada drew Sukadeva nearer to the path of Moksa. He left his father, Veda Vyasa and his own family, went to the peak of Kailasa and stayed there doing tapas to Paramasiva. At last he became a perfect Siddha and rising up to the Heavens shone there

kingdom and attained Moksa by doing tapas on Satasniga mountain. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Daksinatya Pa{ha, Chapter 123). SUKA V. Son of Subala, king of Gandhiira. He was slain by Iravan in the course of the Bharata Yuddha. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 90, Verse 26) SUKA VI. Son of the monkey Sarabha. Rksa was the son of Suka by Vyaghri. (Brahmanda Purana, 3, 8, 208). SUKA VII. A Maharsi who was the contemporary of Anuha of Daksina Pancala and of king Brahrnadatta. This sage lived before the time of the other Suka who was the son of Vyasa. This sage Suka had six sons, named Bhuris'ravas, Sambhu, Prabhu, Krsna, Saura (Sauraprabha) and Devasruta by his two wives Plvari and Ekasrnga. (Brahmanda Purana, 3-8-93: Vayu Purana, 70-84; D^vl Bhagavata, 1-14; Narada. 1-58). SUKALA. A woman who loved and honoured her husband.

III. A king of the Lunar dynasty. ( Bhagavata 9th Skandha). SUKA IV. A king of the Saryati dynasty. He was the son of Prsata. He had conquered all countries in the world and after performing many yagas, he renounced









Parva, Chapters 332 and 333; Devi Bhagavata, 1st Skandha). SUKA II. A messenger of Havana. This Suka had a friend named Sarana. These two persons were expert spies who used to gather secret and important pieces of information from the strongholds of Havana's friends and enemies and passed them on to Havana.

Just then, an image which closely resembled his son appeared before Vyasa who was filled with rapture. It is believed that even today if any one calls Siva at the place where Siva spoke to Vyasa in answer to his call, Siva would respond to the call. (M.B. Sand

pany you from today."

entered Lanka, Ravana sent Suka After taking a distant view of the surroundings, they entered the camp of Sri Rama in the form of monkeys. Taking care not to come within the observation of Vibhisana, they went about the military camps, gathering secret information. Just then they were met by Jambavan and Hanuman. After closely observing them for a considerable time, The they understood that they were enemy spies.

Soon after Sri and Sarana to


Rama's camp.

The II. The wife of the hermit Matarisva. hermit Mankanaka was the son born to MatarisVa by Sukanya. ( See under Mankanaka) SUKARA. A country celebrated in the Puranas. Krti, King of Sukara had presented thousands of Elephants at Yudhisthira's Rajasuya yaga. (M.B. Sabha Parva, 52, Verse 25). Chapter SUKARA. A hell. (See under Kala, the section 'Hell'). SOKARAMUKHA. A hell. (See under Kala, the section

Manivara byDevajani. ( Brahmanda Purana, 3. 7. 129). Raksasa on the side of Ravana. (Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda, Sarga 6) SUKANDAKA. A country in ancient India. (Mahabharata Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 53.) SUKANYA I. The wife of the hermit Cyavana. See under Cyavana, Para 3.

bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 38, that this mountain, which is famous in the Puranas, stands on the western side of Dvaraka. SUKAMALA. A Yaksa. This Yaksa was the son born to



SUKARMA I. One of the



two followers given to SubraVidhata. Suvrata was the other follower. hmanya by (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 42).


monkey-heroes promptly seized them and produced them before Sugrlva. Confused and frightened under a shower of questions they sought the protection of Sri Rama. While Sri Rama was interrogating them, Vibhisana happened to come there. At his sight, Suka and Sarana were alarmed. Grasping the whole situation in an instant, Vibhisana kicked both of them when they assumed their former shapes as Raksasas. The The Raksasas begged monkey-leaders sprang at them. for pardon and prayed for Sri Rama's protection. Sri Rama forgave them and set them free. (Valmiki

under Pippalada I) SUKASA&GITI. A Gandharva. (For further under Pramohini).


This Sukarma, the son of Sutva, divided the Samaveda into a thousand branches. (See under Guruparampara.) SUKARMA III. A Brahmana who had earned merits of good deeds by serving his parents. (For further details

of the teacher priests of Samaveda.



Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda; Kamba Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda)


1 General information A raksasa (giant) who was the ) son of Vidyutkesa and Salakatanka. When Brahma asked the Subjects to look after his creation those who said 'Raksamahe' became Raksasas (giants) and those who said 'Yaksamahe', the Yaksas (a clan of semi gods). Once two brothers named Heti and Praheti were born



hermits saw the Sun coming slowly to the earth. They "If you want to be well in falling, called out loudly. go and fall in Hariksetra." The sun called out, "What is Hariksetra?" "Hariksetra is Varanasi from Yogar'ayl to Kesavadarsana", the hermits replied. Hearing this the Sun fell in Varanasi. Then to lessen the heat the sun dipped and splashed in Asi tirtha and Varuna

in the clan of Raksasas. Praheti remained unmarried and entered the life of penance. Heti married Bhaya the sister of Kala. A son named Vidyutkesa was born to the couple. Vidyutkesa married Salakatanka, the daughter cf Sandhya. Salakatanka delivered a son. But wishing to enjoy the company of her husband, she abandoned the son and lived with her husband. The child which was as bright as the rising Sun, putting its folded fist in its mouth, cried aloud. Paramasiva and Parvati who were travelling along the sky mounted on the bull, heard the cry of the infant and looked at the spot from which the cry arose. On seeing the infant, Parvati took pity on it. Siva blessed the child, which instantly grew as old as its mother. Siva gave the Raksasa prince immortality and a city which could travel through the

Parvati said that Raksasa women would, in future sky. deliver the moment they became pregnant and that the child would grow equal to its mother in age, as soon as it was born. Sukes'a was the son of Vidyutkesa and Sa'akatanka. Sukes a was delighted at the boons he got, and travelled wherever he pleased, in his city. Sukesa married Devavati the daughter of Gramanl a Gandharva. Mall, Sumall and Malyavan were the sons of this couple. (Uttara Ramayana). 2) The city of Sukesa fell on the ground. Sukesa pleased Siva by penance. Siva made him invincible and gave him a city which travelled through the sky. Because of these boons, the Raksasa became righteous and pious. He lived in the city with other Raksasas. Once Sukes"a went to the forest Magadha and visited the hermits there. He asked them about the means to attain prosperity in this world and the other worlds. The hermits gave him long exhortations. They told him about the

Brahma, knew this, and informed Siva of it. Siva came to Varanasi and took the sun by his hands and gave him the name 'Lola' and sent him back in the chariot. After that Brahma went to Sukesa and sent his city with the Raksasas in it, back to the sky, and the Sun was fixed in the sky as before. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 1 5) SUKESI I (SUKESA). See under Sukef a. SUKESI II. The daughter of the king of Gandhara. This SukeSl was the wife of Sri Krsna. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 38 that SriKrsna gave her a palace, the doors of which shone


as the gold of Jambunada. III. celestial



mentioned in Mahabharata, Anu'asana Parva, Chapter in honour 19, Verse 45, that she performed a dance of the visit of Astavakra, in the palace of Kubera. SUKESI IV. The daughter of Ketuvirya the king of Magadha. She was married to Marutta (the third).





king of the Bhrgu family. He was the son of Sum ta and the father of Dharmaketu. (Bhaga-

(Markandeya Purana,




various hells given to sinners. righteous-minded and saintly.

returned to his city and called together all the other Raksasas and spoke to them about what he had learned from the hermits. He said: "The hermits taught me the means to attain heaven. They are Non-killing, Truth, not stealing, cleanliness, control of all outward going enerkindness, forgiveness, abstinence, good my order that all of you observe these good things." The Raksasas were pleased at the words of Sukesa. They began to lead a righteous life.


Thus Sukesa became

king of the Solar dynasty. It is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 9 that this king was the son of Nandivardhana and the father of Devarata. II. A. king of the Puru dynasty. He became famous under the name Viratha. He was one of the The five sons were Suhotra, five sons of Bharata. Suhota, Gaya, Garbha and Suketu. (Agni Purana,



usages etc. So


it is

In this way they got wealth and prosperity. Their radiance increased to such an extent that the Sun and the moon and the stars found it difficult to continue
their travels.

Thus the city of the Raksasa shone as the sun in the day and as the moon in the night. The progress of the Sun in the day became indiscernible. Due to its brightness
the Raksasa city seemed to be the moon and thinking that it was night, the lotus flowers folded in the day and bloomed in the night. Havoc was caused in the earth as well as in the world of the gods. The sun became unpopular. So he tried to find out the cause. At last he found out the cause. He became angry. He looked with fury at the city of the Raksasas. Hit by the look, the city lost its merits and began to sink down to the earth.

A king of ancient India. It is mentioned III. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 9, that this Suketu and his son Sunama were present at the Svayamvara marriage of Draupadi. SUKETU IV. A son ofSisupala. He was killed in the battle of Bharata by Drona. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 33). SUKETU V. A mighty king who stood on the side of the Pandavas and fought against the Kauravas in the Bharata-battle. Tl.is king who was the son of Citraketu, was killed by the arrow of the teacher Krpa. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 21 ).

Chapter 278).


Kamba Ramayana,

It is stated in father of Tataka. Balakanda, that this Suketu was the son of the Gandharva King Suraksaka. (See under



for further details)

SUKl. A daughter named Kraunci,

were born gave birth
eagles and
to to





the city fell down Sukesa called Siva and cried aloud. Siva looked round to see what happened to his devotee. He understood that the sun was the culprit. Siva looked at the sun with furious eyes. Instantly the sun was dropped from the Solar region to the air. The

Bhasas were born to BhasI and were born to SyenI. Dhrtarastri gave SukI gave birth to birth to swans and Cakravakas. Nata and Vinata was the daughter of Nata. (Valmlki Ramayana, Aranyakanda, Sarga 14). SUKLA. A warrior who fought on the side of the Pandavas. He was a native of Pancala country.


Prajapati. Five daughters SyenI, Dhrtarastri and SukI by his wife Tamra. Kraunci




Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 45, mentions that he was slain by Kama during the Bharata




whether Sukra was the 1) son or grandson of Bhrgu. The Purfinas state that Puloma was the wife of Bhrgu. Sukra has another name, Kavya. Kavya means the son of Kavi. Some authorities say that Kavi was Bhrgu 's son, while others think Sukra's mother is rethat Kavi was Bhrgu himself. ferred to as "Kavyamata" in many places. Sukra is referred to as the strongest of the seven sons born to Bhrgu and Puloma. In the light of these references it is reasonable to consider Sukra as the son of the sage Bhrgu. "Kavi" must be supposed to be another name of Bhrgu. Usanas was another name for Sukra. Once the sage Bhrgu lived in the valley 2) Love story. of Mandara mountain, performing austere tapas. Sukra who was then a boy, used to attend on his father. One day when Bhrgu was absorbed in "Nirvikalpasamadhi" (deep meditation) the lonely Sukra was appreciating the beauty of the sky above him. There was no one At that time he happened to see an else by his side. exceptionally beautiful Apsara woman passing across the His heart was filled with delight at the sight. All sky. his thoughts were centred on her and he sat absorbed in her bewitching charm. In his imagination he followed Indra and reached Indraloka. Indra greeted him with honour. After that Sukra, attended by the heavenly beings went about sight-seeing in Heaven. There he unexpectedly came across the Apsara beauty whom he had seen earlier, in the midst of several other


Preceptor of the Asuras.




power of tapas and the holiness of the asYama, birds and animals did not eat the body. After 1,000 divyavatsaras, sage Bhrgu opened his eyes from his samadhi but he did not find his son near him. A famished and woin out body was lying before him. Within the wrinkles of the skin, small birds were nesting and frogs look refuge in the hollow of the stomach. Enraged at the premature death of his son, he was about to curse Yama, the god of Death.

devoured numerous Brahmandas. I have already swallowed Rudras and Visnudevas many times. All of you are my food. It is ordained by Fate. Even Brahma is not indestructible at the end of a Kalpa. Knowing all these facts, why do you think of cursing me ? Your son fell into this state because of his own act. While you were in a state of Samadhi your son's mind left its body and went up to Heaven. There he spent many years indulging

Coming to know of this Dharmaraja (Yama) appeared before him and said "We honour and adore you as a great tapasvl. You should not ruin your tapas. I have



in DaSarna country. In his next birth he became the King of Kosala. After that passing through many births in succession he is now performing tapas on the bank of the river Samariga as the son of a Brahmana, under the name, Vasudeva. Open your inner eye and


beauty Vis vacl. Then he was born

pleasures in


company of



see for yourself." After saying this Dharmaraja revived the body of Sukra who rose up and did obeisance to his father. (JfianaIt is seen that Sukra had several Domestic Life. wives and children. In Devi Bhagavata there is a story of Jayanti, daughter of Indra who was Sukra's wife for about ten years. (See under Jayanti II) Priyavrata, the brother of Uttanapada had a daughter named Urjjasvatl by his wife Surupa. In Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha it is stated that Sukracarya married Urjjasvatl and he had a daughter Devaya.nl by her. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65 mentions that Sukra was the acarya (preceptor) of the Asuras and his four sons were the had a daughter named priests of the Asuras. Sukra (3)

vasistha, Sthitiprakaranam)



Sukra enveloped the whole place




love at






fulfil his in darkness.


approached Sukra and both of them entered a hut formed by the thick foliage of creeping plants and indulged in sensual pleasures. Since Sukra spent a period of eight Caturyugas like this in her company, he became weak in his virtue and descended to the earth. Then he became conscious of his physical being. His depraved soul was stopped at the moon. It reached the earth through mist and grew up as paddy plants. A Brahmana who was a native of Dasarna land ate the rice which was cooked from the ears of those paddy plants. Sukra's soul in the shape of Sukra entered the womb of the Brahmana's wife and in due course took his birth. Because of his close association with Munis, that boy grew up like a sage and spent a period of one Manvartara, leading an austere life in the valley of the Meru mountain. At that time his Apsara woman had been born as a female deer, as the result of a curse. By their connection in the previous birth, the Brahmana fell in love with that female deer and begot a human child by his union with her. With that the austerities of his life were at an end. All his thoughts were now directed towards the future glory of his son and he ignored even his spiritual duties. Not long after, he died of snake bite. Later, he was born as the son of the king of Madra and ruled the country for many years. After that he took birth in many other wombs and at last was born as the son of a Maharsi living on the bank of the river Ganga. Sukra's body which was by the side of

the place.

The apsara beauty

"Ara". (See under Ara).

Besides, Sukra

had another


But no child was born to Sataparva. Devi, wife of Varuna's elder brother, was a daughter of Sukra. Urjjasvati was the most famous among Sukra's

named Sataparva.

See under Kavyamata. Jamadagni was restored to life. See the 8th para under Jamadagni. See under Ara. 6);$ukra cursed Danda. 7 ) Cursed Yayati. See the 4th Para under Devayani. 8 ) How Sukra lost his eye. Sukracarya lost one of his eyes Mahaduring the time of Mahabali, the Asura King. visnu incarnated as Vamana and begged three feet of earth from Mahabali. Since Sukra tried to obstruct it, Visnu put out one of Sukra's eyes with the point of a under a darbha (For more details see 3rd Para
4) Revived his mother.


invaded Kubera 9) Siva swallowed Sukra. Once Sukra and plundered all his wealth. The distressed Kubera informed Siva about it. Siva at once started up with
his weapon, shouting "Where is he?" Sukra appeared on the top of Siva's trident. Siva caught hold of him and swallowed him. Sukra who moved about in Siva's

Bhrgu dropped wind and sun

to the

earth after

for a long time.

being exposed But owing to Bhrgu's

to the



Bhrgukulodvaha, Kaviputra, Kavya and
given for Sukra. II. A son of Vasistha. Vasis^ha by his wife Urjja;

stomach found the excessive heat there, unbearable and soon became exhausted. In his helpless state he began to worship Siva for his mercy. At last Siva permitted him to escape through his penis and Sukra thus came out. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 290).

Us anas are


Seven sons were born

Asiloma was the Prime Minister, Vidala was the Foreign Minister, Udarka was the Military Commander and Sukra was the Education Minister. (Devi Bhagavata, SthSkandha). (ii) Agni Purana, Chapter 51 states that Sukra should be installed in temples with his Kamandalu (a vessel for carrying water) and wearing his garland, Asuras. (iii ) At the time of the war between Devas and Sukra taught Surasa a mantra to destroy everything. (Skanda Purana, Asura Kanda) (iv) Sukra was Prahlada's Guru (preceptor). (Kamba Ramayana, Yuddha kanda). (v) Sukra worshipped Siva and received from him "Mrtasanjlvam Mantra" (Mantra having power to revive the dead) (Vamana Purana, Chapter 62). (vi) Sukra had prohibited drinking. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 76, Verse 57). (vii) He had shone in Indra's assembly. (M.B. Chapter 7, Verse 22, Sabha Parva) (viii) Sukra exists in Brahma's assembly in the form of a planet. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 29) (ix) Sukra resides with other Asuras on the top of the Meru mountain. All precious stones are in the possession
. .

Once Sukracarya had adorned the office of Education Minister of Mahisasura. At that time Ciksura was the War Minister, Tamra was Finance Minister,

10) Other


they were, Rajas, Gotra, Urddhvabahu, Savana, Anagha, Sutapas and Sukra. All these seven persons were the Saptarsis of the third Manvantaram (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 10). In Agni Purana, Chapter 20 the names of the seven sons of Vasistha and Urjja are given as Rajas. Gatra,


Urddhvabahu, Savana, Alaghu, Sukra and Sutapas.


occurs in

in ancient India. When once Sanjaya talked in praise of the ancient Kings of fame in India, this King Sukratualso was mentioned. (M.B.

Antardhana and VadI were born to Prthu. Antardhana had a son named Havirdhana by wife Sikhandini. Havirdhana married Dhisana who was born in Agnikula. Six sons were born to them. They were, Pracinabarhis, Sukra, Gaya, Krsna, Vraja and Ajina. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 14).

Emperor Prthu.


who belonged


the dynasty


Adi Parva, Chapter



liberal hermit.





to test Sukrsa. So he came in the guise of a bird and requested for human flesh. Then the hermit called his sons and asked them to give their flesh to the bird. They were not prepared to do so. Sukrsa got angry and cursed his sons that they would be born as birds. Accordingly the sons of the hermit took birth in the Garuda family under the names

Once Indra wanted

Markandeya Purana.

of Sukra. Even Kubera ( the god of wealth) lives by borrowing one- fourth of Sukra's wealth. ( M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 22) (x) Sukra was among those who visited Bhisma as he lay on the bed of arrows. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 8). (xi) Once Sukracarya was the priest of Emperor Prthu. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 59, Verse 110). (xii) On another occasion Sukra sent Indra to Prahlada to obtain prosperity. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 124, Verse 27). xiii ) By his power of ( Yoga Sukra once grabbed all the wealth of Kubera. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 289, Verse 9) (xiv) He got the name "Sukra" because he came out through "Sivalinga" (Siva's penis) and thereby became a son of Parvatl. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 289, Verse 32) Sahasranama (Thousand (xv) Sukra learnt Siva's names) from the sage Tandi and taught it to Gautama. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 177). (xvi) Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 129, mentions that Bhrgu had seven sons-Cyavana, Vajraslrsa, Suci, Aurva, Sukra, Savana and Vibhu. (xvii) Once in answer to a question of Mahabali, Sukra referred to the importance of Puspadana (gift of flowers) (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 98). In his old age Sukra observed Vanaprastha and (xviii ) attained Heaven. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 244, Verse 17). (xix) In Mahabharata, several other names like Bhar. .
. .


Dronaputra, Piiigaksa, Vibodha, Suputra and Sumukha. As a remission of the curse, the hermit said that even as birds they would be having wisdom and knowledge. After this, to keep his word, Sukrsa got ready to cut his own flesh for the bird. Then Indra appeared in his own form and blesssed the hermit.





Kuruksetra on the side of the Pandavas. He was the son of the King of Kosala. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 23, Verse 57). SUKSMA. A notorious Danava, who was born to Prajapad Kasyapa by his wife Danu. The King Jayadratha, was the rebirth of this Danava. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 18) SUKSMAPRAKRTI. The cause which is indestructible, not clear and having always goodness as its form is Suksmaprakrti. That unspeakable nature has no base. Suksmaprakrd is immovable and indestructible. There is no sound or form or touch in it. This nature which has no beginning or end, which has only three attributes This entire universe is the root cause of the universe. was pervaded by this power from the beginning of the great deluge to the beginning of creation. Then there was no night or day, no earth or Sky, no light or darkness. Then there was only Brahman the union of Prakrti and Purusa which could not be perceived by sense organs or intelligence. ( See under Prakrti ) SUKSMASARlRA. See under Punarjanma. SUKTIMAN. A mountain which was subdued by Bhlmasena in the course of his conquest of the eastern country. ( M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 5) SUKTIMATl I. A river which used to flow by the side of Uparicaravasu's capital city. There is a story about tfcis river. Once the Kolahala mountain fell in love with this river and kept it within himself. Upari. .



fought in





The poet was not able Sarga of Sri Krsna Vilasa. The sixtysixth stanza was the

SUKTIMATIII. The capital

of Cedi.

caravasu who came to know of this, gave a kick to the mountain. The kick produced a hole in the mountain and the river emerged through that hole. Suktimati had a son and a daughter by Kolahala mountain. The river presented them to the King. The King appointed the son as his military commander. Girika, the daughter of the river became the King's wife. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 34).

complete the twelfth


reached the earth after obtaining the Parijata flowers from the world of the gods. After having described the
to describe the natural beauty of 'Saptakoakanas' (the seven Konkana countries ) The story says that when he had sung the last line of that stanza his tongue was burnt and he could not proceed with the rest of the

Krsna was showing Satyabhama, the various countries and describing the prominence of each, when they had

one he sang.



King Vana Parva, Chapter 22,

city of Dhrstaketu,

kingdoms of Pandya and Cola, the poet was beginning


Verse 50).

Sukumara. It is stated in Mahabharata, Sabha. Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 10, that King Sukumara was the son of King Sumitra. It is stated in some other Puranas that Sucitra was the father of Sukumara and that during his regional conquest of the east Bhimasena had defeated both. On another occasion Sahadeva, who had gone for the regional
capital of this

King was

Pulinda King.

The name of


ruler of


SUKUMARA VI. An ancient place.

Verse 26).

The son of King Bhavya who was the Saka Island. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 12,

of the south, also defeated both Sukumara and his father. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse



was about to begin, battle of Bharata Sukumara, the King af Pulinda joined the side of the Pandavas. It is stated in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 1 7 1 , Verse 1 5, that King Sukumara became one of the prominent chariot-fighters of the Pandava





naga (serpent) who was born in the family of Taksaka. This serpent was. burned to death in the sacrificial fire of Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi


I. A river in the Saka Island. This river famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 1 1 Verse 3) SUKUMARl 1 1. Daughter of King Srnjaya. This Sukumari was a wife of Narada. (See under Parvata, Para 2) SUKU^DALA. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. (M.B. Xdi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 98).

under Sukumara III).

This place was near the mountain Jaladharagiri in the Saka Island. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 21) VII. The capital city of the Pulindas. ( See



sons named Anarta and Sukumara were born to Vibhu. The King Satyaketu was the son of Sukumara. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278). SUKUMARA IV. A Sanskrit poet. There is a story about the devotion of Sukumara to his teacher. Though Sukumara was a dutiful student his teacher used to scold him always. Consequently Sukumara harboured malice in his heart against his teacher. One night Sukumara got on the upper attic of the house of the teacher with a big stone. His aim was to drop the stone on the head of the teacher. But that night the conversation of the teacher and his wife was about Sukumara. The wife asked the teacher why he was scolding his disciple so often, when he was so dutiful and righteous. The teacher said that he loved him most and that the chastisement was meant to make him better and better. When Sukumara heard this his heart was broken. With tears in his eyes, he got down with

Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 9). A King of the Puru dynasty. The III. father of this King was Vibhu, the son of Varsaketu.

Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 24). SUKUTA. An ancient country in India, very famous in the Puranas. The people of this country were called the Sukutas. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 16) SULABHA. A female ascetic (Sannyasini). She acquired

female attendant of Subrahmanya.


several powers (Siddhis) by tapas. She had the power of giving up her body and receiving new bodies. Once she went to Mithila and held a learned discussion with Kingjanaka. She went to Mithila as a beggar woman. By her yogic powers she entered the mind of Janaka. She and Jariaka were thus in the same body when they carried on the discussion. After remaining in Janaka 's body for a day, she left the palace. (M.B. Santi Parva,

SULAKSAT^A. A king. It was this Mandavya maharsi to be pierced

Chapter 320).

king with

who ordered
a sula as a



punishment for stealing a horse. Uttara Khanda, 121).



of the four divine women rose out of the Ksirabdhi (Sea of Milk). They were Sulaksmi, Varuni; Kamoda and Srestha. (Padma

kill his teacher ?" The teacher replied that he should die a slow death in the fire made by the husk of paddy. Instantly Sukumara made a pit and stood in it and filled the pit with husk up to his neck and set fire to the pile. When the teacher knew that the culprit was

the stone and disappeared in darkness. Next morning Sukumara had no peace of mind. He approached the teacher. He asked the teacher "What is the punishment destined for him who had tried to

the section on

Purana, Bhumi Khanda, 119).

filled with grief. He tried his best to dissuade his beloved disciple from his attempt. But it was in vain. While he was slowly burning in the fire he composed and sang the great poem 'Sri Krsna

Sukumara, he was

Naraka under Kala) SULOCANA. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. Bhimasena killed him in battle of Kuruksetra. (MahaBharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 64, Verse 37) SUMADA. A muni who did penance at Vimala on the Hemakuta mountain. When twelve years had passed thus Indra got frightened and deputed Kamadeva to disturb the muni's penance. Many Deva women also accompanied Kamadeva. All their attempts failed to have any effect on the muni. Ultimately Devi appeared before him and asked him to choose his boon to which he answered thus: "I do penance to regain my kingdom

of the twentyeight Narakas.


lost to




king in Ahicchatra. After many years, in connection with Sri Rama's asvamedha, Satrughna with the yajnic horse reached Ahicchatra. Sumada welcomed Satrughna

you and finally attain salvation." Devi assured him recovery of his lost kingdom which he would rule till the sacrificial horse of Sii Rama in connection with the asvamedha yajiia came to his kingdom. Accordingly Sumada conquered his enemies and became

enemies. Also,

should develop eternal devotion




everything to Sri Rama. He then abdicated his throne in favour of his son and attained salvation. See under Ahicchatra. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter

company went


Ayodhya and



Siddhartha. Arthasadhaka, As oka, Mantrapala and Sumantra and two priests called Vasistha and Vamadeva. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Canto 7) Sumantra was the right-hand-man of Dafaratha in all It was Sumantra who brought down to his activities. the palace sage Rsyasrnga for the yajfia conducted by the king to have issues. According to chapter 12, Virata Parva of Mahabharata (Southern Text) Sumantra was Dasaratha's charioteer as well.




Vaisampayana, Sumantu and Jaimini were the chief disciples of Vyasa. (See under Guruparampara and

maharsi, disciple of Vyasa. Asita, Devala,


charioteer of Paragurama.


thern Text, Virata Parva, Chapter 12) I. A Raksasa, who was Sukesa's son and brother of Mall. When Agastya cursed and transformed Tataka and her sons into Raksasas it was Sumali who put them up in Patala and Lanka. (See under Mali) SUMALl II. Ason of Patalaravana. After killing Patalaravana Sri Rama gave asylum to the rest of the Raksasas of Patala and crowned Sumall, the only son of Patalaravana king of Patala, subject to Vibhisana's

(M.B. Sou-

2) Other information.

Vyasa taught him



Vedas and the Maha-



(Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 89). was a member in the court of Yudhisthira.

III. An asura, son of Praheti and a follower of Vrtra. (Brahmanda Purana, 3,7, 99). When the asuras milked the earth (the earth became a cow in the time of King Prthu) this asura acted as calf. ( Bhagavata, Skandha 6 ) SUMALLIKA. An urban area in ancient India famous in the Puranas. (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 55). SUMANA. Wife of Somasarman, a brahmin. (See under



(Kamba Ramayana. Yuddha Kanda)



Verse 25)

kirata (forest tribe) king who flourished in Yudhisthira's court. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4,


(Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 11). (iii) He was one of the munis who visited Bhfsma on his bed of arrows. (Sand Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 5). SUMANYU. A king in ancient India. He once presented to sage Sandilya an enormous quantity of food-grains mountain of food-grains) (a (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 137, Verse 22). SUMATI I. A Raksasa who lives in Varuna's court worshipping him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 13). SUMATI II. A great maharsi who was one of the munis who visited Bhlsma on his bed of arrows. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 4) SUMATI III. A sister of Garuda and wife of King Sagara. (See under Sagara) SUMATI IV. A king, son of Kakutstha of solar dynasty. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Canto 47, Verse 7). SUMATI V. A King, grandson of Rsabha and son of Bharata. (Visnu Purana, Part II, Chapter 1 ). He was


Verse 13).

king in ancient India who worshipped in his court. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9,


once held

A Kekaya

with Sandilidevi. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 123). SUMANAS IV. A son of Puru in Dhruva's lineage. Puru

princess who lived in Devadiscussion on spiritual topics





his wifeAtri, viz. Aiiga,








king in ancient India. Arjuna, in the course of his triumphal tour of the northern kingdoms conquered him. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 32). SUMANGALA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya.


brother of king Dusyanta. Two sons, Santurodha and Pratiratha were born to king Matinara of Puru dynasty and to Santurodha were born three valiant sons called Dusyanta, Pravira and Sumanda. To Dusyanta was born of Sakuntala, Bharata. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278.)

Chapter 13).

Dyumatsena and father of (Bhagavata, Skandha 9) SUMBHA. An asura. (See under Nis"umbha) SUMBHA. An asura; the eldest of the three sons, more powerful than Indra, born to Kasyapaprajapati by his wife D&nu, the other two sons being Nisumbha, and
king, son of
. .

Bharata III) VI.

a righteous ruler. After ruling the country well for long and performing many yajnas his father Bharata crowned Sumati king and practising meditation in Salagrama temple he gave up his life. (See under


Namuci. (For

details see


under Nisumbha). (See under Samadhi Chetti-

SUMERU. See under Mahameru. SUMlDHA. A son of Suhotra, the

Verse 30)

Solar King. He had wife Aiksvaki three sons called Sumldha, by his Ajamldha and Purumidha. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94,

SUMANI. One of the two attendants given to Subrahmanya by Moon the second one being Mani. (Salya
born in the Kasyapa dynasty. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 12V SUMANTRA. A minister of king Dasaratha of Ayodhya.

(Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 12)

I. A Yadava King, son of Vrsni and brother of Yudhajit. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). SUMITRA II. A King in ancient India. (Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 236).


The king had

Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 32)




called Jayanta,


Sauvira King, also called DattaKrodhavaSa, the asura reborn as King. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 63) He was a partisan of the Pandavas and a member in Yudhisthira's court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 25).

He was



Gada and Samba. (Harivamsa)


IV. A maharsi who was a star-member in Yudhisjhira's court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse

daughters, Candravati and Gunavati were abducted by

divine mountain the presiding deity of which worships Kubera. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 32) A King of the Solar dynasty. In Bhagavata, I. 9th Skandha it is mentioned that he was the son of Krta and father of Vitihotra. II. Minister of Puranjaya, a King of Kaliyuga. In Bhagavata, 12th Skandha, there is a story



son called Sukumara.

Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 12). SUMITRA VII. A charioteer of Abhimanyu. (Drona Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 31 ). SUMITRA VIII. A King of the Hehaya dynasty. He once went hunting and followed a deer for a long distance to no purpose. The sad King then entered a tapovana and conversed with the munis about the desires and attachments of man. Then the muni called Rsabha related to the King the stories of the munis, Viradyumna and Tanu and as a result of Rsabha's advice the King renounced all desires and turned to the path of salvation. (Santi Parva, Chapters 125,

Bhima in the course of his tour of the east defeated both the King and triumphal his son. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 10). VI. Son of Tapa, the Paiicajanyagni, one of the Agnis who causes hindrances to yajnas. (Vana

King of Kalindanagara. He had a




that this


Sunaka murdered


son King.

King and made


of the asura

named Candrahanta. This


He was born

Son of King Suratha. Considered to be the last King of the Iksvaku dynasty, Sumitra was a contemporary of Ksemaka of the Puru dynasty and Nanda of Magadha dynasty. Alexander conquered India during his period. Sumitra is called Sumalya also. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). SUMITRA X. Son of Sri Krsna by Jambavatl. In the Yadava war he met with death. (Bhagavata, Skandha


126 and 127).

(passed away) atCandra tirtha. During his he received a sword from King Harinas'va and he presented it to another King Usinara. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67 Vana Parva, Chapter 123; Sand Parva, Chapter 166). SUNAKA IV. A Maharsi. In the Puranas it is said that Suta read Puranas in an assembly at which Saunaka and others had been present in Naimisaranya. There are two inferences about this Saunaka. In Bhagavata, 9th Skandha we find that the sage Grtsamada who belonged to Bhrguvarhsa had a son named Sunaka and this Sunaka's son was named Saunaka. A son named Sunaka was born to King Ruru by his wife Pramadvara. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 5 mentions that this Sunaka was an exceptionally brilliant


from a portion Rajarsi attained

his wife



Consort of King Dasaratha.



scholar in Vedas and Sastras and was the grandfather of Saunaka. Ruru's son, Sunaka was a member of Yudhisthira's assembly. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter




of Sri Krsna.


Text, Sabha Parva, Chapter 38) I. A naga, son of KaSyapa


(M.B. Southern

in Bhagavata,

Verse 10).

Prajapati by Kadru. Sumukha was the grandson of the naga called Aryaka of the Airavata dynasty and his mother was the daughter of Varna. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 24). For the story about the marriage of Sumukha with Gunakesi, daughter of Matali see under

of Bharata dynasty. It is stated was the son of 9, that he Niramitra and the father of Brhatsena. SUNAMAl. Son of King Suketu. He was present at the wedding of Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter




185, Verse 9).

Sunama was




Son of King Ugrasena. Brother of Karhsa. by Sri Krsna and Balabhadrarama.

King who made many presents to Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 51). SUMUKHA III. A son of Garuda. ( Udyoga Parva,

(Sabha Parva, Chapter


son of

Garuda who had many

101, Verse

Verse 34).



Chapter 101, Verse




bird in the

(Udyoga Parva, Chapter SUMUKHl I. Mother of

bana) of


dwelt on the serpent-faced arrow (SarpamukhaKama in the battle of Kuruksetra. She got the name Sumukhl as she protected her son by her mukha (face) (Karna Parva, Chapter 90, Verse 42 )
. .

lineage of Garuda. 101, Verse 12) . the serpent called AsVasena

SUNANDA I. A Gopa. (See SUNANDA II. Son of King

The Maharsis, who
in Bhavisya

IV. A warrior of Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 59)


(Udyoga Parva, Chapter


Subrahmanya. (Salya

under Ugratapas).


Pradyota. The epic story closes with the story of Sunanda. lived in Naimisa forest feared that

apsara woman of Alakapurl. She once danced at Kubera's court in honour of Astavakra muni. (Anus asana Parva, Chapter 19, Verse 45).


following the death of Sunanda, the world would become absolutely mean and base, and all of them, therefore, went to the Himalayas and there, at Visalanagara recited the Visnu Purana. (Bhavisya Purana,
Pratisarga Sarhhita)

war by Bhima. (M.B. Southern Text, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 88; Adi Parva, Chapter 116). SUNABHA II. Minister of Varuna. He lives at Puskara tirtha with children and grandchildren in the worship of Varuna. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 28). SUNABHA III. A danava, brother of Vajranabha. His
killed in the great

sons of Dhrtarastra.

He was

of the hundred


sonjayatsena was born to this couple. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 16) SUNANDA II. Daughter of Sarvasena the King of Ka.'i. Bharata, the son of Dusyanta, married this Sunanda. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 32, that a son named Bhumanyu, was born to the couple.

princess of Kekaya. She was married Sarvabhauma, a King of the Kuru dynasty. The


III. A princess of Sibi kingdom. She was married by King Pratipa of the lunar dynasty and the couple had three sons called Devapi, Santanu and Balhlka. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 44). SUNANDA IV. Sister of Subahu, King of Cedi. It was her whom the queen of Gedi appointed as companion of Damayanti, who lost her way and arrived at Cedi. She detected Damayanti conversing with the brahmin named Subahu, who came to Cedi in search of the latter and reported about their meeting to the queen mother. The name of the father of Sunanda and Subahu was Virabahu. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapters 63, 68 and 69) SUNARTAKA NATA. The name Siva assumed when he appeared before ParvatI, in disguise. Parvatl was engaged in tapas then. (Siva-Stotrasataka, 34). SUNASSAKHA. Indra. Once Indra disguised himself as a Sannyasi and travelled in the company of a dog. At that time, he made an attempt to steal lotus flower from Brahmasaras in Kaugiki tirtha. Indra struck down at a single blow, YatudhanI, the woman guard of the saras, who opposed him. From this time when Indra went about in the company of the dog, he got the name "Sunassakha". (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 94). SUNASSEPHA (DEVARATA). The story of a Brahmana youth who was to be offered as human sacrifice and who was saved by Visvamitra, is famous in the Puranas. The name of the Brahmana youth was Sunassepha. But even in the Puranas there are two versions of this story. In one of them, Sunassepha is referred to as the son of Rclkamuni. In the other, it was Hariscandra who performed the yaga and Sunassepha who was brought for sacrifice, was the son of a Brahmana named Ajlgarta. After Vis vamitra saved the boy, he got another name, "Devarata". (For details of the two versions, see under Ambarlsa and the 4th Para under

to Vasistha's curse


he was born as a Raksasa whom on raised from his fallen state. (Skanda


sacred place. He who bathes at a particular spot here called Sundarikakunda will become very handsome. (Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 56). SUNDARlVALLl. A daughter of Mahavisnu. Sundarivalli and Amrtavalll, another daughter of Mahavisnu once performed penance on the banks of Akasaganga

An Andhra monarch, son of Pulindasena II. and father of King Satakarni. (Visnu Purana, Part 4) SUNDARl. A Raksasa woman, the wife of Malyavan. The couple had seven sons called Vajramusti, Virupaksa, Durmukha, Suptaghna, Yajnakcsa, Matta and Unmatta. (See under Malyavan and Mall)



Subrahmanya as husband. (Skanda Purana, Sambhava Kanda). SUNDIKA. A town made famous in the Puranas, which
for securing

existed in


&UNDU. A King


town was conquered by Karna. of the Puru dynasty. Manasyu was the son of King Pracinvan, the son of Janamejaya and grandson of Puru. Vltabhaya was the son of Manasyu. Sundu was Vltabhaya's son. Sundu's son was Bahuvidha. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278)

the eastern part of India. Mahabharata, Parva, Chapter 254, Verse 8 mentions that this

ter 10,

of the sons of Dhrtarastra, the other sons being Kundaka, Hasti, Vitarka, Krfitha, Kundina, Havisravas, Bhumanyu, Pratipa, Dharmanetra, Sunetra and Aparajita. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verses 58-60). A son of Garuda. (Udyoga Parva, ChapII.


Verse 2).


Sunassepha later became a Maharsi. He composed Rgveda, 1st Mandala, 1st Astaka. Besides in Rgveda, 1st Mandala, 6th Anuvaka, 30th Sukta it is stated that Indra had given a golden chariot to Sunnassepha. SUNAYA I. A King, son of the King of Pariplava and father of Medhavl. (.Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). Pramati was the high priest of Sunaya. (Markandeya Purana,

Vis vamitra)





Parva, Chapter

and their father was Nisumbha alias Jharjha. Sunda and Upasunda were very cruel asuras. The two brothers performed tapas on the Vindhya mountain with the object of conquering the three worlds. All attempts made by Devas to break up their penance failed and ultimately Brahma appeared before them. They secured from Brahma a boon to the effect that they would not be killed by anyone else but only mutually by them. Swollen-headed by the boon the brothers conquered the three worlds and none could kill them. Ultimately the Devas sent Tilottama, the celestial damsel to them and she made them quarrel with each other. Both of them who fell in love with Tilottama and wanted her as wife fought with each other and got killed. (Adi Parva, Chapter 221, Verse 19) For details see under Upasunda and Tataka). SUNDARA I. A Gandharva, the son of Virabahu. Due

region famous in the Puranas. (Bhisma 9, Verse 64) asura. He had a brother named Upasunda,

Brhadasva that Pusyamitra founded The Kings who belonged to this dynasty, namely Pusyamitra, Vasujyestha, Vasumitra, Antaka, Pulindaka, Vajramitra, Samabhaga and Devabhumi ruled for 1 12 years. (Matsya Purana, Chapter 272, Verses 26-31). SUNI. A King of the lunar dynasty. Bhagavata, 9th Skandha mentions that this King was the son of Vivanava and father of Sruta. SUNlTHA I. A maharsi who lives in the court of Indra worshipping him. (Adi Parva, Chapter 58, Verse 28).

the founder of dynasty. Pusyamitra was dynasty. Pusyamitra was the military commander of Brhadasva, the last King of the Maurya dynasty. It


independent dynasty.



worshipping him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 8). SUNlTHA III. Another name of Sisupala. (See

King who

lives in the

court of Yama




IV. King of Sumtha. He was jealous of Yudhisthira being crowned King. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 39,' Verse 14).


VI. A King of the Bharata dynasty, son of Susena and father of N^aksus. (Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). SUNlTHA. Mental daughter of Mrtyudevata (lord of death). Famous for her beauty in all the three worlds, Sunltha begot a son called Vena by King Anga. ( See under Vena)

King of the Vrsni dynasty. He was taught the science of archery (dhanurveda) by Pradyumna, son of Sri Krsna. (Vana Parva, Chapter 183).






the recitation of which




of Sri Krsna

keep away serpents.


Chapter 58, Verse

the mansion

named Padmakuta

at Dvaraka.

who put


Mother of Dhruva. Svayambhuva Manu had two sons called Priyavrata and Uttanapada; the latter wedded two wives named Suruci and Suniti. Suruci's son is called Uttama and Sunlti's son Dhruva. The father had not much love for Suniti and Dhruva. (See

Southern Text, Chapter 38)

her up in (M.B.


under Uttanapada). SONRTA. A daughter of Dharmadeva. Uttanapada married her. Mention is made in Harivarhs'a, Chapter 2 that four children were born to the couple. SlJNYAPALA. A Maharsi. This sage was an inhabitant
of the divine world. (Mahabharata, Daksinatya Patha, Parva, Chapter 83). SUPARA (S). A set of Devas who flourished in Tamasa Manvantara. Besides the Suparas there were three other sets of Devas during the Manvantara, called the Haris, Satyas and Sudhis. ( For details see under Manvantara) SUPAR^'A I. A Devagandharva, son of Kasyapa


Vadanya. She was married by Asfavakra. daughter of Daksa. Arrows and other weapons took birth from Jaya and Suprabha, daughters of Daksa. (For details see under Jaya V) SUPRABHA VI. Daughter of King Suratha and wife of Nabhaga. Sage Agastya who became displeased with

of Kagyapaprajapati_by Svarbhanu. (Agni Purana, Chapter 19). III. River Sarasvati, which runs through Puskaratlrtha. (See under Sarasvati) IV. Daughter of the maharsi called



woman, daughter



Verse 42)


his wife

Muni. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65,




Kas yapaprajapati by


Chapter 65, Verse 47)

son of Devagandharva, Pradha. (Adi Parva,

Bhalandana became VaiSyas. But, as Suprabha taught her son, when he came of age, about the duties of the Ksatriya he regained his former form. (Markandeya Purana). SUPRAJA. Wife of Bhanu, the Agni. Bhanu had two wives named Supraja and Brhadbhasa and six children by each of the wives. ( Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Verse

her as she once threatened him, cursed her to be born in Vais ya caste as a resul t of which Suprabha and her son

had come down
witness the


III. Younger brother of the asura called Mayura. Suparna in after life was born as King Kalakirti on earth. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 36). SUPARNA IV. Another name of Garuda. (See under Garuda). SUPARJjfA V. A maharsi, who taught Vayubhagavan Satvatadharma and also attained salvation by performing penance with mind under perfect control. (Santi Parva, Chapter 348). SUPARTjIA VI. A Synonym of Mahavisnu. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 149, Verse 34). SUPARNA. See under Parvati. SUPARSVAI. A Ksatriya King, who was the rebirth of the Asura, Kapata. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse


warrior of Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 71).

to earth in the







Adi Parva, ( Verse 235). SUPRATlKA II. A maharsi whom his brother Vibhavasu cursed and turned into an elephant. (For details see under Garuda, Section 5)

(Virata Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 9) SUPRATlKA I. A King in ancient India.


company of Indra to between Arjuna and Krpacarya.


of the diggaja (One eight In the dynasty elephants, that support the earth) of Supratlka were born the elephants Airavata, Vamana,





was the son of Drdhanemi and father Bhagavata, 9th Skandha)


A King A



Yayati's dynasty. He of Sumati.

mountain in Jambu Island. On the high peak of the mountain there is a tree called Mahakadamba from the hollows of which five great rivers take their source. These rivers fall on the peak of Suparsva and flow by the western side of Ilavrtta. The air in an area of a hundred yojanas is fragrant as it is mixed with the fragrance emanating from the mouths of Devas who drink the water from the above five rivers. (Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha) SUPARSVAKA I. A Yadava King, son of Akrura by Asvini. (Matsya Purana, 45-12) SUPARSVAKA II. SonofVasudevaby Rohim. (Vayu Purana, Chapter 96, Verse 168). SUPARVAN. Another name of King Bhagadatta. (See under Bhagadatta).


Raksasa, brother of Prahasta, a minister of Ravana. (See under Akampana) SUPARSVA IV. A son of Sampati. It was this son who looked after the aged and weak Sampati. (Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Canto 59, Verse 8).

in ancient India. (Adi Parva, Verse 235). SUPRATISTHA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 29) SUPRAVRDDHA. A prince of Sauvlra. He walked behind King Jayadratha who came to abduct Paiicali, carrying the standard of the King. He was killed in battle by Arjuna. (Vana Parva, Chapter 271, Verse 27). SUPRAYOGA. A river in India famous in the Puranas. This sacred river is considered to be the source of Agni (fire). (Vana Parva, Chapter 222, Verse 25).

Anjana. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 99). IV. Name of Bhagadatta's elephant. This elephant which did so many heroic deeds in the great war was killed by Arjuna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 43). SUPRATlKA V. AYaksa. (See under Gunadhya) SUPRATIMA. A King once referred to by Sanjaya as

Kumuda and


among Kings




by Pradha, daughter of Daksa.

apsaras daughter of Kas yapaprajapati


Parva Chapter

the birthday 65, VerseSl). Supriya participated in celebrations of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse



of the seven sons of Malyavan the Raksasa, by his wife Sundari. (See under Sundarl, Malyavan and Mali).




Son of Vipracitti by Simhika. He was by Parasurama. (Brahmanda Purana, 3.6. 13-12). SUPUISYA. A river in India famous in the Puranas. JBhlsma Parva, Chapter 221, Verse 9). URA I. A King of the Lunar dynasty. He was the son
of Vidiiratha and

of Sini.

(Bhagavata, 9th

A son of Karttavlrya. Of the hundred sons II. of Karttavirya, the most important were, Sura, Surasena, Dhisana, Madhu and Jayadhvaja. (Brahmiinda, Purana, Chapter 46) StiRA III. A King in ancient India. (Mahabharata,




1, Verse 232). son of the King named llina by his wife named Rathantarl. This Sura had four brothers Dusanta, Bhima, Pravasu and Vasu. (M.B. Adi Parva,

Adi Parva, Chapter

son of Tapa, the Pancajanyagni who one of the Agnis who cause hindrances to Yajftas. (Vana Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 13) SURAjA. An apsara woman, daughter of Kasyapa prajapati by his wife Pradha. (Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 50). Suraja gave a dance performance at the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 63). SURAKRT. ABrahmavadI son of Visvamitra. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 57) SURAKSAKA. A Gandharva King. He was the grandfather of Tataka (See under Tataka). StJRAPADMA. An asura hero. This asura invaded Devaloka with a huge army. Skanda Purana mentions that in the battle that followed, Indra, who was defeat. .

(Srutaveda), Srutasrava and Rajadhidevl. The eldest of these, Prtha was given as an adopted daughter to Kuntibhoja. (Harivarhsa, 2-34; 17-28; M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 43; Verse 3. Chapter 104. Verse 1 Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). In Vayu Purana it is stated that he had three more wives besides Marisa, and from them Devas and mortals were born. (See under Surasena I). SORA VII. Father of Dasaratha's wife, Sumitra. He was invited to the Putrakamesti Yaga performed by Dasaratha. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 13, Verse 26). SURABHI. The cow of the Devas. (For details see

Chapter 94, Verse 17). SURA V. A prince of Sauvira land. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 265, Verse 10) This Sura was slain by Arjuna at the time of Draupadi's marriage. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 291, Verse 27) SURA VI. A Yadava King. He was the father of Vasudeva and grandfather of Sri Krsna. By his first wife, Marisa, he had ten sons and four daughters. The sons were, Vasudeva, Devabhaga, Devasravas, Anaka, Srnjaya, Syamaka, Kanka, Samlka, Vatsaka and Vrka. The names of the daughters were, Prtha, Srutadeva


ed, fled to the place called Siyali in Tanjore District in South india and did tapas to Siva. Son of Tapa, the Pancajanyagni, one of the Agnis which cause hindrances to yajnas. (Vana

Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 13). A King in ancient India.


He was invited by the Pandavas to participate in the great war. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Vers^lS). I. Mother of riagas (serpents)

KaSyapaprajaKrodhavaSa, daughter of Daksa including Surasa. From Surasa were born all the nagas. (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranyakanda, Canto 14). Nagas and Uragas are two sects of serpents. From Surasa were born Nagas and from Kadru, Uragas. (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Canto 14, Verse 28). Surasa was born from the wrath of KrodhavaSa and the former had three daughters called Anala, Ruha and Vlrudha. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 61) To test whether 2) Obstructed the passage of Hanumdn.


Ten daughters were born




his wife

under Kamadhenu and Saurabhl) II. A cow born from the 'Humkara' (the sound 'hum') of Brahma. As the cow grew up, milk began dripping down on earth from its udder and gradually it formed into the Kslrasagara (ocean of milk). Four daughters, Surupa, Harhsika, Subhadra and Sarvakamadhuk were born to Surabhi and they are considered to be protectors of the four regions. Surabhi lives in the seventh world beneath the earth i.e. Rasatala. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 100). SURABHIMAN. An Agni (fire). (Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Verse 18). SURABHIPATTANA. An urban area of olden days in South India. During the Mahabharata days Sahadeva deputed an envoy to this place and brought it under his control. (S_abha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 68). SURABHU. A sister of Karhsa. Ugrasena, the Yadava King had 80 sons including Karhsa and five daughters Karhsa, Marisa, Kaka, Surabhu and Rastrapalika. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). SURADEVl (VARUtfl). A daughter of Varuna born of Devi, his brother's wife. She was the apple of the eye to the Devas. She is the presiding Devata over liquor She lives in the court of Brahma worshipping him. Sabha. Parva, Chapter 1 Verse 42 Adi Parva, Chap( ter 18, Verse 35 and Chapter 66,Verse 52).


into Lanka to seek out Sita, power enough for the purpose, Devagandharvas backoned Surasa to them and told her as follows: "You mother of nagas, do please assume a terrible form like a big mountain and appear before Hanuman and obstruct his passage. As soon as she heard the injunction, she jumped before Hanuman and attempted to devour him

Hanuman, who jumped


of Hanuman's earnest pleadings she stood him with her mouth opened wide. Hanuman then, by his power of illusion, grew ten yojanas in size. Then Surasa opened her mouth twenty yojanas wide. Hanuman then grew thirty yojanas in size and Surasa opened her mouth forty yojanas wide. In this competition ultimately when Surasa opened her mouth hundred




yojanas wide, Hanuman reduced his size to that of a finger, entered Surasa's mouth and came out through her ear. Surasa was pleased and blessed Hanuman.

(Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda, Canto 1).


Other information.


A deva woman who danced at the birthII. day celebration of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 222, Verse 63) SURASENA I. A King of Yaduvarh^a. Surasena's kingdom was Mathurapurl. 1) General. This country was originally ruled by Kings of the Solar

of Brahma worshipping (i) Surasa lives in the court him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 39). (ii) Rohinl, mother of Balabhadrarama, was an incarnation of Surasa. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 4).

dynasty. Devi Bhagavata,


V. A king of the Somavams'a of Pratisthanapura. Surasena,who was childless, tried to propitiate the gods in many ways to obtain a son. In the end he got a son in the form of a serpent. But to keep it a secret, he performed the usual ceremonies connected with his son's Upanayana, marriage etc. in the usual manner. At last by the mercy of Gautamidevi Surasena's son obtained human form. (Brahmanda
Purana, 111).

There was a region called Madhuvanam

river valley.

Yadava Kings came

Skandha explains how

over Mathura.
in the Kalindi


to rule

Madhu, the Asura, who lived in Madhuvana had a son named Lavana. Lavana who was a

tyrant and an oppressor of the gods, was killed by Satrughna who established his rule there. In course of time, the place came to be known as "Madhura". After Satrughna's time his two sons ruled over the country. Thus the Solar dynasty came to an end and Mathura purl came under the rule of Yadus. The first King of Yaduvariisa was Surasena. Vasudeva, father of Sri Krsna was the son of this Surasena. After the death of


the son of this Ugrasena. 2. Other details.


Vasudeva took up tending cows, Ugrasena became King




the occupation of there. Karhsa was

city of Mathura. Wife of Pravira, the son of King Puru. A son named Manasyu was born to Pravira by SurasenI (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 76) SURASTRAM I. A kingdom of Puranic fame on the

up by

A son of Karttavirya. In Brahmanda II. Purana, Chapter 86, it is mentioned that this Surasena killed Jamadagni. (See under Sura II) SURASENA III. "Surasena was the old name for the

Verse 29).

Surasena's daughter Kunti was adooted and brought the king named Kuntibhoja. (M.B. Adi Parva, Refer Chapters 67, 109 and 110). (ii) Devamldha, father of Surasena had another name, "Citraratha". (M. B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 147,


region now known as Mathuramandalaor Vrajamandala. The natives of this place were called "Surasenas". The following pieces of information are given about the Surasenas in the Mahabharata The Surasenas who were afraid of Jarasandha, fled (i) to the southern lands. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 14,

Rusarddhika Ksatriya dynasty. this dynasty. in (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74 Verse 14). SURATA. A celestial damsel, daughter of Ka>:yapapraParva, Chapter 65, japati by his wife Pradha. (Adi at the Verse 50). She gave a dance performance birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 63).

Verse 19).

south-western part of ancient India. Akrti, king of this country, was once defeated by Sahadeva, one of the Pandavas. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 61). Holy place like Camasodbheda, Prabhasaksetra, Pindaraka etc. are situated in this area. (Vana Parva, Chapter 81,

was a wicked King born



Verse 26). (ii) In the course of his southern campaign, Sahadeva conquered the Surasenas. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 1). The Surasenas offered presents at Yudhisthira's (iii) Rajasuya. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 13) It was between the two countries, South Yakrllo(iv) mam and Surasenam that the Panda vas travelled from the land of Pancala to Matsyadesa. (M.B. Virata Parva Chapter 5, Verse 4). (v) Surasenas were the body-guards of Bhlsma during the Bharata Yuddha. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 18, Verse 12). Surasena forces once stopped Arjuna on (vi) The the way. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 91, Verse 37)

under (See king in ancient India. Samadhi Chettiyar) II. A king of the Puru dynasty. Suratha was one of the sons of Jahnu, the other sons being

Drona Parva, Chapter

king who killed the mighty Raksasa Pataccara. During the Bharata Yuddha, Pajaccara had taken his stand on the Kaurava side. (M.B.

22, Verse 58)


Srutasena, Ugrasena and Bhimasena. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278). III. One of the two sons of Janamejaya, Suratha had a son the other one being Mahiman.

Viduratha. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278) IV. Husband of Citrangada, daughter cf Visvakarman. See under Visvakarma, Para 2. SURATHA V. A king born from an aspect of asura called Krodhavasa. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse



(vii) Surasena attacked Arjuna and Satyaki in Bharata battle. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 141, Verse 9). Yudhisjhira soaked the earth with blood by (viii) the Surasenas at Kuruksetra. (M.B. Drona Parva killing Chapter 157, Verse 29). (ix) Bhimasena butchered the Ksatriyas of Surasena by hundreds. (M. B. Drona Parva, Chapter 169, Verse

(Vana Parva, Chapter 265, Verse 6) SURATHA VII. A king of Trigarta. He was a dependIn the battle that followed ant of Jayadratha. Jayadratha's abduction ofDraupadi, Suratha was killed.

Father of King Kotikasya of SibideSa.


(Vana Parva, Chapter


271, Verse 18) warrior who fought against the in the great war. (Drona Parva, Chapter


Pandava battle by

18, 'Verse 20).



Kama Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 16). SORASENA IV. A king who fought against
vas from the Kaurava side in He stood by Duryodhana in
the the





Sakuni from the



son of Drupada.

in the great war.

He was killed by (Drona Parva, Chapter

fought against



156, Verse 180).

the PandaBharata Yuddha.

Pancala maharatha who fought on the He was killed in great war. Asvatthama. (Salya Parva, Chapter 14,
in the

formed by Bhisma. (M. B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter Verse 18).



Son of Jayadratha by his wife Dussala. Jayadratha was killed by Arjuna. When Suratha got horse had the yajnic the news that Arjuna, leading

Verse 37):


his life


round the three worlds withKhara, Dusana and Tmiras.
3) Before Lakymana. Surpanakha's son, Sambhukumara was performing tapas to Siva in Dandakaranya. It was at this time that Sri Rama and Laksmana arrived in the forest, accompanied by Slta. They reached the place called Pancava{I in Dandakaranya. Sri Rama wished to set up his hermitage in the middle of the five "va^a"

reached Sindhudesa, he ended


(Asvamedha Parva, Chapter


XII. captured



78, Verse 28).






ruled over Kundalanagayajnic horse and also


Ramayana Kambaramayana, Aranya Kanda).




himself appeared on the scene, defeated Suratha and released the captives: (Padma Purana, Patala

Hanuman, Sugrlva
49, 52).








particular region in the Kusa Island. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 12, Verse 13). SURAVAN. Name of the horse attached to the chariot given to Agastya by the maharsi called Ilvala. (See

Chapter 197 Verse 25).

Mother of Emperor


(Vana Parva,

At the very
with her.

Sambhukumara fell in love stood there in the form of a tree. While building the hermitage, Laksmana felled that tree and thus Sambhukumara was killed. (Sre under Sambhu-

trees in Pancavati.


sight of Slta,


under Agastya).

(Vana Parva, Chapter

famous orbit of stars 43, Verse 12).




through Rsabha island. (Salya Parva, Chapter 38, Verse 26)' SURESA I. A son of Tala, the Pancajanyagni, one of the fifteen Agnis who cause hindrances toyajnas. (Vana Parva. Chapter 220, Verse 13); SURESA II. A Sanatana Visvadeva (eternal lord of Universe). (Anuiasana Parva, Chapter 91, Verse 35) SURESVARA. One of the eleven Rudras. (Santi Parva Chapter 208, Verse 19). SUROCANA. A female attendant of Subrahmanya ( Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 29) SUROCIS. A son of Vasistha by Arundhati. (Bhagavata, Skandha 4 ) SURODA. One of the seven seas, filled with Madya (wine). (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 12, Verse 2) SUROMAN. A serpent belonging to the family of Taksaka. He was burnt at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 10).

tributary of


kumara) The widowed Surpanakha, in her search for a suitable husband happened to reach and settle down at the southern border of Dandakaranya. She had failed in

her search so


entered Sri Rama's asrama. The sight of Sri Rama her a victim to carnal passion. She submitted her desire to him, but he tuined down her prayer. The disappointed Surpanakha left the fsrama at once. But she appeared again in front of Slta. Feeling that so long as Slta was alive, Sri Rama would not be prepared to court her, Surpanakha rushed furiously at Slta.

was at this stage that she came to know of Sri Rama and his party. She disguised herself as Lalita and


Laksmana who was watching

the whole scene, suddenly rushed to the spot and pushed her out of the aSrama. He cut off her ears, nose and breasts. Surpanakha, bleeding profusely from her mutilation, hastened to her brother Ravana to inform him of the In obedience to Ravana's command, Khara, calamity. Dusana and others who came and encountered


and Laksmana, were









Visravas, 1) of Suma.li lived in the forest called Slesmataka. Once Kaikasi had a sexual union with Visravas at an untimely hour. As a result of this union, Kaikasi gave birth to four children at intervals of one Yama each. These children were, Ravana, Kumbhakarna,

son of

Brahma and Kaikasi daughter

_(Kamba Ramayana, Aranya Kanda) SURPARAKA. Another name for Kerala. In Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 99, we read that Parasurama threw a
"Surpa" winnowing basket from Gokarna southwards and the ocean up to the spot where the Surpa fell, became dry land. Since the land was formed by throwing the Surpa, it came to be called "Surparaka". References to Surparaka in the Mahabharata, are given below:

Vibhisana and Surpanakha. (Kamba Ramayana, Bala

2) Domestic Life. Surpanakha was married to the Raksasa, Vidyujjihva. The son who was born to the couple was named Sambhukumara. The Kalakeyas were the brothers of Vidyujjihva. At the time of Ravana's return after his triumphal march, a battle took place between him and the Kalakeyas. The Kalakeyas fell under the sword of Ravana. Enraged at the death of his brothers, Vidyujjihva encountered Ravana. In the battle that followed, Vidyujjihva was On hearing about her husband's death, Surpakilled.

nakha went

to Ravana wailing and lamenting. Moved to pity at the sight of her tears, Ravana said:- "Dear You may travel through the three worlds and Sister accept any man you like as your husband. Is there any

one who would not wish to become and marry a husband suited to you.


down your proposal, just inform me. make him your husband."
Surpanakha was pleased.

relative? Go If any one turns


come and

once started going

be born as a prince in the next birth. SURUCA. A Tson of Garuda. ( Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Verse 3).

(i) In the course of his triumph of the southern lands, Sahadeva conquered "Surparaka". (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 65). There is a sacred bath here, known as "Surparaka (ii) tirtha". By bathing here, one would obtain golden raSis. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 43). (iii) In Surparaka Ksetra, there is a sacrificial platform Close by, there are two originally used by Jamadagni. holy places called "Pasana tirtha" and "Candra tirtha". (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 88, Verse 12). (iv) Yudhisthira once happened to visit this sacred place. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 118, Verse 8). (v) Surparaka is the land formed by the withdrawal of the ocean. It is also called "Aparantabhumi". (Santi Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 66) (vi) Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 50 states that by bathing in the water of Surparaka Ksetra and observing a fast for a fortnight, one would

had two sons called Priyavrata and Uttanapada. Uttanapada married Suruci and Suniti. A son called Uttama was born to Suruci and to Sunili was born Dhruva, (For details see under Dhruva). SURUPA. A daughter of ViSvakarman. Priyavrata, son of Svayambhuva Manu married Surupa and Barhismati, the beautiful daughters of Visvakarman. Surupa had ten sons. They had a younger sister called Cfrjasvati. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8)

wife of Uttanapada.


Svayambhuva Manu

Rathasvana, sit in the chariot. In the month of Asadha, the Aditya Varuna, the hermit Vasistha, the serpent Naga, the celestial maid Sahajanya, the Gandharva
travel in the

maid Menaka,


Gandharva H;Iha, and



1 )


The God who


Kasyapa and Brahma begot Marlci. Prajapati Kasyapa was born from MarTci. Several sons were born to KaSyapa by Aditi the daughter of Daksa. They are known by the names Adityas, Vasus, Rudras and so on. Of these, means the son ( Aditya Adityas are tewelve in number.
There is a difference of opinion as to who of Aditi) these twelve Adityas are. According to Agni Purana, Chapter 51, the twelve Adityas are Varuna, Surya (the

gives light to the worlds. Sun was born to It is said that the by his wife Aditi. Mahavisnu begot Brahma

In the month of Sravana, the Aditya Indra, the Gandharva, Vigvavasu, the Yaksa Srotas, the serpent Elaputra, the hermit Arigiras, the celestial maid Pramloca, and the giant SarpI travel in the chariot. In the month of Bhadrapada the Aditya Vivasvan, the Gandharva, Ugrasena, the hermit Bhrgu, the Yaksa, Apurana, the celestial maid Anumloca, the serpent Sankhapala and the giant Vyaghra sit in the chariot. In the month of ASvanl, the Aditya Pusa, the Gandharva Vasuruci, the giant Vata, the hermit Gautama, the serpent Dhananjaya, the Yaksa Susena and the celestial maid Ghrtaci sit in the chariot. In the month of Karttika, the Gandharva is another Visvavasu, the hermit Bharadvaja, Aditya Parjanya, the serpent Airavata, the celestial maid, VisvacT, Yaksa




Ratha and the Yaksa Citraratha,


Sahasrams'u, Dhata,, Tapana, Savita, Gabhasti, (See under Ravi, Parjanya, Tvas{a, Mitra and Visnu. But in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Dvadas'adityas). Chapter 65, Stanza 15, it is stated that the twelve Adityas are Dhata, Aryama, Mitra, Sukra, Varuna, Arhsa, Bhaga, Vivasvan, Pusa, Savita Tvasta and

often these names are used as synonyms of the Sun. So it is better to assume that there are several Adityas and that it is the sun who gives light and heat to the worlds. Vivasvan is this sun because it is said that from this Vivasvan the Manu Vaivasvata was born and from


this Vaivasvata, Iksvaku, the first king of the Solar dynasty, was born. 2 The chariot of the Sun. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, in consequence of which days and nights occur. The Puranic assumption is that the sun travels in a very big chariot. The chariot of the Sun is nine thousand yojanas long. The wheel is fixed to this. The great wheel of time with three centres, five

Senajit and the giant Apa, sit in the chariot. In the month of Margaslrsa, the Aditya Arte'a, the hermit Kasyapa, the Yaksa Tarksya, the serpent Mahapadma, the celestial maid Urva$I, the Gandharva Citrasena, and the giant Vidyut travel in the chariot. In the month of Pausa, the hermit Kratu, the Aditya Bhaga, Gandharva the Urnayu, the giant Sphuija, the serpent Karkotaka, the Yaksa Aristanemi ard the celestial maid Purvacitti travel in the chariot. In the month of Magha, the Aditya Tvasta, the hermit Jamadagni, the serpent Kambala, the celestial maid Tilottama, the giant Brahmopeta, the Yaksa Rtajit and the Gandharva Dhrtarastra sit in the chariot. In the month of Phalguna the Aditya Visnu, the serpent Asvatara, the celestial maid Rambha, the Gandharva Suvarcas, the Yaksa Satyajit, the hermit Vis vamitra, and

serpent Vasuki, the Yaksa Rathabhrt, the gaint Heti, and the Gandharva Tumburu. In the month of Vaisakha also called Madhava, the Aditya Aryaman, the hermit Pulaha, the Yaksa Rathaujas, the celestial maid Punjikasthala. the giant Praheti, the serpent Kacavira and the Gandharva Narada sit in the chariot. In the month of Jyestha, the Aditya Mitra, the hermit
Atri, the serpent

has seven horses, which are the seven Vtdic metres, called by the names Gayatri, BrhatI, Usnik, Jagati, Tristubh, Anustubh and Pafikti. Another axle used for the chariot of the Sun is fortyfive thousand five hundred yojanas long. The length of each half of the Yoke is proportionate to the length of the axle. The short axle of the chariot with the small half of the yoke is fixed on Dhruva. The wheel fixed on the other axle rests on the mount Manasottara. Separate Adityas, hermits Gandharvas, celestial maids, Yaksas, serpents and giants sit, in the chariot of the Sun every month. In the month of Caitra, which is also called Madhumasa, the seven officers of the month who travel daily in the chariot, are the Aditya Dhata, the celestial maid Kratusthala, the hermit Pulastya, the



six spokes,



on that indestructible


the giant Yajnopeta travel in the chariot. These seven persons live in the region of the Sun in their time. The hermits praise the Sun; the gandharvas sing; the celestial maids dance; the giants walk behind as guards. The serpents prepare the horses to be yoked; the Yaksas hold the bridle and the Balakhilyas stand round the Sun. These groups of seven in each month are

prominence. The complete power of Visnu is the three Vedas Kg, Yajus and Sama. The power in the form of the three Vedas blazes in the form of the Sun. That
all the sins in the world. Visnu stays inside the sun in the form of Rg, Yajus and Sama for the Sustenance and protection of the world. As said before, the three Vedas are the parasakti, or the feminine supreme power of Visnu. She is the three Vedas themselves. Every month she stays inside that particular Aditya of the month. In the morning the Rgveda praises the Sun. At noon the Yajurveda praises the Sun and in the evening the Samans such as Brhad Rathantara and so on. The three Vedas Rg, Yajus and Saman are portions of Visnu. This power of Visnu stays in Aditya always. It stays not only in the Sun, but also in the three godheads Brahma, Visnu and Siva. At the time of creation Brahma was pervaded by Rg. At the time of sustenance, Visnu is pervaded by Yajus. At the end

responsible for heat, coldness, rain etc. (Vimu Purana, Arhs"a 2, Chapter 8) 3 ) The Vedic figure of the Sun. Even though the sun is only one of the seven groups, he is above the others in

power destroys

Taksaka, giant Pauruseya, the








which is having the attribute of purity (Sattva) and Vedas, pervades mainly the sun though it remains on the seven groups also. Being the seat of this power, the Sun blazes with his rays and destroys the darkness
in all the worlds.

be pervaded by Saman. So the sound of be unpalatable. Thus this Vaisnavite power

Such a Sun is praised by the hermits. The Gandharvas sing in front of the Sun. The celestial maids dance before him. The giants guard him, the serpents prepare his chariot, the Yaksas hold the bridle and the BalaVisnu who is having around him. khilyas stand the figure of the Sun pervaded by the power of the Vedas, never rises or sets. The seven groups are separate from that Visnu. As the figures of those who approach, are reflected in a mirror fixed on a post, that power of chariot, Visnu, without separating itself from that pervades them who come every month in turn. (Visnu
Purana, Arhsa 2, Chapter 11 ). The Sun starts from the 4) The direction of the sun. east and goes to the western ocean. The directions east

and west originate from this rising and setting. As a matter of fact when the sun rises in the east it is bright in places behind it. But it does not shine in the palace of Brahma on the top of Mahameru. The rays of the sun which enter the palace are driven back by the radiance of the palace. The Mountain Meru is north to all islands and countries. So on one side of that mount it is always day and on the other side it is always night. When the Sun sets his light enters fire. So at night the light of fire goes far. In the same way, at day time, the light of fire enters the sun. So the sun shines more. Thus because the light of the sun and fire enter each other the day and the night wax when the sun shines on the southern and northern hemi-spheres. The dark nights and bright days enter water gradually. The water seems a little red, in day time because darkness has entered in the night. After sunset the water seerns a little it white because the day has entered the water. Thus when the sun passes through the middle of the island Puskara, the change of the Sun to one thirtieth
portion ol the earth is called 'Mauhurtikagati' (covering the distance in a muhurta -48 minutes) The sun, like a fly sitting on the circumference of the wheel of a potter travels round the earth inclining a portion of a thirtieth of the earth, and making day and night. In the beginning of the transit to the Tropic of Cancer, the sun passes into the zodiac of Makara, and then to Kumbha and Mina. After having completed the three zodiacs, the sun makes the day and night equal and enters Visuva. At the end of travelling in the Northern hemi-sphere the sun enters the zodiac of Karkataka and transit to the south begins. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 2, Chapter 8). The Sun is being 5) The Sun in the. dutches of the giants. attacked daily by a kind of giants called the Mandehas. The Sun married Sariijna, the daughter 6) Family life. of Visvakarma. Three children Manu, Yama and Yaml were born to him by Samjna. By Chaya, the maid of Samjna, three children, Sanaiscara, Manu and Tapati were born to the Sun. Asvinlkumaras and Revanta were born by Sarhjna to the sun who took the form of a horse. (See under Samjna and Chaya) several occasions other sons such as Sugriva, Kalindi and so on were born to the Sun. (For details see under those entries).
. .

7) The rising delayed. A story stating that the rising of the sun was delayed because of the curse of Silavati, is stated in Mahabharata. (See under Silavati) Once the King Satrajit 8) The Sun and the Syamantaka. did penance and got the jewel Syamantaka from the Sun. (For detailed story see under Prasena) 9) The Sun and Rdhu. Once the Sun and the moon pointed out Rahu who had come to partake of the Amrla (Ambrosia) in stealth and Mahavisnu cut off his head. (For detailed story see under Amrta, Para 4). The Sun is the 10) The Sun the teacher of Hanuman. teacher of Hanuman. (See under Hanuman) Once Ravana happened to 11) The Sun and Ravana. reach the Solar region, while he was conducting regional conquest. That night he rested on Mahameru, and then got into his plane Puspaka, ready for fight in the morning. Seeing the Sun rising up, Ravana called his minister Prahasta and said to him. "Minister, go and convey my words to the Sun. 'Ravana has come to fight. Either get down and fight or admit defeat.' Prahasta walked towards the sun and told the words of the King to the two gate-keepers Pingala and Dandi. The Sun

17) The names of the Sun. Once the hermit Dhaumya repeated to Dharmaputra the one hundred and eight names of the Sun. Those names are given in Maha-

was informed of this by Dandi. The Sun told Dandi "Dandi, I don't mind whether I defeat or I am defeated by Ravana. The thing is, that I have no time." Dandi informed Ravana of this. Ravana went away shouting that he had defeated the Sun. Siva. See under Siva Para 7, Sub 12) Fight with para 7. See under Sukesa. 13) The Sun lost his lustre. See under Brahma, para 13. 14) Artificial Sun. 15) The Sun and Kama. See under Karna. 16) The hermit Atri and the Sun. See under Atri, para 4.

bharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 3. 13) Other details. (i) Once Paftca.li worshipped the Sun. an unseen giant for her protection.

The Sun


Virata Parva, Chapter 15, Verse 19). Pancali did penance before the Sun and procured (ii) the 'Aksayapatra' ('the pot that never became empty).

(See under Aksayapatra) The Sun destroys the ungrateful asuras (demons). (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 108, Verse 16). (iv) There is a story connecting the Sun and the South. In days of old the Sun performed a sacrifice according to the Vedas, and to Kasyapa who was the ministerial So the priest, he gave the South as daksina Coffering) south got the name 'Daksina'. (M.B. Udyoga Parva,

1). (v) The west is the place where the Sun pours his rays after the end of the day. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 110, Verse 2).

Chapter 109, Verse

in the battle of Bharata, the Sun boasted to Indra that Karna would come out victorious. (M.B. Karna Parva,


When Karna and

Arjuna confronted each other

On Kama

Chapter 87, Stanza 57). The Sun gave Subrahmanya two attendants (vii) named Subhraja and Bhasvara. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 31).

Once Siva anointed

(M.B. San ti

the Sun as the

King of all

the planets.

Parva, Chapter







ment occurs in Uttara Ramayana. that in the fight between Kuberaand Rnvana, this gate-keeper helped
gate-keeper of Alakapurl.

Chapters from 353, as follows There was a Brahmin in a place called Mahapadma on the banks of the Ganges. He wandered here and there for knowledge of Vedas. Once a hermit met him and directed him towards a Naga named Padmanabha.

(ix) The Sun once gave Yajaavalkya the boon that he would get knowledge of the Vedas. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 318, Verse 6). (x) The story of one who had attained the region of the Sun by 'Uiichavrtti' (Living on the grains fallen on the Seld ) is given in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, a few



of the Sun.

do in order to get merged in that he could become one with

the serpent which supports the chariot started in search of Padmanabha. At last he found out his house. But She said that there was the wife of Padmanabha only. her husband would return within a few days. Accordingly he remained on the banks of the Ganges wi thout any food. PadYnanabha returned and both of them met The hermit asked the naga what he should together.

The Brahmin-hermit

Bharata. (M.B. Kama Parva, SURYADHVAJA. A'King in

God by Unchavrtti. The Naga continued. "The Sun is a god who had invoked into himself a saint who had lived only by the fallen
The activities of that Sun are wonderThe hermits and saints attach themselves to the attach themselves to the rays of the Sun as birds branches of trees. The great storms arising from the

God. The Naga replied

grains in the field.

Chapter 156, Stanza 2) (xiv)The Synonyms of Sun according to the Amarakosa are given below (Sura, Surya, Aryama, Adiiya, DvadaSatma, Divakara, Bhaskara, Ahaskara, Bradhna, Prabhakara, Vibhakara, Bhasvan, Vivasvan, Saptasva, Haridasva, Usnarasmi, Vikartana, Arka, Martanda, Mihira, Aruna, Pusa, Dyumani,Tarani, Mitra, Citrabhanu, Virocana, Vis'vavasu, Grahapati, Tvisampati, Aharpati, Bhanu, Haihsa, Sahasrarhsu, Savita, Tapana, Ravi, Padmaksa, Tejasarhrasi, Cha.yana.tha, Tamisraha. Karmasaksi, Jagaccaksus, Lokabandhu, Trayltanu, Pradyotana, Dinamani, Khadyota, Lokabandhava, Ina, Bharga, Dhamanidhi, Amsumal! and Abjinlpati. SORYA II. An asura (demon) It is stated in Mahibharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 26, that this asura was the son born to Prajlpati Kasyapa by his wife Kadru. The King Darda was the rebirth of this
. : .

Sun spread wide in the sky. I saw once a person sitting inside that Sun who was a wonder of wonders. When that person as shining as the Sun came to him in the noon the Sun embraced him and seated him inside him. I asked him who he was. The Sun replied that he was a person who had attained heaven by Unchavrtti." Hearing the advice given by the Naga, the Brahmin engaged in Unchavrtti and attained heaven, The Sun gave Subrahmanya shining beauty. (xi) (M.a. Anugasana Parva, Chapter 86, Verse 23). umbrella (xii) The Sun gave the hermit Jamadagni an and slippers. (See under Cherippu). (xiii) In olden days when a war between the Devas and the Asuras was drawing near, Ra.hu wounded the Sun and the moon. Along with that the universe fell in darkness, and the asuras began to destroy the Devas. At this time according to the prayer of the gods the hermit Atri assumed the figure of the Moon and made the Sun as shining as of old. (M.B. Anusasana Parva,

Chapter 6, Verse 34). Ancient India. He was the Svayarhvara marriage of Draupadl. present in (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 10). SORYAGRAHANA. To know in detail about the view of the Puranas regarding the Solar eclipse, see under Candra IV, Para 4. SURYAKETU. A daitya (demon). Once this daitya conquered the world of the gods and expelled Indra. At that time Puranjaya was the King of Ayodhya, who was born in the Solar dynasty. Indra requested for his help. Puranjaya agreed to help Indra, on condition that Indra should stand as an ox and that he would sit on the hump of that ox and fight. Accordingly he sat on the 'Kakud' (hump) of the ox and fought in the battle, killed Suryaketu, and reinstated Indra in his former position. Because he sat on the 'Kakud', Puranjaya got
the name Kakutstha. The dynasty of the King came to be called by the name Kakutstha. (Kamba Ramayana,

brother of King Virata. It is slated in Mahabharata, Virata Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 11, that this Suryadatta was known by the name Satamka also. Suryadatta also took part in the fight following the theft of the cattle of Virata by Duryodhana and others. After killing the hundred warriors in the army of Trigarta, this Suryadatta entered into the midst of the enemies and was killed by Drona in the battle of



Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 57, that this King was born from a portion of the King Kratha. SURYAMASA. A warrior who fought on the side of the Kauravas in the battle of Bharata Abhimanyu killed him. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 15) SURYANETRA. A bird born in the family of Garuda. Mention is made about this bird in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 13. SURYASAVITRA. An eternal god of offerings to the manes. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza


in ancient India.



stated in

to the





ancient holy place situated in Kuruksetra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 88, Stanza 48, that by bathing here and worshipping the manes one may attain the fruits of performing the sacrifice of Agnistoma and go to the region of the Sun. An important dynasty of ancient Bharata. It is stated in Devibhagavata, Skandha 7, as follows about the origin of this Solar dynasty. The Lord of creation Brahma originated from the lotus in the navel of Vir.nu. That Brahma did penance for ten thousand years and pleased Paragakti, the great all he goddess of power, and started creation. First of created seven mental sons. Of them Marici became expert in creation. Prajapati Kasyapa the son of Marici became a greater expert. The Sun is the son of

manes. Stanza 34).

eternal god concerned with offerings (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91,


Kasyapa. Nine sons named Iksvaku, Nabhaga, Dhrsta, and Saryati, Narisyanta, PrarhiSu, Nrga, Dista, Karusa





Prsadhra were born to the Sun. Of these Iksvaku became King. This line of Kings born from the Sun is called Suryavarh: a (Solar dynasty). (See the GeneaJ

Mahabharata, Adi







Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 55, that this Deva Gandharva born to Prajapati Ka^yapa _took part in the birth celebration of Arjuna. SURYAVARMA. A King of the country of Trigarta. This JKing had a brother called Ketuvarma. Suryavarma and Ketuvarma fought with Arjuna when he was leading the sacrificial horse of Yudhisthira. Both the Trigartas were killed in that fight. (M.B. Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 74) SUSAMAN. A noble Brahmin born in Dhananjaya Gotra. He participated in the Rajasuya conducted by Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 33, Verse 34). SUSAMKULA. A famous urban area in North India.

Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 16). II. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. He was killed by Bhima in the great war. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 64, Verse 34) SUSEIVA III. A king of the Puru dynasty. He was the grandson of Aviksit and son of Pariksit. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 52) SUSENA IV. A son of Sage Jamadagni. The Sage asked Susena to kill his mother, but he did not obey his father. Jamadagni, therefore, cursed him and Parasurama redeemed him from the curse. (Vana Parva, Chapter

He was killed by his minister Bali. (BhagaSkandha 10). SUSEIVA I. A naga born in the Dhrtarastra dynasty. The naga was burnt to death at the serpent yajiia of





Arjuna once conquered Chapter 27, Verse 11).




(Sabha Parva,

Santi's son

A King of the Bharata dynasty. He was and father of Puruja. (Bhilgavata, Skandha

II. Indra during the third Manvantara. (See under Manvantara). SUSARMA I. King of Trigarta desa. The following information about him is gathered from Mahabharata. (i) Susarman, son of Vrddhaksema attended Draupadi's wedding. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 9) (ii) Once he incited Duryodhana to attack Matsya, the Virata King. Accordingly Duryodhana attacked the Virata city and Susarman aided him in the battle. (Virata Parva, Chapter 30). In the battle that followed the (iii) lifting of the cows of the Virata King by the Kauravas, Susarman took the Virata King as captive. (Virata Parva, Chapter 33, Verse 7) (iv) In the battle that followed the above incident
. .



Sanjivanl and other herbs. Susena also attended the coronation ceremony of Sri

redoubled vigour following the death of Indrajit. Many also swooned. Then Susena, the medical expert, brought back to consciousness the swooned folk with the help of VLialyakarani, Sauvarnyakaram,

Laksmana swooned forces and killed Vidyunmall. on being hit by the arrows of Ravana who fought with

Father in-law of Bali, the monkey king. of Tara, deputed one thousand crore monkeys to search for Sita. (Vana Parva, Chapter 283, Verse 2). Susena, an expert in the science of medicine and the art of warfare, was the son of the monkey called Dharma. (Valmlki Ramayana) In the Rama-Ravana war Susena fought the Raksasa




(Valmlki Ramayana,

Yuddha Kanda, Chapters

Bhlma caught Su arman



Chapter 33, Verse 25) (v) At the instance of Yudhisthira Bhtma set Susarman free. (Virata Parva, Chapter 33, Verse 58). (vi) Susarman fought against the Pandavas and on the first day of the great war he fought a duel with Cekitana. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 60j (vii) Arjuna defeated Susarman. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 1). He fought with Arjuna, Bhima and Dhrsta(viii) dyumna. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 1 14; Drona Parva, Chapter 14). that he would kill Arjuna. (Drona (ix) He vowed Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 11). (x) When Dronacarya was killed, he ran away from the battle-field.' (Drona Parva, Chapter 193, Verse 18)


(Virata Parva,

AsonofKaraa, He fought with Nakula Uttamaujas killed him in battle. great war. (Kama Parva, Chapter 75, Verse 13) SUSENA VII. Another son of Kama. Nakula killed him in the great war. (Salya Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 49) SUSENA VIII. king of the Bharata dynasty. He was the son of Dhrsa and father of Sunitha. (Bhagavata,


101, 123, 154).

Skandha 9) SUSETjTA IX. A king, who married Rambha. (See under Rambha, Para 5).


I. A daughter of the Gandharva (See under Pramohini).




brahmin who got

many sons and was naturally thinking of means of making money and a noble brahmin taught him about the greatness Navaratri. Accordingly Susila observed for nine years the Navaratri-penance and at last Devi appeared before him and made him rich. (Devi Bhaga-

of Navaratri-penance.


rich due to the observance led a very hard life with

(xi) Arjuna killed 27, Verse 45)



(Salya Parva, Chapter





(xii) Names like Prasthaladhipa, Rukmaratha, Traigarta and Trigarta are used as synonyms of Susarman. A Paiicala warrior who fought on the II. Pandava side in the great war. He was harassed in various ways by Bhisma and was ultimately killed by Kama. (Kama Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 46). Last of the Kings in the Kanva III.

cow used in connection with sacrificial offerings made in a'rama of the sage Jamadagni. Jamadagni once got his wife Renuka killed by Parasurama. Though he brought her back to life as desired by Parasurama, Jamadagni felt deep sorrow for having got his wife killed. So, he went to Goloka and pleased Surabhi by his penance and she gave him Susila, her sister. Jamadagni gave the cow (Susila) to Renuka. It was this Susila which later onKarttaviryajuna took away

Skandha 3). I. A Gandharva lady (See under Pramohini). She was the II. A cow, the sister of Surabhi.

(See under Jamadagni, Para 8) Purana, Chapter 61)
; .


evils of Kaliyuga. Having heard their complaints Brahma brought a wheel of the figure of mind and placing it before th^ hermits told them thus: ''You follow this wheel. The place where this wheel falls down will be a place of purity, which will not be affected by the evils of Kaliage. There you can live in peace, without being affected

temple. to the situated

SUSKA. A Maharsi who lived in the Gokarna When Bhaglratha brought GaagI from heaven

Gokarna temple, above the water. SUSIVA. An asura. In Rgveda we find that once Indra bound the magician Susna in chains and put him in

earth, sea water began to rise and the temples near the sea were submerged. At that time Su.ska went along with other Maharsis to visit Paras urama at the In response to Suska's prayer, Mihendra mountain. Parasurama raised the sub.nerged temples including the

by the evils of Kali-age till the coming of the Satyayuga." Saying these words Brahma set the wheel rolling in front of them. The hermits followed it. The wheel rolled on till it reached the earth, fell down and was crumbled to powder in a particular place. That place became famous later under the name Naimisaranya.
Suta came to this place. As soon as they saw Suta, the hermits such as Saunaka and others who were living there welcomed Suta with



Iksvaku dynasty married her and three sons Sala, Dala and Bala, were born to the couple. (See under Parkisit







hospitality and told him the disciple of Vyasa.

the Puru dynasty married her and a son called Arvaclna was born to them. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 17). SUSRAVAS II. king of the Rgveda period. When enemies encircled him he prayed to Indra who helped him by diving away the 10099 enemy warriors. (Rgveda,


King Jayatsena of






10, Sukta 53). spy of the Devas. He once informed


Sarasvatl about the penance by the Sage secretly Katyayana. Sarasvatl appeared before the Sage and told him that he would get from Sage Sarasvata the knowledge he wanted. Accordingly Katyayana ended his penance and went to Sage Sarasvata. SURUTA. Reputed master of the science of Surgery, Susruta was the grandson of King Gadhi and son of ViSvamitra. ( Anugasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 55) He is the author of Susrutasarhhita, one of the famous texts on Ayurveda. SUSTHALA. A place of Puranic fame in ancient India. The people who lived here were called Susthalas. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 16).


hermit, you are learned the eighteen Puranas from Vyasa We are eager to hear them. So please recite to us the Puranas, the hearing of which will remit all sins and secure heaven." According to this request Suta recited the eighteen Puranasto the gathering of the hermits. It is in the form of the teaching of Suta to Saunaka and the others, i.e. in the form of a dialogue between Suta and Saunaka, that the people got the Puranas. (Devi Bhagavata,


You have

In Bhagavata, Skandha 10, there 3) Suta was be headed. occurs a story, stating how Balabhadrarama cut off the head of Suta as the battle of Kuruksetra had started when Suta had been reciting the eighteen Puranas in


SUSVARA. A Gandharva woman. SUSYAMA. An apsara woman.

Rtadhvaja, son of Arstisena.

of the four states or conditions of man. Jagrat, Svapna, Susupti and Turiya are the four states of man. (For details see under Jagrat)

(See under Pramoh ini) She was the wife of


under Balabhadrarama, Para 6). Other details. Suta was one of the hermits who visited Bhisma on his bed of arrows during the battle of (MB. Santi Parva, Chapter 47 Verse 12). _Bharata. SUTA II. One of Visvamitra's sons who were expounders of the Vedas. (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 57.) SUTA. II I. A blended class of people. ( See under Varna SUTALA. A part of Patala (netherworld). (See under

again and he was brought to

Naimisaranya and how


head was


fixed in its place (For further details see




The couple had


a daughter

(Brahmanda Purana)



information. A hermit who recounted the other hermits at Naimisa forest. He was a

who were miserable because of the evils of Kaliyuga, which was fast approaching, gathered here at the end of Dvaparayuga. They went to the world of Brahma to consult about the means and ways of preventing the

who was not born of womb. At this time Vyasa had another disciple named Suta. It is stated in Devi Bhagavata. Skandha 9, that this Suta who was a fellowdisciple of Suka, who had learned all the Puranas directly from the teacher Vyasa, and who was capable saying stories so convincingly, was the son of the hermit Lomaharsa. Suta who had learnrd the Puranas 2) In Naimisaranya. directly form Vyasa, happened to reach Naimisaranya once. (See under Naimisaranya) Naimisaranya is In days of old, the abode of hermits in the Kali-age.
abstinence and

disciple of Vyasa. Vyasa composed the Puranas and taught them to his son, hermit Suka who was a man of

Ugrasena. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 33) Sri Krsna made Akrura marry this Sutanu. SUTAPAS I. A King of the dynasty of Bharata. He was the son of Homa and the father of Bala. (Bhagavata,

I. The wife of Asvasuta, the son of the King of Vajra. Sutanu was the daughter of YudhisUiira. (Vayu Purana. 96, 250). SUTANU II. The daughter of Ahuka otherwise called






by his wife Prsni. That son was a partial incarnation ofMahavisnu. (For further details see under Aditi
III. A son of Vasistha. Seven sons named Rajas, Gotra, Urdhvaba.hu, Savana, Anagha, Sutapas and Sukra, were born by his wife Urjja. All the seven of them were the Saptarsis (seven hermits) of the third Manvantara. (See under Manvantara). SUTAPAS IV. Father of the hermit Upamanyn. (Brah-

A Prajapiti who lived named Prsnigarbha was born




days of yore.



Para 7).


V. 'A hermit of the family of Bhrgu. under Ugratapas).

manda Purana, Chapter



of Bharadvaja.


asked the hermit, where in the forest, they were to live. The hermit told them that they could live in that her-

hermit who was born in the dynasty hermit had two wives. A son named Kalyanamitra was bora by Pitrkanyaka, one of the two wives. The glamour of the second wife of Sutapas attracted the sun, who raped her once and from this, the son Asvinisuta was born. On seeing that his wife was a harlot, Sutapas abandoned her with her son. Afterwards, at the instance of Sri Krsna, the hermit received his wife and her son back. (Brahmavaivarta: 1



mitage itself. This hermit was the brother and disciple of Agastya. Once Sutlksna changed a wicked and cruel man

named Duspanya

to a good and righteous kling holy water of Gaiiga on him. (See

man by sprinunder Dus-



(Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 7). (VEDASUTRA). See under Veda.' A son of Sumantu, the teacher and hermit of
(See under Guruparampara). warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva,



become the Manu of Tamasa Manvantara." (Markandeya Purana, Chapter 1 7) SUTARA. A Gandharva damsel who had been cursed.

This hermit once approached the princess Utpa.la.vati and requested her for coition with him. The princess refused. Then he cursed her, to become an animal. Utpalavatl begged for liberation from the curse. Sutapas felt pity for her and blessed her thus: "A son named Lola will be born to you.



SUVAK. A maharsi in

Chapter 45, Verse 66)

ancient India

who held Yudhisthira


in great respect.





(For further details see under PramohinI) son born to Bhimasena by his wife Draupadi. The information regarding this Sutasoma, taken from Mahabharata, is given below: (i) Sutasoma took birth from a portion of the Visvadevas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 127).

holy river in India famous in the Puranas. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 29), SUVARCALAl. Daughter of the maharsi called Devala. Svetaketu (son of a sage) married her and the couple
attained salvation by performing the duties of the householder. (M.B. Southern Text, Santi Parva, Chapter

Chapter 45, Verse 73).

(Vana Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 24). warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva,

He was


(ii) It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 23, Verse 28, that this prince was given the name Sutasoma, because he was born by the blessings of Candra (Moon) Sutasoma had a combat with Vikarna on the (iii) first day of the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Bhuma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 58) (iv) He rescued Srutakarma from the hold of Durmukha in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 79, Verse 39) (v) Sutasoma fought with Vivim.'ati. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 24) (vi) Sutasoma fought with Sakuni and was defeated. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 18) (vii) There was a severe fight between Sutasoma and ASvatthama. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 55, Verse
. . . . .

of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. by Bhima in the great war. (Karna Parva Chapter 84, Verse 5). SUVARCAS II. Son of Suketu. Both the father and the son attended the wedding of Draupadi. (Adi Parva. Chapter 185, Verse 9). SUVARCAS III. A son of Tapa, the Pancajanyagni. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 9) SUVARCAS IV. A very truthful Sage who lived in ancient India. Dyumatsena father of Satyavan lived in the aSrama of this sage. He consoled Dyumatsena when Satyavan and Savitrl who had gone out to collect firewood were very late to return. (Vana Parva, Chapter

Chapter 146, Verse

wife of Surya.

(Anusasana Parva,



298, Verse 10).



Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 55. that in the battle of Bharata, Asvatthama entered the camp of the Pandava army in the night and killed Sutasoma. SUTEJANA. A King who was a friend of Yudhisthira. (Bharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 40)



VI. A soldier who fought on the Kaurava and got killed by Abhimanyu in the great war. (Drona Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 15).

101, Verse 2).

son of Garuda. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter


of the

Subrahmanya by Himavan,

two attendants given to the other one bein"; Ativar-

ancient holy place in Kuruksetra. It is stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 54, that the Devas and the manes would come to this place, and that if offerings to the manes are given at this place, one would get the merits of performing horse sacrifice. hermit. While Sri Rama and Laksmana SUTlKSJVA. were living in the forest with Sita, they visited the hermiof hermits such as Sarabhanga, Sutlksna and others. Once Indra came to the hermitage of Sutlksna and invited him to the world of gods. It was at this time that Sri Rama came to the hermitage with Sita and Laksmana. When they were nearing the hermitage, Indra said "I shall see Rama later when he has completed his great task." Saying thus Indra went away from the hermitage. Sri Rama and his wife and brother


(Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 46). VIII. A son of the king Khamnetra.




as well.

(See under



At the request IX. Wife of sage Dadhici. of Indra, the maharsi sacrificed himself so that the former might use his bones. Suvarcas who hated the Devas especially Indra as the cause of her husband's death cursed Indra that he and his dynasty be ruined. She decided to end her life in the pyre of her husband when "You are the following celestial voice was heard: Then she opened her stomach with a sharp pregnant." stone, took out the foetus and placed it near a Banyan tree and ended her life in her husband's pyre. (Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda, 135; Sivagataka, 24-25). The child born from the foetus is the famous Pippalada. ( See
under Pirpalada)


SUVARMAN. One of the
He was




hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. by Bhima in the great war. (Drona Parva, Chapter 127, Verse 66). SUVAR>/A I. A Devagandharva. A famous celibate, he attended the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 58). SUVARIVA II. A Brahmin sage with his body golden in colour. He once held a talk with Manu about meritorious acts and sins. (AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 98). SUVARTi'A. A princess of the Iksvaku dynasty. Suhotra of Puru dynasty wedded her and to the couple was born a son called Hasti who later on became a King. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 34).

Wife of Savana, son of Priyavrata. (See under Savana I). SUVELA. A mountain on the banks of the southern sea. Rama and Laksmana, before entering Lanka with the monkey-force, had surveyed the city from the top of this mountain. (Valmiki RAmayana, Yuddha Kanda Chapters 38 and 39) SUVETjfA. A river famous in the Puranas. Sage Markandeya once saw the ri ver in the stomach of child Krsna. (Vana Parva, Chapter 188, Verse 104). SUVlRA I. A King of the Bharata dynasty, son of Ksemya and father of Ripunjaya. (Bhagavata, Skandha



unit of


in ancient




and son of Sankhapada. The father once advised the son on the various aspects of Satvataclharma. (Santi Parva, Chapter 348, Verse 38). SUVAR.YACUDA. A prominent son of Garuda. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Verse 9). SUVARNASlRAS. A Sage of very olden days. His father's name was Pirigalavarman. He lived in western India spending his days in singing Samaveda. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 110, Verse 12). SUVARYASTHlVl. Son of King Srnjaya. While sages Narada and Parvata were living in that King's palace
Srnjaya exprersed his sorrow over having no issues to Narada who then blessed him to have a son called
Suvarnasthlvl. The King began performing Yajiias from that day onwards and his queen conceived and in due time delivered a child who was named Suvarnasthlvl and he became an ascetic even as a boy. Indra got alarmed by the penance of Suvarnasthiv! and tried to frighten him by assuming the forms of various cruel
also sent his Vajrayudha against the ascetic, no purpose. The boy became four or five years old when one day while strolling in the company of his mother on the banks of the Ganga, a tiger jumped upon him. This tiger of illusion had been sent by Indra and the tiger killed the boy. His mother wept aloud and people in the palace gathered around her. Srnjaya wept bitterly. Ultimately Narada appeared, consoled the King and with the permission of Indra brought the boy back to life. (Santi Parva, Chapter 31; also see under Srnjaya)


King, grandson of Svarocisa


called Krodhavasa.

A King

born from an aspect of the


(Udyoga Parva, Chapter

asura Verse



III. Son of King Dyutiman, Suvira was a famous ruler equal in prowess to Indra. (Anugasana Parva, Chapter 2, Verse 13). SUVlRA IV. A Ksatriya dynasty. The wicked King, Ajabindu was born in this dynasty. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Verse 14). SUVISALA. A ft male attendant of Subrahmanya. (alya Parva; Chapter 45, Verse 66) SUVRATA I. A King of Bharata dynasty. He was the son of Ksema and father of Visvajit, (Bhagavata,

the following incident took place.

was the son of King Usinara who begot of his wife Nrga the son called Nrga, Nara by his wife, Nara; Krmi by the wife Krmi; Das a by the wife Suvrata and Sibi by his wife Drsadvati. (Agni Purana, Chapter 277). SUVRATA III. Son of the brahmin Somasarman. (For details see under Dharmangada).





of the Aiiga royal






North India.


all to


India. Before

Mahavisnu once did penance here to please Rudra whe appeared before him and granted him boons. That is the great importance of
place. He who worships Siva here will derive benefits equal to those of conducting an Asvamedha yajna and also will attain the status of Ganapati.

very ancient





man. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 42) Daughter of Dakr.aprajapati by Virani. She had four sons one each from Daksa, Dharma, Brahma arid Rudra. They were respectively Daksasavarni. Brahmasavarni and Rudrasavarni. Dharmasavarni, (Brahmanda Purana, 41, 39-59) SUYAJNA. Daughter of King Prasenajit of the Puru dynasty. She was wedded to King Mahabhauma and King Ayutanayl was their son. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95,

effulgent and reputed. (Vana Parva, Chapter 90, Verse 12). V. One of the two attendants given to Subrahmanya by Mitradeva, the other one being Satyasandha. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 41 ) VI. One of the two attendants given to Subrahmanya by Vidhata, the other one being Sukar-

He was

A muni

of ancient








Verse 20)


(Vana Parva, Chapter


Verse 18).

King of Kail. King Janamejaya had married his daughter Vapus^ama. (See under
Indian river famous (Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 25)

the Puranas.

was the grandson of Emperor Bhumanyu. His mother was Puskarini. (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 24). SUYAMA. Third son of the Raksasa called SataSniga. Sudeva, the army-chief of King Ambarlsa, killed Suyama. (M.B. Southern text, Santi Parva, Chapter



A King who


SUVASTU. A river of India extolled in the Rgveda. SUVASTUKA. A King in ancient India. He had also
great war.


been invited by

Pandavas to participate in the (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 3, Verse 13).



A daughter of King Bahuda and wife of son of Ana.-;va. The couple had a son called Bhimasena. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 41 ).




details see

Consort of King Divodasa of Kafi. (For under Nikumbha).



did penance to Sri Sri Krsna as her husband. She Krsna, who appeared and said "Devi you will take birth as the daughter of King Nagnajit in Varaha Kalpa (a world-age) and then you will become my wife. Now you have to become the wife of Agni under the name Svahadevi and become the power of digestion, and part of the spell (mantra). You and Agni will be worshipped together by all. From that day onwards Svahadevi became the wife of Fire. It is mentioned in Visnu Purana, Am:' a 1, Chapter 10, lhat three sons Pavaka; Pavamana and Suci, were born to the couple. (See under Devi).
: !


naraka (Hell). (For further on Naraka, under Kala, Yama). SVADHADEVl. Wife of the Manes. There is a story, as given below, in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 9, about


details, see the section

the birth of this goddess. At the beginning of creation Brahma created seven groups of Manes of whom four were embodied and The deities called the Manes three were lustrous ones. are the Barhisadas, the Somapas, Agnisvattas, the


(oblations offered to the manes) were stipulated as the food of these manes. It was ordered that the Brahmin who does not make offerings to the manes, will be as mean and despicable as the Brahmin, who has not learned the Vedas, who has not eaten meals




Aryaman. The Sraddhas


Other details.
It is



and they became contented. daughters named Mena and Dharini were born to the manes by Svadhadevl. It is mentioned in Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 10, that both of the daughters were expounders of Vedas, full of knowledge and the seat of all good qualities. SVAHA. A daughter of Brhaspati. This Svaha who was always angry had a son named Kama. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 2 19, Verse 22).

to an idol in temples, and who has not worshipped Devi (goddess) and that he would not be ceremonies. Thus eligible to perform any religious Brahma meant Sraddha as food for the manes. But the the Brahmins stipulatportion of the rice balls offered by ed as the food of the manes, seldom reached them. At last the manes complained to Brahma. Then Brahma created a woman of beauty, youth, knowledge and power to grant boons, and of good character, from a and portion of pure nature. She was named Svadha, was given to the manes as wife. Then Brahmins were ordered to give offerings to the manes only with the Svadha. When the Brahmins began to spell (Mantra) of do as they were ordered, the manes also began to get


Verse 42,


Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Svahadevi remains in the


court of Brahma, glorifying him.

hermits. (M.B.

the army, Svahadevi also was present. (Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45^ Verse 13) SVA1TREYA. Son of Svitra. There is a story in Rgveda, 1st Mandala, 7th Anuvaka, 33rd Sukta that Svaitreya once hid himself under water for fear of enemies. SVAKSA. A region in India, very famous in the

Once Svahadevi appeared among the wives of Vana Parva, Chapter 225, Verse 7) When Subrahmanya was anointed as captain of



(Mahabharata, Bhlnna Parva, Verse 45).

that this





beings produce Svana (pitiable cry) when they are afflicted by diseases. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Verse 15).


Son of the Agni (fire) called Satya. It is said Agni is the agent which causes disease to things. This agni got the name Svana because



a story about the birth of this goddess, as given below, in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 9. In the beginning of creation sufficient arrangements had not been made for food to be supplied to the Devas (gods) They were in misery. At last the devas

General information.

Wife of god Agni



Son of KingBhavayavya. The daughter of King, who is praised in the Rgveda, was married by the hermit Kaksivan. (For further details see under Kaksivan I, Other details, Para 6) SVAPHALKA. Father of Akrura. Vrsni, a Yadava King had two sons Svaphalka and Citraka. It was divinely ordained that there would not be epidemics and drought in the place where Svaphalka lived. Once there was no rain for a period of three years in the land of the King of Kasi. So the King of Kagi took Svaphalka with him

to his

reached Satyaloka and requested Brahma to make some arrangements for their food. Brahma pacified them by available to them, the saying that he would make
'havis' offered

country. the land and the

With his arrival there was rainfall in King who was pleased at it gave his

meditated on the Mula-Prakrti. A particle of MulaPrakrti appeared before Brahma and asked him what Oh Goddess boon he required. Brahma said thus The gods are miserable due to lack of food. The fire 'havis' offered by is not powerful enough to digest the Brahmins in the fire so as to convert them as food for





Then Brahma

the gods. The fire would become powerful to digest the havis only if your esteemed self would reside in fire as the power of digestion. Only the havis offered, with the mantra, (spell) ending with the holy name of your fire and taken to the glorious self could be digested by it as food. So it is gods as food, and they could accept that your gracious self would become the my request that dwells in fire as the figure of wealth and


daughter Gandini in marriage to Svaphalka. There is a story about the birth of Gandini also. Gandini remained in her mother's womb for many the child last the King of Kasi called to years. At in the womb and said, "Take birth at once; why do child replied, "I shall you remain there so long?" The come out if you allow me to offer a cow as gift every the child was born. day." The King allowed it and She was named "Gandini." She used to offer the gift of cows to Brahmanas daily. After she married Svaphalka, sons several including Akrura were born to her, Chapter 34, Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). (Harivarhs'a,

One of the four states of mind. General information. 1 ) The Indians believe that there are 2) Result of Svapna. two kinds of dreams and that they have the power to
to happen suggest things going have classified dreams as good dreams and bad sages

prosperity, adored But that goddess


in future.

So Indian

by men and gods."

said that








in the sky. (2) grass has


Seeing the following in dream



disease. (33) Fruits have been destroyed minerals. Cleavages occurred in (35) The house was covered with dust. (36) He had swept the house clean. (37) He had played with devils or cruel animals or monkeys or low caste people. (38) Had suffered molestation and hurts from enemies. coloured cloth or play(39) He had worn hermit's ed with coloured clothes. (40) He drank oil and got immersed in water. (41) He has worn bloodcoloured garland and cosmetics.

had caught

or Ink. He had embraced virgins. (28) (27) He had engaged in pederasty. (29) Limbs of the body were damaged. (30) He had vomited and passed excrements. (31) He had gone to the south. He (32)

Pyre. (19) The flag post oflndra had been broken down. (20) The Sun and the Moon had fallen down. (21) The gods, Brahmins, Kings or teachers have been angry. (22) Stars or planets have fallen. (23) He had engaged himself in dance or playing musical instruments or singing. (24) He had played musical instruments except the lute (Vmaj.(25) He had been carried down by the current of a river. (26) He had taken bath in muddy water or cowdung water

He had climbed on trees serpents. (15) with red flowers or on the back of low caste people, hog, dog, ass, or camel. (16) He had eaten flesh of birds or sesame oil or oil-cake. (17) He had entered the womb of his mother. (18) He had got on a

1 ) Grass and trees have grown all over the body except the navel. (2) The dust of bronze was sprinkled on the head (3) The head was completely shaved. (4) One (the dreamer ) had been nude. (5) He (the dreamer) had worn dirty clothes (6) He had applied oil on the body. (7) One is smeared with mud. (8) He had fallen from a higher level to a lower level. had sung songs. (9) He had married. (10) He (II) He had amused himself by playing a lute etc. (12) He had got on a swing (13) He had obtained lotus flower and metals. (14) He had

heads have grown. (4) hair is turntd grey or adorned with white flowers. (5) one is wearing white cloth. (6) he has caught the Moon, or the Sun or the stars and patted them. (7) one has embraced the flag of Indra
or hoisted the


in the loins.

(3) several

in the fourth watch of the night will take effect within half a month and those seen at dawn will be realized within ten days. If a bad dream and a good dream are seen in one night, the last one will take effect. So it is better not to sleep any more in the after

If the dreams mentioned above are seen it should not be mentioned to anybody. After the dream, either he should sleep again or take bath. To counteract the effects of bad dreams, do one of the following such as offering sesame as oblation in fire; worshipping Visnu or Siva, or the Sun or Ganesvara; singing hymns of praise; reciting suktas (verses) such as Purusasukta etc. The dreams seen in the first watch of the night will come into effect within one dreams seen in the year; second watch of the night will take effect within six months; those seen in the third watch of the night will take effect within three months and those seen

one has attacked the enemies. (10) he has won a controversy, or gambling or a battle. 1 1 ) he has eaten raw flesh or pudding. ( (12) one has bathed in blood. (13) one has drunk Sura (liquor) or blood or milk. (14) one has handled weapons. (15) the sky is clear. (16) drank the milk of cow, buffalolioness, elephant or mare, by mouth as their calves do. (17) one got blessings from the gods, or Brahmins, or teachers. (18) one is anointed with water in the horn of cow or water oozed from the lunar region, or anointed as the ruler of a kingdom. (19) the head is wounded or he himself was dead. have caught (20) houses etc. fire. (21) one received the emblems of kings. (22) he has played the instrument lute. (23) a king or elephant or horse or gold or an ox or a cow comes before. If at the end of the dream he is seen as having climbed on the back of an ox or an elephant or on the top of a house or a mountain or a tree, or as having smeared ghee or excrement on the body or gone to a prohibited woman, or seen white cloth, clear water, tree with fruits, or a clear sky, it forebodes good future. (Agni Purana, Chapter 229). SVARASTRA.A country in India famous in the Puranas. Mention is made about this country in Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 48. SVARAVEDI. A celestial maid. (For further details see under Pramohinl) SVARBHANAVI. The daughter of Svarbhanu. Ayus, the son of Puriiravas married Svarbhanavi. Five sons beginning with Nahusa were born to the couple. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter '75, Verse 26). SVARBHANU I. A Danava (asura) born to KasyapaIt is mentioned in Mahaprajapati by his wife Danu. bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 12 that Ugrasena the father of Kamsa was the rebirth of this Danava.

and fountain.


of Indra.



the earth


II. An son born to Sri Krsna by Satya(Bhagavata, Skandha 10). SVARGADVARA, An ancient holy bath, situated in Kuruksetra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata. Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 167, that one could attain



heaven by bathing

in this holy tirtha.

61, that those who bathe in this holy place will attain the world of Brahma.

It ismentioncd Mahabharata, Anus"asana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse


seeing a good dream.


B. Good dreams.

Seeing that he has climbed on a mountaian or the upper storey of a building, or on the back of an elephant, or horse, or bull or on the top of trees having white flowers, or

This place is in the holy place. Naimisa. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Anui'asana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 33, that he who lives in this place for a month and gives offerings to the manes, will obtain the fruits of performing Purusamcdha yajna (A sacrifice). SVARNA. A celestial woman. By the blessings of Kraunca a daughter named Vrnda was born to Svarna. There were none who were not fascinated by her beauty. Once Sukra asked Svarna, and obtained Vrnda, for the asura


(See under Bharala).

important section in

Chapter 4).



named Jalandhara. (Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda,


warrior of Subrahmanya.


bharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45). SVARNAGRlVA. A warrior of Subrahmanya.


Three sons, named Vijaya, Merumanda, and Prabhava were born to Svarocis by his'' three wives Manorama, Vibhava, and Kalavati. Later from a jungle goddess another son named Svarocisa also was born to Svarocis. Svarocisa who was also called Dyntiman, became an emperor afterwards. (Markandeya Purana, 61). SVAROCISA. A Manu. See 'under Manvantara. SVARUPA. An asura. This asura remains in the palace of Varuna and serves him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 14). SVASA. A daughter of Daksaprajapati. Dharmadeva married her. Anila, the Vasu, was born as their son. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 17). SVASTIKA I. A naga (serpent) who lived in GirivraMahabharata, Sabha Parva, ja. It is mentioned in in the Chapter 9, Verse 9, that this serpent lives palace of Varuna. SVASTIKA II. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M. B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 65). SVASTIMATI. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M. B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 12).

bharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45). A king of the Solar dynasty. It is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 9, that this king was the son of Maharoma and the father of Prastharoma. SVAllOCIS. A son born to the king Dyutiman by his wife Varuthinl. He had learned the languages of all the living creatures from Vibhavarl, the daughter of Mandara a Vidyadhara, and the art called "Padminividya" from Kalavati the daughter of Para, a Yaksa.


Manu to rule over the subjects. Two sons named Priyavrata and Uttanapada and two daughters named Prasuti and Akuti, were born to Svayambhuva by his wife Satarupa. Of the two daughters Prasuti was given to Prajapati Daksa and Akuti to Prajapati Ruci as wives. A son named Yajfia and a daughter named Daksina were born to Ruci by Akuti. The children were twins. It is believed that Svayambhuva and Satarupa are

1 Birth. Svayambhuva Manu was born as the ) mental son, and Satarupa as the mental daughter, of Brahma. Svayambhuva did penance and acquired married the subjects. He boons for ruling over Satarupa herself. Brahma appointed him as the





ancient holy place in Kuruksetra. Those who visit this holy place will obtain the fruits of giving thousand cows as alms. (M. B. Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 174). SVASTYATREYA. An ancient hermit. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Verse 28 that this hermit had lived in South India. SVASVA. A king praised in the Rgveda. With a view to obtain a son, he worshipped the Sun and the Sun himself took birth as his son. The son grew up and became king. Once there arose a fight between this king and hermit Eta$a, in which fight Indra saved the Sukta hermit. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 11,



A grandson of Caksusa Manu. Ten sons were born to Caksusa Manu, by his wife Nadvala. Svati was the son of his son Oru by his wife Agneyi. Svati had five brothers named Sumanas, Kratu, Aiiga, Aiigiras and Gaya. (Agni Purana, Chapter 18). SVAVATKA (SVAPHALKA). Father of Akrura. (See under Svaphalkal
(Mahabharata, Vana


(Brahma) appreciated the beauty of Satarupa. He was ashamed of his grew amorous. But Brahma feeling, as Satarupa being half of his body, was his daughter. Being subjected to love and shame at the same time Svayambhuva stood there, looking at Satarupa. To avoid the look of Brahma, Satarupa moved to one side. Brahma had no courage to turn his face to that So another face sprang up side. on that side for him. Satarupa turned to four sides and Brahma thus got four faces. His amour subsided. When the desire subsided, a man originated from Brahma. That man is Svayambhuva. (For further details_see under Manvantara). SVAYANJATA. A son born to a man by his own wife. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 119 Verse 33). SVAYAMPRABHA. A daughter of Maya, an asura. Two daughters named Svayamprabha and Somaprabha were born to Mayasura. From birth SvayamNalakubara the son of prabha became a celibate. Vais ravana married Somaprabha. Svayamprabha, the celibate, became the maid of Rambha. (For the rest of the story, see under Rama Para 25) ( Kathasariisagara, Madanamancukalambaka, Taranga 3) SVAYAMVARA I. A sub-section of Adi Parva in Mahabharata. This sub-section comprises Chapters 183 to 191 of Adi Parva. SVAYAMVARA II. A Ksatriya custom of princesses selecting their husbands themselves. There are three kinds of Svayarhvara. These three types are stipulated for Kings only. The first type is Icchasvayamvara, the second one is Savyavasthasvayarhvara and the third is

Brahma took birth as a man somewhere in Kasmira. Brahma who took birth as man, created Satarupa from his own body, without any decrease in its radiance. Svayambhuva
occurs in Matsya Purana.


story as









holy place situated in KuruParva, Chapter 83


Icchasvayamvara. Anybody may be chosen as husband according to the wish of the bride. Damayanti Svayarhvara is an example of this. In the second it will be stipulated that the bridegroom will have to possess


Verse 61



who had

monial rites of Sraddha (offering to the manes). (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 191). SVAYAMBHUVA MANU. Son of Brahma and the

This teacher was priest. given precedence to the cere-


of the


Svayarhvara. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 3) An asura (demon) (See under Raktaja). SVETA I. A King in ancient India. By his moral and spiritual power he was able to restore his dead son to
. .

certain qualifications. In Sita-Svayarhvara Sri Rama drew the bow ofTryambaka, and married Sita. This is an example of the second type of Svayarhvara. The heroes. Arjuna's third type is meant for adventurous marrying Subhadra is an example of the third type of




2) Pride perishes. Under his father's training Svetaketu became a great scholar. With the increase in his scholarship, he became very proud. The father who understood this called him to his side and asked him :all about what you can see, hear and understand, have you learnt anything about what you cannot see, hear or understand?" Svetaketu admitted that he did not know. Then Uddalaka explained to him the mystery of Paramatma (universal soul) which is without beginning or end. (Chandogyopanisad). 3) Svetaketu in Pdfudla. After completing his education under his father, Svetaketu went to Pancala. There, in the royal assembly Jaivali, the Pravahana King asked

dawn and dusk. (M.B.Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 233; Sand Parva, Chapter 153, Verse 68; Anusasana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 6 6) SVETA II. A King. Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Diksitiatya Ruha, Chapter 14 mentions that he was one of the prominent Kings in India. SVETA III. A son of the Virata King. Sveta was the son of Kin^ Virata by his chief wife Suratha, who was a princess of Kosala. Sveta had attended Yudhisthira's Rajasuya. This distinguished warrior was killed by Bhisma in Bhlrau Yuddha. (M.B. Dlksinatya Pafha, Virafa Parva, Chapter 16; Sabha Parva, Chapter 44, Verse 20; Bhisma Parva, Chapter 48). SVETA IV. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 64)'. SVETA V. Son of the elder brother of King Sudeva. There is a story of how Sveta, who was a sinner, attained moksa (salvation) by a vision of sage Agastya. Towards the end of his life, Sveta attained Moksa by performing austere tapas. But since he failed to earn God's grace by giving food to the hungry, even in

He did not eat meat. Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parvi, Chapter 15 J mentions that he was one of the few Kings who deserve to be remembered with reverence

"By studying

"Where do people go do they return ? Where do Devayana and Pitryana meet ? From where do they
the following questions



Heaven, he was tormented by hunger and thirst. His hunger was so severe that he began eating his own flesh. At last as suggested by Brahma he was born again on earth and after a visit to Agastya re-entered Heaven. SVETA VI. A daughter of Daksa. Ten daughters were born to Daksa by his wife Krodhavasa, including Sveta. (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, 14th
VII. A mountain in Uttara Khanda. In we Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 1 39, Verse find that the Paudavas crossed the Sveta mountain

to his father Aruni and told him about his failure to answer these questions. The father admitted that he too did not know them and suggested that they should ask Pravahana himself. Since Svetaketu refused to go with him to see the King, Uddalaka himself went to Pravahana. The King enlightened him on the above topics and sent him back. (Chandogyopanisad 1.8)

diverge ? Why is Pitrloka imperfect ? What is the fifth yajnabali ?" Svetaketu answered that he did not know because his father had not taught him these things. Then he went




Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 15 mentions that he serves Kubera in Kubera's assembly. He was the guardian of Kubera's treasury. SVETADVlPA. An island. It was on this island that Mahavisnu performed his austere tapas for obtaining "Brahma Vidya". It is situated on the northern side of the ocean of milk. It is 32,000 miles above Meru mountain. The inhibitants of Svetadvlpa are without the sense organs. They do not take food. They are rich
Their bodies and bones are as hard as Vajrayudha. Their heads are as broad and flat as umbrellas and their voice as loud as thunder. Each of
in "Jftana" (knowledge) Their bodies give out perpetual fragrance. These sinless people are of white com.


during their life in the forest. VIII. A country situated on the northern side of the Ni'la mountain. The region known as "Hiranyakam" is situated to the north of this country. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 37).
(guardian of treasury).

Kausitaki Brahmana, 4) Acarya of Tajna Rules. In Svetaketu is described as the Acarya of the rules of Yajfta. He has laid down definite rules and procedures for priests officiating in Yajiias. Besides, he has suggested the different customs and practices to be observed by Brahmacarins and tapasvins. In the treatises dealing with Dharmas'astra before his time, food of sweet taste was denied to Brahmacarins. But Svetaketu has pointed out that it was an entirely wrong doctrine. (Gopatha

Brahmana, 1.33 Sarhkhyayana Brahmana, 1.33). Once an acarya named Jatukarnya became the priest of the Kings of KasI, Kosala and Videha. Svetaketu who was angry at this complained bitterly about this to his father. Then Uddalaka reminded his son that for wisdom instead of being priests should yearn attracted by worldly pleasures.

was Svetaketu who abridged the original work on Kamasastra by Nandi, into 500 chapters. This abridgement of Svetaketu was again abridged after some years by Babhravya. It was after abridging it again and adding Dattakacarya's "Vaisika" and Suvarnanabha's "Samprayogika" etc., that Vatsyayana composed his famous treatise "Kamasutra". Really speaking, the basis of Vatsyayana's "Kamasutra" was the works of Babhravya and Svetaketu on Kamasastra.

5) Author of Kamasastra.

It is




clear that

them has four arms and





sixty teeth. All of

them worship Daksinatya Patha, Chapter



Maharsi. Svetaketu was the son of the sage Aruni or Uddalaka who was born in the Gautama clan. Svetaketu had a sister named Suj.ua. Astavakra was her son by the sage, Kahotaka. Thus Svetaketu was Astavakra's uncle. Svetaketu and Asfavakra grew up together in Uddalaka's a.srama. (See under Astavakra)

Svetaketu was Uddalaka's son, born to his wife by one of his disciples. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 22). Once his mother was abducted by a Brahmana. This incident inspired him to make stringent laws insisting on monogamy for men and women.

the Brahmana community was Svetaketu. story in the Mahabharata about the fact which prompted him to bring marriage within the framework of law.

It has been observed that the first person his voice against the evils of drinking and



adultery by There is a



He was

mostly occupied in perform-

Mahabharata gives the following details yajna lover: (i) Svetaki performed numerous Yajnas. He was a King who was deeply absorbed in Yajnas. (M.B.Adi Parva, Chapter 222). Once the Yajna he performed was so prolonged (ii) that the Rtviks were utterly tired and left the Yajna in the middle. After that the King had to bring in other Rtviks to complete it. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 225. Verse 21).
ing Yajnas.






and married

wife Silavati. She touched the elephant it stood up. Ratnadhipa was very
Silavati's sister

and immedi-



offering rich presents to Sllavati and Harsagupta Ratnadhipa took Rajadatta on the back of Svetarasmi to a deserted island Catussaladvipa and left her there under the protection of several women attendants. The King spent his nights at Catussaladvipa and days in his own




worshipped Siva and propitiated him to get a blessing to enable him to perform many Yajnas. Siva advised him that he should do "ahuti" (homa or sacrifice) in Agni continuously for twelve years. Accepting this advice, the king invited Durvasas to make arrangements for the Yajna. Appointing Durvasas as Rtvik, Svetaki continued the Yajna for a hundred years. (For more information see under Khandavadaha ) SVETAPARIVA. King of the city of Bhadravati, which was situated to the east of Hastinapura. In Jaimini Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 15, it is stated that Bhlma after a fight captured and took with him the beautiful horse of this King for the purpose of Yudhisthira's Asvamedha Yajna.


alone in her resiattendants had gone out to attend to various duties. At this time a man happened to arrive there from somewhere. He was Bhavanasena, the son of a Vaisya. He reached the island with the help of a piece of wood which was floating in the sea after a shipwreck.

One day Rajadatta was remaining



Rajadatta who heard his story, was irresistibly attracted by him and she embraced him. Just then the King arrived on the scene. Consoling himself by thinking that this was also the will of Fate, he let off the Vaisya

The King returned

the rest of his

be born as a white elephant in the Kaliiiga country, as a result of a curse. Svetarasmi is the name of that


Gandharva happened

elephant. The King Ratnadhipa mounted that elephant and did many exploits. King Ratnadhipa was the ruler of the island Ratnakuta. He was a prominent Vaisnava. He did tapas.to Visnu with the object of conquering the whole earth



appeared before him and said: "A Gandharva has been born in the land of Kalihga by a curse as a white elephant. His name is Svetarasmi. As directed by me, he will come to you. You may ride him and he will
offer their








take you through the air across the the Kings sky. All whom you fight, will be defeated and they will


daughters to you as tribute." Next day, the elephant Svetarasmi descended before him through the air. As advised by MahSvisnu Ratnadhipa mounted the elephant and conquered the whole world and secured numerous princesses. One day as the King was riding the elephant and travelling through the air, an eagle came and pecked at the forehead of the elephant. Ratnadhipa drove it away by a thrust with his spear. But the elephant fell down unconscious. Even after five days he did not rise. The King offered prayers to the "Lokapalakas". He was about to cut off his own head and offer it as sacrifice to them. Just then he heard a mysterious voice saying: -"Do not be rash;

chief queen who was kept closely her to touch the elephant. But he did not rise. Then he ordered all the rest of his wives in turn to touch the elephant. Still the elephant did not rise. When he found that none of his 80,000 wives was a "chaste woman", the King was ashamed of himself. Then he brought every one of the women in his kingdom and made them touch the animal one by one. But it was all in vain. At
this stage,

The King

will rise at the

touch of a chaste



once went

to the palace

and brought his guarded and asked

suddenly transformed itself into a man of divine glory, dressed in gorgeous clothes and jewels. He spoke to the King as follows: "I am a Gandharva. My name is Somaprabha. There is my elder brother Devaprabha who lives on the Malaya mountain. My brother had a wife named Rajavatl. Once all the three of us went to worship in a Visnu temple at a place called Siddhavasa. At that time my sister-in-law sang a devotional song. A Siddha who was enchanted by her song was looking fixedly at her. Enraged at it, my brother asked the Siddha why he was staring at his wife with lustful eyes. The innocent Siddha was naturally provoked by the question and pronounced a curse that my brother and his wife would be born in human wombs and in that birth, he would see his wife having sexual union with a stranger. When I heard my brother being cursed I became very angry. I hurled a toy elephant which was in my hand at the time, at the Siddha. He then cursed me also to become a white elephant just like the toy with which I hit him. I am that younger brother and you are my elder brother. This Rajadatta, your queen was my sister-in-law Rajavatl. Our curse is now over." As soon as he concluded, all the three of them renounced their earthly bodies and were restored to their forms. original (Kathasaritsagara, Ratnaprabhalambaka, Taraiiga 2) SVETASIDDHA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 68). SVETASVATARA. He was the author of the famous Upanisad known as "Svetasvatara. Many spiritual and philosophical topics are discussed in this work divided

to his palace and decided to spend by doing tapas in the forest, after giving away all his wealth and property to the poor. When he was about to mount SvetaraiJmi, the animal



into six chapters.

Another name

for Arjuna.

(See under


warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 73). SVISTAKRT I. Another name of Agni (Fire). It is

when Ratnadhipa was very much depressed, a merchant named Harsagupta from Tamralipti happened to come there. He was accompanied by his

Verse 22, that

who was

Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 219, this Agni was the sixth son of Brhaspati.

second son of Manu. Rohini the second

The Agni


called Visvapati,



and renunciation This hermit Syumaras mi isasancient as the Rgveda. A statement as follows, occurs in RQJveda, Mandala I, Anuvaka 16, Sukta 112. "Ye AsVins

daughter of Manu also is known by the name Svistakrt. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 221, that the offering in fire, of the fat pardons of the the help sacrificial animals, is carried out properly by
of this


are the Leaders.


here also with


Syama. They are called Navakanyas. They were married by the sons of Agnidhra. (Bhagavata, 5th Skandha) SYAMA. A mountain in Sakadvipa. It is as dark as clouds and very tall. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 11,

SVITRAPUTRA. See under Svaitreya. SVOTTHA. A King. (See under Saraloma). SYAMA. One of the nine daughters of Mcru.

weapons by which you gave protection to Atri, Sariryu and Manu, and the arrows by shooting which you saved Syumaras mi."



(cf). This letter means a thief or the inner down of a bird. (Agni Purana, Chapter 348) TA (<T) This letter means the act of singing. (Agni Purana, Chapter 348) TADITPRABHA. A female follower of Subrahmanya.


heroine of great prosperity. (See under Bhadrasrava). SYAMAKA. A son of Sura by Mari sa. (Bhagavata, 9th


Verse 19).




(For further details

TAIJASA. A holy place. This is situated in Kuruksetra The importance of this place lies in the fact that it wa
at this place that all

(Verse 17, Chapter 46. Salya Parva).

place. By bathing and living here for a fortnight one would obtain the power of "Antardhana" according to Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 30. SYAMAYANA. One of the sons of Visvamitra. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 55) SYANDIK.A. A river in Kosala. This is very famous in in Valmlki Ramayana, the Puranas. It is mentioned Ayodhya Kanda, Sarga 49, Verse 12, that Sri Rama, who had started for forest-life, crossed the river "Syandika where peacocks and swans called." SYAPARNA (S) A priestly community. They were the priests of King Vis vantara. Once Vis vantara decided to perform a Somayaga. Without allowing Syaparnas to take part in that yaga, the King invited other priests for the purpose. At that time, Ramabhargaveya, one of the Syaparnas devised a new method concerning Somayaga and established his claim to priesthood. (Aitareya Brahmana, 7, 27). &YAVASVA. Son of the sage Arcananas. (See under
. .



under Prasena)


together crowned



ancient holy

manya as their Commander-in-chief. (Sloka 16, Chapter 83, Vana Parva). TAITTIRI. A celebrated sage of the Taittiriya branch of sages. He attended the Yaga conducted by Uparicaravasu.



born to Bharata of his wife Mandavi. along with his brother Puskara conquered Gandhiradesa and created Taksasilanagarl there. (Uttarakanda, Valmlki Ramayana, and Vayu Purana).

(Sand Parva).

This prince


fierce serpent.

Taksaka was one of the serpent chiefs. (Sloka 5, Chapter 35, Adi Parva). See also under Kadru) In his boyhood Taksaka went 2) Taksaka and Parikfit. out from the family. The reason was a curse by his mother. Once Kadru and Vinata, another wife of Kasyapa, entered into a controversy regarding the

Brahma Marlci Kasyapa Taksaka. Kasyapamuni got of his wife Kadru serpents and

Genealogy and



order from



class of birds.

was born to Kasyapa Prajapati by his wife Tamra. Syenas were the sons of Syeni. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 56). SYENA II. An ancient sage. Mahabharata, Sabha Parva Chapter 7, Verse 1 1, describes him as shining in Indra's

daughter named "Syeni"






had never eaten meat. (M.B. Anufasana Parva, Chapter 115,

This King


Verse 63).

colour of the hair of the tail of the horse Uccais's'ravas. Kadru said, it was black and Vinata said it was white. It was decided that she who lost the wager should become the servant of the other. That night Kadru called her children and asked them to go and hang on the tail of the horse so that it should appear black. Some of the righteous children opposed this deceitful attempt of their mother and refused to go. Kadru cursed them saying that they would be burnt to death at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya. Kadru sent those children out from home and Taksaka became their

Raksasa. In his battle with Sri Rama, Khara had twelve military commanders including Syenagaml. (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 26). SYENAJlf I. Son of Dala, a King of the Iksvaku dynasty. Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 192, Verse 63 mentions that he was the most beloved son of
his father.
II. Uncle of Bhimasena. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 141 Verse 27) SYENl. See under Syena. SYOMARASMI. An ancient hermit. It is stated in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 238, that this hermit got into the stomach of a cow and sitting there, talked with the hermit Kapila about the ways of Karma







time Parlksit (King of Bharata) became the of a curse that he would die by the bite of Taksaka within seven days. (To know more details regarding this curse of the sage see under Astlka). The worried King in consultation with his ministers decided to take protective measures. At first he moved to a seven-storeyed palace and stayed on the seventh storey. Physicians of fame and those well-versed in mantras were posted at the palace. Brahmins were put on duty for prayers. The entire palace and precincts were guarded by huge elephants. Security arrangements were such that even wind found it impossible to enter the palace without permission. The King did all his daily routine activities in the palace itself.





that day onwards Uttanka waited for an opporIt was at that tunity to take vengeance on Taksaka. time that Janamejaya, son of Parlksit, became the king. Janamejaya was only eleven years old when he became king and he was not then aware of the details of the

At that time Kasyapa [There is a version that it was Dhanvantari who was thus sent back by Taksaka. 9th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata] was the greatest of all physicians and mantrikas and, greedy that he was, he started to the palace of Parlksit thinking that it would be the best opportunity to obtain some money from the King. Taksaka also was going to the palace in the guise of a brahmin. On the way Taksaka met Kasyapa and knowing well that the presence of the celebrated Kasyapa at the palace would be an obstacle to the achievement of his mission, he approached Kasyapa. They talked on the way and Kasyapa said he was going to the palace to save the King from the bite of Taksaka. Then Taksaka, revealing his identity, said that it was impossible to save anybody from the result of his bite. Both then decided to test their skill then and there. A huge banyan tree with many branches spreading wide was standing nearby and Taksaka gave it a bite. Within seconds the huge tree was charred to destruction; Kasyapa then took some water and reciting a mantra poured the water over the ashes of the tree and then to the surprise of Taksaka, the tree rose up and stood in its original form. On seeing that Taksaka confessed that Kasyapa was superior fo him. Taksaka then coaxed him to his side and giving him a huge amount as bribe bade him return home.
Six days went by and on the reached the palace of Parlksit.


Uttanka went to him and told him how Taksaka killed his father. Janamejaya became furious and asked him how to wreak vengeance on him. Uttanka suggested the performance of a Sarpasatra to which all the serpents should be attracted by mantras and burnt to death there. The young king agreed and Uttanka with other rsis commenced the Sarpasatra. One by one all the serpents came and fell into the sacriWhere is ficial fire but Taksaka was not to be found. Taksaka? This question was heard from many lips. Taksaka was specially invoked by Uttanka. Taksaka could not bear the power of Uttanka and he ran and
death of his father.
prostrated before Indra. Indra not only did give refuge but gave him half of his seat in the throne and Taksaka Uttanka was sat on it fully confident of security.


well-guarded and watched. There was no way to go in. Taksaka then called all his relatives and had them disguised as brahmins. He sent them in with fruits and roots, like people who had come to pay homage to the King. Taksaka crept into one of the most attractive of the fruits as a tiny worm. The guards at the gate stopped them. The fake brahmins then said that they had come a long way from a far off tapovana and should be allowed to see the King. The information was carried The King said he would seethe brahmins to the King. the next day but ordered their gifts to be brought to him. When the fruits and roots were brought to him, he gave a fruit each to the ministers, himself taking the most beautiful fruit of the lot. When he cut the fruit open he saw a worm with two black eyes and a red body sitting inside it and was a bit surprised. Then

seventh day Taksaka found the palace

enraged, when after repeated calls by mantra, Taksaka did not appear and so he sat in meditation for some time to know the cause. He then saw Taksaka sitting on the throne of Indra and the sight threw him into fury and he invoked Taksaka, Indra and the throne and all. Lo in an instant Indra, Taksaka, the throne and all started moving towards the sacrificial fire Within seconds all would have been burnt to death but for the timely intervention of a brahmin boy named (See under Astika, Astika, son of the sage Jaratkaru. Taksaka escaped death that time). Taksaka by instructions from Indra was living in the forest of Khandava and when that was burnt by Agni, it was Indra who saved Taksaka from the fire. (See

under Khandavadaha).

he addressed his ministers thus "Oh, best of ministers, by your earnest and sincere endeavour nothing has happened to me till now. The Sun is going to set and the term of the curse is going to end. There is no need to be afraid of any poison now. But let not a curse of a sage go futile. Let this worm bite me and fulfill the curse." So saying the King took the worm and placed the fierce it on his neck. The worm changed itself into

Candrangada lived in the house of Taksaka for some time. (See under Candrangada) of a brahmin named Ksapa(ii) Taksaka in the guise naka went to the sage Uttanka and stole the ornaments from him. (See under Uttanka) Earth was made into a cow and every(iii) Once the milked Irom her what each wanted. The serpents body milked poison from her and they then used Taksaka as the calf. (See under Prthu). the forest of Khandava, (iv) During the burning of slew the wife of Taksaka. (See under KhandaArjuna

4) Other details. A king called (i)



the soul of


reached Patala, Taksaka received 15, Chapter 4, Mausala Parva).


after his death, with respect. (Sloka


lives in the

Taksaka and

as daksina (fees) the ear-rings worn by the Ksatriya wife of King Pausya. Indra made Taksaka steal the ornament and created many obstacles on the way. That incident made (For details see under Uttanka)

bit the King and the King fell down dead. (12th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata) Once the son of Indra's jtiend. 3) How Taksaka became a sage of great divine splendour named Uttanka was his edustudying under a Guru named Veda. When cation was complete, the Guru asked him to bring


them mutual


and gradually Taksaka became an

intimate friend of Indra.

called Candramati and made Chatraketu candraketu) the king. (Uttara Ramayana) (? TAKSASlLA. A place of Puranic celebrity situated in the north-west of Bharala. Even from ancient times this
city there

II. The elder of the two sons of Laksmana of his wife Urmila. The other was Chatraketu. Followwent to the ing the instructions of Sri Rama, Laksmana He then east sea coast, defeated the forest tribe there. constructed a city there named Agati and made Taksaka west sea-coast the king there. He then went to the and destroying the barbarous tribe there constructed a

him. (SlokaS, Chapter9, Sabha Parva).

court of Varuna worshipping



and wept


place of human habitation in ancient (Sloka 26, Chapter 140, Udyoga Parva). TA.LADHVAJA. The phantom husband of Narada. Once Narada became a woman and a king called Taladhvaja married her (Devi Purana). It was tp show how the mind is covered with illusion that Mahavisnu made Narada into a woman.

was an educational and cultural centre. From the descriptions of the Chinese traveller Huen Tsang it is found that Nalanda and Taksasila were two great universities The famous Sarpasatra of Janamejaya before Christ. was conducted at this place situated on the banks of the river Vitasta. The story of Mahabharata was first told at this place and at the end of the narration Brahmins were given gifts. (Chapters 3 and 5, Adi Parva) TALA. A hell. There are many hells under water including Tala. (Chapter 6, Arhsa 2, Visnu Purana).


memory how he had requested Visnu to show him Maya and how he had taken a bath in that lake and how he had spent a long period of married life ending
in misery

bitterly. Then Mahavisnu came there disguised as an old brahmin and talked to her. He gave her instructions on some truths about life. Saubhagyasundari then called Taladhvaja and they both went to the old lake and as instructed by the old brahmin she Saubhagyasundari took a dip in the water. Lo became the old Narada. When Narada got up from the lake Mahavisnu was still standing near his violin -and deer-skin smiling at him. The sight of Visnu gave him knowledge of all that had happened. He stood there recounting in his

Once Narada went


Mahavisnu and asked him about

the secret of life. Mahavisnu said that there was nothing called life and life exists because of Maya the illusion of the mind. Narada insisted that he should see 'Maya' (illusion) and so Visnu started from Vaikuntha with Narada on the back of Garuda.

Crossing forests, rivers, cities, lakes, villages and mountThere they saw a ains they reached Kanyakubja. Garuda landed and Visnu and Narada beautiful lake.

when Visnu called him and said "Come on Narada, how slow you are. Finish your bath and co:ne soon. What are you thinking about ?" Taladhvaja, however, was unmoved by any of these. He was puzzled to find

and how Visnu had come to her in the form of an old brahmin when she had cried to him in agony and how the old brahmin had taken her and Taladhvaja to the lake again and how he had become his old self again. He stood there still pondering over these

beautiful wife

down. They walked along the shore of the lake for some time and then they sat beneath a tree for some After some time Mahavisnu asked Narada to time.
take a

bath in the lake.

Pleased at



Narada placed his violin and deer-hide on the shore and after first washing his face and feet and doing 'acamana' with Kusa grass in his hand stepped into the water for his bath. Mahavisnu stood near the violin and deer-hide of Narada and Narada dipped himself in the water. What a surprise Narada was changed into a woman of great beauty. She had no memory of her previous birth and getting herself on to the shore she

who has just dipped herself in this same place ? From where do you come ?" Even before waiting to hear a reply from him the King began to make a hue and cry about the loss of his wife. Then Mahavisnu went to him and consoled him by saying with illustrations that 'human ties are only ephemeral' and asked him to take a bath in the lake. Taladhvaja after his

bearded Sannyasi rising up from the place where his had dipped herself for a bath. He went Narada and asked "Oh best of sages, where is my

bath became disgusted with





in the

attained moksa.


doing penance Skandha, Devi



stood there watching the surroundings there. Then a king called Taladhvaja came on horse-back that way. He addressed the beautiful woman as Saubhagyasundari



time she bore eight more sons also. When all the twenty sons came of age they were married according to the custom and in due course those sons also got sons. Thus Taladhvaja and Saubhagyasundari became the heads of a large family of children and grand-children and lived One day a king from a far-off place with a happily. great army suddenly came and surrounded Kanyakubja. In the fight that ensued most of the sons and grand-sons of Saubhagyasundari were killed. The king fled from
the battlefield

Within hours they got married and Taladhvaja took her to his palace and spent the honey-moon there happily. Twelve years went by and Saubhagyasundari became pregnant. In due course she got a son named Vlravarma. After another two years she got another son named Sudharma. Thus she delivered a son every two years for twentyfour After some years becoming the mother of twelve sons.


started talking with her.

between Vitihotra, the eldest of these sons, and ParaSurama. (Chapter 88, Brahmanda Purana). TALAKATA. An ancient place of habitation of Daksina Bharata.' (Sloka 60, Chapter 31, Sabha Parva). TALAKETU. A demon. Sri Krsna captured this demon from the Mahendra mountain in the IravatI river and

See under Sirhhadhvaja. Jayadhvaja, fifth son of Karttavirya, a son named Talajangha. The sons of this valiant are called Talajarighas. There was once a great



and came to the palace. Saubhagyasundari and when the enemies left the battlefield she secretly went there to have a last look at her sons and grandsons lying dead. The sight terrified her. They lay there without heads, hands or legs, eyes protruded, stomach cut open, intestines lying out and blood oozing out from everywhere. She fell to the ground
was in great

was a great and celebrated astrologer of Kerala. He was born in A.D. 1537 in a village called Alattur in a place called Talakkulam, two miles to the south of Tirur in South Malabar. He lived upto A.D. 1595. His great work is 'DasadhyayP a book on astrology. TALAVANA I. An ancient place of Daksina Bharata. This place was conquered by Sahadeva. (Sloka 61, Chapter 31, Sabha Parva) TALAVANA II. A garden on the side of the mountain of Latavesta near Dvaraka. (Chapter 38, Sabha Parva). TAMA. A King who was the son of Srava of the race of King Grtsamada. (Sloka 63, Chapter 30, Amiwriter











asana Parva)




Rajas and Tamas are the three

of the three qualities of the soul. Sattva,

qualities. It





the union of these three qualities that the inner soul enters the life of all animate and inanimate objects. The attributes of Tamas are greed, sleep, bravery, cruelty disbelief in god, bad habits, begging and indifference. It is because of the action of tamoguna that one becomes a prey to lust. It is the worst result of tamasic activities that people are born as inanimate objects,




on the north-east side of Bharata.

fire is



insects, fishes, serpents, tortoises, cows and deer. a better result of Tamasic activities people are born

holy river of Daksina Kerala. Once the Devas did penance on the banks of this river to obtain salvation. (Sloka 14, Chapter 88, Vana Parva). A sacred place. He who benefit of doing an visits this place would get the

Bhisma Parva)

place of habitation (Sloka 57, Chapter

elephants, horses, Sudras, barbarous people, lions, tigers and hogs. It is the good result of tamasic deeds that produce pilgrims, good castes, egoistic people,

asvamedhayajna and he would go (Sloka 154, Chapter 84, Vana Parva).

ancient river.



Manusmrti). TAMASA. A sacred river. People of Bharata were using the water of this river for drinking. (Sloka 3, Chapter 9, Bhisma Parva). The famous as'rama of Valmiki was on the banks of this river. This place was the scene of the well-known episode of the Kraunca birds and the famous curse of Valmiki beginning with 'Ma nisada'. (Bala Kanda, Sarga 2, Valmiki Ramayana). TAMASA. The fourth Manu. (See under Manvantara) Svayambhuva Manu, son of Brahma, was the first Manu. He had two sons of Puranic fame named Priyavrata and Uttanapada. Of these Priyavrata married the beautiful and virtuous daughters of Visvakarma the Prajapati. They were Surupa. and Barhismati. Of his first wife Surupa, he got ten sons Agnidhra and others. The youngest child was a daughter named Urjjasvatl. Of the sons, Kavi, Savana andMahavTra became detached from worldly life and became learned in spiritual knowledge. Priyavratagot of his second wife Barhismati three sons named Uttama, Tamasa and Raivata. They were very valiant and they gradually became chiefs of Manvantaras. (8th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata) TAMISRA. A hell. (See under Kala).

demons and




Kubera. (Sloka



generated from


is believed that Sloka 23, Chapter






court of

Chapter 10, Sabha Parva). TAMSU. A King of PuruvanYa. He was the son of Matinara and father of Ilina a King. (Chapter 94, Adi


place of habitation of ancient Bharata. Sloka 64, Chapter 9, Bhisma Parva). TAIiJDl. A celebrated sage. Jt was the sage who repeated to Brahma the thousand names of Siva. ( Chapter 14, Anusasana Parva). TANDULIKASRAMA. A sacred place of ancient Bharata. He who visits this place would enter Brahmaloka. (Sloka 43, Chapter 82, Vana Parva) TANDYA. A sage. He was a friend of Indra. He once He took part in the Yajna of Uparicaravasu. observed correctly the duties of Vanaprastha and attained svarga. (Sloka 17, Chapter 244, Santi Parva). TAJsIGANA. An ancient place of habitation of Bharata. (Sloka 64, Chapter 9, Bhisma Parva).


when he


lived incognito in the



of Subrahmanya. (Sloka Chapter 45, Salya Parva). TAMRA. A demon, son of Murasura. The demon



Anus asana Parva)

(Sloka city of Virata. Virata Parva). BrahmavadI son of Visvamitra. (Chapter 4,


name adopted by Sahadeva

Skandha Bhagavata and 5th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata). TAMRA. Daughter of Daksa. Tamra was married to KaSyapa and he begot of her five daughters named Kraurici, Bhasi, Syeni, Dhrtarastri and Sukl. Of these
KrauficI delivered owls, Bhasi delivered Bhasas, Syeni, Kites and Vultures, Dhrtarastri, swans, geese and cuckoos, and Suki delivered Nata and Nata in turn Vinata. (Sarga 14, Aranya Kanda, Valmiki Ramayana).

Mura had seven children named Tamra, Antarlksa, Sravana, Vasu, Vibhavasu, Nabhasvan and Aruna. Of these Tamra was Mahisasura's minister for a long time. The Chief Minister of Mahisasura was Asiloma; Defence Minister, Ciksura; Foreign minister, Vidala and Finance minister, Tamra. Udarka was the Commander-in-chief and Trinetra and Baskala, Kalabandhaka were Cabinet Ministers. He was killed along with his father Mura, by Sri Krsna. (10th

ancient sage. This sage lived in the palace of King Vlradyumna for a long time. (Chapters 127 and 128, Sand Parva). TAPA. A Deva of fire-like splendour. Born of the power of penance of five sages named Kasyapa, Vasisfha, Pranaka, Cyavana and Trivarcas, this Deva has got a name Pancajanya (born of five) also. He did severe penance (tapas) and got the name Tapa. His head is like fire, his hands like Sun, his skin and eyes are of
soldier of the country of Pancala. He was by -Kama in the Mahabharata battle. (Sloka 15, Chapter 48, Kama Parva). TAPASARAI^YA. A Sacred place crowded with sages. (Sloka 20, Chapter 87, Vana Parva). TAPASVl. A son born to Caksusa Manu of Nadvala. (Chapter 13, Arhsa 1, Visnu Purana)



golden hue and Parva)


his waist, blue. (Sloka 4,

Chapter 220,


female follower of
ancient place of

Sabha Parva).

Chapter 46, Anusasana Parva).

habitation of


Daksina Bharata. This place was conquered by Sahadeva in his victory march. (Sloka 68, Chapter 31,


during his victory march conquered 24, Chapter 30, Sabha Parva)


in ancient Bharata.


King. (Sloka

Descending in order from Visnu are Marici KaSyapa Surya Tapatl. 2) Birth. Surya married Samjna daughter of ViSvaHe begot of Samjna two children named karma. Kalindl and Yama. At that time Surya (Sun) was not of the form as seen now. Samjna, unable to bear the splendour of Surya who was of the shape of an egg entrusted her maid Chaya with the work of serving her husband and left for a temple in the guise of a mare to

daughter of Surya.

very long period. Surya begot of her two children, Sanaiscara and Tapati. Besides these, Surya had another daughter named Savitri also. (Chapter 47,
for a

as Sarhjna served


do penance. Chaya disguised



hell. There are twentyeight hells according to Visnu Purana including Taptakumbha.

(See the section Naraka under

3 ) Marriage. There was a mighty king in the Lunar race called Rksa in the beginning of Krtayuga. He had a son named Sarhvarana. He was made king of his country by his father even while he was a boy. He was a pious and righteous man. Vasisjha was his Guru and he taught Sarhvarana the Vedas along with the Angas.

Bhavisya Purana).

TARA. A monkey who was

entrusting the administration of the state to Vasisjha went to do penance in the forests. On his way he followed a deer for a long distance on horse-

Once Samvarana

of Surya. Even at first sight they became lovers. looking at her lost his balance and fell from the horse. At once great and charming Gandharvas approached the king and sprinkling water on his face brought him back from swoon. Tapati was also upset and the other nymphs took her to her father's house and consoled her.

Vaibhraja blossomed and Kalhara flowers. Celestial maidens were playing there without interruption. Amcng them he saw a very beautiful maiden. She was Tapati daughalone. lotuses

back and reached a deep forest There he saw a lotus pond



The king

to his residence the city of Pratistha. But the king neither slept nor ate any food. The sage Vasistfia knew that all the ailments of the king were due to his love for Tapati, daughter of Surya. So he flew up by his yogic powers and met Surya sitting in his chariot in all splendour. The sage described to Surya the love affair between Samvarana and Tapati and pleaded on behalf of the

Samvarana returned on horse-back

Chapter 285, Vana Parva) Wife of Bali, best of Vanaras (monkeys). There are two stories different from each other regardTara was ing the birth of Tara. One version is that of the Milk-Ocean. born during the churning Uccaissravas, Cintamani, Airavata, Kalpavrksa, Kaustubha, Candra, Apsarases, Mahalaksmi Tara and Ruma rose from the sea of Milk. (Yuddha Kanda, Kamba Ramayana). The second version is that Tara was the daughter of Susena. Bali at the time of his death is said to have spoken thus of his wife Tara "Tara, daughter of Susena, is well learned and is capable of assessing a situation and suggesting the correct thing to be done at that time. If she says a thing is good, it is never otherwise." (Chapter 22, From this it Kiskindha Kanda, Valmiki Ramayana) can be understood that Tara was the daughter of Susena and we get an idea of the character of Tara also from this. (See under Bali) TARA II. Wife of Brhaspati. She was extremely beauti-

a devotee of Sri Rama. This big monkey was the son of Brhaspati. Brhaspati made this monkey greater in size and intellect than all other monkeys. This Tara was the minister of Bali. (Sloka 10, Sarga 17, Bala Kanda, Valmiki Ramayana and Uttara Ramayana). In the Rama-Ravana battle this monkey fought against the demon Nikharvata.




king for giving Tapati to Samvarana. Surya was pleased to hear that and sent Tapati along with Vasistha to Samvarana. Before long the marriage of Tapati with Sarhvarana was celebrated solemnly at Pratisthanagara. The celebrated emperor Kuru was the son born to Tapati of Samvarana. (Chapter 21,

How she got that name. Because she was the daughter of Surya who makes the sky hot (tapa) by his brilliance, she was called Tapati. (Sloka 6, Chapter

Vayu Purana).

present holy river Narmada is but Tapatldevi transformed. (Chapter 47, Bhavisya Purana). TAPATYA. Kuru was the son born to king Samvarana of his wife Tapati. All the descendants of Kuru were known as Kauravas and because they were of the generation of Tapati, they were known as Tapatyas also. The young Gandharva, Citraratha, who fought against Arjuna on the banks of the river, Ganga addressed

171, AdiParva). father of 5) Tapati becomes nver Narmada. Surya, said she would thereafter Tapati, blessed her and flow west from the Vindhya as a river named Narmada.


compromise and Tara was sent back to Brhaspati. In due course Tara delivered a son. He was Budha, father of Pururavas. There arose then a dispute between Candra and Brhaspati regarding the fatherhood of the child. Then the Devas called Tara and asked her to name the child's father. Tara said that the child was of Candra and so Budha was looked after at the house of Candra. (9th Skandha, Bhagavata) TARADATTA. Wife of Kalingadatta, King of Taksas ila situated on the shores of the river Vitasta. Once a be born celestial maiden named Surabhidatta came to as the daughter of Taradatta due to a curse of Indra. She was then called Kalingasena. (See under Dharma.

Once she fell in love with Candra (Moon) and leaving her husband started living with him. Candra was the disciple of Brhaspati. The devas were angry when they found the wife of their preceptor staying with a disciple of his. Brhaspati sent word to her to return home but she did not heed. At last the Devas decided to fight against Candra. Then they came to a



Arjuna as Tapatya.







I. An asura chief (demon). while he was very young did penance to propitiate Siva and got a boon to the effect that none other than a son born to Siva should be able to kill him. He became arrogant with the power of this boon and soon became a terror to the world. Then to kill Tarakasura Subrahmanya was born as the son of Siva. In the great battle between the devas and the asuras

demon even

place of abode of Vairajas who could not be burnt by fire. This is above Dhruvapada by eleven crores of yojanas. (Chapter 7, Am.' a 2, Visnu Purana).

killed by Subrahmanya. was the father of Taraksa, Kamalaksa and Tarakasura (Sloka 5, Vidyunmalika. (See under Subrahmanya) Chapter 33, Kama Parva).

Taraka was




of Janamejaya.


The Vaisya agreed and the diamond was kept in a very secure place That night when both the Vaisya and Mahananda were sleeping tired after a hectic amorous sport, the house got fire and the diamond was burst into pieces. The Vaisya greatly griefstricken by the loss of the diamond.jumped into the fire and committed suicide. Mahananda faithful to the promise that she would remain his wife for three days started to jump into the fire and abandon her life. At once Siva appeared before her in person and said thus: "Oh, Mahananda, do not commit suicide. I came to you disguised as a Vaiiya to test your devotion. You can now ask of me any boon." With tears of joy running down her cheeks she said she wanted to live with Siva. So Siva carried her soul Not only that, Siva blessed the fowl and to Kailasa. monkey and said they would be born as devotees of Siva in their next birth and attain moksa at the end of their life on earth. Accordingly the monkey and the fowl were born in Kashmir as Sudharma and Taraka.
for three days.

Siva Purana mentions about a Taraka, II. son of the minister of Bhadrasena, a King of Kashmir. This Taraka was the rebirth of a he-fowl. Bhadrasena had a son named Sudharma. He was the rebirth of a monkey. There is a story regarding how this fowl and the monkey came to be born in Kashmir as above. Once in the village of Nanda there was a prostitute named Mahananda. Though she was a great devotee of Siva she was living the life of a prostitute for her livelihood. She was having a monkey and a he-fowl as pets. She would adorn the necks of her pets with the rudraksa necklace (rosary) made of berry beads favourite of Siva and when she sang songs in praise of Siva those pets danced to the tune. One day a Vaisya came there. He had a diamond Siva linga with him. Mahananda felt a great fancy for that and so promised the Vaisya that if he gave her the diamond linga she would remain a faithful wife to him

Chapter 57, Adi


fierce demoness. It was because of a curse of the sage Agastya that Tajaka became a demoness. There was once a great Yaksa named Suketu, a son of Suraksa. He did penance to propitiate Brahma to get a child and by the blessing of Brahma Suketu got a daughter named Tataka. Brahma gave her the strength of a thousand elephants. Tataka was by nature interested in cruel and violent deeds and doing deeds of magic. She made Sunda, son of Jharjha, her husband. She got


two sons named Marica and Subahu. They also became mighty ones great in deeds by magic. Once Sunda attacked the asrama of Agastya in a mood of intoxicated arrogance. Sunda was burnt to death in the fire of his fury. Tataka coming to know of the death of her husband got angry and attacked the aSrama of Agastya with her sons. Agastya cursed them and made them into demons. Tataka and her sons who immediately turned themselves into fierce-looking demons went
Patala with Sumali, father of the

first to



and then went with Ravana, King of the demons, to Lanka and stayed there. With the help of Ravana, Tafaka conquered the great deep forest near Karusaand stayed there with her sons. None, devas, demons or men, dared to step into that forest. Even the Sun
or Clouds avoided passing above that forest. It was at that time that Sri Rama and Laksmana came to that forest with Vis vamitra. Tataka attacked Sri Rama and Rama killed her with one arrow. The heavy body of the demoness fell to the ground like a big mountain. Her soul then rose up as a beautiful Gandharva lady and Tataka who was thus released from the curse praised Sri Rama and left the place. Chapters 24 to 26 of Bala


Kanda, Valmlki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayana). A BrahmavadI son of Visvamitra.

(Sloka 56, Chapter 4, Anus"asana Parva). The name of Simhadhvaja,

Kama Parva TARANTUKA. A Yaksa.


son of the demon Tarakasura. This demon was the lord of a golden city called Tripura. Siva killed him during Tripuradahana (burning of the Tripuras). See under Tripuradahana. (Chapters 33, 34, Kama Parva). TARALA. A place of habitation of ancient Bharata. This place was conquered by Karna. (Sloka 20, Chapter



King of (See under Simha-

TEJASCANDA. A deva who

dhvaja )

adorns the god Surya with a flower garland daily. The idol of Tejaxcandais also used to be installed in temples. The idol is figured as one with a huge face and holding a sword and a lotus in his

This Yaksa





the boundary of Kuruksetra. If one spends one night in this holy place one would get the benefit of giving away a thousand cows as gifts. (Chapter 83, Vana

TARKSYA I. Garuda. See under Garuda. TARKSYA II. A sage. He was a member


(Chapter 51, Agni Purana). I. A heroine in a story in Kathasaritsagara intended to show that all happenings either good or bad are but the workings of fate. Tejasvati was the daughter of king Vikramasena of She never liked any Ujjayini and was very beautiful. male and so never wished to marry. One day while
she was sitting upstairs in her palace, she happened to see a young man passing that way and surprisingly was attracted by him. She sent her companion to him and informed him of her liking for him. He did not like the idea first, but the clever persuasions of the maid made him agree to a clandestine meeting with the princess at a temple at night that day. Tejasvati anxiously waited for the night to come. About that time a Rajput prince greatly grieved at the loss of his father and subsequent loss of his kingdom started on a tour to see an old friend of his father. That night, by sheer accident, he came and rested in the same temple where the rendezvous of the princess was fixed. When night fell the princess came to the temple

of the court

III. A Ksatriya youth of the country of Tarksya. He came to the Rajasuya of Yudhisthira and gave much wealth for the purpose. (Sloka 15, Chapter 53, Sabha Parva), TARKSYA IV. A synonym of Siva. (Sloka 98, Chapter


of Indra. He was known as Aristanemi also. He had no fear of death. He once discussed with Sarasvatidevi about the soul. (Chapter 184, Vana Parva).



Anusasana Parva)

serpent born of the family of DhrtaThis serpent was burnt to death at the Sarpa-


least suspicion


karala took

and without the


went and embraced the


not show any surprise and then understood all details of her lover took him to his father the next morning. Somadatta (that was the prince's name) then told Vikramasena all


The prince did and responded fully. The prinin

the temple.

He demanded


their robes while they




mishaps and Vikramasena got back all the lost kingof Somadatta and also gave his daughter in marriage to him. (Tarariga 4, Madana Mancukiilambaka, Kathasari tsagara )


The queen

of Adityasena a

king of

their robes and finding no other way they gave him Kalavati. Kalavati thus became the wife of a Man due to a curse of Indra. Once she praised sexual enjoyment with men on earth and decried the same with Devas. Indra heard it and he cursed her "Then lei her become the wife of a man on earth and enjoy the pleasures there." All this story Thinthakarala learned from Kalavati. She added she wanted to go to Devaloka the next day for a dance

nymph named

Kalavati in return for



Chapter 94, Adi Parva ) TEJOVATI. The capital city of Agni. This is situated on the south-east corner of Mahameru. In the centre is Manovati, capital city of Brahma. To the east of it is Amaravatl, capital city of Indra. In the south-east corner is Tejovati. In the south is Sarhyamam, city of Yama. In the south-west is Krsnanjanl of Nirrti. In the west is Sraddhavati of Varuna. In the north west is Gandhavati of Vayu. In the north is Mahodaya of Kubera. In the north east corner is Yasovati of Isana.
of Puru.
Sloka (
1 1
, .

TEJASVl. One of the five Indras. (See under Pancall). TEJEYU. A prince born to Mis'rakesi of Raudrasva, son


Rambha. Thinthakarala consented and he also went Devaloka and saw the dance, sitting along with the
dance was over, there was the

When Rambha's
of a goat.


(8th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata) (T) This letter means taking food.

(Chapter 348,


(5) This letter means Candramandala (moon-disc), emptiness and Siva. (Agni Purana, Chapter 348). THiyTHAKARALA. A prodigal person who lived in He used to defeat all in the game of dice. Ujjayini. With the money so received from defeated persons he

Agni Parana)

would buy wheat and go to the burial ground and after making bread with it would eat it dipped in ghee sitting before an oil light placed before an idol of Mahakala He would then lie there (lord of the burial ground) itself and sleep. One night he saw the idols in the Mahakala temple twinHe jumped up and challenged the idols for a kling. game of dice. The idols stood mute and Thinthakarala

to the Mahakall temple. Next day he met the same goat in Ujjayini and then he enquired "Hi, do that dance which you did yesterday before Indra in devaloka. Let me see" The goat stood dumb thinking of how this man on earth came to know of the dances in Devaloka. Thinthakarala once again compelled the goat to show its dance but when the goat still refused to dance, he thrashed it with a stick on its head and the goat immediately went to Devaloka and informed Indra about the incident. Indra felt sad when he saw blood oozing from the wound on its head. Indra by his divine powers then understood that Kalavati was at the bottom of all this trouble and cursed her to remain as a doll on a pillar in the temple belonging to King Narasirhha of Nagapura. Aiambusa, mother ofKalavati, who heard

Seeing that Thinthakarala said to himself: "Why, this is a goat I used to see daily in Ujjayini. How did it come here to dance?" When the dances were over and the people dispersed, Kalavati took Thinthakarala

taking their silence to be consent according to the rules of gambling fixed a wager and played. He won and then he said addressing the idols "I have defeated you. Give me the money due to me." The idols stood silent and he, therefore, wrestled with them. Still the idols stood dumb. Then Thinthakarala took his sword. Instantly the devas gave him the money due to him. Early morning he went away from there and spent the

At night he came back again and lavishly. challenged the idols for gambling as before. This became a daily routine and the devas felt themselves



Camundl and
That night

approached the goddess she advised them to refrain from playing as there was no loss of honour if one refused to take a
They, therefore,

challenge to gamble. also as usual Thinthakarala came and challenged the idols for a game of dice. Then the idols said 'We are not prepared to play." Then he challenged Mahakala himself to play. Mahakala also refused to the mind of Thinthakarala play. Then suddenly changed and he did penance to please Mahakala. Mahakala was pleased with him, appeared before him and
blessed him.

ments to Thinthakarala bid him good bye and went and remained as a doll on the temple-pillar at Nagapura. Deeply distressed at this mishap of his wife, Thinthakarala dressed himself as an ascetic and went to Nagapura. There he purchased five earthen pots and filled them with the ornaments ofKalavati. He buried four of the pots in the forests and the fifth in the bazaar near the temple. Then he built a hermitage on the shores of a near-by river and started living there. News soon spread that a great yogi had come to the city and the King went to see him. They talked for a while on religious and spiritual matters and the King was about to leave when they heard the howl of a jackal. The yogi smiled and the King asked him why he smiled. He refused to answer but the King insisied and then the yogi said "Oh King, the jackal says that in a forest to the east of the city under a silver plant is a treasure." The King immediately ordered his men to go and dig at the place and when they did they got the treasure. The King offered the treasure to the yogi but he refused to accept it. Thinthakarala then on three
different occasions pointed out to the King the three other pots in the forests and the King got great confidence in the powers of the yogi. One day he went to the temple with the King and while they were walking around a crow crew and the yogi smiled. The King again asked him the reason and the yogi said that

the curse begged for relief and Indra said she would get freed from the curse when the king himself demolished the temple and razed the place to the ground. True to the curse, Kalavati after giving all her orna-

Once a few nymphs came

pond and

to bathe in the Mahakall as per the instructions of Mahakala, Thintha-



bharata )
of Arjuna.

there was a treasure pot in the bazaar near-by. When they searched at the spot directed by the yogi the treasure was found. On another day the King and the yogi went to the temple and as they walked about they saw the doll on one of the pillars crying. The King asked the yogi the reason for the doll crying thus. The yogi replied "Oh, King this temple is not located in a proper place. Further the deity here was not installed at an auspicious time. If this continues the King will come to ruin. That was why the doll cried." On hearing this the King ordered the temple to be completely demolished and the place made a plain ground. The order was carried out and Kalavati got release from the curse. She went to heaven and told Indra all that had happened. Indra immediately sent Kalavati to fetch Thinthakarala to heaven and then both of them lived happily in heaven. (Taranga 2, Visamasilalambaka,

(Sloka 62,





Dasaratha was made to faint in rhe battlefield by the magic of Timidlivaja and Kaikeyl who was there ihen, took him away and gave him all first aid. Pleased at this Dasaratha promised two boons for her and it was these boons that Kaikeyl demanded of Dasaratha on
the advice of Manthara at the time of the coronation of Sri Rama. (Sarga 9, Ayodhya Kinda, Valmlki

A demon who was ruling in the state of Vaijayantapura. He was called Sambara also. This demon once attacked Devaloka. Indra was not able to kill him. So he sought the help of Dasaratha. Dasaratha went and fought against the demons.

Ramayana). TIMIIsIGILA.



Kathasaritsagara) place situated in the north-east part of Bharata. (Sloka 53, Chapter 9, Bhlsma Parva).

prominent celestial maiden. Tilottama was born to Pradha, wife of Kasyapa, grandson of Brahma and son of Marici. Alambusa, Misrakesi, Vidyutparna, Aruna, Raksita, Rambha, Manorama, Subahu, Kesini, Surata, Suraja and Supriya were all sisters of Tilottama. (Chapter 65, Adi Parva) There is a story about the birth of Tilottama. Two demons named Sunda and Upasunda obtained invincible powers by doing penance. To make these two brothers quarrel with each other, by directions from Brahma, Visvakarma created Tilottama. Visvakarma collected from all inanimate and animate objects parts of objects beautiful to look at and created the enchanting Tilottama. Tilottama was then made to come to the world through the womb of Kasyapa's wife. Be.

A King. Sahadeva defeated this King during his victoiy campaign in the south. (Sloka 69, Chapter 31, Sabha Parva) TlRAGRAHA. An ancient place situated on the northeast part of Bharata. (Sloka 52, Chapter 9, Bhisma Parva) TIRAYATTAM. A form of unrefined drama current in Kerala. This ancient art originally came into being to propitiate some gods. There are others of this kind like 'Mutiyettu' 'Tiyattu' and 'Ayyappan Pat{u' which all belong to a class of Ritualistic plays. This folk drama is a colourful pageant devoted to Its artistic value is worth noticing. This is known gods.

cause she was


by Brahma from small particles of diamonds. (Sloka Chapter 141, Anusasana Parva)

made by the tilamsa (small particle) of the best (uttama) articles of the world she got the name of Tilottama. (Chapter 215, Adi Parva). The good girl named Tilottama was formerly created

creating great havoc in the world by their cruel and immoral deeds, it was Tilottama who was deputed by Brahma to create a split between the brothers. On the eve of her departure to the world she went to Devaloka to bid adieu. Brahma stood facing south and Siva stood facing north and Tilottama stood in the centre surrounded by the Devas. Tilottama circled round the devas worshipping them. Siva was enamoured of her beauty and wanted to see her always and so a face on all the four sides of his head sprang up so that he could see her always as she circled round him. Indra was also enamoured of her and he found his two
insufficient to enjoy her beauty. So instantly a thousand eyes sprang up in the face of Indra. (Chapter 215, Adi Parva). How Tilottama cursed Sahasranika. (See under 3) Sahasranika) 4) Tilottama and Sundopasundas. See under Sunda.

How iva got four heads and Indra a thousand When the two demon brothers Sundopasundas



by different names like 'Tira', 'Teyya'and 'Kaliyattam'. 'Tira' in ancient language means 'daivadarsana' (sight of gods) 'Teyya' is the corrupt form of 'daiva'. Tirayattam is a visible amusement where actors appear dressed as gods. Because the actors dance in the dresses of gods, this is called devatfam also. Teyyattam is the distorted form of devattam. Because this is both a Kali (play) and an attain (dance) this is called Kaliyattam also. This is held in different parts of Malabar during the period of January to April. It is a programme of three days. The first programme is to exhibit an Alakolam. This is done on the night of the first day. The second programme is to exhibit the vellattukolam which will be done on the second day evening. An indication of this on the first night itself. The programme of the is given second day begins with a dance called Velakkali. On that day there will be worshipping of gods at intervals. The Vellattukolam begins by five in the evening. The
chief actor will present himself before the public in the colourful robes of a god and will begin to dance to the accompaniment of drums and music. As the dance and music continues even those without dresses would start dancing. Gradually sounds of pop-guns and instrumental music will rend the air. The chief dancer after dancing for some-time would place a stool before the temple and spread a white cloth on it. Then the dancer would sit in meditation and do the ceremony called He would then pray to the gods to 'calling the gods'. bless the function and appear at the zodiacal sign of Virgin. The dance and music start again. Then the people assembled would throw rice and flower into the cloth on the stool. The dancer-god holds a weapon in his hand and changes it often making huge uproars. Then after finishing the ceremonies like Kavuttu and Arulappatu, the Vellat{akkaran retires. Then another actor in the dress of another god appears as Vella^tak-











holy place. Even from very ancient times the people of Bharata believed in the sacrcdness of holy places and they considered a pilgirmage to holy places as a part and parcel of their life. Almost all the Puranas

karan and repeats the programme of his predecessor. Because the dance (at(am) is done before a white(vella) cloth the dance is called Vellattam.


The dresses of the teyyas differ slightly from each other. Some Tiras wear jackets and skirts while some wear flower garlands made of Tulasi leaves (basil plant) and

After the vellattam before

midnight Tirayattam begins.

(jungle geranium). All the tiras rush to the temple and they are followed by lamp-holders and torch-bearers to the accompaniment of loud sounds of musical instruments and uproars from the spectators. When the first round of dances is over, the 'Teyya' stands dancing, pouring blessings to the people and deciding ways of atonement for the sins done. Then food is offered to the gods and the function ends with a 'Vel;t' circling the temple.
in great spirit


jnanasambandhar, Tirunavukkarasar and Sundaramurti. The first three tevaras are of Tirujnanasambandhar.

(R). He was one of the four Daksinatya Saivamatacaryas. He lived during the early part of the seventh century. The book on Daksinatya Saivamata is called Tirumura. There are twelve songs in that book. They were compiled by Nambiyandar Nambi who lived during the period of Rajaraja Cola. The first seven of these are devotional songs called Tevaras. They were composed jointly by Tiru-


The twelfth tirumura is called Periyapurana. Its author was Sekkizhar. He was called Arulmozhitteva also. He was the chief minister of Anapayacola who ruled during the period 1063 to 1112 A.D. The theme of Periya"purana is the life history of sixtythree Saivasiddhas who were renowned as Nayanars and Aflyars. It is in the sixth chapter of the second part of this book that they discuss Tirujnanasambandhar. He was born in the village of Sirkazhi (Brahmapura)

Van a

righteous, free from anger, treats all animate objects himself would get salvation if he visits holy place. Once the great sage Cyavana told Prahliida thus: "Only those who are pure in heart would get the benefit of visiting sacred places. It is a sin for others to do pilgrimage. The banks of Gaiiga are crowded with villages and cities. Many types of people like Parayas, Fishermen, Vaiigas, Khasas, Huns and Mlecchas live there. They bathe in the holy river and drink the holy water, but they do not get salvation because their mind and heart are not clean." (4th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata).

accepting gifts for services done would get salvation by visiting holy places. He who would fast if he did not get food, whose organs of sense are all under control would get salvation if he visits holy places. He who is

of Padma Puriina it is stated thus: get salvation whose limbs, mind, knowledge, austerity and fame are under his own control. He who lives clean in body, without egoism, contented and never

It is not true that all those who visit holy places and bathe in the sacred ponds there would get salvation. In

have praised the greatness of holy places.

He would


would attain Visnuloka

doing a Pundarlka

holy place.


He who visits this place obtaining the benefit of (Sloka 121, Chapter 84,


female attendant of Subrahmanya.


in the


was Sivapadaraya and mother Bhagavatiyar. Once when Stvapadaraya went to bathe in the temple tank called Brahmatlrtha he took along with him his son Sambandhar also. Keeping his son on the steps of the tank Sivapadaraya plunged himself into the waters. Siva and Parvatl who came that way saw the child sitting alone and Parvatl went and fed him with her From that moment onwards the child breast-milk. started singing songs in praise of Siva and Parvatl. When he grew up, he did many wonderful deeds visiting many Siva temples of Pandirajya. His father fixed up a marriage for him and the bride's party assembled even before time at the Cidambara temple. Tirujnanasambandhar came there in time and standing before

of Tanj'wur.


A sub-divisional Parva of Parva. This comprises Chapters 80 to 156 of Vana Parva. TITIKSA. One of the sixteen daughters born to Daksa of his wife Prasuti. Of these thirteen were married to Dharmadeva. Titiksa was one of them. The others were Sraddha, Maitrl etc. (4th Skandha Bhagavata). TITIKSU. A King born of the family of Turvasu. He was the son of Usinara and father of Rusadratha. (Chapter 277, Agni Purana) TITTIBHA. An asura. This demon shines in the court


Chapter 46, Salya Parva).


ofVaruna. (Sloka



was greatly appealing and at the end of the song before all those assembled there Sambandhar to the astonishment of all merged with the deity. TIRUNAVUKKARASA (R) He was a Saivaite like Tirujnanasambandhar (Refer above) and a disciple also of the latter. He was born in the village of Tiruvamur in South Arcot district. His father was Pugalanar and mother Madiniyar both of whom were Vellalas. They got a daughter named Tilakavatiyar and a son named Marulnikkiyar. It was this Marulnikkiyar who became famous as Tirunavukkara'ar. This siddha who acquired divine knowledge has composed 4900 songs in praise of Siva of which only 312 are in use now.

the temple deity sang a song in praise of Siva.

The song

Valmiki. There is a story about this pond. Once a water-fowl lived there with his mate. One day the male fowl went out for food and as he was returning home he found a few other water-fowls going that way and the male fowl suspected the chastity of his wife. The male fowl decided to abandon his mate and the innocent shefowl prayed to the Astadikpalakas for

Sabha Parva). pond near the asrama of


The Astadikpalakas instantly appeared there and made a pond and said that if the she-fowl could reach

from one shore


the other

drowned she must be treated as chaste. The she-fowl was accordingly put into the waters and asked to swim to the other shore which she did without any accident. From that clay onwards the pond was called Titfibhasaras.

without getting herself


waterfowl. Saras = pond). asrama of Valmiki after being abandoned by Sri Rama, Valmiki wanted to test her chastity. So the sages asked Sita to enter the pond and reach the other shore. <- Oh goddess of Earth, if even in


to the



Because he made dasyus (evil people) 'tras' (to tremble with fear) he got the name of Trasadasyu. 7th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata) ( The Asvinidevas once saved him from defeat in a (ii) fight. (Sukta 112, Mandala 1, Rgveda). Srutarva and Bradhnasva, three (iii) Once Agastya, eminent sages, came to the country of Trasadasyu. On coming, Trasadasyu hearing that the sages were


dreams no other

thoughts, let me reach the other shore safe." So saying Sita entered the water and the goddess of Earth placed her in her lap and took her to the other shore. Sita did not get even wet. All the sages called her 'Mahasadhvi' meaning supremely chaste woman.






husband has







(Sloka 51, Chapter 50, Bhisma Parva) A kind of bird. To know about the origin I. of this bird see undtr the head Trisiras. TITTIRI II. A celebrated serpent born to the sage

A place

Alankaravatilambaka, Kathasaritsagara). of habitation in ancient Bharata.



all his

work and went




Kasyapa of Kadru,

his wife.


III. A sage who was a member of the council of Yudhisthira. (Sloka 12, Chapter 4, Sabha Parva). TITTIRI IV. A special breed of horses. Arjuna got this breed from Gandharvanagara during his victory cam-

Adi Parva).



Chapter 35,

them the purpose of their visit and they said they wanted some money. The King then showed them his accounts and convinced them that he was poor. (Sloka 16, Chapter 98, Vana
at the state







connections with a low-caste servant-maid named Cakkl. He was wearing then a deerskin belt (Tol) on his body as the usual mark ofBrahmacarins (bachelors) and he threw it away of his own accord earning for him the name Tola. There is another version that Tola is the decayed form of 'Atula' meaning matchless. He

was minister to Bhaskara Ravi Varma who was ruler of Kerala during the period from 978 to 1027 A.D. According to Kodungallur Kunjikkuttan Tampuran, a great Sanskrit scholar and poet, Tola was born in Kondolinnaru in the village of Airanikkulam near Adur in Cochin in a Nambudiri family. His original name was Nilakantha. When he was a young man, he was ostracised from his community for having had illicit

A great satirical poet of the Malayalam LiteraA great humorist, Sanskrit scholar and actor, he



Chapter 28, Sabha Parva).

was one among those whose name be remembered early in the morning. (Sloka 55, should Chapter 165, Anusasana Parva) TRASARENU. An ancient measure of weight of metals.
(iv) Trasadasyu


Jalantaragate bhanau Yat suksmam drsyate rajah




was mainly interested in writing funny ridicules. There are many such poems now available believed to be
those of Tola.
east part of Bharata.

Trasarenurh pracaksate. // (Sloka 132, Chapter 8, Manusmrti). make one Eight trasarenus make one Iru. Three Irus Mankatuku. Three mankatukus make one Venkatuku. Six venkatukus make one Madhyastriyava Three madhyastrlyavas make one kunnikkuru. Five kunnikkurus make one Masa. Sixteen masas make one Suvarna. This is the weight of two and a half varahas. Four suvarnas make one Pala. Ten palas make one Dharana. TRAY I. Veda. Formerly only three Vedas, Rgveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda were recognised and so Trayi meaning group of three was useJ to denote the Vedas. (See under Veda).


of the


Parva )

place of habitation situated on the north(Sloka 69, Chapter 9, Bhisma


was the son of Tridhanva and father of 1'risanku. (Chapter 57, Brahmanda Purana)




sage of the line of disciples of Vyasa.



the of dice. Dhrtarastra stood as an accomplice to that. To play the game Dhrtarastra constructed a palace and that palace was called Toranasphatika.

Duryodhana decided to make Pandavas beggars by defeating them in a false game

TRETAYUGA. Second of the four yugas. Krtayuga, are the four Tretayuga, Dvaparayuga, and Kaliyuga thousand deva-varsas (divine yugas. There are three
end of Tretayuga. Tretayuga 867100. Sri Rama ruled the came to country for eleven thousand years. Dasa-varsa-sahasrani Dasa-varsa-satani ca /
years) in Tretayuga. Sri Rama was born at the

(See under Guruparampara)

That diamond-studded palace had a thousand pillars and a hundred entrances. It had crystal fortresses and golden thrones in all the chambers. This palace was called Dyutabhavana also. (Chapter 56, Sabha Parva) TRAlSANI. A King of the family of Turvasu. He was the father of Karandhama. (See under Varhsavali)

an end

in B.C.


TRAIVAL1 (TRAIBALI). A sage. He shone as a membe in the court of Yudhisthira. (Sloka 13, Chapter




Brahmins, Ksatriyas and Vaisyas (S). are the three castes of people called Traivarnikas. TRASADASYU. A King of the Iksvaku dynasty. He accepted sannyasa (ascetic life) and became a Rajarsi. 1) Genealogy. Descending in order from Visnu-Brahma-

Sabha Parva).

(Valmiki Ramayana). ten thousand years and an(After serving his land for other ten hundred years ( ten thousand plus thousand When Rama years) Sri Rama will go to Brahmaloka) took over the reins of administration he was only Manvantara and yuga. forty years old. See under

Marici-KaSyapa-Vivasvan- Vaivasvata Manu IksvakuVikuksi-Sa ada-Puranjaya (Kakutstha) -Anenas- Prthula?' va-Prasenajit - Yuvanasva Miindhata - PurukutsaTrasadasyu.


(Classical Sanskrit Literature).

born of the family of Yayati. (9th


Skandha, Bhagavata)

son born under Idhmavaha). (See


Agastya of Lopamudra.

the grandfather


at that time

tenth incarnation of Siva. At this time Bhrgu Maharsi was Vyasa. (Siva Purana, Sata-



started for his





in the forests.

Before he



of the Solar dynasty who was frisariku. (7th Skandha, Devi




of Bharata.




TRIGA5IGA. A Vana Parva).

holy place.

(Sloka 29, Chapter 84,


Virata killed

A powerful kingdom of ancient Bharata. There are several references in the Mahabharata to the Kings of Trigarta. The following are a few of them worth noticing The Pandavas passed through the country of (i) Trigarta while they were wandering in the forests after the fire accident at the waxpalace. (Sloka 2, Chapter 155, Adi Parva). march to the north (ii) Arjuna during his victory defeated the King of Trigarta. (Sloka 18, Chapter 27, Sabha Parva). Nakula once conquered the country of Trigarta. (iii) (Sloka 7, Chapter 32, Sabha Parva). pay tribute to (iv) The Kings of Trigarta used to Parva, Chapter 52, Sloka 14). Dharmaputra. (Sabha (v) A King of Trigarta once killed the horses tied to of Dharmaputra and then committed the chariot suicide. (Sloka 12, Chapter 271, Vana Parva). (vi) A King of Trigarta named Suratha was slain by Nakula. (Sloka 18, Chapter 271, Vana Parva) (vii) Suiarma, King of Trigarta with his army joined the Kaurava side and carried away the cattle of the King of Virata and also fought with him. Arjuna during his stay incognilo at the palace of the King of
: .

immense wealth to all the Brahmins who had assembled around him. At that time Trijata never knew about it and when it came to the ears of and persuaded Trijata's wife she ran to the fields Trija^a to go and see Sri Rama. When Trijata came to the scene, Rama had almost finished his distribution, but Trijata took courage and pushing forward through the crowd approached Rama and said "Oh, famous
the forests he gave


King, 1 am a poor man with many children. Give something for this poor man who lives by farming." Hearing this, Sri Rama giving him a small stick asked him to throw the stick into the midst of the cattle
grazing nearby. The Brahmin tightening his clothes and getting ready threw the stick with all his might lakh of cattle to the south. The stick fell beyond a grazing there. Sri Rama gave him stood inside the area covered by

Trijata was the son of Visvamitra. (Sioka 55, Chapter 4, Anusasana Parva). TRIJATA. A servant demoness of the palace of Ravana. Trijata was one among the demonesses who were deputed to entice Sita, sitting dejected under the Asoka tree, to the side of Ravana. All the demonesses slept around Sita. Trijata had a dream one night which is

Ayodhya Kanda, Valmiki Ramayana)

the cattle which the stick. (Chapter




(Chapter 32, Virata

described in Chapter 27 of Sundara Kanda thus: "Sri Rama dressed in pure white robes and accompanied by Laksmana dropped to the place from air in a chariot built with ivory and drawn by a thousand swans. After that they came to Sita on the back of Airavata. Sri Rama took Sita in his lap and rose up and into the air. They went high to reach the Sun Sita was seen patting on the Sun and the moon. Then




and the Pandavas fought against

Chapter 166, Udyoga Parva).

(viii) Susanna, King of Trigarta, took the King of Virata as a captive and enraged at this Bhlmasena was about to kill SuSarma when Arjuna intervened and stopped him from that. (Chapter 23, Virata Parva). (ix) Satyaratha, King of Trigarta, had four brothers all

the five.





(battle array in the shape of a vulture) five princes stood at the head of the formation.






Bhisma Parva).


(xi) Arjuna used the Vayavyastra against the Trigartas in the great battle. (Chapter 102, Bhisma Parva).

Sri Krsna once defeated the Trigartas. (Chapter Drona Parva) (xiii) Once Paras urama killed many Trigartas. (Chapter 70, Drona Parva)
1 1 ,
. .

fight between Satyaki and the Trigartas once. (Chapter 181, Drona Parva). Arjuna who led the sacrificial horse of the (xv) Asvamedhayajna of Dharmaputra created great havoc


There was a

to the Trigartas.


The Kings

(Chapter 74,

Avamedha Parva). of Trigarta live in the court of Yama.

Sabha Parva).


A sage. Though he was a sage he lived by farming. He had a wife and children and his earnings from farm work were insufficient to make both ends meet. They were living in poverty and it

(Sloka 20, Chapter

in chariot. Then they travelled to the to this place north in a Puspaka vimana. Ravana with oil smeared on his body and looking all red was lying on the ground. His head was clean shaven. He was drinking oil from a pot and was shouting loudly. Then Ravana went to the south on the back of a donkey. When he had travelled a short distance he fell from the donkey head downwards. Rising from there he was muttering many vulgar words. Then Ravana sank A black woman into a foul-smelling dung-mire. wearing a red saree and mud smeared all over her body came near him and dragged him to the south. Kumbhakarna also was subjected to her torture. All of Ravana's family were seen smeared the members with oil. After that they all travelled south again. At that time Ravana was seen on the back of a hog, Kumbhakarna on the back of a camel and Indrajit on the back of a crocodile. Vibhisana alone was seen standing near the Puspaka Vimana on the back of a four-tusked elephant wearing white robes and white garlands and sweet-smelling pastes smeared all over his body and holding a white umbrella with the four ministers by his side and the royal band playing. At that stage the beautiful city of Lanka with its whole army fell into the ocean. Then a monkey messenger of Sri Rama burnt the city of Lanka. All the women demonesses and Kumbhakarna were seen lying in a cowdung pit wearing red dress,"

Laksmana came


to the top of

Rama, Sita and Lanka. Then they came

Trijata repeated her dream to her companions to death. After the Rama-Ravana, stated in Valmiki Ramayana, that Sri battle, it is Rama gave presents to Trijata. (Sloka 41, Chapter 291,


this stage Kamalaksa, Tarakaksa and Vidyunmall, sons of Tarakasura, did severe penance and made Brahma appear before them. They demanded a boon that they would never be killed by anybody in any of the three worlds. Brahma told them to ask any boon other than


were frightened

20, Chapter




on the four sides of Mahameru including Trikuta. Puranas say that the city of Larika, the abode of Ravana, was at the top of Trikuta. Mahameru is at the
north of Bharata.

of Mahavisnu. (Sloka Anusasana Parva). mountain. There are twenty mountains



three cities

they said: "Great Lord, we must live in and then roam about freely in the three



to the

to be

Then how

of Bharata.

is it




on the top of

worlds by your grace. Every thousand years all the three of us should join together at a place with 'our cities. After that meeting, we should separate and roam about freely for another thousand years. If at all there it should occur is death for us, only when we three are together and that also by one arrow." Brahma

a story to substantiate this belief. Once there arose a quarrel between Vasuki and Vayubhagavan and they decided to find out who between the two was



more powerful. Vasuki went and

lay wound round Mahameru so tightly that even Vayu (air) could not enter it. Vayu got enraged and broke into a cyclone shaking the whole world. Even Mahameru began to shake but Vasuki lay unaffected. The Cyclone began to

granted the boon and disappeared. asuras then approached Maya and asked him to construct three separate cities for them. Maya built three wonderful cities. One was with gold, another with silver and the third with iron. Tarakaksa took the golden one, Kamalaksa took the silver one and Vidyunmall took the iron one. The asuras started

and Vayu to his side and commanded them to stop the quarrel. Vasuki then unwound a part of his winding and that was from Trikuta. At once Vayu entered there and separating Trikuta from other parts carried it away and dropped it in the southern sea. It fell to the south of the southern end of Bharata. Lanka is the on it the celebrated city built by architect, Visvakarman. TRILOKlTILAKA. A Yogesvari mantra. If one mutters this mantra (a sacred prayer addressed to a deity) one hundred and one times daily, one will become omniscient. Not only that, he would be able to move about to any place he wants. The mantra is this: "Hrirh Gauri, Rudramayi te yogesvari hum phat Svaha" (6th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata)

increase in vigour and the devas were frightened and they went to Mahavisnu accompanied by Siva and Brahma. After hearing their story Visnu called Vasuki

power to travel to any other place at will. The power of controlling these cities was given to Bana. Hiranyakasipu'sson was Prahlada. Prahlada's son was Virocana. Mahabali was Virocana's son and Bana was Mahabali's son (Chapter 14, Padma Purana) All these three cities together were named Tripura. 2) Even Mrtasanjivani Vapi. (The life giving tank) with the existence of Tripura the asuras began to die in numbers and the Tripuras thought of a way to escape from this calamity. Hari, son of Tarakasura, did penance and made Brahma appear before him in person. According to a request from Hari Brahma made Maya build a tank wonderful in nature. Brahma filled the tank with nectar. If any asura died, it was enough if he was dipped in the tank and the dead asura would soon
. .

living in these cities. The three puras were respectively in Svarga, Akasa and the Earth. But each city had the

come to life with added strength and vigour. Asuras became immortal since this and the Tripuras started teasing the devas and men with increased ferocity.


minister of Mahisasura.


cabinet of

Mahisasura was extremely strong and brilliant. Ciksura, virile and an expert in military science, was the Defence minister. The great economist, Tamra, was the minister for finance. Udarka was the Commander-in-Chief and the three advisory members were Baskala, Trinetraand Kalabandhaka. Sukracarya was the minister for education. (5th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata). TRIPADA. A demon. In the battle between the demons and the devas Subrahmanya slew this demon. (Sloka 75, Chapter 46, Salya Parva) TRIPURA. A phantom city built by Maya. 1 ) Origin. Kasyapa Maharsi son of Marici and grandson of Brahma had many wives. Of them Aditi got the first place and Dili the second place. Both of them were daughters of Daksa Devas were born of Aditi and the asuras were born of Dili. Armies of asuras under the leadership of Surapadma, Simhavaktra, Tarakasura, Gomukha, Hiranyaksa, and Hiranyakagipu gave immense trouble to the devas. The devas joined together under the leadership of Indra and fought the asuras. The nectar received from the ocean of Milk always made

the devas the conquerors. When Subrahmanya slew Tarakasura the asuras became very weak.

3) Consultation with $iva.T\\& aggrieved devas approached Brahma and finding him incapable of helping took him to Siva. Siva heard everything and assured them that he would kill them when they next met together at the end of a thousand years. 4) Siva makes preparations. As a first step to the slaughter of the Tripuras, Siva sent Narada to Tripura. Narada by his unusual spiritual powers made the asura women feel more and more attached to the devas. Siva at that time thinking about the convenience for a fight with the Tripuras came and settled down on the shores of the river Narmada. That was how Narmada became a holy river. (Chapter 13, Padma Purana) Siva had to make grand preparations for a fight with the Tripuras. He invoked half the strength of the devas to himself to make Sivagakti (Javelin of Siva) greater than Asuras akti. The devas made Visvakarma construct a special chariot for Siva. On the banks of the river Narmada at a place which became renowned as Mahesvara Siva stayed for a thousand years thinking about the fight with the Tripuras. He made the mountain of Mandara his bow, Vasuki, the string and Visnu his arrow. He installed Agni at the tip and Vayu at the bottom of the arrow. Four devas stood, as horses to his chariot. The earth itself was the chariot and all

animate and inanimate objects of the devaloka arrayed at different parts of the chariot. On the wheels stood the As vinldevas and Cakrapani stayed on the Gandharvas took places on the spokes. Indra axle. stayed on the bow and Vaisravana on the arrow. Yama took his place on the right hand and the dreadful Kala on the left hand. Brahma acted as the charioteer. Equipped thus, Siva stayed in the godly chariot for a thousand years. When the three cities joined together in the sky Siva split the cities by his three forked spike. Then he sent an arrow to the cities. Bad omens began to appear in Tripura. People became lifeless in the cities. Soon an arrow from Siva burnt the cities and the Tripuras were burnt to death. (7th Skandha, Bhagavata; Chapters 31 to 34, Padma Purana; Chapters 33 and 34, Karna Parva) TRIPURI. An ancient country of South India. Sahadeva during his victory march conquered this country. (Sloka 60, Chapter 31, Sabha Parva). TRIRATHIKA (S). (Three charioteers). Asvatthama, Krpa and Satyaki, the three eminent bow-men who took part in the Bharata battle were called Trirathikas meaning three great charioteers. (See under Avatthama) TRIRAVA.. One of the children of Garuda. (Sloka 1 1 Chapter 101, Udyoga Parva).

forests to


do penance to get another son. At that time the country did not have rains for twelve successive years as a punishment for the King for sending out his son. The people suffered much. Among the people who were suffering were the wife and children of VisViimitra. Visvamitra at that time had gone to the shores of river Kausiki for doing penance. Vilvamitra's family consisting of his wife and three sons during that famine lived in hunger. At last the mother decided to sell the middle son and buy food with the money received by the sale. She put a rope made of darbha grass round the neck of the boy and took him to the market. On the way Satyavrata saw them and on hearing their sad story told them not to sell the child. He assured them that he would take care of them till the return of Visvamitra. He removed the darbha rope from the child's neck and the child got the name of Galava from that time onwards. He promised them he would (Gala = neck) daily place enough meat at the foot of a tree near the

aSrama. True to his promise, he hunted in the forests and brought to the foot of the tree fresh flesh of deer or hare or boar and also fresh fruits. The family lived
happily because of him.
Curse of Vasistha and the name

1 )


King of the


Sudhanva Trayyaruna Satyavrata (TriSanku) 2 ) Father discards him. When Satyavrata grew up he became a lewd, lustful imprudent man. One day while he was leading such a contemptuous life, a marriage was being conducted in a brahmin house. Guests had assembled, the bridegroom had come and the ceremony was about to start when Satyavrata entered the marriage hall and carried away by force the bride to the shock of all those present there. Some of the Brahmin

Vikuksi SasTida Puraiijaya (Kakutstha) Anenas Prthulasva YuvanasVa- ManPrasenajit, dhata Purukutsa Trasadasyu Anaranya Haryas va

Marici Iksvaku

Solar dynasty. Descending in order from





heir-apparent Satyavrata lived in the hut of a candala. Every minute Satyavrata's hatred towards Vasistha increased in strength. One day Satyavrata did not get any game even after a day's hunting and at dusk he happened to reach the asrama ofVasistha where he saw Nandini, the beloved cow of the sage, grazing by the side of the asrama. Anger, desire and hunger made him imprudent and without thinking of the consequences Satyavrata killed Nandini and after eating enough to appease his hunger took the rest to feed the family of Visvamitra. The wife of Visvamitra cooked it and little knowing that it was cow's flesh

Trayyaruna went to the forests to do penance, it was Vasis^ha who was managing the affairs of the palace.


of TriSanku.



ed father at once sent Satyavrata out from the palace. Satyavrata left the country altogether and went and stayed in a colony of harijans. Though he lived with those low-caste people he did not adopt their mode of living. He went out daily to the forests with his bow and arrow and made his food. He never felt any animosity towards his father who had thus sent him out from his country. He thought thus "Of course, my father got terribly angry when he heard the complaints of the Brahmins and in that mood punished me thus, though the punishment, was a bit too much. But our family preceptor Vasistha, who knows everything, who is a moralist and a righteous man, who has the knowledge

guests immediately went to Trayyaruna and told him what a shameful crime his son had committed. The enrag-

That night when Vasistha came to the asrama he found Nandini missing and he went in search of it. After some time the sage knew that Satyavrata had killed and eaten The enraged sage called Satyavrata to his side and it. cursed him thus "You will from today become a candala. Three sankus (sins) namely wrath of a father, abduction of another man's wife and consumption of cow's flesh will give you life-long trouble and thus you will earn a name, Trisanku (Three Sankus). Instantly Satyavrata became a candala and started roaming
about in the

atonement for all sins, did severe punishment. That was very hard." As he thought more about it in this vein, he felt a great hatred towards
to prescribe

and authority

When his only Satyavrata and Visvamitra' s family. 3) son Satyavrata was turned out from the family, King Trayyaruna was greatly distressed. He went to the


Feeling desperate, he decided to commit a great fire-pit and prepared himself to jump into it. Before doing that he prayed to the goddess and when the goddess knew that his devotee would jump into the fire and become ashes, she appeared before him in person and said thus: "Son, why do you try to jump into the fire ? Your father has become old and day after tomorrow he will crown you as King

TriSanku, distressed at heart 5) Trisanku becomes King. by a father's wrath and a Guru's curse walked about aimlessly in the forests. He expressed his desire to the rsis and Brahmins to do a yaga and get himself absolved of all his sins. But nobody was willing to help a wretched man cursed and abandoned by both his father and



He made



a separate heaven for. Trisanku below the original heaven. Then Visvamitra started to create another Indra and devas for the new heaven. The devas were frightened and Indra then approached Visvamitra and requested him to desist from his attempt to make duplicate devas promising him that he would give Trisariku a seat in his heaven itself. Visvamitra agreed to it. At once Indra brought a golden Vimiina and took him bodily to heaven. (Sargas 57 to 59, Balakanda, Valmiki Ramayana 7th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata; 9th Skandha, Bhagavata; Chapter 13, Harivarhsa; Sundara Kanda, Kamba Ramayana: Chapter 71, Adi Parva; Chapter 12, Sabha

the goddess disappeared Satyavrata returned to in a pensive mood. Narada went and informed the king of everything that happened in the forest and the king immediately sent his ministers to fetch Satyavrata to the palace. When Satyavrata came the king crowned him as king and then went to the


and then go to the forests to do penance. Look, there comes your father's minister to take you to the palace." asrama

forests for 6)


with his mortal

for this purpose.

body. He approached Vasistha first But the family preceptor told him there was nothing in the Sastras about any yaga which could help one to go bodily to heaven. Disappointed he approached the sons of Vasistha who ridiculed him when he told them of his queer desire. Trisariku got angry and left them saying "Let me see whether there
are others in this country

Satyavrata becomes Candala again. Satyavrata ruled the country for a long time. He was a pious ruler, devoted to god and soon he developed a desire to go to heaven

Parva )








who could send me

Those arrogant words annoyed Vasistha and his sons and they cursed him and made him a candala again. Trisanku thereafter did not return to the palace, but went to the forests to live there. He knew if he returned to the palace as a candala he would not be recognised by his wife and children. Haris candra, son of Trisanku, heard about the curse on his father and seat the ministers to fetch his father to the palace. But Trisanku did not come back and so the ministers made Harixcandra the king of Ayodhya.
7) Visvamitra meets Trisanku. When Hariscandra became king, Trisanku was living in Ambavana (forest of Amba) as a great devotee of the goddess. It was at that time that Visvamitra returned home after his penance. Visva-

bodily to

A sage. When he went to Hastinapura as a messenger of peace, he met Sri Krsna on the way. (Chapter 83, Udyoga Parva). TRISIRAS I. A demon who was a friend of Ravana. The Khara-Dusana-Trisiras combination led the attack on
in the forest of Dandaka when Laksmana cut and breasts of the demoness Surpanakha. Rama and Laksmana killed all the three. Trisiras was a powerful fighter and Sri Rama's forehead was wounded by an arrow from Trisiras. The latter came and fought in a chariot drawn by four horses. He was killed by an
Sri off the nose

several places in Taittirlyopanisad.


arrow from Rama.

(Sarga 26, Aranya Kanda, Valmiki



mitra enquired of his wife how they managed to live during the great famine. Then SatyavatI, wife of Visvamitra, told him the whole story of how Satyavrata helped them, why he killed Nandini, Vasisfha's cow, and how they ate cow's flesh, how Satyavrata was cursed to be a candala, how he was called back as king and how he was at that time living in Ambavana. The eyes of ViSvamitra became wet when he heard the sorrowful story and he decided to end the candalatva (state of being a

candala) of Satyavrata.

He went

and met Trisanku

straight to



8) Trisanku Svarga (Heaven of Trisanku) .Visvamitra promised Trisanku that he would send him to heaven bodily

made preparations for a yaga. No other sage partook in the yaga because of instructions from Vasistha. But undaunted, Visvamitra conducted the yaga alone and, as the power of his performances increased, Trisanku started rising bodily from earth slowly and soon rose up to heaven. When the devas found a Candala standing with his physical body before the gates of heaven, they ran to Indra and told him. Indra got angry and pushed him out from heaven and TrKaiiku came falling down with his head turned downwards to

by name. When Visvamitra, hearing the noise, looked up he saw poor Trisanku descending fast from heaven with his head turned upside down. Visvamitra's anger knew no bounds and he roared aloud "Let Trisanku stay where he is now." Trisanku stopped in mid-air. Indra did not allow Trisanku to come up and Viivamitra did not allow him to come down. Indra then made

Trisanku cried loudly calling Visvamitra


II (VlSVAROPA). Once there was a celebrated Prajapati of name Tvasta. Though he was of a pious nature interested in the welfare of Brahmins, he hated Indra. He thought of destroying Indra somehow. With that purpose in view he produced by his wife Recana, a powerful son and named him Visvarupa. The boy had three heads and so he was called Trisiras (Tri=Three Siras head) also. He could use his three heads for three different purposes at a time. He would drink wine with one head and mutter the Veda-mantras by another head and see the world by the third. Even from boyhood he disliked worldly pleasures and, abandoning even food, started to do penance. During the hot season he would sit amidst fire and during the cold season he would sit in water to do penance. He would stand with his head down and do penance. The penance of Tri;' iras was so severe that Indra began to get frightened. He sent celestial maidens to stop the penance but all the attempts proved futile before that great ascetic. Then Indra himself riding on Airavata went and killed the sage by his Vajrayudha. Indra feared whether Trisiras would come to life again and wreak vengeance on him. So he ordered a carpenter standing nearby to bring to him the three heads separated from the body. The carpenter cut off the heads from the body and as each head fell to the ground several kinds of birds were found escaping from it. From the head which used to mutter Vedic mantras rose the Kapinjala birds; from the head used for drinking wine rose Kalapinga birds and from the third rose the Tittiri birds. When the birds thus rose to the air Indra was convinced that Trisiras was dead and he went away. See under Visvarupa. (6th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata).

sage who was the son of Kanva.The Asvinldevas once redeemed the cows belonging to this sage. (Sukta 112, Anuvaka 16, Mandala 1, Rgveda)



on hers and holding her chin by both the hands raisshe stood straight without her hunch. up and lo She requested Krsna to stay with her that night but Krsna left her saying he would stay with her on another day which he did the next day itself. (10th Skandha,



This stands to the north of

Mahameru. Mahameru spreads over an area of eighteen



thousand square miles and is two thousand miles high. It is surrounded by eight other small mountains two on each side. To the east is Jathara and Devakuta. Pavamana and Pariyatra stand to the west while to the south are Kailasa and Karavlra. On the north are Tri'rnga and Makaragiri. (8th Skandha, Devi Bhagavata).


This river lives in the court of Varuna worshipping him. (Sloka 23, Chapter 9, Sabha Parva) TRISTHANA. A holy place. If one lives and fasts here for one month, one would be able to see God. (Sloka 15, Chapter 25, Anusasana Parva). TRISTUP. One of the seven horses tied to the chariot of Surya. The seven horses are Gayatri, Brhati, Usnik,
sacred river.

TRIVIKRAMA. Another name for Vamana. TRIVIKRAMASENA. A mighty king. TRIVISTAPA. A sacred place inside Kuruksctra.




one bathes in the holy tank there and worships Siva one would go to heaven. (Chapter 83, Vana Parva)


lake in the forest of

Pandavas once during their exile went to Trnabindusaras from Dvaitavana. (Sloka 13, Chapter 258, Vana

Kamyaka. The






and did

Anustup and Pankti. (Chapter 8, Ariisa Visnu Purana). TRlStJLA. A weapon of Siva with the Vaisnava tejas obtained by churning Surya. (brilliance of Visnu) ViSvakarma made the following: Cakrayudha (Discus weapon) of Visnu, Tris'ula (three-forked spike) of Siva, Puspaka Vimana (Aerial chariot) of Kubera and the weapon Sakti of Subrahmanya. (Chapter 2, Amsa 3, Visnu Purana). (See under Visvakarma for more
JagatI, Tristup,

penance at a place called Padrna Purana)



(Chapter 20,



and worships the devas and the manes, he would attain a place equal to that of Ganapati. (Chapplace

sacred place. If a


bathes at

1 )

ter 84,



(See under Ekata). 2) Other details. (i) Ekata, Dvita and Trita were born to clean the hands of the devas when they become smeared with the sacrificial butter during the yagas. Of these Trita once fell into a well while drawing water and the asuras closed the well. But Trita escaped opening the top. (Sukta 52, Anuvaka 10, Mandala 1, Rgveda). stranded in a (ii) Once Ekata, Dvita and Trita were desect and desperately needed water to quench an increasing thirst. At last they found a well and Trita after getting down and quenching his thirst brought water

had two brothers

General information. A son of the sage called Ekata and Dvita.

Gautama. He

was the son of Maninl, daughter of Trnabindu. There is a story about him in Uttara Ramayana. Once the sage Pulastya was doing penance in a secluded place in the Himalayas when a few Deva Gandharva women came to that place and disturbed his penance by their dances and noise. The angered sage gave a curse to that place saying that any woman coming to that place would become pregnant. Maninl, daughter of Trnabindu went to this place unaware of the curse and got pregnant. She came weeping to her father and Trnabindu immediately took his daughter to Pulastya and asked him to marry Maninl. Pulastya married Maninl and ViSravas was born to her. 2) How he cursed Hanuman. Once Hanuman caught hold of a lion and elephant in fight and tied them each to a post on the two sides of the asrama of

1) Grandfather of Visravas.

Vi>'ravas, father


his brothers. The cruel brothers, after drinking the water pushed Trita into the well and covered the well with the wheel of a bullock-cart. Trita prayed to the AsVinidevas for help and they appeared before him and rescued him from the well. (Sukta 105, Mandala 1,

knew by his divine powers that the perpetrator of that deed was Hanuman and so he cursed him saying that he would lose all his divine powers forthwith. Hanuman begged for relief and the sage said that he would regain his powers at the time of his going in search of Slta when another member of his species would remind him of his lost divine powers. Hanuman remained oblivious of his powers till the time when the monkeys were trying to leap to Lanka from the Mahendra mountain on the shores of Bharata. Jambavan, a mighty

When the sage stepped out from the he was for a moment frightened by the sight hermitage, of two mighty animals on the sides of his aSrama and



sage who was the son of AAgiras. He joined with four other sages and did penance and produced a son named Pancajanya equal to the god Agni in splendour. The other four sages were Kasyapa, Prana, Cyavana and Agni. (Slokas 1 to 5, Chapter 220, Vana Parva). TRIVAKRA. A hunchback of a woman who was engaged in the work of making scented cosmetics for Karhsa. This woman saw Sri Krsna on his way to the palace of his uncle Karma in Mathurapurl. Even at the first sight she felt a great respect and devotion towards Krsna and she gave him the scented cosmetics she was carrying to Karhsa. Krsna placed a foot of

and made him understand the great powers latent in him. From that moment onwards Hanuman regained his lost powers and became his old self. (See under


chief called


to his



Yama and

Sabha Parva)

saintly King. worshipped him.





the court





A Deva Gandharva. He partook in the Janmotsava of Arjuna. (Sloka 56, Chapter 122, Adi


sage who lived in the south of Bharata. (Sloka 34, Chapter 150, Anusasana Parva). TRNAVARTA. A demon who was the son of Tarakasura. This demon was living serving Karhsa. Karhsa

once sent


Ambadi. Trnavarta,

to kill Krsna growing up in in magic disguise went to the



TULASl. (Holy

house of Nandagopa. Even when he entered the place bad omens were visible. Yasoda was breast-feeding baby Krsna keeping the babe in her lap. Soon Yasoda felt the babe gaining weight and very soon she felt the weight unbearable and rose up to place the child on a mat on the ground. But even before that Yaloda was fixed to the ground by the weight of the babe. But somehow she placed the babe on a mat on the ground and went out to wash her hands and face. When she came back she could not find the babe on the mat. Trnavarta had come in the form of whirl-wind and had already carried away the child. But after some time the weight of the babe increased s-o much that Trnavarta, unable to carry the weight, wanted to drop the child to But the child stuck on to his neck and the ground. breast tightly and Trnavarta finding no escape from the tight hold which suffocated him, fell to the ground dead on a hard rock. ( 10th Skandha, Bhagavata). TRTlYA. A river. This river sat in the court of Varuna worshipping him. (Sloka 21, Chapter 9, Sabha Parva). TRUTI I. Thirty alpakalas make one Truti. (See under

a plant held most is sacred by the Hindus. There is a Puranic background for Tulasi attaining this spiritualistic importance. In fact it is Mahalaksmi, wife of Visnu, who had herself taken the form of Tulasi. There is a story about it in Devi

Basil plant. Tulasi General information.

of Sarasvati. Sarasvatl, Ganga and Laksmi were all, in the beginning, wives of Mahavisnu. The Lord loved all the three equally. One day all the 2) The curse



female attendant of Subrahmanya. (Sloka

ancient place of habitation.
to see

four were sitting together when Ganga sent lustful glances at Visnu which was immediately noticed by both Sarasvati and Laksmi. Sarasvati got angry and rising up caught hold of the hair of Ganga and dragged her to the ground. Laksmi then caught hold of Sarasbut Sarasvati then vati to prevent further assault poured all her rage on Laksmi and cursed her to be born as a plant on earth. GaiigadevI could not bear this and she cursed Sarasvati to be born as a river on earth. Sarasvati retorted with a curse that Gauga also would be born as a river. When the whole tumult was over Visnu called Laksmi to his side and said "Oh


Chapter 46, Salya Parva).



Dharmaputra with gifts the gate-keepers did not allow him to enter the palace premises. (Sloka 17, Chapter 51, Sabha Parva). TRYAMBAKA. One of the Ekadasa Rudras (eleven

King of this place went


Rudras). See under Ekadas'arudra).


a large army by sea to his enemies in dvipantara. When they were a conquer long distance away from the shore the boats carrying them capsized in a storm and the prince and army were drowned in the sea. The prince then prayed to the A'vinidevas and they saved him and his army from the sea and sent them back to the palace. Those boats could travel both in the sea and the air. (Sukta 116,


Bhujyu with

the Rgveda. This


TUHARA. A 'soldier
TUHUiVrpA. A Kasyapa of his
Salya Parva)



Rgveda, Anuvaka 17). of Subrahmanya.


(Chapter 45,

demon. This demon was born to Danu. (Chapter 65, Adi Parva) Accompanied by Tarakasura this demon once attacked Subrahmanya. Tuhunda threw an iron mace against Ganapati who blocked his chariot. By a single stone of Ganapati, the diamond-studded mace of the demon broke into six pieces. When he found his mace gone the demon caught hold of Ganapati and beat him with a spiked club on his forehead. Ganapati cut him with his weapon (Axe) 'Venmazhu'. The demon fell to the ground in two pieces but still his hold on Ganapati was not released. Ganapati tried his best but could not loosen the hold. Then Kundodara, a leader of the attendants of Ganapati smashed the hands of Tuhunda with an iron mace. Tuhunda was killed thus. (Chapter



Vayu Purana) Tuhunda was born


in his next life in the



called Senabindu. (Sloka

world as Chapter 67, Adi




and both of them entered heaven. (See under Jajali) See under Merudana.

KaI. He gave

charitable and righteous Vaisya who the sage Jajali dharmopades a


can come back to me. The holy river Padmavati will also be another form of your spirit." 3) The story of Dharmadhvaja. Who was this Dharrnadhvaja to whom was born Mahalaksmi as a daughter ? In times of old there was a Manu called Daksasavarni who was extremely virtuous and a part of Visnu. Desfrom Daksasavarni were Brahmasavarnicending Dharmasavarni-Rudrasavarni-Devasavarni-Indrasavarni Vrsadhvaja. This last named was a great devotee of Siva and because of his great affection for this devotee Siva lived a whole period of a devayuga in the aSrama of Vrsadhvaja. King Vrsadhvaja by an edict prohibited the worship of any other deity than Siva in his country. Even the worship of Mahalaksmi ordained by the Vedas during the month ofBhadra (September) became exAll Yagas and worship of Visnu came to a stop. tinct. Surya (Sun-god) got angry at this belittling of other gods than Siva and cursed the King Vrsadhvaja that he would cease to be prosperous. Siva did not like it and he went to punish Surya holding his trident in his hand. Surya was frightened and he approached his father Kasyapa. Kasyapa and Surya went to Brahma and acquainted him with all details. Brahma also was helpless in the matter and so all the three of them went to Mahavisnu. They prostrated before Visnu and told him all. At that time Siva also came there. Addressing all of them Visnu said "Oh, Devas, within this half an hour twentyone yugas have passed by on the earth. He about whom you have come to speak to me is dead and gone. Even his son Rathadhvaja is dead. The latter has two sons named Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja. They are dull and splendourless now because of the curse of Surya and are now worshipping Laksrnl." Saying thus Visnu disappeared.

Devi, do not worry. Things have happened as predestined. You go and be born as the daughter of Dharmadhvaja and grow up there. From there by divine grace you will be transformed into a plant sacred enough to make all the three worlds pure. That plant will be named Tulasi. When you will be thus living as Tulasi, a demon named Sankhacuda with part of rny virile strength will be born and he will marry you. Then you

Birth of Tulasi. Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja did penance to propitiate Mahalaksml. Kusadhvaja had a wife named Malavati. She bore a daughter named Vedavati. Sita, wife of Sri Rama, was a rebirth of this Vedavati.

and come with me





as rny

will decay and become a holy river named Gandaki: your hair will become Tulasi plant the leaves of which will be held sacred in all the three

Your body

King Dharmadhvaja had a wife named Madhavl. Mahftlaksmi entered her womb as an embryo and after a hundred years Madhavl gave birth to a daughter. Even at the time of birth the child looked like a matured girl and was extremely pretty. She was therefore, called Tulasi, meaning
Tula = match). This Tulasi abandoning all worldly pleasures went to Badarikasrama and started doing penance there with the prayer that Mahavisnu should become her husband. She did penance for twentyfour thousand years sitting amidst fire in the hot season and only sitting in water in the cold season and taking fruits and water as food. Then she did penance for anomatchless.

worlds." Tulasi then changed herself into the form of LaksmI and went to Vaikuntha with Mahavisnu. (9th Skandha,

be her husband. Hearing this Brahma said thus "Devi, you know the cowboy Sudama born of a part of Sri Krsna. That brilliant cowboy has now been born on earth, due to a curse of Radha, as a demon named Sankhacuda. He is matchlessly eminent and has once fallen in love with you seeing you at Goloka. You will become his wife and later you can become the wife of Narayana. At that time a part of your divine body will remain on earth as a plant named Tulasi. Tulasi will become the most all worship sacred of all plants, dear to Visnu, and without using Tulasi leaves would be ineffective."
replied she

ther thirtythousand years eating leaves only, another forty thousand years taking air only as food and another ten thousand years without any food. At this stage Brahma appeared and asked her the object of her Penance. She

wanted Mahavisnu

Marriage of Tulasi. Due to a curse of Radha, Sudama, the cowboy, was born on earth as a demon named Sankhacuda. He did penance sitting at BadarikaSrama and obtained Visnukavaca. Another object of his was to marry Tulasi. He obtained a boon from Brahma that his death would occur only when the Visnu Kavaca was removed from his body and the chastity of his wife was lost. At that time Sankhacuda and Tulasi met each other in the forests and were married. Sankhacuda, brilliant and majestic, went


Padma Purana)

would keep away from one whose dead body is cremated with Tulasi twigs and servants of Visnu would come near. If a light is burnt for Visnu with a Tulasi stick it would be equal to burning several lakhs of lights for Visnu. If one makes the Tulasi leaves into a paste and smears it on one's body and then worships Visnu for one day, one would be getting the benefit of a hundred ordinary worships and also the benefit of doing a hundred godanas. (gifts of cows). (Chapter 24,

placed at the bottom of the funeral pyre. Just as all waters become pure by the union with Ganga water, all firewood is made pure by the addition of a small piece of Tulasi twig. If the dead body of one is cremated using Tulasi twigs alone, one's sins for a crore of Kalpa years would be washed away. Yamadutas

Everything of the Tulasi and even the soil around is holy. The soul of a dead one whose dead body is cremated using Tulasi twigs for firewood would attain a permanent place in Visnuloka. Even great sinners would be absolved of their sins if their dead bodies are cremated with Tulasi twigs. If at the time of death one thinks of God and mutters His name and if his dead body is later cremated with Tulasi twigs, he would have no rebirths. Even he who has done a crore of sins would attain moksa if at the time of cremating his dead body a piece of Tulasi twig is

Devi Bhagavata)



plant, leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, twigs, skin


Marici and grandson of Brahma, born of his wife Pradha. Of the sons of Kasyapa the four Gandharva sons, Tumburu, Ba.hu, Haha and Huhu were noted for

Deva Gandharva. He was the best among the Gandharvas. Tumburu was the son of Kasyapa, son of

about with Tulasi in amorous sports creating jealousy even among the devas. His arrogance gave innumerable troubles to the devas and they along with Brahma and Siva approached Mahavisnu for a remedy. Visnu then sent Siva with his spike to kill Sankhacuda and he himself started to molest the chastity of his wife Saiikhacuda took leave of Tulasi to go Tulasi.

a long time to get me as your husband. Your husband Sankhacuda was the chief of my Parsadas, Sudama. It is time for him to go back to Goloka getting himself released from the curse. By this time Siva would have killed him and he would have gone to Goloka as Sudama. You can now abandon your body

and fight with Siva. When Tulasi was thus left alone, Mahavisnu in the form of Sankhacuda approached Tulasi and after some preliminary talks entered into sexual acts. Tulasi found some difference in the usual sexual methods and suspecting foul play jumped up to curse the impostor. At once Mahavisnu appeared in his true form and said "You have been doing penance

and pleasant conversation. Tumburu arid the Pandavas. Mahabharata states about several occasions when Tumburu has shown a special and deep interest in the Pandavas. The following few are of special mention the Janmotsava of Arjuna. attended (i) Tumburu (Sloka 54, Chapter 122 ,Adi Parva). (ii) Once this Gandharva gave Yudhisthira a hundred horses. (Sloka 24, Chapter 52, Sabha Parva). (iii) Tumburu welcomed Arjuna when the latter went to Devaloka at the invitation of Indra. (Vana Parva, Chapter 43, Verse 14) (iv) Once when the Pandavas were living incognito in the country of Virata the Kauravas carried away the cattle of the King. Arjuna in disguise then fought against the Kauravas and Tumburu watched the fight with interest. (Sloka 12, Chapter 56, Virata Parva). (v) Tumburu was present at the As vamedhayaga of Yudhisthira. (Sloka 39, Chapter 88, ASvamedha
their sweet


How Tumburu was

Laksmana were

born as Virddha. When in the forests in exile a demon

Rama and





Viradha attacked them. That

demon was none


than Tumburu. Once when Tumburu was living in the city of Kubera he committed a sin and Kubera cursed him and made him into a demon. Kubera had then told him that he would get relief from the curse when he was slain by Rama, son of Dasaratha. Sri Rama killed Viradha and the latter regaining the form of Tumburu left for Gandharvaloka. (See under Viradha). It is found in Kathasaritsa4) How he cursed Pururavas. gara that the temporary separation which Pururavas had from Urvas"! was due to a curse by the Gandharva


of existence of

Man. (See under



After marrying Urvasi Pururavas once went to Devaloka at the invitation of Indra. He was invited to help Indra in his 6ght against the asuras. Indra celebrated the day on which one of the best of the demons, Mayadhara was killed. Rambha was dancing before acarya Tumburu on the occasion and Pururavas finding fault with her dance mocked at her. Rarnbha felt insulted and asked the King thus "Fool of a King, what do you know of the divine dances of Devaloka ?" Pururavas retorted that he had learnt more of dancing from Urvall than what her preceptor Tumburu knew. Tumburu got angry and cursed Pururavas that he would live separated from Urvasi till he did penance to please The Gandharvas then carried away Mahavisnu. Urvasi from Pururavas. (See under Pururavas). Other details. 5) (i) Tumburu was a member of the court of Indra.

extolled in the Rgveda. Narya, Turvasa and Turviti were contemporaries. (Sukta 54, Mandala 1, Rgveda). TURVASU. A son born to Yayati of his wife Devayani. Yayati had two wives Sarmistha and Devayani. Of Sarmistha, Yayiti had three sons named Druhyu, Anudruhyu and Puru and of Devayani, two sons named Yadu and Turvasu. Once Yayati called all his five sons to his side and asked them if any one of them would be willing to exchange his youth with his father's old age. All the four refused but Puru agreed to accede to his father's request. Yayati then cursed Turvasu and all the other three. (See under Yayati). TURVAYANA, A King extolled in the Rgveda. Rgveda) (Mandala TURVITI I. A King extolled in the Rgveda. TURVlTI II. A King. But since in some places he is mentioned as a sage, it must be presumed that he must have been a King who had become a sannyasin during the latter part of his life. Once this sage was drowned and Indra came in time and rescued him. (Sukta 61, Mandala 1, Rgveda).


(Sloka 14, Chapter


Tumburu was



Sabha Parva).
of the

court of Kubera.

(Sloka 26, Chapter 10, Sabha Parva). The songs of Tumburu who was a worshipper of (iii) Kubera used to be heard from the mountain of Gandhamadana on the full-moon day. (Sloka 29, Chapter






Some details. (i) This sage was one among the many sages who came from the north to visit Sri Rama on his return to Ayodhya after the exile. Those who came from the north were Kas"yapa, Vasistha, Atri, VisVamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, Bharadvaja, Sanakadis, Sarabhariga, Durvasas, Matanga, Vibhandaka and Tumburu. (Uttara Ramayana). Tumburu was one among the rsis who visited (ii) Bhisma lying on his bed of arrows. (Chapter 47, Santi

to be called Tusaras and their King Tusara. The King of Tusara was the store-keeper during the Rajasuyayajna of Yudhisthira, (Chapter 51, Vana Parva). The Pandavas during their exile crossed this country of Tusara on their way to Dvaitavana from the mountain of Gandhamadana. During the great battle, the Tusaras arrayed themselves on the right side of the Kraunca Vyuha (an army formation in the shape of a stork) constructed by Bhisma. (Sloka 21, Chapter 75, Bhlsma Parva). There is a statement in Chapter 65 of Santi Parva that a barbarous tribe called Tusaras lived in the country of Mandhata. TUSITAS. There were twelve good devas called Tusitas in the Caksusa Manvantara. When the Caksusa Manvantara ended and" the Vaivasvata Manvantara commenced all the twelve were born as sons of Kasyapa of his wife Aditi. Because they were born of Aditi they were called Dvadas"adityas. They were Visnu etc. Thus the Tusitas of the Caksusa Manvantara were the

place of habitation of ancient Bharata. Scholars are of opinion that the present Tukharistan was the ancient Tusara. The people of this place used




The Pandavas

invited this

take part in

the great




battle. (Sloka 21,

Chapter 4, Udyoga Parva). TUIilpA II. A demon. This demon who was one among the army of Ravana fought against the monkey leader, Nala, in the Rama-Ravana battle. (Sloka 9, Chapter



ancient place of Bharata. The people of this place took part in the great Mahabharata battle. (Sloka 20, Chapter 17, Drona Parva) TU&GAKARAIiJYA. holy place. The sage Sarasvata did Devatadhyayana on behalf of other sages, at this


Manvantara. (Visnu Dvadasadityas of Vaivasvata Purana, Amsa 1, Chapter 15). TUSTI. A daughter of Daksa. She became the wife of Dharmadeva. Dharmadeva accepted as wives the thirteen daughters of Daksa including Tusti. Their younger sister Khyati etc were married to Marici etc. (Chapter 7, Amsa 1, Visnu Purana). TTJSTIMAN. A King of the Yayati dynasty. (9th Skandha, Bhagavata) TVASTA I. A Prajapati. This Prajapati was an asura


(Sukta 94,







place. (Sloka 46,

Chapter 85, Vana Parva)

ancient holy river of Bharata. People of Bharatae came pure by drinking the water of this river. (Sloka 27, Chapter 6, Bhlsma Parva).

Tvasta Ajaikapat and Rudra. The great ascetic Vis'varupa was the son of Tvasta. (Chapter 15, Amsa 1, Visnu Purana)

are contradictory statements in the Puranas regarding the birth of Tvasta. Vigvakarma got four sons named Ahirbudhnya, (a)





2)Colour of the horse. Once, during a controversy, Vinata, wife ofKasyapa, contended that the colour of Uccais'sravas was white, while another wife of KaSyapa, Kadru said that its tail was black in colour. It was decided to bet that she who got defeated in this controversy should become the slave of the winner. Because the serpents, the sons of Kadru, cheated Vinata, she had to become

(b) Ka'yapa got as his sons the Ekadasarudras of his wife Surabhi. Surabhi who became pure by penance got by the grace of Mahadeva five other sons named Aja, Ekapat, Ahirbudhnya, Tvasta and Rudra. The noble and famous Vi^varupa was the son of Tvasta. (Chapter

named Visvarupa to kill Indra. Visvarupa was the younger brother of SanniveSa. Visvarupa was called Trisiras also. (See under Tririras) While Visvarupa was doing penance Indra killed him by his Vajrayudha. Enraged at this Tvasta produced another asura named Vrtra to kill Indra. (See under Vrtra). Indra killed Vrtrasura also. At last greatly disappointed Tvasta cursed Indra that he would suffer from Putraduhkha of son) and then went to the mount Meru to do ( loss

(c) Ka'yapa Maharsi got a son named Tvasta of his wife Aditi. (Sloka 34, Chapter 226, Adi Parva) Bacause of such varied statements it is not possible to say whose son T\astii was. 2) Indra's enemy. Even from the beginning, Tvasta hated Indra. Tvasta begot of his wife Recana a son

Agni Purana).

Kadru's slave. (See under Vinata). (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 20) Devi Bhagavata relates a 3) Lakftnidevf became mare. story of Mahalaksmi becoming a mare on account of Uccais: ravas. King Revanta, son of Suryaand friend of Indra, once went to Vaikuntha to pay his respects to Bhagavan Visnu, riding on Uccaissravas. Mahalaksmi, who was then with Visnu was surprised at the arrival of Revanta. Seeing the scintillating form of

ravas, her brother, Mahalaksmi sat looking at the horse unmindful of all other things. (Mahalaksmi and the horse were both born from the Sea of Milk and



Visnu Purana)

Other details. Tvasta also treated as a Rudra. (Chapter 15, Am:' a


sister and brother). Thus occupied Mahalaksmi did not hear Mahavisnu asking, "Who is this one who comes like a second Cupid ?" Angry at this Visnu

hence were




on the


Arjuna. He separated huge portions from the mountain and threw them against Arjuna and Krsna. (Sloka 34

the forest of Khandava was burnt, he stood of Indra and fought against Krsna and

Chapter 226, Adi Parva) Tvasta shines in the court of Indra. (Sloka 14, Chapter 7, Sabha. Parva). (iv) Kuseru, daughter of Tvasfa was once abducted by Narakasura. (Chapter 38, Daksinatya Patha, Sabha


(v) Visvakarma also used to be called Tvasta 24, Chapter 100, Vana Parva).


The monkey


(Sloka 41, Chapter 283,



Nala was the son of Tvasta


Tvasta presented Subrahmanya with two Parsadas named Cakra and Anucakra. (Sloka 40, Chapter
45, Salya Parva)



Tvasta was the (5lh Skandha, Bhagavata)

King of the family of Bharata. This son of Bhauvana and father of Viraja.

life-breaths are

attracted by the horse, you have not answered me. Because you enjoy (Ramasi) so much your name in future will be Rama. You will also become frivolous You have never been like an uncultured woman. constant. Because you felt so much attracted to this horse in my very presence, you will be born as a mare in the world of men." According to this curse Mahalaksmi had to be born as a mare in the world the Hehaya dynasty had its origin from her. (See under Ekavlra) (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 6). UCCAISSRAVAS II. A Maharaja of the Puru dynasty. He was one of the six sons of King Aviksit. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 53) UCCHIKHA. A serpent born in the family of Taksaka. It was burnt to death at Janamejaya's serpent yajna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 9) UCCHPJsIGA. One of the two attendants given to Skanda by Vindhya. The other was named Atisriiga. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 49).
; .

"So much

of the five life-breaths.



Prana, Apana,


Udfina and

of the two sons of Sukracarya who were deputed to do heinous acts of worship by Sukra. The other was Atri. (Sloka 37, Chapter 65, Adi Parva).



holy bath on
said that

bank of the












(Agni Purana

Chapter 348)

U.(g;) This letter


'protection'. (Agni

Purana Chan-


of the Solar dynasty.



Bhagavata, 9th


UCCAlSSRAVAS I. Birth. A horse which


(Bhagavata, Skandha 12)

in the line of the disciples



mathana) Devendra grabbed it the moment he saw it, and thenceforth it became his vehicle. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 23, Verses 33-37)

the churning of the sea of Milk. (See under Kslrabdhi-

emerged from water during

priests who were present for the sacrifice began to honour and respect Trita. Ekata and Dvita did not like this. The three brothers performed sacrifices and acquired a large number of cows. With these cows they started for the east. Trita walked before. Ekata and Dvita who were behind, made a consultation and drove the cows another way. Trita walked on in front, alone. On the bank of the Sarasvatl he saw a wolf and getting terrified, he fell into a well in which there was no water. Standing in the well, he imagined a creeper

while going on a pilgrimage, had visited this holy bath. a story showing how this place became a is holy bath. Long ago there was a hermit named Gautama, who had three sons called Ekata, Dvita and Trita. The father was much pleased at the dutiful and devotional character of his sons. One day he performed a sacrifice and went to heaven. Then the kings and the

Balabhadra Rama,



you in every aspect, is born in the world. Her name is Mrgavatl." Sahasranika was greatly pleased at this and he returned In the chariot there were Tilottama and to the earth. the charioteer, with the king. The king who was deeply immersed in thinking about Mrgavatl, did not attend to the conversation of Tilottama, who getting angry cursed him thus :-"May you be separated for fourteen years from the person whose thought has prevented you from attending to what I have been telling you." The king married Mrgavatl. She became pregnant. One day she told the king about her desire to dip in a pond of blood. The king got a pond ready, filled with the juice of Laksa (a kind of wax, the boiled water of which will look like blood ) and such other things. Mrgavatl began to dip and splash in the pond of blood. When she was dipping under the juice, taking her to be a large piece of flesh, an eagle took her from the pond and flew away. The king was overwhelmed with grief and fell down. Then the charioteer came down from heaven and informed the king of the curse of Tilottama, and then he returned. The eagle left Mrgavatl in the mount of the Rising Sun and flew away. She cried aloud. A huge snake neared her to swallow her. Then a divine person appeared there and saved her from the snake and vanished. Then a hermit-boy came there and asked the lonely woman, clad in only one garment, about her story and took her to the hermitage of the hermit Jamadagni who blessed After some days she gave birth to a son. At that her. time an unknown voice was heard saying "This boy would become the most renowned king Udayana and his son would become the supreme Lord of the Vidyadharas." Because he was born in the Udayadri (the mount of the Rising Sun) he got the name Udayana. The boy Udayana grew up in the hermitage. 3) Udayana to his father. The hermit Jamadagani who knew the past, present and the future performed all the rituals, necessary for a boy of Ksatriya caste (kingly race) such as Caula, Upanayana etc. and gave him education in every branch of knowledge. Because of her love and regard for her son, Mrgavatl put on his arm a


what boon he desired. Trita told them that he only wanted to be saved from the well. Immediately the river SarasvatI flowed into the well and the waves began to swell. Standing on the waves he praised and glorified the gods. Then he returned home and cursed Ekata and Dvita and transmuted them into wolves. Trita said that their children would become monkeys and cattle. It happened so. The place where the Gods appeared before Trita, became famous and got the name Udapanatlrtha. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 36). UDAPEKSI. A son of Visvamitra. He was a Vedantin. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 59). UDARAKSA. A warrior of Skanda Dcva. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 63). UDARASAND1LYA. A hermit of the Durbar of Indra. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 31).

to the well as 'Soma' (a herb used as in sacrifice) and performed sacrifice, chanting the Vedas. His chanting was heard in heaven and Brhaspati and other gods came to him and asked him

was hanging



of Mahisasura.


was very powerful and efficient. The brave and haughty Ciksura was the war minister. Udarka was the general of the army. (See under Mahisasura) UDAYAGIRI I. The mountain of the rising. It is supposed by poets that the Sun and the Moon rise from this
of Mahisasura


Stanza 93, devotion at




this place once, one could obtain the fruits of conducting evening prayer and meditation for twelve years continuously. UDAYANA. renowned king of the Candravarhsa (Lunar

Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, that by conducting evening prayer and

ancient place of pilgrimage.



1 )

Pururavas - AyusNahusa - Yayati - Puru-Janamejaya-Pracinvan-PraviraNamasyu-Vltabhaya Sundu-Bahuvidha-Sarhyati -Rahovadl - Raudrasva - Matinara - Santurodha - DusyantaBharata-Hasti-Ajarnidha-Rksa-Sarhvarana-Kuru-jahnuSuratha - Viduratba- Sarvabhauma-Jayatsena-RavyayaBhavuka-Cakroddhata-Devatithi-Rksa- Bhima - PratipaSantanu-Vyasa- Pandu - Arjuna- Abhimanyu - Pariksit Janamejaya-Satanlka-Sahasranlka-Udayana.

order: Brahma- Atri-Candra-Budha


Descended from Visnu


the following

name Sahasranika



There was a city called KauSambi situated in the middle of the famous kingdom known as Vatsa in North India. The palace of king Satanlka, born of the family of Arjuna, was in Kausambi. Visnumati was the queen of Satanika. She had been childless. One day while Satanika was hunting in the forest, he met with the hermit Sandilya, by whose blessings Visnumati conceived and gave birth to a son. That son was Sahasranika. When he came of age, Satanlka left the country with his son and went to the heaven to help the gods in their battle with the Asuras, and he died there. Sahasranika became a mighty emperor. Once he got an invitation from Indra to go to heaven and help the gods to fight the Asuras. After having defeated the Asuras, one day, he was walking with Indra in the Nandana Park, when he saw the gods playing with their wives in the park. Immediately the unmarried king became thoughtful and Indra read correctly, the reason for the sudden change in the king and said to the "Oh King Don't be worried. A girl becoming king.
2) Birth.

which she had been wearing so long. One day, while Udayana was walking through the forest, he saw a snake-charmer catching a snake. He felt sorry for the snake. So he gave the bangle to the snake-charmer and When the snake charmer was gone, set the snake free. That serpent was the snake told Udayana its story. Vasunemi, the elder brother of Vasuki. Out of gratitude the serpent gave Udayana the famous Lute Ghosavati and betels and taught him the art of making garlands and marks on the forehead which would never


The snake-charmer took the bangle to the capital for sale. Seeing the name of the king inscribed on it, the king's men took him before the king. He told the king everything. The king who had been suffering for the last fourmount

teen years form the pangs of separation, started for the of the Rising Sun, without any loss of time. The hermit Jamadagni gave him his wife Mrgavatl and son

4) The anointment of Udayana. Sahasranika anointed his son Udayana as the heir to his throne, and appointed Yaugandharayana, Rumanvan and Vasantaka, the




returned to Kausambi.



the Vindhya mountain the elephant Bhadravati fell dead. When they all were standing around the dead -'Oh elephant sadly, they heard an ethereal voice saying, King I am a Vidyadhara woman called Ma.ya.vatl. I had been an elephant for so long. The son you are going to get, will ajso be helped by me. Your wife Vasavadatta also, is a goddess, born as a woman purposely." Next day, all reached the palace of Udayana and the marriage of Udayana and Vasavadatta took place shortly. Candamahasena recognized that marri!

of three ministers, as ministers of Udayana. At the time anointment there was a shower of flowers of the from the sky and an unknown voice said "With the help of these ministers Udayana would bring the whole of
the earth under his control." After a time Sahasranika went to the Himalayas with his wife for penance. A daughter was Vasavadatta became Udayana's wife. 5) born to the king of Ujjayinl. Her name was Vasavadatta. Her father Candamahasena decided to give her How to to Udayana the king of Vatsa. in

and Udayana had bring this to pass ? Candamahasena been enemies. Finally he found out a way. It was to entrust Vasavadatta to Udayana (who was a great teacher of music) for teaching her music. Ultimately he would fall in love with her and thus Udayana would become his son-in-law. This was the plan. King Candamahasena sent a messenger to Kausambl. The messenger was sent back with a reply that, if his her daughter was sent to Kausambl, he would teach music. Candamahasena did not like this. So he decided
to take



Udayana spent 6) Udayana's marriage with Padmdvati. his days with Vasavadatta in the harem. The ministers
Yaugandharayana, Rumanvan,
Vasantaka and others
thought that the behaviour of the King was detrimental
to the well-being of the country.


king had an elephant called Nadagiri. He ordered for an artificial elephant to be made equal in size to Nadagiri, and placed some soldiers inside the elephant. The artificial elephant with soldiers inside it was taken to the great forest in the Vindhya mountain and placed this elephant and there. The men of Udayana saw it to the king. Udayana decided to see the huge reported elephant which had appeared in the Vindhya. Udayana went to the forest and saw the huge elephant standing




or other.


the palace for a little while and to form an alliancewith the powerful King of Magadha. By a marriage alliance all these could be achieved. The of Magadha had a beautiful daughter called the

They wanted



King from

Padmavatl. The ministers began

in. view.


work with



at a distance. The king found out a plan to catch it. Playing mild notes on his lute, the king alone neared As the night was drawing and as the elephant. he was immersed in music, he did not understand that

elephant. As the king was nearing went on retreating, and thus got the king away from his men. Then the soldiers got out of the elephant, surrounded the king and took him a prisoner. Thus Udayana began to live in the palace of Candamahasena. His work was to teach Vasavadatta

was an


the elephant


The news reached Kausambl. Yaugandharayana entrusted the affairs of the government to Rumanvan and
started for Ujjayin! with Vasantaka. got YogeSvara, a Brahmaraksasa as
to his advice

At Ujjayinl they


Yaugandharayana took the guise of a mad old man. Vasantaka adopted the guise ofa sick man, suffering from pain in the stomach an uncouth figure to look at. They entered the city. The madness of Yaugandharayana was an entertainment to the people. The ladies of the court liked him much. Vasavadatta
invited the
to the

Once Yaugandharayana took Udayana to the forest of Lavanaka and stayed there. It was reported to the King of Magadha that the King of Vatsa was drawing near to his kingdom. Fearing an attack from Udayana, the King of Magadha began to think of concluding a for treaty with Vatsa. The King of Vatsa used to go One day he went to a distant place hunting everyday. for hunting, and the minister went to the house of Vasavadatta and informed her of their plans. Though it was not at all palatable to her, she gave her consent and agreed to help them as it was meant for the wellbeing of the King and the country. Accordingly, Yaugandharayana took the guise of an old Brahmin, Vasavadatta that ofa young Brahmin lady and Vasantaka that of a Brahmin celibate with only one eye. They went to the kingdom of Magadha. Rumanvan set fire to the house of Vasavadatta and spread the rumour that Vasavadatta and Vasantaka had been burnt to death. Yaugandharayana, Vasavadatta and Vasantaka reached Magadha. They got into the capital and saw Padmavatl sitting in the garden. The old Brahmin conversed with the princess for a while. She enquired about the young woman who was with him. "She is my daughter The old Brahmin replied thus Avantika. Her husband has left the country. I request you to keep her with you till I find him out and bring him here. She may not like to be separated from her




her brother, the celibate, also be here

recognized the

jangha in an interesting way. (See under Lohajangha) Vasavadatta began to be drawn more and more towards Udayana. She seemed to have forgotten even about the fact that her father was an enemy of Udayana, who had been thinking seriously of means of escape from to accompany him. the palace. Vasavadatta agreed Asadhaka got Bhadravati, the elephant of Vasavadatta, ready for the flight. In the night Udayana and his retinue got on the elephant Bhadravati and fled from of Vasavadatta the palace. Kancanamala the maid also accompanied her mistress. When they had passed

madman to the harem. Udayana instantly mad man. Vasantaka also got admittance palace. He told Vasavadatta the story of Loha-

with her."

Padmavatl took them with gladness and Yaugandharayana, bidding farewell, returned to the forest Lavanaka. Avantika and the Celibate lived in the palace with Padmavatl. Vasavadatta who had learned from Udayana the art of making garlands ans marks on the forehead which would not fade, had prepared them for Padmavatl.

of Vatsa returned to the forest Lavanaka and found the house of his wife burnt down to ashes. He fell unconscious when he heard that Vasavadatta and Vasantaka had been burnt to death. The spies of the King of Magadha who were in the forest of Lavanaka, reported the rumour about the

The King




in marriage to Udayana. The marriage proposal was accepted by Udayana and wearing garlands and marks that would not fade Padmavati entered the wedding dais. Udayana married Padmavati. Yaugandharayana made the King of Magadha take an oath that he would


of Vasavadatta and Vasantaka to their King in who wfshed to give his daughter Padmavati

a Brahmin came there and made a complaint to the King that some cowherds had broken the legs of his son. The Brahmin said that a boy named Dcvasena sat on a stone in the forest and instantly he got kingly power. The leg of the Brahmin boy was broken by the friends of Devasena because he did not bow before Devasena. When he heard the story, the minister Yaugandharayana said that that place must have some peculiarities. Accordingly the men of the King dug the place. He got a throne of gems. (Kathasaritsagara, Lavanakalamsitting in the court-hall,

go for no more aggression. Udayana and his people reached Kausambi. On the way the King happened to see the mark on the forehead and the garland on the neck of Padmavati and asked her who had made them. Padmavati told the King the story of Avantika. Udayana was definite that Avantika was Vasavadatta herself. Avantika was brought before the King. Padmavati congratulated Vasavadatta. Both of them loved each other and lived together as the loving wives of Udayana. (Kathasaritsagara, Lavanakalambaka). a new throne. Once Udayana was 7) Udayana gets


food and his watcrpot on the bank of the river and reaching his hermitage, he asked his son Naciketa to fetch them from the bank of the river. When Naciketa reached the bank of the river, those The son things had been washed down by the current. returned and reported the matter to his father. The father got angry and cursed his son to death. Seeing the son lying dead on darbha (mattress made of darbha grass) the hermit cried aloud. In that flow of tears life returned to the body and the son woke up as if from The father asked the son about the news of the sleep. realm of Yama ( the god of death ) and the son told the hermit the news about the world of the dead. UDDA^DASASTRI. One of the eighteen and a half famous poets of Kerala. He was a Sanskrit poet. His native place was Latapura on the bank of river Palar in Tondamandala in the Tamilnad. The name of his father was Sri Krsna and that of hismothter was Rangaleft flowers,

hermit happened to forget that he had

Poet Ulloor says that Sastri had another name Irugupanatha. He had a very good education. After having completed his education, he travelled through Andhra, Karnataka, Kalinga, Cola, Kerala and many

baka). Vasavadatta became pregnant 8) The son of Udayana. and gave birth to a child. He was named Naravahanadatta. Narada granted him a boon that Naravahanadatta would become the emperor of the Vidyadharas.

other countries and finally came to Kozhikode and visited the King Manavikramamaharaja. At the instance of the king he composed the drama called Mallikamarutam. Besides this we have obtained only the 'Kokilasandesa'and someother single poems of Sastri. Itis said Sastri was not that there is a thesis on dramas also. in the habit of respecting those who did not pay respect
that he
to him,


Bhattatiri of Kakkasseri, rose against Sastri in Kerala. General information.

however superior they might be. So some say was arrogant. A Malayala Brahmin called

(See under Naravahanadatta) princess of Taksasila named Kalingasena fell in love with Udayana and she came to Kauambl. But no marriage took place. (See under Kalingasena). Naravahanadatta, the son of Udayana, married Madanamancuka who was the incarnation of Rati Devi (the wife of Madana) Udayana entrusted the country to his son and led a life of retirement with his wives.




A Yadava. He was a friend and Krsna. In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 186, Stanza 18, mention is made that Uddhava was present on the occasion of the S vayarhvara (marriage ) ofDraupadl. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 218, Stanza 11, that at a famous celebration held in the mountain of Raivata, Uddhava was See under Subhadra ). present. ( Uddhava was a disciple of Brhaspati, and a man of
minister of Sri
great intelligence. It was this Uddhava who brought the dowry of Subhadra to Indraprastha, when Arjuna married her. ( M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Stanza 30). Once a king named Salva besieged the city of Dvaraka. At that time Uddhava saved Dvaraka. (M. B.

Ayodhadhaumya. To

disciple called

under Ayodhadhaumya.

Aruni of the teacher know how Aruni got the name

Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 12 that this hermit Uddalaka was a prominent figure in the Durbar of Indra. Uddalaka had a son called Svetaketu and a daughter called Sujata. He gave his daughter Sujata in marriage to his favourite disciple Kahodaka. The hermit Astavakra was their son. See under Astavakra. (MB. Vana Parva, Chapter 132). Once Uddalaka caused the river Sarasvati to appear at the place of sacrifice. From that day onwards Sarasvati got the name 'Manorama' because when the thought
It is stated in

2) to

Ambadi, and brought Sri Krsna to Mathura. Sri Krsna killed Kamsa and made Ugrasena king, and stayed in the city of Mathura for a time. At that time Sri Krsna sent Uddhava to Ambadi to know about the
well-being of the people there. The moment Uddhava entered Ambadi, the Gopas and gopa women, (cowherds) Yasoda and Nandagopa,

Parva, Chapter 15, Stanza 9). The message carried by Uddhava. Karhsa sent Akriira


mind(manas) the river made its appearance. Salya Parva, Chapter 33). It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 10, that Uddalaka expelled his son Svetaketu from the house because the son was a hater of Brahmins.
to his

surrounded him to


hear about Sri Krsna. They




knowing that

through him

Krsna was getting on

presents to Sri into his chariot




at sent



The story of another hermit of the name mentioned in the Mahabharata, Anu:'asana Parva. Chapter 71. This hermit is known as Uddalaki


those presents


hand the

and took them to Mathura. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). Sri Krsna informed Uddhava beforethat the Yadava dynasty was going


and requested Sri Krsna Vaikuntha(the abode of Mahavisnu) Sri Krsna taught Uddhava the doctrine that the body of man and such other things seen in the whole universe were nothing but mere delusion. At that time Uddhava asked Sri Krsna twentyone questions about Bandha and Moksa (Bondage and deliverance). To all these questions Sri Krsna gave him satisfactory answers. (Bhagavata Skandha 11). Before the destruction of Dvaraka, the Yadus left the city. They went to Prabhasatlrtha, a place on the sea coast and lived there. Uddhava who knew that the destruction was imminent, bade farewell to them and walked away alone. He was filled with a brightness. Sri Krsna did not stop him. (M.B. Mausala Parva,
to end. Uddhava felt grief to take him also to



Verses 4,

8, 5)

I. King of Salva. Bhimasena killed him. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 41 ). II. Military Chief of the Kekaya prince, ViSoka. Karna killed him. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter





mahatmya). Duspanya was


the last son of a merchant in Pataliputra. He killed many children for sport and He went to the forest and his father sent him away. there drowned to death a muni called Ugraravas, who was engaged in tapas. Ugraravas cursed him to death by drowning and his soul to wander about as a devil. The curse came true. (Setumahatmya).

one Duspanya (Setu-

Chapter 3).
It is stated in


Uddhava went


Skandha 11, Chapter 29, to the hermitage of Badarika and


UDDlPAKA. See under Pancatantra. UDlCYA. One of the disciples of Vyasa.

engaged himself


A serpent born in the family of Dhrtarastra. This serpent fell in the sacrificial fire of Janamejaya and was burnt to death. (M. B. Adi
Chapter 57, Stanza 17). A Ksatriya king born from the family I. of Krodhavas"a, an asura. (M.,B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 64)








wind is the breath of Mahavisnu. In the Puranas mention is made about 49 types of Maruts or winds. Seven breaths are important among them. They are:(l) Pravaha (2) Avaha (3) Udvaha (4) Sarhvaha (5) Vivaha (6) Parivaha and (7) Paravaha. About Udvaha mention is made in Bhasa Bharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 329 thus: v "Which is the wind that takes water from the four oceans and gives it to the clouds? That ever-blowing great wind is Udvaha." UDYOGA PARVA. A sub-section of Mahabharata. (See under Bharata) UGRA I. A military captain of Surapadmasura, Chief of asuras. In the Vlramahendra Kanda of Skanda Purana, two warriors, Ugra and Mayura are reported to have attacked Indrapuri. UGRA II. One of the sons of Dhrtarasfra. (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 103). Bhimasena killed him (M. B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 64, Verses 34, 35). UGRA III. A Yadava prince. The Pandavas sent to him also an invitation letter to help them in the war. (M. B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 12). UGRA IV. A synonym of Lord Siva. (M. B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 100). UGRA V. Son of Kavi, the Prajapati. (M. B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 133). UGRA VI. See under Varna. UGRADAMSTRl. A daughter of Mahameru. Merudevi had nine daughters; Meru, Pratirupa, Ugradamstrl Lata, Ramya, Syama, Nari, Bhadra and Devavithi. They were wedded by the sons of a king named Agnidhra. (Bhagavata, 5th Skandha). UGRAKA. A serpent. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 7)

part of air. It






Vahni - Viloma - Kapotaloma - Tumburu - DundubhiDaridra-Vasu-Nahuka-Ahuka-Ugrasena-Kamsa. 2 ) Ugrasena became king. Ugrasena became king ofMathurapuri. His Kingship was not a hereditary acquisition. There is a story behind it. In olden days, in the plateau of Kalindl there was a famous place called Madhuvana. .The place was called so because it was the abode of an Asura named Madhu. Madhu had a son, Lavana. Satrughna killed him as he was a very troublesome fellow and a thorn on the side of the Devas. Satrughna then established a beautiful kingdom there and ruled it. He named it Mathura. After the death of Satrughna his two sons ruled Mathura. Then, when the Solar dynasty came to its end, Mathura came under the Yadavas. A Yadava king called Surasena ruled over the kingdom. Vasudeva, father of Sri Krsna was the son of Surasena. After the death of his father Vasudeva took up the proand therefore Ugrasena, fession of herding cows, another king of the Yadava dynasty had to become king of Mathura. (Devi Bhagavata, 4th Skandha) and Karhsa. There is a common belief that 3) Ugrasena Karhsa was the son of Ugrasena. But, the Bhagavata relates the following to the effect th'-it Karhsa was born to a Gandharva called Dramila of Ugrasena's wife. When once Ugrasena's wife was in her monthly periods, she walked in the forest with her companions. A Gandharva called Dramila saw her then, felt attracted by her and made her pregnant. Angered at this, she cursed Dramila thus: "Since you have procreated a son in me, while I am in my periods this son will be killed by a boy born in my husband's family." Kamsa was the son born to her in the above manner. Kamsa ascended the throne after putting Ugrasena in prison. According to the curse of Ugrasena's wife, Sri Krsna was born in Ugrasena's family and he killed Karhsa. Narada had informed Karhsa of the Dramila interlude. Kamsa told this story secretly to Akriira when the latter was deputed by him to invite Krsna to the dhanur yajfia. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). The name Ahuka. Genealogy states that Ugrasena was the son of Ahuka. But, in certain contexts Ugrasena is called Ahuka "Afterwards we made Ahukaalso. " Ugrasena King (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter

Yadu-Sahasrajit-Satajit-Hehaya-Dharma-Kunti-( Kurd )Bhadrasena - Dhanaka - Krtavirya - KarttaviryarjunaMadhu-Vrsni-Yudhajit-Sini - Satyaka Satyaki (Yuyudhana)-Yaya-Kuni-Anamitra- Prsni-Citraratha-Kukura

Descended from Visnu thus: BrahmaAtri-Candra-Budha-Pururavas- Ayus - Nahusa - Yayati\] Genealogy.

King Ugrasena,

father of Karhsa.


Verse 39).




I. A synonym of Lord Siva. sana Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 5).

5) Ugrasena imprisoned. Vasudeva, father of Sri Krsna was Ugrasena's minister. Karhsa, when he attained majority imprisoned Ugrasena and became himself king. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 22). 6) Ugrasena regained kingdom. Sri Krsna killed Kariisa with the permission of Ugrasena and made him king again. During the reign of Ugrasena, Jarasandha and Salva attacked Maihurapuri. (See under Krsna). 7) Ugrasena and the iron rod. While Ugrasena was ruling the Kingdom, the sages Visvamitra, Narada and Kanja once came to Dvaraka. To insult the sages, the Yadavas

(M.B. Anusa-




Ksatriya king, who was Krodhavaia, the asura, reborn. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse

once. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 15)



welcomed Balabhadra.


brought before them,

and prophesied that Samba would deliver an iron rod fierce enough to annihilate the whole Yadava race. According to the prophecy the next day Samba delivered an iron rod. The Yadavas imparted the news to Ugrasena, who got the iron rod reduced to powder and deposited the powder in the sea.
their evil mentality,

dressed as a pregnant woman. The Yadavas told the sages that she was Babhru's wife, and wanted to be told whether the child she delivered would be male or female. The sages understood



A son of Dhrtarastra. (M.B. Adi I. Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 99). He was present at the wedding of Pancali. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185). II. A Pancala king and partisan of the Pandavas. Karna wounded him in war. (Karna Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 44)




A powerful


who fought on


(M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter


9th Skandha).



Santi Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 10) king of the lunar dynasty.

An emperor killed by

Bhlsma. (M.B.

also enforced prohibition of liquor in the country. (To know how the powder of the rod ruined the Yadava dynasty see under Krsna) (M.B. Mausala Parva,


of the sons of Visvamitra.



his death, Ugrasena joined the KarhsaBhurisravas, Sala, Bhuri, Ugrasena, Vasudeva, Uttara with his brother Sankha these kings (after death) joined the company of Visvadevatas. (M.B. Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Verses

8) After death.



brother of King Janamejaya. He, along with his two brothers thrashed the son of Sarama. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 3, Verses 1 and 2). UGRASENA III. Son of Kasyapa by his wife Muni. He was pre(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 42) sent at the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (M.B. Adi He was also present to Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 52)
. .


16, 17).

Ujjanaka was a lake near the as rama. A dip in the waters of the lake, it was believed, would wash off all sins. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 35). UJJAPALAKA. A desert near the airama of Uttanka muni. Dhundhu, offspring of the asuras, Madhu and Kaitabha, lived in this desert. (See under Dhundhu) UJJAYANTAPARVATA. A mountain near the Pindaraka temple in Sauras^ra. It is believed to possess wonderful siddhis. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 88, Verse 21).

UJJ AN AK A. The As rama of Arsti senamahar si was si tua ted near Mount Gandhamadana in front of Manasa lake.

Brahmavadins. Verse 58).

They were (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4,


witness the fight between Arjuna and Krpacarya at the Virata city. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 56, Verses
1 1






king who was Svarbhanu, the asura, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verses 12 and

of the seven very sacred places in ancient ancient name was Avantl. The seven sacred cities are: Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya, Kasl. KaficI, Avantika, and Dvaravati. The famous Mahakala temple described by Kalidasa was on the banks of the river Sipra flowing through Ujjayinl. Jyotirliriga of Siva is the presiding deity in the temple. There is also a holy

bathing ghat called Kofitirtha here.

beneficial as

bath in





V. A son of Dhrtarastr.i. He is also called (M.B. Adi Parva. Chapter 67, Verse 100) This Ugrasena was killed by Bhima. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 137). UGRASENA VI. Son of Pariksit, king of the Lunar dynasty. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verses 52-54). UGRASRAVAS I. Son of Muni Lomaharsa. He is the Suta who told Puranic stories to the munis at Naimisaranya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 1). UGRASRAVAS XL A son of Dhrtarastra. Bhlmasena killed him in the battle of Kuruksetra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 100, and Drona Parva, Chapter 157,

an Asvamedha yajna.





Chapter 82 )



Verse 19).


Husband of



(See under



Son of Sutapas, a muni of the Bhrgu dynasty. Once he concentrated his mind and thoughts on Sri Krsna immersed in love of the Gopis with the result that he was born as daughter of Sunandi, the Gopi in Aiibldi, and served Krsna. (Padtni Purana).

Agni, the father of Paravanl. This agni is saluted with three kinds of Uktha hymns. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Verse 25). (M). A particular portion of Samaveda. I. The son of Sakuni. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 25) It is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 182, Stanza 22, that Uluka was present at the Svayarhvara ( the Bride choosing a husband ) of Draupadl. In the Bharata Battle Uluka was sent as a messenger to the camp of the Pandavas by Duryodhana. ( M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 161 ). After that he returned to Duryodhana with the message of the Pandavas. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 163). He combated with the King of Cedi on the first day of the battle. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 45) After that Sahadeva attacked Uluka. (M.B. BhTsma Parva, Chapter 72, Stanza 5). Arjuna defeated Uluka. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 171, Stanza 40). After the death of the teacher

Drona, Uluka fled from the battle-field. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 193, Stanza 14). It is mentioned in




other participated in the birth celebration of Arjuna. (M.B. Adi 'Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 65).

Chapter 186, Stanza 26). ULUPI. Wife of Arjuna.

Mahabharata, Kama Parva, Chapter 25, Stanzas 9 to 1 that Uluka defeated Yuyutsu. Next fight was between Sahadeva and Uluka in which Sahadeva killed Uluka. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 28, Stanzas 32 and 33). The following are the synonyms of Uluka, given in the Mahabharata Sakuni, Kaitaka, Saubalyasuta and Kaitavya. ULUKA II. A Yaksa (a demi-god). It is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 32, that Garuda and this Yaksa fought with each other. ULOKA III, A son of Vigvamitra. He became a hermit. (M.B. Anus asana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 51). It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 47, Stanza 11, that this Uluka visited Bhisma on his Bed of arrows.

UMA. Parvatl. (For details see under Parvati). UMLOCA. A celestial woman. Umloca with

in Jaimini

Asvamedha Parva.

brahmin. His story


told as follows


of a

Parva in the Mahabharata. (See under Bharata)

holy place. (M.B.

Udyoga Parva,

This poor brahmin who lived by begging got one day some food grain powder. After offering a portion of it to Agni and Brahmins, he divided the balance equally between the children. Then he sat down to take his own food when Dharmadeva, disguised as a brahmin, appeared and demanded food. Uiichavrtti gave all his food to the guest. Since that did not satisfy the guest, the sons also gave their shares of the food to him. Greatly pleased at the noble act of Uiichavrtti, Dharmadeva took the brahmin family with him to Svargaloka. One day a few particles of the foodgrain powder which remained with the brahmin fell on the earth. A mongoose

came and played on

Once Arjuna 1) How she became the wife of Arjuna. happened to enter the palace in which Dharmaputra was living with Pancali. As a result, Arjuna had to go on a pilgrimage for a year. (See under Iravan) Arjuna

that ground. That part of his body which got smeared with the food-grain powder became golden in colour. Though the mongoose went to the yajfia ground of Dharmadeva and repeated the above process there, the remaining portion of its body did not

in the river and when I saw you I grew amorous." Arjuna told her that Dharmaputra had imposed on him that it was not celibacy for twelve months and right to marry in the meantime. Ulupi argued with Arjuna and convinced him that it was not wrong to son named Iravan marry her. Arjuna married her. was born to her.

reached Gangadvara. When he got down into the river Ganga, he saw Ulupi the daughter of Nagaraja (King of the serpents). He asked her a few questions. She told him thus "I am the daughter of the serpent Kauravya of the family of Airavata. I came to bathe

become golden.


1 )

place in South India. Sahadeva subjugated this place. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 71). People of Undram were present at the Rajasuya of Yudhisthira with presents. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 22)



and Citrangada. (M.B. Asvamedha Parva, Chapter As soon as she reached there she greeted Kunti, Draupadi and Subhadra. She gave them various kinds of presents. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Asramavasika Parva, Chapter I, Stanza 23 that Ulupi served Gandhari at one time. In Mahabharata, Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza 46 it is mentioned that Ulupl was greatly loved by the subjects. When the Pandavas began the 'great departure' (Mahaprasthana) Ulupi entered the River Ganges. Citrangada went to Manalu87)

Ulnpl caused Arjuna to be killed and how he wax life again. ( See paras 28 and 29 under Arjuna). After having brought Arjuna back 3) The end of Ulupi. to life, Ulupi reached Hastinapura with Babhruvahana




Became a woman by the curse ofUravasl. Harhsa, the King of Gandharvas (semi-gods) had a general of the army called Durmada. He was a dangler. He had an eye on Urvasl. She was the wife of Pururavas a famous King. On several occasions Durmada followed Urvas i, with lustful desire. He had expressed his amour for her on several occasions. But Urvasl did not pay any heed to his words.

One day Pururavas and Urvasl were present in the durbar of Indra. Pururavas and Urvasl had signalled a rendezvous for that night at the corner of the Nandana Park. Durmada understood this. He called a


Ganges and to Manalurapura, went Citrangada." (Bhasa Bharata, Mahaprasthanika Parva, Chapter 1, Stanza 27).
into the

"Ulupi, the daughter of the serpent Kauravya, jumped


A country in ancient India. Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 54)


names of Ulupi. Bhujagatmaja, Bhujagendrakanyaka, Bhujagottama. Kauravi, Kauravyaduhita, KauravyakulanandinI, Pannaganandini, Pannagasuta, Pannagatmaja, Pannage s'varakany a, PannagI, Uragatmaja. These are the synonyms used in the Mahabharata for Ulupi.



aggrieved Durmada and Unmada prayed for liberation from the curse. Urvas"! gave them liberation thus "This Durmada will be born as the son of Unmada. Seeing the death of her husband and son, she would

Urvasl and Durmada took the guise of Pururavas and both of them entered Nandana park. Pururavas went to Unmada and conjugated with her. In the same way Urvaii received Durmada, mistaking him for Pururavas. After the conjugation Durmada laughed loud as if he had played a trick on Urvas"!. Urvasl understood everyPururavas also arrived there. Urvasl cursed thing. Durmada to take birth in the earth as a Raksasa and cursed Unmada to be born in the earth as the daughter of a King and she said that at that time she would love one man and become the wife of another man. The

a plan

woman named Unmada to his side. They made and accordingly Unmada disguised herself as

(M.B. Bhisma

by the sword of an enemy and will obtain heaven." According to this curse Durmada was born as the son of Dlrghajangha, the emperor of Hiranyapura, under the name Pingaksa and Unmada

jump into fire. Durmada will be





enter heaven.

was born



The marriage and death of Harinl. Harini grew up to be a young woman. Once Piiigaksa growing lustful took Harini and went through the sky. She cried aloud for a long time. Piiigaksa, the asura, left her in a wild forest. At that time a King named Vasumanas came by that way hunting. He killed Piiigaksa and then having heard the story of Harinl got her on the horse called Jimuta and sent her to Videha (Mithila). Her father was much pleased at getting her back. He wanted to give her in marriage to Vasumanas. The date of
the marriage

name was Harini (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter

as the daughter of the

King of Videha. Her


Virupaksa, Durmukha, Suptaghna, Yajnakosa, Matta and Unmatta and a daughter named Nala were born. Prahasta, Akampana, Vikata, Kalakamukha, Dhumraksa and some more Raksasas were the sons of Sumall, brother of Malyavan. Kaikasi, the mother of Ravana, was the sister of Prahasta. UNMUCA. A hermit of south Bharata. Mention is made about him in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 208,

wife Salakatanka and Mall, Sumall and Malyavan were born to Sukesa of his wife Devavati, and to Malyavan by his wife Sundari, seven sons named Vajramusti,

was fixed. Invitations were sent to many Kings. Among them there was a king named Bhadrasrenya, who took her by force and went away. There was a fierce battle between the two Kings, BhadraSrenya and Vasumanas and Vasumanas was defeated. Seeing this Divodasa, the King of Kasi, attacked Bhadrasrenya. Though Divodasa defeated Bhadrasrenya, he did not like to harm the beaten King. So he returned to his kingdom. Bhadrasrenya took Harinl to his palace and married her. A son was born to her and he was named Durmada. This was the same Durmada who had taken birth and died as Piiigaksa and who had been born again as the son of Harinl. This Durmada took by force the daughter of his uncle called Citrangi and a child was born to them. Bhadrasrenya again engaged in a battle with Divodasa, the King of Kasi, and was defeated. Then his son Durmada got into the battlefield and


Stanza 28.


See the 2nd para under Narada.



are sixteen in


Tambula (Betel) (10) Sitalajala (cool drinks) (11) Vasana (clothing) (12) Bhusana (ornaments) (13) Malya (garland) (14) Gandha (sweet-smelling things) to rinse mouth) (16) Sutalpa ( 15) Acamaniyaka (water
(Good bed) These are the sixteen offerings that we have

(Things to be offered to the guest) They are called Sodas opacaras. They are given below (1) Asana (seat) (2) Padya (water to wash feet (3) Arghya (water to drink) (4) Snamya (bath) (5) Anulepana (ashes or other fragrant things for besmearing) (6) Dhupa (smoke) (7) Dlpa (light) (8) Naivedya (food) (9)





our guests.

he also was defeated. When all this news reached Vasumanas, the King of Ayodhya, he became jealous of Bhadrasrenya. A battle was fought between them in which Vasumanas was defeated. But a fierce battle was fought again in which Bhadrasrenya and his son Durmada were killed. Durmada obtained heaven. Stricken with grief at the death of her husband and son, Harinl got into fire and went to heaven. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 3). UNMADINl. A beautiful woman. She was the daughter of a Vaigya in the city of Sravastl. He went to the King Devasena and requested him to marry his daughter. Because of the interference of his favourites, the King did not marry her. The King's general married her. Once the King happened to see her by chance. When he saw how beautiful she was, he felt sorry that he did not marry her. From that day onwards the King grew morbidly torpid and finally died. This story was told by Yaugandharayana, minister of Udayana, the King of Vatsa. (Kathasaritsagara,

UPADEVA. A King of the Puru dynasty. UPAGAHA. A son of Vis vamitra. He was

son of Dhrtarastra. (M.B. Adi Parva, In the Mahabharata, Drona Chapter 67, Stanza 95) Parva, Chapter 136 Stanza 22 it is mentioned that he was killed by Bhlmasena.


(M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 56). UPAGIRI. A hilly place in North Bharata. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 3). UPAGUPTA. A King of the Candravarh^a (Lunar dynasty). (See under Genealogy) UPAJALA. A river. In the Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 13, Stanza 31, it is mentioned that by bathing

in this river the King Us Inara got power and position higher than that of Indra. UPAKICAKAS. Kicaka, the brother-in-law of King Virata, had one hundred and five brothers. They are called Upaklcakas. Kicaka and the Upakicakas were born of a portion of Kalakeya an asura. At the palace of Virata, Kicaka harassed Pancali and was killed in


Lavanakalambaka; Taranga 1) I. Yama (Kala) presented Skandadeva with two attendants. One was Unmatha and the other Pramatha. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza




attendant presented to

45, Stanza

by Parvati. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter


warrior of a class of Raksasas

van Unmatta. Vidyutkesa was born to Heti, the son of Brahma by his wife Bhaya; Sukesa was born to Vidyutkesa by his

In Agni Purana, Chapter 10, it is mentioned that this warrior died in the battle between Rama and Ravana. Descended from Visnu in the following Genealogy. Brahma Heti Vidyutkesa SukeSa Malyaorder

thenightby Bhima. (See under Kicaka). Hearing about the death of Kicaka, the hundred and five Upakicakas came there and decided to burn Pancali also, because they thought she was the cause of the death of their elder brother. They bound and carried her to the cremation ground. Hearing her loud cry, Bhima jumped over the wall and ran to the cremation ground. He uprooted a tree, killed all the hundred and five Upakicakas and brought Pancali to the palace. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 23) UPAKOSA. The daughter of the teacher Upavarsa. (See under Vararuci) UPAKOSALA. See under Satyakama. UPAKRSNAKA. A warrior of Skandadeva. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 57). UPAMANYU I. A dutiful disciple of the teacher Ayodhadhaumya. This teacher had three disciples of prominence. They were Aruni, Upamanyu and Veda,
. .




The meaning
most near.
'Upanisad' is that which is ni = most, sad = exist, (or sit). The Upanisads can be called the Jnanakanda of the Vedas. They describe the nature of Brahman.

put to test by the teacher under Ayodhadhaumya. UPAMANYU II. In the Krtayuga, there lived a hermit named Vyaghrapada who had two sons. They were called Upamanyu and Dhaumya. Some learned men

To know how Upamanyu was

Upa =

of the word



arc of opinion that Upamanyu the son of Vyaghrapada and Upamanyu the disciple of Ayodhadhaumya, were one and the same. Once Upamanyu visited another hermitage along with his father. He happened to drink the milk of the cow there. After that they returned to their

told him that there was no way to get milk and that men could get wealth, crops etc. only by the grace of Siva. Upamanyu who was of a wilful nature did penance with meditation and contemplation on Siva. Finally Siva appeared before him in the shape of Indra and told him to ask for his boon. Upamanyu boldly replied that he wanted no boon from anybody else except Siva. Siva made his appearance in his own form and made Upamanyu a deva (God).

hermitage, Upamanyu went to his mother and her to make milk pudding for him. But the mother felt very sorry because there was no milk. At last she mixed flour in water and made pudding and gave it to him. Upamanyu did not accept it. His mother




figure of the supreme Spirit (Brahman) exists in the Upanisads. Apparently the Upanisads are explanations of the mantras, but they are concerned more with the allegorical significations and the mystic meanings of the tattvas or essence, of the origin of life, the world, the soul, God etc. The Upanisads are the basis of the Sad-darSanas, the six systems of philosophy. There are a large number of Upanisads. The most important among them are 108 in number.

self-study, agni (fire)

Sastri in

said all these things when he talked with Sri Krsna. (M.B. Anus*asana Parva, Chapter 14).

written by Ramasvami mentioned that Upamanyu had written a book "Siva bhaktavilasa" in which biogra-

In the Book




it is

phies of devotees of Siva of great attainments

are given.



In the

Brahmanda Purana we come

forsaking one's father, mother and teacher; forsaking and son; becoming Parivetta (one who gets married before one's elder brother is married.) Younger brother finishing education before the elder; giving an unmarried girl to Parivitti or Parivetta; performing sacrifice by a parivitti or a parivetta; slandering an unmarried girl; Living on the interest of money that is lent; violating one's vow; selling pond, garden, wife or son; becoming an outcaste; forsaking relatives; Teaching the Vedas after receiving remuneration; selling things which should not be sold working

(Minor sins). In accordance with the Rastramimarhsa (political philosophy) of Ancient India, crimes were divided into two types. They were called Upapatakas (minor crimes) and Patakas (major crimes) To know about major crimes (Patakas) see under Papa (sin). Upapatakas are given below: Cow-slaughter; sacrificing by one who is unworthy to perform it; seducing another man's wife;

the son of a hermit named the hermitage of Kasyapa, Sutapas. with the idea of marrying Sumati, the daughter of Kasyapa and the elder sister of Garuda. Nobody liked the idea of giving Sumati in marriage to that old man. The hermit got angry at this and cursed Kasyapa that
across another

Upamanyu as Upamanyu reached

mines; working with big machinery; destroying medicinal herbs; living by women; to impede rites; cut down fresh trees (not dried) for fire-wood; kidnapping women; mingling with slanderers of women; selfish activities; eating forbidden rice; not keeping Sacrificial fire theft; not repaying loan learning forin
; ;

he gave his daughter in marriage to any Brahmana his head would break into a hundred pieces. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 18).

bidden sciences; doing things which are bad and will

cause grief to others stealing of base metals, grains and cows; contact with drunken women; killing women, Sudra, Vaisya and Ksatriya and becoming an infidel
are all Upapatakas.


A son of Dhrtarastra. Bhimasena killed Kama Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 19). UPANANDA II. A serpent. (M.B. Udyoga Parva,
him. (M.B.

Causing grief

to a

Chapter 103, Stanza 12).


Brahmin; inhaling the smell of liquor





III. A warrior of Skanda. Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 64).

(M.B. Salya

and engaging in pederasty are make one an outcaste.






which would

The four Vedas are Rk, Yajus, Sama and Atharva. Each of these four has a Brahmana (a treatise to and sacrificial ceremony) relating prayer

Slaughter of dog, donkey, camel, lion, sheep, junglegoat, fish, serpent and mungoose are sins of a mixed

Next come the Aranyakas

for the

(forest texts

writings meant

Brahmanas. Then come the Upanisads as appendices to the Aranyakas. These four classes of literary works the Vedas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas and the ( Upanisads) constitute the Vedic literature proper. The Aranyakas and the Upanisads are inseparably connected with each other. The Upanisads are called Vedantas (the end of the Vedas). The bulk of these Vedantas belong to different periods anterior to the Later Vedic Period. The students begin the study of Upanisads only after having completed the study of the Mantras (Vedic hymns) and the Brahmanas (the ritual)




appendices to the


Receiving money from the despicable; buying and selling; serving a sudra; telling a lie; acting so as to render oneself unworthy; killing worms and birds; eating food along with liquor; stealing fruits, flowers and butea; and becoming a coward are also sins.
the Pandavas After their incognito-life, are said to have lived in the city of Upaplavya. (M.B

city in the country of Virata. This minor city stood near the capital city of Virata


Virata Parva, Chapter 72, Stanza 14). See under Purana.



Descended from Visnu in the following order: Nahusa Budha Pururavas Ayus

Puru Janamejaya Pravira Pracinvan Vitabhaya Sundu Bahuvidha Samyati Rahovadi Raudrasva Matinara Santurodha Bharata Suhotra Suhota Gala Dusyanta Garda Suketu-Brhatksetra-Hasti- Ajamidha - RksaSamvarana -Kuru-Sudhanva - Sugotra - Cyavana-KrtiYayati




consecrated everything before half of his seat. (M. B. Sand Parva, Chapter 355). Because of the grace of Bhagavan (Lord) Garuda made him a traveller of the sky. (M. B. Santi Parva, Chapter 337, Stanza 37). In Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 337, (iii)

Once Indra gave him


an empire.


2) How he got the name Uparicarava.su. Once Vasu built a hermitage and began to perform penance in accordance with the advice of Indra. When the penance became too severe Indra appeared and gave him an aerial chariot. Since then Vasu used to travel through air in the chariot. So he got the name 'Uparicaravasu'




travels above)

Mahabharata, Adi Parva,

Indra gave Vasu a garland Vasu and Indra festival. (Vaijayantimala) which would never fade, and gave a boon that, so long as he wore that garland, he would not receive any wound. He was given a bamboo stick (Venudanda) and was instructed to fix that rod on the festival of Indra. Vasu the earth and celebrate celebrated the festival of Indra and from that day onwards the festival of Indra came to be celebrated in the world. (See under Indrotsava) The sons of Vasu. Five sons named Brhadratha, 4).

Chapter 63).

it is mentioned that finally Uparicaravasu entered the world of Brahma. Once a controversy arose between Indra and ( iv) the hermits, whether cow-slaughter during sacrifices, was desirable. At this time Uparicaravasu happened to come there. As he was a man of truth, he was asked to make a decision. Uparicaravasu stood on the side of Indra and gave his opinion in favour of slaughter. The hermits who were against cow-slaughter got angry and cursed Uparicaravasu to go down to the world of Patala (netherworld). (Matsya Purana,

Stanza 38,

Chapter 152). This story is seen with


slight difference in


Parva, Chapters 322-324. UPA&LOKA. A son born to Sri Krsna by Sairandhri. He learned all sciences and Philosophies and finally became a follower of the Sarhkhya-Yoga cult. (Bhaga-

were born

Kusamba (Manivahana),



Yadu and Rajanya





Kicking and splitting Koldhala. The river Suktimati flowed through the capital city of Vasu. Once the great hill Kolahala grew amorous of Suktimati and caught hold of her. Uparicaravasu got angry at this and kicked the mountain which was split into two and Suktimati flowed out of the gap. Still two children were born to the great hill by Suktimati. The river was pleased at the freedom accorded by the king and placed the two children at the feet of the king. They grew up. The son became general of the army and the daughter Girika became the wife of the king. (M. B.


patron-goddess of Uttarayana (The sun's progress towards North in the former half of the 166 year). In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter mention is made of how this goddess made it possible for Indrani to see Indra through the holes of a stalk of lotus. It was by the help of UpaSruti that Sacldevl and Indra met together. (M. B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 14, Stanzas 12 and 13). country in Bharata. (Mahabharata,

UPAVARSA. The younger brother of the Teacher Varsa.

UPAVASA. Upavasa means
also was a teacher. under Vararuci.

Bhisma Parva, Chapter


Stanza 55).

For further information see

going back from sin and

Adi Parva Chapter 63)


Vasu goes ahunting. One day the king decided to hunt. On the same day his wife had her monthly course. Still without changing his programme he started for the forest. Even after entering the forest the thought of his wife lingered in his mind. The forest was in full



bloom as it was Spring. Seeing this the king grew amorous and sat under a tree. A mild breeze was blowing. Instantly the king had seminal flow. He collected the semen in the leaf of a tree and sent it to the queen through an eagle. Thinking that to be some food, another eagle got near and a quarrel arose. The semen fell in the river Yamuna. A fish named Adrika swallowed it. (See under Adrika). A fisherman caught that fish. He got a male child and a female child from the stomach of the fish. That girl is the famous Satyavati Matsyagandha who became the queen of Santanu. (See under Satyavati) The fisherman gave the boy he got from the fish to king Uparicaravasu. (M. B. Adi Parva Chapter 62).

leading a good life. (Upa (varta) =go back and Vasa= All actions which are not good, must be relinlife) quished. Those who observe Upavasa should abstain from using flesh, Masura (pulse), canaka (a kind of gram ) Varaku (a kind of grain ) green leaves prepared) , honey, rice etc. and from contact with women. He should not wear flowers, ornaments, or fashionable dress; should not inhale fragrant smoke, and fragrance of any sort. Cleaning the teeth and using collyrium also are prohibited. Instead of cleaning the teeth in the morning Pancagavya (Milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung of cow) should be taken in. Drinking water several times, using betel leaves, sleeping in the day time and sexual act also should be avoided. (Agni

UPAVEIiTA. A river. This river is considered to be the Some are. of opinion that this mother of Agni (fire) river is Krsnavena a tributary of the great river Krsna

Purana, Chapter 175).


It is


as a

He was

of the council of Yama. a friend of Indra, a devotee of Visnu and a righteous and diligent man who loved and esteemed his father. Because of the grace of Sri Narayana, he

mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 20, that Uparicaravasu was famous



(R.Kistna) of South India. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 222, Stanza 14). UPAVlTA. The sacred string or Uttariya. The twiceborn ( the three upper castes) wear this. When it is worn over the left shoulder and under the right arm it shoulis called Upavlta, when it is worn over the right der and under the left arm it is called Pracinavlta and if it is worn around the neck as a garland it is called

(Manusmrti, Chapter


Stanza 63)



made with

See under Caturupaya. Brother of the hermit Yaja. Both of them lived on the banks of the Gariga. Dhrstadyumna and Pancall were born to the King Drupada of Pancala as the fruit of the sacrifices performed by these hermits. The story is given below:

(M) A country in Bharata. (M.B. Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 84).


the thumb the man will become stout. If it done with the middle finger he will have long life. If it is done with the fourth finger (anamika), he will get food and if it is made with the index finger (tarjanl) he will get salvation. The form of the mark also could be changed. The mark may be made in the form of a
flame, the leaf of bamboo reed, a lotus-bud, a fish, a turtle or a conch. If the mark is as large as ten fingerit is

the son of the hermit a friend of the King Prsata of Bharadvaja, Pancala. So King Prsata sent his son Drupada to the hermitage of Bharadvaja for education. Thus Drona

The famous


Drona was


who was


and Drupada were

fellow students.

UPENDRA. A synonym

After completing his education Drupada became King of Pancala. At that time the teacher Drona once visited the palace of the King. But Drupada did not duly receive his former classmate. Drona got angry at this and went to Hastinapura and became the teacher of the Pandavas and the Kauravas. As a remuneration for teaching them Drona demanded that Arjuna shou'd bind Drupada and bring him before him. Arjuna did so. Drupada gave Drona a portion of his kingdom and got his liberty. From that day onwards Drupada wished for a son who would take revenge on Drona, and requested the hermit Upayaja to perform a sacrifice for getting a son. At first the hermit refused. The King served the hermit for a year. The hermit was pleased and asked the King to invite Yaja for the sacrifice. The King did as he was told and Yaja and Upayaja came to Pancala and performed the sacrifice for getting a son. From the sacrificial dais Dhrstadyumna and Pancall were born. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 166 and Sabha Parva, Chapter 80, Stanza 45).

be super medium, medium medium and lower medium. If it is four, three and two they will be of the low, medium low and lowest. It is also ordered that when one wears the tjrdhvapundra in a particular spot of the body one will have to think of a particular name of Visnu. "Kesavainthe forehead, Narayana in the stomach, Madhava in the heart, Govinda in the neck, Visnu on the right side of the stomach, Madhusudana on the middle of right hand, Trivikrama on the left ear, Vamana on the left side of stomach, Sridhara on the left hand, Hrsikesa on the right ear. Padmanabha on the hinder Part, Damodara on the nape and Vasudeva on the head, should be meditated upon." (Devi Bhagaattendant of Skandadeva. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 18). ORJjA I. A wife of Vasistha. Seven sons named Rajas, Gotra, Drdhvabahu, Savana, Anagha, Sutapas and Sukra, were born to Vasistha by his wife tjrjja. These seven holy men were the seven hermits (Saptarsis) in the third Manvantara. (Visnu Purana, Arils' a 1, Chapter 10). ORJJA II. One of the seven hermits of the Svarocisa Manvantara. The seven hermits of the Svarocisa Manvantara were Urjja, Stambha, Prana, Vata, Prsabha Parlvan. (Visnu Arhsa 3, Purana, Niraya and 1 ) Chapter URJJA. III. A King of the Hehaya dynasty. He was the grandfather of the famous Jarasandha. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278) ORJJAKETU. A King of the dynasty of King Janaka.
. .

superfine. Ifofninefinger-breadths.it is super-fine; and if it is eight and a half fingerbreadths, it is lower superfine. In the same way if the finger-breadth of the mark is seven, six or five they will





of Visnu. Mahavisnu once took

birth by Aditi the wife of Kasyapaprajapati. In that birth Mahavisnu had the name Upendra. He was known




(Bhagavata, 10th Skandha).



Son of a minister of the King named Sr! Datta. (See under Sri Datta) URAGA. A class of serpents. Ten daughters were born to Krodhavasa wife of KaSyapa. TheUragas were born from the daughter Kadru and the nagas were born from the daughter Surasa. (Valmlki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 14) URDHVABAHU. A son of Vasistha. His mother was Orjja. (Agni Purana, Chapter 20). It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 150, that this Urdhvabahu did penance in South India. URDHVABHAK. A fire. This Agni (fire) was the fifth son of Brhaspati. (M.B) Vana Parva, Chapter 219,


Stanza 27).

Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva,

ORJJANl. A daughter

URJJASVATI. A daughter born to Priyavrata, the son of Manu Svayambhuva, by Surupa the daughter of
Visvakarma. Urjjasvati had ten brothers. (Devi BhagaSkandha 8). Priyavrata gave Urjjasvati to the teacher-priest Sukra. DevayanT, the wife of Yayati, was the daughter born to Sukra by Urjjasvati. (Bhagavata, vata,

(Bhagavata, Skandha 9) of the Sun. 1, Anuvaka 17, Sukta 119).


(Rgveda, Mandala


Stanza 20)

forehead with yellow ochre. This mark should be made by earth or ochre, which should be taken from the top of a mountain peak, banks of rivers, seashore, Saivite temple serpent-hill or from under a holy basil. The fruits of wearing the mark will vary according to the colour of the ochre. Black ochre will afford peace, red soil will procure docility, yellow soil will get prosperity, and white ochre will give duty or righteousness. As the fruits vary according to the colour, so also it will vary according to the finger used to put the sign. If the mark is

A mark


worn on


of Vi>vamitra's sons who were expounders of Vedas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 59) URMILA. Laksmana married Ormila, the daughter of



King Janaka and the sister of SJta. When Laksmana went to the forest with Sri Rama and Slta, Urmila remained in Ayodhya. After the forest life, Sri Rama and Laksmana returned with Slta. When Sri Rama was ruling over the country, two sons were born to Laksmana by Urmila. The elder son was named Taksaka and the second was given the name Chatra-

ketu. At the instruction of Sri Rama, Laksmana went to the Eastern sea and killed the foresters there and built there a city called Agatl. Taksaka was made the King of Agatl. Laksmana then went to the western sea and killed the Barbarians there and built a city called CandramatI and made Chatraketu the King of that city. Being punished by Sri Rama, Laksmana drowned himself in the river Sarayu. (See under Laksmana). After that Urmila jumped into a pile of fire and reach_ ed the world of Visnu. (Uttara Ramayana) wife of Marici. In the Svayambhuva ManUR]yA. vantara Marici had a wife called fjrna and six mighty sons by her. When they saw Brahma once, they teased him by calling him 'afather who had married his daugh-


of Indra were


maids came to the hermitage in the mountain Gandhamadana with the intention of hindering the penance of Naranarayanas. The season of spring was created in the forest. The celestial women such as Rambha and others came before the hermits and began The hearts of the hermits began to to sing and dance.

disappointed Indra sent for Kamadeva (Cupid) and consulted him, as a result of which Kamadeva and his wife Ratidevi with many


rain, forest-fire etc. to terrify them.




When they opened their eyes what swell with passion. they saw was a beautiful sight. The famous celestial
women, Menaka, Rambha, Tilottama, Sukesim, Manorama, Mahesvari, Puspagandha, Pramadvara, Ghrtaci, Candraprabha, Soma, Vidyunmala, Ambujaksl, Kancanamala, and others with their ten thousand and eighty hand-maids stood before them. Hermit Narayana who got terribly angry struck on his thigh with his hand and instantly there arose a woman of extreme beauty. Because she had originated from the tJru (thigh) of Narayana, that woman, who was the most beautiful


take birth as Daityas (demons) on ingly they took birth as the sons of Kalanemi on earth.

Brahma got angry with them, and

cursed them to the earth. Accord-


(Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 4)

son of Dhrtarastra.

M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 96). It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 127, Verse 67, that Bhimasena killed him. URNAYU. A Devagandharva. He had participated in the Birth celebration of Arjuna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 52). Once this Devagandharva fell in love with Menaka. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 117, Stanza 16). URU. A son born to Manu Caksusa by his wife Nadvala. Uru had nine brothers named Puru, Satadyumna,
Tapasvi, Satyavak, Kavi, Agnisthu, Atiratra,

were struck with wonder at the sight of this new creation.

in the three worlds, got the


Urvasl. All the others

After that so

were created.
to Indra.

and Atimanyu.
wife Atreyi.

URUKRAMA. Another name of Vamana. URVA (AURVA) A luminous hermit of the


They were Anga, Sumanas, Svati, Kratu, Angiras and Gaya. Vena was born to King Aiiga by his wife Sunitha and the famous emperor Prthu was born as the son of Vena. (Agni Purana, Chapter 18).

Six great sons were born to

Sudyumna Uru by his



Anugasana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 44) Son of the Prajapati Pulaha. Three sons named Kardama, Urvariyan and Sahisnu, were born to Pulaha by his wife Ksama. (Visnu Purana, Arhga 1, Chapter 1) URVASI I. A famous celestial damsel. \)Birth of Urvasi. In days of old two hermits named Nara and Narayana did penance to Brahma in the holy hermitage of Badarika for a thousand years. (Nara and Narayana were the children born to Dharma, the son of Brahma) Because of the severity of their penance Indra was struck with fear. Thinking that they were doing this severe penance with a view to become Indra, he approached the hermits and told them that they might ask for any boon. Even though Indra told them several times, they did not speak a word nor did they make any stir. Indra's fear increased. So Indra decided to create some delusions which would arouse in them fear, desire He began etc., so that their penance might be broken. to bring around them wild animals such as lion, elephant wild snake etc. and natural phenomena such as storm,
. .

Rclka. of the three worlds and extinguished it by putting it in the ocean. For details see under Aurva) ( URVARA. A celestial woman in the palace of Kubera. In the company of some other celestial women, she danced before the hermit called Astavakra. (M.B.

He was the son of Cyavana and the father of He created a tremendous fire for the destruction

family of

With shame Indra accepted them and returnheaven along with them. Thus Urvai arrived at the realm of the devas (gods). (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 4). It is mentioned in Mahabharata 2 ) Position of Urvasi. that Urvasi had the eleventh place among the singers. The expert dancers were Anucana, Adrika, Somakes'i, Misra, Alambusa, Marici, Sucika, Vidyutparna, TilotRambha, Subahu, Asita, tama, Ambika, Ksema, Pramathim, Supriya, Pundarika, Sugandha, Surasa, Kamya and Saradvati. Urvagi got the first place among B. Adi Parva, Chapter the celestial maids in beauty. (

many other beautiful women also The hermit Narayana gave all of them

123). 3) UrvaSi and Pururavas. Pururavas was the son of Budha born of Ila. He grew up and became a king of great renown. His fame reached even the realm of the gods. One day during that period Brahma cursed Urvasi. "Go and be born on the earth." (It is stated in the Devi Bhagavata that it was Brahma who cursed Urvail and in the Bhagavata that it was the Mitravarunas who cursed Urvasi) Urvasi had heard about the fame of Pururavas and had felt tender love for him. The celestial maid reached the earth. She went to the palace of Pururavas and saw him. Because of the perfection of their figures,

both loved mutually. The king asked her to become his wife. She agreed. But she laid down three conditions, lambs which I bring up as my (i) I have with me two No harm should sons. You must take care of them. befall them. On no account should you (ii) I take in only ghee.

compel me to eat any other food. in nudity except at the time (iii) Don't come near me
of coition.

The king agreed

onwards UrvaJI lived

wife. They lived happily for a long while without separating from each other. Urvas"! became conspicuous by her absence in the realm of the gods. She was the most expert actress in heaven.

to all these conditions. From that day in the palace of the king as his




Indra missed her. So a search was made and they found out that she was in the palace of Pururavas. .Indra asked the Gandharvas to bring that celestial woman to heaven somehow. Visvavasu and some others of the Gandharvas reached the palace of king Pururavas and waited for an opportunity. One midnight they stole At the lambs and took them away through the sky. that time the king was with Urvasi in the harem. Urvasi heard the cry of the lambs and she was flurried. She reviled the king who was not capable of taking care of two lambs. Hearing her harsh words the king took his bow and arrow and following the cry of the lambs he was about to chase the thieves. Taking this opportunity the Gandharvas caused a lightning to flash in the In the light of the lightning Urvasi saw king's harern. the king standing nude. The Gandharvas having achieved their task had left the lambs and departed before the king had got out of the room. The king caught hold of the lambs and returned to the harem, within a But Urvasi had gone out of the palace short while. and was on her way. The king was full of grief. He wandered all over the country in search of Urvasi. At last he reached Kuruksetra and saw Urvas"! there. He bowed low before her and implored her to return to the palace. But

and wandered about

pot in the
forest, the

night with Urvasi. Urvasi gave Pururavas a very beautiful child and then she vanished. The king sat there and praised the Gandharvas, who gave the king an Agnisthall (a fire pot) Because of his derangement, thinking it to be Urvasi the king took the sthali (pot)

commenced, and the Vedas dawned in his mind as three in number. He returned to the place where he had left the Sthali in the forest and took it. After that he made two 'aranis' (wood from which fire is kindled by attrition)out of a banyan tree and placed his body between them and made fire. That fire is called Thus Jatavedas became the son of 'Jatavedas'.
Pururavas. Pururavas generated three fires from Jatavedas. The first of them is Pranava. The second is called Narayana and the third Agnivarna. (Srlmad Bhagavata, 9th

At last placing the king returned to his palace. On that day Tretayuga (one of the four ages of the word)
in the forest.


Skandha). Pururavas


sons were born

from the



Vijaya and Jaya. (A

They were Ayus,



Satyayus, Raya, observed in these

Urvasi replied thus:


"Women are like wolves. Don't have alliance with them Oh King Kings should not put faith in women and

Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 75, Stanzas 24 and 25) 6) To know how a Gandharva named Durmada and a Vidyadhari named Unmada played a trick on Pururavas and Urvall, see under Unmada.
in the



Saying thus,





4) The reason

why Pururavas had to remain separatefrom Urvasi. Pururavas had once gone to heaven, in accordance with the invitation of Indra to help the Gods in the battle with the asuras. Indra had killed Mayadhara, a noble Asura, in that battle and had celebrated a festival. In thai festival Rambha was dancing before Tumburu, the sage-priest, and detecting some flaw in her dance Pururavas teased her. Rambha retorted by asking the King what he knew about dance, and the king replied that he had learned from Urvasi more dance than Tumburu the

Seeing his grief Urvasi told him. "Oh King, if you want so much to live with me, you have to worship the Gandharvas. They will be pleased and will give me to you. Don't be sorry. Now I am pregnant. Come to this place at the end of a year. We can spend that night together. Then we will get another son also that night." Pleased at what Urvasi had On completion said, the king returned to his palace. of a year Pururavas went to Kuruksetra and spent a

kasrama and performed penance, meditating on God Visnu for the nullification of the curse. Urvasi, aggrieved by separation from her husband, sat motionless as a picture, in the custody of the Gandharvas. Lord Visnu was pleased with the penance of Pururavas. The Gandharvas brought her back to the King. Thus it became possible for the king to meet Urvasi at least once a year. (Kathasaritsagara, Lavanakalambaka, Taraiiga 1). 5) The sons born to Pururavas by Urvasi. The king became very sad when Urva-,1 was about to depart from him at

teacher of Rambha. Tumburu got angry at this, and cursed the king Pururavas to suffer from the pangs of separation from UrvaJi. Stricken with grief, Pururavas returned to his palace. It was after this that the Gandharvas took away Urvasi. Pururavas went to Badari-

and Vasistha were born to Mitravarunas beIn days of old there was a renowned king named Nimi in the family of Iksvaku. He decided to perform a sacrifice of a long duration. He began preparation and invited famous hermits such as Bhrgu, Angiras, Vamadeva, Pulastya, Pulaha. Rclka and others. Finally he invited Vasistha. At that time Indra had begun another sacrifice in heaven. So Vasistha went to heaven for that sacrifice, telling Nimi that he would conduct the sacrifice on his return. The emperor Nimi did not like it. Recognizing the hermit Gautama as the main priest, he began performing the sacrifice. The sacrifice of Indra lasted for 500 years. When Vasistha returned after that, the sacrifice of Nimi was over. Vasistha cursed Nimi. "You will become devoid of body." Nimi cursed back. "Let Vasistha also become

7) How Agastya cause of Urvasi.


aggrieved Vasistha went to his father Brahma and complained about the curse. Brahma told Vasistha. "You penetrate the brightness of Mitravarunas and In due course you will get a birth which is stay there. not of a womb." Hearing these words, Vasistha reached the hermitage of Mitravarunas. He left his body there and fused himself into their effulgence. During this period Urvasi came to that hermitage. Seeing her, Mitravarunas had seminal flow. The semen fell in a From the pot two bright and handsome sons were pot. born. The first of them was Agastya and the second Vasistha. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8). 8 ) Indra cursing Urvasi. Once Agastya went to the durbar of Indra. On the occasion Indra asked Urva'i to dance. In the midst of the dance she saw Jayanta, the son of Indra, and became amorous and her steps went wrong. Narada who was playing his famous lute called MahatI could not play well. Agastya got angry and cursed Jayanta to become a bud. He cursed Narada also. So his lute became the lute of the world. Urvasi





Descended from Visnu in the following 1) Genealogy. order:- Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha- Pururavas - Ayus-

was born on the earth under the nameMadhavI due

the curse. 9) Urvasi changing




(See under



with Kubera once. (ii) Urvasi was dismayed when Sukadeva attained Supreme Bliss. (See under Suka)

mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza 11, that Urvasi had been in love

10) Other information.


Another name of Ganga.

As she


on the


(M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 60, Stanza 6). holy place and Bath. Those who bathe in this holy bath will be honoured by the world. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 157). USA I. The daughter of Banasura and the wife of Aniruddha.

(thigh) of Bhaglratha,

Ganga got the name Urvasi.

Once the 2) The reason for the curse of the eight Vasus. Astavasus (Vasus eight in number) came to the hermitage of Vasistha, with their wives. The wife of Dyau, one of the Astavasus, saw the cow 'Nandini' in the hermitShe and the daughter of Usinara were intimate age. friends. She wanted to get Nandini, so that she might give it as a present to the daughter of Usinara. According to her wish the Astavasus caught hold of the cow and took her home. At that time Vasistha had been away. When he returned, he knew about the theft of the cow and cursed the Astavasus to take birth It was according to in the wombs of women on earth. this curse that the Astavasus took birth in Gaiigadevi the wife of Santanu. See under Bhlsma. (Devi Bhagavata,

Nahusa-Yayati-Anudruhyu-Sabhanara-Kalanara Srftjaya-Usinara. Usinara was the father of Sibi and Vena.


USA III. The night

(Visnu Purana,

II. The daughter of a hermit. The king of Salva once attacked Satyaratha, the king of Vidarbha, and killed him. The queens of the king of Vidarbha went to the forest. One of them who was pregnant gave birth to a child on the bank of a river. When she got down into the river to drink water, a crocodile swallowed her. Then a hermit's daughter named Usa brought up die child. (Siva Purana).

Descended from Visnu in the following HiranyakaSipu PrahladaVirocana-Mahabali-Bana-Usa. See under Aniruddha. 2) Marriage of Ufa.



Brahma - Kasyapa

was a just and liberaltest the King regarding his liberality. He got Agnideva (fire-god) for his help. Indra took the form of a Kite and Agni that of a dove. Both flew down to U.slnara as if the Kite was chasing the dove. Uiinara agreed to protect the dove. The Kite argued with the King that it was not meet and right on his part to rob him of his lawful food. The King agreed to give any other kind of flesh to the Kite. But the Kite would have none of them. Finally


minded King.

Indra testing Usinara. Uglnara

Indra decided to


Usa and

The time between Usa and

USAlsIGU I. A hermit who lived in the western country. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza 30). USA5IGU II. A synonym of Siva. (M.B. Anusasana Parva,

Am 'a

the day, Ghusti. Ghusti is called Sandhya.



A Yadu family. His father was Vrjinlvan and his son was called Citraratha. (M.B. Anu'asana Parva, Chapter 147, Stanza 29). USAJNlGAVA. A member of the durbar of the king Yama (god of death) (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza


17, Stanza 105). III. king of the

Then the gods had pity on the King and Kite and the dove appeared in their real form and blessed the King and then they returned to heaven. (M.B. Aranya Parva, Chapter 131). In Mahabharata a story like this occurs about King Sibi also.
the balance.

the Kite agreed to accept the flesh of the King instead, equal to the weight of the dove. The King cut more and more flesh from his body, but it could not weigh equal to the dove. At last the King himself got into

dowry and married Yayati's damsel Madhavi. (See under

sword. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 166, Stanza 79) a sacrifice on the bank of the (iii) US Inara performed river Vitasta and became equal to Indra. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 130, Verses 20-21) as gifts. (iv) U&Inara attained heaven by giving cows Anusasana Parva, Chapter 76, Stanza 25). (M.B. US INARA II. A King of the Yadavas. In the Maha(ii)

4) Other information. Us'Inara gave Galava two hundred horses as (i)



hermit. Seeing that old age was coming on him this hermit forsook his body in the Prthudaka tirtha and went to the realm of Visnu. Arstisena, Vigvamitra, Sindhudvipa, Devapi and such others got Brahmanya ( the state of being Brahmin) by doing penance in the hermitage of this hermit. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 38, Stanzas 33-39) USANAS. The teacher Sukra, the son of the hermit



The King Sunaka gave USInara a

Bhrgu. (See under Sukra). USlK I. A hermit about whom mention is made in the Rgveda. USlK II. One Ugik as the wife of the hermit Dirghatamas

mentioned in the Rgveda Mandala 1, Anuvaka Sukta 112. This Us ik was the maid of the queen of the old King of Kaliiiga. The king requested Dirghatamas to beget children by his queen. The queen did not like this. She sent her maid Us ik to Dirghatamas. The hermit Kakslvan was the son born to Dirghatamas by Usik. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 18. Sukta

bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 20, it is mentioned that this King was present on the occasion of the Svayamvara (the bride choosing a husband) of Draupadl. US INARA III. Mention is made in Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 32, that Vrsadarbhi was another name of Usinara and that he had once ruled

US INARA IV. A country. It is stated in Mahabharata, Kama Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 47, that Arjuna had

over the kingdom of Kasi.




famous king of the Candravarhs a (Lunar

the warriors of this country. In Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 33, Stanzas 22 and 23, mention is made that due to the curse of Brahmins the Ksatriyas (the ruling class) had become Sudras (servile







North India.


Parva, Chapter 139, Stanza 1 ). USlRABIJA II. A place on the northern side of the

USMA. The son

of the Agni (Fire) named Pancajanya. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 4). OSMAPA. A group ofPitrs (the Manes). It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 30, that these P^trs (the manes) live in the
palace of Yama.

Himalayas. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 111, Stanza 23, that the King Marutta once fought a battle here.

female attendant of Skanda. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 16) UTKROSA. One of the two attendants Indra gave to Skanda; the other was called Paiicaka. (M.B. Salya



Stanza 21). ancient holy place in Bharata. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 135, Stanza 7). USyiK. One of the seven horses of the Sun. The seven horses of the Sun are, Gayatrl, BrhatI, Usnik, JagatI, Tristup, Anustup, and Pankti. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa

ancient place in Krauncadvlpa (the of Kraunca) Krauiicaparvata (the mountain Kraufica) stands near this place. (M.B. Bhisma Parva,


Parva, Chapter 87, Stanza 15). A river flowing near the forest known as Naimisaranya. Arjuna had seen this river. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 214, Stanza 6). UTPATAKA. A holy bath. Those who bathe in this tirtha (bath) will get the merits of a fast. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 41) UTSAVA. Celebrations conducted in temples from olden days. There are Sastraic (scriptural) injunctions

Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 35). holy bath in the Panjab. At this place Vi;>vamitra performed a sacrifice. (M.B. Vana

as regards conducting utsavas.

USIVINABHA. A Visvadeva (a class of gods). (Mahabharata, Anuasana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 44).




Utsava is an indispenscelebration when once the deity (idol) is installed in the temple. Utsava should be celebrated for one day, three days or seven days in the very same month in which the deity was installed, because noncelebration of Utsava will render the installation inable



ancient place in South India. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 71, that this place was brought under control by Sahadeva.

(M.B. Adi Parva, gave advice on subjects of statecraft to King Mandhata. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 90) He married Soma's daughter Bhadra. (M.B. AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 154, Verse 12). Varuna deva had an 2) Utathya drank up the sea dry. eye on Soma's daughter Bhadra when Utathya married her. Incensed at the marriage, Varuna carried Bhadra off to the sea one day when Utathya was not present. Narada informed Utathya that it was Varuna who his wife. Though Narada, stole at the request of Utathya, asked Varuna to return Bhadra to the former he did not oblige. Enraged at this Utathya drank up the sea dry. Yet, Varuna did not come round. Then Utathya rendered all the lakes of Varuna dry. Trembling at this Varuna returned Bhadra to Utathya and

Chapter 66, Verse


Son of sage Angiras.



prostrated at his feet. He pardoned Varuna and gave back the sea to him. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter

on the

Utsava should be conducted either during Uttarayana (movement of the sun from south to North) or Visu (when the Sun is in the centre) or at a time suitable to the temple authorities who conduct the utsava in Sayana, Upavana or Grha. It should commence with auspicious ceremonies like the sowing of seeds of nine varieties of foodgrains, and with dance, song, instrumental music etc. UTSAVASAisIKETA. A place in the South Bharata. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 61 ). UTTAMA. A King born in the dynasty of Svayambhuva Manu who had two famous sons, of whom Priyavrata married Surupa and Barhi small, two daughters of Visvakarma. Priyavrata begot three children, Uttama Tamasa and Raivata by his wife Barhismati. These three sons attained exceptional prowess and became lords of the ages of Manu (Manvantaradhipatis) Priyavrata, with his children ruled the country in all happiness and prosperity for ten crores of years. (Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha) Uttanapada, the second son of Svayambhuvamanu begot one son, Uttama by his wife Suruci and another son Dhruva by his wife Sunlti. (See under Dhruva) (Visnu Purana, Parti, Chapter 11).










(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter


A Kama

particular place in ancient India. 9, Verse 41) warrior who fought in the great war side. He belonged to the Pancala

place in India where




conquered this place. (Drona Parva, Verse 8). Utkala is believed to be modern


Son of Vaivasvata Manu. (Brahmanda



Adi Parva, Chapter 182). (M). An ancient holy place. Dhaumya did tapas here, and it was here that the Pandavas took Dhaumya as their priest. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter
152, Verses 2-6).

(M). A holy place. Dhaumya, the younger brother of Davala lived in Utkocatlrtha. The Pandavas went there and made Dhaumya a priest. (M.B.

Purana, Chapter 31).

It was Uttamaujas who guarded the right wheel of Arjuna's chariot. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 15, Verse 19). He fought fiercely with Angada. (Drona Parva, Chapter 28, Verses 38-39). He fought Krtavarma also. (Drona Parva, Chapter 92, Verse 27-32). He was defeated in a fight with Duryodhana. (Drona Parva, Chapter 130, Verses 30-43). Krtavarma also defeated him. He killed Susena, son of Kama. (Kama Parva, Chapter 75, Verse 13). This valiant warrior was


by Asvatthama.

Verses 35-36)

family of Vaivasvata

Chapter 26 of

(Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, His cremation is described in Verse

Stri Parva.

son of Saryati, a King of the Manu. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).



But, both

was the son of Svayambhuva Manu, the son of Brahma. Svayambhuva Manu had two sons Priyavrata and Uttanapada. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8). A son named Uttama was born to Uttanapada by his wife Suruci. Uttanapada had another wife


them became calm quite soon

and withdrew

their curses.


UTTAlsIKA (UTA5IKA)_. An ideal disciple who was the disciple of Apodadhaumya.

ment of


1 1

Suniti. (Visnu Purana, See under Dhruva.




the Guru's wife. After entrusting managethe asrama to Uttarika, Veda once went out on a tour of the country, and Uttanka stayed in the Asrama carrying out the instructions of the Guru. Then came the menstrual period of Veda's wife, and his other wives requested Uttarika to do the needful, so that the fertile period of their co-wife was not wasted. Uttarika's reply to them was as follows:- "Asked by women, I shall not do this improper act; and the preceptor has

Uttanka and

his way back to the Alrama with the ear-rings, he had only just stepped into a pool for a wash, when a naked Buddha sannyasin, who was following him, snatched and ran off with the ear-rings. It was really Taksaka disguised as the sannyasin who thus snatched the ear-rings. Uttarika chased him and caught him when he assumed his original form of the serpent King and disappeared into a cave. Uttarika waited at the


me to do such a thing though it might be improper." His Guru, Apodadhaumya returned to the Asrama some time after this, and was very pleased to hear about the above incident. He blessed Uttarika. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 3) 2) His tuition fee. His education being over, it was now time for Uttarika to give due offerings tuition fee to his
not asked

Though U t tarika praisecL and cajoled the Nagas (serpents) their King Taksaka did not make his appearance. Uttarika saw there two women, who had been

cave stupefied, when Indra deputed his help Uttarika. The Vajrayudha cut a tunnel-like route to Patala from the earth and through the cave Uttarika reached Patala by this route and found out the palace of Taksaka.


of the


guru, and Uttarika enquired of the guru as to what he would have by way of daksina. The guru asked Uttarika to get his wife's instruction in the matter and

accordingly. Because of the aforesaid incident (Uttarika not acting on the guru's wife during her menstrual period) she had a grouse against him, and therefore, asked him to bring as his tuition fee the earrings worn by the Ksatriya wife of King Pausa.

Uttarika set out


called out to Uttarika to eat the excretion of the ox. Uttarika hesitated to do so, the man on the ox asked him again to eat it, pointing out that his guru, Veda, had done it. Then did Uttarika consume both the excretion and urine of the ox, and did his oblations, in his perplexed mood, standing. Uttarika arrived at the palace of King Pausa and told him about the object of his visit. The King agreed to it. But, when Uttarika entered the Zenana Pausa's Ksatriya wife could not be seen. When Uttarika told the King about this, he remained thoughtful for some time and told the former that he might surely have become impure due to performance of oblations in the wrong manner, and that his wife would not be visible, due to her chastity, to the eyes of such impure folk. Uttarika admitted to having, on his way, performed oblations not in the proper manner, and then he sat down facing the east after washing his hands, feet etc. and performed oblation in the correct manner. Then did the wife of King Pausa become visible to him, and she, pleased at his humility, handed over her ear-rings to him. She also advised him to be very careful about the ear-

way he saw an


and on



back a big man, who




weaving clothes, and on one machine there were black and white threads. The machine had one wheel with twelve spokes and was turned by six boys. Also was there a horse, and a man. When Uttarika praised them, the horse and the man approached him. The man advised Uttarika to blow through the anus of the horse so that the snakes could be brought round. Uttarika from all the pores on the body of the did so, when lo horse, flames of fire began sprouting out. When the Nagaloka (country of serpents) got thus filled with fire and flames, Taksaka lost his nerves and came out with the stolen ear-rings, which Uttarika received back. But, that was the last day on which the rings had been promised to be given to his guru's wife by Uttarika, who remained there gloomy and sorrow- stricken at the thought that he would not be able to travel all the distance before sunset and give the ear-rings to the guru's wife. Then the horseman gave the horse to


Uttarika, who reached the Agrama just in time when the guru's wife was about to curse Uttarika for not returning with the rings though it was nearly dusk time. Now the guru and his wife blessed Uttarika, who detailed to them his experiences since leaving the ASrama Then the guru spoke thus to in quest of the ear-rings.

"The two women whom you found engaged weaving were Dhata and Vidhata, the white and black strings, day and night, and the six boys who turned the wheel with twelve spokes were the six The ox seen by you on the way was Airavata seasons. (Indra's elephant), the horse seen in Patala was Agnideva, and the horseman, Indra. The excretion you ate on your way was nectar and that was the reason why you did not die in the Nagaloka. Indra who is my friend blessed you because of mercy towards you, my disciple. You could bring back the ear-rings also beUttarika

cause of Indra's blessings." Then the guru blessed Uttarika and the latter took leave of thim. (M.B Adi Parva, Chapter 3). 3) Uttanka and Janamejaya's serpent yajna. Uttarika,

rings as they had once been coveted by Taksaka, King of the serpents. Bidding adieu to the queen, Uttarika saw the King and they sat together to take food. Not

only was the rice cold but a hair was also found in it. Uttarika cursed the King and rendered him blind, and the King, in turn, cursed Uttarika not to have

determined on taking vengeance on Taksaka, went away directly from the asrama to Hastinapura, where he met Janamejaya and told him the fact that it was Taksaka, who had bitten to death Parlksit, his (Janamejaya) father. It was thus prompted by Uttarika to take revenge upon Taksaka that Janamejaya performed the serpent yajna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 3).

Uttafika and Dhundhumdra.



place called Ujjalaka. When he became old, he went about visiting many temples. During this tour one day Uttanka saw a hunter in the forest called Gulika attempting to steal the golden plates on the dome of the Visnu temple in Sauvira. Gulika raised his sword to kill Uttanka, when he told the former that he would have to suffer the results of sin during many births if he committed a sin. This admonition of Uttanka so touched the heart of the hunter that he fell dead on the spot with a repentant heart. Uttanka sprinkled Gariga water on the corpse of the hunter, who attained VaiOn the advice of Visnu, kuntha (abode of Visnu) Uttanka went to Badari where he did tapas and also attained Vaikuntha. (Naradiya Purana). In Chapters 53-58 of Asvamedha Parva of Mahabharata is related the story of one Uttanka muni, under In Mahabharata the caption 'Utarikopakhyana'.

See under Dhundhumara. Uttanka attained salvation. Uttanka was put up at a

Uttanka tied to the branch of a vilva tree the ear-rings bundled in deer skin and ate vilva fruits. Just then the bundle of deer skin got untied and the ear-rings kept in A serpent carried off the rings it fell on the ground. between its teeth and concealed itself in a mole-hill. Highly grieved and upset by the sight, Uttanka fell down from the tree. For 35 days Uttanka dug the molehill. Then Indra felt great sympathy for him, appeared on the spot, and passed his Vajrayudha through the mole-hill. Then the earth burst open and Uttanka entered Patala through the opening, and a horse, its tail white and the rest of the body black in colour blow presented itself to him. It asked Uttanka to through its anus. Uttanka did so and the Nagaloka was filled with flames of fire. (The horse was Agnideva) Then did the serpents return the ear-rings to Uttanka, who returned with it to Gautama and presented it to

Malayalam rendering he is called Utaiika. There are no substantial differences between the story of Uttanka and that of Utarika, Veda's disciple. But, since, there are differences, in certain aspects some information about the Uttanka of the 'Utankopakhyana' is given below Uttanka was a disciple of Gautama, the 1) General. husband of Ahalya. The guru had more love for Uttanka than for his other disciples, and therefore did
not permit the latter to leave the As"rama even after the other disciples were sent away. Uttanka became old wrinkles attacked his body and greyness his head. 2) Tuition fee (Gurudakfind). Uttanka once returned from the woods with firewood, in a very tired condition. The daughter of the guru shed tears at the sight. Gautama called Uttanka to him and asked him about the cause of his grief and sorrow. Uttanka replied that the hairs on his head turned grey on account of sorrow that he was not permitted to leave the Asrama although







Uttanka; but in


Uttanka once went was about to curse Krsna for not attempting to bring about a compromise between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. At once Krsna exhibited his Vis"varupa (himself as containing the whole universe) Thereupon Uttanka saluted Krsna, who asked him to request for any boon. He prayed for the boon that water might be made available in any desert he visited. Krsna told him that whenever he required water he might successfully think of him.
3) to

him (Gautama)

Uttanka about

as tuition fee. to curse Sri Kr$na. and during their talk

roaming about quite thirsty and tired in a desert, Uttanka thought about Krsna, and at once there appeared before him a naked Candala, his body covered with mud. Dogs encircled him. Uttanka hesitated to drink the water given to him by this Candala, who had some water with him. The Candala again insisted on Uttanka drinking the water, but he again refused the

4) Indra



Some time




disciple. Then Gautama permitted Uttanka to quit the Uttanka asked Gautama what he should Ai'.rama.

was hundred years since he had gone there





tuition fee. Gautama consulted his wife on the and she suggested as tuition fee the two ear-rings of gems worn by the wife of King Saudasa, who used to eat the flesh of man. Immediately Uttanka set out to fetch the ear-rings and on his way met Saudasa in the forest, and told the latter about his mission. Saudasa tried to eat Uttanka, who told him that he was in duty bound to obtain the ear-rings for his guru's wife and that, after fulfilling the mission, he would return to Saudasa to be eaten up by him. Saudasa agreed to the proposition. He directed Uttanka to his wife Madayanti, who spoke to him thus "Devas and Maharsis covet these ear-rings. If I place them on the ground, serpents will steal them if handed over to Ucchista, Yaksas will steal them, and if the watchman sleeps, Devas will snatch them off. Therefore, you should bring some token for me to believe that you are deputed by my husband." Accordingly Uttanka went back to Saudasa and returned to his wife with a token from him, and Madayanti handed over her ear-rings to Uttanka. Being told by Saudasa that Uttanka need not return again to him, Uttanka started for Gautama's as"rama with the ear-rings. Feeling hungry on the way,


Within a few minutes a person with disc, conch, club etc. about him appeared, and Uttanka recognised him as Sri Krsna. Uttanka told Krsna that it was not proper to give water to a brahmin through a candala. Krsna's reply to this was as follows: "I asked Indra to give you nectar instead of water, and he argued that it was not proper that men should be given nectar. I pleaded for you again. Indra replied to this that he
himself would, in the guise of a candala give nectar to you, and he should not be found fault with, if you relused the nectar. I accepted that proposition of his. But, you did not accept nectar thus offered to you. So, you cannot be given nectar now. But, there will appear water-laden clouds in deserts which you traverse, which

The candala then disappeared with

the dogs.

would be known as 'Uttanka clouds' and they would give you sweet water. Uttanka was pleased, and it is the Uttanka clouds, which form as per the above orders of Krsna that cause

though rarely, in deserts even today. The son of King Virata of Matsya. Mention is made in the Mahabharata, Virata Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 9 that Bhuminjaya was another name of Uttara. Uttara also accompanied his father Virata, when he went to take part in the Svayarhvara (choice of a husband) ofDraupadl. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 3). 2) Uttara and Arjuna. Seethe paragraph Ajnatavasa under Arjuna,
rain to






Those who


with a glorious death in the battle, got a place in heaven with the gods. (M.B. Svargarohana Parva, Chapter5, Stanzas 17 and 18). UTTARA II. A King who had gone down because of his contemptuous behaviour towards his superiors. UTTARA III. A fire. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 29 and Sabha Parva, Chapter 22).

Uttara had taken part in the between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 77 that a combat took place on the first day of the battle between Uttara and Virabahu. Uttara attacked Salya who killed Uttara. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 47, Stanzas 36 to 39). Uttara who met
The end ofUttara.

down from heaven

The average age

live in this region.

dead bodies away

ter 8,

bird in this place called Bharunda. These birds to caves. (M.B. Bhisma Parva,

of the inhabitants of ihis place is said to have been eleven thousand years. There is a kind of


ChapIt is

stated in the

Stanzas 2

to 13).

25, Stanza 60, that those who visit this holy place will of Bhrunahatya ( causing get atonement from the sin

Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter



of pilgrimage.




Daughter of Virata, the King of'Malsya. Her brother was called Uttara. 2) Up to marriage. The Pandavas led their incognito life in the capital of the Matsya Kingdom. Arjuna adopted the name Brhannala and was employed as the tutor of princess Uttara in music and dancing. At the end of the life, King Virata gave his daughter Uttara

General information.

who became a very famous King later. (M.B. See the Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanzas 83 and 84) seventh paragraph under Asvatthama). 4) The death of her husband. Abhimanyu was killed in the battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 78, Stanza 37 that Uttara fell unconscious, when she heard of the death of her husband. Sri Krsna consoled Uttara. In the Mahabharata, Stri Parva, Chapter 20, Stanzas 4 to 28 the lamentation of Uttara over the death of Abhimanyu is mentioned. Uttara also was seen among the 5) To thejorest. women who accompanied Dhrtarastra, to a little distance when he went to the forest after the battle. (M.B A$ ramavasika Parva, Chapter 15, Stanza 10). UTTARADISA. See under Galava. UTTARAJYOTISA. An ancient city which stood in the western part of Bharata. It is said in the Mahabharata that Nakula conquered this city. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 11). UTTARAKOSALA. An ancient country in Bharata. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 30,; Stanza 3 that Bhimasena conquered Uttara

in marriage to Abhimanyu the son of Arjuna. (See the paragraph Ajnatavasa (incognito-life) under Arjuna). 3) Son. The son born to Abhimanyu and Uttara was

Acarya Drona. (See under Drona) In the Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 137, Stanzas 70 to was on the north 76 it is mentioned that this country bank of the Gariga. UTTARAPAR1YATRA. A mountain. (Bhasa Bharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 313, Stanza 8) UTTARAPATHA. North Bharata. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 207, Stanza 43).
control of the
. .

Drupada became the King of this country on the death of King Prsata. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 129, Stanza 43) In course of time Uttarapancala came under the

ancient country in




The second part of the Ramayana. Uttara Ramayana comprises the story from Sri Rama's return from the exile in the forest and assuming the ruling of the country onwards. ULUKA. The country of Uluka in North



1 1

Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza



Mahabharata, Sabha Arjuna conquered


A follower of Skandadeva. Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 6).

(M.B. Salya





means Varuna and

letter 'Vi'


mitra's sons,

separation (of lovers). (Agni Purana, Chapter 348).

(BABHRAVAYAI;'!). OneofVisvawho were all Brahmavadins. (M.B. Anusa4,

VADANYA. An ancient

sana Parva, Chapter

Stanza 57).


(For further details see


Jambu). Mention

Jambudvipa (Island of the Mahabharata that during his conquest Arjuna had gone up to this place and carried away from there plenty of wealth. It is believed by common people that this place is inaccessible to human beings. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 28,
part of the



Stanzas 7 to 20)

The southern end of


and the Northern end Mount Meru. The




are gifted people, with trees bearing flowers the flowers fragrant and the fruits sweet. A particular type of tree known as Kslrl (milky) grows here from which milk will flow. There are also trees which will give you whatever you ask. It was the belief of ancient people that with the fruits of Ksirl, you could




under Astavakra). VADHA. Son of Yatudhana, a giant. It is mentioned in Brahmanda Purana that this giant had two sons Vighna and Sama. VADHRA. A country in ancient India. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 55). VADHRIMATl. A princess, praised in Rgveda. This beautiful princess got a hermaphrodite as her husband. She shed a good deal of tears and prayed to the As"vins (Charioteers of Indra, celebrated as Gods of light and helpers) in consequence of which she got a son named Hiranyahasta. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Sukta 116). VADHUSARA. A river which flowed through the vicinity of the hermitage of Cyavana. This river took its origin from the tears of Puloma, the wife of hermit Bhrgu. (For Because of a bath further details see under Cyavana) taken in this river, the body of Paras urama shone with radiance. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 99, Stanza 68). VADHYASVA. A king in ancient India. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 12,


and ornaments. The soil of this contains gems and in the sand there is gold. place

that the spirit of this king stays in the palace of Yama, praising him. son of emperor Prthu. Prthuhad two righteous VADl. son named Havirsons called Antardhana and Vadi. dhana was born to Antardhana by Sikhandini. Dhisana





born in the dynasty of Agni became the wife of Havirdhana. Six sons named Pracinabarhis, Sukra, Gaya, Krsna, Vraja and Ajina were born to the couple. (Visnu Purana, ArriSa 1, Chapter 14).



Sanskrit scholar who lived in the 12th century A.D. He is the author of the two medical books 'Astauga-saiigraha' and 'Astangahrdaya'. Another work called 'Neminirvana' is also written by Vagbhata. This work deals with the story of Neminatha, a Jain hermit.

of the seven sons of hermit KauSika. Purana, 20: 3). The famous Pitrvartti was (Matsya the youngest brother of Vagdusta. VAGINDRA. Son of the king Prakasaka born in the family of Grtsamada. It is stated in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 63 that he was

VAGMl. A son born to Manasyu,

the father of

Not much


There are certain stories about medical books. It was a period when the muslims had beaten down the Brahmins. They had taken away the medical science also from them. The Brahmins considered this to be a disgrace to them. They decided to select an intelligent boy and send him to a Muslim physician. They selected Vagbhata. The Brahmins disguised Vagbhata as a Muslim boy and sent him
in rhetorical science.
his writing the

known about Vagbhata. He was a



the grandson of emperor Puru, by his wife Sauvirl. This son had two brothers Sakta and Sarhhanana. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 24, Stanza 45) (CONVEYANCE). To know about the conveyances of Rudra, Yama and so on, see under



a friend called Hika. Their sons are called the Vahikas. The Vahikas are not considered to be the creation of the Prajapatis. (M.B. Karna Parva. Chapter 44, Stanza

devil living in the river Vipas"a.




Muslim Physician on the other side of the river. The boy went to the physician and told him that he was coming from far away with the intention of learning
to the

VAHIKA. A Brahmin who

teach the boy the science of medicine. Seeing the interest of the boy the teacher asked the boy to eat food from his house and to learn day and night. The Brahmin boy did not like to eat the food of Muslims. The boy said that he had a relative on the other side of the river and that he would go there and have his supper and return for the night study. The teacher agreed and thenceforward Vagbhata began to learn day and night. Within a short time he

medical science. The teacher put certain questions and understood that the boy possessed extraordinary

was well-versed in the Vedas. This Brahmin earned his bread by selling salt. In his killed by a life, he had committed sins. At last he was lion. The flesh of his dead body fell in the Gariga in consequence of which he got remission of his sins.
(Skanda Purana 2:4: 1-28).


He began



lives in the

(Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 15). VAHINI I. A division of army. (See under Akpauhini) VAHINl II. Wife of Kuru, a king of the Lunar dynasty. Five sons such as As va van and others were born to Kuru by his wife Vahini. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94,

palace of



completed learning.

One day

the teacher was sleeping on the seventh storey of the building and his disciple Vagbhata was massaging his legs.

massage the legs of a Musalman. Instantly he cried bitterly, and the teacher awoke and understood that the boy was not a Muslim, and tried to cut his head. The boy thought: "The four Vedas and the six If it is true no harm Sastras say that there is a god. will come to me." Then he jumped out of the window. In consequence of this jump, he became a little lame and no other harm befell him. He swam across the river and reached the other side and told the Brahmins everything. The Brahmins asked him what he imagined when he jumped from the seventh storey. He replied "I jumped with this imagination. The four Vedas and the six Sastras say that there is a god. If it is true no harm will come to me." As soon as the boy had finished the Brahmins became angry and they all got up. They said "You went wrong in using the doubtful 'if', instead of the affirmative 'As'. The Brahmins joined together and expelled him from the society. The boy thought of going away somewhere. "But there won't be another chance for somebody else to go and learn medical science from the Muslim physicians. So before going away from here I must make the fruits of my efforts available to these people." Thinking so he lived there for a little longer. He lived there without mingling with the Brahmins, cooking his food. It is believed that Vagbhata wrote 'Astangasangraha' and 'Astangahrdaya', during this period.

The boy

soliloquised that fate

had destined

I. An asura. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 52 that this asura had been a lokapala (Indra, Agni, Yama and Varuna were called lokapalas) in olden days. The son of the King Turvasu. Vahni had a II.

Stanza 50).

One of the sons born to Krsna by MitraIII. vinda. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). VAHNIJVALAM. A hell. (See the portion Naraka



named Bharga who became very famous. (BhagaSkandha 9; Brahmanda Purana, 3: 74. 1).


under Kala).


two daughters of King Sriijaya. They were married by Bhajamana, a Yadava king. Three sons named Nimi, Krmilaand Vrsrii were born to them. (Matsya Purana, 44': 49-50)

Skandha 5, that this garden is situated on the top of the mountain Suparsva which stands as a prop to Maha-

garden. It






Vaidarbhi gave birth to sixtythousand sons and Saibya to one son named Asamafijasa. (See under Sagara) VAIDARBHI II. Wife of thcKingKus'a. Four sons named Kusamba, Ku;'anabha, Asurtarajasand Vasu were born to Kusa by Vaidarbhi. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala

A wife of King Sagara. This king born I. of the Solar dynasty, had two wives named Vaidarbhi and Saibya. Vaidarbhi was also called Sumati and Saibya had another name Kesini. Of these two,




A king. This King gave his daughter III. in marriage to Agastya. (M.B. Anusasana

Parva, Chapter 137: Verse 11).



"For Visnu's messengers and humbly aksed them what goodness of him are you taking this great sinner to Vaikuntha?" They replied: "He had blazed a lamp before the presence of Visnu. That act has earned for him a place in Vaikuntha. The goodness earned by lighting a lamp with devotion and love in Karttika,

country of Videha. has the meaning, that which is in Videha. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 57). VAIp'ORYAPARVATA. A mountain which stands near Gokarnatlrtha (holy place) in the country of Surparaka (Kerala). Agastya once built a hermitage on this mountain. If one bathes in the river Narmada, after having visited this Vaidurya mountain one could attain the holy worlds. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 33,

VAIDEHA I. The King of Videha. VAIDEHA II. See under Varna. VAIDEHA III. Another name of the

23, that those

could be described only by Mukunda." After that the rat was taken to Vaikuntha.

holy place. Meniion is made in Mahabharata, Anu:'asana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza


bathe in


One of the sons born to Varuna by his wife Sunadevi. His sons Ghrni and Muni fought with each other and died. ( Vayu: 84: 6-8) VAIHAYASA. A cavity or a sacred pit (kunda) situated near the hermitage of Naranarayanas. (M.B. &anti Parva, Chapter 127, Stanza 3). VAIJAYANTA I. The capital city of an asura named Timidhvaja, otherwise called Sambara. (See under


Verse 13).

walk about in the world of the celestial maids. VAIMITRA. One of the Saptamatrs (seven mothers). They are Vaimilra, Kakl, Halima, Malinl, Brhada, Arya and Palala. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 228, Stanza 10) VAINATEYA I. One of the prominent sons of Garuda. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 10). VAINATEYA II. Son of Vinata. (Garuda). VAINYA. Another name of emperor Prthu.' (See under

holy place could freely



of the flag of Indra. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 42, Stanza 8) VAIJAYANTA III. A mountain standing in the middle of the sea of Milk. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 9, that Brahma comes to this mountain daily for devotion and meditation. VAIJAYANTI. Two bells of Airavata. Indra presented


VAIRAjAOneof the

these two bells to Subrahmanya, who, in his turn, gave one of them to Visakha. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 231, Stanza 13). VAIKARTANA. Another name of Karna. VAIKHANASA. A philosopher. He had written a book known as 'Vaikhanasadharmaprasna'. Matters concerning the duties of a forest-house-holder, occupation suitable for children born of wedlocks which are in accordance with natural law as well as contrary to the natural order, etc. are dealt with in detail, in this book. A large number of quotations from VaikhanasadharmapraS na occur in Manusmrti. VAIKHANASAS. A group of hermits of the Vedic There were hundred hermits in this group. age. (Rgveda, 9: 66). They were born from the finger nail

Sapta Pitrs (Seven Manes). The Sapta Pitrs are,Vairaja, Agnisvatta, Somapa Garhapaand Kala. (M.B. Sabha tya, Ekagrnga, Caturveda Parva, Chapter 1 1, Stanza 46). VAIRAMAS. A caste of people in Ancient India. The people of this caste gave Dharmaputra, various kinds of jewels and other costly things as presents and then attended the Rajasuya of the Pandavas. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 12). VAIRATA. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 96, Verse 26, that this Vairata was killed in the battle of Bharata by Bhimasena. VAlSAKHA. A month. This month comes after the



before the month of Jyestha. It stated in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 106, that by observing the fast of taking food only once, daily in this month, one could acquire prominence among kinsmen and people of one's own caste.

month of Caitra and


of Brahma.


The dwelling place of Mahavisnu. H. Another name of Mahavisnu. It




mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 342,

Stanza 80, that when Visrai made creation with the five elements, his powers did not have any hindrance (Kunthita) and so he got the name Vaikuntha.



Tretayuga. The living things the moment they came into

who' lived in the deliverance from sin, got contact with him. This

See under Dhrstabuddhi. This city was founded by King Vis"ala, who belonged to the dynasty of Dista. Because Nabhaga, the son of Dista had married a woman from Vai^ya caste, he also became Vaisya. The writings of Vatsa, the son of Bhalandana of this family, are included in the Rgveda. The differentiation of castes was not so strict in those days as today. It is not known in what country Dista and his people Anagas lived. The Kings Karandhama, his son Aviksit and his son Marutta of this dynasty were great and valiant. Marutta had performed both horse sacrifice (aSvamedha) and imperial

power of Vaikuntha to give living things deliverance, is mentioned in Padma Purana, Brahma kharida, Chapter 3, as follows:

Vaikuntha once lighted a ghee-lamp in the presence of Visnu in Karttika and returned home. At that time a rat came there and began to drink the ghee. Then the lamp blazed into a flame. The rat was terrified at this, and ran away. But by the grace of Visnu the rat got deliverance from all its sins. That rat was killed by snake-bite. The men of Yama came with ropes. Instantly the messengers of Visnu Garuda. Yama's men got afraid of also came on

in the tenth generation from Marutta, a son was born named Vis"ala. This Vigala founded a city and lived there. That city is called Vai'ala. Many of the scholars

consecration (Rajasuya)



who was


of opinion

as Ujjayinl.

datta of the formed ten as"vamedhas (horse-sacrifices). VAlSALAKSA. The Law of conduct of Brahma. Since

same Somaseventh generation from Visala had perIt is

that this city Vaisala is the stated in Mahabharata that

isVisalaksa (far-sighted) had collected and them, it came to be called Vai.salaksa. (M.B. abridged Santi Parva, Chapter 59, Stanza 82).





1 )

The daughter of King Visila. She was married by Aviksit, the son of Karandhama. The famous Marutta was the son born to this couple. ( Markandeya Purana, Chapters 119-126).



A sub-section of Adi Parva in I. Mahabharata. This Comprises chapters 192 to 198 of Adi Parva.


General information. prominent disciple of Vyasa. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 1, that the main were Asita, Devala, disciples of Vyasa Va&ampayana, Sumantu, Jaimini, Paila and some others. (See under Bharata).

VAIVASVATA MANU. The seventh Manu.


Parva. This comprises Parva.


70 to

of Virata 72 of Virata

There is a description of Manu Vaivasvata under Manvantara. 1 Descended from Visnu in the following ) Genealogy.

2) Other



Brahma-Marici-Ka>. yapa-Vivasvan- Vaivasvata

was VaiSampayana who told the story of Bharata composed by Vyasa, to King Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Stanza 20) (ii) Vaisampayana told Janamejaya the story of Bharata at the instruction of Vyasa. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 60, Verse 22) Mahabharata and spoke (iii) Vaisampayana praised of its greatness. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 62, Stanza
. .

(iv) Once Vaisampayana was overpowered by ignorance, and he killed a Brahmin. It is mentioned in
6, Stanza he attained heaven. VAISJjTAVACAPA. The bow of Visnu. (For further details see under Visnu, para 7, sub-section 7)

Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter

36, that in spite of

was Sraddha. Many sons were born to the couple. Prominent among them were, Yama, Yaml, ASvinlkumaras, Revanta, Sudyumna, Iksvaku. Nrga, Saryati, Dista, Dhrsta, Karusa, Narisyanta, Nabhaga, Prsadhra and Kavi. VAIVASVATA TlRTHA. A holy place. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 39, that he who bathes in this holy bath would
(For further details under Varna and Caturvarnya). VAITALl. A 'warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 67). VAITAI^DA. Son of Apa, one of the eight Vasus. Apa had four sons named, Vaitaiida, Srama, Santa and Dhvani. (Visnu Purana, Amsa 1, Chapter 15). VAITARANI I. A he'll. (See under Kala, the Section Naraka). VAITARANI II. The name of river Ganges when it flows through the world of the Manes. ( M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 169, Stanza 22) VAITARANI III. A river. The prominence of this river is given below (i) This river stays in the court of Varuna and glorifies him. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 20). There is a spot (ii) This river gives remission of sins.

See 2) The incarnation of Matsya and Vaivasvata Manu. under Avatara, Section "Matsya." The wife of Vaivasvata Manu 3) Wife and children.


become himself a holy



of the four castes.




Asvamedhika Parva in Mahabharata. VAISRAVAIVA. Kubera. (See under Kubera) VAISVADEVA (M). A sacrifice. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 1 1 that a brahmin should

cloth, the sacrificer will contract disease; by winnowing he would sustain loss of wealth; and death, by fanning

perform this sacrifice to protect himself from hurts caused by oven, threshing stone, axe, cutting knife, and other weapons. This sacrifice could be performed in a cavity for kindling fire on the floor besmeared with cowdung and mud. It should not be done in an ordinary oven meant for cooking, in iron oven, in earthernware or on ordinary floor. As all the deities are having faces of fire, the sacrificial fire should not be kindled by fanning the flame with hand, winnow, hide of black antelope or cloth. By fanning the flame with


with hand. Plums, fruits, roots, curd, ghee etc. could be used as burnt offerings. When these are not available, firewood, roots of herbs, grass etc. could be used instead. Things to be offered as burnt-offerings should be purified, first by sprinkling ghee on them. In the absence of ghee, milk, curd and water may be used.

Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 6) VAJA. A son of Sudhanva, whose father was Angiras. It is mentioned in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Astaka, Sukta 1,

called Virajatirtha, in this river. He who bathes in holy place would shine like the moon. (M.B. Vana

Using things which are invite bad results.


as burnt-offerings


VAJAPEYA. A sacrifice. VAjASANEYA. A religion

lose all

111, that Sudhanva had Vibhvan and Vaja.



named Rbhu,

Vai'vadeva-sacrifice, half-burnt firewood used in cooking, should never be used. So also salts of any kind. After finishing Vaisvadeva, Gograsa (giving rice to cow) also should be done. VAISVAMARA I. A hermit. It is mentioned in Maha-


or religious book (scripture). the end of Kaliyuga, people will become thieves and

worshipped along with the fire Parjanya. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 16). VAlSVANARAIII. One of the sons born to Ka^yapa by his wife Manu. (Bhagavata, Skandha 6)

bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 7 Verse 18, that this hermit stays in the palace of Indra. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 11, Sukta 59). VAlSVANARA II. The first son of Agni called Bhanu. In Caturmasya-sacrifice, this fire VaisVanara also is

branches be accepted as Regulations of life. (Agni Purana, Chapter 16). VAJASANEYI (VAJASANEYAS). A group of Priests. Priest Yajnavalkya was one of the disciples of Yajur Veda-group of Vyasa. Of the line of disciples, Yajnavalkya had fifteen disciples. They were called Vajasaney-



Veda Vajasaneya alone


and moreover



ins or


The Yajus

collection received from the god Sun were divided into fifteen groups by Yajnavalkya and given to each of his disciples. From that day onwards, his disciples became famous by the name Vajasaneyas. ( Br.


VAJASRAVAS. A priest who


Sandilya, Uddhava talked to Vajranabha about the greatness of Bhagavata. VAJRAINIGA. An asura. This asura was born to Kasyapa of his wife Diti. Tarakasura was born to Vajranga of his wife Varaugi (For details see under Parva tl, Para 2)

was the son of Naciketas. (Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, 6-4-33) VAJRA I. Son of Visvamitra. He was an expounder of Vedas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4. Stanza 52). VAJRA II. The son of Aniruddha, who was the grandson of Sri Krsna. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 72, that after the extermination of the Yfidavas by the mausala fight (the fight with grass grown from the filings of the iron-pestle) Arjuna anointed Vajra as the King of the remaining Yadavas. When the Pandavas began the Mahaprasthana (the great departure), Yudhisthira called Subhadra and instructed her to look after Vajra with particular care. (M.B. Maha Prasthana Parva, Chapter 1, Stanza 8). VAJRABAHU I. A notorious asura. Vajrabahu was born of a Vidyadhara-damsel named Caiicalaksi, when she was raped by the asura Sahasramukha. This Vajrabahu did penance before Siva and obtained Pasupatastra (a divine arrow) and an impenetrable armour. After this, he caught hold of Indra and bound him. Subrahrnanya rescued Indra and killed Vajrabahu. (Kamba Ramayana, Uttara Kanda). VAJRABAHU II.' A monkey. With other monkeys Vajrabahu got on the body of Kumbhakarna and scratched his face and body and did much harm in the battle between Rama and Ravana. Kumbhakarna caught hold of them and ate them. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 287, Stanza 67). VAJRADAMSTRA I. A ferocious giant who was a follower of Ravana. In Valmiki Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda, Sarga 54, mention is made that this giant was killed by Aiigada in the Rama-Ravana battle.


house in heaven. Manidvipa is situated above the world of Brahma. This is an island in the sea of Amrta with an area of several yojanas. All the sand particles on the shore of the sea of Amrta are the seajewels. Beyond the trees of jewels standing on coast, there is an iron-wall with four towers. Those who come here to see Devi (goddess) should get down from their vehicles here. Beyond this wall of iron, there are seven walls of bronze, copper, lead, brass, a mixture of five metals, silver and gold. They are called Saptasalas. Between the walls there are several parks such as Kalpavatika, Santanavalika, Haricandanavrksavalika, Mandaravatika, Parijatavatika, Kadambavati etc. On passing the seven walls, several houses are seen. They are topaz house, jacinth-house, beryl-house, diamond-house,

Tripurasura. It is stated in Gauesa Puranathat Tripurasura gave his captain clothes, villages etc. as presents, for bringing Patala (netherworld) under control. VAJRADATTA. The King of Pragjyotisapura. He was the son of Bhagadatta. He attacked the neighbouring Kings and defeated them. He caught hold of the sacrificial horse of Yudhisthira, led by Arjuna, who fought with Vajradatta for three days and defeated him. (M.B. Asvamedha Parva, 'Chapters 65 and 74) VAJRAJVALA. A daughter of Mahabali. This Vajrajvala was the wife of Kumbhakarna. (Uttara Ramayana). VAJRAKANTAKASALI. A hell. (See the part Naraka





of the



karna and fought with Sri Rama and was killed by Hariuman. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 287). VAJRAVISKAMBHA. A child of Garuda. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 10). VAJRAYUDHA (Thunderbolt). The famous weapon

Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 125, that hermit Bhrgu had seven sons named Cyavana, VajraSirsa, Suci, Aurva, Sukra, Varenya and S-avana. giant who was the brother of Khara, VAJRA VEGA. Dusana and Tri'iras. In the battle between Rama and Ravana Vajravega stood as the attendant of Kumbhain

chrysoprase-house, sapphire-house, ruby-house, emeraldhouse, etc. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 11). VAJRASlRSA. A son of hermit Bhrgu. It is mentioned


under Kala)

brothers named Virupaksa, Durmukha, Yajnakosa, Matta and Unmatta and a Nala. (Uttara Ramayaiia)


giant. Vajramusti was the son born of his wife Sundarl. Vajramusti had six



of Indra. The making of this weapon. In olden days a fierce 1 ) asura named Vrtra was born. The Kalakeyas and many other asuras became his followers. They began to create havoc in the world, and cause harm to the Devas. At last under the leadership of Indra, the Devas went to Brahma and informed him of their grievances and requested for advice as to the way of killing Vrira. Brahma told them that only with a weapon made of the bone of the hermit Dadhica, could Vrtrasura be killed. The Devas went to the bank of the river Sona and saw the hermit Dadhica, who was the foremost of munificent men, doing penance there. Indra told him the purpose of their visit. He told the Devas to take his bone, if it was useful to them. Saying this he forsook his body. The Devas took the bones of the hermit and gave them to VKvakarma who made a powerful weapon with them


of Subrahrnanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 63). II. A King of the line of Sri Rama. The genealogy is the following. Sri Rama-Kusa-AditiI.




III. An asura. PrabhavatI whom Prathe son of Sri Krsna married, was the daughter of this asura. (For details see under PrabhavatI).

Devanika Rksa-Pariyatra-Bala-Vinda-Vajranabha. Khagana was the son of Vajranabha. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).

He was


a friend of Parlksit.

King who ruled over Mathura. At the request of hermit

(M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 100). 2) The face of Subrahrnanya was cut. Once Indra was defeated bv Narakasura. He went to the Himalayas and hid himself there. Unable to see their King Indra, the devas went to Subrahmanya. When Indra knew this, he thought that Subrahmanya had taken possession of the world of the gods. So he came and fought with Subrahmanya. The thunderbolt of Indra touched the face of Subrahmanya and wounded him. From the blood which flowed from the face of Subrahmanya two noble men appeared who eventually became warriors of Subrahmanya. (Kathasaritsagara, Lavanakalambaka,

and gave that

to Indra.

They named




Taraiiga 6)

ter 5


comes under


In Visnu Parana, AihSa 1, ChapChapter 8, a process by which thunderbolt is made daily in the evening from the water particles thrown by Brahmins when they recite the spell
Daily thunderbolt.

and Arhsa


Gayatri, is described. In the evening, the fierce giants called the Mandehas wish to eat the Sun. Prajapati had given them a curse that though their bodies would not perish they would these daily meet with death. So there is a fight between time giants and the sun daily in the evening. At that the Brahmins recite the spell Gayatri with the Brahmapervading syllable 'OM', and throw up water. This water becomes the Vajra weapon, and burns the giant. The hermits Narada 4) The thunderbolt became a tiger. and Parvata once went to the palace of the King King worshipped them and served Srrijaya. The them for a long time, as a result of which a son was born to him. Indra decided to lessen the superior power of these hermits. Once the son of the King, who was a mere boy, was playing in the forest. At the instruction of Indra, the thunderbold took the form of a
tiger and went to the forest and killed the boy. Srnjaya became very sad. Narada and Parvata brought the boy to lite again and gave him to the King. (M.B. Santi

this crime. In olden days kings issued orders to fine anybody found guilty of this crime. Ordinarily the fine was 25 Panas. If the crime was committed against one who was below the level of the culprit the fine to be paid was only half. If harsh words were used against other women or people of a higher level the fine was double. (Agni Purana, Chapter 258). VAKRA. A King in Ancient India. He is known by the name Dantavaktra. (For further details see under

er of


Visvamitra's son,


Vedas. Stanza 53).



who was an expoundParva,




weapon Vajra (q.v) eternal god concerned in offering to the manes. (Mahabharata, Anu asana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 33) .

Parva, Chapter 30) Indra who wields the I.




See under Baka.

VALGUJA&GHA A son of Visvamitra. He Brahmavadin. (See under Visvamitra) VALlMUKHA. A famous monkey in the army

forester. (For further under Balaka) VALAKASVA. See under Balakagva. VALAKHILYAS. See under Balakhilyas. VALALA. See under Ballava.


Bhumikhanda, how Indra killed this asura. One day Vala went to the sea for his evening worship. Devendra saw the asura, shining with the radiance of celibacy and the divine rod and deer-hide, praying on the sea-shore. Instantly Indra cut him into two with his weapon, the thunderbolt. Vala fell down motionless. Mention is made about this asura in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuviika 4. (For further details see under Bala).

(BALA). An

asura. It

stated in

Padma Purana,

was a
of Sri

daughter of the giant Malyavan. Visravas married her. Three sons Trisiras, Dusana and Vidyujjihva and a daughter Anupalika were born to the couple (Brahmanda Purana, 3: 8: 39-56; Vayu Purana, 70 34-50). But in maha Bharata, mention is made only about three wives of Visravas, named Puspotkata, Raka



Verse 52).

(Valmiki Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda, Sarga



See under BalHikha. See under Balvala.


and Mai in I



Ancient India. The information bharata about this hermit is given below. (He was a member of the council of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 11). (ii) Once Vaka Dalbhya lectured to Yudhisthira about the greatness of Brahmanas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 26, Stanza 6). On another occasion he described the welfare of ( iii)

obtained from Maha-


Anusasana Parva, Chapter


of Hemaprabha, an un(See under Hemaprabha). II. Son of Balakagva. He was a righteous Vallabha had a son named Kusika. (M.B.

The husband


who was


Stanza 5).

and the author of Ramayana. Knowledge about this hermit 1) General information. who was the first among the poets of Bharata, is scanty. So we have to depend mainly on some hearsay for the





Once he stopped Sri Krsna, who was going to ( iv) Hastinapura, and conversed with him on the way. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 65) (v) The hermit Baka Dalbhya once talked about how the kingdom of Dh.rtara.stra would be made burnt offering to fire. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 41, Stanza 5)
. .

eternal beings to Indra. 193).



Parva, Chapter


of Visvamitra's


Anus asana Parva, Chapter

who were expounders oftheVedas. (Maha Bharata


Stanza 58)

(Using harsh words). One of the wrongs brought under the rule of chastisement in ancient India. Without caring for the truth or falsity, a man praising another with a view to tease or offend him, is Vakparusya. The teasing may be aimed at somebody with disabled members of the body or disabled organs of sense. Besides, using heart-rending words also

to sing 'Rama Rama'. Days and months and years passed, unknown to him. He did not know that white ants had built a shelter above him. After several years the Saptarsis returned by that way. They broke the

people and became a wicked man, like his friends. Then name was not Valmiki. Being a father, he had to support his family. For this purpose he used to plunder travellers. Once he happened to catch the Saptarsis (the seven hermits) who passed by that way. The hermits asked him whether his wife and children would share the sins he had incurred by plundering. The plunderer could not answer that unexpected question. He ran home and asked his wife and children if they would share the sins incurred by him. They were not prepared to do so. In a moment his life underwent a thorough change. He ran to the Saptarsis and knelt before them. They imparted to the forester, knowledge of the Vedas. The forester sat under a tree and began

history of this sage. said that Valmiki was the tenth son of Varuna. But in his younger age he fell into the hands of wicked





ant-hill and took the hermit out. Because he came out of Valmlka or white-ant-hill he came to be known as Valmiki. He built his hermitage on the bank of the river Tamasa and lived there with his disciples. It was at this place that he composed the famous poem Ramayana. (For further details see under Ramayana).
2) Other details.

his wife





who was going


Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 16). (ii) Mention is made in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 27, that Valmiki met Sri Krsna


Valmiki shines in the palace of Indra.



Ksatriya from the hand, Vaii'ya from the calf of the leg and Sudra from the foot, of Vamadeva, who was an incarnation of Siva. This Vamadeva who had five faces and a trident in his hand, fought with Candra, when Tara the wife of Brhaspati was carried away by Gandra. (Matsya Purana, 4-13).


4, that

Brahmin was born from the

of the seven sons born to Manu is stated in Matsya Purana,



General information.

Hastinapura as a messenger of the

poem composed by Valmiki, having killed Bhiiris'ravas in the Bharata-battlc. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 143, Stanza 57). (iv) Valmiki told Yudhisthira of the benefits of his devotion to Siva. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 18, Stanza 8). VALMlKI I.I. One of the prominent sons of Garuda. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza

Satyaki recited a

of Mahavisnu. the fifth. 2) Two Vamanas.

incarnation of Mahavisnu. There are ten main incarnations Of these, the incarnation of Vf.mana is


attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 12). VAMADEVA. An ancient hermit. 1) Vdmadeva and Sola. Three sons named Sala, Dala and Bala were born to King Pariksit by his wife Susobhana, a princess of Manduka. In due course, King Pariksit anointed his eldest son Sala as King and went to the forest for penance. Once Sala went to the forest to hunt. While chasing a deer, the King asked his charioteer to bring horses capable of overtaking the deer. The charioteer told the King that such hors'es were available at the hermitage of Vamadeva. They went to the hermitage of Vamadeva and got the horses on condition that they would be returned. After the hunting, Sala reached his capital. Seeing the beauty and the vigorous nature of the horses, the King did not like to part with them. Vamadeva sent his disciple to the court of the King to take the horses back.

Mahabali is given to the asura called This is the main difference. For a comparative study, both stories are given below: a) The fast story of the incarnation of Vamana. The devas (gods)such as Indra and the others were born to PrajapatiKaSyapa by his wife Aditi and the asuras (demons) such as Mahabali and others, by his wife Dili. The

Two different stories occur in the Puranas about the incarnation of Vamana. One story is about how Mahavisnu took the incarnation of Vamana and thrust Mahabali an asura, down to the netherworld. This story is more widely known. In the second
story the place of

Daityas (asuras) began

to a great extent.


harm and

take the


But the King sent him back empty-handed. Vamadeva got angry. He came in person and demanded his horses. The King replied that Brahmins did not require such horses. While these two were quarrelling with each other, some fierce giants came there and pierced Sala with a trident and killed him. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 192).
2) Other information. (i)He was a friend ofVasisthaand a priest ofDasaratha.

(Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda. Sarga 7, Stanza 3). (ii) Mandala 4 of Rgveda was composed by Vamadeva. (iii) Vamadeva was a hermit who had praised the A'vinidevas when he was in his mother's womb. (Rgveda, Mandaia 1, Sukta 19).

because of hunger, with

to eat the flesh of a dog a view to save Brahmins. (Manusmrti, Chapter 10, Stanza 106). (v) He was a prominent member in the assembly of Indra. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 17). (vi) Once Vamadeva gave advice about righteousness

Once Vamadeva


The Sun taught him the spell called SavitrlBrhaspati gave the Brahmastring. Kasyapa gave the string worn round the waist. The earth gave the hide of a black antelope. Soma the Vanaspati gave a rod; Aditi gave the cloth over the privities, the sky an umbrella, the seven hermits gave Ku'a-grass, Brahma gave a waterpot, SarasvatI gave a rosary and Kubera gave a pot. At that time, the powerful Mahabali had brought the three worlds of heaven, earth and Patala (the netherto the child.

through her as Vamana and destroy Mahabali. According to the advice of her husband, Aditi began to take Payovrata, at the end of which Mahavisnu appeared before her and asked her what her wish was. She told Visnu, of her grievances and Visnu consoled her and said "You have invoked me by your prayer and fast for the safety of your sons. So I will enter your womb through the penance of Kasyapa and take birth as your son and rescue your sons." Mahavisnu disappeared. Aditi worshipped her husband with devotion. By contemplation KaSyapa knew everyHe infused the energy he had acquired by thing. penance into Aditi, who gave birth to a son. The birth took place on the twelfth day of the month of Bhadrapada, in the bright lunar fortnight at the auspicious moment called Abhijit, in the star of Sravana. The While Kasyapa and Aditi were infant had four hands. looking on, the infant changed its form and became a dwarfish Brahmin boy. The Devas brought presents


this. He advised her to 'Payovrata' fixing the image of in her heart and that he will take birth


Aditi, the

harass the Devas mother of the Devas,


Kasyapa about




King Vasumanas. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter


King. Arjuna defeated this King during his regional conquest of the North. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 11).


world) under his control.- That Asura King performed a horse-sacrifice with the help of a Bhargava Brahmin. Hearing about it Vamana started for the place of sacrifice.

Mahabali was performing the sacrifice at a place Bhrgukacchaka on the North bank of river Narmada. The priests who were performing the rites




and ceremonies of the

slowly to the sacrificial hall. They wondered whether it was the Sun, Sanatkumara or Agni (Fire) coming to see the sacrifice. While they were standing thus, Vamana with his umbrella, rod and water pot filled with water entered the sacrificial hall. Mahabali welcomed Vamana and asked him the purpose of his visit. Vamana said "Oh King Your words are sweet. Noble Asura give me three feet of ground which I measure with my feet.

saw Vamana coming

you had better go down to Patala." Bali requested him to place the third step on his head. Vamana placed his foot on the head of Mahabali and thrust him down to


brought Indra to the spot and anointed him as the ruler of heaven, in the presence of all the gods and hermits. Indra sent Vfimana with the Lokapalas
to the

That is all what I want." Mahabali agreed. The teacher-priest Sukra

doubts regarding the identity of
ly told



Mahabali that the boy Vamana was none other than Mahavisnu and as such, he should not give any promise. But Mahabali had already given the promise. He refused to go back upon his words. The priest Sukra got angry at this and cursed Mahabali thus. "You boast that you are wise and learned. But you are and unwise. So all your slow-witted disobedient,
prosperities will be destroyed." Though he was cursed, he did not deviate from the the promised ground to path of truth. He gave Vamana by pouring water with the water brought

Vamana. So he

also are used in the Puranas for Vindhyavali the wife of Mahabali. She came out for ornaments. Mahabali the purpose wearing golden himself washed the feet of Vamana, who instantly

ASana and Kotara

golden pot by


queen Vindhyavall. The

there as Indra. The mighty established his rule Hiranyakasipu was travelling on themouniain Mandara as an official under Dhundhu. The defeated and grief-stricken Devas went to the world of Brahma and lived there. Dhundhu, who knew

That asura did penance and pleased Brahma. He made a request that he should not be killed by Indra and the other gods or anybody else. Brahma, who was at his penance, gave him ihe boon he asked. pleased The boy Dhundhu, at the beginning of the fourth Kaliyuga, during the period of Hiranyakasipu, went to heaven and defeating Indra and the other Devas,

(Indra, Agni, Yama and Varuna) in a divine Vimana world of Visnu. (Bhagavata Skandha 8). b) The second story of the incarnation of Vamana. Dhundhu, an asura boy, was born to Kagyapa by his wife Danu.


drive them out of that place also. He the priest and teacher of asuras, to requested Sukra, tell him the means of doing it. Sukra said. "Devendra was enabled to enter the



grow and became large beyond imagination. began Everybody on the spot was amazed at the unimaginable bigness of Vamana. On that huge figure, Mahabali saw the priest, the performers of sacrificial rites, the sacrito
ficial hall,

presence of Brahma,


because he had performed


horse- sacrifices.



Dhundhu, with

the universe, the elements, the qualities the mind, the individual spirits, and at the feet of the figure the world Rasatala. He saw the earth on its feet, mountains below the knees, birds on its knees, the Maruts on its thighs, evening on its clothes, the Prajapatis on its privities, the noble and mighty asuras on its loins, the sky on its navel, the oceans on its stomach, Dharma (duty) in its heart, Tightness and truth on its
senses, the

the permission of the teacher Sukra, began to perfoim sacrifice in the holy place called Pracina tirtha. Hearing that Dhundhu had begun the horse-sacrifice, Indra and the Devas trembled with fear and, leaving the world of Brahma, went to the world of Visnu and

came to know of everything and consoled them and sent them back. After this Mahavisnu look the form of a Vamana
prayed for protection. Bhagavan

on its chest, songs neck, all the gods beginning with Indra on its hands, the points (directions) on its ears, the ether on its head, the clouds on its hair, breaths in its nose, the sun in its eyes, fire on its face, the Vedas ip its words, Varuna in its tongue,


Saman and

Mahalak^mi holding


other voices in

day and night agreement and disagreement in its winkIn its touch there was ing and anger on its forehead. desire, in its radiance there was water, in its buttocks lawlessness, sacrifice in its steps, death in its shadow,

was seen by Mahabali. Vamana had trodden on the whole of the earth, which was completely under the cont ol of Mahabali, with one foot, filled the whole of the sky with his large body and the four points were filled with his hands. The second step was put on Maharloka, Janaloka and Tapoloka ( three worlds). No spot was
in the universe for a third step. Vamana said : "You have given

illusion in its laugh, medicines in its hairs, rivers in its veins, stones in its nails, Brahma in its intelligence, hermits, devas etc. in its life-breaths. Thus the figure

brother to divide the property of our brother quoted several rules and said that I was not entitled to get any portion of my father's wealth. I spoke against him and getting angry he caught me by my hair and threw me into the river. It is a year since I, being not able to swim, began to sink and come up in this river. Thus you have seen me here."

and jumped into the Devikajala and lay afloat like a piece of dry wood. Dhundhu and the hermits saw by chance, Vamana sinking and coming up in the water. They took the Vamana-Brahmin out of water and asked him how he had fallen in water. Vamana replied with shiver: "In the family of Varuna (here was a Brahmin named Prabhasa, who was a scholar. I am Gatibhasa, the younger of his two sons. After the death of father,



to give this boy a well-furnished house, servant-maids and plenty of wealth." Hearing this Dhundhu said to Vamana. "I will provide you with wealth, servant-

The Bhargavas who were present Dhundhu thus. "Oh King of the

there, asuras

Be pleased



Vamana humbly

maids, house, gold, cows, land, clothes etc."


Dhundhu "Oh Lord






have measured two


the place to measure the third step. I have measured the earth with one step and the heaven with the second You have seen it. If you cannot your promise step.

of ground.

Show me


Vamana began

not want any wealth. It is my desire for wealth that has brought me to this plight. I request you to give me only three feet of ground." As soon as the asura-King complied wilh his request,


like the

moon. He assumed the






measure the third step, and fell on Dhundhu. By this heavy fall there appeared a great cavity thirty thousand yojanas deep. Bhagavan Visnu took the asura Dhundhu and threw him into that deep pit with a mighty force, and by a shower of dust he filled the cavity. Indra with the Devas occupied the world of Gods. Leaving the asura King in the sea of dust, Bhagavan jumped into the river Kalindi and disappeared. (Padma Purana, Chapter 78).
II. One of the eight elephants supporting universe. This elephant was one of the four sons of Iravati. Airavata, Supratlka and Anjana were the other three. (Brahmanda Purana, 3 7 This 292) Vamana was the conveyance of a famous giant in the army of Ghatotkaca during the battle of Bharata.
: : .

shape of Trivikrama to measure each of the three worlds with a foot. In two steps he measured all the worlds. Vamana whose body was bigger than Mahameru became angry when he did not see place to

Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 41, that if a bath is taken in this holy place one could bring about the uplift of one's race. VAMSAVALl. (GENEALOGY). The genealogy of the characters in the Puranas is given separately at the end of this book. VAMYA. Name of the horse of the hermit Vamadeva.

VANAPARVA. An important Parva in Mahabharata. VANAPRASTHA. (House-holder in the forest).' One of



Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 41


Ramayana first among

the four stages of

(See under Asrama). Monkeys are given a prominent place in the Puranas. Considering them as born in the family of Hanuman, an ardent devotee of Sri Rama, some worship monkeys. It is mentioned in Valmiki

that the monkeys got a prominent place the gods and spirits. It is stated in Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 33, that the leaders of the monkeys were Bali, Sugriva, Aiigada,

(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 60, Verse 56). VAMANA III. A holy place situated on the borders of Kuruksetra. By bathing in the particular spot called Visnupada, in this holy place and worshipping Vamana, one could enter the world of Visnu. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 86, Stanza 103).

Mainda, Gavaya, Dvivida,



become miserable. VAMANA V. A mountain in the Kraunca (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 12).

worship Hari

Vana Parva, Chapter


holy place.

It is stated in Maha84, Stanza 13, that those in this place will never



(See under Purana).

Vijayanagara. The two plays, named Parvatiparinaya and 'Kanakarekha' were also written by the same poet.

great Sanskrit poet. It is believed that he lived in the 15th century. He has written several poems and plays. His poetic works are 'Nalabhyudaya' and 'Raghunathacarita'. The former consists of eight Kandas and the latter, thirty Kandas. It is stated that Vamanabhattabana was the teacher of Vidyaranya. Besides these two major works, he had written several poems and dramas. Imitating the poem 'Meghasandesa' of Kalidasa, he had written a poetic work of the same type called 'Hamsasandesa'. A minor Drama called Smgarabhusana was written by this Vamana. It is said that this drama was acted at

are yellow in colour. Those which live in Maha Meru and Dhumra (smoky) mountain have the colour of the rising sun and are drunkards." VANASPATI I. Those trees which produce fruits without flowering are called Vanaspati according to Manusmrti Chapter 1, Stanza 47. Atti (fig tree) is an example. (Apuspah phalavanto ye te vanaspatayas smrtah) VANASPATI II. One of the seven sons of the King Ghrtaprstha. (Bhagavata, Skandha 5) VANAVA. A country famous in the Puranas. (Bhisma
. .

Gavaksa, Gaja, Sarabha, Suryaksa, Hanuman, Vidyunma.li, Vlrabahu, Subahu, Nala, Kumuda, Jambavan, Tara, Supatala, Sunetra, Nila and Dadhivaktra. The social life of the monkeys, is described as follows in the Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 33. "Mahendra mountain, the Himalayas, the Vindhya mountain, the peaks of Kailasa and Sveta mountain, Mandara mountain etc. are the places mostly inhabited by monkeys. On the mountains shining like the rising sun, on the east of the western ocean also monkeys live. The Monkeys which inhabit black soil are blue in colour. Monkeys which live in red arsenic caves



eighteen Puranas.

attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 23) VAMK.SU. A river which is famous in the Puranas. The low-caste people who lived on the basin of this river, came to the Rajasuya (imperial consecration) of Yudhistfiira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 17).



daughter born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Pradha. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 45). A holy bath. The rivers Sona and Narmada start from this bath. In Mahabharata, Vana
Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 9, it is stated that by visiting holy bath one could obtain the fruits of performing
a horse-sacrifice.


Danu. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva Chapter 65, Stanza 25, that he was the most prominent of the ten sons of Danu. VANAYU II. A son born to UrvaSi from Pururavas. The sons of UrvaSi were Ayus, Dhiman, Amavasu, Drdhayu Satayu and Vanayu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 75, Stanza 25). VANAYU III. A country in ancient India. Mention Bhisma is made about this country in Mahabharata, Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 56.

Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 54) country in ancient India. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 58) I. A son born to Prajapati Kasyapa of his

bird. The cry of this bird, is believed to forebode victory. (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda Sarga 69, Stanza 22) VANDANA. A hermit mentioned in Rgveda. Once this hermit was pushed into a well by Asuras. But he was saved by the AsVinidevas. (Rgveda, Mandala 1,

boundary of Kuruksetra.


place situated on the stated in Mahabharata,



Sukta 116). river famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 18).

scholar and scientist in the palace of King Janaka. He defeated the hermit Kahodaka in an argument and dipped him in water.





Daughter of the King


of Sindhu.


of Marutta.

(Markandeya Purana,


(For further details see under Asfavakra). VANDlNA. See under Vandi.


King who was the grandson of emperor and the son of Rudrasva. Vaneyu was born to Rudrawa by a celestial woman named Misrakegi. Ten sons named Vaneyu, Rceyu, Kakseyu, Krpaneyu,

and Santateyu, were born to this celestial woman. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 8). VAixIGA. An important stale in ancient India. The
ments occur
country is Bengal. Several statePuranas about Variga. The following are the statements about Variga given in the Mahabharata.






in the

(i) Arjuna visited this country during his pilgrimage. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 214, Stanza 9). (ii) Bhlmasena attacked Variga. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 23). The Kings of Variga visited Yudhisthira with (iii) presents. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Stanza 18). (iv) Kama conquered this country during his regional conquest. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 254, Stanza 8) (v) In the Bharata battle the King of Variga confronted Ghatotkaca and was defeated. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 92, Stanza 6). (vi) Once Sri Krsna conquered the country of Variga. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 15). (vii) Para^urama exterminated the Ksatriyas of Variga. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 70, Stanza 12). (viii) The low castes of Variga attacked the sacrificial horse led by Arjuna who killed every one of them. (MJB. Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 29) VA5IGRDA. An asura. It is mentioned in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 1, Sukta 10, that the Kings Atithigva and Rjisva, with their armies surrounded the cities of the asuras Karanja, Parnaya and Vangrda and that Indra helped the two Kings. VANJULA. See under Vidura II. VAPUS I. A daughter of Daksa. Dharmadeva married her. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 7). VAPUS II. A celestial maid. She made a futile attempt to hinder the penance of the hermit Durvasas, and by the curse of the hermit she had to take birth as the daughter of Kundhara by Menaka in the next birth. (Markandeya Purana, 1, 49, 56; 2, 41). VAPUSMAN. Son of Sankrandana, the King of Vidarbha. Dama, a famous King of Dista dynasty carried away by stealth Sumana, the daughter of Caruvarma, the King of Dasarna, in consequence of which Vapusman and Dama became enemies.


prominent queen of King Janamejaya. bhe was the daughter of Suvarnavarma, the King of Kaxi. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 2). Vapustama had two sons, Satanlka and Sarikukarna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 86). VARADA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 64). VARADANA. A holy place near Dvaraka. It was here that Durvasas gave Bhagavan Sri Krsna boons (Vara). From that day this became a holy place. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, that those who take bath in this holy place would obtain the fruits of giving a thousand cows as alms. VARADASAfsIGAMA. A holy place. Those who take bath in this holy place would obtain the fruits of giving a thousand cows as alms. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 35).
ancient hermit. It






bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 17, that this hermit stayed in the palace of Yudhisthira. A holy place in the middle of Kuruksetra. II. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 88, that Mahavisnu stayed in this place for a while in the shape of Varaha (Boar) and that those who bathe in this holy bath would obtain the fruits of performing the sacrifice Agnistoma. III. (Boar). One of the ten incarnations of

Vapusman waited for an opportunity to take revenge and when a convenient moment came, he killed Narisyanta the father of Dama. Indrasena the mother of Dama told him of his father's murder and then jumping into the funeral pyre of her husband, she died. Because of grief at the loss of his parents and anger towards the slayer, Dama started wilh a mighty army and engaged Vapusman in a fierce battle. "He killed Vapusman in the battle and with his blood he made offerings to the spirits of his parents. (Markandeya
Purana, 133).

Jagadamba was pleased. She appeared before him and asked him what boon he wanted. Manu requested that

order to get the earth back. At this time Manu Svayambhuva, the son of Brahma, was living with his father looking after his welfare. The father, who was pleased with the services of his son said. "My dear son, you should worship Devi, who will be pleased with your devotion and will bless you. If she is pleased with you, you will become a famous Prajapati." Hearing the words of Brahma, Svayambhuva worshipped Devi with ardent devotion, deep meditation and severe vows and penance, at which

incarnation. Jaya and Vijaya, two doorMahavisnu showed disrespect towards the famous hermits Sanaka and others who went to visit Mahavisnu. The angry hermits cursed them to take birth as asuras. Accordingly Jaya and Vijaya took birth as the two asuras Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu and were born from Prajapati Ka^yapa by his wife Diti. Even their birth itself was inauspicious. Once, while KaSyapa was carrying on evening worship, his wife was filled with libid. She embraced Kasyapa. Because she got pregnancy in an inauspicious moment, two asura sons were born. At the time of their birth darkness spread over the whole of the world, and some ill omens were seen. The Devas (gods) trembled. The elder son was called Hiranyaksa and the second son was called Hiranyakasipu. As Hiranyakfa grew up he began to quarrel with the Devas. When the fight grew fierce, he picked up the earth in his hands as a ball and went under water. There was left only water. The Devas went to Mahavisnu and prayed to him in

Mahavisnu. 1 this ) Need for


he should be permitted to carry on creation without any obstruction. Devi gave him permission. Manu




was known only to the giants, such as Ravana. and others. This Varamani was kept in an underground cell of a harem near the Kali temple in the
Patala. battle between Rama and Ravana was going on. Hanuman made a fort coiling his tail like a spring and Rama and Laksmana stayed inside this fort. While they were sleeping, Patala Ravana made a tunnel under the

returned to his father Brahma and said. "Father, point out tome a solitary place. I will sit there and create subjects by the blessings of Devi." Only when he heard the request cf his son, did Brahma begin to think about the exigency of providing his son with such a place. For, the earth was completely under water. For a long time even Brahma was being subjected to much inconvenience to carry on creation. Only Bhagavan Adi Narayana (Visnu) could do anything in this matter. So Brahma with the Manus, hermits and others began to meditate on Mahavisnu. 2) Incarnation. Instantly the young one of a Boar jumped out of the nose of Brahma through his breath. That divine figure of Boar stood in the air and began to grow. Within a few moments, it became a colossal Being. It grew up as big as an elephant. Soon it became as large as a mountain. Seeing this, Brahma and the others stood in amazement. The Boar made a grunt in a loud roaring sound. The people of Janaloka, Satyaloka etc. understood that it was the sound of Maha-


and Laksmana. (Kamba Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda) VARAfclA. A river famous in the Puranas. It is mentioned in Vamana Purana that the river Varana which flowed from (he right leg and the river Asi, which

earth and carried away Rama and Laksmana. Vibhisana knew this, only next day morning. Instantly he sent Hanuman to Patala. In accordance with the advice of Vibhlsana, Hanuman went directly to the cell in the harem, took Varamani and put it in his mouth. Then he fought with Patala Ravana and defeated him. Thus with the help of the Varamani Hanuman rescued Rama

They raised glory and praise to Bhagavan, who heard all these praises, but without condescending to tell anything, looked at all of them with grace and love, and with a mighty force jumped into the sea. It was

VaranasI )

left leg of Bhagavan, who lies in conat Prayaga, are two holy rivers. (See under templation


from the


and snorting and found out the earth. He slowly lifted the it on his tusks and started from there. On the way, fierce and wicked Hiranyaksa hindered him. Bhagavan Visnu used his club Nandaka and killed Hiranyaksa. It was besmeared with his blood; Mahavisnu came up to

Varuna prayed to him to save him from them. Bhagvan folded his mane and went down to the deep water and made a search for the earth. The Boar walked smelling

immensely troubled by the manes of God Almighty.

in ancient Bharata. It is mentioned Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 31, that the army of the Kauravas had surrounded this

A country



(VARAliTASl). Kasi.

(Before reading the to the details given

information given here refer about Ka^I under Ka.si and

the surface of water with the earth. He set the earth firm over the water. Thus Brahma gave Manu a place in the earth which floated on the water like a lotus-leaf, and empowered him to perform creation. The goddess Earth, the 3 ) Incarnation of Boar again. deity of earth which was raised to the surface of water, fell in love with Mahavisnu and embraced him. He embraced her in return. These mutual embraces conti-

Divodasa). 1 The name Vdrandsi. Formerly this place was known ) as Prayaga. Later it got the name VaranasI and then Kas'I. The name VaranasT is originated from two rivers. Bhagavan Yogas ayi who stays in Prayaga was born from a portion of Mahavisnu. From the right leg of Yogasayl the river Varana started and from his left leg the river Asi started. These two rivers are praised and worshipped all over the world. The temple of Yogasayl

As the place

situated in the place between these is situated between Varana

two rivers. and Asi it is

Devavarsa (year of God) and consequently the goddess Earth became tired and weak and unconscious. So the earth slid down a little under water. Bhagavan took the form of a Boar again and lifted the earth to its original place and returned to Vaikuntha. (Bhagavata, Skandha 3; Devi Bhagavata Padma Skandhas 8 and 9 Agni Purana, Chapter 5 Purana, Bhumikhanda, Chapter 91 ). VARAHA IV. A mountain near Girivraja, the capital city of Magadha. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chap-



one complete


ter 21,

serpent born in the family of DhrtaThis serpent was burned in the sacrificial fire of Janarnejaya. (M.B.Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza

Stanza 2).



(demi god) This Yaksa remains in the palace of Kubera. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 13, Stanza 16). VARAHAMBA. An asura. Mention is made about him in Mahabharata, Sanfi Parva. Chapter 227, Stanza 52. PURAJVA .See under Purana.


given a boon that only he who fought with this jewelbeetle in his mouth could kill Patala Ravana. This



of jewel.

Brahma had

(i) Bhisma went to Kasi and took Amba, Ambika and Ambalika, the daughters of the King of Kasi, to his kingdom by force. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 102, Stanza 3). (ii) VaranasI is a holy place of pilgrimage. By bathing in Kapilahrada, a holy bath there, and worshipping Sankara, one could obtain the fruits of performing the sacrifice Rajasuya. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 78) (iii) The middle part of Varanasi is called Avimukta. Those who forsake their lives at Avimukta will obtain heaven. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 79) (iv) Once Sri Krsna made VaranasI a prey to fire. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 48, Stanza 76). named Tuladhara Vaii'ya (v) A very great scholar once lived in VaranasI. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 261, Stanza41). (vi) Once, in ancient days, Siva imparted to the hermit Jaiglsu at this place, the eight miraculous attainments such as anima, garima etc. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 18, Stanza 37). (vii) Varanasi is equal to the capital city of Indra

called Varanasi. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 3). 2) Other information.

(Amaravati). (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 16). In ancient days a hermit named Samvartta (viii)
used to


showed him the dance and brought him back. The boy
guests. They were immensely pleased. The guests had actually been 3) Getting a teacher. searching for a boy who could understand anything at

performed every item of the dance he saw,

before the

come here daily to worship Siva. It was at this place that the emperor Marutta accepted the hermit Samvartia as his priest. (M.B. ASvamedha Parva,
Chapters 6 and


place where Duryodhana built the the Pandavas. It is believed that the modern village Varnava, 19 miles north east to Meerut in North India, is the place where this Puranic Varanavata stood. Information about Varanavata found in
the ministers of Dhrtarastra made a consultation about the festival in this city. (M.B. Adi

the first hearing. There was reason for it. In the great city of Nandaraja, there was a great Brahmin named Saukarasvami. He had two sons named Varsa and Upavarsa. Both married and lived in




given below

Parva, Chapter 192, Stanza 3). (ii) Varanavata was one of the five villages requested for by the Pandavas, on their return after their life in the

VARAivIGl I. The wife of Vajrariga, an asura. (For more details see under Parvati, Para 2). VARAJNlGl II. Wife of Sarhyati, a King of the Lunar dynasty. The father of this Varaiigl was Drsadvan. A son named Ahamyati was born to Varangl. (M.B. Adi

(M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 19) Yuyutsu, the son of Dhrtarastra, carried on a battle here for six months. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 1 9, Verse 58)
. .

could learn at

separate houses. By and by Varsa became cruel and wicked and poor. Upavarsa became learned and wealthy. The rainy season approached. In those days it was a custom for women to make a sweet food of rice flour with sugar and give it to cruel Brahmins. It was to prevent the extreme cold in the winter and the extreme heat in the summer from affecting them severely. The wife of Upavarsa made this sweet food and gave it to Varsa. When he brought it home, his wife scolded him. Varsa felt very sorry because of his foolishness. He gave up all his desires and began to worship Kumarasvami. Kumarasvami was pleased with him and blessed him with all kinds of knowledge. Kumarasvami had ordered him to teach all of this knowledge to one who could learn at first hearing. From that day onwards Varsa had been waiting for a disciple who


given under Bhartrhari)


Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 14). ancient Indian scholar in astronomy and astrology. (Some details regarding Vararuci are

Parvati some previous Puspadanta eavesdropped and heard everything. Parvati understood this and cursed him to become a man. Accordingly Puspadanta was born in the city of KausambI under the name Vararuci or Katyayana. (For details about the curse see under Gun ad hy a). Vararuci was born as the son 2) Of sharp intelligence. of the Brahmin Somadatta at KausambI. Agnisikha was another name of Somadatta. Vasudatta was the mother of Vararuci. In the previous birth, Vasudatta was a hermit maid. Due to a curse she lost her hermit-maidhood and took birth as a woman under the name Vasudatta and became the wife of Somadatta. As his father died in his childhood, Vararuci was brought up by his mother. She was in great penury after the death of her husband. One day two travellers came to her house. While they were sitting on the veranda, the sound of a conch was heard. Then the mother called Vararuci and said to him. "Son, the dance of Nanda, the friend of your father, is about to begin." Vararuci requested his mother to let him go to the temple and see the dance so that he might learn it. Hearing this, the guests were amazed. How can one learn dance by seeing only once ? That was the doubt in the minds of the travellers. "Vararuci could learn anything by hearing only once", his mother said. As a test, they recited to him a portion from the Vedas. Vararuci repeated the portion to them without any mistake. After this the guests took the boy and

Kathasaritsagara, Kathapithalambaka, Taranga 1, that Vararuci was the rebirth of a Gananayaka (guard of Siva) named Puspadanta.

It is stated in






stories of the Vidya.dh.aras.

sorry to hear it. Still they did not turn back. They reached the house of Varsa, and entered the house which was the abode of rats and bats, the walls of which were crumbling due to rain as it had not been thatched for a long time. The courtyard was full of Cassiatora

During this period there lived two Brahmins named DevasvamI and Karambhaka in the city of Vetasapura. They were friends. A son was born to each of them. The son of DevasvamI was named Vya.ll. The name of the son of Karambhaka was Indradatta. When Vyali was a child, his father died. Seeing their grief the father of Indradatta left the country. Both of the boys, having nobody to look after them, went to perform Subrahmanya penance, before Subrahmanyasvaml. ordered them in their sleep to go to Varsa in Patalika, the city of King Nanda, and to learn every thing from him. The boys immediately went to the city of King Nanda and enquired about the teacher Varsa. The people told them that Varsa was a fool. They were


Inside the house, here and there on the floor, Cyperus-grass was growing. The wife of Varsa who was in utter penury stood up and welcomed them. She told them about her husband. ''He is waiting for a disciple

who would

and Indradatta agreed to bring such a disciple and they started on a journey in search of such a boy. They were the two travellers who came to the house of
Vararuci. Vyali said all about these things to the mother of Vararuci. She was very glad and said. "Everything

learn everything



hearing." Vyali


voice said


If he has interest in good things he will get the Vararuci. So I had been thinking how and where to find this teacher Varsa." Next morning, with the permission of his mother, Vararuci started for the house of Varsa, with Vyali and

He will learn everything from the teacher He will publish works in grammar and astro-

an ethereal At the birth of my son, "At first hearing he will learn every-



Indradatta. They reached the house of Varsa. Next morning they smeared and purified the floor and the three sincere and simple disciples sat facing the east. The teacher Varsa recited to them the divine spell 'Om', and instantly all the Vedas and the ancillaries of Vedas made their appearance. The teacher commenced


us should live by eating the whole food, to take revenge on the Yoga Nanda King. Who will do so?" Sons: We don't think that we are powerful to do that. So you must live, father So Sakatala ate the whole food and lived while his sons, one by one, died of hunger before his eyes. Sakatala

The three disciples learned, Vararuci teaching. hearing only once, Vyali hearing twice and Indradatta hearing thrice. Hearing these divine recitations and repetitions which were not to be heard anywhere else,

Brahmins crowded to the place. King Nanda of Patallputra praised the teacher Varsa and sent him plenty of wealth and conferred on him ranks and

and went home. Indradatta and Vararuci lived as king and minister. 6) Loss of minister ship. By and by Indradatta had fallen into bad ways. The subjects were beset with famine. The people hated the king and the minister. They made
a cry to bring Sakatala back. They obtained the permission of the king and brought Sakatala out of the dungeon. Sakatala knew that so long as Vararuci was alive, he could do nothing to the King Yoga Nanda. So he decided to wait for an opportunity, and accepted an office under Vararuci. One day Yoga Nanda went out for a walk. He saw in the Ganges the palm of a hand with five fingers. He called Vararuci and asked him what the sight was. Vararuci showed two fingers in that direction. Immediately the palm of the hand disappeared. The King was amazed at this and asked him for its meaning. He said "The meaning of showing fingers was that if five men unite together, they could
I showed two fingers, to mean that two men unite together they also could achieve anything." At this reply the king was much pleased and

middle of the Skeletons with the sole purpose of taking revenge. Vyali gave the present to the teacher
sat in the

4) Marriage. Vararuci learned everything from the teacher Varsa. He went with his friends once to see the Indra-festival. There, Vararuci happened to see Upakosa the daughter of Upavarsa and fell in love with her. That night he did not sleep. At last he slowA divine woman clad in white ly closed his eyes. garments appeared before him. It seemed to him that the woman said to him. "You need not worry in this matter. Upakosa was your wife in the previous birth. She will marry only you. I am SarasvatI who pervades your body." Vararuci woke up. Next day the elders came to know of this, and gave her in marriage to Vararuci.
5) Vararuci becoming a Minister. Education was finished. It was time for Vyali and Indradatta to give presents to the teacher Varsa. The teacher demanded a crore of Vilkas (a Venetian ducat used for neck-ornament) They were not having so much wealth. They went with Vararuci to Nanda, the King of Ayodhya, and the Brother-in-law of Vararuci. When they reached Ayodhya, they heard that the King had just died. Indradatta said "By the practice of contemplation I shall enter the body of the King. Vararuci should come and beg money of me. Till my return Vyali must keep my body." "The spirit of Indradatta immediately entered the King's body. The dead King rose up. People were struck with wonder. They celebrated a festival. Vyali kept the body of Indradatta within a temple. Vararuci went to the presence of the King and begged for a crore of Vilkas. The King called his minister Sakafala and told him to give Vararuci a crore of Vilkas. Sakatala, who was an intelligent man, felt some doubt in the coming to life of the King. He decided that some one might have entered the body of the King. He ordered that every dead body in the city should be burnt. Along with the bodies, the body of Indradatta also was taken by force from Vyali. At this time the King compelled Sakatala to give the beggar Vilkas. But till the dead bodies were burnt, Sakatala did not obey him. Because his body was burnt Indradatta had to remain in the body of the King. Sakatala gave Vararuci the required amount. But of what use was the money ? Indradatta had become the King. The King and Vyali made a secret consultation, as a result of which Vararuci was made the Prime Minister. Sakatala was charged with Brahmahatya and was put into a dungeon with his hundred sons. They were allowed fried and powdered grain and a 'ceratu' (a measure) of water as food for each. Sakatala said to his sons. "My sons, all of us cannot

accomplish anything.



Brahmin guest through the window. He got angry and ordered that Brahmin to be killed. When that Brahmin was being taken to the scaffold, a dead fish, placed for The king asked Vararuci for its sale, laughed loud. reason. Saying that he had to consider about it before giving a reply, he went out and meditated upon SarasvatI. Devi appeared and told him. "If you climb up to the top of this palm tree and sit there to night you will understand why the dead fish laughed." Vararuci did as he was told. A fierce giantess came there with her young ones. The children began to ask her for food. The giantess told them that they would get the flesh of a Brahmin next day, and that he was not killed that day because the dead fish had laughed. The young ones asked her why the dead fish laughed. The giantess said "The wives of the kings are not chaste. In all harems
live in the guise of women. Without stopping this the king was going to kill an innocent Brahmin. That is why the dead fish laughed."


Sakatala felt miserable at the intelligence of Vararuci. another occasion the King saw his wife looking at a


with so



The most


one among

who heard this conversation, got down when the giantess was gone. He went to the king and told him why the fish laughed. The king made a sudden search in the harem. He found out some men in the dress of women. The king honoured Vararuci and released the Brahmin. One day an artist who drew He drew a portrait of portraits, came to the palace. the king and the queen and placed it before the king. The picture was life-like. The king gave the artist several presents. Once Vararuci happened to enter the bed-room of the king. He saw the picture on the wall. The picture was beautiful. Still, considering the appearance of each part of her body the queen ought to have a mole on her loin. Vararuci put that mole in the When Vararuci had gone the king entered the picture.

room and saw
servant, the picture. thought that Vararuci
the queen.

the mole in the picture. Thekingasked his that person was who had put that mole in He replied that it was Vararuci. The king

house. Everybody who saw Vararuci began to cry. Not knowing the reason, he stood dumbfounded. Upavarsa came to him and said that when the news about the slaughter of Vararuci reached home, Upakosa got into fire and his mother died of broken heart. The griefstricken Vararuci went to the forest for penance. After this Sakatala waited for an opportunity to bring


had nocturnal connections with was in this way that Vararuci found out men in the dress of women. The king calkd Sakatala to him and told him to kill Vararuci secretly. Sakatala felt pity on Vararuci and hid him in a place. Vararuci told Sakatala "No body can kill me. My
friend is a giant. If I think of him.



will come to me the moment him he will swallow the whole


Indradalta (Yoga Nanda) down. Once he had been walking out side the city when he saw a Brahmin digging a pit. Sakatala asked him why he was digging the " I stumbled on this He

he heard this, Sakatala desired to see Vararuci thought of him and the giant the giant. appeared. Sakafala was terribly afraid of the giant. Vararuci made him disappear. Sakatala asked him how he got the friendship of the giant. Vararuci replied. "\Vhileyouwere in the dungeon, a city chief was disapfind pearing daily from this city. The king asked me to out the reason. One night, while I was walking through the city, I saw this giant. He asked me. "Who is the most beautiful woman in this city ?" I replied "Whoever is the falls in love with a woman, to him, that woman most beautiful. You who do not know this principle, He said "You are a fool." The giant had no answer. I am glad of it. The moment alone have defeated me. you think of me I will come and help you." Saying
this the giant disappeared. friends."


also came there. The king ordered 'agrabhojana' (first meal) to be given to Subandhu. Canakya trembled with fury. At that time his lock of hair was loosened.

Darbha grass. So replied rooting it out." Sakatala resolved to make use of this Brahmin to achieve his purpose. His name was Canakya. Sakalala took Canakya to the palace. ceremony of ollerings to the manes was being conducted in the Palace. Another Brahmin named Subandhu



took a


Thenceforward we became

Shortly, the prince began to sleep. push that man down. The bear said that he would not deceive his friend. The disappointed lion sat under the tree. Then the bear slept and Hiranyagupta sat awake. The lion asked the prince to push the bear down. Thinking that he could save his life by complying with the request of the lion, he pushed the bear down. Fortunately the hold of the bear was firm and so it did not fall. The bear cursed Hiranyafast friends.


Sakatala felt great respect for Vararuci. Hiranyagupta, the son of Yoga Nanda, went for hunting. His horse ran fast and he was separated from his army and got into a deep forest far away. He ate some fruits and plums and got on a tree to rest for the night. At that time a lion chased a bear, which climbed on the same tree. The prince trembled with fear. The bear said "Do not I am your friend." Both talked for a while and fear.
lion asked the bear to


See under Pakkanar. Vararuci began to perform penance in the Vindhya mountain. At that time a brahmin came to the hermitage of Vararuci. He informed Vararuci of the death of Yoga Nanda. Thinking about the littleness of the pleasures of the world, he began to walk through the Vindhya mountain when he saw the devil called Kanabhuti. Telling everything to the devil Kanabhuti, Vararuci started for Badaryasrama to discard his body. On the way he saw a hermit who lived on water alone. In the meanwhile his finger was cut with the tip of Darbha grass and blood oozed from the wound. Vararuci, by his attainments, changed the blood into the juice of a pot-herb. The hermit cried out "Oh, I have become a man of attainments." With a laugh Vararuci said "You have not yet overcome your egoism.

The king caught burning fever and died on the seventh day. Sakatala killed Hiranyagupta. After this Sakatala made Candragupta, the son of the real Nanda who died earlier, the king. Making Canakya his minister, Sakatala went for penance.

killing Yoga Nanda within seven days, would he tie up his lock. Canakya began practising sorcery against the

that only after

pacifying his anger by




did so





"May you become mad." The king was The his son returned a mad man.

repented that he had killed Vararuci. For this was the time when the king needed him most. Sakatala went to the presence of the king and said that Vararuci was still alive. In accordance with the order of the king, Sakatala brought Vararuci. The king

very king

your egoism and become wise." After saying this Vararuci went to Badaryasrama and reached there. He did penance there and Devi appeared. According to her advice he made a fire by contemThen Vararuci plation and burned his body in it. became the old Puspadanta and went to the presence
of Siva.


First of all

you must overcome


showed him his mad son. By the blessing of Sarasvati, Vararuci understood that the prince had deceived his friend, and informed the king of what had happened. Immediately the prince was cured of his madness. Yoga

Nanda asked Vararuci, how he knew

madness of the prince.


gence can understand anything by symptoms and inference." He also said that in this way he knew about When the king heard this he the mole of the queen. bowed down his head. He did not stop to After this Vararuci left the palace. accept the favours of the king. Nor did he pay any heed He reached his to the compulsion of the king to stay.

the cause of the replied. "A man of intelli-

Prabhasa married Varastrl. This woman who was an expounder of the Vedas, pervaded all the creations by the power of harmony with the Supreme Spirit. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 60, Stanza 96 Vayu Purana, 84,




The Vasu named



The preceptor of a hermit called (See under Kautsa). King of the Kurus. Because of his sinful deeds in the previous birth he was denied the happiness of getting children in the next birth. In the rebirth his name was Sridhara. He lived with his wife Prabhavati for a long time, but did not get children. When the hermit Vyasa came to his palace once, the King


asked him for the reason of his remaining childless. Vyasa replied "Oh King, hear why you have only one wife and why you do not get children. In the previous birth you had been a brahmin named Varatanu. Your wife was called Sarikari. When both of you were going somewheie once, you happened to see a lowcaste child falling into water. Without paying any heed


entered intention With this they cotheir dalliance and Seeing hermitage. quetry, the hermit got angry and cursed them to become crocodiles for a hundred years. They implored him with tears, for liberation from the curse. The hermit told them that in due course a noble man would come and get them out of water and that then they would obtain their original form. They walked towards


you went on your way. The child was drowned. of you have taken births in royal families due to the several good deeds of yours, you have become childless because of that one sinful act." According to the instruction of Vyasa, he gave Brahmins alms of gold, clothes, oxen, pumpkin etc. and performed Bala vrata, the rite for the sake of children. Thus he got remission of his sin. Within a year he got a son loved and respected by everyone. That handsome prince became an emperor who came to be the founder of a dynasty. (Padma Purana, Brahma Khanda, Chap-

Though both


a lake. the



they saw Narada.

told them.


ter 6).

of the four sons of Suka.



Prthurasmi, Brhadangiras and Rajata. Devendra killed them because they were against sacrifice. It is stated in Brabmanda Purana that after a while from the severed heads of these sons date palm trees

born in the family of Mahaujas. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Stanza 15) VARGAS I. Son of Soma, one of the eight Vasus. Manohara was the mother of Varcas. Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna was the next birth of Varcas. (For further details see under Abhimanyu). VARCAS II. The son of Sucetas, a Brahmin born in the family of Grtsamada. This Varcas had a son called Vihavya. (M.B. Anu'asana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza


grew up.


mighty King of Vrsni dynasty. following details about him are taken from Mahabharata. (i) He was a great warrior who fought on the side of the Pandavas against the Kauravas. (M.B. Udyoga


forsaken by people. The hermits told him that there was a crocodile in each of the five baths and that they would eat anybody who got into the bath. Arjuna got into a lake. Immediately a crocodile came and caught hold of him. With great difficulty he dragged it out of the lake. Instantly the crocodile changed into a beautiful damsel. The celestial maid Varga told the amazed Arjuna her story and she added that her four friends were lying in the neighbouring four lakes. Arjuna redeemed every one of them. After this, Varga and her friends went to Devaranya and Arjuna to Manalura. From that day onwards the five tirthas came to be known

come and redeem you." According to the words of Narada the five celestial maids walked to the south and reached the Pancatlrtha (the five holy baths) and each of them entered a lake as a crocodile. After this nobody dared to live near those holy baths. After some time Arjuna started on his pilgrimage. He passed through many places and reached the Pancatlrtha. He enquired why the place was

ocean there are five tirthas (holy baths) known as and Karandhama Agastya, Saubhadra, Pauloma, Suprasanna. You may go to these lakes and live there as crocodiles one in each. In due ccurse Arjuna, the son




him everysouthern


of the



as Narltirthas.



eternal God concerned with offerings to the (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza


Bharata battle and was killed by him. Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 21)

Parva, Chapter 171, Stanza 17). (ii) He was present at the Svayarhvara (marriage) of Draupadl. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 9). He confronted the Teacher Krpa in the (iii)

VARISENA. A King. This King stays in the Palace of Yama and worships him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter



Stanza 20).

how Varistha

(M.B. Karna

character in the story of Panca(See under Pancatantra) One of the sons born to Sri Krsna of his


Vajrasirsa, Savana, and Varenya. Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 126)


wife Mitravinda. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). The of the seven sons of Bhrgu. seven sons of Bhrgu were Cyavana, Suci, Aurva, Sukra

Indra were present at the sacrifice. Grtsamada committed some mistakes in the recitation of Samans. Varistha got angry and cursed Grtsamada that he would wander in the forest as an animal for ten thousand one hundred

occurs in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 18. Indra once performed a sacrifice which lasted for a thousand years. Varistha and Grtsamada, as friends of

son of Manu Caksusa. Thefollowing cursed the hermit Grtsamada,



and eighteen

years. Accordingly Grtsamada wandered through forests in the form of an animal for a very long


maid. There



bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 220, describing how Varga and her friends were changed into crocodiles and had tc live in water for a long time. Once there lived an 'apsaras' (celestial maid) named She had four friends called Varga in Devaranya. Saurabheyl, Samici, Budbuda andLata. Once they were








bharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 52, that he had been a King once and that fate made him an


way going They saw the whole forest they saw a hermit. shining with the radiance of the power of penance of the hermit. They decided to entice the hermit

to the

house of Kubera their patron.



became the wife of the ten Pracetases. It is Bhagavata, Skandha 6, that Daksa was born from

Daughter of the hermit Kandu. Adi Parva, Chapter 195, Stanza (M.B.




stated in that she stated in




In ancient days
to the

word 'Varma'

it was the custom to add the names of Ksatriyas. Brahmanas

to add the word Sarma, K"satriyas the word Varma Vais"yas the word Gupta and Sudras the word Dasa to their names according to rules. (Agni Purana, Chapter 153). King of the Lunar dynasty. (Bhagavata




The four castes of Brahmana, Ksatriya, VaiSya and Sudra and the eleven castes produced by
these are

the intermingling of these four castes, only taken into account when we speak of Varna. stand about the four castes of Brahmana,




Vaisya and Sudra, see under Caturvarnya. To know about the eleven mixed castes that originated from the four castes, see under Ekadasasarikara Varnas. VARVAS A&KARA. See under Ekadasasankara Varnas.




teacher of Vararuci.

All of them anointed Varuna as the King of the waters. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 47). Brahma appointed 3) The Guardian of the quarter west. Varuna as the guardian of the western zone. Vaisravana once did penance before Brahma, and when Brahma appeared before him, he made a request that he should be appointed as one of the guardians of the quarters. Brahma replied. "I have already selected Indra, Varuna and Yama as guardians of the points. I was thinking who, the fourth, should be, when you came. So from this day onwards, Indra shall be the guardian of the East, Yama that of the South, Varuna, that of the West and you Vaisravana shall be the guardian of the North." After saying this, Brahma disappeared. Thus Varuna became the guardian of the West. (Uttara
Family. Varuna had several wives and children. Prominent among them were Gaurl and Varunani. Mention is made about the sons Susena, Vandi and Vasistha and daughter Varuni. Carsani was another wife of Varuna. the Prajapati Bhrgu, who died in sacrifice of Daksa took birth as the son of Varuna and CarsanT. Devi Jyesjha, the daughter of Priest Sukra was another wife of Varuna. The children of Jyesfha were Bala, Sura the Suranandini andAdharmaka the destroyer of the elements. The semen of Varuna fell on Valmlka (White-ant-hill) from which the great hermit Valmlki was born. Besides them, Daksasavarni, the ninth Manu was the son of Varuna. Puskara was another son of Varuna. The handsome Puskara was received as husband by the daughter of Soma (Candra). Vandi, who was defeated by the hermit As$avakra at the palace of Janaka was the son of Varuna. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 117, Stanza 9; Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Stanza 52 Adi Parva, Chapter 99, Stanza 5; Vana Parva, Chapter 134, Stanza 24; Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda Sarga 1 7, Stanza 1 3 Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Sarga 46, Stanza 36). Bhadra, the daughter 5) Carrying away Utathya's wife. of Soma (Moon) was extremely beautiful. Soma gave her in marriage to the hermit Utathya. Varuna carried her away. Utathya got angry and drank up the ocean returned Bhadra to Utathya. (For dry. Varuna further details see under Utathya). 6) Theft of Variola's cow by Kafyapa. Kasyapa once decided to perform a sacrifice. He made all preparations. But he did not get the required cow at the stipulated time. So he got the Homadhenu of Varuna by theft and began to perform the yaga (sacrifice) Varuna knew this. Instantly he went to Kasyapa and demanded his cow. But Kasyapa refused to return the to Brahma, who sent for cow. Varuna complained and asked him about the cow and both KaSyapa

(For details sec

An ancient hermit. The Gandharva King VisVavasu learned about the connection between the individual soul and the Universal soul, from this hermit. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 318, Verse 59). VARSAKETU. A King of the Puru dynasty. The father ofVarsaketu was Ksemaka, and his son was Vipu.

under Vararuci) VARSA II. See under Kalamana.



A charioteer of King Nala. It was I. Varsneya who took the prince Indrasena and princess Indrasena to Kundinapura when Nala, after being defeated in the game of dice, went to the forest with Damayanti. After this, Varsneya went to Ayodhya and became the charioteer of King Rtuparna. Varsneya played an important part in finding out Nala. (For more details see under Nala). VARSNEYA II. Another name ofMahavisnu. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 37). VARSNEYA III. An ancient country. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 24, that the King of Varsneya brought presents to the imperial consecration-sacrifice (Rajasuya) of YudhisVARSNEYA.
VARTA. A King of ancient India. This King stays in the palace of Yama praising and worshipping him.

(Agni Purana, Chapter 278).


of the eight guardians of the quarters. 1 ) Birth. Varuna was the son of Prajapati, Kasyapa born of Aditi. He was one of the twelve sons of Aditi. So he is considered to be one of the twelve Adityas (Sons of Aditi). The twelve Adityas are Dhata, Aryaman,

(M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter



Stanza 10)

Mitra, Sakra, Varuna, Arhsa, Bhaga, Vivasvan, Pusa, Savita, Tvasta and Visnu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 15). These twelve Adityas were the twelve Devas (gods) known asTusitas in the Manvantara of Manu Caksusa. A statement occurs in Visnu Purana, ArhSa 1, Chapter 15, that when Vaivasvata Manvantara was about to begin after the end of Caksusa Manvantara, the famous Tusitas united together and took birth as the sons of

Brahma and Varuna cursed Kasyapa that he who had taken the cow by stealth would take birth as a cowherd in Ambadi. (For further details see under Kasyapa
and Nandagopa)


In Krtayuga the Devas approached Varuna and said to him. "You must be the lord of all the waters, as Indra is our protector. You 2) Kingship



7) Cursing HariScandra.

For detailed story see under

Hans' candra.

live in the heart of the ocean.

world, and the ocean which is with Candra you. You will wax and wane along (Moon) ." Varuna agreed to comply with their request.

All the rivers in the their husband will obey

by Sri Rama from Varuna. (Valmiki given Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 77, Stanza 1 ). (ii) The capital city of Varuna one of the eight guard-


Other information.

The Vaisnava bow Bhargava Rama, was





to Patala


ians of the universe was called Sraddhavatl. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8). (iii) At the time of the burning of Khandava forest Krsna and Arjuna helped Agni (Fire). Agni prayed to Varuna to supply Krsna and Arjuna with weapons so that they might fight with Indra. Varuna appeared and gave Arjuna the bow 'Gandiva', a quiver which would never become empty of arrows and a banner with the emblem of a monkey depicted on it. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapters 234 and 237) dedicated in (iv) The image of Varuna should be temples as sitting on a horned shark with a rope in hand. (Agni Purana, Chapter 51). (v)Once Varuna gave exhortations toPuskara, which he in his turn gave to Paras urama. (Agni Purana, Chapter

who came

under world)


was Varuna


to receive

him. (M.B. Mausala Parva,


Chapter 4, Stanza 16). threw (xxii) At the time of his great departure, Arjuna the bow Gandiva and the arrows over the sea to return them to Varuna. (M.B. Mahaprasthana Parva, Chapter 1, Stanza 41 ).

Words such





Ambupati, Amburat, Ambvlsa, Apampati, Devadeva,

Gopati, Jaladhipa,


Jalesvara, Lokapala, Salilaraja, Udakapati, Varipa, Yadasambharta and so on been used as synonyms of Varuna in MahaII.


(vi) It




2, that

in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 2, Varuna and Mitra are the Deities of

Deva Gandharva. It is mentioned in Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 42, that Mahabharata, this Devagandharva was the son of Prajapati Kasyapa born of his wife Muni. VARUNA (S). The sons of Angiras. (See under





which the guardians of the eight points were present. Ravana came to the sacrifice and tried to do harm to the hermits. At the beginning of the attack, the guardians of the points assumed forms of various creatures and escaped from the place. Varuna escaped in the form of a swan. (Uttara Ramayana). (viii) Ravana defeated Yama. On his return he defeated the Uragas (serpents) of Patala (Nether world). After this, he challenged Varuna, who came out with his sons and army and fought with Ravana, who won
(Uttara Ramayana) (ix) Varuna is a member of the assembly of Brahma. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 117, Stanza 51 ). (x) When Arjuna went to the world of Devas, Varuna gave him the weapon Pas a (rope) (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 41, Stanza 27) (xi) Indra, Agni, Yama and Varuna tested Nala and
. .

King Marutta performed

a sacrifice



Payasya )






tioned in
this lake.

lake of God Varuna. It is menMahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 98, Stanza 18, that the god Agni (Fire) always shines in

Mention is made about this Sabha Parva, Chapter 33.



forest in

A wife of Varuna. VARUNASROTASA. A holy place

situated in

the battle.



Dam ay an ti).
Stanza 16).

gave him


(For details



holy place at the mouth of river in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 63, that those who bathe in this place will be filled with radiance and will enter the world of Varuna. VARUNI I. (Varunibhrgu). The hermit Bhrgu having died in the sacrifice of Daksa, took birth again from the sacrifice of Varuna. At this stage the name of Bhrgu

Stanza 10).

South India. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 88,





Once Varuna performed penance along with other gods in ViSakhayupa. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 90,
horses. (For further details see under Rcika). (xiv) At the coronation of Sri Rama, Varuna

was Varunibhrgu. (For further


details see

under Bhrgu

Varuna once gave Rcika thousand black-eared

appearance and proclaimed that Sita was chaste and pure. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 291, Stanza 29). (xv) Varuna had the bow Gandlva in his possession for hundred years. ( M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 43, Stanza 6). (xvi) Once Sri Krsna defeated Varuna. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter )30, Stanza 49). (xvii) Parnasa, the mother of the King Srutayudha once worshipped Varuna with vow and fast and Varuna gave her boons and a club to Srutayudha. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 92) (xviii) Varuna gave Subrahmanya two followers named Yama and Atiyama. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 45) (xix) Besides Varuna gave Subrahmanya an elephant. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 52). Varuna performed a Rajasuya (royal (xx) Once consecration sacrifice) at Yamunatlrtha. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 49, Stanza 11). (xxi) When Balabhadra Rama died and his soul went


II. The daughter of Varuna. When the Devas and the Asuras churned the sea of Milk, four damsels were caused to arise by Varuna and holy pot of Ambrosia, by Soma. The four damsels were Sulaksmi, Varunl, Kamoda and Sresiha, of whom VarunI was married by Devas. (Padma Purana, Bhumi Khanda, Chapter 119). VARUNlTlRTHA. A holy place situated in Pandyadea in South India. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva. Chapter 88, Stanza 13). VARUTHA. A King of the family of Anga. (Agni Purana, Chapter 277) VARUTHINl. A celestial maid. This celestial maid in honour of performed a dance in the palace of Indra, the visit of Arjuna. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 43, Stanza 29).


VAA. A hermit who



is praised in the Rgveda. (Rgveda, Sukta 116). Wife of the Vasu named Arka. (Bhagavata,



person in the story of Udayana. (See

under Udayana).


country in India famous in the Puranas. Sabha Parva, in Mahabharata,



filled with pity and sent Vasistha to her. He went there in the form of a Brahmin boy and taught her how to perform penance. After the return of Vasistha she continued the severe penance to Visnu. Her penance became the subject of talk and wonder everywhere. After a short while Visnu appeared before her sitting on his convey-

Chapter 52, Stanza 15, that the princes of this country gave presents to Yiidhisthira at the time of his sacrifice
of royal consecration. VASATI I. A king of the Candra (lunar) dynasty. He was the eighth son of Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi Parva,



Chapter 94, Stanza 57).


and were employed to protect Bhlsma. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 14). VASATI III. A King who fought on the side of Duryodhana. When Abhimanyu entered Cakra-vyuha of the army formed by Drona this King took a vow that he would commit suicide if he did not kill Abhimanyu and then ran to the scene of the battle. In the fight between Vasati and Abhimanyu, Vasati was killed. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 43, Verses 8-10). VASATIKA. A warrior who fought on the side of the Kauravas against the Pandavas. He was killed in the fight with Abhimanyu. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 44, Stanza 8). VASAVADATTA. Wife of Udayana. (See under

kings of this the Bharata Battle

country in ancient India. The Ksatriya country took the side of the Kauravas in

in the third



each group containing twelve persons, known as the Sudhamas, the Satyas, the Japas, the Pratardanas and the Vasavartins. (For more details see under Manvan-

group of devas (gods). It is said that there were five groups of Devas,

VASAVl. Another name




of Satyavati the mother of (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 63). A son born to Pururavas by UrvasT (Padma


Purana, Srsti Khanda, 12). hermit who was the son of Brahma. 1 The three births ofVasiffha. Vasistha with the radiance ) of Brahma, is very famous in the Puranas. He had three
First birth.
is one of the mental sons of Brahma. birth of Vasistha. born from the lap, Daksa was born from

a) Birth.





That great hermit's sacrifice is being performed in the basin of this river Candrabhaga. Unseen by the Behermits, you should go there and get into the fire. cause of my blessing you will be born from that fire as the daughter of Medhatithi. You should go into the fire thinking of him whom you want to be your husband in this birth." Mahavisnu touched Sandhya with the tip of his finger. Sandhya walked to the sacrificial hall. Seen by none, she got down into the fire. She was burnt in the blazing fire. By the order of Visnu; the God fire placed Sandhya who was burnt in the sacrificial fire, in the Solar region. The sun divided that body into two and placed them in his chariot. The upper portion became the pratassandhya (dawn) between the day and the night and the lower portion became the Sayantana

and childhood. Mahavisnu told her. preordained that this body of yours will be burnt in fire. Medhatithi, (Meghatithi), the son of Priyavrata is performing the great sacrifice called Jyotistoma which is to be completed in twelve It is coming to a years. close. There is none equal to him because of this sacri"It
stages of infancy

ance Garuda. She praised Visnu. Visnu was pleased with her and asked what her desire was. She said: "Lord, creatures should not be sexually excited at their birth. They should have sexual desire only when they are grown up. The three worlds must know that I am chaste. In all my births I should not look at anybody except my husband with sexual desire. The man who looks at me with sexual desire should lose his manliness and become a hermaphrodite." Mahavisnu agreed to her request. It was from that day onwards that sexual desire appeared in creatures in their grown-up stage only, after they have passed the

"Narada was

Arundhati. In her previous birth the name of Arundhati was Sandhya. She was born from the passion of Brahma. As soon as she was born she grew up. Seeing her exquisite beauty the Prajapatis were filled with excitement. Even Brahma, her father, was some-what excited at her teased Brahma. this, Siva, who understood sight.
after Siva, Brahma, Pragone their ways, she remained She said to herself: "The moment I was born, I grew up to be a young woman. My father and my brothers looked at me with desire. I also looked at them excitedly. As an atonement for this sin, I will burn my body in fire. I do not want a body desired by my father and brothers. With this decision she went to the mountain Candrabhaga, which is the source of the river Candrabhaga, and began to perform penance. Brahma who came to know of this,

right thumb, Vasistha from the breath (prana) Bhrgu from the skin, Kratu from the hand of Brahma." In this birth, Arundhati was the wife of Vasistha. Arundhati was known by the name Urja also. There is a Puranic story behind the marriage of Vasistha and

sacrifice, from the centre of the sacrificial fire a girl, like the flame of fire rose up. Medhatithi took that child in his hands and called her Arundhati. The child



evening twilight)



end of the

japatis and the others had there blaming her birth.

Sandhya was ashamed.


became famous throughout the three worlds, as the stood for the principle that on no reason what-soever will righteousness be obstructed. (Rodha means obstruction. So Arundhati is one who cannot be obstructIn some other Puranas Arundhati is given as ed). the daughter of Prajapati Kardama and Devahuti. b) Marriage. Arundhati grew up in the hermitage of Medhatithi. Candrabhaga holy bath which was the playfield of Arundhati, is even today, known as Arundhati tlrtha. Arundhati became five years of age. Brahma saw her when she was playing on the ground after having taken her bath. At the instruction of Brahma, Arundhati was entrusted to Savitri and Bahula for


lived in




wife of the


and completed her education. One day Arundhati happened to see Vasistha who was shining with radiance. They fell in love with each other. Parents and relatives and the elders came to know of this. Savitri patting Arundhati blessed her to become the wife of

Manasa lake with Savitri, SarasvatL, Drupada and such other


Gayatrl, Bahula,




the Iksvaku dynasty. (For details see under Nimi). In the third birth Vasistha was born (iii) Third birth. from a pot as the son of Mitravarunas. In this birth Vasistha was the brother of Agastya. (For detailed In this birth the story see under Agastya, para 2) wife of Vasistha was an Arundhati, who was the sister ofNarada. Thus according to the Puranas, it took three births for Vasistha to complete his life. It is difficult to ascertain, in which particular birth, a particular story, stated in the Puranas, took place. It is probable that a large number of episodes might have taken place in the second and third births. Stories connected with the life of Vasistha are given
. :

The marriage of ArundhatI with Vasistha was conducted in the presence of the Gods. c) Sons. Seven sons, named Citraketu, Purocis, Viraca, Mitra, Ulbana, Vasubhrdyana and Dyuman were born to Vasistha by Arundhati. All the seven of them were

The meaning of the names Vasiflha and Arundhati. The the name Vasistha is given by Vasistha himself as follows: I am known as Vasistha for two reasons. I am 'Vasuman'. The Srutis say that Air, Earth etc. are Vasus. I have become Vasistha because I have brought under control the Vasus beginning with Anima (the power of reducing the body to an atom) See what Arundhati herself says, about the meaning of the name Arundhati. "I consider mountains, earth and heaven as elements in which I live, husonly after considering my band as the element in which I live. My husband is the first and foremost element in my life. Moreover I conform (anurodha) with the mind of my husband. So know me as Arundhati."

meaning of


were two herm

out their


and Visvamitra.

Vasistha and




Brahmin hermit and Visvamitra

who quarrelled with each other throughThe quarrel between Vasistha a


Conjugal fidelity of Arundhati.



for twelve years hearing the stories narrated by the Brahmin. When the hermits returned from Himalayas, Siva assumed his original form and said, "Hermits This woman, sitting in the hermitage, has acquired more penance than you have acquired in the Himalayas. Good woman What boon do you want ?" She requested that that place should be known as the holy place called 'Badarapacana (cooking of Ziziphus fruits)

Arundhati alone in a forest and went to the Mountain Himalayas to gather fruits and roots. In those days, due to severe summer, the earth became a wilderness. So the hermits lived in the Himalayas. Arundhati all alone did penance in the forest. On one day Siva took the form of a Brahmin and going near Arundhati requested her for alms. She replied: "There are only Ziziphus fruits here, and nothing else to eat." The Brahmin asked her to boil them. She placed the pot of Ziziphus fruits on the oven and sat there hearing the good stories told by the Brahmin. Thus without thinking about her hunger or thirst she sat there

hermits) once

baptarsis (the seven

Siva allowed a holy place.


Even today

that place



so many devas were dead at the sacriVasistha also died along with them. Arundhati followed her husband. After death both of them entered the firmament and became two stars. g) Seeing Arundhati. In India there is a custom of showing the women, the star Arundhati. Arundhati is the first of the women who took only one husband in her life. The meaning of this custom is this that this mentality of Arundhati should be acquired by the married women of India. Moreover, if the star stands in front of the star Vasistha, it is considered to forebode calamities in the world. ( Kalika Purana)

f) Death. fice of Daksa,



Second birth. General information. Vasistha who died at the sacrifice of Daksa took birth again from the sacrificial fire of Brahma. Aksamala was the wife of this Vasistha. Aksamala was the rebirth of Arundhati. So, in some Puranas, both are shown as one. This birth of Vasistha was terminated by the curse of emperor Nimi of

replied fhat the cow Kamadhenu in his hermitage was capable of granting any wish. The king desired to have the cow. He asked the hermit to exchange the cow for a crore of ordinary cows. Vasistha did not agree to this. Visvamitra said that the noble and superior things of the country belonged to the King. The hermit did not agree to that also. Finally Visvamitra was about to take away the cow by force. Thus the quarrel began. Understanding the wish of Vasistha Kamadhenu held her horns and tail up and stood as a fierce and cruel figure. From the various limbs of the cow so many thousands of warriors jumped out and a fierce battle ensued in which the hundred sons and the huge army of Visvamitra met with defeat. At last VisVamitra tried to launch a direct attack against Vasistha. But the arrows of Visvamitra were changed to flowers when they touched the body of Vasistha. At last the King admitted that the power of the penance of a Brahmin hermit was the real power and he admitted defeat from Vasistha. From that day onwards a deep-rooted, hatred against Vasistha arose in the heart of Visvamitra. He left the administration of his Kingdom in the hands of his relatives and went to the south where he erected a hermitage and began ':o do severe penance. He acquired great powers of penance and became a royal hermit of immense attainments and the quarrel between the two great hermits Vasistha and Visvamitra began. (Valmlki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, 5 sargas from 51 ). (ii) Second confrontation. The next con test between the two hermits was due to the king Trisariku of the Solar dynasty. Triganku wanted bodily attainment of heaven. Vasistha tried to discourage the king. Visvamitra took up the matter. He began to perform a sacrifice to lift up the king bodily to heaven, and Trisanku began to rise up higher and higher. But Indra did not allow him

a royal hermit, is given below: Reason for the enmity. VisVamitra was a King who (i) cared much for the welfare of his subjects. Once he went with his army to hunt. He became tired by the hunt and reached the hermitage of Vasistha who welcomed them with hospitality. He told them that food would be ready when they returned after a bath. The King and his men bathed quickly and when they returned, a grand feast was ready for so many thousands. The King was in great perplexity. After the meals Visvamitra approached the hermit Vasistha and asked him how he got such a grand feast ready.


to enter bodily into the heaven.


Seven sons Rajas, Gotra, (ii) Wives and children. Ordhvabahu, Savana, Anagha, Sutapas and Sukra, were born to Vasistha by his wife Orja. These seven pure and just persons were the Saptarsis (seven hermits) in the first Manvantara. (Visnu Purana, Amsa I, Chapter 10). (Raja, Gatra, Ordhvabahu Savana,Alaghu, Sukra (and Sutapas are the names given in Agni Purana, Chapter
20, of the sons of Vasistha born by his wife Orja). (iii) Vasistha and emperor Nimi. (See under Nimi) (iv) The Rgveda of Vasistha. There are ten Mandalas in Rgveda, of which the seventh Mandala was composed by the sages of Vasistha's hermitage,

At last Vis"vamitra, by penance created an artificial heaven midway between the heaven and the earth and placed Trilanku in that heaven. With this the gap between the two hermits widened. (For more details see under

power of



named Lohita was born to Hans' candra. He had promised Varuna to sacrifice his son Lohita. But Lohita came to know of this and he left the palace. Harigcandra was in a difficult situation. Vasistha advised him
to buy a son and to sacrifice him. Accordingly a Brahmin boy named Sunasgepha was bought. Vasistha

Third confrontation. By the blessing of Varuna, a son

country, city, wi.e, everything and had to live in funeral places. (For detailed story see under Harix candra. ) like the (iv) Fourth confrontation. Vasistha did not

So Visviimitra tried to harm him as far as possible. Hariscandra fell in the trap of Visvamitra and lost his

decided to sacrifice him. Visvamitra said that he could not be sacrificed. Hariscandra was loved by Vasistha.

(v) Cursing Ravana. Once Ravana asked Vasistha to as his teacher and teach him the Vedas and the other scriptures. Vasisfha did not comply with his


request. The angry Ravana got Vasistha a captive. But the King KuvalayaSva of the Solar dynasty, liberated

Vasistha from captivity.

misery? You are deceiving him as the stork sits in meditation and deceives the fish. So you will become a stork." Visvamitra looked at the hermit Vasistha who had cursed him and said. "So long as I am a stork you shall be Kingfisher. Thus they cursed each other. Both of them became birds and went to the shore of Manasa lake and each building a nest on the top of trees began to live there. There was nothing but quarrel between the two birds daily. Both pecked and scratched each other to such an extent that they were covered with bleeding wounds. They looked like an Erythrina tree filled with flowers. Everybody who saw them was filled with sadness. Thus they lived there

by Visvamitra, on Hariscandra. in the forest by chance. Vasistha scolded ViSvamitra, who had only the guise of a hermit, thus: "You wicked ViSvamitra Why do you put the truthful Hans' candra into so much
deception practised

Once Visvamitra and Vasistha met

Ravana. You and your family will be exterminated by those born of the Solar dynasty." (Kamba Ramayana,
into the


rescued Vasistha cursed

YuddhaKanda). (vi) Vasistha jumped


See under Adr-

(vii ) In uniting Tapati and Samvarana Vasistha played a very prominent part. (See under Tapati). (viii) It was Vasisfha who put a stop to the sacrifice for the extermination of the Raksasas (giants) performed by Parasara. (See under Paragara)

(ix) Vasistha

and Mucukunda. See under Mucukunda.

(x) Vasistha told Sri


the history of the

of Iksvaku.



dynasty Bala Kanda, Sarga


73)/ (xi) The hermitage of Vasistha was situated valley of mount Mahameru. ( Mahabharata, Adi
Chapter 29, Stanza 6).



a long time. Once the Kind-hearted Brahma, the father of Vasistha, saw their sorry plight. Having pity on them he came there with the other gods and delivered them both from the curse. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 6). (v) Fifth confrontation. VisVamitra called the river Sarasvati and asked her to bring Vasistha along with her current. Sarasvati did not like the idea. Still, fearing the curse of Visvamitra she agreed to do so. The river- basin where Vasistha had been performing penance was pulled down by the current of the river, and taking Vasistha in the current carried him down. Sarasvati did not wish to leave Vasistha at the mercy of VisVamitra. So when they reached the door of the hermitage of Visvamitra, she carried him further down in a swift current. Visvamitra got angry and cursed Sarasvati. "Let blood flow through the river." With that the water of Sarasvati changed to blood-colour. The gods were perplexed at this. They all gathered on the banks of the river. In the presence of the gods, both the hermits came to a compromise. Thenceforward that place became a holy tlrtha under the name Vasisthapavaha. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 42)

(xii) The cow of Vasisfha was stolen by the eight Vasus See under Astavasus. (xiii) Vasistha was the teacher of Bhisma. (Mahabharata Adi Parva, Chapter 103, Stanza45). (xiv) Vasistha participated in the Birth festival of Arjuna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 51). (xv) Vasistha tried to commit suicide. (See under

ter 47, Stanza 7). (xix) Once rain failed in the world and creatures became miserable. At that time Vasistha fed the creatures.

Adrsyanti). (xvi) Vasistha shone in the assembly of Brahma. (M.B Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 19). (xvii) In the Bharata-battle an effort was made by Vasistha to dissuade Drona from the battle. But it was in vain. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 190, Stanza 33). (xviii) Vasistha was one of the hermits who came to visit Bhisma on his bed of arrows. (Sand Parva, Chap-




Vasistha changed Ila a (For details see under Ila I).




Chapter 291, Stanza 91). (xxi) Vasistha was one of the hermits who were Brahmin tribal workers. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 296, Stanza 17). (xxii) Once Vasistha imparted knowledge to King Janaka. This exhortation is given in Mahabharata, (Santi Parva, six chapters from 302)

(M.B. Anus asana Parva, Chapter 137). Once Indra lost the Devaloka the world of the Devas) and he became gloomy and miserable. Vasistha went to him and consoled him. (M.B. Sand Parva,


of five


Vasistha was one of the twentyone Prajapatis. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 334, Stanza 36). (xxiv) Vasistha is considered to be one of the CitraSikhandis (Saptarsis seven hermits) (See under CitraSikhandis).


Once Vasistha




Brahma. (M.B. Anusasana Parva,

about Purusarthas (the

Chapter 6)

84, Stanza 44) Vasistha once told ArundhatI how weakness was caused. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 93, Stanza 31). (xxix) Vasistha avowed that he was not one of them who had stolen the lotus flowers of Agastya. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 23, Stanza 114). (xxx) Apava, Arundhatlpati, Brahmarsi, Devarsi, Hairanyagarbha, Maitravaruni, Varuni, and such other words are used as synonyms of Vasistha, in the Mahabharata.

Anusasana Parva, Chapter


(xxvi) Vasistha talked to Saudasa about giving cows as alms. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 78, Stanza 5). (xxvii) On another occasion Vasistha gave advice to Parasurama and talked about the origin of Gold. (M.B.

hills. The river MagadhI flows around this city. (Valmiki Ramayanaj Balakanda Sarga 32). VASU IV. A Vasu is mentioned in Brahmanda Purana Chapter 58, as the brother of Parasurama. Vasu, Rumanvan, Susena, Visvavasu and Parasurama were the five sons born to Jamadagni by his wife Renuka. VASU V. A son of Murasura. The sons of Murasura were, Tamra, Antarlksa, Sravaria, Vasu, Vibhavasu,

mighty King of the Krmi dynasty. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Stanza 13). VASU VII. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 17, that the King Ilina had five sons, Dusyanta, Sura, Bhima, Pravasu and Vasu by his


Nabhasvan and

Aruiia. (Bhagavata,




wife Rathantari.

VIII. scholarly Paila was the son of this




(M). Vasistha tirtha. It is mentioned in Mahabharata. Vana Parva, Chapter 84, that he who bathes in this tirtha would become a Brahmin. VASISTHA PARVATA. A mountain famous in the Puranas. It is mentioned in Adi Parva, Chapter 214, Stanza 2, that Arjuna came and sat on this mountain


Parva, Chapter 220, Stanza




Chapter 33, Stanza 35) IX. Vasu is used as a synonym of Siva in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 17, Stanza 140. VASU X. A name of Mahavisnu. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 149, Stanza 25)'.' VASU XI. A King. He was born to Uttanapada by Sunrta. A controversy arose among hermits once, about cow-sacrifice and for a solution of the problem the hermits approached this king Vasu, who told them his
perception that the sacrifice of cow was, strictly speaking, a matter of slaughter and as such it was to be forbidden. As the hermits could not agree with the King, they cursed him "Let the King go to Patala (underworld). Vasu then did very severe penance and attained heaven. ( Ma tsya Purana, 143, 18-25).

Brahmin-hermit. The hermit Vasu. (M.B. Sabha Parva



his pilgrimage.


banks of the river Sarasvati.

holy bath on (See under Vasistha,





the sangama. This holy bath is famous throughout three worlds. Those who bathe in this place will enjoy the fruits of performing Vajapeya yajiia. (Drinking sacrifice). (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 87, Stanza 140). VASORDHARA. Wife of the Vasu named Agni. (Bhagavata, Skandha 6)




King who was the supporter and helper of Yudhisthira. He was as mighty as the powerful Indra. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Stanza 40). VASUDAMA. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B.




group of Ksatriyas. The princes belonging to this group brought presents to Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Stanza 15).
In days of yore a ghost of immense feared by all other ghosts came into existence. This ghost was buried inside the earth by the Devas. This ghost is called Vastupurusa. He is the deity of whatever we build on the earth. The offering made to this Vastupurusa on completion of a

who was



called "Puravastubali".


ter 40).

(Agni Purana, Chap-

King named Uparicaravasu. For further under Uparicaravasu). VASU II. Astavasus. (The eight Vasus). (For further details see under Astavasus) VASU III. A son born to Kusa, King of Kanyakubja by his wife VaidarbhT. Kusa had four sons, Kusamba, Kuganabha, Asurtarajas and Vasu. Of them Kusamba built the city of Kausambi, Kusanabha the city of
details see

Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 5). I. A Ksatriya King. This King who was a member of the council of Yudhisthira. was the ruler of ParhSu. It is stated in Mahabharata that this King presented Yudhisthira with twentysix elephants and two thousand horses. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Stanza In the Bharata battle this King was the support 27) of Yudhisthira and Dhrstadyumna. But he was killed by the arrow of Drona. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapters 151 and 171; Drona'Parva, Chapters 23 and 190; Kama Parva, Chapter 6) VASUDANA II. A prince of Pancala, who fought on the side of the Pandavas. He was killed by Dronacatya. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 21, Stanza 55). VASUDANAPUTRA. A King who had taken the side of the Kauravas and fought against the Pandavas. He killed Abhibhu, the son of King of Kasl. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 74).






(See under



woman who had





Father of Sudeva, a a hog. (See under

Mahodayapura, Asurtarajas the city of Dharmaranya and Vasu the city of Girivraja which is erected in the middle

Being the son of Vasudeva, Sri Krsna was called Vasudeva. VASUDEVA II. See under Paunclrakavasudeva VASUDEVA. Father of Sri Krsna.


See under Krsna. Genealogy. 2) Previous birth and current birth. Vasudeva


mati and Vasudha. (For more details see under Puspotkata).

was the rebirth

of Prajapati Ka-;yapa. Adi ti and Surasa, the wives of KaSyapa took birth as Devaki and Rohim respectively.
(For details see under Kasyapa). 3) Marriage and Family. Rohini, the wife of Vasudeva, gave birth to Balarama, the fighter Sarana, Durdhara,


Dama, Pindaraka and Mahahanu. Of Devaki who was also called Maya and Amavasi, the younger son Krsna and his beautiful sister Subhadrii were born. Vijaya, Rocamana, Vardhamana and Devala were sons born by Upadevl. The two sons Aguvaha and Mandaga, otherwise called Angada were born of Vrkadevi. Rcvanta who could not be defeated in battle, was born from Saptamldevl. The first son of Vasudeva was Kausika, whose birth was from a Vaisya woman called Sraddha Devi when Vasudeva was travelling in the forest. Kapila, a mighty son was born by the queen Srutandhara. Saubhadra head of the archers and Abhava were born by his wife Jana. (Padma Purana,
P. 1314).

fice. If one gives offering oneself purified by bathing in this holy tlrtha ( bath) one will attain the world of Visnu. There is a lake of the Asfavasus (eight Vasus) in this place. By bathing there, one could become the subject of the love and regard of the eight Vasus. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter

holy place could enjoy the


Those who



of performing horse-sacrito the manes after getting


82, Stanza 63)

King of the country of Anga. Once he gave advice to Mandhata on righteousness. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 1 ). VASUJYESTHA. A King. This King was the son of Pusyamitra. (Matsya Purana, 272, 28). VASUKI. One of the famous Nagas (serpents). 1 Birth. The uragas and nagas ( serpents ) were born )
to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Kadrii. Vasuki, eldest son of Kadru spent his childhood with


4) Other


Vasudeva was the son of Surasena, and the husband

the priest

of Devaki, the father of Sri Krsna, the brother of Kunti, and the minister of Ugrasena. It was Vasudeva

Kasyapa to Satasriiga to perform ceremonies such as naming etc. of the Pandavas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 123, Daksinatyapajha). the Bharata-battle, Vasudeva asked Sri (ii) After Krsna and learned from him the detailed news about the battle. (ASvamedha Parva, Chapter 60). when he heard that (iii) Vasudeva fell into a swoon



were awaiting Arjuna. Then after kissing the feet of Vasudeva, Sri Krsna and Balabhadra Rama went to do penance. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 8). (vi) When the dynasty of Vrsni was completely destroyed Vasudeva thinking about the Supreme soul in his heart forsook his body. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 15). (vii) Arjuna performed the funeral rites of Vasudeva

Subhadra had become unconscious. (M.B. AsVamedha Parva, Chapter 61, Stanza 5). (iv) The ceremony of offering to the manes (Sraddha) of Abhimanyu was performed by Vasudeva. (M.B. Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 62, Stanza 1). themselves after (v) When the Yadavas fought among drinking liquor, Sri Krsna went to Dvaraka and visited Vasudeva, and requested him to protect his wives who

Chapters 37 and 48) The length of Vasuki. The Devas and the asuras decided to get Amrta (Ambrosia the celestial honey of immortalily) by churning the sea of milk. The Devas went to bring Mandara-mountain, to be used as the churning rod. Their attempt was futile. The asuras made a trial with the same result. The Bhutaganas (Guards) of Siva also made a vain attempt. On the instruction of Visnu, Garuda went and brought the

parents. 2) Difference of opinion. Vinata and Kadru staked on the colour of the tail of Uccaigsravas (A horse obtained at the churning of the sea of Milk. To win the stake, Kadru asked her sons to hang on the tail of Uccaissravas as black hairs. But the truthful Vasuki was not prepared to do so. Kadru cursed Vasuki and the others who sided with him. From that day onwards Vasuki and those who were cursed, separated from their mother and formed into a serpent group. (M.B. Adi Parva,

among Visvadevas (gods concerned with offering to the manes). (M.B. Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza

and aided his four wives to enter the funeral pyre. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 19). (viii) Vasudeva entered heaven and took his place


of Vasudeva, used in Mihabharata Anakadundubhi, Sauri, Suraputra, Surasunu, Yadudvaha and so on.
Sanskrit poet of Kerala. Vasudevabhattatiri was a poet who used alliteration abundantly. His important works are 'Yudhisthira-

The synonyms

mountain as easily as an eagle takes away a frog. Now Vasuki should be brought. The Devas and Gandharvas failed in that attempt also. Garuda who was haughty of his strength and speed, went to the city of the nagas (serpents) and requested Vasuki to come to the sea of Milk. Vasuki replied that if the matter was so urgent he had no objection for being carried to that place. He took the middle part of Vasuki in his beak and flew up higher and higher and reached beyond the horizon. Still the lower half of Vasuki was lying on the ground. So he took Vasuki in his beak as folded in two. Still the result was the same. Garuda became aware of the impossibility of carrying Vasuki and returned, ashamed and disappointed. Visnu rebuked him for his arrogance. After this, Siva stretched his hand to Patala. Vasuki became a small bangle on that hand. Thus Vasuki was brought to the shore of the sea of Milk. (Kamba

Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda)


Other details. For the safety

Tripuradahana Siurikatha, Vasudeva Vijaya, Gijendramoksa, Nalodaya etc. VASUDHA. Daughter of Narmada, a Gandharva woman. Narmada had three daughters Sundari, Ketu-

Vasuki gave his sister Jaratkaru as wife to the hermit Jaratkaru. (See under Jaratkaru) (ii) The nagas anointed Vasuki as their King. (M.B. Adi Parva, Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 36). When Vasuki saw the serpents, born of his family, (iii)

and protection of the



falling into the sacrificial fire of Janamejaya

and dying

out a
his nephew Astika to find the perishing nagas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 53, Stanza 20) (iv) Vasuki participated in the birth festival of Arjuna.


Astaka and others. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 93, Stanza 16). Vasumanas sits in the palace of Yama and praises (iii) him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 13). and earned fame and (iv) He went on pilgrimages wealth. (M.B. Vana Parva Chapter 94, Stanza 17). Astaka the (v) He was present at the horse- sacrifice of son of Visvamitra. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 198, Stanza 1). the aerial chariot of Indra and (vi) He once got into came and stood over the city of Virata and witnessed the battle between Arjuna and the teacher Krpa. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 56, Stanza 9). and others who had been (vii) It was near Vasumanas



numbers, he sent



(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 71). (v) Vasuki advised the Nagas to give the divine juice to Bhlmasena, in accordance with the request of Aryaka.
Vasuki stays in the palace of Varuna worshipping him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 8). (M.B. (vii) Arjuna once allured the sister of Vasuki. Virata Parva, Chapter 2, Slanza 14). (viy) In Tripuradahana (the burning of Tripura) Vasuki acted as the bow-string of Siva and as the axle of his chariot. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 34, Stanza

(See under Bhimasena)

between Arjuna and Karna, Vasuki was a well-wisher of Arjuna. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 87, Stanza 43). (x) The Devas anointed Vasuki as the King of the Nagas. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 37, Stanza 30). named (xi) Vasuki gave Subrahmanya two followers Jaya and Mahajaya. ( Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse
(ix) In the fight


the sacrifice of Vajapeya and worshipping Mahavisnu, that Yayati fell from heaven. (M.B.Udyoga Parva, Chapter 121, Stanza 10). Vasumanas became famous under the name (viii) Danapati (lord of donations) because he had given Yayati, the fruits of his good deeds. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 9). of Kosala he conducted a (ix) While he was the King

Vasuki is one of the seven nagas which hold up (xii) the earth. (M.B. Amis' asana Parva, Chapter 150> Stanza 41).



consultation with Brhaspati as to how he could bring about the prosperity of the country. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 68, Stanza 6).

When Balabhadrarama went


to Patala after his

had gone there to receive him. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 15). (xiv) Once Vasuki and Vayu tried to find out who was the more powerful of the two, in consequence of which contest Mount Triku^a was broken from the vicinity of Mahameru and was thrown into the southern Sea. (See under Trikuta). (xv) Words such as Nagarat, Nagaraja, Nagendra, Pannaga, Pannagarat, Sarparaja, and so on are used as synonyms of Vasuki in Mahabharata. VASUKITlRTHA. A holy place situated on the banks


council of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 32).


(VASUMANAS). A King who








in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 27, that if- a woman during her monthly course happens to touch the holy fire, an astakapala should be offered to the fire Vasuman. This fire called Vasuman now Sabha Parva, stays in the palace of Brahma. (M.B.



of the

name Vana

Ganga in Prayaga. Bhogavatitlrtha is another of this holy bath. It is mentioned in Mahabharata Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 86, that by taking bath in this holy tlrtha one could attain the fruits of
performing the horse-sacrifice.


of Iksvaku.


of the dynasty


Descended from Visnu in the following 1) Genealogy. order. Brahma -Marici-Kasyapa-Vivasvan - Vaivasvata
Manu-Iksvaku-Vikuksi-Sasada-Kakutstha (Puranjaya)


stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 41 that this King was born from a portion of the asura named Viksara, the son of Danayu. II. King born of the dynasty of Sunga. It is mentioned in Bhagavata, Skandha 10, that Bhadraka, otherwise called Udaiika was the son of this King.

IV. A prince of the family ) of Janaka. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 309, that a hermit had given him exhortations regarding righteousness. I. An ancient Ksatriya King. It is


stanza 30)

Anenas - Prthulasva- Visvagasva-Prasenajit-YuvanasVaMandhata-Purukutsa-Trasadasyu-Anaranya- HaryaSvaVasumanas.

2) Birth.

warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 63) VASU&ARMA. See under Dharmagarma I. VASUSE1VA. A name of Karna at the time of his boyhood. He was called by the name Vasusena by his

Haryaiva, the King of Ayodhya married Madhavi, the daughter of Yayati. Vasumanas was their son. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 86, Stanza 56). A damsel named Harini was 3) Marriage proposal. proposed to be given in marriage to Vasumanas. But another man carried her away. To know the story see under Durmada II.

Adhiratha and his foster-mother Radha. (See under Karna). VASUSRl. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 14). VASVANANTA. The father of Yuyudha, and the son of Upagupta. He was the King of Videha. (Bhagavata.


from heaven on the earth (i) met with Vasumanas. Because of the merit of mingling with good people Yayati attained heaven again. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 86, Stanza 56) Vasumanas entered heaven along with Kings (ii)

4) Other information.




of the


Once Yayati who


(M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter

branches of the 6, Stanza 48)


of the five attendants given to Subrahmanya by the god Arhsa. The five attendants were Vata, Parigha, Bhima, Dahati, and Dahana. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 34)

(seven hermits) of the Saptarsis the Manu) of Manu Svurocisa. In this age of the Manu the Devendra was VipaScit. The Saptarsis of that Age of the Manu were Orja, Stamba. Prana, Vata, Vrsabha, Niraya and Parivan.


A King of the family of Saryati. This King II. was the father of Tiilajangha and Hehaya. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 7).


Manvantara (Age of



Mahabharata. the Vatadhanas who were Ksatri(i) Nakula defeated yas at the time of his regional conquest. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 8). this country which (ii) Once the Kauravas surrounded abounded in wealth and food. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 31 ). in (iii) Vatadhana was one of the foremost countries India. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 47). (iv) In the Garuda Vyuha of the army formed by Bhisma, Asvatthama and the Vatadhanas stood at the head of disposition, in the Bharata-Battle. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 4). (v) Once Sri Krsna defeated the Vatadhanas. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza, 17). (vi) It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 73, Stanza 1 7 that in Bharata-battle Arjuna destroyed all the armies of the country of Vatadhana. VATADHIPA. A King who is famous in the Puranas. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 15, that this King was subdued by Sahadeva

Ksatriya King. This King was born from a portion of the asura Krodhavaga (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Stanza 67) VATADHANA(M). A country in ancient India. The people of this country were called the Vatadhanas. The following information is available about them from the

(Visnu Purana,





following information country in the Mahabharata.





country in ancient given about this

al conquest.

Bhimasena conquered this country during his region(M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza

Karna once brought this country under control. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 254, Stanza 9). (iii) During the battle of Bharata, the people of Vatsa were on the side of the Pandavas. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 53, Stanza 1. (iv) Deified beings semigods ) and heavenly singers had lived in this country. There is an asylum there for holy men. Amba, the princess of KagI once lived in




during his southern regional conquest. of ViSvamitra's sons who were expounders of Vedas. (M.B. Anus asana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 54) VATAJA. A country in Ancient India. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 45) VATAPI I. A giant. See under Agastya, Para 5, for the story of how this asura was eaten along with his food by

(v) Amba became a river and still flows through this country under the name Amba. (M.B. Udyoga Parva Chapter 186, Stanza 40). (vi) In the battle of Bharata, the warriors of Vatsa stood on the left side of the disposition of the army called Krauncarunavyuha, formed by Dhrstadyumna.(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 50, Stanza 53) VATSALA. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 72) VATSANABHA. A hermit. Dharma, once took the form of a she-buffalo and saved Vatsanabha from heavy rain. After this he thought that hewas an ungrateful man and so he decided to forsake his body. But Dharma dissuaded him from this attempt. (M.B. Anusasana Parva,
. .

Stanza 34).

hermitage. (M.B.

Udyoga Parva, Chapter






II. born to notorious asura (demon) Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Danu. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 28). hell. For further details see the section Naraka under Kala. hermit. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 14, that he sits in the palace of Indra praising and worshipping


Isa, Urja, Vasu and Jaya were born to them. (Bhagavata, Skandha 4). VATSYA I. A hermit belonging to the Guruparampara It was this hermit Vatsya who (the line of teachers). wrote the famous Vatsyayana Sutra (the science of Amour) He was one of the guests at the serpant-sacrifice(Sarpasatra)of Janamejaya.(M.B. Adi Parva Chapter 53, Stanza 9). He visited Bhisma who lay on the bed

Daksinatya Patha, Chapter 12). younger of the two sons of Dhruva. So the the elder was a man of abstinence. Utkala, younger brother Vatsara became the prince apparent. Vatsara married the princess named Svarvlthi. Six sons

named Pusparna, Tigmaketu,

of arrows. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 47, Stanza). See





of the hundred mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 195, that he had been present at the Svayarhvara (marriage) of DraupadI and in the Karna Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 2, that he was killed by BrilI.

sons of Dhrtaras(ra.

It is

name Vatsa also. (See under Vatsa) VAYASAVIDYA. The art of making the crow tell the past
country has the


under Guruparampara.



in the Puranas.


the future.

(For further details see under




of the eight guardians of the world.


in the Bharata-battle.

General information.

Vayu was born from

10, 90).




of the famous sons

of Garuda.

Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 10). warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 67). VATSA I. Son of Pratardana the King of Kas"i. It is stated in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 49, Stanza 79, that the name Vatsa was given to him because he was brought up in his childhood by calves of cows,

JM.B. Udyoga

Vahni Varuna, Vayu, Kubera and Siva. Vayu is the guardian of the North West zone. The palace of Bhagavan Vayu is known as Gandhavatl. Once Vayu and Vasuki 2) Confrontation with Vdsuki. tried to find out who of the two was mightier, in cona peak of Mount sequence of which, Trikutaparvata,
eight dikpalakas are Indra,

of Visvapurusa. in-law of Vayu.



Tvasta was the son






Himalaya, was broken from its bed and thrown into the southern ocean near Lanka. Later, the city of Laiika was built on this mountain. (For details see under Trikuta) 3 ) Children. Bhlmasena and Hanuman are said to be the prominent sons of Bhagavan Vayu. It is mentioned in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 7, Sukta 112, that Agni was the son of Vayu. To make fire from wood by attrition, the hands obtain strength by the help of the life breath called Vyana It is from (a breath or vayu) this, that the idea that fire is the son of Vayu, came in. .

maids called 'Muda' owes its origin to Vayu. Once Bhagavan Vayu happened to see the six beautiful daughters of Kusanabha, a king, and he was excited sexually. As the princesses refused to satisfy his desire, Vayu changed the damsels into hunchbacks, by a curse. (For detailed story see under Kuianabha) 5) The Vayus (breaths] in the body. (See under Nadicakra)
4) Love of Vayu.
. .

to existence. To know how Vayu obtained the paternity ofBhima and Hanuman see under Bhima and Hanuman. It is staled in Brahma Purana that a group of celestial

6) Curbing

of Silk-cotton tree. Long ago a silk-cotton tree grew up on the top of the Himalayas. It grew up to be a big tree spreading its branches in all directions. Birds built their nests on the branches of that big tree and hermits and animals found shelter under its shade. The silk-cotton tree became arrogant. Once Narada came there and praised the tree: "How gigantic, this silk-cotton tree is Even in a great storm its branches do not move." The praise of Narada made the tree more haughty. It told Narada that the storm etc. were its servants. Narada told Vayu, what the
the arrogance

(v) Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 2U, that Vayu stays in the palace of Brahma, praising him. (vi) Once Pradyumna tried to kill Salva. At that time Vayu went to Pradyumna as the messenger of Gods. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 22). (vii) Vayu proved that Damayanti was chaste. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 76, Stanza 36). (viii) Vayu declared that Slta was chaste. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 291, Stanza 27). In Tripuradahana (the burning of Tripura) Vayu (ix) acted as the arrow of the bow of Siva. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 202, Stanza 76). (x) Vayu gave Subrahmanya two attendants called Bala and Atibala. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 44) (xi) Once Vayu advised Pururavas about the need of a priest. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 72, Stanzas 10-25). (xii) Once Bhagavan Vayu talked elaborately on the secrets cf goodness and badness. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 128). (xiii) Bhagavan Vayu once talked about the greatness of Brahmins to Kartavlryarjuna. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 152). VAYU II. Anancienthermitoflndia.lt is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 47, Stanza 9, that this hermit visited Bhisma on his bed of arrows. VAYUBALA. See under Vayucakra. VAYUBHAKSA. An ancient hermit. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 13, that this hermit had been a prominent figure in the palace

silk-cotton tree said to him. Vayu got angry and coming to the tree, said thus:- "You, wicked silk-cotton tree, in days of yore, when Brahma was carrying on creation he took rest on you for a while. That is why I


of Yudhisthira.

afraid of you. I knew that you belittled me before Narada. If you are bold enough, come and fight with

keep motionless whtn



to you.

It is

not because


silk-cotton tree accepted the challenge. Next day into a storm and blew against the tree. The tree lost leaves, flowers and fruits and stood bare. Thus within a very short time the arrogance of the tree was curbed.


Bhagavan Vayu changed

under Mankanaka) See under Vayucakra. VAYUMANDALA. A son of the hermit Mankanaka. See para 3, under Mankanaka.

hermit. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 38, Stanza 32, that this Vayucakra was born from the semen kept in a pot by the hermit called Mankanaka. From this same pot some other hermits such as Vayubala, Vayujvala and others were born. (See under Mankanaka, Para 3). VAYTJHA. A son of the hermit Mankanaka. (See para


under Purana).


of the eighteen Puranas.

the hermit


son of

This story was told to Yudhisthira by Bhlsma, to show him that rendering help to a foe, will only make (M.B. Santi Parva, 3 Chapters from 154) haughty.




Indra cut off the wings of the mountains, Bhagavan Vayu saved the mountain Mainaka from this danger, by hiding it in the ocean. (Valmlki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda, Sarga 1, Stanza 126). The image of Bhagavan Vayu should be consecrated (ii) as sitting on the haunch of a deer, holding a flag. (Agni Purana, Chapter 51). (iii) Indra sent Vayu also along with Menaka to hinder the penance of Visvamitra. While Menaka was dancing in front of Visvamitra, Vayu displaced her cloth. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 72, Stanza 1) (iv) It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 22, that Vayu is the messenger of



A Ksatriya King in ancient India. It is Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 63 that this King was born from a portion of the asura named Krodhavaga.

under Mankanaka)

Mankanaka. (See


son of the hermit

under Mankanaka).

Mankanaka. (See


of the sons

of Dhrtarastra.


was present at the Svayarhvara (marriage) of DraupadI (M.B. Aranya: Chapter 177, Verse 2). VAYYA. A royal hermit of the period of Rgveda. Mention such as Vayya, Karkis made about the royal hermits andhu and others in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Sukta



sun of the hermit Ayodhadhaumya. further details see under Ayodhadhaumya).




the gods.


The root 'Vid' in Sanskrit means The books composed of the knowledge of



Aryans, collected and compiled were called the Vedas. that It is said 2) The origin and importance of the Vedas. Brahma was the creator of the Vedas. Many say that, for the performance of sacrifices Brahma created from Agni (fire), Vayu (Wind) and Ravi (the Sun), the

In the Samhitas there are

lyrics in praise of different gods. All these are spells and incantations (mantras) in the form of songs. The under-currents of all these spells are

The Vedas have two


three Vedas Rg, Yajus and Saman which are eternal and in-accordance with regulations.

sides, the spiritual and the munMoreover all the explanations of the Vedas from the Brahmanas to the Bhasya of Sayana, pertain to sacrifices. The literary meaning of Veda is mundane. Considering these two points and the facts that they are religious books and that they reveal the mental and social outlooks of ihe early Aryans, and as the origin of

all the

thoughts of Indians,
lofiy place.





Jaimini the disciple of Vyasa, divided Samaveda into different branches. Sumantu and Sukarma compiled Sukarma separate Sarhhitas (collections) from them. composed thousand Samhitas. Sumantu the disciple of Vyasa took the Atharvaveda and taught it to thousands of Paippalada disciples. By the blessings of Vyasa, Suta made the Purana Samhita (the collection of Puranas). (Agni Purana, Chapter 150). 4) Branches of the Vedas. It has already been mentioned that the Vedas are four in number called Rg, Yajus, Sama and Atharva. Each of these Vedas has branches called Samhitas (collections) and Brahmanas (treatises
relating to prayer

by a special class of priests 'Udgatr') and by Atharva "Brahmatva", (a collection of songs, spells and incantations, for the healing of disease, the restoration of harmony, the exorcism of evil spirits and to celebrate the power and omniscience of God) and established them separately. Paila, a scholar in Rgveda, and a disciple of Vyasa, gave the original Veda to Indrapramiti and its Samhita. (collections) to Baskala as gifts. Baskala divided the Samhita into four, and gave each of them to Baudhya and others. Yajurveda was divided into tweiityfour branches. They were composed by Vaisampayana of extraordinary intelligence, a disciple of Vyasa. Kandas (Chapters) such as Vajasaneya etc. were composed later by hermits such as Yajnavalkya and others in the form of Smrtis (tradition, as handing down only the tradition derived from ancient sages, to whom the Vedas were 'revealed')

(a collection of lyrics in praise of different Gods, to be the 'hotr'), by Yajus recited by the priest styled "Adhvaryava", a book of sacrificial prayer, of prose formulas to be uttered by the 'Adhvaryu' priest, who performed the manual work involved in a sacrifice) by Saman, "Audgatra", (Songs meant to be sung at the

Mahavisnu incarnated as Vyasa Dvapara Yuga and divided the Vedas. The first Veda consisted of four padas and a hundred thousand granthas. Vyasa divided it into four parts known as, Rgveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. The sage and seer Vyasa thus created by Rg, "Hautra"
3) Parts of the Vedas.

Rgveda, hold a

Vedas and stories from the Vedas. Generally speaking the Brahmanas contain prose texts giving practical observations on sacrifice which are mentioned in the Here and there stories from Pur anas songs of praise. and epics occur. The Aranyakas (forest-texts) got that name, because they are books of instruction to be given in the forest or writings meant for wood-dwelling hermits. As they contained esoteric spells and incantations which might cause injury even to those who were not concerned with them instruction in them was not given in towns or villages. The contents of the Aranyakas are the allegorical signification of the rites and sacrifices and the mystic meaning of the Vedas. It has been mentioned that the Upanisads are append-

much differices of the Aranyakas. Still there is not ence between the two and hence they cannot be separated from one another so easily. The Upanisads are called Vedantas, (The aim and completion of the Vedas) because they are the end of the Vedas. The

Vedantas belong to the later period of the Vedic age. Instruction in Vedantas was given only after completing the study of the mantras (Vedas) and the Brahmanas. The Upanisads contain philosophical speculations about The word the conception of Brahman and the Vedas.
includes the Vedarigas also. Vedarigas (Ancillaries the Vedas) are Siksa Vyakarana (phonetics), (grammar), Chandas (metrics) Nirukta (etymology), Joytisa (astronomy), and Kalpa (ritual). At first instruction is given in the study of Brahman and the study of Vedas. When more discussions and expositions on them are needed; the study of Brahmanas and Aranyakas are resorted to. In course of time the Brahmanas and Aranyakas, which contain discussions and expositions of the Vedas became independent branches of study under these names. That is why they contain mainly prose texts. There are one lakh of mantras or spells and incantations in all the four Vedas taken together. They are for blessing everybody and to make the four objects of life easily attainable. Sankhyayana and Asvalayana sorted and grouped the mantras. Accordingly there are two thousand one hundred and ten mantras known as Brahmanas. Dvaipayana and other hermits have It stated the number of granthas (verses) in Rgveda. thousand nine hundred and is said that there are one There are one ninety nine mantras in Yajurveda.




The branches in thousand eightysix branches also. are known by the names Kanvi, MadhyandinI, Yajus Kathi, Madhyakathi, Maitrayani, Taittirlya, Vais"ampayanika and so on. In Sama Veda there are branches such as Kauthumi, Atharvanayim and so on; and songs such as Aranyakam,



so on.

The number

of Samavedic

verses are nine


thousand four hundred and


are appendices to or esoteric doctrines) are appendices of the Aranyakas. Thus each of the Vedas has Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanisads. All these are, in a way, exIn all these expositions there positions of the Vedas. are numberless Suktas. All these taken together are
called Vedic literature.

ceremony ) Aranyakas the Brahmanas. Upanisads (secret



Sumantu, Janjali, Slokayani, Saunaka, Pippalada, Munjakesa and such others were responsible for the sorting and grouping of the mantras in the Atharvaveda. Altogether there are one thousand six hundred Upanisads. (Agni Purana, Chapter 271). The religion of the Aryans 5) Expositions of the Vedas. became an established one when Vyasa had created the

The aim of Vyasa was to bring about uniformity in the religious observances by performing rites and rituals, religious ceremonies such as sacrifices etc. without any flaw. Following this a very wide Vedic literature grew up. The study of the Vedas, critical review of meaning, the connection between

for the creators or the period

They hold
of creation, of mantras. that only the Sutras ( thread, clue, guide, rule, aphorism) are made by man. The westerners and the modern thinkers of India do not agree completely with this view. They believe that the early Aryans who entered India, first settled down in the Punjab and that the local civilization which they had assumed, broke out as songs of praise. In course of time, these songs of Praise took the form of

mantras and tantras (Chants and

etymology, all these became inevitable. As the Vedas could be looked at from different points of view, from very early days, various types of expositions of the



Vedas came

Seven types of commentaries, Nairukta, Yajnika, Vajyakarana Jyautisa, Sampradayika Adhyatmika, Aitihasika (pertaining to etymology, customs of a tribe, sacrifice, grammar astronomy, Brahma or Spiritual legends and ancient lore) were


also took form, known as the Agamikas the historical) Even in the time of Yaska, who ( was an authority on Nirukta (etymology) the Vedas were expounded on the basis of legends and ancient Hints to this effect are seen in Yaska's works. lore. Mention is made about other types of expositions also, in them. The last book of importance in the Sampradayika type of exposition, was Vedarthaprakas'a, of Sayana. But the commentary of Skandasvami, the books Rgarthadipika and Udgithabhasya of Madhavacarya etc. have spread the sampradayika type of speculations in India. There is another cult in India which believes that everything seen in the Vedas is and incantations are the spells spiritual and that

prominent among them. When the westerners began research work in the Vedas, another branch of

In thebegin(saying, song, formula). there was only one Veda. Many believe that this ning state continued up to B.C. 1500. It is a fact universally acknowledged, that this Vedic literature is the most ancient literature of the world. There is difference of opinion as to the period of origin of this Vedic literature. Prof. Macdonell and Prof. Jacobi are foremost among those who have made their opinions. In the opinion of Prof. Macdonell, the Vedic literature originated in the period between B.C. 1500 and 1200. But Jacobi's opinion is that all the Vedas were made before B.C.

Rgveda mantras



The son of Brhadratha, the King of Cedi. made about him in Bhagavata, Skandha 9. VEDAGARBHA. A name of Devi. When Devi killed Sumbha and such other Asuras, Indra got pleased with
her and praised her as follows


6 ) The gods- of the Vedas. All the gods known today are not found in the Vedas. Even those who are found do not have the prominence that is given to them now. For example, the deity Visnu, worshipped as one of the three godheads today, is not as omnipotent as the Indra of the Vedas. Though Visnu is praised in five spells in Rgveda, when compared with other deities, he was not of much prominence. In the Vedas the incarnation of Vamana is not given much importance. Even though Rudra is a recognized deity and mention occurs about KapardI, in the Vedas, there is not a song of praise of Siva in the Rgveda. There is no mention at all, about the worship of the Phallus, Devi and so on in the Vedas. The Vedas celebrate the Omniscience of Varuna, Indra, Agni, Mitra, the Maruts and so on. The lustre of Indra was gradually dimmed with the efflux of time and he became a mere libertine in the The imoortance of many deities such as Puranas. Varuna, Agni, Mitra, As vin and so on was greatly diminished in the Puranas. Thirtythree deities pertaining to Earth, Ether and Sky are praised in the Vedas. Manu has 7) The rites concerning instruction in Vedas. given certain instructions as to how the teaching of Vedas should be conducted. 8) The teachers of Veda. See under Guruparampara. The Indians believe that the 9) The period of the Vedas. and incantations and the Brahmanas are not manspells made, but are revelations by God. So they are considered to be beginningless and endless. The hermits It is mentioned are considered to be seers of the spells. "Mantradrastarah na tu Kartarah". (They are seers of Mantra, not makers). In the opinion of one party, according to this maxim, it is not necessarry to search

"Arya, Durga, Vedagarbha, Ambika, Bhadrakali; Bhadra, Ksemya Ksemakari, Naikabahu, I praise you." (Agni Purana, Chapter 12) VEDAK.ALPA. A section of Atharvaveda. The hermit Munjakesa divided Atharva Veda into five Sarhhitas Veda Kalpa, (collections) called Naksatra Kalpa, Sarhhita Kalpa, Arigirasa Kalpa, and Santi Kalpa. (Visnu Purana, Amsa 3, Chapter 6) VEDANA. A goddess who caused pain to living things. Adharma married Hirhsa. Two daughters named Nrta and Nirrti were born to them. From them Bhaya, Naraka, Maya and Vedana were born. Mrtyu was the daughter of Maya. Duhkha was the son of Vedana. (Agni Purana, Chapter 20) VEDAlsIGA. See under Veda. VEDANIDHI. A hermit. For further details see under Pramohini. VEDANTA. _See under Veda.
. . ' .


I. The son of a brahmin named Sivasarma. (See under Sivasarma) VEDASARMA II. See under Vidura.

hermit born in the clan of Bhrgu. the hermit Markandeya by his. wife Murdhanya otherwise called Dhumra. Plvari was the wife of Vedagiras. (Brahma 2, 11, 7 Vayu Purana

He was born
28 :6).


While Vedas iras was doing penance once, a celestial maid named Suci came to make him deviate from penance. A daughter was born to him by her. Yamadharma


wished to kidnap


become a


VedaSiras cursed (Skanda Purana, 4



A hermit. He was the son born to II. KrSasva by his wife Dhisana. Vedas'iras learned Visnu Purana from the Nagas (serpents) in Patala (underworld) and taught it to his disciple Pramati. (Visnu Purana, 6 8 47)
: : .



(Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva,


teacher-priest who was a disciple of hermit Kabandha. This teacher divided Atharvaveda into four parts and gave each of his four disciples, a part. (Vayu Purana 61 50) VEDASRUTI. A river famous in the Puranas. It is mentioned in Valmiki R.imiy.u.ui, Ayodhya Kanda,
: .



Stanza 17).



An ancient river. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 28, that the people of Bharata drank the water of this river. ATI (DEVAV ATI). A previous birth of Sita. (See under Sita). VEDAVYASA. See under Vyasa. VEDl. Wife of Brahma. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter

Sarga 49, that Sri Rama crossed the hermitage of Aga-tya.

this river

and entered

and Mrtyu. Vena who was born as the son of the daughter of Yama was born a wicked man because of the badness of his grandfather. Vena grew up as a great sinner. A story occurs in Padma Purana about an incident which caused Vena to become a great sinner. The story says that Sunitha was the mother of Vena. In her play she used to imitate her father's job which was

hurting others. One day when she went to the forest for play with her maids she saw Susankha the son of a Gandharva named Gitakolahala. That youth who


117, Verse



impossible to reach. origin of river Indus. He who visits this holy place will attain the fruits of horse sacrifice and will enter heaven. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 47).

holy bath



It is

of Kuruksetra.

in this tirtha will obtain the fruits

mentioned Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 59,

holy place situated on the border


Mahabharata, Vana


those who bathe of giving thousand

was handsome in every part of his body, was doing penance meditating on the goddess Sarasvati for the attainment of the art of music. Sunitha began to annoy him daily. Susaiikha bore this annoyance patiently. He said only this -"Go away, go away." But she did not pay heed to his appeals. Once she became angry and struck him. Getting angry at this, Susankha called out, "You wicked girl Why do you annoy me ? You have beaten me, who am engaged in penance, for no cause." That righteous Gandharva youth curbed his anger considering that she was a woman. She told him ''My father will beat everybody in the three worlds. He will harm the wicked, and will not do any harm to the good. So he rules the country righteously." Sunitha told all about the story to her


cows as alms.


Though Yama,

the incarnation of righteousness, that his daughter said he did not give any





Dhrtara?tra. Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 17, that this serpent the sacrificial fire of Janamejaya and died.

naga (serpent) born in the family of mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi



She again went to the forest and struck him with a whip. Susarika rose up, shivering with pain and cursed her thus


mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 24, that this asura was the son born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Danu. It was this Vegavan who took rebirth as the prince of Kekaya later. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 10).

When you become a house-holder girl and join your husband you will get a son who will be a scoffer of Devas and Brahmins and an all-round sinner." Thus cursing her he continued his penance. Vena was born according to this curse.
"You wicked

King of Salva. Mention

daitya (asura).


of the




Parva, Chapter 16, Stanza 17, killed in a fight with Samba, the son of Krsna.
ancient river in

Mahabharata, Vana that this daitya was

This river him. (M.B.

The hermits anointed Vena 3) The wicked rule of Vena. as the King. He became lord of the whole earth. He made a proclamation thus :-- " Sacrifice is prohibited.
Giving alms, is prohibited. Offerings of no kind should be made. Who else, other than I, can be the Yajnapurusa ? (the deity who eats the food of sacrifice) ? I am the only lord and consumer of sacrifices".


Sabha Parva, Chapter

stays in the palace of

Varuna and

Stanza 18).

medicine which helps to fatten the body. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 117, Stanza 17). VEK.A. A woman of the race of Raksasas (giants). This woman was the sister of Puspotkata and Kaikasl. (See under Akampana) VENA I. An ancient King who was notorious for his bad rule. 1 ) Descended from Visnu in the following Genealogy. order Brahma - Svayambhuva Manu - Uttanapada Dhruva-Sisti-Ripu-Caksusa Manu-Kuru-Ahga-Vena. Ten sons including Kuru, were born to 2) Birth. Manu Caksusa by his wife Nadvala. Agneyi, the wife of Kuru gave birth to six sons Anga and others. Ariga married Sunitha. The son Vena was born by Sunitha. It is mentioned in Visnu Purana, Amsa 1, Chapter 13, that Sunitha, the mother of Vena was the eldest daughter of Yama, and in Vamana Purana Chapter 47, that this Sunitha was the daughter born to Kala

him and



the basis of righteousness, that sacrifices were ordained in them, and that if no sacrifice was performed the Devas would not be pleased and so on. But this did not make any change in his behaviour.






Vedas were


He had bow and arrows and in his palm marks of a wheel and flag. Seeing this

angry. They all gathered together struck him with Darbha (poa) As there was no King the world grass and fell into darkness. Because of the troubles caused by plunderers, people gathered round the hermits. Hermits joined together and churned the left hand of Vena, from which a man of short stature came out, to whom the hermits said, 'Nisida' (sit). Because the hermits said Nisida', Nisada came into existence from that dwarf born of the sins of Vena. Then the hermits churned the right hand of Vena. At this churning a person as big as a mountain with divine signs came out.

The hermits became


spells and killed him.

there were the Devas




of weight in ancient India.
(See under Trasarenu)

anointed him the Kin* of the

earth. He ruled rightethe goddess earth (Prthvl) who had estranged herself from his father Vena close to him. Because he had conciliated Prthvl he became famous

VE?iJKATUKU. A measure

and brought


as a King.

(Vamana Parana, Chapter 47). One of the ten sons of Vaivasvata Manu.

VE.VIUDARI. A Yadava. This Yadava once carried away the wife of Akrura. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 38) VE.VUDARISUTA. A Yadava. It is mentioned in Maha.

(Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 75, Stanza 15). VEI^JA. A river famous in the Puranas. Information about this river, taken from Mahabharata, is given below

Yadava was defeated by




Parva, Chapter 254, Stanza 15, that this Kama during his regional

VE ^ UHAYA. A king of the Lunar dynasty

He was
the son of Satajit

Candravarhs a )

in the palace of Varuna serving (i) Vena-river stays him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 18) ruler of the country at the (ii) Sahadeva defeated the basin of river Vena, during his conquest of the regions of the south. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza

VE^'UJAlsIGHA. An ancient
in the


Those who


on the basin of

this river for


days will go to heaven in an aerial chariot yoked with pea-cocks and swans. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 32)




the rivers which originate fire, this river included. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 224,

Stanza 24) (v) It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Anus asana Parva, Chapter 165, Stanza 20, that this is a river worthy to be remembered every morning and evening. VE^ASAJSlGAMA. A holy place in India. It is mentioned in Maha Bharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 34, that those who bathe in this place shall obtain the


of performing a horse sacrifice.

small country situated on the southernmost point of India. This country grew in size gradually and became Travancore which forms a part of Kerala State

(serpent) born in the family of Kaurava. This serpent fell in the sacrificial fire of the serpent sacrifice of Janamejaya, and was burnt to death. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 12). VEI^IKA. A holy river in Saka Island famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 32) VENlSKANDA. A naga (serpent) born in the Kaurava This serpent also fell in the sacrificial fire of family. the serpent sacrifice of Janamejaya and was burnt to death. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 12)

VENl. A naga


hermit. This hermit shone (M.B. Sabha Parva, assembly of Yudhisfhira. Chapter 4, Stanza 18). VEIVUMAyDALA. One of the seven divisions of Kusadvipa. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 12, Stanza 12, that, in all these seven divisions, Devas, Gandharvas and men live like friends and that death has no admission to this island. VEl^UMANTA. A mountain very famous in the Puranas. It is said that this This mountain is white in colour. mountain is on a par with the mountain Mandara in the Northern region. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 33). VEYUPA. A country in ancient India. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 140, Stanza 26). VENUVlNADHARA. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 26). VETALA. An evil spirit. In the branch of fiction Fairy stories have a prominent place. Fairy stories had a good In several stories place in India from very early times. Vetalas (ghosts) have been introduced as characters. Though Vetalas have got a place in most of the stories, the Vetala, who had turned to the path of salvation in 'Jnanavasistha' and the narrator of twentyfive Vetala stories of Kathasaritsagara are (Pancaviriisati) the most prominent among them. VETALAJANANl. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 13).

and the brother of Mahahaya and Hehaya. (Bhigavata, Skandha9).

by Vetala.




(See under Vetala) VETASAVANA. An ancient holy place. Mrtyu once did penance in this place. Parva, Chapter 54, Stanza 23)

(M.B. Drona

The goddess



17th century A.D. Most important 'Yadavaraghaviya.' This poem is a description of the greatness of Rama and Krsna. VE&KATANATHA. A Sanskrit poet who lived in the 14th

Sanskrit poet


lived in the of his works, is

It is holy place glorified by Brahma. mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 56, that those who visit this place will obtain the fruits of Horse sacrifice and will attain the world of



Prakrta. The major poetic work "Raghavabhyudaya" of Venkatanatha consists of twentyfour kandas. This is a beautiful poetic work. Appayyadlksitar has written a on this work. This poet Venkatanatha, who commentary was also known by the name "Vedantadesika", was a It is said that his native place great philosopher too. was Tuppil, near Khansi. Most of his works are based on theosophy and on the philosophy of oneness of man

century A.D. He completed nearly hundred and twentyThese are written in Sanskrit and five poetic works.

(Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 159, Stanza 9) VETRAKlYAVANA. A forest. It was in this forest that Bhlmasena killed Bakasura. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter

place near the city of Ekacakra.

1 1


Stanza 30)

river very famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 16). VETRIKA. A country in India. Duryodhana had sent the army of the kingdom of Vetrika for the protection of Bhlsma. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 51,



with God. Venkatanatha was born

1369, as critics say. venerated as a divine person.

1268 and died in November Even today he is esteemed and


General information.

hermit, bDrn in the family of Once he happened to see Urvasi. When he Ka,yapa. pondered over her, seminal flow occurred to him. An

was known

sana. Vibhisana informed Sri

this. Sri

antelope swallowed ii and gave birth to a son. That son as thu hermit Rsyasrnga, when he grew up. (For details see under RsyasVuga).
(i) fies


2) Other details.

Vibhatulaka is as radiant as Prajapati. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 110, Stanza 32). VIBHAVARl. A mental daughter of Brahma. She is considered to be the personation of Night. It is mentioned in Matsya Purana, Chapter 154, that according to the instruction of Brahma, Vibhavarl entered the body of Uma and from that day onwards the body of Uma

Vibhandaka stays in the palace of Indra and him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza




I. A hermit who got angry quickly. This hermit cursed his brother Supratika. (See under Garuda, para 5) VIBHAVASU II. A hermit. This hermit respected Yudhi-

became dark.

ensued Raksasas were killed. (See under Sahasramukharavana). It is mentioned in Kamba Ramayana that in the horse sacrifice performed by Sri Rama, the control of the army was in the hands of Sugriva and financial control was vested in the hands of Vibhisana. VIBHlSAIilA II. Mention is made in Mahabhiirata, as given below, about another Vibhisana who had ruled over Lanka. Once Ghatotkaca went to the palace of Vibhisana as the messenger of Sugriva. Vibhisana who heard from Ghtotkaca about Yudhisthira honoured the messenger greatly and gave him a large quantity of valuable
fierce battle


Laksmana, Vibhisana, Sugriva, Hanuman and the monkey-army went to the city of Sahasramukha
in the


middle of Milk-sea.
three days.


lasted for





Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 26,

Kasyapa by Skandha

Stanza 24).



of the sons born

his wife Danu. Vibhavasu also was present at the battle between Vrtrasura and Indra. (Bhagavata,

to Prajapati

very liberal. It is mentioned king had given Medhatithi a gift of fortysix thousand cows. VIBHlSAI^A I. Brother of Ravana. The son Visravas



Rgveda, Mandala


who was

8, that this

attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 22) VIBHRAjA. A King who was the descendant of Yayati. I' is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 9, that he was the son of Krti and the father of Anuha. VIBHRAJARAJA. Father-in-law of the daughter of the hermit Suka. Suka, the son of Vyiisa married Pivari,



was born to Prajapati Pulastya. Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhisana were born to Visravas by his wife Malini. A daughter named Surpanakha also was born to them. Kumbhakarna and Vibhisana went to do penance under the leadership of their eldest brother Ravana. They did severe penance and obtained various boons. The boon given to Vibhisana was to live as a righteous man. After that they came back and defeated Kubera, of Lanka and brought Lanka under ruler the Ravana became the ruler of Lanka. their control. Kumbhakarna and Vibhisana lived with their brother Ravana married Mandodarl. Kumbhakarna in Lanka. took Vajrajvala the daughter of Mahabali and Vibhisana took Sarala, the daughter of Sailusa a Gandharva as their wives, according to Uttara Ramayana. Ravana conquered trie three worlds and was ruling as the emperor of the whole world, when Sri Rama and Laksmana went to the forest, with Sita. Ravana carried Sita away to Lanka. Rama and Laksmana, with the help of the monkey-army entered Lanka. At this time Ravana
called together his ministers to consider the details about the battle with Sri Rama. Every one present except Vibhisana advised Vibhisana voted for the battle. Ravana to return Sita, the stolen property and beg Sri

who gave birth to four sons named Krsna, Gauraprabha, Bhuri and Devasruta and a daughter named Kirti. This daughter Kirti was married by Anuha the son of King Vibhraja. Brahmadatta was the son born


Anuha by


(Devi Bhfigavata, Skandha



in Bhagavata, Skandha son of Prastota and the father of Prthusena. VIBHU II. Indra of the age of the fifth Manu.


King of


of Bharata. It is 5, that he was the



under Manvantara)


in the

ers of the

157, Stanza 23).

Brother of Sakuni. Bharata-battle. (M.B.

Bhimasena killed him Drona Parva, Chapter

(fire) called

Vana Parva, Chapter 222, Stanza 26). VIBHUTI. One of Visvamitra's sons who were expoundVedas.

son of the Agni


Anusasana Parva, Chapter



who was the son of AugiSudhanva were Rbhu, Vibhva and Vaja. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Sukta 111). VICAKHNU. An ancient King of India. He was a protagonist of non-killing. He was of opinion that liquor,
son of Sudhanva



three sons of

alcoholic medicine, honey, flesh, etc. should be avoided. is not ordained in the Vedas that these things should be used. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 265, Stanzas

pardon. Ravana got angry and expelled Vibhisana from Lanka. Vibhisana joined the side of Sri Rama and informed him of all the military secrets In the battle which ensued Ravana was of Ravana.





of the sons born to (Bhagavata, Skandha 10)



Krsna by

the second son of Sahasramukha Ravana with thousand heads) stole away the daughter of Sugriva and the daughter-in-law of Vibhi-

and Vibhisana was made the king of Lanka by It is stated in Kambara.ma.yana, Yuddha Sri Rama. Kanda that according to the instruction of Sri Rama and at the instance of Indra, ViSvakarma came to Lanka and renovated the city of Lanka. Sri Rama returned to Ayodhya and became the king.

Ksatriya King. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva Chapter 67, Stanza 61, that this King was born from a portion of the asura Krodhavasa. VICITRAVlRYA. Father of Dhrtaraslra. (For further

details see


under Dhrtarastra)

One day Candragupta,


In the previous birth, this devil was a Ksatriya King named Harihara. This King lived as a godless man in consequence of which, he was born as a devil in his next birth. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter 95).



of Videha.

Minister of the king Dhruvasanclhi. (For further details see under Dhruvasandhi) VIDANDA. A king in ancient India. It is mentioned in

The hermitage of Parasurama was on the North (M. B. Vana Parva, Chapter 130, Stanza
of Videha

Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 182, Stanza 12, that Vidanda and his son Danda were present at the

battle of Bharata.

The army


Brahmavai ta, Aryavarta, Bhadraketu, Sena, Indrasprk, Vidarbha, and so on were brothers of Bharata the son of Rsabha. Nimi was his son. VIDARBHA II. See under Jyamagha.

Svayariivara (marriage) of DraupadT. I. A brother of Bharata. It is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 5, that Kusavarta, Ilavarta,

Stanza 32).

attacked Arjuna in (M. B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter

1 1


of Janaka



III. An ancient country in India. The information about this Puranically famous country obtained from Mahabharata, is given below: (i) Once Sahadeva, during his regional conquest, captured Bhojakata, a part of Vidarbha and expelled the king Bhismaka from the country. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 11).

were born

(ii) By the blessing of hermit Damanaka, three sons, Dama, Danta and Damana and a daughter, DamayantI,


to Bhismaka the king of Vidarbha. Parva, Chapter 58, Stanza 5).

70, Stanza 11). This country had been giving tribute to Karna. (M. B. Karna Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 33) VIDHATA. A son born to Bhrgu. By his wife Khyati two sons Dhata and Vidhata. and a daughter named LakEmi were born to Bhrgu. Laksmi was given in marriage to Visnu. The daughter of Meru, Ayati, was married by Dhata and Niyati by Vidhata. The son Mrkanduwas born to Vidhata by Niyati. This Mrkandu was the father of Markandeya. (Visnu Purana, Ariisa 1, Chapter 10). The following statements occur about Dhata and

Karna defeated the Ksatriya princes of the country (M. B. Drona Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 6). Parasurama cut the Ksatriyas of this country pieces with his sharp arrows. (M. B. Drona Parva,






(iii) Having heard about the Svayariivara (Bride selecting a suitable husband from the candidates present) of the princess DamayantI of Vidarbha, the gods Indra, Agni, Varuna and Yama came to Vidarbha; (See under


born Stanza 12) v) RukminI, the wife of Sri Krsna, was the daughter carried of a king of Vidarbha. Bhagavan Sri Krsna Rukmim away by force. (M. B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 158, Stanza 13) VIDEGHA MATHAVA A king born of the dynasty of Mathu. There is an interesting story about this king in the Satapatha Brahmana. It is as follows. Videgha put Agni in his mouth and lived without talking, fearing that Agni might jump out. His priest Rahugana tried to the utmost, but he could not extricate fire from the mouth of the king. Once by chance the word Ghrtagot out of the mouth of


called Vaidarbhl because she was in Vidarbha. (M. B. Vana Parva, Chapter 55,

women and allowed hermit Uttarika to (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 3, Stanza 166). Dhata and Vidhata stood above the city of (ii) Virata to see the battle between Arjuna and Krpa. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 56, Stanza 1 1) Dhata and Vidhata lived with Manu. (M. B. Adi (iii) Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 42). Dhata and Vidhata gave to Subrahmanya two (iv) followers named Suvrata and Sukarma. (M. B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 42). VIDHAVA A woman whose husband is dead. In ancient India, it was ordained how a widow should live. It was allowed for a widow to get a son by her younger brother -in law to continue the family line in case the death of her husband occurred before the couple had children.. The procedure about this is given in Manusmrti, Chapter 9.
the form of
see them.

At Nakaloka (heaven) Dhata and Vidhata took


Instantly the fire in the mouth of the king into a big flame and burst out of the mouth.

to consume became dry. It seemed that even Videgha and his priest would be burnt to ashes in that blazing fire. At last Videgha got into the river Sadaown nlra, which flowed through the boundary of his kingdom, with the intention of not becoming a prey to the ever -increasing fire. With this the fire abated. VIDEHA I. Another name of emperor Nimi. (See


the world, Rivers

gradually increased and began

goes to accept the widow with the permission of great people, should besmear his body with ghee and go to her bed in the night in a dark room. She should have only one son in this manner. After she has become to each other as a pregnant, they should behave teacher and a younger brother-in-law." VIDHRTI. Son of Khagana and the father of Hiranya-

"He who





under Janaka.

II The kingdom of Mithila. This country which lies on the North East part of India was ruled by Ksatriya kings of the dynasty of Videha. It is stated in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 29, that Bhlmasena had during his eastern regional conquest, conquered this country. About this kingdom which is


Varuna serving him. of the sons born to Kasyapa by Manu. (Matsya Purana 6:18). VIDRUTA. A King born in the family of Yayati. He was the son of Rucaka. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).
stays in the palace of

was a King. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 2, Stanza 12, that this river




heroic Ksatriya woman of India. In MahaParva, there is a story, how this Vidula sent her son, who had fled from the battle-field because of fear, back to the battlefield again.


The Pandavas,

the native country of Slta, the following information is available in Mahabharata.

who had completed forest-life and Pseudonymity successfully and returned to Hastinapura were again deceived and put to shame. Sri Krsna's argument as a mediator was not successful, in the


than fighting.

108, that

palace of the Kauravas. Sri Krsna came away from the palace of Duryodhana and entered the house of Vidura and visited Kunti. Sri Krsna asked her opinion on the idea of waging a war against the Kauravas. It is not meet and right on the part of a heroic mother to welcome a son who comes home being defeated in

1 )

Vidula was a brave woman, who lived in ancient India. Her son Safijaya fought with the King of Sindhu and was defeated. When he came home Vidula did not receive him. She emboldened him by saying that she would be more proud of a son, who had sacrificed his than one who returned home life in the battlefield defeated. All his arguments which were excuses for his cowardice, were refuted by his mother. At last Safijaya engaged again in a battle with the King of Sindhu. On hearing this story told by Kunti Sri Krsna became immensely pleased. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, 3 Chapters from 134).

battle. To substantiate this point, she the story of Vidula, as given below.








being, very famous in the story of Mahabharata, as a brother of Dhrtarastra, as a man of colossal intelligence who had been closely watching the goings and comings of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, as the adviser of Dhrtarastra, and as a man of immense learning and

a superhuman

is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Vidura got the sense of righteousness, Chapter and education in fighting, at the same time. Childhood ended. As Vidura was born to a Brahmin by a Sudra woman he had no right to become King. When he grew up, the duty to find a wife for him fell on Bhisma. At that time a damsel bcrn to a Brahmin by a Sudra woman was being brought up in the palace of King Devaka. With the permission of Devaka, Bhisma brought the girl and gave her in marriage to Vidura. It is staled in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 114, that sons and daughters were born to the couple. 5 }Partiality towards the Pandavas. Vidura was the most intelligent and wisest man of his time, and he always favoured righteousness. Though he viewed the Kauravas and the Pandavas with equal favour, in his heart he felt some partiality towards the Pindavas, because they were virtuous, whereas the Kauravas were becoming more and more wicked. As this partiality arose from his sense of righteousness, nobody could blame Vidura for this. His aim was the prosperity of the Lunar

dynasty of Kings.

Bharata, Adi

2) Incarnation of Dharmadeva.

born from a portion of Dharmadeva. The given below. Long ago there was a hermit called Mandavya in India. As he was standing in deep meditation near his hermitage, the men of the King chased some thieves and came The robbers to the place where the hermit stood. the stolen property near the hermit and ran placed


There is a story in MahaChapter 107, which describes



omens were seen at the time of the birth Vidura understood that if that infant grew up he would be a comet to the Lunar dynasty. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 115, that Vidura advised Dhrtarastra that it would be better for him to throw away that infant. The death of Pandu drew Vidura closer to the Pandavas. Vidura took the lead in performing the funeral rites and other ceremonies which followed. The Pandavas. were very sad and miserable at the death of their father. It was at this time that Duryodhana poisoned Bhlmasena, tied him with a rope and threw him into the river Ganges. Bhimasena was carried to the world of
of Duryodhana.



the punishment was inflicted for a cruel deed he had done in his childhood. He had caught some flies and made a bunch of them by piercing them with the rib of But Mandavya argued that a coconut-palm leaf. Dharmadeva was not right in punishing him because the Sastras and rules of righteousness said that mistakes committed by boys below the age of twelve could not be considered to be sins. Further he cursed Dharmadeva that he wouH take birth on the earth from the womb ofaSudra. Accordingly Dharmadeva took birth from the womb of the servant of Ambika and Ambalika. Vidura was born as the brother of Dhrta3) Birth. rasjra and Pandu. ( For detailed story see under Dhrta-

The king's caught The King ordered them to trident. The thieves died on the trident. But Mandavya was not dead. The King sawed the trident and got Mandavya down. The hermit went to Dharmadeva and asked him what his blame was for suffering the punishment of the trident on him. Dharmadeva replied that


hermit, and the be placed on a

nagas (serpents) Kunti felt grieved at the loss of her son BhTma, but Vidura consoled her. Pandavas It was due to the wisdom of Vidura that the escaped from the disaster in the lac-house. As soon as

had completed the lac-house, Vidura understood the deception lying hidden under it. and he informed the Pandavas of everything about it. Moreover he sent a man named Khanaka and made an underground passage from the; lac-house. When the lac-house was burnt down, the Pandavas escaped by the under- ground passage and reached the banks of the Ganges. Vidura had sent a ferryman secretly to take them to the other side of the Ganges. When Bhlsma got the news that the Pandavas had been burnt to death in the lac-house he became very sad. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Purva, Chapter 149, that Vidura informed Bhisma secretly that the Pandavas were not dead.


Pindu and Vidura Dhrtar.istra, 4) Up to marriage. their younger days in Hastinapura as inseparable spent brothers. Their teacher was Bhlsma. Vidura learned
the Vedas, Sastras, Puranas, Itihasas etc. also, along with the education given to a prince such as archery, club-fight, sword-fight, wrestling, controlling elephants etc. He understood that to be righteous was far better



para 2).

After this event the Pandavas come into the scene only at the Svayarhvara (marriage) of Pancall. Bhisma and Drona proposed that the Pandavas should be brought back and be given half of the kingdom. Vidura, by his arugments convinced Dhrtarastra that the proposal of Bhisma and Drona was correct. Dhrtarastra asked Vidura to bring the Pandavas back. Vidura went to the city of Drupada and brought the Pandavas back and consoled their mother Kunti. After this Yudhisthira performed Rajasuya (sacrifice of royal consecration). Vidura took part in it and took the charge of financial



Maitreya. This book which


part of the sacrifice. It was after this lhat Duryodhana challenged Yudhisthira for a game of dice. Vidura saw beforehand that this move on the part of Duryodhana was dangerous. So he talked forcibly against this, and gave warning to all concerned. As Duryodhana did not agree with Vidura, he was scolded. But Duryodhana was firm and the game was conducted. Paficali was harassed by means of stripping and the Pandavas went
to the forest. It

had heard Uddhavaglta from is in the form of a conversation between Vidura and Maitreya contains the talk between Kapila and Devahuti. Description of the line of Manus, sacrifice of Daksa, story oi'Dhruva, story ofPrthu, story of Puranjana etc. were the subjects of the


scenes with wet eyes. When the Pandavas Separated from the Pandavas. were driven to the forest, Dhrtarastra felt sorry. He became more afraid of the people than he was sorry He understood that his subjects for the Pandavas. would unite and rise against his sons. He called


3, that

stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Vidura had been witnessing all these

(Bhagavata, 3-4) The End. The Bharata-battle came to an end. 9) Kauravas were exterminated. Efforts were begun to establish law and order. In all these efforts Vidura was a help to the Pandavas. Still he spent most of his time with the old Dhrtarastra. Yudhisthira came to Dhrta.

Vidura and asked him


for a remedy. Vidura who was of impatience, made a speech against the wickedness of the sons of Dhrtarastra and advised him to

his own sons and to bring the Pandavas back and give them the kingdom. Dhrtarastra did not like this approach. He said that Vidura was partial to the Pandavas and asked him to go away from the palace. Vidura became grieved at this. He followed the Pandavas, and walking a long distance, reached the forest Kamyaka and met the Pandavas. When Vidura had gone Dhrtarastra felt miserable. He sent for Vidura and when he returned Dhrtarastra begged for pardon. Vidura again became the adviser of Dhrtarastra. (M. B. Vana Parva, Chapter 6) Adviser of Dhrtarastra. The advice of Vidura is 7) famous in Mahabharata. The main duty of Vidura was to console Dhrtarastra by speaking about righteousness when he became troubled in mind because of the constant quarrels between his sons and the Pandavas. Vidura fulfilled his duty well. Duryodhana was firm on the point that not a dot of land would be given to the Pandavas. Sri Krsna came to Hastinapura as mediator. Duryodhana showed disrespect to him. Vidura said in strong words that it was wrong on the part of Duryodhana to have done so and compelled Dhrtarastra to show due respect and hospitality to Sri Krsna. Accordingly Dhrtarastra welcomed Sri Krsna and showed respect and hospitality. Knowing this, Duryodhana and his brothers tried to make Sri Krsna a captive. Vidura harshly scolded them for this attempt. Seeing all these impudent actions on the part of his sons, Dhrtarastra became distressed. Vidura consoled him by good exhortations. He told Dhrtarastra about the transience of life and the importance of the soul. When the battle was fiercely going on in the battleground of Kuruksetra, Vidura ro ained with Dhrtarastra consoling him and giving him good advice. The death of Bhlsma was an unbearable grief to Vidura. He


rastra and both embraced each other. Seeing this Vidura cried aloud. Vidura advised Yudhisthira how to carry on the administration of the new government. After this he decided to go to the forest to spend his last days. Dhrtarastra, Gandhari,KuntI, Vidura and Sakuni went to the forest. The Pandavas tried in vain When Dhrtarastra, to prevent them from going. Vidura, Sanjaya and others started Gandhari, Kuntl, Pandavas for the forest, even Bhimasena cried aloud. and the people of the city went along with them up to the river Ganges. On the bank of the Ganges near the hermitage of Satayupa, a hermitage was erected and Vidura and the others lived there. They lived there for nearly six years. The Pandavas became unable to bear the separation from their elders. Once Dharmaputra dreamt about his mother. Next day the Pandavas went to the banks of the Ganges. Pancall, Subhadra, Uttara and many people of the city followed them. They went to the Satayupa-hermitage and saw Dhrtarastra and the others. But the great Vidura was

When asked about it he got the reply that having become abstemious and having no more desires he was wandering about. Yudhisthira was greatly
not there.

Next day

at dawn when Yudhisthira went to bathe in the Ganges, on the way he saw Vidura sitting in contemmouth. Yudhisthira stood plation with a stone in his with joined palms before the lean and weak form of

did not last long. For, in a short while Dharmaputra saw that a divine radiance emanated from the body of Vidura and passed on to his body and that the body of Vidura fell lifeless on the ground. This union took and Yudhisthira were portplace because both Vidura After this Dharmaputra made ions of Dharmadeva. of Vidura. Then an ethepreparations to burn the body real voice said "Vidura is abstemious. His body should not be burned." Dharmaputra went to the hermitage and informed all, about the death of Vidura. (M.B.

"Look, Dharmaputra bows before repeated this several times. But there was you." no change in Vidura. Yudhisthira's disappointment
that sage




took part in the funeral of Bhlsma.

Chapter 168, Stanza 11). When Vidura failed in his attempt to Pilgrimage. 8) ward off a pitched battle between the Kauravas and the Pandavas he felt extremely miserable. Without taking part in the battle, he started on a pilgrimage. Getting the news at Prabhasaksetra about the end of the battle, he went to the basin of river Yamuna. On the way he heard the news of the passing away of Sri Krsna, from Uddhava. Before death Sri Krsna had

himself placed the body on the funeral pyre. (M. B. Anusasana Parva,



Asramavasika Parva, Chapters 26 to 28). Mention is made in Mahabharata, Svargarohana Parva, entered Svarga Chapter 5, Stanza 22, that Vidura and stays there in the form of Dharmadeva. heaven)

The II. A Ksatriya who lived in Pancala. of this Vidura, who had killed a Brahmin because story of his want, is given in Padma Purana, Bhumikhanda, below: Chapter 91. The story is given named Vidura, in Long ago there lived a Ksatriya, Pancala. Because of penury he killed a Brahmin. After that the Ksatriya discarded his lock of hair and Brahma-


75, that

Rksavan hid the son of this king in a mountain and saved him from the Ksatriya-extermination of Parasurama and at that time spotted leopards brought up
this child.

here am string and went to every house saying "Look, a slayer of Brahmin. Please, give alms to the drunkI, ard and killer of a Brahmin." Saying thus he walked

from house to house and took alms. But he did not get remission of Brahmahatya (killing of a Brahmin). Filled with grief and sorrow and mental worry the sinner Vidura sat in the shade of a tree. At that time Candras"arma, a Brahmin of Magadha came there. He was a wicked man who had killed his teacher because of inordinate lust in consequence of which he had been forsaken by his own people. Vidura asked Candrasarma who wore no sign of a Brahmana, what he was. Candrasarma told his story to Vidura who in return told him
time another Brahmin named Vedasarma came also was a sinner. The three of them told each other about their sinful acts. At this time Vallala, a
his sinful acts.







Vaisya came there. He was a drunkard who had killed These four desperate sinners travelled together and visited several tlrthas (holy baths). But they did not


and you will become free from sin." They obeyed the old Brahmin and went to the holy places told by him. Thus Vidura and his friends became sinless. VIDORA. A king of the Kuru dynasty. He was the son born to the great king Kuru by Subhaiigl, a damsel of Dasarha family. Vidura married Sampriya, a princess of Madhu royal family. A son named Anasva was born to her. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanzas 39-40).
ion of Adi Parva, comprising chapters 199 to 217, in Mahabharata. VIDURATHA I. A king of the Vrsni dynasty. Information got from Mahabharata about this king is given

a poor Brahmin came there. He asked them why they were so sad. They told him everything. When he heard their stories he felt pity for them. The old Brahmin said "You sinners should go to Prayaga, Puskara, Sarvatlrtha and Varanarf and bathe in the Ganga on New Moon days

At last they started for get remission of their sins. Kalanjaragiri. While these desperate sinners were living in Kalanjara

mit Bhalanda. This king had two sons named Suniti and Sumati and a daughter named Mudavati. One day while Viduratha was hunting in the forest, he saw a cleavage on the earth caused by the yawning of Kujrmbhasura. The king stood there for a while looking at the cleavage. Then the hermit Suvrata who had been standing close by approached the king and said. "This asuraKujrmbha has a divine pestle with him. Because of the possession of this pestle he has become invincible and is a threat to the whole world." Viduratha, who knew everything from Suvrata, lived cautiously. One day his daughter was carried away by this Kujrmbhasura. Suniti and Sumati confronted the asura to rescue their sister but were made captives. Finally Vatsapri, the son of the hermit Bhalanda killed the Raksasa (giant) and liberated princess Mudavati.


who was

the friend of the her-


(Markandeya Purana, Chapter 113).

I. king born in the family of Bharata, the son of Dusyanta. The father of this king was Suratha and his son was Sarvabhauma. (Bhagavata, Skandha



Brother of Dantavaktra.



Krsna had defeated Dantavaktra, his brother Viduratha came to fight with Sri Krsna and was killed in the Skandha 10) fight. (Bhagavata, VIDUSA. A king of the Ariga dynasty. Ghrta was the father of king Vidusa and Pracetas was his son. (Agni

Purana, Chapter 277). Vana I. A maid of Devi Uma. (Mahabharata, Parva, Chapter 231, Stanza 48). VIDYA II. A deity. This deity is worshipped as the deity of three Vedas which are the most important of the reliMention is made about this gious or Vedic literature. in the preface of Rgvedabhasya by Sayana, as deity



(i) Viduratha also was present at the Svayarhvara marriage of Draupadl. (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 19). (ii) In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 218, Stanza 10, mention is made that the brightness of this king increased after his participation in the festival conducted

as are

are pure, celibate, law-abiding and active, and who protect the treasure. I hate disciples who are jealous."

Once Vidya approached a Brahmin and said I am me to disciples who your wealth. Your duty is to impart

(iv) Viduratha was a close friend of SiSupala, Salva, Jarasandha and so on. Jarasandha employed this Viduratha as the guardian of the Eastern entrance of the city of Mathura. When Sri Krsna killed his brother Dantavaktra, Salva, Sisupala and others, Viduratha ran to take revenge on Krsna. But he was killed by Sri Krsna. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). (v) It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 16, that after death he joined the Vkvadevas. VIDURATHA II. A king of the Puru dynasty. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 49, Stanza

60, Stanza 14).

on mount Raivata. one of the seven famous and mighty (iii) Viduratha was kings of the Yadu dynasty. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter

VIDYANATHA (AGASTYA) A Sanskrit writer on rhetoof


walked behind him (Indra).

garlands, lute-players, and Vidyadharas these groups live in the sky. (Agni Purana, Adi Chapter 51). It is mentioned in Mahabharata, 56, Stanza 8, that when attracted by Parva, Chapter Indra went to the Sarpasatra spells and incantations, of Janamejaya, the Vidyadharas (serpent sacrifice)

group of semi-gods. Vidyadharas, maids), Yaksas, Raksasas, GandharOf these Kinnarvas, Kinnaras and so on are semigods.





called Agastya. He is the author Prataparudriyam. The real name of Prataparudrlyam

He was



Par taparudray asobh usanam

He was

deva who ruled over the Kingdom of Warangal from 1295 to 1323 A.D. He has written a drama of five acts, under the name "Prataparudra Kalyana." Prataparudrlyam is a book on rhetorical figures.


of the court of

King Prataparudra-


85l Father

under Praheti)





holy place in India. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 34, Stanza 52, that those who bathe in this tlrtha (bath) would get

warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 62). Salya VIDYUTKESA. A Raksasa (giant). (For details see

was the son of

VIDYOTA. The son


born to Sage Dharma, by the daughter of Daksa. (Bhagavata,

his wife


celestial maid of Alakapurl. Mention is Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 19, that Vidyota took part in the dance Stanza 45, performed in honour of Astavakra, the hermit. VIDYUDDHARA. A Deva Gandharva. (See under Nahusa) VIDYUDRUPA. A Yaksa who was the favourite of Kubera. This Yaksa married Madanika, the daughter of Menaka. Once when these two were sitting on mount Kailasa and drinking liquor the bird Kaiika born of the family of Garuda came there. Vidyudrupa


Raksasa King. The notorious Sukes'I King. (See under Suites I) VIDYUTPARIV'A. A celestial maid born to Kasyapaprajapati by his wife Pradha. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, that celestial maids such as Alambusa, Vidyutparna, MigrakesI, Tilottama and such others were famous for their beauty. VIDYUTPRABHA I. See under Muktaphalaketu. VIDYUTPRABHA II. A hermit. (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 125). VIDYUTPRABHA III. A Danava (Asura). This asura pleased Rudradeva by penance and acquired from him the control of all the three worlds for one lakh of years, the recognition as a follower of Siva and the kingdom of Kusadvlpa, as boons. (M.B. Anulasana Parva, Chapter



Kaiika after a small fight. of Kanka, his brother Hearing about the death Kandara came to avenge the death of his brother. A fierce battle ensued between the two, in which Vidyudrupa met with death. After this Madanika accepted Kandara as her husband. (Markandeya Purana, 2,4,


quarter .(M.B.

I. Ten celestial maids of Northern Udyoga Parva, Chapter 111, Stanza 21)


offerings to


eternal god

concerned with

the manes.

(Mahabharata, Anuasana


(giant). This Vidyujjihva was a friend of Ghatotkaca. He was killed by Duryodhana in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva,

Parva, Chapter 31).


King, born in Mukuta Varhsa. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Stanza 16). VIGHANA. A giant on the side of Ravana. (Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda, Sarga 6). VIGRAHA I. One of the two attendants given to Subrahmanya by the ocean. The other one was Sarigraha. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 50)

VIGAHANA. A famous

(See under Srldatta)

Grand-daughter of





of the

six attributes of

Kings. (See


under Sadguna) (Image).


of the important Raksasa This giant, by his sorcery and witch-craft, showed Sita, the head cut off from the body of Sri Rama and his broken bow, to make her consent to become the wife of Ravana. He repeated this stratagem on several occasions. (Valmiki Ramayana, Uttara Kanda, Sarga 12). VIDYUJJIHVA IV. One of the sons born to ViSravas


Husband of Surpanakha. A son named Sambhukumara was born to the couple. As this son Sambhukumara was standing like a young tree in the forest Dandakaranya, Laksmana cut it down by Thus Sambhukumara died. (Kamba his sword. Ra.ma.yana. Aranya Kanda)

Chapter 91, Stanza 20)

General information. God, who is not discernible to ) the outward senses, is given embodiment and consecrated in places of worship by people. These figures are called Vigrahas (idols or images). People worship Salagrama, (a kind of ammonite found in the river








trees, rivers, lakes, places

mystical diagrams, of death etc.

of Ravana.

Vaka. Mention is made in Vayu Purana Raksasa lives in the city called Arvaktala in Patala (underworld) known as Mahatala. VIDYUNMALl I. A son of Tarakasura. He was one of the Tripuras. (For details see under Tripura). VIDYUNMALl II. A mighty and brave Raksasa who was a friend of Ravana. After the death of Ravana,


his wife


other things. of Vigrahas. Vigrahas are of three groups. They are :-( 1 ) Mysterious (2) Evident-mysterious (3) Evident. Salagrama, Phallus etc. belong to the group mysterious. The Mukhaliuga, considered to be the image of Trimurti (Brahma, Visnu, Siva) in the Elephanta cave, belongs to the group Evident. The image of Phallus is Evident-mysterious. In the first, there is no form or figure. In the second there are parts of the figure. The image which shows the entire figure is Evident.



different kinds

asura, who lived in the Patala (underworld) stole away the sacrificial horse of Sri Rama to avenge the

death of Ravana.



Vidyunmali and


redeemed the Khanda)


sacrificial horse.

(Padma Purana, Patala

A celestial maid of Alakapurl. It is stated Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza in 45, that this celestial maid performed a dance honour of the hermit Asfavakra.

ship fierce gods whereas those who wish for peace, all Gods. ViSvarupa, (assuming worship peaceful Narasirhha (the man-lion) VatapatraSayi (as shapes) lying on banyan-leaf) and Paras' urama are fierce forms of Visnu. Destroying Kama (cupid) Gaja and Tripura are fierce forms of Siva worshipped by some people. Generally temples with images in this form are erected
, ,

possess two appearances, Those who wish to succeed in performing cruel deeds and to vanquish enemies, wor-

Some gods and





outside the village or city. Owing to the differences, in the making and the materials used, the images are divided into three groups.

They are


turned to the right and to the
to the right in

The trunk

and corrupted Half-portraits of the figure will be made in (portraits) citras. In half-citras only the front view will be completed. Corrupted Citras are images done on the wall or rock.

The whole



Main images. Main images are mostly Saivite or Vaisnavite. There will be one or two other images. Worship of Devi (Goddess) is one of them. The Saivites will worship ParvatI also after Siva and the Vaisnavites Mahalaksmi also after Visnu. In South India the worshippers are Saiviles and Vaisnavites.
3) 4) Saivites. In India a large number of people worship Siva. There is not much difference in the mode of worship of these various people. There are worships which are in accordance with the Vedas and which are not.

Forms of worship which are Sattvika (of goodness) and

some and to the left in others. 8) Subrahmanya. Subrahmanya is worshipped only in South India. Subrahmanya is known by various names such as Kumara, Muruka, Karttikeya, Skanda, Arumukha, Guha, and so on. Temples dedicated to Subrahmanya are seen in plenty in Tamil Nadu. They are all situated on the tops of hills. There is sufficient proof in the poetic works of the Saugha period, to the fact that Subrahmaaya-worship was prevalent in South India. On excavation at the place Nagarjunakonda in the District of Guntur, images of Subrahmanya were found under the earth. They were as old as 3rd century B.C. Images of Subrahmanya are seen in various postures and shapes such as sitting, with six faces, with one face,

which are not, could be seen. The Saiva worship called Parasupada is very ancient. The phallus at Gudimalla is considered to be as old as B.C. 2nd century. From this it could be inferred how old, the Saivite worship is
in India.

with two hands, with four hands, sometimes with wife, in the state of having finished investiture with the Brahma-string etc. There are figures sitting on the peacock also. 9) Other images. Images of Sakti, Laksmi, Earth-goddess,
SarasvatI, Saptamatrs (Seven Mothers), Jyestha, Visnu, the ten incarnations, the planets such as the sun etc. the deities of the weapon like the thunderbolt, Sakti

emblems denoting Siva, the Phallus, which is of two kinds, movable and immovable. Risen by itself and or erected and set firm and consecrated inside temples are immovable; that which is made of earth, metal, jewel, wood or stone, is movable. There are Phalluses made for the time being. They are fixed on platforms or pedestals. They are of different sizes and shapes. The Phallus is made of male stone and the pedestal of female stone. 6) The portions of Siva. There are various kinds of images meant to reveal various attributes of Siva. Lingodbhava


the most important

Saivite images.




Vighnesa and Arjuna also. There are a large number of images in various dancing poses. There are four other figures of Daksinamurti, such as the explanation, knowledge, yoga ( or meditation, contemplation and other ways of union with the Universal Soul) and Vmadhara (carrying a lute) A few other

ing Tripura) are figures of extermination. Siva has the figures of blessing Candesa, Visnu, NandKvara,

Umasamhita (with Uma) etc. are some of them. Kamantaka (killing Kama or Cupid ), Gajari (enemy of Gaja) Kalari (Enemy of Yama) and Tripuradahaka (burn,


from Phallus),



Brahma, Guardians of the zones, Asvinldevas, half gods, etc. are also dedicated and worshipped in temples. VIHAjvIGA. A serpent (naga) born in the race of the Naga Airavata. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 12, that this serpent fell in the sacrificial fire of the serpent-sacrifice performed by Janamejaya and was burnt to death. VIHA&GAMA. A soldier of the giant Khara. This Khara who confronted Rama and Laksmana in Dandakaranya (forest Dandaka) had twelve army captains under him, including Vihangama, (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 26) VIHAVYA. The son of Varcas who was born in the dynasty of Grtsamada. Vitatya was the son of this Vihavya. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza

(lance), NandikesVara, Candesvara, Sasta, Ksetrapala,

VIHUjVpA. An asura. This


forms are Bhiksataka (begging alms), Kapaladharl (wearing skulls), Gangadhara (bearing the Ganges), Ardhanarlsvara (God half of whom is a woman), Vrsabhavahana (seated on a bull) Visabhaksaka (eating poison) etc. The figures of Sada<iva," Manes' a, EkadaSarudras (eleven Rudras) Vidyesvara and Murtyastaka are seen occasionally here and there. There
, ,

are scriptures describing these figures. 7) The Devas (gods) connected with Siva. Among the gods connected with Siva, first place is given to Ganapati. Worship of Ganapati was in vogue from 6th or 7th century B.C. Perhaps the images that we see today

were made after this period. In South India temples dedicated





of Ganapati

Ganapati are not

fortresses, at the foot

Saivite temples. There are images of Ganapati in the postures of standing and dancing. Main images are those with the trunk

the entrance of temples


at 'the entrance of of banyan trees, at at the south-west corner of


asura was the son of the mighty and great Asura Hunda. At the time of the fierce battle between the devas and the asuras, this mighty asura Hunda and Nahusa confronted each other and Hunda was killed. After this Vihunda, the son of Hunda fought with Nahusa. In the earlier part of the battle Vihunda and his army suffered defeat. Vihunda began to do penance in order to defeat the Devas who got terrified at this and went to Mahavisnu and prayed for protection. Visnu consoled them saying that he would take necessary steps. When the Devas were gone, Visnu took the form of a beautiful woman and went in search of Vihunda. They met each other in the garden Nandana. Vihunda fell in love with her. He wanted to marry her. She said, "Oh, Handsome Vihunda, I have no objection to be your wife. But there is a condition, you, must gather seven crores of Kamoda flowers and offer them as oblation to Siva, and then make a garland of Kamoda flowers and put it on my neck. From that day onwards I am yours." Vihunda agreed to it. He went for the flowers. He wandered over forests and mountains. Nobody had any idea of such a tree or flower. Thinking that this condition, laid by the damsel, was a deceit played upon him,




churning. She dwells at Gangadvara. When she laughs pure white fragrant flowers fall from her lips, on the water of Ganga, every moment. When she is sad, the flowers that fall from her lips will be red."

he stood perplexed when the hermit Sukra saw him. He told the hermit everything. Then Sukra told him, "Kamoda is neither a tree nor a flower. She is goddess who came up from the sea of Milk at the time of the

to Bhadravata, of Subrahmanya, this trident Vijaya of Siva went behind King Yama. This trident had three Stanza 37). prongs. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 231, A bow of Indra. This is as bright as XII. VIJAYA Gandlva and as strong as the bow Sarngadhanus of Sri Krsna. The bows of the Devas, considered to be most divine, are Vijaya, Gandlva arid Sarriga. Vijaya

Vihunda started for Gaugadvara. Narada knew this. He came to Vihunda and said, "It is difficult to reach Gangadvara and please Kamoda, and obtain the flower. So the easiest way is to gather the flowers that come down through the water of Ganga." Vihunda agreed. He took his seat on the bank of Ganga and waited for
the flowers to come.

and Saruga to belongs to Indra, Gandlva to Varuna Visnu. Once Druma, akimpurusa(dcmi god) who lived in the mountain Gandhamadana got Vijaya from Indra. After thatRukmi, his disciple got this bow from Druma. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 158, Stanza 3). VIJAYA XIII. The divine bow of Karna. It is said that this bow was the most divine of all weapons. This bow

Narada decided to cause harm to Vihunda. So he went to Kamoda and by way of telling her news, he informed her that the hermit Bhrgu had cursed Mahavisnu and changed him into a man. On hearing this Kamoda
fell from her lips. They were by the water of Ganga. Vihunda them and went to the dwelling place of Siva, iva and fathered Parvatl saw this by their inward eyes. Parvatl

to cry.




in cluster


Purana, Bhumi khanda, some chapters from 119). I. A minister of Dagaratha. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Sarga 7, Stanza 3). VIJAYA II. A gate-keeper of Vaikuntha. (See under

did not like the idea of offering red flowers at the feet of her beloved husband. Siva found out a remedy for it. He advised Parvatl to offer pure white flowers at his feet standing as a boy. Vihunda came with red flowers Parvati appeared in the form of a boy. Both began to vie with each other in offering flowers at the feet of Siva. Gradually it changed to a fight between the boy and Vihunda. In the fight Vihunda was killed. ( Padma

which was made by Visvakarma, originally belonged to Indra. At that time Indra had defeated many asuras with the help of this bow. Indra gave this bow to his loved disciple Parasurama. Karna got it from Parasurama. It is said that this bow was superior to Gandlva. It was with the help of this bow that Parasurama conKarna quered the Ksatriyas twentyone times. (M.B. Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 42) VIJAYA I.The daughter of King Dasarha. The emperor Bhumanyu married her. A son named Suhotra was born to the couple. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 33) VIJAYA II. Daughter of Uyutiman, the King of Madradesa. This Vijaya was the wife of Sahadeva the son of Pandu. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 80, that a son named Suhotra was born to Sahadeva by Vijaya. VIJAYA III. A synonym of Devi Durga. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 16). VIJAYADASAMI. A festival of Indians. As this festival is celebrated for nine nights from the 1st to the 9th in the

bright lunar fortnight of the

it is


A Son of Pururavas. It is mentioned in III. Bhagavata, Skandha 9, that Ayus, Srutayus. Satyayus, Raya, Vijaya and Jaya were the sons born to Pururavas, by UrvaSi. VIJAYA IV. A King of Kosala. It is stated in
Brahmanda Purana, Chapter
73, that ihis

month of Kanni (Sepknown asNavaratri (Nine nights) tember-October) and as it continues up to Dasami (the tenth night) it The Hindus believe that the Vijayais called Dasra.

of Kosala confronted Paraiurama and was defeated. VIJAYA V. This was the secret name given to Arjuna by Dharmaputra during the time of their pseudonymity. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 35), VIJAYA VI. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra.

King Vijaya

dasaml (the victorious tenth) was the day on which Devi Durga killed Mahisasura and got victory. So this day is considered to be a suitable moment to begin the learning of all the arts which would enable one to carry on a successful life. SarasvatI is considered the transless superstitifiguration of Durga. As people became ous, they began to consider the story of killing Mahisasura as a metaphorical saying, to mean the killing of ignorance. So the day of victory of Devi Durga (the same as SarasvatI) is considered to be the auspicious moment for the beginning of learning. The warrior places his weapons, the man of literature his books and pen, the musician his musical instruments, at the feet of Devi and with devotion and worship receives them back from Devi on the VijayadaSaml day at an auspicious

with Jaya and Durjaya, two Kauravas and fought with Nila, Kasya and Jayatsena. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 45). VIJAYA VII. The name Vijaya is used as a synonym of Siva in Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 17, Stanza 51. VIJAYA VIII. The name Vijaya is used as a synonym of Visnu in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter
146, Stanza 21. VIJAYA IX. A King who ruled over the city ofVaranasi. Vijaya destroyed the city of Khandavl and the forest Khandava rose there. Later he gave the forest to Indra. The most powerful King of this dynasty was Uparicara (Kalika Purana, Chapter 92) VIJAYA X. A country of ancient India famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 45) VIJAYA XI. The trident of Siva. During the journey

He joined


a festival celebrated everywhere in India. In is several native states this festival used to be celebrated under the sponsorship of the royal family as a State festival. As it is believed that Mahisasura had lived in Mysore the celebration of Dasra in that State generally



on a grand scale. In Kerala, from olden times this was celebrated under the patronage of the Vanci Royal family.

One of the eight Laksmls. The duty of Vijayalaksml was keeping the treasury of Brahma. Once she showed carelessness in her duty. So Brahma

cursed her to go and guard the gate tower of Ravana. Accordingly VijayalaksmI guarded the gate of Lanka under the name Lankalaksml. When she was hit by Hanuman she obtained her original form and returned to the world of Devas. (See under LaukalaksmI) VIJITASVA. One of the five sons of emperor Prthu. decided to perform one hundred horseVijitas'va


xiii) There was a combat between Nakula and Vikarna(BhTsma Parva, Chapter 110, Stanza 11). with Bhimasena. (xiv) He fought (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 113). (xv) He fought with Sikhandi. (Drona Parva, Chapter


which Indra was defeated, and Vijitasva recovered the stolen horse from Indra. It was from that day onwards that this son of Prthu got the name Vijitas'va. Being pleased with the King at this expert fighting, Devendra taught him the art of vanishing. (Bhagavata.

and completed ninetynine. Seeing this Indra feared that he might be deposed. So he stealthily took away the sacrificial horse of Vijitas'va. There was a fierce battle between Indra and Vijitas'va

V1KARIVAII. A hermit devoted


fought with Nakula and was defeated. (Drona Parva, Chapter 107, Stanza 30). (xvii) Bhimasena killed him. (Drona Parva, Chapter 137, Stanza 29).
(xvi) to Siva. Mention is made Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 14, Stanza 99, that Siva was pleased with the devotion of this hermit and appearing before him granted him boons.

96, Stanza 31)





VIJVALA. Son of the bird Kufijala which was a famous scholar. (For further details see under Subahu. XIV). VIKADRU. A noble Yadava. It was this Vikadru who brought to the notice of Sri Krsna the fact that Jarasandha had dared to attack Mathurapuri for the eighteenth time. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 17). VIKALPA. An ancient country of India famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9,

III. A country of ancient India. The warriors of this country joined the army of Sakuni and fought against the Pandavas. (Mahabharata Bhisma Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 15). VIKARTANA. A king of the Solar dynasty who was

is stated in Padma Purana, Uttarakhanda, Chapter 135, that he got recovery from the disease by bathing in the river Sabhramati. VIKATA I. A brother of Prahasta. (See under Akampana)

afflicted with leprosy. It



character in



Stanza 59)

VIKATA II I. (VIKATANANA). One of the hundred sons

Bhimasena. (Mahabharata,
giantess in the to entice Sita for Ravana.

(See under Pancatantra).


of Pancatantra.

mountain in the vicinity of Mount Meru. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8). VIKARNA I. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. The following information is available in Mahabharata
about this valiant fighter. (i) Vikarna, the son of Dhrtarastra was one of the eleven maharathas. (great warriors) (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Stanza 39). (ii) Among the disciples of Drona, who attacked Drupada, Vikarna was one. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 137, Stanza 19). (iii) Vikarna was present at the Svayarhvara (marriage) of Draupadi (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 1). (iv) Vikarna was one of those kings who stood silent and sad, being unable to answer the questions put by Draupadi when she was about to be stripped of her clothes. (M.B.Sabha Parva, Chapter 68, Stanza 1). (v) Once Kama reviled at Vikarna. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 68, Stanza 80) At the time of the theft of the cows of king (vi) Virata by Duryodhana and his brothers. Vikarna fought against Arjuna. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 54, Stanza 9). A severe fight followed in which the defeated (vii) Vikarna fled from the battle-ground. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 54, Stanza 41) (viii) Hitby the arrow of Arjuna, Vikarna was wounded and he fell down from the chariot. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 41 ). (ix) On the first day of the battle of Bharata, Vikarna entered in a combat with Srutasoma. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 58) (x) He fought with Sahadeva. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 7 1 Stanza 21). defeated Vikarna. (Bhisma Parva, (xi) Abhimanyu Chapter 78, Stanza 21). defeated Vikarna. (Bhisma Parva, (xii) Ghatotkaca 92, Stanza 36). Chapter

of Dhrtarastra. In the Bharata-battle, fourteen sons of Dhrtarastra joined together and wounded Bhimasena. Vikata was one of them. This Vikaja was killed by




Kanda, Sarga

23, Stanza 15).

harem of Ravana. She tried (ValmlkiRamayana, Sundara

Parva, Chapter 51).


attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 18) VIKRAMADITYA. Vikramaditya, who is believed to be one of the mighty emperors of Bharata, was an extraordinarily wise, righteous and valiant ruler. There are several stories in all the languages of India, prevalent everywhere. They are generally called Vikramaditya stories. Vikramaditya was the son of Mahendraditya, King of Ujjayini. Mahendraditya and his wife Saumyadars ana were in great distress as they were childless. Sumati, the Prime Minister, Vajrayudha, the army commander,

and Mahldhara, the

royal couple.
selves in fast

In the meanwhile, the Devas found life extremely difficult due to the wicked deeds of the barbarians, and they went to Kailasa and told Rudradeva of their

and prayer.

The King and


were as distressed as the the queen engaged them-

on the earth as Barbarians. such as killing the Brahmins, obstructing sacrifices hermit damsels etc. The sacrificial carrying away fire with Vedic Mantras by offerings in the sacred Brahmins, is the food of Devas. Because of the troubles caused by the Barbarians in the earth, the sacrifices are hindered and the Devas are in trouble due to lack of food. So a being, mighty and strong enough to exterminate all the Barbarians on the earth, should take incarnation." Siva agreed and sent the devas back to their world. Then he called Malyavan and told him to take birth as the son of Mahendraditya in the city of Ujjayini.

exterminated by yourself and




Lord All the asuras Mahavisnu, are born They commit great sins
! !

Siva added.


sacrifices on the banks of river Sarayu. The famous Kakutstha was the son of this Vikuksi. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7). VIKUiVDALA. A Vaigya who obtained heaven by bathing during the month Magha in the waters of Kalindi. This Vaisya was a deplorable sinner. Still the men of Kala (Yama) sent Vikundala to heaven without minding his sins. This story occurs in Padma Purana, Adi Khanda, Chapter 30, as follows: In days of old there lived a Vaisya named Hemakundala in the great kingdom of Nisadha. He was a devotee and worshipper of devas and Brahmanas. He carried on trade and agriculture and by plundering he amassed much wealth. Hemakundala grew old. He thought about the frailty of life and spent a sixth part of his wealth for charitable purposes. For remission of the sins committed throughout the whole of his life, he gave alms as stipulated


"You should exterminate all the Barbarians reinstate rituals and ceremonies. The Yaksas, Raksasas, ghosts etc. will be under your control. You will be an emperor there with divine powers." Accordingly Malyavan took birth as the son of Mahendraditya. That infant was Vikramaditya who became a
mighty emperor later. (Kathasaritsagara, Visamasllalambaka, Tarariga 1 ).
Purana. Kalindi was his wife and
praised in the

VIKRANTA. A King who

his son.

was the father of Sudhrti andthesoncfKingDama.lt is mentioned in Vayu Purana, Chapter 86, that Vikranta was an ideal King who loved and cared for his subjects. VIKRTA. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 196, that this was the name adopted by Kamadeva (Cupid) when he argued with Iksvaku, in the form of a Brahmin. VIKRT1. A King of the family of Yayati. This King's father was Jirnuta, and his son was Bhimaratha. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).


in the Puranas.
his sons


Of these Viksara took rebirth later as King 33) Vasumitra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 41). VIKUKSI. Asonoflksvaku.lt is said that Iksvaku was born from the spittle of Manu. It is stated in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7, that after the death of Saryati, the Raksasas (giants) attacked Ayodhya and the sons of the King having fled to different directions, Iksvaku continued the dynasty of Saryati in Ayodhya. Hundred sons beginning with Vikuksi, were born to Iksvaku. Of these hundred sons fifty were employed to rule over the regions of East and North and fortyeight, to

noble asura born to Kasyapa Prajapati Danu. The most powerful of the Danavas (asuras) given birth to by Danu. were Viksara, Bala, Vira and Vrtra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza

After entrusting the family affairs to Srlkundala and Vikundala, he went to the forests for penance. His sons were young. They turned away from and followed a path of pleasures and righteous ways wickedness. They refused to pay any heed to the advice of their elders. Drinking and going to other

Within a short time they lost their wealth. They had nothing to eat. Their friends and favourites all discarded them. Being forsaken by every body, they engaged themselves in theft or robbery. They were afraid of the king and the people, and so they shifted to the forest. They lived by hunting. At this time the elder brother was caught by a tiger. The younger brother was bitten by a snake. Thus, on the same day, both

women became

their routine.

rule over the regions in the south and the west. With the remaining two sons the King stayed in Ayodhya, and carried on administration. One day King Iksvaku resolved to conduct the great sacrifice of offering to the manes called MahapralayaSraddha, for which preparations were speedily made. The hermits such as Vasistha and others arrived according to invitation. He sent his son Vikuksi to the forest to bring the required amount of flesh for the sacrifice. Vikuksi entered the forest and hunted hare, hog, deer etc. and collected the required quantity of flesh; but on the way home, he became tired of hunger. To appease his hunger he took a small hare from the collection cooked it and ate it. He took the balance to the King who was much pleased with his son and gave the animals to Vasistha the family priest for proksana (sprinkling of holy water on the animals before sacriBut Vasistha got angry and said, "flesh which fice)

met with death. The messengers of Yama took both of them to the world of Yama. According to the order of King Dharma, Vikundala got heaven and

Kundala got



him, went to the forest and lived on fruits and roots and worshipped Devi, with ardent devotion. Iksvaku died. Sa<ada knew this and returned to

not acceptable." The king only then. He was filled with anger and distress. He expelled Vikuksi from his country for this misdeed. Thus because he had eaten Vikuksi got another name Saiada. a Saga (hare) Sasada not at all caring about the misfortune that be-

remains understood the truth


Vikundala who was glad at obtaining heaven asked the men of Yama on the way, why he was given heaven. They replied, "There was a Brahmin who was wellversed in all branches of knowledge. He was the son on the southern of Harimitra. His hermitage was bank of Yamuna. Yourself and the Brahmin became friends in the forest. Because of that friendship you were enabled to take bath in two Magha months in the holy waters of Kalindi which is capable of washing all the sins away. By the first Magha bath you got remission of your sins. By the second Magha-bath you became eligible for the attainment of heaven." VIKUNJA. An ancient country in India. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 56, Stanza 9, that it was the warriors of this country who stood with the king Brhadbala on the left wing of the Garuda Vyuha of the army formed by Bhisma, in the
battle of Bharata.

(gods) in the fourteen Devas


Manvantara of Raivata. There were The mother of these in this group. gods was Vikuntha. (Brahmanda Purana, 2, 36, 57)

group of


Ayodhya and

assumed reign.


performed several

a king of the Lunar dynasty by Yasodhara the princess of Trigarta. Sudeva, a princess of the dynasty ofDasarna was his son born to Hasti,

his wife




Stanza 35)

Ajamidha was the son born to Vikunthana by Sudeva. (M. 13. Adi Parva, Chapter 95,


hermit of ancient India. This hermit of the assembly of Indra. (M.B. Sabhfi Parva,
river of India


who was

the friend of Bhasa.


penance in Pascimalata. It is mentioned in Yogavasistha that Vilasa and Bhasa attained heaven by pure knowledge. VILOHITA. A Raksasa (giant) who was the son of Kasyapa. It is mentioned in Vayu Purana, Chapter 69, that Vilohita had three heads, three legs and three hands.
hermit did


famous in thePuranas. (M.B. Stanza 97). VINASANA I. A tlrtha (holy bath) It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, that in this holy bath SarasvatI lives in invisible form.

Bhlsma Parva, Chapter




under Kala)




the section


Viloma is stated as tne son of King Vahni (Fire) in Visnu Purana, as the son of Kapotaroma.

King. In Bhagavata,

King and

II. Another holy place. In Mahabharata, Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 112, mention is made that one could obtain remission of all sins and the fruits of Vajapeyayajna by visiting this holy place. VINASANA. An asura born to Prajapati KaSyapa by his wife Kala (Kalika). (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter


Once a

Kamadyu accepted Vimada as her husband at her Svayarhvara marriage. The Kings and princes who were present became jealous of Vimada and prepared for war. The helpless Vimada praised the AsvinTdevas. The gods defeated the enemies and gave the bride to Vimada. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 17, Sukta





A King of the city of Ratnatata. At the time of the horse-sacrifice of Sri Rama, this King rendered a good deal of help to Satrughna. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, Chapter 17).
female calf born from Rohim, the daughter of Surabhi. Rohinl had two daughters called Vimala and Anala. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Stanza 67).


A King. Vimala who was the King of I. South India was the son of Sudyumna. (Bhagavata,
9) II.

captain of the monkey army which fought for Sri Rama. Under Vinata, the son of Sveta, there were eight lakhs of monkey-soldiers. (Valmlki Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda, Sarga 26) VINATA. A wife of Kasyapa. Kasyapa took the daughters of Daksa such as Vinata, Kadru and others as wives. Two sons, Aruna and Garuda and a daughter, Sumati were born to Vinata. (Details relating to Sumati are given in Chapter 19 ofBrahmanda Purana). The Nagas


65, Stanza 34)


(serpents) were

horn to Kadru.

For details see under



The son

grandson of Vaivasvata Manu. After the time of his father, he became the ruler of the Western Empire.

(Sudyumna) and


(Vayu, 85:19).

I. A devata of the Ganas (guards of Siva). (Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 150, Stanza


A naga


Chapter 35, Stanza

KaSyapa by



Kadru. (M.B. Adi Parva,

(serpent) born to



of the Hindus.


holy place. It is stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 14, Stanza 69, that he who spends a night in this holy place, observing celibacy, would attain heaven.

holy place. In the lakes of this place, fishes having the colour of gold and of silver play. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter who bathe in this 82, Stanza 87, that those


bath would get remission of all their get to the world of Indra.


and would


I. of the important festivals This is called the day of worship of Ganesa. The Caturthi (4th day) of the bright lunar in the month of Sirhha is the birth day of fortnight Ganapati. It is a famous festival in North India. They make the images of Ganapati, every year, and make offerings to them on this particular day. It is believed, that he who sees the moon on Vinayaka Caturthi, will be subjected to dishonour and derision. This belief is based on the following story. Ganapati is very fond of sweetmeat especially Kozhuk.

on the Himalayas. SarasvatI attended this sacrifice, on which occasion she adopted the name Vimalodaka. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 88, Stanza 29). VIMOCANA. A holy place on the boundary of Kuruksetra. By taking bath in this tlrtha and leading a life without anger, the sins incurred by receiving bribes would be remitted. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 83,

Once Brahma performed a

VI MSA. The eldest son of King Iksvaku. AsVamedha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 4; son named Vivirhs'a.

Stanza 161).

It is stated in that he had a


South Indian hermit. (Mahabharafa. Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza 28).

katta (globular solid sweetmeat,' called Modaka) It is the custom in North India to worship Ganapati by offering these sweetmeats, even today, with all kinds of festivities. On one birthday Ganapati went from house to house and ate belly-ful of modakas and returned home on his conveyance, the rat. On the way the rat saw a snake and began to tremble with fear. Due to the shivering of its legs Ganapati fell down. The belly of Ganapati was broken due to the fall and a large quantity of modakas came out. Ganapati gathered everything that fell out of his belly and stuffed them again in the stomach and joining the cut edges entwined the snake tightly round the stomach. Candra who was standing in the sky seeing all these things laughed with contempt. At this, Ganapati got wild and plucked his tusk and throwing it at the moon cursed him. "Let

nobody look


(the burning of Tripuras) (vii) In Tripuradahana Vindhya appeared behind the chariot of Siva as the emblem on his flag. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 202,

at you on the Ganapati-festival day." Brahmavaivarta Purana) This story is slightly different according to Ganesa Purana. That story is, that Sri Paramesvara to his elder son gave a plum Subrahmanya without the knowledge of his younger son Ganapati, on the 4th day of a bright lunar fortnight and the moon who smiled at it, was cursed. VINDA I. One of the hundredsonsofDhrtarastra.lt is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 127, Stanza 34, that Vinda was killed by Bhimasena in

Stanza 71

Vindhya once became the axle of the chariot of Siva. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 34, Stanza 22). two attendants (ix) This mountain gave Subrahmanya named Ucchrnga and Atisn'iga. (M.B. Salya Parva,



the battle of Bharata.


Vinda had a brother


prince of Avantl.



stated that



Anuvinda. The informVinda from Mahabharata is

Chapter 45, Stanza 49). (x) Mention is made in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 49, that he who does penance on the Vindhya, for a month without killing any
living creature, could obtain all attainments. Country in ancient



given below defeated (i) Sahadeva

ter 31,

this Vinda at the time of his southern regional conquest. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chap-


an aksauhini of army. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 24). Bhisma once said that Vinda was a noble warrior. (iii) (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 166, Stanza 6). Vinda was one of the ten commanders of Duryo(iv) dhana in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 16, Stanza 15). (v) On the first day of the battle of Bharata, Vinda fought with Kuntibhoja. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 72). (vi) When Sveta, the prince of Virata, surrounded Salya, the King of Madra, Vinda helped Salya. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 47, Stanza 48)

Vinda helped Duryodhana by

Stanza 10).

Stanza 62). VINDHYAVALl. Wife of Mahabali. A son named Bana and a daughter named Kumbhlnasi were born to

(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter






(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 81, Stanza 27). Vinda fought with Bhima(viii) In the Bharata-battle,
attacked Iravan.


Once Vinda and

his brother

Anuvinda together

by Vindhyavall. (Matsya, 187. 40). eternal Vis"vadeva (Semi-god concerned with offering to Manes) Mention is made about this Visvadeva in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 30. VIPASA. A Puranically famous river in the region of five rivers (Punjab). Vasistha was stricken with grief at the death of his son Sakti and jumped into this river with the help of a rope to commit suicide. The waves of the river untied the knots of the rope and saved him. From that day onwards this river came to be known as Vipasa. (See under Kalmasapada) Other information about this river given in the Puranas is given below: him. (i) Vipasa stays in the palace of Varuna serving (M.B. Chapter 9, Stanza 19). Two devils named Bahi and Hlka live in this river. (ii) (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 44, Stanza 41) to the Manes is made in this river and (iii) If offering

Arjuna and Virata. Vinda was killed in the fight with Arjuna. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 99, Stanza


prince of the kingdom of Kekaya. In of Bharata he took the side of the Kauravas

celibacy is observed there for three days without anger, one could get away from death and birth. (M.B. Anus'a.sana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 24) VIPASCIT I. The name of the Indra of the age of Manu Svarocisa. (See under Manvantara) .

and fought with Satyaki, in which fight Satyaki killed Vinda. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 13, Stanza 6). VINDUMAN. A King born of the dynasty of Bharata. He was the son of Marici and the father of Madhu. (Bhagavata, Skandha 5). VINDHYA. One of the seven chief mountain chains. This mountain which separates South India from North India is famous in various ways in the Puranas. kicked Vindhya down. (See under Agastya) (i) Agastya and Upasunda, two asuras, did penance on (ii) Sunda Vindhya and got boons. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter


II. Husband of Plvarl, the princess of Vidarbha. It is mentioned in Markandeya Purana, that because of the sinful acts done by this man towards his wife he had to go to hell. VIPATA. A brother of Karna. Arjuna killed him in the

battle of Bharata.

(M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 32,


Stanza 62).

208, Stanza 7).

Because of the fierce penance of Sunda, the (iii) mountain Vindhya became hot and from that day onwards smoke comes out from Vindhya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza 10). The deity of Vindhya stays in the palace of Kubera ( iv) serving him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza

arrow. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 138, Stanza 6, that this arrow was larger and more powerful than other arrows. VIPRA. A King born in the family of Dhruva. Two sons named Sisti and Bhavya were born to Dhruva by his wife Sambhu. Succhaya the wife of Sisti gave birth to Ripu, Ripunjaya, Vipra, Vrkala and Vrkatejas. (Visnu Purana, Arh;'a I, Chapter 13).


On this mountain there is the eternal abode of Devi Durga. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza




one of the



1 1

were Sambara Stanza 25).

Danava (asura) born to information. 1) General Prajapati Kaiyapa, by his wife Danu. Danu had given birth to thirty three notorious asuras (demons). Vipracitti was the eldest of them. His younger brothers




Chapter 65,

chains. (M.B.

Bhisma Parva, Chapter



2) Other details, (i) Sirhhika was the wife of Vipracitti. This Sirhhika was the sister of Hiranyaka:'ipu and

Hiranyaksa and the daughter of Kasyapa and Dili. (Visnu Purana, ArhSa 1, Chapter 15). It was this Vipracitti who took rebirth later as (ii) Jarasandha. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 4).


v IRA vi
of Ruci. By the power of Stambhana the use of faculties by mantra) Vipula (suppressing made Ruci stand motionless staring into the face of Indra. She did not give any reply to the questions of Indra. At last Indra looked into Ruci with inward eyes
in front

some asuras surrounded Vamana. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Daksinatya patha, Chapter 38). Stanza (v) In Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 31, in days of old, 12, a statement occurs to the effect that

Vipracitti stays in the palace of Varuna praising glorifying him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 12). of Vamana and (iv) When Mahavisnu took the form began to measure the three worlds, Vipracitti with


Mahavisnu took the formoflndra and killed Vipracitti. Devas and asuras, Vipracitti (vi) In the war between was killed by Indra. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 47,

and saw as in a mirror Vipula sitting inside her. With shame Indra left the place instantly. When the teacher returned on completion of the sacrifice Vipula told him all that had taken place. The teacher was pleased and told his disciple that he might ask for any boon. He got the boon to be a righteous man throughout his life and left the hermitage. It was during this period that the marriage of Prabha-


Ksatriya of Vrsni dynasty. The following available about him in Mahabharata. (i) Viprthu was present at the Svayamvara marriage ofDraupadl. (M.B.Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza

Stanza 11).

Stanza 10). of the group of Yadavas (iii) Viprthu was a member who took the dowry to Hastinapura in the marriage between Arjuna and Subhadra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Stanza 32). the Palace of Yudhisthira. (iv) Viprthu stayed in Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 30) (M.B. VIPRTHU II. An ancient king in India. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 294, Stanza 20, that Viprthu had been the emperor of the world. VIPULA I. Brother of Balabhadrarama. The sons born to Vasudeva by Rohim were Balabhadrarama, Gada, Sarana, Durdama, Vipula, Dhruva and Krta. (Bhaga.

He participated in the festival conducted on the mountain Raivata. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 218,

vati, the sister of Ruci, took place. The marriage of Prabhavatlwith Citraratha, the king of Ariga, was settled. A messenger from Anga informed Ruci about it. Then some flowers fell from the sky near Ruci. She wore them and went to the marriage. Prabhavati wanted to have the same flowers. Vipula was sent to bring flowers of the same kind. As Vipula was returning with the flowers, he saw two men turning a wheel. Each of them claimed that he had turned more than the other, and quarrelled with each other. One of them pointing at Vipula, said that he who told lies would get what Vipula would undergo in hell. Vipula was worried at hearing this. He proceeded on his journey. He saw six men gambling. One of them pointed at Vipula and said "A false gamester would get what Vipula would get in hell." Being flurried by these two talks, Vipula ran to his teacher to understand its meaning. He went to Campa-


Skandha 10). II. A mountain near Girivraja, the capital city of Magadha. Mention is made about this mountain in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 21, Stanza 2. VIPULA III. A hermit who was born in the dynasty of Bhrgu. There is a story showing how this hermit protected the wife of his teacher from Indra while he was the disciple of the hermit Devasarma, in Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 40. The story is given below: Ruci, the wife of the hermit DevaSarma, was extremely beautiful. Devasarma was aware of the fact that Indra had often looked at his wife with covetous eyes. He had to perform a sacrifice. But he feared that if he went away from the hermitage his wife would be carried away by Indra. At last he called his beloved disciple Vipula and revealed the secret to him. The teacher told his disciple that Indra was a libertine as well as a magician and that he would appear in various forms to entice Ruci, and asked him to protect Ruci even at the cost of his life. Then Devasarma left the hermitage for the

puri and saw the teacher and asked him the meaning of what he had heard. The teacher told him, that the two who turned the wheel were day and night and the six who were engaged in gambling were the six Rtus( seasons) and that Rtus and day and night are witnesses of every sinful act committed any time. Vipula became aware of his sin. While he was staying inside the wife of his teacher, his genital touched her genital and face touched face. He had not told the teacher this. But the
teacher said that it need not be considered a sin because the deed was done with no bad intention.


I. An asura born to Prajapati KaSyapa by his wife Danu. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza



of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. (M.B.

67, Stanza 103). Agni was the son
his wife Vira.


Adi Parva, Chapter

III. Afire. This

names such
retas etc. It

named Bharadvaja by

born to the fire This fire has other

Vipula followed the wife of his teacher, wherever she went. He feared that Indra might come even unseen by anybody. So he decided to get inside Ruci by supernatural powers of Yoga. He made Ruci to sit in front of him and stare into his eyes and through the rays of her eyes he entered inside her. Knowing that Devasarma had left the hermitage, Indra

would get the second portion of Ajya (ghee It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Stanza 9, that this mighty fire has a wife named Sarayu and a son named Siddhi. VlRA IV. Son of a fire called Pancajanya. This agni is considered one of the Vinayakas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 220, Stanza 13) VlRA V. A king in ancient India. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sand Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 7, that this king had attended the Svayamvara marriage of the daughter of King Citrarigada of Kalinga. VlRA VI. A king of the Puru dynasty. Brhadratha, Ku{a, Yadu, Pratyagra, Bala and Matsyakala were brothers of

as Rathaprabhu, Rathadhvana, Kumbhasaid that along with Somadevata, this



all the other hermits and sages with him were burnt to ashes in the wild fire that occurred in the Saukata mountain. Instantly Virabhadra swallowed that wild fire and by the power of incantation, he brought to life from the ashes all the Rsis (hermits) who were burnt to death. On another occasion a serpent swallowed all the gods. Vlrabhadra killed the snake and rescued all the Devas. Once an asura called Pancamedhra put into his mouth all the hermits and Bali and Sugriva. all the gods, Those who escaped from the danger stood agape being powerless to confront the Asura. At last Vlrabhadra attacked the asura. That great and fierce battle lasted for years. At the end Vlrabhadra killed the Asura and

Girika was

their mother.

(Agni Purana,

Kasyapa and

wife of the Agni (fire) named Bharadvaja, the son of Samyu. The Agni Vlra was the son of this Vlra. _(M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 2 19, Stanza 9). VlRA II. A river of India, very famous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 22). VlRA III. The wife of King Karandhama. She was the mother of Aviksit. Once, when serpents began to do

VlRA. The

Chapter 278).



I. A brother of Subrahmanya. It is stated Skanda Purana, that this Virabahu stood with Subrahmanya and fought bravely. VlRABAHU III. One of the hundred sons of Dhrta-

Vlra approached her grandson Marutta and advised him to conduct a serpent-sacrifice. Marutta began the sacrifice. The serpents were terrified and sought protection from the wife of Aviksit. She being kind-hearted, made her husband intervene and stop the sacrifice. (Markandeya Purana, Chapter 126).

to all the living arid non-living things in the





Because Vlrabhadra had thus protected the Devas and the others on three occasions, Siva became immensely pleased with him and gave him several boons. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda, 107).


and Bhimasena. Bhimasena killed him with his club. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 64, Stanza 35) VlRABAHU III. A king of the country of Cedi. The daughter of Sudama the king of Dagarna was his wife. It was this king of Cedi who gave protection to Damayanti when she was forsaken by her husband Nala. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 69, Stanza 13).

In the battle of Bharata he fought with Uttara

whom Rama and Dandaka forest. Viradha was the rebirth of Tumburu, a Gandharva who had been cursed to become a Raksasa. The story about Sri Rama's liberating the Gandharva from the curse and sending him back to the world of Gandharvas, occurs in Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sargas 2 to 4,

Raksasa (giant)



as follows.


Origin. There are two different opinions in the Puranas, regarding the origin of Vlrabhadra. There is no doubt that his birth was due to the anger of Siva. When Siva knew that his wife ParvatI jumped into the fire and

of the guards of


died at the sacrifice of Daksa, he struck his matted hair

on the ground and from


Vlrabhadra and Bhadrathe version given in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7. According to Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 284, Vlrabhadra was born from the mouth of Siva. From each of the hairpores of Vlrabhadra, who was born from the mouth of Siva to destroy the sacrifice of Daksa a fearful monster was born, all of whom, formed a group of ghosts called the Raumyas. 2) The Destruction of the sacrifice of Dakfa. See under Daksa.


into being. This


request and said "In Tretayuga, Mahavisnu will incarnate as Sri Rama, who with his sword will change your Raksasa form. You will regain your former form and will come back to the world of Gandharvas." Accordingly Tumburu took birth as the son of giant Jaya. This child born to Jaya by his wife Satahrada, grew up and came to be known by the name Viradha. Two extra-ordinarily long hands and the outward appearances of a giant aroused fear in every living creature. He lived in the forest Dandaka. It was at this time that Sri Rama and Laksmana came with Sita,

In days of old, Tumburu, a Gandharva had been serving Kubera. Once Tumburu was asked by Kubera to bring Rambha. Tumburu failed in bringing Rambha at the stipulated time. Kubera got angry and cursed Tumburu to become a Raksasa. Tumburu requested for liberation from the curse. Kubera granted his

3) Attainment of boon. After the destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa, the fearful monster Virabhadra, began to exterminate the entire creation. Then Siva appeared and pacified him and said "You shall become a planet
in the sky called (well being). Everybody will worship you. Those who thus exalt you, will get health, wealth and long life."

Angaraksaka (Bodyguard) orMaiigala

(Bhagavata, Skandha 7 Vayu Purana, 101,209; Padma Purana, Srsti Khanda, 24) After the destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa, Vlrabhadra severed a portion of his radiance, and from that radiance, later Adisankara (Sankaracarya) was born. This story occurs in Bhavisya Purana, Pratisarga Parva. 4) Prowess. Virabhadra was not only a follower of Siva. He was a prominent general of the army. In the battle of the burning of Tripura and the Jalandhara fight, Virabhadra stood with Siva and fought fiercely. (Padma Purana, Patala Khanda and Uttara Khanda). Virabhadra was the destroyer 5) Protector of the Devas. of the Asuras and the protector of the Devas. Once

Viradha recognized Sri Rama and told him his story. Instantly his demoniac form changed and he regained of a Gandharva. Thus Tumburu his original form returned to the world of Devas. (See under Tumburu). VlRADHANVA I. A warrior of the kingdom of Tri-

to live in this forest. As soon as Viradha saw them he ran to them with a loud cry. "With sunken eyes and swollen stomach, widened mouth and an enormous body, with a fierce appearance, of very great height an uncouth figure, body wet with fat, clad in the hide of a leopard, looking like Yama with open mouth, with three lions, two wolves, four leopards, ten spotted deer and the head of a big tusker with tusks smeared with fat, all these caught pierced in an iron trident, and shouting in a roaring sound", he ran to them and after taking Sita, he began to run. Rama and Laksmana followed him. Viradha placed Sita down and, taking Rama and Laksmana on each of his shoulders he began running. Rama and Laksmana cut ofF each of his hands. But Viradha did not die. Rama and Laksmana decided to bury him alive.

garta. battle 9).



holy place. It is mentioned in MahaParva, Chapter 84, Stanza 51, that by visiting this holy place one could attain complete remission of one's sins. bharata,

He took the side of the Kauravas in the Bharataand fought with Dhrstadyumna, in which fight he was killed. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 107, Stanza




Gandharva. (See under Pundarlka-



Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 16) An ancient King in India. He had a son named Bhuridyumna. Once this son was lost in the great forest. Vlradyumna wandered everywhere in the forest in search of his son. On the way he met a hermit called Tanu. He talked elaborately to the King about the hopes of human mind. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapters









128). cow-herdess. Once Sri Krsna duped Radha and took the cowherdess Viraja to trie region of lovemischievous maid informed Radha of this. plays. Radha ran to the dancing garden and searched for the couple. Sri Krsna had made himself invisible. So she could not find him. She found out Viraja. Radha opened her eyes wide and pretended that she was about to curse her. Viraja was terrified and she melted and became a river; full of anger Radha went home. (Devi

127 and

Raibhya what he had learned. naga (serpent) born in the family of Dhrtarastra. This naga* was burnt to death in the sacrificial fire of the serpent sacrifice performed by Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Stanza 18). VIRANI I (VlRIAlI). A daughter of Brahma. First, Brahma created the Saptarsis (the seven hermits) by his mind. After this Rudra was born from the anger of Brahma, Narada from the lap of Brahma, Daksa from the thumb of Brahma, Sanaka and the others from the mind of Brahma, and the daughter Vlrani from the left thumb of Brahma. Daksa married this Virani. Narada

bharata, Sand Parva, Chapter 348, Stanza 41, that this Prajapati learned the philosophy of purity and righteousness from Sanatkumara and taught the hermit







Daksa married Vlrani

this beautiful

took rebirth as the son of this couple. at the behest of Brahma. At


A naga (serpent) born to Prajapati (S) I. Kas"yapa by his wife Kadru. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 13). VIRAJA (S) II. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. He was killed by Bhima in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 157) VIRAJA (S) III. A son born from the radiance of Mahavisnu. Having no desire to rule over a kingdom, he adopted penance. He had a son named Klrtiman. ( M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 59, Stanza 88). VIRAJA (S) IV. One of the eight sons of Kavi, who was the son of Vaivasvata Manu. He had eight sons. They were Kavi, Kavya, Dhisnu, Sukracarya, Bhrgu, Kasi, Ugra and Virajas. (M.B. AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 132).

Bhagavata, Skandha 9)


II. A teacher-priest. According to Vayu Purana, Virani was a disciple of the famous teacher Yajnavalkya of the Yajurveda- line of disciples of Vyasa. VIRASA. A naga (serpent) born in the family of PrajaParva, Chapter 103, pati KaSyapa. (M.B. Udyoga Stanza 16). VlRASENA I. The father ofNala. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Anu< asana Parva, Chapter 1 1 5, Stanza 65, that this King did not eat meat. (For further details

Narada misguided them. Daksa got angry at this. He cursed Narada. Owing to that curse Narada had to take birth again as the son of Daksa and Virani. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7).


gave birth



thousand sons.



under Damayanti)

King of Kosala. (See under Candracaptain of the

of Kuru and the Adi Parva, Chapter 92, Stanza 54). VIRAJA (M). A particular tower in Dvaraka. Whenever Sri Krsna wanted to be alone he went to this tower. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 38). VlRAKA (M). A country. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Kama Parva, Chapter 44, Stanza 43, that this country was to be avoided as the thought and customs and manners of this country were full of defilement. VlRAKA. A King of the dynasty of Ahga. He was the son of Sibi. Viraka had three brothers named Prthudarbha, Kaikaya and Bhadraka. (Agni Purana, Chap-



of the



dynasty. He was the son of Aviksit. (M.B.



Vyalimukha, who came to fight with Subrahmanya. (Skanda Purana, VIramahendra kanda). VlRASIMHA II. A prince who was the son of King Vlramani and the relative of Rukmaiigada. It is stated in Padma Purana, Patala khanda that this prince Virasirhha tied the sacrificial horse of Sri Rama and fought


of the asura


with Satrughna


led the horse.

holy hermitage. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 145, that those who visit this holy hermitage would obtain





the fruits of performing a horse sacrifice. I. The son of the daughter of Priyavrata. Svayambhuva Manu married Satarupa. Two sons Priyavrata



son of the

In the battle

King Drupada of Pancala.


Drona and was



born to

and Uttanapada were born





V IRAKETU II. A King of Ayodhya. VlKAMAHENDRA. The dwelling place

named Naga.
(See under Nagastra).

Chapter 122, Stanza 33).

by Drona.

(M.B. Drona Parva,

of the asura

Priyavrata. Prajapati Kardama married her. sons named Samrat, Kuksi and Virat were born

daughter was


them. (Agni Purana, Chapter 18). Virat Purusa II. (VIRAT PURUSA). first incarnation of Brahma. (For details see



VlRAMAlVI. A King devoted to Siva. Srutavatl was his wife. One day at the request of Vlramani, Siva
fought with Yoginis (women doing Sakti worship). that fight the Yoginis defeated Siva.




The King of Matsya country. 1 General information. During the pseudonymity of the Pandavas this King sheltered them. At the end of the pseudonymity of one

year, the Kauravas had stolen the cows of Virata. In the fight which ensued Arjuna entered the battlefield with Uttara, the son of King Virata, and defeated the Kauravas and proclaimed that the life of pseudonymity was over. After that Abhimanyu married Uttara the daughter of Virata. (M.B. Virata Parva). 2) Other details. the King of Matsya was born from a (i) This Virata, portion of the Marudganas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter



67, Stanza 82).


King Virata had two sons named Uttara and Saiikha. It was with these sons that he attended the Svayarhvara marriage of Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva,
In the regional conquest conducted by Sahadeva, before the Imperial consecration-sacrifice of the Pandavas, Virata fought with him and was defeated. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 2). (iv) King Virata attended the Rajasuya (sacrifice of imperial consecration) of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 44, Stanza 20) two thousand (v) Virata gave as a gift to Yudhisthira tuskers adorned with gold chains. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Stanza 26). (vi) The name of the wife of King Virata was Sudesna. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 6). (vii) During the incognito-life of the Pandavas, King Virata sheltered them in his palace. He took Yudhisthira as a court-favourite, Bhimasena as the over-seer of his dining hall, Arjuna as the dancing master, Nakula as the head of the stables, and Sahadeva as the head of the cow-herds. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapters 7, 8, 10,

Chapter 185, Stanza


(xxii) Mention is made in Mahabharata, Stri Parva, Chapter 26, Stanza 33, that the funeral ceremony of Virata was conducted in a befitting manner and in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 42, Stanza 4, that Yudhisthira performed offering to the Manes for him. (xxiii ) After death, Virata entered heaven and joined the Marudganas. (M.B. Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 15) (xxiv) The synonyms used in Mahabharata for Virata are, Matsya, Matsyapati, Matsyarat, Matsyaraja etc. VIRATA (M). The country called Matsya. King Virata was the ruler of this country. (See under

thama. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 110, Stanza 16). combatted with Jayadratha. (M.B. (xviii) Virata Bhisma Parva, Chapter 116, Stanza 42). (xix) Virata fought with Vinda and Anuvinda. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 20) (xx) In the fight with Salya, Virata fell down unconscious. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 167, Stanza 34). (xxi) In the battle which followed, Dronacarya killed Virata. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 6).



Capital of Matsya. Mention is Mahabharata, Virata Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 28, that once the Kauravas and the Trigartas












of King Virata was Suratha, the ( ) son named Sveta was born to princess of Kosala. Virata by Suratha. After the death of Suratha, he married Sudesna the daughter of Suta, King of Kekaya. To Sudesna two sons named Sarikha and Uttara and as the youngest, a daughter named Uttara were born.





horse. The two horses yoked to the chaAgastya by the giant Ilvala, were called Virava and Surava. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 99, Stanza 17)
riot given to

Narada, when

A child born to King Taladhvaja by he assumed the form of an illusive beauty. (For further details see under




(M.B. Virata Parva, Daksinatya Patha, Chapter 16). It is stated in Mahabharata, Virata Parva, (ix) Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 26, that King Virata had
ten brothers.

Virata had two brothers named Satanlka and (x) Madiraksa. Suryadatta is another name of Satanlka. He was the commander of the army of Virata. Madiraksa was also called ViSalaksa. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapters 31 and 32). (xi) At the time of the theft of the cows, King Virata engaged in combat with Sugarma. (M.B. Virata 'Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 28). of Virata alive. (M.B. (xii) Susanna caught hold Virata Parva, Chapter 33, Stanza 7) (xiii) Virata was one of the seven prominent commanders of the army of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 157, Stanza 11). (xiv) On the first day of the battle of Bharata there was a combat between Virata and Bhagadatta. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 49) (xv) Virata attacked Bhisma. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 73, Stanza 1). (xvi) In the fight between Virata and Drona, Saiikha was killed. With that Virata ran away. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 14). (xvii) There was a combat between Virata and Asvat.

MalinI, who was the daughter of a Yaksa. Vlravarma slopped the sacrificial horse of the Pandavas. When Krsna and Arjuna got ready to fight with Vlravarma to recover the horse, Vlravarma, with the help of Yama fought with them. At last Krsna entered into a treaty with Vlravarma and got the horse back. Viravarma had five sons named Subhala, Sulabha, 47 49) Lola, Kuvala and Sarasa. (Jaimini, Asva VlRAVRATA. A King born in the family of Bharata. To Viravrata who was the son of Madhu, two sons named Manthu and Amanthu were born. (Bhagavata,
Sarasvata. His chief queen was

King who

ruled over the city of





See under Vlrani.

An asura. He was the son of 1 General information. ) Prahlada and the father of Mahabali. Three sons Virocana, Kumbha and Nikumbha were born to Prahlada by his wife Dhrti. Virocana, though an asura, performed rites and rituals carefully. He was kind towards Brahmins. His son Bali became famous and got the name Mahabali. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza
a controversy between Virocana and Sudhanva. (See under Sudhanva II). the time of emperor Prthu, when the (ii) During
19). 2) Other details. (i) Once there was






earth Virocana stood as the calf. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 69, Stanza 20) is included among the ancient Kings of (iii) Virocana prominence. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza

asuras milked the

(iv) There is a story about the quest for knowledge about universal and individual souls, by Indra and Virocana, in Chandogyopanisad, as given below. Once the Devas and the asuras approached Prajapati to learn about Brahman, the impersonal God. Praja-


it is stated that the hermit TriSiras also was born to Tvasja by Virocana. VIROHA]VA. A naga (serpent) born in the family of Taksaka. This serpent was burnt to death in the sacrificial fire of Janemrjaya. (M.P. Adi Fajvr, (lajur 57, Stanza 9).

VlRUDHA. One of the

and unimaginable

pati told (Essential









eternal, desireless


water or mirror is the Atman (soul)." Virocana, who mistook what the Prajapati said as truth immediately took his bath, put on costly dress and ornaments and stood near water and saw his reflection in water. After that, taking the reflection for soul, he spread this

and the asuras selected details, they sent them to Prajapati as his disciples. Indra and Virocana stayed with Prajapati for several years to know more about Atman. But Prajapati did not reveal to them the secret about Brahman. At last to test them Prajapati said "Your reflection that you see in

philosophy about the soul,

earth." Having heard this the Devas selected Indra, Virocana and to know the

mother of the nagas (serpents) The two other daughters were Anala and Ruha. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Daksinatya Pafha, Chapter 66, that from this daughter Virudha, the Viruts such as Lata, Gulma, Valli etc were born.

three daughters of Surasa,




9, that Ambarlsa Ketuman, Sambhu and Virupa. VIR.CPA II. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sand Parva, Chapter 199, Stanza 88, that once Krodha (anger) changed its form and assumed the name Virupa and conversed with Iksvaku. VIRUPA III. An asura (demon) Sri Krsna killed this asura. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Daksinatya P&tiuu Chapter It is stated in

son of Ambarlsa,a king of the Solar dynasty.

Bhagavata, Skandha

three sons called


ed body as


his people.


this the asuras

and which is pure. (v) There are two

philosophy. They accepted the doctrine that Atman is that essence of Nature which is alien to body and mind
different statements about the death of Virocana in the Puranas. In the battle with Tarakasura, Virocana was killed ( 1 ) (M.B. Santi Parva, by Devendra. Chapter 99.

But the Devas did not recognize


Payasya, Sand, Ghora, Sarhvarta and Sudhanva. These sons are called theVarunas or theAgneyas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85, Stanzas 130-131) VIRUPAKA. An asura. In days of old this asura had ruled over the world. (Mahabharata, Santi Parva,

IV. One of the eight sons of Angiras. The eight sons of Arigiras were Virupa, Brhaspati,Utathya,



Chapter 227, Stanza 51).



Brahmanda 1.20.35; Matsya: 10: 11; Padma Purana, SrstiKhanda 16). (2) The Sun God was pleased with Virocana and had given him a crown. The sun told him that death would come only if that crown was removed from the head by some body. Because of this boon Virocana became arrogant. So Mahavisnu took the form of a beautiful woman and enticed Virocana towards him and taking away the crown killed him.(Ganea Purana 2, 29). According to Narada Purana, Mahavisnu took the form of a Brahmin and reached the palace of Virocana. There
changing the righteous

quake occurs when this elephant shakes its head. (For details see under Astadiggajas) VIROPAKSA II. A Raksasa (giant) who fought on the side of Ravana against Sri Rama and Laksmana. It is mentioned in Uttara Ramayaria that this giant was born to Malyavan by a Gandharva damsel called Sundarl. Seven sons named Vajramusti, Virupaksa, Durmukha, Suptaghna, Yajftakosa, Malta and Onmatta and a daughter named Nala were born to Malyavan by Sun.

from Patala (underworld).

of the elephants which hold up the

It is said that earth-




wife of Virocana into


he killed Virocana.


(vi) Virocana had two wives called Visalaksi and Devi. children, Bala and Ya'odhara were born by them. The wife of the famous Tvasta was this Yasodhara. (Brahmanda. 3: 1: 86; Narada Purana 2: 32 : Bhaga-






(vii) Virocana had five brothers named Kumbha, Nikumbha, Ayusman, Sibi and Baskali and a sister named Virocana. (Vayu Purana. 84, 19).


II. A son of Dhrtarastra. He was also called Durvirocana. This Virocana was present at the Svayaihvara marriage of Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 2).

attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 30). VIROCANA II. Daughter of Prahlada the asura king. Tvasta married her. A son named Viraja was born to this couple. (Bhagavata, Skandha 5). In Vayu Purana,



Sugriva devastated the army of Ravana and caused havoc among the gianls, Virupaksa, who was an archer got on an elephant and entered the battlefield. He confronted Sugriva first. He thwarted the slone flung at him by Sugriva, and struck him. For a lime Sugriva found it difficult to withstand him. But in the battle which followed, Sugriva struck Virupaksa down and killed him. (Valmiki Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda, Sarga 97)

prominent places in the army of mentioned in Agni Purana, Chapter 10, that in the battle between Rama and Ravana, when Kumbhakarna was killed, the army was commanded by Kumbha, Nikumbha, Makaraksa, Mahodara, Mahapjlrsva, Malta, Unmatta, Praghasa, Bhasakarna, Virupaksa, Devantaka, Narantaka, Trisiras and Atikaya.

sons held


It is



of the

Danavas (demons) born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Danu. It is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 22, that it was this asura called Virupaksa, who had, later, taken rebirth as King Citravarma.

thirty three




stood as stone, because of a curse. (See under Visalapuri)


IV. An asura who was the follower of Narakasura. This Virupaksa was killed on the bank of


Lohitaganga. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 38).


ARaksasa who was





Ghatotkaca. (Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter Stanza 15).

in his

Sand Parva, Chapter Gautama V).


This giant named Virupaksa was the friend of a stork called Rajadharma. (Mahabharata

The queen of Ajamidha, a King of the Lunar I. dynasty. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 37). VlSALA II. The King Gaya once performed a sacrifice in the country called Gaya. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 38, Stanza 20, that Sarasvati attended this sacrifice assuming the name ViSala.




(See under




156, Stanza 15).

of the eleven Rudras. This King had never eaten flesh King. (Mahabharata, Anus asana Parva, Chapter


sons, Trayyaruni, Puskarl and Kapi were born to Bhima by his wife Vigala. (Vayu: 37 158). In Matsya Purana, VKala is mentioned as the wife of King

Wife of King Bhima the son ofMahavirya.

fying him.



VIRUT. See under Virudha. VlRYASULKA. In ancient days

the Kings wanted to give their daughters in marriage to the most valiant youths. The custom of showing their valour before the people, before getting the damsel became more prevalent, than giving money to get the girl. Thus marrying a girl by showing his valour is called Marriage by

in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza 10, that this Yaksa stays in the palace of Kubera, glori-

Yaksa (semi-god). Mention




giving Viryasulka.


Sulka means Nuptial



eternal Visvadeva. (god concerned with offerings to the Manrs. (M.B. Amis' asana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 31). VISACIKITSA. (Treatment for poison). See under


Purana, Chapter 4)


A King. Vasudeva married this King's II. daughter Bhadra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 42, that after the marriage Bhadra was kidnapped by SiSupala. VlSALAKSA I. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. Mention is made in Mahabharata, BhTsma Parva, Chapter 88, Stanza 15, that this Visalaksa was killed by Bhimasena in the battle of Bharata.
Chapter 32, Stanza 19).

II. Younger brother of King Virata. He had another name Macliraksa. (M.B. Virata Parva,

was the son of Jayadratha and father of King Senajit. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). VlSAKHA I. One of the three brothers of Skandadeva. The other two were Sakha and Naigameya. There is a story regarding them in Mahabharata, Sand
Parva, as follows:



A King who

time Siva,

all wished ParvatI, Agni and Gariga, in their minds that Skanda should come to him or her. Understanding the desire of each, by Yogabala (the power obtained by union with the Universal Soul) Skanda divided himself into four persons, Skanda,







and fulfilled their desire. (For respectively further details see under Subrahmanya). VlSAKHA II. A hermit. Mention is made in M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 19, that this hermit

Vteakha, Sakha and Naigameya and went


each of

A son of Garuda, (Mahabharata, III. Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 9). VlSALAKSA IV. AKingofMithila. He was present at the sacrifice of Rajasuya (Imperial consecration) of Yudhisthira. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). VlSALAKSl. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 3). VlSALAPURl. A holy place on the basin of the Ganges. This place is in the forest Badari. It is stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 90, that the hermitage of Naranarayanas, stood in this place. This city was built by the King Visala. (See under Visala). VI SALYA I. A river famous in the Puranas. Mention is


in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 20, that this river stays in the Palace of Varuna glorifying him. This is a holy river. One could obtain the

that his period was

stays in the palace of Indra, glorifying him.


between the centuries five and nine A.D. His prominent play is "Mudra Raksasa". He is known by the name Visakhadeva also. He was the son of King Bhaskaradatta and the grandson of Vates' varadatta. Of his works, only Mudraraksasa has been found till now.

Sanskrit playwright. It



of Agnistoma Yajna (a sacrifice) by taking a bath in this river. VlSALYA II. A medicine. This medicine is used to extricate the arrow-heads that might have stuck on the

VlSALYAKARAiyl. See under Mrtasanjivani. VlSATHA. A son born to Balarama by RevatT. (Vayu

body. (M.B.


Parva, Chapter 289, Stanza 6)

holy place of pilgrimage. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 90, Stanza 15, that this spot became a holy place because Indra, Varuna and other gods did penance here. VlSALA. A son of Iksvaku. Mention is made inValmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Sarga 47, that a son named

was born to Iksvaku, by the celestial maid Alambusa and that Visala built a city named Vigala. This Visala had a son named Hemacandra. It was near the city VisaJa, that Ahalya, the wife of Gautama,

Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 29). An asura who ruled over the world in days of old. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 53). VIST^APO. A hermit who was the son of hermit Visvaka.

A King of the birds. It is stated in Brahmanda Purana, that Visikha was one of the sons born to Garuda by Sukl. VlSlRA. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya

Pura'na, 31:6).


This Visnapu was once lost and was found again by the help of the Asvins. This story is given in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 17, Sukta 116.

Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara 1) General information. are the Lords of creation, sustenance and extermination These trimurtis (three of this perishable universe. that one day of figures) also are perishable. It is said, Brahma will constitute thousand four-fold (catur) yugas and that during the life of Brahma, fourteen Indras will


incarnation was connected with the creation of the was the incarnation as a hog to redeem the earth which was immersed in the world of Rasatala. The third incarnation was taken to create the sages and hermits. The Supreme God incarnated as the deva hermit, Narada and taught Pancaratra, the Vaisnavasastra explaining the ways of observing Karmans. Fourthly, Visnu took the incarnation of Nara-Narayearth. It

die. This is a Brahma age. of one Visnu. ages of two Brahmas constitute the age At the end of the age Visnu also will perish. The age of Siva is double the age of Visnu. Siva also will perish at the end of his age. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 5). When everything perishes there comes the deluge (the and twenty great flood). After that, for one hundred Brahma years the universe will be desolate and void. In that deep eternal silence, Visnu will be seen sleeping on a banyan leaf on the surface of water. That is the beginning of the next great age. In this stage, Biilamukunda is the name of Mahavisnu. As he remains on Nara or water he will be called Narayana also. The name Visnu means he who possesses the habit of Vyapana (To pervade) While Visnu, who has the power to spread his control over everything in whatever condition, lies on the banyan-leaf. From his navel, a lotus-stalk grows up, and on the top of the stalk, in the lotus flower, Brahma comes into being. Brahma does penance before Visnu and extols him. Mahavisnu confers on Brahma the power of creation of the subjects. That Brahma perishes along with the deluge and in his place another Brahma is born. Thus in the life-time of Visnu

down from heaven and


anas (two hermits) and performed tapas (penance), difficult to do. The fifth incarnation was that of Kapila who taught his disciple Asuri, a Brahmin, Sankhya (one of the six systems of Indian philosophy dealing with evolution). The next incarnation was taken, according to the request of Atri, as his son under the name Dattatreya. Seventhly he took incarnation as Yajna, the son born to Prajapati Ruci, by his wife Akuti with the groups of devas (gods) such as Yamas and others to
his wife Meru, and the ninth was, as the inner soul of Prthu, according to the request of the sages and hermits, with a view to change the earth to such a state that medicinal herbs may grow in plenty in (Fish) everywhere. The tenth was, as Matsya Caksusa Manvantara deluge; the eleventh, as turtle,

van Nabhi by

Manvantara ( age of Manu) of Svayambhuva. The eighth incarnation was as the son of Bhagasustain the


up the mountain Mandara the twelfth as Dhanand the thirteenth was as Mohini (Charming woman ). The fourteenth was that of Man-lion, the that of fifteenth was that of Vamana, the sixteenth

two Brahmas come into being and perish. 2) Beginning. In days of yore, when Visnu was lying on the banyan leaf as Bala Mukunda, he began to think "Who am I ? Who created me ? Why ? What have I to perform ?" - and soon an ethereal voice was heard, "I am everything. Except me, there is nothing eternal." From behind the voice Mahadevi appeared, and said "Look Visnu. What is there to wonder at ? Whenever the universe is subject to creation, sustenance and extermination, you have taken origin by the glory of the Almighty. The Almighty or the omnipotence is beyond attributes. But we are all subjected to attributes.

Your foremost attribute is Sattva (goodness - purity) Brahma whose main attribute is the attribute of rajas

passions) , will originate from your navel. (activity the middle of the brows of that Brahma, Siva will be born, whose main attribute is Tamas (inertia darkness). Brahma, by the power of Tapas (penance) will acquire the power of creation and build the world. You will be the sustainer of that world. Siva will destroy the same world. I am Devi Maya ( Illusion


personified as the wife of Brahman), the great power depending on you for the purpose of creation." After hearing these words of Devi, Visnu went into meditation and deep slesp of contemplation. injustice and law3) Avatar as (Incarnations). When lessness abound in the universe, Visnu will incarnate in the world in various forms and shapes, and will drive away injustice and will reinstate righteousness. The basis and the indeclinable semen virile of all the incarnations, is this spirit of the universe. All Devas, all human beings and all animals are created from a portion of this soul of the universe, which in itself is a portion. BrahmS, the life of a first incarnated as Sanatkumara and lived Brahmin student of chaste abstinence. The second

Mahalaksmi is the prominent wife. It is seen in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 9, that besides LaksmldevI, Ganga Devi and Sarasvati also were the wives of Visnu. LaksmldevI has taken several incarnations. Once she took birth from Khyati, the wife of hermit Bhrgu. At this birth Dhata and Vidhata were her brothers. On another occasion, she arose from a lotus-flower which grew up from the sea of Milk. (To know more about the wives LaksmI, Ganga and Sarasvati, see under

(Valmlki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 15; Agni Purana, Chapter 5; Valmlki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 40; Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter M.B. Sand Parva, 83; Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 1 121; Agni Purana, Chapter 12; Bhagavata, Chapter Skandha 10; Bhagavata, Skandha 5; Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 272; Vana Parva, Chapter 149; Santi Parva, Chapter 339) Maha4) Family life. VaikurUha is the dwelling place of
; .

Paras urama, the seventeenth, that of Vyasa, the eighteenth, that of Sri Rama and the nineteenth was that of Rama and the twentieth that ofKrsna in the dynasty of Vrsni. The twentyfirst was as Buddha in the beginning of the age of Kali. The twenty second incarnation was in the name of Kalki as the son of the Brahmin Visnuin places where yasas. Each incarnation is explained that word occurs. See under Avatara. The avataras of Mahavisnu are numerous. Thousands and thousands of incarnations originate from Mahavisnu as streams flow from a lake which overflows at all times. Hermits, Manus, Devas, Sons of Manus, Prajaof Mahavisnu. patis, all these are marks and portions

Ganga). There is none to be mentioned as the legitimate son of Mahavisnu. But Brahma is the first that could be imagined as the son of Visnu. Besides, Mahavisnu once created a bright son, by his mind. That son was named



among the devas. At last in the fight with Visnu Andhaka was killed. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 5).

another son of Mahavisnu.


Siva be)

came amorous with Mohini fascinating woman -the form which Mahavisnu took at the time of the churning of the Sea of Milk. They led a short family life as a

of which

the son

Sasta )

Sasta was born. (See under

5) Curses.


given below: Mahavisnu looked (i) The curse of Mahdlaksmi Once into the face of Mahalaksmi and laughed for no reason. Thinking that Mahavisnu had been making fun of her, she cursed him faying "Let your head be severed from the body."

many an

Mahavisnu had cursed and had been cursed occasion. The most important of them are

Brahma, Para

Killing ofVrtrdsura. See under Vrtra. Rahu. For the story of how Visnu cut into two the asura Rahu, see under Amrtam. with Brahma. The story of Visnu and Contest (v) Brahma making a competilive journey to find out the crest and foot of Siva, is given with slight variations in most of the Puranas. (For detailed story see under


this period an Asura named Hayagrlva had done penance for a thousand years and obtained several boons. One boon was that he should be killed only by a man with the head of ahorse. Hayagrlva attacked the devas(gods). Though the gods fought with Hayagrlva for many thousands of years they could not kill him. Even Visnu, admitted defeat. Using the bow as a prop to his chin he stood thinking, for years. In the meanwhile white ants began to eat the string of the bow. When the string was broken, the bow straightened with a sudden jerk and the head of Mahavisnu was severed from the trunk and was thrown away. Visvakarma cut off the head of


this is the mark imprinted by the angry Bhrgu who kicked on the chest of Mahavisnu. (See under Bhrgu). (ii) Pdncajanya. This is a white conch. Even by the touch of this conch man becomes wise. (For further

For the story of how Visnu confronted the asuras Nemi, Sumdli and Mdlyavdn see under each of those words. 7) T he weapons and ornaments of Vi;iju. The following are the prominent ornaments and weapons of Visnu. It is said that (i) Srivatsa. This is a mark on the chest.

details see

a horse and joined


to the trunk of

ly rose

need of the gods and making the curse of LaksmJ come true, Visnu regained his original form and returned to Vaikuntha. (Devi Bhagavata. Skandha 1) (ii) The curse of Bhrgu. The Asuras who were defeated in the war with Devas, approached Puloma, the mother of their teacher-priest Sukra, and sought protection. Puloma, was the wife of hermit Bhrgu. She began to do penance for the destruction of devas. Knowing this Visnu aimed his weapon, the Discus, at her and killed her. Bhrgu got angry and cursed Visnu to take birth as a man and suffer the grief of separation from his wife for many years. This curse was the first cause of the incarnation of Sri Rama. (For details see under Bhrgu, Para 4). Revan(iii) The curse of Visnu. Once the handsomeKing ta, mounted on the horse Uccaissravas and came to Vaikuntha. Looking at the handsome youth, Laksmi stood for a while enchanted by Revanta and his horse. Mahavisnu was displeased at this, and cursed her to take birth on the earth as a mare. Accordingly she was born as a mare and when the duration of the curse was over returned to Vaikuntha. (For details see under

up and









of this weapon. Visnu uses this weapon to deal with fierce enemies. This is a wheel with a hole in the centre and thousand arms going out from the centre. The outer edge is sharp. This Sudargana Cakra is operated by putting it on the first finger and turning it round, and releasing it at the enemy. Though it is terrible for the wicked and unjust, it forebodes good to good people and so it is Sudarsana (good to look at), This is the club. The syllable "Ku" (iv) Kaumodaki. means the earth. Kumodaka means he who delights the earth. He who makes the earth delightful is Visnu. As the club is the property of Kumodaka (Visnu) it is
is the jewel of Mahavisnu. (Ku= the Earth. Stubhnati=Pervades (spreads). Kustubha= ocean. Kaustubha-obtained from the sea. This jewel obtained from the sea of milk at the time of its churning, is worn by Mahavisnu on his neck. This is a red




under Pancaja


Discus SudarSana.




called Kaumodaki. (v) Kaustubha. This


Nandaka. ThisistheswordofVisnu.lt is stated Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 166, that this sword was obtained from Indra.

Ekavira )

This is the name of the bow of Visnu. Sdrang. called Vaisnavacapa (the bow of Visnu) also. description is given in Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Sarga 25, as to how this bow was obtained. It is as follows Once the Devas made Visnu and Siva quarrel with each other, to test their might. The fight between the two This

of Vrndd. See under Mayas iva. 6) Contests and wars. Wars are very few in the Puranas in which Visnu had not participated directly or indirecthave been dealt with in ly. As almost all of them various places in this book, they are not given here. Only a few of the prominent among them are mentioned




Madhukaitabhas. Madhu and Kaitabha are asuras born from the ear-wax of Mahavisnu. tried to attack Brahma and Visnu killed them.



under Kaitabha).

Andhaka was a notorious asura. the minister of Mahisasura. When war broke out between asuras and Devas, Andhaka caused havoc

He was


Killing of Andhaka.

began. Visvakarma gave each of them a bow. The bow of Visnu was called Vaisnavacapa; the bow of Siva was called Saivacapa. This Vaisnavacapa is Sarriga. Due to the power of Sarnga, Siva was defeated in the fight. Getting angry Siva gave his bow to the King Devarata ofVideha. It was this bow that Sri Rama broke at the time of the Svayarhvara marriage of Sita. After the fight, Visnu gave his bow to Rclka. That bow changed hands from Rcika to Jamadagni and from him to ParaSurama, who presented this bow to Sri Rama on his return after the marriage with Sita. This is the necklace of Visnu. This (viii) Vaijayanti. necklace, made of five jewels stuck together, is known by the name Vanamala, also. Visnu has a charioteer

named Daruka and

four horses




Valahaka. Garuda is the conveyance of Visnu. He holds conch, discus, club and lotus in each of his four hands. It is said that the discus was made by Vis vakarma with the dust of the Sun. In Visnu Purana particular mention is made about the ornaments of Visnu. The names of Visnu given in 9) The names of Vitnu. Amarakosa and their meanings are given below.

20) Upendra. He who had become the younger brother of Indra by taking birth as Vamana.
21) Indra. varaja.

Meghapuspa and

22) Cakrapani. in his hand.

He who

Younger brother of Indra.

has cakra

weapon Discus

1) Visnu. He who is spread everywhere. 2) Narayana. (i) He who lies on water. (naram water), (ii) He who had adopted Nara (human body)

in incarnations, (iii) He who enters the (Nara) as Jivatma (individual soul)




Karsana (pulling or dragging)

jagat (world).

3) Krsna. (1) of dark complexion.

on the agha


He who


23) Caturbhuja. He who has four hands. 24) Padmanabha. He who has lotus in his navel. 25) Madhuripu. The enemy of the asura named Madhu. 26) Vasudeva. (1) The son of Vasudeva. (2) He who dwells in all living beings as individual soul. 27) Trivikrama. He who has measured the three worlds in three steps. (In his avatara as Vamana). 28) Devakmandana. The son of Devaki. 29) Sauri. Born in the dynasty of Surasena. 30) Sripati. The husband ofLaksml. 31) Purusottama. The noblest of men. 32) Vanamali. He who wears the necklace which reaches


he became Vaikuntha. (3) Vikuntha means wisdom (knowledge). So Vaikuntha is he who has acquired knowledge. (4) Vaikuntha means holy basil (a herb) So Vaikuntha is he who wears rosary of holy basil. (5) Kuntha means Maya Illusion. So Vaikuntha is Maya Maya or he who is blended with Illusion, (the female creative

made Vikuntha-prevented. By

Vaikuntha. ( 1 ) The son of Vikuntha. There is an incarnation as such. (2 ) At the time of creation twentythree Tattvas (essences-elements) did not join with one another. So Visnu joined earth to water, ether to air and air to fire; Thus their individual existence was


to the leg






He who had


killed the



34) Karhsarati. The arati - (enemy) of Karhsa. 35) Adhoksaja. He who is not discernible to the organs
of senses.
36) 37)


He who rules over the Visva (world). He who became victorious over

Kaitabha. 38) Vidhu. Expert in all things. 39 ) Srivatsalancchana. He who has the mark or scar of

banyan banyan tree. (2) Vistara a bundle of darbha grass. ( Poa grass) He whose earlobe is like this. (3) Vistara = is spread He whose fame is spread everywhere. 6) Damodara. (1) Stomach is tied by a rope. (2) Dama names of the worlds. He who bears all the worlds in his stomach. (3) He whose habit is dama or self-restraint, is Damodara. 7) Hrslkesa (1 )The lia-lord, of hrslkas organs of senses. ( 2) He who makes the world hrsta delighted hairs. bristling with his Kesas 8) Kesava (Ka-Brahma. Isa-Siva). ( 1) The Lord of Brahma and Siva. (2) He who has killed KegJ. (3) He who has three Kesas (heads) i.e. Brahma- Visnu-


energy) 5) Vistarasravas. (1) Vistara



his chest.








40) Puranapurusa. 41) Yajnapurusa.




He who

man. remembered

in yagas

42) Narakantaka. He 43) Jalalayi. He who

who had



Madhava. (1) Dhava-husband of Ma-Laksml. (2) He who is born of the dynasty of Madhu. ( 3 ) He who has killed Madhu.

enemy of Daityas (theasuras, demons) 12) Pundarlkaksa. (1) With aksis - (eyes) like pundarika-( lotus). (2) He who dwells in the lotus, that is

10) Svabhu. He 11) Daityari the

who comes

into existence



the heart of devotees.

13) Govinda. (1) He who lifted up the earth assuming the form of a hog. (2 ) He who protects the heaven. (3) He who redeemed the Vedas. 14) Garudadhvaja.

mantras (incantations), when compared with other gods, Visnu is only a lesser god. The story of Trivikrama is hinted in Rgveda. But there is no mention about the incarnation of Vamana or Mahabali. Rgveda gives Mahavisnu only the position of a younger brother of Indra. That is why the author of Amarakos'a has given Visnu synonyms such as Upendra, Indravaraja etc. Mahavisnu was one of those who came to see (ii) Sivalinga (Phallus) when it was detached and fell down at the curse of hermit Bhrgu. (For details see under

given to Indra.

46) Muramardana. He who had suppressed Mura. 10) Sahasra Ndmans. (Thousand names of Visnu). The list of thousand names of Visnu, is present in Padma Purana, Uttarakhanda, Chapter 72. In Mahabharata, Anus asana Parva, Chapter 1 49, also all the thousand names are given. Variations are seen in these two lists. 11) Other details (i) Mention about Mahavisnu occurs in several places in Rgveda. But more prominence is

in water. 44) Vi^varupa. One who has the cosmic form. 45) Mukunda. He who gives salvation.

Though Visnu


exalted in five


He whose ensign is Garuda


He who wears yellow silk. He whose position has no displacement. 16) Acyuta. 1 7) Sarrigl. He who has the bow called Sarnga. 18) Visvaksena. He whose army spreads. He who destroys janana-birth 19) Janardana. (1) He who had destroyed the (birth and death) (2)
asuras called Janas.

Mahavisnu gave Subrahmanya as attendants two Vidyadharas named Vardhana and Nandana. (M.B.
Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 37).

(M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 49). stated in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter (v) 1 1, Stanza 25, that Mahavisnu stays in the assembly of Brahma.

Mahavisnu gave Subrahmanya the necklace Vaija-



famine, stealing the cooked rice and feeling pity on him How can you eat it without any oily thing? See, take this ghee also." Saying so he drew near. The out-caste was terrified at this and ran away. On the way he stumbled and fell. Visnudasa ran to the spot and fanned him with his cloth. When he rose up the figure in the place of the low-caste was that of the real Sri Narayana with conch, discus and club held in his hands. Because of devotion Visnudasa stood be-

Mahavisnu showed grace to Uparicaravasu.(M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 337, Stanza 33). (vii) Mahavisnu once took birth as the son of Aditi.
details see

he said, "Stop, stop.

day onwards he got the name Aditya also. ( For under Aditi). For further details regarding Mahavisnu, see under Virafpurusa, Prakrti, Purusa, Brahmasrsti, Avatara, Amrta, Garuda, Laksmi, Gariga



Visnucitta sang holy hymns in praise of the beloved god. The hymns of praise he sang are called Pallandu. He got the name Periyalvar or the foremost of the devotees.

Tamil Nadu. He lived in Villiputtur. It is said that he was the incarnation of Garuda. Visnucitta had another name Periyalvar. Andal who was famous among the Alvars was the daughter of Visnucitta.

noble Vaisnavite devotee,



at Villiputtur, while he was getting beds ready to plant holy basil, he was attracted by a divine infant. It seemed to Visnucitta that the little girl was lying among the basil plants. He took the child home and named her Goda. It was this Goda who became the famous Andal later. Legends say that the birth of Andal was in 97 Kali Era. Scholars say that Goda was born in the middle of 7th century. There is another story which mentions that Andal was born from a portion of Goddess Earth. VISNUDASA. Vaisnavite devotee who lived in ancient days. The story of this devotee who defeated his king Cola in devotion to Visnu, is given in Padma Purana,


Uttara Khanda, Chapter 110. The story is as follows. In days of old there was a king named Cola in Kancipura. It was because of his reign that the country got

numbed. While the King Cola and the people were looking on, Visnudasa got into the divine Vimana and went to the world of Visnu. VISNUDATTA. Son of the Brahmin named Vasudatta. The story of Visnudatla is quoted to prove that bad omens at the beginning of a journey is a warning that the journey would not be fruitful and that it would be rather dangerous. When Visnudatta became sixteen years old he decided to go to the city of Valabhi for his education. Seven Brahmin boys of his age gathered together and joined him. Deciding not to separate from each other, they started for Valabhi, without the knowledge of their parents. When they proceeded a little further they saw a bad omen. Visnudatta stood undecided, but the others pressed him on and they continued their journey. Next day by evening they reached a village of forest tribes. After walking through the village they reached the house of a woman. They got her permission to stay there for the night. They all lay in a corner. Immediately all slept. Visnudatta alone lay awake. When the night advanced, a man entered the house. The woman and the man talked for a while and carried on sexual sports, and
they lay together and slept. A light was burning in the room. Visnudatta saw everything through the cleavage of the shutters, and thought. <( I am sorry that we have come to this house. He is not her husband. Sure she is a harlot." As he was thinking thus, foot-steps were heard in the courtyard. A young man fixed his servants in their places. Then he entered the house and saw Visnudatta and his friends. The new-comer was also a forest-man. He had a sword in his hand. He was the owner of the house. Visnudatta said that they were travellers. When he heard it, without saying anything he got inside and saw his wife sleeping with her lover. With the sword in his hand, he cut off the head of the



Yupas (pegs on which

Cola. He had performed several sacrifices. the banks of the river Tamraparm, stood his golden

animals were


that the place looked like Caitraratha. Once the king went to the temple and worshipped Visnu by offering flowers of gold and jewels such as chalcedony and prostrated before Visnu and rose up. At that time a Brahmin named Visnudasa from his own city came there to worship, with holy basil and water as offerings. He worshipped with the leaves and flowerbunches of holy basil. Because of his worship by holy basil, the king's worship by jewels, was dimmed. The

emperor got angry and

man who

does not

know how


merit has your worship of holy basil after mine of jewels?" Both began to contest on this point. At last the king said "Let us see who between us will get oneness with Visnu first, you or I" After saying this the king went to his palace. He appointed Mudgala the high priest and began to perform a sacrifice to Visnu. The sacrifice was going on with
devotion to Visnu to the best of his abilities. Once Visnudasa, after his usual prayer and meditation prepared rice-food. But somebody took away the cooked rice unseen by Visnudasa. Fearing that he would miss the time for his evening prayer, he did not think of cooking food again. Next day also he cooked food

"Visnudasa, you area poor to worship Visnu. What


He did not kill the woman, who did not know that her lover was killed. The forester laid the sword down and lay in the same bed and slept. The light was
burning. After a while the woman woke up, and saw her husband who had cut her lover into two. She stood up quickly and took the trunk of her lover and placed it on her shoulder and taking the head in one hand, went out and hid them in the pile of ashes. Then she returned and lay down. Visnudatta had followed her stealthily and seen what she had done. He also returned and sat in the midst of his friends. She rose up and took the sword of her husband and killed him with it. Then coming out she cried aloud. "Oh dear These travellers

pomp and




was immersed


and went for evening prayer. On that day also the rice was stolen. This continued. One day after cooking the food, Visnudasa waited close by in a hidden corner. He saw a low-caste man who was a mere skeleton because of

husband." The servants woke up and came to the house and saw their master lying dead. They tried to attack Visnudatta and his friends. Visnudatta told them everything that he had seen, and showed them the head and the trunk of her lover, hidden in the ashes. When they saw this they understood




Visnu and his satellites, one could attain es. (Agni Purana, Chapter 21)

everything. They tried the woman. At last she admitted the crime. They expelled her and drove her away. After this the travellers returned to their homes. (Kathasarit-


one's wish-




Madanamancukalambaka, Taranga
child of Garuda.



Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 13). VISISUJVARA. A great disease used by people to defeat The antidote for Visnujvara is Sivatheir enemies. jvara. In ancient days, in the fight between Sri Krsna
against Sri Krsna by Krsna sent Visnujvara against Bana. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10).

and liana, Sivajvara was Bana and to prevent it

sent Sri

of the eighteen Puranas. Visnu description of the activities in Varaha Kalpa (the age of Varaha Boar) There are twentythree thousand granthas in this Purana. It is stated in Agni Purana, Chapter 272, that if this book Visnu Purana is given as a gift along with cow and water on the full moon day of the month of Asadha, the giver would attain the city of Visnu. (For further details see

Vaikuntha. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7, that this world is situated on the top of Maha Meru along with the worlds of Indra, Agni, Yama, Siva, Brahma etc. T VIS> UMATl. The queen of the king named Satanlka. Sahasranika was the son born to Visnumatl


VISKfURATA. Another name of Pariksit. VISrsUSARMA. See under Sivas"arma.'

under Purana)

Worship Visnu,


of Visnu in mind. By what one desires for.

(fast or vow) taken thinking taking this vow, one could get

and Satanika. (Kathasaritsagara, Kathamukhalambaka, Tarauga 1 )




See under Ganga.

place at the source of the river


Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, that by bathing in this place and worshipping Vamana, one could attain the world of Visnu. This place is on the bank of the river Vipasa. It is mentioned in Drona Parva, Chapter 8, that Arjuna, in his dream, had travelled with Sri Krsna to the world of Siva and had, on the way,

holy place.




A Mantra (spell) taught to Devi KatyayanI by Siva. (See under Parvati). VIS]yUPUjA. (Form of worshipping Visnu). There are conventions regarding the form of worship of Visnu and his satellite gods. The general form of that worship is given below

holy place.

LaksmI, Ganga, Dhata, Vidhata, Yamuna, Navanidhis (nine treasures), Vastupurusa, Sakti, Kurma (turtle) Ananta (serpent) and Prthivi (Earth) arc the satellites of Visnu. First you must bow before Acyuta, (Visnu)



Then worship Dharma

Kriya, Yoga, Prahva, Satya, Kanti and Isa are the nine powers. In the same way, Durga, SarasvatI, Ganapati and Ksetrapala also should be worshipped. As the next step heart, head, lock of hair, armour, eyes and the weapons should be worshipped. Then worship the conch, the Discus the club, the lotus, the mark Srivatsa,
the Kaustubha, the Vanamala, the Earth, Guru and Garuda. With prayer and oblations offered to Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, Is"a, Ananta and Brahma, who are the guardians of the ten directions and the weapons and conveyance and Kumuda and the others ( the four mountains standing near the Maha Meru) and Visvaksena (Visnu) Visnupuja will be finished. By performing this worship of

want of supernatural powers, and then Bulb, Stalk, Lotus, Filament and pericarp of the lotus and, the four Vedas, four Yugas (ages) and the three attributes, Sattva (purity) Rajas (passion) and Tamas (darkness). After this the three Mandalas (regions)of Arka (the Sun) Soma (the Moon) and Vahni (fire). After this the nine powers should be worshipped. Vimala, UtkarsinI, Jnana,

self-renunciation, Supernatural power Lawlessness, Ignorance, Want of Self -renunciation



and and

vrddha who was a Ksatriya by birth, became a Brahmin by penance. VISIVUYASAS. Another name of Kalkl. (For further details see under Kalki) VlSOKA I. The charioteer ofBhimasena. In theBharatabattle Bhagadatta struck him and he fell unconscious. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 76). VlSOKA II. A prince of Kekaya. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 3, that this prince was killed by Karna in the battle of Bharata. VlSOKA III. A Yadava prince born to Krsna by Trivakra. This prince who was the disciple of Narada had written the book. "Satvatatantra". (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). VlSOKA I. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 38, that Sri Krsna had a wi*e called Visoka. VlSOKA II. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 5). VlSRAVAS. Father of Ravana. 1 General Information. Visravas was the son born to ) Pulastya the son of Brahma, by his wife Havirbhuk. The son VaiSravana was born to him by his wife

worship of Visnuvrata should be conducted in way. This is a form of worship observed by Kings, women and Devas (gods) VIS^UVRDDHA. A King. He was the son of Trasadasyu. It is mentioned in Brahmanda Purana that Visnuthat the

day and on the head on the fourth day, and Candra should be given oblations and exalted by names such as Sasi on the first day, Candra on the second day, Sasanka on the third day and Indu on the fourth day. It is ordained in Chapter 177, of Agni Purana,

after bathing his image on the first day of the vow of four days, beginning with the second day of the bright lunar fortnight in the month of Pausa, with mustard; on the next day with gingelly seeds; on the third day with Orris root and on the fourth day with all the medicinal herbs. 'All the medicinal herbs', means medicine such as Manci, Oris root, Costus, Bitumen ( stone juice) Saffron, Curcuma, bulb of Kaccuri, Flower of Michelia Champaca and bulb of Cyperus grass. After bathing the image as given above, Visnu must be exalted on the first day by the name Krsna, on the second day by the name Acyuta, on the third day, by the name Ananta and on the fourth day, by the name. Hrslkesa. The worship should be performed by offering flower, on the feet on the first day, on the navel on the second day, on the eyes on the third

Ilabila (Idabida) and Ravana and his brothers by his wife Kaikasi. In Mahabharata, Vana Parva Chapter 274, there is a story about the birth of Vaisravana (Kubera) as son to Visravas.


ten daughters of Daksa, VisVa was one of them. Visvadevas are the sons of Visva. The Sadhyas were born from Sadhya, the Marutvans from MarutvatT, the Vasus from Vasu, the Bhanus from Bhanu and the Devas who boast about Muhurta (auspicious moment) were born from Muhurta. Lamba gave birth to Ghosa

The son Vaisravana was born


body. Visravas tried to wreak vengeance on Vaisravana, who took refuge near Brahma, who was much pleased at Vaisravana and granted him immortality, the state of being the owner of wealth, the position of 'Lokapala', connection with Siva, a son named Nalakubara, the city of Lanka, the Puspaka Virnana, the lordship of the Yaksas and the title Rajaraja (King of Kings). 2)Family Life. Kubera engaged three beautiful Raksasa damsels, Puspotkata, Raka and Malini to attend on Visravas. Puspotkata had the name Kaikasi also. Kaikasi gave birth to Ravana and Kumbhakarna.

other son Visravas from

to Pulastya. Vaisravana his father Pulastya and served his grandfather Pulastya did not like this. He generated an-

half of his


ary of the

gave birth to Vibhisana. 275, Verse 7).

Khara and Surpanakha were born to Raka and Malini (MB. Vana Parva, Chapter

pure vegetarian. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 20, Stanza 3; Anusasana Parva, Chapter 76, Stanza 25; Anugasana Parva, Chapter 1 15, Stanza 58) VISVAGASVA II. A King born in the dynasty of Puru. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 14, that this King was defeated by Arjuna during his Northern Regional conquest.

I. An ancient King in India. He was son of emperor Prthu born in the dynasty of Iksvaku and the father of the King Adri. By giving alms of cows, he became famous. Visvaga^va was a

and Yarn! to Chapter 15).


(Visnu Purana, Arhsa



VISUCIKA. See under Brahma, Para 12) VlSuypI. A naga (serpent) born in the

Stanza 5).

holy place situated on the boundcountry Anartta, Kubera was born in this (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 89,

I. A King of the Ariga dynasty. He was the son of Jayadratha. (Agni Purana, Chapter 277) VISVAJIT II. A King descended from Yayati. This King was the son of Suvrata and the father of Ripun.

family of

Ka^yapa. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Stanza 16). VISUVAT. The time, when night and day are equal,


Visuvat. (Visnu Purana, Arhs a




A Ksatriya King. It is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 36, that this King was born from a portion of Mayura, an asura. VISVA. A daughter of Prajapati Daksa. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 12). VISVABHUK I. A story about the birth of five Indras, on earth, in the form of Pandavas, is given in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 196, Stanza 29. Visvabhuk is one of them. The remaining four were, Bhutadhama, Sibi, Santi and Tejasvl.


Brhaspati. He has the beings in all the worlds. That is why he was given the name Visvajit. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Stanza 16). VlSVAJIT IV. An asura. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 53, that in days of yore, this asura had been ruling over the world and that because of his fate he had to leave this world. VlSVAKA. A hermit of the period of Rgveda. Once Visnapu the son of this hermit was lost. The father praised the Asvinidevas, who showed him his son as one shows a lost cow. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 8,

jaya. (Bhagavata,


Skandha 9). The third son of

intelligence of all the living

1) Birth.

Sukta 116).




asura. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 52, that this asura also had been a ruler of this world. VlSVADEVAS. A group of Devas. Dharmadeva married

117 that the race of 1, Anuvaka 17, Sukta Asura was destroyed by the Asvinidevas. VlSVACI. A celestial maid. She is one of the prominent celestial maids such as UrvasI and others. Once King Yayati played with Visvaci. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 65, that Visvacl had attended the birth festival of Arjuna and sang some songs. Her duty is to stay in the palace of Kubera and serve him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza 11).

Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 219, Stanza 17, that it is this Visvabhuk, who sits in the stomach of all living things and digests food. This Agni is particularly worshipped in sacrifices. The (fire) Puranas say that the river GomatI is the wife of this Agni (fire) VISVAC. An asura. Mention is made in Rgveda,

of Brhaspati.



architect of the Devas. is the son of Prabhasa, the the sister of of the Eight Vasus. Varastri, eighth Brhaspati, a celibate woman who had attained Yogasiddhi (union with the Universal Soul) and travelled all over the world was the wife of Prabhasa. Prajapati Visvakarma was born to Prabhasa by Varastri. This Visvakarma was the inventor of innumerable kinds of handicrafts, the architect of the gods, maker of all kinds of ornaments, and the most famous sculptor. He was the maker of all the aerial chariots of the Devas. (Visnu Purana, Arhs'a 1, Chapter 15).



children of Visvakarma in various Puranas, five sons and four daughters are mostly spoken of. When Mahavisnu took the incarnation of Sri Rama for a stipulated purpose, the devas took birth as monkeys in forests, to

2) Children.




made about many

help Mahavisnu. Mention

is made in Valmtki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 18, that Nala a very big monkey was begotten by Visvakarma.



other four sons of Visvakarma are mentioned in Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 15. Four sons named Ajaikapat, Ahirbudhnya, Tvasta and Rudra were born to Visvakarma. The great hermit and sage Visvarupa was the son of Tvasta. Hara, Bahurupa, Tryambaka, Sambhu, Kapardi, Raivata, Vrsakapi, Aparajita, Mrgavyadha, Sarva, and Kapali are the eleven Rudras.


are the Isvaras (gods) of the three worlds.



said that in this


place called Saptagodavara and worship HatakeSvara Mahadeva. Devavatl, the daughter of the asura Kandaramali the hermit woman Damayanti, the of Anjana, a Guhyaka, and VedavatI the daughter daughter of Parjanya would come there. At the time when these three young women meet together at Hatakesvara, you will unite with your husband." Being overjoyed at the words of the hermit, Citrangada


there are one hundred

Rudras with

shining radiance. The daughters of Visvakarma: The four prominent Bardaughters are Samjiia, Citraugada, Surupa and hismati. The Sun married Samjiia. Sun got three children, Manu, Yama and Yarn! by Sarhjna. (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 3, Chapter 2) Priyavrata, the brother of Uttanapada, married Surupa and Barhismatl. Of these

the first wife gave birth to ten sons named Agnidhra, Mahavira, Rukmasukra, Yajnabahu, Idhmajihva, Kavi Ghrtaprstha, Savana, Medhatithi, Vitihotra and and last of all a daughter named tJrjjasvati. Of these Kavi, Savana and Mahavira became abstemious and

well-versed in Brahmavidya (theosophy). By the other wife three other sons Uttama,Tamasa and Raivata were

become weak. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8). Citrangada was the fourth daughter of Visvakarma. Ghrtaci was her mother. The young and beautiful Citrangada one day went to bathe in the river in the Naimisa forest. When she got into the water the prince Suratha, the son of King Sudeva came there. Their eyes met. Both fell in love with each other. In spite of the advice of her maids she succumbed to the desire of the King. Knowing this her angry father Visvakarma came to her and said, "Since you have deviated from the path of righteousness and abandoned your soul to a libertine, you will not have marriage, and hence you will not enjoy the pleasures of having a husband or child." As soon as she was cursed, the river Sarasvati carried the prince Suratha thirteen yojanas down along with her current. Because the King was washed away by the current Citrangada fell down unconscious. The maids sprinkled the water from the river Sarasvati on her face.

Priyavrata. These grew up to be famous gradually became lords of Manvantaras. This Priyavrata lived with his sons and ruled over the country In eleven Arbuda ages (Arbuda=ten crores) for faculties or his body did not spite of his old age, his




Still she lay there as dead. Thinking that she was dead, her maids went in different ways to fetch firewood and fire. When the maids were gone, she came to herself and looked on all sides. Seeing none of her maids in the vicinity, she felt miserable and jumped into the river Sarasvati, and the current carried her down and pushed her into the great river Gomati. Being aware of her future, the great river GomatT pushed her down and placed her in a big forest where lions, leopards, tigers

went to Saptagodavara, lived there and worshipped Siva. Rtadhvaja went on his way. Visvakarma, transformed into a huge monkey, was causing havoc and devastation in the forest. Once the five-year-old son of Rtadhvaja, called Jabali had gone to bathe in the river. The ViSvakarma monkey chased this boy and caught him and taking him to the top of a Banyan tree, placed him close to the branches and tied him fast with creepers. After this the monkey went to Mahameru. As the second adventure, the monkey her father Anjana, a separated Damayanti from Guhyaka. Damayanti was born to Anjana by the celestial maid Pramloca. Hermit Mudgala had once prophesied that this Damayanti would become the prominent wife of a King. The delighted Damayanti was once about to get into the water of the holy bath HiranvatI, with her maids when the Visvakarma-monkey ran to the spot and the terrified Damayanti jumped into the river and was carried down by the current. She floated down and got into a forest. It was in this forest that Jabali was tied to the banyan branches. Damayanti saw Jabali. Each said to the other about the cruel deeds of the monkey. After that according to the advice of Jabali, Damayanti went to the temple of Srlkanthelvara on the basin of the river Yamuna. After worshipping Srlkanthesvara, she wrote on the wall of the temple, a poem about the misfortunes of herself and Jabali and stayed in that place engaged in worshipping god. The next confrontation of the monkey was with VedavatI the daughter of Parjanya. Vedavati was born to Parjanya by a celestial woman Ghrtaci. Once while VedavatI was playing in the forest, the monkey saw her. He addressed her Devavatl, intentionally mispronouncing her name. She replied, "You monkey. I am not

Guhyaka (a section of Yaksas) who was going through the sky, saw Citraugada in the forest, and in reply to his enquiry she told her story to him. Guhyaka blessed her and advised her to go to the temple close by and to worship Srlkanthelvara, so that every thing might end well. Accordingly Citrangada reached Srlkanthesvara on the south of Kalindl, bathed in the

etc. lived in plenty.


at noon and went to the temple and bowed before Srlkantha Mahesvara. At that time the hermit Rtadhvaja, well-versed in Samaveda came there to bathe. The hermit called Citrangada and enquired about her. She told the hermit all that had happened to her. Hearing her story, the hermit became angry and cursed Visvakarma. "Let that Visvakarma who has behaved so cruelly towards his own daughter become a monkey." Then he called Citrangada and said to her. "Good girl, go to the holy

I am Vedavati." Instantly the monkey ran to her. Vedavati quickly climbed on a hibiscus tree. The monkey kicked at the tree and broke it. Vedavati held fast to a strong branch of the tree. The monkey took the branch and threw it on to the sea. Every movable and immovable thing in the world thought a tree was falling down from the sky. Seeing Vedavati falling down, a Gandharva said, "Oh dear, Brahma himself had said once that this damsel would become the chief wife of Indradyumna, the famous hero, the son of Manu the great King who has completed thousand yagas (sacrifices) ." Hearing the words of the Gandharva, Indradyumna the son of Manu, broke that branch into thousand pieces by his arrows. Though the branch was destroyed, Indradyumna could not find where Vedavati had fallen. She floated into a part of the forest. All alone she walked on and on and reached the temple of SrlkantheSvara, on the bank of Yamuna. Damayanti who had reached the temple earlier and Vedavati met each other and talked about their experiences. Thus due to the wickedness of the Visvakarma-monkey Jabali the son of Rtadhvaja came to be tied, on to the banyan tree and

Damayanti and Vedavati


hundred years, with despair Jabali bearing the lumber on his back, went with his father to Kosala. The king of that country was Indradyumna, the son of Manu. He welcomed the hermit with hospitality. Rtadhvaja talked about Damayanti. Indradyumna claimed that he had once saved a young woman by his arrows from the branch of a tree. They all started in search of the girls. They reached Badarya^rama, where they saw a young hermit. From the conversation it was revealed that the young hermit was Suratha. When he learned everything he stopped penance and accompanied them. Under the leadership of Rtadhvaja, they reached Saptagodavara and saw Citrangada. In the meanwhile Ghrtaci, sad and miserable, was wandering over the mountain of the rising sun, searching for her lost daughter Citrtingada. She met the cursed monkey form of Visvakarma and asked it, "Oh monkey have you seen a girl?" The monkey told her every thing

to be staying helpless in the temple of Srikanthesvara. At this time the hermit Galava reached the temple of Srlkanthes'vara. He saw Damayanti and Vedavati and felt pity on them. Next day Galava started for Saptagodavara to take a bath in Karttika. Damayanti and Vedavati followed the hermit. They reached Saptagodavara and dipped in Puskara bath. Under water they saw several Virgin fishes gathered round a whale begging him for love. The whale was saying harsh words to them rejecting their request. The fish virgins again told the whale. "Don't you see the hermit Galava going about with two beautiful damsels. If this righteous hermit does not fear slander, why should you, who live under water fear it ?" The whale replied. "Galava doesn't fear people because he is daring and blind with love." Hearing these words of the fishes, Galava became ashamed of himself. So without coming up he stayed under water. The two girls finished bath and got on the bank, and waited for Galava. VisVakarma's daughter Citraiigada, who had reached the place earlier, met the two girls. They told each other their

The monkey


she had gone there at the instruction of Jabali who had been tied on to a branch of a tree. At noon on that day Rtadhvaja had gone to the temple at Srikanthesvara and happened to see the poem. Then only did he understand that his son Jabali had been tied to a tree by a monkey. By then five hundred years had elapsed. Rtadhvaja was aware of the fact that the only person capable of liberating Jabali,- was Sakuni the son of Iksvaku. Rtadhvaja reached Ayodhya instantly and told Iksvaku. "Oh, mighty King hear me, please A monkey has made my virtuous and learned son Jabali, a captive and bound him on a tree, within the boundary of your

daughter of Anjana and Vedavati the daughter of Parjanya have arrived." Thought Citrangada. "If Devavati the daughter of the asuraKandaramall, also is come, I could unite with my husband Suratha." Citrangada became glad. At this time Devavati, the daughter of Kandaramali, ran to the spot, being chased by the Vii vakarma monkey. The reader might remember that Damayanti had written a poem on the wall of the temple at Srikanthesvara

"As Rtadhvaja

had prophesied, Damayanti

followed close behind her. As soon as Jabali saw the monkey he got angry and jumped forward to wreak vengeance. Rtadhvaja checked his son and told him the history of Visvakarma. The monkey separated the piece of the branch from the back of

that took place. Ghrtaci


reached Saptagodavara.

who had been bearing it on his back for the last thousand years. Rtadhvaja was immensely pleased at this and asked the monkey what boon he wanted. The monkey said. "Brahman, if you wish to give me a boon, please recall your curse. Great hermit I am Visvakarma the father of Citrangada. I became a monkey because of your curse. Let all the sins I have incurred because of the mischief of a monkey, be remitted." Hearing this Rtadhvaja said. "Your curse will end when you get

a strong and sturdy son by Ghrtaci." Hearing this Ghrtaci rose up in the sky. The monkey also jumped up and followed her. The monkey was attracted by the beauty of Ghrtaci. Later, on the mountain named Kolahala, the monkey enticed Ghrtaci and wooed her. She consented and they lived thus for a long time. Then they went to the Vindhya mountain. On the bank of the Godavari, a sturdy son was born to them. This son wasthestrong sturdy huge monkey Nala,

kingdom. Nobody in the world except your son Sakuni will be capable of rescuing him." Sakuni accompanied Rtadhvaja to the forest. They saw the tall huge banyan tree with bulky roots hanging on all sides and on the top of the tree, on a lofty place, the son of Rtadhvaja entangled and entwined by creepers. Seeing the network of creepers around the body of the hermit's son, Sakuni began to send arrows one after another and cut off all the creeper's knots. Rtadhvaja climbed up the tree. Seeing his father, Jabali bowed his head to his father. Rtadhvaja was not capable of extricating his son. The prince put down his bow and arrow and tried

the birth of a son Visvakarma regained his former form. He returned to Saptagodavara with Ghrtaci. Galava also came there. With the hermit Galava at the head, the priests made burnt offerings and began the performance of the marriage ceremony. The Gandharvas sang and the celestial maids danced. The first marriage was between Devavati the daughter ofKandaramali and


who helped



Then Indradyumna married Vedavati. Next, Sakuni married Damayanti, the daughter of Anjana, and lastly Suratha married Citrangada. (Vamana Purana, Chapters 63 and 64).
3) Other

to untie the knots of the creepers that held his body to the branch. Though a sturdy man he could not do it. At last they cut the branch close to his body and got Jabali down. piece of the branch was stuck to his

in the (i) Visvakarma shines in the assembly of Indra, form of a hermit. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza



back. Thus with his son Jabali bearing a piece of lumber on his back and Sakuni bearing bow and arrows, Rtadhvaja came to Kalindi.

Rtadhvaja, Sakuni and Jabali wandered about for years in search of Damayanti and the others. After nearly a

Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 34). Visvakarma lived in water and built the palace of ( iii) Varuna. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 2) (iv) Visvakarma slays in the palace of Brahma and Stanza 31 ). serves him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 1

pafece of Yama was built by

Vis" vakarma.


Visvakarma once performed a sacrifice in BrahmaVana Parva, Chapter 114, Stanza 17). Visva(vi) The aerial chariot Puspaka was made by karma. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 161, Stanza 37). ViSva(vii) It was with an illusive ensign, made by in front of the chariot that Arjuna fought karma, flying against the Kauravas at Virata. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 3) with Indra and (viii) Once Visvakarma quarrelled created the son ViSvarupa with three heads. (See under


The hermit Vasistha erected his hermitage and did penance in the country of Visvamitra. Once, while engaged in hunting Visvamitra saw Nandini in the hermitage of Vasistha, and wanted to have her. In the battle which ensued between Vasistha and Visvamitra,

vana. (M.B.

Visvakarma made the bow called Vijaya and gave it to Indra. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 42). Visvakarma made (x) During the burning of Tripura, a divine chariot and gave it to Siva. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 34, Stanza 16). (xi) To the reception and feast given by Bharadvaja to Bharata, who was going to the forest in search of Sri Rama who had gone to live in the forest, Visvakarma and Tvasta were also invited. (Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhyakanda, Sarga 91). (xii) Visvakarma once cut the face of a horse and attached it to the headless body of Mahavisnu. That figure was given the name Hayagriva. It was this Hayagriva figure of Mahavisnu, which killed theasura Hayagriva. (See under Hayagriva). (xiii) Visvakarma should be dedicated in temples in the form of wearing Aksasutra. (Agni Purana, Chapter 51).


renowned of the men of veracity, go begging. Hariscandra and Visvamitra. Their history begins from King Trisahku of the Solar dynasty.
Formerly the name of Trisanku was Satyavrata. Aruna was the father of Satyavrata. When Aruna was reigning the prince Satyavrata was leading a wicked life. He once entered the wedding hall of a Brahmin and carried away the bride by force. When the king knew this, he expelled the prince from the palace. Vasistha. as the family priest, was behind the cruelty on the part of the king towards his son. It was because of this that Visvamitra crossed the path of Satyavrata.

the hermit Vasistha came out victorious. The ashamed Visvamitra gave up his kingdom and went to forest to do penance. Visvamitra became a royal hermit of great attainments. There were constant confrontations between the Rajarsi and the Brahmarsi (King-hermit and Brahmin-hermit) (For the detailed story of the between Visvamitra and Vasistha see under quarrels Vasistha, para 2) 4) Visvamitra and HariScandra. The histories of Visvamitra, Vasistha and Hariscandra are intertwined as a triple string. Visvamitra made Hariscandra, the most
. .

kalambaka Tarariga 8, that Maya, the architect of the asuras, was the son of Visvakarma. (xv) Lanka was built by Visvakarma. (Uttara Ramayana).

(xiv) It






ViSvakarma once made a heaven

(See under




Tilottama was made by Visvakarma. (See under



ViSvakarma once turned the sun


machine. (See under Sarhjfia). VlSVAKRT. An eternal god (Visvadeva) concerned with offerings to the Manes. ( M.B. Anu:' asana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 36). VISVAKSENA I. An ancient hermit. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 7, that he shines in the palace of Indra. VISVAKSENA II. A synonym of Visnu. VISVAMITRA. A royal hermit of immense attainments. Descended from Brahma in the following 1) Genealogy. Candra Budha order Brahma Atri Pururavas Puru Balaka Ajaka Vijaya Hotraka Jahnu Kusa Kufianabha Gadhi Visvamitra. 2) Birth. Six beautiful daughters were born to KuSanabha the son of King Kusa. The hermit Brahmadatta married them. After this a son named Gadhi was born

his turning

cow which had been grazing in the forest and killed it and gave its flesh to thefamily of Visvamitra. On coming to know this Vasistha cursed him and changed his

Satyavrata went to the forest and lived like a low-caste man. King Aruna repented his rashness. Entrusting his kingdom to Vasistha, Aruna went to the forest to do penance. For twelve years there was no rain in the country. Famine broke out. Visvamitra's wife and three children were in great difficulty. The hermit had been engaged in penance. So the wife of the hermit decided to sell the middle son for the sake of maintaining the rest and for the market with her children. On started the way Satyavrata met them and learned the whole story. He told her not to sell the child. He agreed to give them food till the arrival of VisVamitra. The agreement was that he would tie the meat, obtained by hunting, to a tree outside the hermitage, every day. Satyavrata carried out the promise. One day he did not get anything from hunting. He caught hold of Vasistha's



form into that of a candala (low-caste). Moreover, as he had incurred three sins such as stealing of a bride, anger of father and cow slaughter, he came to be from that day onwards. Weighed down called Trisanku by these sins, he tried to commit suicide. Devi appeared before him and gave him back his original form and



Visvamitra were born to Gadhi. SatyavatI was married to Rcika As he was born in the family of the famous king KuSa, Visvamitra got the name Kausika also. His kingdom was Kanyakubja. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 34) Visvamitra and Vasistha were 3) Becoming a hermit. two hermits who were hostile to each other throughout their lives. A quarrel with Vasistha, persuaded ViSvamitra to become a hermit. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 51).

SatyavatI and


After the death of Aruna, Trisanku assumed the reign. Hariscandra was his son. After giving the country to his son, Trisanku requested Vasistha to perform the sacrifice
to send him to heaven bodily. Vasistha said that it was impossible for him. Vasistha's enemy Visvamitra took up the task. He lifted Trisanku bodily, up to heaven.

But he was denied admittance in heaven and so Visvamitra created an artificial heaven between the earth and heaven and made Trisanku stay there. Visvamitra was keeping up hostile attitude towards the

kings of the


death. Suna&.epha did as he was told. Varuna became pleased with him and appearing before the King said, "Leave Sunassepha and perform the sacrifice. You will get recovery." Saying so Varuna disappeared. Immediately the King was cured of his disease. At the order of the King Sunassepha was set free. The sound 'Jaya Jaya' (victory) reverberated in the sacrificial hall.Suna^sepha got up and asked. "Oh great men. Who is my father now? Some said that it was Ajigarta. Some others argued that it was Hariscandra. Some said that it was Varuna." At this time Vasistha stood up and said.

Solar dynasty. In reality it was not the the Solar dynasty, but it was his hostility towards enmity against Vasistha. Visvamitra did not like Vasistha's being the family-priest of the kings of the Solar dynasty. So Visvamitra kept up an attitude of antipathy towards them. This is the background of the quarrel between Hariscandra and VisVamitra. Hariscandra took Candramati, the daughter of Sibi, as his first wife. Besides her, he had ninetynine wives. But they had no children. At last according to the advice of Vasistha he went to the basin of the Ganges and did penance before Varuna. Visvamitra did not like this. Varuna appeared and said that Hariscandra would get a son. The king had promised that he would give his son as a sacrificial animal to Varuna. Candramati became pregnant and delivered a son. He was named Rohitasva. Even after the lapse of a month, the son was not given to Varuna. On several occasions Varuna demanded the child; and Hariscandra would

"Oh, great men, please stop arguing. I shall give reply in accordance with the convention of Vedas. When he bargained on the price of his son and received the cost

who bought the boy became his father. From the moment he had issued orders to bind the boy and place
him on the slaughter-stone, he also had lost his paternity. claim of Varuna to his paternity, because the boy had been saved from death by him, does not hold good. Any god will be pleased, when praised and glorified with great laudatory mantras and will confer upon the


lost his paternity.

Thenceforward Hariscandra


some excuses. Finally the king agreed to hand him over to Varuna at the age of eleven after his Upanayana (investiture with the Brahma string). The
boy completed

his tenth year. Preparations were being the palace, for Upanayana, when Varuna arrived. The prince, who was aware of the fact that his father would sacrifice him after his Upanayana, ran away from the palace at night. Varuna asked the king to hand over the boy to him. The king was in great perplexity. Varuna cursed the king that he would catch the disease called Jalodara( dropsy). Thus the king became a sick man. Rohitasva heard from travellers that his father was ill. On many occasions he wanted to return to the palace. But Indra appeared before him in the form of a Brahmin and dissuaded him from going to the palace. Hariscandra called Vasistha and asked him to suggest


supplicant wealth,


etc. There life, cow, land, salvation unusual in this. But it was Visvamitra who nothing taught him the Varuna-spell in his pitiable and dangerous situation. So ViSvamitra alone has claim to the

boy's paternity."

Those who were present, accepted this decision. Immediately Visvamitra took Sunassepha with him and went to his hermitage. Hearing about the recovery of the King, Rohitasva returned to the palace from the forest. Hariscandra received him with tears of joy. The King, with his wife and son led a happy life and ruled over his subjects with justice and truth. At this time,
Hariscandra (of Kakutstha's family) accepting Vasistha main priest performed the famous sacrifice of Rajasuya (RoyaJ) consecration with ceremonies and fame of Haris candra spread festivities. With this the
as the


a remedy for
to fulfil

Varuna. The hermit continued. "Sons are of ten types. A son bought for price also is included in this. So it is enough if a son is bought for price and is sacrificed. Some Brahmin may be found, who will be willing to sell his son. If you please Varuna thus, you will be cured." The King was delighted to hear this. He instructed his minister to find out any Brahmin who was willing to sell his son. A greedy Brahmin was found out. His name was Ajigarta. He had three sons. He was

this woe and misery. Vasistha advised somehow or other, the promise made to

and wide.


prepared to sell the second son, SunaSsepha. The minister agreed to give him hundred cows in return. Up to this time Visvamitra had been waging only a shadow war against the Kings of the Solar dynasty. From this moment he entered the scene of war. The minister bought Sunassepha and brought him to the palace. Visvamitra also arrived at the palace. He sympathised with SunasSepha who was crying pitiably. He asked the King to release the boy, and gave a

between Visvamitra and HariScandra. Vasistha once reached heaven. Visvamitra also reached there at the same time. The devas greeted both honourably. But VisVamitra saw that Vasistha was shown some partiality. This was unpalatable to Visvamitra, who asked Vasistha. "What excellence have you, more than I ?" Vasistha replied. 'Have you not heard about Hans' candra, the King of the Solar dynasty ? It is the noblest dynasty in the' world. The familypriesthood of this dynasty also is laudable. My disciple Hariscandra of that royal family has recently performed the sacrifice of Rajasuya. I was the Supreme priest of the function.
This is a covetable position not attainable to many. Moreover, there is none in the world, more truthful, firm of character, more charitable and more liberal than Hariscandra. This is a fact." Visvamitra got up angrily and argued that Haris"candra was not truthful. He staked all the fruits of his penance to prove this. From that day onwards Visvamitra began to make moves to instigate Hariscandra to deviate from the path of truth. Once HariScandra, while he was hunting, met a lonely

point begins

the next

stage of confrontation

warning that if the boy was not set free, the sacrifice would be obstructed. The King said that he was doing so to get recovery from illness, that he would give Visvamitra a good deal of wealth, and requested him not to cause any hindrance to the sacrifice. These words and the misery of the boy kindled the anger of Visvamitra. He called Sunassepha and taught him Varunamantra (spell) and told him to repeat the mantra when he was lying on the slaughter-stone and that he would escape






the forest. She was moaning. she was lamenting. She replied,

Siddhirupini (a goddess



The King

helps people to attain

anything). Vi'vamitra is doing penance to possess me. I request you to protect me." The King promised her to see that she was not subjected to the molestation of Visvamitra any longer. After that Hariscandra went to the hermitage of Vi&vamitra and made an enquiry. He then asked the hermit to stop penance, as his severe, intense, penance was harmful to many people in the country. The King returned to the palace. Visvamitra got angry and stood up. Up to this time only a cold war
existed between them. Hostility became open now. Visvamitra began to make moves against Hariscandra quickly. He changed a fierce asura into a hog and sent it to the garden of Hariscandra. The hog destroyed the


making all arrangements for the marriage, VisVamitra approached King Hariscandra. The King asked

made by the guards to drive hog aw.iy ended in failure. They informed the King. The King mounted on a horse and with weapons started for the garden. Without paying any heed to the arrows of the King, the hog ran away. The King began to chase it. The hog seemed to be near. Then it was away, then in front of the King and suddenly it him. Then it would disappear appeared behind instantly. In this manner the hog played around the King. After a while, the King was separated from his army and was entrapped, all alone, in a thick forest. He did not find any way out. He lost his way in the forest. As he was thus walking slowly, he saw a stream of pure water in front of him. Both the King and the horse drank from the stream. As he was standing thus without knowing the way to return home, Visvamitra went to him in the guise of an old Brahmin. The King honoured the old man, and told him that he was Harificandra, the King of Ayodhya, and that by chasing a hog which destroyed his garden, he had reached the forest. He continued telling the old Brahmin who had helped him. "You might have heard that Haris"candra, the King of Ayodhya, had performed the sacrifice Rajasuya. I am that same King. It is my vow to give anybody what he asks for. If you want money or anything for sacrifice or for any other purpose, just come to Ayodhya. I will give you whatever you want." The old man was pleased. He told the King that the jungle-stream flowed through a holy place and that it would be better to offer the gift after taking a bath
garden. All the attempts
in the river. The King purified himself by bathing in the river and then said. ''Sir, I am ready to offer gifts. State your needs. It is my vow to give what is requested. At the time of the Rajasuya I acted so towards all of you and took a vow that I would do so in future also. I

him what amount he required. "Give me your kingdom with all the elephants, horses, chariots, jewels and wealth in it", said Vis'vamitra. The King who had been led to this deception by Vi^vsmitra, having no go, agreed. Thus Visvamitra obtained the kingdom and everything that Hariscandra possessed. It is conventional that whenever a gift is given to Brahmins, a daksina. (monetary gift) also should be given along with it. Otherwise the gift will be futile. The King asked the Brahmin what he wanted as daksina. He demanded two and a half Bharas of gold as daksina. The King agreed to give that also. But where to get this amount from, since he had lost his kingdom and everything ? Having sunk deep in misery due to the

the King sat on the soil, cursing the queen ran to him and cried. While he was telling his wife every thing, Visvamitra came there and said Visvamitra "Hariicandra According to the gift

of Visvamitra,




hand over your country and everything instantly. I must have the daksina of two and a half Bharas of gold also just now." HarLcandra "Sir According to my promise receive
: !

But since I have given you everything that I had, how can I give you daksina ? Everything I had, has become yours. The amount for daksina has yet to be procured. So receive the gift now. The daksina shall be given as
early as possible." After giving everything to the hermit, the King left the country with only the cloth he had been wearing. His wife and child followed him. The hermit also followed the King compelling him to give him the daksina. The King told him that only after paying this debt would he eat any food, and that he would pay the amountwithin a month. Visvamitra, unwillingly agreed
to this.

everything now.


are leaving the country instantly.




Candramati and


have met you on the bank of this me quickly what you want." Brahmin: "Oh King, I have heard about your fame. Moreover there is nobody in the world equal to Haris"candra, born of the Solar dynasty, the son of Trisaiiku in liberality. Such is the opinion of hermit Vasistha. There is nothing more to know about you, oh, King, who is such a man of liberality. I have only one desire. The marriage of my son is being conducted. I do not possess enough money for the marriage. I want only a help for the same." The King thought it to be a very simple request, and promised to give the required amount. Vi'vamitra by illusion customary to Gandharvas created a young man and a young woman, and showed them to the King saying that they were his son and daughter. Then the Brahmin who was delighted by the promise, showed the King the way to the palace.
glad because holy stream. So


Candramati said to her husband. "My Lord sell me to some one and clear off this debt." The King with tears agreed to this proposal. Because of their woe and misery, both fell on the ground and fainted. The child sat near them hungry and crying. Visvamitra stood near them compelling them to pay the amount. When Haris!

After a month Visvamitra came to Kas"! for the amount of daksina. Finding no go,

candra reached Kasi.


son, Haris'-

candra came to

daksina when the importance of the great sacrifice Rajasuya was considered and that if he was to get the full benefit of the sacrifice he had to satisfy him by

The Brahmin who Candramati was Visvamitra. Hariscandra was bought not aware of this. After counting out a crore of gold pieces in a cloth and placing it on the ground Visvamitra caught hold of Candramati by her hair and dragged her away. He bought the crying child also paying its price. The Brahmin led the mother and the child, beating and dragging them along, like animals. They disappeared from the sight of the King. Visvamitra again came before Hariscandra and asked for the money. Hans' candra gave Visvamitra, all the money he got. The hermit was not satisfied. Visvamitra said that the money given, was not an adequate amount

himself, he sold his beloved wife to a

the village close by.

giving him the requisite amount. The King accepted the hermit said without everything any objection.


cut into pieces byyou." Hariscandra a greed to it. Crying way CandramatI went to the bank of the Ganges and brought the dead body of her son to the cremation place. Seeing her pitiable condition Hariscandra went close to the dead body and removing the shroud looked at the corpse. Because of poison the body of the child was blue and ugly and as Hariscandra and CandramatI had undergone so thorough a change they did not
all the


Yamadharma came there as an outcaste and bought Hariscandra. The name of the outcaste was Pravira.

requested for time. Visvamitra allowed time till sunset that day. As soon as Visvamitra had gone Hariscandra walked on with bent head, calling out. "Does anybody want me ? Will anybody buy me for price ?"

compelled him for payment.

The King

bought Hariscandra to guard the funeral ground to collect tax on dead bodies. Visvamitra quickly ran to the place. The outcaste gave Vtvamitra ten yojanas of land which yielded jewels, in the region of Prayaga and severed his connection. Visvamitra went on his way. The outcaste King took Hariscandra to the funeral ground. Day and night Hariscandra had to guard the entrance of the funeral ground. At this juncture Hariscandra's son died of snake bite, while he was playing with other children on the bank of the Ganges. His mother CandramatI fainted and fell down, the moment she heard about it. As soon as she recovered, she lamented over the death of her son for a long time. Then she requested her master for permission to go and see the dead body of her son. But she was not given permission. She repeatedly pleaded crying all the while. Then the Brahmin, her master, got angry and said. ''You slave! If your son it dead, let him be dead. Is it any loss to you ? It is my money that is lost. You go and do your work. If not I will operate this whip well on you. Remember that. You know the biting pain of this whip. Stop wailing and



recognize each other. But from her lamentation and his wife talk, he understood that the woman was Candramati. He also cried aloud. Catidramatl recognized her husband. Still Harit candra said that if the child was cremated without collecting the usual fee, it would be deceiving his master. At last both of them decided to commit suicide before the night ended. Without loss of time Hariscandra gathered half-burned fire-wood, and built a pile big enough to burn the child's body and for them to jump into it. He laid the
child on it and set fire to it. Hari candra and Candramati stood with closed eyes ready to jump into the burning fire. Then Brahma appeared there and prevented them from jumping into tlie fire. Indra and the Devas showered Amrta (Ambrosia) The child came to


gained their shining bodies and royal garments and ornaments. The outcaste who was the master of Hariscandra was really, Dharmadeva. All the Devas blessed Hariscandra and Visvamitra returned the kingdom to the truthful HariS candra. Their subjects were overjoyed at the return of their King and queen. After that Rohita was anointed as the King of Ayodhya and the Devas went with Hariscandra to heaven. (Devi Bhagavata,

and got out of the


The King and




At last, rinding it difficult to disobey his master, Hariscandra raised the sword to cut her. Then CandramatI shouted. " You outcaste. ?My son is lying dead on the bank of the Ganges near this town. Let me bring his body and cremate it. Allow me this much time. After that I will come and sit here to be

not give any reply to their questions. Some thought her to be a ghost. Some wanted to kill her. Some caught her by the hair. Some struck at her. At last they tied her with a rope and dragged her to the funeral place. They asked Hariscandra who was standing there, to cut her into pieces. He refused to kill a woman. The outcaste King came there and giving Hariscandra a big sword asked him again and again to cut her into pieces. Candramati and Hariscandra did not recognize each

the consequences." Hearing these words, CandramatI ran to the place where the dead body of her son lay. The son lay on the grass dead and stiff, with the face and body turned blue .due to poison. She saw that face in the flash of a lightning. She cried aloud. Hearing the cry people of the neighbouring houses ran to the spot. CandramatI did

CandramatI persisted in her request to allow her to go and see the dead body of her son. Not only did he refuse to allow her to see the dead body of her son, but also beat her. With tearssheturnedtoherduties.lt was night. The Brahmin took his meals and lay down to sleep. CandramatI was sitting at his feet massaging his legs. When it was nearly midnight that stone-hearted old Brahmin said. "Now you may go. Complete the funeral and return before dawn. Your usual work in the morning should not be left undone. If so, you know



ten thousand years a Brahmin Bhuritejas would touch the rock, by which touch she would get her original form. (Valmlki Ramayana, Balakanda, Sarga 64). 9) Visvamitra and TrUanku. See under Triganku. 10) Visvamitra and Menakd. See under Sakuntala and

under Rama, Paras 5, 6, 7 and 8. 7) Weapon Training.Vivamitra had proficiency in wielding all types of weapons. He taught Rama and Laksmana all that he knew about weapons. See under Astra. 8) Cursing Rambha. Once ViSvamitra was doing very severe penance. Indra feared him. So wishing to hinder the penance of VisVamitra somehow Indra called Rambha to him and said to her. "Rambha, you dress well and dance before Visvamitra. Somehow his penance must be hindered. I shall take the form of a cuckoo, and help you by singing." Indra and Rambha reached the forest of penance. The cuckoo began to sing and there was the atmosphere of spring season. Rambha danced before Visvamitra. The concentration of the hermit was broken. The hermit got angry and cursed Rambha and changed her into a rock. She entreated for redemption from the curse. The her-

7). 6) Visvamitra and the


Rama and Laksmana. See

mit told her that after


ViSvamitra. She came to the forest in which ViSvamitra was doing penance and tried to entice the hermit by her beauty. But when she saw that her beauty did not attract the hermit, she assumed a fearful form. Seeing

11) Cursing Vidyutprabha. Once ViiSvamitra did penance to obtain the position of Kubera, who employed the celestial maid Vidyutprabha to obstruct the penance of



that of Rgveda.

this it is


form, the hermit cursed her. "You shall retain this form and live like a giantess." She requested for redemption. The hermit said that when Srldatta, the son of Kalanemi, touched her hair she would be re-

taken from Rgveda underwent a thorough change before they appeared in the Puranas.
the son and disciple of Visvamitra. (For further details see under Galava). ViSvamitra who lighted the torch for (ii) It was Kalmasapada in his quarrel with Vasistha. (See under


that the storie

deemed from

16) Other


the curse.

The famous hermit Galava was

years Kalanemi was born in the country of Malava as the son of a brahmin named Yajnasena. A son named Sridatta was born to this Kalanemi. Once Sridatta happened to see this giantess in a forest and caught hold of her by the hair. Instantly she got her original form. (Kathasaritsagara, Kathamukhalambaka,




Treta Yuga

Once, at the end of dog. the beginning of Dvapara Yuga, there was no rain for twelve years. Famine prevailed every-where. The people were in utter want and misery.

2) . 12) Stealing the flesh of a


entered a forest and travelled all alone. He entered the hut of a low-caste (Paraya) and begged for food. But none of them even talked to him. He again requested for something to eat. Nobody cared for him. The hermit fell on the veranda due to weakness. Visvamitra saw in the hut some decayed flesh and intestine of a dog placed in a corner of the kitchen. He decided to steal some of it to appease his hunger. The Candalas slept when the night advanced. But the lord of the house lay pretending to sleep. Visvamitra slowly entered the kitchen, and opened the pot in which the intestine of the dog was kept. The owner of the house asked, "Who is that?" Vigvamitra replied that he had stolen because of his hunger. The eyes of the candala were filled with tears because of pity. He said:

Hermits left their hermitages and wandered about. In a crowd Visvamitra lost his wife and children and

Visvamitra earned Brahminhood tapas by (penance). (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 40, Stanza 12). (iv) Mention is made in Maha.bha.rata, Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 51, that ViSvamitra was present at the birth festival of Arjuna. (v) Kalmasapada killed all the sons of Vasistha because of the persuasion of Visvamitra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 175, Stanza 41) (vi) It was at a place on the bank of the river Kauiki that Visvamitra got Brahminhood. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 87, Stanza 13). (vii) ViSvamitra and his sons once performed a sacrifice

at the forest Utpala. Stanza 15).

(M.B. Vana


Chapter 87,

Visvamitra once drank soma (a liquor) with (viii) Indra at a place called Kanyakubja. After that it was proclaimed that Visvamitra was no longer a Ksatriya but a Brahmin. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 87, Stanza



is is

lower than jackal,

what men


the parts of its body, the lowest is its posterior." Though he said so, he felt glad since he had given Visvamitra food. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 141)

Of all






See under Vasisjha,




sub-para 5. Visvamitra had

given in Chapter 4, AnuSasana Parva. 15). Visvamitra and Rgveda. Rgveda,


Their names are

head for hundred years. (See under Galava, para 3) During the time of the Bharata-battle ViSvamitra entered the battle-field and compelled Drona to stop the battle forthwith. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 190, Stanza 35). (xi) Visvamitra was considered the most prominent of the hermits of the Northern countries. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza 33) visited (xii) Visvamitra was one of the hermits who Bhisma on his bed of arrows. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 26, Stanza 5) the dangers of (xiii) Once Visvamitra talked about to Vrsadarbhi. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter bribery

tested Visvamitra,

Once Dharmadeva came in the guise of Vasistha who remained there with food on

93, Stanza 43).




Rgveda, Mandala 3, Anuvaka 4, are meant to scold Vasistha. Here Visvamitra curses Vasistha's family in various ways. In the 'Annotations of Sayana', mention is made that the disciples of Vasistha freed Visvamitra from the vow of silence, ,and that instantly these mantras (chants) dawned in his mind. Though the enmity between Vasistha and Visvamitra is seen in Rgveda, such elaborate stories as seen in the Puranas do not occur in Rgveda. But Visvamitra procured a prominent place in Rgveda because this hermit rescued Sudasa from danger and forded him across rivers, and took Sunassepha as his son. Of these two incidents the first is not given much importance in the Puranas. Though the second one occurs in the Puranas, the version is different from

Variations are observed in the two versions of statements about ViSvamitra, occurring in Rgveda and the Puranas. The confrontations between Vasistha and Visvamitra occur in Rgveda also. The last four sections of Sukta 15 of

composed by the ViSvamitra-family.

(xiv) Once Vigvamitra explained the secrets of duty. (M.B. Anusasana Parva,Chapter 126, Stanza 35). (xv) Visvamitra was one of the hermits who cursed Samba to give birth to an iron pestle, when the end of theVrsni dynasty drew near. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 1, Stanza 15). VISVAMITRA (M). A holy place situated on the boundary of Kuruksetra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 131, thatthose


bathe in


a Brahmana.
the river Kau.s
in this place.

holy place will get

the status of


The hermitage of Visvamitra stood (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 110, Stanza
time this King was But by the blessing of Grhapati by his wife to have life only up

holy place on the

banks of


King. For a miserable as he was childless. Siva, VisVanara got a son named Sucismita. Grhapati was destined
to three years.


it is

mentioned inSkandaPurana that

of within this short period Grhapati learned the whole Siva. Sangaveda and obtained long life from
Sanskrit literary critic


Visvavasu by a Laksmana, was the changed form of under Kabandha). curse (See who played the lute in (x) It was this Visvavasu Drona sacrifice performed by emperor Dilipa. (M.B.





India in the 14th century A.D. Sahityadarpana is the most important work of this poet of Orissa. This work ol on criticism in ten chapters, deals with all the aspects
a literary work.

^ andra.' Kuvalayasvacarita, Raghuvilasa, Prabhavati, this etc. are the other works of kala,Narasimharajavijaya author. Most of these are not yet found. Kuvalayasvaa is carita is a poetic work in Prakrta and Raghuvilasa work. Prabhavati and Candrakala are great poetic dramas. Narasirhharaja is a historic work. VlSVAPATI. The second son of the Agni (fire) calk
221 King of all the worlds. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter

Parva, Chapter 61, Stanza 7). asked hermit Yajnavalkya twenty(xi) Once Visvavasu the four questions. When he got satisfactory answers, returned to heaven. (M.B. Santi Parva, Gandharva

Chapter 318, Stanza 26). and some other Gandharvas who (xii) It was Visvavasu Pururatook away UrvasI from Pururavas. (See under


It is


in the


that this fire



son of Prthu, a King of the Solar father of the King Candra and dynasty. He was the of Yuvanasva. (DevlBhagavata,Skandna 7) grandfather VISVARUCI. A Gandharva King. At the time ot made the earth a emperor Prthu, when the Gandharvas for various things, it was the cow and 'milked her Gandharva Visvaruci who did the mi Iking. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 69, Stanza 25)

Stanza 17).

course of the milking Visvavasu stood ing them, In the calf. (Bhagavata, Skandha 4). as the mmistei VISVAVEDl. A minister of King Saun. This brothers the King to be just. Sauri and his four wanted and Maharatha were the

At the time of emperor Prthu, when the earth was were those befittmilked, the thing the Gandharvas got


the kingdom was sons of Prajapati. The main ruler of West Khanitra. The others were Governors of the. East, South divisions of the kingdom. The four North and

Udavasu, Sunaya

brothers had a priest each


Suhotra, Kusavarta,

Pramati and Vasistha



Raksasa (giant). Mention is made Stanza 14, in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, that this giant sits in the palace of Vartma glontymg

together and four wicked fairies and sent them against created Khanitra. Khanitra the King. The fierce fairies attacked of his purity and cleanliness the fairies But because


gathered these four priests


further details see under Indra, Para 7) VISVAROPA. The wife of Sage Dharma. It is stated a daughter in Vayu Purana that from sage Dharma,

The son of Tvasta, the son of Visvakarma. This VHvarupa is also known as Tnsiras. (For


and Visvaved) attacked their creators, the four priests who had planned the programme, and killed all the live







came back




named Dharmavrata was born



brother of Parasurama, who had tour Vasu and Visvabrothers named Rumanvan, Suhotra, 58) vasu. (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter VISVAVASU II. A Gandharva King. The following the Puranas. information about this King is taken from The father of this Dcvagandharva was Prajapati (i) and his mother was Pradha. (M.B. Adi Parva,



in 24, states that this fire exists

Visvarupa. Anuvaka Rgveda, Mandala I,





eternal ViSvadeva (gods concerned with the Manes). (Mahabharata, Anusasana offering to 91, Stanza 34). Parva, Chapter ball made of wood. The Kaurava boys played in a well. It with this ball and by accident the Vita fell in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter UO, is mentioned it from the Stanza 17, that the teacher Drona recovered a number of arrows, one upon the tail well by shooting of another. was the King of the Puru dynasty. He VITABHAYA. Manasvl and father of King Sundu. son of the

of them.

(Markandeya Purana, Chapter 314).



Chapter 25, Stanza 47).


(Agni Purana, Chapter 278).





m Mahathis

Pramadvara was born to Visvavasu by the celestial maid Menaka. (See under Pramadvara). ol Visvavasu was present at the Birth-festival (iii) Stanza 22). 122, Arjuna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter This Vi-'vavasu learned from Soma, Caksusividya (iv) a and taught Citraratha (the art of seeing all) 1 b9, Gandharva the same art. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter
of present at the Svayathvara (marriage) Stanza 7). Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1.86, in the palace of Indra glorifying (vi) Vi'vavasu stays him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 22). in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, (vii) It is mentioned Stanza 25, that he stays in the palace

bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, and worasura stays in the palace of Varuna praising shipping him. He King of the dynasty of Janaka VlTADHVAJA. and the brother of Krtawas the son of Dharmadhvaja had a son named Khandikya. dhvaja. Vitadhvaja (Bhagavata, Skandha 9).

Stanza 65, that


Stanza 43)

He was

mentioned in Mahabharata, one of the Sabha Parva, Chapter 14, that Vitadru was seven Kings of the Yadu dynasty _ Ekavira, VlTAHAVYA Another name of King details see otti under wise known as Haihaya. (For further
It is




This Gandharva recited a poem at the Vana Parva, Chapter performed by Jamadagni. (M.B. 90, Stanza 18). Rama and Kabandha, the asura, who stopped

praising him.


part of Patala see under Patala )



(For details

or to cut the points either to establish one's own points a debate it is called of the opponent, are employed in Stanza Vitandavlda. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 36,

do n arguments, which



VI AHA An T^ wind will J Ihis

son of Dh rtarastra of the Kuru ,T t dynasty, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 58). TASTA. A river famous in the Puranas. Mention is

Stanza 12, that all the Ksatriyas of exterminated by Parasurama.



country were

made about this river mentioned in Rgveda

Yamuna. These



important rivers Kubha, Sindhu, Suvastu


attendant of Subrahmanya. Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 28)






were more important than the Ganges in those days. Mention is made about the Ganges only once in Rgveda. Perhaps the Aryans were not acquainted with the Gangetic basin in those The region from the rivers Kubha to Yamuna days. was Aryadesa (the country of the Aryans). The information about this river Vitasta given in Mahabharata is given below

devastation will become rampant on earth. Parva, Chapter 328)


air ( wind ) which blows very speedily be transformed to a fierce storm which will cause havoc everywhere. At the time of the great Hood this Vivaha will blow away the cloud called maka consequence of which destruction and



river as Jhelum in Kashmir. The deity (goddess) of this river stays in the palace of Varuna and praises him. (M.B. Sabha Parva Chapter 9, Stanza 19).







General information. 1) In ancient India marriage was considered to be a sacrifice performed in accordance with social customs. Marriage was allowed to those who had completed education at the age of sixteen. (Samavarr teacher teaches the the Vedas "f<; j and Vedangas. When the education is pupil completed the teacher or father makes him sit on a seat decorated with flowers, sandalwood etc. and do

bath in this river, one could obtain the fruits of performing the sacrifice Vajapeya. In Kashmir, Taksaka the King of the Nagas has a famous palace known as Vitasta. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 39) Once four hundred horses with black ears, owned by Brahmins were caught in the current of this river and carried away. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 119 Stanza 8). (iv) If anybody bathes in the waves of the river Vitasta, with vow and fasts, for seven days he would become 3 pure as a hermit. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 7). (v) Once Parvati made a speech before Siva on the duties of women, after receiving advice from rivers The river Vitasta was one of the rivers which advised

By worshipping

the Devatas

and the Manes


Pancamrta (milk, curd, butter, honey and water). This is called Samavartana. With this his brahmacarya ends, and he is allowed to marry and lead the life of a



Godanavrata. Then



Another name of hermit Dirghatamas. This Vitathawas the foster-son of Bharata. (For further details see under Bharata I and Dirghatamas) VITATYA. Son of Vihavya, who belonged to the dynasty -tsamada. It is mentioned in Anuasana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza Mahabharata, 62, that Vitatya was the lather of King Satya.



(M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 146,


Marriage is a ceremony with four secondary rites Viz Kanyadana, Saclyaga, Vivaha, Caturthlkarman If the msband is dead, or lost, or has renounced the world or has become a eunuch or is expelled from society, the woman is allowed to take another husband. If the husband dies the wife should be given to the brother of the husband. If there ,s no brother she could accept anybody whom she likes.
2) Eight kinds of marriages. The woman and man should not be of the same Gotra (family). One could marry a girl who is above seven generations on the paternal line and above five generations on the mater1 line bight types of marriages allowed in Manusmrti, Chapter 3, are given below A man of good qualities and good family (i) Brahma. is asked to come and receive the damsel. This is

A fire. It is ordained that the offering (Puroda'a) prepared for oblation, should be put in the fire formed by the blending of the fires Garhapatya and Ahavaniya with DakMnaom,(afire). (M.B. Vana Parva


bride bridegroom the K




was one of the ten sons born to Priyavrata by his wife Barhi smati, the daughter of Visvakarma. Agnidhra Idhmajihva, Yajnabahu, Mahavira, Hiranyaretas Ghrtaprstha, Savana, Medhatithi and Kavi were the brothers of Vitihotra. (Bhagavata, Skandha 5) VITIHOTRA II. The husband of Sabari in her previous life. (See under Sabari). V C A J- he eldest of the hundred sons of Talajangha. When Talajangha was defeated by Para'urama, he and his men went to the Himalayas under the



ancient India. Vitihotra

had requested nad

(iv) Daiva. in


given to him.
iven to the

f for her

J^u Virgin ah hand as


man, who


performing a sacrifice

duty. offered to the master



IS? 2?

awayb y



(Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 89) VITIHOTRA IV A Kingdom' of ancient India. It is mentioned m Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 70,

for penance.

when Parasurama had gone

of Vitihotra and hid themselves there Thev



ancient India. Mention is Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza member of the



There is another story that these two persons Asvinidevas. Vivasvan and Sariijna came home. were the As a retribution for the wrong he had done, Yama ruled over his subjects justly and earned the name


General information. Surya (Sun ) has a large number ) of synonyms. But prominence is given to two of them, Martanda and Vivasvan in the Puranas. Twelve devas

The Sun.

were the sons of Aditi they were called twelve Adityas ) are Adityas. The Dvadasadityas (the Tvasta, Pusa Vivasvan, Visnu, Sakra, Aryaman, Dhata, These twelve Savita, Mitra, Varuna, Amsu and Bhaga. in the previous Manvantara (Age of Adityas were, the Manu) of Manu Caksusa, twelve Devas called an When the Caksusa Manvantara came to Tusitas. end and the Vaivasvata Manvantara was about to the twelve Tusitas met together and after a conthese twelve

were born

to Prajapati

Kasyapa by

his wife Aditi.


21 Bhavisya Dharmaraja. (Vamana Purana, Chapter Adi Parva, Chapter Purana, Chapter 47; Mahabharata,


Some details about Vivasvan. (i) In Mahabharata, names of Vivasvan Parva, Chapter 3, the 108


sons sultation, they took birth as the

of Aditi.



birth they were known by the name DvadaSadityas. (Visnu Purana, Ariisa 1, Chapter 15). As Aditi was pregnant, Candra 2) The name Martanda. went to the hermitage asking for alms. Due to her difficulties of pregnancy Aditi was not in a position to rise Candra thought that up instantly and greet the visitor. due to disrespect. So he cursed her. Let the it was child in your womb die." At this Aditi became miserable. Kasyapa saw her crying incessantly and asked for the cause. Aditi told him all that had happened. would not Kasyapa blessed her and said that the infant womb die. Thus the child which was lying dead in the As the 'anda' (egg-embryo) of life again. came to Vivasvan went mrta (died) by the curse of Candra, he came to be called Martanda (he who has anda which has become mrta). When the child was born he was

given the name Vivasvan. married Sarhjna, the daughter 3) Family life. Vivasvan of Visvakarma. The first child born to Vivasvan by

The Surya (Solar) Sarhjna was Vaivasvata Manu. Vaivasvata Manu. Sarhjna dynasty begins from this children Yama and Yami. Then again gave birth to two to bear the fierce brightness of the finding it difficult sun Sariijna gave her place to her maid Chaya otherwise called Savarna, and went to the house of her father. Visvakarma did not like this action on the part of his the form of a mare and went daughter. So Sarhjna took to the pastures of North Kuru. Thinking Chaya to be his wife Sarhjna, Vivasvan went to bed with her. She conceived and gave birth to two sons and a daughter. The sons were named Savarni and Sani and the daughter was named Tapati. Chaya loved her own children more. The children of Sarhjna were grieved at this. Yama once lifted his leg to kick her. "Let that leg be broken." cursed him. The miserable Yama ran to his

Vivasvan lived in this world and defeated all his enemies. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 315, Stanza 19) Vivasvan performed sacrifice in strict accordance (iii) with the instructions given in the Vedas and gave as Daksina (gift) to the priest, Prajapati Kasyapa, the southern quarter. From that day onwards the south name Daksiiiadisa. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, got the Chapter 109, Stanza 1). Mahavisr.u advised Vivasvan (iv) In days of yore art to "Ana.svaratakarma-yoga". Vivasvan advised this his son Vaivasvata Manu. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 28, Stanza 1). the twentyeight Pra(v) Vivasvan is included among Stanza 36). japatis. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 334, He learned from Mahavisnu Satvatadharma and (vi) the same in Tretayuga. taught his son Vaivasvata Manu Sand Parva, Chapter 348, Stanza 50). (M.B. and Dasra, are the (vii) The Asvinikumaras, Nasatya of sons of Vivasvan. They were born through the nose his wife Sarhjna (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 150, Stanza 17). VIVASVAN II. An asura. Mention is made in Mahabharata. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 105, Stanza 12, that this asura was killed by Garuda. VIVASVAN III. An eternal god concerned with offerAnusasana Parva, Chapter 91, ings to the Manes. (M.B. Stanza 31). VIVASVAN IV. The first human being who performed sacrifice. This Vivasvan is considered to be the father


Manu and Yama.


the children of this Vivasvan. (Taittirlya Sarhhita, 6.5. 6) VIVIDA. An asura who was the follower of Karhsa. It is mentioned in vata, Skandha 10, that the asuras

Taittiriyasarhhita, mention





10; 14, 16). In that people of the

earth are

Pralambaka, Canura, Trnavarta, Mustfka, Aristaka, others had Kesi, Dhenuka, Agha, Vivida and some been the followers of Karhsa who caused havoc among
of king of Kusadvipa. He was the son (Bhagavata, Skandha 5). Hiranyaretas. VIVIMSA. The son of king VirhSa of the Solar dynasty. ViriiSa had fifteen sons beginning with Khaninetra.


mother's head. Father, I have done because of request you Have pity on me and tell me how to save my ignorance. Yama my leg from breaking." Vivasvan said tothe cursethat his worms would not be broken, but because of leg would bite his leg. Vivasvan understood that Chaya was not the real mother. He went to Visvakarma. Visvakarma put Vivasvan on his turning machine and

and said. "Father, this mother hates us and loves Savarni and Sani more. It is true that I lifted up my


the people.


leg did not touch to pardon the wrong I

of Draupadi

(M.B. Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter


son of Dhrtarastra.


following in-

formation about him is given in Mahabharata. at the Svayarhvara marriage (i) This prince was present

Vivasvan who was by turning lessened his brightness. made more handsome by turning, found out his wife her. But thinking him to be Sariijna, and approached the meansomebody else she moved away from him. In two male persons were born from the nostrils of while

caught hold of and bound by the Gandharvas in Dvaitavana (a forest). (See under Ghosayatra). between the Viratas and the Kaura(iii) In the battle the stealing of cows, this Vivirhsati, was vas following defeated by Arjuna. He ran away from the battle-field. Virata Parva, Chapter 61, Stanza 43)

He was


Bhimasena and Sutasoma and was killed. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 93) VIVINDHYA. Anasura. Mention is made in Mahabharata Vana Parva, Ch. 1 6, Stanza 22, that this asura fought with Carudesna, the son of Rukmini and was killed. V1V1TSU. One of the hundred sons' of Dhrtarastra. He was killed by Bhimasena in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 12).


hermit who was born in the family of emperor Prthu. Antardhana and Vadi were the two sons of son named Havirdhana was born to AntarPrthu. dhana by his wife Sikhandim. Dhisana who was born in the family of Agni, became the wife of Havir-


In the battle of Bharata, Vivimsati


of the three sons of the hermit SatasVnga. Sudeva, the commander of the army of Ambarisa and he also was killed in a battle. (M.B. Santi Parva, Daksinatya Piitha, Chapter 98). VIYATI. A son of Nahusa. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9; Visnu Purana, Chapter 4) VRAJA. A king born in the family of Manu Svayambhuva. He was the son of Havirdhana. Six sons named Pracinabarhis, Sukra, Gaya, Krsna, Vraja and Ajina, were born to Havirdhana by his wife Dhisana. (Agni Purana,


Pracinabarhis became a great Prajapati. these, (Visnu Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 14). VRJINlVAN. The son of Krosta who was born in the family of Manu. He was the father of hermit Usarigu (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 147, Stanza 23) I. A son born to Dhrstaketu, the king of Kekaya by his wife Durva. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). A son of Sri Krsna. born by his wife MitraII.


dhana. Pracinabarhis, Sukra, Gaya, Krsna, Vrja and Ajina were the six sons of Havirdhana by Dhisana.





Chapter 16).

born to emperor Ajamldhaby his wife KeSini. It is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 31, that he was the brother of Jahnu and

He was
the son of Krostu

king of the Yaduand father of Kusaiiku


(BhagaVata, Skandha 9) Controls ordained by Vedic Sarhhitas are called Vratas. It is known as tapas (penance) also. Vratas are Avadama etc. When it involves mortifications of the body (tapas) it is called tapas or penance. Controlling the organs of sense is called niyama (control) Vrata, fast and restraining or control are always good. (Agni

head he touched with

vinda. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). asura. This asura wanted to bring the Devas under his control. "How to achieve it? The only way is to please one of the three god-heads." The asura saw Narada and asked him which of the three Narada replied god-heads could easily be pleased. that it was Siva. Vrka resolved to please Siva and began to do penance. He cut each of his organs and offered it in the fire as oblation. At last when Vrkasura was beginning to cut his head to offer it in fire, Siva made his appearance, and asked him what his wish was. The boon he requested for, was that any one whose

his finger should die instantly. Siva granted that boon. The asura decided to try the boon, on the giver himself first. Terrified at this, Siva began to run. The asura chased him. At last Siva sought protection from Visnu. Assuming the form of a boy, Mahavisriu stood on the

about offerings

Purana, Chapter


Mention is made in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 125, Stanza 77, that this hermit had conversed with the Manes




Daughter of the hermit named Kunigarga. (For further details see under Kunigarga). VRDDHAKSATRA I. The father of Jayadratha, the king of Sindhu. (See under Jayadratha I) VRDDHAKSATRA II. A king born in the Puru dynasty. He favoured the Pandavas. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 200, Stanza 73, that in the Bharata battle, Agvatthama killed him. VRDDHAKSATRA III. A king of the Vrsni dynasty. This king took the side of the Pandavas in the Bharata battle and was killed by Balhika. (M.B. Drona Parva Chapter 24, Stanza. 49). VRDDHAKSEMA. The king of the country Trigarta. He was the father of Susanna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 9). VRDDHASARMA. One of the five sons, born to the king Ayus by his wife Svarbhanu. The remaining four sons were Nahusa, Raji, Gaya and Anenas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 75, Stanza 25). VRDDHIKA. A kind of goblin. It is mentioned inMahaBharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 231, Stanza 16, that once the semen of Siva fell scattered over the trees and that these goblins were born from that. Human flesh is


The moment he touched his head, he fell dead. (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). This story has that of Bhasmasura. (See under similarity with
his finger.

divine power now. He was making fun of you. Not an ant would die by the touch of your fingers. You just try on your head and see for yourself." Hearing this the asura became dejected. He thought what the boy said was true. The poor creature touched his own head with

way and stopped Vrkasura, who was running after Siva. The boy asked him why he was running. The asura told the boy everything. Then the boy laughed and said "Oh Asura What Siva said was a lie. He has no
! !

VRKA IV. A king.







Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 10, that this king had been present at the Svayamvara (marriage) of Draupadi. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 16, that this king was killed by a mountain King in the battle of Bharata. V. A warrior who fought on the side of the Pandavas. He was killed by the teacher Drona in the battle of Bharata. (M. B. Drona Parva, Chapter 21,

Mahabharata, Adi

VRKA VI. An ancient King


Stanza 16).


the food of these goblins. It is said those children need only worship these Vrddhikas. PARVA. A sub-section Parva, comprising Chapters 259 to 261,

who want


Marisa. Vrka married DurvaksT. Two sons named Taksa and Puskara were born to trie couple. (Bhagavata Skandha 9). VRKALA. A grandson of Dhruva who was the son of Uttanapada. Two sons named Sisti and Bhavya were born to Dhruva by his wife Sambhu. Succhaya, the wife

who was a pure vegetarian. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 115, Stanza 63). VII. One of the sons born to Sura by his wife



sam with ghee and smear the tree and water it. Waterwill make the tree ing the tree with water and ghee flower and yield fruits quickly. Mix powdered dung of and cow's flesh with sheep, powdered Barley, sesam, water and keep it for seven days. Then water the tree with this water. This will make any tree yield more fruits and flowers. Watering the trees with fish-water will make them yield fruits more quickly. Mixture of Vermifuge seed, fish and rice is a good manure. This manure is a good remedy for all diseases of trees. (Agni Purana
Chapter 281). I. Wife of the asura named Jalandhara. (See under Mayas iva) VRNDA II. See under Svarna. VRNDARAKA I. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata. Drona Parva, Chapter 127, Stanza 33, that he was killed by Bhimaof horse-gram, black-gram, green-gram, barley and se-

gave birth to five sinless sons named Ripu, and Vrkatejas. (Visnu Ripunjaya, Vipra, Vrkala Purana, Arhsa 1, Chapter 13) VRKATEJAS. A brother of Vrkala. (See under Vrkala). VRKSA (S). (TREES). It is stated in Valmlki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, Sarga 14, Stanza 29, as follows about the origin ofVrksas (trees). Prajapati Kasyapa married Anala, the daughter of Daksa. Trees yielding good fruits were given birth to by Anala.


The ancient Indians believed that consecration of Trees and gardens (parks) were means of remission of sins and attainment of heaven. As the consecration of trees is a divine ritual it has to be performed as ordained in the Vedas. The rites are given






item of the consecration ceremony of a tree, with all kinds of medicinal herbs, and adorn
flowergarlands and

with flour and



Then make on it perforations for the ears with golden needle, and anoint ointment for eyes with golden wire. Place on the dais prepared at the foot of each tree, seven fruits and pots (Kalasas) and make invocations. After this, offerings and sacrifices to Indra and the other gods should be given. Again invocation should be made with burnt offerings to Vanaspati. From the middle of the trees alms of cows should be given. Brahmins should bathe the trees with pots placed on the dais, reciting spells and incantations of anointment, and of Rg, Yajur and Sama Vedas along with instrumental music. The owner of the trees should be given bathing water by himself. Then the owner should give cows,
lands, ornaments and clothes as gift. After having done so much, food with milk should be given for four days and burnt offerings should be made with gingelly etc. and butea. The gift to the priest

wear good

this warrior.

sena in the battle of Bharata. A warrior who fought on the side of II. the Kauravas against the Pandavas. Abhimanyu killed

(M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter



A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva I. Chapter 45, Stanza 64) VRSA II. An asura (demon). He is included among those who ruled over this earth in days of old. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 51). VRSA III. A King of the family of Bharata who was the son of Sakuntala. It is stated that he had a brother Durmarsana. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). called VRSA IV. An incarnation of Siva in the form of an ox. The following is a story that occurs in Siva Purana, Satarudasarhhita, about this incarnation. When the Devas and the Asuras united together and churned the sea of milk, ever so many noble objects



should be double the


given to others. (Agni Purana

VRKSA VASl. A Yak?a.


Chapter 70)


Mention is made in MahaSabha Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza 11, that this
palace of Kubera.

up to the surface of the sea. Several beautiful damsels also came up. Visnu grew amorous of them and thus thousands of sons were born by them. These sons who were born in the Patala (Nether world) , by and by,

lives in the

VRKSAYURVEDA. The name Vrksayurveda

came up and began to do harm to the dwellers of the At this time Siva took the incarnation in the earth.
form of an ox

used for

the conventional rules about planting trees near dwelling places. According to Vrksayurveda it is good to plant Itti (wave-leafed fig-tree) on the North side of the house. Ficus Indica (banyan) should be plantd on the east. Mango tree on the south and Ficus Religiosa (banyan ) on the west of the house. Thorny trees should grow up by themselves on the south side of the house. Garden should be close to the house. Svatl, Hasta, Rohini, Sravana and Mula are considered to be good stars for planting trees. Stars good for taking trees, across river or in vehicle and to take down into ponds, are Hasta, Magha, Ardra, AsVini, Pusyam andjyestha. The stars mentioned above are good for planting Neem

to study the situation properly. In this Siva entered Patala and took by stealth the Sudars ana (the weapon of Visnu) and drove him to heaven. When Visnu had gone from Patala, he had advised his sons to stay in Patala. Vrsa who came to know of this, cursed them: "Any man, other than the hermits and Danavas (asuras) who are born peaceful from my portion, who enters Patala shall die." From that onwards, the world of Patala became a for-


bidden place




Priyaiigu, Syzygium, Mimusops and pomegranate tree. distance between trees should be twenty rods. This distance is the best. Sixteen rods is medium. But it should never be less than twelve rods. If the tree does not bear fruit, the stem should be examined by cutting with a knife. Then mix powdered vermifuge seeds with ghee and smear it on the cut. Then water the tree. If fruits are destroyed before they ripen, mix the powders

Jonesia Asoca, Calophyllum, Mimosasirisha, Acacia


An Indian river famous in the Puranas. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 35). VRSABHA I. Son of Subala, the King of Gandhara. He was the brother of Sakuni. In the battle of Bharata, this Vrsabha, with his five brothers, attacked Iravan, who killed the five brothers. Vrsabha alone escaped death. (M.B. Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 90, Stanza 33). VRSABHA II. An asura. Arista was another name of this asura (See under Arista)

of the sons of Kartaviryarjuna. It is menin Brahmanda Purana, that this prince escaped tioned from the Ksatriya extermination of Parasurama.




worn out by hunger. They wished
the child.
to eat the flesh of to dissuade the hermits from this beastly action in vain. At last the angry King created a wicked fairy to kill the hermits. Though the


A Yadava


named Radha. He brought

This Vrsabha married Jayanti, the daughter of the King of Kas'i.' (Matsya Purana, 45, 25-26) VRSABHA IV. A mountain near Girivraja, the capital city of Magadha. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 21, Stanza 2).

King who was

the son




her up as his own daughter (Padma: Brahma: 7). In Brahmavaivarta Purana, Vrsabhanu is mentioned as the father of Radha. VRSABHEKSA^A. Another name of Sri Krsna. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 70, Stanza 7). VRSADAMSA. A mountain near the Mandara mountain. Arjuna once dreamt that he travelled to the world of Siva with Sri Krsna. It is mentioned in M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 80, Stanza 33, that in this dream

Vrsabhanu was cleaning the ground for performing sacrifice, once, he got a girl

fairy attacked the hermits, Indra, the seven hermits killed the fairy.

who had



Vrsadarbhi was not at



his father



liberality. There are various stories in illustrate this.



1 )

travel they visited this


mountain Vrsadarhsa


General information.


A King born in the line of Pravira. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Stanza 16). VRSADHVAJA II. See under Sita, Para 1. VRSAGlR. A royal hermit spoken of in Rgveda. Rjrasva was the son of this hermit. (See under Rjrasva) VRSAKA I. Son of Subala the King of Gandhara. The following information about him is taken from Maha-


named Bhadra, Suvlra and Kekaya


son of emperor Sibi.

He had





named Seduka were righteous as well as wielding main and subordinate weapons.

This King Vrsadarbha and

ancient saintly

another King
experts After comin



( i) He was present at the Svayarhvara marriage of Draupadl. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 5) He was present at the Rajasuya sacrifice ( royal consecration) of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza

Brahmin to Vrsadarbha. The Brahmin went to Vrsadarbha and begged as alms a thousand horses. The King whipped the Brahmin. He asked the King why he was punished as he had done no wrong. The King asked the Brahmin who was beginning to curse. Ho. Brahmin Whom are you about to curse ? Him who has not given you alms or another Brahmin? The Brahmin said. "O, King I am sent here by Seduka. I begged as he had instructed." The King said. "This evening I shall give you all the tax-collection of this day. You who have been whipped ought not to be sent emptyhanded." Accordingly the whole of the taxcollection of that day was given to the

horses for giving gift to his teacher. The Brahmin said "It is my wish that you will give me these horses as alms." Seduka said that he had not enough wealth or horses to give the teacher's gift. Seduka sent the

the education of Vedas, a brahmin once approached King Seduka and begged as alms some



He was


a prominent archer of the army of the (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 168, Stanza


(iii) In the battle of Bharata this Vrsaka was killed by Arjuna. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 2) (iv) Vrsaka also was there among those brave men of the Kuru family who appeared on the surface of the Gangetic water by the invocation of Vyasa. (M.B. Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 12)


he also was

A Kalinga prince. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Kama Parva, Chapters, Stanza 33, that

killed in the battle of Bharata.




the eleven Rudras.



Brahmin. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 196).

2) Other details.


he was reigning, he made a law that all his subjects should give gold and silver as alms to Brahmins (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 196, Stanza 3) VRSADARBHA II. Another name of Usinara the King ofKasi. (See under Usinara). VRSADARBHI I. A King of Kas'I. Vrsadarbhi who was the son of Vrsadarbha, was known by the name Yuvanasva also. He gave as alms, various kinds of jewels, women, beautiful houses etc. and entered heaven. (M.B Sand Parva, Chapter 234, Stanza 24). VRSADARBHI II. A famous son of Sibi. The following is a story given in Mahabharata about this Vrsa.

palace of Yama glorifying him.


mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Stanza 29, that Vrsadarbha stays in the

Rudras are Hara, Bahurupa, Tryambaka, Aparajita, Sambhu, Kapardi, Raivata, Mrgavyadha, Vrsakapi, Sarpa and Kapali. (Agni Purana, Chapter 18). (See under Ekadasa rudras). VRSAKAPI II. Another name of Mahavisnu. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 342). VRSAKAPI III. A hermit. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 66, Stanza 23, that
with so




of the sons of Kama. As he was following the sacrificial horse of Yudhisthira as its protector, he was killed by Babhruvahana. (Jaimini Bharata, Asvamedha Parva, 30). A warrior on the side of the Kauravas.

performed by the gods.


other hermits, he also attended the sacri-

It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 80, Stanza 33, that this warrior stood in the heart of


the Garuda-disposition of the

darbhi. Once the seven hermits star ted for going round the earth. At this time Vrsadarbhi had been performing a sacrifice. Vrsadarbhi invoked the seven hermits and gave them his son as a gift. The child died before long. As famine was prevailing everywhere the hermits were weak and

son of Dusyanta. He grandson of Romapada. (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). VRSAMITRA. A hermit. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 26, Stanza 24, that this hermit honoured and loved Yudhisthira.

army formed by Drona. born in the line of Bharata, the was the son of Caturanga and the


in Rgveda,

King praised in Rgveda. It is menMandala 1, Anuvaka 10, Sukta 51,

that once Indra took birth as the daughter of this King under the name Mena. VRSANDA. An asura. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 53, that this asura had once ruled over the earth and that because of the attacks of Kala, he had to leave the earth.


Other details. The birth of Sri Krsna was in the family of Vrsni. (See the genealogy of Sri Krsna). is called (ii) The line of Kings beginning with Vrsni the dynasty of Vrsni. (M.B.Adi Parva, Chapter 217,


ancient hermit. When Sri Rama returned from his forest life, the hermits such as Vrsaiiku,


Kavisa, Dhaumya, Raudreya, Narada, Vamadeva, Saurabhi, Astavakra, Srlsuka, Bhrgu, Lornasa and Maudgala, from the west came and bowed before him. ( Uttara Ramayana)





noble Asura. The following informtaken from Mahabharata.


Stanza 18). (iii) Thinking that the jewel Syamantaka had been stolen by Krsna himself, Vrsni took a hostile mentality towards Krsna. (Brahmanda Purana, 3 71 :1). (iv) Vrsni had two wives named Gandharl and Madrl. Five sons were born to himbyMadii. (Vayu 94 14; Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 211; 1-2; 5:8). VRTRA (VRTRA SURA). A mighty and fierce asura. 1) Reason jor his birth. Vrtra was the rebirth of emperor

(i) Vrsaparva was born to Prajapati Kagyapa by his wifeDanu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 24) (ii) He took rebirth in the earth as King Dlrghaprajna. (M.B. Adi Parva Chapter 67, Stanza 15). He had a daughter named Sarmistha. (See under (iii)

Citraketu and his wife Krtadyuti prayed to Arigiras, as a result of which a son was born to them. That son died in his infancy. But Angiras brought him to life again. Brahma and Narada taught Citraketu



received hospitality.

were living in the forest, that they should visit this royal hermit. Accordingly the Pandavas visited the hermit and he received them cordially. This King rendered them various helps such as giving them directions for going through the forests. It is stated in Vana Parva, Chapter 177, that on the return journey also the Pandavas entered the hermitage of this hermit and

An ancient royal hermit. It is stated II. in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 156, Stanza 15, that an ethereal voice was heard by the Pandavas, who


Citraketu sat in contemplation for eight days and changing himself to a Gandharva he flew through the sky. As he was flying, he saw Parvati sitting on the thigh of Siva and laughed aloud. Knowing this Parvati cursed him to become an asura. Vrtrasura was
the rebirth

holy place. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 3, that the Pandavas visited this holy place during their life in the forest.


son of Kama. The following informtaken from Mahabharata about him. (i) Vrsasena was a famous warrior in the army of the Kauravas. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 167, Stanza


requested by the Devas. Danu was grieved at the death of her son. So Kasyapa gave her another son. He was Vala or Bala. Indra killed him with his weapon, the thunderbolt. Kasyapa got angry and plucking a hair from his matted hair, made a burnt offering of it, saying "Let a son who would be the killer of Indra be born." Immediately a huge giant, as black as antimony with yellow eyes was born from the fire. That asura, clad in the hide of antelope with sword in hand, opening his mouth,

(i) Hiranyakas ipu was born to Prajapati Kagyapa, his wife Danu. Mahavisnu killed him on being

2 ) Birth. Two stories are mentioned about the birth of Vrtrasura. One story is that Kasyapa created him from fire. The other story is that Vrtra was the son of Tvasta. Both are given below

(Bhagavata, Skandha 6).

of the emperor according to




Drupada, Satyaki, Nakula and

In the Bharata-battle he confronted the prominent archers such as Satamka, Pandya, Abhimanyu, Arjuna,

shining with

(M.B. Drona



Vrsasena also was present. (M.B. Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 10).

the fight with Arjuna, he was killed. (M.B. Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 35) (iv) Among the brave souls of the Kurus who were invoked to the surface of the river Ganga by Vyasa,

Parva) In (iii)

monster Vrtra.
ter 23) It (ii)

Kasyapa ordered him


from which two huge tusks protruded, very wide, arid radiance cried out in a voice of thunder, "Oh Sage Order me, what am I to do ?"

to kill Indra. He named the Padma Purana, Bhumi Khanda, Chapto kill

mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 13, that this King glorifies Yama. VRSASENA III. Mention is made in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 167, Stanza 23, about a proud and honoured Vrsasena who attended the Rajasuya

King who

shines in the council of


Descended from Visnu in the following Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha-Pururavas - Ayus Nahusa- Yayati - Yadu - Sahasrajit - Satajit - Hehaya Dharma- Kuni- Bhadrasena-Dhanaka-Krtavlrya-Kartavlryarjuna-Madhu-Vrsni.

of royal consecration) of Yudhisthira. famous King of the Yadu dynasty.


the very beginning Indra and Tvasta were enemies. Tvasta begot a son named Trisiras otherwise called VisVarupa, for the purpose of killing Indra. This Vis varupa had three heads. One was meant for drinking Sura (a liquor), the second for drinking Soma (liquor) and the third for eating food. ViSvarupa was a Brahmana. Still, as his mother was an asura, he loved the asuras and mingled with them. Indra knew about the behaviour of Vis varupa. He concluded that it was blasphemy and wickedness. Indra who was afraid of ViS varupa, got angry and cut off his heads. Of the heads of Vis varupa, that which drank Soma became a bird called Kapinjala, that which drank Sura became a bird called Kalapinga, and that which ate food became the bird Tittiri (partridge). Brahmahatya (the sin of killing Brahmin) took shape and went against Indra.


He had

was Prajapati Tvasta who created Vrtra

sufficient reasons for


Though Indra could have



he joined




I am the son of Kagyapa enjoy half the position of Indra. I, Vrtra, have brought the three worlds under my control. I shall be complete in all aspects, if I could marry you." Rambha agreed to the marriage on condition that Vrtra would not gainsay her in anything. They engaged

hands and received it. At the end of the year he cut it into four pieces and divided them among earth, water, tree and woman. The earth received it with the boon that depressions will be filled. That sin is now seen as salt beds. Water got it with the boon, "Will be swollen when joined". That sin is foam and bubbles. The tree got it with the boon, "Will not die even if cut into pieces". That sin is the sap of the tree. Women got it with the boon, "Amour will last without break". That sin is
the menstruation of



and the

friend of Indra.

heard that his righteous son was killed by Indra unreasonably, he became angry and began to make burnt offerings with spells and incantations of Atharvaveda. This offering continued for eight days. On the eighth day at night, an extremely bright male person arose from the fire pit. He rose higher and higher as the flame of fire. Then that figure of power asked what is my name ? What have I to Tvasta. "Father do for you ? What is the reason for your grief ?" He said that he was prepared to drink up the ocean dry or smash the mountains, or prevent the sun and the moon from moving or any such thing for the sake of his father. The father ordered him to kill Indra. From that day onwards Vrtra got ready to kill Indra. (Devi Bhagavata,

When Tvasta


amorous plays and Rambha made the Brahmin drink liquor in large quantities and he became unconscious. Indra took this opportunity and sent his thunderbolt which took away the life of Vrtra. Instantly Indra became affected with sins such as Brahmahatya etc. Padma Purana, Bhumikhanda, Chapters 23 and 24) (

3) The slaughter of Vrtrasura, Hearing about the prowess, strength, and the martial radiance of Vrtrasura, Indra grew afraid of him and began to think about means and ways to kill him. Indra called the Saptarsis (seven hermits) and sent them to Vrtra. His intention was to make a treaty. The seven hermits approached



Vrtra and requested him to make a treaty with Indra, told him that Indra was prepared to give half of
the position of Indra.
: !

Look hermits If Indra honestly desires to be in peace with me, I have no objection. But what is the surety that Indra will not deceive me ? Hermits If Indra proves to be false and deliberately deceives you, he has agreed to bear the sin of BrahmaVrtra

hatya incurred, by himself. Vrtra agreed to make a treaty on this condition. The hermits took Vrtra to the palace of Indra Seeing Vrtrasura who was coming to be friends wilh him Indra rose from his royal chair and offered half of it to Vrtra. Both embraced each other and vowed that they would be brothers born from the same womb. Thus having engaged Vrtra in a treaty deceitfully, Indra waited for an opportunity to kill Vrtra. Once Indra sent Rambha to infatuate Vrtra. "Look, beautiful girl Make Vrtra senseless somehow so that I may kill him." Hearing this, with a beautiful laugh, Rambha went with her maids to the Park Nandana and waited for Vrtrasura. At this time Vrtra, with some Danava friends, came to the park Nandana for entertainment. Indra walked beside watching for the opportunity to kill him. Without fearing any danger from Indra, Vrtra walked through the park, seeing the celestial maids singing and dancing and playing various games in the garden, and they reached a corner where Rambha had been singing sweet songs and swinging with her maids. This sight made Vrtra amorous. He approached Rambha and prayed to her to become his wife. Under that sandalwood tree Rambha asked him. "Oh handsome youth I am Rambha. I came here with my maids to play. Who are you, my Lord ?"

Ja{ayu and Sampati made bets and flew up to the (Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarga 58, Stanza 4). the conflict between Indra and (iii) Mention about Vrtrasura occurs in various places in the Rgveda. Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 16, Sukta 80 refers to the battle between Indra and Vrtra. In many other Suktas songs about Indra and Vrtra occur. (iv) Mention is made in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 33, that Vrtra was the son born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Danu. (v) It was Vrtrasura who took rebirth later as King Maniman. (M.B. Adi Parva. Chapter 67, Stanza 44). (vi) The thunderbolt of Indra hit on the head of Vrtrasura and was broken into ten big pieces and hundred small pieces. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 169, Stanza 50). is stated in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, (vii) It Chapter 9, Stanza 48, that Vrtrasura was born from the fire of Sorcery and witchcraft of Tvasta. Indra and Vrtra, Indra was (viii) In the fight between swallowed by Vrtra. But Indra contracted the members of his body and became smaller and smaller and came out of Vrtra 's belly. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 52). (ix) Once the teacher-priest Sukra asked Vrtra certain questions to all of which Vrtra gave proper answers. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 279, Stanza 13). (x) Vrtra entered heaven after his death. (Santi Parva, Chapter 180, Stanza 57).

4) Other details. (i) Indra washed away the sin of Brahmahatya incurred by killing Vrtra, at the place called Karusa. (See under Aiigamalada). (ii) It was at the time of the killing of Vrtra by Indra,

region of the Sun.


the fight of (xi) Everybody was terrified because Indra with Vrtra prolonged without any termination. At last Vrtra gaped and taking this opportunity, Indra sent his weapon the thunderbolt into the mouth of Vrtra. Thus Vrtra met with death. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 15; Udyoga Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza 30; Sand Parva, Chapter 232, Stanza 9; Santi Parva, Chapter 283, Stanza 59) (xii) In Mahabharata, the words, Asura, AsuraSrestha, Asurendra, Daitya, Daityapati, Daityendra, Danava, Danavendra, Ditija, Surari, Tvastar, Visvatma etc. are used as synonyms of Vrtra.


naga (serpent) born to Prajapati Kasyapa wife Kadru. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 10).
Vyadhi, Jara,

Trsna and Krodha, were

the daughters of ter 20)

(Death). (Agni Purana, Chapriver.

The hermit

Mr tyu



Parva, Chapter 107, Stanza 31) VYAGHRAKETU. A warrior of Pancala, who fought on the side of the Pandavas against the Kauravas. Kama wounded him in the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 56, Stanza 44) VYAGHRAKSA. A follower of Subrahmanya. (Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 59). VYAGHRAPADA. An ancient hermit. He was the father

minister of King Srldatta, described in Kathasaritsagara. Besides Vyaghrabhata, he had three more ministers named Mahabala, Upendrabala and Nisthuraka. I. A King who fought on the side of the Pandavas. This King who was a great fighter on the chariot, fought with the teacher Drona. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 16, Stanza 32, that he was killed by Drona. II. A prince of the country of Magadha. He took the side of the Kauravas and was killed in the battle of Bharataby Satyaki. (M.B. Drona

got into the boat. Matsyagandha row the boat. The beauty of the damsel sitting in front of him and the little waves of the river, combined together had the effect of arousing passion in the hermit. He became sexually excited and sat close to her. Discerning his intention she moved away from him and prayed to him humbly not to violate her chastity. She repeated her prayer. The hermit Parasara created an artificial fog around the boat. The smell of fish was gone from her and the fragrance of Musk took its place. The hermit created an artificial island in the middle of the river. They got down on the island arid acted a love drama. She became pregnant. Parasara said to her. Even after your confinement you shall "Beautiful girl


manya. In

Stanza 45)

ofUpamanyu. (M.B. Anugasana Parva, Chapter





Subrahmanya killed. (Skanda Purana, Asura Kanda) VYASA. The sage Vyasa who is the author

the fight with

fought against Subrahthis asura was

of the



wonderful story. As has already been mentioned, Kali, a fisherwoman was the mother of Vyasa. There is a story about this Kali also. When king Vasu of Cedi went to the forest for hunting, he saw the coition of animals and he had seminal discharge. The king sent that semen to his queen. But on the way it fell in the river Kalindi and was eaten by a fish. This fish was a celestial maid named Adrika transformed to fish by a curse. The fish conceived and got into the net of a fisherman, who lived on the banks of Kalindi. When this fish was cut open a male and a female infant were seen inside. The male child was given to the kin? himself. The fisherman brought up the girl naming her Kali. As the girl had the gandha (smell) of matsya (fish) she got the name 'Matsya-gandha', also. This fisherman was also a ferryman. Kali used to help her father in ferrying people across the river Kalindi. She grew up and became a

1 ) Genealogy. Descended from Visnu in the following order: Brahma-Vasistha-Sakti-ParaSara- Vyasa. 2) Birth. Vyasa was born to hermit ParaSara by a fisherwoman named Kali. His name when he was a child was Krsna. As his birth took place in an island (Dvlpa) he got the name Krsnadvaipayana. After dividing the Vedas he got the name Vedavyasa. He is the composer of Mahabharata, one of the greatest books in worldliterature. The births of great men, generally will be wonderful. Behind the birth of Vyasa also there is a

for penance. When anything unpleasant happens to you, just think of me. The moment you wish to see me, I will be there by you. I wish you a happy life. I am going." Saying thus the brave boy walked away. (Devi

mother. "Mother You can go anywhere, as you please. You need have no worry on my account. I am about to

A son, who will be a portion of Visnu, of purity, famous throughout the three worlds, highly learned, the teacher-priest of the whole world, shall be born to you. He will divide the Vedas and will be exalted by the people of the world." After this the great hermit took his bath in Yamuna and went away. The pregnancy of Kali was completed instantly and she gave birth to a very handsome boy in that island of Yamuna. As soon as he was born, he grew up and became a hermit radiant with devotion and assuming a vow of purity and abstinence he said to his
remain a



Bhagavata, Skandha Chapters 60 to 63)




Adi Parva,

part of his life was spent in living as a hermit in his hermitage in the forest with a large group of disciples; teaching them the Vedas. A small description of that spiritual life is given below ii In the forest. We do not see Krsnadvaipayana, who ) had grown up to a youth at the time of his birth, for many years after his departure, bidding adieu to his mother. He might have been living with hermits in the forests, learning Vedas from them. After this he appears on the banks of river Sarasvati as a teacher and Priest. As he was doing penance there, he saw two sparrows, legs and beaks red, without even down feathers, crying for food, and the parent birds, with the utmost care and tenderness feeding them. They flew about here and there and gathered food and came back quickly. Because of

Two sides, the spiritual as well as the are seen in the life of Vyasa. It was after the marriage of Santanu, a king of the Lunar dynasty, with his mother Kali, otherwise known as Satyavati, that Vyasa came into contact withHastinapura. Participating in all the vicissitudes of the Pandavas and the Kauravas was the worldly side of the life of Vyasa. But the major

3) Spiritual




the hermit Parasara came by that way to go to the other side of the river. At that time, the fisherman who has been taking people across the river, was sitting on the bank of the river and having his meals. As soon as Parasara came, the innocent fisherman the fosterfather of Matsyagandha called her, who was standing close by and asked her to take the hermit across the


young woman.

joy at the sight of their parents, the little ones opened their ruby-red mouths with cries and throbbing. They kissed the young ones and fed them. The young sparrows hid under the wings of their father and mother and enjoyed the surroundings by thrusting out their

heads and looking on all sides. Hi) Birth of son. Seeing this, the paternity instinct in him was aroused. He understood that love of children

was merely

for the sake of love, that this love

was pure



and lived there. The sorrowing Vyasa, was made still more sorrowful by the departure of his beloved disciples, Asita, Devala, Vais" ampayana, Sumantu, Jaimini and others who had been living in the hermitage and who had departed, having finished their education. All the surroundings of the hermitage seemed to him filled with pain. At last he thought about his mother. (Devi Bhagavata Skandha 1 )

completed his education with Brhaspati and having performed Samavarta and offering of gift to the teacher, he returned home to his father. iv) Disciples. Suka commenced advanced study under his father Vyasa. Besides Suka, Vyasa had disciples such as Vais ampayana, Suta, Paila, Jaimini and others also, living with him. The hermitage of Vyasa soon grew up to be a great educational institution, with plenty of disSeparation of son. In the meanwhile Suka married and lived the life of a householder in the hermitage of his father, for a time. Then forsaking his family and his father, Suka went to the peak of Kailasa and began to do penance meditating on Siva. At last he became a

and ceremonies, according to the custom, were conducted by Vyasa. As he was born from the semen discharged at the sight of the Suka (parrot) the infant was named Suka. As soon as he was born Suka began to grow by divine power and shortly became a boy of shining radiance. After investiture with the Brahma-string, the boy was sent for education to the hermitage of Brhaspati, the teacher of the devas. Suka
Birth rituals

hermit was excited at the beauty of Ghrtaci and sat forgetting himself. As he sat there thinking of the infatuating beauty of the parrot, seminal discharge occurred to him. He became a slave to this infatuation, when he was engaged in making fire by attrition. In this amorous state of mind he was quite unaware of the seminal discharge or its falling on the pieces of wood used for attrition. He continued attrition. Then a very bright, divine person appeared from the pieces of wood. At the birth of a person, without attachment to a womb, all the worlds were delighted. The hide of black antelope, water pot, hermit's rod etc. fell from the sky.

commenced their work of hindering the penance. It was Ghrtaci who confronted Vyasa. She took the form of a parrot of five colours and flew in front of Vyasa. The

When Vyasa

and simple. Moreover there is the maxim that a man without a son has no right to aspire for heaven. Sad and silent, thinking of these things he walked on unwillingly and reached the vicinity of the Himalayas. Still, he was doubtful. He began to consider about the deity, before whom he had to do penance for the fulfilment of his wish. He could not decide. As he was sitting in thought, Narada came there. From the talk of Vyasa, Narad a knew that childlessness was the cause of his sorrow. Narada advised him that for the attainment of Purusarthas (objects of life) penance was to be done before Devi. Accepting that advice, Vyasa went to a place near Mahameru to do penance.
began penance, the



terrestrial life.

maids also

in the forest when he was attracted by the sweet smell of musk. Tracing the origin of that smell, the king reached the fisherman's hut on the banks of the Yamuna. That smell proceeded from Kasturigandha ( Satyavati) the mother of Vyasa. The king fell in love with her. He returned to the palace, sad and silent. Learning the cause of his father's sadness, Devavrata went to the fisherman's hut and took Satyavati to the palace to be given to his father. Devavrata had taken a vow that the kingdom would be given to the son born to Satyavati and that he would remain

Within this period many changes had Preface. taken place in Hastinapura and the bank of Yamuna. Santanu the king of the Lunar dynasty had married Garigadevi, who had disappeared after giving the king a son named Devavrata (Bhisma). Bhisma grew up.

Once Santanu was hunting


was about

of the King of Kasi. Vicitravlrya also died before any children were born to him. It seemed as if the family

sons named Citrangada and Vicitravlrya, were born to Santanu. Citrangada died when he was young. Vicitravlrya married Ambika and Ambalika, daughters

unmarried, throughout his life. Because he had taken so terrible a vow, Devavrata came to be called Bhisma from that day onwards.




thought about her son Vyasa.

this juncture


Vyasa in Hastinapuri. The mother thought about him, and instantly he reached Hastinapuri. Because of her compulsion, two sons were born, one each to Ambika and Ambalika from Vyasa. The son of Ambika was Dhrtarastra and the son of Ambalika was Pandu. Vidura was the son born to Vyasa by their maid,


onwards we see Vyasa as the spiritual teacher of the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Behind all the movements of these two families we could see the hand of Vyasa Thus though he came to Hastinapuri and gave advice to the members of the family frequently, his main abode was his hermitage. Vyasa's contact with Hastinapura could be seen up to the Mahaprasthana (the great


Vyasa and






who had obtained complete attainments, and breaking the top of the peak open, he rose up into the sky and shone there as a second Sun. The devas who saw Suka rising up by breaking the peak of Kailasa and staying up in the sky, praised him. This untimely separation of his son had undermined the firmness of the mind of Vyasa. Filled with grief, he left his hermitage and wandered here and there calling out his son by name. He could not find his son. At last he reached the peak of Kailasa where his son had been
divine person


departure) of the Pandavas. In all the administrative up to this period, Vyasa also had a part. The situations in which Vyasa had taken part in the lifevoyage of the Kauravas and the Pandavas are given below.

(i) Vyasa gave the boon that hundred sons would be born to Gandhari. (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 114, Stanza 8). (ii) Vyasa cut the mass of flesh given birth to by Gandhari into a hundred pieces and kept them in hundred pots. (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 114, Stanza

doing penance. Standing there he called aloud his son by name cryingly. ParamaSiva appeared before the lamenting father and consoled him. Thus getting a little bit of peace of mind, Vyasa returned to his hermitage

(iii) Vyasa consoled Gandhari by telling her that over and above hundred sons a daughter also would be born to her. (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 115, Stanza 16).

Vyasa consoled the Pandavas who had been living in the forest with their mother Kunti, after the death of Pandu their father. (M. B. Adi Parva,


on (xxiv) Vyasa walked to the place where Bhisma lay the bed of arrows and visited him. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 5). Aiva(xxv) Vyasa advised Yudhisthira to perform medha (horse sacrifice). (M.B. Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 3, Stanza 8) to King (xxvi) Vyasa advised the Pandavas to go Marutta for wealth when the battle of Bharata was

Chapter 155, Verse 5)

occasion Vyasa came to the Pandavas them the stories of the previous births of Pancall.( Adi Parva, Chapter 168). (vi) Vyasa rendered all possible help to the Pandavas to marry Paficall. (M. B. Adi Parva, Chapter 195) (vii) Very often Vyasa was a member of the council of Dharmaputra. (M. B. Sabha. Parva, Chapter 4,



On another


(Asvamedhika Parva, Chapter 3, Stanza 20). Vyasa consoled Uttara, who was lamenting over the death of her husband. ( AS vamedha Parva,



was Vyasa who sent Arjuna to the north, Bhlmasena to the east, Sahadeva to the south and Nakula to the west for regional conquest. (M. B. Sabha Parva, Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 26). (ix) Vyasa engaged himself in making various arrangements in the Rajasuya (sacrifice of royal consecration) of Yudhisthira. (M. B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 33, Stanza 34). (x) At the end of the Rajasuya, Vyasa predicted the future of Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 46,


Chapter 62, Stam.i 11;. over the (xxviii ) He consoled Arjuna who was crying death of his son. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 62, Stanza 14). (xxix) Vyasa advised Yudhislhira on the various arrangements which were to be made for the conducting of horse-sacrifice. (Asvamedhika Parva, Chapters 62 to
72). (xxx)

Vyasa went

to Dhrtarastra,

forest after the Bharata-battle

who had gone to the and pacified him. (M.B.



Rajasuya ended, Vyasa anointed Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 53, Stanza 10).




from doing and 8)


Vyasa advised Dhrtarastra


to prevent Duryodhana Vana Parva, Chapters 7 (M.B.





sthira the art

Parva, Chapter 69, Stanza 11). (xv) He gave Sanjaya the power of having the eye of a seer penetrating beyond time and space (Divya drsti). (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 2, Stanza 10). (xvi) Vyasa consoled Yudhisthira who was stricken with grief in the course of the battle of Bharata. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 71, Stanza 23). When Yudhisthira cried over the death of (xvii) Ghatotkaca in the battle of Bharata, Vyasa came to Yudhisthira and consoled him. (M.B. Drona Parva,

36, Stanza 24). (xiv) He sent Sanjaya to Dhrtarastra to the greatness of Arjuna and Sri Krsna.

the Pandavas were living in the DvaitaVyasa visited them and taught Yudhiof Pratismrti. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter

him about (M.B.Udyoga


Chapter 183, Stanza 58)

Siva and Sri


talked to

Stanza 56)

Asvatthama about the greatness of Krsna. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 201,

(M.B. Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 33, Stanza 18) (xxxiii) When the Yadu-clan was completely destroyed, Arjuna went to the hermitage of Vyasa and talked with him. (Mausala Parva, Chapter 8) (xxxiv) Vyasa had been an adviser of King Janamejaya. (See under Janamejaya). as 5) Saving a worm. Once a wicked man took rebirth a worm. This worm was crawling in haste for life in front of a cart coming at great speed. He saved the worm and gave it Brahminhood, and in the next birth it became a Brahmin who lived in peace and comfort. (M.B. AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 117). 6) The. literary life of Vyasa. Towards the close of his life Vyasa again entered the caves of Himalayas. Vyasa who had steered through a very wide and rough sea of was in a position to understand clearly the life,

the Bharata-battle, to the surface of the river Ganges, by the power of his penance and Dhrtarastra and the others saw them. (See under Dhrtarastra, Para 7) (xxxii) At the instruction of Vyasa, all the Ksatriya widows immersed themselves in the river Ganges and everyone of them entered the world of her husband.

Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 28) (xxxi) Vyasa brought the spirits of those


died in

various sides of human


In the mind


of that sage,

Satyaki was about to kill Sanjaya, Vyasa turned him back from the attempt and rescued Sanjaya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 29, Stanza 39). (xx) Vyasa argued and established that the act of cursing Asvatthama on the part of Sri Krsna was correct. (M.B. Sauptika Parva, Chapter 16, Stanza 17). (xxi) Vyasa prevented Gandharl from her intention to curse the Pandavas. (M.B. Stri Parva, Chapter 14, Stanza 7) (xxii) When the battle of Bharata was over, Vyasa advised Yudhisthira about matters regarding the administration of the country.


deep contemplation in the eternally silent caves of the Himalayas, the events of his past life began to line up one after the other. From that inward instisat in

gation the Puranetihasas (the Myths and legends) took form. It might have been during this period that Vyasa divided the Vedas and composed Puranas and Upa-

puranas. does not go wrong in saying that it was the composing of the Mahabharala that brought Vyasa very close to the later generations. The stories of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, flowed through his mind as a



form of

flows down crushing down the banks on either scribe was necessary to take them down in the

and friends in the battle of Bharata and he decided to commit suicide. But Vyasa dissuaded him from that attempt. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 28).




grieved at the death of relatives

replied "Ganapati is the only person capable of taking down every thing that you sing." Accordingly Vyasa thought of Ganapati, who came to the side of Vyasa, and he informed Ganapati of his need. Ganapati said that he was willing to do the work on condition



informed Brahma of

this need.



of giving thousand cows as alms. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 93) VYASAVANA. A forest near Kuruksetra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 93, that he who bathes in the holy bath named Manojavati tirtha in this forest, would get the fruits of giving thousand cows as alms.

Vyasa would go on singing unceasingly, so that he might not have to stop the iron pen. Vyasa said that while he would be singing the poems without stopping, Ganapati should not take down this and that without
grasping the meaning.


and the composing of the Mahabharata commenced. Within two years and a half the great poetic work was finished. The great disciples of Vyasa, such as VaiSamlearned payana, Jaimini and such others sang them and them by heart and published them in the world. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1). It is stated in the Puranas that in 7) ManyVydsas. Manu's age, a Vyasa will be born. It is mentionevery ed in Visnu Purana, AmSa 3, Chapter 3, as to who were the persons who took birth as Vyasa in a particular Manu's age and which were the Vedas and branches of Vedas they had divided. It is given below:

agreed to




8, that

King. It is stated in Mahabharata, Sand Parva. Chapter 127, Stanza 3, that this King remains in the palace of Yama.

mentioned in Manusmrti, Chapter administering the law was of eighteen types in

It is

ancient India.

During the age of


called Valmiki born in the family of Bhrgu. Sakti is the Next Vyasa. After that Parasara, then Jatukarna and then Krsnadvaipayana. They are the twentyeight Vedavyasas. Each one of these had divided the Veda which had been one at the beginning of each Dvaparayuga, into four Vedas. It is Asvatthama, the son of Drona, who is going to be the Vedavyasa of the coming

and Gautama after Bharadvaja. It was hermit Haryatma who was the next Vyasa, and then comes Vajasravas. The Next Vyasa was Trnabindu born in the clan of Somas'usma. He was followed by Rksa. otherwise

past Dvaparayugas, great hermits, twentyeight times. Twentyeight VedaVyasas have passed, each of whom had divided the Veda into four parts in each Dvapara Yuga. It was Brahma himself who had divided the Veda into four in the first Dvaparayuga. Prajapati was the Vedavyasa in the second Dvaparayuga. In the third, Vyasa was the teacher-priest Sukra; in the fourth Brhaspati; in the fifth the Sun; and in the sixth the all powerful DharmaIt was Indra in the seventh, Vasistha in the raja. eighth, Sarasvata in the ninth, and Tridhama in the tenth. It was Trisikha in the eleventh, Bharadvaja in the twelfth, Antariksa in the thirteenth, Varni in the fourteenth, Trayyaruna in the fifteenth, Dhananjaya in the sixteenth, Kratunjaya in the seventeenth and Jaya in the eighteenth. Next Bharadvaja comes as Vedavyasa


Veda had been

Vaivasvata, in each of the divided by

Pertaining to giving and taking, Pertaining to the property entrusted to another for keeping. iii) Selling the property by anybody other than its owner. iv) Appropriating gain to oneself in a combined


Not handing over


the property

which was given as


Non-payment cf salary,

cowherd or shepherd,

Disobeying orders. Retaining and doubting the ownership after the completion of a transaction of selling or buying, ix) A law suit between the owner of the cattle and the
Dispute about boundary.
Striking another.

xii) Reviling others xiii ) Theft and robbery,

xiv) Violence, xv ) Stealing another's wife.

xvi) Matrimonial responsibilities, xvii) Partition.




Most of the scholars are of opinion that the period (i) of Vyasa was between 1800 and 1500 B.C.
the rebirth of Vyasa. (See (ii) Apantaratamas was under Apantaratamas) (iii) In Mahabharata, the word Krsna, Krsnadvaipayana, Dvaipayana, Satyavatisuta, Satyavatyatmaja, Parasarya, Paras' aratmaja, Badarayana, Vedavyasa etc. are used as synonyms of Vyasa. The word Vyasa means he who describes elabora( iv)

8) Other

9, that

difference of opinion arises between two persons on any of the matter given above, the King should interfere and make a decision. For one reason if the King could not attend the court, or another, three learned Brahmins should enter the court and conduct the trial sitting or standing, and they should not conduct the trial walking to and fro. This was the practice of courts in ancient India.



son of Dusyanta.

King born
It is




mentioned in Bhagavata,Skandha was the son of Dagarha and the father of

dynasty of Bharata, the



eternal Vis"vadeva (deity concerned with offerings to the Manes) (Mahabharata, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 35). VYOMASURA. Son of Mayasura. For the story how



because he had described all the Veda^". (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Stanza 88). Vyas=describe (Differentiate the branches and divide). VYASASTHALT. An ancient holy place on the border of Kuruksetra. It is said that because of his grief due to
the separation of his son, Vyasa tried to commit suicide at this place. He who visits this place would get the

"He became Vyasa

under Krsna, para 24. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. Mention is made in Mahabharata, BhTsma Parva, Chapter 96, Stanza 23, that Vyudhoru was killed by Bhimasena in the battle of Bharata. VYtJHA. (Disposition of an army). Disposition of an


killed this asura, see

army of four and chariots)

of it, of Mahabharata, there were various forms of disposition of the army. Some of them are given below

parts, (infantry, cavalry, elephants the arrangement in the battlefield, in various forms. It is said that during the period




Ardhacandravyuha. (like a Crescent moon) (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 56) ii) Garudavyuha. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 56) iii) Krauncavyuha. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 60) iv) Cakravyuha. (wheel-shaped) (M.B. Drona Parva.
. .

Anudruhyu and Puru were born to The Puru Vams'a takes its origin from Puru. Yayati had two sons by Devayanl. They were Yadu and Turvasu. The descendants of Yadu are the

Chapter 34)

Makaravyuha. (shark-like) (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 69). vi) Mandalavyuha. (circular) (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 81). vii) Mandalardhavyuha. (Semi circular) (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 20). viii) Vajravyuha. (Diamond-shaped) (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 81). ix) Sakatavyuha. (cart-shaped) (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 7). x) Syenavyuha. (Vulture-like) (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 69).

Four born

Mahabhaya, Venuhaya and Hehaya were born to Satajit. Of them Hehaya became famous under the name of Ekavira and founded the Hehaya vam^a. The Hehayas and Bhargavas were on terms of enmity. Dharma was born to Hehaya, and Kunti or Kuni was born to Dharma. Kuni had four sons Sadajit, Mahisman, Bhadrasena and Durdama. Dhanaka was the son of Bhadrasena and Dhanaka had four sons Krtavlrya, Krtagni, Krtavarma and Krtaujas. Of them, Krtavlrya

sons, Sahasrajit, Krosta, Nala and to Yadu. Sahasrajit had a son, Satajit.

Ripu were Three sons

who was the eldest, was the father of Kartavlryarjuna. From here, Yadu varhs'a continues from Kartavlryarjuna.

Suparnavyuha. (kite-shaped) (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 20). xiii) Suclmukhavyuha. (Like the needle-eye) (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 77) VYUKA. A country of ancient India. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 31 ). VYUSITASVA. A King of the Puru dynasty, who was righteous and just. He performed many sacrifices. His wife was Bhadra, daughter of King Kakslvan. It is said that this Bhadra was the most beautiful woman in India. As the King led a libidinous life with this queen Bhadra he met with an untimely death. When the King died, he had no children. Bhadra cried for a long while embracing the dead body of the King. Then the spirit of Vyusitasva, without the body, said to her. "My love. Lie with me in 'your own bed on the eighth or fourteenth day of your menstruation. I will give you sons." She acted according to the wish of the King and got seven sons from the dead body. Her sons were three Satvas and the four Madras. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 120). VYUSTA. A King of the dynasty of Dhruva. This King was the son of King Pu<'parna, by his wife Prabha. Pradosa, Nisltha and others were brothers of Vyusta. A son named Sarvatejas was born to this King. (Briagaxii)

Bhisma Parva, Chapter 99).







Skandha 4). Another name

for day-time.

YADAVl. Mother

This letter means "Yaga", "Yata" (one goes) or "hero". (Agni Purana, Chapter 348)YADAVA. See under Yaduvarhs'a.


of the King Sagara. (For more details under Sagara). YADU I. The founder of Yadava Vams'a or Yadu


Varhsa is from Atri. Candra, Durvasas and Dattatreya Muni were the sons of Atri by Anasuya. Budha was born to Candra, Pururavas was born to Budha, Ayus was born to Pururavas, and Nahusa was born to Ayus. Two children, Ayati and Yayati were born to Nahusa. Yayati had two wives, Sarmistha and Devayanl. Three

From Visnu were descended in the Brahma Atri Candra Budha Pururavas Ayus Nahusa Yayati Yadu. 2 ) Tadu Varhsa ( Yadava VarhSa) The origin of Yadu


following order:

was Satyaka and Satyaka's son was Satyaki. Satyaki had another name, Yuyudhana. Jaya was Satyaki's son. Kuni was the son of Jaya, Anamitra was the son of Kuni and Prsni was the son of Anamitra. Prsni's sons were Citraratha and Svaphalka. Viduratha and Kukura were born to Citraratha. Sura was the son ofViduratha. Sini was the son of Sura, Bhoja was the son of Sini, Hrdika was the son of Bhoja. Four sons, Devavaha, Gadadhanva, Krtaparva and Sura, were born to Hrdlka. Sura married Marisa and their children were Vasu, Devabhaga, Devasravas, Anaka. Srnjaya, Kakanlka, Syamaka, Vatsa, Kavuka and Vasudeva. Vasudeva married Devaki, the sister of Karhsa. Sri Krsna was their son. Pradyumna was the son of Sri Krsna. Aniruddha was the son of Pradyumna and Vajra was the son of Aniruddha. The last known link of that branch of Yadu Vams'a was Vajra. Karhsa also belonged to Yadu variis'a. Kukura who was the brother of Viduratha was the ancestor of Karhsa. Ugrasena who was a lineal descendant of Kukura, was the father of Karhsa. The Puranas mention Devaki, the mother of Sri Krsna as Kamsa's sister. But in fact she was not his direct sister. Ugrasena, Karhsa's father, had a brother named Devaka. This Devaka had three sons, Devapa, Upadeva and Sudeva. Devaki, Sri Krsna's mother was the daughter of Devapa. Devaki had six sisters who were Srutadeva. Santideva, Upadeva, Srideva, Devaraksita and Sahadeva. Akrura who went to Ambadi also belonged to another branch of Yadu vam^a. Prs"ni who was of the ninth generation from Vrsni, had two sons Citraratha and Svaphalka. Akrura was the son of Svaphalka. 3) Other details about Tadu Vamfa wanted his son Yadu to transfer the latter's (i )Once Yayati
youthfulness to Yayati. The son refused to oblige the father who therefore pronounced a curse that Yadu's descendants would not enjoy kingship. (For detailed
story, see

Jayadhvaja, Surasena, Vrsabha, Vrsni was the son of Madhu, the fourth of them. From this point, Yadu Vams'a continues from Vrsni. Yadava Vams'a from this stage is also known as Vrsni varhsa. Vrsni had four sons Sumitra, Yudhajit, Vasu and Sarvabhauma. Yadu varhsa continues from Yudhajit. He had two sons, Sini and Nimna. Sini's son

He had five sons, Madhu and Urjjita.

under Yayati). Yadu's descendants are called Yadavas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 10)




(iii) Yadu was the son of Devayani and the grandson of Sukracarya. Although Yadu was a hero, he was dullwitted. He did not obey his father. He used to despise his father and brothers. His capital city was Hastinapura. He became dull-witted after the loss of his kingdom by the curse of his father. (M.B. Udyoga Parva,



king in


King of Yadus. There are references to places in the 1st Mandala of Rgveda.


see the
in the


sage born inKasyapa gotra. (For word Upayaja and Pancali)


further details,

Chapter 149). 4)The end of Yadu

was enveloped in mist. Comets continued to drop from heaven, scattering sparks of fire. The sun's disc was eclipsed with clouds of dust. At that time, one day, the sages Vis vamitra, Kanva and Narada happened to come to Dvaraka. A band of Yadavas, under the leadership of Samba, gathered round the sages to make fun of them. They dressed Samba like a pregnant woman and asked the sages what child "she" would bear. The enraged sages replied that the "Child" would be an iron pestle which would be the cause of the death of all the Yadavas. Besides, they added that, with the exception of Rama, (Balabhadra Rama) and Krsna, the whole of Yadava Varhsa would come
to ruin.

to blow furiously. Frightened birds began to fly helterskelter. Rivers began to flow upwards. The whole land

Krsna was one of the most important members of the Yadu Varhs'a. That family continued only for 36 years more after the end of the Bharata Yuddha. At the end of the thirtysix years, evil omens began to appear in Dvaraka. Whirlwinds began


YAJNA. An incarnation Manu had two sons,

Yajnakarta Rgveda.

Performer of Yajftas) celebrated


Priyavrata and Uttanapada and three daughters, Akuti, Devahuti and Prasuti. Ruci Prajapati married Akuti. Yajna was their son. Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha mentions (hat this Yajna was an incarnation of Adi Narayana. Yajna had a sister named Daksina. They were twins. They married each other. The twelve sons who were born to them were the Devas known as Yamas, during the Svayambhuva Manvantara. (Visnu Purana, Part 1,

Mahavisnu. Svayambhuva



Yajna's twelve sons were: Tosa, Pratosa, Santosa, Bhadra, Santi, Idaspati, Iddhma, Kavi, Vibhu, Sraghna, Sudeva and Virocaka. Their father Yajna was the Indra of Svayambhuva Manvantara. (Bhagavata, 4th Skandha).
ancient sage who was the son of Priyavrata and grandson of Svayambhuva Manu. Svayambhuva Manu had two famous sons named Priyavrata

reported the matter to their king. The deep gloom, had the pestle filed into dust and ordered his men to throw the dust into the sea. People recalled Gandhari's curse on Sri Krsna after the Bharata Yuddha. The curse was that the family of Sri Krsna who was the cause of all mischief, would be wiped out within a period of 36 years.

Next day Samba did give birth to an iron frightened Yadavas recalled the curse of the


sages. king, in

The They


every night by a dark woman monster. Sri Krsna's weapon, Cakra slipped out of Krsna's grip and rose up to heaven, in the very presence of the Vrsnis. Seeing these evil omens, the alarmed Vrsnis and Andhakas began to leave the place on a pilgrimage. They reached the shore of Prabhasa tlrtha. The Uddhavas parted company with the Yadavas there. Nobody prevented the Uddhavas. Sri Krsna who saw that the end of the

that time,

women began


be stolen from Dvaraka

Yadavas was approaching,

to a kind of grass. The blades of this grass soon transformed themselves into iron pestles. The Yadavas pulled them out and began attacking each other with them. Most of them were beaten to death by their own kinsfolk. Sri Krsna who was in a state of trance in "Yogasana", was hit on his toe by an arrow shot by a hunter and he fell into Samadhi. Balabhadra Rama renounced his body and went to Patala. After that the sea advanced and submerged the whole of Dvaraka. (M.B. Mausala Parva). YADU II. There is another Yadu mentioned in the Puranas, who was the son of Uparicara Vasu. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 68, Verse 31, says that this Vasu was never defeated by anyone at any time.

also kept silent. The Yadava leaders in despair, took to drinking. Intoxicated by drinking they began to quarrel. The particles of the iron pestle thrown into the sea, were carried and deposited on the shore by the waves. They began to sprout in-

and Uttanapada. Of these, Priyavrata married Surupa and BarhismatI, the two daughters of ViSvakarma. Yajnabahu was the son of Priyavrata by Surupa. The ten sons born to Priyavrata and Surupa were: Agnldhra, Iddhmajihva, Yajnabahu, Mahavlra, Rukmasukra, Ghrtaprstha, Savana, Medhatithi, Vltihotra and Kavi. They had a daughter, Urjjasvati. Bhagavata, 8th Skandha). YAJNADATTA I. A youthful sage. In Agni Purana. Chapter 6, it is stated that this youth was shot dead with an arrow by Dasaratha, mistaking him for an elephant, on the bank of the river Sarayu. But Valmiki Ramayana says that the name of the boy-sage who was shot dead by Dasaratha was "Sravana". For more details see 3rd Para under Dasaratha. YAJNADATTA II. A Brahmana. There was a Brahmana village called Mahat at the foot of the Yamuna mountain, between the rivers Gariga and Yamuna. This Brahmana was born and brought up here. There is a story in Padma Purana, Chapter 92, about him, which says that by mistake he was taken to hell by Kala's messenger and that he was reluctant to leave hell. The

as follows:-

Once Yama (Kala) ordered his agent to bring the Brahmana named Yajnadatta, who lived in Mahat village,
born in Vasistha gotra and was gentle, scholarly and well-versed in Yajna practices. He was specially warned that he should not make a mistake as there was another

Brahmana with the same name who lived in the neighbourhood and who resembled Yajnadatta in appearance, learning and in every other respec But in spite of Yama's specific warning, his agent brought the wrong person. Yama, with his sense of justice, received him with due respect and allowed him to return to the world. But Yajnadatta was not willing to return to the world. YAJNADATTA III. See under Pataliputra. YAJNASARMA. A Brahmana made famous in the Puranas. He was the son of Sivalarma. (For detailed story, see under Sivagarma).
( .

in the


be heard; but he hears. He is capable of thinking; but he is beyond our thoughts. He exists as one who sees, hears and thinks, in all creatures. I have rwo questions to ask. Gargi They are as sharp and pointed as two arrows. By what force is fixed that which is above Heaven, below the earth and that which is between them, like warp and woof ? Yajna By the sky. Gargl By what force is the sky held in position like
: : : :

Raksasa who fought against Rama and forest. Khara, Diisana and Trisiras were the three Raksasas who declared war on Sri Rama. Yajfiasatru was one of the twelve military commanders of Khara. Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda, 26th Sarga, mentions that the twelve heroes who were Khara's commanders were: - Syenagaml, Prthugriva, Yajfiasatru, Vihahgama, Durjaya, Karavlraksa, Parusa. Kalakarmuka, Meghamali, Mahamall, Sarpasya and Rudhirasana. YAJNASENA I. See under Pancatantra.
II. Drupada, the son of King of Pancala. (For more details see under Drupada). YAJNAVAHA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. There is a


warp and woof ? Under the command of God, the sun and Yajna moon do not deviate from their orbits. The sky and the earth remain in their respective places. Rivers run making the fields fertile. One who lives and works without
the ability to know God does not obtain immortality. He who dies without knowing God is a Krpana (spiritual bankrupt). the contrary, he who knows God attains Moksa.

reference to



45, Verse 80.

Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter

ancient sage


who was a profound


Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 51, mentions that Yajfiavalkya was a "Brahmavadi son" of Visvamitra, Once King Janaka conducted a 2) Thousand cows. Yaga. At that time he wished to find out the most eminent among the sages. He promised to present a thousand cows to the sage who was a consummate scholar. A bag of gold coins was also tied to each horn
of the cows. Janaka announced that the sage who claimed to be a consummate scholar might come forward and take the cows with him. No one among the numerous sages who were present, dared to come forward. Yajfiavalkya, however, ordered his disciple to take the cows home with him. The other sages questioned his right to claim the cows. Yajfiavalkya asserted his right to do so. One of the sages named Arthabhaga stood up and asked him the following question When a man who has not acquired Arthabhaga divine knowledge dies, his "Jnanendriyas" (senses of knowledge) are also merged with it. How is it possible for him to accept another body afterwards ? "Yajfiavalkya: Karma (action) becomes the cause of his re: :

scholar. General. Puranas say that this sage spent the major 1) part of his life at the court of King Janaka. He was also King Janaka's priest. In Agni Purana, Chapter 16, it is mentioned that Kalki was Yajfiavalkya's priest.

How many gods are there ? Thirtythree. They are 8 Vasus, 1 1 Rudras, 12 Adityas, Indra and Prajapati. The 8 Vasus are Agni, Prthvl, Vayu, Antariksa, Aditya, Dyau (Heaven), Candra and Stars. The 1 1 Rudras are the combination of the 10 jnanendriyas and the working of the mind. The ruling deities of the 12 months are known as the 12 Adityas. They receive into them our lives and our




man is born again after his No one was able to answer


Yajfiavalkya gave suitable answers to all other questions of Sakalya. At last, he asked Sakalya "Now I will ask you a question. do the Upanisads describe ? If you do not answer, your head will break." Sakalya could not answer it. He dropped down with a broken head. He asked the other scholars who had gathered there, if any of them wanted to ask him more questions. But no one came forward. All remained dumb. Then he continued "Fresh leaves sprout from a tree which has been cut. If the seed is destroyed, the tree does not grow out of it. How is it that a


death ?"


Next Kahola and many other sages put various questions to










What have you to say about the invisible Kahola and omnipresent Brahman ? Your soul is the omni-present Brahman. Yajfiavalkya The soul has no hunger or thirst, fear or desire, old age or death. Those who wish to know the soul, become
: :

home with the cows. On another occasion, 3) In Janaka's court again. Yajfiavalkya went to see King Janaka. The King asked him whether he had come for getting cows or to ask abstruse question. The sage answered that he had come for both. Their conversation continued as follows Janaka Jita Muni has said that "Vacana" (word) is Brahman or God. What is your opinion ? It is correct. But did he say which is the body Yajna and abode of God ?

of them in argument, Yajfiavalkya went

that question.



It is Brahman. Yajna your head will be broken


sages after transcending love of wife, children or worldessential for sages are ly riches. The two qualities scholarship and spiritual knowledge. is the warp and woof of Gargl everything ?



not ask further;




(Antaryami). contained in Jagat (the universe) without the knowledge of Jagat, he whose body is Jagat, he who controls Jagat as antaryaml, he is within every one. He cannot be seen, but he sees. He cannot





He who


to pieces. exists within ?


No. Janaka In that case he has said only onefourth about Yajna God. Vacana is god's body and sky, his abode. Brahmavidya depends on the word. The word is Parabrahman. Janaka was highly pleased. He decided to give a thousand bulls to the sage. But Yajfiavalkya said that his father's principle was to give effective knowledge to the pupil and not to receive any daksina (Payment) from him. Janaka again wanted Yajfiavalkya to explain clearly what "Brahma Vidya" means. Yajna Just as a person can reach his destination by walking or by travelling in a chariot or by sailing in a boat, in order to secure peace for the soul, you are depending on the Upanisads. But although one is
: : :

learned in Vedas and Agamas, or adored by others or wealthy, or well-versed in Upanisads, unless one has


but he does not know that. In that state, the father or the mother does not have the knowledge that they are the father or mother. After that Yajnavalkya explained the nature of the soul and the various aspects of its working in a state of wakefulness and of slumber. He added: "As long as there

known God

one unless one acquired Brahmajnana cannot be said to be gratified. Do you know where you will go after renouncing your body ? I do not know. Janaka I shall tell you. The deity of the right eye is Yajna "Inda" (light). People call it "Indra". The deity of the left eye is Indrani, the wife of Indra. Indra is eater and Indrani is food. In a state of consciousness they are separated. (Then the soul is called Vaisvanara) In a state of drearrr, the two are united. (Then the soul is called Taijasa). In a stale of slumber, the soul
: : .


is in "Prjnaa" state. (Since there is no activity it is In the fourth or "Turiya" state, one called Prajna) becomes capable of transcending the three other states and to attain Parabrahman. It is a state of fearlessness transcending birlh and death.

kingdom of Videha and even himself to the sage. 4) In Janaka' s court for the third time. After some years

The King who was

pleased by this

teaching dedicated

attains perfection when one is above all desires, and acquires the highest divine knowledge. He is liberated from birth and death and becomes immortal. By jilana, dana and tapas we become self-purified and thus become worthy of the highest divine grace. We have to go from the world of Karman ( action) to the world of atman (soul). One who has acquired Brahmajnana (knowledge of Brahman) becomes a Brahmana. Hearing these famous teachings of Yajnavalkya, Janaka became his permanent disciple. 5) His end. Yajfiavalkya had two wives named Kalyani and Maitreyl. After giving his all to his wives he passed


on passing from birth

(desire) there is "Karman" also. Life goes to death and from death to birth.

Yajnavalkya went again to Janaka's court. At that time also there was a philosophical discussion between the King and the sage in the form of questions and answers.






that gives us

during the day time The Sun. Yajna

: : :


Janaka Yajna Janaka Yajna Janaka

After sunset which


The Moon.

the light that guides us?


in the absence of the sun


and moon




absence of the sun,


Yajna Janaka


moon and Agni



that guides us in




the light that shines in the


all these


Yajna Atmajyotis (soul's light). Who is Atman ? Janaka "Purusa" who is formed by the union of Yajna "vyana" in pranas (lives) and jyotis (light) in the


(M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 12). He was also a member of Indra's assembly. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 12). (iii ) Yajnavalkya was the priest at the Rajasiiya Yajna of Dharmaputra. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 33, Verse 35) (iv) Yajnavalkya had his knowledge of Vedas from Suryadeva. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 318, Verse 6).

into immortality. (Brhadaranyaka; M.B. Santi Parva, Chapters 3-9) 6) His works. Yajnavalkya has written a Smrti on the subject of law. "Mitaksara." is its famous commentary. Mitaksara is the highest authoritative treatise on Law in South India. 7) Other details. i ) ( Yajnavalkya flourished in Yudhisfhira's assembly.





intelligence. In the end it transcends the body, senses and mind and attains Moksa. In the state of consciousness the soul's activities become manifest to us.

disposed to action with the help of


deputing "Prana" for the protection of the body, the soul remains outside the body. The senses become inactive. Therefore we should never wake up one who is asleep. When the soul remains in the body and the senses are active, it is in a most vigilant state. Thus the soul is above the states of wakefulness, dream

Rgveda, Yajurveda Visnu Purana, Part 3, Chapter 5, mentions that Vaigampayana, the disciple of Vedavyasa, divided Yajurveda into twentyseven branches and taught them to his disciples. Among those disciples there was Yajnavalkya, the son of Brahmarata. It was Vyasa who divided the Vedas into four parts. After dividing them, the sage Vyasa taught Rgveda to Paila, Yajurveda to Vais ampayana, Samaveda tojaimini and Atharvaveda to Sumantu. The rules for Japa, Homa etc. of Yajurveda were taught If all the rules of Yajurveda to Vyasa by Agnideva.


The Caturvedas


Samaveda and Atharvaveda.

and slumber. The






of pure

There are special

are correctly observed,

all desires will be rules for the observance of




Janaka who was pleased, gave the sage a thousand cows more. After that Yajnavalkya spoke about liberation from worldly bonds. The soul has no connection with the three Yajna conditions. Just as the actions in a dream do not affect the soul, the actions in a wakeful state also do not affect it. Just as a fish jumps from one side of the river to the other and back again, life keeps jumping from the state of wakefulness to the state of slumber and vice



the fulfilment of particular desires.

Indian town. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 46).


class of Semi-gods. There are chiefly of inhabitants in Heaven: Devas, Gana12 devas and Upadevas. Ganadevas consist of the Adityas, 10 Visvadevas, 8 Vasus, 36Tusitas, 64 Abhasvaras, 49 Anilas 220 Maharajikas, 12 Sadhyas and 11

three classes



Just as a kite goes


one moves from the state of wakefulness to sleep and back again. In deep slumber, he merges with God,



and then comes back



Vidyadharas, Apsaras, Yaksas, Raksasas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Pisacas, Guhyakas, Siddhas and Bhutas.



Upadevas there are 10



2) Origin.



There are different views relating to the of the Yaksas. In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 1 we find that the Yaksas took birth after Brahma's birth from "Virat Purusa's" anda. According to a statement in Agni Purana, Chapter 19, Yaksas and Raksasas were born from Muni, the grand daughter of Kasyapaprajapati. Thus Yaksas and Raksasas are relatorigin




Manvantara (See under Manvantara). YAMADtJTA. One of the BrahmavadI sons of Visvamitra. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 51).

Kala. (For more details see under Kala). A band of special gods of the Svayambhuva

ed as brothers. In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 7, there is another passage which says that Yaksas are the progeny of the sage Pulastya.
3) Other details.

Once Sukadeva sang the story of Mahabharata to the Yaksas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 108). of Yaksas remain in Kubera's assembly, (ii) Lakhs worshipping him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 18).

A prostitute. In Kathasaritsagara, Saktiyasolambaka, 1st Taranga, there is a story about her as follows In the city of Cilrakuta Ratnavarma a wealthy Vai:!ya, had a son named Isvaravarma. In order to avoid his son falling under the influence of prostitutes, the father decided to teach "ves"yatantram", to Isvaravarma while he was a boy. Yamajihva, the prostitute undertook this task for a reward of 1000 Niskas. (a gold coin
: .

also. (iii) There are Yaksas in Brahma's assembly (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 1 1 Verse 56) (iv) Kubera is the King of Yaksas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 111, Verse 10). (v) Bhlmasena once drove away Yaksas and Raksasas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 57). (vi) On another occasion, Sunda andUpasunda defeated and persecuted the Yaksas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chap-


verse influence of this Graha.

Graha (Evil Spirit) connected with Yaksas. Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 230, Verse 53, mentions that people become mad owing to the adplace made famous in the Puranas. In Devi Bhagavata, 5th Skandha, there is a statement saying that it was at this place that the Danava called

ter 208, verse 7)

took a she-buffalo as his wife. sub-division of Vana Parva, in Mahabharata, Chapters 158 to 164 of Vana Parva, are included in this sub-division. YAKSESVARA. An incarnation of Siva. The devas were puffed with pride when they secured Amrta by churning the ocean of milk. In order to allay their pride, Siva took birth as Yaksesvara. One day he put a blade of grass on the ground before them and asked them to take it up. Although the Devas tried their best, they were not able even to move it. It was only then that they became convinced of their own incapacity. (Siva Purana, Satarudra




famous sacred place situated on the borders of Kuruksetra. By bathing at this place one's desires would be fulfilled. The place is also famous for offering worship to the Pitrs. A visit to this place will be rewarded with the benefit of As vamedha Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Yaga. Verse 23 mentions that this tirtha was founded by Paras urama. YAKSMA. (RAJAYAKSMA) The disease of consumption (Tuberculosis). There is a story in Mahabharata which says that this disease was created by Daksa Prajapati. (For more details see under Candra)

Women folk of Yaksas. Agni Purana, Chapter 50 mentions that the images of Yaksi to be installed in temples should have fixed and long eyes. Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 105, states that Yaksim is a Devi and by eating the prasada (naivedya) of the Devi one would be absolved of the sin of Brahmahatya (killing a Brahmana).


-"Take this monkey Yamajihva said to Isvaravarma with you and go to Sundari's place. Make him swallow the money in secret and get it again from him, in instalments, in her presence. She would think that the monkey is an inexhaustible source of wealth and even would be prepared to buy it at any cost by offering her whole wealth in return. At first you must pretend to be unwilling to part with the monkey. In the end, you must make him swallow 2,000 Niskas which he would be able to give out in two days at the rate of 1,000 on each day. Exchange him for her whole wealth and leave the place immediately." With this advice Yamajihva sent Isvaravarma with the monkey. He went to Kancanapura in the company of

a well and asked for his help. Isvaravarma was again caught in her trap and he was forced to spend the rest of his money also on her. When he was rendered penniless the prostitute and her mother deserted him. Isvaravarma returned home to his father, empty-handed. Ratnavarma took his son to Yamajihva again and told her the whole story. He said that his son fell into this plight because Yamajihva's training was not effectthe whole story, Yamajihva ive. After listening to promised to recover the whole amount lost by Isvaravarma. She brought her trained monkey named "Ala" and placed 1,000 Niskas before him. She taught him to swallow the whole amount. After that, she taught him to give out by vomiting, the swallowed money in instalments of twenty, thirty, forty etc., as ordered. Then

of that time) After completing his education on the wiles and tricks of prostitutes, he was sent by his father to start a trade with a capital of five crores of Niskas. Isvaravarma and his friend Arthadatta on their way, stopped at a on the outskirts of the city of Kancanapura. park There he fell a victim to the bewitching charms of a share of prostitute named Sundari. He spent the lion's the money given by his father, on her. On the advice of his friend Arthadatta he was about to leave the place when Sundari pretended to be in danger of falling into

amounts of money for different purposes. The monkey promptly vomited the various amounts
separately without

Arthadatta after receiving two crores of Niskas When Sundari knew that Isvaravarma had come again with more money, she welcomed him with due respect and invited him to live with her. He accepted her invitation and took up his residence there. One day, he brought the monkey into the house and in the presence of Sundari asked him to produce various
his friend


his father.

her mother

making any mistake. Sundari and MakarakatI were naturally amazed at the

marvellous performance of the monkey. Isvaravarma explained that the monkey was capable of giving in this way, 1,000 Niskas daily. Sundari made up her mind to purchase the wonderful animal at any price. She requested Isvaravarma to give her the monkey in exchange for the crores of Niskas she had taken from him earlier. But he turned down her request. At last she persuaded him to sell the monkey to her for the entire wealth she


Nisadha, a very wealthy Vaigya, by name Hemakundala. By doing various kinds of business, he had earned eight crores of golden coins. By that time he was advancing in age. At this stage he began to think of the transi-

Isvaravarma secretly made the monkey swallow 2,000 Niskas before handing it over to Sundari and left the place at once to go to Svarnadvipa for

generous hospitality. His two sons, Srikundala

toriness of worldly pleasures and set apart one-sixth of entire wealth for charitable purposes. He built two temples one for Visnu and the other for Siva. He offered daily worship to the gods and spent money in

Ala, the monkey gave Sundari 1,000 Niskas on each of the first two days, but on the third day she was disillusioned. In her disappointment and anger, she beat Alan. The enraged monkey attacked both Sundari and

and growing up. He entrusted the burden of domestic affairs to them and went to the forest to perform austere tapas, after which he attained VisnuVikundala were

His sons,

with its nails. They in turn, beat him to death. Thus Sundari lost all her ill-gotten wealth and was reduced to utter poverty and distress. YAMAKA. A region in ancient India. The inhabitants of this place were called "Yamakas". Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, refers to the presents offered by the princes and people of Yamaka at Yudhisthira's

Makarakati and harmed them

by biting and tearing

their fate and at last, they began to resort to stealing. For fear of the King, the public and the law, they changed their residence to the woods. One of them

intoxicated with their affluent and deviated from the path of virtue and began to indulge in all kinds of sensual pleasures. It did not take long for them to be reduced to utter poverty. Their relatives and dependants left them to

who were




was Visvakarma who built Yamasabha. It is 100 yojanas in length and 100 yojanas in width. Although it is illuminated with sun-light it has an equable temperature. Sadness, old age, hunger or thirst are unknown there. There is a dense growth of Kalpavrksas. All the dead people who were famous in ancient times are

Yama's assembly. This assembly described in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8.




members of this assembly.




Bhanu, Marutvati, Sankalpa, Muhurta, Sadhya and (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 15). YAMINl. A daughter of Daksa Prajapati. She was one of the wives of Kagyapa. (Bhagavata, 6th Skandha). YAMUNA. Another name for the river Kalindi. (See also under Kalindi).
1 )

A daughter of Surya. One of the wives of Surya the daughter of Visvakarma. Three Sarhjna, children, Manu, Yama and YamI, were born to Surya by Samjna. (Visnu Purana, Part 3, Chapter 2). A wife of Dharmadeva. The ten wives of I. Dharmadeva are Arundhati, Vasu, YamI, Lamba,

Heaven. Vikundala who knew that he did not deserve Heaven by any standards, asked Yama's agent how this had "There happened. The agent gave him this answer was a Brahmana well-versed in Vedic lore, who was the son of Harimitra. His asrama was on the southern bank of Yamuna. While you were living in the forest, you' were associated with him. As a result of that contact, it so happened that you bathed for two months in the holy river Kalindi, the waters of which have the power of absolving sinners. By your bath in the first month you were liberated from all sins. By the second you have become eligible for Heaven. You have qualified yourself for the eternal bliss of Heaven, by that holy

to a mountain and the other to a forest. One day, the elder brother was caught by a tiger and the younger was bit by a snake. Both of them died on the same day. Yama's agents took both to Yamaloka. Dharmaraja (Yama) ordered the elder brother to be sent to Naraka (Hell) and the younger one (Vikundala) to be sent to


madness and excitement). Siva, in his excitement, always thinking about Sati, wandered about, finding peace and rest nowhere. In his excited and restless state he plunged himself into Kalindi river. Just then,
clear water of the river turned black. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 6). The Puranas 2) The greatness of Kalindi (Yamuna). declare that by bathing in the holy Kalindi one attains heaven. There is a story illustrating this in Padma Purana, Chapter 30, as follows Long ago, in Krtayuga, there lived in the country of

water in Kalindi turned Black :-The water in the river Kalindi is black in colour. There is a story behind the changing of the colour of this river-water into black. Originally it was clear. After the death of Sati, Daksa's daughter, Siva broke up Daksa yaga and went about rambling round the world. Kamadeva who saw Siva who had lost his wife (Sati) shot him with "Unmadastra" (an arrow causing



was on

this island

being worshipped as a goddess. Devotees of goddess imagine her as riding on a tortoise, carrying a water pot in her hand and is of black complexion. (Agni Purana, Chapter 50) I. A town in ancient India. (Mahabharata, Bhlsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 51). II. A mountain, made famous in the Puranas, standing between the rivers Gaiiga and Yamuna. (MB. Amis' asana Parva, Chapter 68, Verse 3)


result of the

river Sarasvati.


2). sacred place. Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 44, mentions that the man who bathes here obtains the reward of Asvamedha Yaga and enters Heaven.

(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 60, Verse

union of sage ParaSara with

island in the river Yamuna. It that Vyasa was conceived as the


holy tlrtha on the bank of the Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 11, refers to a Rajasuya Yajfia performed at this place by Varuna, the son of Aditi. YANA. One of the royal qualities like Sandhi, Vigraha etc. (For more details see under Sadgunas).

subdivision of Mahabharata, Parva. Chapters 47-71 of Udyoga Parva, are included in this Parva. YASAHKETU. King of the city called Sobhavatl. He was one of the chief characters in the sixth story told by the famous Vetala in Kathasaritsagara. YASAS. Father of Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Mahavisnu. Agni Purana, Chapter 16, mentions that towards the end of Kaliyuga all people will become atheists, there will be an intermixture of castes and all people will become thieves and devoid of virtue. At that time, the 15 branches of the Veda called Vajasaneyas alone will be the authority. Mlecchas (low-class people) assuming the form of Kings will begin to eat human beings. Agni Purana states further that at that time, Lord Visnu will incarnate as Kalki, the son of Yasas and Yajftavalkya's priest and after training himself in archery and weapons, annihilate all Mlecchas. YASASVINl I. A woman follower of Subrahmanya. (M.B.


Chapter 75, Verse 31, mentions that he became a yogi
1 1.



(Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 58) YATI III. A community-group. They were perhaps enemies of yajnas. There are references to them in various parts of the Rgveda. YATINATHA. An incarnation of Siva. Ahuka, a forestdweller and his wife who lived in Arbuda (Abu) mountain were blessed by Yatinatha and as a result of the blessing they were born as Nala and DamayantI in their

lived in the forest. One of the sons of Visvamitra.


next birth. (Siva Purana, Satarudra Samhita) of the sons of Kasyapa and Surasa. All Raksasas who were born in this family are known


RaksasI who was born from the sacrifiwhen King Vrsadarbhi performed a yaga. As


Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 10). II. A sister of Pancali. (Bhagavata,


Skandha). YASKA. A famous Sanskrit Grammarian of ancient times. Although the people of India always believed in the greatness of the Vedas, the Vedas became unintelligible even to scholars owing to changes in language and differences in grammar. It was Yaska and Say ana who saved the country from that plight. Yaska became famous by composing "Nirukta" (etymology). There is a reference to this ancient sage in Mahabharata, Chapter 342,


Verse 72.

son of King Manobhadra. PadmaPurana, Kriyakhanda mentions that Yasobhadra happened to be born in a royal family because in his previous birth he had bathed in the Gariga. YASODA. Foster-mother of Sri Krsna. How she became Sri Krsna's fostermother, is explained in a story given in Bhagavata, 10th Skandha: Once Drona, one of the Astavasus, and his wife Dhara, caused displeasure to Brahma. In his anger, Brahma cursed them to be born in the world as human beings


fore getting down into the tank. At last when sage Sunassakha's turn came, he said that he was not prepared to explain in detail, the meaning of his name and that she should be satisfied with his statement that he was the sage Sunassakha. Yatudham became angry on hearing it and insisted on his giving the meaning of his name. Sunassakha with a single stroke with his "tridanda" (trident) killed her. Sunassakha was really Indra himself. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 93) YATUKARNA. A Devaguru. (See under Guruparampara) I. A son of Dharmaputra. Mahabharata. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 76, states that this prince was born to Dharmaputra by Devikadevi, daughter of
. .

ed them to enter into the tank after each of them explained the meaning of his name. Accordingly, the sages Atri, Vasis^ha, Kasyapa, Visvamitra, Gautama and Bharadvaja explained the meaning of their names be-

directed by the king, she proceeded to the forest to destroy the Saptarsis. She remained there as the owner of the tank in which the sages used to take bath. Seeing her standing alone there, they enquired who she was. She answered that she was guarding the tank. She allow-

and to spend a life-time on earth, tending cattle. Drona became sad and with tears in his eyes, prayed to Brahma that during his life on earth he should be blessed with Visnu's darsana. Brahma granted that prayer. It was in fulfilment of this prayer that Drona was born

Govasana, king of Sibi land.

Nandagopa and Dhara as Yaoda in Ambadi. YASODHARA I, Son of Durmukha, who fought on the side of the Pandavas against the Kauravas. Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 184, Verse 5). YASODHARA II. A son of Sri Krsna by Rukminidevl.


II. A native of Yaudheya country. Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 14, mentions, that the Yaudheyas had participated in Yudhisfhira's Rajasuya.


III. A king. According he was the son of Prativindhya.


Matsya Purana,

Minister of Prince Udayana celebrated in the Puranas. YAUNA. A particular caste. Mahabharata, Santi Parva,

(M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 33). YASODHARA. Daughter of King Trigarta. She was married by Hasti, King of the Puru dynasty and they a had a son named Vikantha. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter




YASOVATl II. A princess. (See under Ekavira). YATHAVASA. A muni (sage) who followed the Vanaprasthadharma. He attained Heaven as a Vanaprasthadharml. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 244, Verse 17). YATI I. A king who was the eldest son of Nahusa and the eldest brother ofYayati. Mahabharata, Adi Parva,

I. The name of liana's city. Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha mentions that god Isana, the ruler of the north-eastern part, lives in the city called Yasovati.

95, Verse 35)

Chapter 207, states that they were Candalas and were as ignorant as animals and birds. Mandhata, the son of YuvanaSva. (For more information see under Mandhata). Son of Satyaki the Yadava King. This hero who escaped from the ruin of the Yadava dynasty was presented with the region lying in the Sarasvati river valley, by Yudhisfhira. (M.B. Mausala Parva,

sage. (See under Arvavasu). Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Verse 26, refers to Yavakrlta who was the son of Arigiras and the supporter of the eastern land. YAVAKSA. A famous river in Bharatavarsa (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 30)




Verse 19).




Once there was keen rivalry between Devas and Asuras. For achieving victory Devas accepted Brhaspati and Asuras accepted Sukra as their preceptors. Although Devas slaughtered all Asuras they were restored to life by Sukra by the power of his mantra. Devas and Asuras resumed their battle. "Mrtasanjivani" (the art of reviving the dead)

General. There are many ) the land of Yavanas in the Puranas. There is a statement in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 34, that the Yavana race takes its source from Turvasu, the son of Yayati. There is another version in Mahabharata, Adi 174, Verse 36, that Yavanas were

references to

Yavanas and

Parva, Chapter born from the womb and the

2) Other details.

sides of Nandinl.


and' other Mleccha (low class) kings, of his conquests, Kama once subdued (iv) In the course the Yavanas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 254, Verse 8) 19, Verse 21, (v) Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter mentions that king Sudaksina of Kamboja approached Duryodhana with an "Aksauhini" along with the Yavanas, to take part in Bharata Yuddha. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 65 (vi) Mahabharata, states that at the time of Mahabharata, Yavana land

i brother Sahadeva once conquered the Yavana ( ) Arjuna's land. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 73). Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, Verse 17, (ii) Mahabharata, mentions that on another occasion, Nakula defeated the Yavanas. According to Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter (iii) will be filled with Yavanas 188, Verse 35, the world

was part of India.

came Sudras by


and Mucukunda. (For further

sana Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 18). Once there was a duel between a Yavana king (viii)
details, see

Originally Yavanas were Ksatriyas. But they bethe curse of Brahmanas. (M.B. AnuSa-

Mrtasanjivani from him. There, Kaca fell in love with Devayani, Sukra's daughter. But after acquiring the knowledge about Mrtasanjivani he returned, without marrying Devayani. At the time of his departure, Kaca and Devayani cursed each other. Devayani's curse was that Kaca's newly acquired knowledge would not produce the desired result, while Kaca's curse was that Devayani would not be married by any youthful rsi. Sarmistha was the daughter of Vrsaparva, the Daitya king. Devayani was the daughter of Sukra, the Daitya preceptor. One day they were enjoying a bath in a forest brook with their maids, after leaving their clothes on the bank of the stream. At that time Devendra who came that way, transformed himself into a strong wind and carried all the clothes to a place and put all of them in a heap. Seeing this, the women rushed out of the water and in the hurried confusion in snatching their garments Devayani and Sarmistha happened to put on each other's clothes. A quarrel took place between them on this mistake and the angry Sarmistha

was then unknown to the gods. Devas handsome youth Kaca to Sukia, to learn

under Mucu-

pushed Devayani into an unused well. Thinking that Devayani was dead, Sarmistha and her maids went to



particular region of Plaksadvipa. Bhagavata, 5th Skandha says that Plaksadvipa had seven divisions which were - Sivam, Yavasam, Subhadram, Santam,


king of the Puru dynasty. Bahyasva was his father. Five sons were born to BahyasVa. They were Mukula, Srnjaya, Brhadistha, Yavlnara and Kramila. These five persons became famous in later ages under the name of Pancalas. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278) YAYATA. An ancient holy place in India. King Yayati conducted a Yaga at this place. From that time the

Moksam, Amrtam and Abhayam.

At this time, Yayati who was a king of the lunar dynasty happened to come there exhausted after his hunting. After rescuing Devayani from the well and enquiring about her identity and the circumstances in which she





B. Salya Parva,

Chapter 41,

Verse 32).


eminent king of the Lunar dynasty. From Visnu were descended Genealogy and Birth.


in the following order


Sage Atri had three sons Candra, Durvasas and Dattawas Budha, treya by his wife Anasuya. Candra's son Budha's son was Pururavas, Pururavas's son was Ayus, Ayus's son was Nahusa who had six sons Yati, Yayati, Samyati, Ayati, Ayati and Dhruva. Yayati had two wives, Devayani and Sarmistha. Two sons, Yadu and Turvasu, were born to Devayani. Of them, Yadu became the founder ofYaduvamSa. Sarmistha had three sons who were Druhyu, Anudruhyu and Puru. The Puruvarhsa traces


Brahma Atri Candra Nahusa Yayati.


origin to Puru.

Yayati married Devayani, the daughter of sage Sukra and Sarmistha, the daughter of Vrsaparva. There is a story behind this marriage, given in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 76.
2). Yaydti's marriage.

Devayani sent her maid Ghurnika to her father and informed him about her mishap. The faiher, sage Sukra became angry towards Vrsaparva, and came down from Daityaloka and settled down in the forest with his daughter. Afraid of his preceptor's curse and anger, Vrsaparva came to Sukra and offered profuse apologies to him for his daughter's misconduct. But Sukra answered that he would be prepared to forgive only if Sarmistha with 1000 maids would go and serve Devayani. Finding no other way, Vrsaparva yielded to the condition. Soon Sarmistha and her 1000 maids went to the forest and began to serve Devayani. Sukra returned to Daityaloka. Some time after this, Yayati came to the forest one day for hunting. There he met Devayani, being attended by many maids. In the conversation that followed, Devayani was able to recognize Yayati. She fell in love with him. But Yayati insisted that he was not prepared to marry her without the consent of Sukracarya. So she sent one of her maids to her father and informed him of her desire. The sage readily agreed and had their marriage performed. He also presented them 1,000 maids. After the ceremony, Yayati returned to his and the 2,000 palace with his bride. Sarmistha maids also accompanied them. (M.B. Adi Parva,
Chapters 76-81).
3) Taydti's domestic Life.
city, Yayati in his palace

into the well, he returned to his palace

After his arrival in his


made arrangements for Devayani's residence

while Sarmistha took up her residence




some "Vamanavatara" before Yayati. Enchanted by the charm and performance of Rati on the stage, the King became irresistibly
Matali failed in his mission, Devendra sent

Aokavanika. In due course, Devayani gave birth to a son. The sight of the child roused the motherly instincts of Sarmistha who spent a thousand years in heartburning. One day, while she was brooding alone in her


enact the



were moved by tender feelings. Sarmistha approached Yayati and begged for a son. But he tried to evade her by pleading that it was not proper to do anything in violation of Dharma. But in the end, he had to yield to her earnest supplications and philosophical arguments. Thus Sarmis(ha conceived a son in secret. When the child was born and it grew up, Devayani's mind was constantly vexed with the thought as to who was the father. Once in an angry mood she questioned Sarmistha herself about it. She answered that the child's father was a sage whose identity she could not ascertain in the excitement of her union with him. Any way, this answer satisfied Devayani. Soon after, another son was born to Devayani. The first boy was named Yadu and the second son, Turvasu. As a result of the secret relations between Yayati and Sarmistha, three boys were born to her and they were named Druhyu, Anudruhyu and Puru, respectively. These boys also grew up in ASokavanika. Once DevayanI was in her garden with her husband and children. Just then, Sarmistha's children also happened to come there. Devayani who somehow had her own suspicions, enquired of them their parentage and the innocent children replied that their mother was Sarmistha and their father was Yayati. Devayani who became furious, immediately went to Asuraloka and informed her father Sukra about it. On hearing it, the sage who was beside himself with anger owing to his paternal affection, cursed Yayati so that he fell a victim to the infirmities of old age. Yayati entreated Sukra to withdraw the curse since he had not enjoyed his youth
their hearts
to the full.

garden, Yayati happened to



As they met,

deep grief. The gods were and they restored Kama to life. Rati who was extremely happy, began to shed tears of joy. A beautiful girl was born from the tears which fell from her left eye. This maid who is standing before you is that girl. She is now looking for a suitable person for her Svayamvara." On hearing this story the King expressed his desire to marry her. Asrubindumati agreed to become his wife on condition that he exchanged his old age with some young person for his youthdeva was burnt Rati was
to in

fascinated by the female sex. the Raksasi named Jara and Madana got access to Yayati's body. While in that state, one day he went to meet to the forest for hunting. There he happened a beautiful girl named "ASrubindumati". From her companion-maid, Visala, the King came to know of her history. ViSala said to Yayati "Long ago when Kama-



pity by her tears


Yayati returned to his palace and asked each of his sons to give him his youth. Puru alone fulfilled his father's desire. After this Yayati married Asrubindumati. But he was compelled to submit to another condition also, that he should not maintain any contact with his other wives. Devayani and Sarmistha naturally, became distressed and furious when they saw Yayati and Affrubindumati as husband and wife. So Yayati asked Yadu to kill both of them. But Yadu refused to obey him. Yayati who became angry at this, cursed his son that one of his descendants would marry his uncle's daughter and become heir to his mother's wealth.

Sukra lifted the curse by assuring him that one of Yayati's sons would accept his father's old age in exchange for his youth and the son would be crowned


after Yayati.

(M.B. Adi Parva, Chapters 82 and

his younger sons, Turvasu, Druhyu, and Anudruhyu, with the same request, but all of them in turn refused to oblige him. Even though Yayati promised to return the youthfulness to them after a

83). Yayati asked his eldest son Yadu for 4) Rejuvenation. his youthfulness. But the latter was not prepared to exchange it for his father's old age. Next the father

place during his reign and which deserve special praise, are given below: Once when King Yayati was in the (i) Gift of cows. company of his subjects, a Brahmana approached him with a request for Gurudaksina. At once Yayati gave him a gift of 1,000 cows. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter

urged Yayati to go on a visit to Heaven. So he entrusted his kingdom to Puru and went to Vaikuntha. The Puranas describe Yayati as a 5) Tayati's reign. noble and eminent King. Some of the events which took

some time, on Menaka's advice, Asrubindumati


thousand years, they refused to exchange it for his old age. Yayati in his anger, cursed Yadu that his progeny would never become Kings. Turvasu's family would be

completely destroyed and Druhyu would float down the with unfulfilled desires and faded prosperity. Puru

wholeheartedly accepted his father's old age in exchange youth and went to the forest. From that day Yayati began his reign with a cheerful heart. (M.B. Adi parva, Chapters 84 and 85) In Padma Purana, there is a slightly different version about the way in which Yayati fell a victim to the infirmities of old age. It is as follows: Seeing the rigorous observance of Yayati's virtuous life, Devendra began to be alarmed at the thought that he might be dislodged from his place. He called his charioteer Matali and ordered him to bring Yayati with him to Indraloka.
for his

See para 6 under Galava. After a thousand years, Yayati handed over his kingship to Puru and went to the forest. He spent many years living in Bhrgutunga in the company of sages, and feeding on fruits, roots, etc. and in the end died in the forest and attained Heaven. in Heaven (iv) Tayati's fall from Heaven. Yayati remained for many years. Once he insulted the Devas, Indra and other gods and kings in the divine assembly. The gods looked at one another, wondering who this proud fellow was. They asked how this man reached Heaven without renouncing his pride. In the meantime Yayati lost his balance and fell down from Heaven to the earth. While descending, he prayed that he should fall in the midst of

(iii )

Yayati and Galava.



good men.

Just at this time, four kings

named Pratardana, Vasumanas, Sibi and Astaka were performing a Yaga in Naimisaranya. Yayati happened to fall head downwards into their midst. But since they caught him in

his fall

to to



he did not crash


his story to them. fruit of their Yajna

go to Heaven. But since he was a Ksatriya he told them he had no right to it. Just then, his daughter Madhavi arrived there. She allowed him to take half of the divine grace which she had earned and with the help of it Yayati ascended to Heaven again. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 120).

They allowed him




explained accept the

Raja Yoga involves the practice of eight disciplines. are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dhaiana, Dhyana and Samadhi. An account of each of these is given below i Tama. Yama means refraining from evil courses or ) sinful things like cruelty or dishonesty. Yama demands the practice of Ahirhsa, satya, asteya, brahmacarya and = aparigraha. (Ahirhsa non-violence or not killing any

Yayati witnessed the battle between Kauravas and PiLndavas which was fought as a result of the theft of King Virata's cows. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 9). Verse (ii) In Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, 8, it is stated that King Yayati continues to be in

6) Other


words and deeds. Asteya not stealing. Brahmacarya = sexual continence. Aparigraha = not coveting wealth or pleasures which are not absolutely necessary), While Yama is a negative discipline, ii) Niyama.



= truth;



in thoughts,


Yayati once gave 1,000 cows to a Brahmana as "Gurudaksina". (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 195). (iv) He came riding in Indra's chariot and witnessed the battle between Arjuna and Krpacarya, from the sky. (M.B. Virata Parva, Chapter 56J Verse 9) (v) Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 1 1 5, mentions that Yayati had conducted 1,000 Yagas and that he was the leader of all Kings. YAYATIPATANA. A holy place. Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 48, mentions that a visit to

Yama's assembly.

is a positive one. It requires the positive practice of virtuous courses. Niyama includes five things

(contentment), Tapas Svadhyaya (study of the Vedas and incantations or mantras) and Isvarapranidhana (prayer and meditating on God). Sauca means


(cleanliness), and austerities),




will give the

same reward


an Agvamedha

not only cleanliness of the body, but also of the mind. The mind must be purged of all 'malas' like kama, krodha and lobha. Tapas means ability to endure opposites (dvandvas) like heat and cold or joy and sorrow. Svadhyaya is "study of philosophical works." Igvarapranidhana dedicating all actions unto God. Asana. The way of sitting or posture. Different iii)



country in ancient India. In MahaParva, Chapter 254, we read that this country was conquered by Kama. YOGA I. A sage who was the grandson of Svayambhuva Manu and son of Sraddha. Yoga was born to Sraddha by Dharma. (Bhagavata, 4th Skandha).


particular section of Brahmins. is that they wander about here and there, following the course of life of the sages. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 13, mentions that the reputed sage Jaratkaru was a Yayavara.

Their special feature

postures have been prescribed for different actions. First of all, the yogi must choose a suitable place. (The place must be level, neat, free from stones, fire or gravel, agreeable to the mind and not causing irritation to the eyes). (Svetasvatara). Different asanas like Padmasana, Svastikasana and Siddhasana have been prescribed for the practice of







concentration on Brahman. Agni Purena, Chapter 372, mentions that Yoga is the perfect union of Jivatma and


that reveals

Brahman. Yoga



Putting the left leg on the right thigh and the right leg on the left thigh, holding the right toe with the left hand and the left toe with the right hand, place the chin on the chest and look at the tip of the nose. This is Padmasana. Sitting upright with the feet tucked under the hips is
left leg under the genitals, put the right Insert the chin into the pit of the throat; control the senses; with steady eyes look at the point between the eye-brows. This is Siddhasana which will break open the doors to Moksa.

Placing the






Yoga is activity with the body as its basis. It be doubted how a mere physical karman helps Parabrahmadar$"ana. But Maharsis assert that there is an inseparable connection between matter and soul. Matter and soul are merely the two phases of the



to be practised simultaneously. Hatha Yoga is mainly concerned with disciplining the body by various kinds of exercises. Standing in Pancagni with the arms held aloft; standing on one leg or standing on the head are some of these exercises. Raja Yoga aims at arousing Prajna by control of the senses.

favourable effects in the body. The habitual recitation of mantras helps the practice of Yoga. There are two broad divisions of Yoga Hath a Yoga and Raja Yoga. The two are interconnected and have

union with Parabrahman; in other words, to attain Moksa. The recitation of mantras is important in many disciplines connected with the practice of Yoga. The letters and words of mantras are so arranged that their recitation in the proper manner produces profound and







tion through the right nostril and exhalation through the left. This is the first step in Pranayama. Exhaling the breath and then not inhaling for some time is called recaka; the opposite process is called puraka. The object of pranayama is to awaken Kundalim.

Pranayama. This is regulation of breathing. Inhale through the left nostril, retain the air in the lungs for a few minutes and then exhale it through the right that is inhalanostril. The process may be reversed


v) Pratyahara.
five senses

This is a process of withdrawing the from the outer world. A man who practises Pratyahara becomes oblivious of the outer world. This helps the concentration of the mind on the Atman.

vi) Dhdrand.

Withdrawing the mind from outer objects and concentrating it on the self. Meditation, concentrating the mind on vii) Dhyana. several places like Bhrumadhya and nabhlcakra. Repeating the sacred syllable



very useful in dhyana.





In Samadhi the soul and mind unite, Samadhi. the mind merging into the soul. Samadhi is defined thus When the mind and soul unite just as salt and water unite, that state is called Samadhi. The form of Devi in the state of It was YogamayadevI who transferred the seventh Yoga. child of DevakI (Balabhadrarama) from her womb to that of Rohinl. (Devi Bhagavata 4th, Skaridha) YOGAVATl. Third daughter of Mena. She was the

Iksvaku dynasty. In course of time their relations behostile and they separated. At last Yudhajit exiled Sudarsana from his country and crowned his own brother, Satrujit as King of Ayodhya. (See under

King. In Padma Purana, Srstikhanda and in Matsya Purana, it is stated that Yudhajita was the son of Anamitra by Prthvl. YUDHAMANYU. A warrior who fought against the Kauravas from the side of the Pandavas. The following
references are



wife of


sage Jaiglsavya.

(Padma Purana,


A community of famous yogins. (S) Kavi, Hari, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra, Drumila, Camasa and Karabhojana belonged to this community. They were the sons of the sage Rsabha and used to go about naked, everywhere. This community of yogins participated in the yajfia of Nimi, King of Mithila and gave him advice on Bhagavatadharma. (Bhagavata, 4th Skandha). YONIDVARA. A sacred place on the Udaya mountain. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 95). YONITlRTHA. A sacred place in North India. A bath in this place will make a person handsome and he will get the reward of a gift of 1000 cows. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 84).



made to him in the Mahabharata. Yudhamanyu was a prince of the Pancala royal family. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 1 7, Verse 5)

took his position in the battle as the bodyguard of Arjuna. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 15, Verse 19). wonderful (iii) Yudhamanyu's war-horse was a animal, both in spirit and shape. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 23, Verse 3). (iv) In Bharata Yuddha he fought against Krtavarma, Duryodhana, Krpacarya, Citrasena the brother of Kama, and Asvatthama. Krpacarya defeated him. He (Yudhamanyu) killed Kama's brother Citrasena.


(Drona Parva, Chapters 92, 130;

ters 61,


Parva, Chap-

ancient India. There

(v) Yudhamanyu met with his death in his fight against Asvatthama. (M.B. Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse



to take part in the war.

Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 20, which mentions that the Pandavas had sent an invitation to this King

a passage in






See under Dharmaputra. Manvantara.

(WAR), (i) In ancient times in India war was considered a "Rajadharma". A war declared under this law was known as "Dharmayuddha" (ii) It is forbidden to use a weapon describing it falsely as another weapon. The use of arrows heated in fire, is also against Dharmayuddha.


It is also against the rules of Dharmayuddha to a person who gets down from the chariot, a eunuch, one with joined palms, one who squats on the ground,

In the Puranas there are references to a mountain called Yugandhara. The inhabitants of that place were known a* Yugandharas. In Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 129, Verse 9, there is a statement that these people used to drink the milk of camels and donkeys. II. warrior who fought against the Kauravas from the Pandava party. He attacked Dronacarya in the battle and was killed by him in the end.

one who seeks refuge, one who is asleep, one who is naked, an unarmed person, one who has come to witness the fight, one who is fighting with another, one whose weapon is broken, one who is bereaved by the death of a son or other relative, one who is vanquished, one who flees from battle, and one who refuses to attack
in return etc. (iv ) If a warrior fleeing from battlefield is killed by his enemy, he carries with him his master's sins, (v) All the grace earned by the young man who flees


(M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 30) Gandharva. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 56, mentions that he parti.

YUKTASVA. A sage who was

cipated in Arjuna's birth festival. a Samavedin. There


story about this sage in Pancavirhsa Brahmana : Yuktasva who was a scholar in Vedas and Sastras once


wealth, corn, cows, women, weapons, silver and gold, (vii) All costly articles, seized in battle, such as gold, silver, jewels etc. are to be handed over to the King, according to the Vedas. (Manusmrti, Chapter 7) YUDHAJIT I. A Kekaya King. This Yudhajit was the brother of Kaikeyl, Dasaratha's wife, and the uncle of Bharata. Dasaratha's death took place at the time when Bharata was living in Kekaya country, at the invitation of Yudhajit. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, 73rd

battle, passes to his master. soldier himself may take all booty in the battle except chariots, horses, elephants, umbrellas,


abducted two new-born babies and killed them. As a result of that sin, he lost all his Vedic knowledge. To recover his lost learning, he started an austere tapas. After many years of tapas, he got back the whole of his Vedic knowledge. YUPAKSA I. A military commander of Ravana. In the battle between Sri Rama and Ravana, he was killed by Hanuman. (Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda, 46




Rama and Ravana,



monkey Mainda. (Valmiki Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda

In the battle between Sri Raksasa was killed by the

the Yaduvams"a.





King Bhoja had

1 )

King Bhoja of

six sons,


Nimroci, Kinkana, Satajit and Yutajit. (Bhagavata, 9th

of the Iksvaku dynasty.

who were



King of Avanti. Lilavatl, the daughof Yudhajit was married by Sudars"ana of the


From Visnu

A King

following order

were descended in the Brahma-Marlci-Kalyapa- Vivasvan-






Vaivasvata Manu-Iksvaku-Vikuksi- Sas"ada

Kakutstha Yuvanasva. (Puranjaya)-Anenas-Prthulasva-PrasenajitThis Yuvanasva was the father of Mandhata.

2) Other

mighty hero. Many Kings attacked him in the city Varanavata. He was not able to fulfil his desire to kill all of them. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 10, Verse
(v) In Bharata Yuddha he fought with Subahu and cut off his hands. (Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 13) (vi) The bullocks tied to Yuyutsu's chariot were killed

Parva, Chapter 126, Verse 5).


Yuvanasva performed many Yagas.




Once he drank water which had been

mantras (incantations) and as

came pregnant. Mandhata was born by cutting open his belly. (For more details see under Mandhata). (iii) Yuvanasva once received a wonderful sword from King Raivata. He presented that sword to King Raghu. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 166, Verse 78).


subjected to result he be-

by Bhagadatta's elephant. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter

26, Verse 56).

ttva" (ability to know the highest and the lowest) because he had renounced meat-eating. YUVANASVA II. Another Yuvanas"va was the grandson of Visvagasva of the Iksvaku dynasty and the son of Adri. This Yuvanasva was the father of King Srava. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 202, Verse 3). YUVANASVA III. Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 15, refers to another Yuvanasva who was the son of Vrsadarbha. He attained Heaven by offering gifts of jewels, women and dwelling houses. YUVANASVA IV. A King of the Iksvaku dynasty who was the grandson of Mandhata. There is reference to

(iv) In Mahabharata, Arms' asana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 61, it is stated that he had received "Paravarata-

(vii) Yuyutsu severely rebuked the Kauravas who rejoiced over the death of Bhagadatta. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 72, Verse 60). his fight with Uluka. (viii) Yuyutsu was defeated in

(M.B. Kama Parva, Chapter 25. Verse 11) advised by Sri Krsna and Dharmaputra, (ix) As Yuyutsu went to Hastinapura with the ladies of the royal family. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 29, Verse


his return after the



details of the battle to

Yuyutsu described

Chapter 29. Verse 21).


Vidura. (M.B. Salya Parva,

At the suggestion of Dharmaputra, Yuyutsu began attend on Dhrtarastra to serve him. (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 41 j Verse 17).
(xii) Yuyutsu was guarding Hastinapura when the Pandavas went to the Himalayas to get money from Marutta. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 24). (xiii) Under the leadership of Yuyutsu, the Pandavas



in the



Rgveda. (Rgveda, 10; 134). Another name for Satyaki. For further see under Satyaki.









(Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 39, Verse


Son of Dhrtarastra by a Vais'ya woman. not included in the 100 sons of Dhrtarasfra. Yuyutsu is referred to by another name, "Karana"


Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 68, Verse 113.

Other details.

It was Yuyutsu who disclosed to the Pandavas that once Duryodhana gave poisoned food to Bhimasena. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 128, Verse 37). (ii) Yuyutsu was present at the Svayarhvara of Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 2).

Pandavas departed on their Mahaprasthana handing over the reign of the country to Pariksit, it was Yuyutsu who was entrusted with the task of supervising Parlksit and the country. (M.B. Mahaprasthana Parva Chapter 1, Verse 6). (xv) In Mahabharata the following names are given for Yuyutsu Dhartarastra, Dhrtarastraja, Dhrtarastraputra, Karana, Kauravya, Kaurava and VaiSyaafter


InBharata Yuddha, Yuyutsu joined the Pandava party. ( M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 43, Verse 100) (iv) He was an eminent warrior and an honest and

who was


There is a reference to another Yuyutsu II. the son of Dhrtarastra by his wife Gandhariin Mahabharata, Sanfi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 93.





Prajapatis given below

rif 3-

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1 r


a 1 r^ a


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I c


8 s


1 5i

f a

& "


3 ^












Romapada (Lomapada)


Bhadraratha (L)




Akuti(A-2) Devahuti





Sudra (Dlrghatapas)










Kas yapa










Ruci (Kardama)











Idhma. Kavi. Vibhu. Sraghna. Sudeva. Virocana


(N) STHAtfU (N)


!?':2> f i
1 1




a>c/3Oi-.^sac/5 E { J T eitw-3 r






fi MI


(O) Daksa




Sraddha (Samjna)



J. Sani












Priyavrata (G)
















Puskarim (Vlrani)



Abhimanyu Sudyumna










Agneyi )





















7T Sukra










Prominent Wives


(A 6)



(A 5





Dusyanta ( adopted son)



















Nrga Nrga


Nara Nara

Krml Krmi














i i



























Kakutstha (Puranjaya)















Fifty daughters


Hermit Saubhari




Satyavrata (TrKanku)



Bharuka (F)






Mrgamanda Harl




Sveta Surabhi













Eight elephants holding the globe







(m) Did

The Daityas

given below.












Nala (A7)





D harm a











Sur asena


Vrsni (I)













Satyaki (Yuyudhana)






Svaphalka (J) (Contd.





J Sura





I '








Svamaka Kavuka Devasravas Vasu Srnjaya Kakanika Anaka Vatsa Devabhaga
























Mrdura Asanga Mrdu' Sarameya













p 1

1 3






Avar ana








Gita (Udgitha)










Vii avrata






sons and a















Rkseyu Krseyu Sannateyu Ghrteyu Citeyu Sthandileyu Dharmeyu Sammiteyu












Bharata (Vitatha)




(A4) (B4)








Santanu (Mahabhisak)


(Wife's son)





KuntI Madri



Duryodhana and




















Arhs uman

60,000 Sons








Mitrasakha (Kalmasapada)


. I































Agnives a

































ani, Yettara



pot uso

1975 C.I ROBA


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