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LAN Upgrade Project Phase 3 Implementation Planning Tentative Timeline

Key aspects of the phase 3 budget are still to be finalised at the time of writing, with the budget driving some aspects of the final phase 3 design and equipment schedule. Given the proposed timeframe of concluding the project within the 2004 year, a tentative schedule might be as follows: June 2004 Access layer design is finalised and frozen. The new phase 2 / phase 3 budget is completed. Initial release of network upgrade information to network end users.

July 2004 Second semester begins on 12 July 2004. Begin information gathering for phase 3 from network end users and their representatives project open forum tentatively scheduled. New core and distribution network commissioned and testing by end users begins.

August 2004 First batches of access layer equipment arrive. Access layer configuration begins.

September 2004 First access layer upgrades begin.

October 2004 Lectures conclude on 15 October 2004. Final examinations begin on 20 October 2004. Access layer upgrades continue.

November 2004 Final examinations conclude on 13 November 2004. Access layer upgrades continue.

December 2004 Access layer upgrades continue.

January 2005 Summer School commences on 10 January 2005. Depending upon scheduling and resource considerations, access layer upgrades

22 June 2004

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22 June 2004

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February 2005 Summer School examination period ceases 23 February. Depending upon scheduling and resource considerations, access layer upgrades continue.

Introducing the Third Phase of the LAN Upgrade Project

Phase 3 of the LAN Upgrade Project consists of a systematic and complete upgrade of all the existing University network access layer equipment. This work complements phase 2 which consisted of establishing a new high performance network backbone and distribution infrastructure, and phase 1 which consisted of the initial planning and design for the network upgrade. The Network Access Layer The expression access layer encompasses the network cabinets, or wiring closets, that are the smallest discrete portion of the University network that will be upgraded during the project. A network cabinet represents a common set of network outlets installed throughout a University building or site that are connected to common network equipment, typically known as access layer equipment. The term access layer differentiates network devices from the other types of equipment in the infrastructure that serve to provide the high speed backbone, the core layer, or aggregate network access to groups of network cabinets in the same vicinity, the distribution layer. Project Phase 3 Deliverables The deliverable associated with phase 3 is essentially an operational, upgraded production network in use at all locations throughout the University. It is important to note that when considering the implementation of the upgraded network there are really two upgrades running in parallel. [1] The first is a technology upgrade of the network hardware installed through out the University network. This upgrade provides higher speed network access to all connected devices, and also presents a quantum leap in resilience, reliability, and raw speed of the backbone portions of the University network. [2] The second aspect of the network upgrade is a functional or logical upgrade of how the University network operates. The upgraded network configuration represents changes in fundamental aspects of the network such as available network protocols, internet protocol (IP) addressing, and the enabling of new network services that currently break the current network. It might have been argued that a technology upgrade could have been implemented without modifying how the current network operates or looks to the devices connected to the network. However the current network configuration has significant draw backs when considering performance, security, manageability, available services, and stability. These configuration changes in conjunction with the physical replacement of the network infrastructure equipment represent the fully upgraded network that is state of the art in all 22 June 2004 Page 3

respects. However it is possible that there might need to be some flexibility in how the two parts of the access layer upgrade are implemented in order to minimise the disruption to end users, this is especially true given the rapid timeframe now proposed for phase 3 completion. Phase 3 Network Disruptions The core and distribution network delivered as part of phase 2 of the upgrade is not currently interconnected with the University network. This made it was possible to implement, test, and otherwise assess the new infrastructure without any impact to the current production network. Phase 3 of the LAN Upgrade Project represents significant scope for disruption to the current University network. As noted above, these disruptions can be attributed to the physical replacement of network equipment to which computers and other devices are attached as well as those issues associated with the changes to the logical network environment. Network end users will need to be formally represented in the phase 3 implementation process to ensure that any network disruptions do not interfere with critical network requirements.

End User Feedback Planning

The LAN Upgrade Working Party and some aspects of the final network design will drive the content of the end user feedback process. However some proposed aspects of the feedback process are as follows: [1] Population of the project WWW page with detailed design and operational information for information technology support staff. Included is a comparison of the existing and upgraded network logical configuration to assist with migration to the upgraded network. [2] Population of the project WWW page with detailed scheduling information. [3] Seminar / Forum discussion of aspects of the project to inform the end user community and address any concerns raised by large numbers of network end users. [4] Population of the project WWW page with feedback responses, typically within the frequently asked questions and answers section. [5] Feedback from departments and divisions is required to determine the actual times each of the network cabinets is upgraded. [6] Feedback is required from the departments and divisions to determine if requirements outside of the standard network access are required, for instance the provision of gigabit Ethernet access. [7] Clearly defined points of interaction with the Technical Implementation Group are established, as are the escalation contact staff to whom network end users should raise any concerns with the process.

22 June 2004

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