2007-2008 Information Technology 9 Mr. Kingsland Int 9

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Mr. Kingsland

To participate and make informed decisions in today's world, a global citizen requires technological and information literacy skills that include the ability to gather, process, and manipulate data. These skills are now as essential as traditional numeracy and literacy. The curriculum in INT 9 is designed to develop a variety of foundation skills including keyboarding, basic internet techniques, The curriculum involves the development of information literacy, positive attitudes toward technology, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills related to the use of technology, information technology literacy, lifelong learning patterns and skills, and knowledge relevant to careers in IT. Both individual and group work will be employed to meet the course objectives. During the course of the term, students will learn the basics of touch typing, web graphics, HTML, office suite skills. Emphasis in assessment will be placed on effectiveness of presentation, success in solving an assigned problem, and, where required, ability to work as part of a team. Most completed projects will be posted on student webpages in the form of an on-line portfolio. It should be noted that, although the Internet is available on all computers, it is only to be used for educational purposes. Within the confines of the INT program, it should be used only when directed and only for the intended purpose. EXPECTATIONS: attend and participate in all class activities mutual respect assignments on time (late: -10% per day) due care for computer equipment and school policy use computers/internet for educational purposes

EVALUATION: (these numbers are an approximate breakdown of marks and are roughly proportional to the time spent in class) Introduction OpenOffice Projects Keyboarding Effort/behaviour 5% 10 % 5% 10 % Homepage Basics Programming/Games Multimedia Final Project 20 % 20 % 20 % 10 %

TIME FRAME weeks 1-3



ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES on-line Journal assignment Moodle quiz (rules, computer use) Google worksheet Evaluation of class participation in discussions

Foundation: Unit 1: Introduction: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 course intro, password identification of IT tools Process: IT careers 1, 2, 3 Moodle OS/Windows basics/ OS licence types Presentation: Directory structure (NOS also) 3, 4, 5 File transfer HELP! (how to get it) Internet/Browser phenom Cyberbullying (you are not anonymous) Foundation: 3 Unit 2: Keyboarding

weeks 2 - 11

Keyboarding basics Home row Concepts/justification Posture/attitude Software

Evaluation of practical typing ability Short typing tests parent forms initialed

weeks 4-8

Foundation: 6

Unit 3: Programming

Introduction to programming Hx of languages Python GVR (Guido Van Robot) Robocode (optional)

Evaluation of programming exercises, quizzes, and class participation in discussions Evaluation of student participation in bot battle.

TIME FRAME weeks 9 - 12

PLO Presentation: 1, 2, 3 Process: 1, 2, 3, 4

KEY ELEMENTS (Content) Unit 4: Office Suite

ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Evaluation of assignments, class participation in presentations, and quiz Grade on-line presentations HTML journals Evaluation of HTML worksheets, quizzes, and class participation in discussions Evaluation of student homepage and homepage project Participation in class discussions Jalbum project Javascript and PHP projects Class effort Game submissions In-class work/effort and participation

Office intro, Hx OpenOffice basics word processor, spreadsheet, presentation Technology Project

weeks 13 - 16

Process: 1-4 Presentation: 2, 3

Unit 5: HTML

HTML introduction (review policy, privacy, etc.) HTML validation Website design Web graphics

weeks 17 - 20

Foundation: 4, 10 Presentation: 2

Unit 6: WEB 2.0

Albums Javascript basics PHP basics

weeks 21 - 24

Presentation: 3

Unit 7: Game Maker

Intro - What are games? Intro to GameMaker software Create a basic game according do demo (keep adding features) Create own game

TIME FRAME weeks 25 33

PLO Foundation: 3, 4, 6 Presentation: 1, 2, 4, 5 Process: 6

KEY ELEMENTS (Content) Unit 8: Multimedia

ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Evaluation of commercials and podcasts (played back to class) Evaluation of graphics displayed in on-line portfolio Evaluation of in-class effort

Intro to sound and audio stories. Why was radio so compelling? Show podcasting Create a radio commercial Create a short radio show Create basic music using Making Waves Introduction to graphics Hx of software GIMP and related resources Layers, Animation, Filters, etc. Create small GIMP album and post online using Jalbum Intro to 3-D using Terragen post online Intro to Blender. Create basic projects

Weeks 34 - 38

Foundation: 5 Process: 1, 2

Unit 9: Final Projects

Choose any one piece of software learned this year and propose a useful project. Complete a timetable for completion (Moodle Journal) Follow timetable and complete project. Class presentation of final projects (last week)

Moodle journal timetable Final project submission Final project presentation

Students are expected to practice keyboarding at home at least 4 times per week or until they are able to type at least 40 wpm. Students are responsible to ensure that their keyboarding forms are kept up to date. They will be periodically checked during class. Most software selected for use in the INT 9 course is open source and is available for your use for no charge. For those who wish, CDROMs will be made available from Mr. Kingsland with all necessary software (thanks to Alex Bradley for creating them). These CD's are available free of charge and contain software that permits redistribution. You are responsible for any problems caused to your computer during and after installation. Read all installation instructions and licence agreements carefully!

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