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Written by Name of First Writer

Based on, If Any

Address Phone Number

FADE IN: INT. SCIENCE LAB - NIGHT (This scene is filmed as if on a webcam) The webcam flickers to life to reveal that it is being switched on by JACKSON BENSON, a geordie science teacher, complete with lab coat. JACKSON If anyone finds this message, I just want you to know that Im sorry. Something CRASHES in the background making Jackson jump and look round. He steels himself and speaks into the camera again. JACKSON (CONTD) I only wanted to help. I thought my experiments would make a difference. But Ive been a fool I cant control them. A shadow appears on the wall behind him. there is terror in his voice now. JACKSON (CONTD) (to the unseen figure) No. Leave me alone. Get away. He backs away as the shadow looms closer. JACKSON (CONTD) May Darwin forgive me. He cowers down as decaying hands reach for him. is knocked over and flickers to black. EXT. SOUTH ISLAND SCHOOL - NIGHT The front of the school is lit up against the dark night. EXT. SCHOOL STEPS - NIGHT Two students run up the front steps. The first is JESSICA, a strong, quiet teenager who has the self-confidence that only comes from always haveing the respect of others. JESSICA I cant believe were late. The second student is a NICK, a boy who is the same age as Jessica, but the total opposite of her in every other way. The camera He whips round and


Hes definitely got nerdish tendencies and doesnt have the self-confidence to ever be quiet. NICK (sheepishly) Ive said Im sorry. At the top of the stairs they pass a lectern with a sign on it. INSERT - SIGN Welcome to the SIS Film Awars 2013 - Please Make Your Way to the 6th Floor. BACK TO SCENE. They dash through the doors and into the school. EXT. GROUND FLOOR CORRIDOR - NIGHT The two students jog along the corridor towards the lifts, Nick trailing Jessica. NICK Wait for me. EXT. GROUND FLOOR LIFT Jessica hits the call button for the lift. JESSICA Its always the same. NICK It takes a long time to look this beautiful. She just stares at him, unimpressed. arrives. The lift BINGS as it

JESSICA Its so embarrassing. Everyone will already be seated. The doors slowly open behind them. NICK Its always good to make an entrance. Have you never heard of-His words are lost as the lift door opens and a decaying, terrifying figure MOANS and lunges for them. This is an INFECTED. Nick SCREAMS and they both stumble backwards.


EXT. GROUND FLOOR CORRIDOR The teenagers bolt back down the corridor, making their way to the archway at the other end. The Infected shuffles after them. As they approach the archway a second decaying figure lumbers through, arms raised towards them. The teenagers skid to a halt. Quick. JESSICA This way.

She grabs hold of Nick and drags him into the playground. EXT. GROUND FLOOR PLAYGROUND They run to the first door to the drama studios/covered playground. Locked. They try the second door. Locked. Infected are getting nearer. They run to the last door - and it gives way. themselves into the room. INT. DRAMA STUDIO The pair burst into the room and slam the door closed behind them. They grab all the furniture and heavy items they can get their hands on and use them to jam the door shut. JESSICA What the hell is going on? NICK It cant be. JESSICA What? NICK But its the only explanation. JESSICA What is? Nick stops dragging the furniture and turns to her. NICK Youre not going to like it. JESSICA What do you mean? You... Youre not seriously... They throw The


NICK Think about it - decaying bodies walking around, trying to grab living flesh. A handsome hero -(points at himself) -- and a beautiful... (gets embarrassed) Well, anyway, they are. Theyre z-JESSICA (cutting him off) Dont say it. NICK But they are. She seems to crumble a little. JESSICA What are we going to do? He smiles softly at her. Instinctively he reaches out to touch her, but then quickly pulls his hand away when he catches himself. NICK Were going to be alright. Ive seen every single film about them. I know what to do. JESSICA Theyre hardly documentaries. They walk slowly away from the door, keeping close to each other, and into the main part of the drama studio. NICK All weve got to do is stay holed up in here until help comes. She looks around doubtfully. NICK (CONTD) Theyre really stupid. If they cant see us theyll probably forget that were here. They both jump as somebody - or something - starts BANGING on a second door to the studio. They freeze as the banging continues until a GIRLs voice starts shouting. GIRL (O.S.) Let me in. Let me in.


They are drawn towards the door, but neither of them tries to open it. GIRL (CONTD) (O.S.) Come on. Please. Jessica steps forward and grabs the handle. at Nick and he slowly shakes his head. GIRL (CONTD) (O.S.) Im not one of them. Let me in. Please. Jessica twists the handle and the door opens. The girl, SARAH, rushes into the room. Shes shaken, but even so she retains her popular girl confidence. They slam the door closed behind her. JESSICA Whats going on out there? are those things? What She looks round

SARAH I dont know. I think theyre coming from the science labs. JESSICA What do you mean? SARAH Me and my friend went to get my phone from S34. Wed just found my phone when... when we were surrounded by them. She starts to cry and Jessica puts her arm around her. JESSICA What happened? SARAH We tried to push past. I just thought it was some stupid prank. But then they grabbed her and... NICK What? SARAH Bit her. Bit her? JESSICA Is she OK?


SARAH You dont understand - after they bit her, she turned into one of them. NICK (victorious) Yes! They both stare at him. NICK (CONTD) Oh. Sorry. Its just that she didnt believe me when I said they were... Jessica gives him a withering look. NICK (CONTD) (contrite) Im sorry for your loss. SARAH It was horrible. away. I only just got

JESSICA How did you get away? She hears the question but pretends not to. the hall instead. She looks around

SARAH What are you two doing here anyway? Schools be finished for hours. NICK Its the film awards tonight. We were late, everybody else will already be... He turns to look directly at Jessica. NICK (CONTD) Theyre all up there - they wont have a clue whats happening. Theyre probably just sitting there watching the first short film. JESSICA We have to warn them. She makes towards the door. SARAH Are you crazy? We cant go back out there. Theyre everywhere.


JESSICA We dont have a choice. My family are up there. So are my friends. If we dont tell them whats going on, they dont stand a chance. SARAH For all you know theyve already been attacked. Which means theyre... Nobody wants to finish the sentence. After a moments pause Jessica moves to the door. JESSICA Im not leaving them. She grabs the handle. SARAH No! Sarah jumps at her. from the door. She grabs Jessica and drags her back

SARAH (CONTD) No one. Opens. That. Door. The two struggle, Jessica trying to get to the door, Sarah pulling her away. Nick is ineffectual as he dances around them. Jessicas temper finally flares and instead of just trying to pull away from Sarah she twists in her grip and goes for her. She grabs both her arms and forces her backwards. Her grip pushes up Sarahs long sleeves. A nasty, bleeding bite wound is revealed - and they all see it. They all freeze. Jessica releases her grip and just stares, while Sarah quickly covers the wound. SARAH (CONTD) Its not what you think... There was broken glass... I... The other two back away. SARAH (CONTD) Please. Jessica and Nick reach the door. Sarah. JESSICA (sad) Im sorry. They open the door and leave Sarah behind. She looks directly at


Grasping her wound, she slowly, sadly, crumbles to the floor. INT./EXT. SCHOOL CORRIDORS - NIGHT Jessica and Nick run through the corridors and up flights of stairs. They are forced to criss-cross the school because of the Infected. (There are plenty of opportunities here for classic horror film shocks with the Infected lurching out of the dark suddenly, with our two narrowly missing being grabbed.) At one point the pair are creeping cautiously along a corridor when out of a recess looms a decaying, shuffling Graham Silverthorne (a zom-G if you like). INT. STAIRWELL - NIGHT Eventually they make it to the fifth floor of C-block. JESSICA Just one more floor to go. NICK Yeah - but weve got a problem. They look up - the end of the corridor is blocked by a pack of the Infected. JESSICA What do we do? If we just leave then they dont stand a chance. Nick looks up at the sixth floor and then back at the pack. A deep breath as he steels himself. NICK Be ready to run up the stairs. have to warn them. JESSICA What do you... Understanding hits her. No. JESSICA (CONTD) I wont let you. You

NICK Its the only way. JESSICA Then Ill do it.


NICK No - youre the heroine. You have to survive. Im just the sidekick. JESSICA Dont say that. NICK Its true - but maybe I get to be the hero for a few minutes. He turns to go, and then looks back at her. NICK (CONTD) Ive always... JESSICA I know. (beat) So have I. He smiles at her one last time and then runs at the pack, SHOUTING to get their attention. Jessica is frozen, staring after him in horror, tears running down her face. Nick has managed to get past most of the pack, but theyre closing in on him. He turns and mouths to Jessica. NICK Run. She rouses herself and dashes for the stairs. EXT. DIPLOMA CENTRE - NIGHT She reaches the door to the Diploma and grabs the long handle. She looks back one last time, then wrenches it open, before diving inside. Screen fades to white. FADE OUT.

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