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A Publication of the CIBA Parent Advisory Council October, 2012

Dear Friends, We held our first dance on Friday October 12th which was well attended. The kids were well behaved (no surprise there), and seemed to really enjoy themselves. Thanks to all the parents who donated food and beverages and to those that chaperoned. Your assistance made this a fun night for our children! When the night came to an end, we heard many requests for another dance or event soon. We know how hard our kids work so were happy to be able to provide them opportunities for socialization and stress relief. Were working on some possible events for November and December (a movie night and another dance), details to come as soon as we have more info to share! We are happy to announce that the position of Secretary has been filled thanks to Sandhya Pai for stepping up to fill this very important role! We are still in need of a fundraising chair and hospitality committee members. If you can help, please let us know. Save the Date! We will be having a Barnes and Noble book fair as a fundraising event on December 13th. Its a good way to accomplish some of your holiday shopping and support PAC at the same time! You can shop in store or online. We will also be staffing a gift wrapping table in the store entrance that evening, which allows us to collect donations from store patrons who use our service. We will be looking for volunteers to help with this event, so let us know if you are interested. As always please feel free to contact the PAC at anytime with questions, suggestions or to offer your assistance with any activity. Sandy and Charles

Upcoming Events
Movie Night - More Details Soon! Tentatively Targeting Friday 11/16

1. Winter Social/Dance? Tentatively Targeting Friday 12/7 2. Barnes & Noble Bookfair/Holiday Wrapping Fundraiser - Thursday 12/13

PAC has multiple ways to get connected: 1. JointhePACFacebookPage! Please like our Facebook page to follow all the PAC activities! There are two ways to find us: 1) Search for CIBA PAC in the search bar at the top of Facebook 2) Follow the link on the New for Families and Parents page in the Parents section of This page will also contain info about current PAC activities. 2. Makesurethatwehaveyourinformation! Help us build our parent database. If you have not already provided it, please send the information below to: Parent/Guardian names: Email address(es): Student name(s): Student grades(s): A Note on Fund Raising
Our Fundraising Appeal is making progress and weve received several donations so far. Thank you to those who have contributed! We are hoping to be able to plan and support many activities for our kids this year. If you have not already donated, please consider sending us a contribution. Wed rather avoid having to conduct sales type of fundraisers, since we know that often results in families purchasing items they simply dont need, and only a portion of the proceeds actually come back to us. Our appeal approach means 100% of your donation can be put to work to benefit your children. We understand that these are difficult economic times and all donations are greatly appreciated. Checks may be made out to CIBA PAC and sent to the school, attention PAC. (857 Forbes St., East Hartford, CT 06118). We truly appreciate your support.

PAC email address:

Mark Your Calendars Future PAC Meetings

November 7th, 2012 December 5th, 2012 January 2nd, 2013 February 6th,2013 March 6th, 2013 April 3rd, 2013 May 1st, 2013 June 5th, 2013

Send an email to the above address to be added to the PAC email list! Or call for more information: 860-872-7749

The PAC Board of Directors: Co-Presidents: Sandy Leubner, Charles Maric, Vice-President: Nancy Barnwell, Treasurer: Tom Everson, Secretary: Sandhya Pai; Communication Coordinator: Heidi Ellis, Dance Coordinator: Nicole Miller, Hospitality Coordinator: Alina Bafumo

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