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I. The Church Year The Church year for First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Stillwater Oklahoma, Inc., hereafter identified as (FCC Stillwater), shall begin on the first day of January. II. The Church Board As indicated in the Constitution of FCC Stillwater, the Church Board (sometimes referred to simply as the Board) shall consist of the officers, elders, trustees and department chairs elected by the congregation. The President of the Christian Womens Fellowship (CWF) and the President of the Christian Mens Fellowship (CMF) shall also serve on the Board. The Minister(s) shall be ex-officio members of the Board without voting privileges. A. The Board is responsible to the congregation of FCC Stillwater and has authority to act on behalf of the congregation, except as specified by the Constitution and Bylaws. The Board shall consider and adopt the policies and programs of the Church. It shall approve and monitor the Churchs budget, subject to annual approval by the congregation. Board decisions shall be regularly communicated to the congregation through the Churchs newsletter and other paper or electronic means. B. The Board will meet at least 6 times per year with dates and times to be set annually by the Board at the first meeting of each year. Additional meetings may be called by the Board Chair, the Chair-Elect or any five members of the Board. A call for a special meeting must be announced at least seven (7) days preceding the time fixed for holding said meeting. The announcement is to be made during all Sunday morning services and by paper or electronic delivery to all Board members. C. Board meetings shall be open to all members of the congregation. D. Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board shall require a quorum of fifty (50) percent of its membership. A quorum for other Board meetings is set at forty (40) percent. E. The Board will conduct business according to the rules set forth in Roberts Rules of Order. The agenda for the meeting will be provided to the Board members at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The following order of business is suggested: a. Call to order by the presiding officer b. Devotional/Prayer c. Reading and approval of minutes from previous meeting(s)

d. Report and acceptance of Treasurers report e. Reports of the Functional Departments, Standing and Special Committees and ministerial staff

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Old Business

g. New Business h. Announcements i. j. Adjourn Benediction III. Administering the Programs of the Church A. Responsibility for administering the programs of the Church is delegated in keeping with the organization chart for the Church. Some actions are reserved by the Constitution for the congregation as a whole. The Board has primary responsibility and authority to ensure that the divisions, departments, committees and other groups act in the best interest of the Church. These Bylaws define the responsibilities and authority of the Board and its various components. B. The Cabinet serves in an advisory role to the Board as outlined in Section V of these Bylaws. Additionally, the Cabinet may be designated by the Board to act on its behalf between regularly scheduled meetings and when no special meeting has been called. C. The Elders, the Diaconate and the Trustees make up the three divisions of the Churchs organization. These three divisions and twelve (12) departments are identified in the organizational chart included as Appendix A of these Bylaws. D. Membership at the Division level is determined by vote of the congregation. The following shall be elected for the term designated for each or until such time as a successor is elected and assumes office. a. Elders: nine (9) lay men and/or women, one-third of whom shall be elected each year for a term of three years. b. Trustees: nine (9) lay men and/or women, one-third of whom shall be elected each year for a term of three years. c. Diaconate: the Diaconate will be made up of those Department chairs that are elected in the Diaconate Division and the presidents of Christian Womens Fellowship (CWF) and Christian Mens Fellowship (CMF).

d. Department chairs will be elected for each of the departments listed in the Organizational Chart with the exception of the Human Resource Department (HRD) and shall serve for a term of one year with unlimited successive terms. Selection of the HRD chair is delineated in the Trustees Division (IV. B. e.) Department chairs shall be lay men and/or women who are nominated from the congregation. E. Description of functions and responsibilities for each Department are shown in Section IV of these Bylaws under their respective Division as shown on the Organization Chart. F. The ministerial staff may be appointed by the Board Chair to serve as an ad hoc member of any department or committee. G. Departments shown under a Division on the organizational chart will have a sufficient number of members to carry out the required tasks. As a group, Division members have responsibility for communication and coordination with the Departments as shown in the organizational chart.

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H. Membership in each Department consists of willing volunteers from the congregation. Department membership, other than the Chair, may include regularly attending non-church members. I. Standing committees identified under any Divisions functions are included as a part of these Bylaws and continue to function until these Bylaws are amended to eliminate their existence. Unless prescribed by these Bylaws, membership on standing committees is by appointment of the Division Chair, in conjunction with the Board Chair. Standing Committee membership may include any member of FCC or regularly attending non-church member, unless membership is further specified in these Bylaws. These committees perform the duties assigned, and provide regular reports to the Board. Sub-committees may be created by a Department as deemed necessary. Sub-committee members are appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Department chair. Sub-committees will be terminated at the end of the Churchs fiscal year; however, such sub-committees may be recreated at the beginning of the next fiscal year. Any member of the congregation or regularly attending non-member may serve on sub-committees.


K. Elders a. There are two types of Elders, voting and non-voting. Voting Elders are members of the Board. b. The non-voting Elders are those who were previously elected to serve as Elders and who may continue to participate in Elder activities. c. Elders are responsible for the following: i. Promoting the growth and welfare of the Church, giving spiritual oversight to the members with respect to regular attendance at the Lords Supper and concern for the spiritually indifferent; ii. Assisting ministers in providing pastoral care and in support of Sunday morning worship; iii. Giving thoughtful consideration to policies of the Church that will enable it to fulfill its complete mission; iv. Encouraging by example and word the mission, evangelistic, educational, spiritual and stewardship responsibilities of the Church; v. Serving at the Lords Table and performing such other duties as may be assigned, including working out the schedule for hospital visitation. An Elder is the spiritual leader in the home, community and Church; vi. Attending regularly scheduled Elders meetings and Board meetings; vii. Working to resolve conflicts within the congregation; viii. Electing their own Chair and Vice-Chair by and from their members; ix. Communicating and coordinating with the Departments in their division. L. Trustees

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a. Trustees are responsible for the following: i. Serving as fiduciary trustees in all matters requiring legal documentation, such as holding property, signing mortgages, signing ministerial agreements and other papers as needed as approved by the congregation; ii. Borrowing money and executing mortgages as authorized by the congregation; iii. Transacting the financial business of the congregation on a monthly basis, referring to the congregation those items reserved for congregational action; iv. Informing the Board, on a timely basis, of the current status with regard to budget and other fiscal matters; v. Providing a written account of the Trustees stewardship of the Churchs holdings to the congregation at the end of each fiscal quarter; vi. Meeting at a regularly scheduled time each month of the year to conduct the business of the Church; vii. Attending Board meetings; viii. Providing oversight of all fiscal activities of the Church; this includes, but is not limited to endowments, bequests, and funds raised by organizations/groups operating as a part of FCC Stillwater; ix. Electing their own chair, vice chair and secretary by and from their members. x. Communicating and coordinating with the Departments in their division. M. Diaconate. a. Elected members of the Diaconate are responsible to ensure that departments are organized to accomplish the following: i. Coordinating, scheduling, training and mentoring volunteers to facilitate a meaningful worship experience for the congregation; ii. Serving the Lords Supper, receiving offerings and taking responsibility for the preparation and care of the communion service; iii. Recruiting greeters, ushers and acolytes (as needed) for each Sunday service. Recruiting serving deacons to serve communion during worship and for homebound and hospital bound members and friends of the church; iv. Preparing the chancel area of the sanctuary for worship services and restoring this area to its original condition after each service; v. Assisting in developing and maintaining active fellowship and leisure programs; vi. Assisting church staff with public relations and communications programs that are essential to the churchs health and growth; vii. Providing leadership for an effective outreach program in the community and the world;

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viii. Caring for any other matters that involve the Diaconate ministries of the Church; ix. Electing their own chair and vice chair by and from their 6 elected members; x. Communicating and coordinating with the Departments in their division. N. Cabinet The purpose of the Church Cabinet shall be to serve as a communication and coordination link among all of the Church groups in order to advise the Board, Board Chair, Minister(s) and various departments and organizations The Cabinet shall be responsible for but not limited to: a. Receiving reports from and acting as counsel to the Senior Minister in the administration of the Church on a day-to-day basis; b. Providing oversight for scheduling and coordination among the three divisions, the Cabinet and the Board. c. Encouraging the fulfillment of objectives set by various departments and groups. IV. Divisions and Departments A. Elders Division a. The Elders Division shall have four departments and as many Pastoral Relations Committees as needed to support the ministerial and professional staff. The division and or departments within the division may appoint additional sub-committees as needed. b. Pastoral Relations Committees i. Pastoral Relations Committees (PRC) will serve as committees directly under the Elders and will not be considered a department. Each minister will have a separate PRC. Other professional staff may ask to have their own committee with similar functions. The Pastoral Relations Committees (PRC) will serve as support groups for each minister. Each committee should strive to foster good, clear, and open communication between the members of the congregation and the minister or professional staff member. Meetings should be held at a place where honesty and respect prevail, and confidences are assured. ii. Each PRC shall consist of four (4) members. One member will be chosen by the minister, three members will be chosen by the Chair of the Elders and the Board Chair. The PRC will elect its own chair from its membership. PRC members will be appointed for a three-year term. The initial appointments by the Chairs will draw numbers to see who will serve a one-year, two-year or three-year term. Terms then will be for three years. The ministers appointee will be for a threeyear term. iii. The PRC will meet quarterly or at the request of any member of the committee or at the ministers request, using the following meeting guidelines: 1. Discussion of the past quarter: challenges, victories. 2. Discussion of the present: current projects, goals, challenges, concerns. 3. Discussion of the future: goals, challenges, concerns.

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4. Discussion of personal issues: ministers family, physical/medical needs, financial matters, emotional and spiritual concerns, continuing education needs, time management issues. c. Disciple Development and Education Department i. The Disciple Development and Education Department will assist ministerial and program staff to develop disciples at each stage of their Christian journey (nursery, childhood, youth, and adulthood) by providing support, education, training and opportunities to serve. ii. The Department will ensure a process for selecting and training teachers for youth and adult church school, Pre-K through high school and all adult classes; selection of curriculum material for all church school classes as needed or requested; integrating the collegiate group into the life of the church; coordinating nursery services for all church activities; developing standards and policies to assure safety of youth and sponsors; organizing all other matters relating to youth activities, including selecting adult sponsors and establishing advisory groups for youth and mission trip programs. d. Evangelism Department i. The Evangelism Department promotes and guides the Churchs evangelism efforts and coordinates with ministerial and program staff to promote growth in Church membership and participation. ii. The purpose of evangelism ministries is to cultivate an evangelistic spirit within the Church and to plan and administer the evangelistic programs. It also sponsors a year-round program of evangelism for every age group and every phase of Church life. e. Shepherding Department i. The Shepherding Department ensures that regular attendees and new members are welcomed and assimilated into the life of the Church and that continued effort is made to nourish each persons spiritual life. ii. This department will work to develop a spirit of community within the congregation. Shepherds will be chosen by the department chair and given a list of group members to watch over. Shepherds will maintain contact with their group and encourage involvement in church programs, groups and activities. Shepherds will report any needs, concerns, or prayer requests to ministerial staff. Regular and new members will be assimilated into an existing small group. Shepherds will welcome and provide regular and new members with information on programs, activities, and groups within the church (Sunday school classes, Wednesday Night Fellowship (WNF), CWF, CMF etc.). Shepherds will report any changes in membership or ability to participate (have been moved to nursing home, newly homebound, attending another church, etc.) to the Church office. f. Worship Programming Department i. The Worship Programming Department oversees the development and implementation of a program of worship for each of the churchs services.

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ii. Members of the department in consultation with the ministerial and support staff are responsible for developing program guidelines for worship services. Further, members of the department work to ensure the successful implementation of programs of worship for all Church services in the calendar year, including the special seasons of the Church. This department must coordinate with the Welcome and Hospitality Department to coordinate needs for special services such as Hanging of the Greens, Christmas, Easter and others. B. Trustees Division a. The Trustees are responsible for the financial oversight of all day-to-day office operations/activities including equipment, data and history processing. Financial oversight includes, but is not limited to, maintenance, care and security of all physical facilities and property. The Trustees shall have the authority to ask the Board to appoint an Assistant Treasurer for the purpose of providing cross training and backup for the Treasurer. Data and history processing includes but is not limited to, maintaining current and historical information for attendance, membership, service and volunteer data. The Trustees also have responsibility for the management of non-ministerial staffing positions necessary for day-to-day operations and activities. The Trustees in conjunction with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall ensure a correct accounting at all times showing the financial condition of the Church. b. The Trustees Division shall have two standing committees and three departments. The division and or departments within the division may appoint additional sub-committees as needed. c. Endowment and Bequests Committee i. The Endowment and Bequests Committee promotes and manages endowment and bequest programs, reports to the Trustees and is accountable to the Board and congregation. ii. Responsibilities include developing promotion and education programs to inform the congregation of opportunities to provide gifts to the Church, developing policies for the management of gifts given to the Church through endowments, bequests and other means, and providing a written annual report to the Trustees, Board and congregation to include new gifts received and the changes in various fund values (Restricted Endowment, Unrestricted Endowment, memorials, etc.). iii. The Endowment Fund shall be managed by a committee of five (5) Fund Managers who shall be nominated by the Trustees, elected by the congregation, and serve without compensation (salary, commission, etc.). Endowment Fund Managers may serve on the Board in any capacity, except as a Trustee, while serving as Fund Managers. Appointments will be for a three-year term; however, appointees may serve for more than one three-year term. The Committee shall meet quarterly. At the first meeting each year, they shall elect a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. The Senior Minister and Chair of the Trustees shall be exofficio non-voting members. iv. The Committee does not have the authority for the expenditure of monies from the Endowment Fund. The Committee does have the responsibility of investing Endowment Fund assets, subject to approval by the Trustees. Further, the Committee shall determine annually the amount available for distribution and to provide this amount to the Trustees for expenditure according to the Guidelines for Fund Distribution in the Endowment Fund Policy document.

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v. The Endowment Fund Policy document (which is a separately approved policy document) may be amended by a 3/4 majority vote of the Board in attendance at two successive meetings, upon published written notice of proposed changes to Board members two weeks prior to the first meeting. vi. In the event First Christian Church, Stillwater, Oklahoma, should terminate its ministry, the assets of the Endowment Fund shall be transferred to the Oklahoma Christian Foundation, a not-for-profit financial corporation associated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma with instructions concerning distribution of future income. If the Oklahoma Christian Foundation is not in legal existence at the time of termination, then the assets of the Fund shall be transferred to the Christian Church Foundation, Inc., with instructions concerning the future distribution of income. d. Financial Review Committee i. The Financial Review Committee is responsible for conducting an annual review of the Church Treasurers financial records, processes and controls. The committee shall be made up of at least three church members, with one coming from the current Board of Trustees. ii. The committee shall examine a representative sampling of the preceding years financial records. The committee shall report to the Board of Trustees the results of the internal review along with any recommendations for changes and/or improvements to processes and controls. They will also report deficiencies, if any, revealed during the review. The committee must be appointed by the chair of the Board by July 1st of each year, and must submit their report to the Board of Trustees no later than October 1st of that same year. e. Human Resource Department i. The Human Resource Department (HRD) is responsible for oversight of the processes related to hiring, evaluating, dismissing or disciplinary action for ministerial and non-ministerial positions of the church. In consultation with the Senior Minister, this Department will consider matters relating to the employment and termination of Non-Ministerial staff. Additionally, they will propose policies and procedures for the evaluation of both Ministerial and Non-Ministerial staff. The Department shall annually prepare salary and compensation recommendations for the Ministerial and Non-Ministerial staff which will be given to the Trustees for their actions. Additional details regarding the management of ministerial and non-ministerial positions are included below. ii. This Departments membership will include the Chair of the Trustees; the Chair of the Board and three other members who shall be nominated by the nominating committee and elected by the congregation. The members elected by the congregation will serve rotating 3-year terms. The past years Chairs of the Board and the Trustees will serve as ex-officio members of this Department. All members of this Department must be members of FCC and not members of the same immediate family. iii. The Department shall be chaired by the member elected by the congregation and who has the longest consecutive service on this Department. The Chair and Vice-Chair and Secretary shall be elected at their meeting in January.

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iv. Additionally, the HRD is responsible for developing and maintaining an up to date personnel policy document and position descriptions for all staff positions. f. Stewardship Department i. The Stewardship Department is responsible for developing stewardship programs for gifts of time, talent and treasure for all age groups, conducting the stewardship and other campaigns. ii. The Stewardship Department is responsible for development within the membership an understanding of the full meaning of Christian stewardship. This includes emphasizing the ongoing development of the congregations concept of Gods ownership of all things and the responsibility of Gods people to care for Gods world. iii. The Stewardship Department is also responsible for promoting stewardship education, together with developing the congregations awareness of the Biblical mandate and Christian responsibility to give of time, talent and treasure. This department has the responsibility for organizing and implementing stewardship campaigns for finances and volunteer service opportunities. g. Property Department i. The Property Department is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of all property and equipment owned or managed by Stillwater FCC. ii. The Property Department is responsible for working with the paid maintenance supervisor in developing programs for the ongoing care of Church property and recommending adequate insurance against potential loss or damage. The Property Department is responsible for developing janitorial and maintenance schedules for the properties of the Church; recommending security protocols for the properties; developing long-range plans for maintenance, repair and improvements to Church property; identifying the need for additional property replacement or acquisition; and formulating and overseeing policies on the use of all church properties and facilities, which includes parking facilities and vehicles owned by the Church. C. Diaconate Division a. The Diaconate Division shall have five departments. The division and or departments within the division may appoint additional sub-committees as needed. b. Welcome and Hospitality Department i. This Department will have two elected Department chairs, one for each of the two Sunday services, currently known as the traditional and contemporary services. The two chairs and their committees will work together to coordinate their efforts for special services and Sundays when there is only one service. This Department is responsible for ensuring that all worship and welcome activities are properly staffed by volunteer members of the congregation and paid personnel. ii. This Department is responsible for providing leadership in carrying out the activities and procedures to be used in the Sunday worship services recurring on

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a regular basis. The Department also is to consult with and advise the Senior Minister in determining these services. iii. Additionally, this Department is responsible for working with the Worship Programming Department in developing and assisting in the implementation, as necessary, of services of worship representing special days on the Church calendar (e.g., Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday, Hanging of the Greens, Christmas Eve, etc.). iv. The Department is responsible for ensuring that all of the supporting activities for any worship are organized and staffed in a manner that enhances the worshippers experience. Examples include, but are not limited to, setting up the Church in keeping with the procedures for a particular service, providing individuals to distribute bulletins and welcome attendees, counting and recording attendance at every service, providing volunteers to assist with taking up the offering and assisting with communion and picking up and putting away equipment, materials and supplies at the conclusion of each service. v. Specific attention will be given to ensure that new attendees are greeted and made to feel welcome as a part of the larger congregation. The department is encouraged to develop specific activities to extend a welcome to first-time attendees. These activities may include, but are not limited to, giving mugs with informational materials, zip calling, etc. c. Outreach Department i. The Outreach Department promotes and guides the churchs outreach ministries at the local, regional, national and international level, including coordination with the ministerial and program staff on the selection of special outreach efforts and the Sundays when those will be promoted. ii. The purpose of outreach ministries is to nurture within the Church an awareness of the human needs in the area served by the Church; to create and foster a world vision within the congregation; and to plan and administer programs that address the local and global needs.

d. Public Relations and Communication Department i. The Public Relations and Communications Department develops and implements programs and activities to publicize and promote the work and activities of the Church to the community at-large as well as to the congregation. ii. The Public Relations and Communications Department is responsible for establishing an ongoing program of public relations and communications to the community and the congregation. This department may utilize a variety of resources that includes, but is not limited to, newspapers, radio, television, social networks and any new and emerging technical capabilities. iii. The Department is responsible for overseeing and approving any publications that primarily support the congregation and its activities; e.g., church directory, promotional materials related to special events and campaigns, etc. e. Fellowship and Leisure Department

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i. The Fellowship and Leisure Department, including CWF, CMF and WNF, fosters fellowship to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries. This should enable church members and the general public to participate in activities, and to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the mission of the church. ii. This department is responsible for the overall management of leisure activities offered or promoted by the Church, providing opportunities for social interaction through group activities approved by the Diaconate. This Department ensures that new staff and visiting pulpit supply are made welcome through appropriate fellowship activities. This department will work closely with the Kitchen Department when food is included in a fellowship or leisure activity. f. Kitchen Department i. The Kitchen Department is responsible for kitchen operations and will work closely with the Fellowship and Leisure Department when food preparation is part of their events or activities. This includes overall management of the kitchen facilities, including publicizing and scheduling kitchen use. This Department has oversight of preparation activities, clean-up by staff and volunteers; and maintains the inventory and ordering of kitchen supplies. V. Church Cabinet As indicated in the Constitution of FCC Stillwater, the congregation shall have a Church Cabinet composed of the Chair and Chair-Elect, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Board, and the chairpersons of the Trustees, Elders and Diaconate. Other departments, committees and organizations may have representation at the Cabinet meetings without voting privileges. The Ministerial staff shall be ex-officio members of the Church Cabinet without voting privileges. The Church Cabinet shall have one standing committee, and shall have authority to create special committees as needed to carry out their duties. A. Nominating Committee a. The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to appraise the leadership needs of the church and centralize and coordinate the nominating process to fill these needs. Specifically the committee shall prepare a slate of officers and members to fill all vacant Board positions and other positions required by these Bylaws. b. The committee shall consist of seven persons from the membership of the congregation. The committee will be appointed by the Board Chair with the approval of the Cabinet and be announced at a Board meeting as well as in the church newsletter. The chair of the nominating committee shall be a past chair of the Board, the Elders or the Trustees. c. The process will be as follows: i. Appraising the leadership needs of the Church. ii. Identify persons with gifts, skills, and interests who can serve in leadership positions. iii. Match Church leadership needs with persons who have the appropriate gifts, skills, and interests. iv. Recruit persons for leadership positions.

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v. Keep the church informed regarding the progress of the committee. vi. Report completed list of candidates/positions at either the October or November meeting of the Board. vii. The Board must approve the nominating committee report before it is forwarded to the congregation in the form of a ballot. viii. Prepare a ballot for a congregational vote to be completed before the end of the Church year. Announcement of the election shall be printed in the Sunday bulletin and the church newsletter at least 2 weeks prior to congregational vote. ix. The committee will conduct the election, count the ballots and submit a copy of the results to the Chair of the Board for announcement. VI. Selection or Dismissal of Staff A. Ministerial Staff a. Ministerial staff members are ordained or licensed ministers that are called by the congregation to serve in ministerial positions. b. When there is a vacancy to be filled, the Chair of the Board shall appoint a committee of no fewer than seven persons who will be charged with the responsibility of recruiting and selecting a person to be recommended for the vacancy. c. The committee will pass their recommendation to the Board with no less than 75% of the committees approval.

d. The chair of the Human Resource Department will work with the Trustees to set forth the conditions of employment, which shall be approved by a majority vote of the Trustees, and which shall be in writing. e. The Board, based on the approval of at least 75% of those present and voting at a regular or special meeting, shall have the recommendation presented to the congregation. f. The congregation, based on the approval of at least 75% of those present and voting, shall extend a call to the ministerial staff member recommended by the committee and the Board. Voting shall be by written ballot.

g. The term of any minister is for an indefinite period. h. The tenure of any minister may be terminated by either party upon 60 day written notice. i. A majority vote at a regular or special meeting of the congregation is required to terminate the tenure of any minister. Voting will be by written ballot.

B. Non-ministerial Staff a. The following procedures govern the employment and dismissal of non-ministerial staff, including professional staff, support staff and hourly wage employees:

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i. Professional staff are employed or released by the Board upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees in consultation with the minister(s), the HRD, and the appropriate functional department or division chair(s). ii. Support staff and hourly wage employees are employed or released by the Trustees in consultation with the minister(s), the HRD, and the appropriate functional department or division chair(s). VII. Vacancies on the Board When a vacancy occurs in any elected position, the respective division, department or committee shall recommend and the Board shall appoint a person to fill the unexpired term. Any Board member may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Board at any meeting of the Board. VIII. Special Committees The Chair of the Board, with the help of the Cabinet, will appoint special committees as may be necessary to oversee the work of the Church. These committees shall have no fewer than three members and shall perform the duties assigned, provide regular reports to the Board and/or congregation, and continue until the end of the fiscal year or such time as designated prior to the end of the fiscal year. Special Committee members will be limited to members of the congregation, with only one member per family. Paid Church employees and regular attending non-members may be consulted but are not eligible to vote in Special Committees. IX. Amendments These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board at any regularly scheduled meeting at which a quorum is present. A copy of the proposed amendment (s) must be included in the notice of said meeting and must be announced at least ten (10) days preceding the time fixed for holding said meeting. The announcement of the proposed vote on amendment(s) will be announced during worship services, and also communicated through the Churchs newsletter and other paper or electronic means. X. Implementation Date These Bylaws, upon adoption, shall become the Church Bylaws of First Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ), of Stillwater, Oklahoma, Inc. on January 1, 2013.

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