Twilight Trivia

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Twilight Trivia

(NM, 39) Who is Elizabeth Masen? (Edwards mom) (NM, 83) What did Edward take when he left Forks? (The CDs hed given Bella for her birthday and the photos of him from her scrapbook) (NM, 75) Who found Bella in the forest? (Sam Uley) (NM, 6) When is Bellas birthday? (Sept 13) (NM, 27) What did Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper give Bella for her 18th birthday? (A new stereo for her truck) (NM, 9) What did Bellas father give her for her 18th birthday? (A camera) (NM, 66) How many sets of prints does Bella have developed of the photos she took with her new camera? (two) (NM, 66) To whom does Bella give the second set of photos that she took with her new camera? (Renee) (NM) What is the original source of the epigraph at the beginning of New Moon? These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume. (Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene VI/Shakespeare) (E, 163) How many humans has Rosalie killed? (Seven: fianc + his 4 friends + two guards) (E, 117) Who was Sam Uleys HS sweetheart? (Leah Clearwater) (E, 626) What animal does Billy Black compare Leah Clearwater to? (A wolverine) (E, 117-118) Who first discovered that Sam was a werewolf? (Old Quil Ateara, Quils grandfather) (E, 343) What did Jasper and Emmett bet on? (The number of people Bella would kill after she became a vampire) (T, 119) What were the first words Jacob Black said to Bella when she meets him in Twilight? (Youre Isabella Swan, arent you?) (E, 84) What is the name of the principal at Forks HS? (Mr. Greene) (T, 215) What is Edwards favorite animal to hunt? (Mountain Lion) What is the exact date Stephanie Meyer began writing Twilight? (June 2, 2003)

Twilight Trivia
(T, 169) What does Bella order when Edward takes her to dinner at La Bella Italia? (A Coke and mushroom ravioli) (T, 291) Who is Jaspers mate? (Alice) What is on the cover of Eclipse? (A torn ribbon) (T, 343) What river can Edward see from his bedroom window? (The Sol Duc River) (T, 289) Who is Emmetts mate? (Rosalie Hale)

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