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Harry I Ringermacher

KRONOTRAN 1/22/2009

Topological Quantization of Electric Charge

Harry I. Ringermacher, G.E. Research Center, Schenectady, NY

Definition of “Electrodynamic Connection” (H. Ringermacher, CQG, 11, 2383 (1994) also see
Schrodinger, Space-Time Structure and J.A. Schouten, Ricci-calculus):

α α ⋅ ⋅α ⋅α α
µλ = Γ µλ + S µλ − Sλ ⋅ µ + S ⋅ µλ “contorsion tensor”

The “effective” torsion tensor of this connection is:

1 %α κ e
S α⋅ µλ = (Γ µλ − Γ%αλµ ) = vα Fµλ κ =− (1)
2 2 mc 2
Generates correct Lorentz force Eqn. of motion

dvα %α µ ν dvα
+ Γ µν v v = + Γαµν v µ vν − κ vσ F σα = 0 (2)
ds ds
Dv = 0

where D is the absolute derivative under the Electrodynamic Connection and vκ is the 4-velocity of
test charge, mass m, charge e and vκ vκ = 1 .

Given, EM field tensor as torsion along test charge path.

2 λ
Fµν = vλ S µν (3)
Definition of dual tensor :

Let dx µ ∧ dxν ≡ dx µ dxν be area basis 2-form.

1 *F01 = F 23 or *E1 = B1 *( dx 0 dx1 ) = dx2 dx3

*Fµν = ε µναβ F αβ − g e.g. flat and
Integrate over dual 2-D surface.

1 1

v S  − g *(dx  dx ) = Ñ  F − g *(dx  dx ) (4)
 ∂M 2 ∂M
Define − gdx  dx ≡ d  where g = g µν , signature (+ - - -), and µ = 0,1,2,3.

The RHS is Gauss’s law:

r r
01  E ⋅ dA = 4π Q
− g dx 2 dx 3 = Ñ

Use Stoke’s theorem on LHS of (4):

1  * 1  *
 M
v S  d    D(v S 
d  ) (6)
Harry I Ringermacher
KRONOTRAN 1/22/2009

Expanding RHS of (6), Dvκ = 0 from (2). That is, vκ passes through the exterior derivative leaving:
v ∇ S  

 dx *d  = 4 Q (7)
 M
The ”Rund structure equation” relates the covariant derivative of the torsion to curvature:

 1    
 S  dx dx  dx   R dx dx dx (8)
Eq. (7) becomes:
v R 

 dx *d   4 Q (9)
2 M

Choose the test charge rest frame: v0  1 .

  0 so that
Requiring (µ,ν ) = (0,1) corresponding to an E-field only in S (see eqn. (8)), yields for (9):

∫v R
dx1 *dσ 01 = 4π Q (10)
Expanding the dual area element:
1 R0101
−κ ∫g 00 g11
− g dx1dx 2 dx3 = 4π Q (11)

The sectional curvature (Gaussian curvature )of the dual surface in the rest frame of the test charge
is (Ringermacher, Mead - JMP 05):
K1 =
g 00 g11
Let Q = ne be the source charge in terms of the fundamental charge e.
Let −κ e be the positive definite fundamental unit of length.
Defining the unit sphere through the r-integration, Eq. (11) becomes :

1 −κ e 1
−κ e ∫0
dx ∫ K1 − g dx 2 dx 3 = 4π n

The integral ∫K
1 − g dx 2 dx 3 = 4π (1 − P ) is the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. (13)

P is the “Genus” or number of “handles” of the surface. Thus, from (12), n = 1 − P is an integer.

Thus, charge has been identified as a topological property, the Genus of the surface surrounding the
singularity at the origin.

Q = (1 − P )e
P=0 P=1 P=2
Q=e Q=0 Q = -e

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