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ROCKS 2 by Isiah Miller & Steven Valente Jr.


FADE IN: EXT. WAREHOUSE NIGHT Late dusk. JOHNNY, 21, and DOC, 22, approach an isolated warehouse. They both dress formally and walk with apprehension. They reach the door. Johnny gives a look to the grassy surroundings. Nothing. The two enter and the door closes behind them. INT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS RICO, 24 and also dressed formally, waits in the middle of the warehouse. RICO Doc. DOC Rico. Doc and Johnny approach. RICO (casual) Would you mind making your guy watch the door? ...since I dont have any detail. DOC Of course. Doc motions to Johnny, who walks back to the door. DOC So, lets get down to business. RICO Yes, lets. Johnny watches from the door as the two men begin to converse.


EXT. WAREHOUSE NIGHT Almost fully night. The sky is slightly orange to the west but otherwise dark. INT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS RICO (angry) You cant try to forcefully minimize my operations and expect me to cooperate. DOC (stern) And you cant be moving in on my operations and not expect me to want compensation. Rico backs away, frustrated. Johnny continues to watch. Rico turns back to Doc. RICO How about we leave 26th neutral and split 30th? DOC No. I dont do neutral territory. 26th is mine. RICO God damn it! Rico turns and stammers away a few steps. Doc doesnt seem affected. Rico suddenly whips around and points a gun towards Doc. Johnny quickly takes out his gun and points it at Rico, moving quickly towards the two. All three are frozen for a few moments. Doc chuckles, takes out a cigar, lights it. DOC You think I wouldnt have been prepared? Rico looks defeated.


JOHNNY Now, heres whats gonna happen. Youre gonna put your gun down-slowly--and then were gonna-A gun is suddenly pointed at Johnnys head. The screen freezes. JOHNNY (V.O.) Things never seem to go according to plan in this business. EXT. STREET CORNER DAY FLASHBACK Johnny and MATT, 20, walk down the street nervously. They look around, tentative of their surroundings. MATT Ever been around here before? JOHNNY No. You? MATT Nope. Never. Several GANGBANGERS pass and give them looks of contempt. Johnny stops walking. Something is BUZZING. Matt notices it too. They both look around, confused. INT. JOHNNYS APARTMENT DAY BACK TO PRESENT DAY Johnny lies in bed, opens his eyes. His phone on an end table VIBRATES. He picks it up and opens it. He stares at it a few seconds, gets out of bed. EXT. BREEZEWAY DAY Johnny walks with LAMAR and MARCUS, both 20s and big burly guys youd want on your side in a fight, by his side. He carries a briefcase with him. All three sit down at a table. Johnny keeps a hand on the briefcase, which leans against his chair.


Johnny spots a BUSINESSMAN walking not too far away. He signals him, and he approaches the table, then slows down. Johnny looks around and spots two GRUNTS. LAMAR Ricos guys. JOHNNY Shit. The Businessman stops in his tracks, apprehensive. The Grunts look to Johnny and to Lamar and Marcus, who slowly reach into their jacket pockets. The Businessman turns and scurries in the other direction. The Grunts walk away, a look of satisfaction on their faces. JOHNNY (restraining anger) Fuck. Johnny slams his fist on the table and gets up. Lamar and Marcus follow as Johnny walks away. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX DAY Johnny breezes past parked cars with a stern look on his face, the briefcase still in his hand. He stops at a door and knocks on it. INT. DOCS APARTMENT CONTINUOUS Doc opens the door, and Johnny comes in. Doc looks surprised to see him. They both walk into THE KITCHEN where Doc sits down. DOC I get the feeling youre not here with good news. Johnny opens the briefcase and takes out a bag of white powder. He throws it on the table.


JOHNNY That was supposed to be unloaded today. It wasnt. DOC And this deal failed to go down because...? JOHNNY Some of Ricos guys showed up. My guy got spooked. Ran off. Doc leans forward, frustrated. JOHNNY (getting angry) Thats ten thousand dollars we shouldve made. I couldve bought Mary a rock after this. DOC Were gonna have to work this out with Rico. JOHNNY Yeah, no shit. Doc gives Johnny a look like hes going to hit him. DOC Calm down, Johnny. You know things dont always go smoothly in this business. Its just like anything else. And you also know that your plans with your girlfriend do not override this business. Johnny acknowledges this. Anger dissipates from his face. DOC Well find a way to work the territory issues out with Rico. In the meantime, keep things well within the borders. And keep your deals small, just in case.


JOHNNY (nodding) You got it. Doc leans back in his chair. JOHNNY Im also going to take care of deals myself over the new few days. Just to be safe. Doc shows a subtle smile. DOC Youve earned the right to make decisions yourself, Johnny. I cant boss you around anymore. INT. MOVIE THEATER DAY FLASHBACK Johnny and Doc sit in a nearly empty theater. Johnny has a black eye and a scar on his cheek. JOHNNY So I sold our usual amount to the Peralta boys for ten bucks under the mark. They got it cheap, but theyll be buying from us from now on, which means our steady stream just went up. DOC (nodding) Very good. Very good. Sometimes you have to make decisions in this business that are gonna lose you money off the bat. But if youre making money in the long-term, then its a good decision. Im glad you understand that concept, Johnny. Many of my guys dont. JOHNNY Thank you, sir.


DOC Thats why youre gonna have guys working for you now, instead of you working for everybody else. JOHNNY (hesitant) Doc...? Doc puts his arm around Johnnys shoulder. DOC Youre getting a bump up. You have your own crew now. Johnnys face beams. JOHNNY Thank you, Doc. Thank you so much. DOC Well, you deserved it. Now buy that new girlfriend of yours a necklace or something. Doc turns back to the movie screen. JOHNNY If it means-DOC (interrupting) Shh, shut the fuck up. JOHNNY What? Doc points at the screen. DOC Denzel is a bad motherfucker. They both turn to the screen. Doc munches on a bucket of popcorn.


EXT. COURTYARD DAY BACK TO PRESENT DAY Johnny sits on a bench next to Lamar. They both look around, very apprehensive. Lamar spots something, taps Johnny on the shoulder. Johnny sees the CLIENT and signals him. Johnny looks around frantically at the surroundings. The Client takes a seat next to Johnny and Lamar stands up. Johnny and the Client both reach into their pockets. Johnny takes out a plastic bag with white powder inside; the Client takes out cash. JOHNNY Ten grams. CLIENT Three hundred. The two exchange items. Johnny begins counting the cash, while the Client takes a sample of the powder and puts it to his tongue. CLIENT Im good. JOHNNY So am I. The two shake hands, and the Client walks away. Johnny sighs deeply, then hears a MOVEMENT in the nearby bush. He looks paranoid for a moment, then laughs to himself. He stands up and pockets the cash. JOHNNY Lets go. Johnny and Lamar walk away. INT. JOHNNYS APARTMENT DAY MARY, 23, cooks something in a large pot on the stove. Light steam rises. There is a SLOW KNOCK on the door. Mary moves quickly.


MARY (pleasantly) Ill be right there. Her serious complexion contrasts with her tone. She reaches into her pocketbook and pulls out a gun. She walks to THE DOORWAY and points it. MARY Come in. The door inches open as a pair of hands creep into view, palms toward Mary. JOHNNY Its just me. Johnnys face peeps through the doorway. Mary lowers her gun and smiles. Johnny closes the door behind him. MARY How much longer until I dont need a piece to answer the door? Johnny kisses her. JOHNNY Soon. Johnny walks into THE KICHTEN and Mary follows. JOHNNY What smells so good? MARY Dinner. JOHNNY Ah. Sounds delicious.


Johnny walks away and into THE BEDROOM He takes off his leather jacket, and plops down on the bed. He rolls over and stares at a picture placed on the end table. He picks it up and looks at it: him and Matt. EXT. STREET CORNER DAY FLASHBACK Johnny and Matt stand on the sidewalk, very exposed among the seedy surroundings. MATT You ever know Doc to go along with something like this? JOHNNY Changing the location an hour before the deal? No. He must need this one. (tense beat) So lets not screw it up, alright? MATT Yeah, I hear you. Just makes me nervous, though. JOHNNY Yeah. Me too. As Gangbangers continue to pass them, one in particular, MAURICE, 19, stops about twenty feet from them. MAURICE You Johnny? JOHNNY You Maurice? MAURICE Yeah. You guys got the stuff? JOHNNY Only if you do. MAURICE


Lets see it then. Johnny and Matt start walking. MAURICE No, no. Just the one of you. Maurice looks straight at Johnny, who turns to Matt, his face showing uncertainty. INT. OFFICE DAY BACK TO PRESENT DAY DOC (O.S.) Here. A stick points to a location on a map. Doc stands in front of a few of his MEN and GOONS. DOC Weve been having a lot of problems in this area, so just stay away. Until you hear otherwise, dont do anything south past 30th. Everything else, you know what to do. And remember, whenever in doubt, just play it safe. Got it? Everybody nods. DOC Alright. Now get the fuck out of here. Everybody gets up and chatter fills the room, which clears rather quickly. Johnny wades through the exiting crowd and approaches Doc. He waits a moment while the room empties. DOC You missed dinner. JOHNNY I ate at my place. Earlier, did our first small deal. No trouble. DOC Well, good. About time we had no trouble. I just told everybody to keep things close.


JOHNNY Good. The sooner this bullshit blows over, the sooner were business as usual again. DOC Patience, Johnny, patience. Remember that problems for us mean problems for Rico as well. INT. DINING ROOM DAY Rico eats at a table with MARION, 26. A few of Ricos Grunts stand like Secret Service men around the room. Marion and Rico munch on food as they talk. MARION Of course, you know all about fluctuation. Its natural. To be a good businessman, you cant fight struggle, you have to accept it and make the best decision moving forward. RICO Of course, of course. MARION Now, if our operations were to merge, wed have to come together on the best decisions moving forward. RICO Naturally. MARION Now, included in those decisions will have to be leadership from this point on. Im sure you understand that even though you proposed this deal, that doesnt guarantee you to be at the top when its all over. Rico stops chewing his food. His face looks stern for a lingering moment, then he chuckles. RICO


Of course. Marion nods, and goes back to his food. RICO Could you pass the salt? Rico wipes his mouth with a napkin. Marion grabs the salt and reaches across the table. Rico quickly grabs his knife and slits Marions wrist. Marion recoils instinctively and howls in pain. Rico stands up, slow and calm, knife in hand. As Marion jumps up and clamps his bloody wrist against his chest, Rico approaches and forces the knife into Marions gut. Marion gags and chokes for a moment. Rico pulls out the knife vindictively. Marion falls to the floor. RICO I brokered this fucking deal. You better believe Im gonna be at the top when the dust settles. He throws the knife on the table. RICO Get him out of here. Rico walks away. His Grunts look at each other and tentatively approach Marions body. INT. LIBRARY DAY Johnny makes a deal with a BUYER. They swap powder for cash quickly. Johnny counts the cash, then takes off down the nearby stairs. EXT. PLAZA DAY Johnny makes another deal with ANOTHER BUYER. He seems more calm this time, and shakes hands forcefully with the Buyer at the conclusion of the deal. EXT. BRIDGE DAY


Dusk. Johnny makes a deal with ANOTHER BUYER. Lamar waits not far away. After the deal concludes, Johnny leans up against the bridge and views the adjacent lake. EXT. PARKING GARAGE NIGHT Almost nightfall. Johnny leans against the railing on the roof of the parking garage and looks into the parking lot nine floors below. The elevator RINGS, and ANOTHER BUYER emerges. Johnny walks towards the elevator and the two make a swap in stride. A few feet from the elevator, Johnny hears something. He looks across the roof at a nearby stairwell. Nothing. Johnny enters the elevator and begins counting cash. INT. ELEVATOR CONTINUOUS Johnny pockets the cash. As the elevator descends, he stares out the window. INT. COMEDY CLUB NIGHT JOSEPH, 19, paces the stage and sweats lightly, microphone in hand. PATRONS fill the club. Johnny, Lamar, and Marcus occupy a table in the back. They send Joseph glares, though he doesnt notice. JOSEPH You know what bugs me? When youre at Wal-Mart or something, and youre pulling out of your space. Its been a long day, you had to fight a pregnant woman for the last half gallon of milk, the bitch at the register smashed your bread, and at this point, youre just ready to go. But whats in between you and your bed? That old bitch walking through the parking lot. The audience laughs. JOSEPH Now, youd think the fact that a four-ton piece of metal on wheels


coming at you would make your ass up. Not with old people. (MORE) JOSEPH (CONTD) I guess the fact that theyre near the crossroads of life and death makes them not give a fuck anymore. And the worst part is they mock you while theyre walking. Theyll look you dead in the face, smile, and wave. Joseph walks slowly across the stage with an imaginary walker and a creepy smile. The audience laughs. JOSEPH And not wanting to be an asshole, you smile and wave back. Joseph smiles and waves toward the audience. They laugh back. JOSEPH (still smiling and waving) But in your head, youre thinking, If I had a rock Id go upside your head, bitch. The audience laughs loudly. Joseph extends his arms toward the crowd. JOSEPH I am the incomparable Joseph Sanders. Good night! Joseph drops the microphone and bows. The audience cheers. Joseph walks offstage. Johnny, Marcus, and Lamar clap at their table. JOHNNY Hes a real funny guy. LAMAR Yeah, its too bad, really. MARCUS


Yeah. Too bad.

Backstage, Joseph stands with some other COMEDIANS. Johnny, Marcus, and Lamar charge in with guns drawn. All Comedians, including Joseph, put their hands up. JOHNNY Take it easy, funny guys. Unless you want to get shot, everybody not named Joseph Sanders get the hell out of the room. Now. The Comedians dart away. Lamar and Marcus keep their guns drawn at Joseph. Johnny circles him and keeps the gun pointed at his head. JOHNNY You were pretty funny out there, man. Like a young Chris Rock or something. Joseph swallows hard, keeping his eye on Johnnys gun. JOSEPH (nervous) Thanks, man-Johnny points his gun directly at Josephs throat. JOHNNY You know whats not funny, though? Not paying what you owe. You owe my boss some money for some-merchandise--you got from him a few weeks ago, and he has yet to see a cent from you. JOSEPH Hey man, Im just a comedian. They barely pay me here. Ill pay Doc back when I get a-Johnny thrusts the butt of his gun into Josephs throat. Joseph drops to the ground and gags for air. Johnny kneels down beside him and smiles.


JOHNNY You have a future in comedy, kid. (MORE) JOHNNY (CONTD) But if you dont pay up, the only thing in your future is gonna be a bullet in your throat. So do some extra shows, sell some fucking cookies, because Doc doesnt play about his money. Okay? Joseph continues to fight for breath. Johnny shakes his head and stands up, turns to Lamar and Marcus. JOHNNY Finish him up. Dont kill him, though. Doc needs his money, and besides--theres no money to be made off a dead, no-name comedian. Lamar and Marcus nod simultaneously and put their guns away. Johnny smiles and walks away. Lamar and Marcus begin kicking Joseph forcefully. EXT. FANCY RESTAURANT NIGHT Johnny waits outside the front entrance near a swarm of BYSTANDERS. He checks his phone, then puts it back in his pocket. DOC (O.S.) Hey, sunshine. Johnny turns around, surprised. He and Doc shake hands. JOHNNY Hey, Doc. The hell you doing here? DOC Just wanted to get out, you know, away from shit for awhile. You? JOHNNY Oh, Im waiting up for Mary. Were gonna have dinner. (sees something) Hey, there she is.


Mary walks up to Johnny. The two kiss and embrace. JOHNNY Hey, baby. You remember Doc. MARY Yes, nice to see you again. They shake hands awkwardly. DOC Nice to see you as well. (to Johnny) Later tonight, stop by my place. Got business to talk with you. JOHNNY No problem. DOC Have a lovely evening, you two. Doc walks away. Johnny and Mary lock arms and walk towards the entrance. MARY I never liked him. JOHNNY I know. MARY I mean, were obviously trying to have a relaxing evening, and hes all, Stop by later. Ive got business to talk with you. JOHNNY You know what youre gonna order? EXT. RESTAURANT NIGHT Lamar and Marcus exit the restaurant, which shows a big crowd through the windows. LAMAR


How much did you tip?

MARCUS A few bucks. Not a lot. LAMAR Good. Waitress was a total bitch. The two reach Lamars car. Lamar opens the driver side door and gets in. Marcus opens the passenger side door and is suddenly SHOT in the chest. Lamar looks around frantically and spots one of Ricos Grunts, gun in hand. Lamar scrambles out of the seat and falls on the asphalt. Grunt approaches the car from the right rear. Lamar crouches on the asphalt, fidgeting nervously. Grunt is about to round the corner. Lamar charges. Lamar for a comes Grunt knocks the gun out of Grunts hands. The two struggle moment. Grunt breaks free and goes for the gun. Lamar up from behind and wraps his arm around Grunts neck. chokes for a moment, then falls to the ground.

Lamar grabs the gun and points it at Grunt. No movement. Lamar looks around, uneasy. INT. DOCS APARTMENT NIGHT Johnny and Doc are counting cash. DOC You gotta love this business. JOHNNY Absolutely. DOC So howd it go with Mary? JOHNNY Good. Really good. The food there is great. DOC


You gonna propose or what?

JOHNNY (beat) I dont know. There is a KNOCK at the door. Doc motions to Johnny, who gets up and opens the door slightly, then wide. Lamar enters, looking panicked. DOC Lamar? The hell are you doing here? LAMAR We got trouble, boss. DOC We? LAMAR One of Ricos guys. They jumped us. Doc stands up. DOC Who is us? LAMAR Me and Marcus. Hes dead. JOHNNY Marcus is dead? LAMAR He got shot when we were leaving Chilis. It was one of Ricos guys. Johnny and Doc bow their heads. DOC He run off? LAMAR


No. Doc looks worried.

LAMAR He tried to come at me, but I was able to fight him off. Doc and Johnny wait. DOC Well?! Where the hell is he? LAMAR Hes dead. I stashed him in the trunk. My cars just outside-Doc charges Lamar against the wall and punches him. Johnny lunges for Doc and tries to pull him off. DOC You stupid motherfucker! You brought a goddamn body back here?! Stupid piece of shit! Johnny pulls Doc back and helps Lamar up off the floor. Doc opens a drawer, pulls out a cigar, SLAMS the drawer shut. DOC Youre gonna dump the body, and no ones ever gonna fucking find it. You got that? Lamar nods and begins to leave. Doc points at Johnny. DOC You go too. Fix this fucking thing. Dont make me doubt you, Johnny. Johnny looks angry. He follows Lamar out the door and SHUTS it hard on his way out. Doc sits down and lights the cigar. EXT. RIVER NIGHT


Johnny and Lamar dump what looks like a rolled up carpet into the river. Lamars car is parked not too far away. EXT. STREET CORNER DAY FLASHBACK Johnny looks between Maurice and Matt, finally turning to Matt. JOHNNY Just chill here. Johnny walks towards Maurice. Johnny starts to reach in his pocket when Maurice signals to the street. Johnny turns to see a car, from which an arm emerges, gun in hand, pointed at Matt. JOHNNY (screaming) No! Matt sees the car and starts running. Johnny runs as well. Gunshots are FIRED as Johnny reaches cover. He turns around and sees Matts body lying on the grass. JOHNNY (hysterical) No, no, no, fuck no! Johnny starts to get up but hears the car SCREECH to a halt. He hesitates, looks between Matt and the car. Marion comes up from behind him, unnoticed, and strikes him in the back of his head with his gun. Johnny falls to the ground. His vision of the trees above and Marion towering over him blurs. FADE TO BLACK. EXT. TRAIN STATION NIGHT BACK TO PRESENT DAY Johnny walks next to the tracks, stopping at a bench. He sits down and buries his face in his hands. Another man approaches and sits on the bench. This is WILL, 25. WILL Rough night? Johnny looks up to see who is sitting next to him.


JOHNNY Something like that. Johnny turns back.

WILL You know, Ive had a lot of those myself. JOHNNY (indifferent) Oh yeah? WILL Yeah. Of course, Ive never dumped any dead bodies into the Hillsborough. Johnny looks at Will with vindictive eyes. WILL Youre just a regular vigilante, arent you? JOHNNY What the fuck are you talking about? WILL Relax. Im not out to get you or anything. JOHNNY I didnt dump any body in the Hillsborough. WILL Yes you did. JOHNNY How would you know? WILL Because Ive been following you. You havent noticed?


Johnnys face strains in thought.

EXT. COURTYARD DAY FLASHBACK Johnny sighs deeply, then hears a MOVEMENT in the nearby bush. He looks paranoid. Inside the bush, Will tries to remain still. Johnny turns away and laughs to himself. He stands up and pockets some cash. EXT. PARKING GARAGE NIGHT Johnny makes a powder-for-cash swap with a Buyer in stride. He walks toward the elevator and hears something. INT. STAIRWELL CONTINUOUS Will carefully closes the door behind him as he descends the stairs. EXT. RIVER NIGHT Will watches through binoculars as Johnny and Lamar throw what looks like a rolled up carpet into the water. EXT. TRAIN STATION NIGHT BACK TO PRESENT DAY Johnnys face shows realization. He and Will are making eye contact. WILL My names Will, by the way. JOHNNY Why me? WILL I was you once. Johnny looks confused. WILL


Not so long ago, I was in the same position you are now. EXT. ALLEY DAY FLASHBACK Will makes a subtle exchange with a BUYER.

WILL (V.O.) I worked my way up through the ranks. Proved I knew the streets. Proved I could handle responsibility. INT. DOCS OFFICE DAY Will and Doc count cash. They talk inaudibly and laugh. WILL (V.O.) Soon enough, I was Docs righthand man. Together we ran the streets. EXT. FOOD COURT DAY Doc talks with a CLIENT while Will observes a few tables away. Doc gives Will a suspicious look. WILL (V.O.) But eventually, I got too powerful for my own good. Doc thought Id want a bigger slice of the pie than hed be comfortable with. INT. DOCS OFFICE DAY Will knocks on the door. Doc answers, then quickly shuts the door. WILL (V.O.) I was content with where I was-hell, I was doing more than well enough for myself--but Doc didnt see it that way. EXT. RIVER NIGHT


Several THUGS wait by the river. WILL (V.O.) So, Doc took action. He set up this special deal for me. Was supposed to have us sitting pretty for a long time. About fifty yards away, Will views the scene with his binoculars. He looks uneasy and turns away. WILL (V.O.) Of course he failed to mention that the deal was just an ambush where Id eventually be killed and disappear. I scoped it out first and bailed. EXT. TRAIN STATION NIGHT BACK TO PRESENT DAY Will gazes into the distance for a moment, then turns back to Johnny, who looks stunned. WILL I got a phone call from Doc a few days later. Was told if I ever showed my face around here again I was a dead man. JOHNNY Why didnt you just leave? WILL I did--for awhile. But no matter what I did, no matter what I tried, I was never as well off as I was here. JOHNNY So, what, you want to get back in? WILL No. I want to take back whats mine. I want revenge. JOHNNY


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dont expect me to just sympathize with your cause out of nowhere. Ive got a good thing going here. WILL It only seems like you do. But trust me: Docs dangerous. JOHNNY Of course hes dangerous; hes a drug dealer. WILL (shaking head) You dont get it. Eventually youll become too powerful. Youll grow too strong. Doc will see you as more of a threat than an asset. And thats when youll be taken out. You may never even see it coming. Johnny scoffs and stands up. JOHNNY Why are you telling me this? WILL Because I want you to help me take him down. Johnny looks away. He paces back and forth. Will looks on with fear. JOHNNY No. I have a good thing going. Im sorry for what happened to you, I am. But its not gonna happen to me. Will sighs and looks down. JOHNNY I wont tell Doc we had this discussion. My guess is youve got about 24 hours before he finds out


on his own. Johnny walks away. A train approaches. INT. JOHNNYS APARTMENT NIGHT Johnny walks in and closes the door behind him. He throws his leather jacket on a chair. MOMENTS LATER Johnny enters THE BEDROOM Mary is asleep in bed. He takes off his shoes and crawls in bed next to her. Mary stirs. MARY Long night? JOHNNY You could say that. MARY Ive got to be at work by nine. My alarms probably gonna wake you up. JOHNNY Thats okay. Ive got a meeting in the morning. MARY You and these meetings. Why do I keep thinking that one of these days, youre gonna go to one of these meetings and not come back? JOHNNY I think the question is--why do you keep putting up with it? MARY Because I love you. JOHNNY


Thats my girl. INT. JOHNNYS APARTMENT DAY Morning. Mary is dressed in scrubs. She stares into a mirror and plays with her hair. Johnny rolls over in bed. JOHNNY One of these days, Im gonna get enough sleep. MARY Id tell you to cancel the meeting, but you wouldnt. JOHNNY I wouldnt. (beat) Its a good thing Im going to Starbucks. MARY Alright, Im off to work. JOHNNY What time you coming home? MARY Hopefully by six. She leans in and kisses Johnny. JOHNNY Ill make dinner. MARY Dominoes, it is. Johnny smiles and rolls back over. He looks at the clock, throws the sheets off his body, and gets out of bed. EXT. COFFEE SHOP DAY Johnny sits outside Starbucks. He drinks from a cup and holds a phone in his hand. JOHNNY (on phone)


No, its just a small deal. Contact Ive had for awhile. Part of our steady stream...No, Im well within the borders. Nothing to worry about...Alright, Ill stop by after...Okay, see ya, Doc.

Johnny hangs up and takes a sip. He looks around happily. Suddenly he spots something. The look on his face turns from happiness to dread. One of Ricos Grunts walks towards him quickly. Johnny looks in the other direction. Another Grunt bears down on him. Johnny looks around, panicked for a moment, then takes off running into the adjacent parking lot. EXT. PARKING LOT CONTINUOUS Johnny runs in between parked cars, keeping his head down. The Grunts give chase, both pointing guns with silencers in Johnnys direction. Johnny rounds a corner and dives under a parked car. The Grunts stop running and look around. One motions to the other and they split up. Johnny looks out from under the car to see a Grunt nearby. He checks underneath a row of cars, one by one. Johnny crawls the other way and runs in the opposite direction. GRUNT 1 Hey! Grunt 2 notices and follows in pursuit. Johnny runs out of the parking lot and into the street. EXT. CROSSWALK CONTINUOUS A car SCREECHES on its brakes to avoid hitting Johnny, who runs out of the street and into the adjacent field. EXT. FIELD CONTINUOUS


Johnny runs into the open field. He looks back. The Grunts cross the street and follow closely. They take a few SHOTS at Johnny, but miss. Johnny desperately runs towards the nearest building. INT./EXT. SMALL BUILDING CONTINUOUS Johnny runs up the stairs. Grunt 1 motions to Grunt 2, who runs to the other side of the building. Grunt 1 runs up the stairs. He sees Johnny run past a concrete pillar to the right. He runs after him, gliding past the pillar on the right. He stops at intersecting hallways, looking left and right. He goes right until he reaches the top of a staircase. Grunt 2 stands at the bottom. Grunt 1 motions and they both run outside. Johnny waits on the left side of the concrete pillar. He peaks out, sees nothing, runs back down the stairs. Grunt 1 and 2 converge on the other side of the building. They look around, confused. EXT. PARKING LOT CONTINUOUS Johnny slows down running and crouches down behind a parked car. Out of breath, he takes out his cell phone. He hesitates for a moment, then dials a number. A few moments pass as he tries to catch his breath. JOHNNY Hey, its Johnny. We need to address things. Right away. INT. JOHNNYS APARTMENT DAY Mary and Johnny sit on opposite sides of the couch and watch TV. Johnny looks disinterested, Mary concerned. MARY John, youre being quiet. Is everything alright? JOHNNY No, its not.


Mary slides to the middle cushion and leans against Johnny. JOHNNY Its just business. MARY Something happened when you went to Starbucks, didnt it? I knew something was wrong when you came home. JOHNNY Its okay. It really is. I called Doc and we set up a meeting tonight. Everything will be fine. MARY What time you coming back? JOHNNY I dont know. Probably late. MARY Well, Ill probably be gone. Ive got an overnight. JOHNNY Okay. MARY You gonna be alright? JOHNNY Yes. Like I said, everything will be fine. MARY And then we can move out, set you up with a job? A real job? JOHNNY Maybe. MARY You know, I cant count how many times Ive asked that question. And even though I get the same


responses--No. Maybe. Well see.--Im still here. And Ill always be here. A moment of silence passes as Mary runs her hands over Johnnys chest. MARY I knew this affair would never go well. I knew it right when I found you that day. Marys hand stops at a spot on Johnnys chest. She takes off his leather jacket to reveal a scar. MARY I knew it was a bad idea, but why should I resist? I cant resist. Light tears roll down from Marys eyes. She touches Johnnys face. MARY I love you, John. JOHNNY I love you, Mary. They kiss intimately. EXT. WAREHOUSE NIGHT

Late dusk. Johnny and Doc approach an isolated warehouse. They both walk with apprehension. A dark figure observes them from the grassy surroundings. Johnny looks around, and the figure ducks. Johnny and Doc enter. INT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS Rico stands in the middle of the warehouse. Doc and Johnny stare at him as Johnny closes the door. EXT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS The dark figure stands up and looks around. INT. WAREHOUSE LATER


Johnny watches from the door as Doc and Rico argue. EXT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS The dark figure, a masked man, walks toward the door. He looks around frequently.

INT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS Rico whips around and points a gun towards Doc. Johnny quickly takes out his gun and points it at Rico, moving quickly towards the two. EXT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS The masked man opens the door and enters, closing the door quietly behind him. INT. WAREHOUSE LATER Johnny has a gun pointed to his head. Doc looks nervous. Rico looks confident. RICO Look whos prepared now, eh, Doc? Johnny lowers his gun, defeated. The masked man holds the gun to his head. RICO Alright, Jerry, lets close this deal, what do you say? The masked man nods. JOHNNY (V.O.) Just according to plan. The masked man turns and SHOOTS Rico, who falls to the ground. Doc looks shocked. Johnny and the masked man approach Ricos body and crouch down beside it. Johnny takes Ricos gun and pockets it.


They both stand up and look at Doc, who is pointing a gun at Johnny. Johnny and the masked man freeze in place. DOC What the hell is this, Johnny? JOHNNY Added security. DOC I dont like masks. Johnny thinks for a moment, then nods at the masked man. He hesitates, then removes his mask. It is Will. Doc looks stunned. EXT. PARKING LOT DAY FLASHBACK Johnny leans against a parked car as he dials numbers on his cell phone. A few moments pass as he tries to catch his breath. JOHNNY Hey, its Johnny. EXT. ROOFTOP CONTINUOUS A man holds a phone to his hear. JOHNNY (V.O.) We need to address things. Right away. The man turns around. Its Will. WILL What happened? INTERCUT JOHNNY AND WILL JOHNNY Some of Ricos guys came after me. I was well within Docs borders. Must be retaliation for the guy Lamar took out. WILL Who?


JOHNNY The body we dumped in the river. WILL Oh. (beat) So what do we do?

JOHNNY (beat) I call Doc. Hell set up a faceto-face with Rico. Itll be some place isolated. Will looks hesitant. JOHNNY You there? WILL Meet me at Publix on Fowler. Twenty minutes. INT. WAREHOUSE NIGHT PRESENT DAY Doc points his gun at Will. DOC Will. WILL You didnt think Id come back? DOC I didnt think youd have the balls. You never did. WILL Didnt stop you from making me your pawn, your tool to get to the top. DOC


Thats how the business works. Had you been in charge instead of me, things would have been different. WILL A lot different. Doc points his gun back at Johnny. DOC You set this up? JOHNNY Thats right. DOC Well, thats no problem. Ill just take care of both of you right here. Find myself somebody else who knows what theyre doing. JOHNNY (confident) Go ahead. Doc looks confused for a moment, then confident. He pulls the trigger. CLICK. JOHNNY Ive got more control than you realize. Doc CLICKS off a few more empty rounds. Johnny turns to Will. JOHNNY I told you this would work. Will nods. Doc reaches into his pocket and pulls out a knife. He throws it at Will. JOHNNY Will! Will falls down in pain, the knife lodged in his gut. Johnny catches him as Doc makes a break the other way.


EXT. WAREHOUSE CONTINUOUS The sky is now pitch black. Doc runs through the grass and away from the warehouse. Suddenly a SHOT rings out and Doc falls to the ground. Johnny runs toward Doc, gun pointed. Doc clutches his chest, blood seeping from it. Johnny looks at Docs wound and lowers his gun. Doc smiles. DOC Was it worth it, Johnny? (MORE) DOC (CONTD) Was shooting down the biggest dealer in the game worth the consequences youre gonna face in the next few hours? JOHNNY You set Will up a few years ago. How much longer before it was my turn? DOC It was never like that with you, Johnny. You had something special. You had potential. Will, Matt-they didnt have what it takes to make it in this game. Thats why they had to go. JOHNNY (suspicious) Matt? Doc shows an evil smile. EXT. STREET CORNER DAY FLASHBACK Maurice looks around as he holds a phone to his ear. Not too far away, Matt and Johnny approach. MAURICE Theyre here. Is the hit still on? INT. DOCS APARTMENT CONTINUOUS


Doc looks out a window, phone in one hand, beverage in the other. DOC Thats right. Just remember, only the tall one. Let the other guy go. INTERCUT MAURICE AND DOC MAURICE Let him go clean? DOC Well, you can rough him up a bit if you like. Its like they say, whatever doesnt kill you... MAURICE Yeah, right. DOC Just make sure the tall ones dead. MAURICE Yeah. Maurice hangs up and walks toward Johnny and Matt. EXT. WAREHOUSE NIGHT PRESENT DAY Johnny looks defeated. DOC So go ahead, Johnny. Kill the man who brought you the money and power you possess. Kill the man who made you. The gun trembles in Johnnys hand. DOC Or, if you really want out, if you dont want to deal or kill anymore, then dont. Just let me go, and drive away. Drive away and


pray I dont find you. JOHNNY (calm) I am done dealing. Done killing, too. Doc looks relieved. JOHNNY But I already killed you when I shot you in the back. Youll bleed out for sure. Docs face suddenly shows concern. JOHNNY Youre already dead. The next bullet is just insurance. DOC Wait! Johnny takes a step toward Doc and points the gun at him. A flash briefly illuminates the desolate area. Docs body lies still as Johnny runs back to the warehouse. EXT. CAR NIGHT Johnnys car speeds down the highway with very little traffic around him. INT. CAR CONTINUOUS Johnny drives while Will sits in the passenger seat, pressing his hand against his wound. JOHNNY Its probably not as bad as it feels. At least you didnt get shot. WILL Yeah, that empty gun idea of yours, that was brilliant.


JOHNNY Well the plan wasnt bulletproof, but it was good enough. WILL Did you kill him? JOHNNY Who? Will stares at Johnny. Johnny looks at Will for a moment, then looks back at the road.

WILL Look, just drop me off at the ER. You cant stick around. JOHNNY (concerned) What do you mean? WILL Youre a drug dealer. Theyll arrest you, process you, the works. And Docs guys will be coming after you now. If youre inside, youre a lot easier to get. JOHNNY Alright. WILL Thank you. For this. JOHNNY Thank you. For helping me get out. WILL I thought I could help you. I was right. JOHNNY (beat) When did things get so fucked up?


WILL When did things get fucked up? Theyve always been fucked up. You just never bothered to notice because you were doing so well. Ive been there before. I know how it goes. JOHNNY I know a guy--one of Docs guys. Hell see to it that youre taken care of once you get out of the hospital. Will nods, keeps pressure on his wound. JOHNNY Maybe after this is all over we can be part of a normal life, huh? WILL Maybe. EXT. CAR CONTINOUS Johnnys car approaches a highway interchange, the city skyline in the background. EXT. HOSPITAL NIGHT Johnnys car pulls up next to a well-lit sign that reads: EMERGENCY ROOM. Johnny runs around to the passenger side door and helps Will get out. JOHNNY Good luck, Will. WILL See you around. Johnny runs back to the driver side door, gets in, speeds away. Will looks at Johnnys car, then turns to the bright lights of the hospital. He starts walking, a warm smile on his face. INT./EXT. CAR LATER


Johnny cruises through downtown, passing through tall buildings. He moves out of the city and gets on the highway. Johnny coasts down the highway, barely any traffic around. INT. JOHNNYS APARTMENT NIGHT Mary is dressed in her scrubs. She spruces up a few things around the apartment. INTERCUT JOHNNY AND MARY Johnny gets off the highway. Mary lifts Johnnys leather jacket off a chair. Something drops from it and HITS the floor. Johnny drives through a residential area and stops at a STOP sign. Mary crouches down to pick up the item. It is a small, black box. Johnny, still stopped, brushes his hair, looking very tired. Suddenly, a gun is pointed at him by an arm coming in through the window. JOHNNY (V.O.) Things never seem to go according to plan. Not in this business. Mary opens the box: a ring. FADE OUT. END.

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