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The race for healthy business is on! Is your company ready?

It is a well known fact that the highest mortality rate in South Africa is due to HIV and Aids. But are you aware that chronic diseases associated with lifestyle account for almost a quarter of all deaths in South Africa?
This shocking statistic is splintering the family unit, taking its toll on productivity in the workplace and adding an unsustainable burden on medical schemes in South Africa. An inactive lifestyle coupled with ever-increasing volumes of work and financial related stress is adding fuel to an already blazing fire. A quarter of the population is presumed to have some form of heart disease, while the actual figures of South Africans suffering from high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes - all avoidable conditions - is alarming. So the reality is that unhealthy workers cost your company money due to decreased productivity which directly affects your bottom line! Our team is ready to assist your company with a healthcare solution best suited for your company as a whole. No longer can we sit back and wait for a condition to present itself before we treat it. To ease the burden of costly lifestyle diseases, it is essential to focus on a preventative, proactive approach.

The reactive or symptomatic medical response to dealing with health care is no longer a nice to have but rather a must have. The only logical solution is to ensure your workforce has access to appropriate health care whenever they require treatment.

Moto Health Care is here to help.

At Moto Health Care we believe that through our benefit structure, everyday is a health day. Where we become aware of a specific health issue within a company (e.g. stress, obesity, diabetes); Moto Health Care and its partners will assist the company with arranging a targeted health day with a specific focus on the health issue highlighted. Moto Health Care will explain the causes and repercussion of the health conditions, instruct on prevention and educate on benefits available to treat the conditions.

How it works:
At Moto Health Care we are able to produce an utilisation report for our employers. This report gives an overview of the health status of your employees by detailing the healthcare usage of your workforce who belong to Moto Health Care.

For employers to get the best value out of a medical review report it is important for all employees to be on Moto Health Care; this makes for a holistic and accurate health profile of the company.

What can improved wellness achieve for the organisation?

Reduction of wastage can translate to significant financial savings for the organisation in addition to increased employee motivation and satisfaction. The following individual benefits should also be evident: Improved coping skills and stress control Improved performance under stressful situations Improved optimism and employee loyalty Higher levels of fitness and good health Minimisation of the effects of chronic conditions on productivity Enhanced family well-being

This is another way in which we at Moto Health Care are taking care of our own. Contact Salome Botha:
Reference 1: Absolute Advantage volume 5, Reference 2: Fast Pulse Wellness Solutions

Our Promise for 2013!

The scheme was designed to cater exclusively for the needs of those employed in the motor industry. This is entrenched in the mission statement of the scheme, which reads: To provide a sustainable healthcare solution to the motor industry, offering excellent benefits, efficient administration and healthcare peace of mind.
The scheme is currently working on the 2013 benefit design. The process is a vigorous one, filled with lengthy debates between stakeholders, reams of research material detailing developments in the healthcare industry, member and employer opinions regarding benefit design. The committee also spend hours analysing data related to the cost of medical treatment and claims utilisation in order to ensure that the benefits for 2013 will suite the lifestyle of our members, and meet the strategic objectives of the Board. Moto Health Care has a wide variety of options to cater for anyones individual healthcare needs. Options range from the Essential and Custom options, which focus on providing primary healthcare cover through networks at an affordable price, to the Optimum option, which provides comprehensive in- and out-of-hospital cover. The Hospicare option provides secure cover for those members who seek mainly hospital cover, whilst the Classic option provides hospital cover with the added flexibility of a medical savings account for out-of-hospital expenses. Moto Health Care remains committed to delivering sustainable, cost-effective and valuable healthcare solutions that respect and preserve the uniqueness of employers and employees operating in the industry Taking care of our own.

Call 0861 000 300 to join the Moto Health Care family today!

the phoenix

Red, White and Blue

f course, the effects of Americas financial problems are felt differently in each part of the world, and it all depends on the openness of a countrys economy, and its dependence on Americas insatiable consumer. South Africa is less dependent than most, but anyone who lived through 2009 and 2010 will know that Americas sneeze packs a mighty punch. To put it into perspective, I abuse an old Irish song, When American eyes are smiling, the whole world smiles with you, but when American eyes are crying, the whole world goes from red and white to blue. I have always been in awe of America, and its economic prowess. This admiration extends in a voyeauristic sort of way to its political system, and ever since the early 1970s I have been an avid observer of the American political process, and how big or small things affect the careers of American presidents. I watched in morbid fascination the disintegration of the Nixon presidency, when the Watergate break-in exploded in his face, despite his stellar foreign policy achievements. Gerald Ford faced a backlash because of his pardon of Nixon, and then it was the turn of Jimmy Carter, who paid the price for the Iranian hostage crisis. Ronald Reagan proved that a cheery disposition and a steely resolve trumps most obstacles, and then the very able George H.W. Bush found out that read my lips broken promises on taxes were the kiss of death. Bill Clinton confounded all and sundry with an impressive economic record, but he left office with a reputation in tatters all because he could not keep his hands and other parts of his anatomy to himself. George W. Bush effectively managed to garner a significant number of detractors, and today we have Barack Obama, whose presidential legacy is still to be evaluated. From an American perspective, it is all very partisan, but from the outside it does make for fascinating observation. I have always wondered whether I would be Republican or Democrat if I lived in America. I describe myself as a conservative liberal, or maybe a liberal conservative, so it is difficult to know how I would vote if I had the chance. Philosophically, I think I am a Democrat, but having observed the two recent national conventions, I may go the Republican route, mainly because of the intellectual dishonesty and moral bankruptcy of the Democrats. It is clear that the Republicans have their fair share of right wing kooks, but it was ironically an imported American that got me going after the first night of the Democratic convention. I was watching on CNN, and every speaker was claiming that the Obama administration had added 4,5 private sector jobs in its first three and a half years in office, whereas the truth is that 5 million private sector jobs had also been lost, so for anyone with the remotest arithmetical bent could work out that it was a net 500 000 job loss, not even counting government jobs lost. This was glossed over by Piers Morgan, a very poor substitute for Larry King, who clearly showed his bias (and network anchors should be objective) when questioning his guests, and the last straw was when he accused one guest of delivering a low blow when she mentioned Ted Kennedys controversial Chappaquiddick misadventures. Whenever is telling the truth a low blow? Mary Jo Kopechne would have appreciated giving her opinion on this low blow! So, as I said, it is sometimes the small things rather than the big things that swing an election, or swing an undecided voter. It is too close to call, so come 6 November 2012 we will finally know who will be in charge for the next four years, but my feeling is that it doesnt really matter the American economy has its own momentum and will heal itself and the rest of the world, in its own time, irrespective of who sits in the Oval office.

The United States of America has had a profound influence on the global economy for over a century, and no matter your world view, what happens in America is important to everyone on this planet. The saying, When America sneezes, the world catches a cold is just as true today, or even truer than when the phrase originated back in 1929 in the aftermath of the Wall Street crash. In 2008, it all happened again, except this time a good slice of the world caught double pneumonia.

Whilst this issue of aBr is jam packed with information, our monthly contribution cannot do justice to the wealth of information available on a daily basis, so dont forget to get your daily fix on our websites. Make sure that you make regular visits to
| october 2012

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The Phoenix Whats the Buzz Cover Feature

october 2012
Publishing Editor Graham Erasmus 083 709 8184 Motoring and Digital Editor Thegandra Naidoo Features and Enhancements Co-ordinator Jessica Hannah Editor at Large Howard Keeg Correspondents Frank Beeton Baron Claude Borlz Dave Fall Gavin Foster Austin Gamble Eugene Herbert Gilbert Hogg Roger McCleery Alwyn Viljoen Fingal Wilde Published by Trilogy Publishing General Manager Sales & Production Marlene Erasmus Cell: 082 837 2668 E-mail: Editorial Office 81 Alma Road, Wendywood Tel: 27 11 656 2198 Fax: 0866 579 289 E-mail: Websites: Subscriptions and Data Management Trilogy Trading & Promotion P O Box 69 Wendywood 2144 Tel: 27 11 802 6020 Fax: 27 11 802 3979 E-mail: Printing Business Print Centre, Pretoria Photo Credits: Quickpics Motorpics


Global 24 Auto Alert 26 Looking at Logistics 28 Global Motorsport Overview 32 Automechanika Frankfurt 2012 43 Automechanika Shanghai 2012 technology and Feature 44 Oil & Octane 46 Mining Matters 48 Vehicle Exterior Detailing 50 Industry Update 52 Technology Update 56 Autoglass Insight Local 58 Top Class Insights 60 The Bridgestone Way 64 Tyre Talk 66 Customer C.A.R.E. 68 Weighty Issues 72 Capricorn Insights 74 Trend is your Friend 75 e-CAR 76 Tonys Take 78 Truth Force show and Leisure 82 Partinform 84 Show Time 88 Electra Mining Africa 2012 90 Automotive Balls Review 92 Off Road Racing 93 Midas Motorsport




Readers Page 98 The Fink 99 MISA Motoring Quiz 101 AIDC Quiz 108 Last Writes
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| october 2012

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O.E. AircOn hOsts A succEssful trAdE EvEning

O.E. Aircon recently hosted a trade evening at their Alberton based premises on 13 September 2012. O.E. Aircon is a market leader in automotive air conditioner fitment, repairs, and product distribution in aftermarket industry. The purpose of the trade evening was to showcase the brands and products stocked by the company. All the products displayed on the evening were sold at competitive prices and were snatched up by many clients and visitors. Pat Dudgeon, managing director at O.E. Aircon told aBr that he was elated at the response on the evening. Our trade evening was used to launch our new product catalogue and range of machines, as well as promote all of our products on display. It was also a good opportunity to network with our existing customers and promote business for the future. We are pleased at the response tonight, he added. To view galleries from the evening, click on photo galleries on



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thE finAnciAl cOmpOnEnt - OpiniOn piEcE By rhOdEric rOBErts, pArtnEr At wAllrich
The production and export of vehicles and components such as friction products by the countrys automotive industry contributes to the overall growth of the South African economy and the development of valuable trade relations. With some of the worlds best auto component manufacturers represented in the country, many transnational companies continually use South Africa to source components and assemble vehicles for local and international marketplaces. Integral to the functioning and success of companies within the automotive industry is their financial management and stability. Vehicle component manufacturers and suppliers can enhance their companys financial performance and ensure minimal stress while trading by engaging the services of a qualified and experienced financial service provider. The various administrative tasks that need to be fulfilled can become a significant stress factor for companies to manage themselves, and seeking the advice and services of a financial service provider will therefore be a worthwhile investment in your business. To read up more on finances within the automotive industry, log onto

Rhoderic Roberts, partner at Wallrich

unitEd pOwEr purchAsing hOsts succEssful OpEn dAy

United Power Purchasing held its annual Johannesburg Open Day from 6-8 September at its Olifansfontein head office. The success of any Open Day depends on the attendance of ones clients; UPP thanks all of their faithful clients who made the event a memorable occasion, especially those clients who braved the arctic conditions of Thursday and Friday. It was very much red wine rather than cold beer weather. The business done at an Open Day is a great bonus for the company and more importantly for their customers who benefit from discounted prices and special quantity deals. UPP has strived to increase their range of King Tony and Micro-Tec continuously; also the lathes, milling and metal band saws from Optimum are forever growing. The new range of Automotive Servicing Equipment is starting to take hold with a great deal of success; their customers seem to appreciate having another option in this specialised market. The range includes two and four post lifts, tyre changers, wheel balancers, pneumatic oil extractors and hose reels to mention a few. This range is very much a work in progress with the input from our clients determining the direction of new products. The importance of their clients attending the Open Day is paramount, not just to do some business, but also meet the UPP team and see the range. Quote of the day from many a customer, I never knew you had such a range.

vrEdEstEin tyrEs lAunch intO sA mArkEt

Apollo Tyres South Africa has announced the introduction of the exclusive Dutch-engineered Vredestein tyre brand to the South African market available now exclusively at Dunlop Zones. Vredestein is a renowned performance tyre brand in Europe. Manufactured in Enschede, The Netherlands by Apollo Vredestein, the range offers superior safety, performance and handling to top-end vehicles. According to Apollo Tyres South Africas CEO, Dr. Luis Ceneviz, We are excited about the addition of this prestigious European brand to our product range. The tyres, which are designed to complement top of the range performance cars and SUVs will only be available at Dunlop Zones. We are confident that Vredestein is going to gain positive review and a loyal customer base in this niche market. For more information on the Vredestein product range, or to find a dealer in your area, call Apollos Share Call Line on: 0800 335 722, or visit

Beam-e is ready to shake up the whole mobile asset recovery industry!

Turn to page 20 for more info.
3690_abr_srtips_FA.indd 1 2012/09/26 4:27 PM


| october 2012

w h At s t h E B u z z ?
philips lAunchEs A nEw rAngE Of X-trEmEvisiOn XEnOn BulBs
X-tremeVision xenon headlight bulbs are the latest xenon bulbs from Philips and build on the reputation of the Philips lighting range. Drivers can see and be seen like never before! Philips X-tremeVision headlamps project up to 50% more light on the road ahead and use the latest in xenon headlight bulb technology from Phillips Automotive Lighting. The light is powerful and intense, and the extra quality and quantity of light provided by the Phillips X-tremeVision lamps make them ideal for drivers who want their cars to stand out in a crowd, while ensuring driver and passenger safety is of the highest priority.

Over 850 different applications available to the aftermarket.

Some of the benefits of Philips X-tremeVision +50% bulbs:Delivers up to an astounding 50% more light than standard halogen bulbs. A must have for motoring enthusiasts and high performance drivers providing a crisp, white xenon light. Interchangeable with existing headlight bulb fittings. 100% Road Legal UV Coated and safe to use with plastic lenses. Maximum performance for maximum visibility. For further information on the Philips X-tremeVision product range or to find your nearest Philips distributor, contact 08610 744 5477 or email:

Suitable Replacement Parts for: VW Crafter 3035 / Engine: BJK AMC Number 908713 Bare Cylinder Head - (Guides + Seats) 908813 Complete Cylinder Head (Valves + Springs + Camshaft)

Please take note of the following locations and their respective dates for the Partinform road show 2012: Lusaka: Pretoria: 16th October 6th November

Suitable Replacement Parts for: Land Rover Freelander 2.0 TDI / Engine: M47R AMC Number 908764 Bare Cylinder Head - (Guides + Seats) 908864 Complete Cylinder Head (Valves + Springs)
ABR 10/12

View Partinform videos on

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| october 2012

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w h At s t h E B u z z ?
gOldwAgEn nOw OpEn in gErmistOn
Goldwagen has opened its doors in Primrose, Germiston. Goldwagen was founded in 1992 due to market demand for quality replacement parts at affordable prices, suitable for Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Opel and BMW. Henry van der Hoven, Goldwagen Germistons owner, points out that it was an informed decision to join the Goldwagen group and open a branch in Germiston. I wanted to start a new business and decided to venture into the replacement parts business. I was in contact with a number of people who own Goldwagen franchises across the country and they have enjoyed great success over the last few years. Each and every Goldwagen branch is successful. Goldwagen supplies specialised parts for different brands and this is what differentiates the brand from other spares shops. Van der Hoven also adds that there wasnt a Goldwagen franchise in Germiston, hence the decision to open a branch in the area. I am happy with the response thus far and I am convinced that we will become a very successful franchise in this area, he concludes. For further information on Goldwagen Germiston, visit the store at 28 Shamrock Road in Primrose, Germiston or contact them via telephone: 011 8229294 or email:

r&d givEs mOnrOE thE EdgE

enneco, manufacturers of Monroe and Rancho shock absorbers in South Africa, has 14 Research and Development facilities globally and is one of the worlds largest designers, manufacturers and marketers of ride control products. Tenneco continuously offers new technologically advanced products and product lines. In the first quarter of this year 173 new part numbers were introduced to the market complementing what is the widest range of shock absorbers of all suppliers in South Africa. The range includes shock absorbers for passenger, commercial vehicles and off-road vehicles as well as Protection kits, Mounting kits, Steering dampers, MaxLift supports, Monroe springs and Steering and Suspension components. Philip Lutz, Marketing Manager Aftermarket Ride Control Original Equipment, says the quick turnaround for developing new applications is because Monroe is a major player in the Original Equipment market - the number one OE supplier to motor manufacturers in South Africa and one of the biggest OE suppliers internationally. Monroe is fitted in most of the top new vehicle manufacturers internationally which means they are in a good position to anticipate future aftermarket trends and develop aftermarket shock absorbers within five years or

less. Major manufacturers fitting OE include: GM, Ford, VW, Mercedes Benz, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Toyota Motor Company, Nissan Motor Company and BMW and Truck manufacturer, Navistar. The research and development centres also mean that technologically, Monroe shock absorbers are of a superior quality which is why they can offer the following warranties The Monroe Original, Original Gas, Original Gas Adjust, GasMagnum, Adventure and Rancho have a three-year unlimited mileage warranty. The Monroe Reflex (Sensa-trac) range has a five-year/100 000km warranty. The Magnum truck range comes with a one year/30 000km warranty. Monroe Protection Kits and Mounting Kits will have a twoyear unlimited mileage warranty. MaxLift has a one year warranty and Monroe Springs come with a three year warranty

Lutz says, Despite offering generous warranties, Monroe has the lowest percentage of warranty claims in South Africa.

For more information about Monroe shock, springs and other components, visit or contact Tenneco South Africa on 011 574 5603.


| october 2012

Raising the bar

At Diesel-Electric, our highly trained, professional sales teams will assist you with only the best, most high-tech diagnostic equipment and tools needed in your workshop. When it comes to specialised expertise, we boast the best in every eld bar none.

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w h At s t h E B u z z ?
mBsA OpEns truckstOrE in cEnturiOn



Backed by extensive research and testing, Gatorback Poly-V and fan belts are designed to deliver superior, quiet performance with high ef ciency.

Tough, long-lasting Gatorback fan belts:

Crack-, oil- and heat-resistant square-woven fabric backing for reduced surface fatigue High-strength, low-stretch treated polyester cord for greater shock resistance Fibre-reinforced cushion insulation for strength and flexibility Moulded cog construction for increased flexibility and quick heat dissipation

TruckStore, the used commercial vehicle specialist from Daimler has been launched by MercedesBenz South Africa (MBSA) in Centurion. MBSA is the first market performance centre (MPC) in the world to bring TruckStore outside of Europe and it is set to become one of the largest used commercial vehicles dealers selling used trucks, vans, buses and trailers. The TruckStore initiative will ensure significant growth in the used commercial vehicle segments and the close collaboration with the MBSA dealer network will be strengthened. TruckStore also accepts commercial vehicles of any vehicle type or brand in part exchange (trade-ins). The condition of every vehicle is thoroughly checked and assessed on the basis of uniform standards. Vehicles are then subdivided into the product categories gold, silver and bronze. This ensures that every vehicle delivers what is promised. On the shop floor, vehicles are classified as Gold, Silver or Bronze depending on their price-performance ratio. Customers can conveniently search for vehicles online at www.truckstore. Vehicles are stored with photographs, the key technical data and offer prices. For instance, customers can make a preliminary choice from the stock via the Internet and decide which vehicle they want to look at on site.

gABriEl cElEBrAtEs 50 yEArs Of lOcAl shOck ABsOrBEr mAnufActurE

This year Gabriel South Africa celebrates 50 years as a local manufacturer of shock absorbers and 77 years in the country. Control Instruments-Automotive, part of the JSElisted Control Instruments group, is a leading supplier of a range of premium-branded automotive parts in sub-Saharan Africa. These include Gabriel, VDO, Warn, ACSA-MAG, Echlin, Autocom, Shurlok and MAG-brakes. Gabriels history goes back to 1900 when Claude Foster, a pioneer in the automotive parts industry, founded a company in Cleveland, Ohio, named after his first product, Gabriel horns for horse-driven carriages. Foster later developed the first shock absorbing device, the Snubber, for which he was granted the first US patent for a direct-acting shock absorber in 1907. In 1935 Gabriel entered the South African market with a consignment of USmanufactured shock absorbers, marketed by Harold H Jones & Co. Local content for motor vehicles soon necessitated the establishment of a South-African factory hence Gabriel SA was established. Gabriel SA started production in Plumstead, Cape Town in 1962. Even in those years, the Gabriel shock absorber was recognised as one of the most popular shock brands in South Africa.

Flexible, cooler-running Gatorback Poly-V belts:

Strong, stretch-resistant tension member Tough, synthetic Helicog teeth for quiet operation Oil- and abrasion-resistant, tough-coated fabric material backing

Tough. Precise. Smooth +27 11 248 9400

| october 2012

At the forefront of innovation.

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With products of the highest quality and innovation, the three brands of the Schaeffler Group are accepted as key partners within the automotive industry. More than 50 million LuK Dual Mass Flywheels have been fitted in Europe alone. Bearings from FAG have been fitted in all types of vehicles including the Space Shuttle! INA not by chance the market leader in engine and gearbox components!

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Precision products and systems for engines, drivetrain and gearbox.

Schaeffler South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1 End Street Ext. Johannesburg Toll Free Hotline: 0800 41 2106 (Office Hours)

cover Feature

Protecting and
preserving Mobile assets
MiX Telematics has a clear and simple vision: To be the leading global provider of information and related services for mobile assets.

MiX Telematics extensive range of products and services arguably the most comprehensive in the world are designed and developed in Stellenbosch, South Africa. rom vehicle tracking and personal safety to advanced fleet management solutions, MiX Telematics helps thousands of people to have a better, safer experience on the road. At any given moment, their customers are either reducing their risk, enhancing their safety, becoming more profitable or lessening their impact on the environment. The companys products and services, designed for both consumers and small and large fleet operators, are available globally, via an extensive channel partner network.

MiX Telematics leading market position was recently confirmed by a new competitive assessment released by ABI Research: In a market where surety of supply cannot always be guaranteed, it is good to know theres at least one company that is financially strong. MiX Telematics stands out for its ability to provide solutions across multiple market segments including construction, public transport, emergency services and oil and gas.

Fleet customers of MiX Telematics rely heavily on their solutions in competitive markets, where even the smallest amounts of time and money become critical issues in determining the success of their business.


| october 2012

cover Feature

The company was also the first to emphasise the safety of the individual, as opposed to the vehicle a value the company affirms is still a key cornerstone of their approach. In November 2007, Matrix Vehicle Tracking and Omnibridge merged and went on to list on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, under the MiX Telematics brand. MiX Telematics Africa provides consumer solutions to the South African market under the Matrix and Beam-e brands, while the commercial division provides fleet management solutions throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Matrix represents one of the largest personal safety and stolen vehicle recovery brands in South Africa. Its offering encompasses basic and enhanced security services that are designed to suit individual lifestyles all with an emphasis on personal safety. Beam-e is a relatively new, highly affordable stolen vehicle recovery service that was launched by MiX Telematics in 2011. The Africa subsidiary operates a 24/7/365 National Operations Centre, and has dedicated ground response teams along with a companyowned helicopter. MiX Telematics Africa is based in Midrand, Johannesburg, and has recently set up an office in Uganda. Having eyes and ears on the ground in East Africa aligns MiX Telematics with growing demand in the region, while enabling the company to better support its East African business partner network.

MiX Telematics Africa operates a 24/7/365 National Operations Centre, and has dedicated ground response teams along with a company-owned helicopter for vehicle recovery purposes.

Furthermore, the company was one of the few assessed with a truly multinational reach, which is reflected by its presence in 112 countries across the globe, said ABI Research. With a global footprint, a large and growing subscriber base, and a history of operating successfully in international markets, the company is ideally positioned to take advantage of significant growth opportunities. From an international perspective, the heritage of the company can be traced back to the UK and Europe, with the establishment of the original Datatrak vehicle tracking products and network in 1985. MiX Telematics Europe was born out of the acquisition of the Siemens VDO fleet management business in 2007. MiX Telematics International (previously Omnibridge) with its base in Stellenbosch, South Africa, is responsible for all centralised marketing, hosting & operations, research & development functions, as well as sales into regions not managed by other MiX Telematics subsidiaries. Subsidiaries include MiX Telematics North America, MiX Telematics Africa, MiX Telematics Europe and MiX Telematics Middle East and Australia. At present, the company actively manages and monitors in excess of 300,000 mobile assets from trucks and buses, to vans, cars, motor bikes and trailers. MiX Telematics Africa started out in South Africa in 1996 as Matrix Vehicle Tracking, a consumer-facing business focused on superior vehicle recovery and personal safety. Services were delivered using cutting edge GSM-based tracking technology, and, unsurprisingly, Matrix soon became one of the leading vehicle tracking and stolen vehicle recovery service providers in South Africa.

Gert Pretorius: Director, Global Operations

| october 2012


cover Feature

A mu ltit ud E Of B E nE fi t s fOr flEEt OpE r AtOr s

MiX Telematics state-of-the-art fleet management solutions include in-vehicle hardware that collects and transmits important information wirelessly including vehicle location and status, driver identity, fuel usage, distances traveled as well as trip start and end points. 24-hour access to this data is gained through secure webbased and mobile applications, while comprehensive reporting and analysis tools enable customers to make informed decisions that improve the overall performance of their fleets.

Real-time notifications communicated via email and text messages allow fleet managers to address user defined driver and vehicle events that impact safety, efficiency and service levels. Such events may include harsh braking, harsh acceleration, over-revving, excessive idling, over-speeding, door open, low battery, and night-time driving. Driver safety is vastly improved through the incorporation of tools like the MiX Telematics RIBAS and MiX Rovi devices referred to as the companys in-cab mentors. Here, real-time audio and visual alerts are pivotal in notifying drivers should they over-rev, brake or accelerate too harshly, idle excessively or exceed the speed limit.


| october 2012

cover Feature

Save LiveS and Reduce RiSk

Human error is the cause of 80-95%1 of motor accidents. Worrying statistics like this contribute to mounting pressure on fleet operators to not only identify risky driver behaviour and scenarios, but to take corrective action and boost their safety levels. MiX Telematics end-to-end safety solutions enable fleet operators to: Make informed decisions, almost immediately, about driver and vehicle events. By monitoring drivers in real-time, fleet managers can attend to events like over-speeding and the entry into no-go zones. Identify and gain insight into poor driving trends. Monitor drivers in relation to past performance as well as relative to other drivers in the fleet. Implement highly effective targeted driver training and/or risk reduction programmes to reduce risks. Hone drivers skills through professional driver training such as defensive driving training and four-wheel drive and recovery techniques. Develop customised driver safety policies.

Safer driving lowers accident rates; in turn, reducing insurance claims and premiums. Efficient servicing and licensing, along with improved driver behaviour, means vehicles are better maintained, thereby lowering costs, and increasing vehicle uptime.

Reduce enviRonmentaL impact

MiX Telematics offers a range of controls and reports to help customers ensure compliance with health, safety and environmental (HSE) regulations in their relevant countries and industries. While driver safety is at the top of their list, so is fleet efficiency. MiX Telematics is well known for helping fleet operators reduce their fuel consumption significantly. Less fuel usage means lowered carbon emissions, and a healthier, more sustainable environment. Reducing carbon emissions is particularly important for the road transport industry, which is alone responsible for 18%2 of global carbon emissions. Committing to reduce carbon emissions is not only the right thing to do for fleet operators, but it will assist fleet operators in preparing for inevitable legislation surrounding carbon emission reductions. In addition, MiX Telematics is the first telematics provider in the world to offer a service that enables fleet operators to take responsibility for their carbon footprint. The MiX Carbon Offset Initiative allows fleet operators to both measure and offset their carbon footprint. Offsetting is achieved through the investment in globally certified carbon reduction projects.

impRove pRofitabiLity
Effective fleet management systems have the potential to influence up to 62%2 of operating costs. A major impact on fleet businesses is of course the rising cost of fuel. The good news is that MiX Telematics solutions are proven to bring about an average of 10% savings on fuel costs often equating to millions of dollars in savings for their customers. When fleet operators are properly equipped to manage their mobile assets and take charge of driver behaviour, the result is a guaranteed increase in profitability. How is this done? Improved vehicle utilisation and optimised route planning directly affect the bottom line. In the case of the MiX Telematics customer Go-Ahead Group in London, for whom they monitor 3,500 buses, fuel efficiency has been improved by 12%. By being able to easily identify the vehicle closest to a customer site and assign jobs accordingly, fleet operators can accurately predict estimated arrival times, ensure clear and specific job instructions, and better manage routes and delivery schedules. Customer service is improved, further raising profits. By lessening poor driving habits like harsh acceleration, over-speeding and excessive idling, fuel consumption is reduced significantly as well as wear-and-tear on vehicles.

Oil & Gas Producers Association

Demand for Green Telematics to Challenge Slowdown, Frost & Sullivan, May 2009.

| october 2012


Beam-e is a revolutionary tracking system thats all about quick and easy, so lets get to the point.
The smartest mobile tracking system on the market is here! Because its lightweight, mobile and wireless, Beam-es hiding place will leave everyone guessing, and because of its size, it can easily t into any vehicle, no matter how big or small! And dont fret about its battery-operated feature: If the batteries run out after 3 years, well replace it free of charge! You dont even have to commit to a long-term contract. Once youve bought your Beam-e, it gets installed in a jiffy, and you just have to pay in advance every month for the recovery service. In the unfortunate event that your vehicle is stolen or hijacked, all you have to do is simply contact Beam-e 24/7, 365 days a year, to report the incident and request that our professional recovery crew begins the search for your vehicle. To top it all off, most Insurers will be so impressed by your decision to adopt a Beam-e, that theyll lower your premium if you send them a Certicate of Installation. To nd out more, drop us a mail at, visit our website at or call us on 0860 BEAME1 (232631).

cover Feature

cOnsumEr tElEmAtics

MiX Telematics Consumer Solutions has its roots as a consumer-facing business focused on personal safety through superior vehicle tracking-and-recovery products and services.

Reducing risk is a key benefit offered by MiX Telematics, along with other benefits that include reducing environmental impact, improving customer service and reducing cost. MiX Telematics is a trusted safety tool for thousands of consumers as well as fleet managers around the world. The following benefits are experienced by MiX Telematics customers who rely on the companys products and services daily for their personal safety:

24-hour emergency assistance: roadside and crash alert Insurance approved stolen vehicle recovery in South Africa Improved driver safety: drivers, passengers and other road users are better protected and supported Reduced fuel consumption through awareness and improvement of driving style Lowered accident rate

| october 2012


cover Feature

At MiX Telematics it is of top priority to offer clients the best stolen vehicle recovery solutions possible. Its clear that no two customers are exactly alike: that is why MiX Telematics created a number of tailored vehicle solutions made to suit the security and personal safety needs of clients in a variety of industries. With a choice in services ranging from pure recovery, essential security, enhanced security, to ultimate security with the optional inclusion of personal safety and convenience features, clients are guaranteed to find a service that best corresponds with their own individual security requirements.

r EcOvEry
For customers who want nothing more than a simple solution to recover their vehicle, trailer, motorbike, quad bike and even caravan, Beam-e offers a smaller, simpler and very affordable solution. The product is wireless making it easy and quick to install. In the unfortunate event of a vehicle being stolen or hijacked, a simple call to the MiX Telematics recovery call centre gets the required assistance. Brendan Horan: Managing Director (Consumer) says: MiX Telematics Consumer Solutions provides consumer based risk management and personal safety solutions, through multiple channels. Matrix Vehicle Tracking is MiX Telematics premium security and personal safety solution that offers a complete suite of value-added offerings such as a Panic Button, Early Warning Technology, Crash Alert, Roadside Assistance, and Tax Logbook to name a few. Recently the addition of Smartphone tracking promises a new era for vehicle tracking in South Africa. Beam-e is the latest offering from MiX Telematics Consumer stable of tracking services. It can be installed in your vehicle, trailer, motorbike, quad bike and even your caravan, making this cost effective system a unique solution with great features and benefits for anyone from the corporate titan through to a student level. One other advantage of Beam-e is that it is a wireless installation meaning that there is no interference with the wiring of a vehicle. MiX Telematics is all about performance, quality, and reliability. Through our ability to provide a high level of risk mitigation and asset recovery, we contribute significantly to the economic wellbeing of our country, and we play an integral part in South Africas crime fighting efforts. To enhance our national footprint of both Matrix and Beam-e and to fulfill our customer promise, it is important that the value of these services is continually enhanced so that we provide solutions that speak directly to the needs of our consumers, corporate users, and the fleet managers.

p E r s On Al s A f E ty
For customers who want more than just recovery, Matrix offers an extensive range of services that translate into tailored safety solutions. These solutions have been designed to meet individual vehicle tracking and personal safety requirements. For an Individual, a familys, or the safety of an entire staff of fleet drivers, MiX Telematics has a trusted safety solution designed to put their clients mind at rest.

Brendan Horan: Managing Director (Consumer)


| october 2012

cover Feature

MiX Telematics Consumer Solutions have always invested in the research and development of technologically advanced products, and this year is no different with some exciting new releases hitting the market soon. Just another way that we are giving our customers the best possible value, features and benefits. We want to embrace our customers with world class, end-to-end asset tracking and recovery experiences and services. With our two world class brands, Matrix (Personal Safety and Security) and Beam-e (Tracking and Recovery Service), we are in a unique position to give our customers more options and better service.

Marco Valente Divisional Director, Consumer Sales

MiX Telematics Consumer Solutions cares for people because it consists of superb people. Behind the scenes, caring individuals live our mantra of our customers being people not vehicles. The experience of being a MiX customer reaches far beyond the traumatic times when we assist with the recovery of a vehicle or providing assistance after a breakdown or accident. We build relationships and continuously strive to make our customers part of a family for this reason they stay with us for long time periods. Our love for our products, services and customers is visible daily and has resulted in us consistently being rated as an Employer of Choice our people want to be here! After all, service is a profession, not a side-line.

Miekie Liebenberg Divisional Director, Operations

The undertaking of MiX Telematics Consumer Solutions is to provide superior service delivery. In achieving this, we have identified three strategic foundations by placing focus on Our Customers, Our Partners and Our Technology. Customers form an integral part of our business and shape our operational protocols. By being the brand that best understands the consumer, we will continue to satisfy the minds and wallets of every South African driver by providing quality tailored solutions that fulfil their needs and wants. Our partners underpin the foundation of our distribution network. This winning principle, in conjunction with our suppliers, resellers and brokers, has enabled the growth of our value chain in creating a benchmark for brand loyalty. Continuous advancement in technology paves the way for future innovation, which ultimately results in superior service offerings. It is therefore essential that we continue to drive market and product technological innovation throughout our business, to ensure that we lead the South African tracking system landscape into the future. Grant Fraser Divisional Director, Product and Marketing

| october 2012


by Frank Beeton

A probing review of significant global motor industry news

toyota bmW co-opeRation fLeShed out

Mergers and Acquisitions started materialising very early in the life of the motor industry. Some of the most important corporate groupings, including Daimler-Benz and General Motors, took root early in the Twentieth Century, and the process gathered substantial momentum in the decades following World War II. Automotive M&As were still happening as the 21st Century dawned, but in the most recent history of the industry, there seems to have been a shift in thinking towards a preference for project-specific partnerships, rather than outright mergers or takeovers. This manifestation probably owes its existence to some prominently dissolved former M&A activity, such as the erstwhile DaimlerChrysler, and Fords Premier Auto Group which was dissolved to release Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo from Ford ownership. On the other hand, highly successful project-specific co-operation has been established between otherwise unrelated manufacturers. These arrangements are typified by Fiat and Suzukis development of a common small SUV model (SX-4, Sedici), which has been supplemented by a subsequent diesel engine supply arrangement, after both partners disengaged from their former relationships with General Motors. Platform sharing has been the basis of the Toyota Aygo/Citron C1/Peugeot 107 and Ford Ka/Fiat 500 programmes, while, more recently, the multi-faceted deal involving Daimler and the Renault-Nissan partnership, seems to be producing positive results without any of the acrimony that characterised those past mergers and takeovers where widely divergent corporate and national cultures have been forced into unhappy unions. Interestingly, General Motors, after failed earlier negotiations with Renault-Nissan, have adopted a similar project-specific framework, with minimal equity exchanges, for its recent tie-up with PSA Peugeot-Citron (see next item). Another notable recent technical liaison has been that between BMW AG and Toyota Motor Corporation, which was initiated in December, 2011. This collaboration does not involve any equity exchanges, and has now been clarified as covering long-term strategic collaboration in hydrogen fuel cell system development, architecture and components for a future sports car, powertrain electrification, and lightweight technologies. In March, 2012, the original agreement was expanded to include collaborative research into next-generation

lithium-ion battery cells, while at the initial announcement of the cooperation, it was agreed that BMW would supply 1,6 and 2,0-litre diesel engines to Toyota Motor Europe from 2014.

opeL unveiLS adam, and LauncheS neW aStRa

The current sovereign debt crisis in Europe has not been good news for Opel. General Motors European operation has continued to lose money (reportedly $US 747 million last year), and this situation is seen as a significant inhibiting factor to the companys global financial performance. A reduced production plan has been developed to match shrinking European demand, which has fallen from 16 million units in 2007, to an annualised rate of around 13 million at current levels. Opel has already eliminated 8 300 jobs, and closed its plant in Antwerp, Belgium, but recent rumours that 30% of the total German workforce was to be cut were strongly denied by the companys management. It has subsequently emerged, however, that a 20 day production stoppage between September and the end of 2012 has been agreed with labour unions. One important element of GM Europes rationalisation strategy is the alliance with PSA Peugeot-Citron announced earlier this year, and this envisages annual savings estimated at $US 2 billion within five years through the sharing of vehicle platforms, components, modules, research and development, and procurement. Subsequently, it was also announced that the companies would share production facilities from 2016 onwards, which has raised questions about the future of some five European production locations. There have also been suggestions, reportedly from German organised labour, that GM should consider moving production of some global Chevrolet products from South Korea to its plants in Poland and Germany, although this would probably require labour concessions on remuneration expectations, or potentially controversial government intervention, to prevent costs from escalating. GM needs to achieve globally competitive manufacturing costs wherever it decides to build cars, and Germany, in particular, does not enjoy a reputation for being a low-cost production location. It is significant, therefore, that Opels new Mokka lightweight SUV is to be initially sourced from Korea, alongside its larger Antara (a.k.a Chevrolet Captiva) sibling.


| october 2012

auto alert

barrels of oil per day and 87,1 billion litres of petrol annually by 2030, while reducing CO2 emissions by 280 million tons. This is seen as particularly significant as America strives to reduce its dependence on foreign oil imports. However, the total development cost to vehicle manufacturers is expected to be in the vicinity of $US 160 billion. Opels Adam city car takes GMs European operation into a new market segment GMs five-year business plan for Opel is said to include an investment of 11 billion to develop 30 new products, and two of these are currently in the news. Firstly, the 3-door, 4-seater Adam city car, named after company founder Adam Opel, was first unveiled during July. Obviously aimed at a youthful, image conscious market, it will come in three trim levels JAM (fashionable/colourful), GLAM (elegant/sophisticated) and SLAM (racy/sporty), and Opel claims that owners will be able to personalise this model in more than one million different ways. Initial power options will include 1,2 or 1,4-litre Ecoflex petrol engines with outputs ranging from 69 to 99 hp, all driving through 5-speed manual transmissions, while a new generation direct-injection turbocharged engine and 6-speed transmission is planned to follow later. Other features include optional LED daytime running lights, Internet connectivity, 18-cm full-colour touchscreen display, electronic power steering, parkassist and hill-start assist. More recently, production of the new-generation Opel Astra sedan kicked off at Gliwice, Poland, just before the model was unveiled to the public at the Moscow auto show. This is the booted version of the current Astra IV family that was not included in the original model range at the time of launch in 2009. It will now join the 5-door hatchback, estate car and 3-door GTC/OPC coupe in the model line-up. The Russian market reportedly has a preference for compact sedans over hatchback versions, and this explains the choice of Moscow as the launch venue. Production of the latest Astra sedan will also be undertaken in Russia, from Polish CKD kits, at GMs St. Petersburg plant. During the relatively short time that has elapsed since the announcement of this new standard, widely divergent approaches to meeting its parameters have emerged from several manufacturers. Toyota, understandably, will leverage the considerable experience that it has already built up with hybrid-electric powertrains, while Ford will concentrate on small-displacement turbocharged and petrol direct-injection engines. It was also recently reported that Ford is to equip its next-generation F-150 pickup with an aluminium body, reducing its tare mass by some 700 lbs. Chrysler, on the other hand, says that it will make use of Fiats extensive European experience with diesel and CNG-powered vehicles. Joint Fiat/Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne is less than impressed with battery-electric vehicles because of high costs, and says that turbocharged petrol engines become very thirsty when towing, hence his advocacy of lightweight diesels, which return better fuel consumption when working hard. Concerns have also been expressed by dealers and foreign manufacturers that these new rules will make cars too expensive for average American buyers. Despite provision for a mid-term review built into the regulations, manufacturers are not anticipating any resulting softening of the final target. It can be expected, therefore, that the technical make-up of American cars will change very significantly over the next dozen years or so, and this is likely to also have a substantial impact on the global motor industry.

foRdS ecoSpoRt JoinS the cLub

Small SUVs seem to be all the rage at the moment. The segment is still busy defining itself, with many of the early participants differing substantially in character. Arguably, the trend was started by Suzukis Jimny, a more civilised successor to their earlier SJ Series off roader, followed by Daihatsus Terios, a scaled-down conventional sports utility, then came slightly raised versions of popular hatchbacks (VW CrossPolo, Renault Sandero Stepway) and the latest Cross/ SUVs from Nissan (Juke), GM (Buick Encore/Opel Mokka). Now we have Fords EcoSport. This name was first used for a Brazilian-built model sold exclusively in the South American market from 2003, but it has now been applied to a new global cross/utility that was first revealed at the New Delhi Auto Expo in January, 2012. This model is reportedly based on the Fiesta B2E platform, and be built in China, India, Thailand and Brazil, for sale in 100 countries. The Indian version will enter that countrys market early in 2013, and will be powered by Fords one-litre 3-cylinder direct-injected and turbocharged EcoBoost petrol engine, which is claimed to develop power and torque equivalent to a normal 1,6-litre unit. Fuel economy is claimed at 5,0 5,6 l/100 km in the city/highway operational mix. The total investment required for Indian production of this model, with 80% local content, is reported to be $US 142 million. The launch version will drive on only two wheels, but Ford is contemplating a future all-wheel drive model, and, recognising the significant local pricing advantage of diesel fuel, a compression ignition engine of 1,5 or 1,6-litre displacement.

ameRica SetS a RigoRouS neW fueL economy StandaRd

On August 28th, The White House finalised a single new federal fuel economy standard for light motor vehicles that needs to be achieved by 2025. This standard, determined jointly by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency, requires manufacturers to achieve a Corporate Average Fuel Economy for the US national fleet of 4,3 l/100 km (54,5 miles per gallon), equivalent to carbon-dioxide emissions of 163 grams per mile, by that date. Each individual manufacturer is to be set a specific target in terms of these rules, with allowances being made for those building typically less fuel-efficient trucks. These concessions are expected to apply, in particular, to the Detroit Three, i.e. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, who include relatively large percentages of large pickups in their production mixes. There are also to be extra credits for vehicles fuelled by Compressed Natural Gas. This new standard follows on from the current regulations which set an ultimate CAFE target of 6,6 l/100 km (35,5 mpg) by 2016. It is estimated that achieving the 2025 goals will save the US 1,5 million

| october 2012


looking at logistics

A series of articles based on a visit to the Linde Material Handling (Linde MH) production facility in Aschaffenburg, Germany on 22 May 2012.

Electric avenue
he Linde E1 electric kart by Linde MH set a world record last year by accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.45 seconds. Racing driver Andreas Wolf accelerated the e-kart faster than any other electric vehicle before it and promptly earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. Linde Material Handling presented its Linde E1 electric kart at the MobiliTec fair in Hanover on 23 April 2012. The Linde E1 is based on a racing chassis of kart class KZ 1&2 and equipped with standard components from the new electric counterbalance lift trucks Linde E20 to E50. That enables the Linde E1 to utilise the full power of Linde drive technology.

by Austin Gamble

Electric Avenue is a song by Eddy Grant about the 1981 Brixton riots, but for the purpose of this article Im sure that Mr Grant will not mind us using it to introduce the fastest electric vehicle in the world. A great song to go with a great little vehicle.

The E1 kart has exactly the same genes as our new series of electric lift trucks: its lift motor, power units, display, steering system and software are identical with those installed in these e-trucks, says Eric Hock, engineer in charge of Electronic Engineering at Linde MH, explaining the connection between Lindes electric lift trucks and the Linde e-kart. The development of the Linde E1 electric kart underlines Linde Material Handlings position as the performance leader in the field of intralogistics/material handling. The electric kart combines innovation, economy, performance and the sustainable use of resources with incredible driving pleasure.

pE r f Or m A nc E d AtA O f t h E l i n d E E 1
Chassis: Racing chassis for kart class KZ 1&2 incl. brake system Overall weight: Approx. 160 kg (excl. driver) Power transmission: Chain, ratio 1:2.3 Motor: Series motor Linde BR387, asynchronous machine; max. torque approx. 150Nm inverter: Series module Linde BR387, 120V max., peak power 600A AC Drive control: Series control unit Linde BR387, LDC70 Battery: Li-Ion, 96V rated voltage, peak power approx. 50kW Driving performance: Max. acceleration approx. 1.2 g (1.0 = free fall); 0 to 60 mph (96.56 km/h) in 3.45 seconds Maximum speed: Approx. 120 km/h Go to to watch a video of the Linde E1 on YouTube

An aged journalist, clearly on his last legs, sits in the worlds fastest electric vehicle at the media function on 24 May 2012. We are not sure whether he will be around to see the second generation of this kart.


| october 2012

ABR1210_SOE.FH9 Fri Sep 14 13:31:56 2012

Page 1


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global Motorsport overview

international Motorsport tv coverage ever

Supersport aired some of the best motorsport ever seen on TV a month ago. It was coverage of the 2012 Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) motorcycle races. Not only did it show the tremendous speed of the 1000cc superbikes and many other classes, including sidecars, as they topped 350 kmh on the narrow roads of the famous 60km mountain circuit that has been in use since 1907, but it highlighted the real danger of motorcycle racing at those speeds past unprotected houses, walls and fences.


MotoGP in Italy at the Misano Track which is only 30km away from Rossis home went the way of championship leader and Spaniard, Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) who increased his lead in the championship to 38 points. Fellow Spaniard, Pedrosa, took a tumble from his Honda after being hit by another competitor at the first corner of the Italian Grand Prix. The best showing at the races on the Adriatic coast was Valentino Rossi himself finishing second. This was his best showing since joining Ducati from whom he is about to depart. He is going back to Yamaha. News about GP circuits is that our own icon Kyalami track, probably better known than Johannesburg in the world, could have a new buyer and could be back in action in the not too distant future. Nurburgring, the greatest of all racing tracks built in Germany to ease the unemployment in that country in 1927 between world wars is in financial trouble like R4bn. The EU Commission says, I believe, that their rules dont permit local governments in the Rhine/ Mosel River area to prop up businesses in financial trouble. Thats rich since Germany happens to prop up most of the troubled EU countries anyway. Chances of us having a world championship event in any form of motorsport is becoming remote after a round of our National Championship in KZN, which was observed by FIA stewards, proved to be a disaster. They felt school children walking on the road in a closed stage and taxis travelling opposite to the rally cars about to come down the road didnt exactly make the grade for us. Evidently MSA gave the organising of this important rally to a promotions company to handle and ignored the normal top officials we have in the country who organise top events all over the land. It was the second failure to bring world championship rallying to South Africa. On a sad note, a South African legendary engineer/designer/ mechanic and racing driver, who was right up there with the best in the world, Bob van Niekerk, who worked and designed to the end, died in August just before his 84th birthday. Founder of the world beating GSM Dart and Flamingo Concerns with Willie Meisner and Verster de Witt, he was well praised for his tremendous ability. In later life this genius, Bob van Niekerk, designed craft for the boating industry.

he first reaction seeing these unbelievably talented motorcycle racers was to turn away and switch off the TV because it scares you silly as you wait for the inevitable crash by some of the best motorcycle racers ever. Which doesnt actually happen often. Years ago they had a survey that showed a racing motorcyclist fell off every 180 000 racing miles. Which is not too bad when you consider there are more than 500 entries for TT week in the Isle of Man. Showing speeds of the competitors from a helicopter and on board the machines, with commentary by knowledgeable ex-motorcycle racers, added to this brilliant motorsport coverage as well. Compare this to all the head-on shots of Formula 1, MotoGP and World Superbikes coming towards you, that does not show the speeds of these racing vehicles to the best effect. It is to do with giving sponsors and their banners maximum exposure on TV as cars and bikes seemingly come towards you, not looking too fast. Only a short glimpse of vehicles going at maximum of over 300 kmh is ever shown. Formula 1 continues to entertain as never before. Sometimes it almost looks like it is scripted as the winners of one Grand Prix suddenly become also-rans at the next. But whatever, Alonso and Ferrari are under pressure with 7 races to go as Hamilton, Raikkonen and Vettel give serious chase, albeit nearly 40 points behind. 175 points are up for grabs in the remaining races which are very important to the GP bosses in the UK, Italy, Germany and France. A milestone in Belgium saw Michael Schumacher celebrate 21 years and 300 races in Grand Prix racing. He has won 7 World Championships and 91 Grands Prix and still goes like a rocket. World Superbikes are even closer and provide good close racing in all their classes. After the round held at the Nurburgring GP circuit in Germany, Italian Max Biaggi (Aprilia) went back into the lead with 318 points after fellow Italian, Marco Melandri (310 points) dropped his BMW in both races and is now second. Englishman, Tom Sykes, is third. These races are well worth a look.


| october 2012

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w h At s t h E B u z z ?
vwsA-nmmu sOlAr cAr
With the move towards Think Blue, Volkswagen Group South Africa is leading the charge by supporting the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Universitys (NMMU) dream of racing a solar car in the 3rd South African Solar Challenge on 18 - 29 September 2012. The solar car, which has been named Photon was unveiled on 3 September 2012 at NMMU in Port Elizabeth by Tom du Plessis, director for Production at Volkswagen Group South Africa. In May 2011, Volkswagen made a substantial financial and technical contribution towards establishment of the project, which has culminated in the VWSA-NMMU Solar Car team participating in this bi-annual event. Volkswagen is excited to be involved in such a unique project with the NMMU engineering students. Renewable energy will play a significant role in the future of the automotive industry and by embarking on such a project, the students will gain valuable knowledge that they can bring into the engineering field, says du Plessis.

cim luBrifuEl - QuAlity And sErvicE yOu cAnt surpAss

Choosing the correct engine oil can save motorists the price of many gallons of fuel a year in addition to prolonging service life, says C.I.M Lubrifuel Managing Director Charles Paterson.Severe engine damage and lack of performance can occur if poor quality or incorrect specification of engine oil is used. Poor quality engine oil breaks down faster than quality products, and this has a long-term adverse effect on engine performance. It can be more costly to customers who disregard quality in favour of cheap poor quality products, he explains. C.I.M Lubrifuel is making progress in closing down the gap between pricing, and good quality, high performance, engine oil. The implementation of effective process optimisation techniques is one of the many reasons why such tremendous progress has been made thus far. Stringent quality checks support such endeavours to ensure compliance with API, ACEA and SAE specifications. Every product is batched and retained for traceability purposes and a certificate of analysis is issued with each and every drop of manufactured product. Thus at C.I.M Lubrifuel, quality is not assumed but is REAliSED. We do not compete at the lower end of the price market, neither do we get involved in price wars, but we focus valuable time and energy on manufacturing quality products for our customers, Paterson affirms. The company currently has distribution centres in most parts of the country and is currently seeking distributors in the Eastern, Western and Northern Cape, Free State, parts of North West and Central Mpumalanga. For further information on the CIM Lubrifuel product range, visit or contact them on 012 377 2507 or visit the plant at 482 Taljaard Street, Hermanstand, Pretoria.

tOEkA fEEs
The first Toeka festival took place at Dries Niemandt Park in CR Swart Drive on the first weekend of September 2012. Through this festival the old and the new are brought together, mixed up in a whole lot of entertainment for the whole family. Hopefully the festival will become an annual event. While the older folks look back at the years gone by, there is definitely be an educational value for the younger generation. The festival has been organised in aid of child welfare. Next year another charity will benefit.

Need a vehicle tracking service thats all about quick and easy?
Read more about Beam-e on page 20.
3690_abr_srtips_FA.indd 2 2012/09/26 4:27 PM


| october 2012

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trumps the odds
Europe may be on the ropes, and global confidence levels may be touching the nadir, but when it comes to mobility, new ideas and surging developing markets have allowed the original Automechanika, the worlds leading trade fair for the automotive sector, held in Frankfurt from 11 to 16 September 2012, to close with a new exhibitor record and a host of innovative avenues, which will drive future shows.
utomechanika 2012 closed its doors after setting a new record of 4,593 exhibitors from 74 countries. Visitor numbers were down at around 148,000 visitors from 174 countries (2010: 153,8371), but was hardly noticed by the exhibitors, the majority of whom were satisfied with the quality of visitors to the fair. The aftermarket is booming and, despite the current economic disruptions, Automechanika has once again proved to be a reliable constant, says Detlef Braun, member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt. With an increase in the number of visitors from East Europe and Russia coupled with a decline in numbers from South Europe, Automechanika reflects the current situation in the world economy, adds Detlef Braun. This observation is emphasised by Klaus Burger, president of the Federal Association of Manufacturers and Importers of Automobile Service Equipment (Bundesverband der Hersteller und Importeure von Automobil-Service Ausrstungen ASA e.V.), who comments that Although visitors from South Europe had scarcity value, there was a very large number from Germany, the Benelux countries and East Europe. And in particular, German exhibitors and visitors see the current economic climate in a more positive light than their colleagues from other nations. This years Automechanika, which was chock a block over the entire 305,000 m of the Exhibition Centre, had three main themes: Truck Competence, e-mobility and basic and advanced training. This years Automechanika complementary programme has also gained traction, as in addition to established items, such as the Automechanika Innovation Award, the Green Directory and theAutomechanika Rally, which attracted over 100 automobile enthusiasts with veteran, classic and tuned cars to the Festhalle on the weekend, there were also several new special shows, e.g., rally, racing and trial trucks on the outdoor area between Halls 9 and 11, training events in metalworking and body painting in the Galleria, special exhibitions and test courses with e-mobiles on the Agora

and in and in front of Hall 10. The e-mobile events were organised by members of the German E-Mobility Association (Bundesverband eMobilitt e. V. (BEM)) and companies such as Linde Material Handling GmbH. Maik Manthey, vice president Electronic Systems & Drives: Many visitors asked what Linde was doing at this fair the answer was easy and unequivocal: e-mobility is feasible and affordable. The programme was accompanied by impressive presentations both in the exhibition halls and on the outdoor areas. Fairs change and visitors expect a relevant blend of information, events and professional instruction. In times of rapid technological progress in the automobile sector, it is increasingly important to be able to see and test product applications at the fair, says Braun. Concurring is Rouven Daniel, marketing manager of Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket: An enthusiastic and 100-percent positive echo means we can be proud of our presentation in the Forum. From the point of view of our customers from all over the world, More is not only a communication concept but also a statement that stands for Schaeffler. More also applies to our workshop lecture in Hall 9. With more space and more live technology presentations, we responded to the needs of workshops more than ever before this year. We leave the last words to Matthias Hagedorn, senior manager Global Marketing Communications Philips Lighting, Philips Automotive Lighting, Commercial Europe Aftermarket, who has a very good reason to be at the next Automechanika, Automechanika is the leading fair for us and, therefore, a great place to meet our customers and welcome them to our exhibition stand, our home ground. We appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate our products to customers. We will be back again for Automechanika 2014 and look forward to celebrating our 100th birthday here. The next Automechanika Frankfurt will be held from 16 to 20 September 2014.


| october 2012

In-wheel Motor system

wins top innovation award
A compact, in-wheel electric motor drive system came out top in the prestigious Innovation Awards contest at the Automechanika. The system is the creation of NTN-SNR, a French company (formerly SNR Roulements) which is a member of the Japanbased NTN group, one of the worlds largest bearing makers.

TN-SNR makes components such as drive shafts and bearings with built-in sensors for conventional petrol and diesel-engined vehicles, but its main thrust for the future is in the realm of electric vehicles. The ability to control power to each wheel independently makes it relatively easy to use the in-wheel motors as an innovative vehicle stability control system too. Besides its in-wheel motors the company makes a small single motor that is highly efficient and is developing next-generation steer-by-wire systems that transmit steering wheel movements using electric signals. NTN-SNR is also working on an electro-mechanical braking system. The NTN-SNR in-wheel power system was selected as the winner by a panel of eight experts from a total of 117 entries, with 59 of the products entered coming from Germany and 58 from 15 other nations. NTN-SNR won the Parts Category plus the overall award and there were eight other category winners. Innovation Awards has been part of the programme at Automechanika Frankfurt since 1996. The other category winners were: Systems: Delphi of France for its Telematics system which uses basic wireless-communication technology that enables the aftermarket to speak with the customer via a device installed in the vehicles. The feature includes vehicle diagnosis, breakdown service, service appointment reminder, vehicle health monitoring and incident management. Tuning: The Prins Direct LIquiMax System which permits vehicles with direct injection petrol engines to use much cheaper liquid petroleum gas (LPG) as a single fuel (monovalent) or to be able to switch between petrol and LPG (bivalent) for lowering fuel consumption and reducing emissions. CO is lowered by up to 15% and particulates cut by as much as 90% with no loss in driveability and performance while the engine is able to start directly on LPG. There is evidently no loss of performance when running on LPG only. It is suitable for the aftermarket as a retro-fit product or for motor manufacturers as original equipment. Repair: diagnostics: Volkswagens high voltage testing module which is essential to ensure all cars in the e-Motion range are

This is the in-wheel electric motor that is the heart of the NTN-SNR development that won the Innovation Award at Automechanika in Frankfurt. properly maintained. All the testing functions for e-vehicles are housed in a small, hand-held device. Accessories: Steelmate, a Chinese company, won this award for its tyre pressure monitoring system which uses sensors in special valve caps and has a monitor that is pushed into the cars cigar lighter, which means the system can be installed in a few minutes. Monitoring of tyre pressure and pumping the tyres when necessary will save money by extending tyre life and cutting fuel consumption. Original equipment products and services: Robert Bosch, of Germany, working together with Peugeot Citron (PSA) has developed the worlds first hybrid system working with diesel engines for significant cuts in fuel consumption - up to 25%. The new Split Axle Strong Hybrid System is a combination of an internal combustion engine and electric rear axle drive and can be integrated into existing drive systems with relatively little effort. Service station and car wash: The Krcher supplementary wheel cleaning programme for self-service car wash centres guides the customer through the washing process using a cleaning agent applied with a high pressure gun. The alkaline wheel cleaner removes dirt without damaging the wheels or their coatings. iT and Management: ApplicoData, of Germany, won this ward for an innovative smartphone app to increase customer loyalty and to improve the dialogue between customer and dealer to a new level. Repair and Maintenance: Hunter Engineering of the United States took the honours in this category with its RFT GSP9700 wheel balancer that has an integral roller to simulate a road-load test before balancing. The load roller measures the radial (run-out, outof-roundness and tyre stiffness) and lateral (sideways pull) forces acting on the wheel which, up to now, could only be measured by industrial machines.

| october 2012


Seen at the show


automotive aftermarket reveals practical, hands-on repair solutions

Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket displayed its more concept on a stand of more than 1,000m at the Forum, and on show was Schaefflers wide spectrum of LuK, INA and FAG products for the passenger car, commercial vehicle and tractor segments. The company also exhibited innovative repair solutions, ground breaking technologies and services, whilst in Hall 9 Schaefflers Technik Live! demonstrations gave repair experts practical, hands-on knowledge from product information, to help with diagnosis, and practical tips about assembly and repair directly on stage.

more as concept of Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarkets trade fair stand this year represents how we see ourselves as a company that strives to exceed the expectations of our customers, distribution partners and garages, says Maik Losleben, vice president Marketing at Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket. more also expresses how we offer our partners, distributors and garages much more than just high-quality and innovative products. We also actively support their sales with our technological and business expertise, with valueadded products and services.

In aBrs opinion, the star of the stand was the premier of the LuK RepSet 2CT a repair solution from the Aftermarket experts for dry double-clutches as the first of its kind on the independent spareparts market. Besides having a double clutch, each LuK RepSet 2CT contains two engagement levers, two engagement bearings, adjusting shims and the required mounting hardware everything you need for replacing an entire double-clutch system. And all parts are original-equipment (OE) quality. And theres even more. With the special tool for professional disassembly and assembly, with a comprehensive training programme, technical brochures, a detailed repair-instruction manual and a training video; independent garages around the world will be able to repair double-clutch systems for the first time.


| october 2012

Heard at the show

Did you know that

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| october 2012


Seen at the show

Flying the
rainbow nation flag:
True to form, the South African pavilion was in its usual strategic place in Hall 1.2, and aBr took the opportunity to take some pictures of the South African patriots.

Lawrence Swart of Newclear Pressure Testers, is a South African pavilion stalwart

Dr Norman Lamprecht, executive manager at Naamsa; Roger Pitot, executive director at Naacam; and Philip Otto, show director of Automechanika South Africa, were representing South Africas interests

lue Light is the sophisticated new wheel balancing technology that featured as the centrepiece of Corghis stand at Automechanika. Aimed at satisfying the requisites of the top segment of the wheel balancing market, the launch of Blue Light is confirmation that Corghi is also an innovator in the wheel-balancing sector. Blue Light technology offers tyre and wheel specialists three key benefits a touch screen interface, touchless measuring technology and the innovative Blue Light weight management system. The touch screen interface introduced by Blue Light ensures maximum interactivity for the user, with the operator interacting directly and easily with the wheel balancer via a touch screen, allowing for the real time modification of balancing parameters. With

Corghis Touchless Technology, wheel distance and geometric dimensions are measured with cameras and laser sensors, allowing maximum precision at all times. With high performance PC specifications, the system ensures high operational speeds and real time data processing. Meanwhile, the machines Blue Light management system illuminates the inside of the rim allowing the operator to acquire high resolution images in all lighting conditions. In addition to sophisticated technology, Blue Light also offers outstanding emotional appeal a particularly important aspect for service outlets intending to convey an image of superior technology and service to their customers.


| october 2012

Seen at the show

new touchless the future concept

Non-contact wheel alignment within seconds: stereo cameras, innovative laser projectors, and multi-level image processing algorithms allow precise measurements without the use of targets or electronics on the tyre or rim highly accurate 4 wheel simultaneous measurement: 4 sensor heads measure a wheels simultaneously generating highly precise and live results. No need for robots tediously moving back and forth Perfect for use in the reception lane: The innovative measuring technique creates a vibration tolerant and mobile measurement system easy positioning without time-consuming adjustment

Exceptional ambient light tolerance: Thousands of laser projections ensure high reliability, even in bright work environments. Touchless can easily be used in all workshop areas high-speed diagnosis, even when driving through: The high image rate enables measurements within seconds when passing between sensor heads, without having to leave the vehicle The Beissbarth new Touchless is a first-time combination of brake test lane, wheel alignment, and ECU Diagnosis in one workshop reception lane. The future Workshop Reception Lane: Increases Sales and Profit


The new brake tester BD 640 Connect, with its automatic all-wheel drive detection and suspension tester grants a fast and easy check of the vehicles brake efficiency, suspension balance, and damping ratio This allows the sales for replacement of brake and damping component to grow

The integration of the wheel alignment in the reception lane enables additional sales opportunities Welcome your customer with a cup of coffee and first measurements results to recommend alignments Additional vehicle alignments will directly increase sales revenue

The multifunctional diagnostics station CAS[Plus] in the workshop reception analyses braking systems, ABS and ESP functionality, wheel speed and system pressure sensors with the diagnostic tester KTS 540 Test & Reset the steering-angle sensor via the KTS 540 Every workshop can now offer additional services, repairs, or maintenance work

| october 2012


Brake Hoses
CEF 1/8 SAEJ1401

Complete and easy start-up system Make a hose in 5 minutes while your customer waits

Seen and Heard at the show.

Keep your inventory low - opening stock can supply 90% of customer enquiries Made up hoses conform to International Standards ISO 3996, SAE J1401 Become a one-stop shop, attracting new customers Full technical support & stock availability

Make your own brake pipes

Lars Anthoni Jensen, sales manager at OJD Qucik Brake, told aBr that OJDs focus is Vice-mounted professional extensions thereof. OJD on niche product and range flaring tool manages to get new numbers onto the South African market in a short space of time by staying in constant touch with Colin Murphy of Easy to use - make a pipe in 2 minutes Brake & Hose Components, and compiling a weekly development list. Lars says that OJD invests in the future by carrying sufficient stock No solver, and being the - easy for of parts required by the South African market and OJD also focuses on being a problembending tool requiredplace where mechanics go fitter to bend while installing to get information Fast return on investment
Brake Tube Flaring Tool

Opening stock caters for 95% of brake pipes in SA (consists of 3/16 pipe and fittings)
Brake Hose & Component Supplies (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0861-776-675 (Int:+27 12 803-0201) E-mail:

The new VicTor reinz producT line for The afTermarkeT

At the Automechanika 2012, Dana presented the new Victor Reinz aftermarket catalogues. For the first time, the company also published an agricultural catalogue featuring replacement parts for construction and agricultural machines as well as for special-purpose vehicles in road construction. This product line goes back to models from 1950. Altogether, the catalogues on offer comprise four publications covering the entire product line of Victor Reinz Service Parts. This provides the full coverage of the replacement parts market that we had set as our goal: cars, commercial vehicles and agricultural machines, says Markus Meier, Supervising Product Manager. And also new our catalogue with turbocharger mounting kits for over 4.250 turbochargers. Both the car and truck catalogues contain the manufacturers latest updates. For car engines alone, Victor Reinz lists over 8.000 units, including 650 new engines. For the CV aftermarket, nearly 5.000 engines are available, with 250 listed in the catalogue for the first time. Appearing every two years and once again in time for the Automechanika 2012 in Frankfurt, the Victor Reinz product catalogues are available through wholesalers or the Internet. Simple, fast and APP-TO-DATE comprehensive product catalogue with more than 15.000 service parts at online-catalog.

Garrett and Libby Hinkley from Intrade flank Alfred Wimmer of Victor Reinz Germany


| october 2012

Seen and Heard at the show.

honeyWeLL intRoduceS neW afteRmaRket bRake pad

Honeywell, one of the worlds leading friction materials manufacturers, launched JURID WHITE, its first range of high dust reduction brake pads for the aftermarket at the 2012 Automechanika. Honeywells JURID WHITE brake pads offer improved dust-generation reduction, noise reduction and a sparkling appearance of the rim while still keeping a high friction coefficient for safe braking. The debut highlights a step forward in the development of aftermarket brake pads from the long-time supplier of first-class original equipment friction materials.

Combining dust and noise reduction with a clean white appearance, JURID WHITE brake pads offer the next-gen solution in comfort without performance compromise

Chris Kambouris, managing director of Turbo Direct, the home of Garret Turbochargers, seen here with Lise Caron, Africa sales manager of Honeywell Friction Group. Chris is planning to add Bendix and Jurid to his Honeywell portfolio in South Africa.

meyLe aLWayS one Step ahead

At this years Automechanika Wulf Gaertner Autoparts AG premiered its new MEYLE Asia Line Independent workshops now benefit from an even wider range of MEYLE spare parts for Asian makes and models

MEYLEs technical innovation assures high-quality repairs and streamlined processes Wulf Gaertner Autoparts mission is to be there to help technicians in the workshop New products for passenger cars and vans and complementary products to give extra durability and service

New MEYLE-HD control arm replaces 3 original BMW parts As an example of MEYLEs technical innovation and its mission to help technicians in the workshop, Wulf Gaertner Autoparts AG presented its control arm for the BMW 5, 6 and 7 series Three different versions of the original part can now be replaced by one single product HD quality prolongs the lifespan.

Autoparts AG to extend product range for Asian applications

| october 2012


Seen and Heard at the show.

The Bosch division Automotive Aftermarket purposefully expands global growth areas and secures its position as market leader in terms of workshop business with a wide product portfolio consisting of parts, workshop equipment and services. We prepare workshops for the future, explains Robert Hanser, president of the Bosch Automotive Aftermarket division. Considering rapid technological changes, the objective is to support workshops with equipment, know-how and services and thus to secure their future. From a trading house to a complete supplier for workshops with targeted company acquisitions and the expansion of the global manufacturing capacities the Automotive Aftermarket division is well prepared for further growth. We expanded our offer with the acquisition of thirteen companies throughout the last six years, explains Hanser. Among the more recent acquisitions is that of the Unipoint Group in Taiwan in December 2011. Unipoint is a significant producer of starters, alternators, temperature regulators and wiper blades which will help expand the Bosch Automotive Aftermarket business in Asia.

Bosch presented future-oriented complete solutions at Automechanika 2012. The Bosch division Automotive Aftermarket purposefully expands global growth areas and secures its position as market leader in terms of workshop business with a wide product portfolio consisting of parts, workshop equipment and services.

To see how Bosch explains hybrid drive, go to and click on the video gallery

StRong on itS oWn, unbeatabLe aS a team

The bilstein group is an independent, family-run group of companies. It unites the prestigious brands febi, SWAG and Blue Print under a single strong roof. As one of the worlds leading specialists in the Independent Aftermarket the bilstein group offers more than 47 000

different products and repair solutions for all popular makes of cars and commercial vehicles. The three brands stand both individually and jointly for high-quality, precise-fit spare parts in OE quality. The range is as broad as it is deep. It is supplemented by practiceorientated services and solutions especially for the independent workshops.

Alvin Ho, general manager, DJ Auto Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, told aBr that the main reason for DJ Autos participation at Automechanika was to try and open up the European market, and to explain the DJ differentiation from European brands sourcing at the highest quality, expertise in developing a range, unique market knowledge, and all at a better price. Alvin explained that this was also the recipe for the South African market he personally has analysed the SA market, looked at the cars on the road, talked to the trade, both at retail and workshop level, and introduced the appropriate range. He also expressed his satisfaction with DJs representation in South Africa, saying that he appreciated the high work ethic, the honourable dealings, and the support the DJ product is getting. Alvin also revealed an interesting bit of information regarding the implementation of the ECE R90 requirement for brake discs in Europe in 2014 and the fact that DJ was the second company in the world to satisfy this requirement.


| october 2012

Seen and Heard at the show.

dhc batteRy & eneRgy management SoLutionS

DHCs management philosophy is one of respect, support and trust. They add some Confucian philosophical insight to this philosophy Doing business is like planting trees. Trees do not become grown overnight. DHC does not for the traditional buyer-seller relationship. DHC believes comprehensive partnership is very important to business success. DHC desires to be your reliable long-term partner.

tmd fRiction: a WoRLd LeadeR in bRake fRiction

countries of the world. To meet this challenging and demanding market, a supplier has to employ engineering know-how and expertise, manufacturing innovation, an entrepreneurial sales approach and creative marketing. Thinking outside of the box is becoming nearly as important as what goes into it. Our OE quality products and supporting premium aftermarket ranges meet the requirements of all kinds of vehicles at each stage of their lifecycle. We have spent decades earning the trust of the industry and of consumers in the quality offered by our brands through consistent product performance. Together our brands Textar, Mintex, Pagid and Don have accumulated some 350 years of experience in the Aftermarket, a testament to quality, service and customer satisfaction, explains David Baines, director Sales Strategy and Group Marketing IAM at TMD Friction.

With the combination of TMD Friction and Nisshinbo Brake under the ownership of Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. the worlds largest automotive brake friction manufacturer has been created. TMD Friction is not only leading in the development and supply of products for OE and OES customers, but also in the Independent Aftermarket. Through the brands Textar, Pagid, Mintex, Don, Cobreq, Cosid and Dynotherm TMD Friction supplies customers, workshops and consumers with high quality brake friction for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and other industrial applications on every continent and in most

bRaking neWS

Control Instruments-Automotive has announced a strategic partnership with TMD Friction in Luxembourg to market its brake friction products in Sub Saharan Africa. TMD Friction is the global leader in the manufacture of brake friction products2012/09/19 3:17and in the OEM PM OES sectors of the automotive and brake industry, producing one

million brake friction products each day globally, says Kevin Rogers, general manager of CI-Automotive. TMDs business is structured to meet the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow, with global operations positioned to support its customers and to match the rising demand from emerging markets, he said. Mr Rogers said the partnership between TMD Friction Services and Control Instruments is a strategic one that gives TMD extensive access to Sub Saharan African markets through Control Instruments network of distributors and customers. For CI-Automotive, access to TMDs wide range of friction products and brands is a natural synergy to the basket of premium brands it currently supplies and supports.

Brake Hoses

tell aBr, his your bucking OE Make company isown the economic trend in Europe, having achieved their second best year in sales in 2011. The silver lining is that the automotive aftermarket is growing, and the group Quality brake hoses motor cycle markets, and having just landed the Ducatti is making big strdies in the marine and account, he can afford to be upbeat.
CEF 1/8 SAEJ1401

Emilio Cazzaniga, marketing manager of the Finnord Group, buzzes with excitement because, as he

| october 2012

Complete and easy start-up system Make a hose in 5 minutes while your customer waits


Seen and Heard at the show.




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ABR1210_SOE.FH9 Fri Sep 14 13:31:56 2012

Page 1


The Tenneco on Tour road show help them more successfully compete USB port for PC connectivity arrived at the Automechanika, in the aftermarket. Alex Gelbcke, Germany, offering its customers in vice president and general manager, FREE On-Line Training the independent aftermarket their first Aftermarket Europe, explains: As a Courses available 24/7 Sales & Support opportunity toTel: 0861 762 763 Fax: 0861 762 767 see and experience its leading specialist in emission and ride Click ONLINE TRAINING COURSE button Wheel Aligners products and services all in one place. control, we provide our customers with Enter as a guest ENTER ROOM E-mail: Click product image for overview of courses Theatour arrived in Belgium from Algeria an extremely wide and detailed product Click course title to begin course where it participated in the Equip Auto and service portfolio. Never before have show in addition to making several we been able to show our capabilities stops at customer facilities. This unique so fully in one single place. The road Aligners road show featuring one Monroe and show is a unique opportunity for our Steering Angle one Walker truck runs from April until customers to experience first- hand our Sensor Truck Calibration November 2012. It will visit a total of 24 expertise and product range right on Equipment Tool selected locations in Europe, the Middle their doorsteps. Our trucks are stopping East and North Africa. Distributors and directly on the forecourts of our installers are experiencing Tennecos aftermarket customers, at our facilities wealth of expertise in suspension and and at important industry events. exhaust systems in the two mobile By November 2012, Tenneco will showrooms and futuristic Monroe and have covered around 40,000 km with Walker tents. The interactive road show Wheel Tyre its Monroe and Walker trucks. The offers a mix of theory, practice and fun, Balancers Changers road show is set to continue next with the focus primarily on the right year. Further information on Tenneco on Tour is available online diagnosis, as well as the technical information to help workshops at or via Facebook in the replacement of emission and ride control systems. During the SOLUS tennecoontour. Ultra road show, independent workshops experience how Tenneco can

Touch Screen Graph 4 - data points at once tenneco on touR livediStRibuting knoW-hoW to the independent afteRmaRket Technology OEM-specific coverage on models from 1980

3D X-Cel

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2012/09/26 | october 2012

4:27 PM

by Austin Gamble

autoMechanika shanghai
ownership of vehicles is still lower than the rest of the world but future car ownership will continue to grow and be driven by the needs of automotive parts repair and maintenance as well as accessories. This year TTVMA is bringing more than 30 members to showcase a variety of innovative auto parts & component products including the steam engine, brakes, steering systems, lights, mirrors and maintenance equipment.

Automechanika Shanghai, the worlds second largest Automechanika show after Frankfurt, is attracting professional buyers and visitors from the whole automobile industry chain to its 2012 show which will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China from 11 14 December.
rganised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd and CNAICO China National Automotive Industry International Corporation, the show is held in high regard by the industry as the platform for international companies to tap into the China market, as well as for Chinese companies to expand their business from China to abroad.

LocaL induStRy pLayeRS benefit fRom eaSt-WeSt exchange pLatfoRm

a RecoRd 13 oveRSeaS paviLionS

Automechanika Shanghai covers the whole automobile industry chain including OE and aftermarket, as well as three main industry sectors: parts & components, repair & maintenance and accessories & tuning. In order to meet the increasing needs from international companies to find quality dealers and distributors for exploring or expanding their business in China, Automechanika Shanghai has collaborated with domestic associations and organisations in more than 50 important automotive production and distribution bases in China to bring many dealers and distributors to visit the 2012 show to meet the 3,900 record breaking number of exhibitors. The show is well recognised by the industry and departments of vehicle procurement, R&D and quality control from more than 20 leading domestic car manufacturers including BYD, Cherry, Dongfeng, FAW, Great Wall, JAC and SAIC. They will visit the show to meet with current and potential suppliers. Ms Sarah Thevenet, international manager for the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited (SMMT), working closely with the UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), says: Taking part in Automechanika Shanghai will help our members to find appropriate dealers and distributors in China and to market their company products and services, as well as making contacts and building relationships. She added: Chinas market will continue to outpace other global markets and Chinese customers will continue to increase their expectations and demand for quality vehicles and components, which members of SMMT are well-equipped to meet. In addition to the first ever UK pavilion organised by SMMT, several overseas pavilions have increased in size for the 2012 show. India has expanded its size by 75 percent, and Korea and Malaysia by more than 30 percent. In addition, Taiwan pavilions in the accessories & tuning hall (Hall W5) as well as the parts & components and repair & maintenance halls have expanded by 40 percent. Other overseas pavilions including France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Thailand and USA will also make their appearance again at this years show. The Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association (TTVMA), which represents more than 2,000 member manufacturers and representatives from automobile, motorcycle, bicycles industries in Taiwan, is organising the Taiwan pavilions at the show for the first time, together with the Importers & Exporters Association of Taipei. Mr Richard Wu, a senior specialist for the Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association says: Chinas per capita

This years edition of Automechanika Shanghai will also feature its largest number of Chinese pavilions supported by more than 50 trade organisations and industry associations. Xiamen is a production base for car mat and window film and the Xiamen Automotive Parts Trade Association (XMAPTA) represents more than 50 percent of accessories & tuning companies in Xiamen. They will be a first time pavilion organiser at the show. Mr Liang Xiao, XMAPTAs secretarygeneral says: In order to narrow the worlds high-tech gap, the association is building up relationships with companies in overseas countries and regions such as Taiwan, for technology exchange and communication, to speed up the cooperation with the mainland and overseas. Thats why we are organising a first time pavilion at the show. The China Commercial Vehicle Parts Market Federation (CCVPMF), a national non-profit organisation for companies involved in commercial vehicle parts production, sales and services in China, represents more than 200 leading member enterprises, assembly plants, dealers and associations from the auto parts industry. CCVPMF has supported the show since 2006 and more than 30 top member powertrain companies with annual sales of RMB 1 billion will participate at the show this year. Mr Yan Li Xing, executive vice president for CCVPMF said: Due to the globalisation of the auto industry in China, Automechanika Shanghai, as an international trading platform, is an excellent marketing channel for members to further enhance the development of commercial vehicle parts & components brands in China by showcasing their new and quality products to the world and to promote exchange and cooperation between local and overseas companies.

auto maRket iS Shifting to china

For Automechanika Shanghai 2012 there will be more than 3,900 exhibitors from around the world, such as first time exhibiting countries from Bulgaria, Egypt and Pakistan. The exhibition is more than 180,000m including the addition of new halls N1-N4, which is an increase of 13 percent compared with last years show. Mr Xuecheng Ji, president for CNAICO says: The fact that more developing countries are shifting their target market from Europe to China is why we have many new exhibitors at Automechanika Shanghai. They want to explore more business opportunities in this fast growing Chinese market at a show which is highly thought of within the industry. A report by Arthur D. Little, one of the worlds oldest consulting firms predicts that by 2050, 70 percent of the worlds population will be living in Asia. IMF economists have forecast that Chinas car fleet will be as big as the entire world car fleet today. As a result, the automotive industrys centre of gravity has started to shift from North America, Western Europe and Japan towards emerging markets. Automechanika Shanghai is one of twelve Automechanika fairs held in Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Africa. For further information about Automechanika Shanghai, please visit www. / or email:

| october 2012


oil & octane

Brent Oil retail Focus

Leading South African non-refining petroleum wholesaler Brent Oil is focussed on a major growth strategy consisting of a number of initiatives by the company, of which one is the expansion of the existing national footprint of Brent Oil retail outlets. We are placing a significant focus on our vision to expand our retail footprint, says Brent Oil CFO Kryn Hogendoorn.

rent Oil was founded in 2003 as a registered non-refining wholesaler focusing mainly on the commercial market. Operating under contract with Sasol, PetroSA and other Oil Majors, this association ensures that the company is able to secure a full range of petroleum products throughout South Africa, and relies mostly on locally refined products for distribution in via the companys wholesale and retail infrastructure. Brent Oil, which supplies fuel to a wide range of commercial users from different sectors of industry such as mining, transport, agriculture and construction, coupled with a burgeoning retail division, has adopted a key focus to develop a competitive and well positioned brand via its expanding retail network says Brent Oil MD Henry Erasmus. In terms of new retail site roll outs planned for the short to medium future, it is planned to grow the retail segment of the business to represent 40% of the companys volume by 2016, compared to around 20% for the financial year ended February 2012 says Erasmus

Brent Oil currently has 32 operating retail fuel stations across South Africa, as well as eight strategically located fuel depots. There are a further 15 retail fuel stations that are all at various stages of development. The capital base to fund the expansion drive is in place, and the retail division are focussed on identifying opportunities for new Brent Oil stations nationally, which includes greenfield developments as well as rebranding of existing stations with an additional focus on revamping older stations due for upgrades says Hogendoorn. The focus of the retail expansion initiative includes a value proposition to retail outlet owners and operators that are competitive, not complicated and focussed on the principle of ensuring all roll players are rewarded and benefits from the supply chain and infrastructure as intended by the regulatory account structure, which was designed and legislated to ensure fair compensation in the South African fuel supply chain says Erasmus.


new retail station, Mandela View just outside Bloemfontein

Retail station - Carolina

Safari Motors in Bloemfontein

| october 2012

oil & octane

Understanding and implementing the regulatory account structure is a key component to ensuring healthy returns on investment for all role players, with the focus on actually investing in more than just the banding of a site says Hogendoorn. Brent Oil evaluates and considers every retail outlet opportunity presented, and if the key indicators are positive and meets with the companys criteria, Brent Oil commits capital to the retail outlets selected by way of investment in property, buildings, equipment and signage to the extent it is required adds Hogendoorn. We believe that we have a very attractive value proposition as far as our retail outlet operators are concerned, and are willing and able to back the proposition with capital commitments from Brent Oil on retail sites that meets the minimum criteria of the company says Erasmus. We have a target to roll out between 15 and 20 new Brent Oil branded retail sites out per annum over the foreseeable future, and we are confident that we have the team and infrastructure in place to achieve our vision on expansion of our retail network adds Erasmus.

u ndEr s tAnd ing l Oc A l fuEl pr icing

South Africas petrol price is controlled by the Department of Energy (DOE) in conjunction with the Central Energy Fund, and is adjusted monthly. These monthly adjustments lead to a lot of confusion, and in many cases anger and frustration, which result because of a lack of basic understanding of what these changes represent says Hogendoorn. In summary, the following components represent the make-up of the fuel price the consumer pays at the pump.

The basic fuel price (BFP) is representative of the previous months average international price of various petroleum products as well as the Rand/Dollar exchange rate. BFP is also the only component that is adjusted on a monthly basis, based on the above variables calculated by the Central Energy Fund and audited by external auditors. This component is responsible for the monthly adjustment of the South African fuel price. Rates and taxes per litre of fuel are levied at source, meaning that the refineries recover these levies and taxes on behalf of revenue authorities, and pay it over on a regular basis. These rates and taxes are reviewed and adjusted from time to time, but not monthly, and are also published as such. From the refinery gate, role players in the distribution of refined product are rewarded for CAPEX, OPEX and entrepreneurial margins for investment in fuel depots, distribution logistics, secondary fuel facilities and obviously retail sites. These rates are also reviewed from time to time and announced as such when changes are effected.

As logistics cost plays a part in the distribution of fuel nationally, different magisterial districts as defined in the country has different pump prices, depending on the deemed distribution cost effect to different zones. The national price guides cater for logistics costs for fuel resulting in different magisterial districts each having a unique price. For August, in Gauteng 55% of the price is for the BFP, logistics is at 16% and Government duties, levies and taxes equates to 29%. Changes in fuel pricing takes effect on the first Wednesday of every month. Fuel price changes can be found on the Central Energy Fund website as well as in press releases provided by the DOE.

Recently revamped Vaalwater retail station

Recently opened Bokfontein near Brits

Typical Brent Oil garage shop

| october 2012


Mining Matters

Latest fuel and

lubricant technology solutions showcased at shells Mining Day
Featuring presentations by local and global experts, Shells Mining Day Seminar provided the ideal platform for the company to share insights, case studies and strategies with its clients: showcasing technological innovations in fuels and lubricants that will help maximise their performance whilst improving their bottom line.

s South Africas mining sector grapples to overcome various global and local challenges, innovative fuel and lubricant technology remains a key source of viable solutions according to experts speaking at Shells Mining Day Seminar. With sector players under increasing pressure to reduce operational costs and adapt to new equipment specifications, partnerships with fuel and lubricant developers have become critical for success, says Willem Zuidema, Shell Lubricants: general manager. This made it an opportune time for Shell to provide a platform where these and other pertinent industry issues could be introduced and discussed, and, more importantly, where relevant solutions could be showcased hence our hosting this event today. Held at La Toscana at Montecasino in Fourways, Johannesburg, Shells Mining Day Seminar comprised six sessions on technology. Each was hosted by an industry expert, including the likes of Joe Galdes, Shells Global Mining Product Application specialist (hydraulics and filtration) and Paul Evers, Shells Global Solutions technologist (heavy duty diesel engine oil). Covering topics such as the future of fuels and heavy duty diesel engine oil technology, the seminar addressed current industry

issues as well as charting the way ahead regarding anticipated legislation and other probable industry drivers. Discussions around sustainable mobility also drew significant interest, providing an overview of engine developments, future fuel options (including biofuels), LNG and other alternative fuel sources. Increasing energy demand and depleting traditional energy sources and/or constrained local energy capacity are already having an impact on many of South Africas mining houses, says Zuidema. Being aware of future options and alternatives and planning accordingly could therefore give one a long-term advantage going forward. With over 200 delegates attending the full-day seminar, Zuidema says that Shells Mining Day will become an annual highlight on the companys events calendar.

Bonang Mohale, chairman and country general manager, Commercial at Shell South Africa Marketing, told the delegates that Shell South Africa wants to hire more people and play a role in reducing unemployment and inequality. He referred specifically to the late Tony Twines analysis of the Karoos shale gas deposits and the implications of accessing just 5% of this resource through hydraulic fracturing (fracking), with the estimate of 300 000 sustainable jobs and an extra 3,3% added to South Africas GDP.

Two of the keynote speakers were Dave Gamble, Global category manager Technical, Fuels and Lubricants at AngloAmerican, and Gary Crockett, general manager Shells Global Accounts, who is based in London. Dave says that AngloAmericans high level objectives are energy efficiency; climate change strategy: safety; technology alignment and innovation; and global strategy & local procurement. Garys address focused on the volatile economic global outlook on demand and price; new projects that are getting bigger and more remote with implications on investment and complexity; growing operating costs; and higher expectations from employees, shareholders, local communities, governmental and non-governmental institutions.


| october 2012




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ABR 8/12

Battery and electrical performance platform with printer for deep cycle batteries and golf cart

vehicle exterior Detailing

Paste and Polish Shoot-Out

- the challenge
Henkel is a global leader in brands and technologies and, with their Teroson brand, make it possible for automotive repairers to restore vehicles to their original OEM condition. Well known and respected, Terosons range of Adhesives, Sealants, Corrosion Protection, Sound Deadening and Windscreen adhesives, is a brand found in all European repair shops.

eroson is now available in South Africa to enable repairers to deliver the highest standards of repair, and Henkel is so confident of the quality of their product that they are prepared to put their product to the test, and who better to evaluate and to put this promise under the spotlight than well-known and well respected SAMBRA members, Wynberg Panelbeaters, situated at the corner of Main Pretoria Road and Arkwright Avenue; and Forsdicks Approved Repair Centre, situated at the corner of Galaxy and Voyager Streets, Linbro Park. aBr is to play adjudicator in this challenge, and we have decided that the best product to test would be Terosons Paste and Polish range, as auto detailing is more than just running your car through your nearest car wash or putting on a coat of wax. South Africa is a nation of petrol heads, and their love for their cars is everywhere; and not least in the customisations of their vehicles. But even on their bog standard BMWs, Mercs, Audis, down to run of the mill Toyotas, Volkswagens, Nissans, Fords, etc., South Africans

Brian McGill and Desiree Willis, general managers of Wynberg Panelbeaters, accept the first batch of Teroson preparation, polishing and finishing products from Kovelin Veramoothoo, sales officer for Adhesive Products, Vehicle Repair & Maintenance, Henkel South Africa.

are fanatical about the finish on their beloved chariots. Detailing the exterior of a vehicle is just what the word saysdetailing. To get the desired result requires the best product and the best application. Even the worst-case scenarios can come out shining like new, and most vehicles, if not too far gone, can be renewed to the condition they were on the day they were driven off the showroom floor! Polishing is usually a 23 step process, starting first with an aggressive polish to remove imperfections, swirls, etc. then followed by a milder (finishing) polish to remove any hazing or slight marring and bringing back the gloss to the finish. Wynberg Panelbeaters and Forsdicks Approved Repair Centre are old pros at following these procedures, and in the next few months they are going to use the Teroson Paste and Polish range to see how the Teroson product measures up. aBr is going to monitor the progress of this project, and we will be giving regular updates in our magazine and on our websites, culminating in a definitive conclusion in our December 2012 edition. Watch this space!

Tony Da Silva, ARC general manager at Forsdicks Approved Repair Centre, accepts his batch of Teroson Paste and Polish product.


| october 2012

ABR 10/12

henkel is a global leader in brands and technologies. in Vehicle Repair and Maintenance our expertise is Direct glazing, Seam Sealing, Plastic Repair, Structural Bonding and our New Professional Polish system. For more information visit For technical information or a demonstration contact 011 617 2689. Fax your request to 011 617 2623, henkel South Africa, 55 Potgieter Street, Alrode Ext 4, Alberton

inDustry upDate

workshops under pressure
Every two years Bosch Automotive hosts a series of regional conventions around South Africa, updating Bosch Service Centres on the latest trends in the industry, and providing invaluable information on technical advances, parts data and diagnostic developments. This is to be expected from the global leader in parts and diagnostic equipment.

, which as the most influential automotive aftermarket publication in South Africa also has information obligations, attended the Pretoria convention on Monday 27 August to pick up on the latest and greatest, and to pass on some interesting titbits to its readers. The Pretoria convention was well attended, and Ewald Faulstich, director at Automotive Aftermarket Division at Robert Bosch (Pty) Ltd, told the attendees that the independent automotive aftermarket was facing a changing market, with challenges in many dimensions. Faulstich says that mobility users (the current term for vehicle drivers and vehicle owners) in South Africa are now one of the most protected groups in the world, with more rights than their European counterparts, but also with obligations that were unheard of a couple of decades ago. This plethora of rights and obligations are encompassed by the Consumer Protection Act, National Credit

Regulations, emissions legislation, soon to be introduced periodic technical inspections, and all compounded by an increasingly knowledgeable and demanding customer base, translating on the one hand into more business for automotive workshops, but on the other hand coupled with increasing demands on competence and efficiency. Adding pressure to this scenario is the changing face of the automotive aftermarket, with the original equipment manufacturers looking to encroach on what has traditionally being the preserve of the independent automotive market. As Faulstich puts it, the market is moving from peaceful co-existence to predatory competition. The dynamics of this relationship will play itself out over the next few years, with the accompanying box illustrating the elements driving the co-existence/competition paradigm.

oeS (oRiginaL equipment SaLeS)

Awareness of parts profitability Aftersales service as part of brand image and awareness Stability of dealer network Element of customer satisfaction and associated loyalty Development of IAM workshops concepts Most important strategic investments Faulstich makes specific note of the technical competence that will play an increasingly important role in the future, as the technology revolution/evolution places more and more emphasis on the mastering of complex vehicle technology, and the green aspects inherent in this revolution. Major upcoming vehicle technology challenges and opportunities will include powertrain electrification (but Bosch only see this happening to a significant extent after 2025); the further technological refinement of diesel and petrol engines extracting another 30% reduction in fuel consumption; emissions legislation

iam (independent afteRmaRket)

Maximum technical competence Outstanding customer care management Member of professional franchise organisation Brand performance management Location management Innovation encompassing stringent EURO targets; the vision of accident free driving, which will see the introduction of various driver assist systems; and the aforementioned highly complex electronic (green) technology. Faulstich emphasises that independent workshops will increasingly rely on partners that will be able to keep them abreast with all the latest technologies, and that diagnostic solutions will play an increasingly important role in choosing a workshop brand.


| october 2012

inDustry upDate

impOrtA nt inf OrmAt i O n fO r t h E wO r k s h O p

Vehicle Inspections (Roadworthy) legislated June 2012 Vehicle inspections mandatory for all vehicles over 10 years old Thereafter vehicle inspections every two years mandatory Traffic offence for driving vehicles without vehicle inspection licence fine or jail Linked to NATIS system for licence renewals offence for non-renewal

Passenger Vehicle Emissions legislation in planning Will require vehicle to undergo exhaust emissions test on periodic basis Planned to include emissions standards into vehicle inspections

Fuel Standards legislation pending Phase I: 2011 > Supply and Upgrades of Refineries Phase II: Phase III: Phase IV: 2013 > Diesel _ 10 ppm as niche grade 2015 > Diesel 50 ppm standard grade (EU 5 planning) 2017 > Diesel 10 ppm standard grade (EU 5 standards) Petrol Benzine = 1% ; Aromatics = 35% (EU standards)

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For more information, contact Charles paterson on 012 377 2507 or email

Final Product

ABR 10/12

technology upDate

braking technology from

febi bilstein: arrive safely

riginal equipment quality is self-evident with the consistently extended product line of febi bilstein. And this certainly applies for the highly-sensitive product groups, such as steering and braking technology. Ultimately when braking in a serious situation every centimetre counts. Our extensive offering in the braking technology segment provides you with the entire range of safety-relevant brake parts, from brake linings to brake hoses to brake discs and brake cylinders. In this regard safety always has the highest priority. febi bilstein is one of the worlds leading manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts for passenger and commercial vehicles in the Independent Aftermarket.

the long-established german enterprise, founded in 1844, offers over 22,000 technical replacement parts for all major vehicle brands and sells them in more than 140 countries.
For febi bilstein the quality seal Made in Germany is more than just a simple advertising slogan; it is an obligation and a quality promise at the same time. Additional information on the company, the brand, febi, or the product catalogues is available at:
| october 2012

Brake technology by febi: because every centimetre counts!

Theres not a centimetre to spare when braking. So febi spare parts for braking technology meet the highest standards. It is only possible to achieve convincing original equipment quality by using top-class materials and precision manufacturing.

For trade enquiries, please contact: H. Paatz (Pty) Ltd PO Box 4630 Johannesburg 2000

Tel.: +27 (0) 11 622-5660 Fax.: +27 (0) 11 622-8920 e-mail:

w h At s t h E B u z z ?
BrAkhAh AppOintEd wArn sErvicE dEAlEr
Polokwane-based 4X4 retailer Brakhah has been appointed a WARN service dealer for the repair, service and warranty of WARN and Tabor winches. Brakhah is the primary distributor of WARN and Tabor winches in the Polokwane area and has been selling the WARN range for over 15 years. Dirk Visagie and Dawid van Heerden, owners of Brakhah, say that WARN is recognised for its quality and reliability, and continues to be manufactured in the US. We service various makes of winches of which WARN products are our primary focus, says Dirk Visagie. It is by far the most reliable winch in our experience, parts availability is excellent and the strict manufacturing process in the US ensures that customers purchase a quality product. Leonard Chester, Control Instruments-Automotive WARN and Tabor product manager, says that Brakhahs support for WARN and Tabor, combined with their extensive experience in the product, warrants their appointment as a service and repair centre. Their focus is on quality workmanship. Their sales staff are highly trained in WARN and Tabor products, and combined with years of experience, this provides customers with trust to purchase WARN and Tabor products, says Chester.

fOrd lAunchEs wAstEwAtEr trEAtmEnt plAnt

Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa has invested R21 million in a new Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to facilitate the manufacturing of the all-new Ranger at their Silverton Assembly Plant. The WWTP will also see the first locally installed ContiFilt, a technology of continuously regenerated sand filtration, by opposition to the classic sand filtration with periodic backwash sequence and related downtime. The process will see used process water routed to the old WWTP via underground effluent pipe network. A new tie in will be made on the effluent network to the new WWTP as the new plant is adjacent to the old plant. There is also an existing water purification plant adjacent to both the old and the new plant, where treated water is further purified in order to be used within Ford manufacturing processes. Due to the input quality from the old WWTP plant, only 7% could be successfully purified and re-used in selected processes. With the higher quality water expected from the new WWTP, previously sensitive operations can now be considered for recycled water and an immediate increase is expected without upgrades to the purification plant. This means more than doubling the amount of recyclable water to up to 15%.

| october 2012

autoglass insight

safety standard mark

The E Mark certificate and symbol is an international standard test that is received from Finland-based FINAS Accreditation. National Auto Glass holds the E Mark certification, which is the premium quality assurance mark in the International Automotive glass world today.

The E Mark
boiLing teSt
The glass is boiled to 100 Degrees Celcius for an hour. This also involves a humidity test at 50 degrees Celcius for 14 days. The glass is then checked for bubbling at the corners. If the bubbles are less than 15mm from the periphery of the glass, it means that it has passed the test. This check is done to check for delamination in the glass.

he E Mark is the ONLY safety mark that is accepted universally and National Auto Glass has this accreditation. National Auto Glass undergoes a rigorous annual audit by the Finnish accreditation agency, VTT, to maintain the E Mark accreditation.

Unique to the E Mark accreditation is the added inspection of the optical quality and clarity of the windscreen together with the mechanical integrity. Goodman Mabizela at National Auto Glass explains how a windscreen is tested to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements to receive the E Mark accreditation.

high tempeRatuRe teSt

baLL dRop teSt

A 2.2kg ball is dropped from a height of 4.5m onto a laminated windscreen. The aim of the test is ensure that as little as possible glass particles leave the laminated layer, and that the ball does not penetrate the windscreen and that it can withstand the impact. The ball drop also incorporates a small ball, which represents a stone. This test checks that that the ball does not penetrate the windscreen and that it can withstand the impact.

This test involves heating the glass to 140 degrees Celcius for two hours. This test checks for glass and vinyl separation. If the bubbles are less than 15mm from the periphery of the glass, it means that it has passed the test. This test for delamination as well.

diStoRtion teSt

pummeL teSt

A windscreen is placed on a stand at a similar angle to its fitment position on a vehicle and placed 4m away from the screen. A light is placed 8m from the screen. When the light is turned on, little circles are filtered through the glass onto the screen at the background. The glass can be checked to see if it passes the distortion test. In other words, the glass is checked for clarity so that there is nothing in the windscreen that can distort your view through the windscreen. Windscreens will then be checked for size and thickness and if the correct logo, 43R and M-numbers, were applied to the windscreen. It will then receive the E Mark Certification and the SABS quality stamp- and will tested annually. National Auto Glass is also SABS and ISO 9001 certified, which ensures that that they meet the minimum requirements to produce windscreens and meet health and safety compliance respectively.

This test involves a hammer that hits the glass at an angle of five degrees. Prior to the tests, the glass is cooled in a freezer at -18 degrees Celcius. It is then checked against a pummel scale from 1 to 9 and the pass ratio is between 2 and 4. This check is done to see what adhesion has taken place between the glass and the vinyl.

For further information on E Mark and other compliance tests, contact National Auto glass on 011 723 9100 or visit


| october 2012

top class topics

TopClass MD, Richard Pinard

Balderdash Baffles Brains

In a series of articles published in aBr from April 2009 to October 2009, under the Diamond Dialogues banner, the concept of quality was discussed and dissected from every angle, utilising the valued input of Giel Steyn, previously director of Quality and Standards at the RMI. Now, with a slight twist, and from the perspective of someone on the front line, Richard Pinard looks at the concept of premium product.
e need an insightful preamble to this subject, and just The well-known and established brands that have built up a as we started off the previous series, we need to look reputation over many years are now very protective of their at what UK based guru Jim Wade, in the August 2005 brands, and they have to continually refresh their packaging to edition of qw, said about such phrases as exceeding customer stay one step ahead of the counterfeiters. They are also resorting satisfaction, fit for purpose, conforming to requirements, to strong legal action when their rights, patents and intellectual world-class, zero defects, right first time, every time. Jim property are infringed. All good and well, but what about when says that they all sound wonderful, but in effect meaningless in the distributors make up a kit of many parts, to provide convenience real world, i.e. the front line. Those on their feet all day, getting by to the market, and the kit comprises parts of varying brands and month by month, just want to get on with varying qualities. Suddenly, the customer is confronted business, to compete effectively, with a dilemma, and he or she has to retain staff, to cut costs, and to place their trust in the knowledge to get to grips with the latest and (dare we say it) the ethics of technology, and they do not the distributor. Fortunately, most have the time nor inclination distributors and wholesalers are to play with words. So what is ethical operators, particularly well quality or premium product? Is it established companies that have PREMIUM in the words of American Society names and reputations to protect, but for Quality a subjective term one needs to be aware that there are a PRODUCT for which each person has their few rogue elements out there. own definition or as Jim Wade Well-designed packaging will give an concludes in any organisation, at element of assurance, and the addition any one time, quality is precisely of those fabled words PREMIUM defined by the organisations current PRODUCT gives even more assurance. measurable objectives. Giel Steyn puts it even The only problem is that there are no laws better, It is an immutable law in business that words are controlling the use of fancy packaging and words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises even fancier words, so it is open season for all but only performance is reality. and sundry to put any old product into a kit proclaiming a premium We could get into the quick sand of discussing pirate parts, but derivation. A serious problem no matter which way you look at the quick sand will only get deeper if we try to identify what exactly it, and this escalates into a life threatening situation when the is original and what exactly is genuine, and the new flavour of the kit comprises life and limb parts. It is thus recommended that month, what exactly is premium product? So let us look at what workshops and parts resellers look very carefully at what they are the market is doing, and the application of a variation on the old purchasing, and to shop around and compare the kits on offer. saying, balderdash baffle brains. Packaging plays a big role in The water is muddy, but it can be clarified by asking questions what customers, workshops, and even parts resellers, perceive as and seeking reassurances that what they are buying is not only quality or premium product, so this is where manufacturers and fit for purpose, but also able to match words, explanations, and distributors are putting more and more emphasis and effort. promises, with the reality of performance.


| october 2012

the briDgestone way

Bridgestone warns on wet

weather safety
a Bridgestone initiative
Correct tyre pressure and good tyre condition are two of the main contributors to road safety during wet weather. The kind of heavy downpours experienced during South African thunderstorms place extreme demands on a tyre. The contact patch of each tyre, which is about the size of the palm of ones hand, must be able to clear away water effectively to remain in contact with the surface of the road.

he tread pattern on a tyre enables water to be cleared away. As the tyre moves along the surface, standing water is channeled into the grooves of the tread and expelled, while remaining surface moisture is mopped up by smaller slits in the tread blocks known as sipes. But if a tyre encounters more water than it is capable of dispersing, it loses contact with the road surface and is unable to transmit braking, steering or acceleration forces. This condition is known as aquaplaning or hydroplaning, and can result in complete loss of control of the vehicle. A brand-new tyre with the full tread depth is best able to resist aquaplaning. However, as a tyre wears and the tread grooves become shallower, aquaplaning resistance declines. A tyre worn to the legal limit may not be able to disperse the amount of water found on roads during a typical rainstorm - this could result in the vehicle going into an unrecoverable skid. The legal limit is 1.6mm, but most tyre manufacturers say wet road grip drops off dramatically below 3mm. In the wet, tread works by shifting water from under the tyre; shallower grooves mean less water is expelled, which makes your car more prone to losing grip and aquaplaning. Reducing speed is also important in wet weather, even with brand new tyres, if a motorist is driving too fast for the amount of water on the road, the tyres may reach the limits of their capability to disperse water and begin to aquaplane Aquaplaning is not the only danger on wet roads, with traction also being reduced. A brief rain shower which wets the road surface without leaving standing water on the road can increase braking distances by a third to a half, or more. Roads which are heavily contaminated with oil or diesel may be even more slippery in wet weather. Motorists are advised to ensure that their tyres have adequate tread depth for water dispersion during rainy weather, and that their tyre pressures are correctly set to give the optimum traction in wet or dry spells. Drivers need extra time and distance to maintain safety in wet weather. Properly-inflated tyres, in good condition, will help ensure theres control when a driver needs it.

hoW to pRevent oR Reduce aquapLaning

Check your tyres and tyre inflation regularly - Insufficient pressure strongly increases the risk of aquaplaning. If your tyres are underinflated, then there is a sharp increase in the risk of aquaplaning. Check your tyre wear and tread depth - The more tread depth you have remaining on your tyres the more water you can disperse, reducing the risk of aquaplaning. Reduce your speed - Especially when approaching large puddles or areas of standing water.


| october 2012

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w h At s t h E B u z z ?
ud trucks BrAnd cElEBrAtEs sEcOnd AnnivErsAry
On 8 Sept 2012, UD Trucks Southern Africa celebrated their second anniversary of its new company and brand name. And although the UD Trucks brand is only two years old in South Africa, the company has a long and proud history of more than 50 years in the country. In September 2010, the company changed its name from Nissan Diesel to UD Trucks Southern Africa, aligning its brand name with the companys increased responsibilities in the region. The change to UD Trucks Southern Africa formed part of a worldwide roll-out strategy by the UD Trucks Corporation in Japan, part of one the worlds largest trucking groups.Having been one of the leading truck manufacturers in the country for almost fifty years created a dependable platform from which we were able to launch our activities in southern Africa, said Jacques Carelse, managing director of UD Trucks Southern Africa. Now two years later, the company is continuing its drive to be the leading truck manufacturer in the region. UD Trucks Southern Africa has expanded its footprint to now include more than 60 dealers in the southern African region, including Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. By matching customer business insight with the global expertise inherent in our company, we are continuously aiming to get the fundamentals right, here in South Africa and across the region. This includes the manufacturing of quality products at competitive prices, an effective parts supply and unrelenting aftermarket support, said Carelse. UD Trucks has a wellbalanced range ensuring appropriate technology for the needs of customers in the various applications. Through a pioneering spirit, groundbreaking engineering and a customer-centric approach, UD Trucks apply the expertise amassed in the diesel engine field to produce trucks that are comfortable, safe and environmentally friendly. We believe that by being professional, passionate and dependable in everything we do, we are able to provide customers with high quality products and effective transport solutions, said Carelse. With a long and proud history in the region dating back to 1962, and the full support of the UD Trucks, we are customer-focused as ever.

miXEd rEsults in cEnturiOn tyrE chEck

Centurion played host to round three of the 2012 Bridgestone Tyre Check programme when a team of tyre specialists set up shop in the car park of Pick n Pays Bylsbridge Promenade on August 25. A total of 968 tyres on 242 vehicles were checked for condition, tread depth and inflation pressure. Each vehicle was left with a tyre condition report under the windscreen wiper and numerous tyre information leaflets were distributed to interested motorists. The Centurion survey produced mixed results, says Bridgestone PR manager, Mandy Lovell. On the one hand, the trend towards better inflation pressures that weve seen over the past few years was evident in Centurion. Four percent of tyres were found to be in the dangerous category, with a further five percent classified as very dangerous, she says. This means that 91% of tyres were found to be acceptably inflated, which is one of the top results in the fiveyear history of the National Tyre Check Programme, she adds. However, she says the results of the tyre condition check took some of the shine off the inflation pressure results - a total of five percent of the tyres surveyed were worn beyond the legal limit of 1.6mm or had other damage which made them unsafe. Our previous two Tyre Check events returned much lower percentages for unsafe tyres, Lovell comments. The Carnival City event at the beginning of the year measured 3.3% and the Port Elizabeth survey in June achieved just 1.5%, she explains.


| october 2012

tyre talk

Jessica Gamble by AustinHannah

The Recycling and Development Initiative of South Africa (REDISA) has reported that the tyre industry is now legally obliged to deal with its waste by subscribing to the REDISA Integrated Industry Waste Tyre Management Plan (IIWTMP).

he organisation reports that an urgent application made by the South African Tyre Recycling Process (SATRP) and Bridgestone Tyres, against Environmental Minister Edna Molewa, the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and REDISA was dismissed with costs last month by the High Court. This judgment brings to an end the process whereby the SATRP and its members have effectively delayed and postponed compliance with the approved IIWTMP, states REDISA. However, SATRP emphasises that the organisation did not take Redisa, the Minister or the DEA to court as is being claimed. The SATRP Company was simply seeking a declaratory order regarding the interpretation of the regulations. The organisation further states,

that the declaratory order has not delayed or postponed compliance with the approved Redisa plan nor has it been the cause for any delay in its implementation. SATRP believes that this judgment has been made without taking the chronology of the SATRP Plans submissions to DEA from 2009 as submitted in the affidavits, into consideration. Apart from the dates quoted by the Judge, the SATRP Plan was in fact also submitted to DEA on 9 June 2009 and 14 March 2012. The SATRP Company is now in a position where it can inform its members and subscribers that until such time as the SATRP plan is approved, they are according to the judgement legally obliged to join Redisa.


| october 2012

tyre talk

Once the SATRP plan is approved, subscribers will have the choice in terms of the Waste Tyre Regulations, 2009, regulation 6(6), to give 120 days notice to the Minister of their intention to change to the SATRP plan. Last month, the Retail Motor Industry also brought forward a court application as first applicant, which was placed on an urgent basis for a hearing on Thursday the 20th September 2012. A counsel representing the RMI, in court, argued in favour of the urgency of the matter and requested the Court to grant interim relief pending final review of the decision of the Minister to approve the REDISA plan. Arguments where heard in the North Gauteng High Court for urgency from the RMI counsel regarding restraining the implementation of the REDISA Plan pending final review of the Ministers decision to approve same. Judge Hiemstra, having taken cognisance of this directive, in addition to the arguments presented ruled that the matter is clearly urgent, much to the relief of the RMI. Should the court have found differently, the main review application, which would in all probability only be heard next year, would have been the first opportunity to address the fundamental flaws inherent in the REDISA Plan. As a result of this decision the RMI will now have the opportunity to, on an urgent basis, present arguments to court to ask for interim relief in requesting non-compliance with the REDISA plan until the full hearing. Judge Hiemstra concluded that all affected parties should register with REDISA effective the 21 September 2012, so as to avoid possible irreparable harm, if the RMI is ultimately unsuccessful in its application. Meanwhile, the New Age reported in August that RMI CEO Jeff Osborne alleged that businessman Hermann Erdmann took the Tyre Dealers and Fitment Centre Association (TDAFA) plan, while

he was chairperson of that body, and was supposed to submit it to the Department of Environmental Affairs. However, he withdrew the plan and resubmitted it under the REDISA name. The Redisa plan was subsequently gazetted and approved by Minister Edna Molewa on July 23. Erdmann resigned from the TDAFA and started Kusaga Taka, the service provider that will administer and operate the Redisa plan. The head of a private company is set to make an expected R640 million in annual turnover from the new industrydriven waste tyre management plan. Kusaga Taka Management Services CEO Dr Chris Crozier said that the allegations made by the RMI bordered on spin. He added that the matter was being turned into either a theft or an unpaid debt, depending on what Osborne says. It should be noted that REDISA will not receive any revenue at all until the end of January 2013, said Crozier. However, it has been reported that Erdmann arrived in court with a brand new Lexus Cruiser LX570 SUV, valued at about R1.1 million with the number plate registered REDISA WP. Hermanns new vehicle is causing concern as to how the vehicle was funded, as REDISA is not generating any revenue. REDISAs public relations company responded to concerns saying that to the best of their knowledge, Erdmann has always driven Toyota Landcruisers, because they are built to last. This is in line with his ethos for reducing the impact of waste on the planet. Therefore he has to replace his car less often, the company said. It added that aside from this REDISA is not yet generating any revenue and wont for several months. This car has been, and this will be the case in the future as well, funded in his personal capacity. His pride for REDISA and his desire to promote REDISA far and wide was his motivation for buying his branded number plate.

| october 2012



sponsored by Federal-Mogul


week Twelve the role of business in the economy

We have now come to the end of the Role of Business in the economy congratulations; you have just passed Business Economics 101. But we still want to see how you have grasped the concepts, and we also want you to wash the ideas around in your head, so please answer the following monkey puzzle by ticking the appropriate choice, and then discuss with your group (remember that half the fun is in the discussion and a frank exchange of views):
queStion one
No choice of product makes life: a) b) c) d) Exciting Boring Worth living Predictable


queStion fouR
The main objective of advertising is: a) b) c) d) To inform the customer To sell the product To waste money To allow the advertising agency to be creative

Reason: __________________________________________________

Reason: __________________________________________________

queStion tWo
Price competition does the following: a) b) c) d) Makes products more affordable Keeps inflation under control Gives the consumer options All of the above

queStion five
Advertising can be classified as which type of marketing: a) b) c) d) Product Price Place Promotion

Reason: __________________________________________________

Reason: __________________________________________________

queStion thRee
Eastgate, Northgate, Southgate and Westgate are examples of: a) b) c) d) Product Marketing Price Marketing Place Marketing Promotion Marketing

queStion Six
Monopolistic companies normally give: a) b) c) d) Excellent service Moderate service Poor service No service whatsoever

Reason: __________________________________________________ Y Y

Reason: __________________________________________________ Y Y

Driving the future through leading technology

Customer careline 0800 555 832


| october 2012


sponsored by Federal-Mogul

queStion Seven
Companies in a competitive environment: a) b) c) d) Give similar service levels Sometimes behave like monopolies Have motivated employees Are all the same

queStion tWeLve
To start a business, you need: a) b) c) d) Guts Money Knowledge and skills All of the above

Reason: __________________________________________________

Reason: __________________________________________________

queStion eight
Every transaction in the world: a) b) c) d) Involves money Is legal Helps the economy Requires an offer and acceptance

queStion thiRteen
In a normal business environment, who gets the biggest slice of the value added pie: a) Employees

Reason: __________________________________________________

b) c) d)

Shareholders Government Reserves

Reason: __________________________________________________

queStion nine
Economic Blocs are: a) b) c) d) Building blocks of the economy Political groupings Similar to Lego Low price margarine tubs

queStion fouRteen
Businesses that survive: a) b) c) d) Make losses Make profits Dont care None of the above

Reason: __________________________________________________

Reason: __________________________________________________

queStion ten
Black holes are: a) b) c) d) Heavenly bodies Scientific enigmas Gravity bullies Economic wastelands

queStion fifteen
People appreciate: a) b) c) d) Being ignored Respect Loud noise All of the above

Reason: __________________________________________________

Reason: __________________________________________________

queStion eLeven
Business is: a) b) c) d) Good Bad Necessary Business

Reason: __________________________________________________ Y Y Y Y

Driving the future through leading technology

Customer careline 0800 555 832

| october 2012


weighty issues

by Frank Beeton

Declares independence

The global launch of Volvos new flagship heavy truck, the FH Series, in Sweden on September 5th, was notable for a number of reasons. However, probably the most significant, from a technical point of view, was the incorporation into the design of independent front suspension (IFS). Volvo claimed that this was the first time that this feature had been built into a series production heavy truck, making it a topic deserving of more detailed analysis. In fact, as with most innovations, it immediately begs the question why it had not been done before?

hen motor vehicles were first invented, they broadly followed the proven design of animal-drawn wagons, and employed rigid (or beam) axles to locate the front and rear wheels. Suspension, such that it was, usually consisted of simple leaf springs connecting the axles to the frame, or chassis, of the wagon. The main disadvantage of this type of axle is that any disturbance to the smooth rotation of one wheel caused by road irregularities, is automatically transmitted, through the axle, to the opposite wheel, affecting its grip or directional control. As speeds increased, refinements were incorporated to improve stability and comfort, and, during the 1930s, the first IFS systems appeared on passenger cars. The main advantage of IFS was that it allowed each wheel to oscillate vertically without affecting the composure of its opposite number, and, by reducing the vehicles unsprung mass, improved braking, ride and handling dynamics. In due course, the wide progressive adoption of independent rear suspension on motor cars from the 1950s onwards also brought another quantum leap forward in vehicle behaviour. IFS has gradually found its way into pickups, light vans, small trucks, and coaches, but heavier goods vehicles have continued to employ traditional beam axles up to now. The main justification was durability, recognising that trucks are often subjected to extremely heavy loads, and greatly varying road surfaces. The simplicity of the traditional beam axle/leaf spring combination makes for easy inspection in the case of suspected wear or damage, while regular lubrication of the wearing parts can be carried out with a grease gun. Other beneficial refinements that were rapidly adopted by the passenger car community, such as the adoption of disc brakes, have also been slow in coming to the

heavier truck classes, also because of the perceived serviceability benefits offered by the old tech. Interestingly, Volvo has dubbed its innovation Individual Front Suspension, but this still permits the use of the widely used abbreviation IFS. The design looks entirely conventional, with double wishbones hung from each side of a sub-frame, and air springs and dampers providing the suspension medium and bump control, while rack-and-pinion steering has also been added to the mix. In order to illustrate the effectiveness of this technology in providing excellent stability and directional control, a promotional video was made showing world record highliner, Faith Dickey, performing the Ballerina Stunt, by walking across a tightrope stretched between two FH16s travelling in the same direction on opposite freeway carriageways, while they raced towards two parallel tunnels at 80 km/h. If you want to find out if she made it, watch the video on Given the aforementioned considerations, it comes as no surprise that Volvo will only offer IFS initially on left-hand-drive models, and you can be sure that they will check out the applications well in advance. The benefits of the IFS will be best experienced in highspeed operation on smooth surfaces, and there is little chance that this feature will be found anytime soon on units clambering over log debris in forests, or bouncing off rocks in an earthmoving scenario. Even so, it is remarkable that it has taken so long for a major truck manufacturer to venture into the realm of independent suspensions, and it seems likely that Volvos competitors will now feel pressure to follow a similar direction in the not too distant future.


| october 2012

weighty issues

Whatever the road may hold

- FAW J6 truck launches in SA

by Thegandra Naidoo It is no surprise that Chinese companies have grown at a tremendous rate over the past few years, case in point being FAW, Chinas First Automobile Group Corporation. The company, which was recently ranked 165th in the coveted Forbes Fortune top 500 companies, launched their J6 truck tractor to dignitaries and media at Soccer City, Johannesburg, South Africa on 6 September 2012. Key speakers included Kolisile Nkosiphendule - MEC of Economic Development in Gauteng, and TJ Hanekom - deputy manager, Fleetcare at the Automobile Association, among others.

he J6 truck is being touted by FAW as a product that will provide customers who need a heavy duty commercial vehicle, but crucially has also reliability and economy as well as the safety aspects that come with it.

FAWs reputation has been built on its close to 20-year affiliation in South Africa. The company rates South Africa as the most dynamic automotive market in Africa. Hence the introduction of the J6, which possesses pretty impressive specification: with a gross combination mass of 56,000 kg, while utilising a 12L six-cylinder power plant. All the power is channelled through an impressive 16-speed range change box. All these qualities mean that the J6 can compete with the very best in a very tough industry and that it can continue its firm ties with the South African government and market place. FAWs figures speak for themselves their total sales last year were a phenomenal 2.6 million vehicles, and they have formed strategic partnerships with automotive powerhouses such as Toyota and Volkswagen abroad. FAW sees the potential in the local market, and were pleased to announce that they have invested in the Coega development zone, where they plan to build a production base for 5,000 trucks per annum. When there are news reports in local media about unsettled foreign investors from the West, who feel unsettled, it gives the country confidence to know that a big company like FAW has invested a sizeable amount of money to drive production and create jobs in South Africa.

The Coega plant will be strategic in the FAW Groups international approach; they have said that it will become the chief production centre for producing overseas machinery. FAW see Coega as a central cog in helping the company meet the demands of their worldwide production oversight. Furthermore, it means that Africa can grow and build houses, malls and infrastructure that will guide, what was once called the Dark Continent, into a new light that was started with South Africa becoming part of the BRIC countries partnership.

it is imperative that we embrace foreign investment and take full advantage of helping our people become self-sufficient and live for what they do. companies like Faw are building a legacy that has already been cemented by 20 years of good work, lets hope for 20 more.
The FAW J6 will launch in South Africa at R880,000 and includes a 3-year / unlimited km warranty. The launch ended with a display of four of the J6 tractor trucks on the pitch at Soccer City as the new team players from FAW entered the arena, underlining its motto, Whatever the road may hold.


| october 2012


Dont Stop,
Just go
EarthMach Mining and Construction Equipment is located in Steyn Street, Carolina, Mpumalanga. If one drives past this relatively nondescript building, one would not really take much notice, without any specific inclination to investigate any further. But the good folk of Carolina, and indeed across the country, do not need any such invitation, because behind those brick walls is a vibrant business serving a diverse range of clientele.

arthMach is a not just a family run business, it is far more companies as far away as Polokwane, White River, and even than that, with the van der Westhuizen clan playing its part in Richards Bay. His expertise in Detroit engines is particularly valued every aspect of a well- run business. Technical director Chris in South Africa, and this also requires travelling to all parts of the vd Westhuizen and administrative director Petro vd Westhuizen fulfil country. the joint CEO role, whilst also 2007 was a turning point for playing patriarch and matriarch EarthMach. Chris read an in a tightly knit team. Vastly article about Capricorn Society, experienced and highly qualified and the next day he was on the Chris cut his teeth in the earth phone to Rob Mildenhall, then moving business, whilst Petro business development manager earned her financial diplomas of Capricorn. Within days and acumen at Damelin College. Andr Changuion was on his Son Chris Jnr is a Bosch trained doorstep, and ever since then automotive technician and Chris and his team have been son Frans is a qualified earth happy members of the society. moving equipment technician. Petro vd Westhuizen says that Daughters-in-law Cindy and Capricorn opened doors for Michelle are parts manager and us. We had difficulty in opening admin manager respectively, supplier accounts. Now it is so and supporting them are 12 easy, and we have one account. enthusiastic employees who It was as if we were a new Front from left: Michelle vd Westhuizen, Petro vd Westhuizen, Cindy vd also see themselves as part of business, with new people. Westhuizen; Back from left: Jaco Labuschangne, Frans vd Westhuizen, the family. Chris adds that since day one Chris vd Westhuizen Snr, Chris vd Westhuizen Jnr. EarthMach is both a workshop we have had superb service and parts retailer. On the workshop side, they do repairs and and excellent back-up from the Capricorn staff. The Capricorn maintenance services on mining and construction equipment, connection has given me the confidence to plan for expansion, light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles, and they are also knowing that I have a great team on my side. the local agent for Sinoway earth moving equipment. EarthMachs Chris has big plans for EarthMach. He wants to move to bigger customer base is huge, and apart from the Carolina community, premises, and he wants to create job opportunities. Yellow Metal is EarthMach counts among its customers mining, construction, in his blood, and he wants to spread his yellow wings. plant hire, cement, and fleet companies. Municipalities also rely At 07h30 you will find Chris and his team behind the counter and in on EarthMachs expertise, and Chris vd Westhuizen says that we the workshop, raring to go. EarthMachs motto is self-explanatory travel to wherever we are needed. No job is too close or too far. Dont Stop, Just GO. It is because of this attitude, that Chris can relate stories about

To find out more about Capricorn Society Limited call Andr Changuion on 011 704 6370 / 011 704 6514 or fax 011 704 3302 or e-mail him at or visit their website on
| october 2012

trenD is your FrienD

In this issue of aBr we start with our series of articles on economic trends affecting the automotive industry. Our guest columnist is Malcolm Perrie, an independent observer of the industry, but someone who has had hands-on experience as both a participant and consultant, plus has vast knowledge of the factors that affect the growth of our maddening but loved choice of economic activity. Malcolm is a great proponent of the saw that trend is your friend, believing that trend analysis forms the bedrock of future decisions. Thus, with this in mind, our first choice of subject is the strength of vehicle sales, which seems to be bucking the economic trend.

by Malcolm Perrie

Parsing parts predictions

Malcolm Perrie is an independent observer of the industry, with hands-on experience as both a participant and consultant, plus a vast knowledge of the factors that affect the growth of our maddening but loved choice of economic activity. Malcolm is a great proponent of the saw that trend is your friend, believing that trend analysis has to be the bedrock of future decisions. Last month, Malcolm looked at the perplexing strength of vehicle sales, which when compared to other statistical data, seems to be bucking the trend. This month, Malcolm looks at the implications of this dichotomy on future parts sales.

In my previous article I mentioned that new vehicle sales were confounding the experts, so let us look at what this means for future parts sales. Parts demand predictability in the independent Aftermarket is a complex algorithm comprising many diverse elements, some of which include: The age of the vehicles within the national fleets The mix between Diesel and Petrol powered vehicles The composition of the vehicle parc between passenger, LCV, MCV and HCV The overall mobility of the national fleet The macro and micro economic factors that determine liquidity in the market and affect affordability The impact of technology on modern vehicles through extended component life and increased service intervals Increasing retention strategies by vehicle manufacturers with maintenance programs that keep the vehicle within the OE franchise network for up to 150 000 km Increasing availability, and consumption, of sub-standard components whose life expectancy is far less than those of OE quality impact the replacement cycle but play into consumers

where affordability is a key driver in the decision process While many of the above can be modelled using indices such as fuel sales, disposable household income, vehicle population data, import data, etc, that can be gleaned from various government statistics, an interesting observation is the correlation between new vehicle sales and parts demand growth. In the graph below, it is evident that there exists a 2 year lag between a change in the trend of new vehicle sales and the opposite trend within parts demand growth. Points A1 and A2 on the graph highlight an uptick in new vehicle sales in 2001 and 2009 with parts demand growth declining from years 2003 and 2011 respectively! Similarly the start of a decline in new vehicle sales in 2006 showed the beginning of a growth spurt in the parts demand growth (B1 on the chart). Of interest is that, if these trends are to be repeated, that unless the new vehicle demand softens in 2013, the parts demand shows declining growth until 2015 where in fact the trend line shows that parts demand will turn to a negative growth rate rather than one of simply slowing down of the growth. Interesting!

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3690_abr_srtips_FA.indd 4 2012/09/26 4:27 PM


| october 2012

the a-grade

AAA Motors has been in operation for more than 12 years and continues to grow as a leading independently owned workshop in Gezina, Pretoria. Andre Maree, managing director at AAA Motors, aims to provide class-leading service so that his customers have peace-of-mind.
ndre started out as a regional manager for a leading food chain group in the eighties and decided to utilise his business skills to develop many of his companys key characteristics value and service, and aimed at creating an allinclusive workshop. The company now operates as a family entity with Andre at the helm, while sons Johan and Ruan oversee the day-to-day operations of the workshop, petrol station and car wash. Johan (left) with a few of his staff members at AAA Motors

A trained technician replacing the brake shoes on a AAA Motors covers an array of services including customers vehicle general vehicle servicing and maintenance, AAA Motors is located on a busy street and there is diagnostic testing, electrical repairs, engine overhauls, tyre repairs plenty of passing trade to sustain the business. Andre is fully aware and replacement, and a dyno-tuning facility as well. The workshop that you need good technical knowledge to service the modern is equipped with the latest equipment for all makes of vehicles. motor car. Many cars are out of warranty and e-CAR caters for these The workshop employs nine staff members including technicians, vehicles, providing professional assistance normally associated admin and managerial staff. AAA Motors is both with approved agents. Customers want to be RMI and AA accredited. The workshop is open associated with a reputable company and want for business six days a week, although, should a peace-of-mind that their vehicles are being serviced customer have a problem on a Sunday, AAA Motors well, Andre adds. will gladly assist. Andres son, Ruan, is currently completing his autoAndre is the first to admit that he has never had electric trade qualification and they hope to employ formal training as a mechanic. I am not an artisan a few more apprentices in the auto-electrical and tradesman. But I grew up in the mechanical division. As part of the companys growth strategy, environment and there isnt anything that I dont they also offer an online booking system on their know about the trade. I have self-taught skills website. based on practical experience, he says. We look Andre and his sons are also quite heavily involved at the business from a customers point of view. We in Oval Track racing. Andre tells us that his dad has ensure that our workshop is always clean and tidy done Oval Track racing since 1960 and is the pioneer e-CAR branding is visible and that we can offer an exceptional service to the of the sport locally. Andre has also competed across the workshop customer. professionally and represented South Africa in In 2008, Andre decided to extend his business acumen by joining this exciting sport. Andre concludes by saying that the workshop the growing e-CAR network. Andre adds that when he was asked and garage have received plenty coverage from his Oval Track to join the e-CAR group, it didnt take long before he realised racing.

that there was a lot to be gained by becoming a member. We have purchased parts through DieselElectric for many years. Diesel-Electric convinced us that there are many benefits for e-CAR members, and that the e-CAR network is well marketed. As part of the e-CAR groups requirements, we only use the best quality parts and maintain a high level of workmanship in order to ensure continued satisfaction. We also receive preferential prices to purchase Bosch equipment.

To join the fastest growing workshop network in South Africa and to add a new dimension to your business, contact Wilfried Langenbach at 086 000 3227 (086 000 e-CAR)

| october 2012


tonys take

In the fifth of our series of articles, in memory of Tony Twine, on companies that place integrity as a cornerstone of their businesses, and who, upon examination, pass the truth force test, we honour Bridgestone, a business that has built up, over 80 years, a solid reputation, and is today the worlds largest tyre and rubber company. We take their philosophy verbatim from their corporate website.

The Bridgestone Philosophy

The Bridgestone Groups mission is based on the words of its founder: Serving Society with Superior Quality. To fulfil this mission, Bridgestone Group has used the concept of foundation to demonstrate the sustained commitment of employees to provide its customers with world class products and services and to serve the communities where Bridgestone does business. The Bridgestone Essence is composed of the words, integrated corporate culture and our diversity that todays company has inherited and a shared sense of values that can be embraced by Bridgestone employees around the world.

m i s s iO n
SeRving Society With SupeRioR quaLity
We aspire to offer the best for our customers and to society, not only in terms of our products, services and technology, but in all of our corporate activities. Our commitment to quality stems not from want of profit, but out of a passion for improving the safety and lives of people everywhere. Through our Mission, we strive to be a company trusted by the world - a company in which all of us can take great pride.

genbutSu-genba [deciSion-making baSed on veRified, on-Site obSeRvationS]

Genbutsu-Genba is about taking the time to go on-site and personally verify the facts, then using those observations to make informed decisions. It is about not being satisfied with the current situation, and making informed decisions that will lead us ever closer to ideal products and solutions.

fOu ndAtiO n
SeiJitSu-kyocho [integRity and teamWoRk]
Seijitsu-Kyocho is about adhering to principles of good faith as you carry out your work, in the way you treat others, and as you participate in and engage with society. It is about producing positive outcomes by respecting a diversity of skills, values, experiences, genders, and races and fostering teamwork.

JukuRyo-danko [deciSive action afteR thoRough pLanning]

Jukuryo-Danko is about investigating all options and the full range of possibilities, giving careful thought as to how to execute the decided course of action. It is about identifying what is necessary and deciding on a vision. And once a decision and course of action is determined, it is about moving forward with a sense of urgency.

ShinShu-dokuSo [cReative pioneeRing]

Shinshu-Dokuso is about envisioning the future and proactively challenging ourselves to identify and develop innovations that will further benefit society and respond to customer needs -- from the customers point of view. It is about unleashing creativity and innovation to develop new business domains and creating demand for new and beneficial products through our own unique methods.

Our Mission Statement expresses our main focus, the customer and secondly our activities. We perform with our best effort to ensure we retain our customers and add value to society Tony Burns, General Manager Marketing


| october 2012


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truth Force

As many readers may know by now, aBr is on the warpath. We ride our chariot through the streets of Johannesburg and beyond, fighting for Ghandis ideals of Satyagraha (the insistence on truth) in the only way that we know how with pen and paper. As the old saying goes; the pen is mightier than the sword, and we wield a mighty pen. For David Bullard, he did not realise how mighty this saying really was, and the consequences of offending the masses. He was simply colouring in the wrong tree.

by Jessica Hannah

Fight for whats right

n 2008 Bullard published a column in the Sunday Times called Uncolonised Africa wouldnt know what it was missing. The column referred to an Africa that had not been invaded by the evil white man, as Bullard put it. It went on to describe a pristine African, with lovely rolling hills, with untouched mineral wealth, a land with no roads, various tribes living a peaceful and healthy life; never having been exposed the sinful ways of the West, with no televisions and no one having more than they needed, and the tribes living a perfect existence. The column continued, But the tribes feel as though there is some essential happiness ingredient that is missing. The tribes have prayed to the ancestors, but they do not know either. The column ends with ships and planes landing in Africa and the Chinese invading the land in search of mineral resources. At this point in the invasion, the indigenous population realise what they have been missing all along; someone to blame. This column caused a lot of controversy. Bullard was accused of being a racist and was subsequently fired from the Sunday Times. However, there were many people who supported Bullard, saying that the editor should not have allowed the column to be published in the first place. The column also started the freedom of speech debate. Bullard also said at the time that the newspaper had told him to be controversial. However, every person has to make decisions every day, some easy and some difficult. If Bullard knew that his column would be so offensive, would he not have adjusted it to be slightly less offensive? Taking this further, if you work in a company and are aware that this company is not following procedure or is partaking

in corrupt or unethical behaviour; make a decision to stand against it. Why does society dumb itself down and always accept less than the best. In the words of Marianne Williamson, from her book A Return to Love, and quoted by Nelson Mandela, Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. This is the problem with society, and with South Africa. We do not feel that we must be great, or that we must be the best, but why we must not be? The truth is that we need to become the best people that we can be and then also expect it from others, not just let corruption run rife and say to ourselves, well, this is Africa. NO. This is Africa what? Why should we not hold ourselves up to the same expectations as the rest of the world? We cannot continue to live on the sympathies of the rest of the world, and we need to help ourselves. The beginning of this is to fight for what is right and push for Satyagraha.


| october 2012

w h At s t h E B u z z ?
ruthErfOrd cElEBrAtEs 100 yEArs Of sErvicE tO lOcAl industry
Rutherford is celebrating 100 years of service to the Southern African industrial arena. The company was established by AE Rutherford in 1912 and specialised in sales of general engineering requisites and consumables, including woodworking machines and tools, belt drives, stone and ore crushers and screens, among others. From these early beginnings, the roots of todays Rutherford operation associated with leading agencies such as Makita, Maktec, Mercury and Topcon. Rutherford CEO Bob Cameron-Smith believes the core success factors that have led the company to become one of the few South African companies able to celebrate 100 years of successful business operations, are world renowned brands backed by quality technical back-up and a depth of technical know-how. However, another success factor is the immense product knowledge pool accumulated by our employees, he adds. In our economy, its rare to find so many long-serving employees. Our management team averages 19 years with the company, while the average length of service among our admin staff is 12 years and our sales team, nine years. Cameron-Smith says his current objective for building on Rutherfords century of service into the future, is to consolidate the companys position as a leading supplier. In recent years this strategy has seen the company expand its national footprint by including other avenues of distribution and expanding its reach into neighbouring African countries.



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| october 2012

ABR 5/12

the garden route
Thegandra Naidoo
vieW paRtinfoRm video on

Mossel Bay, the The Bay of Cowherds - as it became known after its discovery in the 15th century - is located along the Garden Route of the Western Cape. Mossel Bay is best known as the first place that the Europeans landed when they arrived in South Africa on 03 February 1488. It also serves as the place for the first commercial transaction between Europeans and the indigenous people of this country.

he towns economy relied heavily on farming, until 1969, when natural offshore gas fields were discovered and led to the development of the gas-to-liquids refinery operated by PetroSA.

Today, however, Mossel Bay has a growing economy and slowly changing its landscape by increasing its automotive aftermarket parts pool. Hardly surprising when one considers that Mossel Bay PARTINFORM had more than 100 people in attendance - a greater percentage of attendees who were distributors and retailers, and a handful of fitment and workshop personnel. The Mossel Bay PARTINFORM - hosted at the Mossel Bay City Hall on 04 September 2012 - proved that there is just as much love for the presence of quality and original automotive aftermarket parts. It seems that smaller towns have a vibe with participation from enthusiastic attendees and Partinform always provides an opportunity for the people to network with part suppliers, and to discuss with them any issues that they may be have with these products. Partinform is a great way to help raise awareness on how important it is to fit good quality products, to reduce comebacks and for safety reasons, the atmosphere of the event is a very lively one thanks to competitions and giving away prizes to the people that attend the evenings. The event is also a good way for

component manufacturers to get to know their clients and build up a good relationship for future business. The products featured at the event range from lubricants and sealants all the way to brakes, clutches and belts and also heavy duty equipment for use on off road vehicles, among others. Component manufacturers were also keen to chat to visitors of the show and impart knowledge on their products. The show culminated with edutainment - music, quiz and prize giving ceremony - with one lucky person who scooped an off-road rally experience. An ecstatic Steyn de Jager from Hyper Midas Voorbaai in Mossel Bay was excited that he had won an off-road rally experience. I am a huge fan of the Dakar Rally and it will be an awesome experience to be to driven around in a Dakar vehicle. De Jager also told aBr that that he firmly believed in quality parts because they ensure there are no comebacks and their customers are happy. We believe in selling quality replacement parts only. We want to uphold customer satisfaction, and not for them to return to us to complain that we have sold inferior quality spares to them. We want the customer to have peace-of-mind, he added. Hyper Midas Voorbaai was also named the trade store of the show. The next Partinform trade show takes place on 16 October 2012 in Lusaka, Zambia.

For galleries, go to


| october 2012

| october 2012


show tiMe

Fun and Prizes

galore at three- in- one show
The Expo Centre in Nasrec hosted three lifestyle shows side by side from 24 to 26 August 2012. Hall 5 accommodated the AMiD Motorcycle Lifestyle Show, whilst Halls 6 and 7 were bulging with displays making up the Johannesburg Boat and Outdoor Lifestyle Show. The outdoor areas were also buzzing with displays and activities, and the food vendors were doing a roaring trade.

was there to take in the action, and we give a pictorial overview to whet the appetites for next time, for those who did not make it this year. Go to and to see more.


| october 2012

w h At s t h E B u z z ?
Tips from the

AA lEgAl EAglE: spEEding - whAt ArE thE limits rEAlly?

Regulation 292 of the National Road Traffic Act states that the general speed limits are 60km/h on every public road in an urban area, 100km/h on public roads situated outside an urban area excluding freeways, and 120km/h on every freeway. Its important to note, however, that certain roads may have specified speed limits which are specified by a road sign. With this information, the speeding limits seem quite clear. But whats not clear is the regulation regarding areas where the speed limit changes. This stands to question, particularly when speed limit signage drops more than 10km in a 200m stretch of road. For example, how many times have you been driving from a 120km/h zone into an 80km/h zone, and while you are still reining your speedometer in the camera flashes and you have a fine? The law states that no prosecution may be instituted where the speed measurement was taken within 300 metres of the commencement of the speed limit zone. The point is that its always pertinent to obey the limit. Speeding is not worth it! The price we pay is not only life, but also the immense cost that accumulates to emergency services and health care, not to mention the knock-on effect this has due to loss of productivity in the workplace when people are injured as a result, says Gary Ronald, head of Public Affairs at the Automobile Association. Speed also doesnt get you very far, adds Ronald. In fact, on a 10km journey, you would save a mere 46 seconds by increasing your average speed from 60km/h to 65km/h. Speeding also means you use more fuel and your engine churns out more gas to pollute the atmosphere. So, for your sake and for the sake of pedestrians and other motorists, slow down.

nAtiOnAl BOAt shOw & divE EXpO 7 - 9 sEptEmBEr At thE cOcA cOlA dOmE
If you like to have fun on, in or under the water, Johannesburgs National Boat Show & Dive expo had something exciting for everyone from professionals to families to weekend enthusiasts. The National Boat Show & Dive Expo, South Africas best-loved boating, scuba diving, fishing, water sports and outdoor leisure show celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. The Show took place from 7 9 September at the CocaCola dome in Northriding, Johannesburg.


| october 2012

electra Mining aFrica 2012

Electra Mining Africa


ince 2002, Electra Mining Africa has been incorporated in the Department of Minerals and Energys Mining Week and Mining Summit attracting high level government and industry officials to the show. The exhibitor mix has changed over the years to suit market-driven needs with some companies reducing exhibitor floor space compared to previous years. However, this has led to greater creativity in the utilisation of space and the addition of many new exhibitors eager to be at Electra Mining Africa for the first time. Over the years, the show has experienced an increase in international interest with exhibitors confirmed from countries such as Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Turkey, UK and US. Government support is strong with large stand areas that were taken by the Australian Trade Commission and Canada, and by the French, German and US Pavilions. Chinese manufacturers also used Electra Mining Africa as a platform to showcase their wide range of mining equipment. DTIs export arm, the South African Capital Equipment Export Council, once again confirmed its support for Inward Buying Missions, which included groups from South America, US, Russia, Ukraine and China. The support received from exhibitors and general business for the 2012 show was outstanding and floor space for the show was sold out. An exciting event that took place at Electra Mining Africa this year was the International Infrastructure & Investment Convention (IIIC). The event, which ran between 12-13 September, and covered the topics of energy efficiency, smart grids, renewable energy, water and wastewater, mobility and transportation infrastructure, highlighting the importance of infrastructure investment in these industry sectors. Day 2 of the convention focused on the transportation sector and how the German chamber of commerce is working with the Southern African countries to help build infrastructure and move towards a common goal. One of the big projects is by the Walvis Bay Corridor Group. CEO of the group, Johnny Smith outlined the plan to utilise the

Since its inception more than 40 years ago, Electra Mining Africa has grown from its embryonic beginnings to its international calendar status of today. As always, Electra Mining Africa was hosted at NASREC in Johannesburg from 10-14 September. The show is ranked as the second largest mining show in the world and offered both exhibitors and visitors the opportunity to make valuable business connections and a forum for discussing the latest developments, technologies, trends, products and services in the mining, construction, industrial and power generation industries. It is a recognised gateway into Africa for local and global investors looking for new business opportunities in these industries.
corridor as avenue to facilitate trade routes between countries in the SADEC region. But in order to make sure those routes work well, the area needs to be logistically sound, and that is where logistics specialist Gerard de Villiers lectured. He looked at many areas from a private point of view and his great knowledge of rail, road and sea logistical experience meant he could delve into great detail about what needed to be done. He touched on how South Africa needs to move a lot of its cargo to be transported via rail, which Transnet; the parastatal has committed to do. De Villiers also touched on how the border posts can be improved, so that goods can pass through customs in an efficient manner, without losing time or money. Electra Mining Africa is recognised as a gateway into Africa for local and global investors looking for new business opportunities in the mining, industrial, construction and power generation industries. Together with Elenex Africa, Machine Tools Africa (endorsed by the Machine Tool Merchants Association of South Africa) and Transport Expo Africa, Electra Mining Africa brought coinciding industry sectors together at one location for visitor and exhibitor convenience.


| october 2012

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autoMotive balls review

Road test
vOlkswAgE n c c - c Om fO rt c Ou pE gE ts A s h A r pE r s uit
Many motoring purists with an eye for design will argue till their thinly-framed advertising-like specs begin to shake violently that there is no such thing as a four-door coupe. Mercedes, Audi and their cousin VW will give you a big slap and say yes there is: hence the CC. As rakish as a latin woman, the CC now employs a middle seat, the pre-facelift model didnt, which meant you had to leave one of your three children at home. it resembles VWs flagship, Phaeton, which never made it to our shores. The CC is powered by a turbocharged 2.0l engine which delivers 155kW and 280Nm of torque, and if driven sedately, will see you waving at petrol attendants as you continue on your journey. We particularly enjoyed driving the DSg (Direct shift gearbox), for the way it smoothly put down the power and effortlessly made me part of Joburgs elite Teutonic drivers. Read more online.

To read The full road TesTs go To

t OyO tA E t i O s - t OyO tA dOEs thE BudgEt cAr, wi t h A s mi l E

inevitably, the Etios is going to be mentioned in the same sentence as the once ubiquitous Tazz. But truth be told, We think the Etios is so impressive that it deserves to not just emulate the success of the Tazz, but shred it to parts. it is built in india, which will become the third largest manufacturer of cars in the next few years. So yes, it doesnt feel as solid as some of its rivals, but the willing 1.5l 4-cylinder engine has enough gusto to push Malema off a mine. The hatch back has sufficient space for small families and does very well, to negotiate gautengs pothole-strewn roads. its not priced to cut out the Chinese rivals, but does come standard with a two-year, 30,000km service plan which should give it the nod over another budget entry, the Renault Sandero. Full road test online.

O pEl mErivA m Or E t h A n Ju s t A mum s tA Xi

MPVs might not be the most desirable cars in the world but the Opel Meriva is tad different it has something in common with the Rolls Royce Phantom it has clever doors. The front doors open to 90 degrees while the rear doors are hinged at the rear. The advantage is that its really easy to mount a child seat and also strap the kid into place. And, its even more versatile if you have an older passenger who needs to get in-and-out with ease. More impressively, its fitted with a 1.4l turbocharged engine that delivers a healthy 103kW and 200Nm torque enough to sprint from 0-100kph in a formidable 9.3 seconds and a top whack of 193kph. Even so, the Meriva still remains frugal. But, is it worth the R236,300 price tag, we hear you ask? Read all about the current Meriva 1.4T Enjoy online.


| october 2012

autoMotive balls review

J Ag uA r X J lwB t h E cAt p u r r s O n c E Ag A i n
it wasnt very long ago when Jaguars were seen as stuffy and old fashioned, while the XJ was always the most conservative model. Not anymore. gone is the stiff upper lip, and in its place is a flamboyant design that makes every other luxury car brand look as glamorous as taking a local taxi. its the same on the inside - the XJs handcrafted cabin is designed to make the owner feel like a millionaire or make that R1.8m to be precise. We love the acres of space on the inside, all of the instruments are digital rather than analogue, and theres leather across the dashboard, seats, door panels and centre armrest, among others. it comes with a wide range of standard equipment but what impressed us most was the rather cool twin sunroof. however, in this segment of the market, there are number of rivals from BMW, Mercedes and Audi. Find out what we think about the XJ lWB model.

i nf in iti f X30 d s B iOn i c c hEEtAh r E A dy tO pOu n c E

When it was first launched globally a few years back, the infiniti FX rocked the luxury crossover world with its car-like looks and handling, combined with the ride height and versatility of an SUV. it was described by its designers as a bionic cheetah. The curvaceous FX looks like a predator thats about to pounce on its competition from lexus, BMW and Mercedes were its prey. Finally, after years of waiting, the infiniti brand has landed on our shores. While the styling and design might not be everyones cup-of-tea, its certainly has the ability to make people look twice. We spend a week behind the wheel of the FX30d S model the diesel derivative that delivers 175kW and a lofty 550Nm of torque, and transferred to all four wheels via a seven-speed auto box. But, were not entirely convinced with the FX is this a glorified Nissan Murano with an inflated price tag?

Au d i Q 3 wE s t r u g g lE t O fi n d i t s p u r p O s E
Audis Q3 slots in below the Q7 and Q5 as the third member of ingolstadts Q-car SUV line-up. While the Q3 uses the same underlying platform as Volkswagens Tiguan SUV, it is utterly different in appearance, inside and out. Though lacking the sheer boldness of the Evoque, or the distinctiveness of the Countryman, it is more characterful in its styling than its middle sibling, the Q5. But the R420,000plus price tag for the 2.0 TFSi S-Tronic might be a deterrent when one considers that X1 equivalent is cheaper. And, will it be able to pose a threat to its sibling, the Volkswagen Tiguan? Find out more online.

| october 2012


oFF roaD racing

A Day at the Races

It was dusty and dry, but the aBr team thoroughly enjoyed being guests of Ford Racing at the 4x4 Mega World 400, Round 6 of the SA Off-Road championship, held on Saturday 1st September 2012, around the barren plains of the East Rand, with the start and finish at Carnival City, Brakpan.
brought some luck with them, as the Ford Racing Team won the manufacturers award, with the two Ford factory teams of Visser/ Badenhorst and Woolridge/Huxtable combining with privateers de Bruin/ Greyling to take the trophy. Former champions Chris Visser and Japie Badenhorst revived their Production Vehicle title hopes with a win in their Ford Ranger, coming in 2min 39sec ahead of veterans Hannes Grobler and Hennie ter Stege in their BMW X3. Visser and Badenhorst had started the weekend with a win in the prologue, which determined race grid positions, and they took this edge with them into the main race. Howard Keeg must be commended for pulling off this split second photo of Laurence and Gerhard du Plessis, taking the flag in their Zarco, becoming the sixth different Special Vehicle winners in six races when they came home with 1min 28sec to spare over former South African champion Evan Hutchison and Danie Stassen in their BAT Venom. The Wolmarransstad brothers came over the line in spectacular fashion, and Keeg managed to get the perfect shot. aBrs intrepid photographer Howard Keeg managed to get some stunning shots, of which we share some with our readers. To see more of the action, go to , and view the picture gallery. and

The Ford supporters were out in force

Visser and Badenhorst, with a clean Ranger, start off on their dusty run Visser and Badenhorst take the chequered flag, with a by now not so clean Ranger On the route, Badenhorst had time to acknowledge the support


| october 2012

MiDas Motorsport

Scholtz stamps his authority

in Midas Formula 1600 championship
A hot late winters day with a welcome cooling wind created the perfect spectating environment for an action-packed seventh round of the WesBank Super Series at Zwartkops Raceway on 01 September 2012.

Werner Scholtz scored a double win at Zwartkops and is back in championship contention

n the Midas Formula 1600 action, Werner Scholtz stamped his authority with two emphatic wins. In the process he also reignited his title aspirations, which he now shares with Matthew Merton. Merton finished second in heat 1 and third in heat 2. The pair have now opened up a gap to the next two would be championship contenders, who, with two rounds remaining, have let their chances almost certainly slip through their fingers. The Production Car brigade dished up the usual top-class racing with Hennie Groenewald took a comfortable lights to flag victory in the feature race ahead of the Audi S4s of defending champion Michael Stephen and an impressive Tschops Sipuka. Groenewald did his championship chances no harm with a win in the first of the back-to-back sprint races earlier in the day ahead of Stephen and former champion Anthony Taylor (BMW 335i). Etienne van der Linde (BMW 335i) won the reverse grid second sprint from teammate Taylor and Stephen. Lee Thompson, who gave his MINI Cooper its maiden win in the last round at Phakisa, reinforced the MINIs potential by winning class T in both the opening sprint race and the feature race. Championship leader Graeme Nathan (VW Golf GTi) was second ahead of Gavin Cronje (MINI Cooper) in the feature race and strengthened his championship lead by finishing second in the opening sprint and winning the second sprint. Both MINIs ran into cooling problems in race two. Simon Moss and championship leader Jayde Kruger each scored a first and a second in the two races in a poorly supported Formula

Volkswagen category, which only attracted nine entries. Nicholas van Weely was third in both races. Round 8 of the Wesbank Super Series took place on 22 September 2012. We will report on the event in the next issue of the aBr. In other news, Round 6 of the Midas Historic Tour took place at Midvaal Raceway on 01 September. The event attracted 140 competitors in various makes and models of cars from the sixties and seventies, while racing kicked off at 10h00 promptly. The largest field for the day were the Pre 77 Historic Saloons and competitors battled it out for the much needed championship points in various categories. The SABAT Lotus Challenge saw a strong field of 30 cars this category always provides spectacular racing. Other categories that fought for championship points included the Formula Fords and Marque Cars. Invitational races were also held for the Pre 77/84 Sports and GT Cars as well as the Pre 66 Sports and GT Cars and Pre 66 Legends Production Cars. Race fans were treated to a great display of a variety of sports and production cars that battled for class and race victory. If you havent yet been to a Midas Historic Tour event, make your way to Zwartkops Raceway on 03 November for the penultimate historic car event of the year. For a full review of the Historic Tour event at Kyalami on 29 September, visit

| october 2012


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w h At s t h E B u z z ?
skf trAck dAy with thE AuBy BOyz rAcE tEAm!
aBr was recently invited to Midvaal Raceway in Meyerton to experience some fast machinery with SKF and the Auby boyz. SKF has been in South Africa since 1914 and have been at the forefront of supplying products that use bearings, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems. Guests at the track day had the privilege of hurtling round the track with hot laps in a Nissan GT-R, Noble M400, Ford GT40, and a Wesbank V8 track car. It was an opportunity for SKF to mingle and network with some of their leading suppliers. There was even an opportunity for suppliers to get into teams and battle each other in a go-kart race, which got very lively on the track. The Auby Boyz race team sponsored by SKF - were on hand to provide hot laps and basically give suppliers a once-in a lifetime opportunity to be piloted round a race track by a professional driver. For galleries, visit

The automotive industry is going through a period of unprecedented change. Computer technology is moving into control and monitoring arrangements for many vehicle systems. At SKF we have been at the technical forefront of solutions for bearing systems and mechanical assembly sealing solutions for almost a century. The challenges set by todays opportunities are embraced by our engineers with the same determination that saw the development of the worlds first hub bearing units and the first custom-designed engine oil seals.

SKF - the Automotive industrys answer

The Power of Knowledge Engineering
SKF South Africa (Pty) Limited Tel: +27 11 821 3500, Fax: +27 86 677 7876 Email:, Web:

| october 2012


w h At s t h E B u z z ?
high fivE fOr thE nEw mAzdA5
The Ethembeni Babies Home has received the keys to a Mazda5 from editor of FOCUS on Transport and Logistics Charleen Clarke. Ethembeni, a Salvation Army home which accommodates abandoned, HIV/Aids infected and affected babies, was in desperate need of a vehicle to ferry babies and toddlers, many of whom need antiretrovirals (ARVs), to hospital. With the safety features of the Mazda5, the FOCUS team was able to make the donation with confidence. The vehicle is equipped with anti-lock braking with electronic brakeforce distribution and emergency brake assist, dual front airbags, and curtain and side airbags for all seating positions. In addition, Engen kindly offered to donate fuel to the value of R 3 000 to Ethembeni.

Representatives from FOCUS magazine, Words cannot express our gratitude for The Salvation Army/Ethembeni, and Engen this phenomenal donation, says Heather The Caring Truckers Aids Drive was Rossouw of Ethembeni. Its going to change our lives. Ethembeni, initiated in 2000 by FOCUS magazine in conjunction with Bridgestone. meaning Place of Hope, currently provides residential care to 64 Since then, countless lives have been touched and changed by the children from birth to three years of age. All children in need of care generosity of the caring members of the transport industry. are admitted, irrespective of their health status. I honestly believe South Africa has a bright future, but it takes Children who have been abandoned, or removed from abusive situations or carers who arent able to adequately meet the needs of the child, are placed at Ethembeni by the Commissioner of Child Welfare.

effort, says Clarke. Each and every South African needs to commit to doing something good not every day, just occasionally. This is exactly what we have been able to do thanks to the support of the South African truck industry.

whEn Bundu-BAshing isnt A gOOd idEA

Thule Towing Systems SA has warned off-roaders that they could be stressing both the tow bar and tow vehicle beyond their design limits by undertaking extreme off-road manoeuvres with a trailer attached, and in certain instances forcing the vehicle and trailer to interact in a way which they were never designed to do. The engineering specification for tow balls states that they must be capable of handling a 15 degree rotation above or below a horizontal line relative to the trailer, though depending on the coupling design you could theoretically achieve more in certain situations. Generally though, if you go beyond that - especially when the trailer is hanging down such as when the vehicle traverses a crest - then the hinging effect is lost and the two units effectively lock together transferring forces directly into the chassis of the car and/or the frame of the trailer, explains Thules managing director, Mark Gutridge. This can have a dire effect on not only the rig, but the tow bar and the tow ball. Depending on how strong the various components that make up the chain are, it may be the tow bar which breaks, or its mountings points may rip out of the chassis, or it may actually fracture the ball by exceeding its shear strength usually at the narrowest part of the neck just below the ball itself. In a worst case scenario, such as when the rig is exiting a donga with very steep sizes, you could have a situation where a trailer literally hangs on the ball, to the point where the trailer wheels are off the ground, says Gutridge. A similar situation could occur when negotiating axle-twisters and a lateral twist of no more than 25 degrees from the vertical is what the ball is designed for. Damage caused by this kind of overloading doesnt always manifest itself immediately, but the only certainty if that something is being put under extreme stress, and a catastrophic failure can happen much later, with disastrous consequences, concludes Gutridge.

cEmAt intrAlOgistics EXhiBitiOn switchEs tO nEw twO-yEAr cyclE

Beginning in 2014, the Hannover-based CeMAT exhibition will be staged every two years. This change was made by the shows organisers at Deutsche Messe to accommodate the faster pace of change in the intralogistics market as well as the industrys shorter innovation cycles. The decision to present the leading intralogistics exhibition every two years was made in close consultation with the CeMAT Executive Committee and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) as well as at the unanimous request of exhibitors. In todays competitive global market, intralogistics companies need to be international players if they want to grow. So it has become all the more important for them to showcase themselves at this globally leading trade fair at shorter intervals than before, commented Dr Christoph Beumer, chairman of the CeMAT Steering Committee and managing director of BEUMER Group GmbH & Co. KG. Given the rapid pace of technological development and the resulting market dynamics, the new biennial cycle at CeMAT will further strengthen our industry and add new momentum. The intralogistics industry is extremely innovative and has a strong global outlook. It needs a world-class B2B platform that is held every two years one which is fully geared to the market and to worldwide demand. This is precisely what CeMAT offers. The new biennial cycle combined with the shows new keynote themes and extended theme line-up will further enhance the value CeMAT delivers to the intralogistics industry, remarked Dr Andreas Gruchow, member of the Managing Board at Deutsche Messe.


| october 2012

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the Fink


to the EditOr

Over the last month, weve received some very interesting comments via our Facebook page and comments on our web site. The following comment has been selected the following comment as this months winner of a Midas MyBonus loyalty card, topped up with points to the value of R500.

WebSite comment of the month:

Mitsubishis EVO has always been a halo and awesome piece of machinery, but it is totally ludicrous to have a price tag of R700,000. I would rather buy a BMW M3, Audi RS3 or BMW 1M (assuming you can get your hands on one) or better yet, a demo Nissan GT-R. Junaid Kleinschmidt (In response to the Mitsubishi Lancer EVO article on aBr Motoring) Well done Junaid, your MyBonus loyalty card is on its way to you.

The Fink is looking for letters, Facebook comments, Tweets and funny jokes. The best feedback will win a MyBonus loyalty car courtesy of Midas.

What iS a mybonuS caRd?

Midas uses the Midas card to reward customers for their loyal support. You as the consumer have to be more vigilant with your hard earned cash in these tough financial times. More and more people are maintaining their vehicles themselves and at Midas we would like to thank them for their continued loyalty. The Midas loyalty program is backed by the MyBonus card. This means that every were you see the MyBonus Logo your Midas card will work. You can earn and burn your Midas reward-point at any of these outlets. You can get your own Midas Card in any participating Midas outlet. You can earn rewards by swiping your Midas card when purchasing.

Fill in the grid so that each row, each column, and each 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Answers on p100

1 3 6

9 2

4 4 3

S/N 000-004-283

ABR 1 September, 2012

Answers on p100
1 36 8 2 2 8 11 6 2 2 9 1

6 1

2 8 9 7 5 2 6 9 3

8 1 5

7 7 7 8 2

2 4

Instructions: Fill in the grid so that each row, each column, and each 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. 2009 2009


3 4 2 1 2009

2 1 4 3 2009


| october 2012

(011) 678 6328 (021) 551 2822 (031) 201 2710 (041) 364 0102 (051) 447 5339

Misa Motoring quiz


the MIsA MotoRInG quIz

sEE hOw mAny Of thEsE 20 QuEstiOns yOu cAn AnswEr.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What does the acronym TDAFA stand for? Who is the author of the book, The Return to Love? Approximately how many passenger and light commercial vehicles were registered in SA in 2009? What did Mossel Bay become known as after its discovery in 1488? How quickly does the Linde E1 go-kart get from 0-100kph? What is the launch price of the new FAW J6 truck? Who is the MEC for Economic Development in Gauteng? Johnny Smith is the CEO of which infrastructure group in the Northern Cape? What is the legal limit for tread on a tyre?

10. What is the kW output of the Infiniti FX30d model that we recently tested? 11. How much money was invested to build the Ford Waste Water Treatment Plant? 12. Who is the managing director of Thule Towing Systems SA? 13. How many years has Gabriel Shocks been trading in SA? 14. In which country did the Opel Astra Sedan production recently kick off? 15. How many litres of fuel does the US aim to save annually by the year 2030? 16. Which legendary F1 driver recently celebrated 21 years and 300 races in Grand Prix racing? 17. Mr. Liang Xiao is the secretary-general for which accessories and tuning company in China? 18. On what date was the Volvo FH Series truck launched in Sweden? 19. How many companies exhibited at Automechanika Frankfurt 2012? 20. In what year was MiX TeleMatics Africa started in South Africa?



Membership is open to all Ofce -, Stores -, Sales and Clerical



employees, Artisans and Apprentices in the Motor Industry.

(011) 678 6328, (041) 364 0102, (031) 207 7548, (051) 447 5339, (021) 551 2822
(011) 678 6328 (021) 551 2822 (031) 201 2710 (041) 364 0102 (051) 447 5339

Membership is open to all O ce -, Stores -, Sales - and Clerical employees, Artisans and Apprentices in the Motor Industry.

Answers on page 100


october 2012 | February 2012


the Fink


Gabriel Shocks is giving away three Smoke On Go collectors item booklets, autographed by the Gabriel Wings Team. The Smoke On Go booklet contains incredible photography taken from the ground, next to the formation and inside the formation.

1 3 6 3 1 9 2 4 4 2
S/N 000-004-283

ABR 1 Sept

If you would like to win an autographed 2 8 7 booklet, simply Like the Gabriel 8 9 3 1 7 2 Shocks Facebook page at http://www. and post an interesting story about your experiences with changing shocks. You can also 9 5 7 4 visit the Gabriel Shocks Facebook page using your mobile phones QR code scanner to scan the following code:



answers from , September 2012

the WinneRS of the onLine dRiveR RiSk Cruel aSSeSSment couRSe foR SeptembeR 2012 have been announced on

Fill in each c contain


1 3 6 5 2 8 9 7 4 9 2 8 7 6 4 3 1 5 4 7 5 3 1 9 6 2 8 5 8 7 9 4 3 2 6 1 6 4 3 2 8 1 5 9 7 2 1 9 6 7 5 8 4 3 3 6 2 4 5 7 1 8 9

Answers from p98

S/N 000-004-283

Ashok Thakur - CEO of Mahindra SA The winner of the AIDC Guess the Celebrity competition (September 2012) is A O Minnie.

8 9 4 1 3 6 7 5 2


7 5 1 8 9 2 4 3 6

ABR 1 Sept

a Midas Voucher
TRADE UNIONS ARE NOT ALL THE SAME ! JOIN MISA AND EXPERIENCE PEOPLE WHO REALLY CARE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Membership is open to all O ce -, Stores -, Sales - and Clerical employees, Artisans and Apprentices in the Motor Industry.

Answers from p98

1 3 4 2 2 1 3 4
2 1 2

1 3 2 4 3 4 1 2


Question: how many product lines does MOTOPART offer? SMS the word MOTOPART2 1 3 4 and your answer to 33787. Deadline for entries 25 October 2012. Cost of SMS entry is R1.50 per SMS.
(011) 678 6328 (021) 551 2822 (031) 201 2710 (041) 364 0102 (051) 447 5339


2 2

4 2 3 1 2 1 4 3 2009

3 4 2 1 2009

An s wE r s
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tyre Dealer and Fitment Centre Association Marianne Williamson 6.5 million The Bay of cowherds 3.45 seconds 6. 7. 8. 9. R880,000

From page 99

Kolisile Nkosiphendule Walvis Bay Corridor Group 1.6mm

13. 77 years 14. Poland

10. 175kW 11. R 21million

16. Michael Schumacher

2 9 1

19. 4593 20. 1996



| october 2012



15. 87.1 billion litres

18. 5 September 2009 2009

12. Mark Gutridge

17. Xiamen Automotive Parts Trade Association (XAMPTA)

aiDc quiz

Guess the ceLebRIty competition

he Automotive Industry Development Centre (Pty) Ltd (AIDC) is a Gauteng provincial government-owned proprietary company established to primarily provide support to the South African automotive industry in its drive for global competitiveness. It is the AIDCs mission to serve the South African automotive industry, government departments and government agencies to: In this series of competitions, the AIDC gives the aBr readers a chance to win a motivational book and a gift voucher, simply by answering a series of quizzes. Last months Guess the Celebrity jigsaw puzzle was Ashok Thakur. This month we are featuring a South African race car driver.

Grow the global competitiveness of the Gauteng province specifically as well as the South African automotive industry Support the governments industrial development related objectives; and Contribute to government and industry goals of continuous growth and sustainable job creation and skills development

tEn QuEstiOns fOr Our cElEBrity guEst:

1. Main Activity of individual: Professional Rally Driver for a Rally Team 2. Date and Place of Birth: Johannesburg 1978/05/13 3. Favourite food / meal and drink (alcoholic / non-alcoholic): PIZZA - Green pepper, chicken! - Enjoy Dry Lemon 4. Favourite music: Anything that gets my foot tapping - Adult Contemporary 5. Favourite sport and / or hobby: Mountain Biking 6. Car: Favourite: AC Cobra and Current:Golf GTI 6 7. Miscellaneous behavioural dislikes: Arrogant and fake people and people who lie. 8. Favourite place in the world: New York City 9. Philosophies of Life: Live life to the fullest! 10. Greatest achievement to date: 3 SA National Class Championships

To see the full transcript of the answers to the questions go to

Send your answers before the 25 October to Automotive Business Review, P.O. Box 69, Wendywood, 2144, or fax to 0866 579 289, or e-mail your answers to, with the subject line AIDC competition #7. Alternatively, visit or , and click on Competition Corner.

a motivational book and a voucher to the value of R450

answers in the next issue of , and on our website from 25 October

| october 2012


Brake Hoses

Make your own OE Quality brake hoses

CEF 1/8 SAEJ1401

Complete and easy start-up system Make a hose in 5 minutes while your customer waits Keep your inventory low - opening stock can supply 90% of customer enquiries Made up hoses conform to International Standards ISO 3996, SAE J1401 Become a one-stop shop, attracting new customers Full technical support & stock availability

Make your own brake pipes

Vice-mounted professional flaring tool Easy to use - make a pipe in 2 minutes No bending tool required - easy for fitter to bend while installing Fast return on investment
Brake Tube Flaring Tool

Opening stock caters for 95% of brake pipes in SA (consists of 3/16 pipe and fittings)
Brake Hose & Component Supplies (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0861-776-675 (Int:+27 12 803-0201) E-mail:

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total car care innovation

for the automotive, industrial and diY markets

PolishinG comPounds

These premium product ranges are brought to you by KWh Agencies Trade info Tel no 011 312 4080/1

ABR 5/12

w h At s t h E B u z z ?
chAmpiOn filtErs AnswEring thE dEmAnd
Federal-Mogul, a leading global supplier of vehicle technologies, and the parent organisation for the Champion brand, has announced a significant expansion of the range of Champion filters. Champion is extremely committed to providing the range of parts our customers need. To meet expectations we have an on-going New Product Introduction (NPI) project in place to ensure you always get the part you need says Heath Stow, business manager of Federal-Mogul. All in all, 100 new parts have been added to the existing range: 20 fuel filters, 32 oil filters, and 48 air filters. Customers will now be able to fit Champion filters on an additional range of vehicles. For fuel filters there are now 543 new vehicle applications, for air filters 352 new vehicles have been added and for oil filters 514 new vehicles are covered. Over the remaining course of the year, Federal-Mogul and Champion plan to introduce even more filters to the range. The folks at Federal-Mogul say that with demand having increased significantly since introduction, it is clear that the South African Aftermarket has given Champion filters the nod. They go on to say that efficient filtration is a vital function in todays modern, tight-tolerance automotive engines and has a direct impact on the performance and lifespan of a vehicle. The task of an engines filters, in combination, is to prevent abrasive particle matter from entering the engine as well as the removal of normally occurring wear particles and pollutants from areas where they can cause mechanical wear and engine failure. Champion oil-filters remove the solid particles from the engine oil such as combustion residue, metal particles, dust and any other contaminants that otherwise would contribute to engine damage and affect performance. They also ensure a continuous oil flow and maintain the lubrication capability of the oil at all times, helping to ensure a high-performance driving experience. Recent tests conducted by a reputable International Laboratory in the USA measured the upstream pre-filtration and downstream postfiltration performance of Champion spin-on oil filters against equivalent products. Results from the ISO-standard independent tests showed that the Champion filters blocked, on average, between 79.4 and 84.7% of impurities at 20 microns in an engine, compared to competitor products that only filtered, on average, between 40.7 and 60.7% of impurities at 20 microns. Champion offers a full line of fuel filters, manufactured using sheets of non-woven materials. Champion filters are available through Federal-Moguls approved distributors including Kapico, Alert Engine Parts, PIA, Engine Parts Bloemfontein, Diesel-Electric, Kaizen, Gaydons and more.

trAnsfOrmAtiOn thrOugh BEE cOmpliAncE

The recent Altron group awards put a spotlight on Powertech Batteries which received an award for the Most improved company in terms of BEE. To this end, Powertech Batteries has shown immense dedication to becoming a fully compliant level three BEE company whilst supporting several CSI initiatives. This forms part of Powertech Batteries commitment to the social transformation of South Africa, into a more functional, democratic society. Powertech Batteries strategy focuses on building a skilled, talented and diverse workforce. It has a comprehensive suite of training and development programmes in place to develop technical skills. These include apprenticeships, a technical bursary programme, engineer-intraining programmes, and experiential trainee programmes. In terms of CSI, SABAT Batteries has nurtured a lasting relationship with the Quadriplegic Association of South Africa (QASA) and its director, Ari Seirlis, sponsoring all members who use power wheelchairs with a pair of batteries annually to keep them moving and mobile. In attaining mobility, people are given an opportunity to integrate themselves into society by attending school, going to work, gaining their independence and becoming a part of the community. In the Go Green, Go Willard campaign a portion of the money which is recovered though the recycling of scrap batteries is donated to Food & Trees for Africa, which then plants trees in areas in South Africa that really need them. The Go Green, Go Willard campaign has helped to make South Africa cleaner and its citizens healthier. To add to all of this, Powertech Batteries is supporting enterprise initiatives including an owner driver scheme. A corporate image is reflected in a companys reputation and corporate values. Powertech Batteries has proved to be a powerful force for transformation in South Africa. Often positive business practice is overlooked or down played. Powertech Batteries continually strives to be a powerful force for transformation in South Africa. The effects of positive business ethics can be seen for generations to come, ultimately contributing towards positive change in South Africa.

Cant wait to get a Beam-e vehicle tracking system?

Page 20 has all the contact details you need.
3690_abr_srtips_FA.indd 5 2012/09/26 4:27 PM


| october 2012

the last writes

Last Writes you will always find on the last page of ABR, because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

by Baron Claude Borlz

Erics trAin ridE

After a very busy day, a commuter settled down in her seat and closed her eyes as the train departed Montreal for Hudson. As the train rolled out of the station, the guy sitting next to her pulled out his cell phone and started talking in a loud voice: Hi sweetheart its Eric, Im on the train Yes, I know its the six thirty and not the four thirty but I had a long meeting No, honey, not with that floozie from the accounts office, with the boss. No sweetheart, youre the only one in my life Yes, Im sure, cross my heart etc. etc. Fifteen minutes later, he was still talking loudly, when the young woman sitting next to him, who was obviously upset & angered by his continuous diatribe, yelled at the top of her voice, Hey, Eric, turn that stupid phone off and come back to bed! Eric doesnt use his cell phone in public any longer.

A pirAtE wAlkEd intO A BAr

A pirate walked into a bar, and the bartender said, Hey, I havent seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible. What do you mean? said the pirate, I feel fine. What about the wooden leg? You didnt have that before. Well, said the pirate, We were in a battle, and I got hit with a cannon ball, but Im fine now. The bartender replied, Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand? The pirate explained, We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into a sword fight. My hand was cut off. I got fitted with a hook but Im fine, really. What about that eye patch? Oh, said the pirate, One day we were at sea, and a flock of birds flew over. I looked up, and one of them evacuated into my eye. Youre kidding, said the bartender. You couldnt lose an eye just from bird shit. It was my first day with the hook.

AfrikAAns Bly mAAr diE BEstE tAAl OOit!!!!

Ek is nou so opgewonde soos n budgie op steroids! Hy s so kort hy weet nie of dit keelseer of aambeie is nie. Hy is so maer, as hy langs n wit muur loop lyk dit soos n kraak wat beweeg! Hy is so skelm, hy bid onder n skuilnaam. Ek gaan jou klap dat jy lus kry vir niks.

nEw BlOndE JOkEs!

A friend told the blonde, Christmas is on a Friday this year. The blonde then said, Lets hope its not the 13th. A woman phoned her blonde neighbour and said, Close your curtains the next time you & your husband are having sex. The whole street was watching and laughing at you yesterday. To which the blonde replied, Well, the jokes on all of you because I wasnt even at home yesterday. A blonde goes to the vet with her goldfish. I think its got epilepsy, she tells the vet. The vet takes a look and says, It seems calm enough to me. The blonde says, Wait, I havent taken it out of the bowl yet.

Ek sit nou so lekker ek staan sommer op en sit weer. Lang gesig soos n bok wat afdraand vreet. Drank los nie probleme op nie, maar so ook nie melk of water nie. Ek is nou so lui ek trou sommer n pregnant vrou.

Ek voel nou so goed, ek vul sommer die lottonommers verkeerd in. Ondervinding is iets wat jy eers kry nadat jy dit nodig het.

A blonde spies a letter lying on her doormat. It says on the envelope DO NOT BEND . She spends the next 2 hours trying to figure out how to pick it up. A blonde was driving home, drunk as a skunk. Suddenly she has to swerve to avoid a tree, then another, then another. A cop car pulls her over, so she tells the cop about all the trees in the road. The cop says, Thats your air freshener swinging about! A blondes dog goes missing and she is frantic. Her husband says Why dont you put an ad in the paper? She does, but two weeks later the dog is still missing. What did you put in the paper? her husband asks. Here boy! she replies. (This one actually makes An Italian tourist asks a blonde, Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats? To which the blonde replies, If they fell forward, theyd still be in the boat.

Almal kry die voorreg om onnosel te wees, net jammer party maak misbruik daarvan. Ek is so de bl*ksem in, ek soen sommer n pofadder oopbek My vrou is so lelik, as sy op die sand sit wil die katte haar toekrap..

Arende vlieg dalk hoog, maar ons muishonde word nooit deur n vliegtuigmotor ingesuig nie. Ons kannie almal helde wees nie, iemand moet langs die pad staan en hande klap. Jy mag nooit meer as jou yskas weeg nie!

A tigEr tAlE
One day a golfer accidentally overturned his buggy. Elizabeth, a very attractive and keen golfer, who lived in a villa on the golf course, heard the noise and called out, Are you okay, whats your name? Its Eldick, and Im OK thanks, he replied. Eldick, forget your troubles. Come to my villa, rest a while and Ill help you get the buggy up later. Thats mighty nice of you, Eldick answered, but I dont think my wife would like it. Oh, come on, Elizabeth insisted. She was very pretty and persuasive. Well okay, Eldick finally agreed, and added, but my wife wont like it. After a restorative brandy, and some driving and putting lessons, Eldick thanked his host. I feel a lot better now, but I know my wife is going to be really upset. Dont be silly! Elizabeth said with a smile, She wont know anything. By the way, where is she? Under the buggy! he explained.


| october 2012

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Quality Replacement Parts Suitable for all German Vehicles.

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