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Guidelines for preparation of the Final Report Some formats are provided for preparation of the abstract, cover page, title page, certificate from the Supervisor, and reference. The student should adhere to these formats while preparing the report. A checklist of items to be included in the Final Report is also provided. a. Sequence for the presentation in the mid-semester and end-semester reports Cover Page Title page (inner cover) Certificate from the Supervisor Acknowledgements Abstract Table of contents List of Symbols & Abbreviations used List of Tables / Figures Introduction Chapters 1, 2, 3, etc. Conclusions Recommendations/ Directions for future work Appendix/ces References (either one of the two) List of Publications/ Conference Presentations, if any Check List of Items. b. Check list for final report Is the Cover page in proper format? Is the Title page in proper format? Is the Certificate from the Supervisor in proper format? and Has it been signed? Is Abstract included in the Report? Is it properly written? Does the Table of Contents page include chapter page numbers? Is Introduction included in the report? Is it properly written? Are the Pages numbered properly? Are the Figures numbered properly? Are the Tables numbered properly? Are the Captions for the Figures and Tables proper? Are the Appendices numbered? Does the Report have Conclusions/ Recommendations of the work? Are References/ Bibliography given in the Report? Have the References been cited in the Report? Is the citation of References/ Bibliography in proper format? A copy of completed checklist with Y or N should be included as the last page of the final report. Supervisors are also requested to ensure that their candidate(s) have prepared the Final Report properly. c. Illustrative examples of citation of references: Book: Gelb, Applied Optimal Estimation. Cambridge, M.A.; M.I.T. Press, 1974. A paper in a Conference or Symposium Proceedings edited and published by a book publishing company: R.E. Kalman, New Methods in Wiener Filtering Theory, in Proc. FIRST Symposium on Engineering Applications of Random Function Theory and Probability J.L. Bogdanoff and F. Kozin, Editors. New York; Wiley, 1963, pp 270-388. A Journal Paper: R.E. Kalman and N.S. Pucy, New results in linear filtering and prediction theory, Trans. ASME, J. Basic Eng., Vol. 83-D, pp. 95-108, Mar. 1961.

A Conference Paper: M. Vidyasagar and N.K. Bose, Input-output stability of linear systems defined over measure spaces, in Proc. Midwest Symp. Ciro. Syst., Montreal, P.O. Canada, Aug. 1975, pp 394-397. A Ph.D. thesis or Dissertation: A.C.G. Viera, Matrix orthogonal polynomials, with applications to autoregressive modeling and ladder forms, Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA, Dec. 77. A Private Communication: W.M. Wonham (1982) Private Communication.

A2. Guidelines for content preparation and review meetings

Dissertation Report Specifications

1. Textual contents must be neatly printed in single space on A4 size bond paper back to back with LM= 1.25 , RM=1.00 , BM=1.0 and TM=1.0 . 2. The font details to be selected for various textual contents are as follows: a. Chapter heading 20 pts. b. Section heading 16 pts. c. Sub-section heading 14 pts. d. Normal text 12 pts. e. Font type Consolas f. Font style Regular. g. Font spacing Normal. 3. All figures and sketches and diagrams as well as the tables, if any must appear on separate pages. All these must be properly numbered chapter wise and the sequence in which they appear within a chapter. Further, these must be followed by suitable captions. 4. All pages are to be numbered in Arabic numerals (1,2) starting from chapter 1 and ending with the last chapter 6 including all the non-textual pages. 5. Abstract not exceeding one A4 size page is to be prepared in single space. 6. Avoid all sorts of colors, decorations and any other face-lifting measures, unless demanded by the nature of work carried out by you or unless all the important features are already embedded in the report. 7. Please use the formats specified for cover page, inside cover page, certificate et al.

Dissertation Report Content preparation

1. Abstract Size of this should not exceed A4 page typed in single space. This is expected to be a prcis document of the entire report. It should introduce to the reader the basic objective of the work reported and how far this objective has been achieved with a brief, clear and precise description of the methodology of the said achievement.

2. Chapter 1 : Overview This must begin with the historical survey indicating the chronological developments in the relevant field. The primary objective of this chapter is to introduce to the reader the various directive sources, suggestive literature and expert interactions that have actually led to the identification and subsequent selection of the task. This should end introducing to the reader fairly detailed description of the task being undertaken in this project. Embodiments that are expected to be part of this chapter are namely Project Specification, Literature survey Study and analysis. Discussions with the experts, guide and peers Selection criteria of the task. Comprehension and culminating efforts. 3. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 : These are to be appropriately titled depending on the type and nature of work carried out by you. Detailed organization of these chapters must, however, be decided in close consultation with your guide, whose decision is final and binding as the guide would actually be certifying the bona fides of the work reported by you. It is normally expected that the quantum of work done by you would enable you to spread it into three chapters. These, however, can be pruned to a minimum of two or dilated to a maximum of four chapters, if situation so warrants. Accordingly affect the necessary changes in the numbering of the subsequent chapters. 4. Chapter 5: Results and Discussion Here you are expected to give a detailed account of the outputs/ end results / achievements of your work .This must highlight the positive features, while logically defending / reasoning the limitations / drawbacks et al. 5. Chapter 6: Conclusions. Here the inferences drawn from the work carried out and end results recorded should be discussed. Future scope of the present work reported by you is to be stated with sound Reasoning based on the grasp of the subject gained with your hands on experience. Carefully read the script and correct all the mistakes at least before submission.

Content preparation for Presentations

Slide 1: Title of Dissertation with author details like TechM ID/BITS/ID/Name/EmailID and Supervisor/Examiners details Slide 2: Agenda that includes Objectives, Scope, Problem Specifics, Solution, Progress, Results, Conclusion and Impact for TechM and Learning Slide3: Objectives Slide4: Scope Slide5: Problem Specifics Slide6: Solution Slide7: Progress Slide8: Results Slide9: Conclusion Slide10: Impact Slide11: Thanks

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